
f13.net General Forums => General Discussion => Topic started by: Merusk on October 23, 2006, 09:32:35 AM

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 23, 2006, 09:32:35 AM
Watching Heroes last night w/ the wife, she totally called that the kid's dad is the silent black dude working w/ the cheerleader's father.  (Forgive me I'm horrible with names.)

We also talked about Silar and  have 2 theories right now.  Mine: Silar is Mr. Cantidate's brother; he's gone evil, asborbed the powers from the other Heroes and come back in time to stop/ screw with them.  Hers: Silar is the two brother's Dad.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Llava on October 23, 2006, 12:24:06 PM

I know this was just a typo, but I really enjoyed taking some time to figure out how to pronounce that.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 23, 2006, 02:54:50 PM
That'll tech men ot to speelchek

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: XboxGod on October 23, 2006, 03:32:27 PM
Watching Heroes last night w/ the wife, she totally called that the kid's dad is the silent black dude working w/ the cheerleader's father.  (Forgive me I'm horrible with names.)

We also talked about Silar and  have 2 theories right now.  Mine: Silar is Mr. Cantidate's brother; he's gone evil, asborbed the powers from the other Heroes and come back in time to stop/ screw with them.  Hers: Silar is the two brother's Dad.

I think I am agree with your theory, hopefully we'll get a little clue tonight. So, is the cheerleaders dad really a good guy then?

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 23, 2006, 06:20:56 PM
I think I am agree with your theory, hopefully we'll get a little clue tonight. So, is the cheerleaders dad really a good guy then?

Multiple heros, multiple baddies. Season 1 will be Mr. Dad, Season 2 the fall of Kiddo & some other baddie as the main arc.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 23, 2006, 07:52:20 PM
Multiple heros, multiple baddies.

The jury is still out on what category half of them fall under imo. Ali Larter's character. The candidate.  I'm not even sure about the painter. Seems like the weak/traitor type. He'll screw someone over eventually.

Only Hiro and Peter and idealistic enough to want to be heroes.


Oh yeah. The kid's dad is not the brainwashing dude.

Oddly enough though, he looks just like him. Your wife deserves some points at least.


The cheerleader's dad is totally not good. He's the Heroes version of Cancer Man.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: XboxGod on October 24, 2006, 12:51:59 AM
I think I am agree with your theory, hopefully we'll get a little clue tonight. So, is the cheerleaders dad really a good guy then?

Multiple heros, multiple baddies. Season 1 will be Mr. Dad, Season 2 the fall of Kiddo & some other baddie as the main arc.

That's pretty cool. I haven't had a chance to watch tonights episode, but I will probably make time tomorrow, so be prepared for more stupid questions. Sorry guys, I just seem to miss a lot when I watch these types of shows.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on October 24, 2006, 02:49:18 AM
Oh yeah. The kid's dad is not the brainwashing dude.

Oddly enough though, he looks just like him. Your wife deserves some points at least.

So you're seeing the black guy shown in their house as the kid's dad, i.e. a different person from the brainwashing dude? No, it's the brainwashing dude. He's wearing the symbol around his neck in that shot. But given what happened to the quarterback, is the kid's dad the same person he always was, or has brainwashing dude been placed into the kid's dad's body? Sorry, that's complicated.

My question from the series so far: when the kid was in his babysitter's house in ep 2 or 3, he made a phone call from her kitchen. He was asking the person on the other end something. When the babysitter walked into the room he hung up and she asked him who he was talking to, seemingly thinking he was talking to an imaginary friend. He covered it up ... but wtf was he doing?

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 24, 2006, 03:49:50 AM
Black guy is the brainwashing dude.

Kids dad who controls the black guy (Let's call him G Man) will join the regular heroes at the end of the season to stop Syler.

G Man will become an outspoken enemy of the mutants in the government. Black guy will betray him.

Or at least, I just hope to god the G Man becomes a martyr and Syler gets killed. I want ONE DANGER each season with a riveting storyline like this one.

My only problem is how G Man gets around so fast. Motherfucker has a special power. There's 4 of him or something.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on October 24, 2006, 04:56:12 AM
He takes a government jet?

He's in Vegas, flies back home to take care of the family thing/damage control, then jets back to follow the trail of  the shirtless wonder. If he's bossing around an investigative team and has a lab to handle interrogation, he's got enough  power to fly on the peoples dime 24-7.

If this was Lost, we'd be spending half the episode on  GMan's college days and his trip to India,  wondering  what the fuck this has to do with anything until right at the end, where we can go, "Oh. OK. . ."

The product placements are nearly laughable in their  directness.  I know more about the  Nissan Versa than I do about my wife's car.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 24, 2006, 09:50:32 AM
Oh yeah. The kid's dad is not the brainwashing dude.

Oddly enough though, he looks just like him. Your wife deserves some points at least.

So you're seeing the black guy shown in their house as the kid's dad, i.e. a different person from the brainwashing dude? No, it's the brainwashing dude.

No, it's not. The Brainwasher (Mr. Talleyman) is clean-shaven, DL (the hot blonde's husband) has a little soul patch beard. They look similar in that they are both black and bald, but that's it. Mr. Talleyman is played by Jimmy Jean-Louis (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1097515/) and DL is played by Leonard Roberts (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0731346/) according to IMDB.

The symbol is going to have some consequences for something, but it isn't unique to one individual.

Those episodes aren't long enough. I end each week cursing the shortness of 1 hour.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 24, 2006, 10:47:23 AM
My parents asked me about Heroes so I guess it has broad appeal.

I think Peter is a Hero Teacher.  Not only can he use other's powers, but he can do them better and teach others to do it better.  Soon painter guy won't need drugs to paint the future.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 24, 2006, 11:06:33 AM
My parents asked me about Heroes so guess it has broad appeal.

I think Peter is a Hero Teacher.  Not only can he use other's powers, but he can do them better and teach others to do it better.  Soon painter guy won't need drugs to paint the future.

So isn't this what Syler does too (learn other people's powers)? Makes me think that Merusk and his wife really were right in saying Peter and his brother are related to him.

Either way, I guess Peter is Superman now. The ability to fly, in and of itself, wasn't really going to cut it.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 24, 2006, 11:09:44 AM
Peter is a mimic. He can copy others' powers, but only if in close proximity. Syler, OTOH, may have the same power, but may also believe that by ingesting the others' brains, he can gain their powers. At least that's my guess.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on October 24, 2006, 11:56:08 AM
My parents asked me about Heroes so guess it has broad appeal.

Heroes won the night for NBC. It's being considered the  biggest hit of the new shows and will probably break top 10 in the coming weeks with solid weekly gains in viewership. It's mainstream, or close to it at this point.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 24, 2006, 12:32:43 PM
One of the guys at work told me that the ladies in our accounting dept. (all of them older than 40) were downloading last night's episode of Heroes to watch at lunch (from NBC - young whippersnappers like me grab torrents). Yeah, it's got mad broad appeal. From The FutonCritic:

NBC (households: 7.8/12, #2; adults 18-49: 4.6, #1) squeezed by CBS (households: 8.8/13, #1; adults 18-49: 4.5, #2) for another win in adults 18-49 on Monday. The Peacock served up new episodes of "Deal or No Deal" (households: 9.8/15, #T2; adults 18-49: 4.4, #4), "Heroes" (households: 8.6/13, #4; adults 18-49: 6.2, #1) and "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip" (households: 5.1/8, #10; adults 18-49: 3.2, #T7).

Said 18-49 numbers marked a series high for "Heroes," beating out even its premiere numbers (households: 8.8/13; adults 18-49: 6.0 on 9/25/06).

It's doing quite well.

Title: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 24, 2006, 03:01:56 PM
Yeah my wife was completly wrong about the Kid's father.  I thought that she was correct based on the 'coming this season' blurb after the marathon sunday.  The shots of DL were quick enough I don't feel /TOO/ bad about confusing him with Mr. Mindwipe.

Besides that, it would have been one too many coincidences linking people together for me to take.

Peter is a mimic. He can copy others' powers, but only if in close proximity. Syler, OTOH, may have the same power, but may also believe that by ingesting the others' brains, he can gain their powers. At least that's my guess.

Development of powers.  Hiro has to get pretty badass to be able to stop time around one person, move backwards through it and then take off without anymore Dragonball-esque 'I'm shitting myself' grunting & clenching. 

 I still suspect Peter will turn out to be related to Syler somehow.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 25, 2006, 05:16:40 AM
I just hope we get to see some more of those morally ambiguous situations (Mr. Candidate taking the high $, Hiro et al. gambling, The Cheerleader smashing her car).  I eat that kind of shit up, because it all goes back to the "if you had such and such power, what would you do?".  Plus, it keeps us guessing about hero or villian.

I'm looking forward to seeing Evil Twin converse with herself Tyler Durden style.  As for G-Man, I believe he's just obsessed with seeing what's going on, it will get worse and worse, then he'll remember that he loves his daughter or some predictable shit like that.

DL is apparently a "killer".  Would love to see how he comes back into grace with his family.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on October 25, 2006, 05:19:28 AM
If those online comics are part of the official lore, then it seems like DL pays for the crimes of Evil Twin.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 25, 2006, 05:19:57 AM
If those online comics are part of the official lore, then it seems like DL pays for the crimes of Evil Twin.

Nice, that's what I was figuring, but I like to be surprised :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 25, 2006, 07:59:57 AM
If those online comics are part of the official lore, then it seems like DL pays for the crimes of Evil Twin.

They are part of official lore. The web site says the stories happen between the lines. In the first issue, Mohinder sees his dad's cab and it's torn to shit like Godzilla got at it. I don't remember that from the first episode, but it would mean Syler is definitely his killer.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Soln on October 25, 2006, 08:48:10 AM
Peter is a mimic. He can copy others' powers, but only if in close proximity. Syler, OTOH, may have the same power, but may also believe that by ingesting the others' brains, he can gain their powers. At least that's my guess.

I thought the brains angle was all X-Files-y -- they are "studying" them to learn their powers and what-not.  They are all from some genetic experiment conspiracy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 25, 2006, 08:50:12 AM
Syller isn't connected with the G-Man.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on October 25, 2006, 09:44:58 AM
My coworker also think that Syler is Peter come back from the future, and gone bad, (or maybe to try and stop some thing).

I agree with Haemish, the two black guys look kind of the same, but its not the same guy.

Also, I said from the begining the there is just SO much going on in each episode, an hour really doesnt feel long enough, it seems like they just start to get good, and then its over. I am really thinking about just setting my DVR and recording like 4 episodes and watching them all at once, so I feel fulfilled.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 25, 2006, 10:09:43 AM
It will get spoiled.

Edit: Test.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 25, 2006, 10:14:50 AM
I could see Syller being Peter's father, but he's not a time traveler. Notice how most of the powers all seem fairly unique. Even Mr. Talleyman doesn't seem to have the same kind of telepathy as the cop.

Also, DL (hot chick's husband) has the same power as Kitty Pryde from X-Men. He can phase through shit, I think. At least that's what it looked like in the online graphic novel.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on October 25, 2006, 11:03:30 AM
The preview for next week shows he can indeed phase through shit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Viin on October 25, 2006, 11:53:38 AM
I think Hiro was able to go back in time to Peter's brother (forget his name now) because his brother has the ability to 'copy cat' powers - if he went back to anyone else in frozen time, they'd be frozen rather than able to interact with him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 25, 2006, 01:40:03 PM
Peter is the mimic.  Nathan is the flyer.

I still say his powers go beyond pure mimic. He seemed to have better control over the powers when he copied both Issac's and Nathan's powers even if he isn't as powerful with them.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on October 25, 2006, 02:16:02 PM
I wouldn't say that. I don't see peter  breaking Mach one leaving Las Vegas, as Nathan did.

But it does explain how Hiro was able to talk to him

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Raging Turtle on October 25, 2006, 03:27:11 PM
Really don't think DL is a killer, as someone suggested above.  Remember that Nikki found the ring of one of the people DL supposedly killed next to where her, um, mirror self told her to bury the mob guy bodies?  I think it's far more likely that Mirror Girl killed them to protect DL and DL just got the blame. 

I also think the cop is going to tell his wife that he can read her mind, she's going to freak out and leave him.  That is, if he's alive next episode after that convience store thing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 26, 2006, 08:22:43 AM
DL didn't do the crime he was convicted of. The graphic novel online shows him in prison. He's framed for robbing a bookies and killing a guy, but convinced he didn't do it. It may well be that Mirror Chick did the deed and blamed it on DL.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on October 26, 2006, 01:04:14 PM
Hmm, couple comments: Love the show. Quit saying 1 hour isn't enough, because with the 15 commercial breadks, it's more like 32 minutes per week.

Now we know that both DL and Bad girl Stereotype have powers, we can assume that the son will as well. We already know he's extremely intelligent.

I'm curious as to whether the nuke is related to Syler or G-Man, or even both. I'm leaning towards G-Man due to the involvement of the cheerleader in the main plot, but they may all end up intertwined - especially since one of the later Peter paintings appears to show him being attacked by Syler.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 26, 2006, 01:11:51 PM
It's clear G-Man isn't a nice guy, but what really evil thing has he done?  He seems to be your run-of-the-mill "Ends justify the Means" government spook. Nick Fury type.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on October 26, 2006, 02:58:07 PM
I am just kinda curious about Gman and what he did with the cop if anything. Abduct him for a day then just release him with no memories. Curious if we will find out what that was all about.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on October 26, 2006, 04:28:00 PM
One possibilty I've pondered is that G-Man may have done something to help awaken Cops telepathy. He went from barely picking up thoughts to being full fledged Jean Grey "Oh my God! I'm being assaulted by the voices!"

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 30, 2006, 07:15:28 PM
No cop this week. Yarg!

Claire seems to be catching on, and whoever said ms. pixie-face was an agent sure called it.

Didn't have quite the 'oh, damit!' ending of the last few weeks, but the preview makes next week look promising.  I wonder how Dad's going to explain having to choke mom through her chest.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Signe on October 30, 2006, 07:30:07 PM
I was also disappointed they didn't show the cop at all.  So far I kind of like this show.  I just hope it doesn't end up like Lost where they write the episode the night before it airs.  It always leaves me befuddled.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 30, 2006, 07:30:37 PM
Night before it airs? What are you talking about? I thought Lost was live and they wrote parts during commercials.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 30, 2006, 07:33:16 PM
This last episode seemed like it devoted a lot to Niki (and I still don't know much about her). Didn't say a whole lot outside that.


Or maybe I should just say that it seems like the pace of the show has changed. Maybe because it has finally moved past the character intro stage.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on October 31, 2006, 04:32:17 AM
whoever said ms. pixie-face was an agent sure called it.

I was interested that she referred to Isaac generically as "what do you want me to do with the pre-cog?". As if subjects with precognition are a familiar category to her, suggesting the abilities may not be one-of-a-kind (or perhaps they've talked about Isaac so often that he's simply become "the pre-cog" to them).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 31, 2006, 05:39:49 AM
This last episode seemed like it devoted a lot to Niki (and I still don't know much about her). Didn't say a whole lot outside that.

Well, we know that her alter ego is a sociopathic mass murderer with a body count much higher than Syler's so far.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on October 31, 2006, 11:45:43 AM
I have trouble trying to figure out how Niki is going to fit in with the "Superheros" theme. Is she going to be a badguy? Is she going to merge with her other self? She just doesnt fit to me.

I want to see more of the Hero style stuff, like Peter and Hiro. And less of Niki looking confused and the Cop trying to save his marrage. I think that kind of stuff can come a bit later, but for now they need to develope their "Main" heros more. I still really like the show, but I figured out what was bugging me about it.

Heroes feels like it is more of a mini series, or a long movie cut in to chunks (Rome), than a episodic tv show ala Smallville. But you can tell the producers or editors decided they wanted each show to have a mini story arch. The only problem is, the mini archs dont work as well as the overall arch of the series, so a lot of times it leaves you feeling unfulfilled at the end of an episode. They need to stop having a begining middle and edning to each show, and just run with the overall series arch. I think that would make it a better more enjoyable show overall.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on October 31, 2006, 11:57:34 AM
It's on episode 6. 


Gyah.  Unless it's a 10 show run, they're doing well. I'm pretty glad they had less emo-Pete this time.  Fucker was annoying as hell on Gilmore Girls. As much as I haven't liked the whole Niki/ikiN story-line, I found this last one to be pretty enjoyable.

Long-story arc shows are pretty much all like this.  You have your main theme/plot/baddie for the season but each show can stand on its own merits.  It's still very early on, but I like the tightness of this show already.  Not too much useless meandering.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on October 31, 2006, 06:26:38 PM
When I watched the first four episodes back-to-back it was great. Watching individual episodes since is too small a taste - I'll have to go cold turkey and binge again in December or something :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 31, 2006, 09:09:21 PM
When I watched the first four episodes back-to-back it was great. Watching individual episodes since is too small a taste - I'll have to go cold turkey and binge again in December or something :)

Yeah, that's the downside to the series. It just fits together so well as mini story arcs as opposed to serialized episodes. In that respect, it's very much like the way comics are written now, where one issue feels incomplete but works out well in 6-issue arcs.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Signe on October 31, 2006, 09:10:54 PM
I did that with Eureka and liked it.  But then it disappeared.  It seems whenever I start liking some show, it goes POOF!  It makes me nervous to say how much I like Dexter. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 01, 2006, 04:36:42 AM
I love this show so far.  But ya, when I watched 2 ep's back to back, it was supergreat, and now, 1 by 1, it's a bit slow.  But I don't want to miss out on an episode and someone at work come up and ruin it for me.

I feel they're setting up Nikki for one of 2 outcomes (they talked about it being one choice and all that).  Either Good Nikki fights her way for control of her alterego and thereby gets superstrength (which I think is the superpower, not the twin thing, that's just psychosomatic), or Evil Nikki wtfpwns Good Nikki into some sort of bitch child who only comes out when that's most beneficial (primal fear!).

DL is a good guy, he might end up being the check for Nikki's darker side too, since finesse > str in this case.

I agree, I want more of Hiro, that guy takes the show everytime he's on.  All in all, I'm still really enjoying the whole "what would you do if you could freeze time" ideas.  In so far as character intro goes, I'm afraid if we get too entrenched in the story, introducing new characters will come a little harder (that new french guy on Lost, wtf is up with that, we don't care!).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 01, 2006, 08:32:46 AM
I did that with Eureka and liked it.  But then it disappeared.  It seems whenever I start liking some show, it goes POOF!  It makes me nervous to say how much I like Dexter. 

Don't worry, Eureka's coming back in 2007. It's already renewed, and was apparently Sci-Fi's top-rated original show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Signe on November 01, 2006, 09:53:56 AM
Oh good.  You're the one who told me about it in the first place, I think, and I was really enjoying it. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 06, 2006, 09:07:17 AM
Eureaka Kind of snuck up on me, but I'm liking the alternate seasons that Sci Fi / USA do. It's a great filler for those rerun periods on broadacast networks.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 06, 2006, 07:10:28 PM
I so want Micha's power.  Touch the tech, fix the tech. Awesome. Looks like we have our explaination about the nuke as well.

However, is anyone else starting to see the coincidental links between the Heroes as being stretched just a little thin?  They had the perfect vehicle in the Comic book, but they seem too caught-up with the "oh oh oh, will the find out who each other are?!?!!" melodrama.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 07, 2006, 08:23:21 AM
I think they are going to explain the coincidental meetings of all the players as part of the "magnetic attraction" effect, i.e. like attracts like. These guys are pulling so much energy that they are naturally drawn together.

As for the nuke, I'm thinking that it isn't the distraught husband, it's Syler gaining the distraught husband's powers by killing him and eating his brain. I don't think G-Man is a bad guy with nefarious plots, I just think he's a spook trying to keep a lid on the whole powers thing. The more I watch, the more I like Ali Larter's character Nikki. I think she's just a multiple personality where the Jessica personality has the powers of super-strength and super badassitude.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 07, 2006, 09:44:41 AM
See, I figured it was a multiple personality thing, too, but Nikki was the dominant.  She's had a shitty life and is ultra-passive, so Jessica is her way of dealing with not only getting walked all over, but the freakish strength she's found out she has.

I agree on the Sylar going nuclear thing, rather than the husband.   I still have trouble with the whole 'magnetic attraction' explaination.  Seems a little too far-flung as it starts to tread on "destiny" grounds rather than evolution, which is what all the voiceovers are pushing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 07, 2006, 09:55:06 AM
They really need to stop spending so much time on meaningless or trivial side plots and work more on the major plot line. Honestly, Nikki is my leave favorite character and they probably have devoted 40% of the entire series to her. Its starting to get frustrating.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 07, 2006, 09:58:36 AM
See, I figured it was a multiple personality thing, too, but Nikki was the dominant.  She's had a shitty life and is ultra-passive, so Jessica is her way of dealing with not only getting walked all over, but the freakish strength she's found out she has.

Yes, Nikki is the dominant, she's just fragile. Jessica is the protection mechanism.

I agree on the Sylar going nuclear thing, rather than the husband.   I still have trouble with the whole 'magnetic attraction' explaination.  Seems a little too far-flung as it starts to tread on "destiny" grounds rather than evolution, which is what all the voiceovers are pushing.

The voiceovers are walking a line, asking the question is it destiny or evolution, but falling on the science portion of the explanation. But you have to remember that all the voiceovers are Mohinder, who doesn't buy into the destiny part anyway. Magnetic attraction isn't really about destiny so much as it is forces in the universe with such a srtong pull that sooner or later they come across each other forcefully.

Did anyone notice the tattoo that was forming on the cop right before he punched his friend? Was that just the beginning of the little S thing Nikki has, or did it look like a different symbol?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 07, 2006, 10:07:46 AM
Did anyone notice the tattoo that was forming on the cop right before he punched his friend? Was that just the beginning of the little S thing Nikki has, or did it look like a different symbol?

It looked like a different symbol and the radioactive man had it also. My friend thinks its going to be a different symbol for the good guys and the bad guys. Cause Nikki's symbol only shows up when she is evil nikki (Jennifer?).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 07, 2006, 10:20:31 AM
Great, great show...Have loved every minute of it...

Couple thoughts...

Could the G-man and DL (nikki's husband) be twins/brothers (edit)?

Something bothers me about the cremation thing...How can we actually be sure that the cremated remains are actually the guy that was doing all the research (supposedly a good guy)?  Cant remember the dead Indian guys name, and I never saw the first episode.  What IF the Indian guy that is supposedly dead/cremated is Syler?

Seems a little cliche-ish, but...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 07, 2006, 10:22:18 AM
We've already heard Syler's voice on the answering machine and it's not Mohinder's dad (Dr. Suresh).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 07, 2006, 10:25:12 AM
We've already heard Syler's voice on the answering machine and it's not Mohinder's dad (Dr. Suresh).

forgot about that...

and thanks for the names...couldn't remember them...

just to throw this out there:  We've got people who can fly, phase through objects, bend space/time, 110 lb girl that can toss a 200 lb guy like a ragdoll....Someone having the ability to disguise their voice (or morph their body to something/someone else) wouldn't be too far of a stretch, no?

edit: or is it too convenient?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 07, 2006, 10:43:43 AM
As for the nuke, I'm thinking that it isn't the distraught husband, it's Syler gaining the distraught husband's powers by killing him and eating his brain.

What about Peter? He could also end up with the nuke powers and he's potentially a vulnerable/emotional character too. He could end up accidentally becoming a risk while trying to "save the world", depending on the actions of his brother, his girlfriend, g-man, etc.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 07, 2006, 10:54:06 AM
Nathan's wife is the hawtness, wheelchair or not.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 07, 2006, 11:24:16 AM
I just thought of something. Syler... he's the dark side of Peter. I don't mean he's Peter with Nikki syndrome, I mean he's the batshit crazy equivalent to Peter. I think all the main character heroes we have seen so far are going to have dark side equivalents who will choose the darker paths, and Syler is the dark version of Peter.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 07, 2006, 11:49:21 AM
Peter with the whole group around him is THE superhero. Haemish is right about  Sylar being the anti peter. The difference would be, that Peter matches Sylar when the group is together, but the group could also function at the same time. Working together, the group is much greater than the sum of its parts.

It also explains the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" concept. Peter, for all of his powers when the group is together, could still be picked off by a skilled opponent, like Sylar. Give him the indestructible regeneration quality of Cheerleader girl, and he's a walking  "I win" button.

I don't think there will be evil counterparts to the heroes, or at least living ones. I think Sylar consumes all the power he can, good or evil. Evil and teamwork don't exactly  got together, but evil and domination of one man's extension of will and power sounds entirely plausible.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nija on November 07, 2006, 12:35:25 PM
I'd just like to repeat that they are "Lost-ing" the fuck out of this show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on November 07, 2006, 10:53:08 PM
Each episode is fun. So whats your hurry? There is no mystical endgame to reach here.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 07, 2006, 11:19:35 PM
Peter with the whole group around him is THE superhero. Haemish is right about  Sylar being the anti peter. The difference would be, that Peter matches Sylar when the group is together, but the group could also function at the same time. Working together, the group is much greater than the sum of its parts.

It also explains the "Save the cheerleader, save the world" concept. Peter, for all of his powers when the group is together, could still be picked off by a skilled opponent, like Sylar. Give him the indestructible regeneration quality of Cheerleader girl, and he's a walking  "I win" button.

I don't think there will be evil counterparts to the heroes, or at least living ones. I think Sylar consumes all the power he can, good or evil. Evil and teamwork don't exactly  got together, but evil and domination of one man's extension of will and power sounds entirely plausible.

Great post. I think you're right. And it's all so cool.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NiX on November 08, 2006, 04:55:10 AM
I'd just like to repeat that they are "Lost-ing" the fuck out of this show.
How so? It still makes sense. Right there they have Lost beat.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 08, 2006, 05:22:05 AM
My theory is there is some grand conspiracy involving DNA injections from the 40's.  That symbol that keeps showing up screams experiment. I agree G-Man is not evil, but he's definitely involved what with Shady Memory Wipe Man on his shoulder whenever he needs him.

As for why they all keep running into each other, I"m going to chock it up to evolution.  If these genetic mutations are truly evolution, then they should inspire some sort of community amongst those that are different.  Just like early humans congregating to each other for safety.  Just like religion manifesting itself to form stronger bonds amongst communities.

Syler eats brains.  That's an awesome evil power by itself.  He eats brains!  If he can gain powers by consuming other people, does this mean that special people can transfer their powers simply through blood, or is Syler's power that he can gain other peoples powers by consuming them?

I love me some Hiro.  Favorite character so far. I just hope they don't go and fuck it up by doing too much time-travel stuff.  Teleporting I don't mind.  Small breaks in time I don't mind.  But travelling into the past hasn't gone well for any single piece of fiction to my memory.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 08, 2006, 09:53:49 AM
But travelling into the past hasn't gone well for any single piece of fiction to my memory.

Worked out pretty well in that short story where the guy fathered and gave birth to himself.  But yeah, other than that you're right.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 08, 2006, 09:57:18 AM
I thought the time travel parts of Babylon 5 worked out quite well.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Kryptec on November 08, 2006, 10:01:42 AM
Enjoying the show a great deal. Does give me the same sort of vibes as the first season of Lost though halfway through that season I started to come to the realization that they might not have any idea where they were going which was pretty much confirmed by the season finale. So far I feel that they've revealed enough information in Heroes that I feel that there is a real plot behind the whole thing and not strung together at the last minute. I agree that the pace could be a little tighter but it is rather a large cast which apparenytly is going to get even bigger over the next several weeks.

HRG is just a little too obvious as a bad guy and so far they've rarely telegraphed anything in this show. I think as others do that he's just keeping an eye on the people with emerging powers to see whether they are a threat or a boon. If he was evil, why not just lock up anyone with that he finds with powers and experiment on them at his leisure. Coupled with his behavior with the rapist quaterback where he could have just made sure he disappeared forever I haven't seen any actions on his part that could be described as out and out evil.

I'm beginning to think that the concentration on the whole Nikki plot might be sleight of hand. As is the Peter sub-plot. With the powers that Micah exhibited last night coupled with his obvious amazingly high intelligence I think he might be the key to the events for the first season. Quite interesting that he knows about mom's split personality. I think Haem is on to something with regards to the personality split. There doesn't seem to be any reason for it from the standpoint of the character or her superpower so possibly she created a second kick ass personality and submerged her knowledge of her emerging superpowers and invested them in Jessica.

Finally I was tremendously impressed with the way they had Nathan handle the whole blackmail scheme. Rather than having him simmer or rant about about being blackmailed he cooly turns it to his advantage and squeezes another $2 mill out of Lindermen. That scene right there convinced me that this show might not end up insulting my intelligence.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mr_PeaCH on November 08, 2006, 11:22:34 AM
The latest Entertainment Weekly put Heroes on the cover (my wife's copy had Hiro, Cheerverine and Nathan; ymmv) and a big article inside to match.  It had a lot of spoilers actually (won't give them out here) and implied that this show, like so many others this season, is going on hiatus after just a few more episodes and then coming back in Feb. for the second half of the season.

The writers were very clear about one thing, however.  The do NOT want to become the show that makes it's viewers WAIT for the good stuff or leaves them with more questions than answers.  They have a plan, they swear it. (and they were pretty clearly aiming their digs at LOST just like you're saying)

Also, in addition to it replaying on SciFi Friday's at 7pm you can catch another rerun of show on Monday's at 7pm (previous week's show); just sayin'.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 08, 2006, 11:24:55 AM
The latest Entertainment Weekly put Heroes on the cover (my wife's copy had Hiro, Cheerverine and Nathan; ymmv) and a big article inside to match.  It had a lot of spoilers actually (won't give them out here) and implied that this show, like so many others this season, is going on hiatus after just a few more episodes and then coming back in Feb. for the second half of the season.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 08, 2006, 11:27:01 AM
Bah stupid half seasons.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 08, 2006, 12:08:44 PM
Bah stupid half seasons.

If they use the time of to reedit some of the shit and pick up the pace of the show just a tad I will be very happy. I think if they dont start having a bit more happen per episode they are going to start losing viewers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on November 08, 2006, 10:53:16 PM
There should be a pill against Instant Gratification disorder.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Quinton on November 09, 2006, 05:38:44 AM
The writers were very clear about one thing, however.  The do NOT want to become the show that makes it's viewers WAIT for the good stuff or leaves them with more questions than answers.  They have a plan, they swear it. (and they were pretty clearly aiming their digs at LOST just like you're saying)

It sounded like (based on an online interview I saw a couple weeks back) that they were plotting things season by season.  They were aiming to tell a story that would have a resolution by the end of the season.  Then the next season, on to another season-long story/arc.  This seems a lot saner than having a grand five-year plan that risks never getting resolved depending on the whim of the network -- or claiming to have a grand plan and then winging it (as it sure feels like Lost is doing now). 

They (Kring I think) said that the format of their story lets them introduce new characters with various powers, show characters gaining/losing powers, and (I suspect) killing some off. 

Possible spoilers: It sounded like Sylar is the "main villain" for the first season and that everything is building towards Nov 8, which *isn't* in sync with the timeline out here in the real world.  I get the feeling that this season will end with (presumably) averting the explosion in NY and somehow defeating/capturing/something Sylar.

I do keep wondering if things are a little too straightforward at times, and hoping that some things that appear to maybe be very simplistic are less so.  I really can't tell if HRG is supposed to look like a bad guy, but actually just have an agenda and really care a lot for and be protective of his daughter after all -- or is the latter also just an act.  He keeps doing things that alternately make me think "whoah, evil bastard" and "hmm, maybe he's not quite *that* bad".


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 09, 2006, 05:41:27 AM
I can't wait for the obligatory flashback episode of the Dr. helping Syler figure out/unlock his power.

I mean, how the fuck do you find out that you're superpower is that you gain other people's superpowers by eating their brains.

Do you try nibbling off an ear first?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on November 09, 2006, 07:30:30 AM
I can't wait for the obligatory flashback episode of the Dr. helping Syler figure out/unlock his power.

I mean, how the fuck do you find out that you're superpower is that you gain other people's superpowers by eating their brains.

Do you try nibbling off an ear first?

Syler is Mike Tyson?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 09, 2006, 08:30:32 AM
He may not HAVE to eat their brains to gain their powers, that just may be the best way to RETAIN the powers permanently. He may have figured out he was a mimic, but was bothered by the temporary natuer of the power. It's not hard to find stories of cannibalism that claim that eating another person's grody bits gains you their power. Hell, watch Silence of the Lambs for that. And if he's bugfuck insane, munching on grey matter probably isn't that far of a step.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Raph on November 10, 2006, 09:32:40 AM
But travelling into the past hasn't gone well for any single piece of fiction to my memory.

Worked out pretty well in that short story where the guy fathered and gave birth to himself.  But yeah, other than that you're right.

"All You Zombies," Robert Heinlein.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 10, 2006, 06:50:17 PM
But travelling into the past hasn't gone well for any single piece of fiction to my memory.

Worked out pretty well in that short story where the guy fathered and gave birth to himself.  But yeah, other than that you're right.

"All You Zombies," Robert Heinlein.

Yeah that'd be the one.  Storylines I'm good with, titles not so much.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 10, 2006, 08:22:49 PM
Bah stupid half seasons.

If they use the time of to reedit some of the shit and pick up the pace of the show just a tad I will be very happy. I think if they dont start having a bit more happen per episode they are going to start losing viewers.

Yah, lets cut out all of that character development crap and just have 45 minutes worth of explosions every week!

I don't see them losing viewers due to lack of stuff happening.  Enough people seem to be hooked on Lost where you get less than 50% of the show happening in the present.

Edit: At least I hope they don't start losing viewers... gah, my faith in humanity is very small and you're just reinforcing that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 11, 2006, 12:26:50 AM
I don't need 45 minutes of explosions, but I would be happy with.....One explosion an episode or two maybe?  8-)

I like drama too, but it is a show about a superheroes, after all. Gotta have explosions.

One can make a serious comic book based drama with explosions (X-Men 2). A comic story that's heavily drama based without explosions can only entertain for so long (Unbreakable).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 11, 2006, 12:57:48 AM
I don't need 45 minutes of explosions, but I would be happy with.....One explosion an episode or two maybe?  8-)

The last episode had an explosion.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 11, 2006, 01:02:13 AM
Ah, but I had to wait like 4 episodes for it! The last one was the nuke, I think (in a future sequence, no less).


The last episode was pretty good though. I'm not really complaining. I just wouldn't want to see 3 seasons of Unbreakable if it came down to it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Signe on November 11, 2006, 03:09:17 AM
I kind of like this show which makes me pretty sure it's already been marked for cancellatoin.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NiX on November 12, 2006, 09:53:54 AM
I don't need 45 minutes of explosions, but I would be happy with.....One explosion an episode or two maybe?  8-)

The last episode had an explosion.
And a lot of people used their powers, which is always a bonus when watching heroes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mi_Tes on November 12, 2006, 04:17:17 PM
I kind of like this show which makes me pretty sure it's already been marked for cancellatoin.


Same here, this is the only one I make any effort to watch. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 13, 2006, 09:03:16 AM
The last episode was pretty good though. I'm not really complaining. I just wouldn't want to see 3 seasons of Unbreakable if it came down to it.

Unbreakable was the last good Shamalamadingdong filck there was, and it was pretty damn good. I could watch 3 episodes of it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 13, 2006, 09:53:03 AM
Bah stupid half seasons.

If they use the time of to reedit some of the shit and pick up the pace of the show just a tad I will be very happy. I think if they dont start having a bit more happen per episode they are going to start losing viewers.

Yah, lets cut out all of that character development crap and just have 45 minutes worth of explosions every week!

I don't see them losing viewers due to lack of stuff happening.  Enough people seem to be hooked on Lost where you get less than 50% of the show happening in the present.

Edit: At least I hope they don't start losing viewers... gah, my faith in humanity is very small and you're just reinforcing that.

I dont give a fuck about explosions. I WANT character development, but honestly, with all the time spent on the Nikki story line, has her character really progressed that much? She has probably progresses the least out of all the characters, given the amount of screen time she gets. When I say I want "some thing" to happen, I mean with the story. Yeah, Lost was pretty bad about this, but they did advance the story and they did give out answers, if only to bring in 20 more questions for every answer. My problem with Heroes is that we are several months in and really the story has bearly progresses past what should be the third episode. Dont get me wrong I really like the show, but when I say losing viewers, I mean Joe Six-Pack and his ADD family. Just take a minute tonight and when the show is over, see how you feel, you feel like hardly anything happened, and that the show was to short. Then take an episode of Lost or some thing elsw like "Friday Night Lights", after watching an episode, you really felt like you got a full shows worth.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on November 13, 2006, 11:44:15 AM
I can go to a buffet and eat all I want, or I can go buy a $30 Filet.

It's about satisfaction, not about feeling full.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 13, 2006, 02:44:17 PM
I can go to a buffet and eat all I want, or I can go buy a $30 Filet.

It's about satisfaction, not about feeling full.

And I never feel satisfied at the end of an episode, thats what im trying to say, it feels like a lot of filler with not much real meat.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 13, 2006, 08:14:55 PM
Was there enough meat tonight?

My wife called HRG three episodes ago.  The only thing that would have been more satisfying was for the computer program to finish executing it's function at the end of the episode.

So it seems like everybody and their freaking brother in this show has some sort of power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2006, 01:47:55 AM

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Luxor on November 14, 2006, 02:14:54 AM
Horn-Rimmed Glasses, the cheerleaders father

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 14, 2006, 02:38:14 AM
I liked calling him G-Man.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 14, 2006, 04:00:02 AM
G-Man was better description.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2006, 04:48:56 AM
Everyone has a power.  That's cool I guess, I mean, if they didn't, it wouldn't be as fun of a show.  Also, evolution follows the whole 'when it rains it pours' school of thought?

I really hope Mohinder doesn't have a power.  I like him being the voice of reason/skeptism, and it would be a cop-out imo if they gave him a power.  Let the little boy be some little boy somewhere.

The whole time Hiro was talking about travelling back in time, all I could think was what we previously voiced here "please don't time travel, please don't time travel, please don't time travel".

All in all, a great episode.  Moved stuff forward, answered a few questions.  Also, instilled more fear of truckers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 14, 2006, 05:24:34 AM
Everyone has a power.  That's cool I guess, I mean, if they didn't, it wouldn't be as fun of a show.  Also, evolution follows the whole 'when it rains it pours' school of thought?

I think it only seems this way, because one of the rules of superpowers in this universe will be that people with powers are naturally drawn together. It's not co-incidence, it's like magnetism. But they don't realise this yet, and the viewer hasn't been told this yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 14, 2006, 08:03:05 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuated_equilibrium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuated_equilibrium)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 14, 2006, 08:15:50 AM
I like where they are taking the characters this episode. HRG-Man is just like the other characters, he's neither a bad guy or a good guy. He's just a guy with goals, one of which is protect his daughter from the crazy brain-eater man. To that end, he'll do what it takes, just like Nathan's acceptance of Linderman's bribe. They are flawed characters, and thus human and I dig that.

More Hiro with sword, plzkthx.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2006, 08:20:25 AM
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuated_equilibrium (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punctuated_equilibrium)


Also, I agree w/ Haem.  My favorite part of the show is them not really choosing the good or bad.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 14, 2006, 08:54:15 AM
Mohinder seeming to have a power (seeing real events as if he were there, but dreaming) is kind of a letdown.  However, I'm willing to speculate that the kid in the dreams had the power to contact Mohinder in his dreams.  Or something. 


A bit disappointed that GMan is neither good nor bad.  I was hoping that he was bad, honestly.  But I can't say I didn't see it coming.  He was/is at times creepy, and "normal". 

The transformation of Hiro has been interesting.  Looks like he took a big step to being "bad ass Hiro with a katana" in the diner after the waitress's brains were scooped out

Continuity Problem with Hiro poofing out of the diner:  Are the cops going to come back and say "where is your friend?"  Why would his friend even be there if he went back in time to save the waitress?  If he's in the pic on the wall, it could be assumed that he was successful in warning her, therefore she shouldn't be dead - and her body wouldnt be in the meatwagon.  See where I am going with this?  (edit) I'm willing to throw out just about all realities when dealing with people that have powers, but I'm not quite willing to accept complete obvious gaps in time/space continium continuity.  Yeah.  That.

My fluxcapacitor just exploded.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 14, 2006, 09:34:27 AM
I thought it was all the kid's power.

It seems Heroes uses "time as stream" metaphor. So Hiro changes the stream as he jumps down stream.  Up stream Ando, Hiro's friend, is wanting for changes.  At first the changes are too small to notice.  As Hiro does more important things, the larger the changes become.  Ando will notice changes because he's looking for it and knows Hiro is doing it.  But stream time travel makes more sense for a time manipulation superhero than Star Trekian quantum time.  Because hero is going to want to change things and create paradoxes left and right.

Of course this is all uber-nerd speculation, they haven't shown us enough about time travel to really know. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2006, 09:46:20 AM
I still don't understand.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 14, 2006, 09:56:20 AM
Hiro mentioned he was risking "another" divergance by going back to tell Peter the "STCSTW" message.  It seems this will be our first, and we'll see exactly what the fallout is later.     One possibility is that they use the "Branch" theory, and each decision starts 2 (or more) forks.  Hiro jumped back, took another fork, but the Ando we know is stuck on one where we'll never see him again - as he is now. (He'd be in Vegas or Japan or whatever, depending on when Hiro jumped.)  Tho that'd be stupid.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 14, 2006, 09:57:17 AM
Tried to post last night, but I couldnt for some reason.

Yes, I found this episode much much much more satisfying. They didnt spread the focus super thin over all the characters, and so they where able to get much more in depth with a few, and it felt like a more complete show. I am very glad we didnt have to hear Nikki whine about here son *again*, but I did miss Peter.

As for Mohinder, that research he found talked about the Kid having powers over dreams, so Im pretty sure its the kid and not him having powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 14, 2006, 10:29:55 AM
Hiro mentioned he was risking "another" divergance by going back to tell Peter the "STCSTW" message.  It seems this will be our first, and we'll see exactly what the fallout is later.     One possibility is that they use the "Branch" theory, and each decision starts 2 (or more) forks.  Hiro jumped back, took another fork, but the Ando we know is stuck on one where we'll never see him again - as he is now. (He'd be in Vegas or Japan or whatever, depending on when Hiro jumped.)  Tho that'd be stupid.
If it was branch, then the Hiro's picture wouldn't be in Ando's current time.

MrHat: The key point is that Hiro's changes caused by jumping back may not have happened instanciously.  Although we see his picture, all the effects Hiro's changes aren't evident until propigates down stream. His picture is the first thing we see because he probably popped-in the middle of her party. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 16, 2006, 01:48:40 PM
Finally watched the last episode...

I like the new gray direction for G-Man.  :-)

Then again, Cancer Man started out as a fairly benign, albeit mysterious, character in the X-Files. Look where that went.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 16, 2006, 02:05:59 PM
The more and more I watch, the more and more convinced I become that the person everyone's calling Sylar is actually a messed up Peter from the future.  He seemed to be watching Hiro pretty carefully, for one thing, and the broken watch also has to mean something, in my mind.  Maybe in an original timeline, there was a Sylar killing people, and future Peter's just taken his place/identity.  He seems awfully well informed, either way.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 16, 2006, 02:13:01 PM
I'm pretty disappointed that that cute little redhead went out like that though. She would have been a good addition to the show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 16, 2006, 02:14:49 PM
She's too cute to die, Hiro saves her.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 16, 2006, 02:25:06 PM
I'm pretty disappointed that that cute little redhead went out like that though. She would have been a good addition to the show.

Did your TIVO cut out? 

Well, she still might die.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 16, 2006, 02:38:46 PM
Nah, it didn't cut out. I just don't think Hiro's that powerful. Something else will happen.

They've gone too far to bring her back imo. They showed blood oozing down her head. She's dead for good. It's a TV rule or something..

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 16, 2006, 02:42:55 PM
Nah, it didn't cut out. I just don't think Hiro's that powerful. Something else will happen.

They've gone too far to bring her back imo. They showed blood oozing down her head. She's dead for good. It's a TV rule or something..

Umm, went back in time? Might prevent it from happening? 

There's no argument she's dead.  He's going to attempt to change the timeline.   

I'm really not sure where you're going with this line of argument.  Sure, he might chicken out or realize what he's doing could have serious reprocussions, but he is THAT powerful.  He can stop it from happening by making sure it doesn't get to happen.   But umm.. stopping Sylar might be a tad difficult.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 16, 2006, 03:05:01 PM
My Tivo DID cut out before the last minute or two of Heroes. I just today saw the last minute where it shows Hiro in the picture with cute waitress chick.

He looks decidedly unhappy, as if he knows he can't prevent what's going to happen.

As for Syler being future Peter, I'm not so sure about that. I could see how it COULD happen, but not according to the character.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 16, 2006, 03:08:46 PM
Or he's surprised he teleported into the middle of her birthday party.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 16, 2006, 03:38:25 PM
Umm, went back in time? Might prevent it from happening?

picture....birthday party

Ah shit. I guess I didn't see the end, after all.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 20, 2006, 04:55:33 PM
Thanks today show  :mob:

They spilled the beans about tonight's show

Peter buys the farm tonight

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 20, 2006, 07:07:23 PM
I approve of that last episode.  :hulk_rock:

Hiro's going to be on Conan tonight as well.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 20, 2006, 07:26:23 PM
So this isn't going on a 2 month hiatus like all the other shows, is it?

I looked up and saw it was already 9:45.  So very few shows have ever caught me like tihs, I was pissed when I realized I only had 15 more mins for this week.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 20, 2006, 07:33:18 PM
Really not happy with the fight between Sylar and Peter.  Very weak, very weak.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 20, 2006, 07:36:16 PM
I liked it. Peter had no idea wtf he was doing, but....He was willing to sacrifice himself to protect the girl. That says enough.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on November 20, 2006, 07:37:17 PM
My DVR cut out right when Hiro popped up at the end and started talking. Did anything important happen?

Show is going on a hiatus until February I think, Merusk.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 20, 2006, 07:42:56 PM
Nothing special. He came back 6 months earlier and told the waitress he was there to save her life. She looked at him funny.

The very last scene with Niki was the cliffhanger.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Kryptec on November 20, 2006, 09:35:00 PM
No, looks like one more episode before hiatus - next week's is Six Months Ago which appears to be the origin stories for most of the characters. From the preview it looks like we'll meet Sylar as well as find out that Niki's evil twin apparently is her dead evil twin sister Jessica. Which is just getting freaky.

Tonight's episode was pretty damn good. We find out how Sylar slices off the tops of heads which is not quite what I expected. Claire has a mean right hook. Micah knows all about Jessica but hasn't bothered to tell Niki about it. DL apparently has a death wish if he's willing to go back and see Jessica/Niki. And Ando's superpower is that he can seemingly drink endless amounts of coffee.

Some interesting news around lately. Apparently Chistopher Eccleston (the last Doctor Who) will be getting a recurring role. And if you want to catch up, SciFi is going to be running a Heroes marathon on the 29th.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 20, 2006, 09:36:52 PM
My DVR cut out right when Hiro popped up at the end and started talking. Did anything important happen?

Show is going on a hiatus until February I think, Merusk.

According to TVguide.com, we have to more episodes.  After that it (hopefully not) goes into the midseason hiatus.  Which sucks.


edit: Krytec beat me to it :P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on November 20, 2006, 09:45:51 PM
Ah ok, I assumed that it was the last episode before hiatus since it was the end of a story-arc and whatnot. I'm pissed about it too since I leave for Navy recruit training in February.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on November 21, 2006, 06:37:32 AM
So this isn't going on a 2 month hiatus like all the other shows, is it?

I looked up and saw it was already 9:45.  So very few shows have ever caught me like tihs, I was pissed when I realized I only had 15 more mins for this week.

Ohhh I hate to make a "me too!" post. But, Me Too!!!
This exact thing happened to me. They got to a commercial, I looked up at the clock and was all "wtf 8:45 already" (central time zone).

I had a feeling that Clare was going to save Peter, via inadvertent power-absorption. It didn't click for me until they were all at the HS, but I did figure it out before it happened :)

I have no idea what's going on with Hiro. The time travel thing is going to keep me confused until they spell it out, probably.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 21, 2006, 06:44:06 AM
Sylar's face was shown at least twice in darkness, so I decided to mess with the gamma ...



He has a ring of shaved or bald skin around his head, just under his cap line (about the same area he opens his victims' skulls). This ring can be seen when he is pushed to the ground to "sleep", as his cap moves. The other intriguing thing is Sylar's hand ... or rather, his Edward Scissorhand.

(http://users.on.net/~svandore/pics/sylar/sylar_hand_0.jpg) (http://users.on.net/~svandore/pics/sylar/sylar_hand_4.jpg) (http://users.on.net/~svandore/pics/sylar/sylar_hand_2.jpg)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 21, 2006, 07:06:57 AM

Some interesting news around lately. Apparently Chistopher Eccleston (the last Doctor Who) will be getting a recurring role. And if you want to catch up, SciFi is going to be running a Heroes marathon on the 29th.

I read somewhere that George Takei will also be making an appearance on the show at some point.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on November 21, 2006, 07:21:20 AM
It would be nice, at some point, to find out what the hell this thread was all about.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 21, 2006, 07:50:26 AM
Some interesting news around lately. Apparently Chistopher Eccleston (the last Doctor Who) will be getting a recurring role.

A good look at Christopher Eccleston in an unusual but wonderful music video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBTpaxvtLOA).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 21, 2006, 09:36:43 AM
I loved this episode. The fight scene worked pretty well, considering that Peter is not a trained fighter at all and probably wouldn't know how to fight a telekinetic in any case. I was thrilled that there will be more episodes.

IMDB is holding things close to the vest about Sylar's identity. He's not even listed in the cast credits, which is amazing. I think that means who the actor is will give something away. I'm betting on him being either Peter/Nathan's dad or long-lost thought dead brother.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: |3o3dha on November 21, 2006, 09:46:53 AM
I loved this episode. The fight scene worked pretty well, considering that Peter is not a trained fighter at all and probably wouldn't know how to fight a telekinetic in any case. I was thrilled that there will be more episodes.

IMDB is holding things close to the vest about Sylar's identity. He's not even listed in the cast credits, which is amazing. I think that means who the actor is will give something away. I'm betting on him being either Peter/Nathan's dad or long-lost thought dead brother.

He didn't seem old ehough to be their dad. Nice episode,I missed the cop and Hiro tough.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 21, 2006, 10:54:02 AM
I'm betting on him being either Peter/Nathan's dad or long-lost thought dead brother.

Could that be the reason he didn't munch on Peter's brains?  Or simply for the fact he thought Peter was dead and that eating his brains wouldn't benefit him?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 21, 2006, 11:33:40 AM
He was likely 1) too freaked out that someone "special" opposed him, since I don't think he's had a real fight over his victims before, 2) he somehow survived the fall but wasn't at his best which is why the Pheromone chick could hold him up so easily, or 3) realized he'd been made and wanted to get away before being caught.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 21, 2006, 11:45:33 AM
Maybe he didn't know that Peter even had superpowers? He was confused about the other cheerleader before, after all.


Wow. Bad spelling.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 21, 2006, 02:05:26 PM
Maybe he didn't know that Peter even had superpowers? He was confused about the other cheerleader before, after all.

This was my thinking as well.  Pete didn't exactly do anything "super" in front of him.  Dodged a couple of locker doors, told Claire to run and then proceeded to fall off a building and look dead.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 21, 2006, 02:09:01 PM
That's my point.  All the others are starting to get control over their powers, except Peter, who fails around around like Screech. Lame.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on November 21, 2006, 02:16:47 PM
I guess in Peter's defense if you're always coming up with random powers temporarily while you're around someone else with them, you wouldn't really have the time to their use.

On that same note, wouldn't Peter have mimicked Sylar's powers during their fight. Maybe he wasn't close enough to him to do it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 21, 2006, 02:27:14 PM
IMDB is holding things close to the vest about Sylar's identity. He's not even listed in the cast credits, which is amazing. I think that means who the actor is will give something away. I'm betting on him being either Peter/Nathan's dad or long-lost thought dead brother.

extra-spoileriffic link (http://heroeswiki.com/Zachary_Quinto) - do not click or even mouseover, if you want Sylar to remain mysterious.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 21, 2006, 02:37:05 PM
That's my point.  All the others are starting to get control over their powers, except Peter, who fails around around like Screech. Lame.

He may not even have known Syler had powers; he didn't see what was done to the cheerleader. He also may not have been able to understand what Syler's powers were in the short time they were in close proximity. He could mimic Claire's powers because hers are spontaneous, whereas Syler's takes effort.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on November 21, 2006, 03:02:11 PM
When Sylar was telekinetically throwing stuff at Peter it looked to me like Peter was telekinetically fending them off. Was that just my imagination?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 21, 2006, 03:19:50 PM
Just your imagination. He got hit by the first two objects and decided to run.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 21, 2006, 03:49:40 PM
That's my point.  All the others are starting to get control over their powers, except Peter, who fails around around like Screech. Lame.

Peter used Isaac's power better than Isaac has so far.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 21, 2006, 05:19:40 PM
Peter has complete control over his powers. Did you see him pop his ankle and shit back into place after Claire left the scene? Peter is the ultimate hero in this show. He's also the most famous one. it's almost creepy to have watched him on the Gilmore Girls since he was in middle school. It's almost like he grew into Heroes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Jobu on November 21, 2006, 05:37:34 PM
Hiro goes back in time, somehow learns he can't change the past like he wished, and gives the waitress six months of travelling around the world like she always wanted, to give her a perfect end to her already fated life.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 21, 2006, 05:51:50 PM
Did Peter touch Issac before he painted?  He grabbed Claire's hand as they were running, then was able to regen.  He was falling before his brother caught him, then he could fly.  I just don't recall any contact with Issac.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 21, 2006, 06:16:14 PM
 No, he doesn't need to touch. It's the mere presence of.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evangolis on November 22, 2006, 01:53:46 AM
Close presence.  And Peter doesn't seem to realize that he has acquired powers until he uses them.

Syler didn't attack Peter because Syler can't sense powers; he is attacking his targets based on their locations and identity, which he got from the Doctor's not-so-secret info.

No cop and no Hiro this week, but perhaps they are just pushing a grand mid-season cliffhanger for all the characters.

Here are my unanswered questions ATM.

Mohinder has left home again, despite strong efforts to dissuade him; are the folks back home merely skeptics, or believers with a secret agenda?

Hiro and the waitress; can he save her?

They saved a cheerleader; was it the right one?

Peter was found lying in a huge pool of blood; what happens when the cops find that most of it is his?

Nathan tried to stop Peter from going to Texas; how will Nathan and Peter react when they both realize that Peter has every flavor of courage, and Nathan has none?

How clueless is Homeland Security about super powers; does anyone else remember the Monty Python line that followed a nuclear explosion, "Even the police began to take notice."?

HRG and company; secret agents for X, budding mastermind group, or just curious bystanders?

HRG's operations; how is this funded, and why is HRG in charge?

They've caught Syler; now what do you do with a ruthless telekinetic who can tear steel just by concentrating?

The cop seems like a nice guy and a dedicated cop; what happens if he gets heaved from the force and his wife isn't over his now ex-buddy?

The cop wants answers, and the radioactive widower is the only source he knows of; how far will the cop go to save Mr. Atomic, particularly now that the authorities have demonstrated just how utterly clueless they are?

Jessica appears any time she thinks Micah's health and happiness is threatened; what happens when she discovers that she is now the biggest threat to that?

On another front, I've heard that Heroes has been picked up for a second season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 22, 2006, 02:32:43 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about DL and Jessica/Whoever. I can't even be bothered to know their names most of the time. She's the weakest link on the show in terms of acting and well, yea, she just sucks time out of more interesting characters.

It would appear Hiro did not save the girl. There was the memorial thing up and the waitress at the restaraunt explicitly said Hiro disappeared shortly before the girl died.

Nathan will eventually, probably, become Peter's arch-nemesis. At which point they'll add some sort of shitty Blood is Thicker than Water bullshit to the show.

They're on a very thin line between awesome and campy. They need to start killing off people who don't have a very very specific purpose. Syler needs to escape and tear through some of the cast.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 22, 2006, 03:44:37 AM
Here are my unanswered questions ATM.

One of mine: why are so many of the main characters connected with Mr Linderman (http://heroeswiki.com/Mr._Linderman)?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 22, 2006, 04:09:33 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about DL and Jessica/Whoever.

No.  Just based on the reactions from most of us those two weeks that focused almost exclusively on Jessica, I'd say you're not alone.  Micah is the best part of that trio, and he's too young and tied to mom & dad to be interesting.

Peter was found lying in a huge pool of blood; what happens when the cops find that most of it is his?

That was my question as well.  I have this dissapointing feeling they're going to play it out as 'small town cops + dead teenager + guy covered in blood = no forensic investigation'  so the cops can ignore the fact that Pete has none of the girl's blood on him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 22, 2006, 05:01:46 AM
Brother to the rescue imo.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on November 22, 2006, 08:04:53 AM
Brother to the rescue imo.

HRG seems like the more likely rescue. Or Hiro.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 22, 2006, 08:07:47 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about DL and Jessica/Whoever.

No.  Just based on the reactions from most of us those two weeks that focused almost exclusively on Jessica, I'd say you're not alone.  Micah is the best part of that trio, and he's too young and tied to mom & dad to be interesting.

Peter was found lying in a huge pool of blood; what happens when the cops find that most of it is his?

That was my question as well.  I have this dissapointing feeling they're going to play it out as 'small town cops + dead teenager + guy covered in blood = no forensic investigation'  so the cops can ignore the fact that Pete has none of the girl's blood on him.

Brother to the rescue, and history of mental illness.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 22, 2006, 08:08:48 AM
FBI Lady also. Peter has plenty of "outs"

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evangolis on November 22, 2006, 08:37:00 AM
Yeah, Peter is way in the clear; my question is what do the police do when they follow the trail from Sylar's latest murder to where Peter was found?  Claire had to leave blood and/or tissue evidence at the original scene.  Locker doors ripped from their hinges without normal stress patterns? Vast quantities of blood without dead bodies to match?  Just how many impossibilities can the authorities ignore?


It would appear Hiro did not save the girl. There was the memorial thing up and the waitress at the restaraunt explicitly said Hiro disappeared shortly before the girl died.


They're on a very thin line between awesome and campy. They need to start killing off people who don't have a very very specific purpose. Syler needs to escape and tear through some of the cast.

Except that the woman who tells Ando about Hiro and the waitress clearly didn't connect him to the day of the waitress's death, but acted like Ando showed up alone that day, so there is a major discrepancy from the original timeline, suggesting other changes may be possible, or may have occurred.  Perhaps the 'Rift' Hiro mentioned to Peter will be expanded upon in this arc.

They are always going to walk that line between awesome and campy, like any good show that ties the fantastic and the mundane.

As to Sylar, I'm hoping that he is more than just evil or crazy. If those are the whole of his motivations, it would be a loss of a great source of possible dramatic tension.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 22, 2006, 08:41:36 AM
Yeah, Peter is way in the clear; my question is what do the police do when they follow the trail from Sylar's latest murder to where Peter was found?  Claire had to leave blood and/or tissue evidence at the original scene.  Locker doors ripped from their hinges without normal stress patterns? Vast quantities of blood without dead bodies to match?  Just how many impossibilities can the authorities ignore?

Maybe the G-Man gets that crazy dude to wipe the cops' minds.

But that's a BIG stretch, of course...


On second thought...

Lol, that sucks. I apologize.  :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 22, 2006, 08:54:40 AM
Yeah, Pete has a lot of outs, but that wasn't what I was getting at.  I wanted to see what happens when they find all that blood's his, but he doesn't have a mark on him.  That's why I did the little equation thing, because I don't think they're even going to touch on that, which is dissapointing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 22, 2006, 08:59:45 AM
The same thing that happened when DHS found Radiation guy but no source for the radiation...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 22, 2006, 09:32:45 AM
Lock him in a deep dark leadlined cell?

Yeah, Peter has a ton of outs, but Mr. Bennett (HRG) is not one of them. I think mimics are the kinds of heroes he doesn't care about because they are unclassifable.

As for why Peter used Issac's power better than Issac? Peter wasn't wasted to the gills when he did so, he was making a conscious action with the power. I wonder if he'd have Jessica's powers if Nikki is in charge?

I don't mind the Nikki/DL story, because it has the hotness of Ali Larter and I think she's doing a good acting job with the character. Are they weaker than Peter or Hiro? Sure, but not to the point where I want them gone.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hoax on November 22, 2006, 10:13:58 AM
I think Peter might be serving jail time for an episode or three.  We have to catch up w/ Hiro/Ando/Charlie as well as DL/Jessica/Micah.  The only person with a big reason to rescue him from the authorities right now is Claire.

I dont mind the DL/Jessica/Micah thing because there are cool powers involved and I want to see Ando hook up w/ Nikki cuz that'd be funny as hell.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 22, 2006, 12:24:16 PM
How clueless is Homeland Security about super powers; does anyone else remember the Monty Python line that followed a nuclear explosion, "Even the police began to take notice."?

FBI is already involved.  Wouldnt be a stretch to say that they havent shared the information with the rest of the Federal Government.  IIRC, the FBI chick had said only 6 people knew the name Sylar.  How would that convo go anyway?  "Um, hello?  DHS?  Yes, this is the FBI.  We have news about an indestructable hottie cheerleader, a dude that can walk through walls, and a..."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on November 22, 2006, 12:45:16 PM
Count me on the band wagon of actually liking Ali Larter's character. Not exactly sure why, but I do.

As with most shows that kill of characters on occasion, they always kill of the bit characters I like. I was thoroughly confinced Sylar was going to kill pheremone girl. He probably still will, just to piss me off.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 22, 2006, 12:48:48 PM
Heh. You know why shows kill characters you like? Because you like characters like Ali Larter's.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hoax on November 22, 2006, 01:18:13 PM
Actually I think Eden dies long before Jessica/Nikki

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on November 22, 2006, 01:33:15 PM
There's a fansite theory that the cop (Matt Parkman) is in a different time from the other characters, as his path has never crossed with anyone else's.

But presuming he is in the same time, the cheerleader murder investigation would have to put him and FBI-Audrey in a room with prime suspect (prior to blood tests) Peter Petrelli. Peter would get Matt's ability to hear thoughts, and Matt would hear his. That could quickly tie Matt's knowledge of radioactive man to Peter's knowledge of the upcoming nuclear explosion.

Sylar is off the streets, so the story narrows to a New York manhunt for radioactive man, involving several heroes working co-operatively for the first time (plus they're in Nathan Petrelli's city, so he must be involved somehow). Oh and at some point Hiro turns up with the waitress, having saved her and staged her death. The heroes find radioactive man, save the world and realise this is their future.

Team Hero is formed. Then the cliffhanger where Sylar turns out not to really be asleep and something hints at Team Evil. End of season one.

Count me on the band wagon of actually liking Ali Larter's character. Not exactly sure why, but I do.

I do too. If nothing else, the acting is great. Nikki and Jessica, played by the same person without the aid of any costume change, carry themselves differently and seem like two different people.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 22, 2006, 01:53:33 PM
That Niki episode a couple of weeks back almost single handedly made me start hating the show.

Not necessarily because of Ali Larter though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evangolis on November 22, 2006, 03:04:32 PM
The real question for me is; what is the show about?

For Claire and the Petrelli's, it has been about being who you are in public.

For Mohinder, it is about embracing the inner world of secret knowledge, and turning away from the superficial mundane world.

For Niki/Jessica, DL, and Micah, it is about how they can be a family, or not.

For Matt, it isn't so clear, is it a story about his marriage, or about being who he is, or some combination of the two?

For Issac, it's about survival.

For Hiro, it seems to be about what it means to be a hero.  One of the most interesting possible outcomes for his arc would be to find that he can save the waitress, but chooses not to, because of the cost to innocent bystanders.

While it is easy to compare this to something like X-men, it lacks the core premise of the X-men, the tension between mundanes and mutants.  It needs some core premise to emerge at some point in the relatively near future, so that the core premise can link all the lesser arcs and conflicts.  That seems to me to be a place where Sylar and/or the HRG group could really be important.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 27, 2006, 07:08:58 PM
Son of a Bitch!  Fucking Cliches.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 27, 2006, 07:13:19 PM
I need to rewatch it. Too many distractions.

What's the deal with Syler again? Is he trying to cure everyone?

I knew the waitress would be gone for good.

[edit] Nevermind. Got it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 28, 2006, 12:30:22 AM

Predictions? Who's going to become a character if they aren't already?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 28, 2006, 01:32:37 AM
The show could use another female. That's all I can say.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 28, 2006, 01:51:16 AM
You should watch Boston Legal. If you already do, watch it more.

Edit: Also, I really didn't like this last episode of Heroes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Luxor on November 28, 2006, 06:30:36 AM

Predictions? Who's going to become a character if they aren't already?

I'll predict it'll be an American.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 28, 2006, 07:12:55 AM
Not the best episode of  Heroes, but a useful one.

I liked the insight into Gabriel (Sylar), and it was a really good Hiro Episode. It explained why Super Congressman has the issues he has, particularly with his power.

And I definitely like the girl with the Dune Voice with short hair.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 28, 2006, 07:56:51 AM
Son of a Bitch!  Fucking Cliches.

Which cliches? The "hero can't fix everything" cliche or the "abused girl makes multiple personality" cliche? I think we can expect a number of cliches out of a super hero story.

I loved last night's episode. Hiro just keeps getting pounded on, and I hope it's to shape him into badassitude with a samurai sword. The Sylar thing as watchmaker reminded me of Dr. Manhatten from the Watchmen series.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 28, 2006, 09:03:07 AM
Since evolution is a main theme, I was think he's an evil Watchmaker (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmaker_analogy) who thinks he can tinker with the powers and do better than evolution.

I admit the Hiro/Charlie love story was cute.  Now looking back at the first Charlie episode.  She had given up her dream to travel and knew her life was in emanate danger just to be with Hiro just a little bit longer.  But brain aneurysm?  Also it say the theory time travel is fate, except of course what writers deem worthy of changed.  Just an assload of Deus Ex Machina.

As far as Nikki/Jessica thing, I have come to expect that story to suck.  That it continues to suck is no surprise.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 28, 2006, 09:21:09 AM
If we're lucky, that sniper rifle will misfire and take her ass out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 28, 2006, 10:01:28 AM
I dont understand why they spent so much time and effort making Syler a secret, and then he turned out to be some random new guy. Meh.

It was a decent episode, but I agree Nikki/Jessica story is just so "I dont care", I think she is doing a decent acting job, but her storyline is so "meh" that I just cant care. When they are showing her, I want them to just go back to any of the other characters.

Hiro is cool. I kind of like that some "cosmic fate" or some thing is keeping him from changing the past, it make the show much more easy for the writers, or the answer to every problem could be "Have Hiro go back and change it".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on November 28, 2006, 01:37:49 PM
The thing is, he did change the past. The first time he met her in the diner was the first time for both of them. Then he went 6 months into the past and suddenly all the rest of the staff at the diner knew who he was because he'd been the waitress' boyfriend for a weeks back then.

If she'd just been going to be murdered I think he could have saved her from that. But having an inoperable brain aneurysm was something he couldn't help with.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on November 28, 2006, 03:04:32 PM
The thing is, he did change the past. The first time he met her in the diner was the first time for both of them. Then he went 6 months into the past and suddenly all the rest of the staff at the diner knew who he was because he'd been the waitress' boyfriend for a weeks back then.

If she'd just been going to be murdered I think he could have saved her from that. But having an inoperable brain aneurysm was something he couldn't help with.

Yeah, but he couldnt even stop her from being murdered cause the "cosmic force" made him teleport away, and then wouldnt let him come back.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 28, 2006, 03:06:44 PM
I don't think she was murdered after he went back, but I could be wrong. I'll have to go back and watch the episodes again.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on November 28, 2006, 03:09:30 PM
I don't think she was murdered after he went back, but I could be wrong. I'll have to go back and watch the episodes again.

He couldn't save her. He said that he kept showing up. He went back, forward, everywhere. Could not save her.

If anything, his going back in time timeline changed the entire way Syler worked as he could've killed her earlier and absorbed the ability to memorize everything about all the heroes. This would help him in very, very obvious ways.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 03, 2006, 03:11:52 AM
Re Sylar, I've seen this theory on another forum and I like it:

Sylar's original superpower is to see when things are broken and how to fix them, just by looking at them. This extends from watches to people. The Professor made him aware that powers occurr due to something technically "wrong" with a person. He looked into the telekinetic guy and told him he knew how to fix him, i.e. he saw into him like a clockwork watch.

This doesn't yet explain how he acquires their powers via their brains, but perhaps it's just through gaining an understanding of how their "deficiency" works and replicating it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 03, 2006, 01:35:43 PM
Hiro and Charlie:

He might have saved her from Sylar, but has anyone entertained the possibility that she died (aneurysm) before Sylar could get to her?  I don't recall if the diner still looked like a murder scene investigation or not....

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on December 04, 2006, 12:34:58 AM
Ando still knew about the murder when Hiro returned. So more than likely, Sylar really killed her.

In other news, it turns out some guy I've known for awhile is good friends with "Mohinder". His mom is some big doctor in my hometown too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on December 04, 2006, 09:51:58 AM
Any guesses as to which Hero doesn't make it, per the commercials?  DL is the obvious choice, but I've got my eye on Eden.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 04, 2006, 09:52:50 AM

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on December 04, 2006, 10:11:42 AM
According to the Candian preview I saw on the net, it might be the girl that can whisper suggestions.  They showed a fast clip of Sylar having her by the throat.

I really wish it would be Sylar that dies though.  Unless they can really explain this logic jump of him getting the powers from the other heroes, his character is just annoying.  Are they going to tell us he eats the brains or something?  Does he actually operate on his own brain?  Just knowing what is different about somebody's brain to make them have powers doesn't allow you to just have them.  Otherwise, he could do it without killing them and actually taking the brain.

He could diagnose the watch without even opening it for instance.

Ok, who is placing bets that they stop the guy from nuking himself by unleashing Sylar on him?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on December 04, 2006, 10:53:10 AM
As I stated before, it has to be Eden as I made the mistake of decalring her my favorite bit character in the show.

That and the fact that she still only gets listed as a guest star each week.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on December 04, 2006, 11:55:27 AM

That would be interesting as it would result in the crazy stripper chasing down the crazy watchmaker perhaps.  Maybe they'll end up killing each other and end two storylines I like the least.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on December 04, 2006, 06:58:27 PM
"I really need to find that sword."

Damn, I haven't laughed that hard in weeks.   

And of course it was Bunk's call.  Jan 22nd seems so far away.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 04, 2006, 07:27:31 PM

Not at all pleased with tonights episode.  Guess I had it built up to too much.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on December 04, 2006, 08:35:42 PM
Huh.  For the most part, I loved it.  My only real complaint would be that I don't want to wait til the 22nd for a new episode. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 04, 2006, 08:44:10 PM
So, someone explain to me why Peter is sick?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Zetleft on December 04, 2006, 10:05:24 PM
So, someone explain to me why Peter is sick?

Judging from the preview for the next episode I'd guess radiation poisoning.   

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on December 05, 2006, 05:24:13 AM
It's labled (Spoilers) so no need for micro-text.    The radiation guy escaped police custody, so where would Pete have been exposed enough to catch a dose?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on December 05, 2006, 05:47:57 AM
And where are Peter's visions coming from?  How ruthless is Mr. Bennet to do that to everyone who might have known about Clair's ability?  Including his wife, apparently a bunch of times.

And of course it was Bunk's call.

Yeah, she was one of my favorites too.  I'd rather have seen a de-brained Niki/Jessica.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 05, 2006, 07:09:36 AM
FYI - from this thread on November 8

As for the nuke, I'm thinking that it isn't the distraught husband, it's Syler gaining the distraught husband's powers by killing him and eating his brain.

What about Peter? He could also end up with the nuke powers and he's potentially a vulnerable/emotional character too. He could end up accidentally becoming a risk while trying to "save the world", depending on the actions of his brother, his girlfriend, g-man, etc.

Just call me Isaac :P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hoax on December 05, 2006, 07:44:30 AM
Actually I think Eden dies long before Jessica/Nikki


It was almost sadly predictable.  The rest of the ep was solid though, and as usual Claire looked way hotter then any 17 yr old should...

I thought at the time that Peter was sick because his body hadn't done as good a job with the full healing from the fall as we thought.  He got the obvious stuff but didn't know how to use the regeneration well enough to heal all internal injuries or it was my favorite character the Haitian inadvertently screwing him up.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 05, 2006, 07:51:00 AM
or it was my favorite character the Haitian inadvertently screwing him up.

Makes sense. Blocking the healing ability, maybe even putting it backwards a little. His speciality is winding back people's brains, so why not the same for powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on December 05, 2006, 08:11:33 AM
Claire visited Peter in his jail cell though, and Peter's powers were definitely still working at that point because of the whole Peter/Matt mindreading segment.  So whatever is affecting Peter has to be serious enough to actually exceed a second dose of Claire powered regen.

I think the most interesting part of the episode was that short part with the Haitian and Claire.  Seems there's a lot more to him than people realize.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on December 05, 2006, 08:30:22 AM
Let me play Isaac for a change:

Beginning radation sickness same as human bomb guys sister? had. He snatched his power somehow.

Edit: His=human bomb guys

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 05, 2006, 08:32:06 AM
Mr. Haitian and Eden had some kind of agenda different from Mr. Bennett. Perhaps they have realized that Bennett's group is fucking with them and they are banding together to protect themselves and other specials. Maybe the Haitian is really a Xavier type, bringing everyone together. Maybe he's the one who has been tweaking Bennett to do what he's been doing all these years. After all, he does fuck with minds, who says he can't have been fucking with Bennett's.

Peter's sickness I can't quite fathom, unless Sylar gave him a whammy before walking off. Or maybe he's giving him a whammy from inside Peter's dreams. When Peter first woke up from that dream other than being freaked the fuck out. After being around Parkman, he starts getting sick. Maybe it was the Haitian, maybe it was Sylar from afar. We don't know what powers he's absorbed.

Sylar's deal is that he can see "how something works" and then fix it. He may not so much absorb other's powers, I think what he does is alter his own DNA after getting a peek at the special's brain which shows him how that power works. That's why Eden capped herself in the head, so he couldn't absorb her power.

I'm going to be that Micah has the same power as Sylar, he just hasn't figured out that he can fuck with people's (and his own) body yet. He can see how things work and fix them, but only if he can touch them (such as computer board's and payphones). Maybe he's constrained from doing it to people because he doesn't want to hurt them. Peter's ability to mimic a power isn't the same as Sylar's. Or I could be totally off.

Jan. 22 is a long goddamn time away.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on December 05, 2006, 08:50:19 AM
I get the feeling that HRG guy's HRG's are like Magneto's helmet.  But I can't figure out a way to explain this.  It was nice to see that he's getting orders from somewhere though.  And the Haitian dude being 6-sides of awesome is nice too.

Re: Peter's sickness.  I'm still of the opinion that these mutations are a sickness, and that some mutants (for lack of a better word) die from it (Mohinder's sister).  Mr. Bennett said to Syler that he was losing his mind, maybe from changing his DNA so much.  Peter might have the same problem, but his body isn't coping well with undergoing so much genetic mutation.

I think Micah is super fucking smart + good with electronics.  I don't think it extends past that though.  And have we decided that Nikki was just batshit, or is her power Jessica?  If so, will Peter lose his fucking mind too?  Will there be a good Syler?  Why doesn't DL just ghost the bullet out of his shoulder?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 05, 2006, 09:27:53 AM
Why doesn't DL just ghost the bullet out of his shoulder?

I kept expecting him to do that, but it might have taken too much concentration with a light head from blood loss. Or he just might not have thought of it like us geeks.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on December 05, 2006, 09:47:00 AM
Micah is Forge as a child.

The Haitian (which, btw, is the best superhero name ever), is one of the few super heroes with a completely passive power. It seems he doesn't even have to do anything to be a dampening field. That's pretty goddamn huge. Interesting though? Not so sure.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Daeven on December 05, 2006, 10:04:58 AM
So, someone explain to me why Peter is sick?

He was in custody in the same building as radioactive man....?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on December 05, 2006, 10:08:58 AM
*sniff*  :crying_panda:

It was a good death scene though.

On Peter's sickness, I'm going with something to do with Peter absorbing Radioactive Man's power. I'm curious as to who he leached off of to pick up the psychic dream though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 05, 2006, 03:37:57 PM
I think Micah is super fucking smart + good with electronics.  I don't think it extends past that though.

Did you miss the episode where he fixed a broken payphone, just by looking at it?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 05, 2006, 03:40:52 PM
On Peter's sickness, I'm going with something to do with Peter absorbing Radioactive Man's power. I'm curious as to who he leached off of to pick up the psychic dream though.

He was just in contact with Mr Bennet and the Haitian, who had recently been in contact with Isaac.

He was just in contact with Matt and Audrey, who had recently been in contact with Radioactive Man.

Maybe as he learns more about his own power, he is becoming more sensitive to powers and picking them up second-hand?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on December 05, 2006, 04:02:08 PM
Part of it is side effects from other powers, probably.  Like how he head a splitting headache as soon as Matt walked into the room, and then there was all the interference as their telepathy interfered with each other's.  Mostly, though, I bet it's just that he's gone from not accessing any more power than his brother's, and not using it, to suddenly finding himself with what, 10-12 powers all at once, or in a very short period of time, with several he was using.  He made physical contact with Sylar, so he's got however many powers Sylar has in his system, then Claire's, then Matt's and the Haitian's.  His body may not be coping too well with that, as he's not used to how his power works at all.  I think his body attunes to powers even if he doesn't know he can use them yet.  Once he's got a better hold on his powers, he may be able to use the powers before they're used on him to let his mind know "Oh.  I can do that now too." 

As to the dreams, I think his dreams are somehow tied with his core mutation, much like Sylar's abilities outside of what he's absorbed.  Peter had a dream about his brother way before he came into contact with Isaac or the girlfriend.  He seems to be able to form empathic bonds with people that somehow carry over into his dreams which seem prophetic, but not in the sense of Isaac's power.  Isaac can literally show what the future holds, Peter's visions appear to be full of more symbolism than that.  Also, somehow he seems to have been able to share that dream with the girlfriend's dying father before he died. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 05, 2006, 04:08:45 PM
BTW don't forget the "graphic novels" which add more details to the story: http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/novels/

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on December 05, 2006, 04:25:24 PM
I look at Peter as a battery. He doesn't know how to shut off the intake though and it's fucking his shit up. The radioactive thing that a combination of Hiro and Claire will fix, is the result of sucking in the radiation along with all the other shit brewing inside.

Also, once again, Micah is Forge.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on December 05, 2006, 06:32:04 PM

Eden was just getting cool too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Zetleft on December 05, 2006, 07:05:58 PM
Why doesn't DL just ghost the bullet out of his shoulder?

I kept expecting him to do that, but it might have taken too much concentration with a light head from blood loss. Or he just might not have thought of it like us geeks.

When he went temporarily ghostman when she shot him in the head it probably did drop out but hell he still has a hole in his chest from a large caliber rifle :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Quinton on December 05, 2006, 10:46:20 PM
He seems to be able to form empathic bonds with people that somehow carry over into his dreams which seem prophetic, but not in the sense of Isaac's power.  Isaac can literally show what the future holds, Peter's visions appear to be full of more symbolism than that.  Also, somehow he seems to have been able to share that dream with the girlfriend's dying father before he died. 

Or perhaps the dreams were the first power he picked up -- perhaps with enough exposure things stick?  He apparently spent a lot of time with the dying father...

- Q

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on December 06, 2006, 01:37:07 AM
When he went temporarily ghostman when she shot him in the head it probably did drop out but hell he still has a hole in his chest from a large caliber rifle
I'm surprised he hasn't had to run to the dentist half a dozen times to get all his fillings replaced. :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on December 06, 2006, 08:50:10 AM
Here's my thought.

Claire's father has a power. He's immune to other's powers.

Eden couldn't effect him, maybe his power screwed with Peter a bit.

I also like the theory that with all the other heroes around him it's overloading him and it's too much power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 06, 2006, 09:10:27 AM
Claire's father has been protected from others' powers by the Haitian. Notice Sylar did nothing while Mr. Bennett was there, but used his powers in force on Eden, when the Haitian was at Clarie's house not mindwiping her.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on December 06, 2006, 09:29:46 AM
Claire's father has been protected from others' powers by the Haitian. Notice Sylar did nothing while Mr. Bennett was there, but used his powers in force on Eden, when the Haitian was at Clarie's house not mindwiping her.

Are you sure? I don't recall the Haitian being there when Eden used the "Let me go" suggestion to HRG. I recall him saying something about being the one man that could resist her.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on December 06, 2006, 09:36:19 AM
I'm still of the opinion that Mr.Bennet's glasses aren't for seeing things better.  They're to protect him against powers.  Same with that crazy room they had Syler in.  I think that Eden pushed a button at some point and deactivated whatever was holding Syler in, so she could use her power of suggestion to get him to shoot himself.  But he realized that the null field was gone.

Maybe the Haitian can imbue shit with his null power?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 06, 2006, 10:19:20 AM
Claire's father has been protected from others' powers by the Haitian. Notice Sylar did nothing while Mr. Bennett was there, but used his powers in force on Eden, when the Haitian was at Clarie's house not mindwiping her.

Are you sure? I don't recall the Haitian being there when Eden used the "Let me go" suggestion to HRG. I recall him saying something about being the one man that could resist her.

I'm going on the assumption that the Haitian is ALWAYS with Bennett unless he's got something else to do like wiping Claire's mom's mind.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on December 06, 2006, 10:51:57 AM
I'm going to go with the idea that the Haitian is a red herring. I think he's always around when HRG is to make us assume that its the Haitian who is dampening things, when its really HRGs power.

Or maybe not. Maybe Sylar was just waiting for a juicy meal to come by before he tk'd his way out. Who knows.

I did forget that Peter had dreams about Nathan in the earlier episodes.

On a total tangent, since I forgot about mentioning it when I noticed it weeks ago. The earlier episodes that were in the Casino - anyone else notice it was the Montecito Casino? That happens to be the fictional casino that the series Las Vegas is based around. I thought that was a nice touch.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Jobu on December 06, 2006, 11:08:51 AM
Consider this...

Bennett said that they've never encountered someone with more than one power when talking about Sylar.

So how can the Haitian have a nullification power AND a mind wiping power?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 06, 2006, 11:28:11 AM
The Haitian's power is the ability to suppress certain things in the brain, whether that be memories or the triggers that cause powers to be activated.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on December 06, 2006, 12:07:53 PM
The Haitian's power is the ability to suppress certain things in the brain, whether that be memories or the triggers that cause powers to be activated.

Could he surpress things that aren't mind related then? Like Claire's regen?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on December 06, 2006, 12:17:31 PM
Could he surpress things that aren't mind related then? Like Claire's regen?
Are you even watching the show !?!

All powers are brain-related.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on December 06, 2006, 12:25:55 PM
I thought they were all genetic mutations...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on December 06, 2006, 12:33:21 PM
That also.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Miguel on December 06, 2006, 02:03:34 PM
I don't get the whole thing with the 'DNA tattoo'.  Obviously Mrs. Dual Personality clearly has one, and there was the situation with the Cop and Radioactive Man that they both had markings.  It gave me the impression that powers could be given to others, and I thought that was what HRG guy was responsible for:  inflicting the genetic mutations then tracking each person to see what happens.

But what do I know!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 06, 2006, 03:13:02 PM
I don't get the whole thing with the 'DNA tattoo'.  Obviously Mrs. Dual Personality clearly has one, and there was the situation with the Cop and Radioactive Man that they both had markings.  It gave me the impression that powers could be given to others, and I thought that was what HRG guy was responsible for:  inflicting the genetic mutations then tracking each person to see what happens.

But what do I know!

There are two different "DNA tattoos" and Mrs Dual Personality only has the one you're thinking of when she's in badass mode. The other is the "two dots" on the neck/shoulder of Parkman, nuke man, etc.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 07, 2006, 12:07:49 PM
According to what I'm seeing in the Heroes graphic novel issue that accompanied the latest episode, Sylar doesn't escape after Eden killed herself. HRG and the Haitian show up and shoot him with tranqs.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on December 07, 2006, 12:18:37 PM
According to what I'm seeing in the Heroes graphic novel issue that accompanied the latest episode, Sylar doesn't escape after Eden killed herself. HRG and the Haitian show up and shoot him with tranqs.

Ya, I saw that too.  It was a good death for her.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on December 07, 2006, 07:28:32 PM
I would have prefered it naked in a shower for her...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Quinton on December 08, 2006, 01:39:22 AM
According to what I'm seeing in the Heroes graphic novel issue that accompanied the latest episode, Sylar doesn't escape after Eden killed herself. HRG and the Haitian show up and shoot him with tranqs.

Ya, I saw that too.  It was a good death for her.

I liked the character and was sad to see her die, but it was nice to see that her last act was to ruin Sylar's little moment of triumph.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 09, 2006, 07:33:00 PM
So I am watching the Heroes episodes again on nbc.com....I'm in the middle of the first episode (which I missed on its original air date), and when Peter and his mother are leaving the police station, they mention that Peter and Nathans father is dead.  So, all through the episodes that I have watched since, I don't remember it being mentioned until the second last episode (I think) that their father dies when Nathan is going to spill the beans about his illegal activities.

I'm confused...

If it is mentioned in the first episode that he is already dead, how can he die again later in the second to last episode?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on December 09, 2006, 08:20:37 PM
That episode takes place 6 months prior to the current events.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 09, 2006, 08:48:37 PM
Was that the episode that they sort of went back an reintroduced everyone?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NiX on December 09, 2006, 08:50:20 PM
Yeah, that's the one.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: DevilsAdvocate on January 11, 2007, 12:54:10 PM
Not sure if anyone watched, but the last episode and the one right before "6 Months Ago" were shown back to back this past Monday. The series begins again on January 22nd. This coming Monday is an awards show not related to Heroes.

Are you on the List?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on January 11, 2007, 12:58:04 PM
> Are you on the List?
Bleh. Are we going to have suffer a new idiotic slogan for every major story arc?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: DevilsAdvocate on January 22, 2007, 09:42:23 AM
> Are you on the List?
Bleh. Are we going to have suffer a new idiotic slogan for every major story arc?

Yes, you are, but only because "You are not prepared!"

New episode tonight! Yay!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 22, 2007, 07:11:12 PM

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: bhodi on January 22, 2007, 07:57:27 PM
Meh; it's been "coming together" for about 3 episodes now. Stop dragging it out. I like the show still, but you'd better be going somewhere with all of this or I'm going to lose interest.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on January 23, 2007, 02:36:52 AM
Agreed. When a historical drama (i.e. Rome) has more intensity, action, and exciting things happening in every episode than a superhero show, then there's something wrong.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on January 23, 2007, 11:26:13 AM
You fuckers sure get jaded quick. That episode was fine as the start to a second chapter, to intro some new characters and reset the status quo. There are probably at least 10 more new episodes coming (22 episode season) and a second season, so there's plenty of time to go balls to the wall.

EDIT: As for comparisons to Rome, Rome has 13-episodes and it's done. You pretty much HAVE to have action wall-to-wall. It's just two different writing styles.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on January 23, 2007, 11:34:47 AM
I liked it.  Yeah, they spent some time sorta recovering old ground, but there were also several developments, and some groundwork set for the next few episodes, which look pretty promising.  I liked that we're seeing Sprague again, and what he's been up to. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on January 23, 2007, 12:20:08 PM
You fuckers sure get jaded quick. That episode was fine as the start to a second chapter, to intro some new characters and reset the status quo. There are probably at least 10 more new episodes coming (22 episode season) and a second season, so there's plenty of time to go balls to the wall.

EDIT: As for comparisons to Rome, Rome has 13-episodes and it's done. You pretty much HAVE to have action wall-to-wall. It's just two different writing styles.

I'm not jaded. I've been saying this. I'd have to be a big fan first before being jaded.

I like the concept and all, and it does have it's moments, but at this point, I think I'm watching it in spite of the actual show itself. I want a show about heroes to be cool.

Yes, it's a different writing style, but it's one I don't like. I don't care for Lost either.

Rome goes for heavy character development too, but yet, Marc Antony is still understandable from the get go. Titus Pullo from the get go. In every scene, they're right there in your face, dominating the scenery, telling you to look at them, telling you exactly what they're all about. And then they keep surprising you somehow. The entire show is that way.

Heroes has probably spent 120 minutes total focusing on Peter's brooding face, and I still don't know who the fuck he is.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on January 23, 2007, 12:35:13 PM
Thats what I have been saying from the get go. The show just doesnt give you any meat. Its all development, thats doesnt really develop anything. The only characters that have done much of anything are Hiro and Clair. They need to actually have "stuff happen". The whole "Save the Cheerleader" thing was sooooo anti-climactic. To save the cheerleader Peter just had to be there to run away and fall off a building. Come on. Lets have some thing super happen already.

I still enjoy the show, but when you are looking forward to Lost to "have something happen" you know the show is lagging.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: DevilsAdvocate on January 26, 2007, 08:12:40 AM
So, in the episode, HRG gives Mohinder a business card with the following web address on it:


It's a real website on the internet with a Jobs section that requires a pass code to get into it. Looking at the Source html for that page, it looks like it could be "hacked" to give access to that section of the website. I wonder if NBC hid any goodies on this page...  :evil:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on January 26, 2007, 08:25:13 AM
Or you can just call the phone number at get the message from there.   :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on January 27, 2007, 08:36:49 AM
Bah!  Phones!

function checkThisl(form)
primac = "f90ad64d3e6fc85b784c2b11595c1sa0";

if (hex_md5(trim(form.code.value)) == primac)
window.location = unescape("%68%74%74%70%3A%2F%2F%77%77%77%2E%70%72%69%6D%61%74%65%63%68%70%61%70%65%72%2E%63%6F%6D%2F%6A%6F%62%73");
alert("The code you have entered is incorrect.");

return false;

I don't think this part of the site has been implemented yet, for two reasons:

1) "f90ad64d3e6fc85b784c2b11595c1sa0" can't be a real hex MD5 digest, because it has an "s" in it.  There can't exist a string that will pass the test on the page.
2) The URL that would get popped up if you had the right code, http://www.primatechpaper.com/jobs (that's what the "unescape" ASCII glop translates to), doesn't have anything on it.

My guess is that the site will be updated just before the code is revealed in an upcoming episode.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on January 27, 2007, 02:01:25 PM
Pass code is mt36. You can get it by calling their telephone number. I got an e-mail response a couple days after filling out the "app" It said they had no job openings that fitted my skill set.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on January 27, 2007, 03:05:25 PM
Further proof, if any was needed, that I don't know JavaScript from a hole in a ground.   :oops:  (Why name a function "hex_md5" if the thing it returns isn't going to be in hex...?)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on January 27, 2007, 03:48:25 PM
(Why name a function "hex_md5" if the thing it returns isn't going to be in hex...?)


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on January 27, 2007, 07:37:33 PM
Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heroes_%28TV_series%29) has it covered, it seems.  This is yet another ARG or something similar....at least that's what the entry says under the heading, "Heroes 360 Experience."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on January 29, 2007, 10:27:30 AM
Thats what I have been saying from the get go. The show just doesnt give you any meat. Its all development, thats doesnt really develop anything. The only characters that have done much of anything are Hiro and Clair. They need to actually have "stuff happen". The whole "Save the Cheerleader" thing was sooooo anti-climactic. To save the cheerleader Peter just had to be there to run away and fall off a building. Come on. Lets have some thing super happen already.

I still enjoy the show, but when you are looking forward to Lost to "have something happen" you know the show is lagging.

Those are my complaints so far too.  They do not follow the traditional method of having small "shows" within a full season "show" that is within a larger "show" that spans the existence of the program.  Instead, we just see tiny bits of the overall "show" that could go on for years depending on the ratings.

My opinion is that they need to have smaller events happen with some beginnings and endings or people will start to lose interest.  Heck, I've lost it several times and just plain forgot to watch the show.  I have really had to struggle to keep up on this show only because I want more shows like this on Primetime.  I'm just glad they let you watch the past episodes on their website because I really only caught like 2 throughout the seaons on Monday night.

It is strange.  I really like to watch the show.  I find myself interested, but when it comes to fifteen minutes left I find myself looking at the clock and complaining that nothing actually happened AGAIN!  It drives me nuts.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on January 29, 2007, 01:29:56 PM
I see where the disconnect is. You guys who think the show drifts are used to TV shows that have "filler" or self-contained episodes with overall arc stories interspersed. You like shows that have beginning/middle/end narratively-speaking. Heroes is one of those continuity shows that just continues. It's all mostly arc stories, or little pieces of the bigger story arc. I actually like the little pieces of the bigger arc story shows. A lot of shows that use self-contained episodes often make me feel like those episodes, while good, aren't as important. i.e. they are filler. Babylon 5 was like that. Though I enjoyed many of the filler episodes, they weren't as important to me as advancing the overall arc.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 29, 2007, 07:07:50 PM
Great episode.

- The Invisible Man is now my favorite 'hero', along with the Haitian
- The introduction of Claire's mother was perfect
- Hiro is making steps to being 'Badass Hiro with swords and a soulpatch'
- The Syler thing was predictable, unfortunately
- Hiro's father showing up was priceless

So...Who is Claire's father?  Purple shirt, nice watch? 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on January 29, 2007, 07:09:54 PM
So...Who is Claire's father?  Purple shirt, nice watch? 

Linderman. i.e. The Kingpin.

But yeah, good show. A lot happened.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 29, 2007, 09:24:27 PM
So...Who is Claire's father?  Purple shirt, nice watch? 

Linderman. i.e. The Kingpin.

But yeah, good show. A lot happened.

Wouldn't that be just a little too obvious or convenient?

Why do you think that?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on January 29, 2007, 09:48:09 PM
Everything about Linderman is "convenient". He has Hiro's sword. He collects Isaac's paintings. He has dealings with both Niki and Nathan. Seems like that guy has ties with everyone.

Claire's biological father? Hell, why not.

Her father is definitely someone mentioned in the show already. The sneak preview kind of made it out like he was someone at least vaguely familiar to the viewers (either that, or it's a famous actor we're all familiar with...But I doubt that's what they meant).

Whoever her dad is, I do think it's about that time to finally reveal Linderman though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 29, 2007, 09:56:35 PM
I can see your point.

My wife, who isn't as in to the show as I am, said it was (Claire's father) was Nathan.  He is old enough to be her father, and has shown he'll cheat on his wife.  Hell, he may not have been married when he fathered Claire, if it was him. 

Who knows.

I'm hoping it's not Linderman.  Though if it was someone unknown, they would (I believe) have introduced him this ep, rather than leaving it on a cliff hanger.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: bhodi on January 29, 2007, 10:32:25 PM
Did I miss something? Did I miss the last part of the ep? The last segment I saw was claire calling and a woman answering the phone saying she was her mother.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on January 29, 2007, 10:34:27 PM
They have previews for the following week during the end credits.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on January 30, 2007, 04:30:02 AM
New e-mail sent from PrimaTech this morning.

Want to try to get into his files too? Go to primatechpaper.com, find the helix hidden in the logo on the 'About us' page.

Enter the username bennet and password claire. The password to get into my file is HGghx11a. Get 2 know me.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on January 30, 2007, 07:53:19 AM
New e-mail sent from PrimaTech this morning.

Want to try to get into his files too? Go to primatechpaper.com, find the helix hidden in the logo on the 'About us' page.

Enter the username bennet and password claire. The password to get into my file is HGghx11a. Get 2 know me.

Odd, just clicking on teh logo gets you in....but no combo of usernames and passwords from what you posted gets you into the files beyond the first one -- which is rather nifty, and I guess makes sense if you just simply assume that THAT's the file you're to access.

As far as the show goes, I really enjoy it.  I don't see it as being such an issue that it's "slow."  I think it makes sense to develop the various characters and their powers slowly.  Some have more control over their abilities than others and so it seems logical that they'd have to spend time with each character developing their powers and control. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on January 30, 2007, 08:10:02 AM
My wife, who isn't as in to the show as I am, said it was (Claire's father) was Nathan.  He is old enough to be her father, and has shown he'll cheat on his wife.  Hell, he may not have been married when he fathered Claire, if it was him. 

That was exactly what I thought when I saw the watch. He does have a thing for blondes, even though his wife isn't (unless the carpet doesn't match the drapes).

Good episode, and I love Eccleston's Invisible Man character. It coincides so well with me watching the last few episodes of his Doctor Who season just this past weekend.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on January 30, 2007, 08:39:20 AM

You have attempted to access a page
that you are not authorized to view.
Your IP address has been noted.


Future attempts to access may result in legal action.

Click here to return to the Primatech Paper home page.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: bhodi on January 30, 2007, 10:16:45 AM
They have previews for the following week during the end credits.
Oh. Bah. I deliberately don't watch those. Oh well, I guess it's spoilers in here, i can't complain, even if it is for an episode that hasn't aired yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: DevilsAdvocate on January 30, 2007, 11:04:43 AM
Any ideas what that shiny metallic thing was on the back of Sylar's head when he confronts Mr. Bennett?

Pretty great episode. The invisibility was sweet. I like the invisible man character. I liked when he walked away on the street and Peter faded back in.

Claire's mom is a Pyro!

One thing I thought was a little inconsistent was Mohinder refusing to show the list to Mr. Bennett, but handing a PRINTOUT to Nathan Petrelli within a minute of the man walking in the door. A bit reckless of him.

Anyone think that after the kid stole all that money from the ATM's that it's going to setup a big problem for them in the future? Or that his dad might make a token gesture to return the money, but then just keep it? For a supposed criminal, D.L. seems to want to be an upstanding, good guy.

Last week, there was a 7 minute preview in Deal or No Deal that showed Ted and introduced the Wireless character from the graphic novel. Does anyone know if they did that this week too?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on January 30, 2007, 11:44:06 AM
I want to say that the metallic thing is an inhibitor.  Which would be why the good doctor was beaten to death instead of all sliced up.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on January 30, 2007, 11:54:02 AM
One thing I thought was a little inconsistent was Mohinder refusing to show the list to Mr. Bennett, but handing a PRINTOUT to Nathan Petrelli within a minute of the man walking in the door. A bit reckless of him.

Well, Mohinder does know that Nathan is on the list, and has a vested interest in not misusing the list. He has no such illusions about Mr. Bennett, because he's not on the list and has shown himself to be a duplicitious fucker before.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on January 30, 2007, 02:13:59 PM

Odd, just clicking on teh logo gets you in....but no combo of usernames and passwords from what you posted gets you into the files beyond the first one -- which is rather nifty, and I guess makes sense if you just simply assume that THAT's the file you're to access.

As far as the show goes, I really enjoy it.  I don't see it as being such an issue that it's "slow."  I think it makes sense to develop the various characters and their powers slowly.  Some have more control over their abilities than others and so it seems logical that they'd have to spend time with each character developing their powers and control. 

Yea I'm pretty sure the first file is the one you are supposed to look at. I assume it's that person in the file that sent the e-mail since they are saying "get 2 know me". Her file says she can manipulate wireless transmissions and I remember getting a page one time where it said something like someone was trying to hack the web site. Must have been her.

Anyways, I like this added content outside of the show. When Micah was withdrawing money from the ATM, I said I wonder who's account he's taking it from and my wife said, "your's". Now THAT would be some show immersion.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on January 30, 2007, 02:54:08 PM
I want to say that the metallic thing is an inhibitor.  Which would be why the good doctor was beaten to death instead of all sliced up.

I looked at it and though, "Is that a wingnut?"

Two cool points for me in this episode. One, Eccelston is just awesome. Perfect quirky role for him. Two, its always heartwarming to see Takai in a role that doesn't involve grovelling to James T. Kirk.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Edison on January 31, 2007, 03:55:42 PM

Odd, just clicking on teh logo gets you in....but no combo of usernames and passwords from what you posted gets you into the files beyond the first one -- which is rather nifty, and I guess makes sense if you just simply assume that THAT's the file you're to access.

In the Hana Gitelman personal history section some of the numbers/letters are hilighted in blue unless I've missed some GGeh81zU , dosn't seem to work as a password to any of the other files, no clue what if anything it's for.

I'll go back to lurking now.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on January 31, 2007, 04:56:20 PM
That character string you get from Hana's file is the password for C004, Sylar's.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on January 31, 2007, 05:00:48 PM
Well, for some reason, I'm not using the right username to use the passwords. (The only one I've been trying is Bennet)  It also seems that I have to log in from the about us page now, where I didn't before.  Strange.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 31, 2007, 06:22:39 PM
Well, for some reason, I'm not using the right username to use the passwords. (The only one I've been trying is Bennet)  It also seems that I have to log in from the about us page now, where I didn't before.  Strange.

Thats because....

You're on the list!!!!!!!

Anyway, did they or did they not have something hooked up the thing in Sylar's head? 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on February 01, 2007, 10:18:17 AM
Y'know, I was thinking about Heroes earlier today, and decided the show's pissing me off and I'm about done with it.  We'll see where it winds-up in June when the season ends, but right now It's "On Notice." 

A large part of it is it's feeling "Lost-ish"  Lots of buildup, very very little payoff.   The other part is right now we have TWENTY characters to follow, and six tangential characters and they don't look to be slowing down the additions.   If anything I expect those 6 others to windup Heroes as well and get their own damn storylines. WTF, it's like War & Peace for Television.  That's too damn many characters to be following, even with the overlap so many have.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on February 01, 2007, 11:02:38 AM
Y'know, I was thinking about Heroes earlier today, and decided the show's pissing me off and I'm about done with it.  We'll see where it winds-up in June when the season ends, but right now It's "On Notice." 

A large part of it is it's feeling "Lost-ish"  Lots of buildup, very very little payoff.   The other part is right now we have TWENTY characters to follow, and six tangential characters and they don't look to be slowing down the additions.   If anything I expect those 6 others to windup Heroes as well and get their own damn storylines. WTF, it's like War & Peace for Television.  That's too damn many characters to be following, even with the overlap so many have.

I totally agree about all the build-up with no payoff but I don't get the having "too many characters to follow" beef. There's not THAT many characters to follow. Hell, I consider Ando and Hiro pretty much one character since everything they do is together. I feel the same with Nika/Jessica, DL, and Micah, which btw, I HATE and pretty much just ignore.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on February 01, 2007, 03:12:16 PM
My beef is in terms of development and storyline.  Twenty folks is a lot to follow and have them go anywhere.  You can do things like this with traditional comics, because each hero has their own book or long backstory to develop the character.  Right now we're just getting unsatisfying glimpses of things because of the number of people being followed.

  Show a scene wtih Ando & Hiro, then flash to Micha and JD, now a snapshot of Claire, OOH HRG, where's he at.. ok now over to the Cop and hey we're done!  Nevermind we didn't touch on Mohinder, Sylar, the Radiation man, Peter, Nathan, the invisible dude, the new chick from the webcomic and Linderman this week, that's next week! Week after that, maybe we'll roll in the 2 new heroes we came up with in the previous two episodes!

It's getting frustrating.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 01, 2007, 03:17:05 PM
It's true.  It wouldn't suck if they picked just one person/group to follow for an entire episode once in a while, story arc permitting.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 03, 2007, 02:58:53 PM
My take on Heroes after having watched for the first time the 13 episodes that have aired over the past few days:

I'm enjoying the show, although a lot of characters and plot elements seem heavily borrowed from various comics, in particular X-men and Rising Stars.  I like the pacing of the show, and in particular the amount of time they spend building the characters.  Maybe I'm misunderstanding what some people here are saying when they want more payoff, but why would you have payoff in the middle of a story?  You can resolve some plot threads (and they have), but payoff implies the conclusion of a major story arc (the explosion, Sylar) which are obviously being built up for the end of the season.

In response to Stray's comments in particular about there not being enough superheroics in a show about superheroes, that's one of the things I'm really enjoying about this show.  I can watch Spider-man, Batman, X-men, or whatever for traditional superheroics.  I'd rather see a take on superheroes like what they're doing, where not everyone decides to fall into the hero or villain category, and not every power is some flashy, explosion causing ability they can use in a fight, than see standard superheroics, especially when Hollywood is doing its best to churn that kind of stuff out right now.  I think Isaac's ability to draw the future, is a lot more interesting to me than seeing superhero battles, even if it's not as flashy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on February 03, 2007, 04:01:44 PM
I just finished the first 13 episodes as well.

First of all, there's a decent amount of "why the fuck doesn't he/she just" moments, which is kind of pissing me off. There's also some things that's a bit of a stretch. For example, how can Mohinder miss the symbol in the code after studying it for so long? It's totally just made up of - . Also, Sylar being at the total brink of death beats up the doctor without his super powers? I hope that gets at least a little attention in the next episode. I also hope that they explain Hiros loss of power more closely beside just attributing it to the loss of the mind girl.

Overall I agree with the fact that there's to little shit actually happening, I watched all 13 episodes over a period of 2 days and probably would have lost intrest if I had to wait between each episode.

Also, highly unlikely if the show is gaining more popularity, but I hope they will only let it run for a set amount of seasons with a grand ending. I can't stomach the classic super hero comics because I can't get excited when I know that main characters can't freaking die.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 03, 2007, 04:24:52 PM
Re: Hiro, I think it's mostly psychological.  He was powerless to save Charlie, so now he feels "powerless" all the time.

Re: Sylar, he's a complete wildcard because we don't know the extent of the powers he's absorbed from his various victims.  Nothing he does surprises me.  I agree, it's annoying and I hope they explain further at some point.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 03, 2007, 05:10:07 PM
I think Hiro's power loss is either psychological, or it stems from him getting too far off track from his "mission".  We saw him teleport against his will when he was trying to save Charlie, which suggests that there's some sort of an "outside influence" for lack of a better way of putting it, that is involved with his powers.  Whether that's destiny or just the time stream's defenese against getting too fucked up remains to be seen.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 03, 2007, 07:05:16 PM
which suggests that there's some sort of an "outside influence" for lack of a better way of putting it, that is involved with his powers.

Lets chalk that one up to Linderman too.  :-)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 03, 2007, 07:32:55 PM
which suggests that there's some sort of an "outside influence" for lack of a better way of putting it, that is involved with his powers.

Lets chalk that one up to Linderman too.  :-)

Maybe he's rich enough to buy the time stream.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 03, 2007, 09:46:57 PM
Something's up with him. Wait and see! ;)

That he collects the paintings and has Hiro's sword, before even any of the main cast knows that they need those things, is pretty strange.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 03, 2007, 09:50:55 PM
Maybe he's Hiro from reaaaaaaaally far into future  :-P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 03, 2007, 10:01:57 PM
Like in that episode of Red Dwarf where they're visited by their corrupt future selves?  That'd be an entertaining twist.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on February 05, 2007, 06:31:33 PM
For some stupid reason, my damn DVR didn't record Heroes as planned, so I missed the first 22 minutes of this week's episode.  A quick check on SciFi for Friday's schedule doesn't show a re-run of this week's episode.  Does anyone know if you can see the episodes on the NBC website or YouTube or something like that?  I don't want to download it from a torrent, I just want to legally watch the part of the episode that I missed. 

I basically came in on a convo between Hiro and his sister.  Is it worth me tracking down the first 20 mins or were they kind of meh?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 05, 2007, 07:22:12 PM
You can catch the episodes here (http://www.nbc.com/Video/rewind/full_episodes/heroes.shtml).  I think you can catch all the episodes there.

What a freaking awesome episode, easily IMHO, the best yet.

Christopher Eccleston / Invisible Man is rapidly becoming my favorite 'hero' of the show, right along with the Hatian.  Tossing Peter off the building was pure genius, not to mention punching his lights out when Peter starting losing it.  Simplest solution is usually the best one. 

Good to see Hiro taking more steps towards his 'destiny', and confronting his father was probably a huge one.

I'm wondering why Linderman got the charges dropped against Niki....

Extremely happy that they picked up the pace of the show in this episode, as it was sorely needed.  I think, however, if there wasn't that 8 week or so lapse between season 1 and season 1.5, noone would really complain or think about it much. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: ClydeJr on February 06, 2007, 06:46:42 AM
Check out the license plate of Hiro's dad's car...


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on February 06, 2007, 07:02:49 AM
Though if you *really* wanted to be nerdy it should've been NCC-2000.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 06, 2007, 07:08:55 AM
That was a great episode.  I'm glad we're finally seeing Peter get a handle of his powers, and Mr. Invisible is turning into a much more interesting character than I expected.  And he seems to have a past with HRG, which should be fun. 

I also hope we haven't seen the last of Hiro's dad. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 06, 2007, 08:32:57 AM
Also, Sylar being at the total brink of death beats up the doctor without his super powers?

Sylar's original power is the ability to look at something and know how to fix it. Once he learned how to "fix" himself so that he absorbed other powers, he gained a great deal of control over his own body. I'm sure he was faking it, slipping into a coma while repairing any of the damage Mr. Bennett's doctors did on him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Miguel on February 06, 2007, 10:54:43 AM
It seems like they have established that powers can be/are hereditary, so it seems that perhaps Hiro's sister and father have powers which will be revealed later in the show.  Perhaps even Peter's mother has one as well, like being able to conjure up a glass of scotch at will? ;)

I thought it was a solid episode as well.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on February 06, 2007, 05:40:16 PM
Sylar's original power is the ability to look at something and know how to fix it. Once he learned how to "fix" himself so that he absorbed other powers, he gained a great deal of control over his own body. I'm sure he was faking it, slipping into a coma while repairing any of the damage Mr. Bennett's doctors did on him.

I think that's a bit of a stretch, but hopefully it will be reflected on what went wrong later on. Also, it turns out Sylar isn't such a bad guy after all, he had a free shot at killing Mr B but didn't.

Also, the ending, I hate it. It's turning into Lost. Everybody will turn out to be related to everybody in some mysterious fucked up way. It feels cheap.

I might sound pessimistic, but even though I think a lot of actions and other things doesn't make sense, it's very watchable.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on February 06, 2007, 05:47:58 PM

Also, the ending, I hate it. It's turning into Lost. Everybody will turn out to be related to everybody in some mysterious fucked up way. It feels cheap.

Well, that at least follows the comic book hero trends, right?  Look at Marvel.  There's a huge multiverse and everyone has been in a book with everyone else at least once.  Maybe I'm wrong on that stat, but it feels that way to me.  Heck, I'm willing to forgive that shit simply because it makes a tiny bit of sense that a bunch of similar people, of whom there aren't too many, would somehow be related by virtue of their differentness.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 06, 2007, 08:00:50 PM

You guys called it. I really didn't expect Nathan to be her father. Thought that would be so too lame.

Oh well, not a bad episode anyways though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 07, 2007, 12:46:17 AM
I was almost certain that her father was going to be the Invisible Man.  That would have been amusing.  Oh well.

For a second I had the wild idea that maybe Peter's power-recall thing would only work with members of his family (since we now know that Claire is his niece), and that that'd be an interesting limitation on it, but then I realized that he's not terribly likely to be related to Isaac, Matt, and Radioactive Man, all of whose powers he started to manifest before being clocked.  So scratch that too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Wolf on February 07, 2007, 02:37:20 AM
I think that peter is going to die at the end of the season. If he learns to control his power, he'll turn into too much of a pwnmachine. I don't know what they can think of for season two that can oppose Peter doing the regenration/timetravel/superpower/fire/telekinesis/flying stuff. Unless they bring in kryptonite :P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on February 07, 2007, 04:19:31 AM
I think that peter is going to die at the end of the season. If he learns to control his power, he'll turn into too much of a pwnmachine. I don't know what they can think of for season two that can oppose Peter doing the regenration/timetravel/superpower/fire/telekinesis/flying stuff. Unless they bring in kryptonite :P

I don't think Peter will die, because future Hiro with the sword came back and told him he looked "different without the scar". So at least in the future that Hiro came from, Peter seemed to be an important, continued part of it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on February 07, 2007, 08:34:17 AM
Two new e-mails came on Tuesday morning.

Get to know Ted, too: Go to http://www.primatechpaper.com and find the helix. Same place as before. Username: bennet / password: claire. Ted's code: TSntz14b. Remember: Username is always bennet.

Don't fall behind. Join the cause. Go to: http://www.samantha48616e61.com now.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 07, 2007, 09:43:17 AM
I think that peter is going to die at the end of the season. If he learns to control his power, he'll turn into too much of a pwnmachine. I don't know what they can think of for season two that can oppose Peter doing the regenration/timetravel/superpower/fire/telekinesis/flying stuff. Unless they bring in kryptonite :P

I don't think they'll ever give him full control over his powers, and the fear of going nuclear will keep him from being too powerful.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on February 07, 2007, 10:03:32 AM
I think that peter is going to die at the end of the season. If he learns to control his power, he'll turn into too much of a pwnmachine. I don't know what they can think of for season two that can oppose Peter doing the regenration/timetravel/superpower/fire/telekinesis/flying stuff. Unless they bring in kryptonite :P

I don't think Peter will die, because future Hiro with the sword came back and told him he looked "different without the scar". So at least in the future that Hiro came from, Peter seemed to be an important, continued part of it.

I agree with Tale, also, in case no one noticed Peter is basically turning into the "good" version of Syler, he can absorb people powers, but he does it by caring about them instead of chopping them um. I think he core power is some kind of empathy. Even though they called Isack "the empath".

And again, I have been saying from the begining that the show could turn out to "Lostie" where not much really happens, and when it does, its kind of a let down. Its also hard for it to follow the day after Rome, where so much crap happens its had to keep track of it all.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on February 07, 2007, 10:11:53 AM
Even though they called Isack "the empath".

I thought they referred to him as the "precog".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on February 07, 2007, 10:17:42 AM
Oh yeah, thats right. My bad.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 07, 2007, 10:35:09 AM
It's Peter that gets referred to as an empath by Claude.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 07, 2007, 01:33:14 PM
Sylar's original power is the ability to look at something and know how to fix it. Once he learned how to "fix" himself so that he absorbed other powers, he gained a great deal of control over his own body. I'm sure he was faking it, slipping into a coma while repairing any of the damage Mr. Bennett's doctors did on him.

I think that's a bit of a stretch, but hopefully it will be reflected on what went wrong later on.

Not really. Look at the time when Sylar first absorbed a power. He looked into the guy and "saw what was wrong with him." He then fixed himself to match that guy's powers. At least that's how I'm interpreting his powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on February 07, 2007, 01:45:28 PM
They have the same power but psychologically they approach it differently.
Peter needs to learn what Sylar already knows you can only use one power at a time.  Peter got in trouble when he used regen and invis at the same time.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on February 07, 2007, 01:49:57 PM
Sylar's original power is the ability to look at something and know how to fix it. Once he learned how to "fix" himself so that he absorbed other powers, he gained a great deal of control over his own body. I'm sure he was faking it, slipping into a coma while repairing any of the damage Mr. Bennett's doctors did on him.

I think that's a bit of a stretch, but hopefully it will be reflected on what went wrong later on.

Not really. Look at the time when Sylar first absorbed a power. He looked into the guy and "saw what was wrong with him." He then fixed himself to match that guy's powers. At least that's how I'm interpreting his powers.

Yea I don't argue that. That it automatically means that he has great control over his body to the point where he can put himself in a self induced coma, and recover at will from it, that's what I feel is a bit of a stretch. And then of course the whole beating up the doctor afterwards without his super powers. Since they didn't explain it in any way we can only speculate though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Miguel on February 07, 2007, 01:55:59 PM
Actually I had a slightly different take on Sylars ability.

Last season Sylar explained to Mohinder's father that he knew how to fix watches, apparently from training from his father.  However there seemed to be an implicit assumption that he had killed his own father in order to gain that knowledge.  It seemed to me that when he learned of the existence of others with powers, he surmised that if he did the same thing to these kinds of people the same thing would happen.

In other words, Sylar's ability is to figure out powers based on people's brains, which in effect makes him the same as Peter, except Peter can do the same just by being in proximity to people.  Which of course implies that he now has all of the powers of Sylar since he was in close proximity to him at the end of last season (which seemed to me to be the explanation of why Peter freaked out after the confrontation).  Remember, we really don't know how many people Sylar has killed and how many powers he really has.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 07, 2007, 07:39:13 PM
And again, I have been saying from the begining that the show could turn out to "Lostie" where not much really happens, and when it does, its kind of a let down. Its also hard for it to follow the day after Rome, where so much crap happens its had to keep track of it all.

I always thought the problem people had with Lost was the fact that the overall mystery that the show is built around will never be able to have a satisfying payoff at the end of the series due to the writers never having actually planned out the story in advance.  From what I can tell from interviews with the writers of Heroes (a couple of them do a weekly Q&A article over at comicbookresources (http://comicbookresources.com/news/newsitem.cgi?id=9570)), they've known the mythology/backstory of their setting and characters, and they've had the first season's story arc mostly planned since before the show started.  They also seem to know some details for what they'll get into next season (the Haitian's backstory among other things seems to be planned for season 2).  That's not to say some of their plans haven't changed.  There was apparently some sort of issue that forced the writers to abandon the plot point of Claire's friend Zach being gay, despite it being heavily implied in the show and on the character's myspace page.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 08, 2007, 11:57:21 AM
I wondered about the Zach thing, since they pretty much came out and said he was gay and ok with it, but that never went anywhere.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 08, 2007, 12:07:57 PM
I wondered about the Zach thing, since they pretty much came out and said he was gay and ok with it, but that never went anywhere.

Does it really need to go anywhere?  He's a 'minor' character in the grand scheme of things anyway.


So what if he's gay.   It's like the two coaches in the Super Bowl: when people stop making a big deal about little, inconsequential things, the world will truly be a better place.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 08, 2007, 12:30:20 PM
I wondered about the Zach thing, since they pretty much came out and said he was gay and ok with it, but that never went anywhere.

Does it really need to go anywhere?  He's a 'minor' character in the grand scheme of things anyway.


So what if he's gay.   It's like the two coaches in the Super Bowl: when people stop making a big deal about little, inconsequential things, the world will truly be a better place.

/further derail ;)

The superbowl thing was overblown perhaps, but it's not inconsequential. Just 40 years ago, black men could suffer all kinds of indignities, for no reason at all, while Vince Lombardi was being equated with the likes of Generals Marshall and Patton. Now, a black man can be a Lombardi. And if a black man can be a Lombardi, he can be a president, or a CEO, or whatever he wants. The world is a better place because that can happen now -- it's not a better place if we just take it for granted and forget it.


Or in other words, NFL football coaches are a kind of a microcosm of American success and leadership.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on February 08, 2007, 12:50:54 PM
The reason Zach being gay is no longer mentioned, is that his memory of "coming out" to Clare was wiped along with all his other memories of that time. And she has been polite enough not to say "oh, and I found out you were gay" when filling in the gaps. We know he's gay, she knows he's gay, he doesn't need to know we know, so it just functions as a clever plot device to prevent us wondering "those two are getting close, why don't they ... ?".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 08, 2007, 12:51:21 PM
I don't see Zach as a minor character, just one without powers. He is to Claire what Simone is to Peter and Isaac. Plus, I really dug the chemistry between the two. I actually like that they just sort of implied/said he was gay then went nowwhere with it. It was so subtle, since I was expecting there to be more of a club to the head obviousness to the whole being gay thing, like we normally see on TV.

EDIT: I thought it was pretty clear that Zach being gay was known school wide, since he got called gay by the now-dead cheerleader. The memory wipe shouldn't have anything to do with it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on February 08, 2007, 01:00:51 PM
EDIT: I thought it was pretty clear that Zach being gay was known school wide, since he got called gay by the now-dead cheerleader. The memory wipe shouldn't have anything to do with it.

It may be known school wide, but it didn't seem to be known to Clare until the now-dead cheerleader made it plain. That was when she began to understand him better and their close (pre-wipe) friendship began.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 08, 2007, 06:54:46 PM
I wondered about the Zach thing, since they pretty much came out and said he was gay and ok with it, but that never went anywhere.

Does it really need to go anywhere?  He's a 'minor' character in the grand scheme of things anyway.


So what if he's gay.   It's like the two coaches in the Super Bowl: when people stop making a big deal about little, inconsequential things, the world will truly be a better place.

It's not a big deal whether or not the character is gay or if the plot needed to go anywhere.  It is interesting though when the writers establish a character as being gay and then have to scrap the idea for some ambiguous reason later.  Not that it matters much in the long run as the actor playing Zach is supposed to be leaving the show to star in a Terminator TV series, "The Sarah Connor Chronicles".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 08, 2007, 07:46:53 PM
I wondered about the Zach thing, since they pretty much came out and said he was gay and ok with it, but that never went anywhere.

Does it really need to go anywhere?  He's a 'minor' character in the grand scheme of things anyway.


So what if he's gay.   It's like the two coaches in the Super Bowl: when people stop making a big deal about little, inconsequential things, the world will truly be a better place.

It's not a big deal whether or not the character is gay or if the plot needed to go anywhere.  It is interesting though when the writers establish a character as being gay and then have to scrap the idea for some ambiguous reason later.  Not that it matters much in the long run as the actor playing Zach is supposed to be leaving the show to star in a Terminator TV series, "The Sarah Connor Chronicles".

Why does the gayness have to go anywhere?  Who really cares if he is gay?  Why does being gay warrant any sort of storyline?

I think it's pretty obvious the writers (and rightfully so) feel the same, i.e. - Zach being gay is introduced as just a character trait, something for viewers to identify or associate with, something to make him more memorable, whatever.  His sexual preference isn't (and absolutely shouldn't be) a focal point in Heroes; it's not a Lifetime Television for Women drama "ZOMG MY SON IS GAY" movie. 

I could care as much about Zach being gay as much as I care that my dog's vet is gay; which is to say not much.

Again:  Race and sexual preference are inconsequential things, and the truly amazing thing would be for people not to feel the need to talk about.  It's a utopian want, I'll admit, because certain people will never be able to get past the race / sexual thing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 08, 2007, 09:14:21 PM
It's not a big deal whether or not the character is gay or if the plot needed to go anywhere.  It is interesting though when the writers establish a character as being gay and then have to scrap the idea for some ambiguous reason later.  Not that it matters much in the long run as the actor playing Zach is supposed to be leaving the show to star in a Terminator TV series, "The Sarah Connor Chronicles".

Why does the gayness have to go anywhere?  Who really cares if he is gay?  Why does being gay warrant any sort of storyline?

I think it's pretty obvious the writers (and rightfully so) feel the same, i.e. - Zach being gay is introduced as just a character trait, something for viewers to identify or associate with, something to make him more memorable, whatever.  His sexual preference isn't (and absolutely shouldn't be) a focal point in Heroes; it's not a Lifetime Television for Women drama "ZOMG MY SON IS GAY" movie. 

I could care as much about Zach being gay as much as I care that my dog's vet is gay; which is to say not much.

Again:  Race and sexual preference are inconsequential things, and the truly amazing thing would be for people not to feel the need to talk about.  It's a utopian want, I'll admit, because certain people will never be able to get past the race / sexual thing.

Sweet Fuckin Jesus man, did you even read the part where I said that it DOESN'T matter whether the plot went anywhere or not?  It's not about making the character's gayness the focal point of the show.  His gayness didn't really become a focal point to anybody until the writers of the show said something along the lines of "hey, we made him gay at first but now due to behind the scenes reasons he's not any more".

I don't care about the character's sexuality one way or the other, but at some point, someone behind the scenes did enough to have it changed mid-season, and NBC made sure to have their publicists let people know that the character is not gay.  Fuck, you're saying the same shit over and over again, and not even reading what I'm actually writing.  The only interest I really had in the character being gay is the fact that I was relieved that they wouldn't go the obvious route and pair him up with Claire eventually.  It was important enough to someone else though to not just have it quietly dropped, but to have people go on record saying that the character isn't gay.  That's the part I find odd.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 09, 2007, 12:05:25 AM
Psst... use more Ks.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 09, 2007, 12:18:09 AM
Psst... use more Ks.

I'll be honest... I have no idea what that means.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 09, 2007, 06:44:53 AM
It's not a big deal whether or not the character is gay or if the plot needed to go anywhere.  It is interesting though when the writers establish a character as being gay and then have to scrap the idea for some ambiguous reason later.  Not that it matters much in the long run as the actor playing Zach is supposed to be leaving the show to star in a Terminator TV series, "The Sarah Connor Chronicles".

Why does the gayness have to go anywhere?  Who really cares if he is gay?  Why does being gay warrant any sort of storyline?

I think it's pretty obvious the writers (and rightfully so) feel the same, i.e. - Zach being gay is introduced as just a character trait, something for viewers to identify or associate with, something to make him more memorable, whatever.  His sexual preference isn't (and absolutely shouldn't be) a focal point in Heroes; it's not a Lifetime Television for Women drama "ZOMG MY SON IS GAY" movie. 

I could care as much about Zach being gay as much as I care that my dog's vet is gay; which is to say not much.

Again:  Race and sexual preference are inconsequential things, and the truly amazing thing would be for people not to feel the need to talk about.  It's a utopian want, I'll admit, because certain people will never be able to get past the race / sexual thing.

Sweet Fuckin Jesus man, did you even read the part where I said that it DOESN'T matter whether the plot went anywhere or not?  It's not about making the character's gayness the focal point of the show.  His gayness didn't really become a focal point to anybody until the writers of the show said something along the lines of "hey, we made him gay at first but now due to behind the scenes reasons he's not any more".

I don't care about the character's sexuality one way or the other, but at some point, someone behind the scenes did enough to have it changed mid-season, and NBC made sure to have their publicists let people know that the character is not gay.  Fuck, you're saying the same shit over and over again, and not even reading what I'm actually writing.  The only interest I really had in the character being gay is the fact that I was relieved that they wouldn't go the obvious route and pair him up with Claire eventually.  It was important enough to someone else though to not just have it quietly dropped, but to have people go on record saying that the character isn't gay.  That's the part I find odd.

Where is a link to the publicists saying the char isnt gay?  Did you actually read it, or is this some sort of pseudourban legend?

Besides, you're just NOW bringing this up?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 09, 2007, 08:49:43 AM
Where is a link to the publicists saying the char isnt gay?  Did you actually read it, or is this some sort of pseudourban legend?

Besides, you're just NOW bringing this up?

Here's a link (http://www.afterelton.com/TV/2006/12/heroes.html) for you.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 09, 2007, 08:56:37 AM
The really shitty part is that he'll be leaving the show, and the even shittier part is that someone thought a "Sarah Conner Chronicles" was worth doing after the shitty shit shit shit Terminator 3 movie.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 09, 2007, 05:37:25 PM
Psst... use more Ks.

I'll be honest... I have no idea what that means.

Count yourself lucky.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 14, 2007, 08:52:03 AM
The latest episode was probably my least favorite of the series. It was the first time I felt some bits were added to waste time, specifically the Hope/Ando thing. There were some good bits in it, like the Sulu reference, and the Parkman/Nikki fight, and Nathan's dilemna. But it felt a bit filler-y. Next week looks good.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 14, 2007, 03:44:28 PM
Yeah, I'd agree with that (filler-y)...Very much a 'prep' episode for things to come.  The Hope/Ando thing is going to lead somewhere, I imagine; where I have no idea.  Is Parkman turning into a 'bad guy'?  Very much seems so since he pocketed the diamonds, and everytime he turns around he's getting slammed by the police.  I'm also wondering whose baby his wife is carrying.  Is it Parkmans, or the detective she was banging.  If it's not Parkmans, that could be one more thing to push him towards being a bad guy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on February 14, 2007, 03:55:48 PM
New e-mail from Primatech:

Last file 4 a while. Go 2 primatechpaper.com, find helix. Same place as b4. Usrnme: bennet pwrd: claire. Matt's code: MPggtn75x Rembr: Usrnme always bennet

I've assumed the baby's in Matt's. I doubt his wife is taking any chance on lying to him since he can just read her mind when she thinks about it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 14, 2007, 04:16:53 PM
Any idea how much time has passed since the last time his wife cheated on him?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on February 14, 2007, 04:20:16 PM
She was probably still doing it when he found out in the locker room. The other guy said he was banging his wife like it was in the present tense.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 14, 2007, 04:34:29 PM
Matt's a character they don't go into enough. Didn't mind that episode too much for that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 14, 2007, 05:28:39 PM
She was probably still doing it when he found out in the locker room. The other guy said he was banging his wife like it was in the present tense.

Yeah, but any point of reference as to how long ago that was in comparison to when she said she was pregnant?

Quote from: Stray
Matt's a character they don't go into enough. Didn't mind that episode too much for that

Agreed.  I think he's a temptous slope right now as to whether he's going to continue the good fight (despite being slammed by his coworkers) or say 'Fuck you', and start using his power for entirely personal gain.  He's an interesting character that I wish they would have developed more.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MuffinMan on February 14, 2007, 07:22:50 PM
Yeah, but any point of reference as to how long ago that was in comparison to when she said she was pregnant?

Well, he found out she was cheating in the 8th episode and learned she was pregnant in the 13th. It doesn't seem like there's two much of a passing of time that we don't see between episodes except maybe when they did the flashback episode. My best guess would be 2-3 weeks, not really sure.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 14, 2007, 09:35:52 PM
OK.  Based on that...

Prediction:  Parkman finds out the baby isn't his.  Gets pissed.  "We're Not Gonna Take It" by Twisted Sister starts playing in the background (not really).  Keeps the diamonds.  Gives in to the dark side.  Becomes a bad guy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: bhodi on February 15, 2007, 08:28:55 AM
I sort of agree, it really seems like they're setting it up with 'how much can this guy take' and still do the right thing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 15, 2007, 09:29:36 AM
The first episode of Heroes was 1 month from the time of the bomb. The bomb is 2 weeks away. I think the time has been stretched a bit but that should be about right.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 19, 2007, 07:02:41 PM
See, now that was a great episode. When I made earlier gripes about shit not happening, I meant the lack of that.


I have to say though...

Sylar sucks. Not a cool villain imo. Can someone refresh my memory on why he's such a mean asshole? Wasn't he a fairly normal/nice guy before? Why does he drool and grimace when he kills people? You'd think if all he was concerned about was power, then he'd be more gentleman like / nonchalant when he takes people out.

It's just totally wrong for a longterm villain, especially of the "comic book" variety.

In my opinion, the first rule for these type of characters is: Make them sympathetic somehow. Even to the point where you want to cheer for them. There are as many fans of the Joker, Lex Luthor, or Magneto as there are Batman, Superman, and Professor X.

Sylar has none of that. He's just a shithead. No reason to sympathize with him, and no charisma whatsoever.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on February 19, 2007, 08:14:27 PM
See, now that was a great episode. When I made earlier gripes about shit not happening, I meant the lack of that.


I have to say though...

Sylar sucks. Not a cool villain imo. Can someone refresh my memory on why he's such a mean asshole? Wasn't he a fairly normal/nice guy before? Why does he drool and grimace when he kills people? You'd think if all he was concerned about was power, then he'd be more gentleman like / nonchalant when he takes people out.

It's just totally wrong for a longterm villain, especially of the "comic book" variety.

In my opinion, the first rule for these type of characters is: Make them sympathetic somehow. Even to the point where you want to cheer for them. There are as many fans of the Joker, Lex Luthor, or Magneto as there are Batman, Superman, and Professor X.

Sylar has none of that. He's just a shithead. No reason to sympathize with him, and no charisma whatsoever.

Well, I think the reason we're supposed to sort of sympathize with him is that Mohinder's dad pretty much told him to FOAD because he couldn't demonstrate a power.  The guy had spent his whole life wanting to be important or unique or special.  So he figured out how to be that. 

I don't think he's going to be very long term.  I think we have yet to see the true bad guy (unless it's Claire's dad).  Did you see how he was having issues dealing with his new super hearing?  My guess is that as he absorbs more powers, he'll have a harder time controlling them and then croak. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 19, 2007, 08:18:06 PM
See, now that was a great episode. When I made earlier gripes about shit not happening, I meant the lack of that.


I have to say though...

Sylar sucks. Not a cool villain imo. Can someone refresh my memory on why he's such a mean asshole? Wasn't he a fairly normal/nice guy before? Why does he drool and grimace when he kills people? You'd think if all he was concerned about was power, then he'd be more gentleman like / nonchalant when he takes people out.

It's just totally wrong for a longterm villain, especially of the "comic book" variety.

In my opinion, the first rule for these type of characters is: Make them sympathetic somehow. Even to the point where you want to cheer for them. There are as many fans of the Joker, Lex Luthor, or Magneto as there are Batman, Superman, and Professor X.

Sylar has none of that. He's just a shithead. No reason to sympathize with him, and no charisma whatsoever.

Well, I think the reason we're supposed to sort of sympathize with him is that Mohinder's dad pretty much told him to FOAD because he couldn't demonstrate a power.  The guy had spent his whole life wanting to be important or unique or special.  So he figured out how to be that. 

I don't think he's going to be very long term.  I think we have yet to see the true bad guy (unless it's Claire's dad).  Did you see how he was having issues dealing with his new super hearing?  My guess is that as he absorbs more powers, he'll have a harder time controlling them and then croak. 

I hope he's not longterm, but I'm afraid he will be. Peter is becoming WAY too freaking powerful to not have a nemesis to counteract him. Soon enough, both of them will virtually be able to do anything, and need to have a face off like Neo vs Agent Smith.

And it seems unlikely such a faceoff will happen anytime soon. Would be pretty anticlimatic if you carried on the show after something like that.

Also, if that's why I'm supposed to be sympathetic to him, then they haven't played that angle enough for him imo.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 19, 2007, 11:41:43 PM
I have to say though...

Sylar sucks. Not a cool villain imo. Can someone refresh my memory on why he's such a mean asshole? Wasn't he a fairly normal/nice guy before? Why does he drool and grimace when he kills people? You'd think if all he was concerned about was power, then he'd be more gentleman like / nonchalant when he takes people out.

It's just totally wrong for a longterm villain, especially of the "comic book" variety.

In my opinion, the first rule for these type of characters is: Make them sympathetic somehow. Even to the point where you want to cheer for them. There are as many fans of the Joker, Lex Luthor, or Magneto as there are Batman, Superman, and Professor X.

Sylar has none of that. He's just a shithead. No reason to sympathize with him, and no charisma whatsoever.

I just don't want to them to drag out the "Mohinder and Sylar travel to meet a new superhuman and Sylar kills him/her" thing.  Mohinder should be smart enough to catch on sooner rather than later.

Mr. Bennet seems to be more of the sympathetic villain and possibly the Haitian too depending on what his goals and motivations actually are.  After this episode Isaac might fit into that category too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 20, 2007, 07:27:37 AM
I gotta agree with Stray here. 

Sylar sucks.  He's boring.  Further, the best villains are extremely likeable in some way.  Not so much that you're sympathetic to why they are a bad guy, but they generally have something that either you identify with, or they have SOME sort of redeeming quality.

Is Sylar's previous 'every man' persona supposed to be what we as an audience identify with?  The 'we all want to be special and a rock star but we're stuck in our boring mundane lives doing boring mundane things' thing?  He's creepy, but not in a cool creepy kinda way.

I understand that he gets his power from the brains of the person he kills, but HOW does he get them?  Does he pull a Hannibal and eat them, or what?

Quote from: CmdrSlack
Well, I think the reason we're supposed to sort of sympathize with him is that Mohinder's dad pretty much told him to FOAD because he couldn't demonstrate a power.

Are you sure about that?  I remember it differently:  Suresh was scared of him, IIRC, due to the way Sylar began to act (psychotic), and asked/told him to leave.  Could be wrong thou.

To Velorath:  Yeah, the whole 'Thelma and Louise' thing that Sylar and Mohinder have going will bore out rather quickly. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on February 20, 2007, 07:33:49 AM
Peter is a villian worth liking though.

My bet is he gets batty next episode then his brother or someone knocks some sense into him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on February 20, 2007, 08:40:13 AM
Are you sure about that?  I remember it differently:  Suresh was scared of him, IIRC, due to the way Sylar began to act (psychotic), and asked/told him to leave.  Could be wrong thou.

You could be right.  It has been a while.  I really think he's not that likeable of a bad guy too, but I was trying to find something redeemable about the guy.  Heck, it could just be his general level of crazy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 20, 2007, 08:54:08 AM
Dr. Suresh was testing Sylar, and they couldn't discover his power or anything special about him, so Dr. Suresh basically said, "Oh well, we're done.  I've got lots of work to do finding the real special people." and send Sylar on his way.  Sylar then stole the name and number of someone else Dr. Suresh had on the first list, and contacted him.  That guy showed up, showed he could move a teacup, and then asked Sylar if he could fix it and make the power go away.  Seeing someone with a tangible power who wanted to give it up made Sylar snap, so he cracked his skull open and did his thing.  Then he went back and showed Suresh his 'discovered' power.  Somewhere between there and the beginning of the series' events, Sylar further degraded and started debraining people left and right. 

Sylar is basically the drive to be special taken to a crazy extreme.  Though he screamed psychotic from the get go, let alone after he started gnoshing on brains. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 20, 2007, 09:09:40 AM
See, now that was a great episode. When I made earlier gripes about shit not happening, I meant the lack of that.


I have to say though...

Sylar sucks. Not a cool villain imo. Can someone refresh my memory on why he's such a mean asshole? Wasn't he a fairly normal/nice guy before? Why does he drool and grimace when he kills people? You'd think if all he was concerned about was power, then he'd be more gentleman like / nonchalant when he takes people out.

It's just totally wrong for a longterm villain, especially of the "comic book" variety.

I don't think Sylar is meant to be a longterm villain. He's a boogeyman that will bind some of the Heroes together, but he's not going to be the main bad guy. The guy's behind Bennett, that's who you have to look at, guys like Linderman. Those are the real bad guys and Sylar is just a fly in their ointment. He'll be like the Invisible Man, someone they'll try to remove.

I agree though, that was one of the best episodes they've done, especially when Peter takes off. I'm really digging his character a lot more now that he's getting some balls.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 20, 2007, 11:52:53 AM
Having now finished the episode...wow.  That was great. 

It seems Peter doesn't even have to know he's been exposed to the power to be able to call on it later, so I wonder what other powers Sylar might have had in Odessa that he may be able to show off later. 

That might also explain the strange prophetic dreams thing Peter's been able to do since the get go.  My guess is that's something that may have come from his Dad. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on February 20, 2007, 01:31:49 PM
A couple comments on the latest episode: At first I thought it was silly that Silar would kill Superhearing Lady right away like that, considering the fact they if he keeps that up as a pattern, Mohinder will catch on quickly enough.

Then I looked at Sylar, at the way he intentionally prompted Mohinder to talk about his father's murder,  at some of the other things he's done - it fits. I think he'd see it as a game to see how long he can string along Mohinder as his friend, and how big of a fool he can make out of him. Ultimately, the longer he gets away with it, the bigger the fool Mohinder looks, and the more glee Sylar will get out Mohinder's anguish.

So, did we see another way of Hiro's power to manifest? Up to now, it's seemed that Hiro would could slow time's effect on himself. Based on the last episode though, he would have had to slow and then reverse time in just a localized area around Hope. Otherwise, when the normal time flow resumed, she would have just fired the gun again before she was tackled. So obviously the time reversal only affected her, allowing the guy time to run over and tackle her.

Either that, or they just fucked up.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on February 20, 2007, 01:52:29 PM
I understood it that he reversed time on the bullet, but the energy backfired into the gun.

It was late for me though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on February 20, 2007, 02:29:45 PM
I really enjoyed last nights episode. "shit happened" as I have been complaining of not happening. And for once, it felt like a "full" episode. I hope they show is finally starting to get some major legs, and not have that be a one time built up to episode. I have always liked Peter, and like some one else said, its nice to see him getting some balls. I do think Simones death is going to make him go a bit crazy, but then again, maybe not.

I used to really like Hiro and Ando, but their story line REALLY seems to be dragging out, like the same kind of shit in every episode. We need development in that story, not that same rehashed bit every time. Hopefully with Ando leaving, thats signaling the end of that repeating plot. Move forward please.

As to Mohinder and Sylar. Mohinder is supposed to be really smart, but so far he hasnt made very many (any?) smart moves. I like the theory behind the "boogyman" that is Sylar, but its really starting to get a bit old.

I really like Bennet. He isnt good or bad, he just is, and those guys make some of the best characters. I like that he is showing his human side a bit more, as I want the Clair and her Dad plot line to move forward as well.

All in all, I think that was my favorite episode of the entire show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on February 20, 2007, 04:57:33 PM
I think Ando will stalk Hiro or something and end up saving Hiro in one way or another, and then they will join together again. I'm pretty certain this isn't the last we've seen of Ando at least, perhaps he even has some hidden power.

Peter might go crazy, or he will feel just as guilty as the painter dude. Or he will kill the painter and start another story arc with peters guilt.

I think the Mohinder arc will take a turn pretty soon. Would be cool if he somehow figure out Sylars identity and turn it into some kind of mind game where Mohinder tries to hide the fact that he knows out of fear for his life, it could be pretty cool. Mohinder doesn't have the mind reading power yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 20, 2007, 06:45:06 PM
I really enjoyed last nights episode. "shit happened" as I have been complaining of not happening. And for once, it felt like a "full" episode. I hope they show is finally starting to get some major legs, and not have that be a one time built up to episode.

Next episode looks like it will have even more happen than this one did, as we're supposed to get more background on Mr. Bennet and Primatech, flashbacks of him meeting the Haitian for the first time and of his run-in with Claude.  This is also going to be the last new episode I think, until the final five are shown at the end of the season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 20, 2007, 08:09:56 PM
Here's a thought about the Hiro / Ando thing....

Badass Hiro With Swords on the train with Peter (Nathan? I always get their names mixed up) was much more serious.  We've seen flashes of Hiro becoming Badass Hiro With Swords, but he never really takes that last step.

Suppose Ando bites it very soon?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on February 21, 2007, 04:36:25 AM
Here's a thought about the Hiro / Ando thing....

Badass Hiro With Swords on the train with Peter (Nathan? I always get their names mixed up) was much more serious.  We've seen flashes of Hiro becoming Badass Hiro With Swords, but he never really takes that last step.

Suppose Ando bites it very soon?

My thoughts exactly.  Ando follows Hiro to random encounter #11 and Hiro can't save him in time.  Hiro becomes much more serious.  I think the whole show is going to become more serious (what w/ Peter not being such a flake, and Claire owning up to her dad).  Plus, people dying always makes for better TV.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 21, 2007, 04:45:16 PM
I understand that he gets his power from the brains of the person he kills, but HOW does he get them?  Does he pull a Hannibal and eat them, or what?

He looks at them and sees how they work.  Once he sees how they work, he's able to replicate the effect.  Like reverse-engineering a watch.  It's almost the exact same thing that Peter does, except that Peter does it empathically and automatically rather than by visual inspection (but he also has less intellectual understanding of it and hence less control).

So, did we see another way of Hiro's power to manifest? Up to now, it's seemed that Hiro would could slow time's effect on himself. Based on the last episode though, he would have had to slow and then reverse time in just a localized area around Hope. Otherwise, when the normal time flow resumed, she would have just fired the gun again before she was tackled. So obviously the time reversal only affected her, allowing the guy time to run over and tackle her.

Either that, or they just fucked up.

In the very first episode, Hiro made his clock run backwards for a second while everything else kept going forward.  The gun trick seems to fit with that.

Was I the only one who noticed the Stan Lee cameo, or was I just the only one that was thoroughly delighted by it?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on February 21, 2007, 05:16:57 PM
I noticed the Lee cameo when his name came up in the opening credit.

First episode I've liked since the winter break.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 22, 2007, 09:55:08 AM
I noticed the Lee cameo and laughed. Great addition.

I still can't figure out if Sylar needs to see their brain to absorb the power, eat their brains or he just does it because he can. I do think Ando will be back, but I'm not sure about him biting it. After all, Hiro's already had one failure with the waitress. But Ando's death would surely get him super serious.

Please tell me we aren't going to have another goddamn hiatus.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 22, 2007, 10:12:26 AM
I still can't figure out if Sylar needs to see their brain to absorb the power, eat their brains or he just does it because he can.

Have we ever heard anyone mention the brains of Sylar's victims being found missing?  I know the tops of their heads are always removed, but it's not clear whether he actually pulls the brain out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on February 22, 2007, 11:16:00 AM
I'm pretty sure we saw enough of future Isaac's and frozen guy's heads to see they were debrained.  Plus, didn't the FBI lady say Sylar's victims were missing their brains?  I'd have to go back and rewatch them to be sure.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on February 22, 2007, 12:23:01 PM

Was I the only one who noticed the Stan Lee cameo, or was I just the only one that was thoroughly delighted by it?
It would have been far cooler had I not already seen his name in the credits, but yes, I did recognize him immediately.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on February 22, 2007, 04:03:29 PM

Was I the only one who noticed the Stan Lee cameo, or was I just the only one that was thoroughly delighted by it?
It would have been far cooler had I not already seen his name in the credits, but yes, I did recognize him immediately.

Yeah, you really cannot miss his voice.  Also, I recognize him from cameos in all of the Marvel flicks and Mallrats.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 26, 2007, 08:02:58 PM
That was a pretty damn good episode, and a great follow-up to last week's.  And some very nifty surprises as well.  Now we know why HRG recognized the Deavoux (sp?) building, and Hiro's dad now seems to have alot more importance.  Granted, now there are new questions raised, but still...very nice. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 26, 2007, 09:08:41 PM
The show's still in progress in my backwards-ass timezone, so I have no comment on the episode yet, except to reiterate that "The Haitian" is possibly the best superhero/villain name EVER.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 26, 2007, 10:03:58 PM
Well damn.  If you'd told me an hour ago that by the end of this episode I'd find HRG a likable and sympathetic character, I wouldn't have believed you.  But that last scene was downright touching.

Was this the first episode they've had where they've stuck to a single plotline the whole way through?  I liked it.  More please?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 26, 2007, 11:41:40 PM
This was probably my favorite espisode of the series so far.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 27, 2007, 05:28:17 AM
Awesome episode.  :-)

Eric Roberts. That's a cool addition. Guy used to be something else back in the day (kinda trashed his career on B flicks). Hope his character shows up more.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on February 27, 2007, 08:17:40 AM
Awesome episode.  :-)

Eric Roberts. That's a cool addition. Guy used to be something else back in the day (kinda trashed his career on B flicks). Hope his character shows up more.

Eric Roberts is who you get when you can't afford James Woods.  Just sayin'.

Good show though.  I've been waiting for Bennet's character-redeeming storyline for a while now.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 27, 2007, 08:21:42 AM
Hmm? They were nothing alike (I love James Woods too though, don't get me wrong).

For good films, I would suggest Runaway Train, Star 80, and the Pope of Greenwich Village (for Rourke as well....who went off the deep end too for a bit).


Wait, I see what you're saying. The older Eric Roberts basically is a poor man's James Woods.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 27, 2007, 08:47:00 AM
Well damn.  If you'd told me an hour ago that by the end of this episode I'd find HRG a likable and sympathetic character, I wouldn't have believed you.  But that last scene was downright touching.


Was this the first episode they've had where they've stuck to a single plotline the whole way through? 

Yes. But you figure it had to happen eventually. At some point, you have to start addressing specific plot points.

It's funny that Eric Roberts showed up. The buddy I carpool to work with and I were talking about how much we hated his turn as the Master in that Paul McGann Doctor Who Fox movie, and how much we just don't like him. BAM. He shows up. Fucking Eric Roberts.

I honestly didn't see a lot of the developments with Mr. Bennett coming. That's a great way to make him a sympathetic character, and having the Haitan mindwipe him after shooting him was a good idea. Just mindwiping him would lead Eric FUCKING Roberts to doubt Bennett, but with Bennett wounded in the whole thing, he might not have as much doubt. Bennett's still fucked though.

More Christopher Eccleston please.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 27, 2007, 09:05:50 AM
Telling you guys. Star 80. :-D The guy actually had a good thing going there in the early 80's.

It's the story about Dorothy Stratten by the way.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 27, 2007, 10:55:01 AM
Fantastic freaking episode. 

I don't know why it suprised me, but Hiro's dad being involved in the whole thing shocked me a bit.  (An aside, the little kid they got to play little Hiro looked EXACTLY like him, it was freaking scary (bad racist joke:  I guess they do all look the same)).  The scene with Claire spitting up the bullet was awesome, and her spitting out the blood like a boxer really surprised me.  She's turned into a tough little hottie.

If Nuclear Caveman Guy was going all radioactive when he was getting pissed (and even more so after Eric Roberts shot him), wouldn't everyone there pretty much be dead/dying from radiation poisoning?  I realize it's a TV show about people with superhuman powers, but come on...

About Eric Roberts:  I gotta say, he fit the mold for I had in mind for HRG's boss.  And the scene with Invisible Guy was pure genius (popping up during the first meeting).

Quote from: Samwise
"The Haitian" is possibly the best superhero/villain name EVER
Agreed.  I wish they'd flesh him out a bit more, but there's more than enough people to worry about at this point. 

I'm quite glad the Internet Chick wasn't around.

The previews:  Simone showing back up alive?  Wonder if that was a dream (she's standing up with bloody bulletholes), or if she comes back?  I kinda doubted she would be gone, considering she is one of the highlighted cast on nbc.com's heroes page.  If she shows up with a power.....Just....Bleh.  Somehow, I'm sure we're going to see HRG back in the fold in a pretty big way (previews showing him be damned).  They can't get rid of him that quick.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 27, 2007, 11:11:11 AM

I think there are 5 more episodes this season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 27, 2007, 11:18:54 AM
The preview described the next episode as the beginning of the final chapters of the season, or some such.  I've heard there might be another brief hiatus after next week's episode before they start down the final stretch, but I sure as hell hope that's not the case.  I'm hoping things keep this pace right up to the season finale, where we can see just what has changed about the future, and how well they've managed to avert disaster.  I'm rather certain things will have changed, it's just a question as to how much. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on February 27, 2007, 12:20:31 PM
That brief glimpse of Linderman at the end looked like the guy who played The Architect in the Matrix sequels.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on February 27, 2007, 12:34:38 PM
Looked like Donald Sutherland to me.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 27, 2007, 12:44:49 PM
I actually thought it was James Coburn, until I remembered he was dead.  Don't know why though.  When I saw the glimpse of him in the previews, the first thing that came to mind was the character he played in Payback.

I really hope they break a mobster typecasting and go for someone out in left field. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 27, 2007, 01:13:28 PM
The rumor I read earlier (I think in a thread on the semiofficial boards) was that Linderman would be played by Malcolm McDowell.  Whether that's true or not, who knows.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on February 27, 2007, 01:18:40 PM

He's a fine actor, to be sure.  But my own personal choice would have been for someone else, IF that's the case.   

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on February 27, 2007, 02:00:51 PM
I threatened this show with picking up the pace and doing stuff, and WOW, it listened. This show is really coming in to its own. I did see the sympathic Bennet starting to come through, and I actually was a bit touched at the end of the episode. I really hope they keep up this quality of show. Also, I like where they are going with the whole shadow agency thing.

2 Thumbs up for last night.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on February 27, 2007, 02:05:12 PM
Same here, man. Turned my cold heart all warm and fuzzy. I'll try not to doubt again.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 27, 2007, 06:11:15 PM
The preview described the next episode as the beginning of the final chapters of the season, or some such.  I've heard there might be another brief hiatus after next week's episode before they start down the final stretch, but I sure as hell hope that's not the case.  I'm hoping things keep this pace right up to the season finale, where we can see just what has changed about the future, and how well they've managed to avert disaster.  I'm rather certain things will have changed, it's just a question as to how much. 

They've said they are going to air the final five episodes in May.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on February 27, 2007, 08:07:43 PM

Well fuck.  I hope that changes. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 27, 2007, 10:56:16 PM
TV seasons do traditionally end right before summer, and they gotta have a break somewhere if they don't have enough episodes socked away to do one a week from now till then.

I just watched this week's episode over again (yay nbc.com) and spotted something I hadn't before -- the young Haitian was wearing a silver pendant in the shape of Jessica's tattoo (the one that appears on her shoulder whenever she's being Jessica instead of Nikki).  I wonder if that means they're directly linked in some way (like, Nikki/Jessica is the result of some weird Haitian mindmeld voodoo), or if the symbol is going to turn out to be something having to do with Linderman.

I'm already figuring that Linderman is the "higher authority" that the Haitian answers to, just because that seems to be the safe money for any dangling plot threads at this point.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 27, 2007, 11:20:34 PM
I just watched this week's episode over again (yay nbc.com) and spotted something I hadn't before -- the young Haitian was wearing a silver pendant in the shape of Jessica's tattoo (the one that appears on her shoulder whenever she's being Jessica instead of Nikki).  I wonder if that means they're directly linked in some way (like, Nikki/Jessica is the result of some weird Haitian mindmeld voodoo), or if the symbol is going to turn out to be something having to do with Linderman.

Yeah, I noticed the pendant on the Haitian.  The only thing I could think of is that maybe Nikki had been abducted by Primatech at some point in the past and given the tattoo while she was there (possibly as a means for them to identify when Jessica is in control.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on February 27, 2007, 11:30:57 PM
I'd assumed (for no good reason, really) that the Haitian's pendant was something he'd had on him before being picked up by Primatech.  Does that symbol show up on any other Primatech paraphernalia?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on February 28, 2007, 12:35:26 AM
Apparently it shows up in a shitload of places (http://heroeswiki.com/index.php?title=The_Symbol).  Some of them I have to imagine are just the writers having fun slipping it in there and seeing if the viewers notice.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Quinton on February 28, 2007, 02:09:10 AM
I threatened this show with picking up the pace and doing stuff, and WOW, it listened. This show is really coming in to its own. I did see the sympathic Bennet starting to come through, and I actually was a bit touched at the end of the episode. I really hope they keep up this quality of show. Also, I like where they are going with the whole shadow agency thing.

2 Thumbs up for last night.

I'd like to see them give some more of the characters the kind of complexity they've given Bennet -- and they certainly had fun toying with us during the earlier episodes where I kept thinking "he's a total bastard" no, wait, "he really cares about his family", no, wait, "he's a total bastard" ^^

- Q

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on February 28, 2007, 06:03:29 AM
The two are not mutually exclusive.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on February 28, 2007, 09:47:00 AM
Lets test this....

Ironwood - do you love your daughter?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on February 28, 2007, 10:51:48 AM
Lets test this....

Ironwood - do you love your daughter?

I actually laughed out loud at this. Good on you.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 28, 2007, 12:10:06 PM
Please don't let any Matrix-funk rub off on Heroes. That would be a damn shame. Matrix-funk is a stink you can't wash off with ammonia and bleach.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on February 28, 2007, 12:28:06 PM
Matrix funk?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on February 28, 2007, 12:54:18 PM
It smells like sweaty leather and Jolt cola. It comes from having been involved in the travesty that was the last 2 Matrix movies.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on February 28, 2007, 04:02:49 PM
I thought the symbol was a pretty apparent recurring theme. While I hadn't noticed all of the ones displayed on that wiki, I had noticed a lot of them. I'm guessing that it has something to do with DNA. If you would put another S in the symbol, but mirrored, it could be seen as a DNA helix.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on March 02, 2007, 10:48:32 PM
I'm quite glad the Internet Chick wasn't around.

I was kind of wondering where the hell she went...she was there at teh graveyard.  She was (I thought) there last week at Bennett's house.  Then this episode, nowhere. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on March 03, 2007, 12:09:39 AM
I'm quite glad the Internet Chick wasn't around.

I was kind of wondering where the hell she went...she was there at teh graveyard.  She was (I thought) there last week at Bennett's house.  Then this episode, nowhere. 

Errr.. wasn't she at the end of the ep working at primatech?  Or is that another new female?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on March 03, 2007, 12:10:39 AM
That's another new chick.  From what I gather, we might see her in action in the next episode. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on March 03, 2007, 05:23:53 AM
I'm quite glad the Internet Chick wasn't around.

I was kind of wondering where the hell she went...she was there at teh graveyard.  She was (I thought) there last week at Bennett's house.  Then this episode, nowhere. 

I was thinking the same thing.  I THOUGHT I saw her with Parkman and Radioactive Caveman in the previews for last weeks previews.  Oh well, she was/is weaksauce.

Also, saw a commercial for Heroes last night while watching Leno.  They showed a bit more of Linderman's face, but I didn't get a good enough look at it.  It DIDN'T look like McDowell though, to me anyway.  Edit:  But he IS listed as having a recurring role here (http://www.usatoday.com/printedition/life/20070130/d_lline30.art.htm). 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on March 05, 2007, 04:02:51 PM
So, today's episode his the net last night, and I had to watch.

It's even better than last weeks show.  Do not miss.  I'd have to say it's dethroned BSG as the best sci-fi on television.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on March 05, 2007, 05:24:43 PM
So here are my predictions for tonight that are based on what I saw on the episode information screen.  Not even ComCrap can keep itself from putting semi-spoilers on its info screens, I guess.

At any rate....here goes...

My predictions are:  Hiro goes after the sword and Ando dies, Mohinder figures out that Sylar is Sylar and not melty dude from VA Beach.

Yeah, they're pretty darn softball predictions, but hey, you'll have that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on March 05, 2007, 07:03:12 PM
Damn cliffhangers.

This show has really blown up more than I thought though. Advertising magnet. Seems like I saw two commercials I've never seen before. Then there's the Spidey promo. And then that bit of Heavenly Sword footage.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on March 05, 2007, 07:13:59 PM


Anyway, in no particular order:
 - Good turn of events.  The Hatian continues his double agent role in good fashion.
 - The shapeshifter chick is teh hawtness.  And can't say I didn't see her acting like HRG's wife from 10 miles away.
 - Didn't particularly care for Ando showing up out of the blue.  Going to go out on a limb and say this about him:  He's got some sort of power.  He works for his (Hiro's) father, but not in the capacity that we THINK he does.  He's supposed to watch over Hiro (and has watched over him even as a young child).  He's been playing stupid (so to speak), and within a couple episodes it's going to come out who he really is.
 - HRG has taken a nice turn, although I liked his mysterious bad guy role better.
 - Am I the only one getting really freakin' bored of Sylar?  Seriously.  Just kill him off.  He totally sucks as a villian now. 
 - Clair has HUGE feet.
 - Disappointed that McDowell is Linderman.  Ah well.
 - Really, really hoping that Mohinder doesn't get killed off.  [Edit]  I REALLY liked the way they played him out tonight.  He's got a great mean streak to him that came out of the blue, that I didn't see coming at all.   
 - Anyone notice that Badass Hiro With Sword was in the previews for the next episodes?   :rock_hard:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on March 06, 2007, 03:58:18 AM
I don't think they will kill of mohinder in a looooooooooong while. He's needed for the scientific plot twists. Ando might be someone else than we think he is, but the fact that he doesn't have any super powers makes him somewhat unique. I think they will tie together the petrelli brothers mom with linderman sometime in the future, perhaps even with mr bennets organization.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on March 06, 2007, 07:04:58 AM
So now we know where Peter's scar comes from, since they made such a point of showing the shearing of the emo-bangs.

Also, so far the future has been playing out exactly as Hiro and Isaac have seen it would.  I'm guessing it won't be until the final episode that they finally manage to do something to cause a divergence.  Will it be before or after Isaac is debrained?  His character is pretty dull now so it wouldn't surprise me if it's after.  It would add more drama to trying to stop Peter the exploding boy, too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on March 06, 2007, 09:36:52 AM
Maybe the bomb does go off?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on March 06, 2007, 09:43:33 AM
Fuckity fuck fuck Rage sweeps week cockgobbling thundercunt douchetwats

April Fucking 23rd. Bitchass pubesnatchers. As in you literally steal into the bedrooms of pre-pubescent boys and steal their pubes each night. Fuck your sweeps weeks right in its tiny, outdated asshole.


Great fucking episode. It's nice that characters are still surprising me after this long, specifically Mohinder not being as stupid as we thought last week, Claire's mom being smarter than even Bennett thought, and Peter/Nathan's mom having something to do with the whole thing. The whole Linderman reveal wasn't nearly as shocking or surprising as I'd hoped, but it was cool seeing Jessica show up to cap the FBI agents, and DL not being a dumbass about what's going on with Nikki.

Ando is definitely working for Hiro's dad. I'm not going to be surprised if the Haitan is working with a section of the Company that's against Eric Roberts' section, as if perhaps there are conspiracies within conspiracies.

We still don't know for sure that it's Peter that blows up. Roberts or Linderman may plant Ted the Sparky Boy in the middle of New York to manuever Nathan nearer the White House.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on March 06, 2007, 09:45:41 AM
I'm not going to be surprised if the Haitan is working with a section of the Company that's against Eric Roberts' section, as if perhaps there are conspiracies within conspiracies.

Well, didn't he actually say something a few episodes back about his actions being directed from someone "higher up" in the company? I'm assuming that's the Petrelli mom (or some associate of her dead husband?).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on March 06, 2007, 01:01:39 PM
What's interesting about this show is that they seem to put a lot of information out there through the show, the comics, and the websites, for people who really want to get some answers.  For instance, people have noticed that Mr. Bennet and Sylar's father were both born in 1962, and that Primatech was also established that year.  Some fans also did their research and found out that in 1962 (in real life):

During the new moon and solar eclipse of February 4-5, 1962, an extremely rare grand conjunction of the classical planets occurred (it included all five of the naked-eye planets plus the Sun and Moon), all of them within 16° of one another on the ecliptic. At the precise moment of the new moon/solar eclipse, five celestial bodies (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter) were clustered within 3° of each other, with the Earth in close conjunction with them. Taken in totality though, this grand conjunction included the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn, with the Earth also in alignment with the Sun and Moon at the exact moment of the new moon/solar eclipse (eight celestial bodies in total).

The writers have also seemed to indicate that Uluru, also known as Ayers Rock, may have some siginifigance and have encouraged fans looking for answers or wanting to put together theories, to do some research on it.  There's a lot of interesting stuff out there for people really looking to get into the backstory, but it's not necessary to enjoy the show.  All in all, I'm impressed at how much work goes into to making this series.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NiX on March 08, 2007, 04:48:30 PM
My one Heroes spoiler: The guy who plays Nathan Petrelli was in Top Gun. I didn't use IMDB to cheat either. I just finished watching Top Gun.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on March 08, 2007, 04:54:24 PM
My one Heroes spoiler: The guy who plays Nathan Petrelli was in Top Gun. I didn't use IMDB to cheat either. I just finished watching Top Gun.

Adrian Pasdar. Been around awhile, yeah. Best role was in Carlito's Way. He died pretty quickly though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on March 09, 2007, 07:17:16 AM
My one Heroes spoiler: The guy who plays Nathan Petrelli was in Top Gun. I didn't use IMDB to cheat either. I just finished watching Top Gun.

Adrian Pasdar. Been around awhile, yeah. Best role was in Carlito's Way. He died pretty quickly though.

He's also married to the lead singer of the Dixie Chicks.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on March 09, 2007, 07:49:40 AM
He also starred in the very short-lived Fox show Profit, which kicked ass but was way too weird for America to swallow. It was about a completely amoral stock broker, I mean amoral to the point where he'd kill people just to get ahead in his job. But at night, he'd go back to his empty apartment and sleep naked in a cardboard box. Kind of an American Psycho meets Gilbert Grape or some shit. It was quite good, so naturally Fox killed it after 3 episodes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on April 23, 2007, 11:21:57 AM
As a reminder for those who don't know, Heroes returns tonight with the first of its last five episodes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 23, 2007, 07:06:19 PM
By FAR, the best episode yet.

Completely fucking AWESOME.

Will refrain from discussing until all timezones have seen it.  Really, really don't want to spoil it for anyone.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on April 23, 2007, 07:06:32 PM
Pretty decent episode tonight.  It does make me wonder if next week (based on the preview) is just going to be a flash-forward, and we have to wait till week after next to see what happens with some of the story lines that were developed this week.

Overall, I liked it.  Sure seems like they're moving the plot along a bit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on April 23, 2007, 07:15:05 PM
Heroes returns tonight with the first of its last five episodes.

We shall henceforth refer to these as "The Final Five".   :evil:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on April 23, 2007, 08:41:40 PM
By FAR, the best episode yet.

Completely fucking AWESOME.

Will refrain from discussing until all timezones have seen it.  Really, really don't want to spoil it for anyone.

I agree completely. A few moments where I was going "ARGGG" though, but overall really good.

Pretty decent episode tonight.  It does make me wonder if next week (based on the preview) is just going to be a flash-forward, and we have to wait till week after next to see what happens with some of the story lines that were developed this week.

I expect we will have to wait, and next week will be like the "6 months-ago" episode in that we won't see anything from 'present day.'

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on April 23, 2007, 09:27:43 PM
Such a great episode!  So many things to comment about, but I'll wait for now as well...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on April 23, 2007, 09:45:39 PM

I agree completely. A few moments where I was going "ARGGG" though, but overall really good.

My personal ARGGG moment came when Linderman went into Ozymandias mode re: the destruction of NYC will saaaaave the worrrrrrlddddd.

(Although I'm holding out hope that he just said what he said to Nathan as some sort of misdirection, and not as a blatant rip-off of an already-told story).

I was surprised that Petrelli vs Sylar wasn't more visually impressive. I suppose this is television, so they're on a budget.
Still, you make your viewers wait two months to see this fight, and it ends with a shard of glass stuck into Peter's head?
Throw us a bone, let the two powerhouses tear up Mohinder's apartment a little more before ending it.

Great Ando line: "I don't like the future."

The show closed with another good cliffhanger. I should have expected them to have Hiro run into himself eventually.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 23, 2007, 09:53:42 PM
I loved the "Yooou....." sneer by future Hiro...And I can guarantee you he wasn't talking about Hiro....

Ando is about to bite it.  Not sure how Ando figures to be a bad guy, but something is about to happen (sliced and diced by future badass Hiro with swords).

Edit:  Anyway.

Great freakin' episode.  No way was Peter dead.  Had the whole Claire-dead-grey-eyes thing going on.  Was just a matter of time.  And yes, the Syler v Peter battle could have and should have been better.  I was really hoping that Isaac didn't get brainpanned, but meh...guess that was inevitable.  From the previews of him being dead, then seeing Lindermans 'heal' power, I figured Nathan was going to make some sort of deal with Linderman to heal him and bring him back to life (a la the dead flower).  Speaking of Linderman, wtf is wrong with his nose?  It always looks...brown.  Noticed it in the first ep he was in.

Question:  Where is Nathan's wife?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on April 23, 2007, 10:38:32 PM
Question:  Where is Nathan's wife?

Hanging out with Jack Bauer, last I saw.  :-P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on April 23, 2007, 11:10:15 PM
My personal ARGGG moment came when Linderman went into Ozymandias mode re: the destruction of NYC will saaaaave the worrrrrrlddddd.
You know, I was trying to figure out why that sounded so familiar.  Damn.  Oh well.  At least it wasn't something involving a giant laser.

I loved the "Yooou....." sneer by future Hiro...And I can guarantee you he wasn't talking about Hiro....

It looked to me like he was looking at Hiro, but it was hard to tell from the camera angle.  I can see future-Hiro having some disdain for past-Hiro, what with his willy-nilly ripping through time and space and causing rifts and whatnot.  But yeah, Ando is a better bet.

It still hasn't been explained how Ando was able to suddenly show up in Linderman's vault in a security uniform and save the day.  Maybe he made some sort of good-intentioned but disastrous deal so that he could be in the right place at the right time?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on April 24, 2007, 03:08:41 AM
That was good shit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 05:41:47 AM
Really good, I agree.

Does anyone know when this season ends? I'd be thrilled if it went for another 5 episodes or so.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on April 24, 2007, 07:30:22 AM
there are four more episodes to the season after last nights.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 07:34:11 AM
Great. I just hope they don't pull this month-long-wait crap again next year. I'd like to see about 28 episodes per season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on April 24, 2007, 07:58:45 AM
I'd also like each season to end like an actual comic book run. All the shit they delayed to tell me how trashy nikki was wasted too much time it would seem.

Stupid bitch.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 24, 2007, 08:49:06 AM
It looked to me like he was looking at Hiro, but it was hard to tell from the camera angle.  I can see future-Hiro having some disdain for past-Hiro, what with his willy-nilly ripping through time and space and causing rifts and whatnot.  But yeah, Ando is a better bet.

It still hasn't been explained how Ando was able to suddenly show up in Linderman's vault in a security uniform and save the day.  Maybe he made some sort of good-intentioned but disastrous deal so that he could be in the right place at the right time?

Best I can figure (or my own personal theory):

Hiro's dad is involved with Linderman.  We know this, or at least it's not a stretch to assume it so.

I'm thinking Ando was 'assigned' to Hiro to keep him out of troulble and not fuck up the world up with his time space continium flux capacitor powers.  Further, Ando has been influencing (it's obvious at times, when you think about certain instances) and steering Hiro along the way.  The vault thing was just a little TOO obvious, but I'd thought Ando had clandestine motives prior to that, I just didn't say anything because I thought I was just being paranoid and reading too much into the buddy buddy relationship.  It may not be clandestine; he's just trying to keep Hiro out of trouble.

Anyway, Ando isn't necessarily working for Linderman per se, in as much as he answers to Hiro's dad, who I personally think is the boss of the whole shebang. 

And if future-badass-with-swords Hiro is about to cut someone, it's not going to be his past self. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on April 24, 2007, 09:09:07 AM
Great episode overall.  The Peter/Sylar fight was a bit disappointing though.  It had promise, but the ending was pretty anticlimactic.  I guess he might have been trying to duck or something, but why the hell was Peter facing away from Sylar?  Anyway....looking forward to next week's. 

Also, the comic they posted for last night's episode sheds some light on Future Hiro's backstory a bit, and spells out pretty clearly how things have changed so far in the timeline.  I found it to be one of the more interesting comics.  In fact, I'd have much preferred several issues of Future Hiro as opposed to six issues of Linderman in Vietnam. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 09:10:26 AM
I guess he might have been trying to duck or something, but why the hell was Peter facing away from Sylar?  Anyway....looking forward to next week's. 

Maybe he knew he was about to get jacked, so he turned around to move away?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on April 24, 2007, 09:48:41 AM
It's also interesting to note that 1) No scar on Peter yet so whatever happens that gets him that scar hasn't happened yet and 2) Peter can't grow back his hair like Claire can.  Heh.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on April 24, 2007, 09:56:47 AM
Fucking awesome episode. Totally worth the wait. I even liked the Sylar/Peter fight, though I'd like to figure out how Sylar got taken out. That didn't seem like something Peter could do what with glass shards stuck in his fookin' head.

One thing I've heard is that the producers have said that next season might not be focused on the same set of heroes, so don't necessarily get comfortable with this cast. Perhaps it'll be a flashback season, with the whole season set in Linderman's time, when Sulu and Grandma Petrelli and Eric "The Master" Roberts all setting shit up.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on April 24, 2007, 09:58:57 AM
I had a problem with Peter-Sylar until they did the hearing thing with Mohinder ko-ing Sylar.   Invisibility < Ability to hear heartbeat/ footsteps like I'm talking in your ear.   Peter got caught with his pants down, relying too much on invisibility (as most sighted people rely 90% on their sight) because he didn't know it wasn't an "I Win" card.

My biggest ARRGH was the whole "omg Peter's Dead, look at that glass shard" thing.  Nobody thought to pull it out before Claire?  Really? Or did that not seem to be a big stretch purely for dramatic purposes to anyone else?   The Linderman = crazy 'destroy the world to save it' is very cliche, and yes that's also a nuisance.  Also, if you discover you're radioactive wouldn't you educate yourself a bit more about radiation?  Not knowing what an EMP is? Small Argh.

I agree with Snake about FH's "Youuu..."  Ando's in for some trouble.

My questions right now are:

-Where's Hiro's dad in the hierarchy? Still involved with Linderman, or was he one of the 'splitters' Linderman mentioned.
-Who's gonna die, Nikki, Micha or Shifter. One of them's in for a bad day, and I'm thinking it's shifter.
-Issac says you can't escape the future.  He's drawn Peter exploding, and NY being nuked.  Doesn't that mean that everything's futile anyway?  How are they going to massage that bit of time-travel paradox?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on April 24, 2007, 10:00:44 AM
New York is hosed, but that doesn't mean Peter dies.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on April 24, 2007, 10:17:17 AM
-Issac says you can't escape the future.  He's drawn Peter exploding, and NY being nuked.  Doesn't that mean that everything's futile anyway?  How are they going to massage that bit of time-travel paradox?

So far there's been no divergence at all from all the various predictions of the future.   Given that the producers have said that each season will be its own story arc not necessarily with the same characters, I'm at the point where it wouldn't surprise me if it turns out New York really does get destroyed.  It all depends on what future Hiro really meant with the 'Save the cheerleader, save the world' thing.

Speaking of the future, what was it Sylar painted after he ate Isaac's brain?  I'm also curious about what the clue is Isaac left behind that'll lead to Sylar's death.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on April 24, 2007, 10:26:23 AM
New York is hosed, but that doesn't mean Peter dies.

Clearly Peter doesnt die when NY goes bang. It showed him in the preview of next episode, with his scar that future Hiro refered to. So he obviously lives in the future. I think we are going to see a lot more powers being used next episode.

The thing im worried about is them adding powers to every single character.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on April 24, 2007, 10:35:48 AM
Great. I just hope they don't pull this month-long-wait crap again next year. I'd like to see about 28 episodes per season.

22 episodes is more or less standard for a network TV series I think (unless it's a new series with only a half season ordered).  They decided to give Heroes an extra episode.  Most shows have month or so long gaps like that (usually after the sweeps peroids).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 24, 2007, 10:47:27 AM
Fucking awesome episode. Totally worth the wait. I even liked the Sylar/Peter fight, though I'd like to figure out how Sylar got taken out. That didn't seem like something Peter could do what with glass shards stuck in his fookin' head.

I thought that Mohinder pushed a cabinet or something like that into him, slamming him into a wall knocking him out?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 10:51:07 AM
Great. I just hope they don't pull this month-long-wait crap again next year. I'd like to see about 28 episodes per season.

22 episodes is more or less standard for a network TV series I think (unless it's a new series with only a half season ordered).  They decided to give Heroes an extra episode.  Most shows have month or so long gaps like that (usually after the sweeps peroids).

It needs the Star Trek treatment then. They had pretty long series' lengths, I think. Some aired as two-parters at that.

Scratch that. Give it the soap opera treatment. All year long!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on April 24, 2007, 10:52:29 AM
Fucking awesome episode. Totally worth the wait. I even liked the Sylar/Peter fight, though I'd like to figure out how Sylar got taken out. That didn't seem like something Peter could do what with glass shards stuck in his fookin' head.

I thought that Mohinder pushed a cabinet or something like that into him, slamming him into a wall knocking him out?

Slit his throat on the way out?

Oh right, need more drama, let him live.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on April 24, 2007, 11:20:33 AM
Great. I just hope they don't pull this month-long-wait crap again next year. I'd like to see about 28 episodes per season.

22 episodes is more or less standard for a network TV series I think (unless it's a new series with only a half season ordered).  They decided to give Heroes an extra episode.  Most shows have month or so long gaps like that (usually after the sweeps peroids).

It needs the Star Trek treatment then. They had pretty long series' lengths, I think. Some aired as two-parters at that.

Scratch that. Give it the soap opera treatment. All year long!

Sweet, either I misremember from earlier or this is a sea change in your opinion of the show.  I say, "sweet," because I, too, hope for a much longer season of this one.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 11:23:27 AM
Yeah, they took out the prolonged Peter Emo Closeup moments, then upped the pace a bit. Also, my main complaint was not enough action or use of powers. They've responded to that too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on April 24, 2007, 11:24:34 AM
New York is hosed, but that doesn't mean Peter dies.

Clearly Peter doesnt die when NY goes bang. It showed him in the preview of next episode, with his scar that future Hiro refered to. So he obviously lives in the future. I think we are going to see a lot more powers being used next episode.

The thing im worried about is them adding powers to every single character.

Speculation time.

I wonder if Peter is going to go bang at all. Or boom, whatever.

Nuclear Ted is on his way to NYC. Maybe he'll go boom.

And Peter has only seen himself go boom in dreams. He might be using Isaac's power there, but if he's dreaming, the future vision could be altered by his subconscious.

Unless... if Peter hasn't been exposed to Nuclear Ted yet, maybe Peter can still go boom, after meeting Ted, after Ted arrives in NYC.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on April 24, 2007, 11:29:11 AM
They can flipflop anything, as we just saw when Syler started painting.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on April 24, 2007, 11:32:10 AM
Oh! It could be Sylar! He could eat Ted's brain, then go boom!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 24, 2007, 11:34:10 AM
Fucking awesome episode. Totally worth the wait. I even liked the Sylar/Peter fight, though I'd like to figure out how Sylar got taken out. That didn't seem like something Peter could do what with glass shards stuck in his fookin' head.

I thought that Mohinder pushed a cabinet or something like that into him, slamming him into a wall knocking him out?

Slit his throat on the way out?

Oh right, need more drama, let him live.

Either that or that handy pistola that was laying around.

Yah.  That kinda sucked. 

But you gotta have an ubah villain.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 11:39:37 AM
I still hate Syler though. Still my one beef about the show. He's no uber villain. He sucks, his rage has no point to it, and he has ugly, bushy eyebrows.  :-P

The guy needs to go away asap. We need some fucking Dr. Doom in the house.

As for the others, maybe Eric Roberts (yeah, yeah, ridicule me) will turn out to be the uber villain. Doesn't look like it'll be Linderman (he almost turned into a sympathetic character last night).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on April 24, 2007, 11:48:03 AM
I'm going to go w/ Syler eating Nuke's brain and then blowing up since he can't get a hold of the power before he goes bang.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on April 24, 2007, 11:58:42 AM
The guy needs to go away asap. We need some fucking Dr. Doom in the house.

Will you settle for Magneto? Or at least Ozymandias? They are clearly setting up Linderman as the Magneto type of "Break a few eggs to make an omelette" type of character.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on April 24, 2007, 11:59:30 AM
I bet Linderman answers to someone. And you KNOW Hiro's dad was in that group and is... richer.

Edit: I want to see Grandma and Linderman fight. Gonna happen. Edge of the seat geriatric action.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 12:10:06 PM
If George Takei really turns out to be a Yakuza Boss with superpowers, that could be a nice addition to the geriatric mix.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 24, 2007, 12:17:47 PM
I still hate Syler though. Still my one beef about the show. He's no uber villain. He sucks, his rage has no point to it, and he has ugly, bushy eyebrows.  :-P

I'm with you, to a certain point.

I think what they were TRYING to get with the actor is an 'everyday man' kind of thing.  He was probably the hardest person to cast, ya know?

But in a roundabout way they succeeded:  We don't like him for <whatever reason>, and we're talking about him.

The guy needs to go away asap. We need some fucking Dr. Doom in the house.

He probably will go out in a bang. 

As for the others, maybe Eric Roberts (yeah, yeah, ridicule me) will turn out to be the uber villain. Doesn't look like it'll be Linderman (he almost turned into a sympathetic character last night).

I personally think Roberts is perfect for the roll he's in.  He's got the psycho-evil part down pat. 

As far as Linderman is concerned, I don't think all the cards are out on the table quite yet. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 12:24:46 PM
Yeah, I'm a fan of Eric Roberts --- Despite him having a 30 year career making bad Cinemax films.  :-D

The guy had a lot of talent in the past, but decided to just make money (or something, I don't know). He's similar to Mickey Rourke, as far as self sabotage goes.


But in a roundabout way they succeeded:  We don't like him for <whatever reason>, and we're talking about him.

To be fair, it may not even be the actor I dislike. I mean, Syler, the character, doesn't make a lot of sense to me. His malice doesn't make any sense to me. Why is he so vicious? What the fuck is his problem? I find that whole angle about him irritating. I'd think a real Syler, someone who was pretty much just a regular guy on a quest for power like that, would probably be more non chalant and amoral-like. Not mean.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 24, 2007, 12:48:24 PM
Sylar = Stereotypical kid picked last in dodgeball dirt kicked in their eyes as a kid and now has a power and wants to get even with everyone psycho?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on April 24, 2007, 12:57:58 PM
I'd go with that assessment of Sylar.  He really wanted to be special, now he can't stop becoming more special.  He's a testament to why you shouldn't fill kids full of that "you're unique and special" crap in grammar school.

I think the reason Mohinder didn't just shoot him after KOing him was that Mohinder is still too good to do it.  Sure, he did that whole paralyze and attempt to get evil on Sylar thing, but that didn't work out too well for him and perhaps was just a bit of the whole "hero is tempted by evil" aspect of the hero's journey.

Or maybe I spent too much time in lit classes in furtherance of my English degree.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on April 24, 2007, 06:14:46 PM
He might have been afraid it would wake him.  It did happen the last time.

I still don't fully understand it myself though.  I'd have been turning the bastard into little cubes after going through what Mohinder did.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 24, 2007, 06:21:11 PM
But.... But... If he was so encompassed by fear, then why wasn't he afraid to drag Petrelli's cold, lifeless, eyes-rolling-back-in-head, bloody body outside his apartment (which, more than likely, wasn't on the first floor), put him in a cab, and then drive all the way to Manhattan?  If he had the nerve to do that, then he should have had to nerve to pop a cap in Sylar. :-P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: grebo on April 24, 2007, 08:56:24 PM
Peter's passive abilities work only when he activates them or when the person from which he gained them is nearby.  Thusly, he couldn't have healed himself from being dead without Claire being there (or Linderman, as I was expecting).  Honestly they should have let Peter die, as the whole "Clash of the Titans" thing is boring.  Much more interesting to have the individual weaker characters have to fend off Sylar without their overpowered protector.

Also, what use does Lindy have for Micah?  To fix Mohinder's father's laptop?  So Lindy can ... do something... with the DNA thing?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on April 24, 2007, 08:59:26 PM
Micah is going to rig the electoric voting to make sure Nathan wins.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on April 24, 2007, 09:06:32 PM
Peter's passive abilities work only when he activates them or when the person from which he gained them is nearby.  Thusly, he couldn't have healed himself from being dead without Claire being there (or Linderman, as I was expecting).

Claire was unable to heal from a brain wound until the item was removed from her head, just like Peter. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: grebo on April 24, 2007, 09:08:13 PM
Well, yes, but her ability is passive.  Peter's healing ability doesn't work all the time, same as his invisibility and every other ability he has that's passive for the original character.

Peter wouldn't have healed at all if Claire wasn't there, is all I'm saying.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on April 24, 2007, 09:08:48 PM
We don't really know if Peter can heal or not from being dead without Claire being there.  Similar to when Claire had that branch stuck in her head, the shard of glass had pierced Peter's brain, and with it stuck in there, the regeneration couldn't happen.  Personally, as the regen's a passive ability, I think it's always on for him now that he's learning to use his powers.  In fact, now that I think about it,  I'm pretty sure the fall off of the Devaux building and onto the cab killed him, but he still regenerated.  But I'm not certain of that, technically he could have been bleeding out and almost dead when the power kicked in.  The interesting thing will be if/how he realizes he has super hearing now, or if and when he realizes some of the other powers Sylar has given him. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on April 24, 2007, 09:18:04 PM
Well, yes, but her ability is passive.  Peter's healing ability doesn't work all the time, same as his invisibility and every other ability he has that's passive for the original character.

Peter wouldn't have healed at all if Claire wasn't there, is all I'm saying.

Only reason he healed in her presence is because she removed the giant shard of glass from his brain.  I know this comes off as Star Wars v. Star Trek nerd fury, but you seem to be completely missing the angle they went for with that scene.

They've done a pretty decent job of tying the brain to character's super powers.  The one guy that can suppress memories can suppress a person's powers.  Sylar eating (or whatever he does) brains to absorb powers?  Seems to be a reasonable assumption that a brain wound in the only way Peter or Claire can die (as already demonstrated).

Invisibility guy's power isn't passive either.  He has to activate it.  You know, that whole episode with him working with Mr. Bennet?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: grebo on April 24, 2007, 09:43:35 PM
Only reason he healed in her presence is because she removed the giant shard of glass from his brain.  I know this comes off as Star Wars v. Star Trek nerd fury, but you seem to be completely missing the angle they went for with that scene.

They've done a pretty decent job of tying the brain to character's super powers.  The one guy that can suppress memories can suppress a person's powers.  Sylar eating (or whatever he does) brains to absorb powers?  Seems to be a reasonable assumption that a brain wound in the only way Peter or Claire can die (as already demonstrated).
Star trek!  and watch the end of Ep14 again.  From 37 minutes or so.

Good points about the brain, but I still feel that Peter would have been all dead instead of mostly dead if Claire had been in Europe already. 

Invisibility guy's power isn't passive either.  He has to activate it.  You know, that whole episode with him working with Mr. Bennet?

Ok, you've got that one.

Edited to try and make a bit more sense

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on April 24, 2007, 09:57:15 PM
And if future-badass-with-swords Hiro is about to cut someone, it's not going to be his past self. 

Unless he knows that his past self is about to do something really really dumb and destructive, and he's decided that the only way for him to prevent it is to end his own existence.  Future-badass-with-swords Hiro has that "angry brooding hero" thing going on that usually indicates a tragic and guilt-ridden past.  (Yeah, still a really long shot.)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Viin on April 25, 2007, 07:14:50 AM
Micah is going to rig the electoric voting to make sure Nathan wins.

They don't need a supernatural electronic wiz kid for that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on April 25, 2007, 07:20:20 AM
Linderman didn't, until the first plan fell through, as he mentioned to Jessica/Niki/whoever.  Per the comic, Hana the Internet Girl found out about his plan to use deliberate flaws in the voting software to have the election go to Nathan, and screwed it up.  So now, Linderman's basically going with the sledgehammer approach, ie, Micah.  Which also convienently sets it up to where everyone will be in New York around the time of Peter's potential blowing up. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on April 25, 2007, 08:10:33 AM
Peter's passive abilities work only when he activates them or when the person from which he gained them is nearby. 

Not true. He turned invisible during the fight with Sylar, even though the Invisible Man was nowwhere near. He also healed himself when the Invisible Man threw him off the roof and Claire was in Texas.

The only reason he healed was because Claire removed the glass from his brain stem. That's the only way to kill the regnerators, damage the brain stem or keep it from working. Once the damage is removed, the whole power starts working again.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on April 25, 2007, 08:49:26 AM
Peter's passive abilities work only when he activates them or when the person from which he gained them is nearby. 

Not true. He turned invisible during the fight with Sylar, even though the Invisible Man was nowwhere near. He also healed himself when the Invisible Man threw him off the roof and Claire was in Texas.

He also healed himself as Sylar was cutting into his skull.. which is why Sylar stopped in the first place.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on April 25, 2007, 08:53:49 AM
We don't really know if Peter can heal or not from being dead without Claire being there.  Similar to when Claire had that branch stuck in her head, the shard of glass had pierced Peter's brain, and with it stuck in there, the regeneration couldn't happen.  Personally, as the regen's a passive ability, I think it's always on for him now that he's learning to use his powers.  In fact, now that I think about it,  I'm pretty sure the fall off of the Devaux building and onto the cab killed him, but he still regenerated.  But I'm not certain of that, technically he could have been bleeding out and almost dead when the power kicked in.  The interesting thing will be if/how he realizes he has super hearing now, or if and when he realizes some of the other powers Sylar has given him. 

Actually no. In the episode where the Doctor through him off the roof, Peter tells him that the last thing he remembered before he hit was how he felt when he had saved Clair, or something along that line. They surmized that his power was empathic and he had to bring up emotional triggers related to the people he pulled poweres from to get those powers to surface.

I'm agreeing with the idea that the only reason he healed after Claire pulled the shard was her presence. Had someone else removed the shard earlier, he likely would have healed the moment Clair got close to him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on April 25, 2007, 08:56:07 AM
Peter's passive abilities work only when he activates them or when the person from which he gained them is nearby. 

Not true. He turned invisible during the fight with Sylar, even though the Invisible Man was nowwhere near. He also healed himself when the Invisible Man threw him off the roof and Claire was in Texas.

He also healed himself as Sylar was cutting into his skull.. which is why Sylar stopped in the first place.

Again, he was consious and able to activate his healing power once he realized "oh fuck, that hurts". Peter hasn't gotten to the point of using his powers instinctively yet, which is why Sylar keeps kicking his ass.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mr_PeaCH on April 25, 2007, 11:53:37 AM
We don't really know if Peter can heal or not from being dead without Claire being there.  Similar to when Claire had that branch stuck in her head, the shard of glass had pierced Peter's brain, and with it stuck in there, the regeneration couldn't happen.  Personally, as the regen's a passive ability, I think it's always on for him now that he's learning to use his powers.  In fact, now that I think about it,  I'm pretty sure the fall off of the Devaux building and onto the cab killed him, but he still regenerated.  But I'm not certain of that, technically he could have been bleeding out and almost dead when the power kicked in.  The interesting thing will be if/how he realizes he has super hearing now, or if and when he realizes some of the other powers Sylar has given him. 

Actually no. In the episode where the Doctor through him off the roof, Peter tells him that the last thing he remembered before he hit was how he felt when he had saved Clair, or something along that line. They surmized that his power was empathic and he had to bring up emotional triggers related to the people he pulled poweres from to get those powers to surface.

I'm agreeing with the idea that the only reason he healed after Claire pulled the shard was her presence. Had someone else removed the shard earlier, he likely would have healed the moment Clair got close to him.

Gonna disagree on that; it is just like when Claire in an early episode with a branch lodged in her spine or brain or whatever cannot heal until the obstruction is removed.  To say that when the glass shard is removed from Peter's head and he regenerates only because Claire was in proximity is over-thinking it.  It's just a nice moment for the two of them to meet again but had someone else noticed and thought to remove the shard he would have begun healing at that moment as well.  imho.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on April 25, 2007, 12:05:46 PM
Peter would have a hard time realizing Claire was next to him to active his power when, y'know, dead.  We know it was triggered in the fight with Sylar so my guess is it was only suppressed while the glass was lodged in his brain.

Lindeman having Micah also means he has a tool to use against MPD girl.  At least until she goes psycho.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 25, 2007, 12:27:29 PM
MPD girl?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on April 25, 2007, 12:43:26 PM
Peter would have a hard time realizing Claire was next to him to active his power when, y'know, dead.  We know it was triggered in the fight with Sylar so my guess is it was only suppressed while the glass was lodged in his brain.

Lindeman having Micah also means he has a tool to use against MPD girl.  At least until she goes psycho.

See, now I have to disagree. Peter has shown that when in the presence of other muties with persistant powers, they kick in for him automatically. He didn't need to make the healing kick in, because Clair was beside him.

He went invisible when near the Doctor, he healed the first time he was near Clair, he could hear thoughts when near Parkman. When he is not near them, he needs to bring memories and emotions regarding that person to the surface to activate the power.

Basically, if his healing power was always on, so would the mind reading and the invisibility likely be.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on April 25, 2007, 12:44:24 PM
Multiple personality disorder girl

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: grebo on April 25, 2007, 03:52:49 PM
Peter's passive abilities work only when he activates them or when the person from which he gained them is nearby. 

Not true. He turned invisible during the fight with Sylar, even though the Invisible Man was nowwhere near. He also healed himself when the Invisible Man threw him off the roof and Claire was in Texas.

He also healed himself as Sylar was cutting into his skull.. which is why Sylar stopped in the first place.

Bah.  Read what I said.  We said the same thing.

As stated in Ep 14 Minute 37:10, Peter has to think about how the original power owner made him feel to use their power when they are not around.  Thusly, when dead, he cannot think and cannot regenerate.

When they are around, he can use their power without thinking.  There are multiple examples of this with Claire already.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on April 25, 2007, 04:39:46 PM
Peter can use the abilities at will. Plain and simply. But it's at will.

When other people are around, it becomes an automatic thing when necessary.

It's pure comic book schlock.

He needs THIS now! Ok, do it. OK, he has this power, he needs it. OK, do it. Claire's around, let's just do that automagic bullshit again. OK, do it.

Comic book guys, comic book.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on April 25, 2007, 05:48:14 PM
Speaking of which, the whole silly arguement is much more entertaining when read in this guy's voice:


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Triforcer on April 25, 2007, 08:55:44 PM
My view is that a wizard did it.  Anytime you see something you don't understand, a wizard did it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on April 26, 2007, 05:04:25 AM
Peter hasn't gotten to the point of using his powers instinctively yet, which is why Sylar keeps kicking his ass.

I think he keeps getting his ass kicked, because he just isn't very bright.  How long does it take for him to realize that the glass floating in the air in front of Sylar is going to be shot at him?  Why stand right in front of him with your back turned to him?  Is that what his instincts told him to do?  What a HERO! (I kept thinking he'd just stand directly behind Sylar....I don't know. Seemed obvious to me.)

And you guys already covered the part where they didn't kill Sylar while he was on the floor unconscious.  That was purely bad writing there, in my opinion.  Just plain stupid.  He took the time to pick up a dead body and leave without finishing off the guy that killed his father?  Then, he goes and enlists another bad guy to go kill Sylar.  WTF?

I wanted a nice little epic battle with both of them escaping for one reason or another.  And I got this?  Very dissappointing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on April 26, 2007, 06:54:02 AM
It was very entertaining still, I thought. I might be going against popular opinion here, but I've never really cared about plot holes much. When characterizations and motivations seem off, when actors fall apart, when dramatic levels are poor, or when the pacing bothers me, that's when I feel something is ruined. I can't say that I care a lot about whether the world I'm watching or reading on the screen or page follows all the rules of logic or not.

Not that I don't care at all. I'm just saying that good drama covers a multitude of sins. If I worried about plot holes too much, then I couldn't enjoy pretty much anything (so fuck that).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on April 26, 2007, 07:45:54 AM
Well, to play Devil's advocate for Mohinder....remember, he'd just tried to kill Sylar, and failed miserably and promptly had the shit kicked out of him for however long.  As he later said, he was in over his head.  So, he could try to kill Sylar, and likely fail, and then Peter would still be there with a brain Sylar could gain all sorts of powers from.  Or, he could do what he did, which was a lucky break to even knock Sylar out, grab Peter's body, and run, which would at least prevent Sylar from getting Peter's powers. 

The more I've thought over it, the whole scene bothers me less.  Yeah, it was a bit lame for Peter to go down like he did, but when it's all said and done, this is the origin story for Peter and the others.  Shit won't always go right for them, and generally there are alot of stupid mistakes to be made.  For an example from the comics, look at Batman:  Year One.  The first time he goes out there to do some good, it's in a normal getup, and it doesn't go well at all.  He ends up getting a TV to the head and stabbed in the leg, as I recall.  Peter's just figured out how to control some of his powers, and it's made him cocky.  This will bring him down to earth a bit.  Lots of heroes have that humbling or otherwise unpleasant moment when they're first starting out that help form them into what they become. 

The upcoming episode is one I'm looking forward to alot, one of the reasons being we get to see what Peter, Hiro, and the others become once they've mastered their powers. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on April 30, 2007, 06:33:46 PM
Zomg. Awesome. Splendid, if you prefer.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 30, 2007, 06:54:48 PM

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on April 30, 2007, 07:04:15 PM
Wugga wugga wugga, bitches.

Best episode so far, IMO.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on April 30, 2007, 07:07:22 PM
Yup, definately agree.  I didn't think last episode could be beat, but this one flat out hammers it into the ground.

Giggity giggity that was awesome. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on April 30, 2007, 07:15:31 PM
Yup, definately agree.  I didn't think last episode could be beat, but this one flat out hammers it into the ground.

Giggity giggity that was awesome. 

That bit  at the end of the family reunion was one of the top "Oh Shit!" moments In my television experience.

Totally fucking Splendid

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Daeven on April 30, 2007, 07:22:00 PM
My view is that a wizard did it.  Anytime you see something you don't understand, a wizard did it.

So. Wait. The Villain is Harry Dresden attacking Gandalf with an Invisible Car while flying to Hogwarts?

I'm so confused.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on April 30, 2007, 10:17:36 PM
Peter and Hiro as dark brooding Matrix-esque badasses tearing up a building full of guards made the episode awesome all on their own.  Zowie.

I want it to be next Monday now, please.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on May 01, 2007, 12:09:09 AM
Fucking fuck that splendid shit.

It was awesome though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 01, 2007, 12:29:37 AM
The bleakest part of that future was that 5 years later they still hadn't managed to kill Sylar and he was still outwitting them.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 01, 2007, 07:47:08 AM
Dark, brooding future Hiro fucked up.  Everyone, including him, thought it was Sylar that blew up New York.  That's why he was so obsessed with saving Claire as the key to saving the future.  So now cheerful Hiro goes back and kills Sylar but that's not going to stop the explosion since it's Peter that blows up.  This show is amazing!  :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 01, 2007, 08:56:41 AM
Yeah, that was truly the best yet. All you fuckers that bitched about not enough happening in episodes should now be able to see why that stuff is good for the show. It makes great episodes like the last two that much better when shit just starts colliding all together, and yet none of it feels rushed, and the characters make sense.

I think this one proved that Sylar's really a badass, he just hasn't had the opportunities yet to go major fuck my eyeballs badass. Sylar as Nathan-President was truly some good evil. I'm proud to say I knew exactly what was up when Nathan said "I know how things work." Peter and Hiro as badass Matrix building killers was splendid in all new ways.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 01, 2007, 08:57:31 AM
Dark, brooding future Hiro fucked up.  Everyone, including him, thought it was Sylar that blew up New York.  That's why he was so obsessed with saving Claire as the key to saving the future.  So now cheerful Hiro goes back and kills Sylar but that's not going to stop the explosion since it's Peter that blows up.  This show is amazing!  :-D

Worse yet, if Future Sylar wins that Pete-Sylar showdown or even just drives Peter off, then HE now has the ability to time travel and supress powers while ripping the memories out of people's heads.

 Woo for supermunchkin time-traveling uber-sylar!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 01, 2007, 09:15:26 AM
Peter and Hiro definately made the episode.  I really, really liked Peter's turn towards being a brooding badass, moreso than Hiro.  The move where he telekinetic threw the guard against the wall that charged him was freaking so simplistically awesome in it's approach. 

The Sylar/Nathan thing worked so well.  I could *see* Nathan getting powerhungry and caught up in everything to where I could see him saying "I'm the most special person in the world" lines to Claire.  The fact that it turned out to be Sylar was a twist, at least to me, though I can say I kinda did see it happening.  It could have gone either way, to me.

But awesome, awesome show.

I get goosebumps thinking about it NOW, much less watching it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 01, 2007, 10:09:00 AM
Worse yet, if Future Sylar wins that Pete-Sylar showdown or even just drives Peter off, then HE now has the ability to time travel and supress powers while ripping the memories out of people's heads.

But how does he get the Haitian's powers or Hiro's powers?  Future Hiro gets shot and all, and the Haitian is all deadified or something in the other room, but do we know if he can then snag powers once the people have been dead a while?  Sure if he kills Peter, then maybe he gets all the powers that Peter has absorbed, but my sense would be that he'd only get the absorbing power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on May 01, 2007, 10:41:17 AM
All you fuckers that bitched about not enough happening in episodes should now be able to see why that stuff is good for the show.

Some of them just weren't that well done (and I wasn't just pointing out action, but character related stuff too). Saying that I shouldn't have bitched because some future unseen episodes would be better is no kind of excuse. A lot of shows can manage to make early set up stuff interesting still (or even better than the finale parts, for that matter). You can have both.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 01, 2007, 10:43:43 AM
Sure if he kills Peter, then maybe he gets all the powers that Peter has absorbed, but my sense would be that he'd only get the absorbing power.

Sylar seems to think that he'd get all of the absorbed powers (he says "can't wait to try that one" when Peter turns invisible during their showdown in the previous ep).  If Peter's powers have become imprinted on his brain somehow I can see that working.

Either way, I don't think I'd want to take the chance if I were Peter.   :-)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 01, 2007, 10:44:34 AM
All you fuckers that bitched about not enough happening in episodes should now be able to see why that stuff is good for the show.

Some of them just weren't that well done (and I wasn't just pointing out action, but character related stuff too). Saying that I shouldn't have bitched because some future unseen episodes would be better is no kind of excuse. A lot of shows can manage to make early set up stuff interesting still (or even better than the finale parts, for that matter). You can have both.

This did too.  Your opinion was just wrong.   :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on May 01, 2007, 10:45:29 AM
That's a different point then, and not one worth arguing about.  :-)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 01, 2007, 11:22:42 AM
That's a different point then, and not one worth arguing about.  :-)

Isn't it?   :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 01, 2007, 11:47:40 AM

 Woo for supermunchkin time-traveling uber-sylar!
This is unfornately is not a possible in Heros.  The timeline is set by fate.  Sylar cannot defy fate anymore than Hiro could save Rosetta Stone Girl. Which is why he was upset after seeing the future with Isac's powers.  He was shown his fate to get pwned by Hiro. 

Which begs the question, how can they defy fate and save New York? Although I guess you can say that Isac's drawings are from the "aberrent" timeline and don't represent the "true" timeline.

I don't like it when stories use throw-away timelines, but they really did good job with it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 01, 2007, 11:56:36 AM
Time was changed once when Claire was saved, though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 01, 2007, 12:06:28 PM
Or was it?  Everyone *thought* that Claire was dead the whole time in Hiro's future, and when he got back from his time travelling, nothing had changed as far as he could tell, despite having saved her life.

It does beg the question of how Sylar survived being stabbed, though, since both Claire and Sylar were alive in the future.  Maybe Claire had nothing to do with his survival after all.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 01, 2007, 12:34:32 PM
Or was it?  Everyone *thought* that Claire was dead the whole time in Hiro's future, and when he got back from his time travelling, nothing had changed as far as he could tell, despite having saved her life.

It does beg the question of how Sylar survived being stabbed, though, since both Claire and Sylar were alive in the future.  Maybe Claire had nothing to do with his survival after all.

See this is why time travel mucks things up.  I thought that the reason why nothing had changed in the future even though Peter saved Claire was that Hiro is still a timid, yet improving, geek when he pulls Ando and himself forward five years.  Since Hiro had yet to get badass enough to consider doing something like stabbing Sylar, that never happened or something silly.  The galvanizing event that made him into brooding badass Hiro (according to last night's episode) was Ando's death when the bomb destroys NY.  It seems that's going to happen anyway since it's Peter who goes FWOOM and not Sylar.  So maybe he had the chance to stab Sylar, missed it, someone goes FWOOM, Ando dies, Hiro gets badass. 

Or maybe Hiro doesn't see himself stabbing Sylar in the comic until he finds it in the future.  I can't recall whether that specific comic was something Hiro read in the past timeline.  Maybe that's why he never actually does it. 

Stupid time travel. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 01, 2007, 01:12:46 PM
Could the person in the comic NOT be Sylar, and instead it's Peter?  Both are dark headed, both generally need a shave.  Hiro stabs Peter.  Peter regens.  Goes nuclear later.

Alternatively, if they know in the future that Peter goes nuclear, why not just off Peter here and now and avoid the entire thing altogether?  Or just get Peter out of dodge to Paris or where ever.

Granted it doesn't make for good TV...

So maybe it's not Peter that goes nuclear.  It IS Sylar.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 01, 2007, 01:18:17 PM
You know the guy that nearly goes nuclear everytime somebody looks at him funny, might be the one that... you know... goes nuclear.

Just saying.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 01, 2007, 01:36:25 PM
Claire WAS saved in the future timeline, Hiro just didn't know it, since Peter and Nathan were all trying to keep her being alive a secret. Sylar wasn't the bomb according to Peter. The show has gone to great pains to show that you can't change the past. I'm thinking we already know the ending to this season, we just haven't seen it all yet, unless they are trying to say you CAN change your future (Present-day Hiro can change the bomb event) but you can't change your past (Present-day Hiro couldn't save the waitress and Future Hiro couldn't stop the event himself).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 01, 2007, 01:51:28 PM
If Claire was saved, how did Sylar live thru the Hiro stabbing?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 01, 2007, 01:58:44 PM
If Claire was saved, how did Sylar live thru the Hiro stabbing?

If Claire WASN'T saved, how was she living in Midland, Texas?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 01, 2007, 02:04:58 PM
I'm going to guess that if there is a speck of Claire left, she completely regens?

Fuck if I know.

Big plot hole, IMHO.  Seems like something like that would get sniffed out because it's so damn obvious.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 01, 2007, 02:42:04 PM
I'm going to guess that if there is a speck of Claire left, she completely regens?

Fuck if I know.

Big plot hole, IMHO.  Seems like something like that would get sniffed out because it's so damn obvious.

Right, but if the brain is the one part that can't automagically instaheal (like with the glass shard removal thing from last week), and Sylar needs to access ye olde brainpanne to take a power, wouldn't a pulled-out and possibly mangled brain kind of vitiate any healing factor?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 01, 2007, 02:44:00 PM
As I see it: 

Timeline 1:  Sylar gobbles Claire's brain, gets to New York, gobbles Sprague's brain.  Hiro, somehow, knows who Sylar is, and stabs him.  Sylar regens, but the trauma/anger/whatever from the wound causes him to lose control and he nukes the city.  We know Sylar's not stable, so a loss of control would not be a surprise.  Sylar lives on, in secret.  If he takes over Nathan's identity, who knows, but I expect so.  Future Hiro didn't react strangely to the future being how it was when he got back.  It was the same.  Anyway, he builds his timeline, gathering every piece of info he can.  He has snapshots of news articles, Isaac paintings, everything.  Even, from what I remember glimpsing, a painting we won't see in it's painting form until next week's episode.  He works on this timeline until he determines what went wrong and where.  He stabbed Sylar.  Sylar healed.  Sylar blew up.  He tracks that power to Claire Bennet, and determines her to be the key.  Hiro decides that, if Sylar did not have her power, he would have been stopped in time.  (In the comic posted to coincide with .07, Future Hiro reminsices on events as he builds his timeline.  We see nerdy Hiro with a bloody sword, as the man in front of him explodes.  We also see a picture of Claire attached to the timeline, while in the background we see the scene of a Claire laying dead and brainless.)  So, he sets about to change the past, and to save Claire.  So, he gives a message for his past self to Peter Petrelli in the past.  He does this to avoid a rift/paradox.  This changes the past in ways Hiro did not anticipate though. 

Timeline 2:  This is the timeline he creates.  Peter meets Claire, interferes with Sylar, and saves Claire.  Sylar does not gain her regeneration power.  In the process, he gets exposed to several powers at once, causing him to go into a coma, as well as triggering his prophetic dreams power he got from...someone we aren't sure of yet.  Peter sees himself blow up.  Due to this, it's likely he starts mastering his powers sooner than he did in the first timeline, or at least in a different manner.  When Claude's training him, he uses regen and telekinesis first, powers he only had because he was in Odessa to save Claire, all thanks to Future Hiro.  When Peter next encounters Sylar, the regeneration takes Sylar by surprise, giving Peter the chance to act.  How they first meeting originally happened, we'll likely never know, but chances are it involved Peter manifesting telekinesis by instinct in a desire to get Sylar away from him, spooking Sylar off.  Anyway, Sylar runs off, later chows down on Isaac's brain, but it happens differently this time than it did when Hiro jumped to witness it.  Small details are changed.  Eventually, though, Peter comes across Sprague, and is unable to get out of New York.  Somehow, he loses control of the power and goes nuclear.  Even Sprague has troubles controlling the power, so it's not a stretch to see Peter have issues when he first gets it and something goes wrong.  Then we see the episode of the future.  Future Hiro changed the past, but not in a way that ultimately matters as far as he's concerned.  If he had, it technically would have invoked a paradox, as he would then have no reason to warn himself.  He also, though, has no recollection of the 'past' as he has changed it in his current time.  He's become an anomaly in time, basically.  But....Past Hiro has seen the future and has been given clues to to change it, which means a 3rd timeline can be created.  Which is what the next few episodes will entail. 

Basically, time travel's a pain in the ass.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 01, 2007, 02:53:26 PM
Peter nuked the city in all the timelines.  Future Hiro just thinks Sylar's at fault because Peter never told him the truth.

He dun fucked up.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on May 01, 2007, 03:37:17 PM
Basically, time travel's a pain in the ass.

Not really. You just have to obey the 12 laws.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 01, 2007, 03:39:33 PM
Basically, time travel's a pain in the ass.

Good thing the heroes have Doctor Who on their side.  :evil:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 01, 2007, 05:26:05 PM
If Claire was saved, how did Sylar live thru the Hiro stabbing?

If Claire WASN'T saved, how was she living in Midland, Texas?

Exactly.  Somehow Sylar survived the stabbing without having Claire's powers, because in this episode we saw him gobbling Claire's brain 5 years after he got stabbed by Hiro.

What if it wasn't really Sylar that Hiro stabbed?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 01, 2007, 05:29:34 PM
Illusion Lady?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 01, 2007, 05:58:21 PM
Sylar himself got illusion lady.  Hence pretending to be Nathan. 

As to Sylar surviving, I think one of the powers he grabbed between telekinesis and Charlie's memory power was some sort of biofeedback and/or increased toughness power.  He was able to walk, or at least limp, away from the fall that basically killed Peter in Odessa.  He was able to somehow fake being dead while in captivity, fight off the effects of being drugged by Mohinder, and he's survived being shot, as seen when he was chased away from the Bennet house.  In the comic for that episode, he makes a comment while recovering about how 'these bullet holes wouldn't be a problem' if he had Claire's power, implying that he can survive quite a bit, and heal relatively quickly from his injuries, just not as well as if he had the regeneration power.  Hell, the slam into the wall and bookcase in Mohinder's apartment didn't faze him, only being hit pretty hard in the head by surprise afterwards had much of an effect. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 01, 2007, 06:04:40 PM
My take is that he's using TK to minimize damage to himself, e.g. sapping the energy out of (or stopping entirely) bullets, maybe slowing his fall off the bleachers a bit, et cetera.  They haven't really made that explicit, though, apart from stopping the bullet when Mohinder tried to shoot him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 02, 2007, 04:13:22 AM
I'm going w/ Hiro stabbing Peter while Peter is all shiney w/ the nuke powers, and mistakenly thinking it was Sylar, and Peter never ever correcting him.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 02, 2007, 08:26:04 AM
My take is that he's using TK to minimize damage to himself, e.g. sapping the energy out of (or stopping entirely) bullets, maybe slowing his fall off the bleachers a bit, et cetera.  They haven't really made that explicit, though, apart from stopping the bullet when Mohinder tried to shoot him.

How much of a Star Wars geek am I that when I read "TK", the first thing that came to mind was Tera Kasi?

/shoots self

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 02, 2007, 08:48:16 AM
I'm going w/ Hiro stabbing Peter while Peter is all shiney w/ the nuke powers, and mistakenly thinking it was Sylar, and Peter never ever correcting him.


Perhaps that is the source of Peter's scar.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 02, 2007, 10:52:06 AM
My take is that he's using TK to minimize damage to himself, e.g. sapping the energy out of (or stopping entirely) bullets, maybe slowing his fall off the bleachers a bit, et cetera.  They haven't really made that explicit, though, apart from stopping the bullet when Mohinder tried to shoot him.

How much of a Star Wars geek am I that when I read "TK", the first thing that came to mind was Tera Kasi?

/shoots self

A lot more than me.  I read it as "Team Killing."  erp.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 02, 2007, 11:16:27 AM

Tell your avatar to drop her pants a bit lower.  Kthx.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 02, 2007, 11:37:22 AM
You asking for Ironwood?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on May 02, 2007, 03:34:39 PM
My theory on the Sylar still being alive after being stabbed and Clair being alive is that the actions of Future Hiro are starting to effect his time line, since Claire was saved, but in the other timeline they havent got to the bomb blowing up (even though where in the line they are shouldnt matter) Sylar hasnt had the chance to be stabbed yet with out clairs powers. So Sylar is still alive cause Present Day Hiro hasnt stabbed him, but Clair is alive because she has already been saved.

I know that breaks some of the "laws of time travel" but thats how I read it from the show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: palmer_eldritch on May 02, 2007, 04:29:26 PM
My theory on the Sylar still being alive after being stabbed and Clair being alive is that the actions of Future Hiro are starting to effect his time line, since Claire was saved, but in the other timeline they havent got to the bomb blowing up (even though where in the line they are shouldnt matter) Sylar hasnt had the chance to be stabbed yet with out clairs powers. So Sylar is still alive cause Present Day Hiro hasnt stabbed him, but Clair is alive because she has already been saved.

I know that breaks some of the "laws of time travel" but thats how I read it from the show.

Oh yeah.

I thought I understood what was going on after watching the episode. Then I read what people were saying here and decided I didn't understand it at all. Now I understand it again.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 02, 2007, 04:47:26 PM
My theory on the Sylar still being alive after being stabbed and Clair being alive is that the actions of Future Hiro are starting to effect his time line, since Claire was saved, but in the other timeline they havent got to the bomb blowing up (even though where in the line they are shouldnt matter) Sylar hasnt had the chance to be stabbed yet with out clairs powers. So Sylar is still alive cause Present Day Hiro hasnt stabbed him, but Clair is alive because she has already been saved.

I know that breaks some of the "laws of time travel" but thats how I read it from the show.

Oh yeah.

I thought I understood what was going on after watching the episode. Then I read what people were saying here and decided I didn't understand it at all. Now I understand it again.

That was my original idea, but it made no "time travel" sense.  Now I see that it does.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: squirrel on May 02, 2007, 10:03:09 PM
Wow - I missed it monday so I haven't read this thread until I saw the torrent version I just saw. Holy Shit. What a great fucking episode. I have to sit in a quiet place for a bit and absorb it, but wow.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 04, 2007, 09:07:47 AM
Or maybe Hiro doesn't see himself stabbing Sylar in the comic until he finds it in the future.  I can't recall whether that specific comic was something Hiro read in the past timeline.  Maybe that's why he never actually does it. 
Hiro got the final comic in the future from Mohinder.  It is the one Isaac gave to the courier a few hours before his death, and the finding "a way to stop you" he was taunting Sylar about.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 04, 2007, 12:49:19 PM
Future Hiro also had a page out of that comic that he gave to Ando right before he died.  My guess is it shows Ando dying. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 06, 2007, 11:57:13 AM
This is how i see it:

- Sylar kills clair, absorbs her power

- Hiro stabs Sylar, Sylar regens

- New York blows up

- 5 years later Hiro goes back in time, warns Peter

- Peter saves Claire, Claire goes into hiding making everyone think shes dead

- New York still blows up, future Hiro wonders wtf happened

The first instance of Hiro stabbing Sylar happened when they didn't save Claire, Hiro hasn't stabbed Sylar with Claire alive yet.  If i had to guess Hiro will kill Sylar and it will do jack shit to stop the bomb.  They have really written themselves into a corner with Peter though, and i hate to see them take the "conviniently forget your powers" route like a lot of comic books have done in the past.  Future Hiro, his good friend, got shot in the fucking back, the Haitian aka the only dude who can stop him is dead, and the only thing he can think to do is slam the door in Parkmans face?  HELLO YOU CAN FREEZE TIME.  Parkman should have been disemboweled a milisecond after shooting Hiro and Sylar has absolutely zero chance against time freezing Peter.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 06, 2007, 03:10:58 PM
I can't find the post now, but there was a sub-conversation going that included Sylar escaping from Primatech Papers by dodging the Haitian's powers. If I recall that episode correct, the Haitian was a) off with Claire's foster dad intercepting somebody, and didn't return to Primatech with him. As such, Sylar was first able to take out the girl and then take out Claire's dad to escape. Sometime thereafter Claire's dad hooked back up with the Haitian.

And shit if my memory doesn't suck. Apologies for having to use "Claire's dad" and "The Haitian" and "the girl" instead of their real names.

Back onto where we currently are in the thread: I don't think Hiro stabbed Sylar in the main timeline. I think the comic book page showing him do so was created prior to him jumping forward 5 years but depicted a time after the day he jumped. Like, the artwork shows Hiro stabbing Sylar on a Wednesday. But Hiro is in the warehouse on a Tuesday and jumps forward 5 years. As such, he's not around on that Wednesday to do the deed, altering the future to the one he lands in.

One thing I gotta say about the time travel in Heroes is they seem to do a fairly good job of having it make sense, and better than wimping and by using "there's infinite timelines" from Star Trek (not that Paramount wimped out per se, depending on your understanding of quantum mechanics, of which I know dick-all about except something having to do with multiple timelines. I just feel multiple timelines is an easy plot cop-out when abused).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 07, 2007, 05:18:39 AM
Yes, the fact that nobody just stops time to kill Sylar is just yet another annoying thing about Sylar. 

As I've said, he must have picked up a power along the way that makes every stupid when he's around attacking them.

I want a new villain please.

Oh, and why didn't Peter ever pick up the Haitian's power?  Chicken or the egg situation?  Who copies/cancels the other first?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 07, 2007, 05:22:14 AM
I thought Peter did get the Haitians power. That's why they needed him to get into the facility in the future.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 07, 2007, 05:33:02 AM
Maybe he just never had a strong emotional reaction to the Haitian?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 07, 2007, 05:40:27 AM
I'm pretty sure being around the Haitian at any point and not being able to use his own powers would evoke a pretty strong emotion.

That's to say, there was plenty of opportunity to absorb that. Now learning to trigger that particular power is another story.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on May 07, 2007, 06:32:52 AM
I really think the copycat power is canceled by the Haitian.

Off the tangent, the way evolution works (as a gene defect in the offspring that might or might not be beneficial) the egg was there first, the animal that laid the egg was a genetical predecessor, some sort of Almostbutnotyetthere-chicken. That much-quoted question is no question at all.  :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 07, 2007, 08:54:09 AM
Was it a chicken egg or an almostbutnotyetthere-chicken egg?  Who determines the type of egg, the parent or the offspring?  Unfertilized chicken eggs are still chicken eggs, so maybe the chicken was first...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on May 07, 2007, 10:25:11 AM
It was a chicken-embryo, the chicken-egg (or almostbutnotyetthere-chicken egg) is just a means for the embryo to nourish itself and grow up in. The actual mutation happened most likely in the sperm because sperms are divided more often than ova (and mutations are bascially just copying errors in cell division).

Of course the embryo is just the product of the ovum of the egg and the sperm of the fertilization, so the mutation could theoretically have happened in both parts.

Damn, now we are at "What was first, the ovum or the sperm". At least we will never have to ask why the ovum crossed the street.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 07, 2007, 11:04:35 AM
TBH I think Hiro's power, while very cool, is probably one of the dumbest ones to introduce if you want to avoid the whole, "forgetting they have a super-duper power that's an I win button," problem. Pretty much any instance where Hiro (or Peter) is in a fight or has to do anything can be solved by freezing time and doing whatever they want to unless you can come up with a really good reason why not. The Haitian worked well. Arguably when Future Hiro gets shot Peter doesn't freeze time because he needs to delay Sylar so Past Hiro can escape but seeing as Sylar wouldn't be able to fight back and Past Hiro could escape anyway the only plausible reason is that Peter wants to make him suffer.

It also reminded me of the scene in the comic where future Peter and Hiro break into a prison to free people and don't freeze time because then they'd have to drag everyone out one by one. Basically they're being lazy and even so can just hit that 'I win' button when trouble starts. The writers really should have thought about building in some semi-plausible limitations to Hiro's power to justify his not using them anytime anything happens, ever.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 07, 2007, 12:38:03 PM
TBH I think Hiro's power, while very cool, is probably one of the dumbest ones to introduce if you want to avoid the whole, "forgetting they have a super-duper power that's an I win button," problem. Pretty much any instance where Hiro (or Peter) is in a fight or has to do anything can be solved by freezing time and doing whatever they want to unless you can come up with a really good reason why not. The Haitian worked well. Arguably when Future Hiro gets shot Peter doesn't freeze time because he needs to delay Sylar so Past Hiro can escape but seeing as Sylar wouldn't be able to fight back and Past Hiro could escape anyway the only plausible reason is that Peter wants to make him suffer.

It also reminded me of the scene in the comic where future Peter and Hiro break into a prison to free people and don't freeze time because then they'd have to drag everyone out one by one. Basically they're being lazy and even so can just hit that 'I win' button when trouble starts. The writers really should have thought about building in some semi-plausible limitations to Hiro's power to justify his not using them anytime anything happens, ever.

Present-day Hiro has limitations.  He sucks at controlling his powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on May 07, 2007, 01:59:08 PM
I was thinking of another explantion to what I posted before.

Future Hiro didnt stab Sylar. He stabbed Peter. He said he stabbed the person who was going to blow up right? Also the world thinks Sylar blew up. Maybe it was Peter shapeshifted to look like Sylar, or it was Peter already blowing up, so Hiro couldnt tell it was him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 07, 2007, 04:40:33 PM
I was thinking of another explantion to what I posted before.

Future Hiro didnt stab Sylar. He stabbed Peter. He said he stabbed the person who was going to blow up right? Also the world thinks Sylar blew up. Maybe it was Peter shapeshifted to look like Sylar, or it was Peter already blowing up, so Hiro couldnt tell it was him.

No he said he stabbed Sylar, but Sylar regened.  What i've been wondering for the past month or so is what the heck happened to that chick that could IM you with her mind, she sorta showed up one episode and talked nuclear guy into going after Bennet then just buggered off never to be seen again.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 07, 2007, 04:43:11 PM
I've got a feeling with that one that in Future Hiro's original timeline that it was Sylar who blew up. Saving Claire has changed this somehow and now it is Peter who goes blooey and either Nathan or Sylar-pretending-to-be-Nathan have covered this fact up and blamed it on Sylar.

TBH this seems the only way to read it so that it makes sense rather than Peter morphed as Sylar (an ability I don't think Peter has shown yet so no garuantee he gets it). Assuming that the they're treating time travel as a "come to the future and find out what's different!" affair for Future Hiro that they seem to have done.

What i've been wondering for the past month or so is what the heck happened to that chick that could IM you with her mind, she sorta showed up one episode and talked nuclear guy into going after Bennet then just buggered off never to be seen again.

In the comic she's working with Bennet (HRG) and broken into the Pentagon to find out the back story for Linderman and daddy Petrelli.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 07, 2007, 05:24:49 PM
Didn't future-painter-guy figure out that it was Peter who goes kablooey well before future-Hiro met Peter on the subway?

So, Hiro's time-traveling didn't affect who blew up the city.  So it was the same person in the original timeline.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 07, 2007, 05:42:11 PM
No he said he stabbed Sylar, but Sylar regened.  What i've been wondering for the past month or so is what the heck happened to that chick that could IM you with her mind, she sorta showed up one episode and talked nuclear guy into going after Bennet then just buggered off never to be seen again.

I believe, but I could be wrong, that she was the chick helping Bennet in the future.  And so she died too, thanks to Matt. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 07, 2007, 07:04:55 PM
Well that was a rather slow episode.  At least now it seems that all of the pieces are in place.  I also like the stuff with Sylar and his mom -- it gives a bit of insight into his particular brand of crazy/evil.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 07, 2007, 08:47:07 PM
It also finally ties back to some of the very early episodes with Mohinder and Eden before we ever actually see Sylar.  There's the message on Chandra's answering machine where Sylar talks about how he can't control 'the hunger' and how he didn't want to do what he was doing.  Then they find that room at Sylar's apartment with 'I have sinned' and 'Forgive Me' scrawled all over the walls.  For a long time it seemed like the writers had abandoned that part of Sylar's personality. It was nice to see them pick up and explore that facet of his character again.  It makes him a much more interesting character instead of the mostly one-dimensional killing automation he's been for most of the time we've seen him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: |3o3dha on May 07, 2007, 08:56:09 PM
It also finally ties back to some of the very early episodes with Mohinder and Eden before we ever actually see Sylar.  There's the message on Chandra's answering machine where Sylar talks about how he can't control 'the hunger' and how he didn't want to do what he was doing.  Then they find that room at Sylar's apartment with 'I have sinned' and 'Forgive Me' scrawled all over the walls.  For a long time it seemed like the writers had abandoned that part of Sylar's personality. It was nice to see them pick up and explore that facet of his character again.  It makes him a much more interesting character instead of the mostly one-dimensional killing automation he's been for most of the time we've seen him.

Was I the only one who found the whole Sylar plotline awfully excecuted? This episode contained some of the worst (Sylar)  scenes in the whole series.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NiX on May 07, 2007, 10:21:13 PM
Was I the only one who found the whole Sylar plotline awfully excecuted? This episode contained some of the worst (Sylar)  scenes in the whole series.
Can you explain why? I agree entirely with Nevermore. It brought back a lot of the stuff that seemed out of place and put it into perspective. It also gives a fair bit more insight into Sylar and also breeds the slightest amount of pity for the guy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: |3o3dha on May 07, 2007, 10:56:09 PM
Was I the only one who found the whole Sylar plotline awfully excecuted? This episode contained some of the worst (Sylar)  scenes in the whole series.
Can you explain why? I agree entirely with Nevermore. It brought back a lot of the stuff that seemed out of place and put it into perspective. It also gives a fair bit more insight into Sylar and also breeds the slightest amount of pity for the guy.

Yes it does all that, I am completely fine with the intention of the scenes, however the way the scenes were filmed/ executed was just plain horrible. It could just be that I have something against the actor, but imho it's not even the actor, it's deeper. It's the whole choreography, choice of viewpoints, the whole background has a very flimsy feel around it. I just don't buy it, not in the way it is represented in those scenes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 08, 2007, 04:26:06 AM
Ya, it was poorly directed.

I like that we're seeing new abilities from Sylar.  Stuff I haven't seen before: frost hands.

Also, did we confirm he has some sort of resiliance trait?  Fighting through the Haitian's power, kicking the time stop from Hiro, etc.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on May 08, 2007, 04:48:17 AM
I'm miles behind you guys on the episodes, but the first family he killed (where the psychic cop was first involved and met the FBI Ugly from Faculty) were found Iced and removed.

I'd figured he had some kinda ice-power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 08, 2007, 04:50:44 AM
Once again, I show how good my memory really is.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 08, 2007, 04:55:23 AM
Didn't future-painter-guy figure out that it was Peter who goes kablooey well before future-Hiro met Peter on the subway?

So, Hiro's time-traveling didn't affect who blew up the city.  So it was the same person in the original timeline.

I dunno, the artist certainly painted someone exploding but that painting isn't identifiable as anyone specifically. He certainly assumed it was Peter but I can't remember if the whole 'Peter explodes New York' thing started happening after he saved Claire or not. If it did I think my version holds up, if he was having dreams about going kablooey beforehand then I guess there's some other conclusion coming up.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 08, 2007, 04:57:03 AM
I'm miles behind you guys on the episodes, but the first family he killed (where the psychic cop was first involved and met the FBI Ugly from Faculty) were found Iced and removed.

I'd figured he had some kinda ice-power.

I don't remember that episode.....

Is that the one where Matt "heard" the kid in a closet, and her parents where stapled to the wall?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 08, 2007, 05:00:13 AM
The most recent episode sucked. Next.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on May 08, 2007, 05:07:10 AM
I'm miles behind you guys on the episodes, but the first family he killed (where the psychic cop was first involved and met the FBI Ugly from Faculty) were found Iced and removed.

I'd figured he had some kinda ice-power.

I don't remember that episode.....

Is that the one where Matt "heard" the kid in a closet, and her parents where stapled to the wall?

Yes and No.

The mother was stapled to the Staircase with what appeared to be Fire Pokers and tongs.

The father was sitting normally at the dining table, frozen, with half his head cutaway.

But you're broadly right.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 08, 2007, 07:49:13 AM
Ya, it was poorly directed.

I like that we're seeing new abilities from Sylar.  Stuff I haven't seen before: frost hands.

Also, did we confirm he has some sort of resiliance trait?  Fighting through the Haitian's power, kicking the time stop from Hiro, etc.

Sylar doesn't necessarily unstop time after Hiro stops it.  It's very possible that Hiro's power isn't of indefinite duration, or that, you know, he sucks at controlling it.  He couldn't make himself kill Sylar, and so his own internal conflict caused him to be distracted enough to drop the time freeze.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 08, 2007, 07:56:13 AM
Yeah, I took it as Hiro losing his nerve more than Sylar doing anything.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 08, 2007, 08:16:13 AM
I'm miles behind you guys on the episodes, but the first family he killed (where the psychic cop was first involved and met the FBI Ugly from Faculty) were found Iced and removed.

I'd figured he had some kinda ice-power.

I don't remember that episode.....

Is that the one where Matt "heard" the kid in a closet, and her parents where stapled to the wall?

Yes and No.

The mother was stapled to the Staircase with what appeared to be Fire Pokers and tongs.

The father was sitting normally at the dining table, frozen, with half his head cutaway.

But you're broadly right.

The little girl was the same little girl from this episode also.  It was kind of a slow episode, but it had a lot of nice touches i thought.  Like Claires excited "cool!" when she learns dad can fly, or Sylar being upset about killing 3 million innocents when he has no remorce at all about killing specials because he thinks they don't deserve it.  Now that i think about it he reminds me a lot of Syndrome from The Incredibles.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 08, 2007, 09:27:59 AM
It was a very slow episode, and weaker than the last few. You could tell it was a "setting the pieces up" episode, and probably had to be done before the final boom boom episodes, but damn it was weak until the last scene. Seeing Peter's hands get glowy 2 days early was great.

The Sylar scenes didn't completely ring true to me until he kills his mother, then it all made a sick bit of sense. Killing his mother was an internal struggle, to kill that last bit of contrition in him. He's got nothing but the hunger for power now. I also saw Sylar breaking out of the power as Hiro losing his nerve. He seems to lose fine control over his powers the more he doubts himself.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 08, 2007, 10:07:04 AM
I'm curious how they'll resolve the issue with Hiro's sword.  Will he do a "Dumbo" and realize he never needed it at all, or will he do an "Aragorn" and get some other hero to fix it just in time for him to save the day?

Looking back at the teaser, I'm guessing it's a little bit of both.  Sulu arrives and gives Hiro a new sword (a family heirloom) and his blessing, restoring Hiro's self-confidence and his powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 08, 2007, 10:16:15 AM
I also thought that part of his regret for blowing up NY was the fact that his mother lived there.  I was thinking he went there to see if there was any reason to save her somehow.  I guess he took care of that business early.  She also probably showed him that normal humans would never accept him for him, so screw them all.

Now that we know that all the "Old Timer" heroes (Linderman, Peter's Mom, Eric Robert's character, etc.) are all in this thing together, I'm more confused than ever.  It seems like every conspiracy group is aligned to have one thing happen, Blow Up New York.  We still haven't seen anything that hints at why this has to happen or how they know it needs to happen.  I imagine this has been in planning since before any of the "new" heroes had been born, so did they have their own fortune teller in their group?

This is all based on my own theory that a group of "heroes" were in existence 25-30 years prior and did some things together.  Some of those things were good and some bad.  Something big happened and forced them to go underground (a la Incredibles only darker.)  They've been plotting all of these activities with their own offspring, etc.  

I originally thought there were several "old timer" groups doing several different things, but now I have to change that theory.  Confused I am.

I mention a very early fortune teller only because for some reason nothing surprises these guys.  Sylar, Hiro jumping around, etc.  It is like they already saw the script from years ago and are just making sure things head in that general path.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 08, 2007, 10:31:35 AM
This is all based on my own theory that a group of "heroes" were in existence 25-30 years prior and did some things together.  Some of those things were good and some bad.  Something big happened and forced them to go underground (a la Incredibles only darker.)  They've been plotting all of these activities with their own offspring, etc.  

You're not reading the online comic.  This is close to the case. Linderman served in Vietnam with Peter's dad in a black-ops unit.  Linderman was the only guy with powers, but they took-out a Vietnameese girl (about 12) who had a power as well.  Lindermann didn't want to do it because he was like her, and he tried to stop Petrelli. Petrelli succeeded and said something along the lines of "sometimes people have to die so that more can live" foreshadowing Linderman's own "Lets nuke NY" agenda, which Linderman starts up later (in the 70s?) by finding Petrelli again.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 08, 2007, 10:54:48 AM
It seems to me that there is only one "old timer" group of heroes.  At first, I thought Primatech was one entity and Linderman was another, now I am not so sure.  I haven't kept up with the online comic very well, but it sure seems like that's the case -- it's all one group and maybe they don't all know that they're all the same group.  I also am looking forward to seeing how Parkman and Ted react to the whole "destroy the Walker tracking system" theory when they find out that the tracking system is a little girl.  Heck, I sometimes wonder if Bennett even KNOWS that it's a little girl.  After all, he's just middle management.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: |3o3dha on May 08, 2007, 11:06:49 AM
I am not that sure Petrelli's mother was actually his mother. For some reason I got the Illusion Lady vibe from her, which could be true, as she is in NY too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on May 08, 2007, 12:28:03 PM
It seems to me that there is only one "old timer" group of heroes.  At first, I thought Primatech was one entity and Linderman was another, now I am not so sure.  I haven't kept up with the online comic very well, but it sure seems like that's the case -- it's all one group and maybe they don't all know that they're all the same group.  I also am looking forward to seeing how Parkman and Ted react to the whole "destroy the Walker tracking system" theory when they find out that the tracking system is a little girl.  Heck, I sometimes wonder if Bennett even KNOWS that it's a little girl.  After all, he's just middle management.

We found out a few episodes that Primatech Paper Group is headed by Linderman. Although I would put money on the fact that next season starts with us finding out that Linderman is just a pawn for another more evil and shadowy group.

I am a bit disappointed that they set up all these different factions, and now the majority of them are turning our to be arms of the same faction. Its more interesting when there are several different goals going on not just "Supprise, we work for them TOO!!!"

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on May 08, 2007, 12:30:20 PM
It seems to me that there is only one "old timer" group of heroes.  At first, I thought Primatech was one entity and Linderman was another, now I am not so sure.  I haven't kept up with the online comic very well, but it sure seems like that's the case -- it's all one group and maybe they don't all know that they're all the same group.  I also am looking forward to seeing how Parkman and Ted react to the whole "destroy the Walker tracking system" theory when they find out that the tracking system is a little girl.  Heck, I sometimes wonder if Bennett even KNOWS that it's a little girl.  After all, he's just middle management.

She would be nice for Sylar to get his hands on. Guess Peter can't ever meet her either.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 08, 2007, 12:52:30 PM
I am not that sure Petrelli's mother was actually his mother. For some reason I got the Illusion Lady vibe from her, which could be true, as she is in NY too.

Interesting.  With Linderman supplying her with all of the mother's information? 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 08, 2007, 05:53:33 PM
I am not that sure Petrelli's mother was actually his mother. For some reason I got the Illusion Lady vibe from her, which could be true, as she is in NY too.

Interesting.  With Linderman supplying her with all of the mother's information? 

I just wonder how she could be both at the Petrelli house AND holding Micah hostage at the same time.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 08, 2007, 06:01:03 PM
I think it was really Nathan's mom.  No need to have the illusionist involved.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: hal on May 08, 2007, 06:21:14 PM
OK, I am up to #5. The best part is the things that are not said. For TV this is some damn fine writing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Phildo on May 08, 2007, 07:48:31 PM
Linderman actually explains that he and his organization have been guiding events towards a major tragedy in New York City with the goal of uniting the globe a few episodes ago.  Also, in the episode just before this one we see Sylar and Peter go after each other using ice and fire respectively, if only for a few seconds.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Xerapis on May 09, 2007, 01:07:58 AM
Personally, I thought it was more the bushido code thing that caused Hiro to drop the time-freeze right before decapitating Sylar.

I guess he underestimated Sylar's quick-reaction capability.

And I'm ready for him to lose the gimmick sword.

If Ando dies, I will be SERIOUSLY pissed.  He's one of my favorite things about the series.  Although, I am still waiting for the explanation about how he got on Linderman's security team, especially considering the security guys seemed to have him and Hiro on a blacklist.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 09, 2007, 04:30:59 AM
I don't see Ando dying. I see one of the real Heroes biting it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 09, 2007, 09:55:59 AM
I don't know about dying, but I can see Nathan doing something unexpected.  He looked seriously unhappy with mommy dearest and Thompson (or whatever the Primatech guy's name is).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 09, 2007, 10:23:22 AM
Nathan is going to go against his mother and the Linderman group. They've pretty much been setting him up to do just that, and he'll do it because of Peter. I can see Nathan taking the bomb guy into orbit, killing himself and the bomb guy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 09, 2007, 10:47:35 AM
Nathan is going to go against his mother and the Linderman group. They've pretty much been setting him up to do just that, and he'll do it because of Peter. I can see Nathan taking the bomb guy into orbit, killing himself and the bomb guy.

That's a pretty awesome theory.

I'm actually hoping they blow up NY IN THE SHOW Heroes on NBC. (had to add that for all the data miners on the net).  There really hasn't been a television show that 'goes there'.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 09, 2007, 11:29:11 AM
Could be.  Peter has been freaking out about going nuclear which has made me wonder why he doesn't consider flying away if it happens.

One of the problems with an all-powerful character I suppose.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 09, 2007, 11:43:06 AM
I can see Nathan taking the bomb guy into orbit, killing himself and the bomb guy.

Alternatively, Peter absorbs Nathan's flight powers long enough to take him up to orbit, and still has Claire's regen. 

Lives to fight another day.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on May 09, 2007, 02:01:14 PM
I can see Nathan taking the bomb guy into orbit, killing himself and the bomb guy.

Alternatively, Peter absorbs Nathan's flight powers long enough to take him up to orbit, and still has Claire's regen. 

Lives to fight another day.

Peter's not Rogue. Once he's got someone's powers, and figures out how to trigger/control them, he can use the powers whenever he wants.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on May 10, 2007, 01:34:26 AM
"Take me in return for Un-Special Ando."

Last nights episode was fantastic and the cut at the end got Christine shouting 'Naw, not now !!' at the screen.

It truly is good stuff.

For me, the show could be called "HIRO (and Ando)" and I'd still watch it religiously. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 10, 2007, 06:40:20 AM
Yeah, for the last 3 episodes since we have known Peter can do all of the powers anytime, I've thought, why don't you just fly out in the middle of the Atlantic and explode.  You'll survive, nobody gets hurt, etc.  Who know, maybe he'll actually grow some smarts before this is done and actually do that.

I was just theorizing today that perhaps the next season or the 3rd will go all the way back and explain the story behind the elder heroes.  I can see that as a distinct possibility given all of the huge gaps they are providing now.  Heck, they already jumped ahead in time, might as well jump back.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 10, 2007, 06:44:18 AM
Ya, the comic dealing with Linderman and Petrelli was great, and I'd love to see more of the 'elders' as we're calling them.

As for Peter hanging around, I think he's starting to believe it isn't him.  We'll see next episode I think.  They've given us 3 possibilities (4 if you count a 'surprise' one): Sylar eating Radioactive Man and blowing up NYC out of spite, Radioactive Man blowing up because he loses control/stops caring, Peter blowing up because he can't control the power, or a surprise one is a new character that causes other heros to lose control of their powers (neat concept anyways).  Plus, the 'catch-line' (I fucking hate these btw) from last episode was something like "Who do you think will blow up NYC?" or some shit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 11, 2007, 06:41:11 PM
I haven't read the comic yet. In fact, I just learned about it's existence. From page 17.

However, in the last episode, when Linderman is talking to Nathan, he talks in brief about the old timers once working together and then some splinter group going off on its own doing Bad Things(tm). I took that to be the faction split between different views of what the future should be, with one set of old timers wanting to blow up NYC to install Nathan as King of the World while the other group doesn't.

My guess is that Linderman's group is going along on this plan because they started it long ago, but havent factored in Sylar. Meanwhile, Eric Roberts' has factored in Sylar and is trying to adapt a new plan that utilizes Molly to stop Sylar, and along the way counter Lindermans' plans. Plan A is business as usual, Nathan in charge (until it becomes Sylar and he wipes out everyone), Plan B is a revised one, with a future we have no idea about.*

I don't think they'll blow up NYC. Not for "real" in the show. This is a big network and too many people would bitch at them for it. They know only certain types of PR are good PR.

* In a way this reminds me of 'Foundation and Empire', the one where the Foundation has been managing the emergence of the new empire through Psychohistory, and come to realize The Mule is a foil (he having escape from Gaia, Hari Seldon's trump card race/world). As a result there's the Second Empire chasing The Mule to take him down to get psychohistory back on track and then there's the rep from Gaia that helps the main protagonist realize there's a much bigger choice to make: short term return to expected or the long term actual success.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 11, 2007, 07:39:03 PM
I don't think they'll blow up NY simply because it'll make the series cost a shitload more. It's pointless. New York is a fun place to film superheroes also. It makes certain things more believable.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 11, 2007, 09:15:51 PM
For a while I also kinda thought that they should end up having the Heroes fail to stop the bomb.  Thinking about it more though, maybe it would have worked if it was a shorter story arc and a couple seasons into the show.  As it stands now though, if the payoff to a season long storyline is that for all their powers, for all the advanced warning they had that this explosion was going to happen, they still were unable to stop it... would people still want to tune into the show next season?  It would set a pretty bleak and helpless tone for the series.

Blowing up New York in the finale is great if you're doing Watchmen.  Not so much if you're doing a network TV series that you're hoping will last around 5 years.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 12, 2007, 12:14:09 PM
It would be awesome though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 13, 2007, 01:04:14 PM
Ok, just read through all the comics. Way surprised by how many there were. How often do they release new ones? Once a week?

*** Light Spoilers. Avoid if you haven't read them yet ***
My favorite side story was with Wireless. I like the character a lot, a human data miner.

I also liked the sidebar of Nathan saving the girl from the fire. I wish there was something along those lines in the show, something to show his "good side", to make us see the conflict in him about letting NY blow up.

Finally, I really liked the chapters dealing with the girl who could command people with her voice.

Two questions I've had for awhile:

Was Sylar a homicidal sociopath before he got his first power after his first run-in with Suresh Senior?
What lead Suresh Senior to Sylar in the first place, if Sylar had no powers? Or was it that Sylar could eat people's brains and absorb their uniqueness that was the power that put him on Suresh's charts?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 13, 2007, 01:22:04 PM
Ok, just read through all the comics. Way surprised by how many there were. How often do they release new ones? Once a week?

Something like that.  It seems like they go up right after the episodes air.

Was Sylar a homicidal sociopath before he got his first power after his first run-in with Suresh Senior?

There's nothing to suggest that.  It seems like the thing that drove Sylar to kill was the other mutant telling him that he didn't want his power, and asking Sylar to "fix" it.  It was the combination of Sylar's desire to have a cool power and be special, his disappointment that Suresh Senior had told him he wasn't special, this person who WAS special not appreciating it, and the sudden realization that he could figure out what made other people special and take it from them.

What lead Suresh Senior to Sylar in the first place, if Sylar had no powers? Or was it that Sylar could eat people's brains and absorb their uniqueness that was the power that put him on Suresh's charts?

Suresh's formula only shows that someone has a power, not what that power is.  Sylar's power (the ability to take things apart and see how they work) just wasn't immediately obvious, so Suresh assumed that the formula was wrong.  Supposedly.  If I were Suresh, I would have investigated the "hey, your watch is off by .001%, hand that over here and I'll fix it before you can say 'huh?'" phenomenon in a bit more depth.   :-P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 13, 2007, 03:26:46 PM
Ok cool. So then why did telekinesis-man come to Sylar in the first place? Or was it Sylar that reached out to him by seeing his name on Suresh's list?

Oh, and another thing: why would any mutant-based faction, particularly Linderman's, want to proceed with nuking NYC? Do they not realize the tight spot that'd put all mutants in, including Linderman himself, Mrs. Petrelli (who's got some as-yet unknown power) and so on? Is their vision to let the event happen and then take over the world (in which case Sylar screws that up by taking over as Nathan)? Or does Linderman et al hate all mutants and want them to go away (in which case it doesn't matter it's Nathan or Nathan/Sylar?)

I did like the inner conflict of Sylar in the last episode though "why would I do this? what possible gain would there be for me?" At first you think he's starting to question himself. But then you realize it's just hyper narcissism :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 13, 2007, 04:24:18 PM
Oh, and another thing: why would any mutant-based faction, particularly Linderman's, want to proceed with nuking NYC? Do they not realize the tight spot that'd put all mutants in...

To start a race war they probably would win?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 13, 2007, 06:06:44 PM
There's nothing to suggest that.  It seems like the thing that drove Sylar to kill was the other mutant telling him that he didn't want his power, and asking Sylar to "fix" it.  It was the combination of Sylar's desire to have a cool power and be special, his disappointment that Suresh Senior had told him he wasn't special, this person who WAS special not appreciating it, and the sudden realization that he could figure out what made other people special and take it from them.

When did this happen exactly? Don't remember seeing that episode or comic, did I miss one? (If so which one, I quite want to see it.)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 13, 2007, 06:27:31 PM

Episode 10: Six Months earlier. Part 6 is the one where the conversation takes place. It's where Sylar says, "you're broken". That seems to make him curious about finding other people with abilities. Then I guess over time he starts to like it.

Quote from: Evil Elvis
To start a race war they probably would win?
Actually, I think this is the deepest question. You've got ignorant humanity on one side, a group of Illuminati wannabes on the other, and a bunch of folks with abilities caught in the middle. Some just want their normal life back. But others want a higher purpose. Trouble is, the Linderman group (and others) aren't actually talking about what they're about. They simply talk about them existing at all.

Basically, we don't even know who to root for yet :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 14, 2007, 07:24:33 AM
Ok cool. So then why did telekinesis-man come to Sylar in the first place? Or was it Sylar that reached out to him by seeing his name on Suresh's list?

Yes, Sylar saw the name and went to see him himself alone.  He was frustrated with not seeing any results with Suresh Senior, so he went to go see this "power" himself.

I think we basically saw recently that Sylar's parents built up this duality into his personality.  He respected his father and liked the watch repair business, but his mother was constantly nagging him to be better than that.  She obviously hated his father for some reason and Sylar didn't like that.  With such opposite ends of the spectrum tearing at him all the time, he snapped. 

He's satisfying his father's memory by "figuring out how things work," and satisfying his mother's insistance that he is "special" and bound for glory.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on May 14, 2007, 01:10:27 PM
Oh cool. We get it all year now. Sort of.

Off season spinoff coming... Link (http://www.variety.com/article/VR1117964868.html?categoryid=14&cs=1)

"Heroes: Origins" will air in "Heroes'" Monday night time slot, most likely after the original completes its season run (but possibly when it takes a hiatus). The net has ordered six segs of "Origins," which, combined with "Heroes" makes for 30 hours altogether.

NBC Entertainment prexy Kevin Reilly said "Heroes: Origins" will allow the regular show to air virtually uninterrupted through the season.

"I'm calling it the 'Bulk-Up Challenge,'" Reilly said. "We're trying to stay more consistent in the scheduling for our audience... so we'll fill out the year, with not a lot of repeats or a long hiatus. We'll keep the pedal to the metal next year on 'Heroes.'"

Reilly credited "Heroes" creator-exec producer Tim Kring with pitching the spin-off. Kring will oversee a second crew that will write and produce the episodes simultaneously with the original skein.

"Heroes: Origins" will air as stand-alone episodes that center each week on a different character not yet seen on the original show. Peacock has also added an interactive element to the show: Viewers will be asked to pick their favorite character from "Origins," who will then join the cast of the full-blown "Heroes" skein the following year.

Scratch that. Give it the soap opera treatment. All year long!

Thank you, NBC.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 14, 2007, 01:42:49 PM
Kick ass.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 14, 2007, 02:06:16 PM
That's kinda neat.  Stand-alone episodes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 14, 2007, 02:12:35 PM
"Heroes: Origins" will air as stand-alone episodes that center each week on a different character not yet seen on the original show.

The funny thing is, when I first heard about Heroes, back before it aired, I thought that this was going to be the format of the show (stand-alone episodes each featuring a different character).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 14, 2007, 02:20:37 PM
I just read today that Heroes is NBC's only hit this season.  They're doing a bunch of schedule jiggering for next season -- dumping stuff, picking up some other shows with "supernatural" themes (that was the word from the CNN article).  It just makes sense to give people more of Heroes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 14, 2007, 03:38:14 PM
Very cool.  I hope the standalone episodes are as good as the main show, and that it pays off for them if they are.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: hal on May 14, 2007, 07:25:53 PM
I know I have been away from American media for some time. But shit on a shingle, Jebus on a cross this ain"t Ozzie and Harriet. This is startling good drama crafted into 1 hour installments. It is  both a wonder and a statement about most of what is programmed that a network could air something this damn good.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 14, 2007, 07:53:07 PM
Kick ass.


"What am I thinking NOW, Parkman?"
"Your last thought..."

Linderman death?  A w e s o m e.  I was hoping for something like that, kind of a rip out your beating heart and feed it to you kind of thing, but the hand in the back of the head will do nicely.  I'm hoping DJ doesn't bite it, but not looking good.

Somehow I'm thinking the shapeshifting hottie is not all that attractive without her powers...

I was thinking about something on my way home from my wifes parents.  We all complained a bit that it got a little slow in the middle, or at least I did.  But the tempo of the show has been pretty much flawless in retrospect.  It got us hooked early, went through a middle of explanation, peaked a bit higher, slowed down, peaked even higher, and is gearing up for the final episode of the season.  Great, great job of story telling, in my humble opinion.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 14, 2007, 08:09:17 PM
Somehow I'm thinking the shapeshifting hottie is not all that attractive without her powers...

Well she did say she was huge and that she got teased for her looks so i think thats a pretty safe assumption.  Quite the casualty list this episode: DL, Linderman and caveman Ted.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 15, 2007, 07:46:28 AM
DL's death(?) is actually a bit plot point. I'm almost positive that they said he was around during the Five Years After story, which means the past HAS been changed. So nothing is set in stone.

Sylar looked menacing in this episode, especially when he tossed the truck. That kicked ass, as did Linderman and Eric Roberts' deaths. Biggest ass-kicking part? When Sulu tells Hiro the truth and they sword fight. One can never have enough Sulu, especially when it's revealed he really is a good guy trying to stop the crazy blow up New York fuckers.

BOOM. Fantastic ending. Next week can't come soon enough.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 15, 2007, 08:49:59 AM
DL's death(?) is actually a bit plot point. I'm almost positive that they said he was around during the Five Years After story, which means the past HAS been changed. So nothing is set in stone.

We already know the past has changed, Sylar didn't get Claires power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 15, 2007, 08:57:32 AM
DL's death(?) is actually a bit plot point. I'm almost positive that they said he was around during the Five Years After story, which means the past HAS been changed. So nothing is set in stone.

I think Nikki said that he died when the bomb went off, but that may not be reliable.  Sylar had DL's power (he used it to pull Peter through the door), and presumably he didn't get it by exploding him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 15, 2007, 09:49:32 AM
Yeah the way i understood that was that Bennets deal with Parkman to report all the dangerous heroes (seriously can we just call then mutants please? heroes wear costumes and fight crime) if he let the harmless ones go meant Sylar had been getting a steady diet of the better powers after he became president.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 15, 2007, 10:07:30 AM
I worry about Hiro.  The Kensai story seemed far too forboding and had too much foreshadowing to make me happy.  Still, finding out Takei was the good guy made me very happy.  Laughing and yelling, "awesome" happy no less.

DL's death(?) is actually a bit plot point. I'm almost positive that they said he was around during the Five Years After story, which means the past HAS been changed. So nothing is set in stone.

I think Nikki said that he died when the bomb went off, but that may not be reliable.  Sylar had DL's power (he used it to pull Peter through the door), and presumably he didn't get it by exploding him.

That was what I remembered, too, but the powers thing is a good point. I'd not quite worked that one through.  Thinking about it again, I think Peter said he was responsible for the deaths of DL & Micah and we assumed that to be he meant through the bomb.  He could have been referencing something else.

Did anyone else watch the preview for next week?  I could have sworn I saw Parkman slumped against a building looking gutshot, but it was so quick I may have been mistaken.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 15, 2007, 10:57:50 AM
I might need to go rewatch that episode.  After thinking about it more, I think Peter might have said that he killed Micah, but I don't think he mentioned DL.  Nikki's only allusion to DL was saying that she had nobody left when Peter rescued her (in the comic).  So it's entirely possible that DL's death had nothing to do with Peter.

Still doesn't explain how Sylar had DL's power if DL was killed by Linderman.  And I don't see how anything that Hiro has done, time-travel-wise, might have led to DL dying now, since Hiro's and Peter's escapades haven't really affected DL or Linderman significantly.  And presumably any divergence from the "bad future" timeline would have to happen as an indirect result of Hiro's meddling.

My first thought when DL killed Linderman was "Well, there goes any chance of making him heal you.  Putz."   :-P  But I guess he didn't know about Linderman's healing power.

Also, yeah, I saw the shot of Parkman dying.   :-(  It looked like it was in the hallway of the building they're in now.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 15, 2007, 11:01:59 AM
Yes, that was Parkman in the preview for next week.  One thing I've always been curious about is: Does Sylar need to be the one to kill his victims to see how their powers work?  Logically, he should be able to examine the brain of a hero who died some other way, as long as the brain is still intact (which would be why he couldn't copy Eden's power, since she blew her brains out).  So DL could die from the gunshot and Sylar could still get his power later.  Maybe.

Of course the point could be moot anyway.  Personally, i think Peter will end up sacrificing himself in order to kill Sylar.  They're both just way too powerful to be around for the next season.  On the other hand, if Peter ends up surviving then Sylar will survive as well.  They're natural foils to each other.  If they do survive they'll get increasingly more difficult to write as they each get more and more powerful, though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 15, 2007, 11:17:17 AM
I am disappointed that this doesn't make any sense.  I don't see how anything Hiro has done could have affected DL and changed his future.  They want to use fate as a way handcuff Hiro and added gravity to the story, but then break it later for no reason.  Sloppy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 15, 2007, 11:53:55 AM
DL isn't dead, though. Gut shot, yeah, in bad shape, but he was still breathing at the end of the show.

Similarly, I don't trust Lindeman being dead until he's completely out of the picture. Lindeman is a healer.

Now the caveman, he's dead.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 15, 2007, 12:11:30 PM
Linderman's brain is gone.  DL's hand was goopy, and there was a big hole in Linderman's head.  There's no healing from losing a brain like that in Heroes.  Either way, Linderman's power is an active one, not a passive one like Claire's.  He has to basically focus on something to heal it.  I think he's going to have trouble focusing even if by some quirk of fate he's half alive. 

Anyway, great episode.  I'm anxious to see how next week plays out.  Based on previews, it should have alot of awesome moments. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 15, 2007, 12:16:29 PM
Also in the comics i believe Linderman told papa Petrelli that he could on heal the living.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 15, 2007, 12:34:06 PM
Also in the comics i believe Linderman told papa Petrelli that he could on heal the living.

I think he said he only WOULD heal the living.  That he'd tried the dead before and he didn't want to repeat the results.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 15, 2007, 12:42:23 PM
Of course the point could be moot anyway.  Personally, i think Peter will end up sacrificing himself in order to kill Sylar.  They're both just way too powerful to be around for the next season.  On the other hand, if Peter ends up surviving then Sylar will survive as well.  They're natural foils to each other.  If they do survive they'll get increasingly more difficult to write as they each get more and more powerful, though.

If either of them return for Season 2, I don't think there will be as much focus on them as there was this season.  It seems that next season (which they're calling Generations) is going to be putting a lot of focus on the previous generation of Heroes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 15, 2007, 12:50:01 PM
I could see Sylar being a throw away villian.  Peter a throwaway hero?  Not so much, at least not this early in the game.  He's THE hero, I think:  The idealist, the one who always wants to do RIGHT.  He's the one willing to sacrifice it all for the better good.  He's the one that they all (should) aspire to be.  So, in that respect, it makes for better story and theme.  In my mind, he's the Captain America of the show, the leader, albiet sometimes a reluctant one.

Linderman's death scene, for whatever reason, is the best death scene so far, even though it was only about 2 seconds long.  It was about as subtle as a sledgehammer, and made me shout out "OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!" loud enough to scare the bajezus out of my baby boy as I was feeding him his last bottle of the night.

Great, powerful episode. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 15, 2007, 12:56:54 PM
I think Hiro is going to kill Peter and Sylar.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 15, 2007, 01:14:10 PM
Maybe he'll teleport to the farthest regions of space, or the end of time, or something, and take them with him.  No more boom.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 15, 2007, 01:27:59 PM
I'm rather interested to see how the standoff between Bennett and Mohinder wiil play out.  I'm really hoping for something cooler than gunplay or a long, moralizing speech about how Bennet shouldn't kill Molly because to hurt another person's little girl to protect his own is uncool, etc.  I can't quite come up with what's cooler, but my guess would be basically that Bennet realizes they can use her to find Sylar, thus protecting Claire and whatnot.  Or something.

The rest of the episode was great, but it felt really short.  It makes me wish the finale was like a 2 hr special or something.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 15, 2007, 01:29:38 PM
Jack coleman (Bennet) thinks the ending for  Heroes first season is awesome. *mild spoiler* (http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?id=41491)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Wolf on May 15, 2007, 01:33:25 PM
Awesome episode, etc

I just found out/realised today that the guy playing Linderman is actually Malcolm McDowell - the guy that managed the most awesome piece of acting in the fucking history of cinema. And the bastards killed him today. I should have realised earlier, now I have to re-watch all episodes with linderman and pay extra atention. Yeah... you could say I sort of like clockwork orange.. ;)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 15, 2007, 01:41:28 PM
Awesome episode, etc

I just found out/realised today that the guy playing Linderman is actually Malcolm McDowell - the guy that managed the most awesome piece of acting in the fucking history of cinema. And the bastards killed him today. I should have realised earlier, now I have to re-watch all episodes with linderman and pay extra atention. Yeah... you could say I sort of like clockwork orange.. ;)

How in God's name did it take you this long to realize that it was Malcolm McDowell?  I realize most of his work isn't high profile stuff, but he has done quite a bit in the 36 years since A Clockwork Orange came out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on May 15, 2007, 02:46:08 PM
Man that is a hell of a way to go though. As soon as I saw that I was expecting an oriental voice to shout FATALITY! Hehe if that is not a mortal combat finishing move DL did on linderman I don't know what is.

edit cause I had football on the brain.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 15, 2007, 03:53:10 PM
I recognized McDowell instantly from his role in Star Trek: Generations.

I don't think I'd realized before that he was the lead in Clockwork Orange.   :oops:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 15, 2007, 04:34:21 PM
Certainly an interesting comic this week.  I'm pondering if the "death" is metaphorical (as in she'll assume a new name and disappear) or actual.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 15, 2007, 05:00:27 PM
I'm guessing metaphorical.  If it were actual, next week's installment is going to be awfully dull.  BLAM.  End.   :-P

Or, if she does "die", she uploads her consciousness into the satellite first.  That would be kinda cool.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 15, 2007, 05:02:02 PM
Well I was thinking more along the lines of she goes up in the rocket, shuts-down the satellite and dies of asphyxiation as the rocket enters the upper atmosphere.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 15, 2007, 05:11:10 PM
I'm rather interested to see how the standoff between Bennett and Mohinder wiil play out.  I'm really hoping for something cooler than gunplay or a long, moralizing speech about how Bennet shouldn't kill Molly because to hurt another person's little girl to protect his own is uncool, etc.  I can't quite come up with what's cooler, but my guess would be basically that Bennet realizes they can use her to find Sylar, thus protecting Claire and whatnot.  Or something.

I'm thinking Mohinder appeals to the father in Bennett, and wins.  Bennett and crew use the little girl to locate Sylar, then he uses her as a springboard in the process of hiding other 'heroes' as he did in the Five Years Gone (I think is the name of it) episode.

The rest of the episode was great, but it felt really short.  It makes me wish the finale was like a 2 hr special or something.

I DID feel short; thought I was the only one that felt that way.  It moved quick, was very fast paced. 

Is the season finale just one hour?


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 15, 2007, 05:20:41 PM
I am disappointed that this doesn't make any sense.  I don't see how anything Hiro has done could have affected DL and changed his future.  They want to use fate as a way handcuff Hiro and added gravity to the story, but then break it later for no reason.  Sloppy.

I've been thinking about this since I read it earlier today, and here's my theory.  It's got nothing to do with being unable to change fate, or predestiny.  Hiro can't change his past. The future is malleable, changing according to ecisions made and the intersection of people at key points - as Future Hiro mentions.  Once you're past those points, your path is set.  Future Hiro couldn't escape his status, because the past self-corrects.  However, by going back and nudging one or two things, he could alter the major flow of time.   It's kind of a quantum theory of time, but more like a tree than a billion splits at each decision point.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 15, 2007, 06:37:00 PM
I think Nikki said that he died when the bomb went off, but that may not be reliable.  Sylar had DL's power (he used it to pull Peter through the door), and presumably he didn't get it by exploding him.
No one knew Sylar was alive and pretending to be Nathan.  Only Peter knew it was him who exploded.  Nikki knew she lost DL in the 'bomb' in the sense of never seeing him again.  She simply assumed he died by the blast instead of being eaten, or surviving by melding and then getting eaten, before he could contact her again.  Tracking down people after a nuclear explosion in a major metropolitan area is not going to be easy.  (Well, without the Walker System.)  Think about how long it took to determine all the World Trade Center victims on a scale four orders of magnitude larger and in a radiological and environmental wasteland.  The scale is so massive it's incomprehensible.

I do agree with Hiro not being able to alter the past.  At least directly.  He can give clues to help others do so, but if he takes an active role we see things play out in similar if not near-identical ways.  Such as I'm not sure Charlie knew Hiro when she first met him, but her fate was still determined.  He got around that by telling Peter something cryptic and letting him figure out the meaning on his own.

Would Peter have met Claude if he never knew about and hadn't saved Claire, gone into a coma, and then tried to hide from everyone?  It was through him he learned to gain control over his powers and now the stage is set for it to really be Sylar that goes off.  BOOM indeed.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 15, 2007, 06:37:29 PM
Awesome episode. The part with Takei was awesome. My favorite moment was when Hiro said "...about killing" when Takei's eyes were reflected in the sword. Great angle. Then of course discovering Takei was a good guy after all, and like could use that sword with some skill, adds to it. Fisted skull death, nice, but i can't see Linderman dead for good. Too bad about Sprague but it makes sense.

The thing I really liked is that there were a few different possible bombs and they kept ya guessing over the last 1/2 of the season.

Episode also substantiates, yet again, the two-faction theory. Linderman's group wants Nathan to run the world so mutants can save it, probably through some totalitarian control. Takei (and assumed associates) don't like their methods.

Seems like the season finale has Peter facing down Sylar, probably after Molly helps the former find the latter. Way I see it, Peter absorbs everything Sylar can do and sorta cancels him out in some way. I'd wager Parkman gets shot (accidentally) by Mohinder while negotiating with Bennett. Molly obviously is still alive, but like truly blowing up NYC, I'm not surprised. Network TV and all. And I'm man enough to admit as a father of two girls, I'd stop watching the show if they went there, so call me the demographic.

I can't see Sylar nor Peter becoming second fiddle next season. I doubt either one dies at the end of this one. Best once-reluctant-villain / still-reluctant-hero duo I've seen since A New Hope (and to extend the analogy, Ando/Hiro = C3PO/R2D2? Nikki schizo = Lando flipflop? What else: Bennett = Palpatine, behind the scenes means well). The mini-series-spawned-hero will probably get much air-time, but in a Peter sorta way, not more. 

I also don't think the bomb goes off, or if it does it gets undone by Hiro. This Hiro seems to be able to control his powers almost as good as the +5 Years Hiro could, which after all is all he needs. The swordplay is fun though, even if he only had a few hours of training.

Comic: I hope the "death" of Hana is metaphorical. She (Wireless) is one of my favorite characters and I've been wishing one of the six mini-episodes focuses on her (though they do mention this mini-series is about choosing a new hero...).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 15, 2007, 06:46:03 PM
I am disappointed that this doesn't make any sense.  I don't see how anything Hiro has done could have affected DL and changed his future.  They want to use fate as a way handcuff Hiro and added gravity to the story, but then break it later for no reason.  Sloppy.

The future episode said Nathan passed the "Linderman Act", so I assume he died before he did in the previous timeline.

But, I'm still not 100% convinced Linderman's dead.  Killing him and Eric Fucking Roberts in the same (not-finale) episode doesn't sit right.  For all we know, him and DL were both mirages by whats-her-name. 

If he is dead, there was either some change in the timeline by Hiro that isn't quite evident, or the writers dropped the ball.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 15, 2007, 07:33:21 PM
...in the same (not-finale) episode doesn't sit right. 

They've been advertising this week and next week as the "Two-Part Season Finale."  So in reality it's supposed to be one 2-hour long episode.. why it wasn't aired as such you'd have to ask the execs.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 15, 2007, 11:03:58 PM
If he is dead, there was either some change in the timeline by Hiro that isn't quite evident, or the writers dropped the ball.

Nah, he can be dead and still have a piece of legislation named after him.  Moreover, if current-day events are different than described in the 5 years later episode, I don't see it as the writers dropping the ball.  I think it all depends on how you think about time travel.  Either destiny is immutable or it isn't.  I buy into a multiple futures thing, so I think that any actions taken by others in response to the events set in motion by saving Claire (there's quite a few if you think about it) cannot possibly be counted on to be the same as described in the five years later future.   Time travel is confusing without someone spelling out the specific mechanism by which it works, IMO.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 16, 2007, 05:26:21 AM
Claire was alive in the future episode, where as DL was still dead from Sylar. The past obviously affects how the future turns out.  So, DL dying seems like it was a new change in the timeline.

Nathan hated Linderman (and Sylar doesn't know him), so I don't see why he'd pass a bill in his name if he wasn't alive at the time pushing for it to go through.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 16, 2007, 08:34:01 AM
Nathan hated Linderman (and Sylar doesn't know him), so I don't see why he'd pass a bill in his name if he wasn't alive at the time pushing for it to go through.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mr_PeaCH on May 16, 2007, 11:14:48 AM
I have been watching from the beginning with my daughter (10) and we typically take it in the following evening over dinner via DVR.  Last night I found myself doing a lot of reminding her of where plotlines were getting tied up from earlier in the season (like the girl being kept and healed by Mohinder and the head spook (Roberts) being the same girl the thought-hearing cop rescued from Sylar).  Anyways, we had our finest OMGWTF! moment when we both realised at the same time that the 'tracking device' Poppa Bennet and the cop are looking for *IS* the girl... probably about 30 minutes after the rest of you but, still... pretty cool beans.

She loves Hiro by the way but I'm sticking with Peter as *the one*.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 16, 2007, 12:40:30 PM
I'd figured out the tracking device was her as soon as she said she can find people wherever they are.  That was a few episodes back.  :-P

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 16, 2007, 01:39:55 PM
You're so smart :)

Quote from: CmdrSlack
Time travel is confusing without someone spelling out the specific mechanism by which it works, IMO.
Exacty. But it needs to be defined. This is either Back to the Future universe time or Star Trek multiverse time. Given how they've framed Hiro's ability, I'm going with universe. The nuances we can discuss, but the underlying theme of the show has almost always been Peter on his quest to save the world because +5 Hiro went back in time to tell him to do so, in order to change that future.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Phildo on May 16, 2007, 03:53:40 PM
Was anybody else bothered by how fast Hiro learned to swordfight after being a total nerd most of his life?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 16, 2007, 05:09:00 PM
Yea. However, there is as yet the unanswered question of just what Takei's power is. At the time I was annoyed by the scant hours it took Hiro to seemingly master Bushido. But since then I've been wondering if Takei's power is the ability to teach quickly. Would make sense of a few things.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 16, 2007, 05:24:07 PM
Was anybody else bothered by how fast Hiro learned to swordfight after being a total nerd most of his life?

Only the little geek monkey inside of me. Let's face it, Hiro could take them both back in time to live for weeks, training the whole time, before popping forward fully trained. Or maybe Sulu has the power like Darniaq said. Either way, it was a minor quibble probably not worth taking 30 seconds to explain.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 16, 2007, 05:25:53 PM
Yea. However, there is as yet the unanswered question of just what Takei's power is. At the time I was annoyed by the scant hours it took Hiro to seemingly master Bushido. But since then I've been wondering if Takei's power is the ability to teach quickly. Would make sense of a few things.

Ya, I was thinking it was that, or some time pause thing that let them train and train, reset, and train and train.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on May 16, 2007, 05:53:02 PM
There should have been a montage!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on May 16, 2007, 06:12:57 PM
That was a really satisfying episode. The writers are delivering - I won't have any criticism of how they end it, because they've done so well already.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 16, 2007, 06:17:19 PM
I liked to think Hiro already had sword training as part of growin up but never really had the 'heart' for it.  The little montage was his father instilling in him the will to use what talent he had.  In addition, he doesnt need to really know perfect sword skills, just enough to freeze time and cut someone's head off.  You don't need to be a bushido master when your opponent can't move.  You just need to have the willpower to slay them.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 16, 2007, 08:10:52 PM
There should have been a montage!

There was!  It just wasn't an 80's montage, it was a late 90's "tell the foreshadowing story w/ flashback while we train, then come back to the student kicking-ass" montage.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 16, 2007, 08:14:24 PM
There should have been a montage!

There was!  It just wasn't an 80's montage, it was a late 90's "tell the foreshadowing story w/ flashback while we train, then come back to the student kicking-ass" montage.

Yeah, but an 80's montage, perhaps with a song by Dio, would have been kinda nifty too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 17, 2007, 09:12:25 AM

Needs more cowbell.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 17, 2007, 09:24:09 AM
I'm missing something but I have no idea what it is, and I'm going to feel like a grade a idiot (moreso than usual) when I realize what it is.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 17, 2007, 11:10:12 AM
lol Haem.

I've been on a Classic Rock kick for the last month or so and whenever Blue Oyster Cult's "Don't Fear the Reaper" comes on, I swear I hear cowbells EXACTLY like they are in that skit.

And I laugh, to myself.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 17, 2007, 12:32:40 PM
Just  google it  and hopefully things will clear up for you.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 18, 2007, 11:53:24 PM
For those interested the details of the Season 1 DVD set were announced today: (http://dvd.ign.com/articles/790/790052p1.html)

On August 28, 2007, Universal Studios Home Entertainment will release Heroes: Season 1 on DVD and HD DVD. The set features a complete collection of Season One episodes as well as an expansive slate of bonus materials and extras. While the final price for the HD DVD set isn't announced, the standard-definition DVD set will be available for the MSRP (Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price) of $59.98.

The seven-disc DVD set will feature the following extras:

Unaired Pilot: The Tim Kring Cut with Audio Commentary - A full 73 uninterrupted minutes of the original, unaired, extended pilot episode, as Heroes' creator Tim Kring first envisioned it, with a character never seen.

The Making of Heroes - From concept to pop culture phenomenon, a behind-the-scenes look at the hottest new series on television

Special Effects - The secrets behind the eye-popping visuals that give the Heroes their amazing powers.

The Stunts - A back stage look at the show's hair-raising stunts.

Mind Reader - Matt Parkman's mind reading abilities reveal your inner Hero with a series of simple tests.

Profile of Artist Tim Sale - A look at the Eisner Award-winning comic book artist (Spiderman, Batman, Daredevil) behind much of the Manga-influenced artwork used in the show.

The Score - Go behind the scenes with Wendy Melvin and Lisa Coleman (of Prince's The Revolution) as they create their ASCAP Award-winning musical score.

50 Deleted and Extended Scenes

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 19, 2007, 08:45:40 AM
They aren't including a hardcopy of the comics?  Dangit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 19, 2007, 02:41:40 PM
Has Peter demonstrated the ability to use someone's power who later died?  I was thinking about how Peter and Sylar are similar and different.  Sylar requires someone to die to gain a power.  Peter controls his new ones through empathy.  It would have a serious reprecussion as Peter can only be as powerful as the surviving heroes.

That I can think of, the only people's power he has gained but are now dead are Isaac and Ted.  Monday's show will likely answer this, but I'm curious if perhaps I forgot an instance that would discredit this possibility.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 19, 2007, 05:58:18 PM
Has Peter demonstrated the ability to use someone's power who later died?
Peter's a complete badass in "Five Years Gone" with all sorts of powers from people who've been killed by Homeland Security or Sylar. That would seem to imply he can use the powers indefinitely once he's absorbed them.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 19, 2007, 06:57:40 PM
I couldn't remember him using any from confirmed dead heroes in the future though.

Ted's status was unknown, and Sylar didn't exhibit fire powers.  We didn't see Peter regenerate although we did see Claire die.  Only Sylar used DL's power who we knew was supposedly dead.  Hiro died from Parkman and though the Haitian was taken care of, Peter didn't do any time tricks we could see, nor did he use the Haitian's powers to zap Sylar.  Who's powers did we see him use that we knew for sure was dead in the future?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 19, 2007, 08:27:24 PM
Peter didn't start having the prophetic dreams until after Simones dad died.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 19, 2007, 11:38:26 PM
I believe we saw him drawing scenes of a blasted New York, after Sylar had gnoshed on Isaac's brain. 

I think that they don't need to be alive, he just needs to call on the memories/emotions of whoever has the power to sort of remind his body/brain how to do the power, and that likely as time goes on and he learns to use the individual power, it becomes more and more of an instinctual response to call on a power.  Or he only has to do it once to call on the power when he's not around them, and after that, he can call on them just the same as Sylar seems to be able to do.  The downside of the way Peter's power works is that he has to know of a power he's been exposed to, to be able to call on it.  There's lots of powers we know Sylar has that Peter seems to have no clue about.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Phildo on May 20, 2007, 12:55:53 AM
I'm pretty sure Peter did some future-drawing in earlier episodes too.  What I wonder is if he can only absorb someone's power if they actively use it in his presence.  Otherwise, why isn't his hearing as good as Sylar's now?  And he'd definitely make use of Hiro's power if he had it.

Didn't he negate the Haitian's power earlier, too?  It's been a long time since I saw them, but I remember something about the Haitian's power being canceled out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 20, 2007, 02:45:13 AM
I'm pretty sure Peter did some future-drawing in earlier episodes too.  What I wonder is if he can only absorb someone's power if they actively use it in his presence.  Otherwise, why isn't his hearing as good as Sylar's now?  And he'd definitely make use of Hiro's power if he had it.

Supposedly (as in according to the writers), he can absorb powers even if they aren't used in his presence.  While they don't go into a lot of specifics, they did mention the fact that if he learned at some point about Eden's power, he might be able to use it (having met her briefly).  As far as him absorbing more of Sylar's powers, maybe it's harder for him to do without them being used in front of him due to the fact that he doesn't know the people the powers originally belonged to (might throw off his empathic ability a little).  More likely though it's due to the writers not wanting to make Peter too powerful too quickly.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 20, 2007, 06:28:15 AM
I think the season finale will be the clincher on this discussion actually. If Peter can absorb people's powers, in theory he can absorb everything Sylar can do too. Someone correct me, but I don't think Peter had telekinesis until Sylar tried to eat his brain.

Back to Lantyssa's question: Peter was drawing a picture of the future (which he showed to Claire to convince her to shoot him) after Isaac was killed by Sylar. Not sure this and all the badassery is real "proof" per se though. It'd be an interesting plot device if he couldn't in any case.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 20, 2007, 08:06:49 AM
I forgot about the drawing.  (Only vaguely remember it even with the prompting.)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 20, 2007, 10:43:24 AM
There was a marathon yesterday on sci-fi, and I had it on pretty much the whole day while my folks had the kids. Ask me anything :) (just kidding. My memory largely sucks)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 20, 2007, 06:39:41 PM
Maybe the Haitian enjoys playing with you. :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 20, 2007, 06:44:41 PM
Maybe the Haitian enjoys playing with you. :-D

The who?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 20, 2007, 07:05:34 PM
You almost trapped me with that one ;)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 20, 2007, 08:17:09 PM
You almost trapped me with that one ;)

And by replying in such a manner you have foiled my evil plan and ensured that now nobody will be trapped.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 21, 2007, 08:23:06 AM
You almost trapped me with that one ;)

And by replying in such a manner you have foiled my evil plan and ensured that now nobody will be trapped.


It's ok, it can always be retconned later.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 21, 2007, 06:57:51 PM

Bastard, you called that one.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 21, 2007, 07:05:56 PM
Pretty awesome except the Sylar thing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 21, 2007, 07:09:45 PM
The only real pisser is that I'm guessing "Generations" will basically be Hiro travelling through time and seeing past heroes doing their thing. 

I'm sure it'll be cool, but dammit, I want resolution to the new threads that have been opened.  Patience is NOT one of my virtues.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 21, 2007, 07:19:00 PM
Nathan is going to go against his mother and the Linderman group. They've pretty much been setting him up to do just that, and he'll do it because of Peter. I can see Nathan taking the bomb guy into orbit, killing himself and the bomb guy.

I'd just like to say...


Frickin' awesome. Just awesome. The kind of ending that had me screaming YES!! Hiro in Feudal Japan. Kick ass.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 21, 2007, 07:24:05 PM
Good call, Haem.  Damn good call.


Are you kidding me?!?!?!!

That's IT?  That measly little death scene?

***Quit reading if you don't want spoilers***

Peter and Nathan dead? 


Nathan?  I wouldn't mind seeing him dead.  Up until this episode, I didn't like him anyway.  But Peter?  Screw that.  Screw that with a fucking jackhammer.   Regeneration or not, Peter isn't coming back from that one.   Sylar deserved a better death.  A bigger fight scene.  Something.  Anything other than getting slapped around by Peter and Nicki/Jessica, then stabbed by Hiro.  Peter was doing fine with his powers then lost it for no real reason.  He was calm whilst beating the shit out Sylar.  What possible good is that both Peter and Nathan bite it? 

OK.  Here's the thing:  Why couldn't Peter fly his own ass up to the edges of the atmosphere?  Why couldn't he take his nuclear self to the middle of the desert?  The Salt Flats?

They DO have a semi-out....

Nathan takes Peter way up high, Peter says I can handle it from here, Nathan zooms away.  However, Nathan has still been exposed to high levels of radiation, and unless he has some of Claires regen ability, he's going to die for radiation poisoning.  Peter goes nuclear, but doesn't explode per se, just emits a huge burst similar to an explosion but his body (most importantly his brain) is intact.  Peter lives.  Nathan dies.  Or Linderman is actually alive after all this and heals Nathan.

Bah, just a total let down.

Maybe I expected too much.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 21, 2007, 07:45:20 PM
I still have a problem as to why exactly Peter lost it at all.  I jus' don' get it.  Maybe they'll explain better in the comic or something, but damn.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 21, 2007, 07:49:33 PM
IMO, Peter lost it because even though Shaft gave him a pep talk, he's still not 100% sure of himself.  He's had control issues with his powers for the whole season, so I can see how he'd have an issue with controlling his powers even after delivering an ass-beating to Sylar.  If we think about the timing of the past few episodes, he's recently absorbed Ted's power and Nikki/Jessica's power.  Perhaps he also grabbed the power of Micah or DL, it's really unclear how close he has to be to someone to absorb powers.  Maybe absorbing those powers contributed to it.

Either way, it's all retconnable by springtime.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 21, 2007, 07:57:29 PM
Err,our favorite head cracker  isn't dead ... the whole trail of blood leading to the sewer.

Rule number one. Never kill a good villain if you can help it.

Peter's not dead either, nothing to go on for that one except belief.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 21, 2007, 08:03:47 PM
Peter's not dead, they've gone out of their way to point out he can't die due to going boom, supposedly because of Claire, but I think even without, he'd be fine.  While, yeah, the fall could kill him, I don't think they'll do that.  Peter will be back.  Nathan though...who knows. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 21, 2007, 08:13:53 PM
Awesome episode from a resolution standpoint, but I liked last week's slightly more.

Peter will need to be back. He's the only one who can tank the boss. Nikki/Jessica smacking around Sylar though, that was fun, as was the bit with Hiro. I can see Peter losing it because he's just got too many powers. And I can see him not being able to fly himself out because he's using all he's got to keep himself from going nuke.

Nathan I can see living. I could also see him spinning it to some political advantage. Nobody but the mutants saw him do anything, but there could be good to come of it anyway. It would be interesting to see him use the power of love/hope whatever to do political good, set up an interesting dynamic with the Mom, who's still got some power we don't know about.

Hiro jumping through the next six mini-episodes to pick a new hero to add to the show, that'd be fun. Not sure if that's how they REALLY will present those mini-episodes, but just sayin'.

Sylar not being dead sucks, but as I think we all realize, unless you're name is GL, you don't kill the really awesome bad guy too early on. Not sure how he thought he'd live through the explosion either. Someone mentioned he's got some crazy resiliency check, so being not dead is slightly believable. What was the deal with the cockroach though? That had to mean something. They don't just put stuff in this show like that thing, particularly when the rest of that whole plaza was incredibly clean.

What I did like though was the foreshadowing of the really bad guy, the one to which Molly Walker referred as the one "who can see me". Nothing scarier than kids being calm about being really freaked out. Maybe the real puppetmaster behind the Linderman quartet? Mrs. Petrelli?

Oh, and I didn't get the whole flashback thing with Peter and the pep-talk dude. I must have missed an episode. When did that occur? Must have been early on.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 21, 2007, 08:41:12 PM
Err,our favorite head cracker  isn't dead ... the whole trail of blood leading to the sewer.

Who said he was?

Oh, and I didn't get the whole flashback thing with Peter and the pep-talk dude. I must have missed an episode. When did that occur? Must have been early on.

It wasn't really a flashback, but that was Simone's father, the man that Peter was caring for before things got strange.  It was while he was caring for him/after he died that he started having his dreams.  It seems to me that Shaft must have a power that just hasn't been defined (he even says, "Does it matter?").  My guess is that his power is something along the lines of communicating with people via dreams or whatever.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 21, 2007, 08:46:39 PM
Charles said something to the effect of "Invisibility.  That'd have been a nice one to have."  I think Charles was an empath, just like Peter.  Also, something to note is that Charles in that scene referenced something he told Peter in that dream right before he died.  Which, chronologically speaking, happens AFTER the time period where Peter is talking to him.  I found their short discussion one of the more interesting parts of the finale.  I'm hoping we get to see more of Charles next season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 21, 2007, 11:16:57 PM
Not Shaft.  Morpheus.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: damijin on May 21, 2007, 11:23:30 PM
It was honestly pretty lame, with the main exception of:

"Hiro wait!"


"You look bad ass."

I was sure that there was going to be this huge super-throwdown at the end with powers going all over the place, and people getting ripped apart by Sylar, but I guess they already killed off all the disposable characters before the final episode :/

The Hiro in ancient Japan thing was kind of cool though.

Edit: I just noticed I said "Final Episode". I guess the story arc of this first season has me a little bit forgetting that it's a tv show, and it'll be back next year. Perhaps the finale won't seem so lame when new episodes continue the plot lines of those characters.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Margalis on May 21, 2007, 11:27:41 PM
I don't watch Heroes. What is with the Holy Diver post?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 22, 2007, 03:04:23 AM
Err,our favorite head cracker  isn't dead ... the whole trail of blood leading to the sewer.

Who said he was?

Snakecharmer did. . .

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 22, 2007, 04:05:24 AM
I don't watch Heroes. What is with the Holy Diver post?

One page before it we were discussing training montages.  Dio was suggested for the soundtrack to the proposed montage.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 22, 2007, 04:30:26 AM
lol, internet ate my post.

the short:

Peter can't handle more than 1 power at a time, hence no flying while glowing, and losing control w/ all the new peeps around + Sylar.

Sylar can see the future now and knew what would happen and knew he has to get stabbed so that Peter gets all glowy.  His prophecy didnt account for Nathan switching sides and Nikki et al. showing up.

WTF is up w/ Illusion chick not being fat?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 22, 2007, 05:45:04 AM
WTF is up w/ Illusion chick not being fat?

Yeah, I really expected there to be a completely different person laying there, one that is not attractive at all.  It would have gone along with her previous conversations anyway.

Nice episode.  Boo Sylar even though I knew he'd survive based on some information I had heard about next season.

My prediction on the new even bigger baddy?  His power is to reflect other hero's powers.  That, or he's just like Peter, only evil.  Look for an interesting matchup to Sylar at some point.

Shaft being a fortune teller through dreams, etc. goes along with my theory of how the elder heros knew about the bomb before anyone.  Although, I did hear his comment on invisibility, so that one is touch and go.  Peter got that dreamwalking power from somebody, and the old man makes the most sense so far.  Especially now that we know he can see people dreamwalking and talk to them.  I suppose dreamwalking could come along with the whole empath power, but that hasn't been made perfectly clear yet.

Peter will be back.  Sylar will be back.  Nathan may be back if Peter ever picked up Linderman's power at some point.  I'm trying, but I can't remember him ever being around him.  Was he ever?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on May 22, 2007, 05:47:17 AM
Yeah, I'm not sure what to make of the episode.  It seems that Sylar should have know what was coming, but I don't know why he would let himself get stabbed... unless he knew he would somehow live through it.

I don't know what his vision as he died was supposed to signify either.  I thought at first maybe it meant that the future was being changed, but I don't know.

At first, I thought maybe the new "boogeyman" dragged Sylar into the sewers.  It doesn't seem like the type of place Sylar would go; he sees himself above everyone as as a demi-god, not someone who would lower himself to hiding in human waste.  But maybe he slinked off on his own.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 22, 2007, 06:09:45 AM
I love shows that end so anticlimactically that the wait for next season doesn't matter. I think they spent more money on the kensai shit at the end than they did the whole episode.

What a fucking downer.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Signe on May 22, 2007, 06:22:19 AM
I really like this series and thought the last episode was great.  I didn't expect the ending but, then, I'm not especially good at predicting where story lines go.  Lost taught me they can go anywhere. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 22, 2007, 07:50:39 AM
Not Shaft.  Morpheus.

Uh, that was Richard Roundtree.  He played Shaft, not Morpheus.  IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0745780/).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 22, 2007, 07:51:59 AM
Err,our favorite head cracker  isn't dead ... the whole trail of blood leading to the sewer.

Who said he was?

Snakecharmer did. . .

Reading skills FTL.  Of course, if you'd used the handy quote feature.... :p

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 22, 2007, 07:55:32 AM
I want Sylar and Peter to be dead.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 22, 2007, 08:28:28 AM
Not to take anything away from Haemish but i think a lot of people, me included, had already considered the "Nathan flies Peter out of orbit and saves New York" ending and dismissed it as too fucking obvious for them to use it.  Its pretty dissapointing that its exactly what ended up happening.  The rest of the episode was pretty cool though, althought im not sure how i feel about DL surviving since i thought his death was perfect on the last episode.  Nice setup for the next baddy, and i want to see a lot of Hiro in the past.  BTW was that Sulu as Kensei? i could have sworn it was his eyes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 22, 2007, 08:29:57 AM
Not Shaft.  Morpheus.

Uh, that was Richard Roundtree.  He played Shaft, not Morpheus.  IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0745780/).

Heh, I didn't even get that.  I just thought Morpheus was the perfect superhero name for a cryptic paternal black guy who lives in dreams.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 22, 2007, 08:33:32 AM
Err,our favorite head cracker  isn't dead ... the whole trail of blood leading to the sewer.

Who said he was?

Snakecharmer did. . .

Reading skills FTL.  Of course, if you'd used the handy quote feature.... :p

Early morning  just rolled out of bed and waiting for the coffee FTL on my part.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on May 22, 2007, 08:36:47 AM
On Takei being Kensei: 

That was my first thought when I saw him, and having seen some stills this morning, I'm leaning towards 'yes' on that. 

While overall, I liked the episode alot, even the Nathan/Peter part, even though it was no surprise, (I mean, it was pretty much shown to go down that way in Peter's dreams, even some of the lines were the same) but I'd hoped there was a little more...oomph to the Peter/Sylar showdown.  Yeah, him smacking Sylar around with Jessica's strength was cool, but I would have liked to see more from him then just that and getting force choked by Darth Sylar. 

As to Sylar and the visions thing, I think what they were trying to show with the cycling thing in his eyes when he was in Isaac's place, and then as he lay bleeding, is that someone who controls the power fully can actually cycle through possible futures before seizing on one to paint.  The first one, or first few, are probably the most likely to occur of future scenarios, hence Isaac painting the bomb, or nothing but his death.  The way it showed various scenes before focusing on Sylar laying there bleeding indicated to me that what happened was one of the least likely ways for the events in Kirby square to play out.  That's my two cents, at least. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 22, 2007, 08:40:47 AM
Not Shaft.  Morpheus.

Uh, that was Richard Roundtree.  He played Shaft, not Morpheus.  IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0745780/).

Heh, I didn't even get that.  I just thought Morpheus was the perfect superhero name for a cryptic paternal black guy who lives in dreams.

I saw his name in the opening credits....apparently I missed the very few first episodes, because I didn't recall ever seeing him before.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 22, 2007, 08:43:44 AM
Yes, you missed like, the first 6 episodes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on May 22, 2007, 08:45:44 AM
As to illusion chick - her conversations regarding Linderman gave me more of an impression that Linderman healed her of something "ugly", thus her blind devotion to him.

I'm asuming that Kensei was Takei, as he was in the opening credits for the epsidoe, and I don't remember seeing him anywhere else that episode.

I also like the explanation that Sylar let Hiro stab him, to fufill the vision of Nathan exploding.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 22, 2007, 08:47:04 AM
Not Shaft.  Morpheus.

Uh, that was Richard Roundtree.  He played Shaft, not Morpheus.  IMDB (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0745780/).

Heh, I didn't even get that.  I just thought Morpheus was the perfect superhero name for a cryptic paternal black guy who lives in dreams.

I saw his name in the opening credits....apparently I missed the very few first episodes, because I didn't recall ever seeing him before.

I believe he was only on the first episode, and in a coma most of the time.  He was the guy Peter took care off, father of the painters GF.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 22, 2007, 09:03:11 AM
Quote from: MrHat
Peter can't handle more than 1 power at a time, hence no flying while glowing, and losing control w/ all the new peeps around + Sylar
Interesting. Never thought of that, and it makes a whole lotta sense. I've never seen him do more than one thing at a time. Even future-Peter first used telekinesis then froze time then teleported out of there when rescuring future-Hiro. Has this been substantiated or is it theory?

Quote from: Dren
I'm trying, but I can't remember him ever being around him. Was he ever?

Someone somewhere in here talked about Peter being able to pick up powers even if not in proximity. At first I wasn't sure. But given the speech Charles gave about compassion/love, and Peter previously yelling at his old whino-trainer that he needs to use love to invoke the power, not hate, I'm thinking maybe it is true. If Peter can think of someone, or maybe just talk to them over the phone, maybe he can absorb that power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 22, 2007, 09:10:15 AM
Oh, and what did you all think of Bennett's first name? Is it "Noah" or does he just want to be called Noah? I'm thinking of future Bennett here, and his "ark" of facilitating the safety of non-dangerous mutants, but I also wonder if I'm looking for depth where there isn't any.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 22, 2007, 09:11:19 AM
I thought the Noah bit was the second best part of the episode behind Roundtree.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 22, 2007, 09:11:39 AM
Oh, and what did you all think of Bennett's first name? Is it "Noah" or does he just want to be called Noah? I'm thinking of future Bennett here, and his "ark" of facilitating the safety of non-dangerous mutants, but I also wonder if I'm looking for depth where there isn't any.

I got the same thing from that.  It's a show about comic-booky style heroes....so some heavy-handed allegory is pretty much par for the course.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 22, 2007, 09:16:19 AM
BTW was that Sulu as Kensei? i could have sworn it was his eyes.

That's my guess.  My theory on that is that his power is living forever.  I'm guessing he'll turn out to be the chronicler type that is trying to guide the whole mutant process throughout history.  He'll be the ultimate good hero as opposed to that other "worse than the boogey man" guy.  He might even turn out to be that "dragon" in the stories.  Pretty wild guess at this point.  :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on May 22, 2007, 09:19:40 AM
First off, Peter is NOT dead. They've taken great pains to show he can regenerate from anything other than a poke to the brain stem. Ted was able to use his powers without ever hurting himself, including blowing up Claire's house. Claire withstood Ted's powers before. Peter will be fine. But, think back. Peter faints in this episode and has a dream. When did he do that before? Right after he first met Sylar and absorbed Claire's and Sylar's powers. He got overloaded, which is why he started to lose it during the fight with Sylar. He not only has gotten Ted's and Parkman's powers in the last day, he also got Nikki/Jessica's, Michah's, DL's and presumably Molly Walker, who all showed up in the plaza as he was fighting Sylar. All that juice hitting him when he's stressed and focused on Sylar? That's going to throw him off his game.

Nathan MAY be dead, but as a comic geek, I can think of at least 2 or 3 ways Nathan could have survived without stretched believability. The whole time during the show I was thinking, "Come on, Nathan, grow some sack. You CAN be a good guy." And he did. If he is dead, it was a great way to go out, whether it made logical sense or not.

Sylar's not dead. You don't show the blood trail into the sewers and the scurrying cockroach for a dead character. Remember, cockroaches can survive nuclear explosions, and Sylar is very much of a cockroach-like hide in the shadows type of villain.

When Molly first talked about the other bad guy who sees her when she thinks of him, my first thought was "Shadow King" from the X-Men books. And I got all tingly. I also dug that Mr. Bennett's name was Noah. If that wasn't a hint to his future, I don't know what is.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on May 22, 2007, 09:33:12 AM
He not only has gotten Ted's and Parkman's powers in the last day, he also got Nikki/Jessica's, Michah's, DL's and presumably Molly Walker, who all showed up in the plaza as he was fighting Sylar.

Just to pick a nit, he's had Parkman's power since Midland. They were in the same room together, and even had a little telepathy-feedback moment where they were interfering with each others' mind reading, or something along those lines.

I'd like to know when he picked up the power to project his thoughts to someone else's brain. Can Parkman do that? Or was Peter's "go back to your family" line to Niki spoken aloud? I could have sworn that his mouth didn't move during that line.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 22, 2007, 11:23:27 AM
I still think Sylar is 90 percent dead.  He's just not a good villian, and surveys and audience testing will probably determine his fate more than anything else.  As far as the blood leading to the sewer, I look at it that it *could* have been his means of escape, but in my overly realistic mind (heh), it was just gravity leading it to the drain.  I look at it and my mind says the concrete was laid down as to allow good drainage :P  Yeah, the cockroach thing alludes to survival, but again I look at it as an opening for them to bring him back next season if polling and such dictate it.

HRG's real name, Noah, was bad ass.  Love it.  Prophetic indeed.

The little girl playing Molly is a good little actress.  The line where she says "he can see me" was delivered absolutely perfectly.

And that had to have been Hiro's father at the end.  Everlasting life?  Reincarnation?

Question about Nathan sacrificing himself for the greater good for political spin (if he is in fact NOT dead):

Why would he do that when noone but the Heroes and Villians knew what was going to happen (NY going boom)? 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on May 22, 2007, 11:25:01 AM
OK. I'm stupid. What is HRG guys name being "Noah" supposed to mean?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 22, 2007, 11:29:30 AM
OK. I'm stupid. What is HRG guys name being "Noah" supposed to mean?

Noah's Ark --> Saving all of God's (or whomever, depending on your point of view) creatures from the flood

Noah's "Ark" his plan for hiding of the Heroes from evil people.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on May 22, 2007, 02:12:05 PM
I still think Sylar is 90 percent dead.  He's just not a good villian, and surveys and audience testing will probably determine his fate more than anything else.  As far as the blood leading to the sewer, I look at it that it *could* have been his means of escape, but in my overly realistic mind (heh), it was just gravity leading it to the drain.  I look at it and my mind says the concrete was laid down as to allow good drainage :P  Yeah, the cockroach thing alludes to survival, but again I look at it as an opening for them to bring him back next season if polling and such dictate it.

That's not drainage. Now I could go with something else dragged him, but it didn't flow like that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 22, 2007, 02:15:22 PM
We know Peter can survive the explosion, he was alive after exploding himself in the five years later episode.  Can he survive a fall from that high? can he survive BEING that high in the first place?  Honestly it could go either way, probably depending on what the public wants.  If he does survive though he still has Teds power, which could get annoying real fast if he gets into anymore "omg im gonna explode" situations.  I hope they leave him out of season 2, he was too powerfull already and he would just become harder and harder to write about the more powers he accumulates.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Xerapis on May 22, 2007, 03:29:26 PM
I thought it was awesome, except for that annoying blood leading to manhole part.  That made me stabby.

And yeah, the "You look bad ass" line actually made me chortle with unadulterated glee.  Much happy.  I love the open honest friendship between Hiro and Ando.  For me, it's a HUGE part of making the show great.

Honestly, I have no problem with Nathan dying.  And I hope Linderman stays dead.  And I really don't want to see Sylar again.  Let's move on to the REAL big bad villain ^^

Oh, and what's with still not knowing Mom's power?  That was the one glaring not-cleared-up-thing for me.

Good father-daughter rapport between Noah and Claire, too.  Loved the part where he handed her the gun, following in her father's footsteps in a good way.

That was definitely Sulu in the past.  The eyes are unmistakeable.  Big gay samurai ~_^

Was it just me, or have Nikki/Jessica made a final merge between them?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 22, 2007, 03:38:35 PM
I think it more of a thing where Jessica and Nikki have accepted that they need each other.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 22, 2007, 05:25:46 PM
Yeah, it was definitely Takei in the armor. Pretty kickass, and I like the idea of a 'chronicler'.   Perhaps he'd had Hiro assigned to him rather than being his actual father.  Who knows at this point.

The graphic novel took an interesting turn with Hannah's story, too.  I had a problem with her kicking a fucking satellite out of orbit, but w/e.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 22, 2007, 05:53:08 PM
I had a problem with her kicking a fucking satellite out of orbit, but w/e.

I guess it's pseudo-sciency enough though.  If someone remembers Newton's laws (poorly) and knows that satellites are pretty precisely placed to keep from falling back into the atmosphere, I guess it's buyable.  When you have a dude who time travels and another who can "explode" but not really explode, anything's doable.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 22, 2007, 06:03:51 PM
WTF is up w/ Illusion chick not being fat?

Yeah, I really expected there to be a completely different person laying there, one that is not attractive at all.  It would have gone along with her previous conversations anyway.
She really enjoys messing with people's heads...  See?  It worked.

Shaft being a fortune teller through dreams, etc. goes along with my theory of how the elder heros knew about the bomb before anyone.  Although, I did hear his comment on invisibility, so that one is touch and go.  Peter got that dreamwalking power from somebody, and the old man makes the most sense so far.  Especially now that we know he can see people dreamwalking and talk to them.  I suppose dreamwalking could come along with the whole empath power, but that hasn't been made perfectly clear yet.
We don't know what Mommy Dearest is capable of either.  Peter touching her arm in that episode could have been alluding to it (or just something to give those who want to analyze every action something to ponder).

[I see Xerapis touched on this.]

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 23, 2007, 01:17:27 AM
OK. I'm stupid. What is HRG guys name being "Noah" supposed to mean?

Noah's Ark --> Saving all of God's (or whomever, depending on your point of view) creatures from the flood

Noah's "Ark" his plan for hiding of the Heroes from evil people.

That, and the writers have stated that they use a lot of Bible names in the series although they haven't really said if there's any larger meaning to that (Sylar's first name is Gabriel, for instance).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 23, 2007, 07:13:24 AM
After rewatching the episode on the NBC site i just gotta ask... what the hell was wrong with the "shoot Peter in the head" plan?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: |3o3dha on May 23, 2007, 08:26:05 AM
After rewatching the episode on the NBC site i just gotta ask... what the hell was wrong with the "shoot Peter in the head" plan?

Yeah, that bugged me too. Or what's wrong with taking peter out the same way as they stopped Ted in the HRG's house. I mean if you know someone will use the same power it might be handy to save some of that. Just in case.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on May 23, 2007, 08:32:55 AM
Also, I really doubt Claire is strong enough to jump through a plate glass window.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on May 23, 2007, 08:37:56 AM
Also, I really doubt Claire is strong enough to jump through a plate glass window.

It takes less force than you'd think to go through large pieces of glass.  There was a Mythbusters on 'guy fooling around in office, goes through window on chair'.  Turns out to be true.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 23, 2007, 09:05:50 AM
Also, I really doubt Claire is strong enough to jump through a plate glass window.

Clearly, you never had the opportunity to experience the leg strength of a cheerleader or a gymnast while in high school.  Sucks to be you, hoss.   :wink:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 23, 2007, 09:08:25 AM
Plus I bet you can do a lot of things like busting through glass when you know you won't get hurt in the end.  Much of what we "hold back" on is due to our own sense of mortality.  Lose that, and you could be one dangerous mo-fo.

One thing that bothered me at first was this whole Jessica/Nicki is really strong thing.  I mean, I know you have the strength to pull a door knob off and break open stuff and people, but that stuff would still hurt your hand/skin/tissues.  Out of any of the heroes in the past that had hyper strength, I've thought the same thing.  I guess the comic-reality is that anyone that has the strong power also has tough skin and is very resilient.

I just don't want to have her getting "hurt" by some cut on glass or some other abrasion.  Even if I had the strength to pull that knob off, it would hurt the hell out of my hand to do it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 23, 2007, 09:09:39 AM
Also, I really doubt Claire is strong enough to jump through a plate glass window.

Clearly, you never had the opportunity to experience the leg strength of a cheerleader or a gymnast while in high school.  Sucks to be you, hoss.   :wink:

Kicked your ass real good, huh?  :-P

Had to be said.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 23, 2007, 09:21:54 AM
Also, I really doubt Claire is strong enough to jump through a plate glass window.

Clearly, you never had the opportunity to experience the leg strength of a cheerleader or a gymnast while in high school.  Sucks to be you, hoss.   :wink:

Kicked your ass real good, huh?  :-P

Had to be said.

In a manner of speaking....

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on May 23, 2007, 09:30:47 AM
Highschool Cheerleaders are awesome.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on May 23, 2007, 09:34:32 AM
After rewatching the episode on the NBC site i just gotta ask... what the hell was wrong with the "shoot Peter in the head" plan?

Further to that point, didn't the Invisible Man just deck him and knock his ass out when he started to lose it a bit earlier before?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: DarkSign on May 23, 2007, 10:30:35 AM
Man, lots of good stuff in this thread: (sorry for the recap - more like highlights)

1) Claire's dad as "Noah" - love the symbolism

2) Illusion chick not fat? - man that had me too. I could have sworn she was talking about how bad she looked

3) Peter dead? -
  • They've done too much work and have incorporated him into the future too much for him to be gone.
  •   Here's my question...if Peter absorbs...and he was within distance of Sylar...couldnt he have absorbed all Sylar's powers?
4) Nathan dead?  Why couldnt he simply throw his brother into the air and speed away before the explosion? I dont think he's dead

5) Sylar dead? If I turn off the part of my brain that says "they always bring people back" I'd say yeah he's dead. But it's only at 89%

6) Anticlimactic? - I have to say that I thought there wasnt enough action in the end to really have punch, but it wasnt a Seinfeld where it totally blew. Scale of 1 - 10 I give the episode a 7.6 with 5 being (worth waking up out of a deep sleep to watch)

Im definitely buying the DVDs. Great show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on May 23, 2007, 10:36:25 AM
My wife and I usually watch the show on Friday on the NBC.com website.

Watching it in HD, just blew me away.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2007, 10:37:08 AM
Bennet's first name should have been Holden IMO.  But Noah is good too.

I'm hoping that Sylar got dragged into the sewer (preferably by The Really Bad Boogeyman) instead of mysteriously resurrecting and crawling away under his own power.  But it's tough to say.  I suppose there could be worse things than him coming back and being all demented and scarred and revenge-obsessed.

BTW, you can preorder the DVD set off Amazon for $40 right now (as opposed to paying $60 retail).  Pretty reasonable for 23 episodes plus extras.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on May 23, 2007, 11:56:48 AM
SAVE THE CHEERLEADER??? (http://www.amazon.com/Bring-Nothing-Widescreen-Hayden-Panettiere/dp/B000FS9MXI/ref=sr_1_6/102-9664736-7215331?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1179946361&sr=1-6)

And what is up with the HD-DVD version being like $30 more for heroes?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on May 23, 2007, 12:37:41 PM
You know, one thing is still bothering me about Sylar.  I still haven't figured out how he, as Peter put it, hides in plain sight.  He doesn't have invisibility, so what does he do?  He seems to be able to not be there one minute and then be there the next.  He did it when Bennett went into his cell before his escape.  He did it when Peter went in to the room with Mohinder stuck to the ceiling.  He did it just after Peter said he hides in plain sight and they were in the middle of a huge court area with 3 people standing there and nobody saw him sneak up on them.

My thought is that he can either turned into a liquid or some other form that you don't notice normally.  He can then reform almost instantly to make it look like he came out of nowhere.  That would explain his ability to hide in plain sight AND to have escaped at the end of the episode.

I suppose one could draw a huge line over the gap that he's somehow using the ability he got from the guy that could "melt" everything.  They never did play up what good that power would ever do for you other than allowing you to get  into bank safes or something.

Sylar's alive, I have no doubt.  They wouldn't have shown that scene and many of the comments made off camera suggest he is back for the next season.  I'm still pissed they didn't have anybody think to go check to make sure he was dead or throw a couple bullets into his head.  Seriously.  They all know how dangerous and hard to kill he is and how many people have died due to him.  One sword in the gut and they all forget about him?  Bleh, sloppy writing for Sylar once more.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 23, 2007, 02:13:51 PM
We don't know all the powers he has eaten.  He has so many he kind of uses them on a whim (or when the writers remember about them -- unfortunately they didn't get the waitress' eidetic memory).

I was screaming at Hiro to take Sylar's head when he was twirling the sword around after stabbing him...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 23, 2007, 03:19:20 PM

I was screaming at Hiro to take Sylar's head when he was twirling the sword around after stabbing him...

No doubt.  It's like he spent all this time training with Sulu and then didn't go for the fatality.  I know it's a network show and all, but after watching Jack Bauer chew through someone's neck, I can't think that it's too over the top for a network show that comes on at 9pm EST.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mandrel on May 23, 2007, 03:57:27 PM
Highschool Cheerleaders are awesome.
"That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 23, 2007, 04:27:13 PM
I'm guessing Sylar's going to end up with the new big bad, the whole thing about finding others who are like us certainly seemed to have an element of that. I doubt Peter's dead just because without him Sylar becomes nigh unstoppable and the new bad guy doubly so.

I also disagree on Shaft also being an empath, the line about invisibility sounded to me more like wishful thinking.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 23, 2007, 04:51:40 PM
I'm guessing Sylar's going to end up with the new big bad, the whole thing about finding others who are like us certainly seemed to have an element of that. I doubt Peter's dead just because without him Sylar becomes nigh unstoppable and the new bad guy doubly so.

I also disagree on Shaft also being an empath, the line about invisibility sounded to me more like wishful thinking.

My guess is that he's one bad.....*watch yo' mouth!*.....just talkin' 'bout Shaft!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on May 23, 2007, 06:24:10 PM
I'm guessing Sylar's going to end up with the new big bad, the whole thing about finding others who are like us certainly seemed to have an element of that. I doubt Peter's dead just because without him Sylar becomes nigh unstoppable and the new bad guy doubly so.
Didn't what's her name (sorry I only watch the show sporadically) say that Peter couldn't die thanks to Claire?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 24, 2007, 12:41:10 AM
Yeah Peter not dying seems pretty likely based on the grounds that he can regen and because Ted never seemed to have any problem with nuking himself. I was just making the point that if Sylar is still out there you kind of need Peter to counter him. It's either that or the writers let the other heroes suddenly start managing a lot better against him, which doesn't make too much sense based on what we've seen of anyone trying to take him on.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 24, 2007, 12:48:57 AM
Nikki was doing pretty well.  Sylar apparently isn't immune to being pummeled about the head.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Phildo on May 24, 2007, 01:35:09 AM
Nikki was doing pretty well.  Sylar apparently isn't immune to being pummeled about the head.

He just hasn't gotten around to decapitating anyone with a spider sense yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Alluvian on May 25, 2007, 12:05:29 PM
Why does everyone (including peter) seem to think there is something special about the spot at the base of peter's neck?  The only reason that spot took out both claire and peter for longer periods of time was because the weapon in both cases got lodged in place preventing the healing power from reconnecting the spinal cord.

All shooting him in the base of the skull would do is MAYBE knock him out for a few seconds.  So shooting him in the base of the head would in theory knock him down long enough for him to 'defuse', since he seems to have to be conscious to use that power.  I don't get how in ANY way flying him into space is a better solution.  Now 1 person dies instead of nobody?  Oh, and there is still possible fallout issues depending on how high he was...  I found that part stupid, but I did like the storytelling with the Nathan sideswitch.  So from a story standpoint maybe they just dropped logic for the 2 brothers save the world event?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 25, 2007, 12:13:53 PM
Oh, and there is still possible fallout issues depending on how high he was

There is no indication that when Ted destroyed HRG's house that there was resulting fallout.  He didn't fully explode, but should have been glowy enough to leave some radation behind if that was teh case...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NowhereMan on May 25, 2007, 03:52:02 PM
See I really think this is a minor point to nitpick. The big one is that, per invsible man, Peter can be shut down with a fucking punch to the head. And he fucking knows this. Seriously since knocking him unconscious shuts him down why the fuck didn't he get someone to pistol whip him the second he gets glowy?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 25, 2007, 04:25:49 PM
CBR has a two-part interview with Tim Kring. (http://www.comicbookresources.com/news/newsitem.cgi?id=10657)

On changes made to the Pilot:

CBR:  Shows grow organically over time and that's certainly been the case with "Heroes." HRG went from being a guest star to a regular and critical character in the series. Mohinder de-aged and became the original character's son. Can you give us a peak behind the curtain of things that might have been if - and excuse me for borrowing a phrase from the writers room - if Tim Kring-Prime hadn't made the decisions he did?

TK:  Well, the most obvious would be the advent of this terrorist story that was woven into the original pilot. The bomb that ultimately goes off or is prevented from going off in New York was actually attached to a terrorist story and at the heart of that terrorist story was a very sympathetic character, a middle-eastern engineer. A young, very brilliant engineer who had become disillusioned and disenfranchised and finds himself involved with a terrorist cell and is basically the architect of the bomb. That character could actually generate and emit a tremendous amount of radioactivity through his hands. That character became Ted on our show once we moved away from the terrorist story. The terrorist story was actually shot and beautifully finished, but it never saw the light of day. It didn't make it past the screenings at the network. That entire storyline would have been an extremely different story. In retrospect, I am fairly relieved it went away. Now, at the time, I had to replace it with a story that I didn't know what it would be, I had to come up with entirely new stuff after having already worked it out, but in time I came to be relieved that I wouldn't be living with a terrorist story every day of my life. You take a lot of this stuff home with you every night and I'm glad not to be taking that home.

CBR:  Especially in today's day and age.

TK:  Exactly and my whole thing was I thought it would be a relevant story and a relevant story to deal with some of the complexities of the issue by having a character who you felt very ambivalent about because you understood him and felt for him. It was built into a redemption story. He would have been the one who helped stop this from happening. Again, it was part of the theme to try and depict people from different parts of the world in positive ways. That's the one thing I can definitely point to.

CBR:  And that sequence will end up on the DVD collection?

TK:  Yes, it'll be in the uncut 72 minute pilot, what they're calling the "Tim Kring Cut." And it actually is the reason why Greg Grunberg's character, Matt Parkman, wasn't introduced in the pilot because his character was actually attached to that story. So, when we cut that story out we had to cut his story as well and find an entirely new way to introduce him, which I don't feel was done nearly as elegantly as I would have liked. We backed into some really complicated stuff to introduce Greg's character.

On Volume 2/Season 2:

As you saw, we called season one volume one and it just happened to be 23 episodes long. Volume two began in the last two minutes of Monday night's episode, but in no way has to be an entire season and it won't be. The idea now is to tell volume two in a much shorter amount of time so that we are not dragging so much story behind us 20 episodes into the show. This also allows for the barrier of entry into the show to be lowered so that people can join along the way. There have been certain serialized shows that I have not watched from the beginning and when I tuned in three years in, there was a kind of aggressive denial of my entry into the show. You're ten minutes into it and you're like, "Wow, these people don't want me to watch their show!" [laughs] Everything about the show told me I wasn't allowed in there because I didn't know enough. I really am very aware of that. I want the barrier of entry to be low enough for new viewers to come in. So, what we're doing is wrapping these stories up in shorter arcs so that you can hop on the train as a new viewer along the way. A serialized show has a natural attrition, I think. People are interested in the beginning and you're naturally going to loose people along the way, so if you don't make it so that there are stops along your travels where people can hop on the train, I think you're really doing a disservice to the show.

On Origins:

Right now it's six episodes, they are stand alone episodes that have a kind of, for lack of a better way of describing it, a Rod Serling quality to them. A cautionary or morality tale about various people around the globe who are discovering these abilities and it allows us to tell a million different kinds of stories. Some of them will tie-in with "Heroes," although if you don't know what "Heroes" is you can enjoy the show without it. If you do watch "Heroes," then those tie-ins will be really fun to watch. Yes, it's our concern as well that we are stretching too far and we are very sensitive to that. One of the hallmarks of the people I work with, and I include myself in that group, is we've very conscientious about the brand and trying not to harm it and trying not to diminish or take away anything from the mother ship of "Heroes" because everything is sort of begat from there. So, the second this feels like it's doing any sort of damage, we'll cut our losses.

One of the great things about "Origins" to me is there are so many actors we've heard from who are fans of the show, people with big careers, which is always flattering to find these people you really admire are huge fans of the show. Well, now we're in a position where we can say, well, we know you're a movie star and you have numerous projects you're working on, but how would you like to work on a single episode and be involved in the show? So, it is a way to get some of these very interesting people to come and do an episode of the show. Of course, some of the caliber of people we're talking about are not going to or may not want to be in a weekly series, but they'll come and do one episode, which could be really cool. I mean really, really cool. So, this idea of voting them on the show might be a good idea in theory, you can vote them on all you want, but they're going to do what they want to do. That, to me, is one of the ideas that could make "Origins" really fun.

I'm really glad that they didn't go with the terroist storyline.  Even if they intended on making it a different kind of story by making the terrorist a sympathetic character, I'm pretty much sick of people using terrorists in stories because they're "relevant".  It's also nice to hear that Volume 2 won't take up the entire season.  I agree that 22 episodes is too long of a build-up for one story and it's hard to get a satisfying payoff.  A lot of the later seaons of Buffy had the same problem.  I was expecting Origins to be a little more than six episodes, but I guess it's better than nothing. 

Also, the second part of The Death of Hana Gitelman is up on the website now (and her death is pretty much what I was expecting).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 25, 2007, 06:04:23 PM
I agree on the lack of terrorist thing. The way the Five Years Later episode handled that allegory is good enough for me.
Quote from: SnakeCharmer
He's just not a good villian, and surveys and audience testing will probably determine his fate more than anything else
Just a word on the "testing" bit. I hope to heck they don't bother. This show doesn't seem based on what people have been found to want, but more on a combined talent that knows how to give people what they didn't realize they wanted. Shows start to suck when the internal creative group changes to a set of lesser skilled insecure folks who look to process everything through consumer validation. You can always tell when a show does that.

Why would he do that when noone but the Heroes and Villians knew what was going to happen (NY going boom)?
If he is dead, then he went out that way because it was the right thing to do. Not the public-approved one. Not the pollster one. But the right one, showing his true human side, his true "hero" side.

Quote from: DarkSign
2) Illusion chick not fat? - man that had me too. I could have sworn she was talking about how bad she looked
Two thoughts on this recurring comment:
  • Could she have the power to create permanent illusions, either in someone's mind or anything that affects her general look on the world?
  • Was she faking being knocked out because she knew Nikki would just kick her ass all over the place based on the power of that punch?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 25, 2007, 08:31:48 PM
Ok, just watched Episode 5 (Hiros) again. Never saw this one in its entirety, and wanted to confirm something to ask this: how is it Nathan could fly away from Bennett and the Haitian when nobody else can use their powers around the latter?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on May 25, 2007, 08:35:25 PM
Ok, just watched Episode 5 (Hiros) again. Never saw this one in its entirety, and wanted to confirm something to ask this: how is it Nathan could fly away from Bennett and the Haitian when nobody else can use their powers around the latter?

His dress shoes are the Italian leather eqivalent of Iron Man's boots?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on May 25, 2007, 08:42:00 PM
I don't think there's really a great rationale for that, honestly, but if I had to make one up, I'd say that Bennet and the Haitian either didn't know that Nathan's power was flight, or they didn't think that he himself knew it and would be able to use it to escape.  The Haitian's power-blocking thing is presumably something that he can switch on and off, so maybe he just had it switched off right then because he didn't think it'd be necessary, and by the time he reacted Nathan was already way out of range.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on May 25, 2007, 08:45:13 PM
Ok, just watched Episode 5 (Hiros) again. Never saw this one in its entirety, and wanted to confirm something to ask this: how is it Nathan could fly away from Bennett and the Haitian when nobody else can use their powers around the latter?

Maybe the Haitian let him go under orders from Nathan's mother.  He'd just have to explain to Bennett later on that he let his guard down.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mandrel on May 25, 2007, 09:01:06 PM
Quote from: DarkSign
2) Illusion chick not fat? - man that had me too. I could have sworn she was talking about how bad she looked
Two thoughts on this recurring comment:
  • Could she have the power to create permanent illusions, either in someone's mind or anything that affects her general look on the world?
  • Was she faking being knocked out because she knew Nikki would just kick her ass all over the place based on the power of that punch?
I think more than anything they just reverted her to that form so the general public wouldn't be confused.  If someone who only watched the show saw her turn into some unrecognizable person, things would be less clear as to who it was.  IF they had previously shown her "original form", I would have been more upset.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on May 26, 2007, 02:52:46 AM
If she had a medical reason for being fat or if Linderman just had amazingly good control of his healing ability perhaps he could have fixed her metabolism to get rid of the obesity problem. That would definitely explain her loyalty too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on May 26, 2007, 08:21:47 AM
Or maybe a chick who loves fucking with people's heads was just fucking with people's heads.  She was a total bitch and she loved it.

It doesn't have to be a conspiracy theory.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Zonk on May 26, 2007, 03:55:12 PM

Reaching back to Darksign's recap -

6) Anticlimactic? - I have to say that I thought there wasnt enough action in the end to really have punch, but it wasnt a Seinfeld where it totally blew. Scale of 1 - 10 I give the episode a 7.6 with 5 being (worth waking up out of a deep sleep to watch)

I love this show, even agree with 'buying the DVDs', but I totally agree that they built up the last few episodes SO MUCH that the finale was a bit tepid for me. I really wanted to see more of a full-on confrontation between the other Heroes and Sylar. They've gone to such effort just to keep the different groups and individuals apart ...
With them all together in the plaza it seemed like a missed opportunity not to have one good-old-fashioned hero brawl.

Really looking forward to Hiro in Samurai-land.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on May 26, 2007, 05:55:53 PM
Hey Zonk. Grats on the pickup by Ziff :)

Been thinking about the Haitian and Nathan encounter: Someone said the former can turn on and off his ability. I've never seen that, but it kinda makes sense. Everyone's abilities seem to have a switch, whether they can control it (Nathan, most others) or not (Nikki/Jessica). So going with that assumption, perhaps the Haitian (does he have a name btw?) is like Peter in that he can only do one thing at a time. He maybe needed to disconn the ability worm to turn on the memory wipe. Iirc, that's what he was leaning into Nathan to do, wipe his memory.

Gotta say though, particularly with these two episodes, a whole hell of a lot more stuff makes sense now. And I like Bennett even more. The encounter with the varsity jock in the hospital was great.

As to Illusion Chick, still can't figure it. Could be like Lantyssa said: she just likes fucking with people, in a sociopathic narcissistic sorta way.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Zonk on May 26, 2007, 06:11:30 PM
Hey Zonk. Grats on the pickup by Ziff :)

Thankee, sir. /hattip
I hope it becomes something worth reading every week.

Gotta say though, particularly with these two episodes, a whole hell of a lot more stuff makes sense now. And I like Bennett even more. The encounter with the varsity jock in the hospital was great. As to Illusion Chick, still can't figure it. Could be like Lantyssa said: she just likes fucking with people, in a sociopathic narcissistic sorta way.

I watched *very* carefully when it became apparent that she might be hiding her true form, and the couch didn't seem to be adversely affected by her weight. Ie: the couch didn't bend like it would if I sat down on it. Whether this is just her doing more illusions to cover up small details, or just something that the show's creators didn't really care about is the question.

I also think it's possible that that *IS* her real form, and she just has a really terrible self-image. That would be higly ironical.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on May 29, 2007, 08:37:42 AM
Haitian's story is being revealed in the comics.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on May 29, 2007, 08:41:10 AM
Heres a prediction for next season: Nathans mom is gonna have the illusion chick pretend shes Nathan so she can stay in power.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on June 02, 2007, 05:37:57 AM
Callisto (from X-Men 2) is coming to Heroes (http://www.comingsoon.net/news/tvnews.php?id=20760). Powers TBD. I hope this isn't the hero that was to be the one people voted on during the showing of the six mini-episodes this summer. That article talks about four or five new heroes being added, but she apparently is slated to be the only regular one.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: eldaec on July 17, 2007, 11:50:51 AM
This has only just finished in the UK. So here are my random belated thoughts...

Whole thing was one of those shows you love for the world they create, but you often end up thinking they never quite meet its potential. I'll still have it locked into my DVR next year ofc. After watching way too much 24, lost, and other make-it-up-as-we-go-along "serials" it's great to watch something where the writers have a plan, I can't think of anything else recent where everything remains so coherent and fits together so well, aside from maybe Harry Potter.

The Sylar and Peter endings were great - and appropriately comic book, either one can come back but both are gone for a while.

What was the point of Nikki/DL again? Oh yeah, Sylar wouldn't have been momentarily distracted without them. Woo-fucking-hoo. Without the nikki storyline, the show would have had enough time available to lay out the plot and give us some more superhero pew pew along the way. As it was it had to be edited so far down that endless exposition made it feel overlong.

They need help writing dialogue, too many characters were stuck being unremittingly whiny or stupid (maybe as a result of insufficient screen time because of Nikki eating too much). And the only two characters who managed any sort of chemistry were Molly and Micah; seriously, two eight year olds get 20 seconds of shared screen time and manage to look make each other look cooler and more sympathetic than, well, everyone else. The "yeah, the adults might be angst ridden idiots, but I can make this fucking lift work and get the job done" moment was almost the best thing in the last episode. This shouldn't be allowed.

I get the heros-feeling-isolated thing, it's cool, it's a good theme, but once in a while you need to have all the main characters not run off in different directions like headless chickens without talking to each other, just so you've got something to contrast it with.

Best moment of the series was when Isaac shot Simone. Splendid.

They need to get out of New York. They either don't have the budget or don't have the skill for making a place feel like a proper city and those fucking long lenses they love using aren't helping either (I might be overstating the impact of lens choice - sci-fi channel in the UK still insists on broadcasting 4:3).

Or maybe a chick who loves fucking with people's heads was just fucking with people's heads.  She was a total bitch and she loved it.

Or maybe she isn't dead and she is still fucking with your head.

I mean, if *I* was illusion-bitch, and *I* was confronted by a suddenly empowered ninja-Nikki, feign-death-illusions would seem like a fine plan.

In reality I suspect the budget was running out. That would also explain why New York had almost no hapless citizens in the last episode....

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on July 29, 2007, 02:27:43 AM
Kevin Smith writing/directing first episode of Heroes: Origins (http://forum.newsarama.com/showthread.php?t=123086/).  Also a lot of other stuff from the Heroes panel at Comic-Con.  Note that at the very last paragraph of the article, there are some spoilers.  One might miss the spoiler warning they put up if quickly skimming the article.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on July 30, 2007, 09:09:47 AM
Kevin Smith + Heores = Kickass.  :heart:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on July 30, 2007, 03:53:52 PM
Kevin Smith + Heores = Kickass.  :heart:

Or it could be Jersey Girl. With superpowers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Phildo on July 30, 2007, 04:38:55 PM
The first time Hiro makes a dick and/or fart joke, I'm out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lantyssa on July 30, 2007, 06:22:42 PM
Or it could be Jersey Girl. With superpowers.
Despite the worry, that combination is TOTALLY awesome.

(http://iria.chem.uh.edu/f13/Jersey Girl_Rikti.jpg)

Edit: Not even super powers can stop the grammar snake!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on July 30, 2007, 06:28:37 PM
Kevin Smith + Heores = Kickass.  :heart:

Or it could be Jersey Girl. With superpowers.

Meh, I liked Jersey Girl. Not up to par with the rest of his movies, but not terrible. And having read his comic work, the series is in good hands.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hayduke on July 30, 2007, 11:03:29 PM
I think being able to enjoy this show is a superpower in its own right.  Shitty writing, slow plot development, boring action, wooden characters, I think it just goes to show what a serious case of blue balls people have for sci-fi on TV that they'll put up with this show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Xerapis on July 31, 2007, 01:12:06 AM
I think being able to enjoy this show is a superpower in its own right.  Shitty writing, slow plot development, boring action, wooden characters, I think it just goes to show what a serious case of blue balls people have for sci-fi on TV that they'll put up with this show.

I tried to think of a tactful way to put this...

Most polite response that I could come up with was...

You are a dumbass.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on August 08, 2007, 10:56:40 AM
Apparently Sark is going to be playing a samurai on Heroes this fall.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Dren on August 09, 2007, 09:29:45 AM
I think being able to enjoy this show is a superpower in its own right.  Shitty writing, slow plot development, boring action, wooden characters, I think it just goes to show what a serious case of blue balls people have for sci-fi on TV that they'll put up with this show.

I tried to think of a tactful way to put this...

Most polite response that I could come up with was...

You are a dumbass.

He's trollicious!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on August 27, 2007, 04:40:19 PM

Look over here (http://www.yamagatofellowship.org/)

The site's designed to have a 5-part streaming series on Kensei - as he relates to Heroes.  The 'stories' shown will be 4 minute versions as they "were told to Hiro as a child by his father, the powerful Kaito Nakamura (George Takei)."

In an odd twist, that may have been Takei we saw at the end of the season last year, but he's not playing Kensei.  (http://www.tvguide.com/news/070827-01)

When Heroes returns Sept. 24, Kensei will be played by former Alias star David Anders, who, last time we checked, was still Caucasian. But this is not some politically incorrect casting mess. "I promise you'll get the scoop behind this in the season premiere," says Kring. "We're going to reveal why — contrary to legend — Kensei is not Japanese."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on August 27, 2007, 05:06:15 PM

Look over here (http://www.yamagatofellowship.org/)

The site's designed to have a 5-part streaming series on Kensei - as he relates to Heroes.  The 'stories' shown will be 4 minute versions as they "were told to Hiro as a child by his father, the powerful Kaito Nakamura (George Takei)."

In an odd twist, that may have been Takei we saw at the end of the season last year, but he's not playing Kensei.  (http://www.tvguide.com/news/070827-01)

When Heroes returns Sept. 24, Kensei will be played by former Alias star David Anders, who, last time we checked, was still Caucasian. But this is not some politically incorrect casting mess. "I promise you'll get the scoop behind this in the season premiere," says Kring. "We're going to reveal why — contrary to legend — Kensei is not Japanese."

Should there be a rule that you don't post massive fucking spoilers until at least ONE PERSON has actually seen the episode?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on August 28, 2007, 09:45:13 AM
The thread title DOES have spoilers in the subject line.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on August 28, 2007, 10:20:52 AM
The thread title DOES have spoilers in the subject line.

I think his point though is that one generally doesn't expect spoilers for stuff that hasn't aired yet.  Typically, you'd only have to stay away from this thread until you've watched the most recent episode

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on August 28, 2007, 10:55:19 AM
So.. an actor is a spoiler now? Just trying to keep score so we don't spoil the next Batman or anything.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on August 29, 2007, 04:46:28 AM
An actor isn't a spoiler. For example and obviously fake, Vin Diesel is in Heroes now since his career as a film star tanked to hell.

An actor's role and how that changes all of our assumptions about LAST YEARS SEASON FINALE is a fucking spoiler though.

Edit: Anything more than X is in Heroes, is a spoiler. Think about it. It's a series where Identity means EVERYTHING.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on August 29, 2007, 06:52:07 AM
Hence the word "SPOILERS" in the thread title.  :-D

(shoot Haemish first ;) )

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on August 29, 2007, 06:59:43 AM
Christ. I know it says spoilers in the title. Wiseasses. But I suppose my problem is this is a completely different kind of spoiler. This is more akin to "Snape Kills Dumbledore" than it is "OH MAN, WASN'T LAST NIGHT'S HEROES AWESOME? CAN YOU BELIEVE XXX?"

This isn't YTMND. Just saying.

To be fair, I blame the people who gave stuff away as much as I blame Merusk.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on August 29, 2007, 08:47:42 AM
Christ. I know it says spoilers in the title. Wiseasses. But I suppose my problem is this is a completely different kind of spoiler. This is more akin to "Snape Kills Dumbledore" than it is "OH MAN, WASN'T LAST NIGHT'S HEROES AWESOME? CAN YOU BELIEVE XXX?"

This isn't YTMND. Just saying.

To be fair, I blame the people who gave stuff away as much as I blame Merusk.

It's part of a worldwide press release by the studio, that's not a spoiler.  We, the fans thought kensai's identity would be a big deal(at least the actor) and it is obviously not.  You cannot give any weight to this because there is none other than the hope of a fanbase for who and what that character would be. 

This is not snape kills dumbledore, this is someone saying "no, venom really will be in siderman 3"  That's not a spoiler, that's a press release.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Roac on August 29, 2007, 09:23:36 AM
Christ. I know it says spoilers in the title. Wiseasses. But I suppose my problem is this is a completely different kind of spoiler. This is more akin to "Snape Kills Dumbledore" than it is "OH MAN, WASN'T LAST NIGHT'S HEROES AWESOME? CAN YOU BELIEVE XXX?"

Your argument against posting the wrong kind of spoiler is well illustrated by posting the wrong kind of spoiler.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on August 29, 2007, 09:25:13 AM
This is not snape kills dumbledore, this is someone saying "no, venom really will be in siderman 3"  That's not a spoiler, that's a press release.

If you're telling me that Kensei being a white man and not being Takei and his power being Immortality would not have been a shock to the fans, then you're f'ing crazy.

It would have been completely and totally shocking.

And they'd have had some explaining to do.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on September 01, 2007, 01:24:19 PM
The white man part is a shocker, but the immortality thing was I thought largely speculated to death already. At least, it wasn't a shocker to me.

It's a spoiler from a press release. So everyone's right. And wrong.  :evil:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on September 02, 2007, 01:05:49 AM
The white man part is a shocker, but the immortality thing was I thought largely speculated to death already. At least, it wasn't a shocker to me.

It's a spoiler from a press release. So everyone's right. And wrong.  :evil:

They tend to give a lot away in press releases and interviews (the column on comicbookresources.com that they post before each new episode in particular gives out a lot of hints and background info).  The best way to handled posting that stuff would seem to be just posting the link and giving a spoiler warning.  I like reading all that stuff, but I could see how some would rather avoid it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on September 02, 2007, 04:08:38 AM
Dq, speculation isn't the same as a writer JUST SAYING IT.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on September 16, 2007, 11:34:58 AM
Just finished reading up through Chapter 50. If you're reading this, haven't read them, and don't want spoilers, stop now. There's not much here anyway :)

Chapters 47 and 48 deal primarily with Ando and Hiro's sister. A few times something happened that I never noticed in the show. Ando seems to have incredible luck.

Now normally I'd write this off as a plot device. But I feel like this show and lore only show stuff they absolutely plan to. So, could Ando actually have a power and could that be luck?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on September 16, 2007, 12:53:07 PM
If Ando had super-luck he wouldn't have needed Hiro to help him cheat at the tables in Vegas, would he?   :wink:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on September 16, 2007, 01:05:41 PM
If Ando had super-luck he wouldn't have needed Hiro to help him cheat at the tables in Vegas, would he?   :wink:

Good point :) But maybe he doesn't know it? And really, how much about Vegas is really luck?  :evil:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on September 16, 2007, 01:47:54 PM
"Japanese people very lucky."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rishathra on September 16, 2007, 08:04:19 PM
If Ando had super-luck he wouldn't have needed Hiro to help him cheat at the tables in Vegas, would he?   :wink:
That's how his luck manifested.  It made sure he was lucky enough to have a superhero for a best friend!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Furiously on September 17, 2007, 05:25:48 PM
If Ando had super-luck he wouldn't have needed Hiro to help him cheat at the tables in Vegas, would he?   :wink:
That's how his luck manifested.  It made sure he was lucky enough to have a superhero for a best friend!

I loved that show. (http://www.swcp.com/~jamii/StrangeLuck/)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on September 18, 2007, 08:24:13 AM
If Ando had super-luck he wouldn't have needed Hiro to help him cheat at the tables in Vegas, would he?   :wink:
That's how his luck manifested.  It made sure he was lucky enough to have a superhero for a best friend!

I loved that show. (http://www.swcp.com/~jamii/StrangeLuck/)

That was a decent show that got the typical Fox Friday night treatment.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on September 18, 2007, 08:58:47 AM
Being bad a gambling is good luck for Ando.  Like a lot people, he handles wealth poorly.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on September 24, 2007, 04:20:32 PM
Season starts back up tonight!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on September 24, 2007, 07:34:55 PM
And it was awesome.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on September 24, 2007, 07:43:27 PM
Except for seeing that goddamned Nissan Rogue commercial 3 times every commercial break, it was teh splendid.

Lots of questions though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on September 24, 2007, 10:05:27 PM
That's what Tivo is for. 

Lots of questions but that's what makes the show so much fun.  So, was that just his imagination or was that really his face in the mirror and he's somehow disguised it?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on September 25, 2007, 07:16:39 AM
That's what Tivo is for. 

Lots of questions but that's what makes the show so much fun.  So, was that just his imagination or was that really his face in the mirror and he's somehow disguised it?

I'm thinking it was his face that his mother has somehow disguised.  Didn't she try touching his face at one point and he pushed her hand away?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on September 25, 2007, 08:29:15 AM
Except for seeing that goddamned Nissan Rogue commercial 3 times every commercial break, it was teh splendid.

Lots of questions though.

Better those 3 commercials than the normal run which has more commercial time and less Hero time.

I thought it was a great start to the second season. Dark Doogie Howser as Takeo Kensei was awesome, especially that punch he stuck on Hiro. I hate that Sulu got kacked though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on September 25, 2007, 09:20:53 AM
I was dissapointed that we didn't learn about Sulu's powers (intimidating people by taking off his shirt and acting like a pirate maybe?)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on September 25, 2007, 11:14:14 AM
I was dissapointed that we didn't learn about Sulu's powers (intimidating people by taking off his shirt and acting like a pirate maybe?)

I don't know why everyone assumes sulu had powers.  Afterall they did mention that the original group was a mix of supers and normal people and while it's ommon the powers run in families it's not a universal law.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on September 25, 2007, 01:34:10 PM
It'd be a mighty strange coincidence for Hiro to be one of the few supers in the world AND to be a child of a non-super who was involved with them.  Maybe Hiro was adopted, like Claire?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on September 25, 2007, 06:20:11 PM
So, I think Hiro is the real Kensei after seeing that first episode.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on September 25, 2007, 06:35:37 PM
He will be.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on September 25, 2007, 08:30:46 PM
Once again, Hiro had one of the best lines of the episode.

"Oh no, I broke history!" 

Good episode overall.  I'm glad they didn't drag out that annoying prick of a supervisor over several episodes before Mr. Bennet laid down the law. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on September 25, 2007, 08:46:15 PM
Once again, Hiro had one of the best lines of the episode.

"Oh no, I broke history!" 

Good episode overall.  I'm glad they didn't drag out that annoying prick of a supervisor over several episodes before Mr. Bennet laid down the law. 

That could be a Ralph Wiggum quote as well!   :-D

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on September 26, 2007, 05:21:21 AM
I guess to echo the statements here:

I want to know what Sulu et al.'s powers are, I feel like we're getting set up for another flashback episode.

Hiro will become the Sword Saint.

No Nikki storyline ftw.

As for the whole Peter thing.  Isn't he in that box at the end in Ireland or something?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on September 26, 2007, 06:35:35 AM
Yeah, that was Peter the amnesiac chained up in the box.  I'm also curious about the preview that showed Sylar sipping a Mai Tai on the beach.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on September 26, 2007, 06:42:39 AM
Yes, that was an amnesiac Peter. Interesting.

Who killed Sulu? He said a name but I was watching it on a non-DVR so couldn't rewind it.

I actually didn't like the Hiro portions as much as I thought I would. It was just too Hollywood-typical to finally meet your hero to find out they're a drunken opportunitist who gets lucky or a kind scribe. It was fun, and I laughed at the "broke history" line. But I thought the concept itself was a little weak.

Actually, thinking about it, I sorta thought the whole episode was less than awesome. It was supposed to be a "where are they now" episode, which it did competently. But I didn't like the "ho hum, back to our old lives" overtones. You guys saved the world, and now you're off trying to re-blend in (Bennets, Portman), find a new purpose (Nathan, Hiro), and get funding to continue research you were already doing (Suresh). Showing Claire dive off and break her leg felt like a plot device for new audiences. Sure, fine, but introduce new viewers to the awesome of the hesitant hero who knows her power and uses it for purpose, not the struggling introvert who dreams of her old life as a vapish cheerleader.

It was like a series reset to me. I only finally started liking it when Bennet and Suresh talked about bringing the Company down and then they go off and kill Sulu and when Bennet took out his manager (nigh unbelievable though. Corporate HR would look unkind upon something like that, cool as it was :) ).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on September 26, 2007, 12:04:58 PM
Who killed Sulu? He said a name but I was watching it on a non-DVR so couldn't rewind it.

I don't recall him saying a name.  Just something along the lines of "I never thought it would be you".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tairnyn on September 28, 2007, 06:18:27 AM
Do we know for certain it was Sulu's dead body they showed from the view from the roof? It was a quick shot and I didn't bother to inspect it closely.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on September 28, 2007, 12:47:00 PM
So are powers not unique anymore?  That flying kid that likes Claire.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on September 28, 2007, 12:57:03 PM
So are powers not unique anymore?  That flying kid that likes Claire.

Supposedly duplicate powers is going to be part of the storyline.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on September 28, 2007, 01:15:12 PM
I don't like it.

Would've been better if he got 2 powers.

Like the power of flight.


The power to kill a yak, from 200 yards away, with mind bullets.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on September 28, 2007, 03:26:43 PM
How about the power... to move you?

Re: Hiro being Kensei, that'd be too easy.  I think Hiro is the "dragon" in the legends who turns Kensei into a hero.  If Kensei was able to stop time (or had someone on his side who could), it'd go a long way toward explaining how he was able to carve up an army of 70,000.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: angry.bob on September 29, 2007, 05:22:07 PM
So are powers not unique anymore?  That flying kid that likes Claire.

I watched an interview with the guy who plays Mr. Bennett and the only spoiler he would give was that Mr. Bennett flies this season. It must be a theme or something.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on September 30, 2007, 02:18:56 AM
Edit: Unnecessary snottiness deleted.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on October 01, 2007, 01:20:39 AM
I'm sorry, why have we leapt to the conclusion that powers are unique ?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 01, 2007, 02:01:34 AM
I'm sorry, why have we leapt to the conclusion that powers are unique ?

I don't know.  Based on Claude referring to Peter as an Empath, I've been assuming that powers weren't unique.  I figured that the reason the writers just gave everybody different powers because it was more interesting than giving two or three people flight, giving a couple people regeneration, etc...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on October 01, 2007, 02:35:33 AM
I'm fairly sure we'll have the Logan/Deathstrike Scene shortly.

Though if it's between Clare and another Hawt Cheerleader and involves mud or oil, that'd be nice too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on October 01, 2007, 02:42:42 AM
Powers are not unique.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 01, 2007, 04:16:14 AM
Powers are not unique.

Someone's been reading the online graphic novel.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 01, 2007, 04:25:26 AM
I think assuming powers are unique is the bigger leap of faith than assuming their not. Eventually they'd simply run out of creative steam, let alone story.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on October 01, 2007, 04:27:00 AM
Actually that's something I read in the Heroes preview issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 01, 2007, 04:34:01 AM
Actually that's something I read in the Heroes preview issue of Entertainment Weekly.

Well, I didn't expect that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on October 01, 2007, 11:51:11 PM
Meh, my DVR recording cuts out and I don't know if I missed some key end scene.

This episode had a lot of action, IMO.

If I was un-tired enough to put forth the effort for spoiler tags, I'd ask my question specifically. Since I'm not, did the peeping tom scene end the episode? I'm trying to figure out if I need to watch the end again on NBC.com.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on October 01, 2007, 11:59:05 PM
Actually that's something I read in the Heroes preview issue of Entertainment Weekly.
Well, I didn't expect that.
Doesn't everybody read EW?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on October 02, 2007, 12:09:25 AM
The end is she runs out to the driveway and picks up a book.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 02, 2007, 05:19:25 AM
How wonderful. Kensei has Claire Disorder.

I look forward to a series of conveniences. Ugh ugh ugh.

Edit: Oh, and then the episode ends. Claire's secret is out. How fantastic. Is anyone else feeling like this should have been a miniseries?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on October 02, 2007, 07:46:54 AM
Hrm. The little information screen about the show on my DVR said something about Nikki and Micah, but I don't recall that scene. Stupid show summaries.

Or maybe I just missed that part.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 02, 2007, 07:51:13 AM
Neg. Nothing about white trash in this episode.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 02, 2007, 09:28:52 AM
Nikki and Micah never showed up. The scene ends with Claire picking up Suresh Senior's book and Mr. Muggles barking at the air.

Kensei's power being regeneration makes sense. How else would he remove his heart to give to the dragon and yet survive? I dug the Hiro as Kensei scene, and I definitely like where the Peter arc is going. And apparently, Mama Petrelli has some form of telepathy, or at least resistance to telepathy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 02, 2007, 09:40:41 AM
I don't know how spoilery it is regarding Kensei:

Also, am I the only one that doesn't particularly care about the new people? The ensemble was already large enough thanks.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 02, 2007, 09:45:07 AM
Nikki and Micah never showed up. The scene ends with Claire picking up Suresh Senior's book and Mr. Muggles barking at the air.

He's not barking at the air.

Kensei's power being regeneration makes sense. How else would he remove his heart to give to the dragon and yet survive? I dug the Hiro as Kensei scene, and I definitely like where the Peter arc is going. And apparently, Mama Petrelli has some form of telepathy, or at least resistance to telepathy.

I thought Hiro just reversed time around Kensei the same way he did when the psycho bitch shot at he and Ando last season.  I must've missed the actual regeneration part.

As for Mama Petrelli, I just figured had been around powered-people enough (she's one of The Company founters, remember.) that she knew Parkman was reading her mind based on how he jumped on what she'd just been thinking.

Riggs - No, I don't particularly care for the Brother - Sister storyline so far.  It looks like they're going to be this seasons "Nikki and Micha."  The device used to drive the plot that nobody really wants to see/ give a fuck about.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 02, 2007, 09:46:45 AM
They would not have used such a famous guy if they weren't going to bring him into the actual present-day storyline.


Haemish, she's  been around heroes. If you know how telepathy works, you can just think what you want and they can hear. It's been used in the series before. I'm pretty sure I could've done what she did, hell, Bennett did.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on October 02, 2007, 01:22:16 PM
Only the second episode of the second season, I still have faith they'll not fuck it up.

All I want is for Peter to get the hell back to the US in a reasonable amount of time, band everyone together, and kick some goddamn ass.  None of those wimpy 30 second long Sylar fights, more like the one where Hiro goes to the future except we actually SEE it this time.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 02, 2007, 02:44:11 PM
Haemish, she's  been around heroes. If you know how telepathy works, you can just think what you want and they can hear. It's been used in the series before. I'm pretty sure I could've done what she did, hell, Bennett did.

I realize that, I just think Parkman seemed more than a little taken aback that someone reacted so forcefully. It's one of those things that's easy to write in comics but not so easy to act out. Did she force him out of her head or was she just able to shut it off. I'm still betting on some kind of mind bitch powers for her.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on October 02, 2007, 04:03:03 PM
I think Parkman is just used to being able to listen in on people without them having the slightest clue so he was caught by surprise when she mind-shouted at him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 02, 2007, 06:17:09 PM
I think Parkman is just used to being able to listen in on people without them having the slightest clue so he was caught by surprise when she mind-shouted at him.


I've liked about 10 minutes of the last 2 episodes, the rest was snooze.

It was painfully obvious they wouldn't kill the Patrelli's, which is [one reason] why the season finale was so anticlimactic.  I guess not waiting for 1/2 the season to go by before springing amnesia-Peter on us is a plus.  But now they're drawing out their re-introduction, and we get 20 minutes of Claire and her coping drama as filler.  Hey, a boy who can fly just like her dad who she can totally connect with, and is just what she needs at this moment in her life!  Oh, look, someone stole her car, that's totally not going to come back later *FORESHADOWING*.  Whatever.  Don't really care about what Mohinder and Bennet are up to either for some reason.  Everything just feels stalled instead of building up.  Hopefully the next few episodes get better.

Everything with Hiro has been gold, though.  Is it bad that I'm more interested in what's happened with Sylar than Peter?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 03, 2007, 01:28:50 AM
Don't really care about what Mohinder and Bennet are up to either for some reason.  Everything just

Really?  One of my favorite parts of the last episode was the Haitian showing up at Bennet's work.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 03, 2007, 05:09:54 AM
Probably because the scene between Mohinder and the Haitian didn't make sense.  We're left to infer a lot of what happened, and a bit of it goes against the interaction we were shown between the two.

It just felt like a cheap way to mind-fuck the audience for 10 minutes.  The mind-wipe thing would have been alright twist if the rest of the scene made it seem like he was trying to fill in the Haitian, and I didn't have to assume a bunch of shit happened off-screen.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 03, 2007, 05:10:40 AM
But the scene was meant to imply he was filling in the haitian and then asked for a mindwipe...

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 03, 2007, 06:16:45 AM
But the scene was meant to imply he was filling in the haitian and then asked for a mindwipe...

That was what I got out of it too. Mohinder can't tell what he literally doesn't know. The only issue is that he does know that the Haitan was going to talk to HRG and stuff so it's a bit of a plot hole. Why bother having him mindwipe what was said in that hut but not mindwipe the fact that you know who he's going to see anyway?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 03, 2007, 06:38:38 AM
I'm pretty sure he wasn't mind wiped.  Otherwise he wouldn't have been filling in Bennet on the phone about how his plan worked, but that they'd be watching him more now (he wouldn't have remembered any of it).

I think we're supposed to guess that instead of the mind wipe, he instead told the Haitian about what's going on.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on October 03, 2007, 07:41:30 AM
The mindwipe thing, I'm guessing that Mohinder asked for (and got) a mindwipe from the Haitian as a means to protect himself from the Company if they had any other mind readers around to see if he is lying or loyal to the company.  The mindwipe went back just far enough that he knew where he was and what he was to be doing AFTER his memory was erased, and he was able to fill in the Hatian as to where to go to find HRG.

Does that make any sense?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 03, 2007, 10:18:06 AM
Read this week's online comic.  It stretches out the Haitian/ Mohinder scene a bit more.  There was no mindwipe.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 03, 2007, 10:45:05 AM
Read this week's online comic.  It stretches out the Haitian/ Mohinder scene a bit more.  There was no mindwipe.

Ok, either way, doesn't matter. Scene was set up so Mohinder would tell him the plan. This is merely convenient.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 03, 2007, 12:01:29 PM
I gather that the slow buildup/catching up sort of stuff is meant to give new viewers a refresher course so they aren't just totally turned off and don't have to watch the last season to get every bit of details. Comics do the recap/refresher stuff all the time.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 04, 2007, 01:06:46 PM
That's a good point Haemish. I've been largely disappointed so far, but they can't just totally rely on their old audience either. The series is still too young, so expanding to new users means re-teaching stuff veterans already know.

Episode 2 was a bit better for me than Episode 1. The brother/sister thing is starting to take on a bit of LoTR we-walk-for-dies/cry-for-minutes feel, and I don't need to hear from HRG why they're in hiding, but otherwise things are starting to pick up.

The one thing that really annoyed me from this episode was when that terrorist guy (presumably) was holding Peter's book over the fire. Here's Peter who just knocked out two armed guys with three different powers, after having just used a fourth, worried that a third guy is holding something over the fire? Come on. Mental-freeze, walk in, take book, walk back. Christ, it annoyed me as the number of seasons it took Trek-writers to figure out the transport bomb (which was only slightly longer than the number of series it took).

My only hope is that this is another example of not doing the quick thing turns out to have been the best thing, even if we have to wait a few episodes to find out.

Hiro stuff is picking up. I have my suspicions that the psycho that (presumably) killed Sulu and almost Ms. Petrelli is Kensei, a guy who's lived 700 years and lost his mind because of it, being controlled by the organization through giving him photographs with the one thing he knows how to interpret anymore: his kanji.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 04, 2007, 01:12:51 PM
Interesting theory about Kensei.

As for Peter, he doesn't remember anything.  Only the powers he's used up to this point or manifested. I was more like, just shock the shit outta him and take it.  Maybe he's still got a fragement of law floating around in his head and wants to make an even trade.  Or maybe he wants to bang the Irish chick and wants to be honorable about it or something.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on October 04, 2007, 11:00:54 PM
A couple of questions came to my mind: if the company has assassins that can track down and kill people that easily, why didn't they use them on Sylar? Also could Nathan have an alter-ego like Nicole who is the scary guy that gives Molly nightmares? When he looked at himself in the mirror in the bar he had a red sort of flayed looking face evocative of the pictures she was drawing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 04, 2007, 11:18:31 PM
A couple of questions came to my mind: if the company has assassins that can track down and kill people that easily, why didn't they use them on Sylar? Also could Nathan have an alter-ego like Nicole who is the scary guy that gives Molly nightmares? When he looked at himself in the mirror in the bar he had a red sort of flayed looking face evocative of the pictures she was drawing.

I think Clockwork Orange is still alive, and he's the one who fixed Nathan's face.  It wouldn't make much sense for Nathan to be the bad guy.  I still don't buy that they offed him AND Eric Roberts in the same ep. 

I'm also wondering if The Company is completely inept, or Bennet is just that stupid.  How the fuck can't they know that the little girl that was kidnapped right from one of their offices is living with Mohinder?  Every evil organization ever portrayed on TV for the last decade taps phones, but Bennet's in Mohinder's 5? It ain't right.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 05, 2007, 07:58:34 AM
Well, first off. I think the company does know about Molly. Unless I am totally misremembering some of his early conversations with his recruiter/boss. I think they're using it to control him.

As for Peter and not blowing the guy with the box away, so far he's only used his powers when directly threatened. I don't think he has conscious control of them yet so he was helpless in that situation. If I was Peter I'd agree then when the guy put the box away I'd beat the shit out of him and take it and leave. I mean, they were already going all Jack Bauer on him so why be loyal or honest to them?

Oh, and finally, the Irish chick is hot. But then again, she's Irish and the accent alone is enough for me.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Logain on October 08, 2007, 06:54:21 PM

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Signe on October 08, 2007, 07:41:04 PM
If the cheerleader's head is cut off, does she grow a new head or a new body?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: lesion on October 08, 2007, 07:53:59 PM
she probably has to have them put back together, like when she got brained with the stick (same with Peter and the glass shard). it's like torpor only less lace!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 08, 2007, 07:57:40 PM
The part attached to the brain regrows.  Otherwise that toe last week would have formed a new Claire.

Now wouldn't that be nifty.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 08, 2007, 08:18:18 PM
Season 3 spoiler:

Parkman's father is T.J. Hooker.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 09, 2007, 04:28:43 AM
This show got shitty.  Last night was boring as hell.

Are they still recapping things for people?

Sylar's not dead.  The Patrelli's didn't die.  WTF was the point of 20 episodes last season?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Sairon on October 09, 2007, 04:41:10 AM
It was bound to happen when the show got popular, they rewrite it to let it drag. It's like prison break, I stopped watching that after the second season I believe, because they still hadn't gotten out of that damn prison and it was getting pretty lame because of it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: NiX on October 09, 2007, 06:32:45 AM
It was bound to happen when the show got popular, they rewrite it to let it drag. It's like prison break, I stopped watching that after the second season I believe, because they still hadn't gotten out of that damn prison and it was getting pretty lame because of it.

They're back in prison again. Apparently everyone else watching couldn't stand the manhunt angle.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 09, 2007, 08:12:10 AM
Last night's episode was a bit of a drag. The Kensei parts were a bit too rushed, and Sylar is a fucking idiot. Let Candace get you better, then cut her head open. DUH. I did dig the flying bits, though.

And yes, the Company knows that Mohinder has Molly.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 09, 2007, 10:20:29 AM
Sylar is a fucking idiot. Let Candace get you better, then cut her head open. DUH.

Sylar's your classic "scorpion" character who will fuck people over even when it's not in his best interests to do so.

I'm a bit bummed that Candace is dead, even if she was a bitch.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 09, 2007, 11:04:33 AM
Candace wins the award for biggest dumbass on the show.  I know if I'm the one with the illusion powers and I'm out in the middle of nowhere with a psychotic killer, I project an image of myself over there while the real me stands invisibly over here.  Moron.

On the other hand, I thought it made perfect sense that Sylar would kill her as soon as he could, especially when he found out he can't use any of the other powers he's accumulated.  His entire sense of self revolves around his powers.  They're what make him 'special'.  To him, losing those powers is akin to being emasculated.  Feeling completely vulnerable, of course he'd try to make a grab at Candace's powers the first chance he got.  I actually find Sylar one of the more interesting characters on the show.

Overall this was one of the weaker episodes, though.  But it took a while before things started moving last season too, so I'm not worried yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 09, 2007, 11:09:46 AM
If they just ditched the Maya and Alejandro segments, the pacing would be much improved.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 09, 2007, 11:13:05 AM
If they just ditched the Maya and Alejandro segments, the pacing would be much improved.

I think they'll be involved in one of the larger arcs this season.  Feels like they're setting them up like they set us up the bomb last season.

And/Or they're showing us the birth of a villian based on her murder of those peeps.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on October 09, 2007, 11:16:17 AM
I don't think those cops died. I'm pretty sure I heard some groaning from their direction when her brother did his thing. I don't think she has much control. From what I've gathered so far if her brother isn't in the immediate area she can't stop herself from going off.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 09, 2007, 11:38:33 AM
Her brother undid it for the cops too.  While I'm mildly interested in what their powers can do, I'm overall rather unexcited about them so far.  I'd much rather have a big chunk of their time devoted to someone else.  Anyone else.  Their parts just drag way too much. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 09, 2007, 11:42:09 AM
They are the new Wonder Twins.  It'll be interesting to see what the full extent of his powers are.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 09, 2007, 12:00:03 PM
If they just ditched the Maya and Alejandro segments, the pacing would be much improved.

I think they'll be involved in one of the larger arcs this season.  Feels like they're setting them up like they set us up the bomb last season.

I figure as much, but every segment with them so far has played out the same.  She cries about being unable to control her powers.  He reminds her of his promise to get them across the border to a doctor that can cure her.  They get separated, and she either kills people or comes close to it.  They reunite, she cries some more and he reminds her of his promise to get them across the border to a doctor that can cure her.  Oh, and this last episode we got the added bonus that he's dumb enough to try to steal a car, out in the open in broad daylight, and with a cop nearby in plain sight.  Plus he sucks at climbing fences.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on October 09, 2007, 12:07:58 PM
I am still not sure that candice is really dead. Given what she knows about sylar and that killing her did not give him his powers back it could still easily be her fucking with him and trapping him in his own mind.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 09, 2007, 12:18:12 PM
I am still not sure that candice is really dead. Given what she knows about sylar and that killing her did not give him his powers back it could still easily be her fucking with him and trapping him in his own mind.

I was wondering the same thing too at the time.  It would be much better writing if that were the case, but Candice's flaw seems to be vanity so I doubt she'd project such an unappealing corpse if the whole thing was faked.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on October 09, 2007, 12:23:42 PM
I thought that too but then he is in a mysterious hut in the middle of nothing which just seemed a bit more like a mindtrap thing like maui than any real place. I just don't see candice slogging through the jungle toting a gravely injured man to take care of him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on October 09, 2007, 12:31:39 PM
They already gave away the ending of the season on the episode last week when the "curandera" told Maja there was enough poison in her to kill the devil.  I think she'll be around plenty this season, but they really need to ditch the whole "get seperated from brother, kill a buncha people, get reunited and brother takes away the poison and everything is ok" thing they've done every-single-time so far.  Sylar having escaped from right in front of everyone really bugged me at the end of last season, im glad they had a very good explanation for that.  Thats one deadly fucking mug candice kept in her little shack.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Bunk on October 09, 2007, 12:43:53 PM
This one is bugging me. I'm really buying the idea that someone suggested earlier - Kensai killed Sulu. I mean it all works: Kensai heals, so he could survive the fall, he's either immortal or Hiro brought him forward in time, and it all ties in to his Kanji showing up on all the muties. Heck, they could even have him be the source of the original mutation - though I don't think so.

I think he's the big tie in with the company. With the kanji showing up everywhere, it just makes sense.

Until you get to the attack on Momma Patrelli. No idea what that was, but it didn't seem to be anything that Kensai was capable of. Maybe Eccelston?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 09, 2007, 12:49:10 PM
This one is bugging me. I'm really buying the idea that someone suggested earlier - Kensai killed Sulu. I mean it all works: Kensai heals, so he could survive the fall, he's either immortal or Hiro brought him forward in time, and it all ties in to his Kanji showing up on all the muties. Heck, they could even have him be the source of the original mutation - though I don't think so.

I think he's the big tie in with the company. With the kanji showing up everywhere, it just makes sense.

Until you get to the attack on Momma Patrelli. No idea what that was, but it didn't seem to be anything that Kensai was capable of. Maybe Eccelston?

I've heard speculation that Nathan is involved, given that he encountered Ando not long before Sulu got his piece of the picture, and he was also around when his mother was attacked.  Could be more than one person involved too I suppose.  Would be nice to see a team-up of Nathan, Claude, and Kensai.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on October 09, 2007, 01:09:36 PM
This one is bugging me. I'm really buying the idea that someone suggested earlier - Kensai killed Sulu. I mean it all works: Kensai heals, so he could survive the fall, he's either immortal or Hiro brought him forward in time, and it all ties in to his Kanji showing up on all the muties. Heck, they could even have him be the source of the original mutation - though I don't think so.

I think he's the big tie in with the company. With the kanji showing up everywhere, it just makes sense.

Until you get to the attack on Momma Patrelli. No idea what that was, but it didn't seem to be anything that Kensai was capable of. Maybe Eccelston?

I've heard speculation that Nathan is involved, given that he encountered Ando not long before Sulu got his piece of the picture, and he was also around when his mother was attacked.  Could be more than one person involved too I suppose.  Would be nice to see a team-up of Nathan, Claude, and Kensai.

I'm kind of heading into the Kensei is the bad guy that Molly keeps seeing, and is the leader or the hitman for the Company.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 09, 2007, 01:48:35 PM
So, does this mean Claire can live forever?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 09, 2007, 02:11:34 PM
The attack on Mrs. Patrelli seemed right out of a Nightmare on Elm Street, so I'm going to go ahead and say that whoever attacked her is the Boogie Man the little girl is afraid of.

I'm not convinced it's the same person who killed Sulu.

There's no way I buy Nathan as the bad guy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 09, 2007, 04:38:59 PM
I just can't see Nathan as the bad guy either.  That was the whole thing about the end of last season:  When it came down to it, Nathan made the choice to do the right thing, even though it was ultimately going to throw away what he had.  And that's why he's so screwed up right now.  He made the right choice, and lost everything beyond that as well, even Peter. 

I do hope we don't drag out the Peter amnesia thing for the whole season. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on October 09, 2007, 04:39:34 PM
Who ever attacked zulu couldnt be seen after the fall, who ever attacked mama petrelli couldnt be seen at all.  My guess is invicible man.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ironwood on October 10, 2007, 04:56:20 AM
So, does this mean Claire can live forever?

Why not, Logan can.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 10, 2007, 04:59:19 AM
This season doesn't do much for me.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 10, 2007, 05:36:04 AM
Same, but I was being pretty grouchy last season at first too, I guess.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 10, 2007, 05:57:29 AM
I loved last season. Everything is just a jumbly mess here.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 10, 2007, 10:18:24 AM
Even the comic got stupid.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on October 10, 2007, 12:59:26 PM
Supposedly Hiro isn't going to come back from the past til after the 6th episode, I bet that's when they are going to start getting people back together a bit more.  Hopefully it picks up some before the winter break.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on October 10, 2007, 02:07:23 PM
I just can't get into this season as much.  It seems flat. 

Couple things:
There's no way the Company doesn't know what Mohinder, Parkman, and HRG are up to. 
The kid that plays Claire's flying boyfriend looks alot like the kid that plays the young Clark Kent in Smallville. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 10, 2007, 02:23:35 PM
I am surprised no one has mentioned Nichelle Nichols.  At least I found it surprising.  I hope they work in more of ghosts of Science Fiction's past.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on October 10, 2007, 02:36:44 PM
I am surprised no one has mentioned Nichelle Nichols.  At least I found it surprising.  I hope they work in more of ghosts of Science Fiction's past.

They need to bring in Shatner to play someone now.  Maybe he could be like Parkman's Dad or something.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 10, 2007, 02:47:29 PM
They should give him the same power as Parkman too. Shatner would be funny as hell playing that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 10, 2007, 02:53:38 PM
I thought I heard a rumor that Shatner IS the big baddie for the season. But I could have read that on this thread, I'm too lazy to check.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on October 10, 2007, 03:39:11 PM
I thought I heard a rumor that Shatner IS the big baddie for the season. But I could have read that on this thread, I'm too lazy to check.

I could never take the series seriously if that were the case and I'm pretty sure the writers would agree.  Not that I don't think they couldn't/wouldn't ever cast him but as the big bad guy?  No one is that stupid to think it would work.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 10, 2007, 04:37:32 PM
So I thank you all for helping me make a decision: TF2 tonight or watch my dvr'd Heroes :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 10, 2007, 06:06:28 PM
I am surprised no one has mentioned Nichelle Nichols.  At least I found it surprising.  I hope they work in more of ghosts of Science Fiction's past.

Not Science Fiction, just Star Trek.  My wife's comment to me after watching this week's episode on the DVR was, "What is this, the Star Trek club?"

As of now there are 4 actors who have a high-profile connection with Star Trek.   Nichols, Takei, The Irishman who betrayed Peter (Malcom from Enterprise), Sylar (Playing Spock in the new ST movie)

2 who have played bit parts:
Mama Petrelli - Played a Klingon - Gi'ral - in the 2-part NG episode where Worf finds the camp of Kitomer survivors)
Zach - Played on Voyager (two episodes), played Thomas Picard in Generations

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on October 10, 2007, 07:24:44 PM
Pfft.. who cares about all the Star Trek people.   :evil:

Where's the Firefly cast members?!
Adam Baldwin is already on another NBC show, so i guess he can just do a Cameo.  However all of Nathan Fillion's shows get cancelled ( :-(), so at least he has the time.  Summer Glau would make a hot hero too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 10, 2007, 08:46:08 PM
I am surprised no one has mentioned Nichelle Nichols.  At least I found it surprising.  I hope they work in more of ghosts of Science Fiction's past.

They need to bring in Shatner to play someone now.  Maybe he could be like Parkman's Dad or something.


Season 3 spoiler:

Parkman's father is T.J. Hooker.

=)  Probably needs green text with all the star trek actors they have on.

I would definitely stop watching the show if they actually did something that stupid.  They might as well put him on water skis, and have him jump over a shark.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 11, 2007, 05:58:26 AM

Not Science Fiction, just Star Trek.  My wife's comment to me after watching this week's episode on the DVR was, "What is this, the Star Trek club?"

As of now there are 4 actors who have a high-profile connection with Star Trek.   Nichols, Takei, The Irishman who betrayed Peter (Malcom from Enterprise), Sylar (Playing Spock in the new ST movie)

2 who have played bit parts:
Mama Petrelli - Played a Klingon - Gi'ral - in the 2-part NG episode where Worf finds the camp of Kitomer survivors)
Zach - Played on Voyager (two episodes), played Thomas Picard in Generations

Also, Malcolm McDowell was in one of the Star Trek movies (I forget which).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 11, 2007, 05:59:21 AM

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 11, 2007, 06:39:59 AM
*sigh* Monday's episode was decent but I'm almost too the point of just fast forwarding through the brother and sister stuff. It's such shitty writing it drags each episode down. I almost think they've got some intern writing only that part of the show. We GET it already! She'll freak if her brother is gone. I'm just praying that they finally get across the border and she finds someone who can help.

I'm kinda thinking she might be the big bad of the season. Or Sylar will eat her and get even deadlier.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on October 11, 2007, 08:55:43 AM
Heh.  Then you have people like me yelling at the TV that 'the last thing we need in this country is two more frakin' illegals, especially one that kills everybody when she cries!!!'.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 11, 2007, 09:12:08 AM
Heh.  Then you have people like me yelling at the TV that 'the last thing we need in this country is two more frakin' illegals, especially one that kills everybody when she cries!!!'.

Well, my thought was "I wonder if they're trying to appeal to the hispanic crowd with these two?"

But honestly, I hate her character. She's a whiny bitch. I hate the whole arc for reasons already stated. Let's try something new can we? I mean seriously. I'm not sure I've ever seen a character that whiny. Anywhere. I just want to shoot her in the face.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mandrel on October 11, 2007, 09:21:06 AM
I'm just praying that they finally get across the border and she finds someone who can help.

And once they finally get to the border, they realize that their journey to New York is only halfway done.    I can't wait for the hyjinx that ensue once they get to the U.S.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Miguel on October 11, 2007, 12:26:10 PM
Obviously, Maya and Alejandro will be helped on the US side of the border by none other than Walter Koenig (http://www.walterkoenigsite.com/), who will explain that the only way to cure Maya is if they can find some 'Nuclear Wessles".

Sorry, I could not resist. ;)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 11, 2007, 12:33:34 PM
I agree that's the weakest part right now. Even Nikki/her son (name?) was more engaging. Or maybe it's because I only got into the series after watching the 10th episode and then spending a whole Saturday watching the preceding 9.

There's still too much buildup going on. Let the newbies ask their friends what's going on, or check online. They're taking too long to keep their existing fans engaged. And you don't want to alienate those folks too early in the life of a new series.

I'm getting Battlestar Galactica feelings here.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 11, 2007, 12:51:25 PM
> I'm getting Battlestar Galactica feelings here.
Yep. Milking mode.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 11, 2007, 03:27:42 PM
Obviously, Maya and Alejandro will be helped on the US side of the border by none other than Walter Koenig (http://www.walterkoenigsite.com/), who will explain that the only way to cure Maya is if they can find some 'Nuclear Wessles".

Sorry, I could not resist. ;)

Only to lead them right into the clutches of the company, when he uses his telepathic powers to discern what she really is?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on October 11, 2007, 05:28:02 PM
Heh.  Then you have people like me yelling at the TV that 'the last thing we need in this country is two more frakin' illegals, especially one that kills everybody when she cries!!!'.

You mean insane people?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on October 11, 2007, 06:11:23 PM
Yeah, pretty much.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on October 12, 2007, 12:41:45 AM
I'd be perfectly happy to see Sylar get fucked with the rest of the season. He set his own rules and agenda in the first season and I think it would be interesting to see him try and cope with the opposite.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 12, 2007, 01:41:18 AM
I'd be perfectly happy to see Sylar get fucked with the rest of the season. He set his own rules and agenda in the first season and I think it would be interesting to see him try and cope with the opposite.

I'd be perfectly happy to see Sylar finally get killed off.  He should be dead about a dozen times by now, but constantly manages to survive only through the stupidity of others who don't kill him when they have the chance.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 12, 2007, 09:27:14 AM
I see him being under a leash this season, made to do the old villain's biding.  Of course next season, the leash will break.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 12, 2007, 05:04:38 PM
So finally watched this episode. Wasn't as bad as it could have been. The Peter story is compelling at least, as was the Hiro thing until he wimped out and decided to stay back in time anyway. Was neat how they brought in Ando though. And the end was finally the sort of compelling Heroes-ending I'd been expecting since the season began. Cool stuff coming up with HRG. Interesting to see if/how he talks his way out of it. Maybe he's actually still with the Company?

Previews for next week look good too. Shaven Nathan, more villain/Molly story, good stuff.

Don't care about Alejandro, didn't care about Nikki/Micah, even with Nichelle Nichols. I hate when shows use the presence of a known actor/ess as the justification for using slightly longer-duration cut scenes and ommission/surprising/interested music. This show wasn't about "hey look at some other actor/ess we roped into a bit part", and really needs to not go there or it'll definitely be BSG by season 3.5.

Question: somewhere in this thread was something about HRG/Bennett flying. Did I read that wrong or is there a belief that Bennett can fly?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 15, 2007, 10:11:12 PM
Looks like they're keeping the new characters coming, with Micah's cousin the Taskmaster in this episode, and Kristen Bell in the next.  Hopefully in order to cut down on characters, Sylar, Maya, and Alejandro will drive off a cliff or something.  Good episode overall though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 16, 2007, 04:26:28 AM
I thought the re-inclusion of Sylar was gonna suck, but putting him together with Maya and Alejandro makes both of their stories much more interesting.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 16, 2007, 07:38:29 AM
I like the fact that his watch is broken and he's back to calling himself Gabriel.  Though the clock ticking when he went off to kill that whatshisname kid was a bit much.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 16, 2007, 08:54:00 AM
Sylar trying to redeem himself by murdering innocent people is cool.

I'm curious what the limits of Micah's cousin(whose name escapes me)'s powers are.  It seems like it goes beyond cognitive learning, since that wrestling move required more strength than she ought to have had.  Will she be able to pick up other heroes' powers too a la Peter?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 16, 2007, 09:08:22 AM
Last night's episode was a significant step up from the previous week. Finally getting the Maya story to be interesting took putting them together with Sylar, which was something I didn't exactly expect. Taskmaster chick is kind of cool. Adding new characters is fine, I just hope they have a place for them. Making Parkman's dad be the nightmare man was an unexpected twist.

Did anyone else notice that Nathan's father's face was turned in that picture, almost motion blurred? I wonder if that's just a tiny detail or if it's something that will have some impact later on.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 16, 2007, 09:31:10 AM
I was looking for Uhura in that picture of the 12 but seems she wasn't there.  You knew Midas touch guy would be in it, so that was no surprise.  I'm leaning towards Mrs. Petrelli having the power of suggestion or influence of some kind.  Still don't know how Nathan has those horrible scars hidden or healed.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 16, 2007, 09:36:45 AM
Those aren't physical scars. Nathan's going around the bend.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 16, 2007, 10:23:50 AM
Did anyone else notice that Nathan's father's face was turned in that picture, almost motion blurred? I wonder if that's just a tiny detail or if it's something that will have some impact later on.

They probably just didn't want to cast anybody for that role yet.  I assume some day they'll probably have some sort of siginificant flashback involving Nathan and Peter's dad, and that they'll probably get another special guest star to play him whenever they get around to doing it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 16, 2007, 10:38:13 AM
Did anyone else notice that Nathan's father's face was turned in that picture, almost motion blurred? I wonder if that's just a tiny detail or if it's something that will have some impact later on.

They probably just didn't want to cast anybody for that role yet.  I assume some day they'll probably have some sort of siginificant flashback involving Nathan and Peter's dad, and that they'll probably get another special guest star to play him whenever they get around to doing it.

Denny Crane!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 16, 2007, 10:57:18 AM
Ah good, NOW I have a Heroes to look forward to.

The most recent comic graphic novel was funny. Sorta tangent/wierd but I always like the Hiro stuff. And the one just prior with Peter and Caitlin was a good build on that relationship. I'm actually kinda like amnesiac-Peter. Much more potential plot wise than burnout-brother-of-politician.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 16, 2007, 11:29:04 AM
Amnesia is a cop-out plot device though.  Granted, they have a whole character/organization based on memory loss, it still feels forced. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 16, 2007, 11:42:59 AM
Amnesia is a cop-out plot device though.  Granted, they have a whole character/organization based on memory loss, it still feels forced. 

I assume it was the Haitian's doing for a reason that will likely be explained later.  When Peter was found, he had the Haitian's necklace on.  I wouldn't be surprised if he requested a mindwipe since he'd be less likely to explode if he doesn't remember his powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 16, 2007, 01:14:01 PM
When they found Sylar I leaned over to my girlfriend and said "Please, God, let him eat their brains!" No such luck.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 16, 2007, 08:23:02 PM
Amnesia is a cop-out plot device though.  Granted, they have a whole character/organization based on memory loss, it still feels forced. 

I assume it was the Haitian's doing for a reason that will likely be explained later.  When Peter was found, he had the Haitian's necklace on.  I wouldn't be surprised if he requested a mindwipe since he'd be less likely to explode if he doesn't remember his powers.

Wouldn't he be more likely to explode?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 16, 2007, 09:01:04 PM
Amnesia is a cop-out plot device though.  Granted, they have a whole character/organization based on memory loss, it still feels forced. 

I assume it was the Haitian's doing for a reason that will likely be explained later.  When Peter was found, he had the Haitian's necklace on.  I wouldn't be surprised if he requested a mindwipe since he'd be less likely to explode if he doesn't remember his powers.

Wouldn't he be more likely to explode?

Depends on how his powers actually work.  Previously his powers mostly seemed to kick in when he either thought about the person he got the power from, or when he was in close proximity to them.  One might think then that wiping his memory would keep him from accessing any powers he's absorbed so far.  Obviously that ended up not being the case since Peter has shot lightning, used telekenesis, and regenerated.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 16, 2007, 11:15:49 PM
Has anyone figured out who the hell he got lightning from?  Someone we haven't met yet, or someone we have whose power hasn't been revealed yet?  (Maybe his mother?  Or Veronica Mars?)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on October 16, 2007, 11:22:19 PM
New prediction: Sylar uses his (admittedly impressive) charisma to forge his own gang of people with powers who are embittered by the world's treatment of them. Despite his lack of powers he becomes the main supervillian!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 16, 2007, 11:49:46 PM
Has anyone figured out who the hell he got lightning from?  Someone we haven't met yet, or someone we have whose power hasn't been revealed yet?  (Maybe his mother?  Or Veronica Mars?)

From what I've read, it's someone he met during the four months in-between seasons.

New prediction: Sylar uses his (admittedly impressive) charisma to forge his own gang of people with powers who are embittered by the world's treatment of them. Despite his lack of powers he becomes the main supervillian!

I'm guessing there will be more than one main villain this season since this season is supposed to contain Chapters 2 and 3.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: schild on October 17, 2007, 12:21:54 AM
Denny Crane!

At the rate this season is going, Donny Crane would be a step up.

For a short time there, I thought Heroes would join the ranks of one of the best stuff on TV. House, Boston Legal, Weeds, etc. Unfortunately, it's simply not true. It sits in the second tier firmly between Grey's Anatomy and Californication. The latter being better and the former being worse.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 17, 2007, 04:51:25 AM
You know what? With the exception of House, I agree with you.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on October 17, 2007, 11:54:14 AM
Peter used telekinessi in Ireland, but the only person we know who had that was Sylar. Maybe Peter learned the lightning from Sylar too?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 17, 2007, 05:43:29 PM
Hehe. I did like Sylar's "Golly, they seem so..." when that dude found like the two were wanted for murder.

Very good episode, what I've been waiting for. The whole Molly thing, wonder what Parkman's Dad's power is? That freaked me out more than anything.

Two things though:

The religious angle. Now we need probably-recurring-characters talking about God and prayer? I hope that's not repeated too often. I have no problem with religion except when it feels tacked on to try and talk to a different demographic, as it does here (to me, anyway).

"Guest Stars". Veronica Mars? Really? And you know they had to say "guest star Kristen Bell" as a PR thing. Seems like another demographic move, some qualitative/Focus Group result. "You know. For kids."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 17, 2007, 11:59:09 PM
The religious angle. Now we need probably-recurring-characters talking about God and prayer? I hope that's not repeated too often. I have no problem with religion except when it feels tacked on to try and talk to a different demographic, as it does here (to me, anyway).

There's been a subtle religious angle throughout the show (characters with biblical names like Gabriel and Noah for instance).  Supposedly it has some greater meaning, but much like Kensai's symbol, it's unlikely we'll find out what that meaning is anytime soon.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 18, 2007, 01:17:30 PM
Good point. Maybe I just never noticed it before nor made the connection? It was like that with the second and third Matrix movie too. After I saw them the first time, I saw them again and was floored by how many references were in there.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 18, 2007, 02:57:48 PM
There are a whole mess of Biblical names in there now that I think about it.  The obvious ones:

Eden (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garden_of_Eden)
Gabriel (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel)
Micah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micah_%28prophet%29)
Noah (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah)

Less obvious:

Isaac (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac)
Nathan (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_%28Prophet%29)
Peter (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Peter)

Gabriel being a harbinger of change (and death) is appropriate.  The rest I'm not really seeing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 18, 2007, 03:04:46 PM
With all the talk of destiny and higher purpose and gifts, I'm actually surprised we haven't had more blatant God talk.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on October 18, 2007, 03:05:26 PM
I think Issac and Nathan make more sense if their names are reversed.  Peter makes sense to me.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 18, 2007, 03:12:10 PM
I think Issac and Nathan make more sense if their names are reversed.  Peter makes sense to me.

American Italian Petrelli named Issac and his brother Peter?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 19, 2007, 03:57:50 AM
Eh, the world is full of biblical/Jewish names. I doubt it means anything, at least not intentionally, like it did with the Matrix.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 19, 2007, 11:45:53 AM
Eh, the world is full of biblical/Jewish names. I doubt it means anything, at least not intentionally, like it did with the Matrix.

The writers disagree.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on October 19, 2007, 11:52:56 AM
i guess I'd be interested in what the significance of Micah and Nathan are then. Because they're very insignificant in the bible.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 19, 2007, 12:02:13 PM
I suspect the actual names don't have anything to do with anything and the writers just liked them because they sound interesting and "biblical-y".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 22, 2007, 03:19:35 PM
Any idea how fast these are put on nbc.com?

I find myself with out access to a TV and nothing to do on Monday Night.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 22, 2007, 03:25:04 PM
Any idea how fast these are put on nbc.com?

I find myself with out access to a TV and nothing to do on Monday Night.

Usually pretty late.  They have to wait until sometime after it's been aired in all the time zones.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 22, 2007, 03:32:44 PM
They don't show up on the website until Tuesday, and they usually aren't watchable until Wednesday (it seems like a lot of people watch it online as soon as it goes up and the servers can't handle the load).

If you have a Netflix account they give you 1 hour of free streaming video per dollar your plan costs, and they have current Heroes episodes in their streaming video library.  Not sure yet how fast they go up there or how the quality is (I only found out about this recently and haven't made use of it yet), but since it's a pay service I suspect it's better than the NBC website.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 22, 2007, 03:37:00 PM
Good info.

Sigh, was trying to avoid grabbing the torrent.  I've been feeling guilty about my piratey ways recently.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 22, 2007, 03:45:28 PM
IMO NBC should just put the video up in a torrent with the short commercials included.  They'd cut their bandwidth bills by a huge amount and they'd almost completely kill the incentive for people to go find commercial-free torrents.  With a downloaded file instead of a stream people could theoretically skip or cut out the commercials, but with the short commercial breaks they have in the online edition, it takes less time to watch the commercial than it would to figure out how to bypass it, so I can't see it being a big problem.  Anyone who's that determined to avoid the ads is already avoiding them and shouldn't factor into your decisions.

I mitigate my own guilt by buying the DVD sets.  They're making way more money off that than by playing commercials at me while I'm in the other room taking a leak anyway.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 22, 2007, 09:12:43 PM
It was a really good episode (aside from why the company didn't care that Mohinder had Molly).  Here's hoping the rest of the season is this good.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 22, 2007, 09:27:31 PM
Uh, I thought it'd been brought up already in the thread and answered, but the Company knew about Molly from the get go.  It was a matter of putting her into the Company's hands and having Mohinder 'owe' them. 

Very good episode overall, I think.  What Matt's Dad can do with his powers is pretty intersting, and explains how he's gone around doing what he does.  Also, the indications that Matt can do more than just read thoughts it a pretty big development.  That the powers aren't necessarily one trick pony type deals could make for lots of good stuff. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on October 22, 2007, 09:57:43 PM
No, I brought it up, but I haven't heard any answer that sounds close to reasonable.  The Company expecting him to hand her back over doesn't make much sense.  He wasn't working for them for months, I don't see how they could predict one of their own going Freddy Krueger on her so he would want to bring her in, and she's one of their only methods of locating mutants (ie: important asset).  Nobody even brings it up.  Shit, even Mohinder should be wondering why they don't seem to care at the very least.

Somebody's got some 'splaining to do.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 22, 2007, 10:12:50 PM
It was a really good episode (aside from why the company didn't care that Mohinder had Molly).  Here's hoping the rest of the season is this good.

With Molly having formed an attachment to Matt and Mohinder, I don't think it would do the Company much good to take her by force.  She certainly wouldn't willingly help them locate people after that.

Previews for the next episode look pretty damn good.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Muggi on October 23, 2007, 01:25:13 AM
One thing that irked me..

When Mohinder shows up in New orleans at the end of the episode, how exactly did he know er...the flipping-burgers chick had a power?

Did I miss something?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 23, 2007, 01:59:11 AM
One thing that irked me..

When Mohinder shows up in New orleans at the end of the episode, how exactly did he know er...the flipping-burgers chick had a power?

Did I miss something?

The Company sent him there for an assignment.  Given the number of people they've abducted who didn't even know they had powers yet, it stands to reason that the Company has some as yet unrevealed means of finding these sorts of things out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 23, 2007, 07:19:08 AM
More often than not, ability to have a power runs in a family.  She's related to DL and Micah, who are both known by the Company to have powers.  So that they would know of her isn't really a surprise.  As to how they knew when to go to her, it seems a safe assumption that they have a setup to monitor police reports, news stories, etc., and so when a report comes in of her stopping a robber, they could put two and two together and realize she's likely exhibiting her power somehow. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 23, 2007, 09:12:50 AM
What he said.

Good episode, though I'm a bit disappointed in the Hiro part of it. It seems a bit rushed this time. Not seeing Maya and Bro... good thing. Those two really have started to annoy me. Matt's dad going sickhouse with the nightmare trap was quite good as well. Who do you think Lightning Lass's dad is?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 23, 2007, 10:01:18 AM
My guess is she was talking to Bob.  More than that, I have to rely on speculative spoilers out there, and as they've so far been right more often than not, I'm not sure anyone wants that much spoiled.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on October 23, 2007, 11:28:15 PM
Who do you think Lightning Lass's dad is?

Takeo Kensai

Edit: Heh, before typing that in I googled the name to check the spelling.  Don't.  It's a spoiler barrage.  Granted it's stuff I had guessed since the Mr. Sulu murder.. but still, I'd rather not have that many links confirm it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on October 24, 2007, 02:50:37 PM
I think it was the best episode so far this season.  I'm looking forward to "St. Joan", I think it'll be nice to see an actual costumed hero.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 24, 2007, 02:55:41 PM
I think it was the best episode so far this season.  I'm looking forward to "St. Joan", I think it'll be nice to see an actual costumed hero.

Powers aren't unique, so that could be someone else.

Also, can the Nightmare Man really read minds? Or is his power actually something different? It seemed to me much more like Candice's illusion power, which had me thinking "Why couldn't Candice read minds?"

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on October 24, 2007, 03:07:08 PM
I think it was the best episode so far this season.  I'm looking forward to "St. Joan", I think it'll be nice to see an actual costumed hero.

Powers aren't unique, so that could be someone else.

Also, can the Nightmare Man really read minds? Or is his power actually something different? It seemed to me much more like Candice's illusion power, which had me thinking "Why couldn't Candice read minds?"

Well Nightmare Man did say that Matt's power would grow.  I'm taking that to mean that they have similar powers.  Creating nightmares in someones mind would be farther down the telepathy range.  THey just showed that Matt can now use two way telepathy now, and the NM's ability to block his mind reading could also be part of NM's advanced mind powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 24, 2007, 03:14:06 PM
Then what was Candice's power?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 24, 2007, 03:56:15 PM
Candace had illusion/reality distortion.  She interfered with your senses to make you feel/see what she wanted.  Nightmare Man basically put Matt and Nathan into waking dream states by going into their mind directly.  And it is basically a highly developed extension of telepathy, ie, scanning and pulling images from their minds, and then using those to put them into a dream state.  He could have just as easily stuck Matt in a dream where he and his dad were getting along just fine.  Although, it seemed to me that Matt's nightmare was out of whack from the get-go compared to Nathan's.  The voice of the guard seemed very quiet/distorted at first. 

Basically, Candace can use her powers to affect many at once.  It's sort of like an external power.  Candace creates an illusion around herself, and anyone in the area or observing her sees that.  Nightmare Man's affect one mind at once.  Matt's the only one who saw the prison, and at first, Nathan's the only one who saw a destroyed New York.  It was a waking dream state though, which is why when it picked up, they started attacking each other, thinking the other person was the adversary from their dream.  It's only when Matt's power started kicking in that he saw through the dream, and was then able to break Nathan from his. 

Mama Petrilli's wounds were apparently self inflicted.  She was probably stuck in her own personal hell, just like the other two.  Kaito probably threw himself over the ledge, not realizing that whoever he saw wasn't even there for him to fight, but was just part of a waking dream Nightmare Man started up in his head.  And as the comic this week indicates, Nightmare Man can exert alot of control over whatever his victim is dreaming.  We're basically seeing what Matt is capable of, given time to develop his powers.  Which is pretty cool. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 24, 2007, 03:58:46 PM
I kneel before your powers of comprehension.

Well done.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 24, 2007, 04:29:11 PM
If Nightmare Man was the one who "attacked" Nakamura and Petrelli, why did he have his very own Kensei-symbol death threat?  And seem so scared about it?

I think Candace had some level of mind-reading capability, at least insofar as being able to exploit other peoples' insecurities (she used it in the comic, and to present herself to Nikki as Jessica).  It didn't seem like she was able to just pull information from peoples' minds like Matt can, though.  For that matter, it doesn't seem like Nightmare Man can pull thoughts out of people's heads as well as Matt can, or he'd have known who Matt and Nathan were a lot faster.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 24, 2007, 04:39:19 PM
Ya, they need to clean it up a bit more imo.

The cop out would be to say Candace's illusion/distortion skill eventually gains full on mind reading and Parkman will eventually develop the reality bending thingy.

Because reality is just our perceptions of it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on October 24, 2007, 04:46:43 PM
If Nightmare Man was the one who "attacked" Nakamura and Petrelli, why did he have his very own Kensei-symbol death threat?  And seem so scared about it?

His acting scared was probably fake, and he could easily have made that threat himself if he was making them for everyone else.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on October 24, 2007, 04:51:58 PM
Eh, I say he's going to die and was generally scared.

He's just a bad guy, or maybe he didn't want them to kill each other and knew Parkman would get out of the trance with enough time for Dad to escape.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on October 24, 2007, 05:45:46 PM
If Nightmare Man was the one who "attacked" Nakamura and Petrelli, why did he have his very own Kensei-symbol death threat?  And seem so scared about it?

His acting scared was probably fake, and he could easily have made that threat himself if he was making them for everyone else.

He didn't strike me as being that clever or that good of an actor.  Either to prepare his own fake death threat or to pretend to be scared.  I'm pretty sure he'll be dead by the end of the next episode.

My current pet peeve: Matt was able to wake Nathan from the nightmare.  Why did it not IMMEDIATELY occur to him that he could try the same thing with Molly?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on October 24, 2007, 07:07:59 PM
If the symbol on his picture were meant for him, why would he also have Bob's picture?  As Matt said, he was putting on a con.  As to why he hasn't said anything about helping Molly.....as I recall, their section ended with Nathan going "What did you do?" and Matt replying along the lines of "Fuck if I know."  They didn't give him time to think on it before they cut away.  Hopefully in the next episode it hits him that he could do the same for Molly. 

As to Candace....the things she did in the comics hardly required mind reading to think up.  Jock has asshole dad?  Popular girl fears getting hideous looks?  Those are pretty basic things.  As to Niki/Jessica....she was working for Linderman, and was in direct contact with him.  Chances are Candace had a full run down on what was up with Schizogirl, as Linderman had been following her and her family a good while, and was exploiting her split personality to his benefit.  Also, while her power and Nightmare Man's power may seem alot alike at the moment, keep in mind that she hadn't had her power all that long, so all that she can do with it is a basic level of its potential.  Nightmare Man's actions in the episode are what he's capable of doing after 30-40 years of honing his powers.  Someone with Candace's power could do some really crazy shit given that much time to develop. 

Just because there are similar uses of the powers does not mean the powers are identical.  Sylar can use his telekinesis to make himself fly/hover at low speeds, as we've seen in the first season.  That doesn't mean that Nathan has telekinesis too since he can fly.  Something like the telekinesis has a larger scope of what one can do with it.  The flying is a more focused and specialized power that can be mimicked by the telekinesis.  Same with Candace/Nightmare Man.  There's a large variety of what one can accomplish with a developed ability of telepathy.  The reality distortion is a more specialized power that just happens to be mimicked by what a very well developed telepath can do. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on October 24, 2007, 09:53:18 PM
their section ended with Nathan going "What did you do?" and Matt replying along the lines of "Fuck if I know."

I hate it when they use that line. What is he going to do, explain in detail which nerves fired or whatever? The only logical answer is "I don't know..." Oooh, mysterious!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Muggi on October 25, 2007, 08:14:35 AM
One thing that irked me..

When Mohinder shows up in New orleans at the end of the episode, how exactly did he know er...the flipping-burgers chick had a power?

Did I miss something?

The Company sent him there for an assignment.  Given the number of people they've abducted who didn't even know they had powers yet, it stands to reason that the Company has some as yet unrevealed means of finding these sorts of things out.

Yeah, that's a reasonable explanation.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 25, 2007, 08:29:30 AM
Candace had illusion/reality distortion.  She interfered with your senses to make you feel/see what she wanted.  Nightmare Man basically put Matt and Nathan into waking dream states by going into their mind directly.  And it is basically a highly developed extension of telepathy, ie, scanning and pulling images from their minds, and then using those to put them into a dream state.  He could have just as easily stuck Matt in a dream where he and his dad were getting along just fine.  Although, it seemed to me that Matt's nightmare was out of whack from the get-go compared to Nathan's.  The voice of the guard seemed very quiet/distorted at first. 

It wasn't really out of whack. Matt's big fear was that he'd turn into a criminal who deserted his family, just like his dad. So in the nightmare, Matt was not only thrown in prison as a criminal, but he was shown to have abandoned his kid. I think it fit his fears perfectly.

As for the Nightmare Man being a good actor, I think he was. He played it very small-time, confused criminal when Matt and Nathan came in, but that smile after he'd locked the two up in the Nightmare was pure calculation. Not only was it good acting on the part of the character, it was great acting on the part of the actor. I'm still not sure he's the one who killed Sulu, though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Jain Zar on October 26, 2007, 01:53:27 PM
My only problem with the episode was that it reminded me Veronica Mars was cancelled.  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on October 29, 2007, 10:25:16 PM
Wow, they really covered a lot of ground in that episode. I practically got whiplash. Strange that they had basically four episodes where very little happened and then decided to jam all of the plot development, display wild character swings and introduce the main McGuffin for the season into a single episode.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CadetUmfer on October 30, 2007, 06:11:26 AM
Good ep, gonna have to watch that one again sober.

Thought I'd share our impromptu Heroic Heroes Drinking Game:
Any time a power is used: 1 second
Any time we travel forward or backward in time: 1 second
Any time "the company" is mentioned: 2 seconds
We see "the symbol": 1 second the first time, 2 the second time, etc
New power is introduced: 5 seconds
Cheezy Katrina reference: 7 seconds

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 30, 2007, 07:43:18 AM
That one did have alot of development and it looks like next week will have more. I think the developments with Kenzei and Hiro support a theory of mine but I won't mention it, just in case.

Who is the Adam from that note to Peter? Has he been seen before or is this another new character?

And when Suresh was about to meet his new partner I was almost positive it would be lightning girl. When it was shown to be Nikki my first thought was "I bet that's actually Jessica."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on October 30, 2007, 08:21:39 AM
Nikki seemed brainwashed.

The Maya/Sylar/Alejandro story is still not connecting with me. Maybe it's because Maya and her brother annoy the shit out of me. And was that Candace's power that Peter was using, or Nightmare Man's? Or did he just travel forward in time like the previews for next episode made it appear?

Claire's story I want to like, but the whole high school Heathers cheerleader thing isn't tickling my fancy. I want Flying Boy to be a good guy, but I'm not sure he will be.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hutch on October 30, 2007, 08:23:47 AM
Wow, they really covered a lot of ground in that episode. I practically got whiplash. Strange that they had basically four episodes where very little happened and then decided to jam all of the plot development, display wild character swings and introduce the main McGuffin for the season into a single episode.

Next week is the start of November sweeps. They needed to pick up the pace a bit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 30, 2007, 08:36:50 AM
The Maya/Sylar/Alejandro story is still not connecting with me. Maybe it's because Maya and her brother annoy the shit out of me. And was that Candace's power that Peter was using, or Nightmare Man's? Or did he just travel forward in time like the previews for next episode made it appear?

It connected with me the moment Sylar said he was going to kill both of them. Maybe Dexter is bad for me but I'm rooting for a serial killer here. That or it could just be that brother and sister are simply that annoying. Actually, if Sylar is smart he'll kill the brother somehow, and keep Maya under his control to start a team of super villains. I also think Peter travelled forward in time and saw the effects of that virus getting loose. Which is kind of disappointing because that "we have to change things so this bad future doesn't happen" plot device has already been used in season 1.

Claire's story I want to like, but the whole high school Heathers cheerleader thing isn't tickling my fancy. I want Flying Boy to be a good guy, but I'm not sure he will be.

I'm leaning towards the boy not exactly being nice and I think a plot we'll be seeing is him trying to corrupt Claire and tell her she is more special than ordinary humans. They may even try a sort of reverse Xmen racism angle.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 30, 2007, 08:57:10 AM
Nikki seemed brainwashed.

The Maya/Sylar/Alejandro story is still not connecting with me. Maybe it's because Maya and her brother annoy the shit out of me. And was that Candace's power that Peter was using, or Nightmare Man's? Or did he just travel forward in time like the previews for next episode made it appear?

My first impression was it was Jessica as well.  She seemed to have that annoying Jessica smirk.  Peter I think went forward in time using Hiro's power.  Yeah it's a retread of last season's plot device but then so are the paintings.  What's interesting is something Suresh said about the disease Bob is manipulating possibly mutating and crossing over to infect normal humans.  The plague might not be Maya at all but something caused either intentionally or inadvertently by the Company.  Also, after really humanizing Noah the last half of last season, he certainly took a big u-turn back into Right Bastard.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on October 30, 2007, 09:10:05 AM
I think Peter is using Charles Deveaux's power.  Some sort of vision walker ability.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on October 30, 2007, 01:14:16 PM
By the way, is it just me or did you just know that Sark would end up betraying Hiro?  It's like in Last Action Hero when that kid Danny sees F. Murray Abraham and immediately knows he's a bad guy because he killed Mozart.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 30, 2007, 01:32:40 PM
My two gripes were a) that they're setting up Sylar to be the bad guy again; and, b) the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Again. By Sylar again. This time presumably from Maya's virus powers.

I think Hiro becomes Kensei, which is why he stopped writing to Ando. The painting where he's fighting the current Kensei/Sark sorta hints at a showdown, but I highly doubt Hiro dies. There'd have been some leak about him leaving the show by now. He's on the short list of main characters.

My guess Peter and the girl actually jumped forward in time a year. This is going by the preview of next week where they're seen getting the crap kicked outta them by agents of yet-another-post-apocolyptic shadowy organization, again ala last seasons 5 years gone episode.

And I'm curious about Claire's boyfriend. He seems a bit too calculating to just be helping out the newbie. My guess is he convinces Claire her Dad's evil or something, allowing for that bullet-through-sunglasses thing. Motivation unknown, and true death unknown.

Quote from: Samwise
My current pet peeve: Matt was able to wake Nathan from the nightmare.  Why did it not IMMEDIATELY occur to him that he could try the same thing with Molly?
He was stuck in the same nightmare as Nathan, and could read the mind of the guard hitting him enough so to recognize it was the latter. No word on whether he can barrel his way into someone else's nightmare, Dennis Quaid style. Maybe. :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on October 30, 2007, 01:40:40 PM
My two gripes were a) that they're setting up Sylar to be the bad guy again; and, b) the fate of the world hangs in the balance. Again. By Sylar again. This time presumably from Maya's virus powers.

I don't think it has anything to do with Maya or Sylar. I think it has to do with what Suresh warned the company about. "It could mutate and cross over to affect normal humans too!" referring to that virus that is affecting mutants. Hence why it has been a subplot so far this season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on October 30, 2007, 02:52:52 PM
Oh, yea, maybe. I'd been assuming the Maya virus and the one that was affecting the Haitien were two different virii entirely.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on October 30, 2007, 03:58:10 PM
Oh, yea, maybe. I'd been assuming the Maya virus and the one that was affecting the Haitien were two different virii entirely.

Actually the pravailing theory in my circle at work is that the company does indeed try and cancel maya's power but instead it mutates her localized death goo eyes  into something widespread and catastrophic.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on October 31, 2007, 07:40:55 PM
Possibly due to a potential writers' strike or a drop-off in ratings. it looks like NBC might have decided not to proceed with Heroes: Origins (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3iff716996ae2a7e21c8a3f229c7669739).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mandrel on November 01, 2007, 07:30:09 AM
Possibly due to a potential writers' strike or a drop-off in ratings. it looks like NBC might have decided not to proceed with Heroes: Origins (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3iff716996ae2a7e21c8a3f229c7669739).

Great.  The number of reality programs already on the air is annoying enough, and this writers strike may mean more of them for us.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 01, 2007, 08:16:31 AM
Possibly due to a potential writers' strike or a drop-off in ratings. it looks like NBC might have decided not to proceed with Heroes: Origins (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3iff716996ae2a7e21c8a3f229c7669739).


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 01, 2007, 11:31:47 AM

Even the article linked above talked about one of the other reasons:

Quote from: The article
However, it is also possible that NBC, now under the creative direction of Ben Silverman, may have seen its enthusiasm diminish for an expansion of the "Heroes" franchise given a pronounced ratings drop-off in recent weeks for the flagship series.
Given the number of episodes it took before I started to like this season, and how pretty forgiving I can be, I'm not surprised by the ratings drop-off. How many of us felt like this had the risk of going BSG before it started getting good again?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 01, 2007, 11:56:48 AM
"We are unable to milk the franchise as we'd like because, apparently, these ungrateful bastards viewers want actual content."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 01, 2007, 12:06:41 PM
There's at least 3 horrible plot lines this year:

Claire (she is show death, emo high school shit that no one cares about)
Hispanic death twins  :awesome_for_real:
Obligatory Katrina plot line.  (BIG SIGH)
Bad accent gang (Thank you, Veronica Mars)

Not enough Peter, big bad, Hiro and Veronica Mars.  More time travel and yet another alternate future episode (although the one last year fucking rocked)?   Uggh.

This season is watchable, but outside of a few plot lines it's just as bad as the first part of last season's Lost.  Yah, it might say something about us as a people that we demand plot development, but TV writers and actors don't exactly shine when things are stuck in neutral.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on November 05, 2007, 09:28:07 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about, that was a fucking awesome episode of heroes.  No filler there, all good stuff.

I hope they leave out all the minor characters until the end so they can tie the story together without boring us all to tears.  This might actually happen sooner than we think because of that pesky writer's guild strike.  I heard on the Heroes podcast that if they strike persists for too long they will take the episode before the hiatus and just turn it into the season finale.  It would definitely suck for them to end the season half way, but it looks like that'll happen the way things are going.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 05, 2007, 09:36:54 PM
I'm actually hoping this strike turns out some shows with horrible writing of epic proportions.

Think fry's holophone play from Futurama.

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupider than you!"


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on November 05, 2007, 09:59:47 PM
I'm actually hoping this strike turns out some shows with horrible writing of epic proportions.

Think fry's holophone play from Futurama.

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupider than you!"


Or - God help us - it'll lead to more reality tv shows.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 05, 2007, 10:07:01 PM
That just means I'll have more things to watch while drunk on the Fox Reality Network, this "Search for the next Elvira" marathon is RIVETING.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on November 05, 2007, 11:25:07 PM
Now that's what I'm talking about, that was a fucking awesome episode of heroes.  No filler there, all good stuff.

I hope they leave out all the minor characters until the end so they can tie the story together without boring us all to tears.  This might actually happen sooner than we think because of that pesky writer's guild strike.  I heard on the Heroes podcast that if they strike persists for too long they will take the episode before the hiatus and just turn it into the season finale.  It would definitely suck for them to end the season half way, but it looks like that'll happen the way things are going.

That would indeed suck, although at least they've always planned this season to contain two "chapters", so we likely just wouldn't get whatever was planned to be the chapter after Generations.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on November 06, 2007, 12:54:17 AM
I'm actually hoping this strike turns out some shows with horrible writing of epic proportions.

Think fry's holophone play from Futurama.

"I'm stupid, I'm stupid, I'm stupider than you!"


Or - God help us - it'll lead to more reality tv shows.

People are predicting that most of tv will turn into reality tv shows and game shows if this happens.  Apparently this is the third time it's happened in 30 years, so I guess that's what happened in the past (probably game shows of course though back then).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 06, 2007, 03:56:26 AM
Listening to NPR yesterday on the way home from work, it seems like the studios are taking the position that this is more of a protest than an actual strike.  They don't expect it to last long, because "the higher-paid writers stand more to lose in 2 days than they'd ever gain from their demands."   Of course, this relies on trusting that the revenues from DVD sales and web casts are as low as the studios are saying.  Surely they couldn't be playing 'clever accounting tricks' to show how poor they are there. :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on November 06, 2007, 04:42:17 AM
Listening to NPR yesterday on the way home from work, it seems like the studios are taking the position that this is more of a protest than an actual strike.  They don't expect it to last long, because "the higher-paid writers stand more to lose in 2 days than they'd ever gain from their demands."   Of course, this relies on trusting that the revenues from DVD sales and web casts are as low as the studios are saying.  Surely they couldn't be playing 'clever accounting tricks' to show how poor they are there. :awesome_for_real:
The studios stand to lose a lot more than the writers though of course the studio execs' personal paychecks aren't being withheld. The 1988 strike cost the industry an estimated $500 million. Today that would be like $1 billion. Not sure how that was estimated but clearly losing viewing audience means losing ad revenues which directly affects the studios bottom line and their stock prices and so on.

On the other hand the residual payouts to writers isn't chump change. The residual payout to writers this year through the Summer was $264 million. So the studios do have a big incentive for not letting that increase by any significant amount even if it costs them in the short term.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: UD_Delt on November 06, 2007, 05:25:52 AM
In real but semi-related news I now work for "the company".


Developed at the university I work for. I'm signing up tomorrow to let them test on me so I can be the first Hero. =)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 06, 2007, 05:43:11 AM
That's some awesome stuff.  Let us know.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 07, 2007, 02:30:53 PM
Kring's apparently come clean and admitted that they made several mis-steps in how they've handled the season thus far.  The twins, Peter, Hiro, West, etc.  Pretty much what everyone's been saying anyway.  Supposedly, they've taken all of it to heart and moved to correct it.  Just in time for the strike, alas.  Anyway, link:  http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20158840,00.html

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 07, 2007, 02:35:41 PM
Well, it seemed to show some in the last episode.  The abrupt return of Peter's memories.  Lack of the twins in any capacity.  Hiro in Feudal Japan finally ending.  West finally figuring out who HRG guy is so we can get the fuck on.

Really liked this last episode actually.  I'll probably rewatch it @ home this weekend on my HDTV since I watched it in laggy-tiny format through abc.com

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 07, 2007, 02:37:18 PM
In real but semi-related news I now work for "the company".


Developed at the university I work for. I'm signing up tomorrow to let them test on me so I can be the first Hero. =)

I welcome our new Supermice overlords.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 07, 2007, 02:40:45 PM
The last two episodes or so have been really good overall, as opposed to most of the season where it was good moments sandwiched in not so good moments.  I just hope Sylar or someone kills off the twins, because I'm tired of them. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 07, 2007, 02:45:03 PM
We assumed the audience wanted season 1 — a buildup of intrigue about these characters and the discovery of their powers.

Heh, would have been nice if someone had told him the first part of season 1's success was largely due to it being shiny and new, not the languid and disjointed storytelling.   :uhrr:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 07, 2007, 02:51:26 PM
I actually don't mind the slow buildup if the characters are interesting or are doing interesting things along the way. The Maya story was not interesting at all, the Monica story was ok, the Claire high school angst thing was OK except it felt too much like her arc last season and the Hiro stuff didn't seem to be going anywhere for a few episodes despite having one of my favorite characters. Viewers don't want to spin their wheels rehashing or watching boring stories.

I'm hoping his comments about some of the new ones not making it into volume 3 includes Maya and her brother.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 07, 2007, 02:55:22 PM
They should just have the car they're all in careen off a cliff and explode.  Do it as next weeks intro.  I'll cheer very loudly.  If they want, Jar Jar Binks can be in the back seat with Alejandro.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on November 07, 2007, 09:35:06 PM
Well, I liked kaitlin a bit, then again I'm a sucker for accents but if that's how she's leaving the show? Stuck in an alternate future which is more than likely not going to exist?  Ouch, talk about fucking harsh.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 07, 2007, 09:38:34 PM
When will hollywood learn that we're all suckers for european accents?  Hell, that new victoria's secret commercial with the english chick actually motivates me to go out and hook up with a girl I despise, just to buy her overpriced underwear she'll wear while fucking some other guy   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on November 07, 2007, 10:54:39 PM
Kring's apparently come clean and admitted that they made several mis-steps in how they've handled the season thus far.  The twins, Peter, Hiro, West, etc.  Pretty much what everyone's been saying anyway.  Supposedly, they've taken all of it to heart and moved to correct it.  Just in time for the strike, alas.  Anyway, link:  http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20158840,00.html

That's good as long as they don't start listening to the fans too much.  Also I disagree with the part where he says that romance isn't a natural fit for Heroes.  The episode where Hiro tries to save the waitress was pretty well done I thought.  The only problem with the romance in this season is that West is a creepy douche.  How were we ever supposed to give this character the benefit of the doubt when he's hovering outside Claire's window like a stalker shortly after he meets her?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on November 08, 2007, 03:01:21 AM
Why on earth did they bother to hire Nichelle Nichols just to use her as the clueless grandma in the background who gets two or three lines? Is she a really horrible actor or something? Sulu was treated much better even if they did kill him off.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samprimary on November 08, 2007, 04:14:47 AM
I'm very glad that the creator of Heroes is willing to admit that Season II is failing, because it really has been failing.

I stopped watching it after episode 2 and decided I'd read the synopses and jump back in once we were out of the doldrums. "doldrums" in this case being disjointed, unappealing, color-by-numbers side plots and romances in a format that goes nowhere even faster than Lost.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 08, 2007, 07:26:50 AM
The biggest problem with the romance plots this season is they're all so...forced.  Last season we had Charlie, which was handled pretty well.  Simone was okay, but nowhere near as bad as the ones this season.  Before the season started, Kring talked about how they had lots of 'hot single people' or something and so they were going to pretty much all find someone.  So we have a bunch of tacked on, lame, forced romances that make little sense.  West has quickly grown annoying as hell.  Hiro's Princess is rather flimsy, and Hiro seemed pretty quick on the rebound, it's only been, what, a few weeks since he failed to save Charlie, who he'd fallen for pretty hard?  Peter'd just watched Simone die not so long ago, as well, though I can excuse that since he had amnesia.  That, and the stupid 'We're bring real life events into Heroes!', is where the season's suffered.  Pretty much anything outside of that, has been good.  Anything in that circle of suck, not so good.  As they've moved away from it, the season overall's gotten better. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 08, 2007, 07:50:41 AM
Finally got to watch this week's episode. MUCH better than the last few, but it suffered from feeling too rushed in comparison to the rest of the season. It wrapped things up with Matt's Dad too quick, and dropping Caitlyn in the future is real harsh. I assume that that might be some motivation for Peter to follow Adam/Kensei. Anyone think maybe Adam is Peter's grandad or something like that?

Had they not spent 2 or 3 episodes spinning wheels, they could have stretched the super bits out more. Next week's looks teh awesome though.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 08, 2007, 07:57:56 AM
So, Adam was hinted @ having weather controlling abilities by Bob.  But we know Adam has the regen stat.

What does it all mean??

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on November 08, 2007, 08:08:41 AM
I think the weather thing was just intended to be an example of the kind of disaster the Company was in business to avert.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 08, 2007, 08:18:12 AM
I'd say Adam/Kensei is more likely related to Claire than to Peter, mostly because he seems to only have one power (cell regen) rather than the ability to leach everyone else's. The weather thing could be a reference to Dr. Evil lair of weaponry and whatnot.

This week's episode was darned good, but I admit I skipped past all the Claire/West stuff, until the end when HRG confronted Claire ("do you think anyone believes you were actually at a copy conference!?". Good stuff). I also like the we're-not-sure-anymore view of The Company and that Bennet/HRG is being set up to be convincely knocked off by Suresh as a desciple of Adam Monroe (though we don't have proof that Suresh was the one to shoot Bennet in that painting).

So I think I missed something here based on what someone said above: is it established that West knows the guy who stabbed/marked his shoulder is Claire's dad? Or is the impression that he always knew it and is using Claire to get to her dad, maybe turn her and his wife on Bennet to get revenge?

And yes on the romance. Or rather, no. They handle it just about as effectively as Sam Raimi in the Spiderman movies, which is to say even when I watched them in the theater the first time I was looking for the "move this crap along" button.

And yes on Caitlyn. Dropped into a dead timeline has got to be the worst way to go. And I say "dead timeline" because I don't think they'll actually wipe out 93% of humanity in the show... for the same reason they didn't actually nuke NYC. They are not edgy enough and are certainly on the wrong network to be.

Hiro finally coming home, great! Him not going back in time to stop Adam (presumably) from killing his father... disappointing, but he might anyway unless he decides to stick to the Doc Brown "I should never have tried to adjust history in the first place" thing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on November 08, 2007, 08:20:13 AM
I'd say Adam/Kensei is more likely related to Claire than to Peter

Considering that Peter is Claire's uncle, he would/could be related to both. 

If the posited scenario is correct, he would be Peter's grandfather and Claire's great-grandfather.  Maybe Hiro can teleport back and become his own grandpa.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 08, 2007, 09:26:42 AM
Hehe. Good point on the Peter/Claire thing. I'd forgotten that part. That also brings up another point. The Parkman/Dad thing established that powers are inherited as is. But Claire can't flly like Nathan nor create fire like her real mother. So what's up with that?!

Also, I just read the interview and gotta say: Jeezus I love that guy (Kring). I've never read anything more candid from Hollywood... well, pretty much ever. I hope he makes this series so freakin' successful he doesn't get pistol-whipped into jackboot compliance with conformity.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 08, 2007, 09:49:42 AM
Hehe. Good point on the Peter/Claire thing. I'd forgotten that part. That also brings up another point. The Parkman/Dad thing established that powers are inherited as is. But Claire can't flly like Nathan nor create fire like her real mother. So what's up with that?!

Hrm. I was pretty sure that when Parkman first meets his dad, the dad says something along the lines of: "Mind reading? That's a good one to have".

Although, I'd have to go back and see.

Did we ever figure out what Mama Petrelli's ability was?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 08, 2007, 09:52:42 AM
Mom Petrelli seems to be able to block mind reading.

As to Parkman, the whole inherited-abilities thing comes more from Bob's comments in this week's episodes about how Parkman can do everything his dad can, even if he doesn't know how yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Obo on November 08, 2007, 09:58:44 AM
And yes on Caitlyn. Dropped into a dead timeline has got to be the worst way to go.
A fitting punishment for that accent.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 08, 2007, 10:26:25 AM
Mom Petrelli seems to be able to block mind reading.

She also seemed to somehow restore Peter's memories.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 08, 2007, 10:31:55 AM
> The Parkman/Dad thing established that powers are inherited as is.
Claire and Micah have a power that neither of their parents do.

I think Bob was pointing out that Parkman and his dad can do the same thing because powers have distinct sets.  So everyone in the same set is capable of the same thing, issues of talent, experience, and desire aside.  Claire and Adam.  Nathan and West.  Peter and Sylar(?!?).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 08, 2007, 10:37:03 AM
They kidnapped Parkman. That's possibly where their assessment of his powers, along with knowledge of his lineage, comes from.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on November 08, 2007, 11:28:19 AM
Hehe. Good point on the Peter/Claire thing. I'd forgotten that part. That also brings up another point. The Parkman/Dad thing established that powers are inherited as is. But Claire can't flly like Nathan nor create fire like her real mother. So what's up with that?!

It established that they can be inherited as is.  It's not always the case though, hence why Micah and Claire don't have the same powers as their parents.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: WayAbvPar on November 08, 2007, 11:31:09 AM
Kring's apparently come clean and admitted that they made several mis-steps in how they've handled the season thus far.  The twins, Peter, Hiro, West, etc.  Pretty much what everyone's been saying anyway.  Supposedly, they've taken all of it to heart and moved to correct it.  Just in time for the strike, alas.  Anyway, link:  http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,20158840,00.html

Nice to see that he realizes this season has been dragging. This concerns me though-

Yet while Heroes has finally found some dramatic traction, this second volume is pretty much a wash. The Dec. 3 episode has been retooled to function as a potential season finale — a move inspired by the writers' strike and a desire to give the show ''a clean slate'' when it goes back into production for Volume 3.

Christ I hope that doesn't mean Garriott will be involved!

Quote from: Rasix

They should just have the car they're all in careen off a cliff and explode.  Do it as next weeks intro.  I'll cheer very loudly.  If they want, Jar Jar Binks can be in the back seat with Alejandro.

Sneak across the picket line and pitch that please.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 08, 2007, 11:36:04 AM
Peter and Sylar(?!?).

Heh.  Maybe Sylar can do exactly what Peter does, but he's so batshit insane that he's convinced himself he hears a 'ticking' and must open brains.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 08, 2007, 12:27:53 PM
Hints dropped in various places point to Mama Petrilli's power being behind the dream visions Peter had in the first season.  As to his memory coming back, I chalk that up to Charlie's power somehow being triggered, though whatever happens in next week's episode should show just what caused the memory loss.  And as to Caitlin being left in the future like that...it almost seems a bit of a last minute decision to have her go out that way just to be rid of one of the romances, but who knows.  It's certainly a pretty harsh way to literally get written out of things. 

As to powers, they've still yet to explain what causes what.  Matt having his Dad's power and Peter/Nathan/Micah having differing powers could be because Matt's mom had no powers, but the rest of the children of powered people we've seen came from a set of parents where both had powers.  Or it could be that aspects of personality influence what powers develop, and that Matt's alot more like his dad than he'd want to admit.  Or it's just a random thing that worked in Matt's favor.  It'd be nice to understand the powers a bit more in general, which was supposed to be an answer we'd have by the end of the first season.  Oh well.  But, as hinted at last season, and driven home alot this season, most powers are not unique, and share common characteristics.  Precogs tend to paint to show their visions, etc.

Or perhaps that's part of the reason the Company's been tracking powers, to catalogue powers and try to figure out how to get certain power types to manifest.  Institute some sort of breeding program.  Who knows.  Lots of questions, few answers so far this season. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 08, 2007, 12:55:46 PM
Hints dropped in various places point to Mama Petrilli's power being behind the dream visions Peter had in the first season.  As to his memory coming back, I chalk that up to Charlie's power somehow being triggered, though whatever happens in next week's episode should show just what caused the memory loss. 

I'm pretty sure the little snippet they showed of the Haitan shooting Peter outside the cargo container will tell you all you need to know about Peter's memory loss.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 08, 2007, 12:59:04 PM
Huh.  I missed that part.  Time to rewatch the trailer. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 08, 2007, 01:18:26 PM
Huh.  I missed that part.  Time to rewatch the trailer. 

Where do you watch the trailer for next week?  I keep missing it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 08, 2007, 01:23:17 PM
Youtube always has both the American and Canadian previews up pretty quickly, though there was apparently no Canadian preview this week.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 08, 2007, 03:38:03 PM
Mom Petrelli seems to be able to block mind reading.

She also seemed to somehow restore Peter's memories.

I interpreted that as her setting up her mind to think something she knew Peter could read. Like when she blocked Parkman. She didn't really "block" him per se as much as pull an HRG-clear-my-mind thing, and then yelled at him :)

Other good stuff in the thread. My DVR keeps cutting off the previews. Hitting YouTube now.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on November 09, 2007, 02:11:20 PM
This occurred to me randomly last night:

If Adam still looks the same years and years later, will Claire remain jailbait for the rest of her life?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 09, 2007, 11:02:44 PM
Which brings up an important question -- did they just wake up one morning and all of a sudden they have powers?
Or was it some enviromental thing, radiation spikes from the red sun of krypton hitting Earth?

Maybe it was answered last season, I missed quite a bit of it traveling, but thats the one thing that doesn't make any fucking sense to me, even moreso with them "discovering" all these new heroes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on November 09, 2007, 11:12:54 PM
Which brings up an important question -- did they just wake up one morning and all of a sudden they have powers?
Or was it some enviromental thing, radiation spikes from the red sun of krypton hitting Earth?

Maybe it was answered last season, I missed quite a bit of it traveling, but thats the one thing that doesn't make any fucking sense to me, even moreso with them "discovering" all these new heroes.

No, they really haven't said anything about it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 09, 2007, 11:14:24 PM
It's strongly implied that the solar eclipse has something to do with it.  There was an eclipse at the beginning of the first season right before a whole bunch of the heroes' powers started manifesting for the first time, and one in feudal Japan right before Kensei's power started manifesting.  Also, the show's logo is a solar eclipse.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 09, 2007, 11:22:19 PM
So, what you're saying then, is that it obviously has somthing to do with the menstrual cycle of migrating swallows.  Gotcha.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 12, 2007, 09:09:44 PM
Kristen Bell makes a really good bad guy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on November 12, 2007, 09:17:58 PM
<- Fanboi

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 13, 2007, 08:44:20 AM
Last night's episode was pretty darn good marred only by goo eye girl and her loser brother.

I do wonder what "Adam" is  up to. He really did help heal Nathan but so far we don't know what else he has been up to. We only have Bob saying he did bad things and I honestly don't trust Bob.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 13, 2007, 08:51:18 AM
Heh, in a trust contest between Adam and Bob, I'm not sure who wins.

Kristen Bell is pure awesome. Veronica Mars was an awesome show.  If you like her, you'd love the show. Shame it never got the ratings necessary to survive on the CW.  :-P  The last season, IMO, suffered from consistency issues with quality (LOGAN IS EMO); but I'm sure it's hard to always put the best foot forward with a noose around your neck.

And yah, this episode was good stuff for the most part.  NO CLAIRE/WEST. YAY.  Hispanic wonder death twins.. boooo.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on November 13, 2007, 09:04:02 AM
I just hope they either kill off split personality chick soon or give her a big glass of re-sane'o and make her not such a freaking twit. Hell I would prefer her to just be jessica all the time I can respect wanton destruction and amorality.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 13, 2007, 09:09:10 AM
So, at the end, did they just let her out of the facility even though she has a completely incurable strain of the anti-hero virus that Mohinder has been screaming could cross over to humans?  Have these people ever heard of quarantine?

Why wouldn't you keep vials of Adam blood around in case of emergency? 

Ugg, sci-fi shows.  It's best to just not ask questions.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 13, 2007, 09:10:47 AM
I like Nikki just fine.  It was just that many shows in the first season were too focused on her.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on November 13, 2007, 10:35:42 AM
I'm starting to suspect that Mama Petrelli has some kind of mind control power. The way she talked to Nathan's wife looked like she was using some kind of whammy on her anyway.  And it would explain how she talked Nathan into going along with that crazy "Let's all blow up New York" idea too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 13, 2007, 11:10:39 AM
I'm starting to suspect that Mama Petrelli has some kind of mind control power. The way she talked to Nathan's wife looked like she was using some kind of whammy on her anyway.  And it would explain how she talked Nathan into going along with that crazy "Let's all blow up New York" idea too.

I had the same thought to be honest. It would explain alot and it also appears to be mostly a power of suggestion and limited to touch.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tairnyn on November 13, 2007, 02:15:09 PM
It had some good plot lines, but I feel like the writing is starting to feel rushed and frayed around the edges. I liked the Petrelli plot line providing some interesting guilt-based manipulation of Peter. I also like how they are constantly keeping the Company on the line of good/evil without committing to either.

However, I was a little put off by some of the liberties they took:

Adam (and Peter, as well) are supposed to be horribly dangerous yet they are being kept in what could be considered a minimum security cell block. At very least I would have like to see what Adam and Peter had to go through to escape that made it so difficult. Putting Peter, who was there by his own accord, next to Adam, who was being held because he could maliciously destroy the world, seemed a little far-fetched.

I can go with Mama Petrelli having some power that would help Peter regain some of his memories, but having to merely "think of something important" to fix the rest when he was with Adam seemed a little bit odd. Perhaps Adam had a power that let him help the process along, as well.

The South American Wonder Twins was like the exact same story we've seen ad infinitum this season already. At least throw the audience something interesting.

The Nikki storyline seemed rushed and forced. He seemed to have almost no trouble finding her on the other side of the country in a random club and the end result was really the same: he's dead, she's guilty over it. It seemed like more of an excuse for Nikki to meet Uhura than anything else.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 13, 2007, 03:42:22 PM
I can go with Mama Petrelli having some power that would help Peter regain some of his memories, but having to merely "think of something important" to fix the rest when he was with Adam seemed a little bit odd. Perhaps Adam had a power that let him help the process along, as well.

I liked Adam's explanation that since Peter could heal, his memory would fix itself as his brain rewired itself.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tairnyn on November 13, 2007, 04:03:46 PM
I liked Adam's explanation that since Peter could heal, his memory would fix itself as his brain rewired itself.

I wasn't bothered by the explanation as much as the invocation of it. While it's true that the Haitian's power summed up to wholesale brain damage, which would fall under the category of healable injuries, I didn't quite get how Adam could invoke the "fight or flight" response that unleashed Peter's powers by simply asking him to do it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 13, 2007, 04:44:09 PM
Maybe the Haitian didn't "go deep", whatever that means.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rishathra on November 13, 2007, 05:01:16 PM
I've never watched ten seconds worth of Veronica Mars, but from what I've seen here, Kristen Bell could shock me repeatedly, and I wouldn't have to pretend to like it.

Wow, there really is no point to the Wonder Twins, is there?  Everyone else had at least some little backstory filled in that helped the overall picture.  With these two, the horrible cycle of her losing control, killing people, and him helping her to regain control begins with the completely unforeseen revelation that she lost control, killed people, and he helped her to regain control.  In the end, I don't mind them so much, if only because I find her hot as fuck.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on November 13, 2007, 09:23:52 PM
Maybe it's like a file system on a hard drive and he just removes the links to where the memories reside, he doesn't actually remove them from the brain entirely.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2007, 05:07:30 AM

Adam (and Peter, as well) are supposed to be horribly dangerous yet they are being kept in what could be considered a minimum security cell block. At very least I would have like to see what Adam and Peter had to go through to escape that made it so difficult. Putting Peter, who was there by his own accord, next to Adam, who was being held because he could maliciously destroy the world, seemed a little far-fetched.

Or maybe Adam put himself there.  Still controlling the company and all that.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 14, 2007, 06:45:59 AM
I liked Adam's explanation that since Peter could heal, his memory would fix itself as his brain rewired itself.

I wasn't bothered by the explanation as much as the invocation of it. While it's true that the Haitian's power summed up to wholesale brain damage, which would fall under the category of healable injuries, I didn't quite get how Adam could invoke the "fight or flight" response that unleashed Peter's powers by simply asking him to do it.

He didn't. He told him to focus on something he cared about and Peter focused on Nathan.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on November 14, 2007, 10:04:04 AM
The writer has said the eclipses were nothing more than "bookends" for the first season and didnt signify anything special.  If mama Petrelli is supposed to have some sort of suggestion power it really sucks because neither of her sons ever do what she wants them too.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2007, 10:15:41 AM
I think she does have the persuasion voice like Eden had.

She hardly uses it though because of all the allusions to the horrible mistakes of the past.  IMO she made her husband kill himself.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 14, 2007, 11:06:46 AM
Kristen Bell's character annoys the shit out of me. I want someone to put a bullet in her, or drown her or something. Not as much as I want a meteor to strike the Latino Wonder Twins, but still, she bugs me. D.L.'s death seemed supremely rushed, because if he could phase when the dude tried to punch him, you'd think he'd know enough to phase until he got away from the guy. I'm still not convinced of Adam's great evil, or even Bob's magnanimous nature. The Claire/HRG confrotation that's building up looks good.

But it was really good to see Peter cutting loose a bit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on November 14, 2007, 12:08:56 PM
Everything they do with Nikki sucks.  I can't believe they gave her a third personality.  Someone axe this bitch.

And what the fuck were they doing with DL?!  They brought him back from a gunshot wound by a major character just to kill him 20 minutes later by a gunshot wound from some nobody?  Rreally?  The guy who can become incorporeal was shot a total of THREE FUCKING TIMES.  Way to go, ace.  You're doing it wrong.  They could have at least had Nikki off him or something interesting.

Oh, new drinking game: take a sip every time Alehandro yells 'Ma-Ja'.  Maybe alcohol can dull the pain from these two useless sacks of shit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rasix on November 14, 2007, 12:18:03 PM
Kristen Bell's character annoys the shit out of me. I want someone to put a bullet in her, or drown her or something. Not as much as I want a meteor to strike the Latino Wonder Twins, but still, she bugs me. D.L.'s death seemed supremely rushed, because if he could phase when the dude tried to punch him, you'd think he'd know enough to phase until he got away from the guy. I'm still not convinced of Adam's great evil, or even Bob's magnanimous nature. The Claire/HRG confrotation that's building up looks good.

But it was really good to see Peter cutting loose a bit.


I don't remember Peter cutting loose much except managing to wiggle out of his shirt again.  Flew once, phased.  :|

Kristen Bell is awesome. And how can you not love a home schooled, undersexed, sadistic, shut-in psychopath? Take your meds.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 14, 2007, 12:24:06 PM
Peter flying while getting crispy-crittered, as well as healing, phasing and actually trying to fight (while getting his monkey ass handed to him) was just about as much cutting loose as they've done with him the entire series, with the exception of future Peter.

As for Kristen Bell, her character just bugs me. Maybe I just don't like the minxy type characters, and will like her better when she gets turned good. She's no Maya, but Claire's more interesting to me. And Nikki when she lets Jessica cut loose. Right now, minxy is about as interesting as Milksop Nikki.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 14, 2007, 12:54:32 PM
Interesting idea about her turning good. I'd love to keep her around, if only that we might see cameos from the now out of work Veronica Mars actors (you can keep emo boy).

I really liked the idea when Bob was talking w/ Nikki about how sometimes people's minds break when they discover their powers.  Maybe the same happened to Tiny Tits McShocks-alot.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 14, 2007, 01:08:35 PM
Kristen Bell is awesome. And how can you not love a home schooled, undersexed, sadistic, shut-in psychopath? Take your meds.

Heh, I can think of a part she should play on that live action Teen Titans movie that Warner Brothers has supposedly given the green light to.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Ookii on November 14, 2007, 01:10:21 PM
Kristen Bell is awesome. And how can you not love a home schooled, undersexed, sadistic, shut-in psychopath? Take your meds.

Easy, she looks like a smurf.  That freaks my shit out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Wolf on November 15, 2007, 01:44:08 AM
If Syler's power is not the same as Peter's (as suggested earlier) and he recovers from his current state, can't he, theoretically, knock out the haitian, eat his brain and become unstoppable?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 15, 2007, 06:26:04 AM
If Syler's power is not the same as Peter's (as suggested earlier) and he recovers from his current state, can't he, theoretically, knock out the haitian, eat his brain and become unstoppable?

I doubt it because the Haitians powers might cancel all of his other powers. We still don't know how it works. Sure, he can erase memories as well as cancelling powers, but is his memory power the only thing immune to his cancelling?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 15, 2007, 10:12:36 AM
Sylar is a big pansy without his powers.  He's not taking the Haitian down.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on November 16, 2007, 01:16:38 AM
He is a devious bastard though. He might convince the Haitian to take himself down.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Raph on November 16, 2007, 11:45:19 AM
I just met Jesse Alexander. He said he was a fan (!).

Any messages for him?  :evil:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 16, 2007, 12:51:07 PM
Ask him if Sylar and Peter have same power?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Jain Zar on November 16, 2007, 01:43:41 PM
Kristen Bell is awesome. And how can you not love a home schooled, undersexed, sadistic, shut-in psychopath? Take your meds.

Easy, she looks like a smurf.  That freaks my shit out.

Looks like a Smurf?  BUH?
She is seriously hot, though her character in this show is a tad too creepy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 17, 2007, 03:50:33 PM
I finally watched it. Fast-forward through the Maya/bro stuff. More of the same, just adding the tragedy of his wedding (and his wife's behavior on the wedding day... bitch!). Bob telling Kristen Bell about Peter: "he's not a toy" and Sylar telling Maya's bro that his sister was a new toy: creepy.

I did really like the beginning when Peter and Nathan are flying. With the angles and the music/ambience, it really was heart-wrenching.

DL dying, not sure what the point there was. Maybe like someone said: for Jessica/Gina to come back and get scooped up by Bob. But then why have the followup comic book show him saving even more people in yet another burning building and talking about how he was trying to be a hero to Micah. It was the exact same plot.

Like others, I like that Bob and Company are ambiguous. 

I don't like that Adam had Peter's ear for four months and never told him how they were going to save the world. And then when he sees Peter in Montreal he says "we were going to change the world, remember?" And how did he escape the Company anyway if he was locked up for 30 years? Is he a plant? And with all that time the Company never took his blood so needs Claire's instead? Bob is a great manipulator, but that I find something of a stretch.

The episode felt rushed, but I think they cut down a lot since Kring's epiphany. In the old way, that'd have easily been two episodes with more Wes/Claire angst, Maya/bro repeat-a-loops, and probably another minor confrontation between HRG and Mohinder.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on November 19, 2007, 08:24:33 PM
Well, Heroes did the quickest 180 evar.  Maybe the best episode they've done.

The ending was pretty telegraphed though.  Once it finally dawned on me what was going to happen, I figured they'd put it off until next season; I'm glad they didn't.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on November 19, 2007, 09:07:18 PM
Ya, great episode. They have concentrated the good in the last 2 to make up for the previous suck.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 19, 2007, 10:52:48 PM
I still wish we knew what Angela Petrelli's power is.

Lots of great character development in this one. Matt starts to master his power and then starts to enjoy using it, Hiro "grows up" more, we learn what we already knew about Adam, The whole Bob-Elle/Noah-Claire thing, etc.

Yeah, the end was pretty telegraphed, but still a nice twist since we're not entirely sure where he awakens. My money is on somewhere not good for HRG.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 19, 2007, 11:54:33 PM
STAY GOOD, MATT!   :cry:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 20, 2007, 06:23:08 AM
Well we know how Matt turned out if the nuke went off.

Also, saw Ando in a McDonald's commercial just now.   :sad_panda:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 20, 2007, 08:21:32 AM
Matt making slow slide into his father's ways was disappointing. I hope they get the character's head out of his ass and make him realize what he's doing. The Adam killing Sulu thing was expected, but for a few minutes, I was worried that they might have made Peter the killer. Of course, now that I think more clearly about it, that couldn't be because Peter was an amnesiac pussy hound in Ireland at the time of Sulu's murder. But Hiro figuring out it was Kensei was necessary.

For some reason, I honestly didn't see the ending coming for HRG. I should have, because yes, it was telegraphed a mile away. Still cool, though.

Peter vs. Hiro next week. I smell epic awesomez.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Threash on November 20, 2007, 10:44:58 AM

Also, saw Ando in a McDonald's commercial just now.   :sad_panda:

Haha i saw that too, it was weird.  GREAT episode, they even managed to make creepy boyfriend West likeable AND usefull.  Parkman is going to the darkside, we already knew he was an evil fucker from the future episode from last season.  Two episodes left and the hispanic twins have served no purpose whatsoever yet, i expect something really lame and tacked on for them.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hoax on November 20, 2007, 11:07:55 AM
I've never read this thread before, I didn't start now (edit: ok I read the last page or two) but I wanted to voice my extreme displeasure that they fake-killed one of their few good characters and failed to kill any of their useless characters.

Bob = worst fucking shadowy company overlord ever.
Seresh (sp?) = god they should have ended him in the first season, he has become such a worthless idiot
West = for real?  more flying that doesn't look good?  I don't hate this kid just because he's dating Claire, he's also a lame 2d character.
Micah's cousin = god what a fucking travesty.
Nikki = I've been on the kill this gal bandwagon since she was taking time away from the main storyarc in season1
Veronica Mars = hawt but whoever is writing her character should be shot, it makes so little sense at times, fix that or off her while she tries to do something heroic.  Might be a good way to fuck with Peter which is always good for a laugh.

Basically the whole company plotline will continue to suck as long as Bob is supposed to impress me.  He's such a stupid doucher.

I do like that they are putting Parkman into a moral gray area, but so help me god if he tries to fuck with Molly I'll jump thru the TV at him.  Some good stuff in the pipe hopefully but I'm starting to miss Sylar because somebody needs to get it on with the killing off a bunch of these folks.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 20, 2007, 11:59:43 AM
Matt making slow slide into his father's ways was disappointing. I hope they get the character's head out of his ass and make him realize what he's doing. The Adam killing Sulu thing was expected, but for a few minutes, I was worried that they might have made Peter the killer. Of course, now that I think more clearly about it, that couldn't be because Peter was an amnesiac pussy hound in Ireland at the time of Sulu's murder. But Hiro figuring out it was Kensei was necessary.

For some reason, I honestly didn't see the ending coming for HRG. I should have, because yes, it was telegraphed a mile away. Still cool, though.

Peter vs. Hiro next week. I smell epic awesomez.

What? Wait, huh?

I missed it, and its not on nbc.com (as of last night).

Spoil meh.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on November 20, 2007, 12:00:45 PM
Basically the whole company plotline will continue to suck as long as Bob is supposed to impress me.  He's such a stupid doucher.

I have no clue where you get the idea that Bob is supposed to impress you.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 20, 2007, 12:04:13 PM
Yeah, Bob has never struck me as the be impressed by him kind of guy. He's nebbish and dorky and runs stuff for the Company. He's one of the last of the original group and increasingly afraid for his life. The entire point of Bob, IMO, is that he'll also do what it takes to save his own hide/his daughter just like HRG and just like Parkman. This season has been cool because of the moral grey areas.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: tazelbain on November 20, 2007, 12:11:41 PM
Matt making slow slide into his father's ways was disappointing. I hope they get the character's head out of his ass and make him realize what he's doing. The Adam killing Sulu thing was expected, but for a few minutes, I was worried that they might have made Peter the killer. Of course, now that I think more clearly about it, that couldn't be because Peter was an amnesiac pussy hound in Ireland at the time of Sulu's murder. But Hiro figuring out it was Kensei was necessary.

For some reason, I honestly didn't see the ending coming for HRG. I should have, because yes, it was telegraphed a mile away. Still cool, though.

Peter vs. Hiro next week. I smell epic awesomez.

What? Wait, huh?

I missed it, and its not on nbc.com (as of last night).

Spoil meh.
If haven't seen the most recent episode and care about spoilers, you shouldn't be reading this thread.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 20, 2007, 12:40:59 PM
I don't care about spoilers which is why I told him to 'spoil meh'.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 20, 2007, 12:42:04 PM
Matt making slow slide into his father's ways was disappointing. I hope they get the character's head out of his ass and make him realize what he's doing. The Adam killing Sulu thing was expected, but for a few minutes, I was worried that they might have made Peter the killer. Of course, now that I think more clearly about it, that couldn't be because Peter was an amnesiac pussy hound in Ireland at the time of Sulu's murder. But Hiro figuring out it was Kensei was necessary.

For some reason, I honestly didn't see the ending coming for HRG. I should have, because yes, it was telegraphed a mile away. Still cool, though.

Peter vs. Hiro next week. I smell epic awesomez.

What? Wait, huh?

I missed it, and its not on nbc.com (as of last night).

Spoil meh.

The trailer for next week shows Hiro coming up behind Peter with his sword to his neck and Peter goes, "Hiro . . ."

My prediction is that Hiro gets convinced that since Peter is working with the guy who killed his dad, Peter must be bad now, so there's gonna be some kind of "hey man, that dude is a douche, don't help him or I'll have to behead you" kind of conversation and then Peter unleashes on Adam.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on November 20, 2007, 04:11:36 PM
I think HRG should have stayed dead. Adding the ability to resurrect characters seems really reaching to a show that already totters on the edge of dragging half the time.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 20, 2007, 04:29:34 PM
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure Adam is going to die at the end of the season.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hoax on November 20, 2007, 05:11:04 PM
Yeah, Bob has never struck me as the be impressed by him kind of guy. He's nebbish and dorky and runs stuff for the Company. He's one of the last of the original group and increasingly afraid for his life. The entire point of Bob, IMO, is that he'll also do what it takes to save his own hide/his daughter just like HRG and just like Parkman. This season has been cool because of the moral grey areas.

That's the thing, he is so unbelievable as the current head of The Company, also the shit involving them has gotten consistently more retarded.  What does he run?  The worst jail ever for superheroes?  A rehab clinic where his entire plan rests on his juvenile psych tricks?  The only reason to be glad when he shows up is you probably get to see Veronica Mars and/or Haitian.  Compared to HRG, which you must, Bob is such trash as the guy running the shadowy organization.

All 100% personal opinion obviously, but I feel the need to stipulate that lest someone get upset and start trying to convince me I don't dislike his character.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 20, 2007, 05:26:19 PM
Don't worry, I'm pretty sure Adam is going to die at the end of the season.

How?  Will Claire decapitate him with a sword with Queen playing in the background?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 20, 2007, 05:42:16 PM
I'm sure they'll find a way.  Maybe Sylar will eat his brain.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 20, 2007, 05:49:16 PM
I loved the ending of this episode. "Whoa", but not in the Keanu way. Great stuff.

Overall good episode, but agreed that Suresh either needs to find a superpower, have written into his character a purpose, or go away. His "moral compass" is really the only one on the show, but his more embodied in whiny one-liners than anything profound.

How did Bennett not see Mars shoot Wes out of the sky?

I really did like though that Bennett was shown to be the good guy he ended the last season as. It was cool to question his motivations, but I really didn't want to see him actually be bad.

I think Parkman will come around, even if he does a Spiderman/Venom for an episode or two. Molly will probably bring him back from the brink.

Quote from: Nevermore
How?  Will Claire decapitate him with a sword with Queen playing in the background?

That'd be awesome :-)

Here we are, born to be kings...

Quote from: SnakeCharmer
What? Wait, huh? (re: Adam killing Sulu being expected)

I can't speak for Haemish, but I called this a few pages back (though we only new him as Kensei then). My own unstated theory was that there was no reason for them to spend that much time on that character without some future plans for him.

I figured he was the one to beat up Mom Petrelli too though, but 50/50 isn't bad.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on November 20, 2007, 08:10:32 PM
I think Bob is the perfect character for where the company is. Remember that it was basically run by Linderman previous to his braining so Bob is basically the accountant now trying to keep things together and fucking it up royally.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Rishathra on November 20, 2007, 11:55:55 PM
Was it actually confirmed that Bob is the current head of the Company?  He doesn't seem that way to me.  High ranking accountant thrust into leadership position, sure.  But in charge of the whole shebang?  I'm pretty sure there are still some higher-ups pulling the strings that haven't been shown yet.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 21, 2007, 05:38:20 AM
Ya, I don't think he's the big boss either.  I actually think it's Adam and we'll see a whole lot of OMG NOWAYS turns in the next episode or something.

Bennett saying that the company dies w/ Bob I think was referring more to the goldfarming skills that Bob has.  No Money, no problems.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 21, 2007, 06:16:42 AM
I've been waiting for Bob to turn someone into a solid gold statue.  Maybe that's how Adam dies.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on November 21, 2007, 06:59:10 AM
Finally got around to watching it last night...

What a phenomenal episode!

Kinda wish they wouldn't have revealed who the masked man was. 
Was good to see HRG bringing his bad side out (his mood/attitude when he had Elle tied up and her feet in the wash tub was a w e s o m e).
Was PISSED when he ended up getting eyeshotted, but cheered when I saw him with the IV of Claire's blood.  Really not liking Mohinder right now....
Really liking Matt turning to the dark side a bit.  He'd make a great bad guy.

Didn't get to see the previews for next weeks episode though.  What happened?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 21, 2007, 07:42:34 AM
Ya, I don't think he's the big boss either.  I actually think it's Adam and we'll see a whole lot of OMG NOWAYS turns in the next episode or something.

Bennett saying that the company dies w/ Bob I think was referring more to the goldfarming skills that Bob has.  No Money, no problems.

Yeah, I've never considered Bob to be the be-all end-all of the company. His gold talent probably was good seed capital, but if they are relying on him to be a solvent company, well, they aren't. The damn company is probably invested heavily enough that his talent really isn't necessary anymore. I also think if anyone, Adam is the one still running the company, even if Bob doesn't know that it's him. And we still don't know who this Victoria Pratt chick is or what her power is or what part of the company she has.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 21, 2007, 07:51:27 AM
Weather control!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 21, 2007, 04:55:03 PM
Bob's can turn things to gold? That sounds right I'm just trying to remember where it was established?

I don't think that'd kill Adam though. You need something like an atomizer, like that dehydration chick from the comic series over the summer, or Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey, something that breaks him down to something smaller than the cells that can regenerate.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 21, 2007, 05:04:52 PM
Bob's can turn things to gold? That sounds right I'm just trying to remember where it was established?

In the episode where he recruits Mohinder.  He turns a spoon to gold or something to illustrate where the Company gets its infinite funding from.  That's the only reference ever made to his power, so we don't know if he can do it to people, or if he can do other elements, or what.

I don't think that'd kill Adam though. You need something like an atomizer, like that dehydration chick from the comic series over the summer, or Dark Phoenix/Jean Grey, something that breaks him down to something smaller than the cells that can regenerate.

If he were turned into a gold statue he wouldn't have cells any more.  No more organic molecules, no more cells, no more regeneration.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 21, 2007, 05:16:28 PM
Oh that's right.

Depends on how deep the gold goes :-)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tairnyn on November 21, 2007, 08:21:02 PM
Finally got around to watching this weeks episode and I'm back on the wagon with loving this show. The writing was very well done and stayed away from the formulaic plot twists that made me wonder if the writers quit before the strike. It's been a while since I actually felt some empathy for the characters. Not having to endure Nikki or Maya was blissful.

I can definitely see Little Miss Sparks begin digging into her childhood and turning against her father and the Company which is a nice twist on her otherwise unshakable strong-arming on his behalf. Her evil stepford daughter attitude was starting to get annoying and really lacked the humanity that makes a decent character.

I'm interested to know what motivated the resurrection of HRG. I'll admit I didn't see that coming and I enjoyed how they had it be the last 'oh shit' moment. Maybe Bob felt he owed Mohinder for saving his life or perhaps he's being used as a psychological poker chip in getting a hold of Claire. Maybe Bob just wants to extract sweet, painful revenge. I'm really hoping that the regen blood doesn't become such a recurring theme that death no longer matters at all, though. At some point it will be like watching the new Star Wars movies where you know the main characters can't die and danger loses its impact.

I'm actually a little sad to see the line of paintings end, even though Peter still has the sporadic artistic vision. They seemed to be a character in themselves, representing fate and driving some characters to accept it as inevitable or battle against it at any cost. They provided a (sometimes not so) subtle undertone of the determinism vs. free will argument and grounded the show in the comic book theme.

With the amount of time they spent building up Maya and her Virgin Mary complex I'm dreading to see what role she plays in the future. I can't even fathom how they could make her power interesting without revealing that the symptoms stem from an interesting aneurysm-causing phenomenon that is yet to be revealed. I just can't see her being killed off in short order with the amount of time they put into 'building' her character.

Someone pay those writers what they want.. they earned it with this episode!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 21, 2007, 08:26:20 PM
I'm hoping that next episode establishes whether Adam is evil or not. We see how he treated Hiro, but Hiro sort of cockblocked him. My guess is that he's using Peter and not earnestly trying to save the world. On the other hand, if his goal is destroying the company, then that would also destroy the virus, thus saving the world.

I don't buy the idea that he's really running the company. All of what we've heard, even from Ma Petrelli when Parkman used his power on her, is that the company was started to basically lock Adam up, and now he wants revenge against all of them. If there's some twist on that, I'd be surprised, because it would contradict what we understand about Parkman's power.

Didn't get to see the previews for next weeks episode though.  What happened?

Go back a page. All I recall is the Hiro coming up behind Peter and putting his sword to Peter's neck. Peter then says, "Hiro?"

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on November 21, 2007, 10:30:15 PM
Ma Petrelli was very deliberate in her answers. Her being Ma Petrelli, she still could have said the truth, but not the whole truth. Leaving things out could change the context.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on November 22, 2007, 03:19:10 AM
Adam isn't completely invulnerable. Assuming he has the same regen power as Claire and Peter all it takes to kill him is a knife to the brain that isn't immediately removed.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 22, 2007, 10:50:33 AM
The part I don't get is Bob needing Claire while they had Adam. Seems to me they could have siphoned off thousands of gallons of the stuff over the last 30 years to put into cold storage... unless in the process of "healing" the blood would build an entire new person?

That'd be an interesting twist :-) I think Wes even asked about that in one of those taunt-the-new-girl classes, when he asked if a toe was cut off whether the original host would grow a new toe or the toe would grow a new person.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tairnyn on November 22, 2007, 10:57:46 AM
I'll make a completely uneducated guess and say that the part that has the heart/spinal column/brain combo would regenerate. Although, both Peter and Claire had the spinal column (I assume) severed at the neck and it reattached once the obstruction was removed. I wonder how long someone could be dead before decomposition makes it so that it just doesn't work anymore.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 24, 2007, 02:30:15 PM
Just thought of something earlier today:

How do we know if that is Claire's blood that rezzed Noah? We don't seem to have any idea where he woke up, but there could be a very interesting twist if it was, in fact, Adam who provided the blood to ally with Noah against the common enemy.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 24, 2007, 05:51:32 PM
Yes, that's what I said.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 26, 2007, 06:51:06 AM
I loved last week's episode too but now I want Suresh to die. He's turned into a total moron and turned on HRG for no good reason. He just saw Elle shoot Claire out of the sky and shot HRG to defend Bob and Elle? Is Suresh really this stupid? Seriously?

Also, I read the summaries for the next weeks episodes on AICN and it looks like Sylar may be back to his old ways before the season ends. I'm hoping he starts with Maya and/or her brother.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 26, 2007, 09:56:34 AM
I loved last week's episode too but now I want Suresh to die. He's turned into a total moron and turned on HRG for no good reason. He just saw Elle shoot Claire out of the sky and shot HRG to defend Bob and Elle? Is Suresh really this stupid? Seriously?

I think he didn't quite know what he was doing.  He'd already decided that he was on Bob's side and that he'd shoot HRG if HRG tried anything funny.  He just didn't have time to reevaluate that position in between the time that Elle shot Claire and HRG shot Elle.

Also, I read the summaries for the next weeks episodes on AICN and it looks like Sylar may be back to his old ways before the season ends. I'm hoping he starts with Maya and/or her brother.

Just what we need... ten episodes of Sylar killing people with emo tears and then calming himself down.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 26, 2007, 08:33:33 PM
One down, I hope he's got somthing brutal planned for the other wonder twin.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on November 26, 2007, 08:41:20 PM
He'll tap that ass right before that sweet, sweet brain.  :pedobear:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 27, 2007, 06:10:40 AM
He'll tap that ass right before that sweet, sweet brain.  :pedobear:

Please God I hope so. It's sad when I literally cheer at what is supposed to be a sad death scene.

This Episode wasn't bad. Peter is now getting added to the moron list. It was blatantly obvious that "Adam" freed the woman only so he had an excuse to shoot her. And what's with the tagline two heroes will fall? Here's my wishlist:

Maya (please!)

And here's hoping that don't start using Claire's blood as a plot device to save other people besides HRG.

Also, is West about to leave the show? I finally warmed up to him when he helped HRG. And I like that Claire is finally saying "to hell with this."

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 27, 2007, 07:58:41 AM
Somebody kill Sylar already! Damnit, he's a shitty villain, and I'm tired of looking at his ugly face.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on November 27, 2007, 08:01:59 AM
At least the villains have brains (no pun at Sylar intended)! If you bring Suresh and Peter together in a room, they cancel out the intelligence of everybody else in the whole building with their collective antismart.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 27, 2007, 08:45:01 AM
At least the villains have brains (no pun at Sylar intended)! If you bring Suresh and Peter together in a room, they cancel out the intelligence of everybody else in the whole building with their collective antismart.

And sadly, they were both my favorite characters in season 1.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on November 27, 2007, 09:09:14 AM
I don't think Peter is stupid, he's just easily led because he's all too eager to help people. Though he hasn't convinced me, Adam has had 400 years to learn how to manipulate Peter, and we don't know all the conversation they had while Peter was locked up with him. Suresh has the same problem, way too trusting of what people say.

I hope they don't get rid of West, the show needs much more flying men. They've tragically underused Nathan's flying ability, as to me, it's just the greatest iconic power of them all. Maya needs to die, though. Needs to die so badly.

The setup for next week's show was great though. Hiro and Peter, probably the two most powerful (other than Sylar) squaring off. How awesome will that be? Hopefully, so much awesome my head explodes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: sigil on November 27, 2007, 09:14:46 AM
Hiro against Peter  is a rout for peter because  it's Hiro's sword against every other  power Peter has,  since time alteration seems to cancel out.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 27, 2007, 09:21:39 AM
What I predict is that since Peter's power is to take on other powers, his blood will function like Adam's or Claire's. Since Suresh carries that antibody for the Shanti virus and Peter's blood is all special phoenix down blood, wham virus destroyed. I also predict an Adam decapitation because, well, this episode totally set it up.

I really don't see how a Hiro v. Peter matchup can end up in anything but a) Hiro getting utterly wtfpwned and killed (unlikely) or b) Peter and Hiro clashing for a bit, then having one of those gritted-tooth-revelation conversations and ultimately trying to stop Adam.

I just want to see Peter do some shit. He's the most powerful and they never use him in any really kickass way. He should have an asston of powers by now, so let's see 'em.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 27, 2007, 11:01:28 AM
I think Peter and Suresh have the most realistic characters out of all. I'd be in a daze, wondering wtf was going on all the time too.

Sylar, on the other hand, I don't get. Didn't get him last year either. His motivations for being such a prick are unclear (or not good enough for me), and that evil grin of his is pure camp.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on November 27, 2007, 11:05:52 AM
Sylar's excuse is that, pretty much, he's psycho.  Sociopath, technically, I think.  I know they seemed to me at least to really pile on all the indicators of a serial killer in the making on his origin part in the flashback episode of season 1. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 27, 2007, 11:08:56 AM
Yeah, I understand that. It's still campy though. The rest of the show/characters have a pretty down to earth feel, while he's off playing some over the top creep out of a b horror film. The guy who plays Adam makes a more realistic sociopath.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 27, 2007, 11:14:48 AM
Yeah, I understand that. It's still campy though. The rest of the show/characters have a pretty down to earth feel, while he's off playing some over the top creep out of a b horror film. The guy who plays Adam makes a more realistic sociopath.

Because his idea of saving the world is saving it from humanity by killing most of it?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 27, 2007, 11:21:35 AM
Because he doesn't have the stupid grin on his face.

Really, it's all about the grin.

Also, no matter what the outcome, I'll probably never care for Myah... Simply for not seeing how obviously bad "Gabriel" is. Stupid characters like that should die.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on November 27, 2007, 12:11:18 PM
People like the stupid grin + stubble. I've been looking at that create-the-next-hero thing on the NBC site and it seems that Sylar is pretty much the template for mass appeal. Ugh.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on November 27, 2007, 12:34:19 PM
Hiro against Peter  is a rout for peter because  it's Hiro's sword against every other  power Peter has,  since time alteration seems to cancel out.

Hiro has done a pretty good job of learning how to control his powers, so in that respect I see him putting up a halfway decent fight against Peter

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on November 27, 2007, 12:41:08 PM
I think Peter and Suresh have the most realistic characters out of all. I'd be in a daze, wondering wtf was going on all the time too.

Sylar, on the other hand, I don't get. Didn't get him last year either. His motivations for being such a prick are unclear (or not good enough for me), and that evil grin of his is pure camp.

The thing I dislike the most about Sylar is that somewhere along the line he seems to have absorbed the power of making everyone around him a fucking retard.  All the times he should have been killed, he's only survived due to the complete stupidity of people trying to capture him rather than outright killing him (Illusion woman wins the retard prize in this respect).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on November 27, 2007, 12:53:10 PM
Hiro has done a pretty good job of learning how to control his powers, so in that respect I see him putting up a halfway decent fight against Peter

I have been noticing that many of last season's heroes are getting really good at controlling their powers and in some cases doing new things with them, but Peter's still stuck at using the "level 1" version of each power.  So maybe that's what "balances" him out compared to the other heroes.

Case in point: if Parkman aimed his new mindfucking powers at Peter, I'm pretty sure Peter's mind would be thoroughly fucked.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on November 27, 2007, 12:58:39 PM
That's because he keeps buying new powers instead of spending his XP on the ones he already has.  :grin:

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on November 27, 2007, 01:44:43 PM
I don't think Peter is stupid, he's just easily led because he's all too eager to help people. Though he hasn't convinced me, Adam has had 400 years to learn how to manipulate Peter, and we don't know all the conversation they had while Peter was locked up with him. Suresh has the same problem, way too trusting of what people say.

The thing is, Peter can read minds. He showed this very episode that he can do it as needed. He shouldn't be that easily manipulated. Trusting or not, at least try to get all possible information if two people say different things about the same occurence (Pratt vs Adam).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 27, 2007, 02:33:22 PM

The thing is, Peter can read minds. He showed this very episode that he can do it as needed. He shouldn't be that easily manipulated. Trusting or not, at least try to get all possible information if two people say different things about the same occurence (Pratt vs Adam).

Yeah, but Peter still seems to not totally understand how to turn his powers on at will. He seems to use them instinctively in great need, and I guess he didn't feel the need at the moment. His powers, and how he uses them, have plot device written all over them. He'll use whatever power is needed to move the story forward at that moment.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on November 27, 2007, 03:22:38 PM
Peter is the naive hero on the show.  He's out to do the right thing, but he goes about it so blindly he doesn't always catch what is really going on fully. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on November 28, 2007, 06:21:03 PM
The niave hero thing, I agree with. The heroes of last season are all pretty one-dimensional though. The thing that's pissing me off this season is that there's really been no real advancing storyline at all, and I blame the dialog. Every Noah, Suresh, and Bob conversation is just a bunch of hackneyed oneliners where nobody understands the others' motivations and are too stupid to even ask. That was bad enough until this recent episode where Hiro goes for Peter with almost no dialog beforehand. These guys saved freakin' New York together and don't give each other the benefit of the doubt?

Oh, and Peter and Adam walking around the facility in Odessa with nobody asking them what's what? Try walking into any distribution facility or factory and time how long it takes before you're asked why you're there.

The prior two episodes felt sped up through some great editing and cutting of bullshit stuff. This episode felt like everything prior to that with completely irrelevant storylines about characters and plots nobody cares about. Filler stuff. Mica's cousin needs to become St Joan or whatever to save a medal he got from a guy that was implausibly killed (saveable if angsty Nikki gets to go all Jessica on those punks) while Maya loses the brother nobody liked and beds the powerless has-been-psycho who's got no real reason to be on the show anymore (saveable if Parkman gets to introduce Sylar to his own recursive mental funhouse)

The finale better rock something serious or, well, I'll fume until I forget and watch the next season's premiere if it comes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 28, 2007, 06:28:28 PM
Well, Hiro did know Adam pretty well, knows he killed his father, sees Peter conjure up a ball of lightning in his hand and tells him to leave...

Can't really blame him for charging in, I guess.

The show isn't all that great right now though, I agree. Hell, the only reason I keep sticking with it, and not giving up like I do with EVERYTHING ELSE is the comic book/superhero thing. I'm a real sucker for this stuff, but it's just not playing out all that well.

P.S. Smallville's better, "cape" or not.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on November 29, 2007, 03:21:29 AM
Oh, and Peter and Adam walking around the facility in Odessa with nobody asking them what's what? Try walking into any distribution facility or factory and time how long it takes before you're asked why you're there.

I've done this on more than one occasion back when I was still selling, the trick is to not look like you're lost and walk with some authority, people tend to leave you the fuck alone.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Merusk on November 29, 2007, 03:52:16 AM
Oh, and Peter and Adam walking around the facility in Odessa with nobody asking them what's what? Try walking into any distribution facility or factory and time how long it takes before you're asked why you're there.

I've done this on more than one occasion back when I was still selling, the trick is to not look like you're lost and walk with some authority, people tend to leave you the fuck alone.

This works in any building.  We took a whole group of 10 college-aged Architecture students to the top of the Chiquita building and were standing in one of their conference rooms admiring the view before anyone thought to ask, "why are you here?"

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on November 29, 2007, 11:18:39 AM
I need to update my "two will fall" wishlist:


Get rid of both women whose only role on the show is to whine and cry please.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on November 29, 2007, 11:21:57 AM
All of the women in this show have been pretty lame, in one way or another, except Claire and Mama Petrelli.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on November 29, 2007, 11:40:10 AM
I can forgive the Nikki character if she starts punching holes through walls and shit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on November 29, 2007, 01:55:10 PM
Make jessica take over for good I have no problem with homicidal psycho ass kicking wenches. The crying snivling thing has simply got to stop.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Hoax on November 30, 2007, 09:53:03 AM
People they could kill and it would make me happy:
the stupid black cousin chick

Please, kill some of them, P L E A S E

In the perfect world they kill the cousin which makes Micah stop wanting to be a hero and him and Nikki just fade out of the story.  Kill anybody else on the list too but I think killing the cousin could be the best way to remove a useless side plot from the show.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evildrider on November 30, 2007, 10:50:43 AM
I wonder if Sylar is going to regret not taking Maya's brothers power.  Not that he could have, but I don't even think Sylar knew he had one.

I think Nikki/Jessica would be fine if they just got rid of the multiple personality disorder part.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Mazakiel on December 03, 2007, 10:40:17 PM
So...overall, I liked the episode.  Hiro vs. Peter was nifty.  I was glad to see Maya get shot, sad to see her get the blood.  As to Nathan...wow.  It was not really a surprise, but still....sucks to see him (probably) be gone. 

As to who shot him, I'm fairly certain it'll end up being Noah. 

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on December 03, 2007, 10:49:47 PM
Can't Peter just open up a vein right there and bring him back?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on December 03, 2007, 10:51:28 PM
With Maya having a little more control over her power now, and with her brother gone, she has the potential to not be as annoying in the future.  Or maybe I'm just giving her the benefit of the doubt because I think all TV shows could use an attractive latin woman.

Not sure if Nathan will end up dead or not.  If they really planned to kill him off this quickly, it almost seems like a waste to go through the effort of bringing him back from his uncertain fate at the end of last season.  Besides, one of the first rules of comics has always been that until you see the dead body, you should assume the character isn't dead.  Even after you see the body, it's suspect for that matter.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Evil Elvis on December 03, 2007, 11:38:43 PM
I hope Nathan stays dead.  I liked the character, but bringing everyone back from the dead gets old fast.  I wish Nikki would have been the one to go for reals, but you just know she's going to turn out to be alive.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nerf on December 03, 2007, 11:53:56 PM
Why did they have to not only bring back the mexican, but at the same time give Sylar his power back?  He's such a lame fucking evil villian, at least Adam had some tact and purpose, Sylar is just so..meh.

I don't have high hopes for season 3 at this point, especially with the newfound Peek-a-boo death plot device.

Also, why wouldn't Peter just freeze time for a moment the instant his brother gets shot?  I can understand that he hasn't quite mastered the ability to travel back and forth very well yet, but stopping time would at least let you catch the assassin.  And the cute little irish girl?  Wouldn't she just cease to be now that she was dragged into a timeline that no longer exists, or at the very least continue to live in that alternate timeline that Peter will never get to see now (and therefore could never go get her, since traveling into the future would take him to a different timeline, where she isn't)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on December 04, 2007, 06:53:23 AM
My thoughts on the finale:

1)I cheered when Sylar shot Maya and groaned when she was brought back to life.
2)Peter was almost irredeemably stupid in this episode. I mean the writing for him was terrible, or he's had a brain aneurysm that killed off most of his brain. And what was he about to do to Hiro before Matt intervened? It almost looked like he was about to kill him to me. I lost a ton of my liking for Peter in this episode.
3)Nikki's death was cheesy and just when she finally acted like a bad ass for the right reason. And without powers!
4)I, for one, am glad too see Sylar with his powers back. I think he's a great villain. They need more villains.
5) Hiro burying Adam alive was awesome. It also means Adam can come back at some point and probably will.
6)I agree. Noah probably shot Nathan. On the plus side, I think Noah is a much better character when he is borderline evil and working for the company, so I'm glad they figured out a way to bring him back. I wonder what will become of Claire now? One of her dads is dead, and the other one is back to his old ways.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tebonas on December 04, 2007, 07:12:30 AM
I hope it it wasn't Noah. Killing the bio dad of his daughter? Thats too daytime soap for my tastes.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 04, 2007, 07:21:38 AM
What a shitty shit shit episode.

 - Mohinder was one of my favorite characters, probably the best written.  He's got no problem killing HRG, but turns into a pussy when it comes to killing the guy who killed his father?  Weaksauce.
 - I was happy when Maya died.  Sad when she came back to life
 - Nathan dying sucks.  But will probably be brought back to life  :uhrr:
 - Cool way to get rid of Adam, but sucks the best villian is supposedly dead
 - Syler is still a shitty villian.
 - Weren't they at a police station when Nathan got capped?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on December 04, 2007, 08:03:36 AM
Oh boy if adam wanted to kill off almost everybody before he is going to be hell on earth when he eventually either digs his way out or gets dug up. He is immortal and constantly regenerates eventually given enough time he will be able to dig himself out. And by the time he does he is going to be totally batshit insane.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 04, 2007, 08:21:48 AM
I liked the episode. I was very surprised by the Nathan shooting, and yes, it has to be Noah that did it. Who else would they send?

Peter and Hiro fight was cool, if over too soon. Peter zapping the sword, then walking all badass down the hallway tossing guards left and right is a good payoff to his growing badassitude. I was really hoping he wasn't going to kak Hiro but it sure had a Sylar feel to it. I think Peter is just so naive and easily led. He wants to believe Adam, he wants to believe he's doing the right thing and saving the world that he makes huge judgement errors. Losing his brother may finally give him the shock to the system he needs.

Nikki's dead most likely. I don't really mind that, though one less hot chick is not always a good thing. I actually started like Ellie in this episode.

Cheered when Maya got shot, groaned when she was healed. FUCK CAN'T WE KILL THIS DUMB BITCH ALREADY?

I like Sylar as a villain, but they really need to write some more sinister, asskicking villains. Adam was ok, but I never got the sense he'd really taken advantage of 400 years of experience to build his evilness. Maybe we'll finally see a big bad guy behind the company, or Bob will become even more creepy evil. Being that the third volume is called Villains, I'm going to assume we'll get some right badass evil going on.

But damnit, we need to keep some of the flying men characters. They don't use that power nearly enough.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Kirth on December 04, 2007, 09:46:15 AM
I liked the episode. I was very surprised by the Nathan shooting, and yes, it has to be Noah that did it. Who else would they send?

A Peter from the future where the heroes reviled screws things up..again. Is their any plot this show does that doesn't involve time traveling to the future seeing some horrible fate to mankind and then armed with this knowledge trying to change the past?

Also Adams reaction when he sees Hiro was disappointing, what happened to "Everything you love will be distroyed by me" (or something to that effect).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: SnakeCharmer on December 04, 2007, 12:38:40 PM
The guy playing Adam has much better acting chops than the yahoo playing Sylar.  Nevermind the fact that Sylar's now wearing one of those goddamned pseudomohawkAlltelChad haircuts...Anyway, his turn as a bad guy was believable.  Maybe it was the accent, but I'm looking forward to seeing post-buried alive pissed off Adam in the Villains series.

This season, which the exception of a couple scenes, has sucked.  Hard.  So much potential wasted.

Edit:  Is it just me, or are they trying to push HRG back towards his seemingly unknown motive approach, where you didn't really know if he was a good guy or bad guy?  Kinda hard to go back to that, isn't it?

Second edit:  Add Sylar to the spell checker.  kthxbai.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on December 04, 2007, 01:11:29 PM
Also Adams reaction when he sees Hiro was disappointing, what happened to "Everything you love will be distroyed by me" (or something to that effect).

400 years happened.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: K9 on December 04, 2007, 05:19:24 PM
I liked this episode; I think it leaves stuff nicely on the boil for volume 3. I agree with all those who think Noah shot Nathan, and I was irked to see Nathan go, as he seemed to be steadily gaining strength over much of the season; seeing him come full circle back from the drunk hobo to the clear-minded and purposeful politician, only now with a true purpose seemed like too good a story to just throw away. That said, I hope he stays dead, the "magic blood" device should never have entered the show, and should be used as sparingly as possible, if at all.

Peter was really hit and miss, his confrontation with Hiro, tossing gurads around and destroying the virus (the symbol in the dust was a tad lame I thought though) was pretty cool. But his baffled inactivity when Nathan lay dying, and his insistence to rip the vault open by telekinsis didn't ring true. Evidently there was a seed of doubt in his mind regarding adam, and if so, why did he go to all the trouble to pull the door off its hinges when he could have just phased through and torched the virus, removing any Adam-risk from the process. I still love Peter, as one of the few morally good people in the show, but he needs to get a little more decisive and a little more assertive; like future peter.

I liked the Hiro-Adam showdown, and I am pretty sure we'll see Adam again. He's an awesome villain, and I think his whole "the slate shall be wiped clean/I shall be their hero" plot seemed to have much undeveloped potential. I must admit I half expected Hiro to warp Adam back millions years into the past or something. Seeing him surrounded by dinosaurs and screaming in impotent rage would have been fun; but I think I'm happy that he could be returning to the show.

Nikki - meh. She was growing on me, but I'm not going to miss her. DL was always cooler in my view.

I'm glad Sylar is back and bad. I have half a mind that part of the reason they ressurected Maya is so that he can fulfil his "After I get my powers back, I'll relieve you of yours" statement. So hopefully she'll be victim number one in volume 3. I honestly can't see where else they'll take her character; in retrospect she seems so woefully superfluous, and I'm intrigued as to what the long-goal was for her, before the mid-season shift of pace and direction. Having sylar back is great though; I think he's a fascinating villain, and a well crafted counterpoint to the other "heroes".

I'm glad to see Matt swinging back towards the path of good, and Mama Petrelli getting all shady again. I'm looking forward to the next season.

edit: Is there anyone in this show who isn't morally grey, other than Adam and Sylar (Bad) and Hiro and Peter (Good)?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Venkman on December 04, 2007, 05:33:28 PM
Finally watched it. Really not impressed.

The whole season seemed to start with Maya being some sort of virus that was going to take everyone out, and Sylar using her to achieve biologically what he couldn't achieve atomically. But they seemed to realized nobody liked that crap. Maybe it was the whole powerless-Sylar or the reluctant villain or just the crappy plot device used way to office (bloody eyes not as much fun to watch as flying and lightning). Whatever, it just wasn't working, compounded on the other stuff they said wasn't working.

So instead they hash out this other virus thing that is no longer in a moral grey area, something easier to grasp: Company bad, Noah/Parkman/Peter good. Call it "Shanti" to tie it to Mohinder, to justify his otherwise rather useless role on the show, eck out a few more episodes, edit what you can before the writers walked, and cap the season.

Peter fighting was cool. I loved the dueling with Parkman, though the Hiro one was cool as well. He really is pretty dumb though. He's known Adam a few months but believed in Hiro enough to stop NYC blowing up. All he needed to do was thought-stop Hiro, interrogate him and read his mind. It's not like he ever though Hiro was with the Company or anything.

Sylar getting his powers back is interesting. In the context of the rest of the characters, he's fine as a villain. Not a great one in general.

That magic blood has to go though. Adam's inaccessible (feh, I'd have buried him in the Sun)* though so there's just Claire.

* someone mentioned leaving him a million years ago. Since he didn't need to eat, all he really needed to do was stay outta the way while evolution continued. I wonder if he could have lived 65 million years? Heck, I wonder if Hiro can actually travel back that far? Seems he's restricted only to places he's been to or read about maybe?

Edit: Oh, and as to who shot Nathan? I don't think it's Noah, mostly because Nathan is Claire's real dad. That'd just be way too far a stretch to believe after all he's done for her, he'd risk that sorta thing ever being found out.

If you look at the way the guy was leaving the area though, specifically how he was walking, he actually walks very much like Peter. Would be odd, but it's been established that time travelers like Hiro can be in the same place as their older or younger self.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Abagadro on December 04, 2007, 07:34:52 PM
If Hiro took Adam back 65 million years he could have killed off humanity by just running around smooshing butterflies.


Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on December 04, 2007, 07:53:00 PM
The whole season seemed to start with Maya being some sort of virus that was going to take everyone out, and Sylar using her to achieve biologically what he couldn't achieve atomically.

Didn't really seem that way to me at all.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Jain Zar on December 05, 2007, 01:29:29 AM
Im more pissed Sylar isn't dead than anything else.

I really hate the character.  Not appealing and entirely too powerful.  He is your average anime megavillain cept smarmier.  2 sucky tastes that multiply!

Elle going from crazy nymphette to someone with an actual personality was cool.  Hope she becomes a regular.  Wouldnt mind seeing Maya go the fuck away, hopefully taking Sylar down in the process. 

Don't really care about Nikki or her generally unrelated to the main plot nonsense anyhow.  Every time she interacted with the main story it was pretty lame and forced.  Her family's tale is over.  Go bye bye if its gonna be this lame and uninteresting.  It was near Maya level of suck. 

Hiro was channeling David Tenant Dr Who there though.  Putting the guy in a sealed coffin?  OUCH.  Its almost worse than killing him.  But that's cool because Adam was a kickass villain.   Style and megalomania!

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: MrHat on December 05, 2007, 04:10:43 AM
I think the most likely outcome of blowing up Nikki and titling the next season "Villans" is that Mikkah becomes a villan.  Which would be great to watch.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 05, 2007, 05:43:34 AM
I think the most likely outcome of blowing up Nikki and titling the next season "Villans" is that Mikkah becomes a villan.  Which would be great to watch.

I hadn't thought of that but man it would make for a nice twist, heck even the fact that his cousin is all about the physical and him all about the technological, would make for a great arch-nemesis there.

One thing I don't get is hate on Sylar.  Personally I think he's a great villain.  He's not a Doctor Doom/Magneto style villain though.  One thing I think is the main problem is that for a while he was the only villain and while definately popular, people see him as the 'main' villain.  Honestly Sylar has always been more a force than a villain, he's a power-hungry psychopath that has no agenda beyond his own hands.  For what he is, I like him. The actor plays that crazy/cunning bent really well such that I do feel like he's just some sort of animal looking to eat.

What I think confuses so many people about this show is that we immediately want to shoehorn people into roles.  A lot of people want tights and super heroes battling super villains.  I don't have anything wrong with that persay and the show might one day go there but one thing I realized from the beginning is that sylar and characters like him may not ever be 'super' in the grand sense of comics.  Adam was a supervillain, maybe not the best but his personality and tact is what made him one and it's no suprise a lot of people loved him for it. 

Not sure where I'm going with this, just nit-picking. Really what we should be arguing is why peter is so goddamned retarded he didn't just phase through the door.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 05, 2007, 07:39:04 AM
Really what we should be arguing is why peter is so goddamned retarded he didn't just phase through the door.

Or stop time when the virus vial was falling, or stop time and conk Matt instead of fighting him with telepathy, or teleport both he and Adam into the vault instead of ripping it open...

Peter's powers are so varied and powerful, there's about a hundred ways he can do anything. I'm not sure he could phase, even though he's been around D.L., since I don't know that he has an emotional trigger for D.L.'s powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on December 05, 2007, 08:17:18 AM
He phased himself and Adam out of their cells to escape the company, iirc.  This is exactly why I don't like Peter.  His personality is fine; some people are just dumbasses.  He's just far too powerful for any writer to have to deal with.  At this point he's like Dr. Manhattan's retarded cousin.  I still don't understand why he's not having any trouble with those nuclear powers anymore. 

The writers also screwed up because if Peter was able to copy Sylar's telekinesis, he should have also picked up Sylar's cold power, super hearing, perfect memory, metal melting and whatever else I'm forgetting as well as the original 'I see how things work' power.  That's to go along with Peter's flight, super strength, phasing, teleporting, time traveling/freezing, mind reading/control, regeneration, precognition, electricity throwing, radiation/EMP/blow up New York power and invisibility.  Yeah, writing for a character like that should be easy.  Popular or not, they really need to either kill Peter off or depower him somehow.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: K9 on December 05, 2007, 08:17:33 AM
Peter's powers are so varied and powerful, there's about a hundred ways he can do anything. I'm not sure he could phase, even though he's been around D.L., since I don't know that he has an emotional trigger for D.L.'s powers.

He managed to phase himself and adam out of the company jail cell.

Also, regarding Hiro going millions of years into the past; didn't Isaac paint a picture of Hiro waving his sword at a T-Rex?

edit: here it is (http://heroeswiki.com/Image:Painting_hiro_dinosaur.jpg)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Nevermore on December 05, 2007, 08:20:16 AM
The T-Rex in the painting was in the museum where Hiro got the sword the first time.  Also, how did Hiro put Adam into that coffin?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: K9 on December 05, 2007, 08:22:28 AM
Ah, right. I don't see why Hiro couldn't potentially travel that far back in time though.

I did wonder how Hiro forced Adam into the coffin; in a straight up fight it would seem that Adam would easily overpower Hiro. Maybe Hiro got some of his dad's Yakuza buddies or something to assist him.

btw, we need more Ando, I think he's a great and underused character :)

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 05, 2007, 08:24:46 AM
Ah, right. I don't see why Hiro couldn't potentially travel that far back in time though.

I did wonder how Hiro forced Adam into the coffin; in a straight up fight it would seem that Adam would easily overpower Hiro. Maybe Hiro got some of his dad's Yakuza buddies or something to assist him.

btw, we need more Ando, I think he's a great and underused character :)

Well either both of them were snug and comfy in a coffin before hiro ported back out or Hiro stopped time, went and dug a grave and buried him.  In theory he could spend years in frozen time if he wanted.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on December 05, 2007, 10:16:47 AM
I figured he'd just ported Adam into a pre-existing (possibly already occupied? ew) coffin.


At this point he's like Dr. Manhattan's retarded cousin.

I lol'ed.  So true.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on December 05, 2007, 01:00:39 PM
The writers also screwed up because if Peter was able to copy Sylar's telekinesis, he should have also picked up Sylar's cold power, super hearing, perfect memory, metal melting and whatever else I'm forgetting as well as the original 'I see how things work' power.  That's to go along with Peter's flight, super strength, phasing, teleporting, time traveling/freezing, mind reading/control, regeneration, precognition, electricity throwing, radiation/EMP/blow up New York power and invisibility.  Yeah, writing for a character like that should be easy.  Popular or not, they really need to either kill Peter off or depower him somehow.

The only saving grace to keeping Peter from being all powerful is that it appears to me he can only use one power at a time. Or at least, I can't remember seeing him use more than one.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Chenghiz on December 05, 2007, 02:27:53 PM
I noticed the dagger that St. Joan was wielding on that comic cover was in the vault where they found the virus.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Tale on December 05, 2007, 02:35:44 PM
This was a "reset". We're back to Season 1 flavour - Good Team vs Sylar, and the Company messing with them all.

And now, as in many other superhero sequels, the threat of Sylar returns as the even more threatening Team Sylar. And each side will have equivalent pivotal characters and some non-pivotal uniques.

Good ability collector Peter - Evil ability collector Sylar
Good regenerator Clare - Evil regenerator Adam (dug up)
Good (rezzed) flying Nathan - Evil flying West (may die so Sylar can fly like Peter)

Cousin Saint Joan becomes Micah's new "mom", but I'm not sure what path they take or if they'll split between the teams. Parkman I'm not sure about either, but Peter now has his ability and Parkman has the two dots while Peter has the symbol.

Maya is good, but with an evil ability - not sure where that goes, but I'm sure Sylar still wants it. It's not much use to a good Peter, but if he picks it up he'll have an angsty time learning to control it.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: K9 on December 05, 2007, 02:49:09 PM
Maya is good, but with an evil ability - not sure where that goes, but I'm sure Sylar still wants it. It's not much use to a good Peter, but if he picks it up he'll have an angsty time learning to control it.

Potentially she may be the only one who can kill Sylar, although I dearly hope they don't make her the lynchpin of Volume 3. I don't think anyone has a clue what here ability does other than "it kills people", and so where sylar can dodge bullets and generally make himself pretty hard to touch, he probably couldn't avoid her ability. Matt Parkman seems like another person against whom Sylar doesn't have much of a defense. In fact, compared to the end of volume one where Sylar seemed near impregnable, he seems more vulnerable now, mostly due to other characters stepping up their powers.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on December 05, 2007, 07:39:51 PM
Don't forget that Molly's been cured.  Between Molly and Hiro, I don't think anything poses a credible threat.  Molly figures out where bad guy is.  Hiro stops time.  Hiro teleports to bad guy.  Hiro removes bad guy's head.  Hiro restarts time.

If bad guy's head is unremovable, Hiro brings Matt and Matt locks bad guy in an eternal nightmare as a kinder and gentler alternative to killing him.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Morfiend on December 06, 2007, 12:03:14 AM
Holy shit was that a horrible episode. Wow, probably one of the worst ones yet. So many little plot holes. They totally couldn't keep it in the bubble.

Haemish, you are a great game write, but your taste in TV is bad. The part where they where walking down the hall killing shit? That was pathetic. Oh look I'm badass. Ugh, that was like power rangers type horrible. Not to mention, that when he knocked out Hiro the first time, no one in the fucking paper warehouse reacted. You can see multiple people just walking around while Hiro is lying on the floor. Adam cuts up some guy and there isn't a spec of blood, the sword swinging looked so horrible, it didn't seem to even connect with the person he swung at.
And wtf, why didnt Peter walk through the door and destroy the virus himself? The writing for this show has really gone down.

Peter is a moron. The new Clair is annoying. Nikki was finally starting to show some life. Maya was boring. Seresh is so inconsistent. Honestly this season I was rooting for Sylar to kill off the majority of them. At least he actually does shit.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on December 06, 2007, 01:00:43 AM
My commentary: Peter has bad taste in women.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Reg on December 06, 2007, 02:14:46 AM
So is that it for Heroes for the season or are they coming back in January (writer strike permitting)?

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Trippy on December 06, 2007, 02:30:53 AM
It'll be back though the new shows might not start till later cause they'll run the new shows without repeats in between just like this did for this "episode".

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on December 06, 2007, 11:32:53 AM
I figured Adam was using the flat of his sword to knock out the guys in the hallway instead of slicing them, since Peter wasn't really down with the whole killing thing.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Riggswolfe on December 06, 2007, 11:39:30 AM
I figured Adam was using the flat of his sword to knock out the guys in the hallway instead of slicing them, since Peter wasn't really down with the whole killing thing.

Two problems

1) He was making slicing type motions.
2) He was hitting people in the belly. If you're gonna knock them out with the flat of the sword you hit them in the noggin.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Samwise on December 06, 2007, 11:50:26 AM
I figured Adam was using the flat of his sword to knock out the guys in the hallway instead of slicing them, since Peter wasn't really down with the whole killing thing.

We've already established that Peter possesses no sort of sensory apparatus known to man when it's inconvenient to the plot for him to notice the obvious.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: kaid on December 06, 2007, 12:42:23 PM
Peter strikes me as an idiot savant hero. He can be uber powerful but only under specific triggers and he normally just blunders around like rain man.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: CmdrSlack on December 06, 2007, 01:26:36 PM
EDIT - Helps to read the next page before commenting on the previous.

EDIT2 Content! --

I liked the episode, and I'm wondering if the "keep exposing powers to the public" thread will continue or if Nathan being shot ends it permanently. Of course, if they keep using the phoenix down blood plot device, I guess killing people is trivial -- unless you assplode them in a burning building. Maybe we'll see a time limit imposed so that if someone is dead long enough, the blood won't work. My guess is that isn't the case, but one can hope.

As to Peter, I'm hoping that he'll finally get smarter and increase his level of badass use of powers. I can buy into his being scammed by Adam, but from here on out, I'd rather not see the clueless Peter stuff. If he hasn't had enough shit happen to galvanize him a bit, then just kill him off.

The worst part about this last episode?  It has me way too excited for next season, which is months away.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: grendl on December 06, 2007, 01:35:40 PM
I figured Adam was using the flat of his sword to knock out the guys in the hallway instead of slicing them, since Peter wasn't really down with the whole killing thing.

I thought he was just smacking ppl around with the katana, while it was sheathed. 

Heroes is the network version of a drug dealer.... but not one who deals in really good smack, just sort of middling smack that you do because its the best KIND of that smack.  The show flogs you with a sock full of shit for 40 minutes, before giving you 10 minutes of goodness to make you come back for more sock-shit beating the next week.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: stray on December 06, 2007, 01:38:01 PM
Not for me. I'm about ready to bail.

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: Velorath on July 18, 2008, 03:18:15 AM
There's a trailer up for season 3 now (http://www.nbc.com/Heroes/video/video_display.shtml#mea=275656).

Title: Re: Heroes (SPOILERS)
Post by: HaemishM on July 18, 2008, 07:36:57 AM
Fuck yeah. Bring on the bad guys.

Also, Adrian Pasdar's not dead. Yippee!