
f13.net General Forums => Star Wars: The Old Republic => Topic started by: Sobelius on December 13, 2011, 03:21:12 PM

Title: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 13, 2011, 03:21:12 PM
So far what's gone right:

1. Servers running smooth as silk. (Except for Baron Deathmark, currently down).
2. Game client feels polished. Target of target option is in settings now.
3. Server status page correctly lists the servers on which you have characters and puts them at the top of the status list.
4. Early access "wave" emails seem to have gone out based on pre-order code entry date, for the most part, as advertised.

1. Possible pvp/warzone XP-gain bug or exploit.

chime in...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 13, 2011, 03:35:40 PM
This isn't 'really' launch though or at least it's limited access. I'm not saying it 'won't' go smoothly but I'd like to see how things fare when the floodgates open.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 13, 2011, 03:48:32 PM
I'd say this whole pre-order-early-access-invite-in-waves-because-we're-not-stress-testing-the-servers thing qualifies as part of the launch since it's clearly part of a launch strategy.

The hardest thing, clearly, has been managing community expectations but StephenReid is at least communicating BW's responses to the crush of inquiries/complaints/questions.

However, I don't think they communicated clearly enough at all in the week leading up to today. They did have a plan, but seemed terrified of being specific about anything until the absolutely last possible moment. ("They have a plan." Echoes of the Cylons in the Battlestar Galactica reboot.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Yegolev on December 13, 2011, 03:50:53 PM

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 13, 2011, 04:52:35 PM
The only thing wrong with the launch as far as I'm concerned is that I was not allowed to start today.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Jherad on December 13, 2011, 04:53:11 PM
It's starting to look like I might actually get in earlier than I had expected (I was originally thinking on day 3 of the 5 original days, and I might be in tomorrow now) - but I can't help but feel that generating all this drama at launch has been a bit pants-on-head silly.

Sure, kids at home are being asshats. What did they expect though? Poke an aggressive dog and it'll bite you. Sure, bad dog, but who's the retard?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 13, 2011, 04:55:49 PM
All this drama?

Personally I am coming away feeling pretty good since I'm going to get in earlier than expected and everything is going smoothly by all reports.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Teleku on December 13, 2011, 04:56:16 PM
Think this is a pretty damn good idea for a launch.  String many of the people out over the course of a week as you can, then have official launch day within the week where everybody is usually off somewhere else unable to play anyways.  Doing the standard "All 10 million players log in now!" MMO launch would have been a very bad idea for this one.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Jherad on December 13, 2011, 04:57:59 PM
All this drama?

Personally I am coming away feeling pretty good since I'm going to get in earlier than expected and everything is going smoothly by all reports.

Just don't read the forums. Or people sending reeeally angry tweets to @SWTOR  :awesome_for_real:

Edit: I can't fault the mechanics, I just think the psychology was ... predictable. Tell people they'll get in one day in the next 7, and most will secretly believe they will be getting in on day 1, then be disappointed when they aren't. Sure, stupid, but it could have been handled better - tell people in advance when their day is, then if you want to let people in earlier, give them a nice surprise.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 13, 2011, 05:22:37 PM
What's gone wrong, at least for me, is that i continuously pick what i think is the darkside path and end up getting lightside points.  How the hell is poisoning the stupid hungry monster giving me lightside points? as far as i could tell the other option was trying to help him.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 13, 2011, 05:24:47 PM
Exactly, Jherad.  The best customer service happens from setting expectations up front.  Bioware failed at doing that well, so now you have angry customers.  They knew where the batches were going to fall, so they should have sent the emails last week with the assigned days.  To do otherwise is just mismanagement.

No panties in a twist, just a critique.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 13, 2011, 05:33:33 PM
What's gone wrong, at least for me, is that i continuously pick what i think is the darkside path and end up getting lightside points.  How the hell is poisoning the stupid hungry monster giving me lightside points? as far as i could tell the other option was trying to help him.

Riiiiight, how is helping the hungry monster not darker than mercy killing it? Did you pay attention to what the guy said would happen if you helped him?

Also if you REALLY can't tell, mouse over the options, it will have a light side/dark side symbol to tell you straight up what that choice is going to do. A lot of the Empire choices come down to "kill them quick" versus "let them linger" or "fuck one person" versus "fuck a LOT of people" for their dark side/light side shit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 13, 2011, 05:43:39 PM
What's gone wrong, at least for me, is that i continuously pick what i think is the darkside path and end up getting lightside points.  How the hell is poisoning the stupid hungry monster giving me lightside points? as far as i could tell the other option was trying to help him.

Riiiiight, how is helping the hungry monster not darker than mercy killing it? Did you pay attention to what the guy said would happen if you helped him?

Also if you REALLY can't tell, mouse over the options, it will have a light side/dark side symbol to tell you straight up what that choice is going to do. A lot of the Empire choices come down to "kill them quick" versus "let them linger" or "fuck one person" versus "fuck a LOT of people" for their dark side/light side shit.

Agreed.  If you want to be even lazier, there's an option you can turn on that will flag the LS/DS options without even mousing over.  But still, yeah, had you actually been reading the story, these things would make sense.  This isn't Azeroth anymore.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 13, 2011, 05:44:45 PM

Also if you REALLY can't tell, mouse over the options, it will have a light side/dark side symbol to tell you straight up what that choice is going to do. A lot of the Empire choices come down to "kill them quick" versus "let them linger" or "fuck one person" versus "fuck a LOT of people" for their dark side/light side shit.

That is quite helpful, thank you.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 13, 2011, 05:46:57 PM
You're welcome! You're playing the side that has a lot more grey in the quests (well, sometimes), so it's actually sort of understandable. I had several quests where I was like "oh god, THAT'S my light side choice?  :ye_gods:" Good times!

EDIT: Er, on topic, I do think it would've been better to give people set dates and then happily surprising people by letting them in earlier if it worked out that way. But that probably would've caused different nerd rage somehow, because if there's something nerds are good at, it's raging about stupid shit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 13, 2011, 05:59:44 PM
EDIT: Er, on topic, I do think it would've been better to give people set dates and then happily surprising people by letting them in earlier if it worked out that way. But that probably would've caused different nerd rage somehow, because if there's something nerds are good at, it's raging about stupid shit.
They'd totally bitch they scheduled their holidays wrong based on the misinformation, and aren't able to play during these extra days :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 13, 2011, 06:05:47 PM
Yep! Or if they wound up letting some people in early, but then needed to go back to people "only" getting in on their scheduled day for some reason, the shrieking would be glorious.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on December 13, 2011, 06:16:18 PM
There should also be an option in the settings that will put the light/dark symbols right next to the dialogue choices. There's also another option to turn every dark/light warning off, if you want MAXIMUM RRRRPEEEE.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ghost on December 13, 2011, 06:18:19 PM
The only thing wrong with the launch as far as I'm concerned is that I was not allowed to start today.  :why_so_serious:

Seriously.  I pre-order to get early access yet I don't get early access?   :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 13, 2011, 06:20:23 PM
There should also be an option in the settings that will put the light/dark symbols right next to the dialogue choices. There's also another option to turn every dark/light warning off, if you want MAXIMUM RRRRPEEEE.

Man the turning it off completely is sort of tempting, but I'm pretty good at not letting THE POINTS dictate what I do. Most of the time. It's mostly a tie breaker if both options are stupid/horrible/depressing/sensible.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 13, 2011, 06:35:14 PM
The only thing wrong with the launch as far as I'm concerned is that I was not allowed to start today.  :why_so_serious:

Seriously.  I pre-order to get early access yet I don't get early access?   :oh_i_see:

Yes.  You and you alone won't be let in until next Tuesday.  :roll:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 13, 2011, 06:36:34 PM
There should also be an option in the settings that will put the light/dark symbols right next to the dialogue choices.

There is.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 13, 2011, 07:03:39 PM
Doing the standard "All 10 million players log in now!" MMO launch would have been a very bad idea for this one.


Even a "weekend" head start (letting everyone who pre-ordered in on, say, Friday the 16th through Monday the 19th) would have been asking for a weekend of misery all around.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kageru on December 13, 2011, 07:34:14 PM

But that's also part of the fun.. Being able to say "I was there on day 1, it was crazy!" is a symbol of pride. Being able to crash a server being a bonus.

Man the turning it off completely is sort of tempting, but I'm pretty good at not letting THE POINTS dictate what I do.

And then conversely they should let you lock it on "Maximum whiteness" and you can watch all the dialog like the move it's trying to be.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 13, 2011, 07:37:13 PM
My lauch was worringly buggy actually, worse than beta.  My sound didn't work (except in cutscenes), my smuggler was stuck in a crouching position so he was sliding all over like that (I saw others having the same problem), there was loot lag and a couple other things I don't remember.  It's all sorted out now though.

Not sure why everyone is angry today, they should have been angry when they announced this hare brained scheme.  I saw some complaining then but nowhere near what's going on now.  Can't imagine what it's going to look like when the head start is over and the lack of grace period kicks in.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 13, 2011, 07:38:48 PM

But that's also part of the fun.. Being able to say "I was there on day 1, it was crazy!" is a symbol of pride. Being able to crash a server being a bonus.

Really? Really?  When have you ever really enjoyed reminiscing about the last time you did this?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Furiously on December 13, 2011, 07:42:40 PM
You don't brag about your red badge of courage. You gather around a campfire with other veterans and compare them.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Shatter on December 13, 2011, 07:58:06 PM
I got in at 7:10 am, played all day without 1 crash or bug and leveled to 19

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 13, 2011, 08:00:01 PM
What, you couldn't push through to a nice, round number like 20? Slacker.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 13, 2011, 08:15:32 PM
About the only thing I can fault them for is they should have said that everyone would get in early by at least X days. But it's hard not to just break out laughing on the 13th when people are raging that they aren't able to play a game that releases on the 20th and who's early release was set to start the 15th.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ghost on December 13, 2011, 08:46:19 PM
The only thing wrong with the launch as far as I'm concerned is that I was not allowed to start today.  :why_so_serious:

Seriously.  I pre-order to get early access yet I don't get early access?   :oh_i_see:

Yes.  You and you alone won't be let in until next Tuesday.  :roll:

The way my week has been going that wouldn't surprise me.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Xuri on December 13, 2011, 09:08:35 PM
If they had announced the days you'd get in days (or weeks) ahead of time they would have lost pre-order sales. Lots of them.

On another note, could anyone tell me if there's an option to disable the auto-rotating camera yet? There wasn't any such option in the two weekend betas I were in, and I really dislike not having full control of the camera at all times.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kageru on December 13, 2011, 10:25:20 PM
Really? Really?  When have you ever really enjoyed reminiscing about the last time you did this?

You can probably find threads on this forum where WoW launch veterans have told stories about the crazy crowds, energy and ability to surf around the landscape in "flower picking pose" for half an hour. I mean there's a reason people pre-order rather than wait to buy it once things have stablized.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 13, 2011, 10:32:38 PM
The reason doesn't include any of those things you listed, though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 14, 2011, 12:05:50 AM
I think it's a great way to roll out the launch, it went quite well today. It's hard to overstate how hilarious the reactions of some folks have been, but that's humanity for you.

Remember, most of those people drive and have the right to vote!  :cthulu:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 14, 2011, 12:12:16 AM
They also can have babies!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 14, 2011, 01:41:10 AM
We'll know the final outcome on the 20th, but so far so good. For a development team (based on my experience in observing previous launches and reading the comments made by developers), "smooth launch" means:

- Client firing up correctly, no immediate crash to desktop and similar problems ;
- Log in process successful and immediate;
- reasonable queues/waiting time;
- Almost no lag in starting areas/no excessive competition for mobs (overcrowding) ;
- First steps into the gameworld that leave a good impression (but this is more about the gameplay)

Is TOR achieving all of the above? Again, we'll know for sure only after the "real" floodgates open, but so far yes, it's a success all across the board.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 14, 2011, 02:23:21 AM
I played 4 hours yesterday and really only experience a couple of "issues"

- In a couple of the caves on Korriban, the fogging effects dragged my FPS down to pretty unacceptable levels.  In general, while I think the game looks pretty decent, I think there is room for some performance improvements.  These textures don't seem super detailed to me.

- On one mission where I had to provide a beatdown on four acolytes, and then speak to one of them afterwards...the one I had to speak to was in a crouched down position, and one of the larger sidekicks (much larger than her) was crouched down in the exact same geometry...so she was kinda hidden and I couldn't target her to complete the coversation.  Took me a few minutes of manipulating the camera before I could finally target her.  Really wierd.  Probably just a freak thing.
- There seems to be some lag when dragging and dropping to equip items and move things to the toolbars.  Annoying, but not game breaking by any stretch.
- The free color crystal offends me with its existence.

Otherwise, pretty damn decent.  Not of the other usual problems.  Sith Warrior story is awesome, and

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Evildrider on December 14, 2011, 02:54:03 AM
I had a pretty flawless run today.  I got in first wave and luckily my server wasn't plowed full of people.  I made it to 21 and was the first person to Balmorra and Nar Shadda.  It was nice having whole planets to myself.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 14, 2011, 03:16:21 AM
What's gone wrong, at least for me, is that i continuously pick what i think is the darkside path and end up getting lightside points.  How the hell is poisoning the stupid hungry monster giving me lightside points? as far as i could tell the other option was trying to help him.

Riiiiight, how is helping the hungry monster not darker than mercy killing it? Did you pay attention to what the guy said would happen if you helped him?

Also if you REALLY can't tell, mouse over the options, it will have a light side/dark side symbol to tell you straight up what that choice is going to do. A lot of the Empire choices come down to "kill them quick" versus "let them linger" or "fuck one person" versus "fuck a LOT of people" for their dark side/light side shit.

Agreed.  If you want to be even lazier, there's an option you can turn on that will flag the LS/DS options without even mousing over.  But still, yeah, had you actually been reading the story, these things would make sense.  This isn't Azeroth anymore.

Ah, thanks for that tip!  Will definitely turn that on.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mattemeo on December 14, 2011, 04:55:27 AM
My one persistent issue with the beta on the stress weekend was the game's inability to shut itself down properly, I had to force-quit via end task in Task Manager every time but once. I don't know how many other people had the same issue so it's entirely possible it was just me/my hardware configuration.

Any problems with quitting in pre-launch so far?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 14, 2011, 05:00:34 AM
My one persistent issue with the beta on the stress weekend was the game's inability to shut itself down properly, I had to force-quit via end task in Task Manager every time but once. I don't know how many other people had the same issue so it's entirely possible it was just me/my hardware configuration.

Any problems with quitting in pre-launch so far?

No, but my issues quitting stopped about halfway through that weekend. I had the same issue where quitting from in the world locked up, but logging out/quitting from the character window worked fine.

edit: the only hilarious bug I've had to far is related to crafting and the space game. Halfway through a space mission my companion finished his assignment and.. spawned behind my ship and proceeded to glitch out for the rest of the mission.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Reg on December 14, 2011, 05:18:53 AM
- On one mission where I had to provide a beatdown on four acolytes, and then speak to one of them afterwards...the one I had to speak to was in a crouched down position, and one of the larger sidekicks (much larger than her) was crouched down in the exact same geometry...so she was kinda hidden and I couldn't target her to complete the coversation.  Took me a few minutes of manipulating the camera before I could finally target her.  Really wierd.  Probably just a freak thing.

I had the exact same thing happen to me this morning. And during the beta stress test weekend. Sith Warrior right?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 14, 2011, 05:28:37 AM
I wonder if the glitch in one of the NPCs for the Jedi Knight cutscenes is still there, then.   One of the council members would walk in and be SUPER TINY.  It was hilarious because there'd be this empty chair with a voice.   I actually preferred to think she's some space-pixie race and was too proud to have a tiny chair made for her to sit on the table.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 14, 2011, 05:34:10 AM
one of the other toons I played also had a tiny character - maybe it was the annoying one that shouts at you on the soldier storyline? Yeah, I think that was it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 14, 2011, 06:48:36 AM
Saying ahead of time when people would get in would have obligated them. Holding back and sending out waves on your own time frame means you can better manage the flow.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on December 14, 2011, 06:49:59 AM
Yeah I had that happen with both him and Satele in the last two beta weekends. I'm guessing the character model is getting accidentally flagged with the 'handheld holocommunicator size' flag.

Fake edit: found a screenshot of Satele

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on December 14, 2011, 06:56:26 AM
Spent all day playing yesterday and had zero problems - smooth as silk. I was expecting it really because beta looked better than most MMOPRG launch-day clients a few builds before the stress tests.

I'd classify the "early access launch" phase a huge success and I have no reason to think this will not continue to the "real launch" on 20th December.

On a less happy note, the official SWTOR forums broke my heart...  :heartbreak:

I was aghast, agog and amaze at the vitriol....  :ye_gods:  

Are they blind? I guess I'm just getting older and have no time for that crap any more - even last year I laughed at things like that, but today it made me sad...

Fortunately, BW/LA appear to have real winner on their hands here (and such has been a long time coming our way) so I don't expect to spend much time on the forums outside the Dev Tracker and the crafting forums.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 14, 2011, 06:59:22 AM
On a less happy note, the official SWTOR forums broke my heart...  :heartbreak:

I was aghast, agog and amaze at the vitriol....  :ye_gods:  

The forums are like the dark-side cave on Dagobah. If you venture in, chances are you won't like what you see and your weapons won't do you any good.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 14, 2011, 08:03:39 AM
Good Launch all around.

My evil evil, Shoot First and Cut off Your Head Second Bounty Hunter is starting to get glowy Darkside eyes!    :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Actually matches her auburn hair!   :drillf:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on December 14, 2011, 08:06:32 AM
You have to understand why some people on those forums are mad about not getting early access.  They want the rush of everyone in the same area at once.  The utter chaos and madness is what feeds them.  If they don't have a big audience how can they enjoy being an e-thug in chat or killstealing someone's quest spawn?

On the positive side we get to enjoy their QQ on the forums.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 14, 2011, 08:52:02 AM
You have to understand why some people on those forums are mad about not getting early access.  They want the rush of everyone in the same area at once.  The utter chaos and madness is what feeds them.  If they don't have a big audience how can they enjoy being an e-thug in chat or killstealing someone's quest spawn?

On the positive side we get to enjoy their QQ on the forums.

It doesn't really exist, since they instance the zones at N population.

I don't think these are the ethugs, these are the people who just really really want to enjoy the game, and are flipping the fuck out at the uncertainty of this system. Which I kind of agree is silly (just tell people order date/probable join date, christ.), but it's not rage-worthy.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 14, 2011, 09:02:40 AM
Which I kind of agree is silly (just tell people order date/probable join date, christ.), but it's not rage-worthy.
Forum people don't understand "probable". If you show them any sort of a number in your post, as far as they're concerned you've committed to it, cross your heart and RAGE upon your ass if you're as little as a second late.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 14, 2011, 09:29:31 AM
My boss reminded me today of something (related to work, but seems to apply to forum behavior, too). Sometimes people just like to have a lot of control over their lives, and anything that makes them feel out of control -- like not knowing exactly when they will get in -- gets them upset. Add in the usual MMO hype machine, mix with the game-addicted/beta-withdrawal state of some of these players' brains, and spice with the desire to escape from rampant holiday "cheer", and you have a recipe for MMO forum meltdowns.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cadaverine on December 14, 2011, 09:40:59 AM
I think it's as simple as "Some people will find anything to bitch about".  The same group raging about not being in on day one would be on the forums raging just as hard about queues, or lag, or lack of mobs, or whatever, had BW just opened the floodgates, and let everyone in at once.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 14, 2011, 09:47:17 AM
And like anyone with ADD... just wait a few seconds and they'll be off on another topic.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 14, 2011, 09:49:52 AM
If they'd given everyone access on day -7, those who pre-ordered on the first day of pre-orders would have bitched that their efforts weren't rewarded by earlier access than everyone else.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 14, 2011, 09:59:25 AM
hide your kids, hide your wife | Today , 07:09 PM
cause bioware is ****** everybody out there


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Triforcer on December 14, 2011, 11:45:31 AM
My computer is utterly stumping me.  I didn't have time in November to play beta, but I cannot download the client.  Every time I click on the launcher, it just hangs for eternity (nothing pops up) until I go into my taskbar and shut it down.

I've tried playing in network-enabled safe mode, deleting patch directory, deleting all appdata temporary files relating to SWTOR, running as administrator, opening all dev-recommended ports on my wireless router, shutting down windows firewall and antivirus software- nothing.  Can never get anything to pop up when I click on the launcher.  Having a Japanese OS that I mostly can't read doesn't help.

Not worried yet since I haven't gotten in (didn't preorder until very early December) but this is worrying me....

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Furiously on December 14, 2011, 12:07:44 PM
How long are you giving the launcher? Have you rebooted? It can take like a minute to come up for some strange reason.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Modern Angel on December 14, 2011, 12:10:58 PM
I had that issue come up last night when I was doing my initial install. The launcher just hung at the initial updating screen and would not stop. I ran the actual root program (not the desktop shortcut) as administrator and it immediately fixed up.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lt.Dan on December 14, 2011, 01:51:35 PM
So, no Australian release date yet  :uhrr: but Austria is all go.  Anyone heard a confirmed release for the land downunder?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 14, 2011, 02:23:26 PM
If you take a look at the server status page now, you'll notice they're adding a shitload a lot of new servers (while keeping them offline at the moment) both to the NA and EU area. Just sayin'.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 14, 2011, 02:30:48 PM
Makes sense, they said that the early start servers weren't going to be all of servers they would launch with.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: pants on December 14, 2011, 02:33:59 PM
So, no Australian release date yet  :uhrr: but Austria is all go.  Anyone heard a confirmed release for the land downunder?

Nope.  Teh rumor mill is saying Feb, but internet rumors and whatnot.

A lot of us have just gone to Amazon.  With postage its $75, which isn't too bad.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Triforcer on December 14, 2011, 03:43:39 PM
I had that issue come up last night when I was doing my initial install. The launcher just hung at the initial updating screen and would not stop. I ran the actual root program (not the desktop shortcut) as administrator and it immediately fixed up.

What do you mean by "running the root program?"  Clicking on the launcher icon in the actual folder, as opposed to desktop icon?  I think I"ve tried that, but I'll try again. 

And I can't even get an "updating" screen.  If I click on the launcher, nothing (no error, no message, no launcher) ever pops up.  The program will hang on the task bar for hours and not do anything.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 14, 2011, 04:04:57 PM
- Client firing up correctly, no immediate crash to desktop and similar problems ;
- Log in process successful and immediate;
- reasonable queues/waiting time;
- Almost no lag in starting areas/no excessive competition for mobs (overcrowding) ;
- First steps into the gameworld that leave a good impression (but this is more about the gameplay)

Is TOR achieving all of the above?

It did for me today.  This was a triumph.  I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Montague on December 14, 2011, 04:33:14 PM
My computer is utterly stumping me.  I didn't have time in November to play beta, but I cannot download the client.  Every time I click on the launcher, it just hangs for eternity (nothing pops up) until I go into my taskbar and shut it down.

I've tried playing in network-enabled safe mode, deleting patch directory, deleting all appdata temporary files relating to SWTOR, running as administrator, opening all dev-recommended ports on my wireless router, shutting down windows firewall and antivirus software- nothing.  Can never get anything to pop up when I click on the launcher.  Having a Japanese OS that I mostly can't read doesn't help.

Not worried yet since I haven't gotten in (didn't preorder until very early December) but this is worrying me....

Are you still in Japan? I thought I read that China, Japan and Korea are all IP blocked from SWTOR, but not 100% sure.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Modern Angel on December 14, 2011, 04:39:03 PM
What do you mean by "running the root program?" 

Yep, in the actual folder. Right click, run as administrator, it worked. I had been sitting for like 20min too

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 14, 2011, 04:51:22 PM
One minor hiccup I've found: They forgot to disable the debugger  :ye_gods:

If you open your Task Manager, you may see two copies of SWTOR.exe running.  One's the game, the other (the one using less memory) is the debugger. The work-around right now is to set the debugger to a lower process priority (right click it, Set Priority, Low).  If you have a multi-core system, set it to only use 1 CPU core (right click it, Set Affinity, uncheck everything but one CPU core).  I noticed an ok boost when doing this.  A little less studdering and whatnot.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 14, 2011, 04:59:32 PM
One minor hiccup I've found: They forgot to disable the debugger  :ye_gods:

If you open your Task Manager, you may see two copies of SWTOR.exe running.  One's the game, the other (the one using less memory) is the debugger. The work-around right now is to set the debugger to a lower process priority (right click it, Set Priority, Low).  If you have a multi-core system, set it to only use 1 CPU core (right click it, Set Affinity, uncheck everything but one CPU core).  I noticed an ok boost when doing this.  A little less studdering and whatnot.

I'm not really compent with that kind of stuff but...Are you sure? That would be quite an oversight, wouldn't it? Have you tried to write a topic on the forums or something?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Triforcer on December 14, 2011, 05:17:26 PM
My computer is utterly stumping me.  I didn't have time in November to play beta, but I cannot download the client.  Every time I click on the launcher, it just hangs for eternity (nothing pops up) until I go into my taskbar and shut it down.

I've tried playing in network-enabled safe mode, deleting patch directory, deleting all appdata temporary files relating to SWTOR, running as administrator, opening all dev-recommended ports on my wireless router, shutting down windows firewall and antivirus software- nothing.  Can never get anything to pop up when I click on the launcher.  Having a Japanese OS that I mostly can't read doesn't help.

Not worried yet since I haven't gotten in (didn't preorder until very early December) but this is worrying me....

Are you still in Japan? I thought I read that China, Japan and Korea are all IP blocked from SWTOR, but not 100% sure.

Not in Japan (in America), but I wonder if it detects the Japanese OS somehow.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 14, 2011, 05:19:32 PM
Their stated policy is no IP blocking by region last I checked.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 14, 2011, 08:31:55 PM
I hate crafting.

I love crafting in SWTOR because I don't have to actually do it.

This is great.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on December 14, 2011, 09:22:45 PM
Also note you can keep all your crafting shit in your vault and it will use that too.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 14, 2011, 10:04:36 PM
Only complaint I have after a couple of days is that my server (Terentatek, East Coast PvP) is so heavily titled towards Sith that we're getting Huttball 90% of the time as it's the only one that supports same-faction battles.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 14, 2011, 11:00:29 PM
Not worried yet since I haven't gotten in (didn't preorder until very early December) but this is worrying me....
Doublecheck you don't have anything like peerblock etc running by accident.

I thought the login servers were down for hours and was wondering why nobody on the forum complained.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mazakiel on December 14, 2011, 11:37:33 PM
Also note you can keep all your crafting shit in your vault and it will use that too.

Seriously?  Awesome.  I've been carting stuff around. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 14, 2011, 11:56:28 PM
Also note you can keep all your crafting shit in your vault and it will use that too.
That's a really nice feature.

I got lucky with reverse engineering and netted my first purple recipe. Unfortunately, I was just shredding some old belt, so I have a lvl 9 purple heavy belt recipe for the BHs :) Ras got the first one. Got quite a few blues, enough to keep me in pretty good gear. The anti-clown button would be nice, though. Red/blue/white/orange.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 15, 2011, 03:18:17 AM
I got lucky with reverse engineering and netted my first purple recipe. Unfortunately, I was just shredding some old belt, so I have a lvl 9 purple heavy belt recipe for the BHs :) Ras got the first one. Got quite a few blues, enough to keep me in pretty good gear. The anti-clown button would be nice, though. Red/blue/white/orange.  :oh_i_see:

Well, those belts shour be worth quite some cash once everyone is leveling their 2nd/3rd whatever alt.

So, let me see, do I understand crafting right. You can only reverse enginer crafted items, they give a bluebrint one tier above the original, then you craft that one, deconstruct it again and get a purple one ?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 15, 2011, 03:40:20 AM
So, let me see, do I understand crafting right. You can only reverse enginer crafted items, they give a bluebrint one tier above the original, then you craft that one, deconstruct it again and get a purple one ?

Bazinga.  Though it's not a guarantee that you'll get an upgraded schematic everytime.  More like a 1/10 chance.  So be prepared to craft and break a lot of shit if it's your intention to learn every recipe out there.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 15, 2011, 04:08:04 AM
It's a great way to raise your skill while trying to get schematics though.  I tend to focus on the items I would use, then alts/companions, then when I have spare mats everything else.

You have to be careful to balance it though since blue and purple material missions can really eat into your starting cash.  There was this time I couldn't afford training because I spent it all on missions.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 15, 2011, 06:48:31 AM
Yeah, that happened to me in my first beta weekend. Right now my PURPZ will come from happy accidents. I am shooting for blues, I like the variants you can get...so even if you get one blue recipe from an item, there are alternates you can get. I got one that was +Power and another that was +Crit.

And of course if you're really looking to be a master crafter, you must craft it until you crit it so it has a mod slot!  :grin:

Enjoying the system so far, my only gripe is that it's slow with only one companion. 5 blues can take Mako out of circulation for 15-25 minutes!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 15, 2011, 07:45:39 AM
The crafting system is a little weak until you have two dudes to send out (one to play with, one to craft) imo. But I really like it. And I get far too much of a kick out of the fact that YOU, the HERO would never actually loot a crafting node. MINIONS! PICK THAT ROCK UP!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 15, 2011, 08:12:21 AM
I'm focusing on purple stims and medpacs right now.  I LOVE how they are all reusable.  Fantastic!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 15, 2011, 08:32:25 AM
Yep, I had a REAL hard time between armormech (arpee, mandalorians and their armor) and bio stim goodness. Purples are only usable by the creator or someone with biochem, though, right?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 15, 2011, 08:49:57 AM
Reusable stims and medpacks?  It's day three and I've already screwed up my choices!  I didn't know what to do so took all harvesting in the hopes of making money later, harvesting always seems like the moneymaker.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 15, 2011, 09:41:01 AM
I took cybertech but now I'm beginning to think I didn't want to.  I can't remember for the life of me.

I know I wanted slicing, though.  So slicing, cyber and scavenging it is.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Pezzle on December 15, 2011, 10:01:51 AM
My beta impression was Arms and Armor techs were largely useless.  If you get multi slot items as drops and you can unslot mods at will why bother with gear that only has one slot, and that one slot you have to crit for!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Evildrider on December 15, 2011, 10:05:13 AM
My beta impression was Arms and Armor techs were largely useless.  If you get multi slot items as drops and you can unslot mods at will why bother with gear that only has one slot, and that one slot you have to crit for!

You can make the orange gear with armortech and armstech.

I took cybertech but now I'm beginning to think I didn't want to.  I can't remember for the life of me.

I know I wanted slicing, though.  So slicing, cyber and scavenging it is.

I took Cybertech because you get to make droid gear, two of the mods for gear, vehicles, some cybernetic implants.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Pezzle on December 15, 2011, 10:14:55 AM
You can make the orange gear with armortech and armstech.

Ok, but you get orange gear all the time anyway, and they come with mods!  I have 3 orange guns.  What is the incentive for crafters?  If it is appearance only that is fine, but it will hurt the market value.  

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 15, 2011, 10:15:38 AM
Ah I did want cyber then.. I knew I was waffling between bio and cyber. The vehicles & droid gear were what swayed me, even though the mods will likely useless once you have a few crafted and raids are happening.

Thanks for the reminder!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Pezzle on December 15, 2011, 10:40:02 AM
Cybertech gets custom vehicles, so at least you can appeal to collectors.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 15, 2011, 10:54:00 AM
Who gets droids and or what are the parts used for, is that just pets?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Pezzle on December 15, 2011, 10:59:15 AM
Droid parts are cybertech, if that is your question.

Everyone gets droid companions

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 15, 2011, 05:38:58 PM
My sound's weird and I'm stuck in a queue listening to the same ship go by over and over.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 15, 2011, 06:35:56 PM
You can make the orange gear with armortech and armstech.
Ok, but you get orange gear all the time anyway, and they come with mods!  I have 3 orange guns.  What is the incentive for crafters?  If it is appearance only that is fine, but it will hurt the market value.

Armstech is still good because you make the rating mod for weapons yourself, the barrel.  Artifice is even better making a rating mod, hilts, and two general mods, enhancements and color crystals.  Armortech/Synthweaving really are just all in on appearance with is okay with what I enjoy most with crafting.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Soln on December 15, 2011, 07:19:30 PM
One minor hiccup I've found: They forgot to disable the debugger  :ye_gods:

If you open your Task Manager, you may see two copies of SWTOR.exe running.  One's the game, the other (the one using less memory) is the debugger. The work-around right now is to set the debugger to a lower process priority (right click it, Set Priority, Low).  If you have a multi-core system, set it to only use 1 CPU core (right click it, Set Affinity, uncheck everything but one CPU core).  I noticed an ok boost when doing this.  A little less studdering and whatnot.

this seems important.   :mob:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 15, 2011, 07:56:29 PM
Bloom effects caused a huge framerate problem on my machine. I had to turn that off. Runs like a charm now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: MournelitheCalix on December 15, 2011, 08:27:02 PM
I am right now wondering why I bothered to preorder it at all.   I understand what they are doing.  I understand why they are doing things in the manner in which they are going about it with early access.  However from their advertising, I thought when I paid that $5 fee that I was going to get in on the 15th (I also don't want to hear about Origin saying up to because it didn't when I preordered).  I am right now wondering what the hell that $5 fee is for.  Also I am wondering about whether or not I am going to get to play with my guild at all.  From what they are telling me the queues are hideous and I am fully expecting that by the time I get to play I will not have the ability to choose the server they are on.  

I really regret paying EA anything in advance at all.  Had I waited, I would get access cheaper.  I would have the certainty of an access date.  I would feel more at peace with the anxiety of not being able to play with the same people I have been playing MMO's with since AC2.  I would be more at peace with it since it would be by my decision.  Right now certainty is better than limbo.

So speaking only for myself as a gamers perspective, launch or prelauch such that it is or is not is not going well.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 15, 2011, 08:43:55 PM
One minor hiccup I've found: They forgot to disable the debugger  :ye_gods:

this seems important.   :mob:
Seems to be either computer-dependent or some freaky accident (double clicking the launch icon twice or smth?) because i'm not experiencing that. Tabbed back and forth a few times, didn't see anything like that in the task manager.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 15, 2011, 10:14:41 PM
I do have 2 running.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 16, 2011, 12:05:06 AM
I am right now wondering why I bothered to preorder it at all.   I understand what they are doing.  I understand why they are doing things in the manner in which they are going about it with early access.  However from their advertising, I thought when I paid that $5 fee that I was going to get in on the 15th (I also don't want to hear about Origin saying up to because it didn't when I preordered).  I am right now wondering what the hell that $5 fee is for.  

It's a deposit.

No really, it's a deposit. You should read their pre-order FAQs and the bit about "what happens if I cancel my pre-order" where they say they'll refund it to you. I linked it to Numtini in another thread - I CBA to find it again.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 16, 2011, 12:06:21 AM
 From what they are telling me the queues are hideous and I am fully expecting that by the time I get to play I will not have the ability to choose the server they are on.  

Did you not sign up for the guild preplacement thing?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 16, 2011, 02:34:24 AM
The game is down for maintenance while they add more PURPLZ.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 16, 2011, 03:16:52 AM
I do have 2 running.

Question to all:  Is it related to whether or not you wiped out / clean reinstalled the client a few days ago?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 03:37:02 AM
Purples are only usable by the creator or someone with biochem, though, right?

Wait, what?

Bind on create?

Jesus christ.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 16, 2011, 03:45:41 AM
Purples are only usable by the creator or someone with biochem, though, right?

Wait, what?

Bind on create?

Jesus christ.
That is only for the reusable stuff, though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: MournelitheCalix on December 16, 2011, 04:19:17 AM
 From what they are telling me the queues are hideous and I am fully expecting that by the time I get to play I will not have the ability to choose the server they are on.  

Did you not sign up for the guild preplacement thing?

No, to be honest I didn't know  anything about it.  Been working way to hard as of late, even my forum time has went way down.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 04:20:47 AM
Purples are only usable by the creator or someone with biochem, though, right?

Wait, what?

Bind on create?

Jesus christ.
That is only for the reusable stuff, though.

This doesn't make it ok.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 16, 2011, 04:30:13 AM
This doesn't make it ok.
I don't see the problem. For a biochem crafter it is only added convenience. That is their perk. They are not more powerfull, you just don't have to make them over and over again for youself.

If they were BoP, sooner or later everbody would own them and nobody would buy their stuff anymore.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 16, 2011, 04:31:59 AM
This doesn't make it ok.

To clarify, the reusable biochem items I've seen require the minimum Biochem skill to make them to use them.

That said (because the other professions do have Bind on Pickup things) I don't see what the issue is with maker-only items if we accept item binding in the first place.  It provides a clear perk to choosing that profession on that character over just gathering and using friends or crafting alts.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 04:36:10 AM
I didn't realise the only difference was that they are reusable.

Still doesn't sound like much of a perk that he guy who can make biochem shit at will doesn't need to make biochem shit.

I don't see what the issue is with maker-only items if we accept item binding in the first place.

Death to all binding mechanics.

However, I agree this is no worse than all the other terrible Bind On XXX mechanics. Supposed to be a multiplayer game etc.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 16, 2011, 04:41:12 AM
WoW had this; you craft certain armor and items and the recipe shows that the item will be "bind on pickup" - and guess what, you "pick it up" as soon as you make it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 16, 2011, 04:46:23 AM
If unlimited, reusable stims and whatnot could be made and given to anyone, there would be no need for anyone but a handful of people to take up the craft and dominate the market.  Don't over-analyze this...WoW's already done most of the experimentation in this department.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 16, 2011, 04:56:59 AM
WoW had this; you craft certain armor and items and the recipe shows that the item will be "bind on pickup" - and guess what, you "pick it up" as soon as you make it.

WoW has _exactly_ this. Alchemists have ulimited use potions that are bop.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 05:33:13 AM
Yes. WoW also has terrible binding mechanics which are a cancer within the game. Not sure why people are telling us this, I don't think anyone claimed otherwise.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 16, 2011, 05:35:46 AM
why are the bop/boe mechanics a cancer within the game? I strongly disagree.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 05:38:22 AM
Arbitrarily not being able to transfer gear in a multiplayer "rpg" is completely retarded and brings no benefit to the game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 16, 2011, 05:50:08 AM
The game is mostly the gear. It is not arbitary - all craftable gear is boe, it can be freely traded. Practically all dungeon and raid gear you have to go and get with the character you want it on. Anything else leads to so many issues I can't imagine someone even considering it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 05:54:28 AM
Equipment is not 'freely traded' if it is BoE.

And it doesn't lead to any issues whatsoever. Nobody ever sat around in EQ saying 'holy shit this game is crap because I can trade my old gear with my friends'.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 16, 2011, 06:03:24 AM
I'm sure everquest had some pretty major timesinks that wow doesn't.

The way the game is setup and the relative power of gear, it wouldn't be half as popular if I could just drop down my old sets to an alt or a friend that's never been in a raid dungeon. Your gear is your reward that you've done the dungeon/raid. I'm sorry but diablo style twinkage is just retarded design.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 16, 2011, 06:05:32 AM
And it doesn't lead to any issues whatsoever.

Someone find ONE issue, no matter how small, and your statement is disproven.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 06:25:37 AM
I'm sure everquest had some pretty major timesinks that wow doesn't.

The way the game is setup and the relative power of gear, it wouldn't be half as popular if I could just drop down my old sets to an alt or a friend that's never been in a raid dungeon. Your gear is your reward that you've done the dungeon/raid. I'm sorry but diablo style twinkage is just retarded design.

You meant to say 'diablo style twinkage' is fun.

And even aside from that the gear is a hell of a lot more central in Diablo, which I notice didn't die just because you can trade. Other games that similarly didn't disintegrate for this reason include EVE, UO, DAoC, EQ 1&2, GW and oh hey just about every game ever that didn't choose to use this terrible mechanic as yet another way to polish the dicks of a tiny community of poopsocking raidtards.

If the content, the act of raiding, isn't fun enough on its own then your game is shit. And you need to fix your game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 16, 2011, 06:40:54 AM
Binding gear helps keep crafting alive; if gear wasn't bound, the prices of every crafted piece of gear would drop very quickly as people could auction their old shit instead of having to vendor it and allow a new piece to come to market.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 16, 2011, 06:50:51 AM
Gear in SWG wasn't BoE, and it had a vibrant crafting community.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 16, 2011, 07:21:20 AM
Gear in SWG wasn't BoE, and it had a vibrant crafting community.

And it had nothing to do with the BoE decision. Come on.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ginaz on December 16, 2011, 07:33:23 AM
Gear in SWG wasn't BoE, and it had a vibrant crafting community.

Gear in swg also decayed after use(this changed a bit with anti decay kits and then completely changed with the nge), so you had to keep buying crafted gear, which is what created the "vibrant crafting community".

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 16, 2011, 07:59:59 AM
Queue's. This is prerelease where half of my guild isn't in and there's already hour+ waits. What I don't get is why they didn't lock servers to char creations. They know how many people are in a guild, preordered or not, and they know what the population count should be. Have a pool of xyz number of random unguilded people then soft lock it for release with a buffer new chars to make each server "medium" on day 1. "Not expected the popularity" is bullshit when they had all the groundwork done on guild preregistration etc. It's just poor planning and going to be horrific day 1 on the high/full servers at the moment when the rest of the guild members wants to just play.

Game client runs way better but it's still buggy as hell. Every alt tab messes up the screen resolution so my windows bar is half way up the screen. Few crashes so far, its a step up from beta but not much.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 16, 2011, 08:01:29 AM
From the sheer volume of unguilded people, I think part of the issue is just that there's a large pool of unknowns for destination.

But charlie sheen hasn't slapped me with a queue yet, thankfully. Boring server names ho!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 16, 2011, 08:04:37 AM
I'm sure everquest had some pretty major timesinks that wow doesn't.

The way the game is setup and the relative power of gear, it wouldn't be half as popular if I could just drop down my old sets to an alt or a friend that's never been in a raid dungeon. Your gear is your reward that you've done the dungeon/raid. I'm sorry but diablo style twinkage is just retarded design.

You meant to say 'diablo style twinkage' is fun.

And even aside from that the gear is a hell of a lot more central in Diablo, which I notice didn't die just because you can trade. Other games that similarly didn't disintegrate for this reason include EVE, UO, DAoC, EQ 1&2, GW and oh hey just about every game ever that didn't choose to use this terrible mechanic as yet another way to polish the dicks of a tiny community of poopsocking raidtards.

If the content, the act of raiding, isn't fun enough on its own then your game is shit. And you need to fix your game.

The raiding game is plenty fun, thank you. The two things that make the raiding game fun are encounter design and defeatable difficulty. Both (or either) of these can be made irrelevent by overgearing an encounter. The first bit can also be "gone around" by using particular classes to make certain parts of the design easier, hence defeatable at lower gear levels. If you could _at all times_ have all clases at maximum available gear you can practically cheese any encounter mechanic and that would indeed make the raiding game un-fun. So there's reason one.

The way the game is setup right now, if you're a more casual player you get most of your gear on your main character from dungeons. In come I, a member of the tiny community of poopsocking raidtards, polished dick out, glowing and sparkling gear on display. I procede to need and take all of your loot, because I have decided that today my Paladin is getting a healing spec. And why would I go through the trouble of running dungeons on her, if I can come in on my main and practically solo the thing and get the same loot for the character I decided to ding today. Faster. So there's reason two.

I can keep going for quite a while and in much more detail, but those two will suffice, as they cover both the casual player that runs 5 dungeons a week and does some pvp and the more hardcore raider. If you have a problem with WoW and the raiding community, that's something that can be discussed, but that has no relevence on the viability of the BoE/BoP design, which is flat out better design. And we'll have to agree to disagree on the diablo thing. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 16, 2011, 08:05:57 AM
From the sheer volume of unguilded people, I think part of the issue is just that there's a large pool of unknowns for destination.

But charlie sheen hasn't slapped me with a queue yet, thankfully. Boring server names ho!

Again you split it down to 30% unguilded 50% guilded 20% launch accounts or something like that and spin up a bunch of servers with that criteria and balance out the traffic. They have exact numbers of guilds/members thats going to be on a server throw an extra 30-40% buffer for unguilded people or whatever the real world number is (they have pre-registered vs pre-registered and guilded stats).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 16, 2011, 08:06:42 AM
BOE/P was related entirely to raiding.  It wasn't done in EQ because everything was in the world, not instanced.  That was an automatic break on the supply of equipment into the economy.  Avatar of Zek, the Council, etc.  All could only be killed a limited number of times per week - ONCE.   The LDON gear

Instancing changed all of that, even in EQ.  IIRC all the LDON gear was BOP to control item inflows - or the augments were, I can't recall which.   If you don't have item decay to uselessness or BOP restrictions you have to accept that your game's economy will be trashed and useless.  

I'm also fairly certain that EQ2 had bind on pickup - NODROP.

You're arguing that ice and minerals should be unlimited in supply in 0.0 space here.  That's how big of an economy wrecker non-bop gear can be in an instanced game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 16, 2011, 08:17:36 AM
Just think of the item and economy bloat if all items were tradeable.  That would be quite ridiculous.

I'm a biochem guy, and I have started making these purple things.  Thank god I can't sell these things because then I would eventually have no customers to buy shit later.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 16, 2011, 08:35:26 AM
I do have 2 running.
Hmm checked again and this time i do have 2x swtor.exe running. This is on fresh client install, never was in beta.

Hard to say if it's intentional, maybe the other one is their equivalent of the Blizzard snooping thingy?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 16, 2011, 08:38:48 AM
There can be a lot of reasons to have a second process watching the first. The only real concern to me would be if it's actually churning CPU and memory, and not just being a watchdog process.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on December 16, 2011, 08:39:04 AM
Even for a prelaunch, this has been pretty smooth.  I think I've had one crash and that was exiting the game.  My FPS have been sky high and the lag is really minimal.  And somehow, they made BH combat way more fun than it should be.   Death from above is the best skill in any game, ever.

Still, I sure have a fuck load of different abilities.  No idea what I should start culling at this point.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 16, 2011, 08:54:03 AM
Yeah even at only level 20 my BH has maybe 8 core rotational abilities and a couple cooldowns. I can only imagine it'll get worse, particularly with no macros.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 16, 2011, 08:55:07 AM
I think they've put up too many PVP servers to be honest. When I played last night, all the servers with huge queues were pve, and the pvp ones had availability.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: murdoc on December 16, 2011, 12:10:42 PM
I think they've put up too many PVP servers to be honest. When I played last night, all the servers with huge queues were pve, and the pvp ones had availability.

My PvP server had 45+ minute queues last night. 12 of the top 20 pop servers are pvp.

Top 20 pop servers:

ø 3.36   The Harbinger (PvE)
ø 3.27   Tomb of Freedon Nadd (PvP)
ø 3.03   Bloodworthy (PvP)
ø 3.02   The Fatman (PvP)
ø 3.00   Jung Ma (RP PvP)
ø 2.92   The Swiftsure (PvP)
ø 2.86   Darth Traya (PvP)
ø 2.80   Legions of Lettow (PvP)
ø 2.80   The Red Eclipse (PvE)
ø 2.78   Frostclaw (PvE)
ø 2.78   Iron Citadel (PvP)
ø 2.77   Dark Reaper (PvP)
ø 2.58   Hrakert Rift (PvP)
ø 2.55   Darth Revan's Mask (PvP)
ø 2.53   Jar'Kai Sword (PvP)
ø 2.53   Sith Triumvirate (PvE)
ø 2.53   Vanjervalis Chain (RP PvE)
ø 2.50   Mind Trick (PvE)
ø 2.50   T3-M4 (PvE)
ø 2.49   The Shadowlands (PvE)

Q: What does the ø number stand for?
A: The chart list on the homepage shows average population index for the last seven days. This population index is calculated from the official server statuses during a day... where 1 is light, 2 is standard and so on. It's updated once every hour.

From http://www.torstatus.net/

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 16, 2011, 12:22:00 PM
Game client runs way better but it's still buggy as hell. Every alt tab messes up the screen resolution so my windows bar is half way up the screen. Few crashes so far, its a step up from beta but not much.

I had those issues in Beta, but not so far in release. I completely uninstalled the game last week (even though I'd played on the turkey day weekend and didn't need to), and downloaded the new bits. Can't say that would fix things for you, too, but if you didn't start with a fresh install it could explain some of the wonkiness.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 16, 2011, 01:05:59 PM
I had those issues in Beta, but not so far in release. I completely uninstalled the game last week (even though I'd played on the turkey day weekend and didn't need to), and downloaded the new bits. Can't say that would fix things for you, too, but if you didn't start with a fresh install it could explain some of the wonkiness.

It's a fresh install and latest video card drivers.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on December 16, 2011, 01:16:35 PM
I was having the issues with tabbing out changing my UI location. I had to change the game client to run in the same resoultion as windows and it fixed that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sand on December 16, 2011, 04:01:08 PM
So far no real issues. Client downloaded quick and installed to my D: drive easily.
Game is running so/so with only sporadic lag but when it does hit the lag hits baaaaaaad.

Havent encountered a single cue or problem getting into game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 16, 2011, 04:31:21 PM
Yeah even at only level 20 my BH has maybe 8 core rotational abilities and a couple cooldowns. I can only imagine it'll get worse, particularly with no macros.

Sounds horrific, 8 isn't nearly enough.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 16, 2011, 04:32:24 PM
Of all the little issues, my biggest launch complaint is that they left the pre-order color crystal as that terrible yellow/black thing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 16, 2011, 05:13:45 PM
1hr 20min in the queue and still 353 away (800 when I joined), the estimators are not a real world indicator.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 16, 2011, 06:02:44 PM
700ish in queue, time to find out what my computer thinks of playing Skyrim while SWTOR is launched.  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 16, 2011, 06:04:42 PM
Finally got in, 2h20min in queue  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 16, 2011, 06:09:01 PM
Is that for the BC server? I haven't hit a queue yet for my selected-at-random PVP server (Valker Highway or somesuch).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 16, 2011, 06:22:30 PM
Is that for the BC server? I haven't hit a queue yet for my selected-at-random PVP server (Valker Highway or somesuch).

Nope, The Fatman server assigned by the bioware for a friends guild

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mattemeo on December 16, 2011, 06:28:46 PM
Well, the beta stress weekend was pretty much a silky smooth experience. Tonight, however, is much more what I'd expect. Horrible lag-spikes, a ping of 55k ms before being forced out and now after restarting the game, I'm stuck on the loading screen before the server/char choices and have been for 5 minutes. The 20th is going to be interesting!

Oh, and the game still can't work out how to shut itself down half the time.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 16, 2011, 06:30:32 PM
Is that for the BC server? I haven't hit a queue yet for my selected-at-random PVP server (Valker Highway or somesuch).

Nope, The Fatman server assigned by the bioware for a friends guild
Ahh, I think I have some coworkers on that server. Fortunately for me I have no desire to deal with people from work in my MMOs so I rolled elsewhere.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 16, 2011, 06:38:26 PM
Well, the beta stress weekend was pretty much a silky smooth experience. Tonight, however, is much more what I'd expect. Horrible lag-spikes, a ping of 55k ms before being forced out and now after restarting the game, I'm stuck on the loading screen before the server/char choices and have been for 5 minutes. The 20th is going to be interesting!

Oh, and the game still can't work out how to shut itself down half the time.

Are you sure your connection problem isn't local?  I'm not having any trouble at all tonight.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Triforcer on December 16, 2011, 08:47:37 PM
SCREW THIS FUCKING LAUNCHER!!  I've never had login problems in any MMO I've ever played, until this steaming pile of voodoo shit.

I finally got the launcher to get me to the login screen- to do that, I only have to delete launcher.exe from the original download, take another copy of launcher.exe from a USB (taken from a computer that successfully downloaded and patched SWTOR) and save it to my computer, THEN save a second copy of the identical file from the USB drive (named "launcher1") then try to use launcher1, it tells me to rename, I do, and then the FIRST TIME ONLY after I rename when I click on the launcher it gets me to the login screen (if I want to go there again, I have to uninstall everything and redo everything above).  Really, it doesn't work if I don't do each and every step above- even fucking naming the first USB file launcher1 manually and then renaming it later doesn't work.

After I got to THAT point, the launcher now tells me "unable to receive patch data- check your internet connection."  I think I'll shoot myself instead, or sacrifice a fucking goat on my computer, or something. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sinij on December 16, 2011, 09:59:44 PM
Considering how long you have been around f13, I'd think you would at least have understanding what usually going on around release (or pre-release if you want to be technical) time of any mmorpg.

If things like that enrage you, I suggest you re-visit TOR not sooner than in 2 months, maybe 3.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on December 16, 2011, 10:46:17 PM
SCREW THIS FUCKING LAUNCHER!!  I've never had login problems in any MMO I've ever played, until this steaming pile of voodoo shit.

I finally got the launcher to get me to the login screen- to do that, I only have to delete launcher.exe from the original download, take another copy of launcher.exe from a USB (taken from a computer that successfully downloaded and patched SWTOR) and save it to my computer, THEN save a second copy of the identical file from the USB drive (named "launcher1") then try to use launcher1, it tells me to rename, I do, and then the FIRST TIME ONLY after I rename when I click on the launcher it gets me to the login screen (if I want to go there again, I have to uninstall everything and redo everything above).  Really, it doesn't work if I don't do each and every step above- even fucking naming the first USB file launcher1 manually and then renaming it later doesn't work.

After I got to THAT point, the launcher now tells me "unable to receive patch data- check your internet connection."  I think I'll shoot myself instead, or sacrifice a fucking goat on my computer, or something. 

Have you checked their forums, specifically support forums?  This kind of sounds like something on your end.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 16, 2011, 11:21:39 PM
Didn't you say you were running a Japanese OS?  How is that at running non-Japanese software?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 16, 2011, 11:33:46 PM
I'd scandisk to check the hard drive for errors, then reinstall (or copy) the whole client, not just launcher.exe.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 17, 2011, 06:36:54 AM
Something is up with Taris. I've been experiencing huge fps drops and intermittent freezes today, especially when opening the map - but only on Taris, and only after having spent a few hours there and having done a lot of the quests. There are reports on the forums of people getting perma-stuck on the planet and crashing upon login, even. I'm not there... yet.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 17, 2011, 09:22:49 AM
Is anyone else having issues with windowed full screen? I can't tab out of the game. Wondering if it's something on my end or it's an issue everyone has.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Triforcer on December 17, 2011, 09:26:58 AM
Didn't you say you were running a Japanese OS?  How is that at running non-Japanese software?

My wife's ancient Japanese laptop (while it couldn't run SWTOR in the end, given it lacks enough cores) could activate the launcher and patch fine.

5 hours tinkering last night, time to start again...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Reg on December 17, 2011, 09:43:47 AM
Is anyone else having issues with windowed full screen? I can't tab out of the game. Wondering if it's something on my end or it's an issue everyone has.

I noticed that myself. It's behaving like regular full screen when I tab out.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 17, 2011, 10:33:33 AM
Is anyone else having issues with windowed full screen? I can't tab out of the game. Wondering if it's something on my end or it's an issue everyone has.

I noticed that myself. It's behaving like regular full screen when I tab out.

Not I. Only LOTRO does that to me. I'm running Win7, no other apps running when Alt+Tabbing out.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 17, 2011, 10:34:50 AM
Something is up with Taris. I've been experiencing huge fps drops and intermittent freezes today, especially when opening the map - but only on Taris, and only after having spent a few hours there and having done a lot of the quests. There are reports on the forums of people getting perma-stuck on the planet and crashing upon login, even. I'm not there... yet.  :awesome_for_real:

I think I spotted something on a Dev tracker post responding to people getting stuck on Taris, or crashing out/memory leak.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 17, 2011, 10:36:30 AM
For the windowed(fullscreen) issue, change it to actual windowed mode, apply, and switch back.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 17, 2011, 11:33:57 AM
The iPhone security app is available now, btw.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on December 17, 2011, 01:17:01 PM
Queues are absolutely horrible, over two hours tonight. I was able to play two LoL games while waiting for access.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sand on December 17, 2011, 01:32:22 PM
Well, the beta stress weekend was pretty much a silky smooth experience. Tonight, however, is much more what I'd expect. Horrible lag-spikes, a ping of 55k ms before being forced out and now after restarting the game, I'm stuck on the loading screen before the server/char choices and have been for 5 minutes. The 20th is going to be interesting!

Oh, and the game still can't work out how to shut itself down half the time.

^That is pissing me off. I try to shut the game down and I end up with a black screen and the SWTOR mouse pointer.
I have to manually alt-tab out of the black screen to my desktop and then use task manager to close SWTOR.

Oh and while running my first Ellessee (spelling?) instance today I lagged so bad at the closing that I had to restart the client while someone held the instance open so I could run back in and finish the quest. I lagged in the cut scene at the end and it broke the client. Couldnt get out of the cut scene.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 17, 2011, 01:41:36 PM
I had trouble shutting down in beta but I haven't run into that problem once since the game went live.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 17, 2011, 04:36:21 PM
PvP instances seem to lag pretty badly, at least for me. Skills activate 0,5-2 seconds after I press the corresponding button.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sand on December 17, 2011, 06:15:13 PM
PvP instances seem to lag pretty badly, at least for me. Skills activate 0,5-2 seconds after I press the corresponding button.

When I lag its like hitting a brick fucking wall. Nothing works. Whats really weird is even the music slows down, which you would think would be all client side controlled and impervious to lag going on between the client and server.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Furiously on December 17, 2011, 09:02:33 PM
The client doesn't handle desyncs very well.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 17, 2011, 09:14:15 PM
I would describe the number of issues I've encountered as shockingly few. The most annoying one is the guild roster does not update/display right so if I want to accurately see who is logged in I have to relog.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 17, 2011, 09:27:08 PM
I would describe the number of issues I've encountered as shockingly few. The most annoying one is the guild roster does not update/display right so if I want to accurately see who is logged in I have to relog.
Use crtl-u to turn the ui off and on, it's faster than reloading.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 17, 2011, 09:51:20 PM
The iPhone security app is available now, btw.
Do you know by any chance if the Android version is available?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 18, 2011, 05:14:39 AM
The iPhone security app is available now, btw.
Do you know by any chance if the Android version is available?

They've said they are working on it and it's coming "soon". You can always check this page:
http://www.swtor.com/info/security-key (http://www.swtor.com/info/security-key)

They updated it very quickly once the iPhone app was available.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 18, 2011, 05:18:46 AM
I would describe the number of issues I've encountered as shockingly few. The most annoying one is the guild roster does not update/display right so if I want to accurately see who is logged in I have to relog.
Use crtl-u to turn the ui off and on, it's faster than reloading.

There is a DETAILS button on the top right side of the guild screen. Click that, and it opens a new window with the correct listings. Close the details page and then the main listing will be fine.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 18, 2011, 05:37:35 AM
"Issues" (if you could call them that):

1. I've been in 1 queue so far, it was less than 10 minutes. This is obviously dependent on each person's server selection, starting play time, etc.

2. Gathering from crystal nodes in Coruscant is buggy -- some nodes are present and indicated as nodes on the radar, but not "harvestable". I can switch to a different instance of the area and sometimes the same node is there and is harvestable.

3. Viewing a couple of cosmetic items in the dressing room (after clicking the item in a chat link), made that part of my toon's body invisible in the dressing room.

4. A Hilt mod in one of my lightsabers disappeared. It's possible I didn't mod it correctly (i.e. hit the wrong button in the UI and closed instead of applied).

5. The appearance kit I selected for my droid (when you get a choice of one of three after a mission), was not the appearance of the one I had selected in the reward window. :(

6. Running Esseles, myself and another Jedi force leapt at one of the big droids near the end of the run on the Empire ship. We both were instantly teleported to the bottom of the shaft near the droid, and stuck there. We both dropped the group, were kicked from the instance, reinvited to the group, and teleported to a proper point close to the group and were able to keep going.

7. When I ended the Jedi Knight lightsaber mission and defeated the forge guardian, I was left in a "crouched/cowering" animation, even after I left the instance. I logged to the character selection screen then logged back in and it was fixed.

Everything else has run well, and the same goes for the 6 other folks in our guild.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ghost on December 18, 2011, 05:47:18 AM
Lord Samus, the Sith trainer has some pretty serious manboobs.   :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: cironian on December 18, 2011, 06:16:09 AM
Lord Samus, the Sith trainer has some pretty serious manboobs.   :grin:

Well, duh. By now everyone knows that Samus is a girl.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 18, 2011, 07:48:21 AM
Every male in the game must have manboobs judging by how puffed out all of their chests are.  They're all sort of angular too, like they are wearing those pointy bras from the fifties or something.  It's stupid.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 08:50:02 AM
I don't know yet if it's visible to other people, but as a Jedi Shadow when I stealth some lightsaber hilts still stay completely visible hanging on my belt.  I noticed when I had the hilts shadow by itself moving along a wall last night.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on December 18, 2011, 09:08:16 AM
Hai Guyz Lvl 50 and game sucks

Exposed by armory feed not logic lol.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 10:21:50 AM
Troll post with lots of people taking the bait.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 18, 2011, 01:44:04 PM
A 1600 word troll post surely deserves points for effort. Or insanity.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 18, 2011, 01:57:16 PM
I would describe the number of issues I've encountered as shockingly few. The most annoying one is the guild roster does not update/display right so if I want to accurately see who is logged in I have to relog.
Use crtl-u to turn the ui off and on, it's faster than reloading.

There is a DETAILS button on the top right side of the guild screen. Click that, and it opens a new window with the correct listings. Close the details page and then the main listing will be fine.

That doesn't always work, alas. But! The UI thing seems to, so thanks for that, Helm!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Venkman on December 18, 2011, 03:26:16 PM
Only problems I've had so far are two un-salvagable objects in Coruscant, and that my guild was assigned Harbinger :-P

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 03:35:33 PM
Only problems I've had so far are two un-salvagable objects in Coruscant

I've run into a LOT of broken gathering objects.  But then again I'm running 3 gathering skills too.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 18, 2011, 03:40:24 PM
Only problems I've had so far are two un-salvagable objects in Coruscant

I've run into a LOT of broken gathering objects.  But then again I'm running 3 gathering skills too.  :oh_i_see:
Broken slicing nodes make me  :crying_panda:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 18, 2011, 05:08:18 PM
Game could use a /hood command. No, that isn't a launch issue really, but I don't care. I am whining anyway.

I've had the node issue too, it is infuriating sometimes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 05:43:38 PM
So when I finished my Coursant storyline and got my ship I had two "class" missions to do.  I took the harder one that was a level or two above me (Nar Shaddar instead of Taris).  Ran it all, got lots of levels and gear, and get a new companion.  So then I go to do the other class story line mission.  I quickly realize I did them out of order because now I'm on Taris and all mobs are about 8 levels under me and give no XP, all quests are grey and give 5xp and no chat choices give any plus or minus to my new companion because I'm assuming I'm not supposed to have him yet.   :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 18, 2011, 05:54:00 PM
/follow doesn't work :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 18, 2011, 07:13:33 PM
I've seen a ton of broken Archaeology nodes; not as many in beta (70%+ were broken in the big stress test weekend) but they're still frustrating. I've learned to mouseover them from afar and see if the icon changes before clearing to them.

Thrawn I just hit that moment; I'm running through the lower one first (I was level 18, the breadcrumb was level 15) doing only my class stuff and skipping all the sidequests. I figure by the time I'm done on Balmorra and head to Nar Shaddar I'll be 20+ and can go back to doing all of the quests.

Sjofn there are some robes with the hood up, although I agree that a toggle would be nice.

My follow hotkey works (I bound it to F), but I've never tried /follow.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 07:31:11 PM
So uh, the auction house interface is TERRIBLE.  :mob:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 18, 2011, 07:40:31 PM
My follow hotkey works (I bound it to F), but I've never tried /follow.
Can you actually auto-follow more than 20 yards without getting "stuck" and stopping?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: trias_e on December 18, 2011, 08:07:58 PM
So uh, the auction house interface is TERRIBLE.  :mob:

The interface in general is quite poor, but the auction house takes the cake for being a real pile.  There's nothing worse than trying to browse the auction house, send companions on missions, and compare stuff in your inventory to your characters equipment/auction house items.  Amazingly frustrating, as whenever your companion gets back from the mission the fucking auction house window disappears with your search along with it.  Not to mention you can't have your character window, inventory, and auction house open at the same time (at least at the resolution I'm playing at).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 08:19:52 PM
Don't forget the fact you can be browsing things and at LAST have all your filters finding the right items only to have a companion return from a mission and auto close everything when his mission window pops up.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 18, 2011, 08:25:48 PM
It's pretty bizarre. The work is already done-- just rip off the most popular WoW auction mod.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 18, 2011, 08:34:18 PM
The only way to explain how crappy the UI is is they hired people who have never played an MMO before (except for maybe EQ) and were forbidden from playing any while working on the game to do the design.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 18, 2011, 09:21:43 PM
The only way to explain how crappy the UI is is they hired people who have never played an MMO before (except for maybe EQ) and were forbidden from playing any while working on the game to do the design.

I feel similarly about whoever designed/tested/approved Slicing, it's so completely broken in it's current state.  It will wreck the economy by itself if they don't figure it out.  It's a gathering skill that pays you very well to level it up.  "Oh, you spent 700 to send someone on a mission?  Lets pay you out 4,000 then to make up for it and throw in a few blue/purple items for you to sell on occasion too."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 18, 2011, 11:02:50 PM
Thrawn I just hit that moment; I'm running through the lower one first (I was level 18, the breadcrumb was level 15) doing only my class stuff and skipping all the sidequests. I figure by the time I'm done on Balmorra and head to Nar Shaddar I'll be 20+ and can go back to doing all of the quests.

Balmorra has this "bonus" missions after you're done, so I thought what the hell, can't be much more than a couple. At some point I had like 15 active quests and my OCD was kicking into overdrive, so I decided to quit and see if I can skip them when I log back in :)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 18, 2011, 11:59:47 PM
I'm a bit of a fanboy, so you get the Fox News Fair and Balanced version from me:

Things going wrong:

- Archaeology nodes not working (duh).  I just pretend that some filthy BH scum beat me to the node.  There are enough nodes scattered about that this isn't a big concern.
- Disabled AA....seems my ATI card on my laptop forces it.  The GTX 570 in my desktop does not.  May have to try the trick posted earlier somewhere.
- Sometimes random NPC conversations (talking amongst themselves) trigger only after I am way out of range.  Kinda strange.
- Surprisingly rare, but sometimes the companion AI has a little trouble finding the target I am hitting, such as if it is just around a corner from where she is.  Not a biggie.

Going right:

- Game has been buttery smooth for me.  No lag, no queues, no hiccups, no crashes, no FPS issues.
- The story - for the Sith Warrior at least - is freaking cool.  I like it even more than I thought I would.  It also gets me very much in an ARRPEE mood*, which no MMO ever really has for me.
- I  :heart: the companion implementation, both how they have integrated the crew skills, but also just in general.  Even though I am trying to be a very dark Sith, I find myself compromising certain actions when I know Vette's watching me.  Sometimes I send her out to search for treasure when I know a particularly nasty conversation is about to happen.  It is fun trying to strike the balance of being definitively evil, yet still remain in her favor. 
- I know we are supposed to hate all the yukky DIKU combat, but I don't.  It's snappy enough, and I feel that I am raping an appropriate amount of face.  I feel wonderfully powerful, which is something that a surprising number of MMOs fail miserably at.

 *My character (Crunch) is an elitist,  arrogant, unapologetic, somewhat naive and fairly racist (purebloods only!) dick.  His only redeeming quality is his loyalty to the cause...although, Vette is giving him second thoughts on the whole slavery issue.  At least as it pertains to her specifically.  I am going to try to be consistent with that.  Thanks to those of you that have played along so far.  Apologies to the rest of you who, probably just think I am an asshole.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Reg on December 19, 2011, 12:16:53 AM
My Sith Warrior has gone pretty much pure light side and same as you it's because of 'Vette. I just can't kick puppies when she's watching me.  And I really like how the story accommodates itself to my choices.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on December 19, 2011, 12:37:19 AM
The bounty hunter story is a bit schizophrenic, made worse by the itemization demanding light or dark side. I'd really love to play a "the job gets done, always" kind of character, but...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 19, 2011, 01:04:31 AM
I'm having MUCH less fun with my sithy sith since I realised I don't really like the dark side corruption visual effect :(

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 19, 2011, 01:08:11 AM
I think they should offer up some alchemy/sorcery options that (for some kind of investment of time or money) allow you to keep your normal appearance.  It wouldn't be unprecedented for Sith to do such things.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 19, 2011, 01:09:59 AM
- I  :heart: the companion implementation, both how they have integrated the crew skills, but also just in general.  Even though I am trying to be a very dark Sith, I find myself compromising certain actions when I know Vette's watching me.  Sometimes I send her out to search for treasure when I know a particularly nasty conversation is about to happen.  It is fun trying to strike the balance of being definitively evil, yet still remain in her favor. 

THey will still know, even if you send them away. Kaliyo had some minor disapproval for me after doing a flashpoint, even if she spent the entire time unsummoned.

Take your disapproval hits like a big bad sith you are, or slap her for questioning you if she dares :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 19, 2011, 01:28:35 AM
I think they should offer up some alchemy/sorcery options that (for some kind of investment of time or money) allow you to keep your normal appearance.  It wouldn't be unprecedented for Sith to do such things.

You can turn off sith corruption in preferences.  It's on the social tab.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 19, 2011, 01:41:00 AM
yap, a tad buggy as I said above, but you can. I just wish I could have the red eyes without the veiny shit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 19, 2011, 01:48:56 AM
- I  :heart: the companion implementation, both how they have integrated the crew skills, but also just in general.  Even though I am trying to be a very dark Sith, I find myself compromising certain actions when I know Vette's watching me.  Sometimes I send her out to search for treasure when I know a particularly nasty conversation is about to happen.  It is fun trying to strike the balance of being definitively evil, yet still remain in her favor. 

THey will still know, even if you send them away. Kaliyo had some minor disapproval for me after doing a flashpoint, even if she spent the entire time unsummoned.

Take your disapproval hits like a big bad sith you are, or slap her for questioning you if she dares :why_so_serious:

That may be so, but then she isn't actually watching me.  It makes a difference.

(I already removed her shock collar.  No idea if the punishment command still works, I don't have the heart to try.  I own her no longer)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 19, 2011, 02:07:46 AM
Sjofn there are some robes with the hood up, although I agree that a toggle would be nice.

Yeah, I had a series of the ones with the hood up, I wanted to put it DOWN. I don't mind looking like a space nun SOMETIMES, but a girl needs variety!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mosesandstick on December 19, 2011, 02:57:14 AM
Balmorra has this "bonus" missions after you're done, so I thought what the hell, can't be much more than a couple. At some point I had like 15 active quests and my OCD was kicking into overdrive, so I decided to quit and see if I can skip them when I log back in :)

Once you're out of Coruscant/Dromund Kaas, your class quests will finish around 1/2-2/3s of the way through a planet. If you skip those you're going to end up missing a lot of content.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 19, 2011, 03:13:51 AM
Balmora had a very difinitive end, that coincided with my class quest finishing. As I was leaving there was this basically random NPC at the starport, that I thought I had missed earlier that went OH NOES THE RESISTANCE IS BACK. Also the quest is called "bonus" Balmora. Is that the standart?

Anywho, if my next planet is already in the yellow, and the extra quests are green, isn't it better for me to move on?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mosesandstick on December 19, 2011, 03:56:49 AM
The "bonus" designation is new to me, I never reached that far in any of the newer builds. My statement is really just a guideline; some planets have very little to do and others have a lot. Tatooine for the republic is also in a similar situation, just before you leave you get one last quest for no good reason  :grin:.

I don't think there's any drawback to not doing the quest, it just depends on whether or not you want to see what happens. My personal opinion is to ignore the quest level requirements and just enjoy the game. Getting to 50 won't take long.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 19, 2011, 04:13:14 AM
Getting to 50 won't take long.

It will the way I am playing.  I feel like I've played a ton, and I'm only 19.  But there has been a lot of content crammed into those 19 levels.  I already feel like I have played close to the equivalent of maybe...2/3rds the way through a KOTOR game.  This game is delivering in spades on that side of things.  I can't even imagine how some of you poopsockers are getting as far as you are!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 19, 2011, 04:18:08 AM
Getting to 50 won't take long.

It will the way I am playing.  I feel like I've played a ton, and I'm only 19.  But there has been a lot of content crammed into those 19 levels.  I already feel like I have played close to the equivalent of maybe...2/3rds the way through a KOTOR game.  This game is delivering in spades on that side of things.  I can't even imagine how some of you poopsockers are getting as far as you are!

In my other PvP guild (buddy in RL has been in it since WoW), they already have members into their 40s.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 19, 2011, 04:42:45 AM
You always have players who will push and push and play hours on end just to get to the top.  I wouldn't be surprised to find they were skipping some cutscenes and not doing flashpoints, warzones, flying or crafting in their push.   

Although I'm 23 after having gotten in on Tuesday and I haven't totally catassed.  I spend a lot of time hanging out in stations waiting on crew missions, crafting or warzone queues.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 19, 2011, 04:48:24 AM
Speaking of warzone queues...do you get xp for PvP?  Is it a reasonable alternative?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: voblat on December 19, 2011, 04:50:44 AM
Balmora had a very difinitive end, that coincided with my class quest finishing. As I was leaving there was this basically random NPC at the starport, that I thought I had missed earlier that went OH NOES THE RESISTANCE IS BACK. Also the quest is called "bonus" Balmora. Is that the standart?

Anywho, if my next planet is already in the yellow, and the extra quests are green, isn't it better for me to move on?

You have about two levels of XP if you run through the ballmora bonus quests , I had the same thing, huge list of quests to complete, but the first four or five are all in one area, and you pretty much finish them all at the same time, indeed, they are linked as you travel, i did them all, then moved on to the next planet, I've only done the first couple of quests so far, but my xp is still coming in as fast as i would expect.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 19, 2011, 04:53:36 AM
As Draegan noted on his site, there's a guy on a EU server who reached 50 on Friday morning. He played Beta so knew where he was going and seen the story so he space-barred his way through the missions. He said he didn't do any PvP or other XP advancing tricks. He also said his first play session was 35 hours straight.

There's already a 50 on my server too, I noticed this morning.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 19, 2011, 04:56:46 AM
Speaking of warzone queues...do you get xp for PvP?  Is it a reasonable alternative?

Yeah, it's on-par with running a space mission IIRC.  If you don't dominate then a 15min game of Huttball will probably cut in to your xp/ hour.  However if you're playing with that mindset you're also skipping cut scenes and missing the entire point. So I wouldn't call it a 'reasonable alternative' so much as 'a fun diversion that still gives xp.'

I do it just because it's ridiculously fun when nobody knows what they're doing.   Watching people go back and forth, not passing the ball and just trying to run with it or swarming an objective while the other 2 are taken behind them.  Fun now, but frustrating later.  So I'll queue a lot now while folks are trying to figure things out then stop as it gets srsbznz at the endgame.

Though I'm beginning to have /less/ fun as I get higher levels and people get more CC abilities. Sitting there stunned/ shocked/ stuck for the time it takes 2-3 people to beat me down while my team runs ineffectually around me gets frustrating.

ed: also, this game has too damn many knock-backs.. which you discover as you play huttball.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 19, 2011, 05:34:37 AM
Huttball is giving me war hammer flashbacks.  The good kind since in both games I was the one with the aoe knock back.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: PalmTrees on December 19, 2011, 06:16:28 AM
Balmora had a very difinitive end, that coincided with my class quest finishing. As I was leaving there was this basically random NPC at the starport, that I thought I had missed earlier that went OH NOES THE RESISTANCE IS BACK. Also the quest is called "bonus" Balmora. Is that the standart?

Anywho, if my next planet is already in the yellow, and the extra quests are green, isn't it better for me to move on?

Ugh, Balmorra took forever. That bonus stuff really sabotaged the previous questline completely. You've routed the rebellion, the planet is ours! btw the rebellion is about to overrun us! Still, I got a pair of modifiable pants that matched the top I got from a previous questline.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 19, 2011, 07:14:54 AM
I feel similarly about whoever designed/tested/approved Slicing, it's so completely broken in it's current state.  It will wreck the economy by itself if they don't figure it out.  It's a gathering skill that pays you very well to level it up.  "Oh, you spent 700 to send someone on a mission?  Lets pay you out 4,000 then to make up for it and throw in a few blue/purple items for you to sell on occasion too."
Yes, while Treasure Hunting is a losing deal despite also returning lock boxes.  I did get a ton of awesome gear from the tier 1 missions, like four orange pieces, but tier 2 seems to return jack squat.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 19, 2011, 07:16:52 AM
Sjofn there are some robes with the hood up, although I agree that a toggle would be nice.

Yeah, I had a series of the ones with the hood up, I wanted to put it DOWN. I don't mind looking like a space nun SOMETIMES, but a girl needs variety!

Admit it, you're like me and have all your orange outfits in your spacebank, just in case one goes with something in the future :P

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 19, 2011, 07:18:24 AM
I'm seriously considering dropping two skills to get slicing and treasure hunting before they get fixed, should I not do it for treasure hunting?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 19, 2011, 07:26:46 AM
That's the advantage of the early access people - y'all gonna be rich with 1 million credits within 2 weeks, then they nerf everything and the rest of the playerbase will barely be able to scrape together 20k.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 19, 2011, 07:31:18 AM
I'm seriously considering dropping two skills to get slicing and treasure hunting before they get fixed, should I not do it for treasure hunting?
Treasure Hunting can return some nice items.  It just doesn't seem to consistently pay out nearly as well as Slicing, and Slicing can be used in the world at large.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 19, 2011, 07:35:27 AM
Meh, money gets.. odd in this game. The costs go crazy high for everything, and credit income scales the same. By the time I bought my speeder training, I had ~1,000 credits left. By the time I left that planet 1 level later, I had 70,000 credits again.

As for skills:

Slicing gets credits. Tons of them.

Treasure Hunting finds orange built items, and random other shit just by virtue of giving you lockboxes that may have anything in them.

Underworld Trading finds crafting recipes for Armortech and Synthweaving.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 19, 2011, 07:39:26 AM
When I trained for the speeder, I had 70 creds left in my account. It makes picking the rp options to demand more money (and please Mako) MUCH EASIER. Papa needs cash, we're running a business here, I gots bills to pay.

At level 26 or whatever the heck I am now, I haven't trained a skill (at 8k/pop) in three levels. I have maybe 10k in the bank. Hell, I had to bank an orange because I couldn't afford to remove the mods from my previous orange. I had to wait to put in my commendation mods because I couldn't afford to remove the mods.

Should get a bit better now that I'm over that hump, but it's a rough patch for sure.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 19, 2011, 07:43:41 AM
is the launcher working right now? I wanted to get the game here at work, so I can do the slicing thing, but it says that the login servers aren't working.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 19, 2011, 07:48:09 AM
2. Gathering from crystal nodes in Coruscant is buggy -- some nodes are present and indicated as nodes on the radar, but not "harvestable". I can switch to a different instance of the area and sometimes the same node is there and is harvestable.

I figured this out over the weekend. Map marks the nodes, however it makes no distinction if its been harvested or not. So ones you can't grab are still respawning and were harvested recently.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Bunk on December 19, 2011, 07:54:27 AM

I figured this out over the weekend. Map marks the nodes, however it makes no distinction if its been harvested or not. So ones you can't grab are still respawning and were harvested recently.

It's more than just that. When someone harvests a node, it disappears from the terrain and that map immediately. The bugged ones stay on the map and in world, but don't do anything. Minor issue, but a little annoying when you run out of your way to find one really isn't there. Still, I had almost 70 archaeology by level 14, so there's plenty of nodes to find. Not that I have any clue what a higher skill in Archaeology gives me...

Otherwise, launch has been pretty awesome for me. No queues, no lag issues. Only other bug I noticed was an empty Guild screen.
Am a little annoyed that my 4600 series card can't handle Shadows at all.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 19, 2011, 07:56:34 AM
I don't recall any of the nodes I harvested going away ( Visually ), I could just not be paying attention though. Still, it needs some fixin'.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 19, 2011, 08:04:10 AM
I should probably drop Biochem and just pick up slicing and spam it.  Keep Diplo/Bio as-is.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 19, 2011, 08:07:42 AM
Regarding credits, there are no cents, right?  So maybe they're planning that 1 credit = 1 copper, 100 credits = 1 silver, 10,000 credits = 1 gold.  If that's the case, the average 10,000 gold in WoW would be = 100 million credits in SWTOR.

They'll probably still nerf slicing or whatever the skills are that make people so much money.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mosesandstick on December 19, 2011, 08:09:14 AM
If you're running out of money for your speeder, just stop training your skills for a few levels. The skill increases are very marginal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 19, 2011, 08:12:32 AM
Anyone know if there's a way to keep the cover bar from reappearing even though I shut the option off?  (cant find it in the system uderdata cache ini either) This tends to happen during relogs.  Matter of fact, quite a few UI options are borked if you logoff/restart.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 19, 2011, 08:14:10 AM
My options only bork if I crash/force quit. They seem to save on actually quitting out of the game properly. May not work for you though, that's just a beta observation.

I haven't tried turning off the cover bar because COVER IS FOR PANSIES I rarely use it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 19, 2011, 08:20:48 AM
Anyone know if there's a way to keep the cover bar from reappearing even though I shut the option off?  (cant find it in the system uderdata cache ini either) This tends to happen during relogs.  Matter of fact, quite a few UI options are borked if you logoff/restart.

My Win7 laptop won't save settings for quite a few of the x32 programs.  I keep having to re-accept eula for MS Office 2003 and PaintShopPro X2, and I can't disable Java's autochecking for updates through its control panel.  It's annoying.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 19, 2011, 08:41:49 AM
Anyone know if there's a way to keep the cover bar from reappearing even though I shut the option off?  (cant find it in the system uderdata cache ini either) This tends to happen during relogs.  Matter of fact, quite a few UI options are borked if you logoff/restart.

I get the same thing happening with Corso's harpoon skill. Resets every time I transition to a new area.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 19, 2011, 09:34:30 AM
The same thing happens with the Guard ability of BH tanks.  You went into an instanced or story area? Reset your guard.  Had a load screen? Reset guard.   Mako sneezed? Reset your guard..  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 19, 2011, 09:35:41 AM
The same thing happens with the Guard ability of BH tanks.  You went into an instanced or story area? Reset your guard.  Had a load screen? Reset guard.   Mako sneezed? Reset your guard..  :why_so_serious:


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 19, 2011, 10:52:58 AM
They'll probably still nerf slicing or whatever the skills are that make people so much money.

It's slicing for sure, I easily hit over 100k at about level 20 without putting any effort into it other than sending my ships droid on missions while I'm playing.  The economy is shaping up to be...really bad so far which would make me very sad.  Hopefully it shapes up quickly once more people get higher levels and things get tweaked.  Playing the markets is half of my play time in MMOs usually.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 19, 2011, 10:54:15 AM
It is going to be at least a couple months before the market really solidifies, IMO.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 19, 2011, 10:58:24 AM
It is going to be at least a couple months before the market really solidifies, IMO.

I'm fine with that as long as it eventually stabalizes.  Making really good profits on the market currently selling stuff for way more than it will end up being worth.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sand on December 19, 2011, 12:02:53 PM
Sjofn there are some robes with the hood up, although I agree that a toggle would be nice.

Yeah, I had a series of the ones with the hood up, I wanted to put it DOWN. I don't mind looking like a space nun SOMETIMES, but a girl needs variety!

I haven an orange with no hood I could send you? I like the hoods.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on December 19, 2011, 12:39:40 PM
Server seems to be melting at the moment.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 19, 2011, 12:40:29 PM
Server seems to be melting at the moment.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on December 19, 2011, 12:45:10 PM
Getting 16000 MS pings.  :awesome_for_real:  Had to log.  First real lag or server problems I've encountered. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 19, 2011, 01:09:08 PM
Had some last night for about 20 mins, but then it straightened out. Command delays and rubber banding pretty bad while doing a heroic.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 19, 2011, 01:16:21 PM
Sjofn there are some robes with the hood up, although I agree that a toggle would be nice.

Yeah, I had a series of the ones with the hood up, I wanted to put it DOWN. I don't mind looking like a space nun SOMETIMES, but a girl needs variety!

Admit it, you're like me and have all your orange outfits in your spacebank, just in case one goes with something in the future :P

Yes, I am totally stockpiling all the orange outfits I find in my spacebank. My smuggler is starting a giant pile labeled "stupidly named weapons Corso has given me," too.

I haven an orange with no hood I could send you? I like the hoods.

If you don't want it, I'll totally take it. I am currently rocking a no-hood one now, of course. I don't mind the hoods, I just sometimes want to see my pretty face and my pretty hair.  :why_so_serious:

Also I would like a way to turn off companion hats. Some of them are Unfortunate.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 19, 2011, 02:08:39 PM
Hood-up looks great on my Rattataki, and the first item I got from the Black Talon was an Orange Overseers robe.  Black with Lavender trim.  It's awesome.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 19, 2011, 02:10:02 PM
Also I would like a way to turn off companion hats. Some of them are Unfortunate.

Tell me about it. Kira now looks like she's starring in an adaptation of the Canterbury Tales.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 19, 2011, 02:18:29 PM
My trooper is starting to be a close approximation of the "deal with it" color matching picture. An amusing minigame is trying to "match" armor to a country flag. I could replicate Italy (rotated), the Netherlands, Spain and Hungary (obv) so far with any 3 consecutive elements of the helm-chest-belt-legs-boots sequence. Germany would be doable if I hadn't trashed that black-trimmed quest reward a while ago... :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 19, 2011, 03:55:26 PM
I can't be the only one that spent the 15 minutes before server shut down convincing people in general chat that the maintenance was to wipe all early release characters because a large group exploited a bug to get to 50 in hours.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on December 19, 2011, 03:57:14 PM
The true launch is nearly upon us. It's time to get ready http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juYeC7O5k3A

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: trias_e on December 19, 2011, 03:57:28 PM
I can't be the only one that spent the 15 minutes before server shut down convincing people in general chat that the maintenance was to wipe all early release characters because a large group exploited a bug to get to 50 in hours.  :oh_i_see:

Dark Side: +50

Vette: -15

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 19, 2011, 04:07:52 PM
Kaliyo +50

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 19, 2011, 04:26:43 PM
I played the entire pre-release and didn't hear WoW mentioned once.  Bet I can't say that tomorrow.

Just missed hitting 25 on Tatooine before the server shut down.  So hopefully I'm far away from the masses.
EA has a big hit on their hands.  I've been seeing lots of SWTOR commercials on TV.  No, it's not too groundbreaking, but it's a fun game with tons of story set in the SW universe. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 19, 2011, 04:28:33 PM
I played the entire pre-release and didn't hear WoW mentioned once.  Bet I can't say that tomorrow.

Just missed hitting 25 on Tatooine before the server shut down.  So hopefully I'm far away from the masses.
EA has a big hit on their hands.  I've been seeing lots of SWTOR commercials on TV.  No, it's not too groundbreaking, but it's a fun game with tons of story set in the SW universe. 

General chat told me that you don't troll with WoW comments, you say that NGE was the best thing to ever happen to SWG.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 19, 2011, 04:34:10 PM
I usually tell anyone talking about how SWG was great to get the fuck out and that they have aspergers.

"Yes, I'm sorry you can't be 'that hermit who makes the best blasters ever' in SWTOR. Go away."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sand on December 19, 2011, 04:39:07 PM
Okay one major amateur hour problem.

You do server maintenance/update and it simultaneously brings down your website and your entire community forums? WTF?!?!
Really your website and forums are all hosted on the game world servers?  :uhrr:

So since I can access the website anyone know what time the game is supposed to go live again?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 19, 2011, 04:42:32 PM
Magic 8-ball sez "midnight", since, you know, midnight release for the game and whatnot  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 19, 2011, 04:44:14 PM
11 PM Central, actually.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 19, 2011, 04:47:58 PM
Here's something "wrong" I've realized today as the servers go down.  Okay so, you parse out your early access folk over 3+ days so that the servers are nice and even and stable.  Fine, though kinda silly in some ways.  But, to make it more silly you shut the servers down for 5hrs tonight so that the regular launch crowd can storm in at 12:01am and essentially undue all your fancy pre-release work, since they're gonna log into a nice fresh unpopulated server swarm.  e.g. They're not gonna know which servers to choose since they've reset everything for release.  They'll all say "LOW" to everyone that tries to login.

Then in comes the pre-order folk to play late tonite or tomorrow to overpacked servers and queues.   :oh_i_see:

This is something I've always wondered with these pre-order/launches.  What truly is the point of the server maintenance just b4 launch??  I mean, typically not a damned thing changes serverwise unless they have some special starter-zone event they need to upload, yes?  Otherwise, all you're doing is risking a flood of newbs in your already established playerbase.

Would be nice to have some kind of indicator of how many players are rolled on each server, whether logged-in or not.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 19, 2011, 04:49:02 PM
Why do you assume it won't recommend the new servers to new accounts?

EDIT: In a lot of ways it is actually *better* if they don't see which servers are already populated, because people tend to pick busy servers, not empty ones.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 19, 2011, 04:49:55 PM
The true launch is nearly upon us. It's time to get ready http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juYeC7O5k3A

Looks like the kids in my neighborhood  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 19, 2011, 04:50:16 PM
What truly is the point of the server maintenance just b4 launch??
That's when they sacrifice the goat.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 19, 2011, 04:53:26 PM
I would assume they need the maintenance for:

- new servers
- the registration process
- nerfing whatever they need to nerf
- maybe bugfixes

Not sure what client version the CD has, but they'll probably increase the LIVE version number by 1 and make everyone patch.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Evildrider on December 19, 2011, 04:54:41 PM
Yep, I'd expect a "launch" patch.  Probably won't be a huge one though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 19, 2011, 05:09:35 PM
Okay one major amateur hour problem.

You do server maintenance/update and it simultaneously brings down your website and your entire community forums? WTF?!?!
Really your website and forums are all hosted on the game world servers?  :uhrr:

So since I can access the website anyone know what time the game is supposed to go live again?

I'm convinced it's planned just so they can all go enjoy whatever launch event they have planned.  Similar to my company being mysteriously unavailable or in a meeting for 3 hours last Friday.  It had absolutely nothing to do with the party and alcohol in the lobby.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fraeg on December 19, 2011, 05:13:15 PM
Having fun, someone asked earlier if lvling via pvp is viable and my 2cents up to lvl 21 is yes.  The issue I am running into is that my lvling via pvp is reducing the pve content into trivial easymode.  Not sure how it will scale in later levels, but from what I have seen you could pvp to 50 while doing random questing in between pvp warzones.  Huttball is a blast when you have 2 teams that have a clue and are evenly matched.   When it is bad, it remends me of Warhammer's Kill The Dude with the Thing - Lava level, or farm group Warsong Gulch.

If endgame open world pvp on the pvp planet(??) is as fun as pvp in the Moors in LOTRO is then I can see myself sticking around for awhile.  Especially if I can aquire endgame gear through pvp (and no, not the "you must be this tall to buy" cockblock arena WoW gear).

I have no clue what this really means:  But at lvl 21 I have a full set of pvp gear for myself and all but the inplants for my Green Toady companion, about 80k credits, a valor rank of 20 (I am assuming this will be the cockblock to high end pvp gear is valor?), as a Sith - Sorc healer with 2x bio and diplomacy.

Personally I hope the endgame pvp gear is gated based on valor level and not some ranking scheme, because, frankly I am not good enough to ever see the endgame pvp stuff if it is based on a rank, but I can grind Warzones with the best of them.    One thing that I really appreciate in warzones is that if you lose, you still get XP, commendations, valor, and Credits.  Enough so that even if you lose badly it will still have been worth your time.

Perhaps I am just getting too old, but anyone else find the pvp to be very fast?  I know with time I will get used to it, but I intentionally went with a Sorcerer to avoid needing the Twitch chops of other classes, and I am still finding myself going "wow this is fricking fast".


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 19, 2011, 06:52:01 PM
Leveling up via pvp sorta completely misses the point of the game.  Although it is really good exp.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fraeg on December 19, 2011, 07:25:53 PM
Leveling up via pvp sorta completely misses the point of the game.  Although it is really good exp.

/shrug I am having a lot of fun in pvp.  And as others have mentioned, a few months down the road and Huttball is going to be filled with NBA top picks, where I will only get to play in the first half as a Harlem Globetrotter. :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 19, 2011, 07:49:23 PM
More like a Washington General. ;D

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sand on December 19, 2011, 07:52:19 PM
Leveling up via pvp sorta completely misses the point of the game.  Although it is really good exp.

/shrug I am having a lot of fun in pvp.  And as others have mentioned, a few months down the road and Huttball is going to be filled with NBA top picks, where I will only get to play in the first half as a Harlem Globetrotter. :why_so_serious:

For those of us who werent in the Beta and havent checked out the PVP yet could someone give us me a run down on whats available and some general details?
Sounds like there is something called Huttball and some kind of capture the flag or battle royale thing? Details?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 19, 2011, 07:53:13 PM
Thread title isn't obvious, but try here: http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=21692.0

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ginaz on December 19, 2011, 08:50:36 PM
I was finally able to subscribe tonight.  Went with the 6 month option since I plan to play at least that long.  Also was able to upgrade to the deluxe edition, which is what I wanted originally but didn't see it on Origin when I pre-ordered.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 19, 2011, 11:17:36 PM
my server has a queue at 8 in the morning  :sad_panda:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Montague on December 20, 2011, 02:09:25 AM
Shien has a queue at 5:21 AM

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on December 20, 2011, 02:16:51 AM
It's the midnight launch, I expect the servers to be insane for a week or so, then get worse after xmas.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 20, 2011, 02:37:09 AM
my server has a queue at 8 in the morning  :sad_panda:

What server are you on Wolf?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 20, 2011, 02:47:04 AM
whoa whoa, 400+ queue on my EU RP server (and during pre-launch it was a "very heavy-full" with rare queues). Very expected, anyway: it's noon CET. Sigh, goodbye PURPZ  :crying_panda:

EDIT: "Your saga begins" launch documentary (8 minutes long):


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 20, 2011, 03:03:45 AM
my server has a queue at 8 in the morning  :sad_panda:

What server are you on Wolf?

Hydian Way-PvE Empire side, in a nice little guild ran by some swedes I know. I'm sure we can take you in, so just poke me if you want to. But like I said some pretty ass queues, yesterday evening before launch it was 500 people ~6'30 cet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 20, 2011, 03:14:30 AM
Was just wondering. Happily ensconced on Trask Ulgo for now (although should guild transfer to a new server happen, I'm sure my guild will be jumping at the chance given the current rumblings on our forum)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 20, 2011, 04:09:30 AM
Shien has a queue at 5:21 AM

Yeah ours has to have been singled out for something.  I was going to do some quick checking of auctions and put my minions on a few missions and had a queue.  Meanwhile there were many, many other east-coast servers that had no queue and light load.  Only 4 were labeled as "full" and ours was one of them.   Very odd.

It's the midnight launch, I expect the servers to be insane for a week or so, then get worse after xmas.

Except it's not all the servers.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Bunk on December 20, 2011, 04:53:29 AM
Thought I'd look before heading in to work. 5 PST/8 EST: 32 servers listed as "Full" with queues on 15 of them.
Oh well, it is launch day, and I don't think it's just our server.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 20, 2011, 04:59:19 AM
Server list looks longer today than it did yesterday pre-launch; there seem to be more servers.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on December 20, 2011, 05:04:22 AM
Just a few (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=525813#edit525813)  :wink:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Quinton on December 20, 2011, 05:18:28 AM
Okay, I had not played in beta, and I was a little skeptical, but doing the first FlashPoint on my way off of Hutta was pretty great.  Grouped up with two randoms (another Agent and a Sith) and generally had fun cutting through the mission.  I *love* the group cutscenes.  That was always on my wish list for FFXI -- loved the epic mission stuff but was always annoyed that while you needed a group to complete it the cutscenes always made it look like you were there all on your own.

Also, I love that there are male character customization options beyond "ugly", "angry", and "scarred."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on December 20, 2011, 06:25:20 AM
Speaking of amateur hour....

Collector's edition don't need no product reg code =p

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 20, 2011, 06:36:36 AM
70 new servers added today for launch.

Speaking of amateur hour....

Collector's edition don't need no product reg code =p

That sucks.  But mine had a code in it!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on December 20, 2011, 07:05:56 AM
My friend got this pending quest bug and he couldn't accept anymore quests and had to burn fleet pass to get off his ship. lol

And apparently that sticky has been removed a few times but people are still reporting the problem.

Wonder if they have some forum limit on the number of stickies...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 20, 2011, 07:09:44 AM
Wow, the amount of people upset or not understanding why they have to add a subscription is astounding. Me thinks a good chunk of non-mmo players have arrived. I guess the part I find surprising is the backlash that feels like its from 10 years ago.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on December 20, 2011, 07:12:29 AM
Wow, the amount of people upset or not understanding why they have to add a subscription is astounding. Me thinks a good chunk of non-mmo players have arrived. I guess the part I find surprising is the backlash that feels like its from 10 years ago.

I think it's because the new generation was raised on free mp3s and not on Columbia House billing =p

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 20, 2011, 07:19:52 AM
Wow, the amount of people upset or not understanding why they have to add a subscription is astounding. Me thinks a good chunk of non-mmo players have arrived. I guess the part I find surprising is the backlash that feels like its from 10 years ago.

Yep, same thing happening on some italian (non-MMOG specialized) forums: "what do you mean I have to keep paying AFTER I purchased the box???"

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 20, 2011, 07:23:02 AM
Also was able to upgrade to the deluxe edition, which is what I wanted originally but didn't see it on Origin when I pre-ordered.

How did you do that?

e: NM.  When you subscribe you get an option to 'Upgrade Now!" with the Class trainer Caret+ icon.

e2:  All set up, deluxe upgrade, security key ans 6 mo sub.  Now all I need is time to play...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Quinton on December 20, 2011, 07:32:51 AM
I'm a bit puzzled about the subscription thing.  I punched in my activation code and it notes I have 29 days of gametime.  But it also claims I need a subscription or prepaid card to play, which seems weird when it clearly has gametime credited to my account.  And it's still letting me log in (though I'm rotting in a queue at the moment).  Confusing!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 20, 2011, 07:34:54 AM

lol. You always have to have a subscription lined up when starting MMO games. You will not be charged until after your 30days that came with the box. Its just been like this forever. You can always cancel right before your 30 days are up.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 20, 2011, 07:35:14 AM
I'm a bit puzzled about the subscription thing.  I punched in my activation code and it notes I have 29 days of gametime.  But it also claims I need a subscription or prepaid card to play, which seems weird when it clearly has gametime credited to my account.  And it's still letting me log in (though I'm rotting in a queue at the moment).  Confusing!

You have played an MMO before yes?  They always come with 30 days for the purchase of the box.  After than runs out you need an ongoing subscription (or pay month to month with game cards).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 20, 2011, 07:36:15 AM

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Quinton on December 20, 2011, 07:37:08 AM
Oh I certainly have.  Just commenting on the somewhat confusing language and description used.  Also, mildly curious if in the new free-to-play and kinder-friendlier-more-soloable post-wow world things were any different.  I'm not particularly surprised or offended that they're not. ^^

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 20, 2011, 07:39:32 AM
You trollin me bro?  :why_so_serious:

Indeed though, in the dawning of the F2P, CCless activation, SWTOR does I suppose feel like an old duck when it comes to subscriptions.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 20, 2011, 07:45:34 AM
So I am trying to log into Shien and sitting in a queue.  20 minutes or so.  GO TO WORK PEOPLE. 

Seriously though, that is strange.  I wouldn't think it would be Full at this time of the day.  Something wierd going on.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 20, 2011, 07:52:11 AM
So I am trying to log into Shien and sitting in a queue.  20 minutes or so.  GO TO WORK PEOPLE. 

Seriously though, that is strange.  I wouldn't think it would be Full at this time of the day.  Something wierd going on.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 20, 2011, 07:54:49 AM
So I am trying to log into Shien and sitting in a queue.  20 minutes or so.  GO TO WORK PEOPLE. 

Seriously though, that is strange.  I wouldn't think it would be Full at this time of the day.  Something wierd going on.


I cannot stop yelling "IT'S A STAAAAAAP" every time I break out my speeder. I need help.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 20, 2011, 07:56:03 AM
Yah, it's called releasing a Star Wars game. Plus:
a)  should've had a server pop. indicator for newbs b4 launch or just not have a 6hr. downtime
b)  should've had those 40 extra servers ready AT launch... not at 8 am this morn.
d)  edit:  they're herding us like cattle to the new servers

As for Shien specifically, we've got some pretty big guilds there like "Dominion" that likely have large launch invitationals.

"All is going as I have foreseen it."

Lemme know where the BC new server will be.    :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: nurtsi on December 20, 2011, 08:10:51 AM
Fucking 630+ queue on Lord Calypho  :sad_panda:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 20, 2011, 08:13:38 AM
I thought I'd recognized a few big guild names while running around the station and figured I was just imagining it since nobody else had commented.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 20, 2011, 08:21:41 AM
I logged in and played for 1 hr this morning at 7:30 EST.  No queue, no lag, just logged right in.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 20, 2011, 08:22:15 AM
Christ I am hoping Shien levels off soon and the kids get tired of waiting in line. That said, there were this morning, more RP servers in the high>full range than not, which I can see but still surprises me.

I also have to note that I have a character in a guild with my RL buddy up the street on Twin Spears (queue as well there) and the community is fucking horrible on chat - though there are way more incredibly funny one-liners that pop up on there than Shien... but the quantity of drivel and Barrens-worthy chat is overwhelming.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 20, 2011, 08:25:58 AM
From the various announcements about servers they've posted, the between-the-lines message seems to be "We're really afraid of ordering too many servers, only to have them end up empty 1 month after the launch like with WAR.  So, to avoid that, y'all are going to have rather long queues for a while."

From how fast people have been levelling, I'd say everyone getting bored about 2-3 months from now is a possibility.  But, they're going to get quite a few more people this evening at prime time, and a crapload more this weekend, so the number of servers they've added will probably not be enough.

Judging by the number of servers so far, it seems to be a success, as far as the size of the playerbase.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 20, 2011, 08:37:21 AM
The forum rage is approaching critical mass.  Frankly, don't blame em.  You get thrown into a 3-day emailed early access queue for a guild assigned server only to be met with 3+ hr. queue times a week after "launch" and no possibility of transfer.   BW couldn't be tasked with installing a reconnect feature either... so if you crash, have fun with the queue again.   :headscratch:
To top it all off, there's little to no CS interaction ingame save for the occasional "server comin down" let alone any forum interaction.  So those who'd like to know wtf is goin on so they can make an informed decision, cant.

Why is it these same problems keep creeping up at these launches and some studios just dont seem to learn? (Trion was fairly learned though)  maddening

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 20, 2011, 08:40:55 AM
The forum rage is approaching critical mass.  Frankly, don't blame em.  You get thrown into a 3-day emailed early access queue for a guild assigned server only to be met with 3+ hr. queue times a week after "launch" and no possibility of transfer.   BW couldn't be tasked with installing a reconnect feature either... so if you crash, have fun with the queue again.   :headscratch:
To top it all off, there's little to no CS interaction ingame save for the occasional "server comin down" let alone any forum interaction.  So those who'd like to know wtf is goin on so they can make an informed decision, cant.

Why is it these same problems keep creeping up at these launches and some studios just dont seem to learn? (Trion was fairly learned though)  maddening

I always found the announcement "servers are coming down in 2 minutes for 4 hour maintenance. Please see log into the forums for details" hilarious.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 20, 2011, 08:50:58 AM
If folks are leveling just to level for the endgame, yeah, I can see dying out in a month or two.  That's part of why I'm taking it slower. 

However, if you want to see all the class story lines it'll be a bit more.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on December 20, 2011, 09:03:23 AM
If folks are leveling just to level for the endgame, yeah, I can see dying out in a month or two.  That's part of why I'm taking it slower.  

However, if you want to see all the class story lines it'll be a bit more.

They seem to be countering this by pointing out that the entire development team (including voice actors) will continue to work on the SWTOR and nothing else, and the launch-beardy Danno Erickson (honestly, that beard of his looks like one of inspector Clouseau's less convincing disguises...) pushed the point in their launch video - basically more content is coming and fast.

I'll be intested to see how much and how fast.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 09:10:46 AM
The entire game is fully instanced, including common areas. Why couldn't they just allocate more blades to each server? In fact, why do they need to have separate servers at all, why doesn't it just work like Guild Wars with one mega-server per geographical region? There must be some technical reason.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 20, 2011, 09:24:56 AM
So I am trying to log into Shien and sitting in a queue.  20 minutes or so.  GO TO WORK PEOPLE. 

Seriously though, that is strange.  I wouldn't think it would be Full at this time of the day.  Something wierd going on.

Wookie hookey.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lucas on December 20, 2011, 09:25:17 AM
Server count, launch day (EU+US): 214

U.S.: 123
E.U. : 91

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 20, 2011, 09:28:07 AM
Wookie hookey.
Do not taunt Happy Fun Lantyssa.  :drillf:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 20, 2011, 09:32:42 AM
The entire game is fully instanced, including common areas. Why couldn't they just allocate more blades to each server? In fact, why do they need to have separate servers at all, why doesn't it just work like Guild Wars with one mega-server per geographical region? There must be some technical reason.

Because wow didn't do that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 09:33:40 AM
I just wish they chose to copy WoW's auction house UI and not its antiquated server architecture.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 20, 2011, 09:42:18 AM
I just wish they chose to copy WoW's auction house UI EQ2's broker

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Surlyboi on December 20, 2011, 09:46:47 AM
I just wish they chose to copy WoW's auction house UI EQ2's broker

This. So much better.

That said, queue? Really? Get the fuck off my lawn, you goddamn late starters.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 20, 2011, 09:49:08 AM
I just wish they chose to copy WoW's auction house UI EQ2's broker

This. So much better.

That said, queue? Really? Get the fuck off my lawn, you goddamn late starters.

edit: and what is the hold up with an Android App security feature? sheesh... iPods/Pads/Phones got it already, RAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!

Might be time to roll a Republic toon on a different server for me, until the tide washes back.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 20, 2011, 10:22:03 AM
The entire game is fully instanced, including common areas. Why couldn't they just allocate more blades to each server? In fact, why do they need to have separate servers at all, why doesn't it just work like Guild Wars with one mega-server per geographical region? There must be some technical reason.

Because wow didn't do that.

This is what I've been asking too - I don't see how the amount of hardware changes by having a few big servers with lotsa instances instead of lotsa servers with few instances .. though I guess it'd be really big chat servers too unless they restrict General/etc to instance only.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 20, 2011, 10:33:32 AM
Yah, I'll probably taste a low pop. pvp server tonite just for something different.  Time to dig up some ol' guildies and find out where they are.

In re. server architecture, you've gotta remember they're using Heroengine.  Though, I'm not sure if their frontend is Hero-based or not, let alone the architecture.  It's a tool that comes with everything, albeit in a fairly simplistic, vanilla package (pretty much WoW 1.0 as they say).  NOTHING like Trion's setup, which is likely the most robust of any MMO to date.

This has to be the reason things seem a bit antiquated nuts 'n bolts wise.  It's kinda like polishing a turd rather than innovating.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 10:33:44 AM
Megaservers allow for more efficient resource utilization, too. Right now you've got a bunch of popular shards sitting full with hour-long queues and a bunch that are completely open with low usage. If they were replaced with a megaserver, more people could actually play the game. There are other benefits, too-- you can always play with your friends, the auction house economy is much larger, it's easier to find groups (assuming some sort of LFG or LFD tool is implemented) and so on and so forth. The whole concept of separate shards is simply unnecessary once you start instancing everything ala Guild Wars or SWTOR.

There are arguments against megaservers too, shard identity, smaller communities, etc. But those are really arguments against instancing too-- once you cross that line and instance everything, and players aren't in the same physical gamespace, you're putting up walls between players anyway. Might as well have the conviction to go all the way. Otherwise you get all the negatives and none of the positives.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 20, 2011, 10:44:32 AM
The entire game is fully instanced, including common areas. Why couldn't they just allocate more blades to each server? In fact, why do they need to have separate servers at all, why doesn't it just work like Guild Wars with one mega-server per geographical region? There must be some technical reason.

Because wow didn't do that.

This is what I've been asking too - I don't see how the amount of hardware changes by having a few big servers with lotsa instances instead of lotsa servers with few instances .. though I guess it'd be really big chat servers too unless they restrict General/etc to instance only.

What happens to large databases like the AH when they get even larger?  That's the only reason I could come up with.

That and someone still wants to promote the e-peen "Server First!" culture.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 20, 2011, 10:45:18 AM
When warhammer came out they pulled the trigger on an option to buy enough hardware to double the number of servers they had to fix queue times, then they had to start merging and shutting them down a few months later because so many people left.  They're probably not going to make that same mistake twice.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 20, 2011, 10:48:57 AM
When warhammer came out they pulled the trigger on an option to buy enough hardware to double the number of servers they had to fix queue times, then they had to start merging and shutting them down a few months later because so many people left.  They're probably not going to make that same mistake twice.

Of course not, they have opted to make the entirely new mistake of having casual players (like my wife) just quit the game because they aren't going to put up with a queue.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 20, 2011, 10:53:08 AM
As far as magnitude of mistakes go that one isn't anywhere NEAR as big as a giant capital expenditure failure.

EDIT: Also the PR implications of this issue are wildly different. "This game is so popular there are queues on every server!" vs "This game is so unpopular they had to close 100 servers!"

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 20, 2011, 10:57:18 AM
Something that's been bothering me as I wrap up my agent's time on Nar Shaddaa is the difficulty ramp-up of quests and such.

Starting out on Hutta, there was a handful of quests that were marked as Heroic+2.  Didn't take long for people to figure out that these quests could be 'soloed' with you and your companion.

Now on Nar Shaddaa, that's certainly no longer the case.  In fact, the Heroic+4 missions are basically micro-dungeons, in that if you're not packing 'the trinity' in your group and/or group with some fail people, expect to either not finish or take a long f'ing time to do.

While I understand your companion doesn't count as a full PC, I think allowing people to do it from the start and then beating them over the head later gives a bad impression of PC/companion mechanics.  

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 20, 2011, 10:59:02 AM
When warhammer came out they pulled the trigger on an option to buy enough hardware to double the number of servers they had to fix queue times, then they had to start merging and shutting them down a few months later because so many people left.  They're probably not going to make that same mistake twice.

Of course not, they have opted to make the entirely new mistake of having casual players (like my wife) just quit the game because they aren't going to put up with a queue.
They are hoping casuals won't ragequit on day one and come back in a few days when queue times aren't as bad.  They have no good options really.  Maybe a future game will use something akin to amazon services where resources can be easily scaled up and down with demand but that tech was too new and unstable when coding started on swtor.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 10:59:10 AM
What happens to large databases like the AH when they get even larger?  That's the only reason I could come up with.
The auctionhouse isn't a great example; WoW allows players to straight-up download the entire auctionhouse for their faction, and it's never over 200-300KB or so. There are other datastores that are much larger, containing character-specific data, customized items, quest states, etc, but instancing means you don't need to access all of them simultaneously, and the vast majority of transactions would be reads anyway, allowing for a great deal of scalability. Of course the game would have to be architected with a megaserver in mind-- if you started your game looking to clone WoW and decided to instance common areas later on, it would be a huge undertaking. And that's probably what happened.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 20, 2011, 11:06:11 AM
As far as magnitude of mistakes go that one isn't anywhere NEAR as big as a giant capital expenditure failure.

EDIT: Also the PR implications of this issue are wildly different. "This game is so popular there are queues on every server!" vs "This game is so unpopular they had to close 100 servers!"

Meh. Maybe.  But I imagine the optics of paying 60 dollar to spend 2 hours in a virtual amusement park line simulator every night isn't going to win them too many PR points either.  With the amount of money they are raking in would it be so terrible to allow free server transfers for folks who want off high pop servers?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 20, 2011, 11:13:02 AM
Meh. Maybe.  But I imagine the optics of paying 60 dollar to spend 2 hours in a virtual amusement park line simulator every night isn't going to win them too many PR points either.  With the amount of money they are raking in would it be so terrible to allow free server transfers for folks who want off high pop servers?

That is fucking crazy talk. Don't you know server transfers market the first step to the destruction of the game....?? Unless they are paid transfers, then it is ok.  :why_so_serious:

But yeah, I am still trying to figure out this huge push to Shien. All I can assume is the rest of the guild members from the megaguilds finally got in automatically because I fail to see why anyone new to the game or the genre would see WAIT TIME and click anyway with the huge amount of servers on the LIGHT end of the scale.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 20, 2011, 11:19:03 AM

That is fucking crazy talk. Don't you know server transfers market the first step to the destruction of the game....?? Unless they are paid transfers, then it is ok.  :why_so_serious:

Do companies really believe this?  FFS WoW Vanilla did this to address this very problem!  (Maybe that argument could convince them because they are so uppity to be WoW all over again...)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 20, 2011, 11:20:42 AM
Everyone just loved my Slap recruitment threads on swtor.com, sorry. :(

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 20, 2011, 11:35:09 AM
I posit that since SWTOR is such a story-based heroic themepark that they didnt want to muddy the waters with large omniservers.  You cant get that special snowflake feeling if you've got gamewide AH, chat, instances, etc.

Where they fail is their execution, control, and UI.  It's almost like they really dont have much flexibility at all with what they have.  No dynamic events, no real ingame CS, no real feedback, etc.  Then they roll out servers too late even though they KNOW they've got "x" amount of players waiting in the wings.

Someone's head should roll if you've essentially got to double or triple your server farm come launch day.  Those blades should've been ready to go from pre-order day 1, otherwise what's the godamned point in having them since no one will populate them a week later.  I dunno, common sense does not exist in Austin I guess.  It is Texas after all eh?   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 20, 2011, 11:40:58 AM
If servers were coming live on launch day, it means they're ordered them 3-4 weeks ago. One does not simply buy servers at the local big box store. Running power/extending your datacenter and actually getting the hardware in takes a lot of lead time. Someone's head should only roll if the initial numbers said "holy shit lots of players incoming." If they said nothing and it just turns out everyone bought it without a preorder, there's very little they could have done beyond buy servers for every physical box shipped and pray they didn't just spend an extra million on hardware they're just going to ebay next week.

All that said, they should have been designing a server migration plan when ordering all this new hardware so there was an orderly way of making sure everyone had a place to play. I dislike the idea of "you've only been playing for a week, pick up and move!" I mean sure, it wouldn't be more than a week's investment lost but I don't think many people will actually migrate servers without a server transfer option.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 20, 2011, 11:56:35 AM
Well, let's see.  Each server holds what?  2000 players?  They had like 80-100 at EA day 1?  Do that math and that doesnt even cover the amount of preorders they had in the 1st week preorders became available.   :oh_i_see:  

Doubling your infrastructure 1 day after launch with the retail numbers they had is dumb.  There's just no reasoning not to have that stuff in place during early access unless you're so skimp you wanna save a few days leasetime.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 20, 2011, 11:58:05 AM

That is fucking crazy talk. Don't you know server transfers market the first step to the destruction of the game....?? Unless they are paid transfers, then it is ok.  :why_so_serious:

Do companies really believe this?  FFS WoW Vanilla did this to address this very problem!  (Maybe that argument could convince them because they are so uppity to be WoW all over again...)

Also they let us off the ruskies server. Warsong. Never forget.

Although I have to admit to treasuring the memory of chasing after a druid telling him in very broken russian to remove my disease  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 20, 2011, 12:02:44 PM
Well, let's see.  Each server holds what?  2000 players?  They had like 80-100 at EA day 1?  Do that math and that doesnt even cover the amount of preorders they had in the 1st week preorders became available.   :oh_i_see:  

Doubling your infrastructure 1 day after launch with the retail numbers they had is dumb.  There's just no reasoning not to have that stuff in place during early access unless you're so skimp you wanna save a few days leasetime.

Have they confirmed 2,000 is the server count of active connections? If so, that's really odd back end infrastructure.

But what I'm saying is "hey, this is the hardware we'll wind up needing per current numbers + growth projections" plays better with your boss than "So anyways, I bought us a 45T SAN, and it turns out we only have 2T of data and about 10G growth a month. Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

Having to double your systems on launch pisses a few players off, and statistically doesn't seem to impact your retention much at all. But it generates AWESOME PR. Having 2,000 ghost town servers on launch has the opposite effect.

edit: Looking at the status page, the entire problem seems to be summed up as "we didn't think RP servers would be that popular." They seem to have a pretty normal percentage breakdown of pvp/pve/RP-pve, but the RP-pve servers are all heavy/full while the pve servers are about balanced between high loads and light loads. Turns out a game with a heavy story emphasis may pull RPers out of the woodwork. Or they're all people named MalReynolds who want to avoid servers with stupid player names.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 20, 2011, 12:07:27 PM
2,000 is extremely low, especially considering phasing and instancing.

No dynamic events, no real ingame CS, no real feedback, etc.


Also the ability to toss up 90 so servers in a 5 hour window really throws your armcharing right out the window.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 20, 2011, 12:11:48 PM
2,000 is extremely low, especially considering phasing and instancing.

No dynamic events, no real ingame CS, no real feedback, etc.


You haven't noticed he's been pulling doom & gloom stuff out of his ass for a week?  It's like he's only going to feel validated if the whole thing collapses.

Anyway, 200+ servers up and stable at launch is no mean feat.  I gotta give them credit for a job well done even if there are day 1 queues.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 20, 2011, 12:13:48 PM
Googling "WoW realm capacity" seems to indicate 3000 / server (in 2008), so I would guess the full realms could probably be 5000+ with today's improved hardware.  My estimates are they have approx 4+ million subscribers, but I guess nothing will be confirmed until they announce something.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 20, 2011, 12:26:50 PM
One of my ways of dealing with this for now is creating only one or two classes per server instead of all classes on the same server.

When I get home tonight if the server with my Jedi Knight is full, I'll hope there's a Light load server on which I can launch a new class (BH, here I come!). If not, /shrug.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on December 20, 2011, 12:29:10 PM
Queues suck, no doubt. But all the people raging about this need to settle down. Its release day, and the kids are out of school. The queues will be gone, or at least minimal, in a week or two.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 20, 2011, 12:34:44 PM
Queues suck, no doubt. But all the people raging about this need to settle down. Its release day, and the kids are out of school. The queues will be gone, or at least minimal, in a week or two.

True enough. However, for those people who have been plugging away at it all week, to come home after work to a 2-3 hour queue... well I can understand the frustration; given the fact they released new servers on retail release and those sit fairly unencumbered while the ones from pre-release are rammed. For all the gating BW did at first, you'd think this would have been somewhat avoided.

And no, I really do not give a shit about a queue right now... I expected it at some point. I will just roll a republic alt somewhere else to fuck around with since I do not know any of the storylines on that side yet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 12:35:42 PM
Fuck that fake mature higher-ground bullshit, I paid for the game and I expect to be able to play it. EA fucked up and deserves to be raked over the coals.

Player volume didn't come as a surprise. They knew exactly how many players they'd have during the pre-order week, and they were unable to handle the players that they literally  just let in. There's no excuse for that. No valid explanation other than simple incompetence.

Now that the game is released, you could argue that volumes are no longer predictable, or at least not to the same degree. If they had handled capacity better during prerelease, I would be inclined to swallow that explanation. But now? No way. They fucked up, and you need to stop apologizing and start frothing at the mouth. Or at least quietly simmering away like most of us.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 20, 2011, 12:42:14 PM
It's kind of sad that with all the guild assignment stuff and such, it doesn't seem to have really helped any. I thought that would really balance some of this out.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 20, 2011, 12:48:51 PM
I could buy SWTOR now, it IS a game I'm interested in playing but I'm waiting a couple months for people to stop hammering the newbie zones and queue times.  If I bought on day one and had to wait an hour to play I'd not be a happy camper, I bought skyrim and was bashing heads 5min into booting it up.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 20, 2011, 12:50:38 PM
It's kind of sad that with all the guild assignment stuff and such, it doesn't seem to have really helped any. I thought that would really balance some of this out.

I concur. I really thought they would do something akin to what Square did with FFXI, only with guilds instead of players. *shrug* Oh well... Everything stays the same...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 20, 2011, 12:53:09 PM
I could buy SWTOR now, it IS a game I'm interested in playing but I'm waiting a couple months for people to stop hammering the newbie zones and queue times.  If I bought on day one and had to wait an hour to play I'd not be a happy camper, I bought skyrim and was bashing heads 5min into booting it up.

Honestly, after the queues, the zones are rather roomy as far as population goes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 20, 2011, 12:58:23 PM
Yeah I would hardly call it crowded. The queues seem more like an 'encouragement' for new people to try a different server than anything else to me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 01:07:31 PM
It's not overcrowded at all, and (so far at least) the game is perfectly playable, once you get past the queues.

If the conspiracy theory is true and they're trying to "encourage" people to start characters on other servers, why not push accounts with characters over level 15 on that server to the front of the queue? Pretty simple solution. But they didn't do that. Nah, there's no subterfuge here, they're just trying to keep the game playable for people that get in. Which is great, except hour-long queues are inexcusable.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on December 20, 2011, 01:34:09 PM
Fuck that fake mature higher-ground bullshit, I paid for the game and I expect to be able to play it. EA fucked up and deserves to be raked over the coals.

Player volume didn't come as a surprise. They knew exactly how many players they'd have during the pre-order week, and they were unable to handle the players that they literally  just let in. There's no excuse for that. No valid explanation other than simple incompetence.

I'm pretty sure thats exactly what Mythic did with WAR.  :rimshot:

Also, im hopped up on cold medicine and cant tell if I fell in the sarcasm or not.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 20, 2011, 01:35:18 PM
So I just got home, and no QQueue on charlie sheen at all yet. Go east coast!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 20, 2011, 01:37:13 PM
edit: Looking at the status page, the entire problem seems to be summed up as "we didn't think RP servers would be that popular." They seem to have a pretty normal percentage breakdown of pvp/pve/RP-pve, but the RP-pve servers are all heavy/full while the pve servers are about balanced between high loads and light loads. Turns out a game with a heavy story emphasis may pull RPers out of the woodwork. Or they're all people named MalReynolds who want to avoid servers with stupid player names.
200k+ pre-NGE SWG lovers.  200k with all the bugs.  Now take the people who couldn't put up with all the bugs and ever-changing systems...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Teleku on December 20, 2011, 01:47:00 PM
I haven't actually hit a queue once while logging into the game.  Of course I'm PST, but still....

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 20, 2011, 01:47:47 PM
Fuck that fake mature higher-ground bullshit, I paid for the game and I expect to be able to play it. EA fucked up and deserves to be raked over the coals.

Player volume didn't come as a surprise. They knew exactly how many players they'd have during the pre-order week, and they were unable to handle the players that they literally  just let in. There's no excuse for that. No valid explanation other than simple incompetence.

Now that the game is released, you could argue that volumes are no longer predictable, or at least not to the same degree. If they had handled capacity better during prerelease, I would be inclined to swallow that explanation. But now? No way. They fucked up, and you need to stop apologizing and start frothing at the mouth. Or at least quietly simmering away like most of us.

Nothing personal but, really?

What my inner curmudgeon wanted to say was:

Fuck this fake shove-it-up-your-ass-BW rant and emo-eye-liner-pity-me request to conform to an asstard's idea of what it takes to get riled up. I'll fucking froth at the mouth when I'm good and damn ready and not a fucking moment before and not because some pussy-mouthed dickwad has got his panties in a bundle because of playing a make-believe-pixellated cartoon for a goddamn week and can't stand the idea of having to either wait to play or dealing with the insane misery of rolling an alt. A month from now you'll just be scratching that oh-so-angry-because-I'm-simmering cheese scum off your balls and rolling it between your fingers and sniffing it while wondering what the hell you were so upset about in the first place.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Bunk on December 20, 2011, 02:02:59 PM

Nothing personal but, really?

What my inner curmudgeon wanted to say was:

Fuck this fake shove-it-up-your-ass-BW rant and emo-eye-liner-pity-me request to conform to an asstard's idea of what it takes to get riled up. I'll fucking froth at the mouth when I'm good and damn ready and not a fucking moment before and not because some pussy-mouthed dickwad has got his panties in a bundle because of playing a make-believe-pixellated cartoon for a goddamn week and can't stand the idea of having to either wait to play or dealing with the insane misery of rolling an alt. A month from now you'll just be scratching that oh-so-angry-because-I'm-simmering cheese scum off your balls and rolling it between your fingers and sniffing it while wondering what the hell you were so upset about in the first place.
Dang, that's way to long to put in a profile quote, and it would just seem wrong to edit it down in any way.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mattemeo on December 20, 2011, 02:19:41 PM
If your inner curmudgeon has a newsletter, I wish to subscribe to it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 20, 2011, 02:22:54 PM
It's 1734 hrs EST where I am.

I just logged into Shein.  No queue.  Your arguments are irrelevant.   :drill: :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 20, 2011, 02:24:57 PM
Dang, that's way to long to put in a profile quote, and it would just seem wrong to edit it down in any way.

No. Brevity is the soul of wit. That was witless, but fun. I love talking in faux-F13-speak every now and then.

BW and EA could have done much better at planning, but it's not the end of the world. I have no knowledge of who's really doing what over there, but I still think their MMO newbness is showing, but they're doing OK overall.  Someone over at TRION (whether that's Hartsman or whoever) has more MMO-savvy chops, but even they have issues from time to time.

Sometimes the people closest to the game development can't see the gaping customer-service or customer-experience issues, or they minimize them because, deep down, they don't know how to solve them. No matter what you do, from capping server side percentages (a la AION), to preventing any new characters from being created on a server, to making everything one giant universe (a la EVE, with laggy over-populated trading hubs), you don't satisfy everyone. The holy grail is "100% uptime, 100% lag free, queue free, play anywhere I want, any time I want, with whoever I want, in whatever way I want. And it better be cheap. And now, dammit." Who could deliver all that -- at once?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azuredream on December 20, 2011, 02:27:05 PM
Just encountered the memory leak issue on Taris. My main character is effectively locked out, as I CTD within 10 seconds of logging in. I'm told if I can manage to untrack all the quests the issue will go away but after a bunch of failed attempts I gave up. Looks like I'll have to play an alt until they fix this rather gamebreaking bug.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 20, 2011, 02:29:18 PM
Taris memory bug should be fixed tomorrow.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 20, 2011, 03:06:27 PM
Nothing personal but, really?
That's all very clever, but "it'll be better in 2 weeks" doesn't amount to a whole heck of a lot when I want to play now. They always say you should express your feelings, so let me say in the nicest possible way that telling me to calm down and wait gives me the urge to somehow reach through the internet and shove my fist down your fucking throat. But hey, thanks for not being sanctimonious and taking the higher ground. Much respect for slinging it down in the mud with the rest of us.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kageru on December 20, 2011, 03:10:01 PM
If folks are leveling just to level for the endgame, yeah, I can see dying out in a month or two.  That's part of why I'm taking it slower.  

However, if you want to see all the class story lines it'll be a bit more.

They seem to be countering this by pointing out that the entire development team (including voice actors) will continue to work on the SWTOR and nothing else, and the launch-beardy Danno Erickson (honestly, that beard of his looks like one of inspector Clouseau's less convincing disguises...) pushed the point in their launch video - basically more content is coming and fast.

I'll be intested to see how much and how fast.

This has never, ever, worked. Even if it is the full team they had years of development time for content that is being consumed in a month or two. To believe you can keep ahead of the player base with high quality content is destined to fail. The extent to which their end-game can mask repetition and keep people motivated to keep investing time will be the interesting test.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: El Gallo on December 20, 2011, 03:43:18 PM
Can't accept any new quests, 77 pages of people with the same problem, some for days now. Customer service response is to put the word "blueberry" in your ticket. Seriously fucking clownshoes.  http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=20021

Counterpoint: quest layout/flow in this game is vastly inferior to WoW in every way, so maybe the game is doing me a favor.  It's like they were designed by someone who thought vanilla Barrens was awesome, but would be even better if the objectives were spread further apart and the zone was littered with impassable walls all over the fucking place. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 20, 2011, 03:46:25 PM
Taris is really the only zone I've noticed shitty quest flow/walls in. (Republic side anyway.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 20, 2011, 05:14:11 PM
Could have done better at planning? no, they plan for queues during launch.  The traffic now is magnitudes higher than it will be at any other point in the history of this game, queues are the norm.  The other option is the warhammer solution, launch with ten times as many servers as your game actually needs.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 20, 2011, 05:22:00 PM
8:30 pm EST day 1 of retail, 210 in queue which it says is <15 minutes.

Hardly the end of the world.

e: I'm timing it, so far I've advanced 50 places in 3 minutes.

e: 14:55.3  just made it. :-)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fraeg on December 20, 2011, 06:05:15 PM
eh, it is an MMO, it just released, there is a line to check out the cool new ride just like at Disneyland.

Did I miss something? When did we start not expecting a cluster fuck at the launch of a major MMO?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 20, 2011, 06:23:51 PM
After all the queue qing (ho ho ho) I was expecting a long wait, and there was no queue at all.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 20, 2011, 07:06:33 PM
Quote from: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=60893
With this in mind, we wanted to notify everyone of some consistently high population servers. These servers are closing in on their absolute population cap (the maximum amount of players who can be on the server at any given time) and will likely have a queue to enter even at off-peak play times.

We strongly advise you to not create new characters on these servers, unless you are prepared to queue to play.

Character transfer is a common request for these servers. The ability to transfer your characters is being worked on, but there is no ETA on when it will be available.

Welp my friends guild already have slated to move away from The Fatman, people have rolled on other servers and people with a few days of /played is now grumbling as The Fatman has over an indicated 2hr queue.

Really wish they had soft capped at 50-75% at prelaunch on servers to better prepare the load for launch, its a total mess now and I have a level 25char that's pretty much a writeoff.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 21, 2011, 12:54:59 AM
it seems like Origin has run out of codes for the digital copies  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 21, 2011, 01:32:30 AM
I keep reading people talking about RIFTs flawless launch and how it was the paragon of pre-access/launch planning.

So was the RIFT that had launch day queues a different game or what? I'm confused.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 21, 2011, 04:26:24 AM
One small clownshoes moment... when signing up I made a typo in my CC billing address. Noticed it before hitting confirm, but after I'd entered the CC details.

There is no way to rectify it. You can click "Change" next to either the CC which lets you select or enter a different card, but you can't enter the same CC number again as it says that it's not unique. You can click "change" next to the billing address... which does exactly the same as clicking change next to the CC. No option to edit the address or re-enter the same card with corrected details.

In the end I gave up and just hit confirm with the wrong address assigned to my CC. Went through without a hitch. Be interesting to see what happens when it comes time to actually bill the card!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 21, 2011, 04:27:57 AM
Knowing how "secure" transactions are, so long as the #'s right it will probably go through.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 21, 2011, 04:44:31 AM
What's weird is that I'm in Goon Squad and our server hasn't had long queues whenever I've tried to log in in the afternoon. I mean, and this is a server with two Goon guilds, and a NeoGAF guild.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 21, 2011, 04:54:20 AM
Um, when I log into swtor.com and go to My Profile, I can click on Subscription, then Show Billing History, then there's an EDIT option by the credit card, and clicking it pops up a sub-window that lets me fully change everything - name, address, etc.  Alternately, under swtor.com My Profile, I can click on the left on the Contact Information Complete!!! graphic and change my address, phone number, etc.

Not sure why it's not working for you.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on December 21, 2011, 05:03:21 AM
it seems like Origin has run out of codes for the digital copies  :why_so_serious:

A friend of mine, who preordered on Origin, just texted me to tell that he hasn't received his key and likely won't until the grace period runs out. My physical copy arrived last Friday, so it's kind of funny.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 21, 2011, 05:05:35 AM
I keep reading people talking about RIFTs flawless launch and how it was the paragon of pre-access/launch planning.

So was the RIFT that had launch day queues a different game or what? I'm confused.


Their wait times were VASTLY over estimated, that queue was probably 5 mins long.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 21, 2011, 05:18:20 AM
Their wait times were VASTLY over estimated, that queue was probably 5 mins long.

It was more to make a point that there were repeated news articles and comments about login queues when RIFT launched with reports of 1hr plus wait times. I just find it amusing that people keep making reference to what's implied to have been a flawless, queueless launch when it quite clearly wasn't.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 21, 2011, 05:19:47 AM
Origin codes should have been sent by email a few days ago.

(edit, code sold)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 21, 2011, 05:20:50 AM
What's weird is that I'm in Goon Squad and our server hasn't had long queues whenever I've tried to log in in the afternoon. I mean, and this is a server with two Goon guilds, and a NeoGAF guild.

Don't forget AIE.  It's like BW intentionally put all of the supergroup internet guilds together on one server just to see how you all would get along with each other  :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on December 21, 2011, 05:21:24 AM
Origin codes should have been sent by email a few days ago. (Origin didn't cancel my order despite my request--I have one for the electronic CE if anyone wants to pay pal me for it.)

Is that the Digital Deluxe version? Yeah, I might be interested.  (EDIT: Sent you a PM)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: UD_Delt on December 21, 2011, 05:41:22 AM
Origin codes should have been sent by email a few days ago. (Origin didn't cancel my order despite my request--I have one for the electronic CE if anyone wants to pay pal me for it.)

Yep, I ordered on Origin as well and got my code a couple days ago.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 21, 2011, 06:16:52 AM
Origin codes should have been sent by email a few days ago. (Origin didn't cancel my order despite my request--I have one for the electronic CE if anyone wants to pay pal me for it.)

Yep, I ordered on Origin as well and got my code a couple days ago.

Same, I think I got my code on the 16th.  Whoever it was who says they didn't get their code should check back a few days/check their spam filter.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 21, 2011, 06:42:29 AM
it seems like Origin has run out of codes for the digital copies  :why_so_serious:

A friend of mine, who preordered on Origin, just texted me to tell that he hasn't received his key and likely won't until the grace period runs out. My physical copy arrived last Friday, so it's kind of funny.

My Origin retail key was sent to me on the 16th.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 21, 2011, 07:50:10 AM
What's weird is that I'm in Goon Squad and our server hasn't had long queues whenever I've tried to log in in the afternoon. I mean, and this is a server with two Goon guilds, and a NeoGAF guild.

I'm on Veela where Starfleet Dental is and it had queues at 8am yesterday.

Didn't join the Goon Squad server since for some terrible unknown reasons they rolled on a PvE server.  :ye_gods:

So I ran Hammer Station for the first time last night and it was a huge dissapointment.  Esselles had a nice story line too it, cut scenes, social options, choices, flowed really nice.  Then Hammer was just a 100% typical MMO short run through, tank and spank, everything done.  No storyline, no chats, no cut scenes, nothing.  Did they just make Esseles really nice and story driven and then get lazy on everything after?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: murdoc on December 21, 2011, 08:19:36 AM
What's weird is that I'm in Goon Squad and our server hasn't had long queues whenever I've tried to log in in the afternoon. I mean, and this is a server with two Goon guilds, and a NeoGAF guild.

I'm on Veela where Starfleet Dental is and it had queues at 8am yesterday.

Didn't join the Goon Squad server since for some terrible unknown reasons they rolled on a PvE server.  :ye_gods:

So I ran Hammer Station for the first time last night and it was a huge dissapointment.  Esselles had a nice story line too it, cut scenes, social options, choices, flowed really nice.  Then Hammer was just a 100% typical MMO short run through, tank and spank, everything done.  No storyline, no chats, no cut scenes, nothing.  Did they just make Esseles really nice and story driven and then get lazy on everything after?

So far, everything I've run has been like Hammer Station. Hardly any interaction other than (there's a group of x in a room and if you do y they live and you get light side points and if you do z they die and you get dark side points. It's quite disappointing after how interactive Black Talon was.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 21, 2011, 09:01:58 AM
I wonder how many people got on board thinking everything is like Black Talon. I know I did before I was corrected here.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 21, 2011, 09:03:48 AM
For a VERY VERY VERY long time, black talon and esselles represented half of the flashpoints in the game-- each faction had only 2. This was one of the top items I really wanted to break NDA to talk about, but then a couple months ago they added quite a few more flashpoints, so I figured they fixed it. If the new ones suck, maybe not so much.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 21, 2011, 09:39:17 AM
I wonder how many people got on board thinking everything is like Black Talon. I know I did before I was corrected here.

Part of me was hoping, the other part of me was too busy yelling at the fucktard PUG to select a fucking response so we could get on with it...and of course, there was always that one person who was lagging so badly that everyone would have selected their responses and we'd have to wait 5-10 minutes for the guy's network to function. While I liked BT a lot from the story perspective, it did not go without its frustrations.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 21, 2011, 09:42:06 AM
Hmmmm.  Some rambling thoughts...

I also ran Hammer Station for the first time last night. Our grouped mused about the lack of dialog and were all OK with it being a straightforward combat mission, especially after the 2 hours it can take to run Esseles in full-dialog mode. We liked the idea that there might be some variety among the "dungeons" -- some more combat oriented, some more story-oriented. We're looking at doing the Athiss flashpoint next. So you're saying it's just another combat-only dungeon, and so are all the others to come?

If so, my guess is that they ran out of time to make every flashpoint as fleshed-out as Esseles, or they concluded that adding more flashpoint content after launch would be too time/resource intensive if they made every one a VO-fest. So to set expectations, they launched with "minimal" story flashpoints as well as a couple of VO-ones. This way, if they deliver a VO-flashpoint in future content, people will be happy. If they deliver a non-VO or minimal-VO flashpoint, people may complain but won't be expecting every flashpoint to be a VO-flashpoint.

They also might have been second-guessing themselves on how willing/interested people would be in groups/pugs to endure multiple runs through VO-flashpoints. Too bad, since the heavy story and dialog options in Esseles made it more memorable, IMHO, than Hammer Station.

We liked the combat challenge of Hammer Station compared to the ease of Esseles, but we also enjoyed the story elements of Esseles as a new kind of "group experience."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 21, 2011, 09:42:39 AM
I'd like to do a PvP version of BT, where the end boss is a Republic group instead of the NPC Jedi. We win the mission if we can defeat them, they win if they can defeat us (and save the general).

Nice small PvP encounter rather than the masses in a battleground/huttball.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: murdoc on December 21, 2011, 09:48:20 AM
I'd love a PvP Operation/Flash Point like Darkness Falls in DAoC. Tying story elements into it would be fantastic, but a pipe dream I think.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 21, 2011, 09:51:37 AM
I'd like to do a PvP version of BT, where the end boss is a Republic group instead of the NPC Jedi. We win the mission if we can defeat them, they win if they can defeat us (and save the general).

Nice small PvP encounter rather than the masses in a battleground/huttball.

But what happens to my dark side points from that "decision" then? And I dunno how well this would be received outside of PvP servers... there are a lot of people who don't like PvP in their game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 21, 2011, 09:54:16 AM
I didn't say it would be *required* but it would be a nice option.

Your decisions still stand, you might just miss out on the final 'capture him alive' or 'kill him' dialog choice if you lost the encounter with the other group. Or maybe there'd be an alternative one. (like the option to kill the captain for a second time, since obviously he didn't send enough troopers to support you).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 21, 2011, 10:05:08 AM
I have done the black talon 3 times, and it has gone three different ways ( Literally ). I was quite happy about that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 21, 2011, 10:11:59 AM
So far I've ran Eselles, Hammer, and Athiss and yeah I'm kinda disappointed at the lack of interactive story stuff in the latter two. I'm kinda torn though since as mentioned it takes like 1-2 hours to get through Eselles even with a good group. When you're running these later in heroic mode to get gear to raid you'd want to set yourself on fire if you had to sit through like 30 minutes or so of cutscenes and DS/LS choices every time; especially if your gear didn't drop.

Don't forget AIE.  It's like BW intentionally put all of the supergroup internet guilds together on one server just to see how you all would get along with each other  :grin:
So far the answer is "meh". I think as a guild GAF doesn't like us but I've had questing groups and instance groups with them and it's been fine.

Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 21, 2011, 10:26:08 AM
Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.

I guess I'm a unicorn then.  Although I would  :heart: to pickup a DPS-spec and go to town with my solo missions, the utility I get and group invites from being a healer-speced healer are  :awesome_for_real:

I also agree with you on the dungeons.  It seems like BT/Eselles were love letters that look like a lot of time and compassion went into them.  Everything since then has been a WoW-dungeon knock-off  :uhrr:.  As far as heroics go, have your group agree that if everyone's already done the dungeon before and cares not for the story, everyone spams the space-bar for the dialogues.  If everyone does, you can skip through all that noise pretty quick.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 21, 2011, 10:28:38 AM
So far I've ran Eselles, Hammer, and Athiss and yeah I'm kinda disappointed at the lack of interactive story stuff in the latter two. I'm kinda torn though since as mentioned it takes like 1-2 hours to get through Eselles even with a good group. When you're running these later in heroic mode to get gear to raid you'd want to set yourself on fire if you had to sit through like 30 minutes or so of cutscenes and DS/LS choices every time; especially if your gear didn't drop.

Don't forget AIE.  It's like BW intentionally put all of the supergroup internet guilds together on one server just to see how you all would get along with each other  :grin:
So far the answer is "meh". I think as a guild GAF doesn't like us but I've had questing groups and instance groups with them and it's been fine.

Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.

So I guess I should make Hob a sage heal spec? Will people love me then? I need some attention on the republic side....

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on December 21, 2011, 10:29:26 AM
Everything since then has been a WoW-dungeon knock-off  :uhrr:.  As far as heroics go, have your group agree that if everyone's already done the dungeon before and cares not for the story, everyone spams the space-bar for the dialogues.  If everyone does, you can skip through all that noise pretty quick.

This has the potential to cause friction in the future. EX: New guy gets invited to a dungeon run and gets dropped from group because he won't spacebar spam past the cutscenes.  

I hate people.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 21, 2011, 10:34:25 AM
Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.
There's no clique. TOR doesn't even have mouseover macros. Lots of WoW healers won't deal with that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 21, 2011, 10:35:19 AM
Everything since then has been a WoW-dungeon knock-off  :uhrr:.  As far as heroics go, have your group agree that if everyone's already done the dungeon before and cares not for the story, everyone spams the space-bar for the dialogues.  If everyone does, you can skip through all that noise pretty quick.

This has the potential to cause friction in the future. EX: New guy gets invited to a dungeon run and gets dropped from group because he won't spacebar spam past the cutscenes.  

I hate people.

New guy needs to form his own group and call the shots then.  The game never actually says who's holding up the group...just "Waiting on Party Members."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 21, 2011, 10:36:19 AM
There's also a problem where people don't "get" the other healers.

Sjofn apparently gets PLZ HEAL US tells all the time. I'm hanging out on the same planet as a healing specced smuggler, and have yet to get a single random tell about such things. People in general ask for sage healers for their groups, and seem shocked that there are actually two other healing classes.

Actually, every group I've been in so far had two healers, and one was fakedpsing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 21, 2011, 10:40:11 AM
Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.

Yeah, never see anyone healing in PVP especially.  I normaly play a healer, but as soon as I saw you cannot mod or customize the UI I just went "fuck that" and rolled a tank/dps.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on December 21, 2011, 10:41:58 AM
I mostly want raid frames. Can I force them on in some way on group parties? It drives me insane, and I'm so used at playing whack-a-mole I very often forget to heal myself, because my health is way on the bottom.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 21, 2011, 10:43:36 AM
Op Frames.

TOR Tip - Using Focus Targets (Healing) (http://youtu.be/BujnSlyXhGs?hd=1)

TOR Quick Tip 2 - Healing Frames (Party and Operations) SWTOR (http://youtu.be/ip4hv8ca-aM?hd=1)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 21, 2011, 10:43:45 AM
I mostly want raid frames. Can I force them on in some way on group parties? It drives me insane, and I'm so used at playing whack-a-mole I very often forget to heal myself, because my health is way on the bottom.

You can force their raid frames on in parties, yes. It's in the UI options, very bottom.

Note: you cannot bring companions to raids, so for some fucking stupid reason this means that if you use the raid frames YOU CANNOT SEE COMPANION HEALTH IN PARTIES.

Oh, and your bar does not appear in the raid frame. That would make too much fucking sense.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 21, 2011, 10:46:17 AM
There's also a problem where people don't "get" the other healers.

I think some people do "get" them, because a lot of number crunching has already been done as far as the three healing types go.  The Sage/Sorc style has been deemed the most developed and efficient, one that doesn't require a master's degree in computer operation in order to do well at.  IA/Smug's come in second with Pally-style heals, and BH/Troops third due to the whole heat/ammo thing that eventually stop-gaps them if they're not careful.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 21, 2011, 11:55:11 AM
Op Frames.

TOR Tip - Using Focus Targets (Healing) (http://youtu.be/BujnSlyXhGs?hd=1)

TOR Quick Tip 2 - Healing Frames (Party and Operations) SWTOR (http://youtu.be/ip4hv8ca-aM?hd=1)

Thats a pretty significant improvment, thanks.  Might make healers playable for me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 21, 2011, 12:33:29 PM
There's also a problem where people don't "get" the other healers.

I think some people do "get" them, because a lot of number crunching has already been done as far as the three healing types go.  The Sage/Sorc style has been deemed the most developed and efficient, one that doesn't require a master's degree in computer operation in order to do well at.  IA/Smug's come in second with Pally-style heals, and BH/Troops third due to the whole heat/ammo thing that eventually stop-gaps them if they're not careful.

Smugglers actually appear to be the most efficient, what Sages have is the ability to react instantly to the unexpected. That's pretty much the big change between Sages and the others: your group playing poorly punishes Smugglers and Troopers more than it obviously hurts Sages.

But from the playerbase commentary, there seems to be a mental disconnect that sawbones is even a spec. You don't see a commando or scoundrel and think "a healer!", you think "a dps!" the same way people see a sage and act stunned when they're DPS specced.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Johny Cee on December 21, 2011, 12:44:08 PM

I was going to give this a pass, but I'm breaking down!  Quick, more bad things about the release!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: March on December 21, 2011, 01:11:56 PM
Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.
There's no clique. TOR doesn't even have mouseover macros. Lots of WoW healers won't deal with that.

This and no dual-spec.

Unless I'm permitted to stand around like a pylon, I don't think I have enough hands for targetting, healing, and moving.  I guess some folks can, but I can't...at least not for any sort of challenging content.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 21, 2011, 01:15:05 PM
Also, has anyone noticed the utter lack of healers? I mean, the tank to DPS ratio is actually really respectable and something like a 1:2, but finding a healing SPECCED healer is like trying to find a unicorn.
There's no clique. TOR doesn't even have mouseover macros. Lots of WoW healers won't deal with that.

This and no dual-spec.

Unless I'm permitted to stand around like a pylon, I don't think I have enough hands for targetting, healing, and moving.  I guess some folks can, but I can't...at least not for any sort of challenging content.

I used the focus target option quite a bit in beta when I became aware of how it works. Strangely, it works rather smoothly, but only for one player. So defaulting it on the tank while keeping the target as primary does in fact work well. Definitely need to hotkey that modifier to something in the opposite hand or thumb though... made that mistake first group I tried it in.  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 21, 2011, 01:37:59 PM
Right, if you spec healer you need to level as a healer too. That's actually possible, with a tank companion, but certainly much slower. And you're spending your time micromanaging and healing a NPC rather than killing the mobs yourself-- no thanks.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 21, 2011, 01:45:19 PM
I'm actually leveling as a healer with a dps companion right now, and tanking the mobs myself.

Scoundrels get kind of absurd at 30 with their instant heal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 21, 2011, 02:08:16 PM
So far I've ran Eselles, Hammer, and Athiss and yeah I'm kinda disappointed at the lack of interactive story stuff in the latter two.

I ran Eselles for the first time last night and I was very impressed with the story aspects of it.  Once it was over I commented about how cool it was and then immediately got my hopes dashed with, "Yeah, the rest of the flashpoints aren't like that."  For a few minutes there I thought I would be spending more time grouped than I've grown accustomed to.  Also, since it seems you can get the flashpoint boss drops for commendation trade-ins there isn't even the siren's song of phat-lewts to get you in the door.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 21, 2011, 03:36:45 PM
Unless you want to miss wide sections of each zone where the best xp, missions and loot rewards are you will probably be grouping.  I am enjoying the game but I really don't like the "forced" grouping.  Perhaps it's just because everything is new but I also find that the classes don't work well together, at all.  I don't have a coherent way of explaining that, it is just the way it feels to me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 21, 2011, 03:54:02 PM
Unless you want to miss wide sections of each zone where the best xp, missions and loot rewards are you will probably be grouping.  I am enjoying the game but I really don't like the "forced" grouping.  Perhaps it's just because everything is new but I also find that the classes don't work well together, at all.  I don't have a coherent way of explaining that, it is just the way it feels to me.

I disagree.  From my experience thus far across five planets, each one is broken down into sections/quest hubs.  Each hub has at most 1 maybe 2 Heroic quests which require either 2/4 people.  None of the heroics have any impact on your story progression or even on planet progression.  They've all been independent stand-alone quests, where if you do them, great!  If not, it's not that big of a deal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 21, 2011, 03:59:08 PM
Yeah, the heroic 2/4s should be skippable... flashpoints too.

I've done Esseles, Hammer Station, the Ord Mantell heroics, maybe 3 Coruscant heroics, and 1 Taris heroic... didn't touch any group content after that. I was still consistently overleveling the current planet the class questline sends me to by 2-3. I just hit 41 and I'm still overleveling them by 1. I used to do the bonus objectives of the 'solo' missions religiously, but got too lazy to do that once I hit Quesh and Hoth.

Haven't done any space combat either, and only a handful of warfronts.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 21, 2011, 04:01:52 PM
So today I learned that if you have anyone over level, you can burn through flashpoints in seconds because even squishy classes are simply impossible for even the bosses to hit.

So if you're bored one day.. and know a cybertech... you can basically put all your companions in at-level oranges in an evening. :P

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 21, 2011, 08:55:47 PM
There's no forced grouping at all, I dunno what to say about that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 21, 2011, 10:21:11 PM
Um, when I log into swtor.com and go to My Profile, I can click on Subscription, then Show Billing History, then there's an EDIT option by the credit card, and clicking it pops up a sub-window that lets me fully change everything - name, address, etc.  Alternately, under swtor.com My Profile, I can click on the left on the Contact Information Complete!!! graphic and change my address, phone number, etc.

Not sure why it's not working for you.

Interesting, there's no Billing History option for me, and I can't edit the CC address in any way - just checked again. I can edit my home address, but that doesn't change the billing address. Different implementations in different regions maybe? Doesn't really matter, I've submitted a support ticket detailing the issue, they've got 29 days to respond and rectify, that will surely be sufficient.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on December 21, 2011, 10:46:41 PM
This is going to be your paypal thing all over again, isn't it?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Evildrider on December 21, 2011, 11:49:11 PM
There's no forced grouping at all, I dunno what to say about that.

I was one of the first hanful of 50's on my server and I did it all solo.  There was just no one around to do the heroics and stuff with anyway.  I spent over 90% of the time on a planet by myself or with one other person.  lol

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on December 21, 2011, 11:54:16 PM
Healing as a heal specced merc is tough. Focus target will likely help, but trying to heal 3 randoms in a pug just made me say 'Fuck you all' and drop group. So I'll heal in BC groups, but anyone in a pug I'll claim to be dps.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 22, 2011, 12:19:01 AM
This is going to be your paypal thing all over again, isn't it?

Lol, I hope not! If it is I'll just keep it to myself, don't worry.

I feel bad for even posting about it in here cos it's such a minor thing compared to how much fun I am already having with the rest of it. I just thought it might be useful for people to know about so they can be extra careful not to make typos in their CC address entry for now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 22, 2011, 03:16:36 AM
Healing as a heal specced merc is tough. Focus target will likely help, but trying to heal 3 randoms in a pug just made me say 'Fuck you all' and drop group. So I'll heal in BC groups, but anyone in a pug I'll claim to be dps.

Yeah Merc healing isn't so great.  We have Kolto Missile, which is a ground aoe, which is a pain to use in an intense firefight.  I am thinking of speccing out of Bodyguard, at least for a while.   The shield is nice, but it's on a cooldown and only lasts like 12 seconds.

Then if you overheat you 'run out' of healing.  You can shoot your healing bullets without heat, but the healing amount seems a little too low.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 22, 2011, 03:39:28 AM
Healing on BH's/Agents is all a mana-management game, if you are good at it you can do it literally forever.  You can burst, but you better make sure your instant energy/heat return is up so you can get back into a good regen area.  Also, it is far easier to level a healer than a dpser, because your downtime goes down to zero and dps pets are usually pretty good at dpsing.

My only complaint so far is that in 2 person groups pets do not show up on raid frames and are a bitch to target, and the raid frames are borked in the battlegrounds so you never know who needs healing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 03:58:30 AM
First big complaint:  When I got my box I entered my code.  I've been playing fine.  Today I log in and it says I need a subscription to continue playing, but it says I only have 27 days left.

So because they didn't have the billing stuff set up pre-launch, it's counting down my time but locked me out of the game.  And their site isn't responding at six in the morning....

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 22, 2011, 04:12:22 AM
Seems they finally released a security app for android. Their site mentions certain android devices... no clue wtf that means, but the Market has it up. Downloading and installing now... we'll see what kind of clusterfuck this will bring...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 22, 2011, 04:21:19 AM
First thing I did when setting up the UI keybinds was to remap "Target Party Companion 1" to F7 and "Target Party Companion 2" to F8.  Doesn't help that they don't appear in the frames, but it makes it easier to target to check them.  You can also enable overhead nametags (and health bars) I think.

As far as the subscription, I think they considered a 2-day leeway to be sufficient for everyone.  They figured all of us would put in our code and set up a credit-card subscription on the 20th, and their 2 days grace period was an unnecessary favor.  I bet the boards are going to be full of complaints today, and maybe they'll learn.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 04:56:43 AM
Seems they finally released a security app for android. Their site mentions certain android devices... no clue wtf that means, but the Market has it up. Downloading and installing now... we'll see what kind of clusterfuck this will bring...

Maybe it doesn't support 2.1 and earlier Androids or some stupid shit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 22, 2011, 05:30:02 AM
This has the potential to cause friction in the future. EX: New guy gets invited to a dungeon run and gets dropped from group because he won't spacebar spam past the cutscenes. 

I hate people.
I already predicted this like months ago in the closed thread.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 22, 2011, 05:42:21 AM
Seems they finally released a security app for android. Their site mentions certain android devices... no clue wtf that means, but the Market has it up. Downloading and installing now... we'll see what kind of clusterfuck this will bring...

Maybe it doesn't support 2.1 and earlier Androids or some stupid shit.

Probably true. Of course, now that their website is giving me the finger and putting me behind the velvet ropes with the rest of the rabble, it'll be awhile before I get a chance to test drive it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 06:06:26 AM
As far as the subscription, I think they considered a 2-day leeway to be sufficient for everyone.  They figured all of us would put in our code and set up a credit-card subscription on the 20th, and their 2 days grace period was an unnecessary favor.  I bet the boards are going to be full of complaints today, and maybe they'll learn.
It was plenty of time to enter my code, which I did, back around the 16th.  That I need a sub to play my 30 free days, however, is silly.  And that they're counting down despite not letting me access the game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 06:25:18 AM
They didn't even take any useful steps to make it clear that I'd have to enter CC info.   I put in my product code days ago and thought that was that.   They should of forwarded me to the payment page right away when I put in the code.   Now they have everyone trying to do it all at once with the expected results.

Also why have the forethought of putting in a web page queue but not adding it to the subscription pages?  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 22, 2011, 06:41:08 AM
Yeah, unfortunately, the "counting down days even if you can't access the game" is par for the course for MMO's.

Their account registration webpage had big graphic buttons, in order, for Create Account, Answer Secret Questions, Type In Game S/N, Set up Credit Card payment, Add a security keyfob, but you had to "get" the mindset of the web developer to understand what was mandatory and what they wanted you to do.  I'm getting the same feeling from their UI - like, what's missing isn't functionality, but rather the fact that in WoW you could do each action in multiple ways (casting a spell for example, could do it from the spellbook, from the action bar with mouse or keypress, with a macro, or could type /cast x), and in SWTOR there's ONE way to do something, and if you don't guess it, you're SOL.

For example, when you set up keybinds for the action bars, the UI does differentiate between 1-0 and numpad-1-0, but no indication is given.  It is, however, quite possible to have the bottom bar set up with 1-0 and the right bar with the numpad keys.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 22, 2011, 06:53:00 AM
This has the potential to cause friction in the future. EX: New guy gets invited to a dungeon run and gets dropped from group because he won't spacebar spam past the cutscenes.  

I hate people.
I already predicted this like months ago in the closed thread.

I guess you could modify the social dicerolls during the cutscene dialog wheel choices.  You spacebarred?  -15 to diceroll.  It has no effect except for who gets to decide for the group though, so they'd have to add some carrot-on-a-stick mechanic to it I'm sure.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 07:05:19 AM
Well, a -15 would be a stick since you get more social points for winning the roll.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 07:14:36 AM
This is just becoming full on retarded.   They put in a website queue but the actual subscription service is through EA's account system.   So they are trying to throttle people getting into the EA site except that isn't working because of a few hundred thousand people clicking "continue" over and over.   Then of course the whole process craps out and you go back into the queue all over again.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 07:16:41 AM
Hm, so I won't have access when I get home? I figured the grace period was "time to enter your live code", not "time to feed us a credit card that we won't charge anyways"

I should probably set all that up then.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 07:23:19 AM
How are you people having these issues? I got on last night at 5PM and had zero problems with the site to enter in my info or my CC or my keys?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 07:24:18 AM
Hm, so I won't have access when I get home? I figured the grace period was "time to enter your live code", not "time to feed us a credit card that we won't charge anyways"

I should probably set all that up then.

You not only won't have access you won't be able to enter your credit card info for about 5 hours.   I've been trying to do it for 2 hours now.   What's going to happen at 5pm is going to melt their whole system right down to the PCB's.

How are you people having these issues? I got on last night at 5PM and had zero problems with the site to enter in my info or my CC or my keys?

They shut off access for people who haven't entered CC info this morning.   Of course you could do it fine when nobody was trying to do it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 07:24:38 AM
How are you people having these issues? I got on last night at 5PM and had zero problems with the site to enter in my info or my CC or my keys?

I was on last night, but there was a note saying that at 2am EST we had to have our codes entered. I assumed that just meant "code entered" and not "feed me sub info"

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 07:27:37 AM
People that wait until the last minute get kicked in the teeth. Film at 11.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 22, 2011, 07:28:21 AM
No, they announced "grace period to enter your code", I think, but what they meant was "grace period to enter code AND credit card."  It's stupid, because you should be able to play for 30 days w/o a CC, and the game should just stop letting you in once that expires in January.  And it's rated G so it's not like they need your CC to verify your age or whatever.

I have a feeling the real reason why they've done this was to confirm to the suits how many actual subscriptions they actually had, as a way to justify the more servers they added.  Riccitiello must be terrified that it'll be a flop like WAR, or something.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 07:29:42 AM
People that wait until the last minute get kicked in the teeth. Film at 11.  :awesome_for_real:

I entered my code days ago.  There was no waiting until the last minute here.   They basically just didn't tell anyone and then cut everyone off all at once.   Almost nobody has entered their info early like you because of this and the results are what you'd expect.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 07:31:15 AM
No, they announced "grace period to enter your code", I think, but what they meant was "grace period to enter code AND credit card."  It's stupid, because you should be able to play for 30 days w/o a CC, and the game should just stop letting you in once that expires in January.  And it's rated G so it's not like they need your CC to verify your age or whatever.

I have a feeling the real reason why they've done this was to confirm to the suits how many actual subscriptions they actually had, as a way to justify the more servers they added.  Riccitiello must be terrified that it'll be a flop like WAR, or something.

I'm fine with admitting it's my mistake. I thought the grace period was to input my code, and if they needed more the code entry page would have said "now do this, bitch"

I should have read the notices more carefully, but I'll still laugh about the idea that they are blocking access even though their system clearly knows that the account has game time remaining.

edit: All of the long form communication I see says "sign up for a sub", so it's entirely my own fault. I only read the headlines of "dude, activate your accounts", and did what I assumed was activating my account. My bad, but still kinda funny to me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 07:38:20 AM
People that wait until the last minute get kicked in the teeth. Film at 11.  :awesome_for_real:

I entered my code days ago.  There was no waiting until the last minute here.   They basically just didn't tell anyone and then cut everyone off all at once.   Almost nobody has entered their info early like you because of this and the results are what you'd expect.

Almost nobody logged into their game when they got it and updated their accounts? Really?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: March on December 22, 2011, 07:40:54 AM
No, they announced "grace period to enter your code", I think, but what they meant was "grace period to enter code AND credit card."  It's stupid, because you should be able to play for 30 days w/o a CC, and the game should just stop letting you in once that expires in January.  And it's rated G so it's not like they need your CC to verify your age or whatever.

I have a feeling the real reason why they've done this was to confirm to the suits how many actual subscriptions they actually had, as a way to justify the more servers they added.  Riccitiello must be terrified that it'll be a flop like WAR, or something.

I'm fine with admitting it's my mistake. I thought the grace period was to input my code, and if they needed more the code entry page would have said "now do this, bitch"

I should have read the notices more carefully, but I'll still laugh about the idea that they are blocking access even though their system clearly knows that the account has game time remaining.

edit: All of the long form communication I see says "sign up for a sub", so it's entirely my own fault. I only read the headlines of "dude, activate your accounts", and did what I assumed was activating my account. My bad, but still kinda funny to me.

No, you are exactly right.  When I dutifully entered my code yesterday, I only by happenstance noticed some vague wording to the effect: "might be a good idea to give us your subscription info."

In no way did I think that it was necessary, but since I was there I figured I'd save a trip and click on the camouflage grey icon that they definitely were not highlighting as IMPORTANT.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 07:42:08 AM
Almost nobody logged into their game when they got it and updated their accounts? Really?

You don't have to "update" your account.   You have to ENTER credit card info.   Obviously a lot of old vets had the forethought to add CC info with nothing telling them to do so.   That's a pretty freaking small percentage of players though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 07:42:21 AM
People that wait until the last minute get kicked in the teeth. Film at 11.  :awesome_for_real:

I entered my code days ago.  There was no waiting until the last minute here.   They basically just didn't tell anyone and then cut everyone off all at once.   Almost nobody has entered their info early like you because of this and the results are what you'd expect.

Almost nobody logged into their game when they got it and updated their accounts? Really?

? I think what we're saying is that we DID. I got my live code, logged in immediately and redeemed it. I've been chilling on my Digital Deluxe Segway for most of the week. However, when I entered said code, the site at no point said "Now enter your credit card information and pick a subscription plan"

I thought I had activated my account by entering the live code with it's 30 days of gameplay attached. Let's consider it a game time card and product code in one, in my mind. According to bioware, this is not true and I have 30 days of pre-paid game time on my account, but I am not able to log in as I have not selected a payment plan. I find this silly, but it IS documented.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 07:47:45 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"

I think the order was:

Pick your security questions!
Enter your key!
Enter you Subscriptions CC!
Download the client!

Anyway, they will figure it out. No big deal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 07:50:06 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"

Maybe they added that by the time you got around to entering your code or something.   There was no such box on my page.   Talking to like 20 people in vent right now who don't remember such a box either so it must of been pretty hidden if it was there.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 07:50:33 AM

Pick your security questions!
Enter your key!
Enter you Subscriptions CC!
Download the client!

This was my experience as well.  I entered the key and then a new placard appeared that wanted me to subscribe, and I was like "Oh yeah, subscription based game...duh!"

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 22, 2011, 07:51:05 AM
I thought I had activated my account by entering the live code with it's 30 days of gameplay attached. Let's consider it a game time card and product code in one, in my mind. According to bioware, this is not true and I have 30 days of pre-paid game time on my account, but I am not able to log in as I have not selected a payment plan. I find this silly, but it IS documented.

This really is an issue. You drop in your game code and at no point does it automatically force you over to the sub page, which it should. We all have been around the block and know this is how it happens, I can't imagine what these MMO virgins are going through wondering why they see they have time but can't log in. Luckily, after I punched in my number 2 days before launch, I thought it odd that I didn't set up a reoccurring sub at that point.... 2 days later. Yesterday, I realized I should probably look into it and luckily got on the website to put in the info. Very strange to structure your pay-to-play game without funneling the masses through the process automatically. I'd put on my tin foil hat and suspect BW did it on purpose to shave a few play days off people's accounts but don't see how they'd profit off of it, so I just assume it is the same clownshoes operation that actually puts you into a queue to visit the god damn forums....

speaking of which, are those official forums going bye bye? I heard rumors. If so...  :roflcopter:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 07:55:14 AM
speaking of which, are those official forums going bye bye? I heard rumors. If so...  :roflcopter:

sinij, is that you?   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on December 22, 2011, 07:57:06 AM


Sometimes I wish there was a way to kick my own arse really hard...  

I connived an afternoon off work to play... thinking last night "all my registration is done, I'll put in my card details tomorrow...".


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 08:03:19 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"

Maybe they added that by the time you got around to entering your code or something.   There was no such box on my page.   Talking to like 20 people in vent right now who don't remember such a box either so it must of been pretty hidden if it was there.

Well, I guess Luckton and I were the only ones in the galaxy  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 08:11:35 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"

I think the order was:

Pick your security questions!
Enter your key!
Enter you Subscriptions CC!
Download the client!

Anyway, they will figure it out. No big deal.

It may be a different method of redeeming the code, but I had no such page.

I hit redeem code, had one box to put in a code. When entered, it dumped me to a single page that said "activated DD code" and had no other text beyond a button that would return me to my account settings. At that point, I closed my browser because I was done there.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 08:12:44 AM
There was a continue button on that page.

The account setting had the boxes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 08:15:23 AM
Well, I guess Luckton and I were the only ones in the galaxy  :awesome_for_real:

I'm looking at the page right now.   The "button" or plaque or whatever you are talking about doesn't actually appear even now.  I've to scroll down about a page worth to see it.   So congrats for scrolling I guess?  Why are you being a dick about it?  Their method of doing this was clearly retarded and there's no reason to defend them.   I've no problem with them requiring CC info I just think they should of bothered to send me to the subscription page earlier.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 22, 2011, 08:17:28 AM
Their twitter feed says the login page for their website has been turned off, has been for 3 hrs ... and no, I didn't put my CC info in when I redeemed my game code. It didn't ask me to.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 22, 2011, 08:19:08 AM
Well, I guess Luckton and I were the only ones in the galaxy  :awesome_for_real:

I'm looking at the page right now.   The "button" or plaque or whatever you are talking about doesn't actually appear even now.  I've to scroll down about a page worth to see it.   So congrats for scrolling I guess?  Why are you being a dick about it?  Their method of doing this was clearly retarded and there's no reason to defend them.   I've no problem with them requiring CC info I just think they should of bothered to send me to the subscription page earlier.

Hurt fanboys need to channel their passions somewhere when their old games no longer satisfy.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 08:19:16 AM
Their twitter feed says the login page for their website has been turned off, has been for 3 hrs ...

They turned it on about 30 minutes after that message.    People have been getting in randomly.  About 30 minutes ago they seem to have throttled the queue further to at least let the account server not die.  Just got in a bit ago.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 22, 2011, 08:19:49 AM
We'll see! I've been in "queue" for 10 mins now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 08:22:28 AM
We'll see! I've been in "queue" for 10 mins now.

Once you get through the queue and get to the page where you can click "subscription" open that in a new tab in case it blows up on you.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on December 22, 2011, 08:31:27 AM
Yeah got in and it worked OK using PayPal - no issues - just took a min for the paypal transaction to finish.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on December 22, 2011, 08:32:14 AM
We'll see! I've been in "queue" for 10 mins now.

Was speaking to some friends on FB... some have been in the queue for 2-3 hours.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on December 22, 2011, 08:32:56 AM
Yeah got in and it worked OK using PayPal - no issues - just took a min for the paypal transaction to finish.

wtf... are you in EU?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 08:34:36 AM
How are you people having these issues? I got on last night at 5PM and had zero problems with the site to enter in my info or my CC or my keys?
Probably because I entered my key a week ago.  I didn't know they needed my CC info.  Nor did the other million pre-order folks who already entered their codes.

So their websites are exploding.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: murdoc on December 22, 2011, 08:36:35 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"

I think the order was:

Pick your security questions!
Enter your key!
Enter you Subscriptions CC!
Download the client!

Anyway, they will figure it out. No big deal.

This is pretty much exactly how it looked to me.

Set up security questions
Enter game key
Enter subscription
Activate authenticator

Though, to be fair it didn't say you HAD to set up the last two steps and would let you continue without.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 08:39:46 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"
There wasn't, a week ago, when we entered our codes.

They didn't have the subscription option up until launch day.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 22, 2011, 08:41:55 AM
Shrug, I entered my key and CC info just now. I sat in the web queue for maybe 10 minutes. Such a non-issue.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: El Gallo on December 22, 2011, 08:57:58 AM
I set up a paypal subscription 2 days ago and I've been in this queue for 2 hours.  They're just not ready for prime time.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 22, 2011, 09:01:28 AM
The website queue? Really?

Or did you mean a queue for your server?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 22, 2011, 09:09:18 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"
There wasn't, a week ago, when we entered our codes.

They didn't have the subscription option up until launch day.

I set-up my code 2 days ago and there was a box then.  It's a failure of the system being turned on right when they allowed early sales if it wasn't there prior to official launch day.  Silly EA, you're so big your right hand never knows what the left is doing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 22, 2011, 09:11:30 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"
There wasn't, a week ago, when we entered our codes.

They didn't have the subscription option up until launch day.

The sub option was definitely there by the 18th at least, since that's when I did mine.

So I guess all this explains why there's only 33 people in Nar Shaddaa right now.  I'd hate to be one of their web techs right now.  They must be hating life right now.  Merry Christmas!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 09:14:32 AM
On the bright side: Think about all the experience they're getting that they can apply to launching Mass Effect Online  :grin: :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 09:30:26 AM
Well, I guess you can either take this as a learning experience to put in your CC info when you sign up for a game that has a subscription, or blame the company.

I can guess which most people will do.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 22, 2011, 09:35:12 AM
Are you guys really stuck in the website queue for hours? I waited under 15 minutes, input my code and CC#, and was good to go. I suppose I may have just been lucky, but given my karma, that just seems so unlikely.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 09:42:16 AM
Well, I guess you can either take this as a learning experience to put in your CC info when you sign up for a game that has a subscription, or blame the company.

I can guess which most people will do.

Which?  Is there some world where both aren't the correct response?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Crumbs on December 22, 2011, 09:42:53 AM
I think the blame has to be split between us and BW.  For instance:

1. I got a key when I pre-ordered...which was not the game key.  It was a pre-order key.
2. I beta'd.
3. Kept the beta client installed because I made the cutoff day for that to work
4. Got my invite to play early access, but did not have a game key yet.  The first few times I tried to log in, i got the message "no active sub"
5. Went to my account, but couldn't activate sub because I didn't have a game key, just a pre-order key.  Then I checked the forums and found I was not the only one having this issue.  The GM response was "we are mailing out game keys tomorrow."  I thought to myself...why did I get an invite today then?
6.  Tried one last time to log in, and it worked.   Began playing.
7.  Got the "activate your game" email the next day.  Ignored because it seemed fairly activated.

I still entered the key before the deadline and all is well.  However I have to say that things weren't very clear.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 09:48:58 AM
Well, I guess you can either take this as a learning experience to put in your CC info when you sign up for a game that has a subscription, or blame the company.

I can guess which most people will do.

Which?  Is there some world where both aren't the correct response?

I am poking at you because I think your hair is on fire over something that is/was/will be relatively simple to solve.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 22, 2011, 09:49:25 AM
I don't even recall what it looked like when i put in my key but i put in my cc also, like you do for every other game.  I would remember if there was something out of the ordinary with the whole setup.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 10:02:10 AM
I am poking at you because I think your hair is on fire over something that is/was/will be relatively simple to solve.

I've been back in for a while so I'm hardly in a big huff anymore.  I just see no reason to defend their method of handling this specifically.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Montague on December 22, 2011, 10:08:20 AM
Hate to break this to you guys, but when you got done with the key, there was this box right below that which said "Enter your CC info here!"
There wasn't, a week ago, when we entered our codes.

They didn't have the subscription option up until launch day.

I got my game code and input it and my CC info on the 16th, so it's been up since then at least.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 10:13:17 AM
Well, I guess you can either take this as a learning experience to put in your CC info when you sign up for a game that has a subscription, or blame the company.

Are you guys really stuck in the website queue for hours? I waited under 15 minutes, input my code and CC#, and was good to go. I suppose I may have just been lucky, but given my karma, that just seems so unlikely.
Yes, I was in the queue at 6:00 when I thought I'd play a few minutes before going to work, then from 8:00 until I gave up and closed the window around 10:30.  They finally got their shit sorted enough to actually gate people properly so we can file through now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 10:21:34 AM
Part of the issue is confusing messaging. From their own post on the matter:

Note: With the end of the Grace Period any player who has not yet entered their Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Product Key will be unable to access the game until this has been added. If you have not done so already, please add the code (found in either your game box or via email sent by you digital retailer) into the code redemption section of your account page to help ensure uninterrupted game play.

Now, if you read past the bolded cliff note at the top, they say "oh, and add your subscription information", but the lead in text for all their notifications has only said "remember to enter your live product key", not "and a credit card"

The reason their site is getting mauled right now is because there are a fuckload of people who entered a product key thinking they were golden.

For reference, this is the email from three days ago, all text involved in it:

We hope you've been enjoying your time as one of the first to start playing Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. Servers will go live soon. If you have your Product Registration Code, redeem it now to ensure uninterrupted access to your game. If you do not have your game yet, be sure to enter your Product Registration Code as soon as you receive it. The official game launches on December 20, 2011 at 12:01 AM EST.

At no point does it say "and add a subscription"

I'm taking responsibility for my part: I should have read the long form of their website posts, not just the bolded summary bit at the top. But for their part, their communication skills SUCK.

edit: now that I'm on the site, I see their other UI issue: it lists the items in order with HUGE GRAPHICS. So my entire display? Check boxes saying I'm good. Oh, you mean if I scroll down I'll see not red Xs, but just greyed out things saying I'm not good? A solid UI would either make this fit in a normal display, or display some form of "incomplete" tag at the TOP of the checkmarks.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on December 22, 2011, 10:31:04 AM
You're such an Alb Kild, such a bloody Alb.  :why_so_serious:

I didn't pre-order or anything, I just went to the store and bought my copy on the 20th and filled out all my info then using their giant NOW DO THIS buttons. Taris is all mine now bwhahaha!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 10:37:54 AM
Well, I guess you can either take this as a learning experience to put in your CC info when you sign up for a game that has a subscription, or blame the company.

And? From what I understand, it's been on there for 6 days.

Could communication on their end have been better? Sure. Could the players have used some common sense when they signed up for a game they knew required a credit card eventually? Sure. I mean as a company even if I'm giving you a free month, I'm still going to tie a CC to your account on day 1 so I can try to draw in the lookie-loos who are playing for a month to see how it goes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 22, 2011, 10:42:27 AM
When I put my game code in, I saw the enter subscription box but as it a) didn't take me to that page automatically and b) didn't seem required as it was down there next to the (optional) authenticator info, I was pleasantly surprised. For once, a company that doesn't ask me to put in my credit card then cancel immediately so I can try my free month before committing to a recurring subscription plan! Oh wait.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 22, 2011, 10:44:07 AM
Well, I guess you can either take this as a learning experience to put in your CC info when you sign up for a game that has a subscription, or blame the company.

And? From what I understand, it's been on there for 6 days.

Could communication on their end have been better? Sure. Could the players have used some common sense when they signed up for a game they knew required a credit card eventually? Sure. I mean as a company even if I'm giving you a free month, I'm still going to tie a CC to your account on day 1 so I can try to draw in the lookie-loos who are playing for a month to see how it goes.

I had a new card in the mail, and didn't feel like signing up with something that was going to be invalidated in 3 days unless I had to :P

I'm pretty serious when I say I went to my account, hit Redeem Code, and was simply told I was all done. This new fancy thing with the five giant graphics? Wasn't there when I recieved my product code and entered it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 10:56:22 AM
I'd already redeemed my code, which gives 30 free days as part of the product.  Why would I go back to notice they now had a CC option?

It's not like I was trying to eek out a few extra by entering my code late... which had I done I'd have known I needed a CC and gotten two extra days.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 22, 2011, 11:15:59 AM
The current trend in this thread has taught me most people on F13 have never played an MMO before. 


Hey guys, none of this is new at all.  Also, now you have 1.5 million people trying to access a billing system.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 11:19:35 AM
The current trend in this thread has taught me most people on F13 have never played an MMO before. 


Hey guys, none of this is new at all.  Also, now you have 1.5 million people trying to access a billing system.

See, this guy...this guy gets it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 22, 2011, 11:31:42 AM
If 1.5 million players are having problems, it's not the players fault.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 11:36:09 AM
The current trend in this thread has taught me most people on F13 have never played an MMO before. 


Hey guys, none of this is new at all.  Also, now you have 1.5 million people trying to access a billing system.

I'm floored, frankly. The first thing I did when I got my box was to put in the CC info. Same thing I did with WoW, DAOC, and WAR.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Reg on December 22, 2011, 11:40:34 AM
Yes, yes but who could have suspected that their billing system would collapse under stress. Such a thing is unprecedented!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 22, 2011, 11:40:49 AM
Actually, it is.  Like with bank runs during a panic - it's not cost-effective to provide enough bandwidth for the peak traffic, even if you could predict it.

They should definitely have some sort of in-game contest, or website promotion / advertisement, where a number of people get a few free days added to their 30, to space out when people have to renew, because otherwise come January 22 it'll be a billing outage again.  Then February 22, March 22, and so on.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 11:49:24 AM
Yes, yes but who could have suspected that their billing system would collapse under stress. Such a thing is unprecedented!

Exactly.  The fact that they have a working queue system on their website for handling this stress is a nice feat, IMO.  Certainly better than "Shit's broke, come back later."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 01:03:32 PM
The fact that they have a working queue system on their website for handling this stress is a nice feat, IMO. 

They didn't this morning.   The actual billing was on ea.com which had no queue system to handle shit and it predictably blew up with timeouts and people thinking hitting submit over and over etc etc.   What they ended up doing was severely throttling the amount of people through swtor.com in the end.

Nobody is blaming them for having their shit blow up.   All I'm saying is they should of auto forwarded me to the subscription page after I entered my code.   Anything else leads to assumptions that CC info isn't required for once.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 01:08:07 PM
I don't care about it other than wondering how they couldn't have predicted this happening.  I lost half an hour of play this morning and got a little irked I wasn't able to get in at a god awful hour to rectify it.

What I'm harping on is that Paelos can't seem to understand THERE WAS NO BOX for credit cards.  It did not exist.  'Twas never there at that point in time.

The second he says, "Oh, that option wasn't available when you signed up.  'Kay, I get it." I'll be fine.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 22, 2011, 01:11:24 PM
The fact that they have a working queue system on their website for handling this stress is a nice feat, IMO. 

They didn't this morning.   The actual billing was on ea.com which had no queue system to handle shit and it predictably blew up with timeouts and people thinking hitting submit over and over etc etc.   What they ended up doing was severely throttling the amount of people through swtor.com in the end.

Nobody is blaming them for having their shit blow up.   All I'm saying is they should of auto forwarded me to the subscription page after I entered my code.   Anything else leads to assumptions that CC info isn't required for once.

1. I think they added the subscription step to the web site this week. I got my box on Dec 20 and entered my game code that day. The steps were pretty clear. I looked once at the product code screen in the early access week and don't recall all the steps being shown the way they are now.

2. And even with the current stuff, I felt some web designer or artist fell in love with their own cleverness of echoing the Nar Shadaa environment and made a set of neon green and orange "process flow" check marks that could have been done with clearer and less "stylish" coloring and iconography.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sobelius on December 22, 2011, 01:13:48 PM
And now I can't log in to the SWTOR web site any more without my authentication key. I was annoyed at first, but realized this is the right thing to do.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on December 22, 2011, 01:14:23 PM
A friend said he had nothing but issues with chrome but it worked and displayed all the boxes fine with IE, totally bizarre.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 22, 2011, 01:14:34 PM
If 1.5 million players are having problems, it's not the players fault.

It's just a problem, it's not anyone's in particular.  Just like traffic.  It always happens, you just have to be patient and not get road rage.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 01:44:04 PM
I don't care about it other than wondering how they couldn't have predicted this happening.  I lost half an hour of play this morning and got a little irked I wasn't able to get in at a god awful hour to rectify it.

What I'm harping on is that Paelos can't seem to understand THERE WAS NO BOX for credit cards.  It did not exist.  'Twas never there at that point in time.

The second he says, "Oh, that option wasn't available when you signed up.  'Kay, I get it." I'll be fine.

I understand your point completely. You're a smart lady though. You believed EA was just going to let people stroll around the game without CC info? At any point after the "launch"? I mean at some point, as it did with most people, you said to yourself, "meh I'll just do it later." Then, later came when they locked you out, and everyone crashed it.

My point is that I expected the MMO vets to actually have a bit more forethought given their vast experience with these types of games/launches.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 22, 2011, 01:45:53 PM
I don't know if I even get what the issue is, i think I need to re-read the posts.

I was digital preorder and been playing since Friday.  They mentioned the "grace period" once or twice and also the fact that they were extending it to the 22nd.  I think at least one day the launcher had a message about making sure to take care of it.  So on the 20th I input my retail key, added a subscription plan, had no problem logging in this morning.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 22, 2011, 01:47:27 PM
Come to think of it there was even a little "! you have no subscription" on the launcher Tuesday that prompted me to enter the code.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 01:54:22 PM
I don't know if I even get what the issue is, i think I need to re-read the posts.

I was digital preorder and been playing since Friday.  They mentioned the "grace period" once or twice and also the fact that they were extending it to the 22nd.  I think at least one day the launcher had a message about making sure to take care of it.  So on the 20th I input my retail key, added a subscription plan, had no problem logging in this morning.


I'll TLDR it for you. The answer is that you did the right thing, while other people went WTF EA WANTED A CREDIT CARD?!?!? today and crashed billing when they got locked out.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lightstalker on December 22, 2011, 01:59:21 PM
Product codes went out Friday the 16th, prior to that you couldn't enter the product code which is a pre-requisite for entering CC info.

If you were pre-ordered and set up prior to the 16th you were as configured as you could be, with game time to spare, and no CC info in the system.  I don't always run around looking for places I might have to input my CC that didn't exit the last time I looked, so I ended up tieing up those loose ends this morning. 

Fortunately I didn't miss any of the game experience, the website had the same queue I'd have been sitting in on my server.   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 02:00:42 PM
I'll TLDR it for you. The answer is that you did the right thing, while other people went WTF EA WANTED A CREDIT CARD?!?!? today and crashed billing when they got locked out.

No that is not it at all.   Nobody cares that they wanted our credit card info.   You seem to be getting hung up on that for some reason.  The only thing that's a flaw here is that they did not in fact ever even once ask for credit card info.   The box you are referring to was some ignorable graphic you have to scroll down to see on a page that says "CONGRATS YOU'RE GOOD NOW".

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 02:13:26 PM
I've tried to go the long route of not calling you dumb.

But that was dumb. You complained that the box wasn't shineh enough.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 22, 2011, 02:20:46 PM

No that is not it at all.   Nobody cares that they wanted our credit card info.   You seem to be getting hung up on that for some reason.  The only thing that's a flaw here is that they did not in fact ever even once ask for credit card info.   The box you are referring to was some ignorable graphic you have to scroll down to see on a page that says "CONGRATS YOU'RE GOOD NOW".

There was, in big bold letters on the launcher, a message saying that you need to enter subscription information.  There was also a pop-up box that you had to click through on entering the game that said you have to enter your subscription info which, after I saw, I went and entered my info, that was 2 days ago.

If you repeatedly ignore the messages telling you to enter your info it's not their fault.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 22, 2011, 02:22:59 PM
I should also point out that on the box at the bottom, the text says "Valid Credit Card, Internet Connection, and Paid subscription required to play. 30-day subscription included with purchase."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 22, 2011, 02:31:23 PM
There was, in big bold letters on the launcher, a message saying that you need to enter subscription information.  There was also a pop-up box that you had to click through on entering the game that said you have to enter your subscription info which, after I saw, I went and entered my info, that was 2 days ago.

If they had done any of that I wouldn't complain but they didn't.  Not sure why they did it for you.   Seems like maybe there was some spotty things going on there.

"Valid Credit Card, Internet Connection, and Paid subscription required to play. 30-day subscription included with purchase."

Again anything it said was down near the fine print on a page that says "YOU'RE DONE".

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Venkman on December 22, 2011, 02:35:14 PM
I only provided the credit card info when I was specifically asked back some months ago. On a lark I decided to confirm it last week because this is a AAA MMOG with a subscription fee that starts billing 30 days after launch. But that's just experience talking. There was no messaging about this that was obvious for the non-initiated. And there was no button at all on any page i could find.

Yes, different browsers can screw up different page displays and site features. But normally one browser is not going to arbitrarily remove an HTML 1.0-era text hyperlink from a list of them on the right side of the screen.

There was a pre-order code. Then there was a box code. Then they let you into beta. Then they let you into early access. Then sometime on 12/20 during the work day, they told you to have your info all set for go live at 3am on 12/22.

To me, all of this means they screwed up the messaging. It wasn't obvious to people when nor where to provide their CC info, so when they finally told you, everyone basically had 30 hours to do it. I'm sure it's because they are trying to get a bunch of different back end systems and corporate divisions to talk to each other.

Having just come off the godawful screw up that is the Battlefield 3 PC launching sequence, I know precisely where the blame goes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 22, 2011, 02:48:22 PM
Who gives a shit? You could register your credit card before noon eastern. It's not ideal, but at most you lost one morning of play. Oh no, I didn't get to check my auctions before going to work. Somehow I got past it.

I mean, hour-long queues for days on end are worth bitching about. Characters getting stuck on Taris due to a bug, definitely a problem worth exploring. If their billing was down all day, that too would be bitch-worthy. But this was just a blip.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lt.Dan on December 22, 2011, 03:27:58 PM
I'm having terrible problems with graphics tearing.  V-sync is on and the refresh rate matches the monitor setup. 

Anyone got any ideas?  Some forum posts on the same issue but no official recognition of the issue or reply.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 22, 2011, 04:04:15 PM
I'm having terrible problems with graphics tearing.  V-sync is on and the refresh rate matches the monitor setup. 

Anyone got any ideas?  Some forum posts on the same issue but no official recognition of the issue or reply.

Is this on Tatooine by any chance or always?  Tatooine is really screwed up and wasn't remotely ready for launch.  I get all kinds of weird graphic issues and entire areas full of evade bugged mobs I'm supposed to kill.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 22, 2011, 05:24:28 PM
One thing I find annoying is that there seems to be an intentional tearing effect on holoprojectors, which my mind interprets as a signal to turn v-sync on, which I already have done and don't need to be reminded about.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 22, 2011, 05:28:28 PM
I'm having terrible problems with graphics tearing.  V-sync is on and the refresh rate matches the monitor setup. 

Anyone got any ideas?  Some forum posts on the same issue but no official recognition of the issue or reply.

If you have a nVidia card, try the latest beta drivers.  Some people are reporting some good things with them.

For ATI, well, I dunno...I have ATI myself...no problems.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 22, 2011, 08:46:28 PM
Who gives a shit? You could register your credit card before noon eastern. It's not ideal, but at most you lost one morning of play. Oh no, I didn't get to check my auctions before going to work. Somehow I got past it.
It's not Bioware's goof we're mad at.  I would have been done with gripe with my first post on the subject if the point wasn't continually twisted and misunderstood, and I kept being told how stupid I was for not filling in a box that didn't exist.

[And fuck's sake, I've entered my initial code in tons of MMO's without having to start a sub day 1.  It wasn't there at the time.  And every other MMO that required billing info at the time of entering my key wouldn't let me continue without doing so.  I'm so fucking sorry they let me enter my code before they were ready to take CC info.  That obviously makes me a fucking idiot for not being a mind-reader.  Please keep harping on that.]

Maybe I should just make that my signature.  Though I'm sure that would get ignored as well.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: PalmTrees on December 23, 2011, 02:41:21 AM
The only technical issue I've had so far is that in indoor areas on Balmorra and Alderaan I'll get really low fps. I step outside and I'm fine. Oh, and in some cut scenes on Tatooine, everyone's eyes would go away or turn a silvery color.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 23, 2011, 04:33:19 AM
Oh, and in some cut scenes on Tatooine, everyone's eyes would go away or turn a silvery color.

I have been getting this since the starter planet. Creepy and anyoing as fuck.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 23, 2011, 04:42:23 AM
For the record, I was able to set up a sub way back on the 16th.  In fact I even posted here right after I did it. (http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=21653.msg1019932#msg1019932)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 23, 2011, 04:53:13 AM
I also believe that I got my sub set up pretty early on, and I got the exact same boxes up as Paelos suggests to complete the CC info.  Me wonders if some of you were thrown off by the Continue button at the bottom of the page after you entered your code.  Didn't see it perhaps?  I think that clicking on that was what got me to the right place with the checklist.

Oh well.  It clearly could have been communicated better.  I will resist the temptation to imply that some of you should have known better (okay, maybe I just did) and rather hope that you get back in the game quickly.  It would be nice to get some group stuff going, if it weren't for the fact that you are a bunch of powerleveling poopsocking catassers.  Come to think of it, here's hoping you are all locked out for a few days.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 23, 2011, 05:07:39 AM
Heh, got to level 3 the day before, and got to level 6 yesterday.  I ROCK!!!!  Felt the need to explore everything, a la KOTOR, looking for codex entries.  Found a bunch of caves that didn't seem to have associated quests, went in looking anyway.

Also felt the need to practice "not running through all the mobs" to get a feel for my aggro radius (it's not bad, actually).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 23, 2011, 06:46:07 AM
I entered my code the 15th.  There were three boxes:  Security Question, Redeem Code, Security Key.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on December 23, 2011, 09:20:24 AM
Swotr.com is fucked and doesn't let me redeem my code. How did this degenerate into a farce?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 23, 2011, 09:24:31 AM
Swotr.com is fucked and doesn't let me redeem my code. How did this degenerate into a farce?

Maybe you're typing in the website address wrong?   :oh_i_see: :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on December 23, 2011, 09:27:27 AM

I just can't believe they didn't prepare their bloody website for account activations.

edit: specifically, it gives either a 400 bad request or an infinite redirection loop.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 23, 2011, 09:29:57 AM
You probably need to enter your CC details first. :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on December 23, 2011, 09:36:34 AM
It's apparently a "known bug". Christ, this turned clownshoes real fast.

edit: well that was an easy fix, you just gotta delete your cookies every time you access your account.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 23, 2011, 09:56:35 AM
I hit 50 today.  I did like 2 respecs around level 20~30.  The cost on the third respec has been going up as I level and it's now 47k.

That's a lot of money even at 50.  I'm going to guess it caps out at 1~200k which means switching on any kind of regular basis will be impossible without slicing.  I'm frankly flabberghasted.   They know they need dual spec but they're going to drive away players before they even get it in?

Edit: I should add the respec was over a week ago so it's not like the price drops.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 23, 2011, 11:40:27 AM
Servers are Busy today.  3pm EST and a 15 min queue.   :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Surlyboi on December 23, 2011, 11:47:54 AM
Yeah, this queue shit is nuts and it's only gonna get worse as we get deeper into the holiday weekend.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on December 23, 2011, 11:58:55 AM
Login early, get one of those bobbing birds to hit your move key every few seconds and point at a corner of a cantina.  You'll be all set for whenever you want to play and no queue. *


* I knew someone who did this in EQ to level sense heading.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 23, 2011, 12:04:39 PM
Login early, get one of those bobbing birds to hit your move key every few seconds and point at a corner of a cantina.  You'll be all set for whenever you want to play and no queue. *


* I knew someone who did this in EQ to level sense heading.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on December 23, 2011, 12:16:13 PM
That keyboard looks ilke a logitech G series so he could have just made an auto repeat macro for any of those keys on the left.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 23, 2011, 12:32:08 PM
30m queue over 400 strong at 3:30 in the afternoon?

You betcha!  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: MuffinMan on December 23, 2011, 12:46:04 PM
30m queue over 400 strong at 3:30 in the afternoon?

You betcha!  :ye_gods:
Are you playing with us on Shien? Don't think I've seen you at all.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Johny Cee on December 23, 2011, 12:50:22 PM
Login early, get one of those bobbing birds to hit your move key every few seconds and point at a corner of a cantina.  You'll be all set for whenever you want to play and no queue. *


* I knew someone who did this in EQ to level sense heading.

Rygar, original Nintendo, with one of the badass controllers and enemies that always respawned and came at you in the same pattern.  Taped down the attack key and joystick so you were crouched, turned off the tv and went away for a day or so, came back at some absurd level.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 23, 2011, 12:52:34 PM
30m queue over 400 strong at 3:30 in the afternoon?

You betcha!  :ye_gods:
Are you playing with us on Shien? Don't think I've seen you at all.

Not yet no. I'm rolling with my WoW guild over on Light Side Hyperspace Cannon.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 23, 2011, 01:54:00 PM
Stop talking about people entering or not entering payment information before release. It's obvious from the grace period message that was on the patcher that some people were able to enable their release accounts without having entered in that information.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 23, 2011, 02:56:04 PM
So my end conclusion right now is that playing a JK tank at 50 without even cheap respecs is pretty much just painful.  It's not going to be pretty when the masses hit that wall.  I thought normal respecs were at least cheap.   Dual spec better be coming out quickly.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Venkman on December 23, 2011, 03:49:29 PM

When you say/said "dual spec", did you mean they've talked about putting in some ability to switch specs on the fly without having to pay the fee?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 23, 2011, 04:33:22 PM
They've talked about it in the sense of pointing out that the game doesn't have it, and that they may or may not change anything the game does or does not have later.

They haven't come out and said they are working on it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Venkman on December 23, 2011, 05:32:00 PM
Ah ok.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 23, 2011, 05:34:55 PM
When you say/said "dual spec", did you mean they've talked about putting in some ability to switch specs on the fly without having to pay the fee?

I think they've talked around it a lot.    My real point though was as a gamer used to dual spec I was really underestimating how much I need this feature.   Especially as a healer or tank.   When I heard "no dual spec" I was thinking of early Wrath when respec costs were so cheap they might as well have been free.   We're talking vanilla WoW respec costs here though.    In all reality you pick your spec and you stick with it.  Period.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Pezzle on December 23, 2011, 10:58:25 PM
Login early, get one of those bobbing birds to hit your move key every few seconds and point at a corner of a cantina.  You'll be all set for whenever you want to play and no queue. *


* I knew someone who did this in EQ to level sense heading.

Rygar, original Nintendo, with one of the badass controllers and enemies that always respawned and came at you in the same pattern.  Taped down the attack key and joystick so you were crouched, turned off the tv and went away for a day or so, came back at some absurd level.

I loved Rygar.  That trick was almost required to have a shot at beating the game.  It also worked in The Adventure of Link.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on December 24, 2011, 04:11:21 AM
Stephen Reid answers a few questions here (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=696184#edit696184)

Not really much new there, just confirmation for most things. Number 8 was the most surprising though. While I'm not sure we need a cross-server LFD tool, a server based LFG tool seems like a bit of a no-brainer but it seems BW subscribes to the "spamming /1 LF Healer builds community" theory  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 24, 2011, 04:22:16 AM
Not really much new there, just confirmation for most things. Number 8 was the most surprising though. While I'm not sure we need a cross-server LFD tool, a server based LFG tool seems like a bit of a no-brainer but it seems BW subscribes to the "spamming /1 LF Healer builds community" theory  :ye_gods:

That's very odd and smacks of there being another reason behind the decision that they don't want to articulate just now. Along the lines of "we don't want people to level just by chain-running FPs" or even "FPs use too high a proportion of server resources so we want to artificially limit the rate at which they're run".

I mean, the gulf between WoW's LFG tool and every single other thing they'd tried in the years prior to it is huge. All of a sudden it just worked and everyone, unanimously, said "finally Blizzard have got it right". I honestly don't believe any dev is short-sighted enough to miss that lesson unless there's an ulterior motive.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on December 24, 2011, 05:18:14 AM
That's the thing, I can understand the reservations people have about a WoW-esque cross-server LFD tool (lack of accountability, zero group interaction, world feeling deserted, diminishes server community, etc). I have no idea if those things are being blown out of proportion or not since I never experienced them firsthand, but I can see how they could be problems.

But something like the LFG tool in CoH for example? I'm really not seeing any downsides to that system unless, as you say, there are other reasons that they don't want to disclose. Maybe they're going to release some sort of MT-based group finder that's integrated into Origin  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 24, 2011, 07:47:51 AM
My big complaint with the current (lack of) LFG system is that all of the Flashpoints are accessed from the Fleet, where there is very little to do besides spam /1. If the FPs were accessible from (for example) either the Fleet or the level appropriate planet, at least you could be questing while spamming.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 24, 2011, 07:53:19 AM
Welcome to the new shit, same as the old shit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 24, 2011, 07:54:23 AM
My big complaint with the current (lack of) LFG system is that all of the Flashpoints are accessed from the Fleet, where there is very little to do besides spam /1. If the FPs were accessible from (for example) either the Fleet or the level appropriate planet, at least you could be questing while spamming.

You mean like how all the planets after Coruscant that I've done so far have a shuttle that heads back to the fleet with a droid giving the level-appropriate flashpoint mission right next to it?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 24, 2011, 07:55:42 AM
My big complaint with the current (lack of) LFG system is that all of the Flashpoints are accessed from the Fleet, where there is very little to do besides spam /1. If the FPs were accessible from (for example) either the Fleet or the level appropriate planet, at least you could be questing while spamming.

You'd then need to kill the timer of the Fleet Pass to something a tad more reasonable than 18 hours, or whatever the fuck it is at now. If you are a healer or tank and run say HammerStation and go back to your planet to quest, that's pretty much it unless you want to port back to spacedock, spend a few minutes running to your ship, another 1-2 minutes on your ship loading back into Fleet, then darting over to the elevator... 18 hours is fine if you are limiting yourself to one run a day of stuff that you want easy access to, but sometimes if you are being asked every few hours to tank/heal/dps.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 24, 2011, 07:57:29 AM
I just use my guild for flashpoints. Maybe pull in someone standing near the entrance.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Venkman on December 24, 2011, 08:07:45 AM
I mean, the gulf between WoW's LFG tool and every single other thing they'd tried in the years prior to it is huge. All of a sudden it just worked and everyone, unanimously, said "finally Blizzard have got it right". I honestly don't believe any dev is short-sighted enough to miss that lesson unless there's an ulterior motive.
I don't think it's short-sighted. I just think right now they've wrapped themselves in a bubble of current-success, so they feel like they have the same shot to learn the lessons in the same sequence WoW did. They may be vaguely aware that they can't take as long to learn them of course (took how long before WoW's LFG tool was done right?). But it's only been two weeks since launch and, really, they're still launching, givne their focus on mission critical bugs they know to be affecting thousands and every one of their forum responses being not-allowed-to-ask-the-Devs-yet responses.

I wouldn't be surprised if after the crunch mode they've been in, most of them have taken this week and next off anyway. Yes the game is live and many are being affected by issues. And yes this is EA's most important launch probably this year and next. But you can only stay in full/overtime-time developement more for so long before the senses get too dulled to be useful anyway :)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 24, 2011, 08:31:23 AM
Fleet Pass
Someone in guild chat mentioned buyable Fleet Pass consumable or something, where do I get them and for how much ?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 24, 2011, 08:34:44 AM
Fleet Pass
Someone in guild chat mentioned buyable Fleet Pass consumable or something, where do I get them and for how much ?

You get the emergency one once you finish your starter planet, something like an 18hour timer on it. The purchasable one was from a vendor... fuck all if I can recall which one. I wanna say the security key vendor, but that seems wrong.

And the android security code generator is nice, but feels cumbersome. Not sure why though. Maybe I got used to WoW's iPod key just generating it on open. Still works.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rendakor on December 24, 2011, 08:39:08 AM
You mean like how all the planets after Coruscant that I've done so far have a shuttle that heads back to the fleet with a droid giving the level-appropriate flashpoint mission right next to it?
As Mr. Binary said, even with the shuttle (or your own ship) back to the Fleet it's a pain in the ass. The shuttles are always at the spaceport, which is either a 30m CD or a 5-10m trip away from all but the planetary intro questlines. There should be something in the main city on each planet (the area with the trainers, vendors, etc.) that offers the FP quest and quick travel directly to it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 24, 2011, 08:50:39 AM
Of the three direct to Fleet shuttles I've seen (Taris, Nar Shaddaa, Tatooine), not one of them has been at the spaceport.  They've all been farther out in the zone, in a central location not far from a speeder bike point.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on December 24, 2011, 09:38:33 AM
Iirc, the DK one is by The Wall, so right off a speeder line.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: trias_e on December 24, 2011, 09:49:49 AM
Blows me away that WoW's LFD system is considered 'unanimously' a success.  I hated it and many people I knew did as well.  I think the best solution is a server-wide LFG window where you can easily put exactly what you want to do and what role you are willing to play.  Filterable and sortable.  This way, you actually need to talk and get to know people which instantly raises the quality of grouping past anonymous bullshittery.   Most importantly you can avoid the copious amounts of bad players/asshats out there.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 24, 2011, 10:48:03 AM
You get the emergency one once you finish your starter planet, something like an 18hour timer on it. The purchasable one was from a vendor... fuck all if I can recall which one. I wanna say the security key vendor, but that seems wrong.

It is from a Security Key Vendor.

On that note, once you get a few companions with you, go check out the Ilum Security Key Vendor (it's inside the orbital dock, no danger).  There are a few more customizations on it than there are on the Fleet's one.  (Presumably to avoid spoilers.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 24, 2011, 11:19:00 AM
It is from a Security Key Vendor.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 24, 2011, 12:22:08 PM
Good incentive to get one!

Edit: On a serious note, I've had them now for a few days and I actually haven't used one.  Don't go back to Fleet very often now that I've stopped doing Warzones for the most part.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 24, 2011, 12:25:04 PM
It's free on Droid and iOS now, and the keyfob is $4.  There's really no excuse.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on December 24, 2011, 02:05:55 PM
It's free on Droid and iOS now, and the keyfob is $4.  There's really no excuse.
Just checked, it's 12,99 € for me.   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: calapine on December 24, 2011, 02:20:30 PM
It's free on Droid and iOS now, and the keyfob is $4.  There's really no excuse.

There is, if I understand it correctly you have to enter the password AND the security key every time you log into the game or the forums. Which probably breaks the auto-fill in feature of the browser, if the security key keeps changing. As someone who keeps forgetting passwords and constantly mislays the phone, thats just too much effort.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 24, 2011, 03:11:45 PM
There is, if I understand it correctly you have to enter the password AND the security key every time you log into the game or the forums. Which probably breaks the auto-fill in feature of the browser, if the security key keeps changing. As someone who keeps forgetting passwords and constantly mislays the phone, thats just too much effort.

That's the reason they have that vendor basically.   The security cost that Blizzard must deal with is something they want to avoid.   They are looking to effectively force people to use the key.   I wouldn't be surprised if more important stuff ends up on that vendor eventually.

This of course will lead to a proliferation of keyloggers on smart phones.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Dark_MadMax on December 24, 2011, 03:34:12 PM
I mean, the gulf between WoW's LFG tool and every single other thing they'd tried in the years prior to it is huge. All of a sudden it just worked and everyone, unanimously, said "finally Blizzard have got it right". I honestly don't believe any dev is short-sighted enough to miss that lesson unless there's an ulterior motive.

Honestly what is the problem doing LFG old fashioned way. I never understood this. Blizzard like LFG tool destroys immersion and destroys communities. I never ever had real problem finding groups using group and/or who tool.  But then again I dont chain run instances to milk em for loot I guess

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Maledict on December 24, 2011, 04:19:30 PM
Because spending 45 minutes spamming chat channels stood in one spot is not fun gameplay. Most people don't have 2 hours at a time to find a pick up group and stick it through to the end. It's a bad way of designing a game - especially given the idiocy of the instances only being available from the fleet which prevents you actually playing the game whilst trying to find a group.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Montague on December 24, 2011, 04:34:45 PM
Because spending 45 minutes spamming chat channels stood in one spot is not fun gameplay. Most people don't have 2 hours at a time to find a pick up group and stick it through to the end. It's a bad way of designing a game - especially given the idiocy of the instances only being available from the fleet which prevents you actually playing the game whilst trying to find a group.

And then those folks that don't have the time queue up for LFD and bitch and scream whenever the first little thing goes wrong or if someone isn't overgeared for the instance. That's fun gameplay?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 24, 2011, 04:42:04 PM
We've had this argument a dozen times now.

While I am firmly in favor of cross-server machine matchmaking, I think that SWTOR may be better situated than other contemporary Dikus to not be completely awful down the line (in my opinion!) without such a system:

- The level distribution may be flatter as a result of the popularity of alts.
- The smaller group size.
- Class design is rather straight forward and lacking in obvious ugly ducklings.
- The pre-launch guild assignment may have put a slight dent in server balancing issues.

I don't think there's nearly enough mitigation for the worst case scenario (mid-to-late levels, wrong side of a heavily unbalanced server) to get to play a non-trivial amount of the game at the appropriate level but it will help.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kail on December 24, 2011, 04:47:10 PM
And then those folks that don't have the time queue up for LFD and bitch and scream whenever the first little thing goes wrong or if someone isn't overgeared for the instance. That's fun gameplay?

There was plenty of whining and elitism pre-LFG tool, too.

The probem with complaining about the LFG tool is that it's like the whole UO PK argument: as soon as there was an alternative to standing around town spamming "DPS LFG BRD" for an hour, people dropped it like it was on fire.  The old channels are still there, you can still stand around in town and take twenty minutes put together your community based groups if you want, the only thing is other people aren't forced to do it if they want to run groups.  Any time there's an option to either force everyone do things one way or have a lot of choices with how to do them, I'm going to have to side with the alternative that gives me more options.  Forcing people to play a way they don't enjoy because you personally find it more fun does not strike me as winning game design.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Dark_MadMax on December 24, 2011, 04:47:33 PM
Because spending 45 minutes spamming chat channels stood in one spot is not fun gameplay. Most people don't have 2 hours at a time to find a pick up group and stick it through to the end. It's a bad way of designing a game - especially given the idiocy of the instances only being available from the fleet which prevents you actually playing the game whilst trying to find a group.

So you saying you dont have 2 hours to run a flashpoint (many of them take about ~1 hour anyway on perfect run) ? Fact that it takes a little bit of time and effort to find a group assures people wouldnt quit on wipe after bad pull.  The only thing I agree with is that LFG channels should be global, not just the imperial fleet . I  dont chain run instances in MMOs, I ran them once per character or so, my experience been positive in game swith no WoW like LFG tool and I like it this way

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azuredream on December 24, 2011, 05:13:29 PM
Fact that it takes a little bit of time and effort to find a group assures people wouldnt quit on wipe after bad pull.

I don't agree with this reasoning at all, in fact you could say that if it's easy to quickly replace people that quitters are even LESS of a problem.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Venkman on December 24, 2011, 05:51:13 PM
So you saying you dont have 2 hours to run a flashpoint (many of them take about ~1 hour anyway on perfect run) ?
No. They're saying they don't have an hour to stand around trying to build a group just so they can spend the next 45 minutes running the Flashpoint.

This is very simple. If there's a better way to do something, and someone implements it, that becomes the reference standard simply by virtue of it becoming popular. After that point it's just the semantics of philosopher traditionalists pissing into the wind.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 24, 2011, 08:41:49 PM
You guys know you can flag yourself LFG and also write what you are wanting to do...ETC. Yeah?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 24, 2011, 09:39:56 PM
Blows me away that WoW's LFD system is considered 'unanimously' a success.  I hated it and many people I knew did as well.  I think the best solution is a server-wide LFG window where you can easily put exactly what you want to do and what role you are willing to play.  Filterable and sortable.  This way, you actually need to talk and get to know people which instantly raises the quality of grouping past anonymous bullshittery.   Most importantly you can avoid the copious amounts of bad players/asshats out there.
This exists.  People need to use it.  Just go into who, and there's a checkbox to set yourself LFG, a comment box to give yourself a comment (to specify what you're LFG for).  Then people can search.  If I'm LFG for Hammer station I can put 'Hammer Station' in my comment, and anyone who does a search for 'LFG Hammer' will see me.

The only real improvement I think needs to be made is having the ability to, if you are in a group and someone else in your group interacts with the mission terminal at the fleet, get the option to have a shuttle dispatched to instantly transport you to mission departures on the station.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 24, 2011, 09:41:43 PM
This exists.  People need to use it.  Just go into who, and there's a checkbox to set yourself LFG, a comment box to give yourself a comment (to specify what you're LFG for).  Then people can search. 
This type of LFG system is not exactly innovative, and quite simply has never worked well. The only one that actually works, that people actually use, is WoW's implementation.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 24, 2011, 09:49:42 PM
This type of LFG system is not exactly innovative, and quite simply has never worked well. The only one that actually works, that people actually use, is WoW's implementation.
I think it worked well in both EQ and CoX, both of the games that implemented it correctly while I was playing them.  I never had real difficulty finding groups to do what I wanted with those systems, unless what I wanted to do was rare or unpopular.  Now, it wouldn't hurt to add the ability to just select instances from a checklist, so you don't have to bother typing the ones you want, but it's basically the best LFG system I know of, assuming you actually want to interact with the people you're grouped with.

If they're considering the dungeon finder type system, instead of putting in something like that, they may as well just let you take three companions with you into missions.  The effect would be the same, because with WoW's dungeon finder, the only difference between playing with NPC's and playing with other players, is that the NPC's are likely to be more competent.

Edit: Also, I think it wouldn't hurt if they made the ability to set yourself LFG more front-and-center.  Create something explaining it that people would have to do.  Maybe a sidequest like the one that pops up when you get a modifiable weapon, where you receive a reward for reading the lore item (well, opening it, but whatever).  In this case, they could attach a reward to flagging yourself LFG and getting a group afterward.  It would at least show everyone that there IS a way to flag yourself, because it seems like a lot of people do not know about this.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 24, 2011, 09:51:47 PM
You guys know you can flag yourself LFG and also write what you are wanting to do...ETC. Yeah?

And have you tried that to see how successful it is? Because it isn't. Same as all the things WoW tried before the LFD tool weren't successful either.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 24, 2011, 10:09:47 PM
And have you tried that to see how successful it is? Because it isn't. Same as all the things WoW tried before the LFD tool weren't successful either.

This is much more the fault of the players than the game designers though in most cases.

Sucks that they pretty much say they have no current plans for a better system though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: trias_e on December 24, 2011, 10:49:24 PM
The fact that I didn't know there is a LFG system already in place is bad.  It needs to be obvious.  Bring the window up when you get a quest for the flashpoint.  Make an obvious button on the UI for it.  People will use it if you smack them in the face with it.

I think a big problem here is that there's so few healers playing finding one is a pain in the ass.  Requiring 1 healer per 4 people vs 1 healer per 5 people just makes it worse.  A WoW-like LFD tool wouldn't help things that much unless you were a healer, you'd still have long queue times.  Only difference is you wouldn't have to be social or active at all in actually getting a group, which I admit is a good thing when it takes forever to get the correct composition lined up.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kageru on December 25, 2011, 12:02:57 AM
That LFG system (checkbox, comment and search) was pretty much the WoW launch system. I'm pretty sure they realised that casuals didn't use it, didn't get groups and didn't stay around. The LFG systems after that were all about the struggle to get the maximum number of people groups when they wanted them.

And SWTOR will face precisely the same pressure and probably end up in the same place.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Dark_MadMax on December 25, 2011, 12:11:35 AM

And SWTOR will face precisely the same pressure and probably end up in the same place.

Thankfully by that time I will be done with SWTOR. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 25, 2011, 01:37:10 AM
You guys know you can flag yourself LFG and also write what you are wanting to do...ETC. Yeah?

And have you tried that to see how successful it is? Because it isn't. Same as all the things WoW tried before the LFD tool weren't successful either.
Yep. To this date I have yet to run ANY group instances in lotro (aside from the 2 I ran in a full guild group) since I play on a low-med pop server and the only thing people are LFGing for in the global channel are 2 maxlevel instances that I will probably never hit. (NB: I haven't tried lotro's LFG implementation yet, but I assume it will be a lot better 'cos it can't be any worse :p)

In COH I am lucky enough to play on a high-pop server that has a very active LFG community; that, combined with COH's sidekick system makes finding groups feasible. However, COH also implemented its own dungeon finder, which is even more insanely popular.

In wow and rift I use LFD all the time; they work great, and 95% of my groups complete the dungeons without problems, loot ninjaing, or drama. Vanilla WOW pugs were much worse...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 25, 2011, 01:39:18 AM
This is much more the fault of the players than the game designers though in most cases.

I'm sorry, but that's just wrong.

Any time a game dev blames the players for a problem with their game then they are doing game dev wrong, wrong, wrong. And that is the big lesson that Blizzard have finally learned. Players gonna do what players gonna do. Round pegs in square holes just alienates people. You design for the player behavior that you see not the player behaviour you'd like to see.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 25, 2011, 03:57:56 AM
I've managed to do every Flashpont so far up until the Foundry, (lv. 37) which I haven't really been able to try yet due to some connection issues.  Had a little bit of trouble getting a group healer for Boarding Party, but aside from that putting together a group hasn't really taken a lot of time.  I think it helps that every FP is accessed from the Fleet which is also home to the AH, vendors, trainers, crew skill trainers, your cargo hold, is a rest area, etc...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 25, 2011, 04:45:50 AM
Any time a game dev blames the players for a problem with their game then they are doing game dev wrong, wrong, wrong

I have very mixed feelings about that statement. On one hand, telling players to deal with EQ1 era LFG flagging and non-configurable UI, is bs. However, watching the players in Rift push for everything to be 100% exactly like WoW, I'm not convinced that players should entirely be listened to because at this point if you listen to them: they want WoW because a lot of them have simply never seen anything else.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 25, 2011, 04:52:27 AM
I've managed to do every Flashpont so far up until the Foundry, (lv. 37) which I haven't really been able to try yet due to some connection issues.  Had a little bit of trouble getting a group healer for Boarding Party, but aside from that putting together a group hasn't really taken a lot of time.  I think it helps that every FP is accessed from the Fleet which is also home to the AH, vendors, trainers, crew skill trainers, your cargo hold, is a rest area, etc...

Yep, this in itself is a big deal. I personally think a lot of the UI bugs will be addressed soon, and a good deal of new features will roll out over time in the first few patches. Seems like they were shooting for a stable UI first and foremost.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Maledict on December 25, 2011, 04:54:30 AM
Any time a game dev blames the players for a problem with their game then they are doing game dev wrong, wrong, wrong

I have very mixed feelings about that statement. On one hand, telling players to deal with EQ1 era LFG flagging and non-configurable UI, is bs. However, watching the players in Rift push for everything to be 100% exactly like WoW, I'm not convinced that players should entirely be listened to because at this point if you listen to them: they want WoW because a lot of them have simply never seen anything else.

To be fair whilstRift has copied a huge amount of WoW it's also doing a lot of innovative stuff on its own - especially in its patches. The game now is more different to WoW than when it launched, and seems to moving further away from WoW with each patch. Instant adventures, single player chronicles, adding a whole new zone to the game - Trion don't seem afraid to try new things.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 25, 2011, 06:47:39 AM
I'm avidly against implementing WoWs LFG system in this game. It would be a complete clusterfuck from the story perspective, the tone of the game, and bring with it the downsides of all the WoW problems that the LFG created.

I have no problem with a flagging system. I have no problem with a suggested matching system. I do have a problem with cross-server bandaids on the fact that there still won't be enough tanks and healers to go around for lazy dps who can't or won't organize a group.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 25, 2011, 08:23:07 AM
Global looking for group channel and an interface that shows groups looking for people and people looking for groups with options for specific instances or "any." Something easy to use. And honestly, companies need to get over the merging servers thing so there are people to group with.

Four person groups and boring healing classes is a recipe for disaster on grouping, but BW really doesn't seem concerned about about any of the MMO aspects of the game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Malakili on December 25, 2011, 08:35:53 AM
Sorry if this has been posted already, haven't been keeping up too much with this sub form, but here is an interview with Stephen Reid from Bioware about Launch/Headstart http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCHgrEnkQ14&feature=relmfu (Total Biscuit interviewing)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Maledict on December 25, 2011, 10:43:10 AM
Global looking for group channel and an interface that shows groups looking for people and people looking for groups with options for specific instances or "any." Something easy to use. And honestly, companies need to get over the merging servers thing so there are people to group with.

Four person groups and boring healing classes is a recipe for disaster on grouping, but BW really doesn't seem concerned about about any of the MMO aspects of the game.

Dunno about the others, but the Operative / smuggler healing system is actually really interesting and fun to play. It's just a shame that due to incredibly shiity talent design you don't really unlock its potential until level 30 or so - until then it just feels like you are playing half a class.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kageru on December 25, 2011, 12:07:42 PM
I've managed to do every Flashpont so far up until the Foundry, (lv. 37) which I haven't really been able to try yet due to some connection issues.  Had a little bit of trouble getting a group healer for Boarding Party, but aside from that putting together a group hasn't really taken a lot of time.

It's generally pretty easy to do all the instances while the population crest is moving through them. The value of an LFG system is magnified a lot after that time (which is partly why delayed launch is not as much fun).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Montague on December 25, 2011, 04:52:55 PM
I'm avidly against implementing WoWs LFG system in this game. It would be a complete clusterfuck from the story perspective, the tone of the game, and bring with it the downsides of all the WoW problems that the LFG created.

I have no problem with a flagging system. I have no problem with a suggested matching system. I do have a problem with cross-server bandaids on the fact that there still won't be enough tanks and healers to go around for lazy dps who can't or won't organize a group.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 25, 2011, 05:13:00 PM
I don't know about other folks, but the four person group limit is a god send to small friends and family guiilds. I t means my 8 person guild has enough folks on line to regularly run content, and maybe even raid content eventually.  Seriously, you want a cross server platform to gather 3 other people?  Join a guild of literally ANY size and you will have zero problems finding a group.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 25, 2011, 05:16:19 PM
So far the game is well-tuned for levels and quests.  Alderan says it tops out at 32 and I just dinged 32 with the LAST quest there! (Might be bonus missions somewhere)

Did that more than once.  Of course my leveling is slowed down now that I'm really cranking out the crafting and trading on the GTN.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 25, 2011, 05:56:10 PM
Global looking for group channel and an interface that shows groups looking for people and people looking for groups with options for specific instances or "any." Something easy to use. And honestly, companies need to get over the merging servers thing so there are people to group with.

Four person groups and boring healing classes is a recipe for disaster on grouping, but BW really doesn't seem concerned about about any of the MMO aspects of the game.

Merging low population servers doesn't change that the server population for a contemporary Diku past the first few months is almost all at level cap.  Servers will need to be many times larger to have enough players to run instances between the first one or two and the level cap ones with a mature game's level distribution.

To your point about four person groups, I disagree for the reason above.  I'll frequently get queues as damage on characters queued as healer+damage or tank+damage when running mid-level dungeons in WoW or Rift.  Lowering the group number does mean there need to be more healers and tanks per damage dealers (which is an issue at level cap) but reducing the group size helps everywhere else, both in mid-level flashpoints and in heroic/area quests.

As for boring healers, I've only played Operative but I'm enjoying it in spite of buggy Operations frames.  The mechanics are less complicated than what I'd play with in WoW or Rift, but the execution required as a result of variable energy regen makes it the most fun I've had in years.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 25, 2011, 07:24:24 PM
I'm avidly against implementing WoWs LFG system in this game. It would be a complete clusterfuck from the story perspective, the tone of the game, and bring with it the downsides of all the WoW problems that the LFG created.

I have no problem with a flagging system. I have no problem with a suggested matching system. I do have a problem with cross-server bandaids on the fact that there still won't be enough tanks and healers to go around for lazy dps who can't or won't organize a group.
No LFG won't stop the community from being shit, it'll only stop you from ever running the low-level flashpoints that aren't Esselles ever fucking again when almost everyone has hit cap 3 months from now.

I'll say that again since you seem to be in the denial phase of "MMO players are 99% shitheads" again for some reason: No LFG will absolutely NOT improve the community or prevent it from getting worse.

You're literally making the case for a slightly less retarded version of the retard-rocks from WoW. The only thing easier than spamming LFG is pushing a button and getting a group; it's just that the former usually takes a lot longer than the latter. Nothing inbetween that will work, as evidenced by the LFG flag thing that NO ONE IS USING.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 25, 2011, 07:47:45 PM
The haters on the WoW LFG are forgetting just how fantastic it is for the leveling characters. You can make a decent argument that it is 'bad' at max level - I disagree but at least the argument is coherent. You really cannot make that argument for leveling characters; it is unequivocally a good thing for those characters. It's completely awesome for leveling in WoW and would be here too.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on December 25, 2011, 08:20:20 PM
Especially after the initial rush of people is past. Leveling dungeons went from "barely done" to "easy to do, if you want, even as dps" with LFD.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 25, 2011, 08:28:21 PM
The haters on the WoW LFG are forgetting just how fantastic it is for the leveling characters. You can make a decent argument that it is 'bad' at max level - I disagree but at least the argument is coherent. You really cannot make that argument for leveling characters; it is unequivocally a good thing for those characters. It's completely awesome for leveling in WoW and would be here too.

This.  While LFD does give the lazy a somewhat 'free ride' at max level, it does make an enjoyable leveling process.

But I think we all agree that something is needed that's better than what we have right now.  As it stands, I feel like I stepped back into the days of command-line driven UIs like EQ and DAoC  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 25, 2011, 08:49:51 PM
I don't know about other folks, but the four person group limit is a god send to small friends and family guiilds. I t means my 8 person guild has enough folks on line to regularly run content, and maybe even raid content eventually.  Seriously, you want a cross server platform to gather 3 other people?  Join a guild of literally ANY size and you will have zero problems finding a group.
Technically you really only need one other person, since so far I haven't had any issues doing anything with 2 players + 2 companions, even on 4-person missions.  And with companions able to do a variety of jobs, you don't need any specific role filled, generally - you can choose companions to fill those roles.  May not be viable in whatever passes for raids, but all the flashpoints I've done it's perfectly workable.  Anyone that's complaining they can't find one other person to play with...well, I'm not sure what I can say about someone like that.  Really, just outlevel them and come back later, you're obviously playing this like a single-player game if you can't find just one person to group with.
The haters on the WoW LFG are forgetting just how fantastic it is for the leveling characters. You can make a decent argument that it is 'bad' at max level - I disagree but at least the argument is coherent. You really cannot make that argument for leveling characters; it is unequivocally a good thing for those characters. It's completely awesome for leveling in WoW and would be here too.
Considering that leveling characters isn't really the point here, and you'll get there just by doing all your quests anyway, this function of an LFD system is completely pointless.  The 'point' in WoW is to get to max level so you can get to the 'real' game.  The 'point' in SWTOR is to play the story, so leveling characters don't actually gain any benefit from flashpoint leveling.  Sure, you can level that way, just like you could theoretically level by doing nothing but space missions, but the game isn't and shouldn't be designed specifically to support (and especially not encourage) that playstyle.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 25, 2011, 09:15:45 PM
TOR is a dikuclone. It's not a special snowflake. It just has a somewhat better leveling experience than the alternatives. if you think the point won't be to get to max level "where the real game starts" after the release rush ends, you're simply not paying attention. Otherwise, customers will level up a couple alts and then quit the game.

Mouth-breathers pushing back on LFD sound like the forum-dwelling mongoloids arguing against mods because recount exposed their brain damage. These tools are popular because they're good. Players like them. Players rely on them. They make the game better. Any alternative to LFD must actually be superior to LFD and accepted by players as such.

Flagging for LFG, LFG channels, meeting stones, etc, are not improvements. They are all proven failures.

Is it possible to improve on WoW's grouping system? Of course! Off the top of my head... you could work up some sort of persistent "player reputation" feature to reward good players by getting them in groups more quickly, or to reward more loot. You could build content for groups of 2 DPS, or multiple tanks, or tailored to specific classes. You could create solo instances that expand into group instances and then finally into raids. Any empty slots could be filled by companions and/or NPCs, allowing even solo non-guilded players to see content otherwise unavailable. You could allow players to queue specifically for multiple pieces of content, rather than restricting them to one or random, and give the same rewards.

The game should be built to "support" whatever playstyles customers enjoy. If players love PvP, they should be able to level via warzones. Same with space combat. If these activities aren't rewarding (and rewarding is defined by being just as legitimate, valid, and fast as other alternatives) people won't do them, even if they enjoy them, and you just wasted all that time developing a feature that will never be used. This fact is probably surprising to the numbnuts on the TOR forums, but it's isn't exactly a secret amongst the MMO cognoscenti, so to speak, and the fact that a poster on f13 doesn't know it is a bit disheartening.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Reg on December 25, 2011, 09:27:30 PM
So people aren't allowed to dislike the WoW style LFG tool?  Good to know!  God knows, I'd hate to find myself out of step with public opinion.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 25, 2011, 09:32:32 PM
When you can describe a superior alternative that players will accept, you'll have a supportable position.

The judges are generous today, and will accept an alternative that passes the initial smell test and hasn't already been tried and proven a failure. Can you think of one?

Also, I just thought of another improvement-- when you step into an instanced area in TOR, treat that as queuing for that specific content, and match up with other players in your server cluster. No more "/1 LFG for bantha's trousers and spice spice baby PST". Wouldn't that be nifty?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 02:05:15 AM
I've managed to do every Flashpont so far up until the Foundry, (lv. 37) which I haven't really been able to try yet due to some connection issues.  Had a little bit of trouble getting a group healer for Boarding Party, but aside from that putting together a group hasn't really taken a lot of time.

It's generally pretty easy to do all the instances while the population crest is moving through them. The value of an LFG system is magnified a lot after that time (which is partly why delayed launch is not as much fun).

You only need to find three other people.  Hell, I did Boarding Party (quest is lv. 33) as a lv. 36, with another 36 and a 35, and we got all the way to the last boss encounter with a companion as our only healer.  Besides that, gear is easy enough to get through commendations, crafting, or quest rewards, that you don't need to hit all the Flashpoints as you're leveling, and if you miss one and want to do it for the story, you can always do the hard mode version when you get to lv. 50.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 26, 2011, 03:22:28 AM

Mouth-breathers pushing back on LFD sound like the forum-dwelling mongoloids arguing against mods because recount exposed their brain damage. These tools are popular because they're good. Players like them. Players rely on them. They make the game better. Any alternative to LFD must actually be superior to LFD and accepted by players as such.

Those tools are popular because a certain hardcore segment of the population likes to use them to play a certain way and beat the rest of the population upside the head with the data.  LOTRO has neither an advanced LFG mechanism, damage parser or extensively modifiable UI and it is a terrific game.  The fact that folks prefer this model to WoW does not mean they are "forum-dwelling mongoloids": they just have a different opinion than you.

Honestly your post illustrates precisely what is wrong with WoW and why casual and friends and family groups are fleeing that game in droves.  

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 26, 2011, 03:51:26 AM
The haters on the WoW LFG are forgetting just how fantastic it is for the leveling characters. You can make a decent argument that it is 'bad' at max level - I disagree but at least the argument is coherent. You really cannot make that argument for leveling characters; it is unequivocally a good thing for those characters. It's completely awesome for leveling in WoW and would be here too.

While I agree. Sidekicking would be even better.

Flashpoints in SWTOR currently have a window of just a few hours in the levelling process where you can conceivably play them.

I'm all for cross server matchmaking, but sidekicking so I can play them with the people I actually want to play them with either before or after the tiny level-appropriate window, seems like a much higher priority.

Basically EA need to finish the god damn game before the shiny wears off.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 26, 2011, 04:54:12 AM
The game should be built to "support" whatever playstyles customers enjoy. If players love PvP, they should be able to level via warzones. Same with space combat. If these activities aren't rewarding (and rewarding is defined by being just as legitimate, valid, and fast as other alternatives) people won't do them, even if they enjoy them, and you just wasted all that time developing a feature that will never be used. This fact is probably surprising to the numbnuts on the TOR forums, but it's isn't exactly a secret amongst the MMO cognoscenti, so to speak, and the fact that a poster on f13 doesn't know it is a bit disheartening.
No, it shouldn't be built to support whatever playstyles customers enjoy.  It should be built with a specific idea and concept in mind, or else it tries to do everything and therefore does nothing well. 

It's true that you shouldn't waste time developing features that won't be used, though.  That doesn't mean you should develop a whole bunch of features and ensure they're used - it means you should be selective about what features you put into the game in the first place, so you don't waste time developing a feature that doesn't fit with the concept and idea of the game.  SWTOR's concept is clear: Standard BioWare RPG with lots of players.  And to stick to that concept, no LFD system is needed.

Now, on the topic of sidekicking - I'm not sure if that would be ideal, but certainly mentoring down would be entirely beneficial.  Sidekicking up might present potential issues of seeing content 'out of sequence' where a low level character does something before doing those things leading up to it, but I'm not sure on that since I haven't seen everything yet.  Maybe that wouldn't be an issue, or there's a way around the problem.  Regardless, mentoring down would definitely be something good to implement.

Also, on the general topic of things going right and wrong with launch, I have been experiencing a major annoyance: UI problems.  Even setting aside the lack of basic functionality that all games should have (specifically, being able to move around UI elements to arrange them how you want) the chat window seems to have some major bugs with additional tabs.  And there's the problem with 'show sith corruption' not sticking, therefore needing to be manually reset every time I zone.  Hopefully they can get these UI problems solved soon, as they're some of the most generally annoying issues thus far.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 26, 2011, 05:05:54 AM
Large budget, triple A games aren't lofty concepts and developer dreams. They're business projects with a high investment requirement and big risk factor with potential long-term high rates of return.

SWTOR has one goal: sell enough boxes and retain enough customers to realise a rate of return acceptable to its investors.

Looking at WoW's LFD tool and the extent of its usage shows that a very large proportion of MMO subscribers both want and use it. If SWTOR persists without such a tool then they will either have to make FPs irrelevant to most players or they will have to develop a suitable LFD tool. The current system is unsustainable past the first couple of months.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 26, 2011, 05:23:26 AM
Large budget, triple A games aren't lofty concepts and developer dreams. They're business projects with a high investment requirement and big risk factor with potential long-term high rates of return.

SWTOR has one goal: sell enough boxes and retain enough customers to realise a rate of return acceptable to its investors.

Looking at WoW's LFD tool and the extent of its usage shows that a very large proportion of MMO subscribers both want and use it. If SWTOR persists without such a tool then they will either have to make FPs irrelevant to most players or they will have to develop a suitable LFD tool. The current system is unsustainable past the first couple of months.

I don't think the "if WoW had it, then SWTOR NEEDS TO ALSO HAVE IT!!!!!" mentality really applies to this games.  Folks are flat out tired of WoW and looking for another triple A title.  In terms of WoW a cross-server LFG tool was essential because you needed 5 people to run any end game content, the design of this game is a lot different.  You only require a single other person in order to run flashpoints (at least pre-50).  Lets see how this plays out, but I imagine the only use of LFG will basically be for the 8+ raid dungeons, which are mostly going to be run at the guild level anyway.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 26, 2011, 05:58:04 AM
Why the fuck did we just have this discussion again?  They've said repeatedly now that a LFD tool is coming eventually.

Jesus fuck people.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 26, 2011, 06:09:30 AM
Why the fuck did we just have this discussion again?  They've said repeatedly now that a LFD tool is coming eventually.

Jesus fuck people.

That's the rub though.  Reid actually said just the other day that while LFD is on the radar, it's not a priority thing.  They want people to go old school and use the social channels.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 26, 2011, 06:45:30 AM
And even if the Devs had said they were definitely going to do it (afaik they haven't), why would you expect that to prevent people discussing whether it is or isn't a good idea on a mmog discussion board.

I never understand the 'f13 will only discuss things once and when Devs have not made a decision' expectation that some people seem to have.

People discuss mmog mechanics on mmog forums. Take off your beret and deal with it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 26, 2011, 07:35:42 AM
And even if the Devs had said they were definitely going to do it (afaik they haven't), why would you expect that to prevent people discussing whether it is or isn't a good idea on a mmog discussion board.

I never understand the 'f13 will only discuss things once and when Devs have not made a decision' expectation that some people seem to have.

People discuss mmog mechanics on mmog forums. Take off your beret and deal with it.

Because no one is discussing whether it is or isn't a good idea, people are just continuously re-asserting their point of view with strong and stronger language.  No one in the last 50 posts has provided objective numbers that could actually be used to formulate a real answer.  It is the absolute worst form bullying, it is actually closer to religion than any kind of real problem solving.  Additionally, the people who do have those numbers, and have them in spades, don't think it's a high priority to implement LFD but have said on several occasions that they will add it when they see it's needed.

So, yeah, shut the fuck up about it already.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 26, 2011, 08:01:43 AM
Raph had numbers when he implemented HAM.

Verdant had numbers when they designed and maintained corpse running.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 26, 2011, 08:59:10 AM
So people aren't allowed to dislike the WoW style LFG tool?  Good to know!  God knows, I'd hate to find myself out of step with public opinion.
It's perfectly fine to have an opinion on something. People have incorrect opinions on all sorts of things all the time!  :awesome_for_real:

Mouth-breathers pushing back on LFD sound like the forum-dwelling mongoloids arguing against mods because recount exposed their brain damage. These tools are popular because they're good. Players like them. Players rely on them. They make the game better. Any alternative to LFD must actually be superior to LFD and accepted by players as such.

Those tools are popular because a certain hardcore segment of the population likes to use them to play a certain way and beat the rest of the population upside the head with the data.  LOTRO has neither an advanced LFG mechanism, damage parser or extensively modifiable UI and it is a terrific game.  The fact that folks prefer this model to WoW does not mean they are "forum-dwelling mongoloids": they just have a different opinion than you.

Honestly your post illustrates precisely what is wrong with WoW and why casual and friends and family groups are fleeing that game in droves. 
Wait, LFD is a hardcore tool? What colour is the sky in your world? Handy hint: Hardcore players are more likely to organise their own groups (usually from a clique inside of a guild) rather than run with a pick-up group. Dungeon finders moves things back towards parity.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Maledict on December 26, 2011, 09:00:46 AM
And even if the Devs had said they were definitely going to do it (afaik they haven't), why would you expect that to prevent people discussing whether it is or isn't a good idea on a mmog discussion board.

I never understand the 'f13 will only discuss things once and when Devs have not made a decision' expectation that some people seem to have.

People discuss mmog mechanics on mmog forums. Take off your beret and deal with it.
.  Additionally, the people who do have those numbers, and have them in spades, don't think it's a high priority to implement LFD but have said on several occasions that they will add it when they see it's needed.

So, yeah, shut the fuck up about it already.

I'm sorry but blind appeals to authority don't wash much. Blizzard had the numbers on meeting stones for **4** years before getting them to a state of usefulness. Devs have a remarkably ability to ignore evidence and logic when it comes to pet beliefs about how people should play rather than how people do play. Heck, the entirety of MMO gaming history could be summed up in that one sentence.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 26, 2011, 09:07:56 AM
Hey, maybe that will be EA's 'fix' for LFG - bringing back the retard rocks!  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 26, 2011, 09:21:10 AM
Really, you have two choices. 

Do you want WOW with voiceover?

Or do you want EQ with voiceover?

Cause it's one or the other here people, game may be fun but innovative it ain't.  So just ask yourself if the voiceovers were gone, which game would you prefer?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 26, 2011, 09:28:18 AM
Considering that leveling characters isn't really the point here, and you'll get there just by doing all your quests anyway, this function of an LFD system is completely pointless.  The 'point' in WoW is to get to max level so you can get to the 'real' game.  The 'point' in SWTOR is to play the story, so leveling characters don't actually gain any benefit from flashpoint leveling. 

Totally wrong. The non-class story part of the quest-based leveling does not vary by class. Having alternate options available for your 2nd/3rd/4th time through, whether that's a functional dungeon finder, space combat, PVP, etc., will go a long way to making playing an alt a less repetitive experience. You still will do your class story, but you won't have to do the other quests on, say, Nar Shaddaa 4 times each. This matters a lot.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: trias_e on December 26, 2011, 09:39:04 AM
Oh shit, we're still talking about this?  

Not everything players use will necessarily be good for retention.  I don't recall WoW entering a golden age of retention after implementing LFD.  You could argue it stemmed the tide of subscriber loss, but while I'm sure there's evidence that it's heavily used, that doesn't mean it was good for the game or subscriber numbers.  While it is understandable that most people do want the loot pinata at the end of the dungeon with as little fuss as possible (and have been skinner-ized to do so by the game), to at least some extent socialization makes MMOs 'stickier'.  LFD, at least in a server-cluster form, damages this to at least some extent.  Everyone can like and use your features and give your game high marks, yet your game ends up less 'sticky' than other games.  I would argue that the WoW-clones ran into this problem head on.  They weren't in general any worse than WoW, but since WoW was stickier due to the socialization process it's initial model to some extent encouraged (and being first, of course), WoW retained and the clones did not.

I stopped playing WoW for about 4 years.  When I came back in the era of the LFD tool, the groups were noticeably worse when it comes to internet assholery than they were before.  This, I believe, is due to the Penny Arcade maxim:  Anonymity = Fuckwad, and these players from other servers whom I will never see again are basically anonymous.  And worst of all, you couldn't actually filter out any of it:  You basically just had to quit and try again if the people you were randomly assigned were raging douchebags.  It's possible WoW players just became bigger dicks of their own accord during this time span and it had little to do with LFD, I suppose.

Finally:  Finding a guild if you aren't in one becomes much more difficult when you rarely play with people from your own server.  One common way to find a guild in the past was grouping with people in the guild becomes much harder.  I wonder how many people who praise the LFD system have tried playing days as an utter noob without any social connections.  In my experience, it was absolutely miserable.

Stating that there are only two choices in this regard, EQ or WoW, isn't correct IMO.  There is a LFG system which strikes a middle ground.  It's not as efficient as WoW's, but it retains socialization stickyness and allows you to filter out people you hate.  The reason it hasn't worked isn't because the system is bad, but because the devs haven't presented it properly and haven't given rewards for using it.  

1)  Make a solid LFG system with checkable instances, roles, filtering and sorting.
2)  Bring up LFG window anytime you get a flashpoint mission, automatically filtered towards that mission.
3)  Let people teleport to others through the LFG window, and not otherwise.
4)  Give people an XP bonus for using it.
5)  Don't make the LFG window location based (wtf WoW stones)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on December 26, 2011, 11:12:32 AM
As much as I have always lauded Blizzard for taking the pain out of a lot of things, I am very torn on the LFD tool. On one hand, I really love being able to get in to instances easily and to experience the content. But on the other hand, I do see what it does to the game. WoW has become people sitting around in Org / Stormwind, waiting in queues. The world for the most part becomes just a lobby once you are at max level, and I hate that.

I am thinking maybe some sort of LFG tool that will find players and match you up, but that it wont just port you directly to the dungeon. /shrug, just sort of thinking out loud on that one.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 26, 2011, 11:24:57 AM
I'm avidly against implementing WoWs LFG system in this game. It would be a complete clusterfuck from the story perspective, the tone of the game, and bring with it the downsides of all the WoW problems that the LFG created.

I have no problem with a flagging system. I have no problem with a suggested matching system. I do have a problem with cross-server bandaids on the fact that there still won't be enough tanks and healers to go around for lazy dps who can't or won't organize a group.
No LFG won't stop the community from being shit, it'll only stop you from ever running the low-level flashpoints that aren't Esselles ever fucking again when almost everyone has hit cap 3 months from now.

I'll say that again since you seem to be in the denial phase of "MMO players are 99% shitheads" again for some reason: No LFG will absolutely NOT improve the community or prevent it from getting worse.

You're literally making the case for a slightly less retarded version of the retard-rocks from WoW. The only thing easier than spamming LFG is pushing a button and getting a group; it's just that the former usually takes a lot longer than the latter. Nothing inbetween that will work, as evidenced by the LFG flag thing that NO ONE IS USING.

I believe this is why they said a LFD system is best for a more aged game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Samprimary on December 26, 2011, 11:58:14 AM
I'm very, very good at JK/SW, but I have to concede that the class is in a bad place right now, and they may not even really be in a hurry to fix it, in order to keep that class from being blatantly overpopulated. Our guild cluster was put on harbinger and subsequently we found ourselves all unable to play till we hurled everyone to a not overburdened server. The default UI and control scheme gives me hives, because I'm forced to work without macros in spite of there being a very overwhelming glut of abilities to use; I'm already mapped out for eight mouse buttons for regular, shift, alt, and control click — and still they come.

Outside of that, little to complain about. Amazingly, once all is said and done, it's a good product in a field not known for them.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 12:21:53 PM
Considering that leveling characters isn't really the point here, and you'll get there just by doing all your quests anyway, this function of an LFD system is completely pointless.  The 'point' in WoW is to get to max level so you can get to the 'real' game.  The 'point' in SWTOR is to play the story, so leveling characters don't actually gain any benefit from flashpoint leveling. 

Totally wrong. The non-class story part of the quest-based leveling does not vary by class. Having alternate options available for your 2nd/3rd/4th time through, whether that's a functional dungeon finder, space combat, PVP, etc., will go a long way to making playing an alt a less repetitive experience. You still will do your class story, but you won't have to do the other quests on, say, Nar Shaddaa 4 times each. This matters a lot.

So you want LFD, a tool essentially made for quickly getting together groups to repeat the same content over and over again, because it will offer up an alternative to repeating content?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 26, 2011, 12:25:38 PM
Yes? The more ways to level the less you repeat content, this is not rocket science.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 12:43:08 PM
Yes? The more ways to level the less you repeat content, this is not rocket science.

Unless you're using LFD to run each Flashpoint once and then never do it again, it's encouraging repeating content.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 26, 2011, 12:45:33 PM
Are you being purposefully obtuse? This seems like a very simple concept.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 26, 2011, 12:47:14 PM
Yes? The more ways to level the less you repeat content, this is not rocket science.

Unless you're using LFD to run each Flashpoint once and then never do it again, it's encouraging repeating content.

Sure, but without a functional LFD system that content might as well not be there at all. The more different content you have access to, the more you can avoid repeating. This is not complicated.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 26, 2011, 12:53:15 PM
Once you're past the curve, levelling dungeons in mmo's may as well not exist, in addition neither do non top-tier endgame dungeons(non-heroics)  Getting groups for anything like sunken temple in wow? good fucking luck.  This is even worse because often you'll get quests to go into these places that end up just sitting in your log until you're high enough level to solo them.

I agree wow's lfd could be implemented in a better way but SWTOR didn't just tak a step back, they took several when they designed theirs.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 01:03:05 PM
Yes? The more ways to level the less you repeat content, this is not rocket science.

Unless you're using LFD to run each Flashpoint once and then never do it again, it's encouraging repeating content.

Sure, but without a functional LFD system that content might as well not be there at all. The more different content you have access to, the more you can avoid repeating. This is not complicated.

I'm not Captain Social and I've managed to do a number of Flashpoints.  In an alt-heavy game with 4 man groups and companions, I don't see it as really being that difficult to get a group in the future, but time will tell on that one I guess.  Beyond that aside from some interesting boss mechanics, I don't really think Flashpoints are that big a deal after you've done them once to check out the story (and even then some don't have much in the way of story).  The gear is comparable to Commendation gear, crafting gear, etc..., so it's not like you're going to be leveling in greens if you don't do the Flashpoints.  The xp also doesn't seem to come any faster than when it does during questing.  Missing out on a Flashpoint isn't really much different that missing out on the Heroic quests I'm sure a lot of us end up passing up, but I don't hear any clamor for something similar to an LFD system for those.  I think some people are stuck in a WoW state of mind and don't realize that grinding Flashpoints isn't like grinding Dungeons.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 26, 2011, 01:09:53 PM

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 01:10:49 PM
You make a compelling argument.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Margalis on December 26, 2011, 01:29:07 PM
From what I understand SWTOR is heavily instanced even in areas that traditionally aren't instanced at all, which is going to make finding compatible groups tough as people spread out in levels.

I'm torn on the whole LFD thing. On one hand I get that it can be a pain in the ass to find groups, on the other hand I feel like if you have some tool that groups you and warps you to a dungeon then when the dungeon is over your group immediately splits you aren't really playing an MMO as much as a lobby-based dungeon game like Monster Hunter or PSO.

At some point if you strip too much world out of an MMO you are switching genres.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 26, 2011, 01:35:36 PM
You make a compelling argument.
Wasn't directed at you specifically.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on December 26, 2011, 01:46:13 PM
From what I understand SWTOR is heavily instanced even in areas that traditionally aren't instanced at all, which is going to make finding compatible groups tough as people spread out in levels.

I'm torn on the whole LFD thing. On one hand I get that it can be a pain in the ass to find groups, on the other hand I feel like if you have some tool that groups you and warps you to a dungeon then when the dungeon is over your group immediately splits you aren't really playing an MMO as much as a lobby-based dungeon game like Monster Hunter or PSO.

At some point if you strip too much world out of an MMO you are switching genres.

I think I said I had almost the exact same feeling about 10ish posts ago.  :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 03:23:53 PM
On another note the game has been virtually unplayable for me lately due to disconnects, which is not an uncommon (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=63677) problem (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=13083).  Didn't have any disconnects during the beta weekend, or during early access up until the 18th.  Then things were ok again after launch until the 23rd.  I've been disconnecting pretty much every 15-30 minutes of play, and have tried every possible suggestion to try to fix it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 26, 2011, 04:16:06 PM
Yes? The more ways to level the less you repeat content, this is not rocket science.

Unless you're using LFD to run each Flashpoint once and then never do it again, it's encouraging repeating content.

Sure, but without a functional LFD system that content might as well not be there at all. The more different content you have access to, the more you can avoid repeating. This is not complicated.

I'm not Captain Social and I've managed to do a number of Flashpoints.  In an alt-heavy game with 4 man groups and companions, I don't see it as really being that difficult to get a group in the future, but time will tell on that one I guess.  Beyond that aside from some interesting boss mechanics, I don't really think Flashpoints are that big a deal after you've done them once to check out the story (and even then some don't have much in the way of story).  The gear is comparable to Commendation gear, crafting gear, etc..., so it's not like you're going to be leveling in greens if you don't do the Flashpoints.  The xp also doesn't seem to come any faster than when it does during questing.  Missing out on a Flashpoint isn't really much different that missing out on the Heroic quests I'm sure a lot of us end up passing up, but I don't hear any clamor for something similar to an LFD system for those.  I think some people are stuck in a WoW state of mind and don't realize that grinding Flashpoints isn't like grinding Dungeons.

If you're not going to run them more than once anyway, why do you give a shit if they give the people who will use it a LFD system?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 04:23:31 PM
With Flashpoints as they are now I don't really give a shit if they do implement it, I just don't agree with the "it has to be in or this game will fail crowd".  What I'd like to avoid, and what I feel like a lot of WoW players want is an lfd tool that makes your groups for you and teleports you to the instance, AND offers up most of the best loot and the fastest xp at which point it will become the only content a good chunk of the players will do.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 26, 2011, 04:25:33 PM
I don't think it will fail without it, but again, I just don't see how it affects you even if they do make it the magical silver bullet of fast leveling.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 04:58:22 PM
I don't think it will fail without it, but again, I just don't see how it affects you even if they do make it the magical silver bullet of fast leveling.

Because long term I think it's bad for the game if the player base burns itself out on grinding flashpoints.  I think there are a lot of people who literally can't help themselves and will skip over content that they'd enjoy because they feel pressured to level as quickly as possible, and I don't believe that's a healthy mentality for the devs to encourage if they want their game to be successful in the long run, especially when they've designed their game with such a "it's the journey not the destination" philosophy.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 26, 2011, 05:20:18 PM
But on the other hand I'm skipping over almost all heroic and flashpoint content because it's too much of a hassle and time waster to find a group to run them.  I'm 31 and have only run Esseles and Hammer, and I ran Hammer way late with a group of guys I know or I wouldn't of seen that yet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: amiable on December 26, 2011, 05:31:47 PM

Wait, LFD is a hardcore tool? What colour is the sky in your world? Handy hint: Hardcore players are more likely to organise their own groups (usually from a clique inside of a guild) rather than run with a pick-up group. Dungeon finders moves things back towards parity.

I was referring to parsers and dps meters that he had referenced earlier in his post (i don't think I was clear in that upon re-reading).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 05:35:35 PM
But on the other hand I'm skipping over almost all heroic and flashpoint content because it's too much of a hassle and time waster to find a group to run them.  I'm 31 and have only run Esseles and Hammer, and I ran Hammer way late with a group of guys I know or I wouldn't of seen that yet.

To me, a server-wide LFG channel would make it sufficiently easy to put together groups while working on other stuff.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 26, 2011, 05:36:24 PM
On another note the game has been virtually unplayable for me lately due to disconnects, which is not an uncommon (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=63677) problem (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=13083).  Didn't have any disconnects during the beta weekend, or during early access up until the 18th.  Then things were ok again after launch until the 23rd.  I've been disconnecting pretty much every 15-30 minutes of play, and have tried every possible suggestion to try to fix it.

I'm having the same issue.  I've quit grouping because of it and I've done all flashpoints up to Caedeminu(sp).  It's frustrating.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 26, 2011, 05:49:33 PM
I think there are a lot of people who literally can't help themselves and will skip over content that they'd enjoy because they feel pressured to level as quickly as possible, and I don't believe that's a healthy mentality for the devs to encourage if they want their game to be successful in the long run,
You're conflating "legitimate equal alternative" with "fastest possible route". For some reason that fallacy has proven very common in this thread. They are not equivalent.

Dungeons, PvP, etc, should be legit alternatives to questing, offering roughly the same speed, so players can progress however they want.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: UnSub on December 26, 2011, 07:45:18 PM
The question is then: how do the devs want players to progress in-game? If it really is all about story, then only make progression possible through story quests and turn off XP through other means.

Or, it becomes a case of letting players out level the story content and accepting that, but still letting them play through the story as they go.

If you can play through story content you outlevel, it can take the difficulty out of that story content (which is fine if the story content really is that good). BioWare single player games scale the difficulty (in theory - in reality, shooting a geth at lvl 1 is the same as shooting a geth at lvl 60) which could have been another way of approaching it.

And on top of this is gear / crafting, which makes more sense to spend time on at max level than wasting time on output that will be outlevelled.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Velorath on December 26, 2011, 07:57:40 PM
I think there are a lot of people who literally can't help themselves and will skip over content that they'd enjoy because they feel pressured to level as quickly as possible, and I don't believe that's a healthy mentality for the devs to encourage if they want their game to be successful in the long run,
You're conflating "legitimate equal alternative" with "fastest possible route". For some reason that fallacy has proven very common in this thread. They are not equivalent.

Dungeons, PvP, etc, should be legit alternatives to questing, offering roughly the same speed, so players can progress however they want.

I'm pretty sure I said I'm ok with it as long as it isn't the optimal route, but when people say the want to use LFD so they can level alts and bypass most of the other content, I get the impression that they're essentially looking for a power level tool.  I haven't played WoW in ages, but is LFD not the fastest way to level and gear up?  I always felt like that better xp and loot were traditionally the motivations for going through dungeons in mmo's.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 26, 2011, 10:30:55 PM
If you play a tank LFD is probably faster, yeah. Otherwise probably not. WoW leveling to 80 is really, really quick now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 26, 2011, 10:33:58 PM
But on the other hand I'm skipping over almost all heroic and flashpoint content because it's too much of a hassle and time waster to find a group to run them.  I'm 31 and have only run Esseles and Hammer, and I ran Hammer way late with a group of guys I know or I wouldn't of seen that yet.
To me, a server-wide LFG channel would make it sufficiently easy to put together groups while working on other stuff.
Like I posted earlier, a server-wide LFG just Does Not Work in practice. There's a server-wide LFG channel in lotro (glff) and it's gotten me precisely zero groups since I started playing the game in 2008... just because I happened to choose a low-medium pop server.

In SWTOR - like Thrawn - I have only run the esseles a few times and hammer station once. Whenever I hit up the fleet, all I see in /1 is 'lf tank / healer for <instancename>' -- when I return half an hour later, the same people will still be saying the same thing.

I personally love running dungeons with random people, even if it's the same dungeon over and over (not really; WOW has enough variance so you don't run the same dungeon more than 3-4 times). It's a very different experience every time unlike questing: once you'll get a bunch of newbies who don't really know what to do (and that's fine), other times you'll get a group that completely murders the place in about 15 minutes. The group composition is also random-ish, which will change how the group can can approach trash pulls and bosses. I also had less negative experiences in LFD-type groups (wow, rift) than standard pugs. For me a LFD system would be a godsend.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 26, 2011, 11:03:51 PM
I also had less negative experiences in LFD-type groups (wow, rift) than standard pugs.

This is absolutely true for me as well, particularly in leveling content.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 27, 2011, 02:46:09 AM
LFD: "If I quit/am terrible/act up enough to get booted, a replacement is only a click away"
Spamming /LFG: "It took an hour to put this group together and if they boot me it's going to take them just as long to find a replacement if the group doesn't just implode therefore they're going to have to put up with me".

Guess which one tends to make most people behave better?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 27, 2011, 03:03:12 AM
As a somewhat socially inept MMO player, and having never tried WoW's current iteration of LFD, I guess I would say that I wouldn't mind seeing it in SWTOR.  This is the rare game where I actually really want to see the content in the Heroics and Flashpoints (yeah, the content...don't give a shit about the xp and the loot)...but I don't really feel like I have the time to bother with finding a group to do it with.  Or put differently, if I only have an hour to spend in game, I will take the path of least resistance - regular questing - assuming it still scratches the itch.  As it is now, I am missing all that content.  I really want to change that, and I will have to go out of my way to do so...but I can plainly see the advantage of having an intelligent tool to make that process smoother and faster.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 27, 2011, 03:03:53 AM
While I do think they should do this (after implementing the much more important sidekicking), they need more flashpoints first.

If they implemented auto-matchmaking now, lots of idiots would just play the flashpoints over and over, then quit when they find the game too repetitive.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on December 27, 2011, 03:04:45 AM
LFD: "If I quit/am terrible/act up enough to get booted, a replacement is only a click away"
Spamming /LFG: "It took an hour to put this group together and if they boot me it's going to take them just as long to find a replacement if the group doesn't just implode therefore they're going to have to put up with me".

Guess which one tends to make most people behave better?

As always there's another side to that.

Spamming LFG: the person putting the group together inspects every whisperer and excludes anyone without optimal gear/spec/role. Playing a non-FOTM class or one considered sub-par? Yeah, playing a class without CC during Burning Crusade rocked. You got LOTS of groups.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 27, 2011, 04:02:45 AM
Guess which one tends to make most people behave better?

I don't have to guess, I've lived with both systems and putting the group together by hand results in far better behavior.

You do have people who claim there is no difference you have an equally large group of people who claim that instant anonymous results in a huge degradation in behavior. But I've never once heard someone claim that an instant anonymous LFD tool makes community better. I suspect that both groups are being honest, but have different expectations of a group and the LFD matches one of those, but not the other.

It also doesn't take a hour. FFS we put together a mid-level pickup raid with 12 people in about 30 minutes the other night and that was in a game with no grouping tools at all.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 27, 2011, 05:33:54 AM
I also had less negative experiences in LFD-type groups (wow, rift) than standard pugs.

This is absolutely true for me as well, particularly in leveling content.

Since both sides are anecdoting it up, I've had pretty much similar experiences with hand made and LFD groups in WoW. The decline in the community seems more linked to the popularity of the game than the addition of LFD. I preferred LFD because holy shit, I could run BFD on-level! Even better when they started fixing some of the old instances to be wings instead of 3 hour long slogs that no sane person wanted to run.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 27, 2011, 05:38:42 AM
I once joined a PUG and we all got unicorns, but then someone said a bad word and sky fell on us.

This is pretty conclusive.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 27, 2011, 05:41:49 AM
IMO, Tanks (and to an extent healers) probably prefer to create their groups manually; they're already doing all the cat-herding, what's another half an hour putting a good group together, especially if it's going to make the cat-herding easier during the run?  DPS'ers probably prefer the LFD system because it auto-gets them tanks and healers, and it's a queue which they're used to anyway.  Once guilds form and all the tanks and healers start hiding inside them, manually befriending a few tanks and healers will probably have better results for a DPS'er than trying the anonymous LFD system.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 27, 2011, 05:49:00 AM
IMO, Tanks (and to an extent healers) probably prefer to create their groups manually; they're already doing all the cat-herding, what's another half an hour putting a good group together, especially if it's going to make the cat-herding easier during the run?  DPS'ers probably prefer the LFD system because it auto-gets them tanks and healers, and it's a queue which they're used to anyway.  Once guilds form and all the tanks and healers start hiding inside them, manually befriending a few tanks and healers will probably have better results for a DPS'er than trying the anonymous LFD system.

I've found the other way, personally. DPS usually makes groups in chat channels, because it's the way to guarantee yourself a spot. Tanks and Healers just want to get the damned run going, and LFD rewards their rarity by randomly selecting the three filler spots. My healer would rather deal with three bad DPS than spend 30 minutes in /general trying to find people. Good DPS is awesome, but random bad dps will do.

Guild only healers and tanks won't play in /general any more than they'll play in LFD, imo.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 27, 2011, 08:15:16 AM
Guild only healers and tanks won't play in /general any more than they'll play in LFD, imo.
As a tank-lover, this describes me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 27, 2011, 09:13:28 AM
Like I posted earlier, a server-wide LFG just Does Not Work in practice. There's a server-wide LFG channel in lotro (glff) and it's gotten me precisely zero groups since I started playing the game in 2008... just because I happened to choose a low-medium pop server.

I just saw this, but GLFF is a player created channel, not an official one. And it competes currently with a LFF tool that's impossible to comprehend and a regional only official LFF channel.

There's a brand new instant anonymous tool that is simple, but tends to create groups that aren't capable of completing the content and is largely unused. That's another aspect of the anonymous grouping tools, you need to dumb your content down so it's trivial to complete.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 27, 2011, 09:15:30 AM
Non-anonymous PUGs suck just as much at working together as anonymous ones. You only see an improvement when you're working with the same people regularly.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 27, 2011, 09:26:09 AM
That's not strictly true. Your reputation really mattered back in the early EQ days. If you acted like a dickhole, trained, ninja'd, etc, you could be ostracized and effectively forced out of the game. Server populations were low and static-- you knew who people were. These days, with much larger server populations, drastically faster leveling, solo leveling, character transfers, name/faction changes, etc, server rep is basically a non-issue.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 27, 2011, 09:28:39 AM
That's anti-social behavior, which is not at all what I'm talking about; I'm talking about just basic coordination, which tends to be terrible in PUGs regardless.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 27, 2011, 09:31:23 AM
LFD made WoW buckets of cash.  At the very least that tells us /1 LFG is the wrong solution.  Few companies have actually tried to have a logical LFG alternative.   If you're looking for a group then by nature the LFG window should list groups and their requirements.   Instead it just lists other people looking for group as well.   At a bare minimum SWTOR needs to have some window where the groups are automatically suggested.   As a social tool it makes a great ice breaker which actually increases community.    For old content eventually cross server will become required.

All this is moot point though.   LFD without dual spec would be retarded.   They need to get that in fast fast fast.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azuredream on December 27, 2011, 09:36:57 AM
If they don't want to put in LFD they at the very least need to improve the craptastic system they have in place currently.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on December 27, 2011, 09:36:57 AM
Coordination is an issue during raids, which is where you typically have stuff like lava hounds, tanking multiple bosses, and various dancing-around mechanics that require it.  I wouldn't PUG raids, ever.  PUG groups for heroics/questing suck because of anti-social behavior - the small team gameplay is simple enough that coordination isn't really an issue.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on December 27, 2011, 09:41:37 AM
Not in my experience. Groups that fail because they were unable to execute are FAR more common than groups that fail because someone decided to be a griefer.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 27, 2011, 09:46:46 AM
There's a brand new instant anonymous tool that is simple, but tends to create groups that aren't capable of completing the content and is largely unused. That's another aspect of the anonymous grouping tools, you need to dumb your content down so it's trivial to complete.

It's not so much needing trivially difficult content as not having blindingly complicated utility needs for a group.  CC in TBC-era WoW was the same story.  Neither game is/was designed around "Pick any N from X bin." style of group composition like Rift, SWTOR, and Wrath/Cataclysm-era WoW are for the most part.

As an example, interrupting in LotRO was a relatively common need in groups, but what characters could actually do it was a bit of minefield.  As a Burglar I needed to have X spent in a particular legendary to make it useful for bosses and everyone still just wanted Champions.  In SWTOR, it's straight forward (all have 4s lockout):

- Sith Warrior and Powertech: melee range (4m), 8s CD
- Operative and Sith Assassin: short range (10m), 12s CD
- Sniper and Sith Sorcerer: long range (40m/30m), 12s CD

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 27, 2011, 09:58:31 AM
LFD made WoW buckets of cash.

I disagree with your basic assertion. In fact, MMORPG revenues were already starting to decline in 2010 right after LFD was released for ATVI. If anything, I could make the argument that it started to cost them money compared to previous years.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 27, 2011, 10:05:28 AM
Correlation does not imply causation. All we know is that LFD was and is immensely popular. We don't know how it impacted retention one way or the other.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 27, 2011, 10:08:35 AM
Correlation does not imply causation. All we know is that LFD was and is immensely popular. We don't know how it impacted retention one way or the other.

We don't even know that LFD was immensely popular.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 27, 2011, 10:08:54 AM
Not in my experience. Groups that fail because they were unable to execute are FAR more common than groups that fail because someone decided to be a griefer.

This. It was rarely someone being a tool, and usually someone who would just tab-dot when we were CCing, and generally seemed to be playing with one hand while performing complex surgery with the rest of their concentration.

I don't think I've ever been griefed in LFD beyond once, which was less greifing and more dicks being dicks, when I got kicked at the last boss so the four guildies could put their guild healer in since he apparently needed a drop off that one mob. Personally, I would have told the guild healer no if they were just too lazy to do the rest of the instance, but whatever.

Most of my LFD failures have been either people scamming the system (flagging tank/healer, then promptly putting all the DPS gear on and declaring that we would kick a DPS and flag for a new tank), or people who simply could not move out of fucking fire.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 27, 2011, 10:10:24 AM
We don't even know that LFD was immensely popular.
Blizzard said it was, and reactions on the forums and in-game show that everybody's using it. You don't see anyone asking for groups in tradechat. It's overwhelmingly popular.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 27, 2011, 10:13:23 AM
We don't even know that LFD was immensely popular.
Blizzard said it was, and reactions on the forums and in-game show that everybody's using it. You don't see anyone asking for groups in tradechat. It's overwhelmingly popular.

Your argument is flawed. Blizzard is going to tell us the system is working no matter what. Forums are a terrible place to gauge reaction. And spurious reasoning on tradechat is hardly evidence.

I'm talking numbers. We have no evidence of before and after. We also have no numbers on how many people did LFD for achievements and quit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 27, 2011, 10:20:45 AM
Nobody releases numbers. I'm going to back away from your circular pendantry now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 27, 2011, 10:29:24 AM
My point is we're all assuming that LFD is a good thing, when in actuality it is debated.

Now from your personal experience you may love it and list the reasons how you think it can benefit a server. However, I believe there is an equally good reason not to have it in the game from the standpoint of a community. It's not just generally accepted that not having LFD in SWTOR is somehow a detriment to the game.

EDIT: Unlike, for example, their shittastic UI on the auction house which is generally agreed upon as horrid.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 27, 2011, 10:32:53 AM
There is no solid consensus, agreed. I personally strongly believe it is needed, though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azuredream on December 27, 2011, 10:33:22 AM
I was compelled to go back to the patch 3.3 thread in the WoW boards to pull some gems from it. Back when it first came out I don't remember anyone saying anything even close to "this is a bad feature" and were more concerned with bugs using the tool.

I just stopped by to say that I just tried the new LFG daily deal with the Emblems of Frost and the money, and the cross-server dude that appeared in our group of four instantaneously.  It's pretty fucking awesome.

I'm on a low pop alliance server and the new LFG really has saved my subscription.

Ran through a few more today.  Ran into a complete retard tank that quit before we could kick him.  Also ran into an instance where the people were very nice and had been very obviously carried to get the gear they had.  Still though over all I am loving this.

I'm really enjoying the cross server dungeon LFG.  Like many have said, it was the time it took to form a group that prevented me from doing heroics, and now I can queue up and go about my business.  The only aspect I don't enjoy is that you can't queue for battlegrounds and dungeons at the same time.  If Blizzard removed that and simply removed me from one queue whenever a dungeon or a battle ground launched, that would be awesome.

Echoing that the new LFG tool is pretty much the awesomest thing ever. If I want to do an instance, I just hit random heroic as tank/healer and 3 seconds later I'm already inside. Sure, if I'm playing dps it takes longer (~5-6 mins), but that way I can check auctions, maybe do a daily quest, do some mining/herbing, etc. and it's still way less downtime than it was pre-patch. Then I can buy phat lewts with the badges, woo!

My leveling guildies like it too, and have actually done some lowbie instances nobody ever does on alliance. (Me, I'm not leveling another character, not before cataclysm :p)

I'm absolutely loving the LFG tool, with the side note that I've had a ton of trouble using it to do specific instances. It's amazing for badge farming fun, and I'd imagine it makes lower level instances far more doable than just praying your own leveling range is online and in lfg.

But for 80s? I've had a lot of fun with it for the bit I've logged in. I've yet to see the new instances though :(

I love the tool; I just wish it'd stop killing my pet when zoning me in.  I think anytime your pet is tucked away (ie on a mount or during flight) it doesn't bother to re-summon.  I usually take this for granted and it's taken me a boss or more to notice (it's hard to notice the damn imp sometimes).

Also, any tailors notice that lightweave is just proccing for no apparent reason?  I'm just running around Dalaran getting lightweave procs while doing inscription research or the cooking daily.

And yah, major /facepalm moment for me: I didn't realize you could turn in triumph badges straight for tier 9.  I probably wasted at least thirty getting my tier 8 robe for the 2 piece bonus.  Well, at least I'll have that bonus while I my hour a night starts decking me out in tier 9.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 27, 2011, 10:35:19 AM
LFD made WoW buckets of cash.

I disagree with your basic assertion. In fact, MMORPG revenues were already starting to decline in 2010 right after LFD was released for ATVI.

Feel free to disagree all you want.   LFD brought back a lot of customers period.   Those numbers are listed as well.   The question is if it was the cross server nature or the automatic grouping.   WoW had a serious problem with off-peak hours and low server pops at that point.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 27, 2011, 10:38:52 AM
Auto grouping is fine with me, personally. Cross server is simply trying to smooth over population curve issues, especially late in the game's life where you have 5 people in leveling zones per server. If you recall, PVP is the first thing that went cross server entirely to avoid lulls of "waaah, nobody on my server wants to play _____"

I'd be more than happy with a system that say, spent 5 minutes trying to put together a server based group, and only poached across server if it couldn't fill slot Y in that timeframe. Keep it local for some community building, but at least acknowledge that if I say I want to do an instance, I don't mean "in 3 hours after staring at the republic fleet vendors all night"

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 27, 2011, 10:40:28 AM
Cross-server only works for me if you believe there's a server with a bunch of tanks and healers sitting around going, MAN I wish had some dps over here.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 27, 2011, 10:41:58 AM
It's entirely possible if you have a low enough server population at the time. In SWTOR so far every group I've been in has had two healers, one just fake DPSing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 27, 2011, 10:47:00 AM
Cross-server only works for me if you believe there's a server with a bunch of tanks and healers sitting around going, MAN I wish had some dps over here.

That has nothing to do with it.   Cross-server is purely a population pool issue.   Good for you that you always play prime time on a well populated server.  Stop being fucking selfish.   They can keep your precious community intact by restricting cross server to old content.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 27, 2011, 11:04:27 AM
They've talked about it in the sense of pointing out that the game doesn't have it, and that they may or may not change anything the game does or does not have later.

They haven't come out and said they are working on it.
They have, I linked a post-release article days ago with Ohlen saying it will be in soon.

The LFD 'discussion'  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 27, 2011, 11:13:36 AM
Cross-server only works for me if you believe there's a server with a bunch of tanks and healers sitting around going, MAN I wish had some dps over here.

That has nothing to do with it.   Cross-server is purely a population pool issue.   Good for you that you always play prime time on a well populated server.  Stop being fucking selfish.   They can keep your precious community intact by restricting cross server to old content.

It's not just a population pool issue in a game where you require roles. Calm down. It would be if everyone was equal and you just needed bodies. That's simply not the case in this format, and there is a definite lack of certain roles due to the "fun" factor of dps classes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Margalis on December 27, 2011, 12:44:49 PM
I was compelled to go back to the patch 3.3 thread in the WoW boards to pull some gems from it. Back when it first came out I don't remember anyone saying anything even close to "this is a bad feature" and were more concerned with bugs using the tool.

Most MMOs follow the path of removing "world" elements over time as the playing population ages, grows more comfortable with the game and previously new and exciting things become rote.

Travel options grow, grouping options grow, class and race restrictions ease, respeccing becomes easier (or possible), etc. The fact that many MMOs follow that path doesn't mean new ones should start at the end of that path, any more so than games with New Game + perks should have those perks available from the outset.

Adding more convenience at the expense of worldyness is the natural lifecycle of an MMO.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 27, 2011, 01:07:28 PM
Cross-server only works for me if you believe there's a server with a bunch of tanks and healers sitting around going, MAN I wish had some dps over here.

That has nothing to do with it.   Cross-server is purely a population pool issue.   Good for you that you always play prime time on a well populated server.  Stop being fucking selfish.   They can keep your precious community intact by restricting cross server to old content.

It's not just a population pool issue in a game where you require roles. Calm down. It would be if everyone was equal and you just needed bodies. That's simply not the case in this format, and there is a definite lack of certain roles due to the "fun" factor of dps classes.

For reasonable population imbalances, cross-server doesn't really do much at prime time for popular content besides smooth queues out.  The rest of the time for the rest of the content, I think it's the more important half of the system.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Amaron on December 27, 2011, 08:50:03 PM
It's not just a population pool issue in a game where you require roles.

It's usually more of a scheduling problem than a lack of healers/tanks.   It's the same reason cross server was necessary for battleground queues.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 28, 2011, 04:54:19 AM
It's not just a population pool issue in a game where you require roles. Calm down. It would be if everyone was equal and you just needed bodies. That's simply not the case in this format, and there is a definite lack of certain roles due to the "fun" factor of dps classes.
I agree with the fact that LFD isn't a silver bullet for the problem that tanking and particularly healing roles are considered a lot less fun than DPS generally and thus you'll still have the 10:1 DPS to healer/tank ratio with cross-server LFD. I think it helps at least a bit however since removing the timesink/annoyance element from actually putting a group together and getting to the zone encourages the tank/healer population to hit dungeons more often.

My worthless personal WoW anecdote is that I ran a lot more dungeons with LFD a lot more often as a tank in WoTLK/Cata than I did in BC where being a solid tank made you god-king among the general /LFG population pre-LFD tool. I got so fucking tired of sitting around in the Netherstorm/Hellfire Peninsula/CoT waiting for people to make their way there or get their guildmate who was "totally coming" so I could slog through the ridiculously overtuned BC heroics. Even after the summon-stone portals went in (or if you had a warlock) it still sucked because people still couldn't get their shit in order, or you'd have to leave someone in town spamming for one more because no one on was interested in the specific dungeon you wanted to run.

Hell, if I went back to Cata now I'd probably get votekicked instantly from 2/3rds of the dungeons I ran because I still have blue gear on my tank. I'd still rather do that than ever sit around with 3-4/5 people for like 45 minutes just to have a chance at having a shitty group.

Again, anecdotes, not evidence. And it's a WoW anecdote on top of that. I can only really speak from my own experience though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 28, 2011, 06:21:30 AM
Good lord. All the dungeons/Flashpoints are located in one ( there are three other areas for more later it seems ) dam room. Mountain out of molehill. How hard is it to make a 4 man group in a room full of people with a LFG icon next to the name.

I would care more if they were spread around the galaxy, but they are not. Some of the comments make me wonder if you guys are just theory crafting thinking its just like wow, with out even trying as it is in SWTOR.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on December 28, 2011, 06:26:30 AM
Good lord. All the dungeons/Flashpoints are located in one dam room. Mountain out of molehill. How hard is it to make a 4 man group in a room full of people with a LFG icon next to the name.

They're not, they're not even all on the same ship.  (Still the same zone though.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 28, 2011, 06:27:51 AM
Good lord. All the dungeons/Flashpoints are located in one dam room. Mountain out of molehill. How hard is it to make a 4 man group in a room full of people with a LFG icon next to the name.

They're not, they're not even all on the same ship.  (Still the same zone though.)

OH NOZ! So you have one more click to get to another grouping/Room where other people are looking for those same ones. This is not the equivalent of getting to the waling caverns or sunken temple. People really can't fathom just asking the guy in the room next to them if they want to join?  :oh_i_see: Its more of a travesty that the flashpoints do not scale, and the fact that they don't all seem to follow the Black Talon template.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on December 28, 2011, 06:43:15 AM
The real issue to me is finding groups for normal everyday questing and heroics, not FP's and such.  I spammed forever to do the last heroic on Balmorra and got nothing during prime gametime.  During said spam, genchat devolved into how LFG disrupts RP.   :oh_i_see:   I'd be happy with just a set LFG channel for starters.  No one uses the custom channel.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 28, 2011, 06:48:19 AM
I'd be happy with just a set LFG channel for starters.  No one uses the custom channel.

If nothing else, I too would settle for this.  Though such a global channel would quickly and easily devolve into Barrens Chat:Star Wars TOR Edition.  I imagine that my /ignore list would be filled within a day of filtering out the people generating noise vs. the people actually looking for a group.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 28, 2011, 06:50:49 AM
Good lord. All the dungeons/Flashpoints are located in one dam room. Mountain out of molehill. How hard is it to make a 4 man group in a room full of people with a LFG icon next to the name.

They're not, they're not even all on the same ship.  (Still the same zone though.)

OH NOZ! So you have one more click to get to another grouping/Room where other people are looking for those same ones. This is not the equivalent of getting to the waling caverns or sunken temple. People really can't fathom just asking the guy in the room next to them if they want to join?  :oh_i_see: Its more of a travesty that the flashpoints do not scale, and the fact that they don't all seem to follow the Black Talon template.

My complaint with the system is they're all located in one damned room in a place most of us don't want to hang out in. I didn't want to stand around in Org spamming chat, and I don't want to stand around in fleet spamming chat. If it's going to take me an hour to get this group going, I'd like to be playing the GAME for said hour, not using it as a glorified mIRC. I go to the republic fleet once every ~15 levels at my current rate.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 28, 2011, 06:55:24 AM
Good lord. All the dungeons/Flashpoints are located in one dam room. Mountain out of molehill. How hard is it to make a 4 man group in a room full of people with a LFG icon next to the name.

They're not, they're not even all on the same ship.  (Still the same zone though.)

OH NOZ! So you have one more click to get to another grouping/Room where other people are looking for those same ones. This is not the equivalent of getting to the waling caverns or sunken temple. People really can't fathom just asking the guy in the room next to them if they want to join?  :oh_i_see: Its more of a travesty that the flashpoints do not scale, and the fact that they don't all seem to follow the Black Talon template.
My complaint with the system is they're all located in one damned room in a place most of us don't want to hang out in. I didn't want to stand around in Org spamming chat, and I don't want to stand around in fleet spamming chat. If it's going to take me an hour to get this group going, I'd like to be playing the GAME for said hour, not using it as a glorified mIRC. I go to the republic fleet once every ~15 levels at my current rate.
This. "it's ok, just gather in this room in the fleet and you'll get a group!" doesn't actually work in reality. People want to quest, do warzones, etcetera. Whatever the solution is, it needs to be global and doable while you're actually playing the game. It's even better if it's automated... hence LFD.

Getting FP groups on their own is tough enough if you're DPS (and they don't have dual specs yet, so a lot of people are), hanging around in one zone for hours at a time isn't going to work.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 28, 2011, 06:57:02 AM
"it's ok, just gather in this room in the fleet and you'll get a group!"

Yes it does. Try it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on December 28, 2011, 07:05:20 AM
"it's ok, just gather in this room in the fleet and you'll get a group!"
Yes it does. Try it.
I did, it doesn't. There is nobody in there. Maybe it works on your server for the first FP or something.

The entire thing is a red herring anyway. Standing in one room (that's actually three rooms separated by several elevators and minutes-long taxi rides) is worse than spamming general chat (which can at least be seen by everyone in the fleet), which also doesn't work. edit: to be fair, spamming general sometimes works, but it's still far worse than the LFG functionality of every other mmo on the market

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 28, 2011, 07:10:13 AM
"it's ok, just gather in this room in the fleet and you'll get a group!"

Yes it does. Try it.

No, it doesn't. The vast majority of people in your level bracket will be on planets, not in fleet. I expect that to stay the same when everyone's 50, because there's jack all to do in the fleet. You're going to wind up with the old WoW system: find someone to group with, then one of you spams fleet, the other goes to *level appropriate zone* to spam, and the whole thing just winds up being a chore to try and do something a computer can solve quickly and easily. All for a group of people that may be entirely nice, but I have no actual interest in getting to know on a personal level.

Seriously: It's like forming Battlefield 3 teams by making you spam forums until your party has reached a certain number, and THEN you can play the game. Or.. we could let the system know you're interested in playing said game, and have it put everyone who is interested in a group together!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 28, 2011, 07:20:32 AM
Do you people not have guilds or something? Or do you have shitty family and friends guilds who are never online?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 28, 2011, 07:23:14 AM
Do you people not have guilds or something? Or do you have shitty family and friends guilds who are never online?
Illogical argument and you know it, unless your particular guild apparently bends to your will and everytime you say in guild chat "I want to run Black Talon" they all stop what they're doing and come help you.

Which, if that's the case, tell me your secrets  :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 28, 2011, 07:34:53 AM
Do you people not have guilds or something? Or do you have shitty family and friends guilds who are never online?
Illogical argument and you know it, unless your particular guild apparently bends to your will and everytime you say in guild chat "I want to run Black Talon" they all stop what they're doing and come help you.

Which, if that's the case, tell me your secrets  :grin:

They usually do. Mostly because I'm a tank and my co-lead is a healer. I can understand that if you're a dps people just pat you on the head, say that's nice, and go on with their day.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 28, 2011, 07:38:49 AM
Do you people not have guilds or something? Or do you have shitty family and friends guilds who are never online?
Illogical argument and you know it, unless your particular guild apparently bends to your will and everytime you say in guild chat "I want to run Black Talon" they all stop what they're doing and come help you.

Which, if that's the case, tell me your secrets  :grin:

They usually do. Mostly because I'm a tank and my co-lead is a healer. I can understand that if you're a dps people just pat you on the head, say that's nice, and go on with their day.

This guild.  I must join it  :ye_gods:

Seriously though, you're a rare case I'd say.  Since you're already providing the two base-building blocks for a good group, with +5 awesomeness as an already-established duo that know what you're doing, I can see why a couple people would be easy to pick up.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 28, 2011, 07:39:29 AM
A global LFG channel solves most if not all of these problems. It was easy as could be to group in EQ2 using their every-ten-level channels.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 28, 2011, 07:39:45 AM
Look to your right. /open who, Click "invite to group". Run Flash point.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 28, 2011, 07:46:13 AM
Do you people not have guilds or something? Or do you have shitty family and friends guilds who are never online?

No sidekicking, so only once in 20 attempts is a normal sized guild able to help even if it wanted to.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 28, 2011, 07:48:22 AM
Do you people not have guilds or something? Or do you have shitty family and friends guilds who are never online?

I have a shitty family and friends guild!

But uh: If the goal is to only group with your guild.. fine. Those people are never going to touch an LFD system at all anyways. LFD systems are to deal with everyone else who may for whatever reason be playing alone for the day and still want to do group content. Turns out there are bunches of them, and making things easier for them to find each other strikes me as a net positive.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 28, 2011, 07:56:54 AM
All for a group of people that may be entirely nice, but I have no actual interest in getting to know on a personal level.

I guess I take issue with this as your point. This is a multiplayer game. If you actually liked grouping with someone, you can add them to friends lists and suddenly you have another go-to option when you want to run something. This can happen over and over.

The idea of the "disposable friends" that LFD engendered in WoW to me is not only the reverse of what a game like an MMO is about, it's a detriment to retention of the playerbase. I've heard the excuses for why people don't want to make the effort to group. They are older, professional people who just want to log in and do what they want, whenever they want. Well, so am I, but to counteract the demands of the game, I made friendships with people in and out of my guild, played a class that's in demand, and in general opened the doors to people who want to do things. This was in WoW and SWTOR, and in many cases there was a lot of carryover.

Part of the reason I hate the LFD system as much as I do is the disposable friends concept. It smacks of entitlement, selfishness, and the all-to-familiar thread of internet assholery. Even worse, when it was cross-server and I found somebody I liked, I was screwed in trying to contact them again for a group.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 28, 2011, 08:46:33 AM
All for a group of people that may be entirely nice, but I have no actual interest in getting to know on a personal level.

I guess I take issue with this as your point. This is a multiplayer game. If you actually liked grouping with someone, you can add them to friends lists and suddenly you have another go-to option when you want to run something. This can happen over and over.

The idea of the "disposable friends" that LFD engendered in WoW to me is not only the reverse of what a game like an MMO is about, it's a detriment to retention of the playerbase. I've heard the excuses for why people don't want to make the effort to group. They are older, professional people who just want to log in and do what they want, whenever they want. Well, so am I, but to counteract the demands of the game, I made friendships with people in and out of my guild, played a class that's in demand, and in general opened the doors to people who want to do things. This was in WoW and SWTOR, and in many cases there was a lot of carryover.

Part of the reason I hate the LFD system as much as I do is the disposable friends concept. It smacks of entitlement, selfishness, and the all-to-familiar thread of internet assholery. Even worse, when it was cross-server and I found somebody I liked, I was screwed in trying to contact them again for a group.

LFD didn't make me consider people disposable friends. Just plain grouping did. If they're exceptional or hilarious, I'll friend them and group with them. Hell, I ran away from my guild for a few months with people I met in random PUGs. But 99% of the people I met in trade chat groups? Faceless masses whose purpose was to jointly complete a mission. About the same opinion I have about 99% of the people I work on projects with at work! Hello person I'm probably never going to work with again. I'm not going to be a dick to you or anything, but I'm not going to get to know about your wife either. We're here to do a job.

Disposable friends are not entitlement or selfishness in my mind at all. Or assholery. It's simply the logical conclusion of getting random people together for an event that will last less than a full evening. They're disposable friends in the same way as the people you meet at a dinner party. A number of people who happen to all be in one location for a set period of time for a set reason. If some wind up liking each other a lot, score. If not, no harm no foul.  We all went out, had a good time, and left at the end of the night. Woo.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 28, 2011, 10:20:25 AM
So Paelos is happy in forcing his guild to act as his personal servants when he wants to run dungeons, and Mr Bloodworth thinks sitting in a zone spamming "DPS LFG" is engaging and desirable gameplay. Has anyone got any, you know, compelling defences of the lack of an adequate LFG system?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 28, 2011, 10:20:48 AM
^ lolz.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 28, 2011, 10:21:42 AM
Something must be going right since the game is now MSNBC's 2011 Game of the Year apparently.  :oh_i_see:

Pre-order dollars hard at work.

 :uhrr: :uhrr: :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Murgos on December 28, 2011, 10:36:35 AM
Something must be going right since the game is now MSNBC's 2011 Game of the Year apparently.  :oh_i_see:

Pre-order dollars hard at work.

 :uhrr: :uhrr: :uhrr:

I've been considering buying some EA calls for just after the next quarter.  This last one has been very good to them and their price is pretty low at the moment.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 28, 2011, 10:49:36 AM
So Paelos is happy in forcing his guild to act as his personal servants when he wants to run dungeons, and Mr Bloodworth thinks sitting in a zone spamming "DPS LFG" is engaging and desirable gameplay. Has anyone got any, you know, compelling defences of the lack of an adequate LFG system?

I've said before, I have no problem with a good flagging system being implemented. I do have a problem with cross-server matching unless you give me the ability to continually group with or hold accountable those on the other end.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 28, 2011, 11:23:54 AM
Single server solution that takes your ignore list into account would be cool. Not sure how much I'd use it, but don't see the harm there.

Hell, they could add a post-mortem 'add to ignore' the way they have an 'add to friends'.  :pedobear:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 28, 2011, 11:48:11 AM

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 28, 2011, 11:55:12 AM
Alright everybody STFU about LFG/LFD. Thank you for your cooperation.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 28, 2011, 11:55:57 AM
Alright everybody STFU about LFG/LFD. Thank you for your cooperation.

Should we make a separate thread?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 28, 2011, 12:01:15 PM
Don't you think the dead horse has been atomized yet?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 28, 2011, 12:03:16 PM
Probably, but you know it's going to come up again.

I'm just trying to head off your frustration at the pass, when we yet again derail the launch thread.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 28, 2011, 12:08:26 PM
Maybe they can add LFD to slicing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 28, 2011, 12:30:48 PM
Maybe they can add LFD to slicing.

 :rimshot: :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 28, 2011, 04:30:15 PM
The UI team is going to work on improving the existing UI first before we look at modding it. Modding may happen, but we have no ETA on 'when' that we can share right now.
Hope everyone likes the current LFG/AH/action bars/raid UI/absence of threat meters/absence of combat log/etc.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: El Gallo on December 28, 2011, 05:24:03 PM
The UI team is going to work on improving the existing UI first before we look at modding it. Modding may happen, but we have no ETA on 'when' that we can share right now.
Hope everyone likes the current LFG/AH/action bars/raid UI/absence of threat meters/absence of combat log/etc.

It's like Smedley and Ghostcrawler had a baby that fell on its head on the way out.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on December 28, 2011, 05:29:15 PM
The UI team is going to work on improving the existing UI first before we look at modding it. Modding may happen, but we have no ETA on 'when' that we can share right now.
Hope everyone likes the current LFG/AH/action bars/raid UI/absence of threat meters/absence of combat log/etc.

For those not aware, the original quote was from Stephen Reid, doing a Q&A session on Reddit.


TL:DR: We know or were working on it. Not one concrete answer about anything.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on December 28, 2011, 05:52:05 PM
Wow. He didn't answer one single non-fluff question. Not a single one. What a waste of time for everyone involved.

You'd think they would give him something to announce so it doesn't look like he's blatantly evading every question. But no.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 28, 2011, 06:23:08 PM
The real problem with lfg in swtor is that this is the first ever star wars mmog lfg tool in which I am unable to record my star sign, or my interest in classical guitar music.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: CmdrSlack on December 28, 2011, 06:32:54 PM
Or blood type. That shit is key. I just can't be burdened supporting someone who is O-. Heaven forbid that I'm grouping with someone who is MN, LM, or LN. That shit gets real.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 28, 2011, 06:38:15 PM
Got a PUG to Cademumu within 5 minutes.  One guy dropped and we finished the instance with a dps companion.  Sorry, right now I don't see a big problem without the LFG tool. 

Really enjoying the crafting, probably the best part of the game to me.  It's slowing my leveling because I'm crafting and hanging around the station selling.

Also, the patch seems to have fixed my "Error 9000" CTD.  Played two nights now with no problems.   :grin:

Still in love with the game, but they need more social options in flashpoints. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 28, 2011, 10:04:39 PM
Still in love with the game, but they need more social options in flashpoints. 
Yeah, the latter ones are pretty bad. Did the Hammer Station, Athiss and Four Horsemen with one character and got 37 points total to show for it. In contrast the first FP is roughly 150 points a run. Considering the social rank requirements go up rather than down as you move in levels (10 points for 1st, i think 750 or so for 2nd? And gods know how much for the next) ... that's a quite ridiculous drop.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Soln on December 28, 2011, 10:32:45 PM
err what are social pts?  I thought they were only for cosmetic/rp things (from looking at a starting vendor).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 29, 2011, 12:06:24 AM
Social vendors on other planets give other stuff.  The one on tatooine sells what I THINK is a level 25 speeder that actually has a seat, for instance, but requires social level 3.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on December 29, 2011, 12:24:47 AM
Do you get social points simply by grouping and that's it?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on December 29, 2011, 12:59:28 AM
They come from making dialog choices while in a group, from what I can tell.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 29, 2011, 01:04:36 AM
By making dialogue rolls.  I think you get 4 points per other group member (4,8,12) if you win the roll, and 2 points per other group member (2,4,6) if you lose the roll, but I'm not completely sure on that.

As far as I can tell, there's only two ways to gain lots of social points: Always group with someone for all quests so that every conversation has rolls, or do something repeatable, with a group, that has lots of conversations, a LOT.  The former is hard unless you're playing exclusively with one person, the latter as far as I can tell consists of running the black talon several hundred times, because none of the other flashpoints that I've played so far have very many conversations.

Thus far, social points seem to me to be the worst of all the systems they've implemented in this game.  Oh, and the speeder I mentioned requires social 5, not 3.  3 is for sand people robes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on December 29, 2011, 01:31:16 AM
I now have 3 full bars of needed abilities. This is ridiculous. And Social Points seem to be as implemented as the Legacy Bar levels.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 29, 2011, 01:47:28 AM
Social points are important for light armour users as they are only source of clothing that does not look awful.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 29, 2011, 03:27:41 AM
It's important to note that you get social points for grouping even outside of flashpoints.  So if you had a regular teammate, you'd get social points for every quest.  THAT'S how you raise it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on December 29, 2011, 04:34:44 AM
Supposedly the level-cap flashpoints have more RP stuff in them than the bog-standard flashpoints with like one unvoiced moral choice preceding them. Still kind of a bummer they didn't flesh them out more.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 29, 2011, 05:52:59 AM
I now have 3 full bars of needed abilities. This is ridiculous.

Yeah, only 3 full bars is a little low, but they have to leave room for expansions.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on December 29, 2011, 06:17:07 AM
It's important to note that you get social points for grouping even outside of flashpoints.  So if you had a regular teammate, you'd get social points for every quest.  THAT'S how you raise it.

Correct. I'm almost Social 3 at level 27 because I've duoed with a buddy of mine from lvl 10.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 29, 2011, 07:13:27 AM
I been farming Esseles for dark side points. 250 a run. Very surprised you could do that...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 29, 2011, 07:21:30 AM
I been farming Esseles for dark side points. 250 a run. Very surprised you could do that...

Seems like something that will be changed.  In the mean time...logging in to try it right now.  :oh_i_see:

Does this work for crew affection too if you have your first crew member with you? *edit* Yes

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 29, 2011, 07:44:55 AM
So, any other Jedi Consulars - (spoilered for slight storyline spoilers at around level 30)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on December 29, 2011, 10:16:07 AM
It's important to note that you get social points for grouping even outside of flashpoints.  So if you had a regular teammate, you'd get social points for every quest.  THAT'S how you raise it.
The problem with that is that if your quests aren't exactly in sync, you don't get to participate in the same conversations and therefore don't get social points.  Also, the only conversations in most quests are at the acquisition and turnin stages, which means looking for someone to group with in General, the other person will almost always already have picked up the mission and therefore already have had the conversation.  And most groups break up before turning in all the missions - a lot of people prefer to avoid turning in missions together so that someone else's choices don't screw up their dialogue, because they actually want to make their own choices. 

So forget about getting social points by randomly grouping, most of the time - you have got to have an actual partner that you play with almost constantly in order for normal quests to be a good source of social points.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 29, 2011, 11:38:02 AM
The UI team is going to work on improving the existing UI first before we look at modding it. Modding may happen, but we have no ETA on 'when' that we can share right now.
Hope everyone likes the current LFG/AH/action bars/raid UI/absence of threat meters/absence of combat log/etc.

For those not aware, the original quote was from Stephen Reid, doing a Q&A session on Reddit.


TL:DR: We know or were working on it. Not one concrete answer about anything.
A fun thought exercise is to take that chat, and mentally substitute "Ghostcrawler" or "John Smedley" for "Rockjaw" then predict what people's reactions would have been if it had been a WoW or EQ/EQ2/PS/DCO/etc. chat instead of a Star Wars one.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Soln on December 29, 2011, 11:49:09 AM
It's important to note that you get social points for grouping even outside of flashpoints.  So if you had a regular teammate, you'd get social points for every quest.  THAT'S how you raise it.

So multi box FTW?  yeesh, that wasn't predictable.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on December 29, 2011, 01:23:13 PM
I would so love to multibox this game  :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 29, 2011, 01:26:22 PM
It's important to note that you get social points for grouping even outside of flashpoints.  So if you had a regular teammate, you'd get social points for every quest.  THAT'S how you raise it.

So multi box FTW?  yeesh, that wasn't predictable.

Only if you count completely meaningless points "the win".

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 29, 2011, 06:30:35 PM
The points aren't meaningless.  You can buy rewards based on your social level.  Now if the rewards are worth it is another debate.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: El Gallo on December 29, 2011, 06:50:28 PM
Seems like a bitch and a half to multibox a game without /follow, but people are doing it http://www.dual-boxing.com/forumdisplay.php?s=fba5aad623cd352ad4dd7a11bcb060f5&f=50

Tank + heal characters, each with a dps companion, would fare pretty well in the instances I think. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 29, 2011, 07:15:03 PM
I'd say it's more like 10 bitches rather than 1.5 to multibox without a working follow system but I do it anyways just cause I'm hardcore yo :why_so_serious:

And just to make it even more challenging I do it all "manually" with two keyboards and no helper programs :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 30, 2011, 06:02:04 AM
You're crazy, Trippy.  I have enough trouble controlling one character.

(Also, can we get the SWTOR moved thread unsticked, please?  I think everyone knows where to look by now.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: El Gallo on December 30, 2011, 06:46:38 AM
You need to take that APM and multitasking to Korea and start making money as a Starcraft pro, man.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 30, 2011, 07:04:17 AM
There's still gathering nodes i can't collect.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on December 30, 2011, 07:08:13 AM
There's still gathering nodes i can't collect.

Tarsis had about a third of the nodes under the world for me. Had map icon, could see glowy thing, but the node was obviously inside the hill.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on December 30, 2011, 07:26:35 AM
Oh i can see them, i just can't collect them like before the patch.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on December 30, 2011, 07:48:29 AM
Oh i can see them, i just can't collect them like before the patch.

I've run into a few of these as well, although way less than before the fix. At least they're easier to spot now since they don't have the holographic aurebesh above them.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on December 30, 2011, 10:40:28 AM
I haven't tried since the patch, but if someone harvests the node, but moves prior to looting, it "locks" it as unharvestable for others.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azazel on December 31, 2011, 02:50:19 AM
So Paelos is happy in forcing his guild to act as his personal servants when he wants to run dungeons, and Mr Bloodworth thinks sitting in a zone spamming "DPS LFG" is engaging and desirable gameplay. Has anyone got any, you know, compelling defences of the lack of an adequate LFG system?

I've said before, I have no problem with a good flagging system being implemented. I do have a problem with cross-server matching unless you give me the ability to continually group with or hold accountable those on the other end.

Allow cross-server friends and then allow them to group together. Problem solved.
Seriously, when I was running levelling LFD pugs with my Warrior tank, after awhile I learned the "tank arrogance" that you clearly have. If someone's a dickhead, you boot them, or even tell the group "him or me". This was rare, though, and for the most part, people were just generic blobs. Sometimes, I got to group with some really nice and cool people, and the tragedy was that I'd never see them again. OTOH, if not for LFD, I'd never have even met them once.

As for your community multiplayer game rah rah shit, I play MMOs to play with my wife and a couple of RL friends. I have a couple of WoW-friends, but lo and behond, they've left the game. Everyone else can be there or not as far as I care, and due to - yes - my work and such, I don't have the time to play constantly and maintain those social ties that you have. Way back in my EQ days, I'd log on pretty much every single day, and have guildies that you'd go do for or they would do for you. But nowadays, I play sporadically. I play WoW for a few months each year, I play LOTRO (with a lifetime sub - so no financial/resub deterrant) about 2-3 times a month. It seems that you're telling me since I don't have the time/inclination to log on each and every night that I don't deserve to group/these games are not for me. Which is bullshit. If you want to spend every single evening logged into MMOGofChoice, then more power to you, but I'm actually not inclined to put that much time and effort into an MMO community, but I'd still like to play the games.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 31, 2011, 03:25:27 AM
Allow cross-server friends and then allow them to group together.

Only even impacts the problem if you allow sidekicking or similar. It takes shockingly little time for one character to out level another in this game.

But I appreciate this applies regardless of cross-server matchmaking.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on December 31, 2011, 03:27:07 AM
Also, another thought on this. The two notable single server games I can think of off the top of my head, EVE and ATitD, both manage to have a stronger community than any sharded dikumud I've played.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on December 31, 2011, 08:18:03 AM
That's because they have small populations.  The smaller the group the more likely they will be tighhter.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on December 31, 2011, 09:11:53 AM
As for your community multiplayer game rah rah shit

I think that framed the discussion really well. That "rah rah shit" is why I play these games when I don't play single player or small group games.

With non-anonymous LFD, I think there's a natural segregation into the people who feel like that about the games and the people that feel like myself about the games. That's the community we're talking about.=

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on December 31, 2011, 10:47:40 AM
Alright everybody STFU about LFG/LFD. Thank you for your cooperation.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on December 31, 2011, 03:25:25 PM
Hope nobody gets hacked ever.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on December 31, 2011, 03:36:23 PM
Hope nobody gets hacked ever.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ironwood on December 31, 2011, 04:26:45 PM
No, seriously ?

That's fucking stupid.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 31, 2011, 04:31:47 PM
So they can't provide customer service due to the high demands of providing customer service?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azazel on December 31, 2011, 04:59:25 PM
Alright everybody STFU about LFG/LFD. Thank you for your cooperation.

Yep, I was replying as I was reading. Hadn't got to the STFU bit yet.

Though the lack of /follow seems a bit bizarre. My wife and friends use it all the time when travelling in other games. I reckon this might be a good game to jump into in 6-12 months when they have added some CS/UI/Free Trials. Reading the forums here though provides some good insight into the game. It appears that Tanks are the in-demand class over healers at this stage?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on December 31, 2011, 05:05:18 PM
It appears that Tanks are the in-demand class over healers at this stage?

On the server I was on it was the opposite, tanks were pretty easy, healers were really, really rare.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on December 31, 2011, 05:09:19 PM
Seems to be pretty even -- saw people asking for a healer, and ones who were looking for a tank as well.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tannhauser on December 31, 2011, 05:19:43 PM
I don't particularly like BH healing. I have two main heals, one of which is on a timer.  I have Kolto Missile, which is a target aoe, hard for me to do in combat and the Kolto Shell which is pretty decent.

Still working toward the top talent insta-heal in the Bodyguard line.  I've been a BG all this time.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on January 01, 2012, 02:08:39 AM
The instant heal is nice, but 21 seconds is a long, long time for the cooldown.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on January 01, 2012, 02:39:53 AM
IA healing becomes almost cake-like once you get Kolto Probe.  With a HoT stacked on every party member, you're constantly generating Tac. Advs. for insta-heal, no energy cist action  :drill:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 01, 2012, 02:52:44 AM
That's because they have small populations.  The smaller the group the more likely they will be tighhter.

Not nearly as small as a single eq clone server.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on January 01, 2012, 04:57:57 AM
Not sure if this stuff is true, but here's some weird ass warnings/bans allegedly handed by Bioware.


I like this one:


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Numtini on January 01, 2012, 05:37:22 AM
"I was banned for saying the F word twice in private tells! Oh yeah, I also spammed it for six hours in global too..."

Best part is the fanboy accepting that someone was being warned for private tells and setting him right that it's bioware's game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 01, 2012, 05:38:00 AM
I love the fact he's Irish, not stereotypical of us at all!  :grin:

I'd be surprised if it's real though but I might find out shortly since I told my mate to fuck off in a tell yesterday. If I get any warning from BW I'll let you know!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on January 01, 2012, 05:40:49 AM
I like this one:


Whispers and stuff are logged.  If he says he can remember three of the four, then it's the forth dude that ratted him out and caused the investigation.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 01, 2012, 06:52:58 AM
I've heard from the Rednames and others and been around CS staff for Banks and retailers enough to know that people:
1) Underestimate by a very large margin how much swearing they actually do.
2) Lie like a fucking rug when caught doing something against policies.

I'm disinclined to believe he cursed in public only once. Time and again we've seen similar claims and when the company /does/ reveal the details the person in question was lying out their ass about the situation.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on January 01, 2012, 07:37:34 AM
It appears that Tanks are the in-demand class over healers at this stage?
On the server I was on it was the opposite, tanks were pretty easy, healers were really, really rare.
Same here. In the few FPs I was able to get a PUG together, we ran with two tanks because there are just too many of them. Finding a healer was always the hardest part... I wish I could press a button and respec into healing commando on my tanking vanguard, but alas.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 01, 2012, 07:47:43 AM

Though the lack of /follow seems a bit bizarre.

There is a follow. But its a bit buggy. Right click someones portrait.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 01, 2012, 09:42:36 AM
There's also a follow keybind you can press.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on January 01, 2012, 10:11:16 AM
Your quote is all fucked up. And auto follow still does not work properly.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 01, 2012, 10:41:37 AM
Your quote is all fucked up. And auto follow still does not work properly.

I said it was buggy.  :headscratch:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Soln on January 01, 2012, 07:22:24 PM
I don't know if it was mentioned, but those auto generated emails BW sends once you hit  level 10 is a great touch.  Never seen that before. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 01, 2012, 11:24:48 PM
I don't know if it was mentioned, but those auto generated emails BW sends once you hit  level 10 is a great touch.  Never seen that before. 
I levelled all eight classes to ten and have never seen such a thing.  Did this email ask for your account info...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on January 01, 2012, 11:40:58 PM
I think he means the story related emails.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Setanta on January 01, 2012, 11:46:54 PM
Wrong: No Launch in Australia :(

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: cironian on January 02, 2012, 02:06:22 AM
I think he means the story related emails.

Yeah, those are a great trick to make the world feel somehow deeper, and that your random questing actually has meaning.

"Remember that thing you did three hours ago? Well, here's how things went on from there in your absence."

Plus, putting small random rewards in the attachments is an excellent hook to get your attention.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on January 02, 2012, 06:39:22 AM
I'm waiting for the Bioware(cough mythic) billing issues to crop up, cancelled for now so lets see what happens.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 02, 2012, 06:51:25 AM

Plus, putting small random rewards in the attachments is an excellent hook to get your attention.

Unless they promised to make me rich and then hand me 100 credits. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 02, 2012, 07:18:45 AM
I'd kill for 100 credits. In fact, i lost count how many times i'd done that already.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on January 02, 2012, 08:46:22 AM

Plus, putting small random rewards in the attachments is an excellent hook to get your attention.

Unless they promised to make me rich and then hand me 100 credits. 

"Congratulations, that piece of experimental tech you stole has sold for an amazing price, we are both going to live like kings, here is your cut"

37 credits.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 02, 2012, 09:55:05 AM
So, unsurprisingly, pvp design has trouble accounting for human behaviour (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTd1mfTpNTk)

On the upside, exploit tears the sweetest tears.

edit: there's a spoiler for early imperial agent story arc in the loading screen so some might want to skip that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on January 02, 2012, 10:10:27 AM
So, unsurprisingly, pvp design has trouble accounting for human behaviour (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTd1mfTpNTk)

On the upside, exploit tears the sweetest tears.

edit: there's a spoiler for early imperial agent story arc in the loading screen so some might want to skip that.

I don't get it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 02, 2012, 10:22:09 AM
From what i gather flipping the pvp conflict lead respawns resource(?) nodes. So people basically get a group, then use lowbie alt on other side to flip control back and forth, getting high end resources at vastly accelerated rate.

A guy shows up and starts killing the alt (i.e. technically playing the pvp part as intended) stopping the respawns cold.

Hilarity ensues as the participants take offense.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Bzalthek on January 02, 2012, 10:51:11 AM
They really go out of their way to make sure you have to run to the back end of nowhere to continue missions, don't they?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 02, 2012, 11:05:26 AM
The Illum thing will sort itself out once people actually hit 50 in any real number and go do it.

Then it will come right on back once server populations make it so one side always wins or whatever.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 02, 2012, 11:38:10 AM
From what i gather flipping the pvp conflict lead respawns resource(?) nodes. So people basically get a group, then use lowbie alt on other side to flip control back and forth, getting high end resources at vastly accelerated rate.

A guy shows up and starts killing the alt (i.e. technically playing the pvp part as intended) stopping the respawns cold.

Hilarity ensues as the participants take offense.

Further reading suggests that the guild in question is from the Darth Hater site?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Azuredream on January 02, 2012, 11:49:47 AM
From what i gather flipping the pvp conflict lead respawns resource(?) nodes. So people basically get a group, then use lowbie alt on other side to flip control back and forth, getting high end resources at vastly accelerated rate.

A guy shows up and starts killing the alt (i.e. technically playing the pvp part as intended) stopping the respawns cold.

Hilarity ensues as the participants take offense.

There's both a daily and a weekly available at 50 that requires you to capture a Battle for Ilum node (5 for the daily, 15 for the weekly). Obviously you can't capture any nodes if you own them all, and they don't reset or anything, you have to wait for the opposing faction to take one back. Ilum doesn't have a level requirement to go there and the taxis are automatically granted to you so there's no mob dodging or anything required. It makes the offending party in the video a little more defensible as those dailies/weeklies are basically impossible for them unless they resort to stuff like that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 02, 2012, 12:05:41 PM
Ilum will never be anything but a distraction and farm site until they give more of an incentive for world pvp ... which they won't.   

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Phred on January 02, 2012, 02:03:44 PM

Mouth-breathers pushing back on LFD sound like the forum-dwelling mongoloids arguing against mods because recount exposed their brain damage.

Besides it would be no difficult feat to just not expose the combat log data to any modable interface. I don't think it's written anywhere that mods need access to everything.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Phred on January 02, 2012, 03:14:33 PM

Those tools are popular because a certain hardcore segment of the population likes to use them to play a certain way and beat the rest of the population upside the head with the data.  LOTRO has neither an advanced LFG mechanism, damage parser or extensively modifiable UI and it is a terrific game.  The fact that folks prefer this model to WoW does not mean they are "forum-dwelling mongoloids": they just have a different opinion than you.

Honestly your post illustrates precisely what is wrong with WoW and why casual and friends and family groups are fleeing that game in droves.  

Damn now we're pointing at failed mmos' as prime examples of how to do things. This discussion is even better than a Trameil thread. Gonna post charts next?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Reg on January 02, 2012, 03:33:50 PM
I'm not sure you can actually point at LotRO and call it a "failed MMO." From all reports they weren't doing that badly before they went free to play and going free to play has made them more money than ever.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 02, 2012, 04:19:57 PM
They had maybe 200k subs. If you define success as keeping your doors open then yeah, they didn't go out of business. Thing is, Turbine took one of the most valuable licenses in the world, a licenses that had just been mainlined to a new generation by three hugely popular and successful movies that captured everybody's imagination and were part of the cultural zeitgeist for several years, and delivered a MMO that barely managed to hold on.

I'm sure it's doing better now, although obviously we have no data, and F2P accounts aren't comparable to subscriptions. That's the only real lesson we should take from LOTRO, and Turbine in general, really. They know how to do F2P right.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mattemeo on January 02, 2012, 05:23:39 PM

Though the lack of /follow seems a bit bizarre.

There is a follow. But its a bit buggy. Right click someones portrait.

That's not even the important /follow.

There desperately needs to be a /follow mob function, like in City of Heroes or Guild Wars. The melee combat in SWtOR is punishing without it, as maneuverability is at a premium in many situations, and the ability to two-button target/follow a mob would massively improve melee life. You never needed it in WoW because WoW's melee combat was never as multi-target oriented outside of a raid (in which case multiple mobs were usually dealt with via AE). Big mistake to leave it out of this game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Outlawedprod on January 02, 2012, 06:09:09 PM
So, unsurprisingly, pvp design has trouble accounting for human behaviour (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTd1mfTpNTk)

On the upside, exploit tears the sweetest tears.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 02, 2012, 06:23:09 PM
Wait, so all these people did was camp a container and loot it every X minutes all day long? Did they use an exploit to make the container spawn more frequently or offer better loot? I guess I just don't understand why that's bannable behavior, particularly a perma-ban. No other MMO would ban for that. I must be missing something. Am I missing something?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 02, 2012, 06:30:02 PM
Wait, so all these people did was camp a container and loot it every X minutes all day long? Did they use an exploit to make the container spawn more frequently or offer better loot? I guess I just don't understand why that's bannable behavior, particularly a perma-ban. No other MMO would ban for that. I must be missing something. Am I missing something?

They were warned first.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 02, 2012, 06:32:07 PM
Oh. Fair enough, then.

Edit: Actually, all the permabans were goldfarmers farming credits for real money. The warnings and tempbans weren't linked to out of game transactions. Smells fine.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on January 02, 2012, 06:53:59 PM
None of the Ilum account were banned it says, still seems really, really stupid though.

Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum. To be completely clear, while players may choose to travel to Ilum earlier than the recommended level (40+) and may loot containers if they can get to them, in the cases of those customers that were warned or temporarily suspended, they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced.

So, people that weren't exploiting anything, or breaking anything or disrupting anyone else's gameplay are being suspended for not playing the game the way Bioware wants them to?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 02, 2012, 06:59:37 PM
Wait, so all these people did was camp a container and loot it every X minutes all day long? Did they use an exploit to make the container spawn more frequently or offer better loot? I guess I just don't understand why that's bannable behavior, particularly a perma-ban. No other MMO would ban for that. I must be missing something. Am I missing something?

The way it was described earlier in the thread, they were exploiting poor game mechanics to respawn the containers.   When the zone flipped sides all containers respawn, instead of the timers being independent of the zone control.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 02, 2012, 07:01:14 PM
Gold spammers have started, apparently.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 02, 2012, 07:02:15 PM
Oh, sure. I got ingame mail from them last week, even.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 02, 2012, 08:30:56 PM
Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum.
So, people that weren't exploiting anything (..)
Not according to BioWare.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on January 02, 2012, 09:05:26 PM
Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum.
So, people that weren't exploiting anything (..)
Not according to BioWare.

Well, that's the point.  I could understand if they were botting, or maybe even if they were abusing something that spawns them really quickly.  But from the way they wrote it, it seems more along the lines of if they had suspended people that were farming Slicing missions repeatedly before it got nerfed.  Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 02, 2012, 09:22:11 PM
Well, that's the point.  I could understand if they were botting, or maybe even if they were abusing something that spawns them really quickly.  But from the way they wrote it, it seems more along the lines of if they had suspended people that were farming Slicing missions repeatedly before it got nerfed.  Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
Ehh, i think it's pretty normal that as long as the exploit in question isn't patched they aren't going to post in their "some people have exploited" announcements the exact details that'd allow anyone who can read to replicate it. I mean, like MMO 101 normal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: calapine on January 02, 2012, 10:46:07 PM
I am really bothered by the heavy instancing [I don't mean class or dungeon instances], especially in cities. Today Nar Shaddaa had 49 people on our server....split over 2 instances.
The world feels empty and more like a single player game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Phred on January 02, 2012, 10:50:46 PM
I also had less negative experiences in LFD-type groups (wow, rift) than standard pugs.

This is absolutely true for me as well, particularly in leveling content.

I still look back fondly to rift for that. I had great groups.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on January 02, 2012, 11:03:40 PM
I am really bothered by the heavy instancing [I don't mean class or dungeon instances], especially in cities. Today Nar Shaddaa had 49 people on our server....split over 2 instances.
The world feels empty and more like a single player game.

Is your server unbalanced in terms of population (and are you on the short end of it)?  Unless it's some carry over from when that planet had a mess of people on it and it just hasn't collapsed the instances down, that's the only reason I could think of.

I've never seen multiple instances of a planet at less than 100 Imperials on my server, Terentatek, which is very heavily tilted towards Empire.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: calapine on January 02, 2012, 11:20:49 PM
Maybe that's it. I am playing on "Lord Calypho" EU-RP-PVP server, which is very heavily populated judging from queues.
I have no idea about imp/rep balance. Warzone queues seem to be rather low (1-5 minutes), so I suppose there is an Imp-glut.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on January 03, 2012, 01:00:31 AM
8 hour maintenance (http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-january-4-2012) tomorrow, 4th Jan.

Very much hoping that these excessively long maintenance downtimes are just a launch/patch thing and that they'll settle down to a more sensible 1-2 hours soon, especially since they're not exactly at an ideal time if you live in Europe.

Also, they have seperate EU and US servers. Why the same downtime? Have the EU servers down at the low-population point for the EU, it's not rocket science.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 03, 2012, 01:01:19 AM
Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum.
So, people that weren't exploiting anything (..)
Not according to BioWare.

Well, that's the point.  I could understand if they were botting, or maybe even if they were abusing something that spawns them really quickly.  But from the way they wrote it, it seems more along the lines of if they had suspended people that were farming Slicing missions repeatedly before it got nerfed.  Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.

Nothing at all like slicing, what they were doing pretty much any sensible person would call an exploit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cyrrex on January 03, 2012, 02:03:02 AM
8 hour maintenance (http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-january-4-2012) tomorrow, 4th Jan.

Very much hoping that these excessively long maintenance downtimes are just a launch/patch thing and that they'll settle down to a more sensible 1-2 hours soon, especially since they're not exactly at an ideal time if you live in Europe.

Also, they have seperate EU and US servers. Why the same downtime? Have the EU servers down at the low-population point for the EU, it's not rocket science.

Ugh.  Thanks for the notice, though...guess I will play tonight and skip tomorrow.  Would indeed be nice if they could give us Euro Scum our own window.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 03, 2012, 06:37:03 AM
meh, it's kind of the same like wow, though. I don't have the game in the morning, so i don't much care if it won't be back until 6 in the afternoon or 9 in the evening, I won't get to play before I come back from work anyway.

I've turned this into a completely single player game with a built-in AH, to upgrade my barrel once I finish a planet. The zones were complete ghost towns, so any heroic I can't solo (which is most), I just skip and come back 7-8-10 levels later so I don't miss an orange with a nice model. After Alderaan I'll only need an orange belt and can upgrade everything just off of the mod vendor. I've even stoped doing the dungeons since I took a look at the fleet general once and got a scary wow 2008 vibe - "LFM 1 Healer, 1 Tank"; "DPS LFG any heroic flashpoint". Yeah, I'd rather spent that 40 mins on questing.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: fuser on January 03, 2012, 07:52:07 AM
The default chat UI is :uhrr:

Been in groups trying to lead people to objectives in heroic area's without them noticing the chat. If your in a highly populated area the spam for people lfg or general barrens like chat of the planet easily pushes the visible buffer off of screen.

The way all the instances chatter across a whole area on a busy planet causes nothing but headaches trying to see the "guild or group" chatter. Heck trying to talk with friends who are in fleet is impossible at times if they are listening to general for groups.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: PalmTrees on January 03, 2012, 08:07:03 AM
I hate the lifts so much. I always get there just as they're leaving, and if it's inside a building there's a 50-50 chance my companion's gonna bug out and not follow me. Either put in an elevator that just ports you or build some damn stairs.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Khaldun on January 03, 2012, 08:32:59 AM
So coming off a fairly intense period of play from the preorder launch till now, with a level 38 Scoundrel, heal-spec, and some just sub-10ish Jedis.

I've only read parts of this thread, but here's my take:


1. The storyline material is largely interesting enough to compel at least one playthrough from me on Republic and Sith sides. It's pretty much like a good Bioware game, multiplayer or not. Generally multiplayer adds some spice or extra fun to it, but less so if it's a PUG and there's an asshat who doesn't have any interest in the story and just wants to rush through for the loots. The voice acting and cinematics might be seen as a folly in the long run, depending on how long the game lasts as as subscription-based MMO, but they got quality for what they spent and a LOT of content. I feel as attached to my Scoundrel's personality as acted as I do to my Sheps. That's a big change from playing completely personality-free characters in WoW or pretty much any other MMO of this kind. Essentially even if I don't stay subbed, I'm likely to feel like I got my money's worth as I might in playing a good Bioware RPG.

2. Visually pretty good, though never mind-blowing.

3. So far fairly smooth performance. I had some weird hiccups with the launcher early on, but those were resolved with a reinstall. The game still has a bizarre habit of making my desktop background image disappear when I quit out of it. My RP-PVP server was low pop at preorder launch and is only now just starting to get full. I did have one night recently where heavy lag became a problem, but otherwise smooth.

4. I'm enjoying world PvP more than I expected to--the way that different worlds bring or separate factions is pretty smart--on Nar Shaadda and Tatooine, the populations that tend to clash are at the upper levels for each world, working on the bonus stuff. It's enough of a hassle to get into the 'backfield' for the enemy faction that you're not going to do it on a whim, but there's also a few missions that take you into those areas, and I like the heightened danger or tension of doing it at that point.

5. Speaking of which, mission design is generally good, though it completely follows the basic structure of WoW-questhubs.

6. Companions: totally works as a mechanic for an MMO of this kind. Really enjoying them, as much as I enjoy them in other Bioware games, but also just for what they add to the look of gameplay and the options in groups. Controlling the ones with AOE is hard--they probably shouldn't give any stealth-reliant class like the Scoundrel an AOE-addicted companion. (Turning it off is a nuisance as it is not a persistent toggle.)


1. Class design is, I dunno, ok. I like being a rogue healer, that's a nice twist. I'm so fucking sick of tank-heal-dps mechanics that I'm not sure there's any way to design classes that conform to that mechanic that I'd really love. I'm finding I can heal most fights pretty well, with the usual minigame of energy management being the key thing. Bioware did a pretty good job of making sure that there were enough healing trees spread among classes that healers are reasonably available for instances. Tanks, on the other hand, are in short supply and with the number of players in the game who haven't really done one of these before, there are way too many people who think they're a tank because they have a lot of +End gear on. I was trying to keep a squishy Jedi up yesterday in Cademimmu and he eventually had to confess that he didn't know what any of us meant by 'tank' but he said he was one because he wanted to do the instance. (Naturally, this is the kind of guy who keeps yelling to me to 'heal him'.)


1. Interface. I see everyone else is blasting it, so I won't reiterate the common complaints except to say that I share them. Just as one little but aggravating example: why is it a different key combination to split stacks and mod items? You don't mod stacks of crafting materials; you don't have stacks of items that can be modded. One key combo should suffice for interacting with inventory slots. There's tons of shit like that--it's an embarassingly bad UI.

2. The basic thing. Look, to repeat the common wisdom, this is a Bioware RPG with a multiplayer component, and has about the replayability of one. I tend to do maybe two, max three run-throughs of Bioware RPGs, and I'll probably do the same here and then I'm likely to be done. This just isn't what I wanted virtual worlds to be, and I'm utterly unconvinced that this is the only way to do it. This takes WoW, gives it a better lore reskinning that I personally enjoy more (though LOLore the idea that this is 3,000 years before the films, given that virtually nothing changes in between this time and that one), and patches in some characteristic Bioware touches and some quality storytelling. What this feels like is not next-generation MMO but last-generation MMO. This feels like the last silent movie, the last great opera, the end of a cultural form. It's a beautifully done mausoleum for the DikuMUD. No one is ever going to spend this kind of money again creating this kind of game, and no one should. If I were going to stay subbed to a MMO of this kind, I'd probably switch from WoW to this one. I'm finally cancelling WoW, hoping some of my good friends who've kept me there will move over to SWTOR, but what I really don't know and am increasingly doubtful about is whether I'm likely to stay subbed to anything of this kind.  I'm a bit sad and sorry that all the creative work on this game didn't get coupled to a more imaginative take on what a subscription-based online persistent world could be. Like imagine an early-stage SWG that actually fucking WORKED and had all the clownshoes stupidity of the first six months of SWG taken out. I dunno. It's just hard to get jizzed about levelling up a character in a rollercoaster world, getting stuck in a tedious endgame, etc.

3. The community. I'll feel better if and when my WoW guildies come over to SWTOR. So far, if anything, this is a more puerile bunch than WoW's usual crowd, and that's saying something. It's also the first time I've played on an RP server since DAOC and it's kind of depressing to see that for most people who claim to be RP'ers, what that now really means is cybering each other in Goldshire and nothing else. When I was in a light-RP guild in DAOC, it was entirely about tinyplots played out in areas where other players were questing or hanging out, along with the ordinary shit that guilds do--just an extra level of fun.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 03, 2012, 08:46:43 AM
BAD: BUGS BUGS and more fucking BUGS.

- Ran 3 hard mode dungeons last night.  5 bugged boss chests, 4 bugged boss encounters, and some seriously pissed off players.

- Bugged class quests.  At release... really? This is the hallmark of your game.  

- Z-axis issues.  I've had several encounters end up shooting at me from under the floor.

- cover mechanic still broken.  Ambush rarely works on the first attempt and series of shots will cancel early in the first use.  

- UI issues (group chat, incorrect tool tips, etc.)

- itemization issues.  Hard mode level 50 dungeon mobs dropping level 32 green gear?  Really?

More and more...

I'm hoping that the first patch is a good one.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 03, 2012, 08:58:36 AM
oh if you buy the wrong gear with tokens it will sell back to the vendor for credits. I thought we sorted this like 3 years ago.  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 03, 2012, 09:16:15 AM
My guild chat has not worked in days, this is fucking clownshoes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 03, 2012, 09:35:51 AM
Have you by chance created a character, joined a guild, then deleted and re-created with the same name?  I've had someone complain in /general chat of this issue, and the fix was to quit the guild and re-join.  A possible fix is also to delete the charactername.ini file in LocalSettings\ApplicationData\SWTOR.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Khaldun on January 03, 2012, 11:11:57 AM
Yeah, I've also seen several instances get bugged in different ways. The end bosses on several have a tendency to get bugged, in particular.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on January 03, 2012, 01:36:04 PM
Well, that's the point.  I could understand if they were botting, or maybe even if they were abusing something that spawns them really quickly.  But from the way they wrote it, it seems more along the lines of if they had suspended people that were farming Slicing missions repeatedly before it got nerfed.  Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
They were abusing something that spawned them really quickly.  It's standard operating procedure to not go into details about exploits.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 03, 2012, 02:54:40 PM

Still hilarious... even more so now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on January 03, 2012, 03:33:24 PM
"Kill the grey stuff, too." :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Malakili on January 03, 2012, 04:41:36 PM

Saw this on reddit....what?? :ye_gods:

Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum. To be completely clear, while players may choose to travel to Ilum earlier than the recommended level (40+) and may loot containers if they can get to them, in the cases of those customers that were warned or temporarily suspended, they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced. ...

Is it me or is the correct response to patch your game instead of banning people?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 03, 2012, 04:44:17 PM
You do both. That doesn't spell out exactly what they were doing, which was clearly exploitative. (And also disruptive to other players to boot.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 03, 2012, 04:49:12 PM
I haven't played since last thursday. Am I the only one who just doesn't particularly feel like logging back in?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 03, 2012, 04:55:45 PM

Still hilarious... even more so now.
"stop tk'ing" got me. But it's solid throughout :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 03, 2012, 04:57:18 PM
I haven't played since last thursday. Am I the only one who just doesn't particularly feel like logging back in?

Based on activity in our guild at least... yes.

The people who have played it are almost all hooked. My challenge is getting the people who haven't tried it yet to buy the box.  :-P

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 03, 2012, 05:09:17 PM
I'm not entirely clear on how those two sentences reconcile with one another.

Edit: Oh, my bad, I read it wrong. You meant that your guildies are playing like addicted monkeys.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 03, 2012, 05:10:26 PM
Half my guild stayed in WoW and haven't tried SWTOR yet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 03, 2012, 05:16:50 PM

Saw this on reddit....what?? :ye_gods:

Second, a smaller number of accounts were warned or temporarily suspended for exploiting loot containers on Ilum. To be completely clear, while players may choose to travel to Ilum earlier than the recommended level (40+) and may loot containers if they can get to them, in the cases of those customers that were warned or temporarily suspended, they were systematically and repeatedly looting containers in very high numbers resulting in the game economy becoming unbalanced. ...

Is it me or is the correct response to patch your game instead of banning people?
Just submit a ticket every time you want to open a chest to ask if it's okay and you'll be fine.  Politely ask other people not to open said chest until a GM responds, I'm sure they'll do the honorable thing.  Also, IT'S A TRAP!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 03, 2012, 05:28:54 PM
Edit: Oh, my bad, I read it wrong. You meant that your guildies are playing like addicted monkeys.

I wouldn't go QUITE that far for some of them (I, of course, AM playing it like an addicted monkey), but yeah, most of the people in Slap seem pretty pleased with the game so far.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nevermore on January 03, 2012, 07:18:07 PM
Half my guild stayed in WoW and haven't tried SWTOR yet.

You'll have to pry Drach's shaman from his cold, dead hands.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on January 03, 2012, 08:01:40 PM
I like it. I'm liking my story so far now that the Jedi thing gets rolling about level 30.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: trias_e on January 03, 2012, 09:06:05 PM
This may be the first time the little things all add up to force me to quit an MMO.  Usually, the core game is flawed enough that I quit due to boredom or lack of interest, not pure frustration and annoyance.  However, in SWTOR, lots of little frustrations just keep piling up.  I don't understand how you can put so much work into such a massive game and get practically everything wrong other than the core gameplay experience.  

The UI, PvP, AH, economy/crafting/gearing:  All various levels of crap in their current form.  PvP could have been good, as the game plays well enough and the classes have plenty of complexity to make things interesting.  But basic oversights like not sticking level 50's in their own arena and knockbacks/cc being pretty much absurd make it more or less unplayable.  Not to mention it's ludicrous that you can't pick what specific warzone you would like to play.  I don't want to play huttball anymore.  Too bad!  Who comes up with this shit?  The UI is a constant struggle.  The AH is a bitch to use and there isn't really much interesting on it anyways.  I feel like there isn't anything to do with my credits other than unlock inventory slots, buy speeders, and repair my armor.  Boring.

No sidekicking.  No dual-speccing.  No decent LFG system.  Are you fucking kidding me?  These are easily fixable, basic issues, and have no business being in a modern MMO of this magnitude. And as far as I can tell the end-game is fairly non-existent, although I'm not there yet. It's unfortunate, because I enjoy the story, and the gameplay of my class well enough.  The core game is certainly much better than any WoW clone, and better than WoW itself.  But everything else is wrong, and there is no excuse for it considering how much time, money, and effort was put into the game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sheepherder on January 03, 2012, 10:10:19 PM
If you're sitting in a pvp area with a lowbie alt of the opposite faction so that you can flip the node as fast as possible and collect loot each time you flip the node it should probably occur to you that you've probably crossed the line into exploiting game mechanics.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 03, 2012, 10:35:13 PM
Alderaan was such a mess for me. For most of the time I was all alone, I think the phase is planet wide? So one particular zone was particularly bad as you have to "infiltrate" some house's stronghold, which took me more than 30 minutes of clearing trash before I got to where the quests were. No way to go around pulls as it was basically ramps, tunnels and bridges, you just have to clear everything. The Agent class quest kept making me go back all the way to the start and for some reasons space-gryphons haven't figured out how to fly over mountines, so it'll basically take a 5 minute round trip (excluding conversations, just the flying) after every 4-5 non-class quests. At one point the Agent quest sticks you in an enemy city or something, chock full of trash, only your quest there, I ended up just running untill I die and ressing myself a couple of times as it was actually faster then trying to clear the 20+ pulls to get to my quest. It all wrapped up nicely with some nice buggy respawning turrets during a fight with a yellow at a different agent quest. Which was ALSO located after 20-25minutes of trash in a public space. I think I'm towards the end and I think the only reason the planet was frustrating at all is that there's noone there and all the trash is calculated for there being maybe 4-5 people questing at the same time. Meh.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 03, 2012, 10:39:10 PM
Half my guild stayed in WoW and haven't tried SWTOR yet.

You'll have to pry Drach's shaman from his cold, dead hands.

He is someone I feel 100% confident in saying would NOT like SWTOR. I don't think he'd like all the talky talky, plus all the fucking buttons and no mods would make his life hell, you know?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: PalmTrees on January 03, 2012, 11:08:23 PM
Alderaan was such a mess for me. For most of the time I was all alone, I think the phase is planet wide? So one particular zone was particularly bad as you have to "infiltrate" some house's stronghold, which took me more than 30 minutes of clearing trash before I got to where the quests were.

Yeah, House whatsitsname is just unreasonably huge. When they sent my sorc back there a second time, ugh.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on January 04, 2012, 12:10:06 AM
Um, when I log into swtor.com and go to My Profile, I can click on Subscription, then Show Billing History, then there's an EDIT option by the credit card, and clicking it pops up a sub-window that lets me fully change everything - name, address, etc.  Alternately, under swtor.com My Profile, I can click on the left on the Contact Information Complete!!! graphic and change my address, phone number, etc.

Not sure why it's not working for you.

Interesting, there's no Billing History option for me, and I can't edit the CC address in any way - just checked again. I can edit my home address, but that doesn't change the billing address. Different implementations in different regions maybe? Doesn't really matter, I've submitted a support ticket detailing the issue, they've got 29 days to respond and rectify, that will surely be sufficient.


Never let it be said I don't publically acknowledge good customer support when I experience it.

This has been resolved. I got a response to my ticket 4 days after submtting saying "Thanks, we'll look into it" and then this morning I got another ticket saying "We've fixed this". I check and they have indeed fixed it and you can now edit your billing address seperately from your residential address.

This pleases me. Nobody will have to be electrocuted today. You may go about your business.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: UnSub on January 04, 2012, 12:21:48 AM
If you're sitting in a pvp area with a lowbie alt of the opposite faction so that you can flip the node as fast as possible and collect loot each time you flip the node it should probably occur to you that you've probably crossed the line into exploiting game mechanics.

It's a pretty simple exploit to think of though. The advantage lies from flipping the node, so players will collude to flip the node as quickly as possible. It's the kind of thing that should have been picked up, if not at paper design level, then during beta and stopped.

The news makes me fully convinced that WAR developers were involved in SWOR's PvP.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 04, 2012, 02:08:19 AM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on January 04, 2012, 03:35:10 AM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Literally, it's a Safety Dance...  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 04, 2012, 03:41:44 AM
8 hour maintenance (http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-january-4-2012) tomorrow, 4th Jan.

Very much hoping that these excessively long maintenance downtimes are just a launch/patch thing and that they'll settle down to a more sensible 1-2 hours soon, especially since they're not exactly at an ideal time if you live in Europe.

Completed in 2 and a half hours. It appears they have Scotty working out their downtime estimates.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: cironian on January 04, 2012, 03:48:30 AM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Literally, it's a Safety Dance...  :awesome_for_real:

Most awesome exploit in MMO history. Now lets turn PvP into a proper dance off!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on January 04, 2012, 05:27:20 AM
8 hour maintenance (http://www.swtor.com/blog/scheduled-maintenance-january-4-2012) tomorrow, 4th Jan.

Very much hoping that these excessively long maintenance downtimes are just a launch/patch thing and that they'll settle down to a more sensible 1-2 hours soon, especially since they're not exactly at an ideal time if you live in Europe.

Completed in 2 and a half hours. It appears they have Scotty working out their downtime estimates.

Haha yeah, I said the same thing when I logged in.  :awesome_for_real:

I've installed an Android app that tells me when the servers go up/down and I didn't believe it when it pinged at me!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 04, 2012, 05:56:53 AM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Literally, it's a Safety Dance...  :awesome_for_real:

Most awesome exploit in MMO history. Now lets turn PvP into a proper dance off!

I hope that wasn't patched-out today. I'm totally going to try it on my Sith Inq. and see if I can be healbot. =D

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 04, 2012, 06:09:01 AM
Beware the bans.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on January 04, 2012, 06:15:51 AM
You'll have to pry Drach's shaman from his cold, dead hands.
At least he's dead often enough that we have lots of opportunities to do so!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 04, 2012, 06:26:14 AM
I've installed an Android app that tells me when the servers go up/down and I didn't believe it when it pinged at me!


Link: http://www.appbrain.com/app/swtor-server-status/com.ephemeronindustries.swtorstatus (http://www.appbrain.com/app/swtor-server-status/com.ephemeronindustries.swtorstatus)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on January 04, 2012, 06:27:54 AM
You'll have to pry Drach's shaman from his cold, dead hands.
At least he's dead often enough that we have lots of opportunities to do so!
That makes his choice of self-rez-capable class sound even better. (Is this the Earth Elemental Guy I've been reading in wow threads about?  :awesome_for_real:)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on January 04, 2012, 06:38:27 AM
Yep, that's our loveable Drach.

Random elementals, spirit wolves, and heroisms for everyone!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 04, 2012, 06:48:57 AM
I am getting huge flashbacks to FFXI with this LFG chat channel spam, only difference being that instead of classism, it seems there are just no people interested. I went to Fleet to shop and get my trainings done and saw one guy LFG to one of the higher instances. Went to Quesh to finish some shit up (hate that fucking swamp hole) and came back about an hour later and the same dude was begging for a tank then gtg! Seriously... I should have /whispered to ask if he had been searching for a group that whole time or not but figured if he got any tells he would auto-invite and then be disappointed I wasn't a tank.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on January 04, 2012, 06:49:18 AM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Literally, it's a Safety Dance...  :awesome_for_real:
That explains the large amounts of /dance emotes I noticed in warzones yesterday.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on January 04, 2012, 09:23:31 AM
I've installed an Android app that tells me when the servers go up/down and I didn't believe it when it pinged at me!


Link: http://www.appbrain.com/app/swtor-server-status/com.ephemeronindustries.swtorstatus (http://www.appbrain.com/app/swtor-server-status/com.ephemeronindustries.swtorstatus)

That's the one, thanks, I couldn't be arsed to find a link!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 04, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
I want an app that lets me queue up crew skills when im not playing :P

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 04, 2012, 11:31:51 AM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Not real.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 04, 2012, 12:17:42 PM
You'll have to pry Drach's shaman from his cold, dead hands.
At least he's dead often enough that we have lots of opportunities to do so!
That makes his choice of self-rez-capable class sound even better. (Is this the Earth Elemental Guy I've been reading in wow threads about?  :awesome_for_real:)

It's not a real boss fight unless Drachmir dies twice.  :heart:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on January 04, 2012, 12:33:01 PM
Im still at lvl 25 and on Nar Shadaa, have only had 2 conversations with my comp.  Even with the affection bar almost halfway full.
The mechanic is broken imo.  Half the time we're in fleet and she wants to talk, then I start moving to the cantina or ship and she no longer wants to.   :oh_i_see:  The other half we're in the middle of bumfuck planet in battle and she wants to talk, only for her to no longer want to talk after we zone in somewhere.

I sent in a ticket and got nothing, and it eventually closed magically as if it was solved.

Also, will healing comps focus-heal teammates if i target/attack them?  If not, well... another thing they need to fix.  Tired of my droid topping my health off whilst the MT dies.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 04, 2012, 12:39:23 PM
There are a number of companions where the conversations are gated by major story points; Kira for the JK is an example. She has a number of conversations that she can't have until Chapter I ends, because they reference things that happen in the ending part of the chapter, so if you raise her affection way up before that you end up having like 12 conversations in a row after the end of the chapter as they were all bottlenecked by that.

I don't know which class/companion you mean but I'm sure there are others like that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: cironian on January 04, 2012, 12:45:31 PM
Im still at lvl 25 and on Nar Shadaa, have only had 2 conversations with my comp.  Even with the affection bar almost halfway full.

Apart from very few early ones, all conversations are gated to Chapter completion. So, until you finish Chapter 1, that sounds about right. The moment I finished Ch1, suddenly everyone on my ship wanted to talk to me 2-3 times in a row.

I found that the actual conversation progress works fine, but the indicator in the bottom left is broken. Just ignore it completely and check for quest icons when you are on your ship. Those always tell the truth. (The cantina dialogue indicator seems to have less problems than the shipboard one, but best not to rely on either)

The one method to really make available conversations "go away" again for a while is when turning in a quest drops the companion meter below the threshold value again. Outside of that, once a conversation is truly available, it stays available. (Aboard your ship, that is)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on January 04, 2012, 12:46:44 PM
Another thing broke as a joke:  Did Cademamu with Kitiri last night and virtually EVERY drop was a sniper drop.  The loot tables seem to bork if you comedy run with lowbies (which I was only lvl 25, she was 42).  Most of the gear I got was lvl 29 even.  Damned near completed the set and the whole thing ended up being a waste o' time for her.   :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 04, 2012, 12:48:01 PM
Onyxia is deep breathing more this patch too.

Your sample size is way too small to be meaningful.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 04, 2012, 12:53:49 PM
Im still at lvl 25 and on Nar Shadaa, have only had 2 conversations with my comp.  Even with the affection bar almost halfway full.

Apart from very few early ones, all conversations are gated to Chapter completion. So, until you finish Chapter 1, that sounds about right. The moment I finished Ch1, suddenly everyone on my ship wanted to talk to me 2-3 times in a row.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding what you mean by "early ones" but aside from Qyzen (and I expected this, as we were not friends), all of my companions on the classes I've tried thus far have had several things to chat with me about before Chapter 1 closed out. Of course, aside from the trooper, I've been playing classes that don't even get their second person until Nar Fucking Shaddaa, so that probably helps the smoothness out.

Corso could stand to talk to me less, really.  :why_so_serious:

But yeah, it sounds like your companions are waiting for Plot Shit to happen before they talk to you again, Ghambit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 04, 2012, 01:12:08 PM
Another thing broke as a joke:  Did Cademamu with Kitiri last night and virtually EVERY drop was a sniper drop.  The loot tables seem to bork if you comedy run with lowbies (which I was only lvl 25, she was 42).  Most of the gear I got was lvl 29 even.  Damned near completed the set and the whole thing ended up being a waste o' time for her.   :uhrr:

Which of you was the sniper?

That said.. there are 3 bosses in that instance? So "virtually every" would mean.. two thirds? The weapon drops are also a total toss up (not based on classes present), so.. yeah.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 04, 2012, 01:14:00 PM
Apart from very few early ones, all conversations are gated to Chapter completion. So, until you finish Chapter 1, that sounds about right. The moment I finished Ch1, suddenly everyone on my ship wanted to talk to me 2-3 times in a row.
As soon as I finished chapter 1, I had what must have been 9 or 10 separate conversations with Mako all in a row on my ship. Then I followed up on her quest and immediately got obliterated by two level 40 mobs. It was inside an instanced area, so I just ran past them outside to come back later at level 40 (if I ever play SWTOR again anyway). Pretty crappy QA there, though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 04, 2012, 01:14:51 PM
The quest should tell you what level it is in your journal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 04, 2012, 01:20:54 PM
Ha, that happened to me with Aric Jorgen's quest. I didn't look to see what level it was (as Corso's was level 25, so for some reason I assumed Aric's would be too). We aggro some mobs while I'm running to the spot, and we get the shit beaten out of us, when I notice "oh, these dudes are level 30." Sure enough, I look in my quest log, the quest is red. Whoops!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 04, 2012, 01:37:09 PM
Well sure, but level 30 is reasonable for finishing chapter 1-- or maybe not for your class, but it is for most of the others. 40 is just way, way higher. Either way, they should have gone through QA.

My level 30ish guy was literally trapped in a small instanced room with two level 40 mobs between me and the door. No way was I gonna survive that.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on January 04, 2012, 01:39:40 PM
Onyxia is deep breathing more this patch too.
They broke Feign Death (again) too! :ye_gods:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 04, 2012, 01:43:54 PM
Well sure, but level 30 is reasonable for finishing chapter 1-- or maybe not for your class, but it is for most of the others. 40 is just way, way higher. Either way, they should have gone through QA.

My level 30ish guy was literally trapped in a small instanced room with two level 40 mobs between me and the door. No way was I gonna survive that.

It seems likely you pushed your affection total with her higher than 'expected' for your level, since affection level is the other thing that gates conversations.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on January 04, 2012, 02:05:49 PM
Well sure, but level 30 is reasonable for finishing chapter 1-- or maybe not for your class, but it is for most of the others. 40 is just way, way higher. Either way, they should have gone through QA.

My level 30ish guy was literally trapped in a small instanced room with two level 40 mobs between me and the door. No way was I gonna survive that.

It seems likely you pushed your affection total with her higher than 'expected' for your level, since affection level is the other thing that gates conversations.

Yah, I got my affection level to the point where I had a lvl 30 quest at lvl 20.  Investigation leaves you with a lot of spare companion gifts if you pick those missions.

I also got a conversation indicator out in the field that went away when I logged off.  I figured it was just a bug, since I already had that lvl 30 quest in my log. Although I'm curious if a conversation been available had I made it back to my ship.   

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 04, 2012, 02:36:20 PM
Tying up their website with the game is really getting on my god damn nerves. Everytime I want to see their website I am thrown into a queue. I can't even access account info in a timely manner. Might get harry when it comes time to unsub and not being able to access your account due to a god damn queue then being auto-renewed.  :why_so_serious:

edit: bitter taste has been acquired. I flashed a new ROM on my Android phone since my last one was spamming the shit outta me. Titanium can not restore the app and you have to reenter your info. Great, too bad you can not log onto their site to get said info unless you have the fucking security key. So in other words, guard yo security key shit and hope that never fails or else you are fuxxor'd.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 04, 2012, 02:57:14 PM
The little "wants to talk" icon on the character portrait is buggy, if you click your companion, they'll actually say if they really want to talk or not.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 04, 2012, 02:59:06 PM
edit: bitter taste has been acquired. I flashed a new ROM on my Android phone since my last one was spamming the shit outta me. Titanium can not restore the app and you have to reenter your info. Great, too bad you can not log onto their site to get said info unless you have the fucking security key. So in other words, guard yo security key shit and hope that never fails or else you are fuxxor'd.

That's kind of the point of multi-factor authentication. You'll have to call in for that most likely, same as for a lost or broken physical authenticator.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on January 04, 2012, 03:04:13 PM
Yeah, just call it in.

And in the future, remove the authenticator from your account before you wipe the phone and then just add it back.  That's what I did with Rift.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on January 04, 2012, 03:23:34 PM
If it's anything like Blizzard it's a quick and painless call.  I had to do the same thing when I had a smartphone with a Battle.net authenticator on it brick.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 04, 2012, 03:36:54 PM
I didn't use any companion gifts at all, except one that I got as a quest reward and gave to Gault. I just used Mako exclusively for those 30-odd levels. And escaped out of every conversation that gave -1 with her. I guess that'll do it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on January 04, 2012, 03:45:59 PM
Onyxia is deep breathing more this patch too.
They broke Feign Death (again) too! :ye_gods:
Jboots are slower.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: El Gallo on January 04, 2012, 05:49:34 PM
apparently if you type /getdown whatever's targeting you loses target and gets interrupted. Works on boss mobs  :why_so_serious:


Not real.

You sure?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 04, 2012, 05:51:21 PM
MrB is confused; the only part that is "not real" is the alleged response from Bioware about "you can now only dance in special Dance Zones." He probably just misread what the correction in the Kotaku post was actually applying to.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on January 05, 2012, 01:00:54 AM
Patch going in right now to make emotes not break combat. So, it's not real anymore  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on January 05, 2012, 01:35:22 AM
I just got the new 1.0.2b patch a few minutes ago, and something bad happened.  Whole computer locked up while it was trying to patch, and now after restarting and running a repair, I'm having to redownload 11GB of data  :ye_gods: :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Samprimary on January 05, 2012, 01:46:12 AM
/getdown being an aggro dump should have been a feature.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on January 05, 2012, 01:48:11 AM

 :why_so_serious: :why_so_serious: :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Khaldun on January 05, 2012, 06:09:39 AM
So I actually reported a guy on the RP server that had a totally trolling-the-server name and who spent all of his play time on general trolling everyone with various profane, ugly, racist, Barrens-chat stuff. I almost never do it but this guy was asking for it and I suspect had been reported by half the server by the time I did it.

So when the ticket was closed, I was amused to see that the GM response cut-and-pasted the *CS instructions to GMs* into the response. Step #3, you'll all be glad to know, is "Remember to thank the customer."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 05, 2012, 06:15:46 AM

I loled.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on January 05, 2012, 06:17:12 AM
So I actually reported a guy on the RP server that had a totally trolling-the-server name and who spent all of his play time on general trolling everyone with various profane, ugly, racist, Barrens-chat stuff. I almost never do it but this guy was asking for it and I suspect had been reported by half the server by the time I did it.

So when the ticket was closed, I was amused to see that the GM response cut-and-pasted the *CS instructions to GMs* into the response. Step #3, you'll all be glad to know, is "Remember to thank the customer."

So now the question remains, were you ever truly thanked?  Or have we devolved into anthropomorphizing cut-paste responses.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 05, 2012, 06:39:08 AM
So I actually reported a guy on the RP server that had a totally trolling-the-server name and who spent all of his play time on general trolling everyone with various profane, ugly, racist, Barrens-chat stuff. I almost never do it but this guy was asking for it and I suspect had been reported by half the server by the time I did it.

So when the ticket was closed, I was amused to see that the GM response cut-and-pasted the *CS instructions to GMs* into the response. Step #3, you'll all be glad to know, is "Remember to thank the customer."

So now the question remains, were you ever truly thanked?  Or have we devolved into anthropomorphizing cut-paste responses.

It was meta customer support. They were letting you know what they could have done.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 05, 2012, 09:38:13 AM
/getdown being an aggro dump should have been a feature.
Can't help but wonder now if twi'lek racial special dance also does something unorthodox...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 05, 2012, 10:26:58 AM
On the subject of bugs -- don't know if it's been mentioned but there seems to be a really annoying one, where on entering a new zone your character's stats don't take into account part of your equipment (meaning your character has few hundreds hp and armour less than they should, along with the attributes hit etc)

the work-around is to put on something else, then switch back to the original item, forcing the game to re-calculate your attributes.

It may be related to the equipment in question being social gear and thought one of the patches released so far was supposed to fix it, but it's still there today.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ghambit on January 05, 2012, 10:47:21 AM
On the subject of bugs -- don't know if it's been mentioned but there seems to be a really annoying one, where on entering a new zone your character's stats don't take into account part of your equipment (meaning your character has few hundreds hp and armour less than they should, along with the attributes hit etc)

the work-around is to put on something else, then switch back to the original item, forcing the game to re-calculate your attributes.

It may be related to the equipment in question being social gear and thought one of the patches released so far was supposed to fix it, but it's still there today.

Does it apply to comps?  I've had Kal in stripper's headgear for a while now... /sigh

On a more positive note... I do believe they've fixed (or somewhat fixed) the issue with the UI not saving your settings.  At least, I've not lost my cover bar setting of late.  Could be zone specific though.  I cant tell you how many times I've had to scramble during a fight to turn it back off.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Crumbs on January 05, 2012, 02:45:55 PM


--Star Warsyness. 
--Crew Missions
--Bonus missions, some of which are hidden in the landscape
--Character customization
--Moddable items
--Social points/rolls
--companions in general


--Galactic Trade Network
--Galactic Trade Network
--Galactic Trade Network
--Bugs Everywhere (ui, mission window, companions saying mission failed when it didn't, succeeded when it didn't, etc)
--Clunky gameplay, esp in warzones.  I will revisit this when my new computer arrives, but here is a thread talking about what I mean:  http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=133110
--Galactic Trade Network
--Galactic Trade Network

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 05, 2012, 02:57:26 PM
The GTN is seriously the biggest "what the fuck, who thought this was remotely acceptable" thing in the game for me, yes.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 05, 2012, 03:23:23 PM
The entire vendor/sorting system is what the fuck. "Show usable" just doesn't work at all, you can't sort by anything useful.. the sub 50 pvp weapons all get thrown on one vendor for example, and good luck figuring out if there's a weapon for you here or not!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 05, 2012, 04:00:30 PM
Does it apply to comps?  I've had Kal in stripper's headgear for a while now... /sigh
Hmm no clue but it's easy to check -- take note of their health/attribute that your social gear affects, take that piece off or swap it with something then put it back and see if there's a change? I dont' have any social gear on mine so couldn't test myself.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Crumbs on January 05, 2012, 04:10:31 PM
Wanted to add a few positives I forgot:

Instances:  What a nice touch.  You can even see out of them while others can't see in.  It feels naughty.

Voice acting & animations:  While I was skeptical, and it takes away from my mmo zone-out playstyle, it's very well done.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 05, 2012, 04:14:18 PM
Yeah the way this game does instancing is just really impressive technically.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lightstalker on January 05, 2012, 04:52:55 PM
Things to hate:
Companions breaking cc.
Companions pulling entire instances when you cross pathing discontinuities.
Quests that don't advance / un-announced blocks and gates.
STR/DEF Medium armor exists.
Grouping with the same base class but different advanced class makes keeping quests in sync nearly impossible and decidedly un-fun.
Knowing WTF to do in space combat.
Ship to ground transitions - why do I need to walk through 6 transitions to get to where the fun starts?
Running around an empty world.
Hard interrupt requirement fights before you've got your interrupt or when you've got Companions screwing shit up.
Low level space quests always show up as available.
Companions acquisition rate and usefulness varies dramatically from class to class.

Things to like:
The class stories.
Space Combat when you've already played that game before.
Using knockback to throw mobs/others/NPCs off buildings and to their deaths.
Forcequake and Mortar Barrage when levelling.
Mission based crafting.
The loot Pillar.
AoE Looting.
Character customization.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Cadaverine on January 05, 2012, 05:19:41 PM
My current gripe is the abysmal sorting options(or lack thereof) in the crafting recipes pane.

I'm also annoyed by not being able to preview weapons before equipping them.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 05, 2012, 05:21:24 PM
str/def armor exists for the same reason cunning/def armor exists: just because. And I was amusingly thinking about a set for exploitative pve antics.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 05, 2012, 05:25:49 PM
Cunning/Def armor is used by a couple companions (Dr. Lokin would be an example I believe); I don't think str/def is, but I wouldn't be surprised if some prior iteration of one of them did and that's why it exists in the tables.

EDIT: I take that back, he's dps/heal, not tank/heal.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 05, 2012, 05:30:20 PM
Using knockback to throw mobs/others/NPCs off buildings and to their deaths.
Love this one. Did it tons in Cademimu run, and then a turret operator did it to me in the end as clear payback :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 05, 2012, 05:38:04 PM
Cunning/Def armor is used by a couple companions (Dr. Lokin would be an example I believe); I don't think str/def is, but I wouldn't be surprised if some prior iteration of one of them did and that's why it exists in the tables.

EDIT: I take that back, he's dps/heal, not tank/heal.

That would also explain the combat knife with aim someone linked in Nar Shadda a few nights ago.   :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 05, 2012, 08:11:03 PM
Yeah the way this game does instancing is just really impressive technically.
I don't think so, it's more of a barbaric approach.  Instead of a nice phasing system which you don't even notice you have these in-your-face forcefields everywhere.  They are just rooms without doors that may or may not be locked since their tech can't handle two people in the same place but different instances.  A particularly bad example is the forge where lightsabres are made on the jedi starter planet.  Both knights and consulars use the same area for their final class quest but have to enter from separate force fields because the system is so badly done.
Empire side doesn't even have a useable cantina on Alderaan because the whole damn thing had to be locked down due to a bounty hunter mission in there, it's tacky because it's not actually phased.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on January 05, 2012, 08:46:01 PM
I think the fact that it's obvious and in-your-face is to its credit.  Having it be not obvious that you are in a solo phase (red bar around your menu) or what have you would just lead to a lot of frustration.  It's not elegant in the slightest, but I think it's an acceptable loss to make it very clear considering how the rules around different kinds of phases are important for the game.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 05, 2012, 11:44:06 PM
str/def armor exists for the same reason cunning/def armor exists: just because. And I was amusingly thinking about a set for exploitative pve antics.
Wouldn't it exist for the jedi knights who want their counter-not-on-gcd move trigger reasonably often? Or just the ones who pick some degree of avoidance over the straight hp bloat.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 05, 2012, 11:53:21 PM
Jedi knight tanks wear heavy.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Triax on January 06, 2012, 12:18:45 AM
Empire side, the following armor combos are used:
Light Armor:
Will/Endurance is for Sith Inquisitor (both classes)

Medium Armor:
Cunning/Endurance is for Imperial Agents (both classes)
Strength/Endurance is for Sith Warrior/Marauder class

Heavy Armor:
Aim/Endurance is for Bounty Hunter (both classes)
Strength/Endurance is for Sith Warrior/Juggernaught class

Not sure what the combos are for the Republic side, haven't gotten around to playing them yet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 06, 2012, 12:48:52 AM
Exactly the same.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 06, 2012, 12:57:47 AM
Jedi knight tanks wear heavy.
Blah, i didn't read back far enough, didn't notice it was about medium specifically.

Although i'd imagine it can be still of some use for these who went for two sabers, but then choose to run with a healer pet out rather than tank or another dps one? I mean, in such situation someone still has to take beating and preferably not the doc.

edit: also, can't really remember seeing gear that was specifically str/defence only. I think i only ever see defence show up as tertiary stat, after whatever + endurance is covered. Servers are down atm so can't log in and check.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 06, 2012, 01:03:23 AM
All pieces of gear are <offensive stat>/endurance at their core yes.

Some pieces weigh Endurance over the <offensive stat>, those are generally the tank pieces.

The tertiary stats can basically show up in just about every combo imaginable, useful or not.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 06, 2012, 01:26:34 AM
I think they consider them the "solo" gear, since even classes that don't have a tanking spec have them. For example my agent can choose between Patron (which is strong end, weak cun) and Skill (which is the other way around).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 06, 2012, 02:18:36 AM
Since we're on the subject, did the different sets of orange Smuggler armour on the commendation vendor have different stats at one point? Right now they're both exactly the same (more Endurance than Cunning) and have exactly the same appearance but different names. I'm not sure if they're all like this but I've noticed quite a few by now since I was looking for gear with more Cunning.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 06, 2012, 02:28:18 AM
Since we're on the subject, did the different sets of orange Smuggler armour on the commendation vendor have different stats at one point? Right now they're both exactly the same (more Endurance than Cunning) and have exactly the same appearance but different names. I'm not sure if they're all like this but I've noticed quite a few by now since I was looking for gear with more Cunning.

I guess they're a left over from a time when they had different stats but were blue/purple gear. Then they changed them to be Orange and dumped the same Patron mods/armour in them. The PvP vendor on Coruscant I was looking at had different Enhancements though - some gave +Accuracy, +Power or +Crit. I always replace the Patron mods with Skill mods and have done with it (but as I haven't found anything I want to wear instead of my Esseles armour, I don't really buy much except mods.

On a slight tangent, is there already a website that shows all the Orange gear and how it looks (similar to this LOTRO outfit site (http://lotro.northshield.co.uk/Outfitter/Outfitter.htm))? I cannot find a pair of gloves or headgear that I like at all.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 06, 2012, 04:09:36 AM
Headgear is very, very difficult to find.   I only just found my BH an awesome helmet at L40.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Der Helm on January 06, 2012, 04:13:12 AM
"Unable to retrieve patch date. Please check your network connection"

Oh ffs... bit by bit they are sapping my will to play this game....  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 06, 2012, 04:13:55 AM
On the same note, I can't believe how shit torhead is in comparison to wowhead. There just isn't much, and you can't even filter items by them being orange. You can select a "has modifications" qualifier but it doesn't work. Some have screenshots of the models uploaded by players.

I just picked up the first orange headpiece I found and I'm upgrading that. I always play with hat turned off anyway.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 06, 2012, 04:35:05 AM
The reason being that TOR doesn't have an API by which Torhead can gather info and upload to their database.   Everything on the site has to be entered by hand or via data mining the files on your machine.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on January 06, 2012, 04:42:54 AM
Doesn't explain the shit search options like not being able to search for orange items.  Manual entry worked fine back in the days of Allakhazam :geezer: and stuff that WAS in the database was easily searchable by all the important options.  Sure, not everything was there, but this?  Just shameful.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 06, 2012, 05:38:20 AM
Doesn't explain the shit search options like not being able to search for orange items. 

This. Their database shows items that are produced by schematics but you can't filter items by those created froms schematics.  Using the show modifications doesn't let you filter to exclude those with just an Augment.  Missions can't be filtered to show just the story quests for your class because the filter by class still shows shared quests.

Still, to give them some credit, at least you can filter items by slot unlike the GTN.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 06, 2012, 05:49:57 AM
Sorry, I misunderstood the complaint. I thought it was about the lack of content on the place. (Including comments, there's almost none)

Yes, the search features are simply fucked.  If anyone finds a site that isn't please let the rest of us know, because I haven't seen it yet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 06, 2012, 05:59:22 AM
If anyone finds a site that isn't please let the rest of us know, because I haven't seen it yet.

At the moment, TorHead is the best of a bad bunch. DarthHater haven't even changed their modifications filter from the old list of Beta mods (when it was Underlay, Modulator, Scope etc.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 06, 2012, 06:14:10 AM
Suspect this is because the torhead people are actually playing swtor rather than messing around with websites.

I'm sure that'll change.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 06, 2012, 06:42:44 AM
curse, -head, etc are businesses, you can't really look at them from this perspective. IGN don't stop uploading reviews, previews and news articles in Q4 because there are a lot of games to play.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 06, 2012, 06:54:44 AM
Yes I'm very upset that the team of crack well paid professionals updating free websites for a computer game are not doing so very quickly.

Grrr. Arrrgh.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 06, 2012, 06:59:39 AM
Doesn't explain the shit search options like not being able to search for orange items.  Manual entry worked fine back in the days of Allakhazam :geezer: and stuff that WAS in the database was easily searchable by all the important options.  Sure, not everything was there, but this?  Just shameful.

Orange items only happened in the break between their totally not open beta and release. You can find them by searching for "blue" items, and they'll be orange bordered in torhead. Good luck figuring out where anything drops, however.

I don't knock torhead for this, because the GTN doesn't have a search option for Orange either, it's lumped in with blues because I think the change happened so suddenly that they didn't update shit to deal with it. Same reason they give you orange whatevers from your class quest, followed by "oh, and here's a shitty green class weapon you'd never in your right mind equip!" from the same class chain.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 06, 2012, 07:05:39 AM
Yes I'm very upset that the team of crack well paid professionals updating free websites for a computer game are not doing so very quickly.

Grrr. Arrrgh.

You're putting words in my post. All I said is both curse and -head are run as businesses and you shouldn't lump them in with something someone does on the side when they have spare time. They're also businesses that normally produce quality products and that I've given money to in the past, so I’m disappointed in what they’re putting out. That’s all.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on January 06, 2012, 07:17:28 AM
Orange items only happened in the break between their totally not open beta and release. You can find them by searching for "blue" items, and they'll be orange bordered in torhead. Good luck figuring out where anything drops, however.

I don't knock torhead for this, because the GTN doesn't have a search option for Orange either, it's lumped in with blues because I think the change happened so suddenly that they didn't update shit to deal with it. Same reason they give you orange whatevers from your class quest, followed by "oh, and here's a shitty green class weapon you'd never in your right mind equip!" from the same class chain.
Actually, the fact that they're using so much beta info annoys me too, since so much of it is flat out wrong.  For instance, have you ever seen pants drop in the Black Talon?  No?  That's cause they don't.  Whether it was a bug or intentionally removed, there appears to be no such thing as Black Talon pants - no one I've ever heard of has seen them drop since release.  Also, pretty sure there's no such thing as Black Talon Juggernaut's armor for some reason.  It's just not dropping at all, as far as I know. 

I'd rather have info not be there, than have actual wrong information that makes everything suspect.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: CmdrSlack on January 06, 2012, 07:23:15 AM
The oranges as blues thing still happens in-game with crafted stuff. My orange synth weaving recipes show as blue in the crafting interface. I have to mouse over to find the oranges.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 06, 2012, 07:25:00 AM
If you want you can assign torhead to in your hosts file, and from your point of view the information will cease to exist.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 06, 2012, 07:26:20 AM
The oranges as blues thing still happens in-game with crafted stuff. My orange synth weaving recipes show as blue in the crafting interface. I have to mouse over to find the oranges.

The loot rolling interface does this as well "here's some blue that dropped!", chat window informs you that you just rolled/passed on an orange.

The whole moddable item switch really is clownshoes, in that they obviously decided they could do it in a week, but forgot all the shit they'd need to update to make it look polished.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 06, 2012, 07:32:28 AM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

Qyzen's sword, of course, is not moddable. Because why would it be.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 06, 2012, 07:40:52 AM
Doesn't explain the shit search options like not being able to search for orange items.
It's not like the game AH allows it either :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 06, 2012, 07:43:53 AM
My small pet peeve is simply that when an orange drops, the loot beacon on the mob's corpse is still blue.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 06, 2012, 08:01:11 AM
Orange is lumped in with blue in the galactic market system as well.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 06, 2012, 08:37:53 AM
I don't even understand the point of blue gear.  It's only marginally better than green and worthless by level the time you have oranges in all slots (about level 20).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 06, 2012, 08:41:26 AM
I don't even understand the point of blue gear.  It's only marginally better than green and worthless by level the time you have oranges in all slots (about level 20).

As I said in guild chat, blue is the new green.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 06, 2012, 08:48:34 AM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

WHAT????  :ye_gods:

I think I may have already vendored Corso's original weapon after "upgrading" it with something new. :facepalm:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 06, 2012, 08:51:32 AM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

WHAT????  :ye_gods:

I think I may have already vendored Corso's original weapon after "upgrading" it with something new. :facepalm:

I replace all my companion's shit with dungeon oranges. You can farm any of the sub-40 dungeons and throw whatever you get on your companions.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 06, 2012, 08:54:06 AM
At 50 I guess? What level difference do you need from the srsbzns dungeons to go get some oranges, because I've been considering this but I'm not sure if I can solo anything other than BT at this point. I'm a sniper btw.

Alternatively I was thinking about going back to older planets and soloing some heroic quests for badges, to get the companions some moddable gear.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on January 06, 2012, 08:57:57 AM
Origin is shit. There's no customer service email, there's not a phone number. If you use their web thingy, they call, but can't help with anything.

Just trying to straighten out a ~$7 a security key order is sapping my will to play.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 06, 2012, 09:04:43 AM
At 50 I guess? What level difference do you need from the srsbzns dungeons to go get some oranges, because I've been considering this but I'm not sure if I can solo anything other than BT at this point. I'm a sniper btw.

Alternatively I was thinking about going back to older planets and soloing some heroic quests for badges, to get the companions some moddable gear.

+6/+7 = immunity to mobs, basically. There are some mechanics with unavoidable damage or oddities that defy this, but for the most part if you're 7 levels over something, they can't hit you.

Mando Raiders would suck a bit around +7, but only because of that one stupid fight taking forever.

The one that shocked me last night was.. Blood Money? On Nar Shadda. I was soloing all the green heroics for an armor set, sat down with this 2+ heroic I was 4 levels over, and the first pull just destroyed my companion and I in seconds. I don't know what they feed those mobs. D:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: zardoz on January 06, 2012, 09:09:20 AM
At 50 I guess? What level difference do you need from the srsbzns dungeons to go get some oranges, because I've been considering this but I'm not sure if I can solo anything other than BT at this point. I'm a sniper btw.

Alternatively I was thinking about going back to older planets and soloing some heroic quests for badges, to get the companions some moddable gear.

No you don't need lvl 50. Any dungeon with grey mobs will do it for you. The can't hurt you or do only min. dmg over time.

2 exceptions, in "The Streets of Cademimu" last boss, watch out for the fire pits. Even if you resist most of the dmg, it can kill you over time.....
In "The Colicoid War Game" you need more "human" players.

Funny point, in OPs  like "The Esseles" you can use your vehicle inside. On top of that you will always get light/dark points so you can even "farm" them there, for e.g. "The Esseles" 250points each run.....

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 06, 2012, 09:38:05 AM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

WHAT????  :ye_gods:

I think I may have already vendored Corso's original weapon after "upgrading" it with something new. :facepalm:

I think all the first companions come with non-moddy weapons but I honestly am not completely sure because I only noticed the coloring error recently, and I still forget sometimes, because I am dumb.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 06, 2012, 09:39:02 AM
Pretty sure at least some of T7's starter gear is moddable - not just weapon, either.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 06, 2012, 09:40:20 AM
Yeah M1-4X's shit was all moddable if I remember right, which is good since droids are a bigger pain in the ass to gear up, if you ask me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on January 06, 2012, 09:42:24 AM
... "The Streets of Cademimu" last boss, watch out for the fire pits. Even if you resist most of the dmg, it can kill you over time.....

Only ran Cademimu once, but I remember me and one other person getting set on fire well after the boss was dead and we were rolling for loot.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 06, 2012, 09:54:16 AM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

Qyzen's sword, of course, is not moddable. Because why would it be.  :oh_i_see:

My favorite example of this right now is Blizz.   He comes with an "orange" gun that is green, and I've had 2 or 3 quest rewards -explicitly marked as "Must be Blizz" - that were also greens but with mods.    :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 06, 2012, 10:02:34 AM
So i found a dupe bug last night, reported it and the patch this morning fixed it.  Also i did not get banned for using it a bunch.  Win/win if you ask me!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 06, 2012, 10:11:14 AM
So i found a dupe bug last night, reported it and the patch this morning fixed it.  Also i did not get banned for using it a bunch.  Win/win if you ask me!
What good is having a swtor subforum if you don't bother telling the rest of us before such things are fixed?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 06, 2012, 10:20:41 AM

No you don't need lvl 50. Any dungeon with grey mobs will do it for you. The can't hurt you or do only min. dmg over time.

2 exceptions, in "The Streets of Cademimu" last boss, watch out for the fire pits. Even if you resist most of the dmg, it can kill you over time.....
In "The Colicoid War Game" you need more "human" players.

Funny point, in OPs  like "The Esseles" you can use your vehicle inside. On top of that you will always get light/dark points so you can even "farm" them there, for e.g. "The Esseles" 250points each run.....

I was running esseles at 17 without much effort and at 22 harmlessly, ripping through for the orange shit for Qyzen. Also got some shit for that tart, Tharan. After +15 levels on it, you can run straight through and only hit the mobs that drop orange stuff. And yes, you can do esseles in 18 minutes if you use your vehicle and speed past the trash, for orange gear and points.

And oddly, in Cademimu... if you send your pet in on the final fight - they can stand in the rocket flame and not take dmg. You however are fucked. So I tend to throw a HoT on Zenith when I can and a DoT or Direct Damage spell on the boss when I can then spend the rest of the time dodging the rain of fire. No idea what he dropped though... AIM pants maybe?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on January 06, 2012, 10:24:20 AM
Did they actually fix the Cademimu bug where you burst into flames and die when you enter the boss room because the 4 engines are always flagged as being on?

I noticed they fixed pulling the boss into the hallway, but they said nothing of fixing that you know...instant death bug.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 06, 2012, 10:33:06 AM
Never saw the instant death one. But a lot of positioning type area damage abilities don't hit Companions. So having your companion tank the Cad boss makes the fight pretty funny if you overlevel it a bit.

I've been meaning to try the red whatever level 44ish one with my Scoundrel.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 06, 2012, 10:49:06 AM
Orange is lumped in with blue in the galactic market system as well.
It's far worse than that -- at least some of the orange gear is treated as white/grey (and some also as level 1 items to boot). If you narrow search results to green+ or higher, and/or for certain level range you won't even see some of it.

edit: on the upside, thanks to these glitches you can find bulk (but not all) of orange gear on sale just running the default search and setting order to "quality, ascending" or "level, ascending" -- most of the orange items will show up on the first few pages this way.

edit 2: mind you, because AH window is stupid stupid stupid it won't actually sort these fetched items itself, on fetch. Noooo, you have to re-click the column after you hit search, to remind it that it should do the fucking sorting.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 06, 2012, 10:50:17 AM
My solution is to just ignore the GAH, unless I'm selling.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on January 06, 2012, 11:10:30 AM
STR/DEF Medium armor exists.
And End/Shield heavy armor isn't craftable :| Can only get End/Def which screws shieldtech PTs. How will BC ever be competitive in the raid scene?
Warning - while you were reading 28 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Ye gods people  :awesome_for_real:
And yes, you can do esseles in 18 minutes if you use your vehicle and speed past the trash, for orange gear and points.
Imo the best reason to farm BT is social points, not dark/light or the paltry couple of oranges.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on January 06, 2012, 11:47:09 AM
That didn't stop you from ninja looting every one of them!  :x

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 06, 2012, 11:56:25 AM
Imo the best reason to farm BT is social points, not dark/light or the paltry couple of oranges.

SOCIAL POINTS?!?! :rofl:

Wait, what are those?  :oh_i_see:

edit: I would also like to add another small pet peeve. They butchered the dark side/light side titles you can get. They don't even have a title per level any more. I am stuck with this dumb ass Loathsome title. I wanted Malevolent like it should have been... but yippee... they took that out too.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Xuri on January 07, 2012, 10:45:08 AM
Also, pretty sure there's no such thing as Black Talon Juggernaut's armor for some reason.  It's just not dropping at all, as far as I know. 
You can get it (chest-piece) in the chest behind the boss you fight when republic soldiers board the BT after you refrain from killing the Captain. I did, at least.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: apocrypha on January 07, 2012, 11:03:19 AM
refrain from killing the Captain.


I didn't get to be Tenacious the Loathsome at level 35 by refraining!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Koyasha on January 07, 2012, 11:09:44 AM
Also, pretty sure there's no such thing as Black Talon Juggernaut's armor for some reason.  It's just not dropping at all, as far as I know. 
You can get it (chest-piece) in the chest behind the boss you fight when republic soldiers board the BT after you refrain from killing the Captain. I did, at least.
In release?  Interesting.  I tried black talon about dozen times or so on my juggernaut trying to get the chest, and it never dropped.  Tried both killing and not killing the captain (I alternated so as to even out my point gain) and no dice either path.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Modern Angel on January 08, 2012, 07:56:58 AM
The performance issues on lower end machines like mine are just mindblowing. This is especially true given the state of a high profile :nda: I got into. The thing is that there's zero rhyme or reason to it. Balmorra and Alderaan are borderline unplayable for me. It's like those two zones are made by other companies. Everything else? Mostly okay.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lightstalker on January 08, 2012, 11:48:03 AM
They are modelling/tracking too much in the environment, that's why some areas have performance issues.  Space combat can drag on my really quite overpowered rig when a crewskill mission completes; then the rest of the space combat has my companion falling out of my ship as I fly through space.  Really, there is no need to track the contents of the ship during the normal run of a mission, much less lag the trip through in an asteroid field because you are trying to find a legal path for a wookie in space.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Modern Angel on January 08, 2012, 12:11:50 PM
I had a crash last night, just walking through the Fleet, that may end up being the beginning of the end for me. I just didn't bother to log on after and I haven't been on since. I've been having fun with it, more consistently than I expected, but it's the least stable MMO release on my rig that I've played since... well, I think it may be the most unstable. I crash. I freeze. I've bluescreened. I'm fairly certain that the game did something fucked up with my sound hardware which I cannot fix.

I think that's a real shame. I'm absolutely, 100% not excusing my end of this. My machine is four years old and I refuse to put incremental upgrades in a machine that old. I don't expect the moon here. But the number of problems I've had with low settings and everything turned off is pretty over the top. MMO alphas pushing more polys on their own engines (rather than the supposedly vetted Hero engine) should not be rock solid in comparison.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on January 08, 2012, 12:37:37 PM
The performance issues on lower end machines like mine are just mindblowing. This is especially true given the state of a high profile :nda: I got into. The thing is that there's zero rhyme or reason to it. Balmorra and Alderaan are borderline unplayable for me. It's like those two zones are made by other companies. Everything else? Mostly okay.

I noticed recently when I was playing League of Legends, ripping a DVD and converting a video with handbrake at the same time that all of that uses about the came CPU/Ram on my system as standing around in SWTOR.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on January 08, 2012, 02:04:51 PM
HeroEngine is fucking awful.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Viin on January 08, 2012, 06:18:49 PM
HeroEngine is fucking awful.

Agreed, at least the version they are using is. I wonder how much re-engineering it would take to use a newer release.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 08, 2012, 06:29:45 PM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

WHAT????  :ye_gods:

I think I may have already vendored Corso's original weapon after "upgrading" it with something new. :facepalm:

I think all the first companions come with non-moddy weapons but I honestly am not completely sure because I only noticed the coloring error recently, and I still forget sometimes, because I am dumb.

I looked closer and found every single weapon my companions came with is in fact moddable. I can't check Khem because I long since threw his sword away.  :oh_i_see:

Balmorra and Alderaan

They are the earliest planets that don't use obvious design tricks to reduce draw distance, how was Tatooine and Hoth?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 08, 2012, 06:31:12 PM
One of the crashes I had today also decided to reset a bunch of preferences for some odd reason.  It's like the crash deleted/corrupted some file, it started playing the opening movies again, all my nameplates were screwed, sound settings wrong.  Thankfully it didn't effect my bars and keybindings or I'd have ragequit.

The game even crashes in an odd way.  First my ui stops responding, clicks don't do anything.  If the second ctrl-U doesn't bring back the ui I know I'm crashing hard.  It's like all input is sucked away, can't get into task manager, alt f4 pretends to kill the game but not really, then I can't click on anything in windows either.  I have to do a hard power off.  The whole time I still have control of my character in that I can wasd move without problems...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 08, 2012, 07:04:22 PM
I have a crappy(ish) machine, and I have two kinds of crashes:

1.  My video drivers crash (switch to 640x480 and freeze) - this apparently disables the fans on the damn card cause I have to shut down asap or I smell burned dirt.  Power down, power back up, is fine for another 3-4 hours.

2.  Whenever the game tries to exit normally, when I alt-tab, or when I load new zones, it spends 30 seconds creating page faults.  I guess 2 GB RAM is not enough (but I run WinXP so can't do more, for now).  Ctrl-Alt-Delete and killing the two swtor.exe processes magically restores my desktop and functionality immediately, rather than after 30 seconds of page faults.

Otherwise I just get the odd sound stutter as it tries to find the sound files for stuff.  Tatooine was low FPS but playable, Alderaan is nice and smooth, love it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Modern Angel on January 08, 2012, 07:47:05 PM
Tatooine was just fine. Haven't gotten to Hoth yet (level 35). I'll still have freezes and some crashes but not enough to really aggravate me. Well, it is, but only when looked at in total. I had to get off Alderaan as fast as possible, which annoyed me.

I have a wacky solution to the draw distance issue though: let me adjust my fucking draw distance. This game is so weird with what it will and won't let you do. I have a bad feeling that they don't actually have a lot of control over it, either, or at least don't automatically have the expertise to redo deep technical things on the fly.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 08, 2012, 10:21:58 PM
I looked closer and found every single weapon my companions came with is in fact moddable. I can't check Khem because I long since threw his sword away.  :oh_i_see:
Qyzen's swords aren't, i think -- that comes from vague memory of his weapon tooltips always being pretty short i.e. no room there to list fitted mods, and from the fact i have yet to see a single orange techblade in the game. Even on the vendors with full range of other weapons covered. Checked up to Balmorra so far.

Also, Corso's starting weapon may be regular trash gear, fitting with his story and motives to join you, i suppose. Not like i expect any modable weapon of Corso to come with anything but extra harpoon mods.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on January 08, 2012, 10:24:35 PM
One of the crashes I had today also decided to reset a bunch of preferences for some odd reason.  It's like the crash deleted/corrupted some file, it started playing the opening movies again, all my nameplates were screwed, sound settings wrong.  Thankfully it didn't effect my bars and keybindings or I'd have ragequit.

The game even crashes in an odd way.  First my ui stops responding, clicks don't do anything.  If the second ctrl-U doesn't bring back the ui I know I'm crashing hard.  It's like all input is sucked away, can't get into task manager, alt f4 pretends to kill the game but not really, then I can't click on anything in windows either.  I have to do a hard power off.  The whole time I still have control of my character in that I can wasd move without problems...
I had the exact same problem, down to the preferences getting screwed up. In fact, my character was in a position that caused my PC to hard-lock the first 2 times I tried to log in... then the 3rd time was fine. Yeah, I got nothin'.

I looked closer and found every single weapon my companions came with is in fact moddable. I can't check Khem because I long since threw his sword away.  :oh_i_see:
Qyzen's swords aren't, i think -- that comes from vague memory of his weapon tooltips always being pretty short i.e. no room there to list fitted mods, and from the fact i have yet to see a single orange techblade in the game. Checked up to Balmorra so far.

Also, Corso's starting weapon may be regular trash gear, fitting with his story and motives to join you, i suppose. Not like i expect any modable weapon of Corso to come with anything but extra harpoon mods.
Qyzen is an abomination since he uses Aim as his main stat - so he can't use hilt mods. Blaster barrel mods could work, but I suppose someone at BW thought it'd be immersion-breaking or something. So no orange for you!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 08, 2012, 11:33:41 PM
I really don't get why they didn't just have Qyzen use fucking vibroswords in addition to his stupid damn techblade. Add some stupid aim ones and go with it! We get scattergun drops with +aim on them because of the dumb trooper medic, would the world end with +aim vibroswords? Graah!

Or shit, have the dude use str/end. It makes more sense. ><

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 09, 2012, 12:25:32 AM
Qyzen should have claws and teeth slots. What sort of self-respecting dinosaur uses sticks to hunt with, anyway.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: caladein on January 09, 2012, 02:03:48 AM
Put me down as also not understanding why they split off Techblades/Techstaves as their own weapon classes apart from Vibroswords/Electrostaves and/or didn't bother itemizing them fully.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 09, 2012, 02:50:51 AM
Or shit, have the dude use str/end. It makes more sense. ><
This. It's how they do it for Khem and it makes Synthweaving useful, at least in the early levels, since you can make gear for both of you.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 09, 2012, 02:54:10 AM
On the upside, Captain Kalah is making her fortune selling techblades on the godawful GTN!  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rk47 on January 09, 2012, 03:28:21 AM
No, seriously ?

That's fucking stupid.

No, this is stupider.

If they ever make authenticators mandatory, I will quit the game. If you want an authenticator, then go buy one yourself. I won't stop you from getting one just as much as you shouldn't stop me from refusing one. One of the main reasons why I preordered the Digital Deluxe Edition was for environmental reasons. I didn't want any of the material stuff.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on January 09, 2012, 04:29:25 AM
This 0.10 pounds of plastic and paper is killing our earth mother, I have more respect than that!

*plays TOR for 10 hours a day on a computer that consumes enough power for a household of 2*

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 09, 2012, 08:26:57 AM
Put me down as also not understanding why they split off Techblades/Techstaves as their own weapon classes apart from Vibroswords/Electrostaves and/or didn't bother itemizing them fully.
I think they wanted Qyzen to have trooper looks rather than jedi knight looks, and the trooper armour is aim oriented. So his weapon had to match that.

Of course, why they just didn't use the techstaves then which are also based on aim is anyone's guess.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mazakiel on January 09, 2012, 08:31:22 AM
The worst "whoops, overlooked that" to me is a lot of companions actually come with moddable weapons and whatnot, but they're still colored green. You have to mouse over them to see that oh hey, you can slot shit into these!

WHAT????  :ye_gods:

I think I may have already vendored Corso's original weapon after "upgrading" it with something new. :facepalm:

I think all the first companions come with non-moddy weapons but I honestly am not completely sure because I only noticed the coloring error recently, and I still forget sometimes, because I am dumb.

I looked closer and found every single weapon my companions came with is in fact moddable. I can't check Khem because I long since threw his sword away.  :oh_i_see:

Balmorra and Alderaan

They are the earliest planets that don't use obvious design tricks to reduce draw distance, how was Tatooine and Hoth?

I'm pretty sure the weapon vendor at the Dromund Kass spaceport has a green vibrosword that actually has a full set of mod slots.  I THINK that's where I picked it up.  It's been awhile though. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Khaldun on January 09, 2012, 10:12:16 AM
I just noticed that if you level up Armstech there's a bunch of named orange schematics you get at 400 that level 48 characters can use--the ONLY item that does NOT have one is the Techblade.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lantyssa on January 09, 2012, 12:46:01 PM
2.  Whenever the game tries to exit normally, when I alt-tab, or when I load new zones, it spends 30 seconds creating page faults.  I guess 2 GB RAM is not enough (but I run WinXP so can't do more, for now).  Ctrl-Alt-Delete and killing the two swtor.exe processes magically restores my desktop and functionality immediately, rather than after 30 seconds of page faults.
XP can use up to 4 GB.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Kageru on January 09, 2012, 07:28:24 PM

XP (32 bit) can probably only use 3 GB by default even if you have 4 GB in it. You need to keep some space for OS functions.

Saw someone on the forums complaining that the game is "dead" off-peak and laughed. Sort of inevitable if you only sell in two regions with diametrically opposed time-zones. Though local EB has apparently been importing US copies to satisfy pre-orders.

I figure by the time it's out here I probably will have read so many spoilers and negative posts I'll feel like I'm done with the game before it even releases.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 10, 2012, 03:43:09 AM
I figure by the time it's out here I probably will have read so many spoilers and negative posts I'll feel like I'm done with the game before it even releases.

On the other hand, maybe it'll actually be ready for release by then.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 10, 2012, 05:23:12 AM
I think we've been pretty good here about not spoilering the storylines, which are what matters in this game.  Like someone said, it's ok if you play it as 4-8 KOTOR's (solo) in succession.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 10, 2012, 05:31:31 AM
Up to a point, having to repeat the world quests starts to drag once you are into the mid twenties and above.

EA urgently need some alternate quest lines, make them legacy unlockables if neccessary.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on January 10, 2012, 07:55:22 AM
I figure by the time it's out here I probably will have read so many spoilers and negative posts I'll feel like I'm done with the game before it even releases.

Don't let the plethora of negative twats ruin your fun imo.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 10, 2012, 08:21:54 AM
I figure by the time it's out here I probably will have read so many spoilers and negative posts I'll feel like I'm done with the game before it even releases.

If you enjoy story-driven, single-player games like KOTOR you'll enjoy it.  If you're looking for a Star Wars MMO, don't bother.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on January 10, 2012, 08:30:12 AM
I think it's a fine Star Wars MMO for the first month of launch. Crafting is fun, leveling is fun, and flashpoints are fun when you choose to do them. I haven't encountered any CTD or falling through the world, or getting stuck on a rock bugs yet.

For me, focusing on the leveling experience for the first 3 months of their game was the right way to go. They can weed out the min-maxers and content devourers right at the beginning.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 10, 2012, 08:54:16 AM
I've had quite a few 'stuck on rocks' errors, but those are all attributable to my need to go 'offroading' and drop-down or otherwise take shortcuts to get from A to B.  Hoth was the worst in this regard, trapping me between rocks or glacial pockets with no path to get out.

It makes you realize just how well-designed some of Blizz's areas were that doing the same type of exploration there didn't ever cause you to be trapped in the environment with no hope of escape except /stuck or burning your QT cooldown. 

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 10, 2012, 08:54:26 AM
I think it's a fine Star Wars MMO for the first month of launch. Crafting is fun, leveling is fun, and flashpoints are fun when you choose to do them. I haven't encountered any CTD or falling through the world, or getting stuck on a rock bugs yet.

Not to be argumentative, but what exactly is fun about crafting other than the fact that you don't really do anything and get stuff in the process?  I like the automation, but only because the craftign process is so benign.  I'd much rather crafting as a minigame (a la ATitD).  That would be more fun/interactive to me.  

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 10, 2012, 09:16:56 AM
I think it's a fine Star Wars MMO for the first month of launch. Crafting is fun, leveling is fun, and flashpoints are fun when you choose to do them. I haven't encountered any CTD or falling through the world, or getting stuck on a rock bugs yet.

Not to be argumentative, but what exactly is fun about crafting other than the fact that you don't really do anything and get stuff in the process?  I like the automation, but only because the craftign process is so benign.  I'd much rather crafting as a minigame (a la ATitD).  That would be more fun/interactive to me.  

I still prefer EQ2's crafting, if I want to have it interactive and stuff. Since crafting in MMOs can fuck right off these days, I like the fire and forget x4 companions option.

"You three go out and get shit and you asshat, you start building me shit... in fact build me 5 of that thing. I'll be out killing shit. Get back to me when you are done."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fabricated on January 10, 2012, 09:18:41 AM
I think it's a fine Star Wars MMO for the first month of launch. Crafting is fun, leveling is fun, and flashpoints are fun when you choose to do them. I haven't encountered any CTD or falling through the world, or getting stuck on a rock bugs yet.

Not to be argumentative, but what exactly is fun about crafting other than the fact that you don't really do anything and get stuff in the process?  I like the automation, but only because the craftign process is so benign.  I'd much rather crafting as a minigame (a la ATitD).  That would be more fun/interactive to me.  
Whereas I pretty much want the opposite. It's the better end of the standard DIKU crafting stuff. In WoW I had to go back to a capital or hub if it had a crafting area, queue up a bunch of stuff, and proceed to not do anything with my character until I was done and then I had to go back to where I was. SWTOR, I send my companions to do it and get back to blasting shit.

I'd be for a minigame if I could really customize my items appearance (the one thing I kinda liked about Horizons, where you could make say, a shitty iron dagger but you could mix and match blades/hits/handguards to make something you liked).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 10, 2012, 09:25:00 AM
I like that it doesn't interrupt my gameplay, it's pretty simple but you can work it if you want and that I can use my vault to craft from.

The last one is a much bigger deal then I thought it would be in practice. It went from "oh that's neat" when I first experienced it to now I can't imagine doing it any other way.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on January 10, 2012, 09:31:03 AM
I like this crafting system a lot.  I imagine it'll be even better when I have more companion and don't have to choose between sending Mako (I have the droid almost constantly doing something) out and questing.  Would be even better if you could queue up missions and had a larger crafting queue.

If I want mini-game style crafting, I'll play a crafting MMO.  

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 10, 2012, 09:58:46 AM
What I'm saying is that crafting in SWTOR isn't really crafting (to me).  You're just deciding which area your avatar gets to resource trade in. 

I'm fine with the system as far as the service it provides, but calling it "crafting" really seems like a misnomer.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on January 10, 2012, 10:03:49 AM
And then making finished goods out of individual components.  Sure seems like crafting.  You can choose not to make anything, but you could do that in WoW or other games as well.  This is somewhat of a ridiculous nit.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 10, 2012, 10:06:09 AM
And then making finished goods out of individual components.  Sure seems like crafting.  You can choose not to make anything, but you could do that in WoW or other games as well.  This is somewhat of a ridiculous nit.

It's pretty much identical to crafting in WoW with the exception of not having to sit and stare at the completion/harvesting bars.  I know this.  I didn't really feel like the crafting in WoW was "crafting" either. 

I'm allowed to be as ridiculous as I like.  It's how I fit in around here!!!  :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 10, 2012, 10:07:30 AM
The crafting system is very much like EVE crafting with its task delegation. If that means EVE crafting doesn't count as crafting either... :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 10, 2012, 10:08:44 AM
More like Fallen Earth.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 10, 2012, 10:10:44 AM
Also SWG.

Anyway, you click a button - watch a progress bar, which game did it different?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 10, 2012, 10:11:14 AM
No. SWG was way more involved. Between materials, and experiential points and such, you could have 500 variations of the same blaster.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rasix on January 10, 2012, 10:13:07 AM
Gather shit. Make shit from shit. Make shit from that shit.  Possibly slice shit afterwards.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 10, 2012, 10:14:43 AM
Anyway, you click a button - watch a progress bar, which game did it different?
Puzzle Pirates. It was large bag of fun too, at least the mini-games they had as the base for their crafting.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Bunk on January 10, 2012, 10:21:00 AM
Big difference for me on the crafting is the reverse engineering. In WoW, to find recipies beyond those that you could buy, you had to look up which mobs in which zones could potentially drop which schematics, and then actively farm the crap out of them, assuming you fit the level. ToR's system just seems more elegant? Take base schematic, RE it to get back matts and a chance at an upgraded version. Make the upgraded version and RE for a chance at the uber version.

There are still random recipes around, but the game never forces you to farm mobs to get decent options.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 10, 2012, 10:21:37 AM
I was an awesome crafter in Puzzle Pirates. It was always some random shopowner's lucky day when Sjofn rolled into town, with the urge to DISTILL SOME RUM.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Nebu on January 10, 2012, 10:24:22 AM
There are still random recipes around, but the game never forces you to farm mobs to get decent options.

It does in a way.  Many of the better recipes and their components are only obtained from heroics and raids.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 10, 2012, 10:50:37 AM
They are saying that reverse engineering might have been nerfed, you have to destroy a lot more stuff to get the schematics now, that would suck.

Tooling around the GTN I accidentally found out that you can buy crafting missions, I had no idea.  I can buy a purple quality mission that will get me both level four bio samples and compounds at the same time.  Not sure how it works, maybe once you buy it it has a chance to pop up in the mission list.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 10, 2012, 10:52:37 AM
They are one-shot thing, which makes them bit less practical purchase :/

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 10, 2012, 10:53:11 AM
We should probably wait a few months before taking a view on what counts as "decent".

I'm perfectly happy in my inquisitor's Orange quality circulation restricting scarlet jumpsuit of doom. But who knows what will be considered acceptable by the summer.


Regarding missions bought on GTN - you get to run them once, then they disappear forever.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 10, 2012, 10:57:13 AM
They are saying that reverse engineering might have been nerfed, you have to destroy a lot more stuff to get the schematics now, that would suck.

Tooling around the GTN I accidentally found out that you can buy crafting missions, I had no idea.  I can buy a purple quality mission that will get me both level four bio samples and compounds at the same time.  Not sure how it works, maybe once you buy it it has a chance to pop up in the mission list.

This is how it works exactly. The missions are double the time and I think my scavenging ones that Domo gave me yielded 28 of one metal and 36 of a compound...  I want to say grade 5 or 6. Oh yeah, you can fail them as well, so go with someone that can do the gathering well... a companion that likes you a lot or someone with +15 to the mission.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 10, 2012, 11:00:02 AM
The level 6 one shot missions are the most reliable way of getting the purple mats you need for a lot of top end recipes - every time I run the UT one I get ~4 mandalorian iron (along with the blue metal, and a bunch of blue and purple cloth that I could turn around and sell, and some blue/purple companion gifts) for example. So, depends on the relative price of mats and missions on your server, but it can easily be worth it to buy one.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: luckton on January 10, 2012, 11:00:51 AM
They are saying that reverse engineering might have been nerfed, you have to destroy a lot more stuff to get the schematics now, that would suck.

Yes, and Left Axe damage was adjusted too  :why_so_serious:

Seriously though, I crafted up some green stuff last night, and got all three blue variants in a row this morning.  Maybe I figured out chaos theory?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 10, 2012, 11:01:25 AM
Or maybe one person's results from a tiny sample size is a retarded thing to base a conclusion on in *either* direction.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 10, 2012, 11:08:00 AM
Or maybe one person's results from a tiny sample size is a retarded thing to base a conclusion on in *either* direction.

The randomness of proc'ing a blue or purple scheme is unnerving at times. I blew through a good ten green armor grade 22's before getting a blue to proc. RE'd two blues and out popped a purple. Likewise, I been trying to get blues for my companion tank and scored a blue on the first armoring RE for one and still haven't hit a blue for the mod. *shrug* when it rains...

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 10, 2012, 11:10:15 AM
Yeah on the 22 modifications I REd <5 of every type and got a blue recipe, meanwhile the strength mod I needed for myself took upwards of 25 tries. Yay for the RNG.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 10, 2012, 11:37:55 AM
Regarding missions bought on GTN - you get to run them once, then they disappear forever.

Even if you buy another?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 10, 2012, 12:05:36 PM
If you buy another, it will work.

Basically it will add the mission to your little log thing. You run it. The only way to get it back in your log is to buy it again. If you happen to have two of the same one, it won't let you learn it twice, you have to wait.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 10, 2012, 12:15:49 PM
So they are just consumables.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 10, 2012, 12:18:18 PM
Yeah pretty much, i commented in gc last night that i couldn't believe anyone would pay 20k for my UT missions when they were flying of the ah and a guildie said that they gave her around 40k worth of mats.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Thrawn on January 10, 2012, 12:20:58 PM
Yeah pretty much, i commented in gc last night that i couldn't believe anyone would pay 20k for my UT missions when they were flying of the ah and a guildie said that they gave her around 40k worth of mats.

I ran one once (340 slicing), got nothing special for returns and never bought one again.  :oops:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on January 10, 2012, 12:25:28 PM
I thought the slicing ones got removed pretty early on. Are those still dropping?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 10, 2012, 12:34:01 PM
Yes they are.  They reward an epic augment and a green/blue lockbox.  They are fairly worthless, even if you need augments you are better off buying the one you need than playing the lottery.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 10, 2012, 12:40:56 PM
Don't they come from slicing in the first place? So it is just a little bonus for you.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 10, 2012, 12:43:37 PM
Well yeah, but Thrawn was talking about buying one of the gtn.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: DraconianOne on January 10, 2012, 01:05:57 PM
Yes they are.  They reward an epic augment and a green/blue lockbox.  They are fairly worthless, even if you need augments you are better off buying the one you need than playing the lottery.

The two slicing consumable missions I ran (tier 3?) gave me augment, mission and a lockbox containing 3k + creds (for a 500 cred mission). I'd run them again. Pretty sure one even gave me a schematic too.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on January 10, 2012, 01:35:09 PM
I'm waiting on a progress bar for the shelf I'm building (waiting for stain to dry)...so I guess I'm not crafting, either!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 10, 2012, 02:37:28 PM
They are saying that reverse engineering might have been nerfed, you have to destroy a lot more stuff to get the schematics now, that would suck.

Yes, and Left Axe damage was adjusted too  :why_so_serious:

Seriously though, I crafted up some green stuff last night, and got all three blue variants in a row this morning.  Maybe I figured out chaos theory?

That is not the proper context for a Left Axe reference, nothing about Left Axe nerf/buffs was subtle at all!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Simond on January 10, 2012, 03:22:32 PM
However we would have accepted either "Onyxia deep breathes more" or "Jboots are slower".

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 10, 2012, 06:34:17 PM
Stuff my companions should be able to do:

- Take this shit back to my ship
- Check my mail
- Go ahead and sell this useless green crap while you are at it too

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Lightstalker on January 10, 2012, 09:45:51 PM
Yes, but that would be a torchlight pet +1, rather than super annoying CC breaker that is the SWTOR pet.

How long do you go out between liberally spread out medical droids?  Inventory space is rarely a problem, though I am a slicer and have just upgraded it a few times.  If I had a real gathering profession I'd probably be singing a different tune. 

I feel like a star wars yuppie.  I use my fleet pass and quick travel on cooldown, always got places to be and cash to count; I'm not really concerned about your quaint local problems, you are going to pay me, right?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 11, 2012, 05:01:57 AM
I have 3 gathering professions, and after expanding my carry-on bags 2x (5k and 20k), I typically finish a planet before needing to empty out.  Half the bag is taken by gathered mats, but after filling out about 20 slots they start stacking up and not taking new slots.  I sell the greens and greys to medical droids I find on the way, keep the blues for the AH.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Jherad on January 11, 2012, 07:13:32 AM
Wasn't sure where to put this, and it might have been mentioned here already, but it made me happy:

The current situation with end game gear and item modifications isn’t final and, in fact, many community members like yourself have correctly guessed at what our plans to correct the current design are.

Since this is a fairly important issue to many players, let me disclose more details about what is currently in the work regarding purple items and mods:

- All partially moddable purple items will be made fully moddable again, allowing the removal of the armoring, hilt and barrel.

- The set bonus of end gear purples (PVP and PVE) will be transferable to custom items.

- Some item modifications will be restricted to a certain item type. For example, some item modifications will only fit on helmets, while other will only fit on chests, etc.

As usual, the caveats about unfinished work apply, but this should give you and the community a very good idea of our intentions. We are serious about making custom gear an entirely valid alternative to end game gear and we support the players’ ability to customize their appearance all the way to (and including) end game.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 11, 2012, 07:25:57 AM
Didn't they say the reason to not make armor slots "head only" and such was that there were too many items as is?

I like item modding, but the idea seems to be half baked currently. There's little reason to use anything not orange until 50, and at 50 with epics around there's little reason to use oranges again and everyone looks the same.

Can't we just make everything moddable again? Please? I kind of liked being able to use some new odd weapon/armor model I picked up.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 07:33:13 AM
Personally, I'm a bit overwhelmed with the modding system. Makes me glad its not all that way. I would much more prefer a cosmetics slot system.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 11, 2012, 07:43:32 AM
My server doesn't seem to have many cybertechs, it's hard to find some mods.  I usually use planet commendations to buy the enhancement and mod slots but armoring, hilts etc cost seven each so I would prefer to buy those if possible.  I might switch out my companion from using the oranges back to blues so that I don't have to get so many mods.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Wolf on January 11, 2012, 07:46:42 AM
The thing is you don't have enough resources to get all the blues. What I do is, just buy the aim green recepies, de-until I have a blue, craft for me and comps AND if I have some left-over resources put stuff on the AH. That's no more than 3-4 from a level, so that's why there aren't many I guess.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: sam, an eggplant on January 11, 2012, 07:48:23 AM
Yeah, it's just too complicated and should be simplified. Each orange or purple item should have three slots:

Main slot: Determines the item level and "type" (strength, aim, cunning, willpower). Barrels and hilts fit here. All set bonuses and procs are tied to this slot.
Secondary slot: Sets the type but not value of secondary stats (crit, surge, alacrity, etc). Value is scaled by the item level.
Cosmetic slot: Sets the model and texture of armor and most weapons, or the lightsaber color.

Purple items could have a static +X% itemlvl modifier to differentiate them from oranges, and would come with unique mods in the cosmetic slot.

I would also create items without a secondary slot but with X% more static secondary stats to compensate for the lack of customizability. These would of course be highly valuable, with good static mods.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on January 11, 2012, 07:56:23 AM
I think it would be a great metric for management to look at the cosmetic values of these items and their use. I mean think about it, where else would you get undeniable feedback from the consumer on whether or not they like your artists work?

Let's see, you put in these new assets, and 85% of the populace just gutted the shit, threw it away, and crammed it into their level 30 gear. Ok then, stop putting spikes on everything or you're fired.

We would all win.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 11, 2012, 08:14:00 AM
I'm playing a sith warrior but seem to be in the minority in that I think capes look stupid, that severely limits my fashion options.  I think I got my chest piece back on Dromund Kaas and am still wearing it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 11, 2012, 08:22:50 AM
There are a lot of items/models/textures that should be put in a hall of shame. My commando bitch is that if your engine only appears to support one particle emitter, please stop making double barreled weapons that only fire from one barrel and have all effects center on that barrel (my cell choice would clip through the middle of the gun since it was apparently centered on the right barrel)

Just minor shit. That and the DOUBLE CLOAK, which is the lamest armor design choice ever.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Draegan on January 11, 2012, 08:32:18 AM
Bounty Hunter items are terrible too.  I could not find one good looking chest item up to level 41.  I had the orange one from Tatooine that I've been using and it look's awful on the "average" or #2 body model for females.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 08:36:12 AM
I have indeed cringed. Some stuff does not look like star wars. Some, look like mad max.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on January 11, 2012, 08:38:21 AM
Yeah, my vanguard pvp armor makes me look like a pit fighter from a post-apoc B movie.

Sage robes look mostly fine so far - not looking forward to the level 50 versions too much though. I also dig the trenchcoats on my agent, they are just so... agent-y?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on January 11, 2012, 08:38:48 AM
Most of the JK stuff is not terrble...SO FAR (lvl 39)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: murdoc on January 11, 2012, 08:53:13 AM
At 42 I'm wearing the Mercenary Foundry Helmet, which looks not too bad and some heavily modded level Raider chestpiece from Nar Shaddaa (i yanked all the mods out of the level 40 pvp gear). I hate the Bounty Hunter higher end big blocky stuff. The helm i rarely display, so it's basically an invisible stat slot for me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 11, 2012, 08:55:10 AM
Bounty Hunter items are terrible too.  I could not find one good looking chest item up to level 41.  I had the orange one from Tatooine that I've been using and it look's awful on the "average" or #2 body model for females.

Only one I really sorta liked was the quest reward from Friends of Old in DK. Then again, I only managed to get to 38 on my BH in beta.

Of course, my Vanguard companion looks like a pinata with a green helm, yellow splashed chest piece, red gloves, red belt, and greenish boots. While I tend to refer to him as Lt.Dan, I am going to have to start calling him skittles.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Zetor on January 11, 2012, 09:07:42 AM
The best thing about trooper armor is playing the Flags Of The World game while leveling up: try to combine your chestpiece/belt/leggings/boots in a way that the colors resemble those of a country's flag! Spain / France / Netherlands / Russia / Hungary / other 3-color-stripe flags are easy, then it gets trickier.

Poland is cheating.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on January 11, 2012, 09:12:32 AM
Oh dear.

There's a colossal rage-storm brewing on the official forums. SR just posted BW's explanation for the shitty texture quality... working as intended. The new meme is that they used the "high res" version of the game for journalists and publicist then foisted the low-res version on the release client because their customer base PC's couldn’t handle it.    :ye_gods: :heartbreak:

This has more holes than a colander and look forward to days of incandescent nerd-fury over this.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Threash on January 11, 2012, 09:16:32 AM
Level 20 and 40 bounty hunter pvp armor is boss.  So is the chest from bt.  If you want a full mandalorian type set you have to wait until the bonus series from taris to get one.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 11, 2012, 09:18:28 AM
Oh wow, this should be interesting  :uhrr:

But didn't they already say towards the end of beta that high-res textures would be making a return? Or at least a lot of the angst posts that I've seen have claimed they did, not sure if they ever actually said it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 09:50:49 AM
The best thing about trooper armor is playing the Flags Of The World game while leveling up: try to combine your chestpiece/belt/leggings/boots in a way that the colors resemble those of a country's flag! Spain / France / Netherlands / Russia / Hungary / other 3-color-stripe flags are easy, then it gets trickier.

Poland is cheating.

I just farmed a level 40 pvp suit for Dorne and Myself and haven't looked back. You can't really see it, but we have level 42 pvp weapons as well, the rifle sounds very Star Wars. That's something that I find kinda funny, going through orange rifles trying to find one that not only looks good, but sounds 'right'. A lot of them sound really weird.

Also got M1-4X a customization kit on the Illum sec key vendor

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on January 11, 2012, 10:01:25 AM
Oh dear.

There's a colossal rage-storm brewing on the official forums. SR just posted BW's explanation for the shitty texture quality... working as intended. The new meme is that they used the "high res" version of the game for journalists and publicist then foisted the low-res version on the release client because their customer base PC's couldn’t handle it.    :ye_gods: :heartbreak:

This has more holes than a colander and look forward to days of incandescent nerd-fury over this.


Can you clear up why people are mad about the low-res thing?

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 10:04:31 AM
This has more holes than a colander

No, no it doesn't. I suppose it does if you think making games is simple though.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: proudft on January 11, 2012, 10:04:53 AM
They think they're missing out on something glorious, I imagine.  

Antialiasing should really help smooth things out (har har) once that is finally in.  I will definitely be using that, hopefully the font isn't further blurred by it (man that is a blurry font in the chat window).  Fordel's screenshots are jaggy central, especially the robut.  

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 10:05:18 AM
People want pretty things mostly.

The difference in quality between the 'Hi-Res' textures from dialogues and the 'Normal' textures from regular play is very noticeable. So people feel like they are getting ripped off or whatever. Bloodworth is going into details about it in the patch-notes thread.

Here is a picture of the same armor in a talky scene.

I have like 90% of the graphic settings set to low and my computer is far from some super gaming beast. The difference is VERY noticeable and the game would indeed look a shit load better if we could have those textures all the time.

Is that actually possible? Apparently not right now.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 10:09:13 AM
I was, but very rarely does rational thought trump perception. LOTRO did the same thing BTW. Later they added a high rez client pack as an optional download. Quite sure it will happen here. Had the High/Med/Low option been there, I wonder if people would still be up in arms. Granted, I am quite sure the majority of players did not notice, or care.

I'm sure it will be on Kotaku shortly.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 11, 2012, 10:11:16 AM
It should, and soon.  The game looks "ok" on my rig and it's getting 100fps on avg with everything maxed and forcing 8xaa via the Nvidia panel.  The shots Fordel posted look like a different game to me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 10:12:22 AM
Considering they are just adding AA, and still tweaking shadows. I would not hold your breath. It also likely lowered CS calls by millions.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 10:13:51 AM
Shadows is my biggest performance hit, I can't have them on, just those little fake blob shadows, or I drop down to like 10 FPS.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 10:14:53 AM
Shadows are ALWAYS the biggest performance hit.  :grin:  Also, technically a texture.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Miasma on January 11, 2012, 10:15:28 AM
LOTRO did the same thing BTW. Later they added a high rez client pack as an optional download. Quite sure it will happen here.
I think the problem here is more that there are already high rez textures included with the client, that you can see in cutscenes compounded with the fact that they had a "high" option for textures in the preferences that didn't work.  It being the internet this led to all sorts of conspiracy theories, bioware not commenting on the whole thing for a good while didn't help either.

I can understand them having to make graphic versus performance decisions but the way they went about it was pretty badly done.

I hope they change the system such that at least my and my companion can be shown in the high rez at all times.  I don't really care about the other fifty people sitting at the gtn kiosk with me.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 10:16:44 AM
I'll grab a screen shot of what Dorne herself looks like in normal gameplay compared to the talky cutscenes. That's a pretty glaring difference too.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tyrnan on January 11, 2012, 10:19:09 AM
I hope they change the system such that at least my and my companion can be shown in the high rez at all times.  I don't really care about the other fifty people sitting at the gtn kiosk with me.

Guild Wars did this and it seemed to work very well. Not sure if the client still does it given how much more powerful hardware is these days.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 10:31:06 AM
Here compare:

To This:

Same armor, same NPC, same computer/settings etc. That's a *huge* difference, even to me, and I'm far from a stickler about super duper fancy graphics and shit.

Bonus Picutre of my Ship  :why_so_serious: :

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Morfiend on January 11, 2012, 10:48:02 AM
I have no where near top of the line PC, but not old ether. Its over18 months old. i7 950, with 8gb ram. Raptor 160gb HD. My graphics card is pretty good but also a year old. A Nvidia 570 GTX.

I can run the game with every setting on high (except V-Sync) at 2500x1600 resolution, and it looks amazing. I notice a huge improvement in the graphic quality going from 1900x1200 to 2500x1600. The main reason I run so high is that I hate the huge UI, and running at a high resolution makes the UI scale down.

I am thinking that the AA will have a big improvement.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 10:50:39 AM
Hell, I don't have an "i" anything, and seem to get some stunning visuals. That's why I don't get the problem of the lower textures. Its still higher than many MMO's. With possible exception of Rift. ( Rift is really the only comparable MMO on the market that uses even near the same features ).

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 10:58:32 AM
Here compare:

To This:

See, though. The GD in me asks "Yeah, but your second shot is a highly unlikely view. Its not common place. Texture overhead better spend elsewhere". Same line of thinking as to why you don't use your whole UV space on the underside of a table. Just less a guiding force here. Though I bet, if they added high to the preview or paper doll and a zoom, people would also be less likely to attempt this view.

For the record, I'm all for the option to turn them on. But I can't fault them for scaling them back for launch. Especially if the data says it reduced issues across the board. Proprieties trump here.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: kildorn on January 11, 2012, 11:11:50 AM
That second shot is in the ship. It's a known quantity of possible textures you're going to be busting out (you + companions), and if you're there poking around, you're looking/chatting. It should be treated as cutscene quality even if you're looking at it from a resource budget perspective.

In combat you're not going to be staring at your companion's face. Shit's going down. But in an area with no combat, and a lot of idle character interaction time? My brain doesn't look at that and say "shut the textures down, SHUT THEM ALL DOWN", it says "this is one of the more common times people will actually be checking out their companions"

All that said, it's just kind of standard in PC gaming to let the gamers hang themselves with settings. Remember all the rage about RAGE when it decided rigs weren't beefy enough to run high textures? If I have 15 FPS at crazy resolution, my own damned problem and I can shut some stuff off. But if I'm sitting at 20% system utilization and you have better graphics in your back pocket.. let's stop being coy and render every hair on Aric's fuzzy head.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 11, 2012, 11:22:05 AM
You know where they need to give you the high res textures? On the damn dressing room preview. An image big enough to see with the naked eye would be good, too.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Paelos on January 11, 2012, 11:25:01 AM
At no point in the game have I noticed any of this.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 11, 2012, 11:26:13 AM
You know where they need to give you the high res textures? On the damn dressing room preview. An image big enough to see with the naked eye would be good, too.
And make that window movable while at it. Or heck, just put it somewhere where it doesn't cover the "next page" button in the AH interface :uhrr:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 11, 2012, 11:37:49 AM
You know where they need to give you the high res textures? On the damn dressing room preview. An image big enough to see with the naked eye would be good, too.

STOP copying!   :why_so_serious:


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: ajax34i on January 11, 2012, 11:38:45 AM
Yup, the thread (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162569) on the official forums is going strong.  Lawsuits have been threatened (and posts removed), screenshots from several older MMO's have been linked, showing much higher quality character clothing / textures, and there's the typical back and forth between "running fine" people and "looks like shit" people.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 11, 2012, 11:40:11 AM
Considering they are just adding AA, and still tweaking shadows. I would not hold your breath. It also likely lowered CS calls by millions.

I wonder just what the shadow issue is.  I imagine my rig is just powering through the problems, but other than the jaggies that the Nvidia tweak can't fix I've had no performance problems with them.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 11:44:40 AM
Shadows, well anything but light maps, are just notoriously expensive. Its an area in real time rendering that has volumes ( pun ) written about it with no clear "we solved it" yet.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: eldaec on January 11, 2012, 11:57:59 AM
I run it on a laptop and it is smooth as anything with all settings to 'high'. But the textures are pretty poor on a large screen.

My current helmet looks completely different in the two modes, full of intricate detailing in conversations, plain slab of gold in normal play (when it isn't turned off entirely).

I had understood high res textures worked fine in beta? They can't possibly be causing server load so I assume they were just turned off in another of EA's 'saving players from themselves' cockpunches.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Rokal on January 11, 2012, 11:59:12 AM
I could have seen if they didn't include any high res textures to keep the install size friendly, but it seems silly to have them in the game and not give players the option of using them.

Simple solution: a graphics option for "high resolution textures outside of conversations" that defaults to off. If you enable it, you get a small warning dialogue that it may cause stability issues.

Bioware doesn't have to deal with people complaining about stability with default settings, everyone is happy.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: VainEldritch on January 11, 2012, 12:03:45 PM
Yup, the thread (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=162569) on the official forums is going strong.  Lawsuits have been threatened (and posts removed), screenshots from several older MMO's have been linked, showing much higher quality character clothing / textures, and there's the typical back and forth between "running fine" people and "looks like shit" people.


Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 11, 2012, 12:29:16 PM
Its like a downward spiral of word twisting and self-imposed-created-misunderstanding.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: 01101010 on January 11, 2012, 12:48:51 PM
Its like a downward spiral of word twisting and self-imposed-created-misunderstanding.

It's an official forum for a game. That is the beauty of it.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 11, 2012, 01:12:12 PM
You know where they need to give you the high res textures? On the damn dressing room preview. An image big enough to see with the naked eye would be good, too.
And make that window movable while at it. Or heck, just put it somewhere where it doesn't cover the "next page" button in the AH interface :uhrr:

I can see the next page button when I preview. What I CAN'T see are the prices. <3

But yeah, especially in the case of previewing companion appearance mods, I need to be able to actually SEE beyond "aWell now Dorne has black hair. I'm not sure about that face. I can't really tell. Well, I am swimming in creds, I guess I'll try it." <two minutes pass> "AUGH."

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 01:14:26 PM
You're buying kits for Drone but your poor Forex is languishing in defaultness!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 11, 2012, 01:37:38 PM
Because I keep forgetting what planet his awesomeness is on. Plus it'll break my head less when HE changes appearance, because he's a droid, so I can be lazy about it. I want Aric and Dorne to look how they look as early as possible, though, because it's weird when your girlfriend suddenly looks entirely different!

Aric with Elvis hair = <3

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Fordel on January 11, 2012, 01:41:03 PM
Poor dumb Aric.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: tmp on January 11, 2012, 04:13:18 PM
I can see the next page button when I preview. What I CAN'T see are the prices. <3
Dang, it must be resolution specific then or smth. At 1680x1050 the window positions itself just right to cover only one button. And the prices, too, but that's probably for the best :grin:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sjofn on January 11, 2012, 05:04:53 PM
Yeah, I'm at 1920x1200. Not seeing the prices is probably for the best, yes.  :heart:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: UnSub on January 11, 2012, 06:04:45 PM
Can you clear up why people are mad about the low-res thing?

Because it's the only think PC gaming has left over consoles.  :why_so_serious:

However, it is just a bad excuse. A better one would have been, "We were noticing odd bugs in hi-rez mode and we are fixing them and will release it 'soon'". Telling players that they couldn't handle it is a great way of stirring up player drama.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Ingmar on January 11, 2012, 06:05:50 PM
Yeah, I am pretty certain my machine could operate in cut-scene quality mode all the time without issue (perhaps barring shadows, but hey, I can turn those down.)

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: rattran on January 11, 2012, 11:42:19 PM
Yeah, with everything set to max, I get a pretty consistent 100+ fps. Give me something to turn up higher so I stop wasting those 40+ frames extra!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Tarami on January 11, 2012, 11:47:37 PM
Get a 120 Hz screen instead. :awesome_for_real: It's awesome!

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on January 12, 2012, 01:47:45 AM
MMOs never get graphics right. I still can't run EQ2's shadows properly, after a gazillion patches. But it is funny if the devs are pretending that the issues are due to SWTOR being a graphical milestone instead of shoddy coding.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Trippy on January 12, 2012, 01:52:51 AM
Trion did a very good job with their heavily modified Gamebryo graphics engine. I could tell the HeroEngine SWTOR uses sucked major donkey balls cause I couldn't play it on one of my laptops with the lowest settings at 1080p while RIFT runs fine with lowered settings at 1080p and looks far far better than SWTOR.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Merusk on January 12, 2012, 03:23:45 AM
You could tell Hero Engine was going to suck because it was in development 7 years and never released anything until BWA bought it.  Lest we forget, HJ was in dev. the same time as EQ2 and had one of their first previews at E3 2005.   :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: jakonovski on January 12, 2012, 01:05:00 PM
With the last patch my SWTOR has started throwing me BSODs, of the "irql not less or equal" variety. It only happens once per 10 hours or something similar, but it's hella annoying.

Title: Re: What's going right/wrong with launch...
Post by: Sky on January 12, 2012, 01:17:59 PM
We need more threads that derail into graphics imo.

Going back to RE for a second, I did the Tatooine balloon last night. Decided to send my guys on a bunch of tier 1 missions and let Blizz work on RE for my IA. Boots: four greens for the 1st blue, three more got me the proper blue I wanted. Two blues for the purple. I gave up on the belt after THIRTY REs of the GREEN. Luckily it was only costing me 1 tier 1 compound, but I was chuckling toward the end. Something is definitely fishy there, but it was nice to see at least some recipes are still responsive.

Apply this to the top tier stuff and it gets to be such a stupid timesink, combined with restrictive recipes, explains my crap gear at level 48. The full set of level 49 tank greens is promising, since it's stacked with absorb, meaning I can RE through the +shield line and get some decent shield tech gear. Decided just to wait for that.