
f13.net General Forums => Movies => Topic started by: DraconianOne on December 06, 2012, 01:51:12 AM

Title: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on December 06, 2012, 01:51:12 AM
Not sure why there wasn't already a thread for this. Anyway, teaser trailer:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jFZOicwtBw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jFZOicwtBw)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on December 06, 2012, 01:59:12 AM
Why is Picard doing the voice over (at least for part of it)? :headscratch:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 06, 2012, 02:24:14 AM
Star Trek: More Lensflare?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on December 06, 2012, 03:45:31 AM
Why is Picard doing the voice over (at least for part of it)? :headscratch:

He isn't, that voice is Benedict Cumberbatch, they do sound quite similar though.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Numtini on December 06, 2012, 04:34:04 AM
So Star Trek is now a superhero franchise? Seriously, that makes me want to go firebomb the studio it's so horrible and anti-star trek looking.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on December 06, 2012, 04:45:19 AM
Star Trek: Inception Horn

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 04:47:53 AM
So Star Trek is now a superhero franchise? Seriously, that makes me want to go firebomb the studio it's so horrible and anti-star trek looking.

I am with you being the son of a Trekkie who religiously watched ToS when she was a kid like I did with Xfiles. However, the greater message/moral of the story Trek movies would probably be lost on this current audience. New generation of Trek, new theme I suppose. I'll still see it mainly because Pine shows flashes of Shatner every so often and that always makes me smile.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 05:11:02 AM
Cummerbatch as Khan.

What is this, I don't even.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 06, 2012, 05:32:44 AM
Star Trek movies were always kind of shit, the hour long episode format never translated well onto the big screen.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 06, 2012, 05:38:05 AM
You wash your mouth out with soap, young man.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Cyrrex on December 06, 2012, 05:41:49 AM
He isn't far wrong.  Pretty much all Trek movies feel like slightly longer TV episodes in terms of both writing and actual production values.  That doesn't make them shit automatically, but it does feel a bit like cheating.

Not counting the reboot, which was a full fledged AAA affair.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 05:45:12 AM

More of what I was talking about.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on December 06, 2012, 06:06:36 AM

That's the current speculation, anyway.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: satael on December 06, 2012, 06:17:59 AM
That trailer seems to be more about Michael Bay explosions than exploring new worlds and going where no man has gone before.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 06:20:48 AM

That's the current speculation, anyway.

Hmmm.  That works a little better, I guess.  Wiki needs to sort itself out.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 06, 2012, 06:31:04 AM
Trailer reminded me of the Aliens teaser trailer. I liked it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Numtini on December 06, 2012, 06:31:45 AM
However, the greater message/moral of the story Trek movies would probably be lost on this current audience

That's, of course, why the TV execs intervened in the third season then cancelled the show in the first place.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Bunk on December 06, 2012, 06:36:52 AM

That's the current speculation, anyway.

Hmmm.  That works a little better, I guess.  Wiki needs to sort itself out.

So does that make the blonde in the trailer

edit: added spoiler tag

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 06:38:24 AM
That would also make sense.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on December 06, 2012, 06:58:25 AM
You wash your mouth out with soap, young man.

There has only been 2 decent trek movies, Khan and the last one.

But otoh there has only been one and a half decent trek series. TNG and half of DS9. So maybe its a wash.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 07:13:44 AM
You wash your mouth out with soap, young man.

There has only been 2 decent trek movies, Khan and the last one.

But otoh there has only been one and a half decent trek series. TNG and half of DS9. So maybe its a wash.


I partially agree with you on the movies - but they were all decent, even the Save the Whales one (though that was by far the weakest), but Khan was great. However, again, I see this through a Trekkie genetic lens. I always prefer ToS to the rest of the them.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 06, 2012, 07:18:35 AM
No, save the whales was one of the best it just hasn't aged well to young eyes.

Saying that V was in any way "decent" and was in any way shape or form better than IV has invalidated all your opinions anyway.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: murdoc on December 06, 2012, 07:41:58 AM
You wash your mouth out with soap, young man.

There has only been 2 decent trek movies, Khan and the last one.

But otoh there has only been one and a half decent trek series. TNG and half of DS9. So maybe its a wash.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 06, 2012, 08:15:29 AM
I am excited by the trailer, if only for Cummerbatch.

Not sure what we are trying to discern as "super hero" versus the old stuff.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on December 06, 2012, 08:15:51 AM
Saying that V was in any way "decent" and was in any way shape or form better than IV has invalidated all your opinions anyway.  :awesome_for_real:

Yeah. V was a goddamn abomination. I think only Nemesis and that shitty TNG one on the magic healing planet with Zit-Faced Worf came close to its shittiness.

I am not a Trekkie - I'm old skool TOS all the way. I thought TNG got way too touchy-feely preachy. DS9 was good because it WASN'T that, had a more naturalistic feel. Khan was certainly the best Star Trek movie with the reboot my second favorite. I hope that this isn't Khan. I thought the trailer looked like a good action movie. That's what Trek is now.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 08:37:29 AM
Saying that V was in any way "decent" and was in any way shape or form better than IV has invalidated all your opinions anyway.  :awesome_for_real:

Yeah. V was a goddamn abomination. I think only Nemesis and that shitty TNG one on the magic healing planet with Zit-Faced Worf came close to its shittiness.

I am not a Trekkie - I'm old skool TOS all the way. I thought TNG got way too touchy-feely preachy. DS9 was good because it WASN'T that, had a more naturalistic feel. Khan was certainly the best Star Trek movie with the reboot my second favorite. I hope that this isn't Khan. I thought the trailer looked like a good action movie. That's what Trek is now.

But it gave us, 'What does God need with a star ship' !!!

(yeah... it was pretty horrible. Guess I blocked that one out and handwaved it away under the guise of retiring ToS cast still chasing the dragon)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 08:43:27 AM
I still reckon the people who didn't like V never actually watched The Original Series.  After all, it was simply one of the 15 episodes where The Enterprise met God.

(Yeah, it was awful, I'm just sayin' )

Also, there are people here, IN THIS VERY FORUM, who like First Contact.  Showing that there's no accounting for taste and being a cockgobbler.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 06, 2012, 08:44:27 AM
Alright, the one with the magic planet which kept everyone healthy, and it seemed that the entire planet was empty except for one village of aryan supermodels . . . and these ugly people wanted to move in and get some of that magic because they had a fatal illness . . . but they weren't allowed to because they were too ugly and not blonde enough . . . what was up with that? That planet must have had loads of empty room.

I was on the side of the villains in that one.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 08:44:59 AM
Yes.  Insurrection was utter shite.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on December 06, 2012, 08:54:29 AM
Also, there are people here, IN THIS VERY FORUM, who like First Contact.  Showing that there's no accounting for taste and being a cockgobbler.

Call me Mr.Cockgobbler then.

Maybe I just don't take Star Trek srsly enough though; I've enjoyed most of the Star Trek films by and large, although Nemesis and Insurrection just weren't very interesting.

I do have a real soft spot for Star Trek VI, what's not to love about a Shakespeare-quoting mad Klingon General trying to start a war eh?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 09:06:43 AM
Not much.  Especially when he burst into Eidelweiss.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on December 06, 2012, 09:13:14 AM
Star Trek is at it's best when it is being slightly daft I feel. Better then than when it is trying to philosophise.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on December 06, 2012, 09:28:36 AM
Also, there are people here, IN THIS VERY FORUM, who like First Contact.  Showing that there's no accounting for taste and being a cockgobbler.

It WAS the best of the TNG movies. That doesn't make it GREAT, mind you, but it sure as shit beat out the other three TNG movies. And V. And there was no Veeger.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tazelbain on December 06, 2012, 09:36:05 AM
Star Trek use to a vehicle for challenging ideas.  Now it is a vehicle for action movies. Sadly we have few of the former and plenty of the latter.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Numtini on December 06, 2012, 09:39:21 AM
Star Trek shouldn't be movies. They just end up being bad episodes stretched to two hours by too many special effects.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 09:45:42 AM
Movies in general are more about the visuals than they are about the story. I thought Star Trek: The Motion Picture had a hell of a story to it. Star Trek II tied directly back to an episode which brought all the fans back to the theaters and then they just had to see what happened to Spock since he IS Star Trek. I am still amazed that the first 6 movies cost as much to make COMBINED as the reboot cost. Hell, after The Motion Picture, they were cheap as hell and brought in buckets of money. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_%28film_series%29

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on December 06, 2012, 09:47:46 AM
I liked most of the Star Trek movies, never really understood the hate.  The later few TNG ones were shitty, but other than that I got enjoyment out of watching most of them (I thought VI was really good, actually).

Also, anybody who doesn't like the one in San Francisco with the whales is litterally Hitler.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on December 06, 2012, 10:02:35 AM
Here's a Japanese version of the trailer with about 15s extra footage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrHlQUXFzfw&feature=youtube_gdata_player)


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 06, 2012, 10:19:48 AM
Regardless of anything else, I enjoy so much how J.J. Abrams really likes to fuck with the audience. (as in the last bit in the Japanese trailer.)

He's the most trollish director that ever trolled.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 10:40:08 AM
Also, there are people here, IN THIS VERY FORUM, who like First Contact.  Showing that there's no accounting for taste and being a cockgobbler.

It WAS the best of the TNG movies. That doesn't make it GREAT, mind you, but it sure as shit beat out the other three TNG movies. And V. And there was no Veeger.

You go to Hell.  You go to Hell and you Die.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 06, 2012, 10:44:46 AM
Here's a Japanese version of the trailer with about 15s extra footage (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrHlQUXFzfw&feature=youtube_gdata_player)


I came.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Bunk on December 06, 2012, 10:45:26 AM
A summary of my opinion on the Star Trek movies, just because I felt like going through them and thinking about it.

Number               Title                                  Release date   Director   
1   Star Trek: The Motion Picture                    7-Dec-79     Robert Wise     Long and boring, but kinda trippy.
2   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan                  4-Jun-82   Nicholas Meyer   Awesomesauce. Gritty and intense, though the final battle sucked.
3   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock            1-Jun-84     Leonard Nimoy     I enjoyed it. Was silly, but Star Treky. Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon, lol.
4   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home                  26-Nov-86   Leonard Nimoy   Light hearted and entertaining.
5   Star Trek V: The Final Frontier                    9-Jun-89     William Shatner     Derp
6   Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country          6-Dec-91   Nicholas Meyer   My personal Favorite, hands down. Enjoyed it more than Kahn, though Kahn was probably a "better" movie.
7   Star Trek: Generations                                 18-Nov-94   David Carson   A joke. Dumb plot, horrible waste of the premise.
8   Star Trek: First Contact                                22-Nov-96     Jonathan Frakes   A decently entertaining movie. Got too silly in spots, but the best of the Next Gen.
9   Star Trek: Insurrection                                11-Dec-98                          Felt like a mediocre episode of the TV series, with 45 minutes of padding added. Crap
10   Star Trek: Nemesis                                 13-Dec-02   Stuart Baird   Bizarre. Just never clicked at all for me.
11   Star Trek                                                 8-May-09   J. J. Abrams   Supprisingly good, lense flare and all. My third favorite. Totally new feel, but it works.
12   Star Trek into Darkness         

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on December 06, 2012, 10:57:53 AM
You're going to need to return your beret now, Bunk.  Sorry.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 06, 2012, 11:01:21 AM
Oh, a Star Trek movie about revenge. How novel.  :uhrr:
Maybe in nuTrek III the Tribbles will come back for revenge and need to be punched with lens flares.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 11:03:51 AM
My list of top three Trek movies would have to go:

Wrath of Khan - having seen 'Space Seed' several times on TV, having Khan return after all that time with the same actors? Hell yeah. Creatures in our bodies! This was the calling back to all those 70s trekkies.

Star Trek (reboot) - Really did not think this would work at all, and even though it is a 'YAY EXPLOSIONS - FLARE!!' movie, the actors really did a huge justice to the original cast save for Sulu who needs to be a little more swishy to pull off George's mojo. But honestly, each actor had a few moments where they actually looked, sounded, and acted like their counterparts in the original cast. Never would have thought Eomir could pull off Bones, but holy fuck he was exactly DeForrest. The story was bleh and the writing was kinda crap, but the actors becoming the originals made the movie for me.

The Motion Picture - Hot bald girl in a long satin shirt? Case closed. But really... The story is fucking cool in hooking into the Voyager probes which I really got into when I was a kid right around when this movie came out.

Save the Whales I just couldn't do at all and was at the bottom of my list. Landing a cloaked Klingon ship in Golden Gate Park? And no one bumps into a landing gear? Where the hell did Sulu get that helicopter and no one takes notice IN GOLDEN GATE PARK of a helicopter hovering there and watching shit disappear? Couldn't get past all the wtf and that is before the whole save the environment-our future depends on it theme... Too many NO NO NO parts. And really.. covering up Spock's ears they are concerned with?? In San Fran?  no thanks.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on December 06, 2012, 11:15:09 AM
A summary of my opinion on the Star Trek movies, just because I felt like going through them and thinking about it.

Number               Title                                  Release date   Director   
1   Star Trek: The Motion Picture                    7-Dec-79     Robert Wise     Long and boring, but kinda trippy.
2   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan                  4-Jun-82   Nicholas Meyer   Awesomesauce. Gritty and intense, though the final battle sucked.
3   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock            1-Jun-84     Leonard Nimoy     I enjoyed it. Was silly, but Star Treky. Christopher Lloyd as a Klingon, lol.
4   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home                  26-Nov-86   Leonard Nimoy   Light hearted and entertaining.
5   Star Trek V: The Final Frontier                    9-Jun-89     William Shatner     Derp
6   Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country          6-Dec-91   Nicholas Meyer   My personal Favorite, hands down. Enjoyed it more than Kahn, though Kahn was probably a "better" movie.
7   Star Trek: Generations                                 18-Nov-94   David Carson   A joke. Dumb plot, horrible waste of the premise.
8   Star Trek: First Contact                                22-Nov-96     Jonathan Frakes   A decently entertaining movie. Got too silly in spots, but the best of the Next Gen.
9   Star Trek: Insurrection                                11-Dec-98                          Felt like a mediocre episode of the TV series, with 45 minutes of padding added. Crap
10   Star Trek: Nemesis                                 13-Dec-02   Stuart Baird   Bizarre. Just never clicked at all for me.
11   Star Trek                                                 8-May-09   J. J. Abrams   Supprisingly good, lense flare and all. My third favorite. Totally new feel, but it works.
12   Star Trek into Darkness         

This pretty much tallies with my feelings.


Director:   Impression:
William Shatner   Derp


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 06, 2012, 11:20:28 AM
Are they ripping off Wrath of Khan fucking AGAIN?  Jesus Christ.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 11:32:58 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 06, 2012, 11:43:50 AM

They didn't do Khan, so they gave Gary Mitchell a revenge story. Because herp derp Wrath of Khan. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 11:45:40 AM
But that Japanese trailer makes it look like Spock dies in the radiation chamber AGAIN.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 06, 2012, 11:47:59 AM
But that Japanese trailer makes it look like Spock dies in the radiation chamber AGAIN.


Star Trek III: Return of Zombie Spock

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 06, 2012, 11:54:08 AM
I imagine everything in that trailer is designed to specifically fuck with the different camps on who they think the baddie is. We don't really have any reason to assume that that IS spock.

Edit: To rephrase a bit. It could be spock, but it could also be not spock.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 06, 2012, 11:58:20 AM
But that Japanese trailer makes it look like Spock dies in the radiation chamber AGAIN.


Yeah. I suspect that even though it's not WOK (or even Space Seed) they're not above ripping out bits from WOK and recycling them.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 12:01:06 PM
I imagine everything in that trailer is designed to specifically fuck with the different camps on who they think the baddie is. We don't really have any reason to assume that that IS spock.

Edit: To rephrase a bit. It could be spock, but it could also be not spock.

So you're saying we'll only know for sure once we open the chamber ?

Because that sounds quite familiar.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 06, 2012, 12:02:42 PM
I imagine everything in that trailer is designed to specifically fuck with the different camps on who they think the baddie is. We don't really have any reason to assume that that IS spock.

Edit: To rephrase a bit. It could be spock, but it could also be not spock.

So you're saying we'll only know for sure once we open the chamber ?

Because that sounds quite familiar.

Schroedinger's Spock.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on December 06, 2012, 12:17:25 PM
Cummerbatch as Khan.

What is this, I don't even.

Here's how this came out at my house.  I, of course, don't watch TV or otherwise get exposed to media and so my wife asks me to guess who is the villain in the new Star Trek.  After "There's a new Star Trek?  Is it J.J.?" I pop out "Khan!", to which she replies, "No, Benedict Cumberbatch!"


Now that I know he's actually playing Khan, though....

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 06, 2012, 12:24:57 PM
If they're actually literally redoing Wrath of Khan, wouldn't this movie have to be set some time into or after the TOS timeline, when Kirk first meets Khan?  I thought they were still prequel-ing.  It's a pretty big jump from Cadet Kirk to Captain Kirk.

My assumption is that it's some previously unseen villain who wants revenge against the hero for some goddamn reason and therefore wants to destroy the Earth, and the hero must save the Earth by punching the villain in the face.  You know, same plot as the last two Trek movies.

(edit) Actually, I forget, did the last movie have a fistfight between Kirk and the bad guy?  I just know that all the TNG movies involved Picard getting into a hand to hand fight with the bad guy at the end for no goddamn good reason.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 12:37:00 PM
Are you kidding ?

They totally had a fist fight on board the Romulan ship that was entirely constructed of walkways and plunges to certain death.

Because that's how you BUILD a ship.

Also, lens flare.

(Edit :  Although 'Got Your Gun' was a good line.)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Bunk on December 06, 2012, 12:42:29 PM
1   Star Trek: The Motion Picture                      I forget, I fell asleep
2   Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan                    Space Fight (in 3d!)
3   Star Trek III: The Search for Spock                Fist Fight
4   Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home                      Run Away!
5   Star Trek V: The Final Frontier                    blocked from my memory
6   Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country                Space Fight   
7   Star Trek: Generations                             Fist Fight
8   Star Trek: First Contact                           Gun Fight
9   Star Trek: Insurrection                            Fist Fight
10   Star Trek: Nemesis                                Fist Fight
11   Star Trek                                         Fist Fight/Space Fight
12   Star Trek into Darkness                        

Seems Picard was the on for fist fight endings.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 06, 2012, 12:43:57 PM
Saying that V was in any way "decent" and was in any way shape or form better than IV has invalidated all your opinions anyway.  :awesome_for_real:

Yeah. V was a goddamn abomination. I think only Nemesis and that shitty TNG one on the magic healing planet with Zit-Faced Worf came close to its shittiness.

I am not a Trekkie - I'm old skool TOS all the way. I thought TNG got way too touchy-feely preachy. DS9 was good because it WASN'T that, had a more naturalistic feel. Khan was certainly the best Star Trek movie with the reboot my second favorite. I hope that this isn't Khan. I thought the trailer looked like a good action movie. That's what Trek is now.

Piling on here. IV was a fine movie, V is among the 5 worst movies I've ever seen in a theater.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 06, 2012, 12:49:12 PM
Cummerbatch as Khan.

What is this, I don't even.

Here's how this came out at my house.  I, of course, don't watch TV or otherwise get exposed to media and so my wife asks me to guess who is the villain in the new Star Trek.  After "There's a new Star Trek?  Is it J.J.?" I pop out "Khan!", to which she replies, "No, Benedict Cumberbatch!"


Now that I know he's actually playing Khan, though....

She may have got it right. I don't mind who the villain is, I'm just looking forward to seeing Benedict Cumberbatch play him.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 06, 2012, 12:58:41 PM
It's funny in that V was one of the movies that most closely resembled the original series.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 01:04:06 PM
It's funnier someone said that ten minutes ago.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 06, 2012, 01:27:02 PM
Are you kidding ?

They totally had a fist fight on board the Romulan ship that was entirely constructed of walkways and plunges to certain death.

Wasn't kidding, I must have forgotten it because it wasn't either awesome or stupid enough to remember.  Picard punching bad guys is so inherently stupid that I remember all of those more clearly.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 01:36:10 PM
It was real stupid shit, but strangely compelling.

I did like the reboot.  Oddly.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on December 06, 2012, 01:46:29 PM
The reboot is one of the best-cast films I can think of, and I think that really makes a huge difference.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 06, 2012, 02:22:49 PM
If they're actually literally redoing Wrath of Khan, wouldn't this movie have to be set some time into or after the TOS timeline, when Kirk first meets Khan?  I thought they were still prequel-ing.  It's a pretty big jump from Cadet Kirk to Captain Kirk.

My assumption is that it's some previously unseen villain who wants revenge against the hero for some goddamn reason and therefore wants to destroy the Earth, and the hero must save the Earth by punching the villain in the face.  You know, same plot as the last two Trek movies.

(edit) Actually, I forget, did the last movie have a fistfight between Kirk and the bad guy?  I just know that all the TNG movies involved Picard getting into a hand to hand fight with the bad guy at the end for no goddamn good reason.

The summaries online say the baddie also destroys the entirety of Starfleet' ships which is why the Enterprise must intervene against a former Starfleet member out for revenge, so.. yeah.  :awesome_for_real:

Nothing about what I've seen has screamed Khan to me other than fans fervent wishes. Just because it's Spock* in a radiation chamber doesn't mean it has to be Khan. Just that Spock has to do it to save the Enterprise for whatever reason the plot contrivance demands.  Stealing memorable moments from the old franchise to 'update' them for the new audience is nothing new for J.J.  Spock & Uhura, The Orion girl Kirk beds, Christopher Pike's injury, etc.

 * The hands look a lot like Quinto's hands, which we saw plenty of close-ups of in Heroes as he was eating brains and fixing watches.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 06, 2012, 02:24:57 PM
It's funnier someone said that ten minutes ago.


Whoops, had my Scottish filter turned on.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on December 06, 2012, 02:27:07 PM
The reboot is one of the best-cast films I can think of, and I think that really makes a huge difference.

My favorite choice is still Karl Urban as McCoy.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 06, 2012, 03:37:16 PM
Nothing about what I've seen has screamed Khan to me other than fans fervent wishes. Just because it's Spock* in a radiation chamber doesn't mean it has to be Khan. Just that Spock has to do it to save the Enterprise for whatever reason the plot contrivance demands.  Stealing memorable moments from the old franchise to 'update' them for the new audience is nothing new for J.J.  Spock & Uhura, The Orion girl Kirk beds, Christopher Pike's injury, etc.

No, it totally looks like Gary Mitchell, but all the wiki and imdb say Khan.

Double bluff, methinks.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 06, 2012, 03:41:36 PM
Nothing about what I've seen has screamed Khan to me other than fans fervent wishes. Just because it's Spock* in a radiation chamber doesn't mean it has to be Khan. Just that Spock has to do it to save the Enterprise for whatever reason the plot contrivance demands.  Stealing memorable moments from the old franchise to 'update' them for the new audience is nothing new for J.J.  Spock & Uhura, The Orion girl Kirk beds, Christopher Pike's injury, etc.

No, it totally looks like Gary Mitchell, but all the wiki and imdb say Khan.

Double bluff, methinks.

IMDB lists it as a "rumor". IMDB is community driven and wikipedia, as far as I see says "the villain".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 06, 2012, 03:53:31 PM
Triple bluff. It's going to be Harry Mudd.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 06, 2012, 03:55:18 PM
My triple bluff: it's actually John Frederick Paxton's clone!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: angry.bob on December 06, 2012, 05:25:23 PM
The summaries online say the baddie also destroys the entirety of Starfleet' ships which is why the Enterprise must intervene against a former Starfleet member out for revenge, so.. yeah.  :awesome_for_real:

WTF. Wasn't the entirety of Starfleet's ships destroyed in the first movie? I know Star Trek is a model of socialist utopianism, but replacing fleets of starships every couple of years would be crazy expensive. Also:

Roberto Orci, who co-wrote the script for the current film with Alex Kurtzman and whose previous projects include "Transformers" and "Mission: Impossible III
This will be a fucking travesty.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on December 06, 2012, 06:03:14 PM
Triple bluff. It's going to be Harry Mudd.

I'm on this train now.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 06, 2012, 06:03:51 PM
Damn you all for saying it all already  :grin:

So I'll go along the "burn it all down" vector.

I also loved First Contact for the same reason I loved JJ Abram's first pass and his new trailer:

Take all the goddamned rules and canon and toss all that shit right out the window. None of it was ever good enough that it couldn't be replaced, or they wouldn't have kept reinventing it. Each series either struggled to get going or struggled to keep going. In large part it was because the core concept of superior space diplomacy is boring. Once they learned that again in TNG, they went into a kinda interesting direction. And after they realized Space Soap was boring, DS9 got good. Voyager never really took off though afaik and I don't even want to think about Enterprise.

There's nothing sacrosanct that the world can't do without.

I appreciate these reboots because there's a chance the series can have some legs. My only issue with the trailer is less about the story (which is still all guesswork) than that it released before they had enough post-production assets to show space stuff. Right now it feels like Mass Effect.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 06, 2012, 06:34:04 PM
WTF. Wasn't the entirety of Starfleet's ships destroyed in the first movie? I know Star Trek is a model of socialist utopianism, but replacing fleets of starships every couple of years would be crazy expensive. Also:

Also, you crew them with people in Starfleet academy and then you graduate whoever is left alive from the resulting massacre. Save on pay & pension costs. Win!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 06, 2012, 07:07:29 PM
The summaries online say the baddie also destroys the entirety of Starfleet' ships which is why the Enterprise must intervene against a former Starfleet member out for revenge, so.. yeah.  :awesome_for_real:

WTF. Wasn't the entirety of Starfleet's ships destroyed in the first movie? I know Star Trek is a model of socialist utopianism, but replacing fleets of starships every couple of years would be crazy expensive. Also:

Roberto Orci, who co-wrote the script for the current film with Alex Kurtzman and whose previous projects include "Transformers" and "Mission: Impossible III
This will be a fucking travesty.

Orci and Kurtzman wrote the first nuTrek. Which I thought was balls, but most don't, so I agree that Into Derpness is probably going to stink, but wanted to be fair with the credits there.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on December 06, 2012, 08:20:59 PM
I'm starting to think some people don't enjoy the original series.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on December 06, 2012, 08:43:06 PM
The summaries online say the baddie also destroys the entirety of Starfleet' ships which is why the Enterprise must intervene against a former Starfleet member out for revenge, so.. yeah.  :awesome_for_real:

WTF. Wasn't the entirety of Starfleet's ships destroyed in the first movie? I know Star Trek is a model of socialist utopianism, but replacing fleets of starships every couple of years would be crazy expensive. Also:

Eh..., I'm under the impression that a large part of the fleet was destroyed, not all of it, leaving them some wiggle room.  The Start Trek universe seems to recover fast from fleet wiping events anyways (see the borg invasion) so I don't really mind it.  Guess we'll see how they portray the current universe in this movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MahrinSkel on December 06, 2012, 08:48:37 PM
I think they only build ships in docks as a make-work project, when they need a lot in a hurry they just use huge replicators.


EDIT: "Yeah, Borg coming again, better run off another dozen Galaxy-class"

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on December 07, 2012, 01:14:43 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Quinton on December 07, 2012, 01:30:08 AM
The casting on the Star Trek reboot movie was fantastic.  The writing/story was pretty meh.  Time travel is such a horrible crutch for Star Trek, they really should avoid it. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Cyrrex on December 07, 2012, 01:41:01 AM
It really was great casting.  I thought they did everyone well except for Sulu...I can't even fucking remember Sulu in that movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 07, 2012, 02:29:24 AM
I didn't gel with their interpretation of Spock, I felt Zachary Quinto just looked either petulant or constipated. Combined with lensflare and and various situations which were just badly thought through as "comical relief" (the scene where they beamed into the ship, and one got caught in a tank? Yeah, that one sucked nuts.) etc, and I just felt the entire movie turned into one big meh-fest.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on December 07, 2012, 03:27:08 AM
The casting on the Star Trek reboot movie was fantastic.  The writing/story was pretty meh.  Time travel is such a horrible crutch for Star Trek, they really should avoid it. 

I really didn't mind in Star Trek: Lens Flare. It confined itself to the premise, and helped you believe their was some actual threat.

Didn't mind it in Star Trek : Lol The Whales, as that was clearly a star trek parody.

But First Contact can eat a dick.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Cyrrex on December 07, 2012, 03:53:02 AM
I didn't gel with their interpretation of Spock, I felt Zachary Quinto just looked either petulant or constipated. Combined with lensflare and and various situations which were just badly thought through as "comical relief" (the scene where they beamed into the ship, and one got caught in a tank? Yeah, that one sucked nuts.) etc, and I just felt the entire movie turned into one big meh-fest.

Really?  I thought he was perfect for it.  I thought the script made him a little more petty than we are used to, but they also made it fairly clear that they were changing him and his relationship to Kirk quite a bit (at least, for the first movie alone).  Whether that was a good idea or not is debatable, but I thought Quinto was ideal for the role.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 07, 2012, 03:56:13 AM
The summaries online say the baddie also destroys the entirety of Starfleet' ships which is why the Enterprise must intervene against a former Starfleet member out for revenge, so.. yeah.  :awesome_for_real:

WTF. Wasn't the entirety of Starfleet's ships destroyed in the first movie? I know Star Trek is a model of socialist utopianism, but replacing fleets of starships every couple of years would be crazy expensive. Also:

If you recall, Spock's whole line of thought was to follow orders and "rendezvous with the rest of Star Fleet in the Lorenchian system." So there was still some of the fleet left from whatever the hell diplomatic show of force they were doing there.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 07, 2012, 04:28:29 AM
The worst thing about First Contact (beyond Zephram Cochrane being a douche and the team being cunts on the planet and the 'hard drinking arrrrg' and the fucking Vulcans visiting like fucking Greys) was the way they'd clearly looked at the Aliens movies and decided, that's what we want the Borg to do.  

It was Frakes being a wank and a hack.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on December 07, 2012, 06:49:56 AM
Page 3, nearly 4, from the first released trailer.  You guys take your Trek very seriously.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 07, 2012, 07:14:59 AM
It's just the age of the geeks assembled showing through!  If we were 10 years younger I figure there'd be less discussion.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on December 07, 2012, 08:17:42 AM
You guys take your Trek very seriously.

There's another way to take it??

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 07, 2012, 08:21:10 AM
The casting on the Star Trek reboot movie was fantastic.  The writing/story was pretty meh.  Time travel is such a horrible crutch for Star Trek, they really should avoid it. 

The casting was great. I could see the potential. Everything else was crap. Maybe if they took Abrams, Orci and Kurtzman out for a drive and stranded them in the woods, they could get some competent writers and director and do something with the cast.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 07, 2012, 08:43:20 AM
I'm going to raise something that's bothered me for a while but I've never had the courage to say publicly before:

Is JJ Abrams overrated? I mean, Alias was great fun and the first season or two of Lost was genius, but nothing else has lived up to that. I'm not saying he's a bad writer or producer, he's just not what we hoped.

In other words, he's no Joss Whedon.

Maybe I should watch Fringe?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 07, 2012, 08:51:09 AM
His stuff is consistently good and entertaining. Some of it, like you have said, is really great watching.

I think that's enough to put him ahead of many.

Joss Whedon? This show is now canceled.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: apocrypha on December 07, 2012, 08:53:52 AM
I'm going to raise something that's bothered me for a while but I've never had the courage to say publicly before:

Is JJ Abrams overrated? I mean, Alias was great fun and the first season or two of Lost was genius, but nothing else has lived up to that. I'm not saying he's a bad writer or producer, he's just not what we hoped.

In other words, he's no Joss Whedon.

Maybe I should watch Fringe?

J.J.Abrams isn't overrated by me, I think he's deeply mediocre.

He's great at giving you a glimpse of how good things could be... and then snatching it away in a shower of ridiculously over-budgeted CGI and plot holes the size of Jupiter.

Fringe is a perfect example: potentially great, big budget, interesting premise, mostly good production values and even some OK acting... but pissed away into a filthy pool of bad writing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: rattran on December 07, 2012, 10:19:09 AM
I had no idea there were that many Star Trek films, I gave up after the 'Lol God' movie, and whatever the first Next Gen one was. The new one looked interesting until I saw it had old Spock in it, and figured it'd be stupid time travel bullshit.

I'll just watch TOS on Hd and Bluray, and hope for better for In To Derpness.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 07, 2012, 10:34:57 AM
He's fantastic for ideas and creating worlds and characters.  He sucks at telling stories.   

Yes, he's overrated but I feel the same way about Whedon.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 07, 2012, 11:50:18 AM
Time travel is such a horrible crutch for Star Trek EVERYTHING EVER, they really should avoid it. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on December 07, 2012, 11:54:28 AM
Looper was pretty good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 07, 2012, 12:09:11 PM
Voyager soured me on time travel stories in Trek, because it seemed like the writers wanted to do some crazy dramatic shit, like blowing up Voyager, or killing off a character, but then they had to reset everything before the end of the episode, so they'd indulge themselves and then reset everything with time travel.
Doing that once or twice is ok, but Voyager pulled that crap at least once a season, if not more often. And then it was the main plot of the series finale.   :uhrr:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on December 07, 2012, 12:11:54 PM
Star Trek always had much better success with the Evil Federation mirror universe stuff than with the time travel stuff.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 07, 2012, 12:13:59 PM
Time travel is such a horrible crutch for Star Trek EVERYTHING EVER, they really should avoid it. 


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 07, 2012, 12:23:47 PM
Eh..., I'm under the impression that a large part of the fleet was destroyed, not all of it, leaving them some wiggle room.  The Start Trek universe seems to recover fast from fleet wiping events anyways (see the borg invasion) so I don't really mind it.  Guess we'll see how they portray the current universe in this movie.
Iirc there were 8 ships that went to meet the (apparently Borg-modified according to the comic book I didn't read) Nautilus Nemo ship. 7 of them were killed on sight. But that wasn't the bulk of the fleet I don't think. Spock wouldn't have thought there'd be a chance to "balance the engagement" if the Laurenthian Abyss fleet was anything less than probably double what got annihilated.

The worst thing about First Contact (beyond Zephram Cochrane being a douche and the team being cunts on the planet and the 'hard drinking arrrrg' and the fucking Vulcans visiting like fucking Greys) was the way they'd clearly looked at the Aliens movies and decided, that's what we want the Borg to do. 
There were quite a few different pop culture references in First Contact. The only Aliens-esque scene I can think of was when the sequence where the Borg first started abducting crew. Otherwise, it was straight out of TNG episodes. Except the Queen. That was a shame. Nothing like a clear leader to dilute the essence of a "collective conscious" :P

Star Trek always had much better success with the Evil Federation mirror universe stuff than with the time travel stuff.
Totally agree. Alternative dimensions > linear time travel in my opinion. You get all the fun of seeing how things could be different without the baggage of retconning history to that point. That TNG episode with Crusher getting stuck in that pocket universe was great at the end (though as usual, about 30 minutes of filler first...)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 07, 2012, 12:27:16 PM

The worst thing about First Contact (beyond Zephram Cochrane being a douche and the team being cunts on the planet and the 'hard drinking arrrrg' and the fucking Vulcans visiting like fucking Greys) was the way they'd clearly looked at the Aliens movies and decided, that's what we want the Borg to do.  
There were quite a few different pop culture references in First Contact. The only Aliens-esque scene I can think of was when the sequence where the Borg first started abducting crew. Otherwise, it was straight out of TNG episodes. Except the Queen. That was a shame. Nothing like a clear leader to dilute the essence of a "collective conscious" :P

You know what else had a Queen ?


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 07, 2012, 12:29:10 PM
Time travel is such a horrible crutch for Star Trek EVERYTHING EVER, they really should avoid it.  


I had to look at the URL to know who that was. The last Doctor I ever saw wore a striped suit with parsley attached to it.  :-P (Actually it was either him or the curly-haired asshole, I don't remember the order.)

I'll make an exception for him, though sure, as well as Time Bandits and Bill and Ted.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 07, 2012, 12:33:53 PM
Well, yes. But the impression I got was that you thought the entirety of the Borg in First Contact was modelled on Aliens, whereas I'm saying it was just that one sequence and the use of a Queen with everything else having already been established in the series (what they looked like, how they moved in that slow plodding way, the regen chambers, the synthesis of droid and organic tech like they were doing with Data, etc).

Because, ya know, it matters. Or something :-)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 07, 2012, 12:45:23 PM
The thing with slowly infesting/assimilating the Enterprise was also a lot more organic and Aliens-y and a lot less like the Borg from TNG.

I feel like if the Borg from TNG were going to assimilate an entire ship, they'd grab it in a tractor beam, drag it right into their giant fucking cube ship, and slice it up with lasers to extract the useful parts with maximum efficiency.  Remember the very first time the Enterprise met the Borg, how the first thing the Borg did was carve a core sample out of the saucer section and pull it out just to see what was in there?  That's what makes the Borg scary -- they are huge and faceless and powerful, and as far as they're concerned every other species is raw material to be processed.  They aren't quick or sly or sneaky because they don't need to be.  Having them creep and spread around like a Zerg infestation is missing the point.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on December 07, 2012, 12:49:00 PM
That's because the main Borg cube was blown up and it was only the remnants in the escape sphere that were able to transport onto the Enterprise before it too was destroyed.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 07, 2012, 12:53:03 PM
The thing with slowly infesting/assimilating the Enterprise was also a lot more organic and Aliens-y and a lot less like the Borg from TNG.

I feel like if the Borg from TNG were going to assimilate an entire ship, they'd grab it in a tractor beam, drag it right into their giant fucking cube ship, and slice it up with lasers to extract the useful parts with maximum efficiency.  Remember the very first time the Enterprise met the Borg, how the first thing the Borg did was carve a core sample out of the saucer section and pull it out just to see what was in there?  That's what makes the Borg scary -- they are huge and faceless and powerful, and as far as they're concerned every other species is raw material to be processed.  They aren't quick or sly or sneaky because they don't need to be.  Having them creep and spread around like a Zerg infestation is missing the point.


It was in Voyager that they started fucking around with the Borg and turning them into basically nanites.  It didn't really work and made it all techno-organic and shite.  I far preferred them when they were just a total and utter fucking rip off of Cybermen.

And it might not matter.  In any other thread.  Beyond the Star Trek one.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 07, 2012, 01:01:22 PM
That's because the main Borg cube was blown up and it was only the remnants in the escape sphere that were able to transport onto the Enterprise before it too was destroyed.

The concept of an "escape sphere" itself in the context of the Borg is fucking stupid.  It only makes sense if you have the concept of a Queen who is more important than the drones.  Which is itself fucking stupid.  It's like an Escher painting of missing the point of the Borg.

And yeah, I think we can blame the Voyager writers for most of it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 07, 2012, 01:07:36 PM
I don't remember much Voyager/Borg action except with the one where they started by beaming a proton torpedo onto the ship (was that the one with the guy from the 27th century that gave the doctor the improved SAG rates holo emitter)?

I feel like the Borg were screwed with too much to call First Contact "off". There was the Hugh episode which made them apparently easy to humanize. There was the Lore episode which made them both stupid and easily corruptible. There was the run-by-kids TOS-throwback episode in Voyager. Heck, as much as I enjoyed Best of Both Worlds, and consider it the turning point of TNG itself, they deviated from that by only partially assimilating Picard (which was obvious even before they stated it in First Contact). I don't recall any DS9 episode with them save the premiere. And while some of the books were fun, particulary Peter David's Vendetta, that matters as much to lore as SW EU stuff.

I agree the Queen was just wimping out and going with "bad guy" in lazier movie making than "the bad guy is technology run amock across a communist paradise". But the vibe I got was less Aliens than it was ants. And because they never were any more consistent than "techy bad guys who speak in echo" in any of the series leading up to that point, it didn't bother me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 07, 2012, 01:14:10 PM
Doctor Who is the Nightmare Before Christmas of this generation.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 07, 2012, 01:14:16 PM
Was Vendetta that one that brough the Planet Eater from ToS back to kill the Borg ?  Because that one was wank.

But the vibe I got was less Aliens than it was ants.

 :oh_i_see: :uhrr: :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 07, 2012, 01:14:32 PM
Doctor Who is the Nightmare Before Christmas of this generation.

What does that mean ?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 07, 2012, 01:16:53 PM
Mediocre to good but with "cult" following that is anything but small.  It's something people watch to get cred with their respective subcultures that has little to do with any sort of quality.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 07, 2012, 01:27:35 PM
Um.  OK.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 07, 2012, 01:33:08 PM
Much as I enjoyed buffy and angel as well, they were also incredibly overrated.  Things we enjoy, this scifi stuff and star trek in particular, are not generally good shows. They entertain us and fill a need for fantasy but if you take a couple steps back there are wrought with plot holes and bad acting, unconvincing situations and other problems that would not be tolerated in other genres.

Doctor Who is particularly offensive because in america it's got a factor of "foreign coolness" to it that kids here use to express how much cooler they are for watching something on bbc america.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 07, 2012, 01:36:07 PM
Mediocre to good but with "cult" following that is anything but small. 

My Little Pony would be the canonical example these days.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 07, 2012, 01:44:26 PM
And I will e-stab anyone in the face who says Nightmare was only mediocre.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on December 07, 2012, 01:51:40 PM
Well, yes. But the impression I got was that you thought the entirety of the Borg in First Contact was modelled on Aliens, whereas I'm saying it was just that one sequence and the use of a Queen with everything else having already been established in the series (what they looked like, how they moved in that slow plodding way, the regen chambers, the synthesis of droid and organic tech like they were doing with Data, etc).

Because, ya know, it matters. Or something :-)
The Borg Queen was just the Cyber Leader in a fetish suit, of course.

Doctor Who is the Nightmare Before Christmas of this generation.
Go fuck yourself, dickbrain.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 07, 2012, 01:55:38 PM
Much as I enjoyed buffy and angel as well, they were also incredibly overrated.  Things we enjoy, this scifi stuff and star trek in particular, are not generally good shows. They entertain us and fill a need for fantasy but if you take a couple steps back there are wrought with plot holes and bad acting, unconvincing situations and other problems that would not be tolerated in other genres.

Doctor Who is particularly offensive because in america it's got a factor of "foreign coolness" to it that kids here use to express how much cooler they are for watching something on bbc america.

Don't even blink. Blink and you're dead.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 07, 2012, 02:01:47 PM
Was Vendetta that one that brough the Planet Eater from ToS back to kill the Borg ?  Because that one was wank.
But the vibe I got was less Aliens than it was ants.

 :oh_i_see: :uhrr: :oh_i_see:
Yea. But I admit to not knowing the what "wank" means in this context. Hated it or loved it?

Reason I said "ants" is because Aliens aliens move really fast whereas ants seem to sorta plod along. Maybe there's more similarity? Now I'm remembering how much I thought the opening dream sequence in First Contact reminded me of Aliens face huggers. Damn you pop culture!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Abagadro on December 07, 2012, 02:20:52 PM
I thought you meant the Woody Allen cartoon.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Mrbloodworth on December 07, 2012, 02:55:01 PM
What is wrong with you people. Its like a bunch of hipsters invaded.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on December 07, 2012, 03:06:09 PM
What is wrong with you people. Its like a bunch of hipsters invaded.

F13 was a bunch of hipsters before hipsters were hipsters.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on December 07, 2012, 03:16:19 PM
It all stems from schild and his béret-wearing film critiques :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: NowhereMan on December 07, 2012, 03:17:12 PM
Was Vendetta that one that brough the Planet Eater from ToS back to kill the Borg ?  Because that one was wank.
But the vibe I got was less Aliens than it was ants.

 :oh_i_see: :uhrr: :oh_i_see:
Yea. But I admit to not knowing the what "wank" means in this context. Hated it or loved it?

This thread is wank. Also equating Dr. Who with Buffy and Angel? I don't even :uhrr:

And all this in the Trek film thread, it's the escher of nerd culture :drill:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 07, 2012, 05:04:21 PM
And I will e-stab anyone in the face who says Nightmare was only mediocre.

I am ASSUMING we are on the same side, for I agree and I will stab.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on December 07, 2012, 06:45:49 PM
And I will e-stab anyone in the face who says Nightmare was only mediocre.
I'll give them to Oogie Boogie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 07, 2012, 07:05:44 PM
Nightmare was very good but it got put on a really high pedestal but I can't be the only one thinking Dr Who is overrated...really? I mean yes my opinion and all, maybe I'm that one guy but it really does nothing for me and I LIKE scifi.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 07, 2012, 07:47:15 PM
Nightmare was very good but it got put on a really high pedestal but I can't be the only one thinking Dr Who is overrated...really? I mean yes my opinion and all, maybe I'm that one guy but it really does nothing for me and I LIKE scifi.

Be careful of the "and i LIKE scifi". Sci-Fi has always been... pretty much my favorite genre, and I've always liked Doctor Who. There are plenty of die hard Sci fi fans that do as well.

Seriously, it CAN just come down to taste.

Except for Nightmare. You're stupid and should feel bad if you don't like it. But then, it's one of my most favorite things ever.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on December 07, 2012, 10:11:35 PM
Slamming Nightmare and Who?

I will rip off your head and hire your favorite actor to shit down your neck.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 07, 2012, 10:17:16 PM
Slamming Nightmare and Who?

I will rip off your head and hire your favorite actor to shit down your neck.

Overrated is different from slamming, I like nightmare but come on.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 08, 2012, 12:04:31 AM

It was in Voyager that they started fucking around with the Borg and turning them into basically nanites.  It didn't really work and made it all techno-organic and shite.  I far preferred them when they were just a total and utter fucking rip off of Cybermen.

And it might not matter.  In any other thread.  Beyond the Star Trek one.

Sorry. The "assimilation by biting you to turn you into a zombie stinging you with Nanites that turn you into Borg" started in First Contact. The Borg hadn't even turned up in Voyager at that stage.

And the Borg were at their best by being a unified FORCE of cybermen that chewed you up and then spat the bits of you they didn't like out. That started eroding when Picard was grabbed. Basically the Borg began losing it at the end of Part 1 of TBOBT because the writers just felt that every enemy has to have a face/leader, and could not comprehend that this was a time to break the rules.

Ironically, Doctor Who made the same mistake with the Daleks when they were became basically the puppets of Davros/the Dalek Emporer. There's no menace in a bunch of puppets.

First contact was a bad zombie movie with "alcoholic historical figures doing it for the money" to give it edge. It was terrible, and I've rarely been so let down by a movie in my life.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 08, 2012, 12:47:15 AM
Ironically, Doctor Who made the same mistake with the Daleks when they were became basically the puppets of Davros/the Dalek Emporer. There's no menace in a bunch of puppets.

When did this happen ?

I can't think of a single story where Davros wasn't entirely fucked over by his own creations.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on December 08, 2012, 03:50:49 AM
Nightmare was very good but it got put on a really high pedestal but I can't be the only one thinking Dr Who is overrated...really? I mean yes my opinion and all, maybe I'm that one guy but it really does nothing for me and I LIKE scifi.
So you're saying that the longest running TV sci-fi series in the entire world is only popular because it's a fad?


I mean, I know that there's an awful lot of Trekkies butthurt ITT because J. J. Abrams made Star Trek actually popular rather than just 'popular with Trekkies' popular but there's no real need to project that elsewhere.

E: Davros and the Daleks fucked over each other equally, iirc. 4thDoc might not have outright destroyed the cyborg pepperpots back in 'Genesis' but having Davros around turned them from "United, all-conquering Empire" into "squabbling factions being fucked over by each other" right up until 7thDoc kicked the Time War into high gear by giving Davros a certain stellar manipulator and saying "Don't throw me into that Briar Patch use the Hand of Omega".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on December 08, 2012, 06:37:13 AM
Trek movies popular with Trekkies are ones that'll actually stand the test of time, whereas Trek done for the current pop masses are just a moneygrab.  They're not movies in the sense of art, they're just diversions from current events.  The latter is what Abrams is good at.

I'll watch the movie because I'm sure it'll be good entertainment, but in the back of my head I'll still be wanting.

Also, didnt Abrams say his next Trek film would likely involve Khan in some way, with a twist?  I'm hearkening back to before his reboot came out and he was being interviewed.  If I had to guess he's merging the Mitchell and Khan tropes into one movie, which honestly sounds intriguing to me.  Both characters are similar in a lot of ways.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on December 08, 2012, 06:46:32 AM
Trek movies popular with Trekkies are ones that'll actually stand the test of time, whereas Trek done for the current pop masses are just a moneygrab. 
{citation needed}

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on December 08, 2012, 06:53:09 AM
And I will e-stab anyone in the face who says Nightmare was only mediocre.
So am I ok if I just say it was bad then?   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 08, 2012, 09:02:04 AM
Trek movies popular with Trekkies are ones that'll actually stand the test of time, whereas Trek done for the current pop masses are just a moneygrab.  They're not movies in the sense of art, they're just diversions from current events. 
Uh, that kinda describes all of Trek ever. Let's not turn the IP into something more than a mere entertainment distraction that just happened to appeal to a narrower audience than Family Ties.

Movies that stand a test of time are good movies. This applies to Trek as well. Bad ones only stand up to trekkies who really want to like it just like any movie or TV that has a niche audience. Plenty of people don't like Firefly either. But me really loving it doesn't makle it "stand the test of time". It just makes me part of a niche.

Basically the Borg began losing it at the end of Part 1 of TBOBT because the writers just felt that every enemy has to have a face/leader, and could not comprehend that this was a time to break the rules.
Which was my earlier point: At that point there was only ever one other Borg episode. Basically that means there was never enough establishing principal that defined the Borg, which means they were making it up as they went from the very second appearance on forward.

This is why I can't get annoyed that some IP foundation was violated by First Contact. It's not like they had some deeply defined origin story.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 08, 2012, 09:30:40 AM
They did for First Contact with the Vulcans and who the fuck the inventor of the warp drive was.

Both of which they took a steaming fucking dump on.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 08, 2012, 09:31:56 AM
Which was my earlier point: At that point there was only ever one other Borg episode. Basically that means there was never enough establishing principal that defined the Borg, which means they were making it up as they went from the very second appearance on forward.

This is why I can't get annoyed that some IP foundation was violated by First Contact. It's not like they had some deeply defined origin story.

No, but neither should we be surprised that the Borg turned into impotent vilians in Voyager, when the writers used them more as typical Trek antagonists.
It's more a waste of a great setup.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: KallDrexx on December 08, 2012, 09:58:39 AM
Just to stir up the nerd rage, cause there isn't enough in this thread


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on December 08, 2012, 10:02:44 AM
Wow, what an interesting thread. I'll join those who say Dr. Who is overrated. I love the theme song and the general idea but I have trouble getting past the production values of the show and the general weirdness. I think I like my sci-fi too "serious" to be able to enjoy Dr. Who.

Hmmm, what else to say? First Contact is the only good TNG movie. Khan and Undiscovered Country are the only good TOS movies. Abrams Trek is the 2nd best Trek movie IMO. (Khan holds first place but I have to admit it is probably just nostalgia at this point.)

Trek movies popular with Trekkies are ones that'll actually stand the test of time, whereas Trek done for the current pop masses are just a moneygrab.  

Is this a subtle sarcastic remark? All Trek movies are money grabs. None of them are timeless classics. The only difference is that prior Trek movies were money grabs aimed at the specific fan base. Abrams tried to widen it to modern audiences while not alienating the prior base. (Something I think he mostly succeeded at except the truly hardcore.)

Oh, and finally, I disagree about Time Travel being bad, particularly in these movies. Usually time travel is annoying because nothing changes. This movie changed a ton in response to the time travel and indeed, that was the entire reason they used it, so they could make a Trek movie but not get caught in decades of Canon continuity. For Abram's Trek I think time travel was not only used well but was necessary.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 08, 2012, 11:16:06 AM
Trek movies popular with Trekkies are ones that'll actually stand the test of time, whereas Trek done for the current pop masses are just a moneygrab.  

Is this a subtle sarcastic remark? All Trek movies are money grabs. None of them are timeless classics. The only difference is that prior Trek movies were money grabs aimed at the specific fan base. Abrams tried to widen it to modern audiences while not alienating the prior base. (Something I think he mostly succeeded at except the truly hardcore.)

I think you're using the term Moneygrab so loosely as to make it meaningless. Every movie wants to make a profit.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 08, 2012, 12:15:15 PM
Hmmm, what else to say? First Contact is the only good TNG movie. Khan and Undiscovered Country are the only good TOS movies. Abrams Trek is the 2nd best Trek movie IMO. (Khan holds first place but I have to admit it is probably just nostalgia at this point.)
I was going to argue that you were totally and utterly wrong about the Abrams Trek being the 2nd best trek movie, but I decided to rewatch it just to make sure it wasn't just lensflare hate which made me want to argue against you.

Turns out it was, mostly. I still think Zachary could do with looking less petulant in some scenes, and there were the occasional scene which should die in a fire (the beam aboard enterprise scene, where scotty gets trapped, for one, and the scene where they beam aboard the "cargobay" was somewhat akin to george lucas style bumbling about and magically getting the right outcome), but overall it wasn't as bad as I remembered it as.

But, if Abrams is still doing his whole lensflare bullshit in the next film, then I hope someone stomps on his nuts, repeatedly. If he could also step away a bit from the Jason Bourne camerashake/zoom filming style, that'd be grand too, but my hate for the lensflares could probably generate its own singularity by now.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 08, 2012, 04:34:27 PM
They did for First Contact with the Vulcans and who the fuck the inventor of the warp drive was.

Both of which they took a steaming fucking dump on.

I'm with you on Zephram Cochrane. The book "Federation" was a much better Cochrane origin story. It humanized him in a way that would have worked just as well as 90s-era pseudo-emo drunk guy. And they wouldn't have even needed to include the antagonist and all the time jumping (though Sidewarp 55 at the end was kinda fun).

Also, the movie environment totally didn't gel for me that the dystopian landscape he lived it would result in the resources necessary for a warp drive, and "about the money" when there didn't appear to be much of a working economy.

But still enjoyable movie as movies go, which is more important to me than being sacrosanct. Even the treatment of the Vulcans didn't bother me, though that whole sequence could have gone away. Forced urgency that whole thing. Lazy, like someone said earlier.

Just to stir up the nerd rage, cause there isn't enough in this thread
Holy shit that's awesome! First, where's the beam coming from? Second, that's not how the shields worked in 1701-A era. Thrid, don't think the Death Star could survive being that close to the ground. Fourth, the beam would be getting bigger as it got close to the Enterprise for now other reason than depth and distance.

Love it!  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 08, 2012, 07:37:47 PM
Clearly the 01-a up there had traveled forward in time and gotten a shield upgrade.  The Death Star is so unconcerned at this tiny ship that's 1/5 the size of a Star Destroyer that it's just plinking a simple surface-mount ion cannon at it.   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 08, 2012, 09:38:00 PM
uh... that's Saturn in the background or some other ring planet, not a beam.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on December 08, 2012, 09:58:42 PM
Heh, didn't even see it that way till you mentioned it, but that could be what it is.

But I'm almost certain its meant to be a laser bouncing off the enterprises shields.
Clearly the 01-a up there had traveled forward in time and gotten a shield upgrade.  The Death Star is so unconcerned at this tiny ship that's 1/5 the size of a Star Destroyer that it's just plinking a simple surface-mount ion cannon at it.   :why_so_serious:

Last I checked, tiny ships where the only thing that can destroy the death star.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Morat20 on December 08, 2012, 10:03:45 PM
Who the hell is Gary Mitchell? Was he the guy that went Space Insane when he tried to leave the Galaxy? (You know, there really were a strangely large amount of god-like aliens in TOS. From Greek-god ones to those strange "We're just gonna stop your war now, k?" energy guys).

I'm pretty happy if Star Trek moves away from Space Gods and more into Superior Tech Advantages, which sorta fits how sci-fi (and culture in general) have shifted since the 70s.

As long as what face-rapes Starfleet boils down to "Yeah, you guys are basically sharp rocks versus guns here. It's gonna be bad" and not "Behold my Ascended Awesomness as I rewrite reality" I'm gonna be okay.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on December 08, 2012, 10:59:26 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on December 09, 2012, 05:01:19 AM
Am I the only one would love a good star trek war movie?  Just Klingons and Romulans and some bigass space battles, with fleets of ships not just 2?  Or is this just not in the spirit of trek? (or wishful thinking of an old trek muse player)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 09, 2012, 06:55:45 AM
Am I the only one would love a good star trek war movie?  Just Klingons and Romulans and some bigass space battles, with fleets of ships not just 2?  Or is this just not in the spirit of trek? (or wishful thinking of an old trek muse player)

Fuck lolCircles fighting.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 09, 2012, 07:32:04 AM
Ya know, in thinking about space battles vs Trekbattles, a movie of Trek battles wouldn't break the lore. LOLcircles are kinda how they're always handled, in TNG and DS9 (and First Contact). So they'd look stupid to people who want real sci-fi space battles, but it's not like that's the target audience of Trek movies anyway.

Heh, didn't even see it that way till you mentioned it, but that could be what it is.

Lol. But nah. The shape of the "planet" is wrong, and the right side of the ring is in front of the Death Star. Now, sure, a ringed planet could be more oval, and the Death Star could actually be a few million miles in diameter to make that perspective work. But I kinda doubt both :-)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 09, 2012, 09:13:15 AM
Successful troll was successful. I almost took the bait myself.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on December 09, 2012, 10:48:17 AM
Trek movies popular with Trekkies are ones that'll actually stand the test of time, whereas Trek done for the current pop masses are just a moneygrab.  

Is this a subtle sarcastic remark? All Trek movies are money grabs. None of them are timeless classics. The only difference is that prior Trek movies were money grabs aimed at the specific fan base. Abrams tried to widen it to modern audiences while not alienating the prior base. (Something I think he mostly succeeded at except the truly hardcore.)

I think you're using the term Moneygrab so loosely as to make it meaningless. Every movie wants to make a profit.

In this context, what I mean by money grab is that the movies are made purely for money and without an eye to any kind of artistry. I quite enjoy 4 of the movies (the whale movie has aged poorly and is so juvenile that I find myself rating it as "watchable" at best.) but to call them timeless classics just makes me roll my eyes. They were made because Star Wars made so much money and Paramount saw dollar signs. Until Star Wars they were going to make a new Star Trek series but decided they could make more money with movies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 09, 2012, 11:20:32 AM
There was a Russian running about San Francisco looking for Nuclear Wessels.

What's not to love ???

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on December 09, 2012, 02:49:29 PM
It's a great popcorn movie. You know, like the first JJ Star Trek.  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 09, 2012, 03:33:29 PM
In this context, what I mean by money grab is that the movies are made purely for money and without an eye to any kind of artistry. I quite enjoy 4 of the movies (the whale movie has aged poorly and is so juvenile that I find myself rating it as "watchable" at best.) but to call them timeless classics just makes me roll my eyes. They were made because Star Wars made so much money and Paramount saw dollar signs. Until Star Wars they were going to make a new Star Trek series but decided they could make more money with movies.

There is certainly a balance between art, production and profit. I don't want to get all Business 101 here, but I feel that to say the Trek movies were moneygrabs implies you think other blockbuster-y IP extensions have more altruistic purposes.

IP extension is all business. The amount of money you get to spend making a movie is contingent on how much money you think you'll make from ticket sales and then after-market residuals. Same with videos games, cars, phones and just about anything else that is a good sold to a consumer or a company. They wouldn't call it "Star Trek" unless they thought the name, major protagonists, and the artists who define those characters had some cache. Sure, there's always an origin. ST: TOS, Firefly, Star Wars Ep IV. But your sequel or big screen adaptation comes entirely from the business calculus of that brand equity.

At the same time, to deliver a good experience, to build a brand that has equity, you need to deliver something people want. And that is where the art comes in.

If it's popular, that means the stars aligned between the business and the art. When it's just popular but quickly forgotten, the art failed (bad acting, bad story, bad editing). When it's just critically acclaimed but mostly a box office failiure, then the business side failed (bad planning, bad idea, bad targeting, bad marketing, bad theater support).

Buffs like to get neckbeard with their artistic value rating scales, and when it comes to certain movies, I'm right there with them. But nothing is intended to just be a moneygrab with no attempt at artistic merit.

tl;dr: just watch the movie credits to see how much art goes into a "moneygrab"   :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on December 09, 2012, 07:04:31 PM
It looks like this is the thread to just mash nerd IPs together. As such:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Kail on December 09, 2012, 07:23:59 PM
It looks like this is the thread to just mash nerd IPs together. As such:


Starring: Patrick Stewart as himself

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on December 09, 2012, 08:04:00 PM
I think you guys got played by Abrams.

It's not Mitchell or Khan. I'm 90% sure of it.

Almost all the trailer--and even Karl Urban's "oops, it's Mitchell" thing--is a deliberate misdirect. The bit from the Japanese version especially--I'd bet a lot that what you're seeing there is Captain (or Admiral) Pike getting killed/maimed right at the start of the film with Spock being unable to save him.

The main thing we know about the film's central story is that it's designed to be "Star Trek's version of Heart of Darkness"--they've been saying that from pretty much as soon as they had a shooting script. So that makes Cumberbatch like to be based in some sense on Kurtz--a loyal "company man" who has gone too deep into a place far beyond 'civilization' and turned against civilization as a result. That generally fits a lot of the teaser imagery and voice-over.

The other thing we know is that the villain is based on a TOS character--they've been clear about that too, and it fits the "I will have my vengeance".

That doesn't fit Khan (a conqueror from the beginning) or Mitchell (gone crazy because he's been turned into a god without any preparation). But it does fit a very common type of TOS antagonist: the Star Fleet captain/admiral gone tragically bad and turned against the Prime Directive and the ideals of the Federation. There's at least five or so you could choose who fit the basic archetype. Of them, I think the best fit by far, the one who has the most interesting backstory that you could open up, play with, and change usefully without losing the basic idea of the character, is

They're doing the same basic idea as Wrath of Khan--bring back a one-shot villain, spin him up a bit into a more memorable antagonist, give him more of a backstory. The only difference here is they're going to have to explain why  has a particular dislike for Kirk and Co. but maybe that will happen in the early part of the film.

Abrams also clearly loves tweaking the fans who think TOS was about deep ideas and philosophy and so on. I loved TOS as a kid and still like it, and love about half of TNG and DS9 but let's not give Roddenberry too much credit here.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 09, 2012, 08:25:40 PM
Too much credit for the thing he himself said he was trying?  For the thing a lot of hard sci fi at the time was also doing? Ok.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Hoax on December 09, 2012, 10:20:57 PM
The only thing I got from this thread is I'd really like to insult Doctor Who because I agree 100% that Stateside people fellate it because omfg european obscure shit they can claim they have watched even the ancient versions but to be honest I've never even tried to watch it beyond a random half a episode on tv once or twice. So where would I even start if I wanted to watch it? I'd seriously appreciate a recommendation.

To me Doctor Who being the longest running scifi means its probably as crap as  the longest running anime always are but that people are really trying to say its good-good surprises me somewhat.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 09, 2012, 11:55:07 PM
I grew up with it to an extent because the Tom Baker ones were on TV on PBS here in the Bay Area all the time in the 80s, when US science fiction was really hard to find and pretty shitty when it did exist. So, it isn't too hard for me to understand why people my age and older would have fond thoughts of it, there just wasn't much else available at the time (on TV) for science fiction fans. My understanding is it spent many, many years after that being shitty and only recently has been passable again and I assume that's why it seems to have come back to life as a fan thing. You never saw people talking about it in the 90s or early 2000s, at least around here.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 01:29:59 AM
Too much credit for the thing he himself said he was trying?  For the thing a lot of hard sci fi at the time was also doing? Ok.

In fairness, Rodenberry was quite clear that he made Wagon Train in Space.

Anything beyond that was luck.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on December 10, 2012, 01:34:14 AM
Regarding doctor who, you can easily tell whether an episode will be good according to the lead actor.

Up to Tom Baker - universally accepted as 'good'.
Peter Davison - generally thought of as good.
Colin Baker - bad on TV. I gather did some good radio plays.
Slyvester McCoy - bad
Paul McCann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant - good
Matt Smith - good performance, terrible script.

Most of the years it was believed shitty it wasn't on TV (and wasn't shitty on other media) so that may or may not count.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 01:42:22 AM
It's not Mitchell or Khan. I'm 90% sure of it.

who has gone too deep into a place far beyond 'civilization' and turned against civilization as a result. That generally fits a lot of the teaser imagery and voice-over.

Mitchell (gone crazy because he's been turned into a god without any preparation).  fit a very common type of TOS antagonist: the Star Fleet gone tragically bad and turned against the Prime Directive and the ideals of the Federation.

They're doing the same basic idea as Wrath of Khan--bring back a one-shot villain, spin him up a bit into a more memorable antagonist, give him more of a backstory.

I'm not sure you read your own Post.  While it seems that you particularly WANT it to be a certain someone, what you wrote actually fits nicely with what is already being speculated.  Still, it'll be interesting to see either way.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on December 10, 2012, 05:32:03 AM
Too much credit for the thing he himself said he was trying?  For the thing a lot of hard sci fi at the time was also doing? Ok.

In fairness, Rodenberry was quite clear that he made Wagon Train in Space.

Anything beyond that was luck.

Exactly. The best episodes were in many cases made despite Roddenberry--luck of drawing a great writer, luck of the ideas his performers had, which over time accumulated to give a sense that the show was doing more thoughtful SF (given that the other examples of televisual SF were "Lost in Space" and its ilk, not a hard bar to clear). And the fans did a lot to make the episodes more textured and layered and interesting than they often were--it's the original great example of how geek hermeneutics created a bigger, better text around a beloved source material. Roddenberry was clearly a serious creative drag on early TNG--he'd come to believe his own press too much, so among other things he kept insisting that there could be no sustained interpersonal conflict between crew members because the Federation had evolved past that sort of thing. He was also the guy who kept insisting that the Ferengi be portrayed as moronic perverts who had a thing for naked humanoid women and other dumb bits in the early TNG episodes.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on December 10, 2012, 05:35:55 AM
It's not Mitchell or Khan. I'm 90% sure of it.

who has gone too deep into a place far beyond 'civilization' and turned against civilization as a result. That generally fits a lot of the teaser imagery and voice-over.

Mitchell (gone crazy because he's been turned into a god without any preparation).  fit a very common type of TOS antagonist: the Star Fleet gone tragically bad and turned against the Prime Directive and the ideals of the Federation.

They're doing the same basic idea as Wrath of Khan--bring back a one-shot villain, spin him up a bit into a more memorable antagonist, give him more of a backstory.

I'm not sure you read your own Post.  While it seems that you particularly WANT it to be a certain someone, what you wrote actually fits nicely with what is already being speculated.  Still, it'll be interesting to see either way.


Naw, see, Mitchell is a different trope--the danger of godly/superbeing levels of power, where you no longer care about the concerns of ordinary mortals. Sure, he's annoyed with Kirk personally because of the attempted abandonment, but mostly he's just overwhelmed with godly power.  is more like Captain Tracy and innumerable Admiral Dickweeds who decide the Federation is too weak (or who decide that breaking the Prime Directive to save their own skin is just fine). Which is way more like Kurtz in Heart of Darkness--gone mad because he thinks he's seen the truth about everything.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 10, 2012, 05:46:55 AM
Roddenberry's statement that the show was Wagon Train in space was due to its focus on individual characters as a means to sell the message.  This has been covered in every article or special I've ever seen about the show, and I'm not a Trekkie so I don't go hunting these things down.

But I've been on the 'net long enough to not argue this shit.  You're convinced it was never conceived to be more than pulp, fine. Run with it. There was no motive behind the interracial cast, the multiple analogues to problems of the 60's and wasn't meant to inspire hope for a better future.  It was all just a blatant attempt to cash-in on the hotness of space in the run up to the moon landing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on December 10, 2012, 06:12:21 AM
Roddenberry was clearly an idealist in a good way, and yes, that did influence the show in a good way and gave it a sense of being more than just a Space Western. But at least some of what came to be seen as Trek's characteristic tone was luck--the luck of writers, the luck of actors, the luck of the zeitgeist. As it always is with good shows--no show comes out exactly as planned by a masterful auteur. But the key point is that there's nothing fixed about Trek, e.g., the people who say, "Oh, no, Trek can't have tons of action, that's not what it's about", are really being too closed-minded.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 06:15:17 AM
Roddenberry's statement that the show was Wagon Train in space was due to its focus on individual characters as a means to sell the message.  This has been covered in every article or special I've ever seen about the show, and I'm not a Trekkie so I don't go hunting these things down.

But I've been on the 'net long enough to not argue this shit.  You're convinced it was never conceived to be more than pulp, fine. Run with it. There was no motive behind the interracial cast, the multiple analogues to problems of the 60's and wasn't meant to inspire hope for a better future.  It was all just a blatant attempt to cash-in on the hotness of space in the run up to the moon landing.

Wait, what ?  Why are you laying that last paragraph at my door ?

Edited :  wait, there was a post between us.  Maybe that wasn't at my door.  Arg.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 10, 2012, 06:52:46 AM
It looks like this is the thread to just mash nerd IPs together. As such:


Why is Starfire out of Teen Titans there too?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 10, 2012, 06:58:18 AM
The only thing I got from this thread is I'd really like to insult Doctor Who because I agree 100% that Stateside people fellate it because omfg european obscure shit they can claim they have watched even the ancient versions but to be honest I've never even tried to watch it beyond a random half a episode on tv once or twice. So where would I even start if I wanted to watch it? I'd seriously appreciate a recommendation.

To me Doctor Who being the longest running scifi means its probably as crap as  the longest running anime always are but that people are really trying to say its good-good surprises me somewhat.

There's an episode called Blink which somebody quoted from earlier and that's a contender for best standalone episode of recent years. I'd get hold of that somehow.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 07:06:02 AM
Blink is utter awesomesauce.  It's probably in the top ten episodes of Who ever.

Also, if you just want the new improved stuff, Girl in the Fireplace is also awesome (and written by the same chap, I think).

Dalek is a really good episode despite a teeny-tiny bit of handwaving and magic.

If you want to check out 'Old' episodes, you really can't go far wrong with anything that happened to Tom Baker, particularly the Origin of the Daleks and the follow up with the Movellans.  Watch the original Silurian or Sea Devil episodes with Pertwee, I remember those fondly.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 10, 2012, 07:41:25 AM
It looks like this is the thread to just mash nerd IPs together. As such:


Why is Starfire out of Teen Titans there too?

 :awesome_for_real: or  :uhrr:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 10, 2012, 07:47:07 AM
On Dr. Who one thing which american audiences do a lot, or perhaps geeks in general is say "I love Dr Who-Dr Who is awesome etc, etc"  It's like saying "I love star Trek" No, you don't.  You may love the concept but loving the whole of it is near impossible because it has varied so much in quality over it's decades long run.  Who has has as many or more bad runs than star trek, can anyone ever defend enterprise or voyager?

Blink was a good episode and there were plenty more good ones but on the whole it's just become trendy, overrated and in my opinion a series with more bad than good episodes which, ironically the same could be said for star trek, even though I love me some TNG and DS9.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 10, 2012, 07:52:48 AM
On Dr. Who one thing which american audiences do a lot, or perhaps geeks in general is say "I love Dr Who-Dr Who is awesome etc, etc"  It's like saying "I love star Trek" No, you don't.  You may love the concept but loving the whole of it is near impossible because it has varied so much in quality over it's decades long run.  Who has has as many or more bad runs than star trek, can anyone ever defend enterprise or voyager?

Blink was a good episode and there were plenty more good ones but on the whole it's just become trendy, overrated and in my opinion a series with more bad than good episodes which, ironically the same could be said for star trek, even though I love me some TNG and DS9.

NO ONE who is a fan of something says I LOVE ONLY 35% OF SOMETHING. People say "I love this thing".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 10, 2012, 08:04:03 AM
But there are people wearing Who T-shirts joining Matt Smith fan clubs and wearing fedoras that have only see 10% of the thing they are claiming to love.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 10, 2012, 08:12:09 AM
But there are people wearing Who T-shirts joining Matt Smith fan clubs and wearing fedoras that have only see 10% of the thing they are claiming to love.

So? They still love it. That statement borders closely to "I liked it better when it was underground".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 10, 2012, 08:15:14 AM
I see it more like twilight fans who proclaim to love vampires.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 08:16:41 AM
Well, anyone who says they love Dr Who based solely on the last couple of seasons needs knifed.

But I'm a moderate on these matters.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: sickrubik on December 10, 2012, 08:19:15 AM
I see it more like twilight fans who proclaim to love vampires.

But.. they do! No matter if WE might not like said vampires, they still like that shit. As for twilight fans.. the ones I know really like vampires. Hell, my fiancee is obsessed with Bela Lugosi and twilight.

Well, anyone who says they love Dr Who based solely on the last couple of seasons needs knifed.

But I'm a moderate on these matters.

Eh. I look at much more optimistically. "Hey, the crazy stuff I watched when I was growing up is now popular and packing convention centers! I'm glad people like it, because I always thought it was awesome!"

It probably also helps that the two newest doctors are roguishly handsome... OR AT LEAST THAT'S WHAT MY FIANCEE WOULD SAY HAHAHAH *coughs*.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 10, 2012, 08:23:08 AM
Obviously real Dr Who fans are busy debating the relative merits of Zoe (http://www.oocities.org/eviled666/zoe1.jpg) vs Victoria (http://blog.auntjanenation.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/VictoriaWaterfield3.jpg) but you can't expect today's young people to appreciate the fuzzy black and white stuff.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 10, 2012, 08:27:03 AM
When time is meaningless, both is an acceptable answer.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 10, 2012, 08:27:34 AM
You're only a REAL Dr. Who fan if you can take an alien made out of paper machie and a shower curtain seriously.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 08:31:32 AM
Eh. I look at much more optimistically. "Hey, the crazy stuff I watched when I was growing up is now popular and packing convention centers! I'm glad people like it, because I always thought it was awesome!"

Except that it always was popular and packed convention centers.

Maybe just over here tho.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 10, 2012, 08:35:46 AM
Eh. I look at much more optimistically. "Hey, the crazy stuff I watched when I was growing up is now popular and packing convention centers! I'm glad people like it, because I always thought it was awesome!"

Except that it always was popular and packed convention centers.

Maybe just over here tho.

In the states, Dr. Who was this incredibly obscure show that got put on PBS because anything from the BBC was "culture".  :awesome_for_real:
Just now with the Who revival, and BBC America, and the interbutz,  it's much more out there.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 10, 2012, 08:36:55 AM
My mother dragged me to every Star Trek convention that was within 200miles of Cleveland when I was growing up. I had no idea I should have been ashamed of it all - but who cares, I got to shake Leonard Nimoy's hand and mom got his autograph on a picture of the NCC-1701. Have to dig that up from the attic archives at some point.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on December 10, 2012, 08:52:35 AM
Nightmare was very good but it got put on a really high pedestal but I can't be the only one thinking Dr Who is overrated...really? I mean yes my opinion and all, maybe I'm that one guy but it really does nothing for me and I LIKE scifi.

Doctor Who is rated or overrated depending on who's writing it and who is playing the Doctor and who the companions are. For instance, right now, I'd rate the stories as FUCKING TERRIBLE with Moffat as the writer, but have enjoyed both Matt Smith's Doctor and the companions. The Tennant run was really fucking good right up until the last two movies/specials with only a little wankery. For Americans who watched Doctor Who in their childhood, it wasn't the hipness of watching Euro programming so much as the absolutely alien sensibilities of the English writing and cast that made it so attractive.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on December 10, 2012, 09:03:54 AM
There was a Russian running about San Francisco looking for Nuclear Wessels.

What's not to love ???

Let's not forget that Star Trek IV is the most commercially successful Star Trek movie UNTIL the JJ Abrams version released last year. According to Wikipedia, only Star Trek: The Motion Picture grossed more worldwide but less in America. The series was doing respectable numbers before IV but the one with whales and Russians in San Fran looking for nuclear wessels actually made Star Trek a bigger iconic series than it had ever been. It's cheesy as fuck and creatively bankrupt, but it was fun and I liked it.

And it wasn't V, which story wise was actually closer to traditional Trek (right down to Space God villain) but was a terrible, horrible abomination.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on December 10, 2012, 09:11:35 AM
It looks like this is the thread to just mash nerd IPs together. As such:


Why is Starfire out of Teen Titans there too?

That's one of the many incarnations of Jean Grey.

Also, why the fuck is there so much arguing about Dr. Who in a Star Trek thread?  YOU'RE CROSSING THE STREAMS!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 09:19:27 AM
Mostly because the Dr Who thread is dead to me.  It became very boring.  For everyone else listening to me, mostly.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on December 10, 2012, 09:20:57 AM
I enjoyed hearing your dreams for Moffat's painful and debilitating exit from the show. But then I felt the same way.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on December 10, 2012, 09:25:17 AM
Blink is utter awesomesauce.  It's probably in the top ten episodes of Who ever.

Also, if you just want the new improved stuff, Girl in the Fireplace is also awesome (and written by the same chap, I think).

Yeah, who was that who wrote those two episodes again? What did he go on to do?


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 10:50:48 AM
Thanks for taking my point and ruining it by removing the subtlety.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on December 10, 2012, 12:35:29 PM
Croeso mawr ichi

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 10, 2012, 12:36:09 PM
He was also the guy who kept insisting that the Ferengi be portrayed as moronic perverts who had a thing for naked humanoid women and other dumb bits in the early TNG episodes.

Actually that was Rick Berman. Berman created the Ferangi as a serious threat race that ate the people that they had dealings with. Only when they were finally shown on screen he went nuts that people actually laughed at these stupid looking dwarves with big ears. And then the writers turned them into comic relief becasue they were stupid looking dwarves with big ears. So when he ripped off Babylon 5 created DS9, he set up Quark as a mafia crime boss that would provide a lot of the villiany on DS9... and then had to watch as Arwin Shimmerman and the writers rapidly turned Quark into comic relief. What a surprise.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 10, 2012, 12:46:56 PM
ate the people that they had dealings with

I know when I go to Wal-Mart I want to go to the one with the cannibal checkers known to take bites out of the customers.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 10, 2012, 12:54:53 PM

I know when I go to Wal-Mart I want to go to the one with the cannibal checkers known to take bites out of the customers.  :awesome_for_real:

Well hey wouldnt anyone?  :why_so_serious:

And before Someone accuses me of whatever, here's a direct quote from Encounter at farpoint

"Captain, the Ferengi would be very interested in a base like this!"
"Fine. Let's hope they find you as tasty as they did their past associates."

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 10, 2012, 12:59:25 PM
So when he ripped off Babylon 5 created DS9

Look, I'm a B5 fan, but this is just nonsense. DS9 started *before* B5, other than the pilot, which is utterly terrible and nobody would have ever been inspired to copy it. When you account for the lead time in creating a show, etc., there's just no credible argument to be made for this. The best case you can make is that they noticed that having a series story arc was working well for B5 and decided to add one of their own. That's hardly a 'ripoff'.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 10, 2012, 01:05:31 PM
JMS had been pitching the idea around for several years before he finally got someone to sign the dotted line, and yes he pitched it to Rick Berman. Sorry and all. But I'm sure that Rick independently came up with the idea of a space station after hearing the Idea from JMS.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 10, 2012, 01:10:29 PM
"Huh. Someone made a tv series in space on a space station with a story arc, it must be a complete b5 ripoff" :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on December 10, 2012, 01:16:50 PM
Wake me up when we get to the "Voyager ripped off Red Dwarf" fight.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 10, 2012, 01:21:17 PM
The early seasons of DS9 had a story arc? I thought it was about random episodes about the wormhole and watching runabouts rapidly gaining the firepower of a galaxy class. Until the shadows turned up in B5 and suddenly they heard about the Dominion which was a huge empire no-one had heard of before, and then they sat there for 2 years while the writers sat there in a panic making character driven episodes trying to figure out why these guys were not obliterating the entire alpha quadrant inside a week.

Seriously you could turn off DS9 in the first 5 minutes for the first 2 years. If there was something to do with the wormhole, preferably a ship coming through the wormhole, leave it on, otherwise it was a character driven filler episode about some unlikable character and you could turn it off.

And of course there were tons of science fiction series about space stations before DS9 and B5.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 01:24:14 PM
Wake me up when we get to the "Voyager ripped off Red Dwarf" fight.

Red Dwarf was never really lost.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 10, 2012, 01:26:50 PM
Yoyager didn't have a cat or a Robot. Or guitars. Or a sarcastic computer. And Red Dwarf didn't have a changeling hidden aboard hiding as the Captains hair.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 10, 2012, 01:33:28 PM
Yoyager didn't have a cat or a Robot. Or guitars. Or a sarcastic computer. And Red Dwarf didn't have a changeling hidden aboard hiding as the Captains hair.

Neelix is sort of a cat in one episode, the holo-doctor is basically a sarcastic computer, and Robot covers the acting of the entire crew.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 01:37:06 PM
It totally had a cat and a robot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on December 10, 2012, 01:44:35 PM
Yoyager didn't have a cat or a Robot. Or guitars. Or a sarcastic computer.

Or quality. ZING!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 10, 2012, 01:45:36 PM
The one thing I remember from Voyager was the constant stream of episodes where there were 1-3 people left on the entire ship which had 1 hour to save the ship from <insert technobabble process of doom here>.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 01:57:27 PM
The one thing I remember is Jeri Ryan in a corset.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 10, 2012, 01:59:06 PM
I loved B5 for a lot of things and will always hae fond memories but it always seemed for every one good aspect the show had two bad ones.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Soln on December 10, 2012, 02:18:19 PM
The one thing I remember from Voyager was the constant stream of episodes where there were 1-3 people left on the entire ship which had 1 hour to save the ship from <insert technobabble process of doom here>.

But they always had enough powah to repair the carpets and to keep their uniforms looking fresh and clean...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Der Helm on December 10, 2012, 02:35:24 PM
Jeri Ryan

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on December 10, 2012, 02:51:48 PM
So Cumberbatch is playing John Harrison.  This is what Paramount has given as his name. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on December 10, 2012, 02:54:49 PM
So Cumberbatch is playing John Harrison.  This is what Paramount has given as his name. 

Another time travel plot, I guess! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harrison

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on December 10, 2012, 03:01:02 PM
There are a lot of people theorizing that the name is just an alias.  Which, since its JJ Abrams, I have no problem believing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 10, 2012, 03:01:48 PM
The one thing I remember from Voyager was the constant stream of episodes where there were 1-3 people left on the entire ship which had 1 hour to save the ship from <insert technobabble process of doom here>.

But they always had enough powah to repair the carpets and to keep their uniforms looking fresh and clean...

You really had to ignore the whole stupid power plot device entirely because it was so stupid.  I seem to remember a scene in an early episode where Janeway was talking about how great it was that they were conserving power by growing food instead of using the replicators, WHILE IN THE HOLODECK.  They also seemed to have no problem using their transporters all the time.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on December 10, 2012, 03:03:08 PM
Wake me up when we get to the "Voyager ripped off Red Dwarf" fight.

Red Dwarf was never really lost.

Not until series VI anyway.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on December 10, 2012, 03:13:24 PM
The only episode I remember about Voyager was some bizarre one where things start to break down on the ship and it turns out the ship was actually somehow made of goo and oh, all the crew turned out to be goo people who only thought they were the actual crew and they all dissolved and then the real Voyager somehow flies by right where the now dissolved fake Voyager/crew was floating in space and they go "huh, I wonder what that goo is?" and they keep on flying by and that was the end of the episode.

I saw no reason to watch that show again.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 10, 2012, 03:16:09 PM
Yeah, that was shit.

In fairness, though, we have seen that same storyline in quite a few sci-fi settings.  The whole 'we think we're real, but really we're not' has been done to death, particularly when they brough the Holodeck and Nanites into Sci Fi.  The amount of people who turn out to be robots or nanites or some other shit instead of the 'real' people are just legion.

However, I have to defend Voyager here :  It was utter shit from start to finish.

Oh, no wait, that's not defense, is it ?

True tho.

Fucking Nazi Lizards before Enterprise did Nazi Lizards.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 10, 2012, 03:17:51 PM
So Cumberbatch is playing John Harrison.  This is what Paramount has given as his name. 

IT'S THAT GUY! (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Harrison)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 10, 2012, 05:09:59 PM
Was speculating about this today.

One thing that worked well about Wrath of Kahn is that at that time, a lot of trekkies knew who he was, enough so to quickly explain it to other people. They had re-aired Space Seed prior to the movie premiere, and even that was so marketed so far ahead of time that people knew to watch it and did so. It was a good marketing campaign in retrospect, but mostly possible because people still largely watched TV in real time because they had no choice.

Anyway, the problem with Cumberbach being based on any known character from TOS is that they can't rely on that universal knowledge anymore. Abrams Trek is starting from scratch, no TV series, no established lore, and very particularly tossing out a number of seemingly sacrosanct things, like destroying Vulcan and Spock's relationship with his father.

So any villain from lore can not rely on them being from lore. Instead they can only do the Die Hard approach of using the first half introducing, the third quarter in conflict and the fourth in resolution. Anything else about the villain is merely brief shout out to fans.

Which is why I think it could still be Kahn :-) There was still the superhuman era of genetic modification, it's a timely theme, and an easy thing to explain.

Edit: forgot to say why.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on December 10, 2012, 11:29:33 PM
Up to Tom Baker - universally accepted as 'good'.
Peter Davison - generally thought of as good.
Colin Baker - bad on TV. I gather did some good radio plays.
Slyvester McCoy - bad
Paul McCann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant - good
Matt Smith - good performance, terrible script.

"Up to Tom Baker" covers three other Doctors and a lot of those early episodes are missing. Also, I believe that the First Doctor (William Hartnell)'s "The Gunslingers" is widely considered the worst DW episodes ever.

The problem with DW fandom is that you can love an actor in the role and say you love the show, but ignore everything else before and after. For instance, I liked (of what I saw) Eccleston and Tennant, but Smith leaves me absolutely cold. He irritates me on a molecular level.

But then I'm also on board with Ironwood's dislike of the Moffat approach to show writing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Cyrrex on December 11, 2012, 01:22:53 AM

One thing that worked well about Wrath of Kahn is that at that time, a lot of trekkies knew who he was, enough so to quickly explain it to other people. They had re-aired Space Seed prior to the movie premiere, and even that was so marketed so far ahead of time that people knew to watch it and did so. It was a good marketing campaign in retrospect, but mostly possible because people still largely watched TV in real time because they had no choice.

That might be somewhat true, but IMO the main reason that ordinary, non-Trekkie people will claim that Wrath of Kahn was the best of the bunch was due entirely to Ricardo Montalbon being awesome, and for no other reason whatsoever.  For example, I have absolutely no idea what Space Seed is, and I expect that is true of most people who have seen WoK. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 11, 2012, 01:48:45 AM
Good point, really. Ricardo Montalban basically sat there reading entire sections of "Moby Dick" on screen for most of the movie and he STILL was awesome.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 11, 2012, 01:51:22 AM
And they tried it with Picard in First Contact and it sucked.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on December 11, 2012, 03:34:23 AM
If someone told you there was this random film and male and female leads are TJ Hooker and Kirsty Alley, how incredibly awful should it be?

That's how awesome Montalbon is.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on December 11, 2012, 06:30:38 AM
Red Dwarf was never really lost.
It also didn't suck.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on December 11, 2012, 07:35:10 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on December 11, 2012, 09:07:41 AM

I doubt they'll run with Khan. In terms of time frame, they'd have to find the Botany Bay first. Yes the time streams are different, but you still have to have the first encounter. I'd guess it is someone from the academy...

As for the Klingons...Kirk has to start the hating somewhere, and this seems like the movie to do it if they want Star Trek 3 to be space explosions and it is too soon to be Romulans.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on December 11, 2012, 10:33:33 AM
I know the new films are in a way meant to be following the old continuity, except the changes which actually resulted from events in the first film, but I rather hope they forget about that and just do their own thing.

So for example, they could take the basic idea of Khan - genetically engineered, an embarrassment to the society that created him, out for revenge - but not worry about fitting it in with the events of the original series. If the Botany Bay doesn't work, just forget about it. Just as long as the new stories they write are good ones.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 11, 2012, 03:58:23 PM
Well, the thing about the first JJ Abrams Trek is that it wasn't after the first five year voyage that established a lot of arcs. It was just at the very beginning of it. Heck, given the decimation of Starfleet and the Klingons, whose to say there is a five year mission. So everything from Tribbles to Planet Eaters to the Guardian of Forever, all of it needs to be re-introduced.

Another reason I hope they spin this into a TV series. All of the early conflict that screwed up the peace loving Federation gives a new and potentially darker spin on how all those other stories can be told. It'd almost be cool if such a series was about the Dark side of Mirror Mirror, with an episode where they run into a campy version of themselves from a niave universe  :grin:

Good point, really. Ricardo Montalban basically sat there reading entire sections of "Moby Dick" on screen for most of the movie and he STILL was awesome.
That's a really good point. TJ Hooker, the chick from Cheers and the guy from Fantasy Island. All kind of a happy accident that two of them were in one episode back 15 years prior. But then I also wonder how many parents took their kids to the first few Star Trek movies because they themselves loved it in the 60s.

And given the other point above, technically in this universe, Space Seed didn't happen yet and may not at all. So the entire Eugencis Wars from the early 21st century (would would need to be the early 22nd century now  :oh_i_see:) would need to be retold.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on December 11, 2012, 07:40:54 PM
I should also point out for completeness that the one person in the world who hated WOK was.. Gene Roddenbery. And even he said hat Montalban was awesome.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: satael on December 12, 2012, 01:40:42 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Morat20 on December 12, 2012, 08:54:59 PM
Blink is utter awesomesauce.  It's probably in the top ten episodes of Who ever.
At the Ren Fest a few weeks ago, my wife gave a grinning thumbs up to some twelve year old girl wearing a "Keep Calm and Don't Blink" T-shirt.
Also, if you just want the new improved stuff, Girl in the Fireplace is also awesome (and written by the same chap, I think).

Dalek is a really good episode despite a teeny-tiny bit of handwaving and magic.

If you want to check out 'Old' episodes, you really can't go far wrong with anything that happened to Tom Baker, particularly the Origin of the Daleks and the follow up with the Movellans.  Watch the original Silurian or Sea Devil episodes with Pertwee, I remember those fondly.
Netflix has always had a bunch of the classic Doctor Who 'movies', but I recently saw they've added a Classic Doctor Who series -- don't know how much it captures though. 18 "collections" but it seems each one is a 4-part episode.

I think some of the older stuff is permanently lost.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on December 13, 2012, 04:33:49 AM
Most of the 1st and 2nd Doctors is lost, yes.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on December 17, 2012, 10:10:55 AM
New trailer, currently exclusive to Apple:


YouTube copy, dunno how long it'll stay up:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on December 17, 2012, 10:23:39 AM
Commence the nerdsection!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: shiznitz on December 17, 2012, 12:23:59 PM
Well, the extended preview I saw before The Hobbit this weekend got my 10 year old all amped to see this around his birthday.  It got my movie itch tingling as well.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 17, 2012, 12:25:41 PM
There was a longer version of that trailer playing in front of The Hobbit, opening with a scene with Kirk and Bones running through an alien forest (you see a bit of it in that trailer).  The fact that they bothered to make an alien world with cool alien-looking trees and shit was enough to convince me to go see the movie.  (Compare to the TNG movies, which generally had less thought put into their visuals than the TV series did.)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 17, 2012, 12:33:57 PM
I'm noticing a distinct reduction in the amount of lensflare (at least which they let us see). Maybe he learned his lesson. :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 17, 2012, 12:34:53 PM
I'm still none the wiser about the point.

Bad Trailers are Bad.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on December 17, 2012, 12:42:05 PM
Yeah, well that's why these are "teasers" and not "trailers".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 17, 2012, 12:43:10 PM
I've had less teasers in my life from the Blonde wee lassie in accounts.

They bug me.  Call me when there's an actual trailer. 

(God, Nerds.  They complain when they give away the plot and complain at the teasers.  lol. )

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: murdoc on December 17, 2012, 01:31:30 PM
How about the first 10 minutes in blurry handy-cam glory? (http://gizmodo.com/5969174/the-first-10-minutes-of-star-trek-have-been-leaked)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on December 17, 2012, 02:12:04 PM
No thanks.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on December 17, 2012, 02:21:27 PM
Nope. He hasn't learned. :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 18, 2012, 04:48:48 PM
Awesome second trailer. Same tone but covers a bit more, and finally includes some space stuff. Enterprise looks like it gets beat up something fierce, my guess after dropping into and coming out of the San Francisco bay.

Because me guessing on 1.5s of footage is important or something.

Whatever, looked awesome, I can nerdgasm if I wanna!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 18, 2012, 04:58:39 PM
In the footage that was shown in the theaters,

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on December 18, 2012, 05:09:04 PM
In the footage that was shown in the theaters,

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on December 18, 2012, 05:09:15 PM
Kirk fucks the prime directive more than green women.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on December 18, 2012, 05:15:52 PM

You know as well as I that Star Trek technology only works when it's convenient for the plot.   :awesome_for_real:

Remember in Generations when they beam Picard down to the planet and then instantly forget about him and go about their business because "interference from the planet's ionosphere" suddenly makes it so they can't use their scanners?

Or in First Contact where the Vulcans can't see the Enterprise because of the moon's gravitational field?

(Disclaimer: I only remember these because Plinkett pointed them out.  In the movies they're handwaved away so quickly most people don't notice.  It's the same thing in this one, there's a quick line about how the obvious thing won't work because of some bullshit reason and now EXCITEMENT.)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Abagadro on December 18, 2012, 11:11:21 PM
Mike/Plinkett teased that Trek V was his next review, which should be good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on December 19, 2012, 01:51:49 AM
Mike/Plinkett teased that Trek V was his next review, which should be good.

I hope he doesn't actually critique the film. That would be like winning a boxing match against a parapalegic.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 19, 2012, 06:50:21 PM
I really hope he does actually. It'll be as long as the film but way more worth watching.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on December 20, 2012, 12:29:17 AM
A critique of V would be good because there's a kernel of a decent movie in there somewhere with some great character moments and some nicely done camera shots...all wrapped up in a terrible mess of a film.

As opposed to, say, Nemesis which was just flat out awful in every respect.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 22, 2012, 07:08:06 AM
SyFy is doing a marathon of ST movies this weekend.  Starts at 10:30est.  ST1, ST3, ST4, Generations, First Contact, Khan (Midnight, EST), ST5

Tomorrow is Khan at 11am EST, ST5, Generations, then First Contact.

It's a perfect summary of why I don't watch "SyFy" anymore.  Just a microcosm of how out of touch they are.  They never show Undiscovered Country and have a love of that terrible #5 movie and Generations. (Which I saw on the guide a few times earlier this month as well)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 22, 2012, 07:21:31 AM
Maybe they don't have broadcast to 6 for some reason.

I gave up on SyFy when they stopped showing sci-fi (well before the stupid new name). Shortly after I cut the cord altogether. Only time I've missed it is around the holidays when I could tune into Hallmark channel at any time and see a Christmas show of some sort. Yea sure I can queue all that up on Netflix or Hulu+, but it doesn't feel the same.

Or at least, that's what the wife says. She's always been the TV one. I generally am doing more important things on the computer  :oh_i_see:

tl;dr: stop reading after "name)."

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on December 22, 2012, 09:30:11 AM
When my local UPN/WB/CW affiliate can show 6 and SyFy "can't" there's issues.

I've got cable because the wife works for the company so it's free.  I had base level before because DSL doesn't work in N.Ky so it's cable or no internet.  "Hey, pay us $50 a month for 120mbps!"  No thanks!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on December 22, 2012, 02:44:00 PM
The world of broadcast licensing is really complex. On purpose. Otherwise you'd be putting all those hardworking license account managers out on the street. Think of the children!

Anywho, it's not unheard of to have licenses carved up that way. I'm not saying that's absolutely the case here of course, since I don't know and not sure I could find out. But I've heard of stranger situations.

Also, I'd pay $50/mo for 120mbps in a second. I'm paying the same for about 1/10th of that in RI because Cox has a complete lock on parts of the state and Verizon laughs at me every year when I ask when FIOS is coming to my area.

I'm jealous you get cable for free though. You need to move here, spread the love  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on January 09, 2013, 04:40:27 PM
Saw the ten minute thing in front of the hobbit this week and it made me more excited for this than for any previous star trek thing, which is to say this is the first time I've ever been interested in a star trek thing in advance.

Gives the impression of taking star trek exactly as seriously as it needs to be and no slowing down for faulty moralising.

The thing that also struck me was that the 3d didn't feel as bad as it normally does. I think the whole MAXIMUM BRIGHTNESS AND SATURATION IN ALL SCENES philosophy helped enormously in countering the 'Glasses of Reduced Light & Colour' you are forced to wear for 3d shit.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on March 09, 2013, 04:58:03 PM
Trailer 2 is up (https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MPLogYa9Q0o)

Looks like all completely different footage, and therefore tells different aspects of the story.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 09, 2013, 06:00:41 PM
That looks like so much fun.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on March 09, 2013, 06:11:05 PM
I'm ready for this

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on March 21, 2013, 05:55:27 AM
Another trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yhz4A5BCMAA)

Benedict Cumberbatch  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on March 21, 2013, 07:38:33 AM
First trailer that actually makes me go "hrrm, that looks very interesting".

If only ... :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 21, 2013, 02:19:22 PM
I don't know who that blonde woman is but I won't cry if they show a lot more of her.

Still looks really fun overall though!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on March 21, 2013, 02:25:44 PM
I don't know who that blonde woman is but I won't cry if they show a lot more of her.
Alice Eve (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1404408/)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 21, 2013, 02:30:11 PM
She's pretty!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 21, 2013, 02:35:19 PM
Aye, I'm going to go against the current grain :

I don't see the point of this.  Nothing says Trek to me and I LIKED the reboot.  It all seems pretty meh.

I will say that Alice has a cracking body.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 21, 2013, 02:37:08 PM
Aye, I'm going to go against the current grain :

I don't see the point of this.  Nothing says Trek to me and I LIKED the reboot.  It all seems pretty meh.

I will say that Alice has a cracking body.

The trailer is showing explosions and wow stuff but it's keeping the plot close to the vest. I'm guessing its gonna be a lot more trekky than it looks right now.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 21, 2013, 02:49:12 PM
Secret agent goes rogue, gets imbued with special powers.

It's like Mission Impossible.


I'll wait to have my mind changed, of course.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on March 21, 2013, 02:52:45 PM
The trailer is showing explosions and wow stuff but it's keeping the plot close to the vest. I'm guessing its gonna be a lot more trekky than it looks right now.

How many of the Star Trek movies released this century would you say have been "trekky"?   :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on March 21, 2013, 03:04:55 PM

Is there twitch?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on March 21, 2013, 03:21:52 PM

Is there twitch?

You wanna get cut?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on March 21, 2013, 03:23:41 PM
Wouldn't be the first time.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: murdoc on March 21, 2013, 03:28:12 PM
Secret agent goes rogue, gets imbued with special powers.

It's like Mission Impossible.


I'll wait to have my mind changed, of course.

Spoilered due to size.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on March 21, 2013, 05:48:07 PM
The trailer is showing explosions and wow stuff but it's keeping the plot close to the vest.

Wuh? Rogue super agent rabbits in a huge explosion with a WMD, Kirk et al go after him to get it back, first they and the ship get beat up, and then they rally and win.

Not exactly Usual Suspects  :grin:

I doubt there'll be much in the way of core "Trek" though. And really, what is core Trek anymore anyway? Throw in a few transports, a warp jump, and some shout-outs to Sulu, and you've greased the TrekCon crowd all you need. Like every other movie, even the good ones.

For the rest, more Carol Marcus. The look on her face in that scene was great.

Curious if they'll kill someone off. This one screams Wrath of Kahn/personal vendetta/personal sacrifice format. But given how he likes delivering stories, I see a twist.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 21, 2013, 06:16:32 PM
I can tell when trailers are hiding big elements of plot and this one clearly is. I'll come back after the movie comes out to eat some crow but I don't see that happening.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on March 22, 2013, 08:29:31 AM

No. Those are his next films.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tazelbain on March 22, 2013, 08:38:36 AM
I don't see the big ideas that made Star Trek and hard sci-fi great.  So Star Trek is dead.  Doesn't matter though, I will totally go see Mission Impossible: Enterprise.  It a strange world where the Batman franchise is more sci-fi than Star Trek franchise. But if they are good movies its alright.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on March 22, 2013, 10:29:29 AM
We are not the nerds they are marketing to...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on March 22, 2013, 11:54:38 AM
Roddenberry's Star Trek has been pretty well dead since DS9 wrapped up, if not earlier.  Voyager, Enterprise, and all the TNG movies were mostly shit.  And the "mostly" is a kind assessment.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 22, 2013, 02:17:08 PM
I want to say there are a lot of nerds who would argue DS9 wasn't even Roddenberry's vision either. Which is probably why it's the best startrek.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on March 22, 2013, 02:21:28 PM
I want to say there are a lot of nerds who would argue DS9 wasn't even Roddenberry's vision either. Which is probably why it's the best startrek.

This. The reboot was the best Star Trek I've seen since DS9. The TNG movies were mostly shit and the TNG show itself really wasn't all that great - I stopped watching it after first season. I think the trailer looks great and if Star Trek is "hard sci-fi," I'm the fucking Pope. TNG had more hand-waving narrative laziness than fan fiction and would have been cancelled after two seasons if not for the strong actors and the Star Trek name.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tazelbain on March 22, 2013, 02:35:52 PM
Regardless, Star Trek DS9 still tried to deal some big ideas in between the sexy war stuff.  Star Trek: Lens Flair while a fun action movie dealt with none.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 22, 2013, 03:02:15 PM
Oh Good, this DS9 argument again.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 22, 2013, 03:03:23 PM
What argument?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on March 22, 2013, 03:29:16 PM
The reason most nerds cite for DS9 not being Roddenberry's Star Trek are twofold:

1) Roddenberry had no involvement with it (he was dead by the time they started seriously working on even the concept of the show)
2) It took place outside of the utopic Federation society -- there was money, and crime, and stuff like that.  Too "dark" for some.

Those points notwithstanding, I feel like the fact that it occasionally actually tackled interesting concepts (culture clashes between alien races as opposed to pew pew between alien races, moral dilemmas as opposed to obvious good guy vs obvious bad guy, stuff like that) put it on the level of earlier Star Treks, at least in terms of being good sci-fi.

That was also the big difference between the TNG series (which, much like DS9, got much better after the first couple of seasons as it got its legs under it) and the TNG movies (which were consistently crap).  The TNG series was mostly decent sci-fi; the TNG movies were all purple space bazookas and dune buggies.  They were basically action movies, but not very good ones.

The ST reboot was also an action movie, but it was at least a decent one.  I'm not hating on it, but I think anyone thinking the next installment is going to be "trekky" is either deluding themselves or is using "trekky" more in reference to superficial tropes than to themes and plot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 22, 2013, 04:07:24 PM
That's not what I said.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 22, 2013, 04:13:02 PM
Quitting TNG after season one was a huge disservice to yourself. It's only after season one, maybe two that things ramped up.  I still prefer DS9 and TNG did have a few stinkers but there were absolute gems in there you're missing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on March 22, 2013, 04:36:15 PM
Quitting TNG after season one was a huge disservice to yourself. It's only after season one, maybe two that things ramped up.  I still prefer DS9 and TNG did have a few stinkers but there were absolute gems in there you're missing.

Shaka, when the walls fell...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on March 22, 2013, 04:45:27 PM
Quitting TNG after season one was a huge disservice to yourself. It's only after season one, maybe two that things ramped up.  I still prefer DS9 and TNG did have a few stinkers but there were absolute gems in there you're missing.

Yeah, the first season is the worst by far, judging the series on that is kind of like judging B5 with knowledge of nothing but the pilot, which may have been the worst piece of scripted television ever produced.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 22, 2013, 05:14:08 PM
Quitting TNG after season one was a huge disservice to yourself. It's only after season one, maybe two that things ramped up.  I still prefer DS9 and TNG did have a few stinkers but there were absolute gems in there you're missing.

Shaka, when the walls fell...

Or that fucking flute.

Actually, when you think about it, most of the best episodes were strong, strong Picard ones.  Odd that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 22, 2013, 05:28:47 PM
When you look up trek in the dictionary there should be a picture of that flute.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on March 22, 2013, 05:58:21 PM
Man, a year ago Abrams et al were saying "The plot of this movie is basically Heart of Darkness with phasers". Khan/Mitchell/Garth/totally new guy, whatever he is, he's Kurtz. He's a guy the Federation sent up the river to do very bad shit, who discovered that the Federation isn't what it says it is, and he's going to bring the bad shit home. Kirk et al will have to sail up the river to kill him and face the insanity--and probably come home to clean house.

All the old fans who are going to cry about how this pisses on Roddenberry's great utopia and sense of hope and all that shit need to take a break, look at Memory Alpha for a while, and come back to tell me how many bugshit crazy Admirals there were in TOS alone, let alone TNG/DS9. All this does is kick that up a notch in terms of universe-building: in TOS, the sheer volume of crazy admirals was kind of inexplicable and weird, given Roddenberry's fantasies that the future was essentially a utopia. In Abrams' version, there's obviously going to be some rot at the heart of 'civilization' that makes corruption at the top way more explicable. With obvious allegorical application to our current times--just as Roddenbery's ST was working with late 60s America in mind.

I would bet a ton of money that Cumberbatch's super terrorist got sent to do something really bad by Peter Weller's admiral--hence his choice of initial target. And Weller's corrupt admiral will egg Kirk on in going after Cumberbatch's villain hoping that Kirk will do his dirty business for him (Kirk being cast as Marlowe in Heart of Darkness), Kirk will get his head handed to him, will have to face that he was manipulated because he's impulsive, and grow up some. At which point he will go get Cumberbatch's bad guy in a smarter way, come home and clean house, and deliver a speech about how humans have a lot of evolving to do or something like that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: luckton on March 22, 2013, 06:17:08 PM
Libertarian co-worker loves Star Trek, but he hates the whole "It's a Communist pipe dream" aspect. 

Anyways, DS9 was the greatest Trek, and I look forward to this new movie  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on March 22, 2013, 06:27:48 PM
I can tell when trailers are hiding big elements of plot and this one clearly is. I'll come back after the movie comes out to eat some crow but I don't see that happening.
Yea, between this and what Khaldun said about Heart of Darkness, I can see there being more to it. Would be nice in face. As much as I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it if it's anything like the first, I don't truly want the Star Trek: Commander Sherpard Edition the trailers imply.

And I completely agree with you on:
Quitting TNG after season one was a huge disservice to yourself. It's only after season one, maybe two that things ramped up.  I still prefer DS9 and TNG did have a few stinkers but there were absolute gems in there you're missing.
My first real Trek was TNG, and even looking back from season 4, there was a lot of cringe-worthy stuff until Best of Both Worlds. I can see people not sticking around for three seasons hoping it gets better of course. But when people think TNG, they're not thinking Encounter at Farpoint.

Which is why I get that DS9 was considered awesome, but only in seasons well after the 1st, which is when I gave up on it.

As to Trek being hard sci fi as someone said? No fucking way. They skirt the mere edges of some interesting concepts. But they continually tried to increase their audience by lowering the common denominator with made up words to surround really pretty pedestrian concepts. Star Trek is hard sci fi only to people who think Star Wars was too  :awesome_for_real:

Can't blame them though. Even with a trillion channels, TV is all about growing year over year reach.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Mrbloodworth on March 22, 2013, 08:41:58 PM
Best part of Ds9:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on March 22, 2013, 11:22:05 PM
I saw SOME of TNG after the first season. Most of the Borg episodes which were some of the best. Some of the Data/Lore stuff. I just thought most of the plots and supporting characters (especially Whoopi Goldberg's - she always annoyed me because she was essentially a plot device to keep from having to do inner monologues) were shit. Also, I thought the writers were really unwilling or unable to shake up the series with real death. Other than Yar and Picard's two-parter as Borg, I didn't see a lot of non-redshirt death or tribulations. And the Federation was a bunch of pussies. DS9 at least had some meat to it and was much more willing to show a naturalistic society as opposed to the utopia of the Enterprise that never quite sat right with me.

Also, dilithium crystals? NOT HARD SCI-FI. They are as hand-wavy as my explanation for technomancers.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 23, 2013, 03:24:10 AM
Best part of Ds9:

Well done, that doesn't work on SO MANY LEVELS.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on March 23, 2013, 07:59:41 AM
Best part of Ds9:

Well done, that doesn't work on SO MANY LEVELS.

Yeah, that's a whole new level of hotlinking linkfailure.   Host it yourself.

Oh, and DS9 bored me. I stopped watching regularly after S1 and gave up entirely with the Dominion Herp-Derp.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Soln on March 23, 2013, 08:42:18 AM
I think Khaldun nailed it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on March 23, 2013, 12:00:08 PM
Best part of Ds9:

Well done, that doesn't work on SO MANY LEVELS.

Yeah, that's a whole new level of hotlinking linkfailure.   Host it yourself.

Oh, and DS9 bored me. I stopped watching regularly after S1 and gave up entirely with the Dominion Herp-Derp.

I think someone didn't get the point...  :grin:

And DS9 was shit. And I've seen all the "good" episodes in other peoples houses. The "bit battle" episode, was An entire recitation of "the charge of the light brigade" Gul Dukat philosophizing about the concept of victory and some guy talking about how he could not appreciate art because he didn't have the genetics to appreciate art (Racism much?) and lots of people bouncing around the screen for ninutes with 30 seconds of spaceships shooting. Would have been better as a one part episode

But yeah. Season 1 and 2 of TNG were pretty awful. Its only in season 3 that it got into its groove. You should see 'Yeaterday's Enterprise' at least, which, apart from Denise Crosbie, is My vote for best trek episode ever.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 23, 2013, 02:07:43 PM
I don't get people that like DS9 or TNG and not the other. TOS is one thing, so is voyager but DS9 and TNG are basically bookends content wise.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 23, 2013, 03:03:58 PM
No.  I really don't think they are.

DS9 was when they moved away from a kind of 'Culture' Federation and pretty much just made it Wild West America.  With all the Americanisms that you so despise.  Let's bring money back in, let's start a war, let's have lots and lots of terrorists.  Let's have Jake be a Journalist and turn into exactly the wrong kind of journalist.  One that ignores the fucking truth.  Hey, let's make fucking religion a cornerstone of the series from the first episode and JESUS FUCK weren't the religious episodes some of the worst fucking tripe ever.  No-one killed Nurse Ratchett at first glance ?  Really ?  She was just allowed to wander around ?  Ok.

DS9 was utter, utter excrement and I'm glad it's over.

But, hey, we're doing this fucking argument again.  Great.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 23, 2013, 03:13:03 PM
What argument?

She really is pretty: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/hottest-stars-sci-fi-universe-gallery-1.39013

All the bits are in the right spots.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on March 23, 2013, 03:25:50 PM
TNG was the pinnacle of Trek.  Period.  But not until Berman had more say in the series after season 2 and especially so after Roddenberry died.  He kept most of Roddenberry's ideals but modernized their presentation, especially with regard to character development.  DS9 did much of the same but shaved it down to "life on a space station" which to me made it bland until they started fucking around more in the Gamma quadrant, the dominion wars, etc.  Really, it didnt get good until Wharf showed up and started kicking ass on the Defiant and sleeping with Trills.

Also, we musn't get hard sci-fi mixed up with "high" sci-fi or "low" sci-fi.  All hard means is that it's rooted in actual science and that's really it.  I look at TOS and TNG as high sci-fi because of the philosophy involved and the general air of hope; though in some cases it could be considered hard since the relevant science seems to be catching up with theory (they did employ physicists after all).  Abrams' pop culture sci-fi would be considered low; the sci-fi parts are really there just for flavor and entertainment (not message) is the main premise... there's no lofty in his Trek.  Which to me is somewhat a shame as the IP really isnt built nor meant for that.

Voyager I'd consider hard sci. fi, which turned a lot of people off.  That series was really made for the Trek grognard to feast on technobabble.  I personally liked all of the Trek series', even Enterprise.. with TNG being my fav.  They all had trouble ramping up in quality though and Enterprise actually sucked more the longer it went.

As much as we spit hate at certain production years and episodes, compared with the drivel we get these days it really wasnt all that bad.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on March 23, 2013, 04:41:50 PM
What argument?

She really is pretty: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/hottest-stars-sci-fi-universe-gallery-1.39013

All the bits are in the right spots.

Bunk. Me. In.  :drill:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on March 23, 2013, 05:59:31 PM
No.  I really don't think they are.

DS9 was when they moved away from a kind of 'Culture' Federation and pretty much just made it Wild West America.  With all the Americanisms that you so despise.  Let's bring money back in, let's start a war, let's have lots and lots of terrorists.  Let's have Jake be a Journalist and turn into exactly the wrong kind of journalist.  One that ignores the fucking truth.  Hey, let's make fucking religion a cornerstone of the series from the first episode and JESUS FUCK weren't the religious episodes some of the worst fucking tripe ever.  No-one killed Nurse Ratchett at first glance ?  Really ?  She was just allowed to wander around ?  Ok.

DS9 was utter, utter excrement and I'm glad it's over.

But, hey, we're doing this fucking argument again.  Great.
What's it like, always being wrong about every sci-fi series?  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Miasma on March 23, 2013, 07:44:33 PM
What argument?

She really is pretty: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/hottest-stars-sci-fi-universe-gallery-1.39013

All the bits are in the right spots.
One of the reasons I stopped watching "Enterprise" after the pilot was the pandering "lets have these two hot people grease each other up for no reason" scene.  The more important reason I stopped watching was that it was terrible.  I'm sure there will be a legitimate reason for her to be undressed, clothing was contaminated by space cooties I reckon.

Fake edit:  DS9's main problem was that they tried to base an entire series on an immobile space station.  So it was nothing but one horribly contrived reason after another that plotlines had to keep coming to them.  It would be like making a cop drama where no one ever left the precinct office.  Eventually they just said "fuck it" and built themselves that ship...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on March 23, 2013, 09:53:05 PM
*primes grenade*




I liked DS9 more than a lot of the other Star Trek series I've seen, and I enjoyed Babylon 5 a lot too. Yes, both series have their terrible bits - almost any Ferengi-based episode in DS9 was terrible, and "Profit and Lace" was possibly a war crime - but so had all the other series (http://www.agonybooth.com/recaps/Star_Trek/). I liked the series conceit of a centralised space station rather than flying into new areas with very specific problems each week.

But yeah, "Profit and Lace":


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tgr on March 24, 2013, 01:58:21 AM
The only star trek I didn't really like, was the voyager series, mainly because I didn't think they really handled the whole "hurr I'm a female leader" thing well enough early on, the humor in general was just slightly off-kilter for me, and I had a bit of a problem with the whole "we're down to 1 or 2 people left on the ship, and they're going to save the day with 2 seconds to spare" spiel going on in too many of its episodes.

But shitting on DS9 for being based on a space station that doesn't move all over the place, when that's what I would call one of its strengths because it encourages having more of a red thread going through it? Get out.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on March 24, 2013, 11:59:46 AM
The only star trek I didn't really like, was the voyager series, mainly because I didn't think they really handled the whole "hurr I'm a female leader" thing well enough early on, the humor in general was just slightly off-kilter for me, and I had a bit of a problem with the whole "we're down to 1 or 2 people left on the ship, and they're going to save the day with 2 seconds to spare" spiel going on in too many of its episodes.

I agree in general. But the two-parter Year of Hell was fantastic in general, and a standout for Voyager. Until the it-was-all-a-dream ending (which I called, but so didn't want to be right), I had it right there with Best of Both Worlds.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on March 24, 2013, 01:23:00 PM
Year of Hell was indeed 99% fantastic.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 24, 2013, 03:31:44 PM
Year of Hell was what the series should have been, and it was apparently originally planned as an actual year or season originally.

But that would've been interesting and successful, so they axed that idea  :why_so_serious:

-edit- I am a member of team redundancy team.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on March 24, 2013, 06:45:26 PM
Reminder: BSG was, at least in part, Ron Moore going to Brannon & Brega "This is how you should have done Voyager!".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Stormwaltz on March 24, 2013, 06:53:30 PM
Voyager I'd consider hard sci. fi, which turned a lot of people off.  That series was really made for the Trek grognard to feast on technobabble.

GTFO. Playing invent-a-particle does not "hard" sci-fi make. Any time they wanted to excuse something silly, they'd have someone pop off a string of gobbledygook nonsense. First season BSG, THAT was a hard-SF show. Or at least as close as we're likely to get on mainstream TV. "Hard" is not technobabble exposition and pseudoscience plot gimmicks. "Hard" is thinking about the science and constructing a world that feels real and consistent on top of it.

For me what makes Trek is the strength of the characters. TNG had a great bunch, barring poor, bland Riker - who should have been a badass of the Kirk mold, but they watered down into a Picard Jr. DS9 had an even better group, because they could expand beyond the traditional ST character options of soldier, scientist, or politician. Bashir was the least interesting, at least until they retconned him as an illegal genetic experiment. Voyager, aside from Seven of Nine and The Doctor, had the blandest cast of any ST series. They were all Rikers - watered-down, low-risk versions of theoretically strong archetypes. I can't remember a single pertinent thing about Kim or Tuvok, and Paris coasted by on being vaguely annoying.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on March 24, 2013, 06:58:37 PM
Voyager genuinely makes me angry. They took a premise which could have genuinely jumpstarted the franchise: Starfleet crewmembers who have to work with political dissidents who risked their lives to push back on the Federation to get home across an expanse of space where they know absolutely nothing about anything, and to get home will have to inevitably compromise at least something of their principles, and maybe not even get home until they're old or dead. If it wasn't going to be rebooted BSG, it could have been something more like Vinge's Fire Upon the Deep--maybe as you got into the galactic core things got weirder and more dangerous and not just guys-with-bumps-on-their-heads-who-have-slightly-variant-human-cultures thing. It could have been a glorious show. Instead, the guys who were showrunning it turned it into easily the worst of all the Trek series. Seriously, Enterprise had a more consistent tone and sense of what it was doing. There's nothing more hateful than a badly wasted opportunity.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on March 24, 2013, 07:40:52 PM
I agree in general. But the two-parter Year of Hell was fantastic in general, and a standout for Voyager. Until the it-was-all-a-dream ending (which I called, but so didn't want to be right), I had it right there with Best of Both Worlds.

I had to look it up but "Year of Hell" was that huge ship erasing stuff, and Voyager turning into a barely functional piece of scrap rather then the pristine holiday camp it always was. Yeah that was a pretty good 2 episode. And The cast exhibited *shock* EMOTION in their wooden acting.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 24, 2013, 08:41:24 PM
They really tried to make Riker into Kirk but the truth is, Kirk as a character IS rather dull when he's put next to stronger ones like Picard. Punching lizards and fucking green women only goes so far.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on March 24, 2013, 08:43:22 PM
You can't have a Kirk without a Shatner. Frakes was not even close to Shatner.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Soln on March 24, 2013, 08:45:15 PM
The only thing I enjoyed about DS9 was Garick.  And the only good thing about Voyager was looking at Jerri Ryan.

But even Lawful Evil Garick they screwed up paring him off with Lawful Good Bashir and Lawful Neutral Odo.  Loathsome.

And turning Year of Hell into a delusion was a disappointment on an already terribad show.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: satael on March 25, 2013, 12:44:26 AM
All this talk of Voyager and DS9 (and their characters) makes me want to watch Babylon 5 again since my (nostalgic) memories of that show are mostly based on interesting characters the show had.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Furiously on March 25, 2013, 01:21:38 AM
The ending of Year of Hell was what made me stop watching Voyager. It really is what the show should have been like all the time. And it was the best part of BSG.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 25, 2013, 06:04:15 AM
All this talk of Voyager and DS9 (and their characters) makes me want to watch Babylon 5 again since my (nostalgic) memories of that show are mostly based on interesting characters the show had.  :awesome_for_real:


It hasn't aged well either.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on March 25, 2013, 06:59:29 AM
Haven't seen "Year in Hell", but these parts of "Living Witness" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Q-l8C89Yu0) (sorry, fan edit on YouTube) were the most interesting parts of Voyager I've seen to date. I think I'd seen three episodes of Voyager back to back where ABSOLUTELY NOTHING HAPPENED + holodeck episodes and then there was this. I would have watched this Voyager.  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on March 25, 2013, 07:13:26 AM
All this talk of Voyager and DS9 (and their characters) makes me want to watch Babylon 5 again since my (nostalgic) memories of that show are mostly based on interesting characters the show had.  :awesome_for_real:


It hasn't aged well either.

Watch it the way I do: by listening to it as you do something else.  The terrible CGI and sets never come in to play that way unless there's some big action scene you want to watch.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on March 25, 2013, 08:38:53 AM
All this talk of Voyager and DS9 (and their characters) makes me want to watch Babylon 5 again since my (nostalgic) memories of that show are mostly based on interesting characters the show had.  :awesome_for_real:


It hasn't aged well either.


Babylon 5 is still better than all the Treks put together.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on March 25, 2013, 08:44:16 AM
All this talk of Voyager and DS9 (and their characters) makes me want to watch Babylon 5 again since my (nostalgic) memories of that show are mostly based on interesting characters the show had.  :awesome_for_real:


It hasn't aged well either.


Babylon 5 is still better than all the Treks put together.

As a whole? No, it was not.  It had some greatness to it sure but come on, there was so much stink on that show that hung like a cloud over the good stuff that I can't believe anyone could say that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 25, 2013, 09:25:21 AM
All this talk of Voyager and DS9 (and their characters) makes me want to watch Babylon 5 again since my (nostalgic) memories of that show are mostly based on interesting characters the show had.  :awesome_for_real:


It hasn't aged well either.


Babylon 5 is still better than all the Treks put together.

Which has nothing to do with what I said, even if true.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on March 25, 2013, 09:41:04 AM
Yeah, he said it hasn't aged well. And it hasn't.  It's graphics were below TNG when it came out, and even TNG looks tired and sad when you watch the ship views. (One of the reasons I prefer models over CGI. It just ages so much better.)

Then there's the fashions and the costumes.  Vorlon: Cool as fuck when I first saw Kosh.  When I see him now all I see is a mottled toilet seat with a flashlight.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 25, 2013, 09:50:03 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on March 25, 2013, 01:11:11 PM
Other than some stuttering, I think the B5 CGI holds up quite well. Costumes... well, I'm not sure costuming on any TV show holds up after a decade. Especially futuristic sci-fi of any kind. The unitards of TNG have always looked kind of stupid. B5's costumes are a bit low budget but the makeup and acting IN the makeup helps that a bit. The hairstyles and makeup on TOS are Prisoner-level of WTF sometimes - thank you 1960's and LSD. Watch any 1980's shows and be astounded how bad some of them look.

The B5 pilot did look terrible and of all of them, that's the one that really suffers from time's passage.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on March 25, 2013, 04:46:42 PM
End season 2 B5 to about first 1/3 season 4 is pretty good TV even if the effects and all that haven't aged well. Mostly good storytelling etc.  The bad episodes nestled in that run are almost worse than anything TNG, DS9, TOS could put up as competitors in the bad episodes, mostly because JMS when he's a bad writer is so excrutiatingly bad that nothing else compares (his comics are the same). But at its absolute peak, B5 is pretty much better than anything TNG or DS9 had to offer at the same time, even if their effects hold up better.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on March 25, 2013, 05:16:36 PM
Just fast forward anytime Londo and/or G'Kar aren't on screen, and you'll have a great experience.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Numtini on March 26, 2013, 04:26:05 AM
What, for me, hasn't held up about B5 is I know the story and a great deal of the series was figuring out exactly what was going on and what was going to happen, particularly since it was the first series I can remember to do any sort of long term story arc.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 26, 2013, 04:31:40 AM
If you'd read Lord of the Rings, the story didn't need figuring out.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on March 26, 2013, 05:14:28 AM
At least Gandalf and the elves had the sense to fuck off when they weren't needed any more.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on March 26, 2013, 07:27:41 PM
Year of Hell was what the series should have been, and it was apparently originally planned as an actual year or season originally.

But that would've been interesting and successful, so they axed that idea  :why_so_serious:

-edit- I am a member of team redundancy team.

Year of Hell was the epitome of what was wrong with Voyager.

"Let's tell an interesting story. Psyke! It didn't really happen!"  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fordel on March 26, 2013, 07:32:21 PM
Well you obviously don't do the "lawl just a dream" ending and have them get home in the fucking rust bucket.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on March 27, 2013, 01:51:30 AM
If you'd read Lord of the Rings, the story didn't need figuring out.


Babylon 5 had marginally less homoerotic subtext.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on March 27, 2013, 04:14:26 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on March 27, 2013, 04:51:13 AM


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on March 27, 2013, 05:38:33 AM
I did say 'marginally'.  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on March 27, 2013, 07:21:45 AM
I did say 'marginally'.  :grin:

LOTR homo erotic? naaaah (http://www.ealasaid.com/misc/vsd/)   :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Miasma on April 16, 2013, 11:31:37 AM
There is a new trailer out, it gives away too much plot in my opinion.  Wish I hadn't watched it.

Link. (http://vimeo.com/64165537#)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on April 16, 2013, 11:36:45 AM
I'm less bothered about the plot really. A good plot is nice and all, but really it's just an excuse to string together a lot of well-crafted space badassery and laser pew pew and I'm all fine with that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on April 16, 2013, 11:38:22 AM
For some reason when I saw that trailer my first thought was "Die Hard in space."  Not necessarily a bad thing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on April 16, 2013, 01:43:31 PM
Was that a
Because if it was, I'm ok with that.  :drill:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on April 16, 2013, 01:44:51 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on April 16, 2013, 02:52:51 PM
Was that a
Because if it was, I'm ok with that.  :drill:

I think so.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on April 16, 2013, 05:29:30 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on April 16, 2013, 05:37:35 PM
It has an Enterprise C vibe to it: bigger than the Enterprise A but not as big as the D which if I recall correctly was about double the length of the A. It also looks like what was described in the TNG novel Dark Mirror where Picard et al spend time in that same universe (which progressed at the same pace). It's like the Enterprise D but "angry" or something.

Yes, all these memories of old bad novels came rocketing back just because of this damned trailer and Lum saying "mirror mirror??"

Why are we spoilering stuff from trailers?

Does it give too much away? I dunno. The story is the same. Superhuman bad guy does something bad, Kirk goes after him probably unsanctioned, Enterprise gets beat up. If Holmes does turnout to be a transplant from that other universe, then in a few months we can say the trailer has spoilt it.

But that doesn't seem like a major plot twist to me. Given that JJ handled fan service in the first one with all the subtlety of a brick through a glass window, for all we know this one could open up with a text crawl that reads "Meanwhile, in the dark mirror universe..."

They've been pretty tight on the story leaks. If it was a truly important twist, they wouldn't let it leak in a trailer.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on April 16, 2013, 07:48:58 PM
I'm in.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on April 16, 2013, 08:26:53 PM
Looks more like an Excelsior class than a "dark universe" Constitution to me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on April 17, 2013, 12:13:53 AM
Ok, so like... I'm fired up now.  Might have to break out the uniform and ears for this one.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on April 17, 2013, 10:02:33 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on April 17, 2013, 06:25:21 PM
I am more than happy to have a Star Trek worth nerding out for. Been since forever.

Looks more like an Excelsior class than a "dark universe" Constitution to me.

Hmm. Spoilered for size.

Actually kinda looks like some of the ones in STO?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on April 18, 2013, 05:47:19 AM
It looks to me like just a bigger, bulkier version of the JJ Enterprise, especially around the nacelles and struts.  Although the neck and saucer are certainly reminiscent of the Excelsior.  It's definitely a product of that universe, or maybe the mirror version of that universe?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on April 18, 2013, 06:25:22 AM
I wish people would stop bringing up the Mirror universe, since there's pretty much zero evidence.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on April 18, 2013, 06:28:01 AM
I think it's just a war ship, but I bet it becomes the model for the rebuilt Enterprise...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on April 18, 2013, 06:54:43 AM
I wish people would stop bringing up the Mirror universe, since there's pretty much zero evidence.

Sorry, I just hadn't even thought of it as a possibility before it was brought up in this thread, and I admit the idea somewhat appeals to me.  I agree that there's no evidence, just the personal thought that everything in black might be this universe's version of goatees.

Genuine speculation based on actual evidence and not personal fanfic ideas:  Warship developed in secret based on Narada scans.  Technology as a whole is more advanced in this universe due to the Narada incursion, and it seems silly that nobody would think to build a great honking warship from knowledge gleaned from it.  Done in secret due to Federation politically not into blatant military tech.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on April 18, 2013, 07:13:28 AM
See ?

That makes much more sense.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on April 18, 2013, 08:42:32 AM
There was a TOS book with a concept kinda like that. Can't remember the name, but secret Federation cabal lead by a megalomaniac develops super overpowered starship that had all sorts of fancy tech (including this neat sensor manipulator thing). Wasn't Dark Mirror nor Narada tech, but the end result was kinda the same.

The Narada idea is interesting, good thought. Only reason it bothers me is because, iirc, the back story on the Narada going from mining vessel to warship is because they bolted on some Borg tech before going back in time. I think that was from the comic or some other thing I didn't read.

Just a fun discussion. No idea whose right, and really, does it matter?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on April 18, 2013, 09:15:21 AM

Just a fun discussion. No idea whose right, and really, does it matter?

Dare you to say that at a trek convention.. :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on April 18, 2013, 09:17:33 AM
"Guys, you're all having stupid arguments over fictional shit even the goddamned creators don't remember!"

Actually, that's variant of what I need to say to my kids quite often. Of course, it's toned down (they've even established shorthand for it: "Silly argument" and "a new type of smacktalking"), and they're a safer crowd to try that on  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on April 18, 2013, 12:03:46 PM
Shatner did it better in the 80's.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on April 18, 2013, 02:11:38 PM
Well duh :-)

And because you mentioned it (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x930vt_william-shatner-snl-skit-get-a-life_fun)

Yes. I have a lot of time today. Avoiding yard work.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on April 21, 2013, 09:26:48 AM
Genuine speculation based on actual evidence and not personal fanfic ideas:  Warship developed in secret based on Narada scans.  Technology as a whole is more advanced in this universe due to the Narada incursion, and it seems silly that nobody would think to build a great honking warship from knowledge gleaned from it.  Done in secret due to Federation politically not into blatant military tech.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on April 21, 2013, 03:59:31 PM
There was a TOS book with a concept kinda like that. Can't remember the name, but secret Federation cabal lead by a megalomaniac develops super overpowered starship that had all sorts of fancy tech (including this neat sensor manipulator thing). Wasn't Dark Mirror nor Narada tech, but the end result was kinda the same.


That's the one! Heavily featured a woman version of Kirk (that isn't a misogynistic description, she was literally described that way in the book along with her two cohorts) and how her methods for dealing with the situations mirrored his. The followup to this one continued in some interesting ways, but I don't think it went anywhere after that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pezzle on April 21, 2013, 09:51:23 PM
Well duh :-)

And because you mentioned it (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x930vt_william-shatner-snl-skit-get-a-life_fun)

Yes. I have a lot of time today. Avoiding yard work.

Watched the skit and got a chuckle.  As it turns out, I just watched that episode about an hour ago and the question actually fit (I had to check the number and such but it is episode 25 of the first season).  

Then I saw the book cover.  For the briefest of moments the author's name was Dana Carvey.
Also, that was 1986?  Now I am depressed.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on April 22, 2013, 06:26:08 PM
I actually liked that book but it has a rep as being crazy-crazy Mary Sueism which is pretty much true.

I really really hope that it doesn't turn out that the reason that the Federation sends a Kurtz up the river to their version of the Congo is that old-timeline Spock debriefed them on the future history of their universe (or even worse, that they get it out of him somehow). I'd like them to forget that old-timeline Spock is still alive period.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on April 23, 2013, 08:40:21 AM
Random note: The first Ender's Game trailer is supposed to show before this.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Stormwaltz on April 30, 2013, 04:19:23 PM
I actually liked that book but it has a rep as being crazy-crazy Mary Sueism which is pretty much true.

It totally was. Still one of my favorite ST novels (I grant the standard is quite low, but that's one of the few I'd pull out and re-read past junior high).

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on May 01, 2013, 10:58:21 AM
Yea, def. And the followup wasn't terrible either. I wish they had done more with that character. Years later I thought Commander Shelby (from Best of Both Worlds, who later appeared in the book Vendetta, another very fun read) was modeled on her character. Though years after that I realized the show producers probably never read the books anyway :-)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Father mike on May 01, 2013, 01:40:50 PM
Though years after that I realized the show producers probably never read the books anyway :-)

Though the producers never admitted it, TNG's Klingons bore more than a passing resemblance to John M. Ford's Klingons from Final Reflection.  That's about the only one of the novels that I can still read 25 years later.  Maybe the Gerrold one about the lost generational ship.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 07, 2013, 10:01:33 AM

Yeah, it's an Audi commercial, but it is still... fascinating.  :drill:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on May 07, 2013, 10:31:44 AM
Uh, wat?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on May 07, 2013, 04:33:29 PM

Yeah, it's an Audi commercial, but it is still... fascinating.  :drill:
For those of you wondering about the car at then end and why it has a Stanford logo on the door here's some info:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ubvman on May 07, 2013, 08:49:45 PM
You guys do know that the movie had a special premiere in Australia on April 23?
You can google the reports.

No spoilers here, but from what I read - most of you guys will throw gigantic nerdrage fit. Seriously.
 :grin:  :drill:  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 08, 2013, 05:14:46 AM
Nah.  Not us.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Hutch on May 08, 2013, 09:05:16 AM
Spoiler alert: JJ Abrams overuses lens flare in the movie.

Speaking of overused: Spoiler alert: In the final act, the situation on the Enterprise will become immensely dire. So dire, in fact, that the only way to save the crew and defeat the bad guy will be to eject the warp core.

(these are jokes, I haven't seen it yet)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 08, 2013, 09:08:34 AM
Well, unless it's TNG.  Then it's invert polarity of tachyons using the deflector dish.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on May 08, 2013, 10:11:50 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 08, 2013, 10:13:22 AM
If we reverse the polarity of the main deflector dish we can sour the baby's milk

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on May 08, 2013, 06:19:50 PM
Every time I hear Benedict Cumberbatch talk in the previews, I swear he's doing a Patrick Stewart impersonation.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Hutch on May 08, 2013, 08:12:21 PM
Well, unless it's TNG.  Then it's invert polarity of tachyons using the deflector dish.

TNG is the root of my "eject the warp core!" peeve. It seemed (to me) like every other episode had Geordi yelling to Picard about the damage to the warp core. Ugh.

For the record, I hate it because I think it's overused, not because of the techno babble.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 08, 2013, 11:57:50 PM
I predict Into Darkness, like the previous movie, will replace the treknobabble with endless scenes of characters running down hallways to pretend that there's some kind of drama going on.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on May 08, 2013, 11:59:54 PM
You mean dangling off of ledges?

That was like 45 minutes of the movie - people either falling off or struggling not to fall off of ledges.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on May 09, 2013, 12:02:08 AM
I read a spoilery review of this, and if it's true, the nerd rage in this thread will be intolerable.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 09, 2013, 12:03:45 AM
I read a spoilery review of this, and if it's true, the nerd rage in this thread will be intolerable.

Abrams shits on franchise. Movie makes a ton of money because lensflares. Done.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on May 09, 2013, 12:13:04 AM
I love Star Trek but I couldn't be bothered to rage at the first film. It's just a shitty faux Trek film for the drooling masses made by an awful director. It's more fan fiction than actual Trek film. At least they had the decency to make it essentially non-canon and completely ignorable.

I was going to say I look forward to Abrams shitting all over Star Wars but I'm not sure that shitting on what is already a giant pile of shit amounts to much.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 09, 2013, 12:54:51 AM
I read a spoilery review of this, and if it's true, the nerd rage in this thread will be intolerable.

Ditto and I'd be surprised if anyone gave a shit.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 09, 2013, 05:29:57 AM
At least they had the decency to make it essentially non-canon and completely ignorable.

No, it's the New Canon.  Expect anything in the coming years off of this rif, not the old one which will be left to fester as it is.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 09, 2013, 06:30:04 AM
The Journey Home will be about Elephants in the reboot.

True Story.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on May 09, 2013, 07:04:16 AM
I'll be okay with whatever they do.  New Trek, for all its flaws, doesn't seem to enrage me at all for some reason, and I was a HUGE Trekkie once upon a time.  I understand what the new stuff is doing, and accept it.

There is one thing that did cause me incalculable rage, however.  Whose fucking idea was it to have the ENGINE ROOM IN A WARP-CAPABLE STARSHIP look like a chemical plant in New Jersey?  If they do away with that awful set design, or at least rein it in somewhat, all else will be forgiven.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 09, 2013, 07:12:12 AM
A better question is why - in a starship where space is a premium - is there a 3' diameter coolant pipe that runs for 100+ feet without encountering any devices that need cooled when the liquid is low-enough temperature to not scald a person.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 09, 2013, 07:19:14 AM
For Comic Relief.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 09, 2013, 07:32:14 AM
My only real gripe with the new Trek is why in the bridge of the Enterprise so god damn bright? The whole thing looks like it was made out of acrylic pieces. The bridge to the USS Kelvin would have been better IMHO. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 09, 2013, 08:19:49 AM
For the next movie, I'm wondering how they're going to give Kirk a son. Not only is he too young in this version, he actually gets cockblocked way, way more often than Classic Kirk.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: murdoc on May 09, 2013, 08:54:52 AM
You know I watched Wrath of Khan a couple of weekends ago in preparation for this movie.

Wrath of Khan is terrible. It is an awful movie that is stupid and terrible and it's supposedly the best one of the bunch?


I'll take the reboot over any other Trek movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 09, 2013, 09:04:03 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: murdoc on May 09, 2013, 10:03:57 AM
I know, crazy right?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 09, 2013, 11:18:43 AM
I know, crazy right?

You obviously need help. I have a few therapists' numbers laying around here at work I can give you.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 09, 2013, 11:26:27 AM
My only real gripe with the new Trek is why in the bridge of the Enterprise so god damn bright?

It's the only way 3d movies can be made bearable after those god awful glasses steal 40% of the light.

I'm only half joking, its a factor in the art design of every 'made for 3d' film these days.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 09, 2013, 01:07:40 PM
I know, crazy right?

Either you're trolling or brain damaged.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on May 09, 2013, 04:00:31 PM
Or both.

As for Canon. I'm fine with what they're doing to the prime universe in STO.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 10, 2013, 09:39:13 AM
I'm hearing some delightfully negative opinions from people overseas.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ubvman on May 10, 2013, 08:27:31 PM
I'm hearing some delightfully negative opinions from people overseas.

It's released here in Malaysia. I am seeing it this afternoon (Saturday).

/switch -off brain
/del Startrekmovieplots
/del StartrekTVplots

Even then, I'm not expecting too much even when judging it on it's own merits.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 10, 2013, 11:24:35 PM
Reviews I'm seeing say it has all the faulty philosophy and science based plot holes that people seem to like about the TV show, but they do it alongside EXPLOSIONS and RUNNING so you don't notice them as much.

Which sounds good to me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 10, 2013, 11:29:33 PM
Reviews I'm seeing say it has all the faulty philosophy and science based plot holes that people seem to like about the TV show, but they do it alongside EXPLOSIONS and RUNNING so you don't notice them as much.

Which sounds good to me.

Worked for Transformers 3.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 11, 2013, 10:06:15 AM
And the first Star Trek reboot.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 11, 2013, 02:17:55 PM
And the first Star Trek reboot.  :awesome_for_real:

Exactly. I don't even know why these movies pretend to have stories anymore. It's all about the roller coaster ride.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on May 12, 2013, 02:51:56 PM
I liked this film, it delivered everything I wanted from a Trek movie. Would see again.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on May 12, 2013, 05:18:50 PM
And a thousand berets go flying through the air in chagrin.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Baldrake on May 12, 2013, 09:38:58 PM
You know I watched Wrath of Khan a couple of weekends ago in preparation for this movie.

Wrath of Khan is terrible. It is an awful movie that is stupid and terrible and it's supposedly the best one of the bunch?


I'll take the reboot over any other Trek movie.
I tried this (http://forums.f13.net/index.php?topic=19027.msg811027#msg811027) a few years back. It didn't go well.

I loved the reboot, by the way.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 12, 2013, 10:00:06 PM
Are we saying that WOK's story didn't make sense, but the reboot did?

I think I need to start drinking bleach.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 13, 2013, 03:20:38 AM
No star trek stories ever made sense.

But the characters have been through so many that they build up a kind of internal consistency built around bizarro-logic, which at least means actions and choices come from an identifiable palette in a specific situation.

At least until the TNG movies which are even worse than the SW prequels.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 13, 2013, 03:22:06 AM
They never made any TNG movies.  If they had, they would have been utterly awful and have been erased from my brain.

So that's good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: VainEldritch on May 13, 2013, 07:08:54 AM
I liked this film, it delivered everything I wanted from a Trek movie.

Did it respect Cannon?


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 13, 2013, 10:11:53 PM
No star trek stories ever made sense.

Khan steals a ship, sets out for revenge against Kirk, whom he blames for the death of his wife. They go at it, tooth and nail, and SPOILER! Spock has to sacrifice himself to save the ship and crew.

How does this not make sense, as a story? It's not like the reboot, where Nero something something red matter, old spock time travel, something Vulcan something, PEW PEW! Hanging off ledges, roll credits.

No argument about the TNG movies. They were all a special kind of shit, and only watchable in a train wreck kind of way.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: rk47 on May 14, 2013, 09:37:22 PM
I brought my friend to watch the reboot. He wasn't a trekkie.
So I explained, the world of Trek is like - what if everything is utopia on earth and humanity unite to reach the stars and stuff.
Also, be prepared for moral decisions and themes as they meet new alien race for the first time and try not to interfere in their evolution.

30 mins later into the movie...

He gave me a weird stare and I just shook my head slowly as I munch on the popcorn.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on May 14, 2013, 10:59:37 PM
On the Daily Show, Abrams basically said he didn't like Trek so he made a Trek movie for people who didn't like Trek.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Hutch on May 15, 2013, 01:18:34 PM
Would that be a Reverse Xzibit?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 15, 2013, 01:29:21 PM
On the Daily Show, Abrams basically said he didn't like Trek so he made a Trek movie for people who didn't like Trek.

Well....he said he never got Star Trek until he did the movie and went back and watched the TV and movies. And he made the movie for everyone - for those they didn't understand Trek and those that are Trekkies. So it becomes an Abrams movie with Star Trek decor and enough attention to canon to placate the rabid fans, like my mother.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 16, 2013, 01:07:46 AM
On the Daily Show, Abrams basically said he didn't like Trek so he made a Trek movie for people who didn't like Trek.

Well....he said he never got Star Trek until he did the movie and went back and watched the TV and movies. And he made the movie for everyone - people who watch Jersey Shore.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 16, 2013, 06:08:35 AM
I give Abrams a lot of credit for pitch-perfect recasting and for some interesting tweaks to the character's backstories and interrelationships. And some of what people are complaining about in the movies (that they're all about battles and pew-pew and not so much about overloading supercomputers with illogic, visiting planets where crazy Federation officials have reintroduced Nazism or Chicago gangsters, and getting all agitated about the Prime Directive) is a problem with the movies in general. e.g. because of the need to have a 90-120 minute narrative that is appropriately "bigger" than a TV episode, the TOS films actually told stories very differently than the episodic series. In only one of them (VI) is the Enterprise in something like its "normal" role with its "normal" crew and even then it's essentially a retirement voyage. None of them feature the Enterprise just doing its thing and being interrupted by an emergency or complication.

The TNG films *do* play like expanded episodes and they're horrible swamp-poop as a result.

So Abrams having his films filled with pew-pew and explosions and non-status-quo adventures is partially a narrative defect of all ST films. Like Doctor Who, it's really a property meant for episodic treatment.

But that said, it's also clear that Abrams doesn't really like and doesn't get Trek's basic core mythos, which is too bad. I like the creeping introduction of a slightly darker, slightly more realistic, slightly less utopian element--Roddenberry's cornball pretentiousness about a lot of his ideal future is pure early 70s and about as appealing as George Lucas' masturbatory beliefs that he was doing the Heroes' Journey or whatever.

I could imagine that after a third film, when this cast is going to either be moving up in their careers and too expensive (Saldana, Quinto, probably Pine, Pegg) or not moving up and therefore heading out to pasture in an endless series of convention appearances, could give way to a rebooted TV series featuring a completely different "next generation" cast but retaining some of the few good grace notes of the reboot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 16, 2013, 08:29:29 AM
The TNG films do not play like extended episodes. This a dumb trope and an insult to the only consistently decent sci fi series in the history of television.

The TNG movies play like inconsistent nonsense in which characters continually make decisions and take actions that make neither practical nor philosophical sense.

They shared the unfortunate trait of "Having low production values" but the TNG episodes were (for the most part) hugely superior to the films.

This doesn't mean I particularly want to see TNG episodes in movie format. But claiming the TNG movies were remotely like the TV show is silly.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 16, 2013, 08:32:16 AM
Insurrection is like a really bad season 1 TNG episode. Of which there are many. Look, I loved TNG, but until you get to season 3, there are a LOT of painfully bad episodes.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 16, 2013, 08:33:37 AM
The TNG films do not play like extended episodes.

Actually, I disagree. They DO play like extended episodes in that the story idea seems like it was made for a 42-minute TV episode, but has been stretched to fit a 90+ minute movie. That stretching is WHY you get impractical decisions and idiotic philosophy because they have to fill twice the time with the same amount of story. The TNG episodes probably WERE superior to the films because they had to be more economical with the storytelling.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 16, 2013, 08:58:12 AM
Insurrection is like a really bad season 1 TNG episode. Of which there are many. Look, I loved TNG, but until you get to season 3, there are a LOT of painfully bad episodes.

There is a great red letter media review of insurrection which explains better than I could why Insurrection is not like a TNG episode. Mostly by pointing out that there is a TNG episode with exactly the same plot, only everyone acts like an adult and Picard in particular operates in keeping with established character traits rather than converting him into a stupider captain kirk half way through.

If you set out to make an extended TNG episode what you should get is "Best of Both Worlds". But if you use hack writers and Jonathan Frakes then you what you get is, well, the actual TNG movies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on May 16, 2013, 09:17:44 AM
In fact, Best of Both Worlds has been edited into a full length film.  I saw it in a local theater last month, and it's available on blu-ray/dvd now.

I'm with eldaec on this one.  The TNG movies are nothing like the TNG tv episodes.  If they were they'd be more like the actual extended episodes, which were pretty amazing: Best of Both Worlds, Time's Arrow, Chain of Command, Redemption, etc.  TNG had several great hour and a half long two parters and they were nothing like the theatrical movies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 16, 2013, 11:10:48 AM
Argh. You guys are saying, "Oh, if they were like extended episodes, they'd be extensions of the BEST episodes, amirite, and so they'd be GOOD. Because they were BAD, they can't be extended episodes!"

No. First because there are plenty of BAD episodes to extend, and second the point is not bad or good (though lord, Insurrection was bad) but that the badness of Insurrection has a bit to do with the extent to which its central conflict, scale and character development are basically "episodic" in nature--not particularly cinematic or staged as an "event film". This is the problem with ST movies in general: they need to create a 90-120 minute "event" with a sense of spectacle and narrative motion, from a source-material series that spread its spectacles out or that concentrated them into tight episodic bundles (say, Yesterday's Enterprise).  A few of the films, like WoK, rose to that challenge but mostly they didn't. The most spectacular case of not rising to it is Insurrection.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 16, 2013, 11:27:40 AM
There are no extended episodes of TNG that were as bad as insurrection. The episodes ruvaldt mentions aren't 'the best' episodes, they are the episodes that are already 90 minutes long.

You won't find any episode at all of any length that is as bad as insurrection for the specific reasons I described above. There are some bad episodes, but Picard doesn't turn into a late middle age Kirk in any of them.

That said, if you just want me to agree that the specific story of insurrection was a stupid story for a film then sure. But that doesn't explain First Contact, which was just fucking stupid.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on May 16, 2013, 12:18:03 PM
Saw a sneak preview last night in museum IMAX 3d.  Definitely worth the 3d for this one as much of it is filmed in full IMAX and "for 3d."  Interesting effects when pushed with trek sci-fi.
It's a good movie.  Better than the 1st one I thought and in reality is the true "introduction" for the reboot.

Much better filmography in this version too, taking full advantage of fairly epic vignettes and poignant expressions.

There is a caveat to all of this though; this movie is pretty much Star Wars with trek puns.   :oh_i_see:   I'm dead serious.   Imagine Star Wars mixed with Trek and you'll get this movie.  Even down to the sound effects (as evidenced in the credits).  Which makes sense since Abrams now has the SW license too - so may as well pillage their assets.

Oh, and Klingons.    We need to see more of them.

Oh, and plotholes.  There's a lot of em, but who cares in this case.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on May 16, 2013, 12:18:46 PM
they are the episodes that are already 90 minutes long.

Exactly.  All of the episodes I listed were 90 minutes long and were great.  You could edit any of them to be a full length film and I would love to see them in a theater.

Saying that the TNG movies are like long TNG episodes doesn't make any sense because there are long TNG episodes and they're nothing like the TNG movies...because they're actually good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 16, 2013, 02:44:58 PM
There is a caveat to all of this though; this movie is pretty much Star Wars with trek puns.   :oh_i_see:   I'm dead serious.   Imagine Star Wars mixed with Trek and you'll get this movie.  Even down to the sound effects (as evidenced in the credits).  Which makes sense since Abrams now has the SW license too - so may as well pillage their assets.

 :ye_gods:   I don't even have the words.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ginaz on May 16, 2013, 02:48:06 PM
In the theatre now waiting to see this...in 3D IMAX...for free. :thumbs_up:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 16, 2013, 06:18:12 PM
There is a caveat to all of this though; this movie is pretty much Star Wars with trek puns.   :oh_i_see:   I'm dead serious.   Imagine Star Wars mixed with Trek and you'll get this movie.  Even down to the sound effects (as evidenced in the credits).  Which makes sense since Abrams now has the SW license too - so may as well pillage their assets.

 :ye_gods:   I don't even have the words.


More importantly, the TNG movies were dumb action flicks starring a cast and adapted from a TV show that was about ethical space dillemas. Shoehorning Picard into the role of John Mclaine... well they did it in TNG, but they did it well. In the movies, they run roughshod all over the characters, especially poor Picard.
Red Letter Media's video on them show this well.

Insurrection was the really long, bad espiode of TNG. First Contact and Nemesis were dumb action flicks with the TNG characters shoehorned in. Generations was a bewildering kind of stupid, and I can only guess it was 'written' by tossing pieces of paper with words into a fishbowl and plucking them out at random.

nuTrek was dumb action, with an especially dumb story that tops even the TNG movies. It's only saving grace is the actors. But then that potential was pissed away on shallow drama, and mindless action.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on May 16, 2013, 06:46:53 PM
I only say it feels like a star wars mashup in the superficial sense (plus a smidgen of some hero's journey + friends).  "nuTrek" still doesnt have the char. development and storytelling that Star Wars had, but let's be real.  It's an action flick, as you say.  Does a good job of that too.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ginaz on May 16, 2013, 07:06:07 PM
Just got back from seeing this.  I loved it.  I don't care what the jaded old time Trek fans say.  The last 2 reboot movies are so much better than ANY of the previous ones, TES or TNG.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 16, 2013, 09:10:09 PM
Just got back from seeing it. It is a fucking terrible movie. One of the worst I've seen in a long time. I liked the first reboot movie a good deal. Whether or not I knew anything about Star Trek, I would have hated this film. The action is totally disconnected from the flow of the narrative and half the film is taken by weird disjointed shoutouts to (or are they mockeries of) previous Trek stuff. It's like watching a bad school play version of Trek at some moments. There are some nice character bits here and there lost in the flotsam and jetsam of the plot, such as it is.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MahrinSkel on May 16, 2013, 09:23:12 PM
Just got back from seeing this.  I loved it. 
Just got back from seeing it. It is a fucking terrible movie.
God, I love this site/community/asylum.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Velorath on May 16, 2013, 09:43:29 PM
Saw it a couple days ago but so much of the basic plot is wrapped up in spoilers, it's impossible to really discuss this movie in anything other than the broadest of terms until a lot more people have seen it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 16, 2013, 09:53:41 PM
The plot holes also. Fuck they are so bad.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pezzle on May 16, 2013, 10:16:59 PM
All of those things.  As an action movie you can shut off your brain and chew your corn if you like.  As a Star Trek movie?  What the shit?  Bad pacing, another rushed movie trying to make up for years of tv episode interaction.  Oh, and lens flare.  Is that what makes it futuristic?  This movie did not need to involve you know who.  If you want to establish a new franchise you really do not need to crutch in staples of the old one. 

See it after video release, maybe. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 16, 2013, 11:30:54 PM
See, you can't be negative about nuTrek, because then you're a trekkie neckbeard poophead. It can't possibly be because the movies are shit.

As an action flick, all on it's own, no Trek baggage, it's bad. It doesn't build any tension, and relies on special effects and hanging off ledges instead of building real tension.
As a Trek flick, it doesn't inherit any of the resonance of the long lived franchise, but tries to borrow it anyway.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ginaz on May 17, 2013, 12:06:03 AM
I swear some people just go to movies so they can nit pick about them, thinking they're the internet version of Siskel and Ebert. :facepalm:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: rk47 on May 17, 2013, 12:20:36 AM
you mean u watch movie to be entertained, ginaz?  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Kitsune on May 17, 2013, 01:21:57 AM
As a Star Trek movie it was eyerollingly bad.  Hilariously so in a couple of spots.  As a generic space adventure movie it was pretty good.  The shame of it being that the actors are all very good at their roles, that amount of effort in casting was wasted for generic space adventure.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 17, 2013, 01:38:58 AM
Eyerollingly bad as part of the trek canon would also apply to star trek 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, as well as half of DS9, and all of voyager and enterprise. Arguably even TOS and movies 1, 3 and 11.

Are we saying better/worse than the rest of that mob?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 17, 2013, 03:23:01 AM
It's not nitpicking when characters in movies do stuff that's very nearly random.

If I were watching a spy thriller and there's a chase scene that starts in the back streets of Paris and ends in Cairo where the characters get in cars at one point, drive for five minutes, and are in Cairo, it would ruin any sense of suspense or tension because the characters are no longer following any rules that remotely resemble the world we live in. When you do made-up worlds, you have much more leeway, but not infinite leeway. There was stuff in this movie that was actually worse than the Transformers walking out the back of the Air and Space Museum in Washington DC and being in a desert a few seconds later. The "Scotty trapped in a water pipe in Engineering" sequence in the previous film is totally plausible and fun by comparison to what goes on in this flick.

It's also just not very well-paced or structured even on its own as a space adventure, partly because it's trying so desperately to hit the grace notes of a previous Trek film.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on May 17, 2013, 03:37:17 AM
This film has sharp knees apparently.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tazelbain on May 17, 2013, 07:09:32 AM
I used to think nonsense coming out of JJ was a mysterious plan, now I know it to be lazy hand-waving. Fuck this guy. Fuck Star Trek that isn't Star Trek. Fuck Star Wars, I bet we could cobble together the major plot points of the new movie in 5 minutes. I am so tired of my favorite franchises being skinned and worn like a suit by an asshole who is all style and no substance.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 17, 2013, 07:13:11 AM
Can't wait till the remake of 2001: A Space Odyssey.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Miasma on May 17, 2013, 07:21:36 AM
Reminds me of the onion video. (http://www.theonion.com/video/trekkies-bash-new-star-trek-film-as-fun-watchable,14333/)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 17, 2013, 11:26:35 AM
Was thinking today about why one scene in particular in the 2nd half annoyed the fuck out of me, and how it symbolized where the movie fucked up in the 2nd half.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 17, 2013, 11:35:02 AM
Reminds me of the onion video. (http://www.theonion.com/video/trekkies-bash-new-star-trek-film-as-fun-watchable,14333/)

Yeah, that's where the "Trekkies hate fun" meme came from, I think. Smart viral marketing. They can shit out some real garbage and anyone who doesn't grin after taking a bite of this crap can be dismissed as a nerdy killjoy.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 17, 2013, 11:40:30 AM
Eyerollingly bad as part of the trek canon would also apply to star trek 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, as well as half of DS9, and all of voyager and enterprise. Arguably even TOS and movies 1, 3 and 11.

Are we saying better/worse than the rest of that mob?

I'd put nuTrek under V, if that means anything to you. I can't decide if it's better or worse than Generations.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on May 17, 2013, 11:49:00 AM
Well, I did not like this movie one bit. I found it impossible to enjoy because it wasn't realistic enough, I just can't buy into the whole warp travel thing. Also, transporter technology, that shit should be like an ultimate weapon instead of utility device. Bad guy got you down, just evaporate him with a transporter, problem solved, no reason to have characters running around and doing things confusing the audience.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ginaz on May 17, 2013, 12:08:37 PM
you mean u watch movie to be entertained, ginaz?  :why_so_serious:

I know right.  I must be weird or something.  I'm fairly certain most of the people nerd raging about this movie went into it wanting to hate it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 17, 2013, 12:44:33 PM
I went into fully expecting to enjoy it very much, just as I enjoyed the first reboot film. My daughter and wife went with total excitement--they'd been looking at trailers, etc. My wife doesn't like old Trek at all, was a huge fan of the first one, my daughter loves most Trek but not in a particularly nerd-intense way. Both of them came out afterwards and before I could say anything started talking about how much they hated it.

So don't assume anything. Please. I fully expected to be defending the movie against old-school fans. It took me very much by surprise how much I disliked it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 17, 2013, 01:08:17 PM
Co-worker who saw it yesterday thought it was OK and enjoyed it as an action movie but said it is definitely, "not Trek."

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on May 17, 2013, 03:54:56 PM
That was my feeling exactly.  Good action movie made better by 8-story imax, 3d, and skywalker sounds.  I'm a Trek purist and I still enjoyed it for what it was.  Was it a "good" movie per se, meh... no.  But I was entertained.  If you spend some time in schools these days you'll see who the movie was meant for really though.   :oh_i_see:   Abrams knows his new audience.

As said by others though, these actors are wasted on Abrams.  Terribly so.  They so obviously are carrying this new franchise it's pretty saddening.  I cant help but wonder what a better overall movie, in more Trek style, would be like with this cast.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 17, 2013, 05:15:57 PM
you mean u watch movie to be entertained, ginaz?  :why_so_serious:

I know right.  I must be weird or something.  I'm fairly certain most of the people nerd raging about this movie went into it wanting to hate it.

After Voyager and Enterprise, I was so frustrated that Trek was in a rut. I was jazzed to hear that Abrams was starting fresh, and  I loved every trailer.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 17, 2013, 05:32:54 PM
you mean u watch movie to be entertained, ginaz?  :why_so_serious:

I know right.  I must be weird or something.  I'm fairly certain most of the people nerd raging about this movie went into it wanting to hate it.

After Voyager and Enterprise, I was so frustrated that Trek was in a rut. I was jazzed to hear that Abrams was starting fresh, and  I loved every trailer.

Luckily you've already been outed as a trekkie neckbeard who hates fun, so nobody needs to listen to any of your entirely valid criticisms.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 17, 2013, 05:38:59 PM
you mean u watch movie to be entertained, ginaz?  :why_so_serious:

I know right.  I must be weird or something.  I'm fairly certain most of the people nerd raging about this movie went into it wanting to hate it.

After Voyager and Enterprise, I was so frustrated that Trek was in a rut. I was jazzed to hear that Abrams was starting fresh, and  I loved every trailer.

Luckily you've already been outed as a trekkie neckbeard who hates fun, so nobody needs to listen to any of your entirely valid criticisms.

I know. I'm going to my room to stroke my collection of Mego Star Trek action figures.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ginaz on May 17, 2013, 06:04:00 PM
Look, up until the last 2 reboots, every Trek movie but 2 (Khan and Undiscovered Country, ok maybe 3 with Voyage Home) have been complete and utter hot garbage.  Truth be told, most of TOS and the first few seasons of TNG were awful as well.  Voyager went on waaay too long and had the least interesting characters of any of the series.   Enterprise felt really out of place with a weak cast.  Last few seasons of TNG and the first few of DS9 was the high water mark for the Star Trek TV franchise, with TNG starting off poorly but ending strongly while DS9 was just the opposite.  The JJ Abrams movies are head and shoulders above almost everything thats come before them Trek wise.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 17, 2013, 06:12:47 PM
Look, up until the last 2 reboots, every Trek movie but 2 (Khan and Undiscovered Country, ok maybe 3 with Voyage Home) have been complete and utter hot garbage.  Truth be told, most of TOS and the first few seasons of TNG were awful as well.  Voyager went on waaay too long and had the least interesting characters of any of the series.   Enterprise felt really out of place with a weak cast.  Last few seasons of TNG and the first few of DS9 was the high water mark for the Star Trek TV franchise, with TNG starting off poorly but ending strongly while DS9 was just the opposite.  The JJ Abrams movies are head and shoulders above almost everything thats come before them Trek wise.

I think me and Ginaz are going to have to settle this another way. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SK0cUNMnMM)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 17, 2013, 06:39:34 PM
The way I see it, the second movie should have boldly went somewhere to do something and the third movie should have come back to this one.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 17, 2013, 06:46:06 PM
TOS is kind of painful to watch at times, but even at its most campy, it generally manages to feel like a show about exploring the unknown and wrestling with difficult intellectual problems and, you know, science fictiony stuff.  That's pretty much the thing that's missing from all the TNG movies and the reboots (at least the first one; I've not seen the second one yet).  Have any of these movies involved a moral dilemma, or finding common ground with a strange alien species, or anything like that?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Hoax on May 17, 2013, 07:18:05 PM
I really hope someone gets to work with this cast and makes or at least tries to make a good Trek movie. I didn't hate it but I know if I dwell on it moving forward it will become easier and easier to hate it.

After Transformers though anything that doesn't just ruin completely something my younger self loved is good enough at this point.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Triforcer on May 17, 2013, 08:01:19 PM
Insurrection is like a really bad season 1 TNG episode. Of which there are many. Look, I loved TNG, but until you get to season 3, there are a LOT of painfully bad episodes.

Insurrection showed me one aspect of Starfleet I've never suspected:  you can play the HMS Pinafore with only two button presses on the main console of a starship shuttlecraft.  How can you not love a civilization that does that? 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 17, 2013, 08:41:18 PM
So, I really enjoyed this. I'm not a super Trek nitpicker, but I know enough to catch most of the references. I thought the performances were solid, the script was snappy, and the pacing was good. Also, it was probably funnier than the first one.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on May 17, 2013, 08:50:53 PM
So, I really enjoyed this. I'm not a super Trek nitpicker, but I know enough to catch most of the references. I thought the performances were solid, the script was snappy, and the pacing was good. Also, it was probably funnier than the first one.
You sir, are my new hero.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 17, 2013, 09:02:27 PM
There was one thing that made me laugh that shouldn't have, but it was so funny that I forgive it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on May 17, 2013, 09:23:55 PM
I went and saw it. I enjoyed it even while noticing its faults. I think it's funny to watch people nitpick it while willfully ignoring similar stuff from other Trek tv shows and movies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Stormwaltz on May 17, 2013, 11:10:01 PM
Early TNG was flat-out awful, and later seasons often suffered from clunkers. I was ready to buy the Blu-Ray Season 1 until I went over the list of episodes and realized they were all bad. "Oh my God" bad. So bad, I wouldn't even show them to my wife (and she's watched all of Babylon 5 with me, including Season 1).

The last season of Enterprise was wonderful. Unfortunately, the previous three seasons were so awful, virtually no one watched it.

And while The Motion Picture is slow and often dull, I still love it as the only Star Trek tale that evoked true awe in me. Between that and The Black Hole, 1979 did a lot to mold my taste in SF.

I went into the previous Abrams movie with a shrug. I actually loved the new cast save Chris Pine, who was handed a smirking frat-boy douchebag of a Kirk. I actually found Scotty more appealing more than the original. The trailers for this one evoked nothing but distaste from me. When I read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia, I was struck by how it seemed to have been assembled by rolling on random encounter tables - there's even a wandering lich.

I'm skipping this one.

A lot of Star Trek was crap. I'm not going to excuse it. But it was crap because it was either too nerdy or too mawkish, the product of people who - like me - didn't spend enough time talking to human beings. They were too deeply fans. When Abrams makes crappy Star Trek, it's because he is not a nerd, and he is not a fan. "Star Trek" means nothing to him. He's just making a movie with spaceships, explosions, and lens flare, taking his check, and going home.

Also, I am drunk. Do feel free to disregard all this as incoherent rambling.  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on May 17, 2013, 11:43:38 PM

I disagree about Abrams not being a nerd. Seriously, he even looks like a walking stereotype of a nerd. This movie is really about what happens when  a "smirking, frat-boy douchebag" has to grow up. See it if you want. I enjoyed it and it is probably my 4th favorite Trek movie behind Khan, 2009 Trek, and Undiscovered Country.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ubvman on May 17, 2013, 11:57:47 PM
I enjoyed the movie but it required a /switch -off brain command for it to work. Accidentally engaging even first gear of the brain caused a mental wreck.

That said, it doesn't make sense.

It has some action good bits and cinematography but it truly falls apart on the basics. I'm not even talking about geeky tech points. Just basic cinema plot common sense. :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 18, 2013, 12:00:28 AM
So, to satisfy my curiosity, I went back and watched Wrath of Khan for the first time in years tonight. I would have to say, as entertaining as it still was at times, it was at least as full of dumb plot elements and holes as Into Darkness. I think there's a lot of rose-colored glasses action going on in this thread, starting with the very start of the movie when the captain and first officer of a ship beam down to a planet, BY THEMSELVES, to investigate a reading where they have no idea of what it is or the level of danger involved. I didn't take notes, but there were tons of other places with similar issues, maybe the most egregious being the fact that there's somehow a nebula (a really tiny nebula at that) close enough to a planet that you can drive there in a few minutes without warp speed.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 18, 2013, 12:46:58 AM
starting with the very start of the movie when the captain and first officer of a ship beam down to a planet, BY THEMSELVES, to investigate a reading where they have no idea of what it is or the level of danger involved

To be fair, that's pretty much a standard Trek trope... and it is completely and utterly idiotic. It was idiotic in the 60's with TOS and it still is, but until the show/movie is about Ensign Dickhard and the captain is a bit character/omniscient narrator, that's pretty much going to continue.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Montague on May 18, 2013, 01:46:41 AM
I didn't take notes, but there were tons of other places with similar issues, maybe the most egregious being the fact that there's somehow a nebula (a really tiny nebula at that) close enough to a planet that you can drive there in a few minutes without warp speed.

It was actually a large asteroid. /neckbeard

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Arthur_Parker on May 18, 2013, 01:49:52 AM
I think a lot of Star trek is complete crap, I detested the prime directive whenever it came up because it always seemed to be a roadblock to doing the right thing.  The original tv series was way ahead of it's time though, it's just I never really cared for the later incarnations.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on May 18, 2013, 02:01:06 AM
You have to admit:

Was I the only one that felt Star Wars in this Trek?  Even the damned Klingon patrol ships were essentially tie-fighters with horizontal wings.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 18, 2013, 03:35:51 AM
I detested the prime directive whenever it came up because it always seemed to be a roadblock to doing the right thing.  

Actually, it was admitting that the right thing on that scale is simply not ever clear cut.

That's just historical fact, alas.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 18, 2013, 05:08:09 AM
You have to admit:

Was I the only one that felt Star Wars in this Trek?  Even the damned Klingon patrol ships were essentially tie-fighters with horizontal wings.

What annoys me in this thread is that folks are assuming:

a) that if you didn't like this film, you must love all other Trek or not care about the plot holes in it. Not me. My feelings about a lot of Trek (films and series) are lukewarm. In many ways I liked the first reboot film better than older Trek.
b) that if you didn't like this film, you habitually nitpick everything. Not me. Most of the time my suspension of disbelief settings are pretty generous.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 18, 2013, 05:45:27 AM
There's a wild difference between 'this is a movie, suspend disbelief' and the writers/director flat out saying 'you chucklefucks will swallow anything.'

I was really looking forward to this one after the first one (which I liked) but the more hype and mystery and bollocks started surrounding it, the more alarm bells went off.  And now people, who thought like me, are telling me it's dire.

Fair enough.  I'd rather skip it than end up moaning in this thread.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on May 18, 2013, 06:55:51 AM
Meh.  I'm still going to see it.  Most of you guys hated Borderlands when I thought it was a fun game.  I'll sneak in some snacks and shut my brain off.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Numtini on May 18, 2013, 08:03:09 AM
There are two prime directives. TOS prime directive only refers to pre-star-faring civilizations. TNG and later prime directive is pretty much America First isolationism.

I'm fine with the first, the latter is immoral. At the time B5 was an almost shocking contrast as its entire mission was essentially to meddle in galactic politics and Clark's isolationists were the enemy.

The Motion Picture is slow and often dull, I still love it as the only Star Trek tale that evoked true awe in me.
I remember seeing in in the theater and after so many years of fuzzy tv reruns, the long flyby of the Enterprise was an incredible experience. Not that it holds up, but at the time it was wow.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 18, 2013, 08:43:17 AM
The Motion Picture is slow and often dull, I still love it as the only Star Trek tale that evoked true awe in me.
I remember seeing in in the theater and after so many years of fuzzy tv reruns, the long flyby of the Enterprise was an incredible experience. Not that it holds up, but at the time it was wow.

The story in the Motion Picture I rank just behind Khan. I loved the tie into man's early space exploration coming back to complete the circle.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Mrbloodworth on May 18, 2013, 08:57:28 AM
Missed opportunity:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rendakor on May 18, 2013, 09:50:58 AM
I saw this last night and liked it. My experience with ST includes only a few episodes of Voyager when I was younger, and the 09 movie a few weeks ago because my friends insisted I watch it then go see this. There were some silly bits that didn't make sense, and a lot of overly dramatic moments, but all in all it was a good action flick.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 18, 2013, 02:12:00 PM
I enjoyed it as a brain dead action flick. Things happen because. Well, really because they want a particular shot or effect or something but it doesn't have to make any sense and trust me, it does not.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: murdoc on May 18, 2013, 06:16:02 PM
I quite liked most of this, but it did get really stupid towards the end.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 18, 2013, 06:19:27 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 90Proof on May 18, 2013, 06:26:36 PM
I watched the movie this afternoon in a regular theater, no 3-D and no IMAX magic.  I was underwhelmed  :|

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: SurfD on May 18, 2013, 06:40:19 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 18, 2013, 06:54:00 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 18, 2013, 06:55:43 PM
Star Trek has ALWAYS been hand-wavy techno-magic filled top to bottom with plot holes.

Rose-colored glasses.

This movie was good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 18, 2013, 07:00:00 PM
I enjoyed it as a brain dead action flick. Things happen because. Well, really because they want a particular shot or effect or something but it doesn't have to make any sense and trust me, it does not.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 18, 2013, 07:06:04 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 18, 2013, 07:27:27 PM
Movie was fine. Best pulpy sci-fi since the 5th Element. Action was good, acting was good, less lens-flare was good, effects were good. Even the plot made sense.

Worth seeing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 18, 2013, 09:17:19 PM
The story in broad strokes made sense. The PLOT (the points along the story's timeline to reach the broad strokes) really made very little sense at all.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 18, 2013, 09:21:16 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 18, 2013, 11:23:28 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ragnoros on May 19, 2013, 01:22:43 AM
Best pulpy sci-fi since the 5th Element.

Mighty strong words those.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 19, 2013, 02:56:07 AM
Best pulpy sci-fi since the 5th Element.

Mighty strong words those.

Yep. Pretty much is though.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MrHat on May 19, 2013, 08:17:08 AM
I enjoyed it.

Afternoon flick in a uncrowded theater with the full massive screen.  I actually had a moment of "wow, we've come a long way these effects are pretty awesome."

My biggest gripe (action brain on, plot hole brain off) was:

I only have vague memories of the original series and movies, so maybe someone can enlighten me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 19, 2013, 08:22:33 AM
I enjoyed it.

Afternoon flick in a uncrowded theater with the full massive screen.  I actually had a moment of "wow, we've come a long way these effects are pretty awesome."

My biggest gripe (action brain on, plot hole brain off) was:

I only have vague memories of the original series and movies, so maybe someone can enlighten me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: DraconianOne on May 19, 2013, 11:42:40 AM
It entertained me for a couple of hours so I can't really complain. I laughed, I smiled, I sighed heavily at the extremely obvious use of Chekov's gun (no relation.)  Thoughts:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on May 19, 2013, 01:12:57 PM
I liked it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on May 19, 2013, 01:52:52 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 19, 2013, 01:56:35 PM
It's a Trek film for people not interested in or only casually interested in Trek.  They threw tropes at you without getting why they were done and that's fine and dandy for what it was.   Don't think on it too hard at all, though.

I don't think it will stand-up for multiple viewings or be one of those movies in frequent rotation on some male-oriented cable channel like LOTR has turned in to.  

As for the bitching about ST in general upthread: Most of those are tropes from the 40's and 50's sci-fi and action serials that gave-birth to the series.  Bitching about the senior officers beaming down to a planet is like bitching that Indy was totally breaking all scientific and archeological principles and practices in his movies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 19, 2013, 02:03:27 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on May 19, 2013, 02:08:25 PM
I enjoyed it.  It's a summer action film.  Not choosing to think too much about some of the plot elements though.  I can see why some dislike it.  It messes with 'canon' etc. but consider it a 'lensflareverse' where cars float on air but flyers rely on old VTOL turbine engines.

Christ, now I'm thinking about the plot elements again.  To the Lobotomizer!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 19, 2013, 03:57:32 PM
Non spoilery question but does a turbine engine necessarily need to work the way it does now, in the future? Was the turbine even a turbine engine or just some sort of intake? 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 19, 2013, 05:29:30 PM
Turbines would need to work that way if they were turbines, yes.  I understand the mechanics are simple but pretty set such that other than fuel efficiency a turbine today is the same as a turbine from 50-60 years ago.  Much like the refrigeration cycle is all about compressing and expanding a gas, we can make it more efficient but not change the underlying physics.

The better question is why would they be needed if medical gurneys can have anti-grav devices small enough that the gurney is only 3" thick.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 19, 2013, 05:49:42 PM
Could be a weight limit/power ratio equation on the anti-grav stuff in that a power source big enough to float a plane would not be feasible. 

Turbine stuff makes sense but imo it's only silly to assume that all methods of transportation would be the same in the future.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 20, 2013, 04:39:44 PM
Just got back.

The prologue you saw before the hobbit was the best part.
But the film holds together till about half way through.
Fell apart somewhat for me when they tried to do the heart of darkness thing.
Oh my god the ending is terrible.
Still really no worse than the other trek films.
Can see the stylistic point about it being a bit star wars, but it had as much trek philosophical stuff as any other trek movie.

I've seen worse, I've seen better. In summary : meh.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 20, 2013, 06:22:57 PM
A rousing "Meh" seems to be the national consensus, too.  Didn't even break 85 mil with a 4 day weekend.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: ghost on May 20, 2013, 09:08:35 PM
A rousing "Meh" seems to be the national consensus, too.  Didn't even break 85 mil with a 4 day weekend.

Does the "meh" matter if you're a Trekkie, enjoy Trek but don't have a uniform or don't now who Lore is? 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 21, 2013, 01:39:30 AM
The film is borderline unintelligible for anyone without a basic awareness of the plot of old trek. Non-trekkies need not apply.

The big cumberbatch reveal made me laugh out loud while the GF had no idea what was going on, same goes for the tribble based chekovs gun and the sequence with kirk doing the thing he does at the end. I don't think either laughter or incomprehension were ideal responses. Too much of the actual plot came through references. That said this was far more faithful to trek than anyone cares to admit. The prime directive, avoiding war with the other guys, and heart of darkness segments felt like solid trek stuff to me, the central relationships between kirk, spock and uhura were well delivered. The problem was that the HoD section was confusing and made little plot sense, then the final sequence after that was terrible trekkie pandering, and the filmmakers even bottled out on the logical conclusion of their pandering.

And wtf was Leonard Nimoy in this film for?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 21, 2013, 02:37:51 AM
Oh and the 3d was even worse than usual.

Do not see this film in 3d. For me the choice was 3d or non-imax. Ideally you want imax 2d, but on no account go to a 3d showing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on May 21, 2013, 10:50:19 AM
I would only consider 3d if it's also IMAX (and a museum quality one at that).  3d on a normal-sized movie screen is never good.  For me though, it was worth it just seeing those fleeting epic Enterprise shots (especially when going to warp), but that's just me.  I'm a trekkie.  /shrug   

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 21, 2013, 11:55:43 AM
Screen I saw it on was 70 feet tall with 15/70 projection.

The 3d was still dire.

I think the key issue is that Abrams, who is not a noted fan of 3d, made no compromises in how the film was edited. Lots of cuts, shots had a lot going on, lots of closeups, and long sections in the dark. If you compare it to something like the hobbit the difference really stands out,  Jackson had clearly had made the compromises of much simpler scenes and nothing particularly dark (to the detriment of the film as a whole).

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on May 21, 2013, 05:33:39 PM
I just saw this. I enjoyed it.

I think the nitpick meter getting turned up to 11 is unwarranted.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 21, 2013, 06:01:51 PM
I think the nitpick meter getting turned up to 11 is unwarranted.

I'm a bit surpised that people are nit picking this one, when the first film set the standard for stupid storytelling. Those horses not only left the barn, but they made it to Cabo and are relaxing on the beach sipping cocktails by now.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 22, 2013, 04:50:14 PM
Taken completely independently of Star Trek I'd give this movie a B+ for being a decent action movie with punching, yelling, explosions, and only a couple of stupid plot holes.

Viewed with full awareness of the earlier works it was referencing, it was pretty painful.  The bit toward the end, with the hands?  Made me physically uncomfortable.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 22, 2013, 04:58:26 PM
I suggest reviewing the earlier work in question in close succession; it does not hold up in comparison IMO.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on May 22, 2013, 05:10:53 PM
Overall I thought this was just ok.  As a sci-fi movie it was fun, but the Trek fan in me wishes they would have just made up a new villain and totally forgot about Khan.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 22, 2013, 05:21:52 PM
I actually have been, partly because of this thread.  

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: naum on May 23, 2013, 09:28:40 AM
I think the nitpick meter getting turned up to 11 is unwarranted.

I'm a bit surpised that people are nit picking this one, when the first film set the standard for stupid storytelling. Those horses not only left the barn, but they made it to Cabo and are relaxing on the beach sipping cocktails by now.


It was an entertaining flick, with lots of action bits and if you went into the theater alert to the plentiful tidings of plot stupidity that would be evident, it's a good 2+ hours of popcorn and visuals. And all the homage honoring lines backreferencing the old school series elicited chuckles.

If you were expecting something deeper, you were bound to be disappointed.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on May 23, 2013, 09:43:13 AM
Ohhh now I understand why everyone is so upset.  Up until the last two movies every Star Trek flick has been a deep philosophical journey into unexplored realms of imagination.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on May 23, 2013, 09:50:34 AM
Ohhh now I understand why everyone is so upset.  Up until the last two movies every Star Trek flick has been a deep philosophical journey into unexplored realms of imagination.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2013, 10:12:28 AM
I should clarify, the thing that made this movie in particular painful (despite being a decent action flick, which is more than you can say for the TNG movies) is the hamfisted recycling and referencing of earlier movies that didn't make sense in context, but was there so people could say "hey, I get that reference!"  Every time one of those happened it took me right out of the movie because I of course recognized the reference but it was almost never done in a particularly clever way.  

I think somebody earlier commented on why the "KHAAAAAN" felt so weird and shoehorned in.  One that really stuck out for me was McCoy referencing a Gorn, which is dumb, but it just so happened that I had watched the TOS episode "Arena" (which the Gorn is from) that very morning, so it was fresh in my mind, and rather than thinking "hey, Gorn, I get that reference, that's clever," I thought "nobody from the Federation has even seen a Gorn yet, the whole point of that Arena episode was that they were making first contact with that species, how are they showing up at McCoy's maternity ward, and aren't they reptilian anyway?"

I mean, I get that I'm a big nerd and I'm not the target audience for this movie, but that's the point.  The Trek I grew up watching actually had people keeping track of the continuity and trying to create a coherent universe, because the target audience was nerds like me who dig that sort of thing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 23, 2013, 11:22:03 AM
Ohhh now I understand why everyone is so upset.  Up until the last two movies every Star Trek flick has been a deep philosophical journey into unexplored realms of imagination.

Did you miss the part where I said every TNG movie was crap too?  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 23, 2013, 12:21:06 PM
I think somebody earlier commented on why the "KHAAAAAN" felt so weird and shoehorned in.

In context I feel like it actually makes more sense to me than the original one. Kirk freaks out because he's been stranded in the cave, even though he already knows he has a secret plan with Spock to beam him out. So what's he so mad about?

There's also nothing as stupid as the Genesis project involved in this one (Genesis is monumentally awful in so many ways, it dwarfs every single science nitpick I might have with Into Darkness combined), and no douchebag Son of Kirk. Honestly the more I think about it the worse Wrath of Khan looks in comparison to this one, and that's the "best" Star Trek movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 23, 2013, 12:46:50 PM
I think somebody earlier commented on why the "KHAAAAAN" felt so weird and shoehorned in.

In context I feel like it actually makes more sense to me than the original one. Kirk freaks out because he's been stranded in the cave, even though he already knows he has a secret plan with Spock to beam him out. So what's he so mad about?

We as an audience don't know that. So it comes across as genuine rage. We later learn that it's part of his plan, so he was playing to Kahn. I mean, if he'd said "Oh, damn. I lost. Good show!" Khan would have been one suspicious mofo.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 23, 2013, 01:39:58 PM
You may not like this movie...


Wrath of Khan does not hold up, it just doesn't.

Whales? Fucking whales?!

The entire TnG abominations?!

I LOOOOOOVED TnG/DS9 but the movies are shit, universally.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 23, 2013, 01:47:46 PM
I agree on Genesis, but Douchebag, Son of Kirk will be the next movie, since Carol Marcus (son of Kirk's mom and MUCH hotter than in WOK) was here. Rite?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: naum on May 23, 2013, 01:54:23 PM
If your story is not about time travel, but it has time travel in it, then your story sucks.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2013, 02:05:01 PM
Whales? Fucking whales?!

One of many things I like about that movie is that it's not the standard "there is a bad guy, the captain of the Enterprise must punch him" plot that I think every Trek movie since has had.  Most of the really good Trek stories were not about fighting a particular antagonist.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 23, 2013, 02:09:53 PM
I agree on Genesis, but Douchebag, Son of Kirk will be the next movie, since Carol Marcus (son of Kirk's mom and MUCH hotter than in WOK) was here. Rite?

Well, presumably not as an adult douchebag, no.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2013, 02:11:10 PM
I agree on Genesis, but Douchebag, Son of Kirk will be the next movie, since Carol Marcus (son of Kirk's mom and MUCH hotter than in WOK) was here. Rite?

Well, presumably not as an adult douchebag, no.

I'm sure he'll accidentally fall through a temporal wormhole as a baby and emerge as an adult or some bullshit at the start of the movie if they want him in there as an adult.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 23, 2013, 02:11:56 PM
True; it is Star Trek after all.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on May 23, 2013, 02:16:17 PM
Star Trek 4 is still the best trek film.  Fuck you all.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 23, 2013, 02:17:30 PM
I like that one too. Maybe some local bias involved.  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 23, 2013, 02:26:48 PM
You may not like this movie...


Wrath of Khan does not hold up, it just doesn't.

Whales? Fucking whales?!

You are wrong. While I will agree that the whale movie was damned silly mostly because they played it for so much comedic effect and character interaction, but Khan? Much much better movie than Into Darkness by a mile, taken within the context of the time it was done.

The TNG movies? Utter shit.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on May 23, 2013, 02:36:48 PM
All arguing aside, I think we can all agree that Star Trek V was the worst.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 23, 2013, 02:56:19 PM
I don't know, I'd prefer that to Insurrection or Nemesis. The latter is a movie so bad I can't remember shit about it other than it sucked.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 23, 2013, 03:04:43 PM
I think somebody earlier commented on why the "KHAAAAAN" felt so weird and shoehorned in.

In context I feel like it actually makes more sense to me than the original one. Kirk freaks out because he's been stranded in the cave, even though he already knows he has a secret plan with Spock to beam him out. So what's he so mad about?

We as an audience don't know that. So it comes across as genuine rage. We later learn that it's part of his plan, so he was playing to Kahn. I mean, if he'd said "Oh, damn. I lost. Good show!" Khan would have been one suspicious mofo.

The moment is a meme, as I said earlier, both because it makes emotional sense in the context of the film's narrative AND because we all love it for the sheer raw Shatnerism of it. It works on two levels: it's Shatner cheese AND it makes narrative & character sense.

In this film it is ONLY and ONLY and ONLY a bad weird dinner-theater homage to the older film. It makes no narrative sense, it makes no sense in terms of characterization, it doesn't even make much meta-fictional sense--it's not a clever ironic twist or a different line reading or anything. It's just "hey, wow, look it's Spock saying it now, we iz cool."  Meaning: if you hate the older film why the FUCK do you like that moment now? Seriously. You like a movie today that's slavishly imitating an affectionally-mocked bit of cheese from a movie you hate, because why? 

Everything that's good about Quinto's interpretation of the character (in some ways he gets it even more right than Nimoy) is undercut in that scene, everything that's interesting about this reboot cast and situation is undercut in this scene, everything that was ok about the first half of the film's storyline is undercut in this scene. If Spock is yelling about anyone, he should be yelling MARRRRRRCUS, that's the guy who really fucked up the ship and the situation. Khan is practically an innocent bystander by comparison.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 23, 2013, 03:50:17 PM
All arguing aside, I think we can all agree that Star Trek V was the worst.

What does God need with a starship ?

Always wondered.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 23, 2013, 04:37:37 PM
All arguing aside, I think we can all agree that Star Trek V was the worst.


Though I personally consider nuTrek about as bad.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 23, 2013, 04:45:33 PM
It makes no narrative sense, it makes no sense in terms of characterization, it doesn't even make much meta-fictional sense--it's not a clever ironic twist or a different line reading or anything.

But it does make sense. Think about what nuSpock's character development has been throughout the past two movies, in terms of the conflict between his Vulcan and Human sides.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 23, 2013, 04:51:26 PM
You may not like this movie...


Wrath of Khan does not hold up, it just doesn't.

You are the reason why Transformers 4 is geting made, and I hate you for it.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 23, 2013, 05:00:35 PM
You may not like this movie...


Wrath of Khan does not hold up, it just doesn't.

You are the reason why Transformers 4 is geting made, and I hate you for it.  :why_so_serious:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 23, 2013, 06:45:02 PM
It makes no narrative sense, it makes no sense in terms of characterization, it doesn't even make much meta-fictional sense--it's not a clever ironic twist or a different line reading or anything.

But it does make sense. Think about what nuSpock's character development has been throughout the past two movies, in terms of the conflict between his Vulcan and Human sides.

So he's yelling about a dude he met an hour ago, that he's already blown the shit out of after getting a spoiler hint from his old self, for doing something that was actually the fault of the guy who's already dead, and that something he did is indirectly kill a guy that Spock has only known for a couple of years but has been told *should* be important to him. If you want a scene where what nuSpock's been through is played reasonably well, the scene in the smuggler ship between him and Uhura is a good scene. The entire first half of the film is heading in a good direction even with the dumb plot holes, in fact.

The whole second half, KHAAAAAAAN most especially, only works as a homage, and as a homage, it shows that the homagers don't understand why the original scene is a meme in the first place. Plus now we have people telling us that they hated the film it's homaging but they really enjoyed seeing a film they hate done again with more lens flare and even less storytelling coherence.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 23, 2013, 06:49:43 PM
Transformers 1-3 were trash...kinda like star trek 1-8(? I lost track)

Look, I'm not saying into darkness is a great movie, it's a fun popcorn action flick that might shit all over star trek but at least it's well made, transformers were just terrible top to bottom.

Also Khan, watch it again, seriously. Good at the time but does not hold up in any way as a stand alone movie.  ALL the trek movies are stand alone save maybe search for spock and that's the problem, they expect you to go in knowing everyone and knowing fucking 1970's tv plots to make sense of things.  Say what you will about the new one but they do not ask that of the audience.

There is a place for things like old trek movies, extended tv specials.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 23, 2013, 07:19:32 PM
Circular argument  is circular.

I really enjoy the part where you bitch about a movie series requiring knowledge of the prior movies,while the one you say is better does the same thing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 23, 2013, 07:21:32 PM
I'm not even interested in talking about whether Wrath of Khan is a good movie. For me that doesn't enter into it: it's that this one is a bad one. That's it. It's not a matter of comparison: this film is not good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 23, 2013, 07:30:01 PM
Also Khan, watch it again, seriously.

No need. I have watched the mighty fuck out of that movie over the years. What do you want me to 'remember'? (lol trek reference.)

And no, Transfomers and nuTrek are pretty much equal in qualty of storytelling. Star Trek just seems to have managed to avoid being called dumb storytelling with the aforementioned "Trekkies hate fun" meme.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 23, 2013, 07:32:26 PM
It makes no narrative sense, it makes no sense in terms of characterization, it doesn't even make much meta-fictional sense--it's not a clever ironic twist or a different line reading or anything.

But it does make sense. Think about what nuSpock's character development has been throughout the past two movies, in terms of the conflict between his Vulcan and Human sides.

So he's yelling about a dude he met an hour ago, that he's already blown the shit out of after getting a spoiler hint from his old self, for doing something that was actually the fault of the guy who's already dead, and that something he did is indirectly kill a guy that Spock has only known for a couple of years but has been told *should* be important to him. If you want a scene where what nuSpock's been through is played reasonably well, the scene in the smuggler ship between him and Uhura is a good scene. The entire first half of the film is heading in a good direction even with the dumb plot holes, in fact.

The whole second half, KHAAAAAAAN most especially, only works as a homage, and as a homage, it shows that the homagers don't understand why the original scene is a meme in the first place. Plus now we have people telling us that they hated the film it's homaging but they really enjoyed seeing a film they hate done again with more lens flare and even less storytelling coherence.

Look, I appreciate that you obviously are very passionate about this, but could you turn off the sperg faucet for the time being and try to actually articulate what you want out of the movie? Understandably, its cool and edgy to hate all that is new and not old, but this is getting 2edgy4me at this point.

nuSpock's KHAAAAN-moment synopsis is as follows. I've put it into bullet points, in rough order of plot progression and relevance, because it's Friday and no-one does any work on Fridays:

 * nuSpock is having issues finding common ground between his Human and Vulcan sides. This is explained in movie 1.
 * at the start of movie 2, he is shown as trending towards Vulcan, in filing the report which smokes Kirk's career.
 * Kirk is understandably upset (given that he saved nuSpock's life) and tell him that he did it because loves him. No homo.

 * nuSpock is confuse by this, and is thrown back into Human/Vulcan dissaray. This is in large part due to the fact that he hangs around with Kirk, a person whom he obviously considers worthwhile.

 * British people happen.

 * as realisation is beginning to finally dawn on nuSpock that he cannot actually cut himself off entirely from being able to feel (prefaced by him telling Uhura that *exposition*), British people are making things worse.

 * Kirk is killed due to British people shenanigans.

 * nuSpock, realises that he has just lost one of the two people whom he can actually call a friend (Uhura being the other one, in case this isn't obvious) - a thing he has not actually experienced ever, even in Vulcan Juniour High.

 * this also happens to be the person who risked everything to save nuSpock's life earlier because they loved him (no homo).

 * nuSpock, now beginning to understand what the meaning of Fidelity in the human context is, is powerless to do anything about it (including sacrificing himself to save Kirk).

 * he finally flips his shit (succumbing to rage), and beams down to the planet to do the only thing he can do - engage in mano-a-mano fisticuffs, because despite the best plans of Team Goodguys, British people are still causing problems.

Now, as near as I can tell, all of this was spelled out in a fairly obivious fashion by the writer(s). It really is very much a join-the-dots-colour-in-the-giraffe type of exercise. And yet, it would appear, that people are still having trouble joining said dots, and colouring-in said ungulate mammal.

I apologise if I come across as snide, but there really is a point where I have to hold up my hands at the screeches of "WARGLBLARGL" and ask, what?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on May 23, 2013, 08:36:44 PM
Never mind. You've talked yourself into it being something other than a bad homage. This makes me WARGBLGLELE and you dispassionate. It's ok. I can talk myself into other things in other movies making sense even when they don't. It's a geek skill. Knock yourself out.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 23, 2013, 09:06:28 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 23, 2013, 09:08:08 PM
* Kirk is killed due to British people shenanigans.

I'm unfortunately going to be seeing this movie again this weekend (because friends I haven't seen in too long are getting together to see it), so I'm going to be keeping a close eye out for this.  When it happened in the theater I was wincing too hard to process it.  I'm pretty sure it was Marcus's shenanigans that got Kirk killed, though.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 24, 2013, 12:08:32 AM
Judging from his daughter and evilness, you can't rule out Marcus being an undercover British person.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 24, 2013, 12:38:51 AM
The whole second half, KHAAAAAAAN most especially, only works as a homage, and as a homage, it shows that the homagers don't understand why the original scene is a meme in the first place. Plus now we have people telling us that they hated the film it's homaging but they really enjoyed seeing a film they hate done again with more lens flare and even less storytelling coherence.

Who said they hated ST2? Lakov I guess. That's not "people". I like WoK less than I used to, and I think Into Darkness is a better movie, but I don't hate it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on May 24, 2013, 01:53:14 AM
I somehow managed to make it all the way till just this year without ever seeing anything but the first 10 minutes or so of WoK on TV.  Finally netflixed it earlier this year and thought it was....... meh to ok'ish.  Didn't hate it, and was entertained, but I think the reboot trek was certainly better, and possibly some of the other movies (like 4  :awesome_for_real:).  Actually, I also rewatched the undiscovered country at the same time, and thought it was better.

It always seems I'm alone in thinking the first Trek movie was one of the best....

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on May 24, 2013, 05:36:23 AM
The first trek gets a lot of hate for being a rehashed TOS episode, a plodding storyline (because it was a TV episode stretched to 2 hours, it could have been 90-100 min and been better) the terrible, terrible, TERRIBLE uniforms (Which gave me a chuckle seeing rehashed in this movie) and 70's design aesthetic that were obviously trying to rip-off 2001.

I think there was also some hate for Kirk not being captain and being shown as out of touch/ incompetent in the beginning. You're not wrong that it's one of the better ones as time goes on and I agree with you on Undiscovered.

* Kirk is killed due to British people shenanigans.

I'm unfortunately going to be seeing this movie again this weekend (because friends I haven't seen in too long are getting together to see it), so I'm going to be keeping a close eye out for this.  When it happened in the theater I was wincing too hard to process it.  I'm pretty sure it was Marcus's shenanigans that got Kirk killed, though.

Yes.  His attack is what mis-aligned the somophlange (I forget what they called it) requiring the trip into the core without a radiation suit that totally wouldn't have been on board a ship with an irradiated engine.  What hit the somophlange hard enough to misalign it while also being absent from the shot isn't explained any more than why a 190# man suffering from radiation poisoning is able to kick it in to place. You'd think it would need to be a little more precsise. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Numtini on May 24, 2013, 05:52:56 AM
Wrath of Khan does not hold up, it just doesn't.

I watched it last night. It holds up quite nicely to me.

The whales was always a bit silly and self-referential. Of all the movies, it's the one that's the most like an extended tv episode.  Mostly what I noticed last time I watched it was that what special effects there were horrible, even compared to the earlier films.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on May 24, 2013, 06:18:00 AM
Well Double Dumbass on you!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on May 24, 2013, 06:18:13 AM
It always seems I'm alone in thinking the first Trek movie was one of the best....

You're not alone.  From the pre-Abrams movies, it's my second favorite behind Undiscovered Country.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on May 24, 2013, 06:28:11 AM
Honestly, if the next film starred Richard E Grant as a Shakespeare-quoting madman trying to bring down the Federation I wouldn't be upset.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 24, 2013, 10:59:50 AM
Well Double Dumbass on you!


Undiscovered Country (in my memory anyway) was good too. I'll probably rewatch that soon to see if is as full of flaws I didn't remember as Wrath of Khan.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 24, 2013, 11:28:26 AM
* nuSpock, realises that he has just lost one of the two people whom he can actually call a friend (Uhura being the other one, in case this isn't obvious) - a thing he has not actually experienced ever, even in Vulcan Juniour High.

Except that is HAS happened to him in the first movie by losing his mother and most of his entire fucking race (since he considers himself Vulcan).

Also, for most of the first two movies, Quinto's acting has been SPOT ON. He's been near perfect. The way he spoke the line just felt like he didn't even want to say it. Maybe because he realized how stupid it sounded in the context of nuTrek. I don't know. There was a way to deliver that line better and he failed at it. But moreso, it just felt out of place in the context of the story being told. As did the touching fingers through the glass part of that sequence. It lacked any emotion because 1) anyone who has seen Wrath of Khan sees that and goes "oh, homage!" or 2) the bad performance of Quinto on that line or 3) because compared to the same scene in the Wrath of Khan, these two characters (and actors) don't have decades of experience together growing a friendship or 4) because we all knew that Khan's blood would wake the Tribble and they'd be able to use Khan's blood to save Kirk.

As a result, there was no emotional impact in ANY of that scene, from Kirk's sacrifice on down because the audience knew Kirk wasn't going to stay dead. When Wrath of Khan came out, we were all like "WHAT THE FUCK THEY KILLED SPOCK OH MY GOD!!!!" And we didn't find out until the end credits that maybe Spock wouldn't stay dead.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 24, 2013, 11:30:21 AM
Undiscovered country is an example of a decent 'expanded episode' style film.

Its not the greatest movie ever, suffers from the fundamental weakness of tOS acting and characters which didn't start out great and were well past their natural arc. But it doesn't disappear up its own ass like most of the films do.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 24, 2013, 04:23:33 PM
As a result, there was no emotional impact in ANY of that scene, from Kirk's sacrifice on down because the audience knew Kirk wasn't going to stay dead. When Wrath of Khan came out, we were all like "WHAT THE FUCK THEY KILLED SPOCK OH MY GOD!!!!" And we didn't find out until the end credits that maybe Spock wouldn't stay dead.

And they had to do a whole movie's worth of stuff to get him back. And we had to wait years to find out.
To young me, it was similar to the cliffhangers at the end of Empire.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on May 24, 2013, 05:19:10 PM
Stepping into TOS cast's shoes is really kind of unfair. From a child of a Trekkie, I can say, you just can't replace Shatner, Kelley, or Nimoy. They were their characters. And as good as this current cast is, it just can't capture the same feel for the role mainly because they not only have to play the role, but capture what the original actors brought to the role. They have their moments, but those are flashes rather than a steady stream (though Urban does mimic Kelley playing McCoy much better for longer stretches than the rest of the cast). I tried to go with the new guys, but those roles are pretty iconic and it just feels like that is the missing piece in the reboot and why I can't get comfortable with this movie or the last. Pine just doesn't ooze the misogynist ladies man Shat did, and while he comes close at times, Quinto just doesn't have that stoic, stiff cadence Nimoy brough to the table. 

I keep thinking about what would happen if hey remade Empire and who would play Han, Luke, and Leia? Even if you could capture Han's swashbuckler swagger, could you capture the way Harrison did it? Is it unfair to judge based on that?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 24, 2013, 09:10:29 PM
I keep thinking about what would happen if hey remade Empire and who would play Han, Luke, and Leia? Even if you could capture Han's swashbuckler swagger, could you capture the way Harrison did it? Is it unfair to judge based on that?

Well, that's part of the reasoning why they (general they, general moviemaking) should just do new shit and stop rebooting and digging up corpses of TV shows and movie franchises. But it's all about name brands and franchises and reconizability.

Chia Pet The Movie. I'll bet money it's been discussed.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 25, 2013, 12:48:54 AM
Stepping into TOS cast's shoes is really kind of unfair. From a child of a Trekkie, I can say, you just can't replace Shatner, Kelley, or Nimoy. They were their characters. And as good as this current cast is, it just can't capture the same feel for the role mainly because they not only have to play the role, but capture what the original actors brought to the role. They have their moments, but those are flashes rather than a steady stream (though Urban does mimic Kelley playing McCoy much better for longer stretches than the rest of the cast). I tried to go with the new guys, but those roles are pretty iconic and it just feels like that is the missing piece in the reboot and why I can't get comfortable with this movie or the last. Pine just doesn't ooze the misogynist ladies man Shat did, and while he comes close at times, Quinto just doesn't have that stoic, stiff cadence Nimoy brough to the table. 

I keep thinking about what would happen if hey remade Empire and who would play Han, Luke, and Leia? Even if you could capture Han's swashbuckler swagger, could you capture the way Harrison did it? Is it unfair to judge based on that?

Personally I prefer the new cast. Quinto's scenes with Nimoy make me embarrassed for Nimoy.

They are all far better actors.

Even Simon Pegg.

Recasting Han Solo would be harder. Luke and Leia, not so much.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 25, 2013, 01:40:13 PM
Personally I prefer the new cast. Quinto's scenes with Nimoy make me embarrassed for Nimoy.

Nimoy is 82 and his age is showing. :( He doesn't seem as sharp as some other older actors.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Trippy on May 25, 2013, 01:47:08 PM
He was pretty sharp in the Audio commercial.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on May 25, 2013, 01:50:25 PM

Recasting Han Solo would be harder. Luke and Leia, not so much.

I'm all in for Zachary Levi as Han Solo.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on May 25, 2013, 01:52:44 PM
That... would be awful. I like him, but he has no edge to him at all.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on May 26, 2013, 05:04:55 AM
Might be interesting to see him try.  That said, I can't see it working.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 26, 2013, 11:07:25 AM
On reflection...


12 was pretty mediocre as an action film and totally lost it as a story at the point Khan's name is revealed.

But really not out of place in the canon.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lightstalker on May 26, 2013, 11:56:12 AM
Yes.  His attack is what mis-aligned the somophlange (I forget what they called it) requiring the trip into the core without a radiation suit that totally wouldn't have been on board a ship with an irradiated engine.  What hit the somophlange hard enough to misalign it while also being absent from the shot isn't explained any more than why a 190# man suffering from radiation poisoning is able to kick it in to place. You'd think it would need to be a little more precsise. 

Kirk was jumping on the wrong side of the thing given the mis-alignment, miraculously it snaps into place ahead of the penultimate stomp.  Of all the magical things in the movie, this was the most jarring for me because it was mundane and needlessly wrong.

Fewer ear worms than the original, so in that respect a much better movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 26, 2013, 12:12:45 PM
On reflection...


12 was pretty mediocre as an action film and totally lost it as a story at the point Khan's name is revealed.

But really not out of place in the canon.

Oh! Grade the movies! I'm down for that.

#1. Wrath of Khan
#2. The Motion Picture
#3. Search for Spock
#4. Voyage Home
#5. Undiscovered Country
#6. First Contact
#7. Insurrection

#8. Generations
#9 Final Frontier
#10. Nemesis
#11. Star Trek 09

Slots 8-11, man we're beyond bad and into "Do not want", so the spots become rather pointless. They're all weapons grade crap.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 26, 2013, 12:28:07 PM
I really struggle with the idea that Abrams films are worse than the TNG films.

Or that first contact and insurrection are above a line where you imply that things should be allowed to exist.

The TNG films are truly an offence against the art form.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 26, 2013, 04:46:49 PM
If you are putting the new trek movies behind the tng movies then just...go
Home, lock your doors and turn off all media cause you are stuck in a past which never happened and reality will never be able to pierce the bubble of your nostalgia.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 26, 2013, 05:15:30 PM
I'd put the first Abrams movie ahead of all the TNG movies, but this latest one... I don't know.  Better visuals for sure, but the script is just so terrible.  I guess I'd put it ahead of Nemesis, if only because I don't want to live in a world where it's even possible to make a worse Star Trek movie than Nemesis.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on May 26, 2013, 05:30:34 PM
For lulz, check rotten tomatoes for their list of trek movies, none of us synch up with that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on May 26, 2013, 05:31:01 PM
Nemesis is better than the one with the asshole immortal squatters.  I seem to have a mental block with the movies name.  Thank god.  Nemesis had Romulans and a space battle.

How different starship captains react to an alien ship attacking:

Picard:  Conference.
Sisko:  How DARE you come HERE and IMPOSE your weapons fire on INNOCENT people!
Janeway:  Derp.
Archer:  Furrows brow.  Open hailing frequencies!  Why won't they talk!  Polarize the hull plating.  Where's my beagle?

I don't know why I typed that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on May 26, 2013, 06:04:08 PM
If you are putting the new trek movies behind the tng movies then just...go
Home, lock your doors and turn off all media cause you are stuck in a past which never happened and reality will never be able to pierce the bubble of your nostalgia.

I'm almost there. I only come out once in a while to scowl at the fun everyone's having.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on May 27, 2013, 06:43:15 PM
* nuSpock, realises that he has just lost one of the two people whom he can actually call a friend (Uhura being the other one, in case this isn't obvious) - a thing he has not actually experienced ever, even in Vulcan Juniour High.

Except that is HAS happened to him in the first movie by losing his mother and most of his entire fucking race (since he considers himself Vulcan).

You misread =3

I meant that he hasn't had any friends, let alone lost any. Not that he hasn't experienced loss.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on May 28, 2013, 09:40:15 AM
I really struggle with the idea that Abrams films are worse than the TNG films.

They aren't. I'd put Into Darkness just above First Contact, and then all the other TNG movies fall into the shithole down below it with the shitshow that was Star Trek V.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ragnoros on May 29, 2013, 10:16:39 PM
Saw this. Great action movie. Yeah, it has little to do with traditional/old star trek. Breaking the prime directive, and probably most of the others, in the first five minutes was JJ's way of saying: "I give no fucks about your nerdom, here is something fun instead." Beyond that, I am aware that further viewings or examination would probably bring the whole plot crashing down on itself. But it was fine the first go, so whatever.

My issues.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 30, 2013, 12:02:54 AM
TJ Hooker Kirk would not have waited 5 minutes to break the prime directive.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on May 30, 2013, 12:13:30 AM
there should have been no gravity, as they were all in freefall.

I like picking nits as much as the next guy, but there's no gravity in space either.  Star Trek ships have artificial gravity emitters (same "action at a distance" tech as makes tractor beams and inertial dampers work) so that you can walk around in earthlike gravity while floating in space or accelerating at impossible speeds in an arbitrary direction.  No reason it'd be any different while falling toward a planet.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Typhon on May 30, 2013, 05:57:07 AM
1) When they loose power they are in a high Earth orbit (as you can tell because the Enterprise's bottom is facing the Earth) and they will continue that orbit for a really really long time, ... unless!
2) They pull up to planet Earth and come to a complete STOP (which would actually require expending energy), so when they lose power suddenly they are falling toward at (something close to) 9.8m/s^2, which is ridiculous because gravity follows the inverse square rule and they are really far from Earth, and they will slowly fall for a couple days before hitting the Earth (yes, a guess)...  unless!
3) We're wrong about them being in high Earth orbit!  The reason the Enterprise is belly-down is because of emergency protocols.  The emergency systems are keeping some power on so folks can move about the ship, and in these situations the Enterprise reorients itself to fall belly down.  Ok, that works.  1) Enterprise was still moving straight at the Earth when main power cut, and it's belly moved to the direction of motion due to emergency protocols, which are also doing their best to keeping power to life support (lights, air flow, gravity).

Whew, I feel soooo much better about this now.

I liked the movie.  I fully expected to have to have mental blinders on because the folks making a movie need tons of people to go see it, and tons of people don't know shit about Newton or his laws and they don't want to be taught physics while seeing an action flick. 

Funny thought: more people probably have a better working knowledge of special relativity then they do of Newtonian mechanics.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on May 31, 2013, 12:53:50 AM
I can't wait for this discussion to repeat itself when the next Star Wars film comes out.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on May 31, 2013, 01:02:21 AM
Don't be ridiculous, f13 simply doesn't like to talk about star wars.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Montague on May 31, 2013, 10:05:31 PM
I can't wait for this discussion to repeat itself when the next Star Wars film comes out.  :awesome_for_real:

If Abrams' form holds, that film will be a deep philosophical morality play on the nature of the Force with a tightly plotted, character driven screenplay. Then I will tell the SW geeks to STFU, it's better than anything Lucas ever did, etc.  

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 01, 2013, 02:57:20 AM
He's a better fit for SW than ST.  Fun, frenetic action that cheerily zooms past plot holes and internal logic to provide escapism.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Abagadro on June 01, 2013, 10:07:08 AM
Plinkett shows how it is even more derivative than you think (it's 7 min not one of his 90 minute takedowns):

Star Trek: Into References (http://redlettermedia.com/mr-plinkett-star-trek-into-reference/)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 01, 2013, 11:09:41 AM
Plinkett shows how it is even more derivative than you think (it's 7 min not one of his 90 minute takedowns):

Star Trek: Into References (http://redlettermedia.com/mr-plinkett-star-trek-into-reference/)

RLM also did a more in-depth review.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on June 01, 2013, 12:16:45 PM
I thought their review, and espeicially the plot analysis and comments about Khan/tribble referencing, was pretty good.

Until they go nuts in the last 10 minutes trying to pretend that old star trek (TNG aside) was anything nobler.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 01, 2013, 01:39:43 PM
I thought their review, and espeicially the plot analysis and comments about Khan/tribble referencing, was pretty good.

Until they go nuts in the last 10 minutes trying to pretend that old star trek (TNG aside) was anything nobler.

Did you watch TOS? Do you remember the episode where nobody punched anything, and they tried to communicate with and understand an alien being, and the resolution of the story involved the Metamorphosis (http://en.memory-alpha.org/wiki/Metamorphosis_(episode)) of human and alien?
Or the episode (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Menagerie_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series)) that asked the question of whether it's better to live with an illusion or a harsh reality?
How about the episode that spent 90% of it's time in a courtroom (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Court_Martial_(Star_Trek:_The_Original_Series))?
Have you watched the episode that dealt with the death of a single person (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_City_on_the_Edge_of_Forever) in order to restore the timeline?
There's an episode that explores racism (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Let_That_Be_Your_Last_Battlefield) and prejudice.

Jesus christ. TOS wasn't just Kirk fucking green women and punching the Gorn captain. It was sci-fi for the masses, but it was still sci-fi. I don't know about nobler, but at the very least they did stories with a little more thought than dropiing Trek references and blowing shit up.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 01, 2013, 03:04:30 PM
Jesus christ. TOS wasn't just Kirk fucking green women and punching the Gorn captain.

I actually just recently saw the episode where Kirk punches the Gorn, and what people don't seem to remember about that episode was that the entire point was that Kirk DIDN'T kill the Gorn at the end because he decided it was better to try to establish peaceful relations with this new species (even though their first contact consisted of the Gorn slaughtering an entire human colony for no apparent reason).

Point being that even the episodes that we remember as being the most cheeseball were more cerebral than the current generation of movies are.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 01, 2013, 03:34:49 PM
Uh, I remember that.

Honest.  I remember all of that.

That's why I don't give much of a shit about this film.  I think I've already missed it on the big screen to be honest.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 01, 2013, 03:43:43 PM
Plinkett's always fun.  He does his homework.  As for the movie, to quote Donald Rumsfeld "We go to the movies with the writer we've got, not the writer we want."  I wouldn't let Lindelof write the new Denny's menu.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 01, 2013, 03:53:37 PM
Plinkett's always fun.  He does his homework.  As for the movie, to quote Donald Rumsfeld "We go to the movies with the writer we've got, not the writer we want."  I wouldn't let Lindelof write the new Denny's menu.

Lindelof gets a lot of heat, but I put as much blame on Orci and Kurtzman, who were the geniuses behind the first Transformers movie.
I honestly have shed a lot of my nerdrage against Bay and think that these dipshits are part of the reason TF/ST have such terrible stories.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 01, 2013, 04:13:17 PM
Lindelof wrote Lost (sucked), Cowboys and Aliens (sucked), Promethus (sucked) and this Star Trek (sucked).  He is a parasitic vermin that has somehow attached itself to top Hollywood projects.

Those last three movies I've enjoyed the actors, the sets, the sfx, the direction but not the scripts.

He hit a cultural milestone with Lost (before everyone realized the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes) and has coasted ever since.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 01, 2013, 04:35:21 PM
Lindelof wrote Lost (sucked), Cowboys and Aliens (sucked), Promethus (sucked) and this Star Trek (sucked).  He is a parasitic vermin that has somehow attached itself to top Hollywood projects.

Those last three movies I've enjoyed the actors, the sets, the sfx, the direction but not the scripts.

He hit a cultural milestone with Lost (before everyone realized the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes) and has coasted ever since.

No doubt. Read any interviews and he comes across as a shallow moron who is simply aping his favorite writing tropes, without a serious understanding of why they work.
It is a mystery (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq3abPnEEGE) is not a story.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 01, 2013, 07:41:05 PM
BTW I had a hankering for some movie Trek, and rewatched STIII and WOK over the past couple of days.

Still good. I'd put them against most modern movies, and they blast past nuTrek at warp speed. (http://my.opera.com/community/graphics/smilies/spock.gif)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on June 02, 2013, 03:27:18 PM
Lindelof wrote Lost (sucked), Cowboys and Aliens (sucked), Promethus (sucked) and this Star Trek (sucked).  He is a parasitic vermin that has somehow attached itself to top Hollywood projects.

Those last three movies I've enjoyed the actors, the sets, the sfx, the direction but not the scripts.

He hit a cultural milestone with Lost (before everyone realized the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes) and has coasted ever since.

Oh god, I really don't want to be that guy, but I liked Cowboys and Aliens. I also enjoyed Prometheus. I didn't go into any of those movies with any type of emotional connections or attachment though.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 02, 2013, 04:40:36 PM
I re-watched Nemesis today.  I guess because I'm on a STO Romulan tear.  The Romulans, Remans and the ship battle were fun.  Everything else, yeah, still kinda blows.  They tried to give each major character at least something to do, but it was such a dumb film.  No need to go back into all that dross.

Maybe the third movie will go its own way.  It won't turn into a TV show, Quinto and Saldana are fairly big stars.  Chris Pine on the other hand...

Maybe the third movie can take up a serious sci-fi theme instead of phasOrz, like 1 and 5 did.  I mean, those movies are Trek favorites right?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 02, 2013, 05:44:12 PM
I re-watched Nemesis today.  I guess because I'm on a STO Romulan tear.  The Romulans, Remans and the ship battle were fun.  Everything else, yeah, still kinda blows.  They tried to give each major character at least something to do, but it was such a dumb film.  No need to go back into all that dross.

Maybe the third movie will go its own way.

No chance in hell.

Maybe the third movie can take up a serious sci-fi theme instead of phasOrz, like 1 and 5 did.  I mean, those movies are Trek favorites right?

TMP is #2 on my list. And there's no chance of them doing something like that again either.

Maybe now that JJ Abrams is going to be busy shitting all over Star Wars we might get a Trek movie with a dash of sci-fi in it. Depends on who writes it.

My guess for the next Trek movie is Klingons, because everybody's heard of Klingons. I fancy they'll do something like rip off Undiscovered Country, except Chang will be named Worf, because more people have heard of Worf than Chang, and he'll want revenge against the Federation and have a really big evil starship.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 02, 2013, 07:10:15 PM

My guess for the next Trek movie is Klingons, because everybody's heard of Klingons. I fancy they'll do something like rip off Undiscovered Country, except Chang will be named Worf, because more people have heard of Worf than Chang, and he'll want revenge against the Federation and have a really big evil starship.

Stop being an idiot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ragnoros on June 02, 2013, 08:18:27 PM

My guess for the next Trek movie is Klingons, because everybody's heard of Klingons. I fancy they'll do something like rip off Undiscovered Country, except Chang will be named Worf, because more people have heard of Worf than Chang, and he'll want revenge against the Federation and have a really big evil starship.

Stop being  accurate.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 02, 2013, 11:19:11 PM
I forget if I've already given this theory here, but my money is on Dr. Marcus being killed by Klingons in the next one so that Kirk can get angry and punch a Klingon.

But I agree that the Klingons will need a giant evil ship, otherwise how will we know they're the bad guys?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on June 03, 2013, 12:04:19 AM
BTW I had a hankering for some movie Trek, and rewatched STIII and WOK over the past couple of days.

Still good. I'd put them against most modern movies, and they blast past nuTrek at warp speed. (http://my.opera.com/community/graphics/smilies/spock.gif)

Wait - you liked three?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2013, 01:26:37 AM

My guess for the next Trek movie is Klingons, because everybody's heard of Klingons. I fancy they'll do something like rip off Undiscovered Country, except Chang will be named Worf, because more people have heard of Worf than Chang, and he'll want revenge against the Federation and have a really big evil starship.

Stop being an idiot.

Your reaction is odd.  I'm finding the prediction compelling.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 03, 2013, 02:32:49 AM
BTW I had a hankering for some movie Trek, and rewatched STIII and WOK over the past couple of days.

Still good. I'd put them against most modern movies, and they blast past nuTrek at warp speed. (http://my.opera.com/community/graphics/smilies/spock.gif)

Wait - you liked three?

#3 on my list.
It's got it's problems, like bumping off David and blowing up the Enterprise were a weak way to balance out the ressurection of Spock. And bringing Spock back was kinda pussy. If you're gonna kill off a character, then leave them dead. Dont' half ass it and bring them back to life.

But we also got some iconic ST stuff, like the Bird of Prey, the Excelsior, the cool spacedock station. And one of my very favorite Trek moments. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k9Ukm9LaWg)

So yeah. I liked it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 03, 2013, 02:44:55 AM
So you like 1 and 3, do you also like pet rocks and New Coke?   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2013, 02:48:44 AM
3 was ok.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on June 03, 2013, 04:07:32 AM
The only real issue I had with 3 was the 'enterprise only needs 5 crew members to fly' concept, which seemed cheap and really opened up the series to 'Kirk is a superhero so can do anything'. Actions lacked consequences from this point on (with the exception of 6, which gets a pass).

Christopher Lloyd was in it, which prevents it being properly terrible. Much like 12, competently acted and directed but no one thought to invest in a decent script.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2013, 04:22:06 AM
Bear in mind that in pretty much all editions of Trek, the computer was good enough to fly ships.

I've never really understood why they had crew in the first place, except for the short dresses.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on June 03, 2013, 05:04:58 AM
Bear in mind that in pretty much all editions of Trek, the computer was good enough to fly ships.

I've never really understood why they had crew in the first place, except for the short dresses.

You just answered your own question.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2013, 05:05:46 AM
Well, that's what I'm here for.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 03, 2013, 05:39:01 AM
Watching that Plinkett review and then the "Kirk steals the Enterprise" scene from III gave me a sudden clarity Clarence moment.

Kirk was just another rogue Starfleet Admiral. 

Starfleet REALLLY needs to look at their promotions policies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on June 03, 2013, 07:48:03 AM
One rebel promotes another and the cycle continues.  Kirk had to kill his own grand-mentor.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 03, 2013, 09:36:45 AM

My guess for the next Trek movie is Klingons, because everybody's heard of Klingons. I fancy they'll do something like rip off Undiscovered Country, except Chang will be named Worf, because more people have heard of Worf than Chang, and he'll want revenge against the Federation and have a really big evil starship.

Stop being an idiot.

Your reaction is odd.  I'm finding the prediction compelling.

If they DON'T do something with the Klingon war in the next one, they will have missed a huge opportunity. We've already seen that the Klingon homeworld has been devestated by the moon exploding so a direct remake of 6 isn't going to happen. I really hope they do a Klingon war but go their own way with it. Maybe the Enterprise prevents the war and Worf's daddy becomes the first Klingon to serve on a starfleet vessel.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 03, 2013, 09:44:22 AM
The klingon thing is about right, the whole worf part is what was idiotic and what I was commenting on, just more trek butthurt which this thread is permeated with.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 03, 2013, 10:22:16 AM
Before this movie came out, none of us thought they'd use Khan as a villain in one of these, because it would be too blatant of a ripoff.  We knew the movie was going to have some sort of Wrath of Khan ripoff element but we were trying to guess which more minor character from the original continuity would be used as the main villain to put at least a little twist on it.

No pandering references they drop at this point are going to surprise anyone.

Re: the Plinkett references recap, for bonus fun, go back to the Star Trek '09 review he did and watch the tongue-in-cheek section on "here are the Trek references they didn't manage to recycle in this movie, so keep an eye out for them in the next one".  I think every single one of them was used in Into Darkness. 

Wait, except for "Kirk fights Spock with the things.  DAH DAH DAAAH DAH DAH DUN DUN!"  So we have something to look forward to.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 03, 2013, 10:36:37 AM
I get why people here don't like it, I liked it and even I thought spocks khan yell was way over the top.  What I don't get is the massive disconnect between the crowd here and everyone else in the world. It's got something like a 90% fresh rating with fans and mid 80's with critics and that's better than iron man 3. 

Now I know, mcdonalds and walmart are also wildly popular yadda yadda yadda but there's just such a huge gap on this site and with everyone I've talked to about the movie and every review I've seen that it makes me scratch my head.

It's campy and some of the head nods to the older stuff is a bit much but for fuck's sake, they aren't exactly bending Roddenberry's corpse over and raping it either.........that was generations.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 03, 2013, 10:55:53 AM
Why the disconnect?  My theory is Old geeks don't use social media in the same way and they're the ones bitching.  How many here actually rate movies on RT?  How many proudly and often excalim "I don't have a Facebook/ G+/ Twitter!"

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on June 03, 2013, 11:02:42 AM
I get why people here don't like it, I liked it and even I thought spocks khan yell was way over the top.  What I don't get is the massive disconnect between the crowd here and everyone else in the world. It's got something like a 90% fresh rating with fans and mid 80's with critics and that's better than iron man 3.
I'm reminded of this morning's xkcd comic regarding hipsters.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 03, 2013, 11:40:04 AM
What I don't get is the massive disconnect between the crowd here and everyone else in the world.

Not to sound elitist, but I'm going to say something elitist here.  I'd say the crowd here at f13 is way smarter and at least a little nerdier than the average person you're drawing your samples from.

I'm not saying we're right and everyone else is wrong, but on a number of issues you're going to find the folks on this site skewing very differently from the population at large.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 03, 2013, 11:45:12 AM
I get why people here don't like it, I liked it and even I thought spocks khan yell was way over the top.  What I don't get is the massive disconnect between the crowd here and everyone else in the world. It's got something like a 90% fresh rating with fans and mid 80's with critics and that's better than iron man 3.  

Now I know, mcdonalds and walmart are also wildly popular yadda yadda yadda but there's just such a huge gap on this site and with everyone I've talked to about the movie and every review I've seen that it makes me scratch my head.

It's campy and some of the head nods to the older stuff is a bit much but for fuck's sake, they aren't exactly bending Roddenberry's corpse over and raping it either.........that was generations.  :awesome_for_real:

Either I'm old and think everything new is crap (not true, I like a lot of current movies, but not this one) or these nuTrek movies are all super stupid crap that skate by on special effects and shallow drama.

My tinfoil hat theory is that nuTrek got a major boost by the onion article about Trekkies hating fun "And if you hate this movie, you're a neckbeard lolz don't be a neckbeard sleep watch the movie sleep..." And I also suspect that that was a bit of marketing ploy on the part of Abrams and Paramount.  A lot of people make up their minds if they're going to like a movie before they even see it. And movie makers know that.

So... fuck if I know for sure. I'm bewildered that this shit, and the Transformers franchise make such big money. I guess the teen crowd has a lot of dollars to burn.

Shit. when the 09 flim came out, everyone was praising it. I watched it on BR when it came out, and kept wondering if I'd bought the Bizzaro world version of the movie somehow. I couldn't figure out what anyone saw in the damn thing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2013, 11:57:37 AM
The klingon thing is about right, the whole worf part is what was idiotic and what I was commenting on, just more trek butthurt which this thread is permeated with.

Um, they did that in Six.  It was totally Worf in the courtroom.  You got that, right ??

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on June 03, 2013, 12:03:09 PM
Reviews I've seen of this have either been 'its bad' or 'it is decent on a director, cast, and fx level, but writing is bad' or have been written by mouth breathers I don't care about.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on June 03, 2013, 12:08:52 PM
Um, they did that in Six.  It was totally Worf in the courtroom.  You got that, right ??

It was Michael Dorn playing Worf's grandfather, who was named Colonel Worf, in Undiscovered Country.  Sure, it was shoehorned in, but continuity-wise it made sense.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 03, 2013, 12:12:47 PM
Thanks for the redundant post.

What about Worf's relative being called Worf in the reboot wouldn't also make the same type of 'sense' ?


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 03, 2013, 12:31:17 PM
Thanks for the redundant post.

What about Worf's relative being called Worf in the reboot wouldn't also make the same type of 'sense' ?


Clearly, I didn't remember that(I think I only saw six once when it came out) yeah I can see them doing that, dumb as it would be.

Also as to transformers I kinda see how they made so much money since it was a movie aimed at kids and those things tend to get seen over and over and over. Nutrek is a popcorn flick but deifnitely not a kids movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: naum on June 03, 2013, 03:17:28 PM
So... fuck if I know for sure. I'm bewildered that this shit, and the Transformers franchise make such big money. I guess the teen crowd has a lot of dollars to burn.

You're asking this in a world where Fast & Furious 6 starting Vin Diesel is the #1 movie for weeks…  :dead_horse:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on June 03, 2013, 04:52:26 PM
You know, if there's anything worse than geekery, it's anti-geek geekery. "Oh, people just don't love what I love because they're being the wrong kind of geeks." It's totally cool to say, "I liked it, that's all." Not cool to say, "Oh, you're just being geeky or you would like it like I like it."

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 03, 2013, 05:24:11 PM
Thanks for the redundant post.

What about Worf's relative being called Worf in the reboot wouldn't also make the same type of 'sense' ?


Clearly, I didn't remember that(I think I only saw six once when it came out) yeah I can see them doing that, dumb as it would be.

Also as to transformers I kinda see how they made so much money since it was a movie aimed at kids and those things tend to get seen over and over and over. Nutrek is a popcorn flick but deifnitely not a kids movie.

Neither are kid's movies. They're aimed at the tweens, teens and early 20 somethings. That's why both franchises have the gratuitous panty shots and frantic action, and plots that play out like they were written by a strung out hobo.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rendakor on June 03, 2013, 05:54:25 PM
Tweens and teens count as kids, to me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 03, 2013, 05:56:28 PM
Dude, argue all you want but Bayformers is aimed DIRECTLY at young kids, this is just a fact.  Whatever bits of TnA are completely secondary to Merchandising robot plastic toys to young kids.

edit: Tweens/teens don't buy shitloads of chinese manufactured plastic, your argument is invalid.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rendakor on June 03, 2013, 06:39:02 PM
I was actually agreeing with you.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 03, 2013, 08:42:42 PM
I got the two comments confused, apologies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 03, 2013, 10:13:30 PM
And Star Trek never had merchandising.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on June 03, 2013, 10:23:41 PM
And Star Trek never had merchandising.  :oh_i_see:

Ah yes, I remember all those massive numbers of tie-in Star Trek toys flooding the market in the 80s when the movies were coming out.

Oh wait, no I don't.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 04, 2013, 03:24:27 AM
Star Trek:TMP had toys, I know because my grandmother got confused and bought me some when I asked for Star Wars figures.  The whole series wasn't popular/ kid oriented enough to generate a lot of sales or demand.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 04, 2013, 06:04:42 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: croaker69 on June 04, 2013, 06:11:52 AM
Even the ToS had an extensive toy line in the early 70s.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on June 04, 2013, 06:31:31 AM
Star Trek toys existed, but where rare as hell compared to every other action figure type toy that they went up against.  The toys always felt like pure after thought they put no marketing effort into.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 04, 2013, 08:30:47 AM
I had those 70's TOS toys. They were fucking awesome. They were also the larger sized figures which went away shortly after Star Wars toys became such huge hits. Prior to Star Wars, toy merchandising simply was not that huge a business for movies or TV shows. George Lucas absolutely RAPED the entire toy market and changed the landscape forever. Star Trek TMP did have toys but they weren't very good compared to the Star Wars and GI Joe lines at the time (but then nothing was). The movie itself wasn't a big hit with the toys because the movie itself was SO not aimed for kids or mainstream audiences. Khan would have been a much more toy-oriented movie and I think did have toys but again - Star Wars and GI Joe pretty much dominated the market.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: croaker69 on June 04, 2013, 08:41:08 AM
My friend had the set of walkie-talkies that looked like communicators. I'm still jealous.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 04, 2013, 11:30:46 AM
Star Trek toys existed, but where rare as hell compared to every other action figure type toy that they went up against.  The toys always felt like pure after thought they put no marketing effort into.

Er, wat HaemishM said. SW changed the face of merch for movies. We all know that.
Transformers was a bit different, in that it was a movie based on an existing merch line. They just came round full circle.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 04, 2013, 06:34:44 PM
Just for fun, I just watched the Plinkett Star Trek: The Star Trek review so I could jot down the list of Star Trek things he listed as what the average person knows about Star Trek.  Most of these were referenced in the most recent movie.

  • Beam me up, Scotty
  • The Star Trek Enterprise
  • Dr. Spock
  • Live Long and Prosper, aka the Spock Hand Thing (can you do it LOL I can)
  • Warp Speed
  • Set Phasers to Stun
  • Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a...
  • He's dead, Jim
  • Klingons
  • Kirk fights Spock with the things (da da DAH DAH da DAH DAH DAH)
  • Photon torpedos
  • Tribbles
  • Kirk fights the lizard guy
  • The people with the half-black half-white faces

I don't think we've actually had a "Beam me up, Scotty" yet, or a "He's dead, Jim," or Kirk fighting Spock with the things, or the half-black half-white faces.  I'm going to call now that we get all of those in the next movie except for the black and white face people.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rendakor on June 04, 2013, 06:53:04 PM
Kirk fighting Spock with the things? Huh?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 04, 2013, 07:06:37 PM
Kirk fighting Spock with the things? Huh?

Da da DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH da da DAH DAH (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rl46Dpy-P4)

We haven't seen Spock do a pon farr yet in these movies, despite having lots of comical/dramatic potential and being a good classic Trek reference (besides the famous "Amok Time" fight scene it's also in Search for Spock).  I think it's gonna happen.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rendakor on June 04, 2013, 07:11:31 PM
Oh, those. I was thinking of the Klingon sword-things.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 04, 2013, 07:19:44 PM
I think listing things people know about trek with such basic things and then blaming the movie for having them is a bit much.  Of the list that were in this movie....

    The Star Trek Enterprise
    Dr. Spock
    Live Long and Prosper, aka the Spock Hand Thing (can you do it LOL I can)
    Warp Speed
    Set Phasers to Stun
    Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a...
    Photon torpedos

Are in just about every trek movie/episode.  Really are we considering it pandering to have warp speed or the fucking enterprise?  Of that entire list only two things were indeed blatant fan nods and you can like/dislike that if you want. It was the "damn it jim..." and the tribble but all the other stuff is ridiculous to call the movie out for.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 04, 2013, 07:33:00 PM
I believe I have already complained about the errant Gorn reference (Kirk fights the lizard guy).  (https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/40386/Smileys/comic-book-guy.png)

There have been many many Star Trek plots that don't revolve around Klingons.  But they're the most well-known adversary, so if you're going for lowest common denominator name recognition, you're gonna throw some Klingons in there.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 04, 2013, 08:00:44 PM
I don't wanna nitpick really but introducing klingons in this latest movie was the best possible way to do it since it wasn't excessive.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 05, 2013, 01:22:29 AM
Kirk fighting Spock with the things? Huh?

Da da DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH da da DAH DAH (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rl46Dpy-P4)

We haven't seen Spock do a pon farr yet in these movies, despite having lots of comical/dramatic potential and being a good classic Trek reference (besides the famous "Amok Time" fight scene it's also in Search for Spock).  I think it's gonna happen.

They are called Lirpa and Ahn'woon.

I wish I could tell you I looked that up.  I wish I could tell you I knew that from a game.

I wish, I wish...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on June 05, 2013, 03:08:31 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on June 05, 2013, 06:02:32 AM
Oh, those. I was thinking of the Klingon sword-things.
They were in it.  One of the dudes chasing Kirk was using one.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on June 05, 2013, 06:40:58 AM
Just for fun, I just watched the Plinkett Star Trek: The Star Trek review so I could jot down the list of Star Trek things he listed as what the average person knows about Star Trek.  Most of these were referenced in the most recent movie.

  • Beam me up, Scotty
  • The Star Trek Enterprise
  • Dr. Spock
  • Live Long and Prosper, aka the Spock Hand Thing (can you do it LOL I can)
  • Warp Speed
  • Set Phasers to Stun
  • Damn it Jim, I'm a doctor not a...
  • He's dead, Jim
  • Klingons
  • Kirk fights Spock with the things (da da DAH DAH da DAH DAH DAH)
  • Photon torpedos
  • Tribbles
  • Kirk fights the lizard guy
  • The people with the half-black half-white faces

I don't think we've actually had a "Beam me up, Scotty" yet, or a "He's dead, Jim," or Kirk fighting Spock with the things, or the half-black half-white faces.  I'm going to call now that we get all of those in the next movie except for the black and white face people.

I'm surprised 'Resistance is futile' isn't in there. The Borg are the iconic bad guys from TNG; or was this list specific to ToS and the first six movies?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 05, 2013, 08:24:11 AM
Please God, never let the Abrams Trek use the Borg. EVER.

The Borg lost their interest for me right after the Picard-Borg episode.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on June 05, 2013, 08:28:54 AM
They are called Lirpa and Ahn'woon.

I wish I could tell you I looked that up.  I wish I could tell you I knew that from a game.

I wish, I wish...

It's okay - you're among friends here.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on June 05, 2013, 10:04:49 AM
Is there even going to be another Abrams/Lindelhof movie?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 05, 2013, 10:09:38 AM
I wouldn't think so, but you never know how comfortable Disney and Paramount are trading directors between properties. 

That there will be a 3rd movie shouldn't even be questioned.  It's nearly made its production cost on Domestic gross alone. (190m PC/ 183 DG)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rendakor on June 05, 2013, 02:16:48 PM
Oh, those. I was thinking of the Klingon sword-things.
They were in it.  One of the dudes chasing Kirk was using one.
Hence my original confusion.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on June 05, 2013, 06:10:49 PM
Please God, never let the Abrams Trek use the Borg. EVER.

The Borg lost their interest for me right after the Picard-Borg episode.

Lindelof and Orci have already said in interviews that they're very attracted to the "iconic" nature of the Borg.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 05, 2013, 06:45:36 PM
Please God, never let the Abrams Trek use the Borg. EVER.

The Borg lost their interest for me right after the Picard-Borg episode.

Lindelof and Orci have already said in interviews that they're very attracted to the "iconic" nature of the Borg.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 05, 2013, 09:59:17 PM
Yeah, Borg would be my #2 guess, and since I didn't post that beforehand, I look like a "Of course!" dweeb.   :-P

I had figured the reboot would stay away from TNG+ Trek references, since it was all "boring", but I guess not.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 05, 2013, 10:02:25 PM
ah quote myself

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 06, 2013, 07:36:14 AM
Lindelof and Orci have already said in interviews that they're very attracted to the "iconic" nature of the Borg.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 06, 2013, 07:39:27 AM
Would a borg "origin story" be so bad? They never really went in depth with them beyond being a scifi boogeyman.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 06, 2013, 07:40:43 AM
Society invents nanites.  Nanites go mental.


Society relies more and more on machines, lose emotions, go mental.

It's really not an interesting story and it's been done better elsewhere.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 06, 2013, 07:43:20 AM
I've come to hate the Borg almost as much as I hate fucking Venom in the Spider-Man universe. Fuck the Borg. An origin story with them in the nuTrek universe would be much less interesting than a Klingon war.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on June 06, 2013, 08:36:50 AM
Kirk must deal with Spock going into rut at a time when the Federation and Klingon Empire have gone to war, only the Borg show up due to Q's interference, forcing them to cooperate.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Father mike on June 06, 2013, 10:10:54 AM
Kirk must deal with Spock going into rut at a time when the Federation and Klingon Empire have gone to war, only the Borg show up due to Q's interference, forcing them to cooperate.

Those guys who imposed the Treaty of Organia -- they're totally going to be Qs now.  Just another faction that's benevolent ... for no really good reason  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Montague on June 06, 2013, 01:50:14 PM
Please God, never let the Abrams Trek use the Borg. EVER.

The Borg lost their interest for me right after the Picard-Borg episode.

Lindelof and Orci have already said in interviews that they're very attracted to the "iconic" nature of the Borg.

The reason the Borg worked in TNG is because it turned the usual "Picard talks his way out of trouble\Geordi reverses the Tachyon field harmonics" trope on its head. The Borg couldn't be reasoned with and the usual technobabble didnt work (at least at first). That those two retards would say this doesn't surprise me. The more I read about these idiots the more I'm convinced that Abrams (who's not a Trek nerd to begin with) isn't so much at fault for this movie's problems.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 06, 2013, 02:48:00 PM
This movie's problems started at the script. The concept wasn't a bad one (remake of Khan problems aside), but the execution of the narrative was really weak.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on June 06, 2013, 04:53:26 PM
Society invents nanites.  Nanites go mental.


Society relies more and more on machines, lose emotions, go mental.

It's really not an interesting story and it's been done better elsewhere.

Science invents nanites who can love, but they love too much.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: adjunct on June 06, 2013, 08:25:21 PM
Even the ToS had an extensive toy line in the early 70s.
I had the Kirk and Spock "action figures" that were mostly dolls (http://www.megomuseum.com/startrek/).

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on June 06, 2013, 08:26:51 PM
The Borg (in TNG at least) are interesting in a few ways:

1. They are an existential threat
2. They are immune to normal Star Trek solutions (good observation Montague)
3. Perhaps because of A & B, the stories involving them tended to explore interesting territory

First Contact wasn't very good (although it was good for a TNG movie) because it focused almost exclusively on the first two. It was just a good guys fight bad guys movie, which is not the forte of Trek.

Here is a rundown of the TNG episodes involving them:

"Q Who?" - this episode is fundamentally about the hubris of man and ends with Picard and crew being humbled and begging Q to save them after enduring pointless deaths out of pride.

"Best of Both Worlds" is both a big action / adventure thing but also a very character-driven story. This is the most similar to First Contact, but this succeeds because the central plot point is the possible loss of Picard, whereas First Contact was largely about a character nobody cared about introduced in that movie.

"I Borg" is about the ethics of potentially justified genocide, and "Descent" is about the well-intentioned actions in "I Borg" leading to some unpredictable results.

In the hands of Lindelof and Orci/Kurtzman I assume they would just become a race of generic terminators. "Trek crew fights Borg" is not by itself interesting.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: adjunct on June 06, 2013, 08:28:48 PM
Would a borg "origin story" be so bad? They never really went in depth with them beyond being a scifi boogeyman.

I'm guessing you didn't watch much Voyager.

If they do use the Borg, I expect they'll fuse it together with V'ger.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on June 06, 2013, 08:49:50 PM
The Borg are basically a force of nature, explaining how they came to be would likely diminish that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 07, 2013, 01:51:33 AM
Did they ever establish that Trelane was a Q?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 07, 2013, 02:01:23 AM
The books did.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 07, 2013, 08:51:53 AM
I hate when movies/books/tv don't explain mysteries. I understand why some don't but god damn it if you took the time to develop this awesome monster/race/ancient civilization/etc I want to know more about it!  I know this is just me but damn it really gets me not being able to go deeper into lore and mythos.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on June 07, 2013, 01:18:56 PM
Trek's lore doesn't really hold up if you look at it more deeply, though--it was never planned as a really consistent mythos.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 07, 2013, 01:36:37 PM
Yeah, I'm a pretty big lore geek, but that's not really what Trek is about.  Most of the "classic" TOS and TNG Trek episodes are one-offs where they encounter a new planet and/or species that has never been seen before and is never seen again.  The universe is really big.  That's why it feels kinda lazy to me to reuse the same characters and villains in all the movies.  I didn't much like it when Voyager and DS9 had constantly recurring villains, either.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 07, 2013, 01:46:23 PM
Yeah, that was particularly retarded for Voyager, who were meant to be travelling massive distances.

DS9, at least you could see WHY it would happen.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 07, 2013, 01:57:01 PM
Yeah, that was particularly retarded for Voyager, who were meant to be travelling massive distances.


I liked it okay in DS9 when the big villains were the Cardassians and there was all the cold war intrigue stuff.  Mostly because of Garak being amazing.  The Dominion stuff was horrible, though.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 07, 2013, 02:10:38 PM
Yeah, that was particularly retarded for Voyager, who were meant to be travelling massive distances.


I liked it okay in DS9 when the big villains were the Cardassians and there was all the cold war intrigue stuff.  Mostly because of Garak being amazing.  The Dominion stuff was horrible, though.


I watched a last season Voyager and there was the Kazon once again.  My thought was 'shit the Kazon were three years behind them'.

DS9 was the first Trek show I quit watching.  Got tired of the religious/Bajor stories and the passive nature of the Fed setup.  I do admit once they got the Defiance the show improved.  The last season was quite good and I enjoyed the Dominon War.

The Dominion sucked.  The aliens addicted to ketracel white were cool, but the Vorta(?) was too fawning to the Changelings who always seem bored. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on June 07, 2013, 06:21:38 PM
I thought on paper the Dominion were a really interesting 'other' to the Federation--a multispecies political alliance kept together by coercion, secrecy and the threat of violence as opposed to democracy, consensus and cooperation. It would have been more interesting if they'd really filled out the interrelationships between the 'bigs' of the Dominion, but it was basically Changelings + Jem'Hadar with everyone a sort of afterthought.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 07, 2013, 07:34:23 PM
I can't agree more. The dominion was such a good excuse to see the opposite side of the coin to the federation, if anything they should have worked politically in the sort of "trains are running on time" way.  Instead we got worf and a battleship to go pew pew lazerz, cause space stations bore stupid people.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 08, 2013, 01:39:59 PM
Would a borg "origin story" be so bad? They never really went in depth with them beyond being a scifi boogeyman.

I'm guessing you didn't watch much Voyager.

If they do use the Borg, I expect they'll fuse it together with V'ger.

Probably, that was a brainfart Roddenberry had years and years ago, even though V'Ger didn't resemble the Borg at all, and the tone and presentation of the machine planet dudes is vastly different from the Borg stories in TNG.

Aside from being about a machine race, (and the Borg are only partly machine) they're nothing alike and don't fit well together, IMO.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 08, 2013, 01:43:13 PM
The books did.

And Darth Vader built C-3P0. Both Trek and Wars are pretty small worlds.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: ghost on June 08, 2013, 05:28:33 PM
Saw this tonight.  I found myself, on several occasions, thinking that this was the best goddamned movie I've ever seen.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on June 09, 2013, 08:15:30 AM
Once more into the breech...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Mosesandstick on June 09, 2013, 08:58:45 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on June 14, 2013, 02:10:19 PM
Would a borg "origin story" be so bad? They never really went in depth with them beyond being a scifi boogeyman.

I'm guessing you didn't watch much Voyager.

If they do use the Borg, I expect they'll fuse it together with V'ger.

Probably, that was a brainfart Roddenberry had years and years ago, even though V'Ger didn't resemble the Borg at all, and the tone and presentation of the machine planet dudes is vastly different from the Borg stories in TNG.

Aside from being about a machine race, (and the Borg are only partly machine) they're nothing alike and don't fit well together, IMO.
Borg Unimatrix dreadnaught-class vessel:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on June 14, 2013, 08:19:18 PM
And when it shows up, it gets that ST TMP V'Ger movie sting.

That said, in the apocrypha that is the comics about Nero during the 20-some-odd years he was cooling his heels waiting for Spock to show up, he supposedly takes the Narada and communes with V'Ger.

So… there's that.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on June 15, 2013, 05:06:16 AM
So, these are the voyages of the R.S.S. Neruda?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on June 15, 2013, 07:38:43 AM
And when it shows up, it gets that ST TMP V'Ger movie sting.

That said, in the apocrypha that is the comics about Nero during the 20-some-odd years he was cooling his heels waiting for Spock to show up, he supposedly takes the Narada and communes with V'Ger.

So… there's that.

Really? I thought the deleted scene was that he was handed over by the Romulans to the Klingons and had been in prison for 20 years.

Either way: bad scripting.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Arthur_Parker on June 15, 2013, 12:56:34 PM
Whales? Fucking whales?!

I've seen every Trek movie and the Whale one is the only one I like.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 15, 2013, 02:03:02 PM
The whale one is the only one a LOT of people like, and had the highest gross of any ST film until JJ's reboot. Which is why I always have a laugh when peole rage about it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Arthur_Parker on June 15, 2013, 02:12:15 PM
Maybe I went to far, I like the 1st reboot well enough, it's just the new one has me on a bit of downer.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on June 15, 2013, 03:05:49 PM
The whale one is the only one a LOT of people like, and had the highest gross of any ST film until JJ's reboot. Which is why I always have a laugh when peole rage about it.

And was the least "Trek" of the lot, well...that lot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Arthur_Parker on June 15, 2013, 03:43:29 PM
Least Trek I really don't see.  It told a fairly decent story with a good core message using SF, specifically time travel, and did it with good humour, all without having to have a bad guy.  It's probably the most confidently put together Trek film.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 15, 2013, 03:50:45 PM
If by "Trek" you mean "Kirk didn't fuck any green women and there were no pew-pew laser fights."  You're right!

As Arthur points out, it was a great sci-fi story in the mold of what old school sci-fi used to be.  There were plenty of TOS episodes it fits comfortably next to.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 16, 2013, 01:04:07 AM
Least Trek I really don't see.  It told a fairly decent story with a good core message using SF, specifically time travel, and did it with good humour, all without having to have a bad guy.  It's probably the most confidently put together Trek film.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on June 16, 2013, 04:55:24 AM
By least Trek I mean it was centered around Earth and a specific environmental conservation message that felt like the movie was just one huge PSA with Star Trek as the model. The movie was not about exploring strange new worlds or seeking out new life/civilizations or boldly going anywhere. It was a movie about Star Trek interacting with the world as we were living it (at that time). The Motion Picture had a super, alien constructed Voyager, II had well, Khan, III was getting Spock back from an artificial world, V had a journey to some planet with some fucked up alien, and 6 had Klingons. I think it did so well because it wasn't all Star Trek-ish and more people could relate to the time frame and the cause.

This is all my opinion and obviously I stand alone in it, but 4 just seemed like a gimmicky save the whales message with the crew of Star Trek sponsoring it, instead of a science fiction story about space exploration and conflict and moral dilemmas. So carry on....

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Arthur_Parker on June 16, 2013, 03:01:34 PM
I can see your point.

But for me the best Trek episodes made you think and hope for the future, it was different after all, as it was a 60's tv show that had a Black lady and a Russian in very respected positions.

The City on the Edge of Forever (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_City_on_the_Edge_of_Forever) was a good story, I can remember seeing it at about 6pm on BBC2 for the first time in the 80's, the Outer Limits may have had similar story lines, but wouldn't have had the same colour film appeal or time slot.

So I just saw IV as the crew encountering a particularly backward and paranoid race, it's still funny now, but during the 80's when the cold war was heating up again, Trek could still make you laugh and think, even the Russians must have seen some humour in it.

Chekov: [to a street cop] Excuse me, sir! Can you direct us to the naval base in Alameda? It's where they keep the nuclear wessels.
[He pauses, looks at Uhura, and tries again]
Chekov: *Nuclear wessels*

Or Scotty to the Apple Mac
Hello Computer

The best bits about the reboot movie were everything not involving the bad guy and the fuck stupid big ship, they had some time to introduce the characters.  There's very little good about the Reboot II, I really didn't like it at all.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 16, 2013, 07:38:26 PM
And when it shows up, it gets that ST TMP V'Ger movie sting.

Blaster Beam! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPimk6y1-JI)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 16, 2013, 07:40:59 PM
Borg Unimatrix dreadnaught-class vessel:


Let me know when they can generate a twelfth power energy field.  :drill:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on June 16, 2013, 08:17:18 PM
And when it shows up, it gets that ST TMP V'Ger movie sting.

That said, in the apocrypha that is the comics about Nero during the 20-some-odd years he was cooling his heels waiting for Spock to show up, he supposedly takes the Narada and communes with V'Ger.

So… there's that.

Really? I thought the deleted scene was that he was handed over by the Romulans to the Klingons and had been in prison for 20 years.

Either way: bad scripting.

Well, the Klinks captured the Narada after the Kelvin rammed it and held Nero and the crew in Rura Penthe for 20-some-odd years. Then V'Ger sensed the Narada and called to it. The Narada broke free of the tractor fields holding it, beamed the crew aboard and headed for V'Ger. V'Ger then turned them away because it couldn't process Nero's anger.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on June 17, 2013, 01:26:35 AM
Oh dear God.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Surlyboi on June 17, 2013, 03:51:17 AM
I know, it's like really bad fan fiction, but somebody actually published it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 17, 2013, 05:11:23 AM
It's all been bad fan fiction since the late 90s.  I thought that was an agreed point.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on June 17, 2013, 05:39:11 AM
When is extended universe bullshit NOT fn fiction? Doesn't matter the particular series, none of it should be allowed, ever.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on June 17, 2013, 06:03:45 AM
So, the Klingons had unfettered access to the Narada for twenty years and they aren't rampaging across the Alpha Quadrant in their fleets of unstoppable battle cruisers because...?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on June 17, 2013, 06:15:30 AM
So, the Klingons had unfettered access to the Narada for twenty years and they aren't rampaging across the Alpha Quadrant in their fleets of unstoppable battle cruisers because...?



I know there is some trepidation at how Nu-Star Trek could screw up the Borg, but let's face it, there are a lot of other races / stories to screw up too.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Hutch on June 20, 2013, 08:33:26 AM
OK, I saw it over the weekend, and I'm just now getting around to the end of this thread.

I agree that it wasn't necessary to remix the Khan story. Stories? It's an infinite universe, there's lots of other things they could have done instead.

OK. So, the story is about Khan. With that in mind, I liked the movie. I was actually thinking, about a third of the way through it, that it was falling together much better than the previous film. And I liked the previous film.

Having said that: I was not a big fan of the warp core reversal. They should have left that scene alone.

If I had the Weird Science machine, I'm pretty sure I'd make Alice Eve appear out of it. She is something else.
(somewhere in Hollywood, a coke-addled exec is thinking, "Weird Science remake! Let's make it happen!")

Karl Urban killed it as McCoy.

Peter Weller should be in every movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Speedy Cerviche on June 20, 2013, 05:02:01 PM
Just saw it, pretty bad.

So many huge plot holes.

Unidentified gunship entering restricted military airspace? We can detect that crap now.

How the fuck does that guy transport across half the galaxy to klingon planet?

Their ship breaks down right beside the klingon home planet for hours to repair and no one investigates? Even when there's fighting on the surface and multiple patrol ships are destroyed?

Same thing happens in Earth orbit, big space fight for like an hour, gee none of the other 20 vessels in the area go to check it out?

They have a suit for walking inside a  volcano but they don't have any radiations suits sitting around beside the super radiation warp core entrance?

I couldn't believe how stupid this shit was, it makes those holodeck malfunction episodes look good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on June 20, 2013, 06:17:57 PM
If I had the Weird Science machine, I'm pretty sure I'd make Alice Eve appear out of it. She is something else.
(somewhere in Hollywood, a coke-addled exec is thinking, "Weird Science remake! Let's make it happen!")

An R-rated version of "Weird Science" is in pre-production, I believe.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Speedy Cerviche on June 21, 2013, 06:11:18 AM
Oh yeah and what's up with the muslim Khan guy suicide flying his plane into an american city at the end? surprised that was put in.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on June 21, 2013, 08:49:07 AM
So, the Klingons had unfettered access to the Narada for twenty years and they aren't rampaging across the Alpha Quadrant in their fleets of unstoppable battle cruisers because...?



I know there is some trepidation at how Nu-Star Trek could screw up the Borg, but let's face it, there are a lot of other races / stories to screw up too.

Voyager already beat Abrams to it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on June 21, 2013, 09:13:13 AM
Oh yeah and what's up with the muslim Khan guy suicide flying his plane into an american city at the end? surprised that was put in.

Had to have a giant space vessel crashing into a city because it's cool looking or sumpin'.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on June 21, 2013, 05:33:37 PM
So, the Klingons had unfettered access to the Narada for twenty years and they aren't rampaging across the Alpha Quadrant in their fleets of unstoppable battle cruisers because...?



I know there is some trepidation at how Nu-Star Trek could screw up the Borg, but let's face it, there are a lot of other races / stories to screw up too.

Voyager already beat Abrams to it.

If anything, Abrams knows how to beat a dead horse.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on June 21, 2013, 07:01:31 PM
I just saw the movie today.  It was great.  I seriously should just stop reading F13 movie threads.  You guys never steer me wrong on games but on movies you're flat out, inexcusably wrong, pretty much every time. :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on June 21, 2013, 07:06:34 PM
Oh yeah and what's up with the muslim Khan guy suicide flying his plane into an american city at the end? surprised that was put in.

Assuming you're not just trolling: Singh is a Sikh name, you dumb motherfucker.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Morat20 on June 21, 2013, 08:57:59 PM
When is extended universe bullshit NOT fn fiction? Doesn't matter the particular series, none of it should be allowed, ever.
The Final Reflection.

Um....that's about it. How Much For Just the Planet, also by the same guy, was fucking hilarious and should be read by everyone -- I even own it on Kindle, but it wasn't to be taken seriously. Although the entire Mister Science Guy Style introduction to dilithium and you was hilarious (especially the bit about how before it, it was pointless to fight at faster than light speeds because by the time your phasers hit the guy and why the Klingons and Romulans kept doing it anyways), as was, well, everything.

Final Reflection, OTOH -- well, you know everything about Klingons from TNG on? All that shit that isn't "Stock Black Space Villians"? Yeah, that was from that book. Author pretty much redefined Klingons to the point where nobody really thinks about the fact that they used to be another way.

Yeah, that one's worth picking up. Other than that....um, maybe that one of Kobayshi Maru short stories?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Pennilenko on June 22, 2013, 05:23:56 AM
I just saw the movie today.  It was great.  I seriously should just stop reading F13 movie threads.  You guys never steer me wrong on games but on movies you're flat out, inexcusably wrong, pretty much every time. :awesome_for_real:

I agree with you. Now prepare to get kurdered with me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MediumHigh on June 22, 2013, 07:21:50 AM
I liked the movie. Mostly because it moves so fast that any plot holes are leaped over at faster than light speed, while the ones you do notice don't break the rush. I'd say the next star trek movie desperately needs to be as far away from Earth as possible.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on June 22, 2013, 08:13:39 AM
I liked the movie. Mostly because it moves so fast that any plot holes are leaped over at faster than light speed, while the ones you do notice don't break the rush. I'd say the next star trek movie desperately needs to be as far away from Earth as possible.

Won't ever happen, because nobody cares about what happens to some other planet.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on June 22, 2013, 08:24:18 AM
Saw Best of Both Worlds again last week, really struck me how when they said the Borg had set course for 'Sector 001' it was all HOLY FUCK SHIT IS GETTING REAL, because they hadn't shrunk the universe down by only mentioning Earth and Kronos and then for some reason letting people beam between them.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MediumHigh on June 22, 2013, 08:28:49 AM
I liked the movie. Mostly because it moves so fast that any plot holes are leaped over at faster than light speed, while the ones you do notice don't break the rush. I'd say the next star trek movie desperately needs to be as far away from Earth as possible.

Won't ever happen, because nobody cares about what happens to some other planet.

I nearly didn't watch this movie because it seemed set on Earth. If they do it again, I'm waiting for the dvd on 1chan.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on June 22, 2013, 09:38:45 AM
I think the next movie will be out in the uncharted galaxy.  Remember, at the end of the latest movie they were just setting out on their first 5 year voyage that was covered in the original series.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samprimary on June 22, 2013, 01:31:48 PM
Kirk fighting Spock with the things? Huh?

Da da DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH da da DAH DAH (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Rl46Dpy-P4)

We haven't seen Spock do a pon farr yet in these movies, despite having lots of comical/dramatic potential and being a good classic Trek reference (besides the famous "Amok Time" fight scene it's also in Search for Spock).  I think it's gonna happen.

Ahahaha. I love that music.

In star trek online, that music starts playing in the episode where you are forced to fight in a desolate alien arena.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on June 22, 2013, 01:34:20 PM
The original series sure did know how to make music work for them. I miss that in modern shows.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 03, 2013, 07:46:43 AM
Star Trek Into Darkness... the honest trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6B22Uy7SBe4)

Boy after watching this I'm glad I didn't watch this movie.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 03, 2013, 06:11:42 PM
Finally got around to iTunes'ing this. Loved the first one, figured he couldn't screw it up that much.

Except for the radiated chamber sequence, I loved this one too. I was totally ok with all the fan service, because the movie was fine on its own as a Trek for a new audience, and instead of focusing on Wrath, they pulled liberally from across the entire Trek spectrum. They really didn't need to go deep, but did so anyway, proving they wanted to have fun with it. But the verbatim speech and and Spock's "Khhaaan" was too far.

Having said that, I loved every other part. I loved the megalomaniacal Admiral flying a Dreadnaught class developed by a clandestine organization militarizing Starfleet to be run by a minimal crew. Yea sure, all parts of that were done in pieces of other episodes and Trek series. But in total it was pulled right from a book called Dreadnaught, which I believe was discussed in this or the last JJ thread. All it was missing was the projector-array super weapon and why it was stolen, made up for by the transwarp drive and Khan piloting it.

That Khan was largely the victim for the flick was a great twist. That Kirk got his ass handed to him easily (both professionally and then physically) also was. I was expecting Kirk the superman, but they did a good job with humbling him. Empowering Spock also worked well, including his all-options approach to all situations (loved the Nimoy cameo, good premise). I've read some complaints that all three of the main characters were too typecast to TOS, but I didn't see it personally, mostly because my first Trek was TNG.

I, too, would like to see them avoid the Borg. NuTrek doesn't have anywhere near the established consistency to counterbalance it with the shock of an all-AI race. Heck, our own modern life sees that trope as passe. Even a militarized Starfleet didn't have the impact it did in the book (or in that TNG episode) because so far NuTrek has been good guy vs bad guy with no real exploration save the Indiana Jones knockoff sequence on doomsday planet. If they do the Borg, I hope they're either a misunderstood Geth-like race, or the Federation is so ready for them they kick the shit out of them or something unique.

BTW, I thought the comic established that the Narada the mining vessel was fitted with Borg components?

The only plot holes I couldn't forgive was that Marcus could beam his daughter off the Enterprise with shields up but couldn't do the same for Khan, and that Spock didn't tell Khan his crew was safe after he blew the Vengeance into near-inoperability. There's probably deleted scenes or something in the novelization or whatever. And everything else can be handwaved easily.

I was surprised to see Weller as Marcus. I thought he went full teacher. Finally looked him up on IMDB though...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 03, 2013, 06:53:16 PM
One thing that still sticks with me as a source of intense dislike quite aside from all the stuff about Khan is still the idea that someone can beam from Earth to the Klingon Empire and that you can scan for a life form from Earth. That's not just a nitpick--it hits hard at the core idea of the show, that space is big, that the Enterprise is often on its own, that it can take days or longer to go between places. At least the proximity of Earth and Vulcan in the first reboot seemed sort of reasonable, but this just blows the whole thing to smithereens once and for all. I don't think there's a more fundamental part of Trek as a setting and it just plays absolutely zero role in Abrams' vision of it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 03, 2013, 07:46:53 PM
Ah yea I was gonna do Speedy's post too, but mine already got too long.

Beaming to Kronos- they established that he used a transwarp transporter beam to get there, new fangle'd Geordi-style trek gear. I also wrote off the remote-scan thing as Marcus' making Kirk feel ok he's bombing Klingon's Sahara Desert. I don't actually know if he had scanned Kronos, or maybe I missed where he did?

And now onto more handwaving!

#1- Which space? Enterprise and Vengeance were on the very edge of the Neutral Zone iirc, not in orbit above Kronos. I assume the ship they used to disguise themselves as Smugglers (which was a wasted subplot opportunity) didn't make them seems as obvious enemy at first.
#2- see above.
#3- see above, they weren't in orbit.
#4- this one I totally agree with. It didn't bother me much though. I don't remember how many ships they had after the Narada took care of them, but it didn't seem like they had many at the Space Station either.
#5- Didn't bother me in Wrath of Khan either. In both cases it seemed like they just didn't plan on either ever having that problem, or only solving it by evacuating or ejecting the warp core or establishing a level infinite force field or whatever.
#6- I didn't mind the holodeck malfunctions at the time. The Moriarity ones were kinda fun.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: apocrypha on September 03, 2013, 11:05:57 PM
Star Trek: Into The Darkness Of A Colour Palette Restricted Almost Entirely To Orange And Teal.

Seriously, WTF is this, space Oompa-Loompas underwater?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on September 04, 2013, 12:50:33 AM
Star Trek: Into The Darkness Of A Colour Palette Restricted Almost Entirely To Orange And Teal.

Seriously, WTF is this, space Oompa-Loompas underwater?

I don't know if you've seen this before. I think I got this from a thread on here actually but it does explain the Orange and Teal stuff

http://theabyssgazes.blogspot.com/2010/03/teal-and-orange-hollywood-please-stop.html (http://theabyssgazes.blogspot.com/2010/03/teal-and-orange-hollywood-please-stop.html)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: apocrypha on September 04, 2013, 01:33:49 AM
Yeah I have seen that :)   I know why they do it, it's just got ridiculous now, way out of hand.

The two worst offenders I've seen recently were this and The Hobbit. The Hobbit was worse, there was almost no other colours in the entire film - some brief flashes of dark green foliage and some purple on some of the clothing. ST:ID was nearly as bad but had some yellow and red outfits at times.

There's a difference between increasing tonal contrast and eliminating ALL other colours from the palette.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 04, 2013, 02:48:53 AM
Beaming to Kronos- they established that he used a transwarp transporter beam to get there, new fangle'd Geordi-style trek gear.

Transwarp beaming means beaming between ships that are traveling at warp speed, not beaming between planets on opposite ends of the quadrant.  If you can beam between systems, why the fuck do you ever bother with spaceships?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 04, 2013, 04:57:12 AM
Space wizards.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 04, 2013, 06:08:50 AM
Right--I mean, just beam the torpedos to the Klingon planet, you know where Khan is anyway since you can scan for him at that distance. I don't even mind a universe where there is 'transwarp beaming' as a regular thing, I just want it to not be a thing only for the five seconds that the plot requires it and then not a thing the rest of the time. Ditto the idea that the Enterprise can just warp to Klingon space in about five minutes and then back again--if that's true, the entirety of Starfleet should be able to be in Earth orbit from anywhere within five minutes and so the Enterprise and the USS Asshole Admiral shouldn't be duking it out in orbit all by their lonesome for more than a minute.

I know that Trek is famous for not paying attention to the consequences of technobabble plotlines for the overall continuity but this makes tachyon dispersal grids reconfigured out of the positronic sensor matrix look like bedrock consistency by comparison. When you make your characters able to do *anything* for the one minute that the plot finds it convenient to have them do anything and they make them able to do almost nothing when you have a set piece that requires it, you drain out anything remotely resembling dramatic tension. "Oh, don't worry, you didn't die because of magic blood this time, but YOU ARE IN DEADLY DANGER RIGHT NOW for reals because I'm fresh out of magic blood." "Captain, we won't get there in time to save Earth, it takes at least three parsecs to finish the Kessel Run, even though ten minutes ago we warped to the center of the Milky Way and back again!"

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 04, 2013, 09:13:55 AM
Reportedly, they attempted to clarify the technology issues in the movie, but those explanations all went on the cutting room floor.  Technobabble explnations was not the right option for this target audience. 

The problem with the ability to teleport anywhere in the universe was something they struggled to handle once they realized the full impact of introducing it in the first film.  After nerd rage pointed out the full impacts on Trek forums, it was something that informed the second film so that they could be consistent with prior Trek lore.  They wrote themselves into a corner and made it worse by trying to be loyal to the nerdiest ragiest minority - by adhering to something that 99.99% of Trek fans didn't know much about. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on September 04, 2013, 09:16:27 AM
Just saw it yesterday.  Thought it was a good movie, holy god you people let such minor shit ruin you're fun.   :why_so_serious:

Yes, there were some plot holes and a few things I didn't like.  But nothing was to major, the acting was good, plot was fine, and it moved at a great pace.  I enjoyed it all the way through (it had good pacing) so nothing really spoiled it for me.  I am happy they set it up so the next movie will take place somewhere in deep space, however.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 04, 2013, 10:00:12 AM
Just saw it yesterday.  Thought it was a good movie, holy god you people let such minor shit ruin you're fun. 






Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on September 04, 2013, 10:23:21 AM
As long as the word I write makes the same sound when spoken, I consider it a victory.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on September 04, 2013, 10:34:22 AM
əz lȯŋ əz thə wərd ī rīt māks thə sām sau̇nd hwen spō-kən, ī kən-ˈsi-dər it ā vik-t(ə-)rē  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 04, 2013, 11:06:02 AM
As long as the word I write makes the same sound when spoken, I consider it a victory.   :awesome_for_real:

I felt compelled to ignore the rest of your post and focus on a minor flaw, finding it highly ironic and illustrative of the original complaint to do so.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 04, 2013, 01:02:54 PM
People may get what you mean, but they tend to discredit your opinion if you look all unedjumacaded caus you're wrds dont loke rite.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on September 04, 2013, 02:35:02 PM
I'd like to right here and now coin the term 'grammar troll'.

Your welcome.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 04, 2013, 05:58:48 PM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 04, 2013, 06:49:49 PM
Beaming to Kronos- they established that he used a transwarp transporter beam to get there, new fangle'd Geordi-style trek gear.

Transwarp beaming means beaming between ships that are traveling at warp speed, not beaming between planets on opposite ends of the quadrant.  If you can beam between systems, why the fuck do you ever bother with spaceships?
It's based on the thing Scotty invented in the last movie, but the plans were pilfered by Section 31 and used as the foundation of the site-to-site beaming tech Khan used after retrieving it from the little ship they stole. This was actually explained in the movie in three parts (which I only remember because I just saw it): first when Kirk zooms in on the footage of Khan retrieving the case from the downed ship, then when Marcus explained it to Kirk and finally later when Scotty is drunkbitching about Starfleet confiscating his ideas.

This doesn't mean this tech is commonplace. Only the super sekret guys had it. If I recall, in this era of Trek (even in this new timeline), beaming is something only super important people can do on Starfleet business. Or maybe that's just the plot rationale they use to explain why nobody seems to have emergency beam out systems in like, say, a fucking conference room of ranking Starfleet brass that suddenly comes under terrorist attack  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 04, 2013, 06:56:51 PM
You are thinking about the tech and its implications way fucking more than anyone involved in the movie ever did. It was lazy writing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 04, 2013, 07:25:08 PM
But but but it had lens flares and some woman in her underwear!!!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 05, 2013, 01:41:55 AM
Yes, but I haven't seen the film, yet I've seen the woman in her underwear.

I win, I think.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 05, 2013, 09:25:27 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on September 05, 2013, 09:41:44 AM
Heh F13 is unrivaled in its ability to throw out negative opinions about practically anything. But don't you think bitching about a movie you haven't even seen is a little over the top?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 05, 2013, 09:51:29 AM
I'd like to right here and now coin the term 'grammar troll'.

Your welcome.
Then nobody else better use my welcome.  MINE!  My .... precious.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 05, 2013, 09:54:11 AM
Heh F13 is unrivaled in its ability to throw out negative opinions about practically anything. But don't you think bitching about a movie you haven't even seen is a little over the top?

You're right. We should be bitching about a movie that hasn't even come out yet. BEN AFLECK!!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 05, 2013, 10:22:38 AM
You are thinking about the tech and its implications way fucking more than anyone involved in the movie ever did. It was lazy writing.
No. My point was that this one gripe is not valid because they did explain it in the movie. There's a lot worse in the movie to complain about.

And my second paragraph, i agree with you, but that's more about lazy writing across the entire franchise than this one movie :-)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 05, 2013, 10:35:01 AM
But don't you think bitching about a movie you haven't even seen is a little over the top?

You mean me ?  I'm not sure I did....

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on September 05, 2013, 11:45:27 AM
Heh F13 is unrivaled in its ability to throw out negative opinions about practically anything. But don't you think bitching about a movie you haven't even seen is a little over the top?

We do it for games we haven't played, why would we stop there?  :-P

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 05, 2013, 01:31:30 PM
But don't you think bitching about a movie you haven't even seen is a little over the top?

No. Any other stupid fucking questions?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Speedy Cerviche on September 05, 2013, 01:41:33 PM
#1- Which space? Enterprise and Vengeance were on the very edge of the Neutral Zone iirc, not in orbit above Kronos. I assume the ship they used to disguise themselves as Smugglers (which was a wasted subplot opportunity) didn't make them seems as obvious enemy at first.
#2- see above.
#3- see above, they weren't in orbit.
#4- this one I totally agree with. It didn't bother me much though. I don't remember how many ships they had after the Narada took care of them, but it didn't seem like they had many at the Space Station either.
#5- Didn't bother me in Wrath of Khan either. In both cases it seemed like they just didn't plan on either ever having that problem, or only solving it by evacuating or ejecting the warp core or establishing a level infinite force field or whatever.
#6- I didn't mind the holodeck malfunctions at the time. The Moriarity ones were kinda fun.

1. I should have been more clear, I meant the airspace around starfleet headquarters when they are having the meeting in response to the London bombing. The gunship Khan steals just flies up with no response, blasting away for minutes. We do a better job of restricting airspace now, and put up defensive batteries in really high security areas.

3. OK fine, but you'd think they would be scanning the neutral zone. I thought I remembered them moving in and then breaking down.

4. The fight was beside the moon, so pretty damn close and one would assume in close range of the Earth defence grid. Also at the meeting that took place at event #1, they said it was for all starship captains in the area and there was about a dozen attendees. Even if half the attendees were first officers too, that still leaves like 5-6 ships in area, on alert after the facility bombing.

I'm not trying to get into some nerd rage here, I'm not even a huge star trek fan, and I'm not trying to overthink the tech, I just sat down to watch a 200$ million budget movie and was slapped in the face by these gaping plot holes that can be picked apart so easily is just insulting to the viewer and sloppy writing. Something I would be annoyed at in any production be it star trek or a theatrical play.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ingmar on September 05, 2013, 03:14:17 PM
Regarding #1, I get the impression that Star Trek Earth is supposed to be all Happy One World Utopian Government so there might not be any groups they think they need to protect themselves against in that sense.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 05, 2013, 07:35:02 PM
Regarding #1, I get the impression that Star Trek Earth is supposed to be all Happy One World Utopian Government so there might not be any groups they think they need to protect themselves against in that sense.
Yes.  The history only changes at Kirk's birth, not before. So Zephram Cochrine, the 21st century hell, WW3 etc are all still part of the mythos.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: K9 on September 06, 2013, 01:01:33 PM
Regarding #1, I get the impression that Star Trek Earth is supposed to be all Happy One World Utopian Government so there might not be any groups they think they need to protect themselves against in that sense.
Yes.  The history only changes at Kirk's birth, not before. So Zephram Cochrine, the 21st century hell, WW3 etc are all still part of the mythos.

Does that mean Jonathan Frakes exists in this timeline? They should do that in the next movie, go back in time to the point of First contact and have a next generation/borg/JJ Abrams monster mash up!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: tazelbain on September 06, 2013, 01:10:37 PM
How about a movie about ragetag group of OS,TNG,DS actors go back in time to sabotage the Lost pilot in the hopes to save Star Trek.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 06, 2013, 08:16:00 PM
The whole time travel thing does fall apart if you think about it too much, as the changes in the first JJ movie meant that nothing in the first series or next generation ever took place, including the Time Tunnel episode, the trip of the Enterprise into the 70s, Data going back to meet Mark Twain, or any of the other stuff.  It is also unclear why that group of Time Police from Voyager or Enterprise didn't go back and fix things.  It is almost.... almost... like this is just fiction.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: angry.bob on September 09, 2013, 01:51:59 PM
I watched this. It was a good movie. It was far, far, far from the worst star trek movie. Honestly, I think it's an even tie with Wrath of Khan. Those people nitpicking about relatively minor plot holes need to take off their blinders and have a hard look at at everything with the Star Trek name on it that's come before. Comparatively the problems with this movie are very small.

The thing that bugged me the most is what always bugs me. Why the fuck doesn't anyone put fuses or circuit breakers in stuff. I realize it's not as cool to have a panel go dark instead of EXPLODE WITH ELECTRICITY, but ffs when the interior of a space ship looks like it's made of sparklers it's just too much.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Morat20 on September 10, 2013, 06:52:04 PM
I watched this. It was a good movie. It was far, far, far from the worst star trek movie. Honestly, I think it's an even tie with Wrath of Khan. Those people nitpicking about relatively minor plot holes need to take off their blinders and have a hard look at at everything with the Star Trek name on it that's come before. Comparatively the problems with this movie are very small.

The thing that bugged me the most is what always bugs me. Why the fuck doesn't anyone put fuses or circuit breakers in stuff. I realize it's not as cool to have a panel go dark instead of EXPLODE WITH ELECTRICITY, but ffs when the interior of a space ship looks like it's made of sparklers it's just too much.
That's because circuits are for pussies. Those things that explode? Energy conduits. That's not some "electricity" flowing down a "wire" like some sort of cave man. That's a flowing, pulsating river of pure power that's barely constrained by matter.

No seriously, that's about the explanation.

I like the one in Redshirts better -- more specifically, the captain's reaction after the 'scene' was over. "And can we get someone from engineering up here to look at this? Damn consoles shouldn't be exploding from a simple power surge." (Seriously, the best parts of Redshirts -- besides the entire aside about the Ice Sharks -- was the comments of people outside of a scene on how stupid things were inside the scene. Like exploding consoles, lack of seat belts, the crappy inertial dampers that don't seem to work reliably....and why Chekov-analogue doesn't have PTSD from being nearly killed so many times)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 10, 2013, 07:29:57 PM
They're "plasma conduits", which I guess there isn't anything like a circuit breaker for?  Although you'd think if the stuff was that dangerous they'd step it down somehow before it got to the consoles.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Simond on September 11, 2013, 04:29:11 PM
But then you wouldn't have stuff exploding to show that Serious Shit Is Happening.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on September 12, 2013, 02:51:34 AM
I watched this. It was a good movie. It was far, far, far from the worst star trek movie.

It's a fine sci-fi action movie. It's a terrible Star Trek movie at the same time.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 13, 2013, 06:37:35 AM
I'd rather that we end this movie series and we saw a real reboot on TV that was truer to the source material. I just don't like the options left for storytelling in a universe with cross galaxy transporting, ressurection, and no understanding of the lore of Star Trek.

Space. The final frontier. These are the voyages....

That last word really hits why this concept works as a series better than a movie. The characters, the 'science', and all the other aspects of Star Trek were built to work in episodic television.  You can utilize them in a movie, but they work best on TV. The critique of the next gen movies was that they seemed too much like episodes... which was a factor of them being too true to the universe. The flip has been true of these movies.   To make them films, they lost the essence of trek.

I think you can make good Trek films. And a Trek film seems more profitable, but I think from a perspective of best use of the IP, TV is a better medium. Too bad $ always wins.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 13, 2013, 07:12:22 AM
After Enterprise flopped they decided it was  time to retire ST series from the air for a while.  Never mind the flop wasn't because of "Star Trek" fatigue* as much as 'what the fuck is this?' from Trekkies as it tried to be what the new series is vs. the original series.**   I wouldn't expect to even hear it discussed for another 3-4 years, minimum. 

Then there's the whole "fewer people watching TV" thing.

*There had been one or two ST series on-air for 17 years straight at that point. I recall people kicking around, "oh everyone's just tired of Star Trek" when it was flailing.

** You can see the steady march from hard Sci-Fi to "SCI-FI ACTION Soap-Opera" as you go through the IP progression.  TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on September 13, 2013, 07:26:15 AM
After Enterprise flopped they decided it was  time to retire ST series from the air for a while.  Never mind the flop wasn't because of "Star Trek" fatigue* as much as 'what the fuck is this?' from Trekkies as it tried to be what the new series is vs. the original series.**   I wouldn't expect to even hear it discussed for another 3-4 years, minimum.  

Then there's the whole "fewer people watching TV" thing.

*There had been one or two ST series on-air for 17 years straight at that point. I recall people kicking around, "oh everyone's just tired of Star Trek" when it was flailing.

** You can see the steady march from hard Sci-Fi to "SCI-FI ACTION Soap-Opera" as you go through the IP progression.  TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, Enterprise.

There was definitely Star Trek fatigue but it is hard to argue that Enterprise wasn't very good. From the horrible, horrible theme song to such ridiculous things as ret-conning Orion slave girls to be the true 'masters' in their society Enterprise was just pretty bad.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 13, 2013, 07:51:12 AM
It's very easy to argue that Enterprise wasn't all that good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 13, 2013, 09:10:30 AM
Fatigue is BS.  If you don't like it, it was because it sucked, not because you're in need of a nap.  If they made a good Star Trek show, it'd be a success. It would only benefit from an established universe with established rules.  However, a bad show (see Voyager and Enterprise) will such despite the advantages of the established universe. 

From what I've heard, I think Enterprise was doomed by the studio.  I've heard a lot of stories about the original design of the show, and it sounded a heck of a lot more interesting than what was put on the screen.  Voyager, on the other hand, never had a chance given the starting cast - only one person in that cast had anything to offer as an actor, and the only improvements they made to the cast had nothing to do with acting. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 13, 2013, 09:18:39 AM
Voyager's cast was ok - even the CONCEPT was a decent take on the universe. But it was saddled from the get-go with totally shit stories that no one could have acted well with. I mean, I tried to stick with it but after like 2 seasons, I just couldn't take it anymore. And really, the only reason I watched it second season was it came on before Babylon 5 and my buddies and I would hang out on Saturday nights to watch B5 and that was something that soaked up an hour.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 13, 2013, 09:28:28 AM
It's very easy to argue that Enterprise wasn't all that good.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to defend it in any way. I hope that came across.

Just stating that ST is done on the TV, possibly forever. Enterprise killed it, bullshit reason was given. Fans get action movies and nothing more for a good, long while. (And if it came back to TV it would be THIS Star Trek, so action TV series, not Sci-Fi.)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Reg on September 13, 2013, 10:44:19 AM
The last season of Enterprise was actually not terrible.  It wasn't enough to save the show though.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 13, 2013, 02:17:52 PM
It's very easy to argue that Enterprise wasn't all that good.

Yeah, I wasn't trying to defend it in any way. I hope that came across.

Re-read what Riggswolfe wrote.  Bad Grammar all over the shop.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 13, 2013, 04:29:29 PM
Voyager's cast was ok - even the CONCEPT was a decent take on the universe. But it was saddled from the get-go with totally shit stories that no one could have acted well with. I mean, I tried to stick with it but after like 2 seasons, I just couldn't take it anymore. And really, the only reason I watched it second season was it came on before Babylon 5 and my buddies and I would hang out on Saturday nights to watch B5 and that was something that soaked up an hour.

I remembered Voyager picking up a lot towards the end.

The concept was great in that it was supposed to be a return to the idea of exploring unknown space as they undertook their long voyage home, but for some reason they still seemed to end up going back and forth between locations they'd already visited.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 13, 2013, 06:27:54 PM

1. I should have been more clear, I meant the airspace around starfleet headquarters when they are having the meeting in response to the London bombing. The gunship Khan steals just flies up with no response, blasting away for minutes. We do a better job of restricting airspace now, and put up defensive batteries in really high security areas.
I just sat down to watch a 200$ million budget movie and was slapped in the face by these gaping plot holes that can be picked apart so easily is just insulting to the viewer and sloppy writing.

Ah good point on #1. Yes, that did bother me. I could handwave it by saying Super Smart Secret Guy in Section 31 having necessary clearances and shit, but still, it'd be harder for him to get to our current White House. I understand that the pre-Kirk Trek universe of Cochrane to Klingons to Romulans had that same optimistic hope of the future before Nemo; however, after Nemo shit obviously hit the fan culturally or there wouldn't have been the intense effort going into making the Vengeance, and pushing for war with the Klingons, and all that. You can't get to that point without also have a paranoid leadership body.

I could overthink the movie into hating it. That's really easy. But even after this and other debates I still love it. Maybe it's because I have super low expectations for Trek movies. This was a GREAT Trek movie. I'm with angry.bob in where this possibly ranks. Nobody can tell me this was worse than 3 or 5 or Generations, Insurrection, or Redemption. After that it comes down to personal taste. I was bored by 1 but some love it. I thought 4 was cute but not real Trek, but that's personal bias. 6 was ok but not as good as Nick Meyers' first Trek movie (2, which is my favorite). I also loved First Contact, and it had all the right beats to it. But 2 was better for me.

Was it a quintessentialy good movie? No idea. But I personally don't give a shit about that scale. I'm not a trained critic, I don't watch a nearly broad enough range to have an objective opinion, and as I think I've previously said, my old time favorite movie is the original Die Hard.

So yea, don't invite me to Sundance, for, I am the summer blockbuster target  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Raguel on September 13, 2013, 11:26:11 PM
I just saw this today. I thought it was unfortunate that they ripped off Godfather 3, of all movies to steal from. It was a decent movie overall. I can't say I care for the reboot in general, despite the best efforts of the cast.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on September 14, 2013, 05:44:11 AM
I just saw this today. I thought it was unfortunate that they ripped off Godfather 3, of all movies to steal from. It was a decent movie overall. I can't say I care for the reboot in general, despite the best efforts of the cast.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Raguel on September 14, 2013, 09:50:33 AM
I just saw this today. I thought it was unfortunate that they ripped off Godfather 3, of all movies to steal from. It was a decent movie overall. I can't say I care for the reboot in general, despite the best efforts of the cast.


I was referring to the scene where Khan attacks the room full of senior officers.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 14, 2013, 11:24:43 AM
Although that was probably the best bit of Godfather 3.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Special J on September 19, 2013, 10:02:11 AM
Well, I watched it finally.  I stayed away from this thread, reviews or any spoilers all summer. I was pretty pumped but was never able to get to the theater.

So I'll do the positives: I thought it was well acted, great visuals and some great action scenes.  I don't care enough to get pissed about lens flare and fully realize this is not the Star Trek I grew up on. But...


That was a stupid, lazy shitpile of writing.  I won't list them all since I'm sure this thread has hammered on all of them.  So I'll just go back and read and nerdrage in private.

Fuck you, JJ. Fuck you.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on September 19, 2013, 10:14:57 AM
Similar to my experience.  I spent time trying to think of a succinct way to describe this movie.  I have decided that it is really a trailer for another, better movie.  Mostly this is due to the awful pacing.  I'm not sure any scene lasted more than 45 seconds.

I did enjoy the fan service very much.  *ducks*

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 19, 2013, 03:49:36 PM
Aside from the three usual suspects (2, 4 and maybe 6 depending on audience), what is an example of a well written Trek movie?

Like, is the standard some are holding this one to based on movies in general (understandable) or Trek movies specifically (why I ask)?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 19, 2013, 04:39:45 PM
I could give two fucks about whether something is a well-written "Trek movie" per se. I do care a bit that if you're making a Trek movie that you care about some of the baseline ideas that make it Trek. This does not mean vague dirty old-man late 60s liberalism a la Roddenberry. It might mean, though, that you care about space being big and about what a ship of people do when they have to face the unknown more or less alone. Or things of that nature. If you buy a property, do something that makes your purchase make sense. If you're just going to make a flick that name-checks a property but otherwise is indifferent and/or hostile to it, I hate you just for wasting money like inbred Hollywood dumbfucks do.

But I care more about whether a movie is just a decent movie. And for speculative stuff in general all I care about is that you don't change the rules every three seconds just because it makes for a great action sequence, because you're already playing in a situation where the rules aren't referencing everyday reality. This is not just nerdism, it's about decent storytelling, about how you establish a feel for the world you're telling stories in. You can even say, "Fuck consistency and world-building" if you *mean* to say that--if it's the point of what you're doing. Nobody bothers to think about whether the aliens in Galaxy Quest are plausible in the strict sense.

For me STID wasn't a good movie or a good Trek movie. And the first JJ Trek movie was largely both. There just to me were some big differences at both levels.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 19, 2013, 07:28:23 PM
Just to toss it out there:  I'd have had much less of a problem with the current Star Trek movies if they had just cut the cord and done a complete reboot, but essentially told the same stories. 

If you establish that you're in the same continuity, you have to live up to the rules and visual style of that continuity.   If you're in a universe where we've established that the time police will fuck you up for changing history and will set it aright, then you can't have a Romulan miner go and rewrite the universe without ramifications.   Going back into the past of Star Trek and changing the rules would be like doing a Star Wars prequel and explaining the Force with some lame ass sciency explanation.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on September 19, 2013, 11:11:38 PM
Star Trek is about

1) The relationships between the characters; and
2) Moral / ethical / philosophical / social quandaries of sorts.

Those things are broken up by pew pew space fighting and pseudo-science, but Trek often follows the rules of trying to be a drama.

STID doesn't bother with boring stuff like characterisation (e.g. there is absolutely no evidence given about why Kirk and Spock are friends, because they sure don't seem to work well together) and while there are some moral discussions within STID, they are very well hidden.

For instance

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on September 20, 2013, 02:47:05 AM
Star Trek is about

1) The relationships between the characters; and
2) Moral / ethical / philosophical / social quandaries of sorts.

Those things are broken up by pew pew space fighting and pseudo-science, but Trek often follows the rules of trying to be a drama.

STID doesn't bother with boring stuff like characterisation (e.g. there is absolutely no evidence given about why Kirk and Spock are friends, because they sure don't seem to work well together) and while there are some moral discussions within STID, they are very well hidden.

Kirk and Spock did stop a ship from the future from destroying Earth by going on board fighting the bad guys hand to hand.  And who knows what they did together between movies?  I would imagine that would cause some camaraderie. 

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on September 20, 2013, 04:30:19 AM
Kirk and Spock did stop a ship from the future from destroying Earth by going on board fighting the bad guys hand to hand.  And who knows what they did together between movies?  I would imagine that would cause some camaraderie. 

Kirk and Sulu fought Romulans on a mining platform too, but that didn't make them best buddies.

"It happened between films" is as much a flub as "it happened in the original series".

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 20, 2013, 08:21:04 AM
The Star Wars prequels are great too if you just mentally fill in lots of cool stuff happening between the movies.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 20, 2013, 09:02:29 AM
The Star Wars prequels are great too if you just mentally fill in lots of cool stuff happening between during the movies.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Special J on September 20, 2013, 09:03:35 AM
Aside from the three usual suspects (2, 4 and maybe 6 depending on audience), what is an example of a well written Trek movie?

Like, is the standard some are holding this one to based on movies in general (understandable) or Trek movies specifically (why I ask)?

I'm not looking for genius here.  But every bit of plotting in that movie was a) a massive contrivance b) a massive plot hole c) a rehash of something old.  They even rehashed their own film.

The other films have flaws, I agree, but this is the one where they just continuously piled up until I couldn't take it anymore. We've all got our rankings for the films, and I'm not sure where I fit this one yet, but it's definitely in the "not good" bracket.

edit: spelling is hard

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 20, 2013, 12:29:06 PM
The Star Wars prequels are great too if you're just mentally ill


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on September 20, 2013, 12:33:23 PM
I was mainly comparing this one to the previous one, if that helps.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on September 20, 2013, 12:33:56 PM
Or under the age of 12 (which might qualify you as mentally ill in some places)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 20, 2013, 01:21:56 PM
K, all that makes sense, the feeling that it's neither an empirically good movie nor even a good Trek story.

To me though, I thought it was both, for what it can be.

To get the large budget you need for high production values, you need to fill seats. But you can't do that on the backs of esoteric conversations in a conference room of the main bridge or from conventions.

At the same time, I don't think this is where Trek is going per se. I think they needed a big shot in the arm to the brand, to see if it had anything left in it. After Voyager it was kinda dead, and Enterprise nailed the coffin. The first JJ movie represented the kind of big bet you'd make if you really want to see if it can be saved, and that success resulted in the sequel. For the future, Trek will either take on another director or jump to TV. Then we'll know if there's life still in the IP.

But for now, these are the movies Trek needed, to see if there was a new audience to be captured without shedding too much of the existing one.

All that aside, I personally really enjoyed both. Very watchable and even rewatchable, the very kind of movie I always like.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 20, 2013, 02:21:59 PM
K, all that makes sense, the feeling that it's neither an empirically good movie nor even a good Trek story.

To me though, I thought it was both, for what it can be.

A bag of dog shit is also a great Trek movie for what it can be.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on September 20, 2013, 02:36:12 PM
Kirk and Spock did stop a ship from the future from destroying Earth by going on board fighting the bad guys hand to hand.  And who knows what they did together between movies?  I would imagine that would cause some camaraderie. 

Kirk and Sulu fought Romulans on a mining platform too, but that didn't make them best buddies.

"It happened between films" is as much a flub as "it happened in the original series".

Silly argument.  How many scenes do Kick and Sulu get compared to Kirk and Spock?  I don't need to see a bromance between the two to get that they are friends.   Why would they do that unless they felt a kinship?

As many problems as the movie has, it's strange to focus on this.  There is a certain amount of hand-waving necessary to keep a summer blockbuster going and this I didn't have a problem with.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 20, 2013, 02:48:57 PM
You can just handwave and say "these two are friends, okay" if it's necessary for the plot, but then you can't have scenes whose intended emotional impact hinges on that friendship.  Well, you can, but those scenes will fail because you haven't given the audience any good reason to care.

"I have been and will always be your friend" worked in Wrath of Khan because it built off a lot of established history between those characters, which the screenwriter even took time to reinforce earlier in that same movie.  All that got established in Into Darkness was that they kind of get on each others' nerves.  The screenwriter put the cart before the horse by trying to use that scene to do the work of establishing their friendship, not understanding that the scene only works if the friendship was established PREVIOUSLY.

Your next post will probably be to say I didn't enjoy the movie because I was overthinking it.  I wasn't thinking about any of this while actually in the theater.  In the theater I was just thinking "wow, that was really fucking stupid" without knowing why.  I'm just explaining to you what I have figured out after the fact was probably behind my reaction, because you seem to be confused as to why some people did not enjoy this turd.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on September 20, 2013, 02:59:56 PM
You can just handwave and say "these two are friends, okay" if it's necessary for the plot, but then you can't have scenes whose intended emotional impact hinges on that friendship.  Well, you can, but those scenes will fail because you haven't given the audience any good reason to care.

"I have been and will always be your friend" worked in Wrath of Khan because it built off a lot of established history between those characters, which the screenwriter even took time to reinforce earlier in that same movie.  All that got established in Into Darkness was that they kind of get on each others' nerves.  The screenwriter put the cart before the horse by trying to use that scene to do the work of establishing their friendship, not understanding that the scene only works if the friendship was established PREVIOUSLY.

Your next post will probably be to say I didn't enjoy the movie because I was overthinking it.  I wasn't thinking about any of this while actually in the theater.  In the theater I was just thinking "wow, that was really fucking stupid" without knowing why.  I'm just explaining to you what I have figured out after the fact was probably behind my reaction, because you seem to be confused as to why some people did not enjoy this turd.

If you can un-clench a minute, you can see I replied to Unsub.  Not you.  Tell you what.  You just go ahead and put more words in my mouth while I move along.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 20, 2013, 03:12:23 PM
If only UnSub is allowed to reply to you, maybe you should be PMing him instead of posting in a public discussion.

Keep walking, punk.   :drill:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 20, 2013, 03:24:54 PM
Personally, I think there is a lot to the argument that the Wrath of Khan scenes echoed in Into Darkness were unearned.  In Wrath, these characters had known each other for 15 to 20 years and had a bromance longer than most marriages.  In Into Darkness, the characters have known each other for perhaps a couple years.  Even if they were best friends for those couple years (which would be odd given the Vulcan view of emotions - even in the more enlightened Spock of the new films), it just wasn't earned.

It is the same reason why a Civil War film in the MCU wouldn't work, yet.  You don't have the emotional connection between the characters you'd need for a war between them to resonate as a major event.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 20, 2013, 03:57:50 PM
The people who liked that scene that I know are mostly people who like certain forms of postmodern referentiality in their movies, which often I do as well. But mostly I think I like that when it's done in a strongly humorous way. I liked Freakazoid, for example. I guess my genre fan AND my story fan has more serious expectations for SF unless it's also self-consciously funny and referential, e.g., Galaxy Quest. When it's not played for laughs, something like Spock yelling Khan just seems, I dunno, like bad dinner theater by fans at a convention. Doesn't sit right with me if it's in a big-budget film.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 20, 2013, 05:23:11 PM
That was actually the one scene I didn't like. I'm cool with fan service, but that was so over the top I couldn't help but laugh for how much they ripped off the original, but with just enough twist to make it campy. I really did expect Kirk to just get up and say "just kidding" or for Scotty to pulll out a McGuffin miracle in that moment. But then they couldn't have the platformer sequence and the kinda dumb twice-in-a-row "can't beam them up but can beam you to them" thing.

K, all that makes sense, the feeling that it's neither an empirically good movie nor even a good Trek story.

To me though, I thought it was both, for what it can be.

A bag of dog shit is also a great Trek movie for what it can be.

Sure. As long as you completely the ignore the rest of the post, *anything* is possible  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 20, 2013, 05:31:33 PM
K, all that makes sense, the feeling that it's neither an empirically good movie nor even a good Trek story.

To me though, I thought it was both, for what it can be.

A bag of dog shit is also a great Trek movie for what it can be.

Sure. As long as you completely the ignore the rest of the post, *anything* is possible  :awesome_for_real:

I mean, I could SirBruce the rest if you want, but even if the premise were correct (i.e. that the movie had constraints on it that prevented it from being good, which I don't believe anyway), the basic argument that we should evaluate it relative to the constraints you've made up so as to make it a "fair" comparison vs other (better) movies is pretty weak.  No matter what you follow that sentence with, you're saying that we should appreciate dog shit on the grounds that it can never be any better than dog shit.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on September 20, 2013, 05:41:50 PM
Kirk and Spock did stop a ship from the future from destroying Earth by going on board fighting the bad guys hand to hand.  And who knows what they did together between movies?  I would imagine that would cause some camaraderie. 

I'm sure there's plenty of slash fics that cover that.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: angry.bob on September 20, 2013, 06:10:02 PM
The Star Wars prequels are great too if you just mentally fill in lots of cool stuff happening between the movies.

The Clone Wars Cg TV show takes place between the second and third movies and does a pretty good job of spanning the gap. Especially about Anakin and why he feels the need to betray the Jedi to protect the woman in his life. The deleted scenes in the second movie also help quite a bit since about 90% of them are Anakin and Padme's relationship. Further proof that Lucas is a lucky hack since cutting them all made that whole facet of the story make no sense.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 20, 2013, 07:43:04 PM
I mean, I could SirBruce the rest if you want, but even if the premise were correct (i.e. that the movie had constraints on it that prevented it from being good, which I don't believe anyway), the basic argument that we should evaluate it relative to the constraints you've made up so as to make it a "fair" comparison vs other (better) movies is pretty weak.  No matter what you follow that sentence with, you're saying that we should appreciate dog shit on the grounds that it can never be any better than dog shit.
No, see, I'm not critiquing the movie itself. For one, that's too easy (for all the reasons people have already said). For another, my movie preferences are too pedestrian and narrow to be able to argue shit like artistic merit. You might as well take me wine tasting  :grin:

What I'm really talking about is the overall business of the franchise:

In the balance between budget, audience size, production value and quality of storytelling, the studio chose the things that mattered most to them and applied the downward pressure to ensure certain things were focused on and other stuff less so. Screen-friendly talent, unique camera work, big names attached to it, fancy production work, summer timing, all that stuff comes at a price. Mostly that price is any priority put to certain things critcs and trekkies value. And that happens because critics don't fill movie seats and trekkies are the very audience the studio is trying to movie beyond.

In other words, take all the stuff you care about and compare it against this:

- These two made more than the first 7 movies combined
- Almost half of all dollars generated by all ST movies ever came from them

Is it "right"? Only depends how you define "right".

Yea this gets into a whole rabbit hole of inflation and size of market and shit. But the size of the market in 1982 when WoK launched is not going to factor into the Powerpoint/Keynote/Prezi presentation that goes into justifying the next movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 20, 2013, 07:58:43 PM
If we're talking raw box office numbers as a measure of quality, Phantom Menace was the best Star Wars movie, and Empire was the worst.  

If you're just examining why they made a crummy generic action movie with just enough recycled Star Trek tropes for the popcorn-scarfing masses to recognize, I don't think any of us have been under any delusions in that regard since the first trailer for the first nuTrek movie came out.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 20, 2013, 11:59:35 PM
I would have been fine with a summer blockbuster with recycled Star Trek tropes for the popcorn-scarfing madness... if it had been executed with the least bit of attention to the basics of good storytelling. It didn't and it wasn't.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Speedy Cerviche on September 21, 2013, 08:53:43 AM
You guys have to take into account inflation...

If you do, the new Star Trek films are not greater than the other 7 combined, nor is Phantom Menace greater than original star wars or empire.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on September 21, 2013, 01:52:22 PM
If we're talking raw box office numbers as a measure of quality, Phantom Menace was the best Star Wars movie, and Empire was the worst.  

If you're just examining why they made a crummy generic action movie with just enough recycled Star Trek tropes for the popcorn-scarfing masses to recognize, I don't think any of us have been under any delusions in that regard since the first trailer for the first nuTrek movie came out.   :awesome_for_real:

I was talking about your second point specifically because it doesn't have any bearing on measure of (individual or intrinsic quality).

And yes, when I said that last page, I knew someone was going to bring up inflation. That is why I said "Yea this gets into a whole rabbit hole of inflation and size of market and shit. But the size of the market in 1982 when WoK launched is not going to factor into the Powerpoint/Keynote/Prezi presentation that goes into justifying the next movie."

Nobody who bankrolls the next movie is going to be thinking inflation-adjusted anything.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on September 22, 2013, 05:49:26 AM
Kirk and Spock did stop a ship from the future from destroying Earth by going on board fighting the bad guys hand to hand.  And who knows what they did together between movies?  I would imagine that would cause some camaraderie. 

Kirk and Sulu fought Romulans on a mining platform too, but that didn't make them best buddies.

"It happened between films" is as much a flub as "it happened in the original series".

Silly argument.  How many scenes do Kick and Sulu get compared to Kirk and Spock?  I don't need to see a bromance between the two to get that they are friends.   

Why would they do that unless they felt a kinship?

As many problems as the movie has, it's strange to focus on this.  There is a certain amount of hand-waving necessary to keep a summer blockbuster going and this I didn't have a problem with.

Kirk rescues Spock because the film requires them to be together.

In the scenes that Spock and Kirk share in the two films we have scenes like:

Star Trek:
 - Kirk hacking Spock's Kobayashi Maru scenario so that he wins and makes Spock look stupid
 - Spock having Kirk up on discipline issues
 - Kirk getting snuck on board a ship he shouldn't be on thanks to Spock, who's annoyed when he finds out
 - Kirk using Spock's dead mother to provoke Spock into becoming emotional, leading to the highly emotional Kirk being put in charge of the Enterprise

Star Trek: Into Darkness:
 - Kirk violating the Prime Directive (which is meant to be a major thing in the ST universe) over Spock's objections
 - Spock reporting Kirk for violating the Prime Directive and lying about what happened in official reports, thus losing Kirk his command
 - Kirk bascially over-ruling every objection that Spock has

 - Almost every scene involving the two characters showing a complete lack of chemistry - Kirk is just pissed at Spock and Spock questions every harebrained idea from Kirk

Up to the point that Spock gets emotional about Kirk's death, there's not a lot on show to say these characters are great friends. In contrast, Kirk seems to get on better with almost everyone else (although mainly male characters, since Kirk is much too busy trying to stick his penis in the female characters) like Bones or even Sulu. Kirk and Pike have chemistry, even though Pike spends most of his time being slightly pissed at Kirk.

There needed to be some scenes showing that, despite being constantly undermining each other, Kirk and Spock actually do share some common ground on something.

The above is more a symptom about the problems I've got with this neo-Star Trek's approach to the movie narrative though.

TL;DR Kirk and Spock share no on-screen chemistry and are only together because that's Trek. STID is fine as an action film, but it's terrible as a Trek film.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 22, 2013, 10:16:26 AM
UnSub is 100% right...  They're capitalizing upon a history of friendship that had not taken place.  They'd have been better off setting this film 8 years after the events of the first and showing a montage of credit scenes that were parallels of the original series episodes.  That would at least have established that these characters had time to grow together and develop friendships.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 22, 2013, 04:24:07 PM
There's the additional weirdness that Spock has been told by an older version of himself from an alternate time line that he is meant to be close friends with Kirk and is more or less instructed to have that happen no matter what. For someone as logical as Spock, that amounts to a command he can't ignore--he's basically been told that the greatest good for the greatest number depends upon him forming a close bond with a human that he does not like or respect. At the same time, Spock in both time lines has a history of chafing against what other 'logical' elders tell him he has to do. The last third of STID could have worked with this problem in a great way--Spock rebelling against the command to trust and value Kirk until Kirk does something to finally demonstrate to *this* Spock what kind of genuine friendship they could have. But they don't really do that--they just fall back on a fanservice postmodern ironic lazymode thing to force the story to that point rather than finding a way to earn it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 22, 2013, 05:19:38 PM
There's the additional weirdness that Spock has been told by an older version of himself from an alternate time line that he is meant to be close friends with Kirk and is more or less instructed to have that happen no matter what. For someone as logical as Spock, that amounts to a command he can't ignore--he's basically been told that the greatest good for the greatest number depends upon him forming a close bond with a human that he does not like or respect. At the same time, Spock in both time lines has a history of chafing against what other 'logical' elders tell him he has to do. The last third of STID could have worked with this problem in a great way--Spock rebelling against the command to trust and value Kirk until Kirk does something to finally demonstrate to *this* Spock what kind of genuine friendship they could have. But they don't really do that--they just fall back on a fanservice postmodern ironic lazymode thing to force the story to that point rather than finding a way to earn it.
That would have been a good way to go... I'm getting to the point where I'm not sure if I'd be happier if they didn't make a 3rd movie or if I can overlook these types of foibles and enjoy it for what the last one was - more spectacle than story.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 22, 2013, 06:33:22 PM
I'd be fine with them not making any more of these, but they're definitely going to get made, and they're going to be more of the same.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on October 11, 2013, 09:19:46 AM
I found this article very helpful in sorting out what I watched.

Look, I know Star Trek is science fiction, but hasn’t Trek always at least nominally tried to get science right? Shouldn’t a Star Trek movie give the tiniest shit about such things?


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on October 11, 2013, 09:58:29 AM
God, that so perfectly encapsulates every problem I had with the movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on October 11, 2013, 06:20:01 PM
That was pretty good. The only thing they missed was that part of one of the original trailers where Kirk is arguing with someone and that someone says "Starfleet is not about revenge" and Kirk says "Maybe it should be". No idea why they cut that from the flick and instead relied on Spock to talk him into it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Korachia on October 12, 2013, 04:57:32 AM
Hehe, that was actually more entertaining to read than watching that wricked flick.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ratman_tf on October 12, 2013, 09:37:48 PM
I hadn't planned to watch this one. The 09 Trek was so terrible. But the bro bought Into Darkness today and so I sat through it.

My one word impression is Gutless.

We have this new crew and a new take on the Franchise, and they went and recycled old Trek. Way to go, guys. What a waste of an opportunity.

But I didn't hate it as much as the 09 Trek. They're both unnecessarily convoluted and stupid, but this one, the first 2/3 was a little more interesting.
And then the shameless recycle of Wrath of Khan's ending with Kirk dying was terribly lame and mechanical.

Both Treks feel like they're full of mindless scenes where characters YELL AT EACH OTHER ALL THE TIME and then run down hallways while laser bolts fly. It's like watching the fight scenes in Bay's Transformers. Full of manic action and no suspense.

So dissapointing, but not as dissapointing as the 09 Trek, but then the uninspired recyling of Khan takes it back down a peg.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on October 12, 2013, 11:55:24 PM
If we're talking raw box office numbers as a measure of quality, Phantom Menace was the best Star Wars movie, and Empire was the worst.  

If you're just examining why they made a crummy generic action movie with just enough recycled Star Trek tropes for the popcorn-scarfing masses to recognize, I don't think any of us have been under any delusions in that regard since the first trailer for the first nuTrek movie came out.   :awesome_for_real:

I was talking about your second point specifically because it doesn't have any bearing on measure of (individual or intrinsic quality).

And yes, when I said that last page, I knew someone was going to bring up inflation. That is why I said "Yea this gets into a whole rabbit hole of inflation and size of market and shit. But the size of the market in 1982 when WoK launched is not going to factor into the Powerpoint/Keynote/Prezi presentation that goes into justifying the next movie."

Nobody who bankrolls the next movie is going to be thinking inflation-adjusted anything.

Of course they do.

Anyone making an actual decision will certainly consider market growth and inflation. Or they get fired for being incompetent.

Marketing fucks will use any stat they can to build unmanageable expectations of course.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on October 13, 2013, 07:38:24 AM
And yet these kinds of movies keep getting made. Mass marketability runs head first into critics.

We can argue this one point about inflation. Of course it matters in general. I was being flippant, in part because it's not a particular point to consider, just one of the many that applies to the cost of making these movies as much as it does the number of available screens, ticket prices in general, relative income to entertainement expenses, the profit-inflating IMAX stuff, timing of US vs worldwide launches (and how that's shifted), how "opening weekend" has changed, and so on. So inflation does matter.

They measure the shit out of everything, because there's a lot more data to review, and after all of that, these are the kinds of movies that come out.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on October 13, 2013, 10:30:28 AM
I'm reminded of the "friendship" that Whatsisname and Darth Noooo had in Revenge of the Shit. They were supposed to be 2 great friends, but everytime they were together Darth irritated the hell out of the older guy. Its almost like the directors of these things are saying "well I irritate all my friends and treat them like shit, so that's what all friendships are like!"

I mean its not like you can do genuine Chemistry between leads. For example, Glover and Gibson managed to have 2 leads having a genuine friendship in the Leathal Weapon movies, and that had no TV series backing it up. Fact is that Kirk and Spock have no reason to even associate in this Trek, other than "elder Spock told me to hang around with this moron." If there was a scene where Spock finally had enough of this crap and told kirk to go take a hike, that would actually make sense, but they are jammed together by plot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on October 13, 2013, 01:30:15 PM
Yea I do totally agree these two new movies have not established that Pine and Quinto became friends. They're reliant entirely on the common knowledge of Kirk, Spock and McCoy all being friends. I feel like they got Kirk and McCoy more established than they ever did Kirk and Spock, and the latter is more quintessential to the franchise.

But on Lethal Weapon, it took a good 2/3 of the first movie for them two to not exasberate each other, and it really didn't come across they were actually friends until 2. That's a good pacing for something that doesn't have a TV series or a 40 year heritage, to your point :-)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Speedy Cerviche on October 15, 2013, 08:33:35 AM
I found this article very helpful in sorting out what I watched.

Look, I know Star Trek is science fiction, but hasn’t Trek always at least nominally tried to get science right? Shouldn’t a Star Trek movie give the tiniest shit about such things?


Haha that's great. Sums up every second I felt sitting through that crap in the theater but goes through it scene by scene and takes notes for proper internet venting after.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Megrim on October 15, 2013, 08:18:31 PM
Read it. I bet it was written by someone who is fat.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on October 15, 2013, 09:54:13 PM
I found this article very helpful in sorting out what I watched.

Look, I know Star Trek is science fiction, but hasn’t Trek always at least nominally tried to get science right? Shouldn’t a Star Trek movie give the tiniest shit about such things?


Oh god I'm crying. That's hilarious!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: lamaros on October 20, 2013, 08:34:58 PM
This movie is crap. That's all.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Fraeg on January 07, 2014, 09:11:17 PM
you fine folks just saved me a redbox rental fee

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 07, 2014, 09:18:29 PM
you fine folks just saved me a redbox rental fee

There are roughly three ways to look at this movie:

1) Loving homage to a beloved classic of the Trek movies
2) Arrogant and creatively bankrupt attempt to 'reinvent' a classic of the Trek movies
3) A fun adventure movie with a script that is fun in a vacuum but painful when looked at from the perspective of a fan of the older Trek movies.

I think most people here looked at it as number 2. I viewed it as mostly 3 with a slight hint of 1. I was only able to give it any credit for 1 when I remembered a cut scene from the first where old Spock speculates that certain things would happen because the timeline was trying to correct itself. It was an explanation for why Kirk just happened to run into him on that ice planet. When viewed through that prism it tips the movie from 2 a bit more to 1. On the other hand, Damon Lindlelof helped write it and he is probably my least favorite writer working today because he gets involved with properties I am excited for and fucks them up. See: Prometheus

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lakov_Sanite on January 07, 2014, 09:55:54 PM
Saying this movie is not worth a $1.50 rental is about as neckbeardy as you can get.  It's a fun action movie, it's not great but for fucks sake, saying it's not worth a buck fifty?  If this isn't worth less than two dollars than your standards for home movie rentals is so impossibly high you will never be satisfied.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on January 08, 2014, 12:15:52 AM
There are much better movies you can pay $1.50 to see. If you want to observe the car crash, wait till it appears for free on your streaming service or network if choice.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on January 08, 2014, 01:46:33 AM
On the other hand, Damon Lindlelof helped write it and he is probably my least favorite writer working today because he gets involved with properties I am excited for and fucks them up. See: Prometheus

I only saw "Prometheus" recently and can only imagine the disappointment of anyone watching it who thought they were going to see a good movie set in the Aliens universe.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on January 08, 2014, 01:57:52 AM
OOOoh, someone bumped the thread !  Cool !!

This was on Sky over Christmas.  I watched it.

It was awful.  It was really, really, really awful.  I mean, just So Bad it wasn't even funny.

ALL of the complaints have already been handled in the mega thread, I guess, but the Transwarp stuff was probably the biggest shit in the bowl.  Also, zombie tribbles.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on January 08, 2014, 08:10:23 AM
Though somehow 'zombie tribbles' makes me think about what might happen if tribbles and those flying plastic barf vampires that killed Kirk's brother in TOS bred together...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on January 08, 2014, 09:43:22 AM
I forgot the barf vampires killed Kirk's brother. Ha.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on January 08, 2014, 02:47:00 PM
Though somehow 'zombie tribbles' makes me think about what might happen if tribbles and those flying plastic barf vampires that killed Kirk's brother in TOS bred together...

You know what would happen.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Soulflame on January 09, 2014, 10:05:23 PM
I admit it, I laughed.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: lamaros on January 10, 2014, 03:35:33 PM
you fine folks just saved me a redbox rental fee

There are roughly three ways to look at this movie:

1) Loving homage to a beloved classic of the Trek movies
2) Arrogant and creatively bankrupt attempt to 'reinvent' a classic of the Trek movies
3) A fun adventure movie with a script that is fun in a vacuum but painful when looked at from the perspective of a fan of the older Trek movies.

I think most people here looked at it as number 2. I viewed it as mostly 3 with a slight hint of 1. I was only able to give it any credit for 1 when I remembered a cut scene from the first where old Spock speculates that certain things would happen because the timeline was trying to correct itself. It was an explanation for why Kirk just happened to run into him on that ice planet. When viewed through that prism it tips the movie from 2 a bit more to 1. On the other hand, Damon Lindlelof helped write it and he is probably my least favorite writer working today because he gets involved with properties I am excited for and fucks them up. See: Prometheus

Or, not in regard to any Trek movies at all and just crap in its own right.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on January 10, 2014, 03:41:21 PM
Obviously it is bad on its own merits. The problem is that it is also bad after making allowances for being a trek movie.

I will give it credit for being not as bad as the TNG films.

In other news, being pinched on the arm is not as bad as being punched in the face.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on January 11, 2014, 03:29:54 PM
I appreciate why you edited, but my wife and I laughed hard at your original analogy  :grin:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Special J on January 22, 2014, 09:45:48 PM
In the scenes that Spock and Kirk share in the two films we have scenes like:

Star Trek:
 - Kirk hacking Spock's Kobayashi Maru scenario so that he wins and makes Spock look stupid

I know this is a months old post, but man while I liked the reboot overall, I HATED this scene.  All these years I was led to believe the Kirk had subtly altered this this test so he could give himself an out, allowing him to win.

Instead we got the first moment Abrams said "you're all retards and shit needs to be dumbed down" and gave us a ridiculous over the top scene of Kirk munching an apple while computers crashed around him.

So instead of Star Fleet going "WTF?!? How the fuck did he do that?!?!?!" we got: "Well duh, he cheated" So badly cheapened a big part of Kirk's backstory.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on January 23, 2014, 05:19:42 AM
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but the official Star Trek game also has Kirk cheating Spock in 3D chess. New Kirk just can't help from being a douche to the closest thing he has to a friend.

Here's a video of it, from 2 minutes in (and before that, Spock and Kirk are fighting each other):


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on January 23, 2014, 05:44:31 AM
In the Kobayashi book, it's a lot easier to take, but everyone knows he was a douchebag and cheated.  The simulated Klingons gave up instantly when they heard it was The Famous Captain Kirk.  The other cadets in the scenario were pissing themselves and Kirk made no bones about 'I cheated because it's a stupid fucking test.'

So technically, the movie was exactly in that spirit.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on January 23, 2014, 05:48:04 AM
Instead we got the first moment Abrams said "you're all retards and shit needs to be dumbed down""fuck Star Trek, I've never watched this shit. It's all space opera like Star Wars" and gave us a ridiculous over the top scene of Kirk munching an apple while computers crashed around him.

More correct, though it's not Abrams who wrote it.  It's the team who brought us such greats as The Transformers, Mission Impossible III and Cowboys & Aliens.

Let's not forget how great they are about the fans, either.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on January 23, 2014, 06:35:36 AM
Instead we got the first moment Abrams said "you're all retards and shit needs to be dumbed down""fuck Star Trek, I've never watched this shit. It's all space opera like Star Wars" and gave us a ridiculous over the top scene of Kirk munching an apple while computers crashed around him.

IIRC, the apple was tribute to Star Trek II.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on January 23, 2014, 07:00:48 AM
Well, that's fucking obscure and stupid.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 23, 2014, 07:04:44 AM
Instead we got the first moment Abrams said "you're all retards and shit needs to be dumbed down""fuck Star Trek, I've never watched this shit. It's all space opera like Star Wars" and gave us a ridiculous over the top scene of Kirk munching an apple while computers crashed around him.

IIRC, the apple was tribute to Star Trek II.

Makes sense. In that scene in the cave where McCoy, Kirk and Saavik talk about the Kobiyashi Maru Kirk is eating an apple and looks very, very smug while he tells her about how he beat the Kobiyashi Maru. That said, in the context of that movie it is intended to show how Kirk has always cheated his way out of bad situations which nicely sets up the ending of the movie.

I also didn't take that scene as Star Trek being dumbed down. They already showed that New Kirk is even more arrogant and impulsive than the Prime Kirk because he didn't have his dad around. One thing I have to give Into Darkness credit for is it was an attempt to deal with what happens when you put someone like him in charge of a starship. The best scene in that movie is where Pike bitches him out about not following the rules. Where I feel they screwed up is in switching Kirk and Spock's roles at the end. Kirk needed to learn that hard lesson that other people will pay for what he does.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Special J on January 23, 2014, 10:37:59 AM
Instead we got the first moment Abrams said "you're all retards and shit needs to be dumbed down""fuck Star Trek, I've never watched this shit. It's all space opera like Star Wars" and gave us a ridiculous over the top scene of Kirk munching an apple while computers crashed around him.

More correct, though it's not Abrams who wrote it.  It's the team who brought us such greats as The Transformers, Mission Impossible III and Cowboys & Aliens.

Let's not forget how great they are about the fans, either.

Yeah I'll buy that approach too. True, I'm guilty of lumping the writers together and just calling the whole gang 'Abrams'. But he is the ringleader.  And I'm sure some of the conversations went like this: "Holy fuck! Did you see the Helicarrier come out of the ocean?! I WANT THAT!"

EDIT: oh wow, the Orci flamewar is awesome.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 27, 2014, 07:28:47 AM
So, following that Orsi flamewar article led me to an interview with Damon Lindledorf. I was surprised that he did not seem as arrogant as I'd always imagined and seemed to be a big nerd.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: UnSub on January 29, 2014, 06:43:11 AM
For those who wish to relive this film in parody Tumblr form: http://thylaa.tumblr.com/post/69207958886/more

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on January 29, 2014, 09:45:47 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on January 29, 2014, 10:15:37 AM

'Hello Darkness my old friend'
...got me.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on January 29, 2014, 10:29:10 AM


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Venkman on January 31, 2014, 04:35:42 PM
My kids couldn't figure out why I was laughing so hard. And I don't even know why it was these two that set them off. I think it was just the accent in my head. Pegg's awesome, but I don't hear Scotty, I hear Nicholas Angel :grin:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rasix on August 30, 2015, 10:38:42 PM

I finally watched this. This was terrible. I wish I had spent the time watching 3 episodes of Narcos instead.

I don't really care about Trek, but this some how made me care less. If these movies go anymore downhill from here, they'll be on the same level as a Michael Bay flick.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on August 31, 2015, 01:17:07 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on August 31, 2015, 12:05:23 PM
I also approve this necropost.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on August 31, 2015, 12:08:15 PM
I had to read the strip again. It's the only good that came from this POS film.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on August 31, 2015, 12:21:07 PM
^ THIS. ^

I'm literally in tears from that strip again. Holy shit, what a turd of a movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 01, 2015, 04:43:35 AM
I really hated this film so much. Over time my initial dismay has curdled into dark loathing.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: satael on September 01, 2015, 05:35:07 AM
My greatest peeve with this movie were the MacGuffins (planet to planet teleportation and resurrection thru magic blood) which would have massive implications for Star Trek but which probably will be "forgotten" by whatever Trek comes out next.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 01, 2015, 09:09:24 AM
Star Trek 4 will likely end with another reset that reestablishes the original timeline... After all, it is well establish Star Trek fact that alterations to the timeline are to be restored.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 01, 2015, 09:23:40 AM
They will probably bring back Shatner to do it too.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: eldaec on September 01, 2015, 09:42:39 AM
Thinking about how bad this film is made me realise that the problem isn't just the terrible things mentioned in this thread - also there is nothing good to ignore the bullshit in favour of.

Originally I thought this was terrible but no worse than most of the tOS films. After time has passed, I think it might be as bad as the TNG films.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 01, 2015, 09:48:59 AM
I hope the next one is a flop so that we can get the property back on TV with a total reboot.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Speedy Cerviche on September 01, 2015, 12:40:14 PM
I read somebody suggesting that a True Detective  style anthology structure might be a good fit for Star Trek. You can have 5-15 episode long, tightly arced plotlines that aren't as rushed as films, but not so loose as the TV series' that are basically full of filler, and weak episodes. Basically novel length.

Then when the story is up you can move onto a new, fresh one, in a completely different setting, and characters while perhaps even advancing greater galaxy related story events through multiple seasons.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 01, 2015, 12:42:33 PM
I could have mercy on anyone who walked out of the theater thinking, "Well, I guess that was dumb fun, there was explosions and Vulcan fist-fighting and a lady in underwear" because if nothing else the lens flares probably left them feeling dizzy and confused.

But I've noticed how at lots of sites the folks who first liked the film have been quietly downgrading it steadily since. Half the time expressing a liking for it was just trying to make clear that you didn't like Star Trek much anyway.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 01, 2015, 12:46:10 PM
To be fair, the lady in the underwear was rather spectacular.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Evildrider on September 01, 2015, 12:50:33 PM
I hope the next one is a flop so that we can get the property back on TV with a total reboot.

With Justin Lin directing and most of the script by Simon Pegg, I have way more faith in the new movie than I did the others.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Shannow on September 01, 2015, 01:14:17 PM
I read somebody suggesting that a True Detective  style anthology structure might be a good fit for Star Trek. You can have 5-15 episode long, tightly arced plotlines that aren't as rushed as films, but not so loose as the TV series' that are basically full of filler, and weak episodes. Basically novel length.

Then when the story is up you can move onto a new, fresh one, in a completely different setting, and characters while perhaps even advancing greater galaxy related story events through multiple seasons.

That actually sounds pretty darn good.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 01, 2015, 01:38:49 PM
Yeah, I agree, that sounds way better.

J. Michael Stracyznski of all people had a pretty good idea for what an episodic Trek could have been--I remember him writing up a pretty detailed "could have been series bible" for the Trek he wished they done. Basically, rather than a new planet or story every week, the Enterprise (or other Federation ship) is operating way far from any Starfleet base, out at the edges of known space. (A bit like what Voyager's premise could have led to.) And so in five or six-episode arcs, with significant gaps in between, the crew encounters one planet, one situation, that's full of interesting tensions and problems. You'd get a chance to develop each situation as precarious--no replicators, no magic tech. The Federation ship would have only so many supplies, would actually need to negotiate resupplies where possible. They would have practical limits on what they could do and they wouldn't be able to call home to get instructions from Admirals about every situation. Damage to the ship would have to be repaired with great difficulty, the authority of a Captain and the officers would always be a bit precarious, especially if they made bad mistakes. I think JMS argued also to take away the universal translator and too-easy-tricorders--make the Federation ship have to gather information about language and culture in more fallible and dangerous ways. Make stuff like the Prime Directive really hard-won and emotionally painful and maybe sometimes too much to expect anyone to uphold. Sort of more like The Prime Suggestion or One Good Guideline.

That would really fit the True Detective/HBO Series mold. Could switch up crews and situations--one 'season' could be a science survey vessel dealing with a truly mysterious anomaly; another 'season' could be a small military ship cruising a dangerous frontier area; another 'season' could be a first-contact vessel dealing with a morally ambiguous new alien culture whose planet is strategically vital. 18 or 22-episode orders are just going to lead to filler.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on September 01, 2015, 01:48:12 PM
CBS owns the TV rights so I wouldn't expect anything revolutionary from a TV reboot.  NCIS: Final Frontier or a Big Bang Theory crossover could be possible though.  Soft tribble, warm tribble, little ball of fur...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Tannhauser on September 01, 2015, 02:04:41 PM
CBS owns the TV rights so I wouldn't expect anything revolutionary from a TV reboot.  NCIS: Final Frontier or a Big Bang Theory crossover could be possible though.  Soft tribble, warm tribble, little ball of fur...

Thanks for bringing a little fun into this angtsy thread.  Seriously.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Samwise on September 01, 2015, 03:10:53 PM
J. Michael Stracyznski of all people had a pretty good idea for what an episodic Trek could have been--I remember him writing up a pretty detailed "could have been series bible" for the Trek he wished they done. Basically, rather than a new planet or story every week, the Enterprise (or other Federation ship) is operating way far from any Starfleet base, out at the edges of known space. (A bit like what Voyager's premise could have led to.) And so in five or six-episode arcs, with significant gaps in between, the crew encounters one planet, one situation, that's full of interesting tensions and problems. You'd get a chance to develop each situation as precarious--no replicators, no magic tech. The Federation ship would have only so many supplies, would actually need to negotiate resupplies where possible. They would have practical limits on what they could do and they wouldn't be able to call home to get instructions from Admirals about every situation. Damage to the ship would have to be repaired with great difficulty, the authority of a Captain and the officers would always be a bit precarious, especially if they made bad mistakes. I think JMS argued also to take away the universal translator and too-easy-tricorders--make the Federation ship have to gather information about language and culture in more fallible and dangerous ways. Make stuff like the Prime Directive really hard-won and emotionally painful and maybe sometimes too much to expect anyone to uphold. Sort of more like The Prime Suggestion or One Good Guideline.

That's exactly what Voyager was set up as, and what it was presumably supposed to be.  Then it turned out that writing that high concept sci-fi stuff was hard, or something, and it quickly turned into dreck.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 01, 2015, 03:19:49 PM
Yeah, it turned to dreck about 5 minutes after the pilot started and only got worse from there.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Chimpy on September 01, 2015, 05:56:38 PM
I didn't love or hate the movie when I saw it.

Granted, I watched it on Netflix at like 2 in the morning when I had insomnia so my opinion may be clouded.

I think I am going to have to watch it again as all I really remember is some high-rise getting shredded and Scotty doing a "plastered just-dumped nerd in a bar" schtick.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 01, 2015, 06:10:46 PM
You may find things you feel are more memorable. In multiple ways.

Voyager was totally about what JMS pitched but it's pretty easy to see why the guys in charge at the time blanched and chickened out. But it's still not a bad reboot concept.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Chimpy on September 01, 2015, 08:34:46 PM
Ok, I just watched it again.

Ham-fisted is the first word that comes to mind.

I am not much of a Star Trek nerd so the whole "ruining what Star Trek should be" thing doesn't matter much to me but it was pretty bad.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 02, 2015, 11:42:09 AM
Look, I enjoyed Into Darkness in the theater as a big dumb spectacle movie (even though there were parts that made me roll my eyes pretty hard, especially the reversal of the Kirk/Spock deaths from Trek 2). This is one of those movies that got worse the more I thought anything about it. Had I seen it on Netflix without the big 3D kablooey, I wouldn't have enjoyed it much at all.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Soulflame on September 04, 2015, 06:11:51 PM
I watched part of this, up until the point where Cucumberpatch and Kirk were launched out of photon torpedo tubes, and then I walked out of the room, so I wouldn't have to watch any more of it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on September 07, 2015, 11:41:29 AM
All of the Trek reboots are simple Hollywood pander movies.  They're not Trek.  At all.  Abrams doesn't even identify with the series, yet he was chosen to portray it; a ludicrous choice to say the least, simply designed to sell tickets based on the Director's name.  The whole thing makes me a tad sick. 

They need to get these more purist TV series ideas off the ground.  Captain Worf, Axanar, etc. 

Trek in movie-form really hasn't been done right aside from TMP, WoK, and maybe Undiscovered Country.  To do it right again will take an approach more akin to the finales of DS9 or Voyager really.  More epic in scale and complex in scope.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Soulflame on September 07, 2015, 12:31:06 PM
This may be crazy talk, but possibly Star Trek was born of 1960s optimism.

2010s Trek would... not be full of optimism.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on September 07, 2015, 05:08:59 PM
Space sci-fi has been horrible since the late-80s, in terms of movies.

edit: to specify big screen and not TV.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Nevermore on September 07, 2015, 08:46:11 PM
Farscape was fun.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on September 07, 2015, 09:53:22 PM
Yeah, I think that's a little hyperbolic.  DS9, Babylon 5, Farscape, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly and a few others have been non-horrible since the 80s.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on September 08, 2015, 03:13:54 AM
Adjusted my post. re: talking movies only.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 08, 2015, 09:34:04 AM
1960s Star Trek was born of optimism.  1980s Star Trek (TNG) was also born of optimism - despite being released in the decade of Cold War, capitalistic overthrow and negative news beginning to truly dominate the headlines.  I might be in the minority, but I think an optimistic Star Trek TV series could be just as successful now as it was in the 80s...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 08, 2015, 09:36:12 AM
I'd agree.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Montague on September 10, 2015, 12:30:21 PM
All of the Trek reboots are simple Hollywood pander movies.  They're not Trek.  At all.  Abrams doesn't even identify with the series, yet he was chosen to portray it; a ludicrous choice to say the least, simply designed to sell tickets based on the Director's name.  The whole thing makes me a tad sick. 

They need to get these more purist TV series ideas off the ground.  Captain Worf, Axanar, etc. 

Trek in movie-form really hasn't been done right aside from TMP, WoK, and maybe Undiscovered Country.  To do it right again will take an approach more akin to the finales of DS9 or Voyager really.  More epic in scale and complex in scope.

JJ Trek is equivalent to a reboot of "Lost" where all the survivors leave the island in the first hour. No matter how good the visuals, acting, etc when you completely miss the point of the source material you're going to piss off a lot of people.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 10, 2015, 01:07:47 PM
I seem to recall saying something similar with the first ST movie. There were a lot of people here to argued the point that, "No, this is better. Old Trek was too stuffy and nobody gives a shit about high sci-fi when they go to a movie. Spectacle is better!"

Funny how things changed when the 2nd movie followed the same stupid-ass premise but was to a dearly-held thing like ST2.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 10, 2015, 02:29:58 PM
I still think the first Trek was better than most of the TOS movies (other than 1-3 and about on par with 4), as well as much better than the TNG movies, despite its flaws and plot holes.

Into Darkness however... was just not. There wasn't any point in the first nuTrek while watching it in the theater that I stopped and said "HOLD ON A MINUTE." I was rolling my eyes about the time Cumberbatch revealed himself to be KHAN!!!!!

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Yegolev on September 11, 2015, 06:35:59 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: apocrypha on September 12, 2015, 12:31:56 AM

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on September 12, 2015, 07:00:48 AM
The TNG movies were not good, either as movies or as TNG.

The first JJ Star Trek movie wasn't a good Star Trek thing, but it was an ok movie if you just ignore that it's supposed to be Star Trek.

I don't know that Trek really lends itself to movies, and certainly not a typical Hollywood movie. Almost every TNG film suffered from trying to go bigger on the action and set pieces and such, which weren't particularly well-done and also detracted from the things that actually made Trek good. Even the more action-centric episodes of TNG don't have a lot of action in them, moreso the threat of action with only small bits of real action.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on September 13, 2015, 11:19:01 AM
I still think the first Trek was better than most of the TOS movies (other than 1-3 and about on par with 4), as well as much better than the TNG movies, despite its flaws and plot holes.

Into Darkness however... was just not. There wasn't any point in the first nuTrek while watching it in the theater that I stopped and said "HOLD ON A MINUTE." I was rolling my eyes about the time Cumberbatch revealed himself to be KHAN!!!!!

The only truly good TOS movies were 2 and 6 in my opinion. TNG had only First Contact. (I seriously love that movie.). I enjoyed the first JJ-Trek but Into Darkness had Damon Lindledof stink all over it.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 13, 2015, 12:12:22 PM
First Contact was Baws.  Horrible fucking movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Teleku on September 13, 2015, 12:16:36 PM
Star Trek 4 is great.  Fuck all you haters.   :awesome_for_real:

(pretty sure I've said that many times before.  Then again, I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation many times before.)

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ironwood on September 13, 2015, 12:33:42 PM
We have.  Oh, so many many times.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on September 13, 2015, 10:35:35 PM
I like Trek 5 and 6 - in some ways 5 is the most like an actual Trek episode, dealing with some philosophical themes and such. It's not executed particularly well but at least the premise is both interesting and Trek-like.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: HaemishM on September 14, 2015, 08:50:41 AM
Star Trek 4 is great.  Fuck all you haters.   :awesome_for_real:

(pretty sure I've said that many times before.  Then again, I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation many times before.)

I actually liked 4, but it was a terribly campy movie.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Riggswolfe on September 14, 2015, 04:11:07 PM
Star Trek 4 is great.  Fuck all you haters.   :awesome_for_real:

(pretty sure I've said that many times before.  Then again, I'm pretty sure we've had this conversation many times before.)

I actually liked 4, but it was a terribly campy movie.

4 is a fun movie. But it's not a good Trek movie. It's basically 3 men and a little whale.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Khaldun on September 14, 2015, 04:59:06 PM
The underlying ideas are more consistently Trek though than the new movies. But it's not a terribly good movie and it doesn't age well.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Bunk on September 15, 2015, 12:13:50 PM
Despite the fact we've done it many times before, I shall do it again because it is my lunch hour and I'm bored:

1 - Too slow, too 70's, but a decent movie
2 - Classic. A well crafted movie.
3 - Christopher Lloyd Klingon, lol
4 - Fun, campy movie.
5 - utter drek - only one I've only watched once
6 - Underappreciated. Solid Trek movie. Fun.

1 - I pretend this never happened. My Captain Kirk didn't die because Malcolm McDowell dropped a fucking bridge on his head 
2 - First Contact had plenty of dumb parts and flaws, but it was fun and certainly the best of the NGs
3 - Crap. Barely qualified as a tv episode worthy plot
4 - Had no fucking clue what was going on in this drivel

1 - a really cool movie if you let go of the source material and take it for a fun space action film
2 - uggh. Forget letting go of the source material, as its nothing but recycled stuff. Cut 50% of the nostalgia pandering and this might have been watchable. Barely.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MahrinSkel on September 16, 2015, 07:54:22 AM
No opinion on Renegades? :why_so_serious:


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 16, 2015, 11:39:40 AM
Here's a like to the complete Star Trek Renegades movie so you can watch it in full!


Or maybe the trailer?


I haven't watched either since I'm too busy sawing my arm off.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: 01101010 on September 16, 2015, 11:49:40 AM
Here's a like to the complete Star Trek Renegades movie so you can watch it in full!


Or maybe the trailer?


I haven't watched either since I'm too busy sawing my arm off.


Star Trek: Suicide Squad!


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 16, 2015, 11:55:04 AM
Let it go.  The trauma has been inflcted.  Let it go and let the healing begin before the next film is released.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: shiznitz on September 16, 2015, 01:14:25 PM
What the hell was that? Who funded it?

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Merusk on September 16, 2015, 01:26:27 PM
What the hell was that? Who funded it?

It said a Tim Russ film. I assume he and the other actors whose careers ended are stunted because of Star Trek Voyager kicked-in.

Could be worse, they could have wound up just like Jennifer Lien

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: jgsugden on September 16, 2015, 01:35:09 PM
Could be worse, they could have wound up just like Jennifer Lien

IIRC, she was a bit crazy behind the scenes during the years she was on the show...

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ruvaldt on September 16, 2015, 03:33:55 PM
Yeah, she's had three arrests in as many years.  Once for domestic assault, another for crashing into a police cruiser, I think, and now this.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Sir T on September 16, 2015, 03:38:05 PM
Considering her character was designed to appeal to  :pedobear: I'm not surprised.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 16, 2015, 04:14:34 PM
Here's a like to the complete Star Trek Renegades movie so you can watch it in full!


Or maybe the trailer?


I haven't watched either since I'm too busy sawing my arm off.

It's probably wrong to knock fan fiction, even fan fiction on steroids, but why is almost every line of dialogue in that trailer a cliché? It's almost like a parody.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Bunk on September 17, 2015, 08:31:14 AM
I almost watched Renegades, then decided it would probably be bad for my mental health.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Lantyssa on September 17, 2015, 10:00:34 AM
I just did out of morbid curiosity.  Things I noted:

1) The Icarus ship design is pretty.

2)  I kind of liked the Doc's story.

3) Tim Russ will do anything with Trek.  Does he love it that much, or can he just not get any other work and figures any pay check is a good pay check?  Both?

4) It has more potential than Voyager.

5) How do studios do such a better job packaging a show even if they're complete shit?  Less takes?  Fewer revision passes?  You'd think a fan made-video involving seasoned actors could still be done with some quality.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Rishathra on September 17, 2015, 10:05:37 AM
5) How do studios do such a better job packaging a show even if they're complete shit?  Less takes?  Fewer revision passes?  You'd think a fan made-video involving seasoned actors could still be done with some quality.

It's certainly possible to do.  The Axanar stuff is pretty great.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: MahrinSkel on September 17, 2015, 10:20:09 AM
A lot of it is just better editing (and direction during shooting giving the editors more to work with). There were *so* many places where the dialog should have been tweaked by shortening or lengthening pauses, using reaction shots, framing shots, etc. The script wasn't completely horrible and even if a lot of the acting was pretty wooden, good post-production could have fixed a lot of it.

There's a reason that it usually takes far longer to do 'post' on a film than it does to shoot it. It's not just CGI and sound they're working on.


Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Margalis on September 18, 2015, 07:27:16 PM
5) How do studios do such a better job packaging a show even if they're complete shit?  Less takes?  Fewer revision passes?  You'd think a fan made-video involving seasoned actors could still be done with some quality.

Quickly skimming through it it's just not well-shot. Two major things stand out:

1. Lack of establishing shots
2. Almost everything shot in a close-up

The has the effect of making it seem very disjointed - it's hard to tell where the characters are in relation to each other, where stuff is happening, etc.

When two people are threatening each other it's all either shot-reverse or a close up of one that then pans to a close up of the other - it makes it look cheap because that sort of shooting is typically done to hide lack of FX integration. (You see this all the time in bad SyFy channel movies - there is a shot of a beast, and a shot of a guy, but they aren't on the screen at the same time, because doing that would require more FX work)

In general when making movies you want to give the editors good coverage, which includes a "master" shot that covers the action in a medium shot that encapsulates all the action. The idea being that the editor can cut to that when needed to establish spatial relations, show actions between characters, etc. That's the safe footage, then you can use other footage like close ups and inserts as needed. Either they didn't shoot that sort of coverage here or the editor chose not to use it.

There are basics of craft that the people making this either weren't aware of or didn't bother with. (Maybe because wider shots would illustrate that the sets were crappy)

I can skim from scene to scene and not see the legs of a single character. It's like 90% close ups.

It seems to me that the FX are pretty decent for a fan film, the lighting and makeup are pretty decent, etc, but it's just shot poorly.

Title: Re: Star Trek: Into Darkness
Post by: Ghambit on September 19, 2015, 09:31:52 AM
Could be worse, they could have wound up just like Jennifer Lien

IIRC, she was a bit crazy behind the scenes during the years she was on the show...

This is true.  Yes.  She was always a bit "off."  I believe she was a particularly emoGoth type punkband chic too.