
f13.net General Forums => MMOG Discussion => Topic started by: calapine on May 13, 2015, 01:39:52 AM

Title: World of Warships
Post by: calapine on May 13, 2015, 01:39:52 AM
Don't worry, I am not going to make any inane "It's like World of Tanks but with ships!" jokes....  :wink:

So right to the basics:

Currently in the closed beta stage. Whereas closed means 'buy to get in'. Buying a premium ship opens access, which starts at 19.99 € / $.

Release / open beta is scheduled for ~ September. Seems to be a conservative date, the game feels quite solid at the current stage.

Ship classes:

  • Destroyers. Fast & nimbles. Torpedoes, torpedoes. Often Laying smoke screens to protect themselves.
  • Cruisers. All-rounders. Still fire rather fast (down to 5 seconds reload for some). Still some torpedoes (depends on Tier and nations). Secondary role as AA-platforms to protect battleships and cruisers.
  • Battleships. Looong range. Slow firing. Slow turning. 30 seconds main gun reload time, 60 seconds for a turret to traverse 180° degrees to give an example. This is very aiming starts to become tricky. When shells need 20 seconds to reach their target and the artillery dispersion is larger than target it feels like trying to snipe with a shotgun.
  • Carriers. Now we are playing a different genre: RTS. Fighters, Dive Bombers, Torpedo Bombers. The airwing loadout can be swapped out to a degree, depending on nation and preferred play-style. I haven't played them yet, but the managing your planes, setting up proper torpedo attacks, fighting other carriers wings, etc... seems to be quite involved. More cerebral I think.

Playable factions will be the US Navy, IJN, Royal Navy and Kriegsmarine. So far only the former two are implemented.

Official website (EU] (http://worldofwarships.eu/)
Official website (US) (http://worldofwarships.com/)

Let's play / game introduction on Youtube (https://youtu.be/ebx89jbm2vw)

F13 members playing:

F13         WoW        Region
Tmon        Phredde    NA
Ginaz       Ginaz      NA
Mortriden   Valhalla01 NA
Strazos     Strazos    NA
HaemishM    HaemishM   NA

calapine    Calapine   EU
satael      satael     EU
Falconeer   Falconeer  EU
SirT        Suranis1   EU

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Falconeer on May 13, 2015, 01:44:25 AM
I am all over this game as I was all over World of Tanks (much less about planes). It seems to be lot more MechWarrior with boats than World of Tanks I believe. But anyway, I want a closed beta key very bad, so hand me one! (please)  :drillf:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 13, 2015, 01:52:37 AM
I am all over this game as I was all over World of Tanks (much less about planes). It seems to be lot more MechWarrior with boats than World of Tanks I believe. But anyway, I want a closed beta key very bad, so hand me one! (please)  :drillf:

I don't have one, sorry.  :heartbreak: AFAIK the only way to get in at this moment is to buy something premium (starting at ~ 20 €).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tannhauser on May 13, 2015, 03:59:58 AM
This game looks pretty great. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Brolan on May 13, 2015, 06:18:18 AM
My WoT clan is pretty much just playing Warships right now.  Thinking of taking the plunge.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on May 13, 2015, 10:03:36 AM
(un)luckily the only premium ships on their website (that include the closed beta access) are destroyers and no carriers so I can (atleast for now) resist the temptation...  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Viin on May 13, 2015, 10:33:38 AM
Are they planning on combining all of these into one big World of War game?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on May 13, 2015, 10:33:50 AM
The patch this morning added Japanese carriers and American Battleships.

Are they planning on combining all of these into one big World of War game?

No. It wouldn't work without them redoing the engine and all the maps - basically making a whole entirely new game. It works in War Thunder because they designed everything that way from the start.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 13, 2015, 01:04:25 PM
My WoT clan is pretty much just playing Warships right now.  Thinking of taking the plunge.

I would say "Can I join you guys, pleeeeease?" but I suppose you are playing on the NA server, correctly?

But that reminds me: If someone takes this up and wants to be found, post your nickname (and region). I will edit the original post and start a list with names.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 13, 2015, 02:00:19 PM
I'm on the NA server as Phredde

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Falconeer on May 13, 2015, 06:13:56 PM
Thanks to awesome friends, I'm in as Falconeer on the EU server.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on May 13, 2015, 10:31:02 PM
I gave in and so you can find me as satael on EU server.   :why_so_serious:
edit: seeing Yamamoto as tier 10 battleship for Japan was too much for me to resist

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Merusk on May 14, 2015, 07:01:56 AM
You know it doesn't come with a Wave Motion Cannon, right?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Falconeer on May 14, 2015, 07:04:15 AM
edit: seeing Yamamoto as tier 10 battleship for Japan was too much for me to resist

Yamato.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on May 14, 2015, 07:06:31 AM
edit: seeing Yamamoto as tier 10 battleship for Japan was too much for me to resist

Yamato.  :uhrr:

My bad, I always mix it due to Isoroku Yamamoto (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isoroku_Yamamoto).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Mortriden on May 14, 2015, 09:00:06 AM
NA server - Valhalla01

The premium ships work just like premium tanks in WoT; so you can train your captains with them if they are same nation and class.  The US Sims is a barrel of awesome, once you figure out how to play the damn thing.  The Yubari is suspect, but it's the cheapest, AND it has one major saving grace... it has wicked AA for a Tier 4 ship.  If there is a Carrier on the other team, you immediately become every Kawachi and Myogi's best friend.  The Grim is a Cruiser in Destroyer's clothing.  Big guns, slow traverse/turn rate, long range, slow longer range torpedoes, low health. 

Look up iChase gaming on YouTube if you want to watch some fairly good vids on gameplay and how some of the ships operate.   

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 14, 2015, 10:52:48 AM
One thing about WoWS premium ships, there is no concept of class for captains, they are trained for a specific ship not a type of ship.  This means you can use a premium destroyer to train a BB captain if you want.  The closest thing to a class for captains is that as you pick crew skills some will only be useful in a particular type of ships.  I usually use my Sims or Greg to speed up retraining when I transition a captain to a new non-premium ship.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on May 14, 2015, 11:24:11 AM
NA server - Valhalla01

The premium ships work just like premium tanks in WoT; so you can train your captains with them if they are same nation and class.  The US Sims is a barrel of awesome, once you figure out how to play the damn thing.  The Yubari is suspect, but it's the cheapest, AND it has one major saving grace... it has wicked AA for a Tier 4 ship.  If there is a Carrier on the other team, you immediately become every Kawachi and Myogi's best friend.  The Grim is a Cruiser in Destroyer's clothing.  Big guns, slow traverse/turn rate, long range, slow longer range torpedoes, low health. 

Look up iChase gaming on YouTube if you want to watch some fairly good vids on gameplay and how some of the ships operate.   

Ginaz NA server.

I have to agree with you about those premium ships.  They are all pretty good.  I haven't played the Yubari much but the 2 destroyers are a whole lot of fun to play, esp. the Sims.  The Sims guns fire so fast that you can often fire off a 2nd salvo before your 1st hits the target.  Torpedo range is shit but it's shit with pretty much all the US destroyers.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on May 14, 2015, 09:46:42 PM
NA server - Valhalla01

The premium ships work just like premium tanks in WoT; so you can train your captains with them if they are same nation and class.  The US Sims is a barrel of awesome, once you figure out how to play the damn thing.  The Yubari is suspect, but it's the cheapest, AND it has one major saving grace... it has wicked AA for a Tier 4 ship.  If there is a Carrier on the other team, you immediately become every Kawachi and Myogi's best friend.  The Grim is a Cruiser in Destroyer's clothing.  Big guns, slow traverse/turn rate, long range, slow longer range torpedoes, low health. 

Look up iChase gaming on YouTube if you want to watch some fairly good vids on gameplay and how some of the ships operate.   

Ginaz NA server.

I have to agree with you about those premium ships.  They are all pretty good.  I haven't played the Yubari much but the 2 destroyers are a whole lot of fun to play, esp. the Sims.  The Sims guns fire so fast that you can often fire off a 2nd salvo before your 1st hits the target.  Torpedo range is shit but it's shit with pretty much all the US destroyers.

The Yubari is a beast and might get nerfed at some point in my opinion.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 15, 2015, 05:13:56 AM
I bought the three pack of premiums when they first had it on sale.  I've been pretty happy with all three ships.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 15, 2015, 12:27:19 PM

The Yubari is a beast and might get nerfed at some point in my opinion.

Or maybe you are just that good?  :wink:

Haven't played much with her, but I wouldn't call it a beginner ship. The ship artillery is rather weak for it's tier and class. The torpedos are strong, but have a rather narrow firing arc, which makes them somewhat tricky to use. The American cruisers or the Sims are probably better alternatives for a newbies "My First Warship".

Two links that might be helfull:

World of Warships Database (http://wowsdb.info/)

 Aslain's WoWS ModPack (http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/2020-031-aslains-wows-modpack-installer-wpicture-preview-v023-15052015/) - Some nice QoL mods, like a better crosshair and new over target markers (no need to press ALT all the time...)

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 16, 2015, 08:32:07 AM
Haven't found this on the web yet, so I made a quick cheat-sheet with battleship speeds and ranges to help estimate the lead for the first salvo and when the opponents ship can return the fire. (My current BB is the Fuso, which out-ranges most adverseries at it's tier.)


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on May 16, 2015, 10:22:05 AM
A (newbie) tip for anyone doing low tier levelling (and so quickly changing from one ship to another): the white circle around you on the minimap is the max range of your currently chosen weapon (especially useful when using torpedoes and you just can't remember what was the max range on the particular model).  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Falconeer on May 16, 2015, 10:45:18 AM
Not that it matters, but why does it say that I've won 0 battles under my Profile? Beta?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on May 16, 2015, 11:54:46 AM
Not that it matters, but why does it say that I've won 0 battles under my Profile? Beta?

I'm pretty sure that co-op battles don't count. Co-op opponents are all bots and it's the default game mode in the client right now.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on May 16, 2015, 12:48:30 PM
Not that it matters, but why does it say that I've won 0 battles under my Profile? Beta?

I think you have to switch it to random, which is playing against other players.  Co-op is your human team vs. bots.  It's nice they added a co-op mode and it's something I wish World of Tanks had.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Falconeer on May 18, 2015, 10:14:13 AM
Let's face it. This game is FUCKING AWESOME!

Even though I don't understand crap and I am probably terrible at it. I can totally see myself burn millions on this just to get all the ships models. Anyway, I'd like a few random pointers from those with a little more experience.

The gunning is pretty straight forward.

But what about Movement? This game is like World of Tanks but 10000 times slower. So since pretty much everyone is gonna hit everyone every time (not really, but bear with me), positioning is everything. Except, it takes about one minute to change direction and up to five or even more to get wherever you want to go. You can not ever ever ever backtrack and you rarely have a real chance to make anything out of turning, even though that's clearly the key. It feels a lot that you have to commit to a plan/position at the beginning of the battle and then TRY to adjust when things star falling apart, which will take you so long you'll probably win or die anyway without really understanding why.

Clearly, this is my description of very low level play. And that's why I am interested in understanding how things should pan out if I knew what I'm doing.

I know it's too broad, but can I have some basics on:

a) tactics
b) positioning


EDIT: Additional question. Is any wipe planned? I just hate to see progress reset, in everything.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on May 18, 2015, 04:55:38 PM
They're resetting at the end of beta, but you get your preorder ships and money. Also, the experience handling the ships is important.

1) you turn better the faster you're going.
2) Don't let yourself get between two or more red guys, even in a battleship.
3) don't sail straight at people, you're really, really easy to hit and at that angle practically every square inch they can hit is a potential critical.
4) Always shoot at people sailing straight at you, they're really, really easy to hit and at that angle practically every square inch you can hit is a potential critical.
5)Set people on fire with HE, and when the fire goes out quickly they probably hit their damage control cooldown. Then launch torpedoes at them. And shoot them more.
6)The AI seems to be not a lot worse than the random teams. Play co-op until your ship id fully upgraded at the very least.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Spiff on May 18, 2015, 10:52:17 PM
A (newbie) tip for anyone doing low tier levelling (and so quickly changing from one ship to another): the white circle around you on the minimap is the max range of your currently chosen weapon (especially useful when using torpedoes and you just can't remember what was the max range on the particular model).  :awesome_for_real:

Also: When you are zoomed in and you hit the alt key (extra info) it will show the relative distance your aiming reticle is at and (very useful imo) the travel time of your shots to that point.

Loving this game as well btw, the attention to detail is just awesome. Not just the eye-candy, but the little sounds every ship makes, or the 'sploosh' you hear if you shoot down a plane close to you; lovely.
I'm around tier 5-7 now and I have to say the Japanese ships just feel so much better at these tiers. Their battleships seem to have about 5k extra distance and the american cruisers suddenly lose their torpedoes :(

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 19, 2015, 01:22:21 AM
If you like fast game-play Destroyers and Cruisers are probably right for you.

Keep changing course and direction if detected. As you will soon notice a ship on a course parallel to you and going in a straight line is the easiest target to hit. If you are coming at an angle your opponent has to compensate for both X and Y lead. You are also presenting a smaller target this way. It's often not that easy to judge through binoculars if a ship is moving slightly away from / towards you, so this introduces another difficulty for the enemy captain. To that add zick zacking. The best shot wont hit if you changed course while it was mid air.

Especially in battleship duels the next step is anticipating when your opponent next salvo is ready and timing the turn for it.

Don't use full broadsides. BBs have ~30 seconds reload time, if you waste a full salvo you are sitting duck for the next half minute. Start of with a ranging shot, based on your best guess, after you see where it lands correct the aim and fire the other batteries. Or just a single one again, depending how sure you are of the solution.

Same is true for DD and CAs. Tier IV CA Phoenix has 6 turrets with a 10 s reload. With upgrades that's about one shot every 1.5 seconds. Fire one turret after another and lead yourself into the target, using the shells like a tracer. A bit like baddies shoot in action films. Much easier than firing 6 turrets, missing and having to wait 10 seconds again for another guess.

Progress will be wiped with the open beta, as CBT has highly increased XP and credit income. Best guess so far for open beta release is around September or maybe a bit earlier in August for Gamescom in Köln.

This also means it's a risk-less to buy a premium ship. They will be re-set as well and the tokens refunded to you. Try one and if you find you don't like it just don't buy it again in open beta.

Until you get a feel for where you want to be when it's best to stick with the crowd. Much easier to learn targeting and situation awareness if you are not being shot at.

Since the 0.3.1 patch HE is clearly OP (in pure damage and especially the fires, those fucking fires...). Use it in every situation, except as BB vs other BBs or CAs.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 19, 2015, 01:55:55 AM
Also: When you are zoomed in and you hit the alt key (extra info) it will show the relative distance your aiming reticle is at and (very useful imo) the travel time of your shots to that point.

Loving this game as well btw, the attention to detail is just awesome. Not just the eye-candy, but the little sounds every ship makes, or the 'sploosh' you hear if you shoot down a plane close to you; lovely.
I'm around tier 5-7 now and I have to say the Japanese ships just feel so much better at these tiers. Their battleships seem to have about 5k extra distance and the american cruisers suddenly lose their torpedoes :(

Re alt key: There is a trick to permantly toggle it on for the rest of the match.

1) Press and hold ALT key.
2) Press NUM ENTER.
3) Release ALT.
4) Press NUM ENTER again to turn off the chat focus.

Additionally, if you only care about the distance and not the flight-time in seconds information, there are "Over the target marker" mods to provide those. The mod compilation I lined up thread has some.

Re Cruisers: I prefer Japanese cruisers as well, but wouldn't agree that they are strictly better. American cruisers generally outgun them and are better armoured. Torpedos are great, but a bit tricky to use. So for a player that just likes to shoot guns but finds battleship too slow paced American cruisers are a good choice.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Mortriden on May 19, 2015, 07:55:20 AM
Patch 3.1 further differentiated the nations as well.  American Cruisers are now fully in the gunship/AA defense role.  Bigger caliber AA has had it's effectiveness increased (anecdotal from the perspective of a carrier driver); which is where American cruisers start to shine around Tier 7.  Furthermore, American Carriers are now much more focused in the Air Superiority Role.  Tiers 5-7 are no longer able to carry more than one squadron of torpedo bombers.  This was a bit of a shock to me after being so dangerous to enemy ships in the previous patch.  Now, the "attack" role is firmly in the Japanese Carrier doctrine. Once they add the ability to change up the type of bombs Dive Bomber squadrons carry, this might change. 

I always feel that my Japanese Cruisers are "generalists".  I'm more likely to use their torpedoes as area denial weapons, then kill shots.  That being said, I'm only to Tier 5 with them. 

Newbie tips: I recommend you turn off the "collision avoidance system" in the settings.  I've also found that in Battleships and larger Cruisers you are not super likely to avoid ALL the shots fired at you by maneuvering, you will avoid some of them; and often times reduce the ones that due hit down to glancing or weaker damage hits. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 20, 2015, 10:09:22 PM
What's the point of a low tier Premium ship like the Tier II Albany? Would you actually ever use such a weak ship in a serious battle? This is my first Wargaming.net game so I'm still learning about all the systems.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: disKret on May 20, 2015, 11:49:05 PM
What's the point of a low tier Premium ship like the Tier II Albany? Would you actually ever use such a weak ship in a serious battle? This is my first Wargaming.net game so I'm still learning about all the systems.

In WoT its just tease Your collector soul - You will earn more on normal tier 5 toon.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 21, 2015, 04:52:31 AM
What's the point of a low tier Premium ship like the Tier II Albany? Would you actually ever use such a weak ship in a serious battle? This is my first Wargaming.net game so I'm still learning about all the systems.

In WoT its just tease Your collector soul - You will earn more on normal tier 5 toon.

About the only serious use for one of the lower tier premiums is to have it around in case you need to group with somebody new to the game. You can always just buy a low tier tech tree ship for the same thing (provided you have an open slot) but premiums let you assign any captain without retraining so you can continue to level up a captain while hand holding the new person. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 21, 2015, 08:04:40 AM
Cool, thanks.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Engels on May 21, 2015, 11:41:33 AM
The role of premium vehicles in WoT is for cash earning and crew training, and that doesn't really work till tier 6 or so. I suspect that the same applies for WoPoBS

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 21, 2015, 12:03:06 PM
The role of premium vehicles in WoT is for cash earning and crew training, and that doesn't really work till tier 6 or so. I suspect that the same applies for WoPoBS

I wish!!

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 22, 2015, 02:30:25 PM
seems like the NA server is awarding 5x XP for your first win this weekend.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 22, 2015, 02:52:31 PM
XP already seems to accrue pretty quickly (the boost calapine referred to earlier). Now if it was 5x all weekend...

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 23, 2015, 08:14:05 AM
Got 12k xp in one good match with my to US BB.  Sadly when open comes xp gain will be nerfed hard.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on May 23, 2015, 05:45:22 PM
Got 12k xp in one good match with my to US BB.  Sadly when open comes xp gain will be nerfed hard.

I imagine the same will happen with silver.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 24, 2015, 04:58:04 AM
Yup, they've said that cbt income and xp are inflated to allow for testing all tiers and the various modules you can buy for ships.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Zetleft on May 24, 2015, 11:42:46 AM
Haven't played much but really enjoying it more than I did WoT.  The bot combat probably helps, at least with the low tier battles. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on May 24, 2015, 11:46:53 AM
Haven't played much but really enjoying it more than I did WoT.  The bot combat probably helps, at least with the low tier battles. 

Yeah, I wish was co-op play against bots for WoT.  It's a great feature to have.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 25, 2015, 08:06:58 PM
seems like the NA server is awarding 5x XP for your first win this weekend.
It's 5x XP for the first win per ship.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Engels on May 26, 2015, 09:20:17 AM
So I can get in on the fun if I preorder a bundle. Has anyone here purchased the boats in question? I am inclined to go for the Tier VII US destroyer bundle...

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on May 26, 2015, 10:14:42 AM
I bought the 3 boat pack for $70. Not sure which are in it, since I haven't bothered to log in during beta. Want to keep it fresh so  I don't burn out quite as quickly.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on May 26, 2015, 10:24:05 AM
So I can get in on the fun if I preorder a bundle. Has anyone here purchased the boats in question? I am inclined to go for the Tier VII US destroyer bundle...
I bought it and I'm satisfied with the purchase. I don't particularly like destroyer gameplay so 2 of the ships aren't as useful as I'd like. They do have the advantage that any captains can use them without penalty regardless of what sort of ship they're trained to use. Between the ships, the gold, and the early access my opinion is that it's well worth it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 26, 2015, 10:24:36 AM
I bought the 3 boat pack for $70. Not sure which are in it, since I haven't bothered to log in during beta. Want to keep it fresh so  I don't burn out quite as quickly.

Oh wow. That might be the first time I see a game cheaper to buy Euro prices.  fucking Valve


€ 49,99 converts to $ 54,35 at the current rate.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 26, 2015, 11:30:35 AM
NA gets 1250 more gold (5500 total) and 60 more Premium days (90 days total) for the Triple pack. That's an extra $6.69 + $12.59 + $12.59 or ~29 €. So you are still screwed :why_so_serious:


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 26, 2015, 11:34:34 AM
So I can get in on the fun if I preorder a bundle. Has anyone here purchased the boats in question? I am inclined to go for the Tier VII US destroyer bundle...
I have the triple pack though I haven't played them yet either :awesome_for_real:

In my case it's cause they don't unlock other ships and I'm still unlocking the other ship types. I did just unlock the rank that gives you the Free Experience perk, though, so I may start playing those ships to see what they are like.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on May 29, 2015, 08:34:12 PM
Or if it's a overpowered monster like the pac40.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Draegan on May 30, 2015, 06:12:43 AM
I heard this game was full of autolock/auto find hacks. That true?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 30, 2015, 10:24:39 AM
I heard this game was full of autolock/auto find hacks. That true?

There was a "lead prediction aim bot assist" that showed you where to aim (mainly useful for battleships) - assuming the target doesn't change course. A patch two weeks ago supposedly encrypted the scripting part of the game to prevent this.

Whether some inventive Russians already circumvented this with a new version I can't tell as I don't go looking for such things. The aim bot-complaints on the forum have stopped for now at least.

Edit: Corrected as by Trippy.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on May 30, 2015, 10:30:11 AM
Yes, this is the Aim Assist mod (it's not a bot):


World of Warships like World of Tanks is moddable and Wargaming.net originally they said mods like these were fine but they've apparently changed their minds. It'll be interesting to see if they do something similar with WoT. Some of those mods seem really OP.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on May 30, 2015, 11:00:00 AM
Oh yes, there is another, so far legal, mod that unlocks the camera birds-eye-view. I tried it once and it's quite an advantage for aiming and allows shots over islands that would normally be impossible. I hope they ban it, else it might become a "must have mod".

Screenshot (complete with an ugly crosshair mod):


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Engels on May 31, 2015, 08:48:42 AM
Looks like the arty camera mod, which can't really be banned, seeing that Wargaming gave the coders of the mod the Wargaming Developers award -for it-.  (http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/453351-battle-assistant-arty-mod-wg-award-winner/)

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: 01101010 on May 31, 2015, 11:25:49 AM
Must. resist.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on May 31, 2015, 11:34:54 AM
Looks like the arty camera mod, which can't really be banned, seeing that Wargaming gave the coders of the mod the Wargaming Developers award -for it-.  (http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/453351-battle-assistant-arty-mod-wg-award-winner/)

It's been around since alpha.  The original GUI used this overhead view as the primary view for shooting, but WG decided it wasn't as immersive as they wanted and changed to the binos view we have now.   The mod makes it a little easier to shoot over islands but doesn't let you see anything that isn't already in view.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 01, 2015, 03:50:32 PM
Yeah, I don't see that mod making anywhere near as huge a difference as the arty mod does. That's like playing a whole different game.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 05, 2015, 06:42:20 AM
Yeah, I don't see that mod making anywhere near as huge a difference as the arty mod does. That's like playing a whole different game.

Well, I disagree. Mods that alter the camera to give an advantage are cheating. Those who use them are cheaters and should be banned!


Anyway, something different: The default view on the ship is zoomed in rather close, which hinders situational awareness quite a bit. So I made a mod that alters the camera to provide a wider field of view. Should be an advantage when navigating between island groups for example.


Default view stays unchanged, but now it's possible to zoom out another step.

Download link (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3xmT9bl4DChaWxkRTk5OUhsR3c&authuser=0)

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 10, 2015, 07:10:00 AM
It seems the step from closed to open beta is imminent™ soon™.

The Asia region was informed about an incoming account wipe.

More below spoilers:

Closed Beta Test accounts to be wiped soon - rewards to follow

The Closed Beta Test will be undergoing another round of wipes very soon as we take one step closer to Open Beta and the eventual release of World of Warships. To create fair conditions for everyone who will join after the start of Open Beta, all progress will be removed, such as credits earned and ships purchased,

However, there are significant benefits to those who have participated actively in the testing. Here are the following benefits of your labour to reap:

  • Account Level will be partially restored based on the number of battles you fought.
  • Signal flags will be partially restored based on the number of battles you fought.
  • Two experienced commanders will await you in your port with a certain amount of free skills. This amount is dependent on your participation in the testing phase. These commanders will be at your service on Tier I US and IJN vessels until an appropriate account level is unlocked. At that point you can retain these two gentlemen to command any ship you desire for free.

Note: Contents of any purchased pre-order packages will be invoiced to your account after the wipe, as previously stated in the package description and on our portal. Iwaki Alpha will be restored to your port if you received this ship for your participation in the Closed Alpha phase. Please note that you will receive only the ship – modifications and crew will be wiped.

CBT Reward: USS Arkansas

Being a Beta Tester is all about sticking with the game for the long haul, and we're fortunate to have some very loyal players with us while we tighten the screws and polish the game in time for release.

To reward those of you who have been sailing the seas and battling online foes throughout the Closed Beta, all players that have participated in at least 50 battles will receive the USS Arkansas, a unique warship not available anywhere else.


USS Arkansas is one of the brightest examples of U.S. battleships. While having relatively a low speed of travel and firing range, Arkansas is characterized by good manoeuvrability, well-armoured citadel, and anti-torpedo defense system. She is equipped with anti-aircraft armaments and multiple primary guns. Not only that, the ship will also be painted in a unique camouflage scheme to make it stand out whenever it leaves your port.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 10, 2015, 08:15:50 AM
I like the beta reward ship choice.  Between it and the Sims my US training ship needs will be covered.  I think they still have significant work to do on balance, especially HE and fires but I'm ok with the transition to Open Beta since WG has a track record of continuing to develop and change games after release.  Current WoT bears very little resemblance to what it looked like at release. 

Also there's another patch inbound 3.1.4 it buffs low tier US carriers, nerfs higher tier Japanese carriers and buffs AP.  Patch note discussion from EU page in the spoiler.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Nebu on June 10, 2015, 03:12:52 PM
I haven't played for like 2 months.  I think I played over 150 matches, but don't know if there was a wipe since.  Would be great to get the reward ship... though I'm not sure I'll ever play this again.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 10, 2015, 03:26:18 PM
I'm waiting for the Graf Spee.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 10, 2015, 03:48:18 PM
I'm waiting for the Graf Spee.

You Nazi!  :heart:

My guess for the order of introduction: Bismarck as premium ship (she already in the game files), Russian Navy with looots of fictive paper ships, Kriegsmarine, Royal Navy.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 10, 2015, 04:12:39 PM
I don't remember which geek comic it was (it was one of those comics like Dork Tower or Knights of the Dinner Table) which had a strip about gamer types and included the guy with an unhealthy fascination with Germany's WWII war machine. That was me as a kid -- I always liked playing the Germans in WWII wargames (the type with cardboard counters) cause they had the coolest units :awesome_for_real:

Getting back to the Graf Spee, there were a lot of us in my neighborhood growing up that played wargames and one of them was Seapower, a naval miniatures wargame. We didn't play it that much cause of one of us would have to dedicate our home's living room for a afternoon or more because of the scale involved but it was fun. The mainstays of my fleet was a pair of Deutschland-class cruisers -- i.e. the Graf Spee and her sister ships. They were awesome cause they were the size of heavy cruisers but had the range of a battleship -- i.e. they were totally OP :drill:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Merusk on June 10, 2015, 05:37:13 PM
They were awesome cause they were the size of heavy cruisers but had the range of a battleship -- i.e. they were totally OP :drill:

What's that a direct result of the treaty of Versailles?

TOV: Germany shall have no battleships and nothing over x-tonnes!
NG: Ok. *proceeds to pump everything into cruiser tech until they surpass most battleships*

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 10, 2015, 10:12:09 PM
Yes it was, though Germany did go on to build real battleships like the Bismark mentioned above later on.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 11, 2015, 08:03:03 AM
I wonder what they'll do about Russia. Did they even have battleships that weren't from before the revolution or charity hand-me-downs from other Allies? Probably a shitload of paper ships I imagine.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 11, 2015, 09:05:03 AM
Honestly no Navy could fill every tier with non-paper ships.  Some will be worse than others, I believe the Montana is the only paper ship in the US tree.  It was actually ordered but construction was never started because the Iowa class was deemed sufficient.  For the Russians pretty much all carriers and any post dreadnaught BBs will be paper, although I think some of their pre and post WW2 BB designs got as far as having keels laid.  The Brits have tons of ships but I believe they'll need to use paper ships for tier 9+ BBs and some of the CVs.  The Germans have significant holes in all but the DD lines and even for those they'll need some paper designs.  In some respects setting the time frame from 1901 to 1921 probably would have been better.  They wouldn't have to deal with CVs at all and could have filled out DD, C, BC and BB lines with non paper ships for almost all the major naval powers.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 11, 2015, 10:25:19 AM
Finally patched this up and played a few games last night. I can't remember shit about it, so I was easy pickings. I just want my reward boat.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 11, 2015, 07:33:49 PM
Sooo, I'm discovering that life turns really shitty for japanese carriers real fast. Smaller squadrons, not nearly enough fighters, and every ship has 400 AA guns. Squadrons are good for one, maybe two runs before getting wiped out.

They really need to let us just pick the squadron types for ourselves. Dive bombers appear to be next to useless.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 13, 2015, 04:29:33 AM
I pulled the trigger. I'm so sorry mom :(

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 14, 2015, 09:44:43 PM
It seems the step from closed to open beta is imminent™ soon™.
I had only played PvE before this announcement so I crammed in my 49 (+1)* PvP games this weekend to qualify for the USS Arkansas and ended up with a record of 23-2-25 which was to be expected since there's no way I can carry the game right now so I'm at the mercy of matchmaking. I would've done a bit better if I didn't so badly with battleships** -- I just can not do well in the Tier III ones. They are vulnerable to everything with destroyers and torpedo bombers being able to kill you in one torpedo salvo and if you miss your shots, which isn't hard to do, the reload and traversal times are so slow you might as well just scuttle the ship at that point.

* The US page (http://worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/cbt-arkansas/) says you need 49 games but I did 50 just in case

** I went like 1 - 8 this evening while grinding XP to unlock the Tier IV BBs.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 14, 2015, 10:13:18 PM
Yeah, I did similar. with similar results.as I'm doing better with Cruisers because I'm adapting a policy of "I'm an escort, so I'm gonna pick a BB or group of them and stick to them like glue" For the record my results are 23 won  4draw  29 lost out of 56 played

 Like you I cannot get the hang of the early BBs at all as both the T3 ones are slow and the range is utter crap (though the Japanese one seems slightly better) I assume the later ones are betterthan those. I played enough BB PVP to unlock the Jap carrier tree and I#m 2100 away from the US one. I think I won maybe 2 games with a Battleship? Urgh. No thanks.

Played 1 game with a destroyer and was spinning crazily around without a clue what I was doing and I could not handle the manoeuvrability of the thing.

So any tips on how to lead your target? I do ok with cruisers but I do crap with battleships.

I think I'm having the same problem here though that I did with WOT. I start just playing games just to grind to the next tier, which means I play like a Zombie without a dead brain. Not good and I don't enjoy myself at all which is the whole point of the thing.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 14, 2015, 10:33:50 PM
You do realize 'Jap' became a racial slur because of World War II right?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 14, 2015, 10:47:27 PM
Well it certainly was not meant in that way. I'll edit it

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 15, 2015, 08:41:14 AM
Sooo, I'm discovering that life turns really shitty for japanese carriers real fast. Smaller squadrons, not nearly enough fighters, and every ship has 400 AA guns. Squadrons are good for one, maybe two runs before getting wiped out.

They really need to let us just pick the squadron types for ourselves. Dive bombers appear to be next to useless.

This guy did an in depth look at all the carriers in the game right now and his overall conclusion is that the whole carrier side of the game is a total mess since the 3.1 patch. He says as an IJN (that acceptable trippy?) carrier if there is so much as a single USN carrier over on the other side you might as well ram something. If there isn't its god mode till your bombers run out due to the massive AA out there at high tiers, at which point you might as well ram something. Its not "hur hur US griging" he has bad things to say about the US carriers as well. His basic point is that the game is decided by your matchmaching and your loadout before you even move.

If you are not interested in the individual carrier discussion watch the first 6 minutes then skip forward to around 23 minutes where he goes into actual gameplay examples.


Now, WG might argue that they are following historical accuracy because by the end of WW2 IJN aircraft were a complete joke. That's true but they have been very willing to sacrifice historical accuracy for gameplay balance when it suits them. Simply doubling the amount of IJN aircraft in a flight and handwave it away by saying "oh it represents 2 flights in one" might go some way to redressing the balance between the IJN and USN Carriers but it does not solve the overall problems with the Carrier system itself.

Basically its just not fun. I saw it myself last night in my first carrier PVP match. I played one game, launched my fighters and sent my bombers at a cruiser. the enemy torpedo bombmer flew right over to the spawn, found me and sunk me despite the efforts of my one flight of fighters. I sunk a cruiser and splashed 4 bombers. End of my game. Wow, that was exciting.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Nebu on June 15, 2015, 10:12:49 AM
Basically its just not fun. I saw it myself last night in my first carrier PVP match. I played one game, launched my fighters and sent my bombers at a cruiser. the enemy torpedo bombmer flew right over to the spawn, found me and sunk me despite the efforts of my one flight of fighters. I sunk a cruiser and splashed 4 bombers. End of my game. Wow, that was exciting.

This sounds to me as much like a teamwork issue as a carrier balance issue.  Carriers need support just as Battleships do.  If you're not getting that team support, you will be less effective.  Positioning and support are key for carrier to have maximum impact.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 15, 2015, 10:16:24 AM
Yes but it's rare for cruisers to escort carriers. Also at lower tiers ship AA sucks all around.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Mortriden on June 15, 2015, 10:18:03 AM

Played 1 game with a destroyer and was spinning crazily around without a clue what I was doing and I could not handle the manoeuvrability of the thing.

So any tips on how to lead your target? I do ok with cruisers but I do crap with battleships.

To your first point, you will just have to drive/sail Destroyers more to get the hang of them.  Their maneuverability is what sets them apart, and it is the most drastic of all the ship classes.  I personally enjoy the US destroyers more, but that is due to me being more of a "gunship" style of captain than a "torpedo boat" style.  

Battleship accuracy is extremely difficult right now.  I doesn't matter which navy/tech. tree line you choose.  At ranges beyond ~10km it will often feel like you are simply praying to the RNG to score a hit.  I don't really begin to count on my shells landing until I am at roughly half of the listed range of my guns.  It is very frustrating for BB captains from a gunnery perspective.  You can be positioned properly, firing from the second line and adding heavy gun fire... and never hit a shot.  Don't get upset with yourself too much for missing your shots with a BB, it's a crap shoot at the moment

In my opinion, after the 3.1 changes, fast firing cruisers and destroyers are overpowered right now.  More accurately, fire damage and changes to cause fire, are overpowered.  As a US cruiser, currently, I would only ever fire HE.  

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 15, 2015, 10:59:54 AM
Yes but it's rare for cruisers to escort carriers. Also at lower tiers ship AA sucks all around.

It never really occurred to me to  screen a carrier. I always thought they were too far in the back. You would have to be in something like a Yukami to make a real a difference and to be able to haul ass to a problem area.

I could give it a whirl though.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 15, 2015, 11:16:44 AM
They usually are but they shouldn't be, especially if they have an escort. Being closer to the action means it's a quicker turnaround for your planes.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 15, 2015, 11:22:52 AM
Sadly you don't get much XP for shooting down planes so while escorting a carrier might make tactical sense, unless you fend off a couple DD attacks you won't be making much headway towards your next ship.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 15, 2015, 11:31:00 AM
That's correct. This game only indirectly rewards teamwork and a lot of players just want to YOLO and shoot other ships. I played a number of domination games over the weekend where my team would blissfully ignore the objectives while the other team capped all the points.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 15, 2015, 11:57:25 AM
If you haven't bought one of the Founder's Packs to get into the beta, Humble Bundle is running an E3 Digital Ticket Special (https://www.humblebundle.com/twitche3) right now.

For less than $6, you get a ton of shit, including Payday 2 and some DLC for it (that's the top tier), a shitload of games or keys for games/MMOG's, including a full 30-day sub standard edition of Wildstar (that's on the first tier so basically as little as $1) and on the first tier, you get a World of Warships beta key plus bonus content (also on the first tier so basically $1).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 15, 2015, 12:11:42 PM
If you haven't bought one of the Founder's Packs to get into the beta, Humble Bundle is running an E3 Digital Ticket Special (https://www.humblebundle.com/twitche3) right now.

For less than $6, you get a ton of shit, including Payday 2 and some DLC for it (that's the top tier), a shitload of games or keys for games/MMOG's, including a full 30-day sub standard edition of Wildstar (that's on the first tier so basically as little as $1) and on the first tier, you get a World of Warships beta key plus bonus content (also on the first tier so basically $1).

I wish I had time to play even half of those..intriguing.

In WOWS news, I have ground all the way to tier 3 (St. Louis). It is slow, but it has a lot more firepower than the stuff before it. Getting decent at leading shots, so I am able to outdamage many of the spatially challenged people I run into. Still trying to learn how to protect myself better, when to repair, etc. it is fun, but doesn't have the stickiness that WoT does for me, at least not yet.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 15, 2015, 12:36:42 PM
If you haven't bought one of the Founder's Packs to get into the beta, Humble Bundle is running an E3 Digital Ticket Special (https://www.humblebundle.com/twitche3) right now.

For less than $6, you get a ton of shit, including Payday 2 and some DLC for it (that's the top tier), a shitload of games or keys for games/MMOG's, including a full 30-day sub standard edition of Wildstar (that's on the first tier so basically as little as $1) and on the first tier, you get a World of Warships beta key plus bonus content (also on the first tier so basically $1).

Do you know if this stacks with the preorder bundle? A Murmansk and 5 port slots would be nice.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 15, 2015, 12:40:02 PM
If you haven't bought one of the Founder's Packs to get into the beta, Humble Bundle is running an E3 Digital Ticket Special (https://www.humblebundle.com/twitche3) right now.

For less than $6, you get a ton of shit, including Payday 2 and some DLC for it (that's the top tier), a shitload of games or keys for games/MMOG's, including a full 30-day sub standard edition of Wildstar (that's on the first tier so basically as little as $1) and on the first tier, you get a World of Warships beta key plus bonus content (also on the first tier so basically $1).

The premium ship is the Murmansk, it's a tier v cruiser.  It's based on an Omaha class cruiser that was lend leased to the Soviets in 1944.  It is a pretty decent tier 5 ship with an accurate and fairly hard hitting broadside, good if slow torpedoes and a useful AA capability.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 15, 2015, 12:43:07 PM
If you haven't bought one of the Founder's Packs to get into the beta, Humble Bundle is running an E3 Digital Ticket Special (https://www.humblebundle.com/twitche3) right now.

For less than $6, you get a ton of shit, including Payday 2 and some DLC for it (that's the top tier), a shitload of games or keys for games/MMOG's, including a full 30-day sub standard edition of Wildstar (that's on the first tier so basically as little as $1) and on the first tier, you get a World of Warships beta key plus bonus content (also on the first tier so basically $1).

Do you know if this stacks with the preorder bundle? A Murmansk and 5 port slots would be nice.

I got the ship, a slot for it, and the gold, but not the 5 additional slots.  I've read speculation that people who already had 5 slots added due to an event that occurred in early closed beta aren't getting the 5 extra slots from the bundle.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 15, 2015, 12:44:13 PM
I would assume it wouldn't stack with the preorder bundle, since it's basically almost free to get it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 15, 2015, 12:49:30 PM
first game with the Murmansk

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on June 15, 2015, 01:00:56 PM
Unfortunately the code is for NA server only.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 15, 2015, 01:03:48 PM
In WOWS news, I have ground all the way to tier 3 (St. Louis). It is slow, but it has a lot more firepower than the stuff before it. Getting decent at leading shots, so I am able to outdamage many of the spatially challenged people I run into. Still trying to learn how to protect myself better, when to repair, etc. it is fun, but doesn't have the stickiness that WoT does for me, at least not yet.
WoT definitely has more depth of gameplay than WoWS so if that's what floats your boat (har har) WoT is the better game.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 15, 2015, 03:54:06 PM
WoT definitely has more depth of gameplay than WoWS so if that's what floats your boat (har har) WoT is the better game.

Yeah, its impossible to have bushes on the open sea.  :oh_i_see:

The premium ship is the Murmansk, it's a tier v cruiser.  It's based on an Omaha class cruiser that was lend leased to the Soviets in 1944.  It is a pretty decent tier 5 ship with an accurate and fairly hard hitting broadside, good if slow torpedoes and a useful AA capability.

I was actually playing with it today. The one thing you didn't mention is that the guns have pretty serious range for its tier. I think it's something like 16kms. The AA is also a massive 120 dps within 2kms, but only a decent 24 out to 5kms so you have effectively a very good self defense against aircraft. To protect others with your big AA  you would have to be within 2 kms (not going to happen) or between them and the Enemy so the planes fly over you.

But yeah it's fun to play.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on June 15, 2015, 04:12:17 PM
I used a Humble Bundle code for the Russian ship and other goodies but if anyone wants the beta code for NA let me know.  I'm not sure if it will work without the other code but worth a shot, I guess.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 15, 2015, 05:32:22 PM
WoT definitely has more depth of gameplay than WoWS so if that's what floats your boat (har har) WoT is the better game.

I would argue that if depth of play is what someone is interested in they should be playing War Thunder Ground Forces in realistic, or God help you, simulator.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 16, 2015, 08:15:51 AM
Played 3 games of this last night once it finally downloaded. So far, I like it but that's only been against bots. As a starting player, getting the Muramask(?) is way OP. That thing was awesomesauce.

EDIT: I'm in as HaemishM.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 16, 2015, 10:21:11 AM
Bear in mind that bot games don't count towards the 49+ you need, I'm pretty sure. Also, the bots seem to be better players than real people a lot of the time.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 16, 2015, 10:23:13 AM
Bear in mind that bot games don't count towards the 49+ you need, I'm pretty sure. Also, the bots seem to be better players than real people a lot of the time.

I would imagine the former is true, and the latter is definitely true. I am awful, and still better than many players I run into.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 16, 2015, 10:31:22 AM
PvE games don't show up in your service record so they are unlikely to count towards the CBT bonus reward. The AI is decent but I'm pretty sure I won a much higher percentage of my PvE games than I do my a PvP games.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 16, 2015, 10:33:54 AM
The Bots don't really work together as a unit. Um... ok yeah.  :why_so_serious:

A list of the "hidden controls" of the game.


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 16, 2015, 01:04:18 PM
I used a Humble Bundle code for the Russian ship and other goodies but if anyone wants the beta code for NA let me know.  I'm not sure if it will work without the other code but worth a shot, I guess.

Wish I would have seen this, then again, giving my son a and I two accounts with tier 5 ships for 1 dollar each is pretty darn sweet.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Engels on June 16, 2015, 01:27:44 PM
I got the humble bundle, so if anyone wants a World Of Tanks code, let me know.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 16, 2015, 03:35:57 PM
I got the humble bundle, so if anyone wants a World Of Tanks code, let me know.

Same here, also have a WoWS cbt invite code.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 16, 2015, 03:40:44 PM
I have one of each. Engels, hit me up on Steam if you wanna toon some boats.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Strazos on June 16, 2015, 06:33:09 PM
I'll be in at some point as Strazos.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Strazos on June 16, 2015, 06:45:30 PM
Ridiculous question - where does one get the WoWS client?

Bleh, email went to Spam - now just trying to actually access the page.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 16, 2015, 06:51:57 PM
Suranis1 on the EU server here

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 16, 2015, 08:31:28 PM
Jesus Christ, this game is fucking crack. I just played like 7 or 8 games in a row and had to make myself stop playing. There's something about tech trees, experience gathering and upgrades that is utterly irresistible. The difference in gameplay between destroyer, battleship and cruiser is pretty stark. Few questions:

1) Does the Erie just plain suck? It seems to have less firepower than the destroyer.
2) Should I buy every ship I research, or just skip some of the ones that don't look that good like the tier 2 cruiser? Once I buy a ship, can I sell it back to free up a slot?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 16, 2015, 08:58:28 PM
2) Should I buy every ship I research, or just skip some of the ones that don't look that good like the tier 2 cruiser? Once I buy a ship, can I sell it back to free up a slot?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 16, 2015, 08:59:46 PM
The Erie is the tech 1 starter ship. Yeah it sucks compared with later ships. Basically as you go up the tiers ships become technically more powerful as you are going forward in time for that race, supposedly. The Eirie gives a little big of every tipe of gameplay that you will encounter later, but they are pretty terrible yeah.

You get destroyers at Tier 2 so yeah the will be better than the T1 ship. The T2 cruiser US Cruiser would be the Chester.

If you buy a ship you can sell it if you don't like it, but its best not to do so until you have played it enough to reserch the ships on its upgrade path. Then you can sell it to free up a slot.

To reach the next tier you generally have to play the previous tier to get enough "research points" to unlock it. So the Eire would need to be played enough to generate enough points to unlock the Chester and then more for the Sampson Destroyer. Later you  get "free XP" that you can use on anything. And of course you can use gold to convert bits and pieces of XP from ships that have everything researched (elite ships)

Of course once you get to the Higher tiers it takes more and more XP to unlock stuff and research the Next tier. Its their way of forcing you to pay for premium time.

When you research a module you can equip it. This will generally make your ship better, but you can hover over them to see what exactly they do. For example the tier tier 5 US battleship has an upgrade to its hull that hugely increases its AA, but reduces its Secondary batteries by half, so sometimes you actually think "do I want this upgrade?"

Coming From World of tanks I like to keep at least one ship that I like at each tier so I can hop into something at every tier if I feel like it

For now I'd look at unlocking the USN St Louis cruiser. Its atypical for cruisers in that its slow, sluggish to turn, has practically no AA and it does not have torpedos, but what it does have is a MASSIVE amount of guns. Its great fun to play around with. Try the first few IFN ships as well.

But Remember that your progress will be wiped soonish once the closed beta ends, so don't get too attached to your upgrade progress. Just take this opportunity to play around with stuff.

*edit* I found this video very helpful https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMOZBuUrfF4 I dont 100% agree with him on how to range on things but its helpful on how to find your ship stats and how to read what your ship can do and so on. It also talks about team tactics.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 18, 2015, 07:41:39 AM
New developer blog for patch 0.4.0

http://blog.worldofwarships.eu/developer-bulletin-update-0-4-0/ (http://blog.worldofwarships.eu/developer-bulletin-update-0-4-0/)

Gist of it: One new map, premium consumables and new commander skill. The stupidest of which is the carrier one: manual targeting your torpedo bombers is now a perk that needs to be unlocked.  :oh_i_see:

In general I have some complaints about the direction the game is going, but it's mostly higher level game-play cripes which I don't want to bore anyone with. So biting my tongue!

Updated the original post with the names of F13eers playing, hope I didn't mess up the regional allocation.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Nebu on June 18, 2015, 08:17:10 AM
In general I have some complaints about the direction the game is going, but it's mostly higher level game-play cripes which I don't want to bore anyone with. So biting my tongue!

I'd like to hear it.  When I got to tier 6 ships the game changed for the worse and I lost interest. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on June 18, 2015, 08:20:33 AM
New developer blog for patch 0.4.0

http://blog.worldofwarships.eu/developer-bulletin-update-0-4-0/ (http://blog.worldofwarships.eu/developer-bulletin-update-0-4-0/)

Gist of it: One new map, premium consumables and new commander skill. The stupidest of which is the carrier one: manual targeting your torpedo bombers is now a perk that needs to be unlocked.  :oh_i_see:

In general I have some complaints about the direction the game is going, but it's mostly higher level game-play cripes which I don't want to bore anyone with. So biting my tongue!

Updated the original post with the names of F13eers playing, hope I didn't mess up the regional allocation.

That carrier perk is 100% bs but atleast it's a level 2 perk and not higher. The more I play the game the more it feels like one where  actual group tactics might matter (like screening battleships with cruisers to prevent enemy from doing easy torpedo bomber runs on them).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 18, 2015, 01:00:26 PM
Notice about a test client and server for 0.4.0 here http://worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/sea-trials-common-test-040/

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Strazos on June 18, 2015, 06:03:09 PM
I love the nublet carrier drivers who just load bombers - easy targets for my fighter squads.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 18, 2015, 06:55:45 PM
I love the nublet carrier drivers who just load bombers - easy targets for my fighter squads.

If it's a Japanese carrier they don't have much choice. You can get one group of 4 fighters that will die in a fight against any American fighter group and kill maybe 1-2 american fighters on the way out. It's much better to just take an extra torpedo bomber group and have the extra planes.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 18, 2015, 07:25:47 PM
Yeah, you take 2 IJN fighter wings against 1 USN fighter wing and the one USN fighter wing will win, losing half its planes if the IJN player is lucky. Not only are USN fighters better, but they come in wings of 6 not 4. The only use for IJN fighters is to park them over something with lots of AA and hope they get a couple of splashes. Its not even useful in defence as the IJN Carrier AA is crap.

That said, I was in a game a couple of days ago with a T4 IJN Carrier and I took a single flight of fighters and I was up against a USN T4 Carrier with just 2 bomber wings and my single flight of fighters totally neutered him. It probably was a hell game for the poor bastard. If he had gone with a wing of fighters and a wing of bombers, he might well have neutered me.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 18, 2015, 08:31:23 PM
Yeah, you take 2 IJN fighter wings against 1 USN fighter wing and the one USN fighter wing will win, losing half its planes if the IJN player is lucky. Not only are USN fighters better, but they come in wings of 6 not 4. The only use for IJN fighters is to park them over something with lots of AA and hope they get a couple of splashes. Its not even useful in defence as the IJN Carrier AA is crap.

That said, I was in a game a couple of days ago with a T4 IJN Carrier and I took a single flight of fighters and I was up against a USN T4 Carrier with just 2 bomber wings and my single flight of fighters totally neutered him. It probably was a hell game for the poor bastard. If he had gone with a wing of fighters and a wing of bombers, he might well have neutered me.

Yea - I hate it when I go up against a higher tier carrier or one with 2 flights or fighters.  But then you only have dive bombers at low level and those are horrid.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 19, 2015, 12:59:51 PM
Looks like ships, upgrades and ship slots are all 50% off right now.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Viin on June 19, 2015, 01:26:49 PM
Is there an F13 division or channel on the NA server?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Viin on June 19, 2015, 06:35:05 PM
Well there doesn't seem to be an F13 channel, so I created one. I *think* you can join it by hitting Create Channel and just typing in F13.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: veredus on June 19, 2015, 07:35:07 PM
I'll look for it later tonight. Anyone know when CBT ends? Only up to 33 matches right now and wondering if I need to pound out the last few to get the free ship or if I have plenty of time.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 19, 2015, 09:24:00 PM
End of June is the current estimate so about another week.


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: veredus on June 19, 2015, 10:41:29 PM
Awesome, thanks!

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 20, 2015, 04:47:02 AM
End of June is the current estimate so about another week.


According to a poster on the EU forums the end of june OBT isn't happending according to a WG staffer on the German forums.  :wink:


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 23, 2015, 03:15:29 AM
And to contridct the last statment:


I have to say OBT in a week sounds way too early, too many issues with the game (Destroyer and Carriers, both gameplay and balance for example).  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on June 23, 2015, 03:47:17 AM
Open beta might as well be the release if there are no more wipes scheduled so I would agree that it's too early and the impression players will get might not be the best one.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 23, 2015, 06:07:30 AM
Open beta might as well be the release if there are no more wipes scheduled so I would agree that it's too early and the impression players will get might not be the best one.

Yes, exactly that.

Just today they announced another PBT test starting this evening (20:00 CEST / 18:00 UTC / 14:00 EDT) until tomorrow. The rush they they are betraying here suggests they are pushing hard for OBT.

Patch Notes:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on June 23, 2015, 06:26:57 AM
Commander's skill "Manual Control" has been removed

Any idea if that means you can control without a skill or that there is no manual control anymore?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 23, 2015, 06:57:17 AM
Commander's skill "Manual Control" has been removed

Any idea if that means you can control without a skill or that there is no manual control anymore?

The former. Anything else would be too absurd.   :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on June 23, 2015, 07:18:40 AM
Commander's skill "Manual Control" has been removed

Any idea if that means you can control without a skill or that there is no manual control anymore?

The former. Anything else would be too absurd.   :why_so_serious:

You never know. If they felt it would take too much work to balance the manual version they just might have got rid of it while they hurry to get the open beta out.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 23, 2015, 07:31:13 AM
No manual control would be a lot more realistic but it would also be game breakingly bad. Especially with friendly collision damage on.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 23, 2015, 07:46:46 AM
Aaaaaand the Open Beta Announcement is out...


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 23, 2015, 10:56:10 AM
Nice to see an official announcement,  but I don't think this is ready for the public yet. It is fun, but it is opaque as hell. The only reason I have even a shadow of a clue is because I have been reading about it. A new player coming in blind will really be at a disadvantage. There are also tons of bugs fixes/improvements needed.

If you in the mood to grab pre-order boats, I love my Yubari and Sims. Haven't played the Russian boats enough yet to get a feel for them.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 23, 2015, 11:15:20 AM
Yeah it definitely feels like they are rushing it out.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on June 23, 2015, 01:24:43 PM
Yeah it definitely feels like they are rushing it out.

Well, on the plus side, you can at least practice on bots, unlike WoT.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 23, 2015, 01:27:27 PM
The Russian DD is a solid boat, it has hard hitting, accurate if slow to traverse guns and a longer ranged torpedo (8k range) than the US gets at tier V.  If I had to pick one, I'd go with the Sims but that is partially because my focus is US DDs and cruisers.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 23, 2015, 03:30:37 PM
My son is now playing rush into battle and die ASAP to hit 50 games.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 23, 2015, 05:13:01 PM
My son is now playing rush into battle and die ASAP to hit 50 games.

A Pubby Is Born.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 23, 2015, 05:18:08 PM
Woah, advanced tactics...  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 23, 2015, 05:57:12 PM
My son is now playing rush into battle and die ASAP to hit 50 games.

A Pubby Is Born.

He's gonna be a pubby with a crappy tier 4 battleship...

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 23, 2015, 07:49:33 PM
My son is now playing rush into battle and die ASAP to hit 50 games.

A Pubby Is Born.

He's gonna be a pubby with a rare and cool looking crappy tier 4 battleship...

Added the important parts there. Anyway, it could be worse, he could be hitting you up for $25,000 to buy one of those pre-release trash hauler space ships in Star Citizen.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 24, 2015, 09:27:19 AM
0.4.0 (Open Beta) Patch Notes (http://worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/update-040-patch-notes/)

Lots of stuff here. Server will be up tomorrow morning/midday. Notification center is active, so we can see after battle reports without having to wait for the goddamned game to end. Everything is getting 2-3x more expensive in credits and XP (unsurprising, and actually a bit welcome- I enjoyed a lot of the low tier action).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Engels on June 24, 2015, 09:43:00 AM
You will notice increases to credit and XP costs, of both ships and their modules, as well as to upgrades – by a factor of between 2 and 3.5, on average.

Here comes ze grind.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 24, 2015, 09:49:37 AM
Ze grind may be what ultimately kills the game for me or not. Depends on how useless I feel in early games.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 24, 2015, 10:35:18 AM
Ze grind may be what ultimately kills the game for me or not. Depends on how useless I feel in early games.

Tier difference isn't that harsh thankfully (with the exception of carriers).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Viin on June 24, 2015, 11:19:55 AM
They should make it easier to tier up, it's nice to jump around the tiers and the games seem to do OK matching other players in similar tiered ships. But I suppose they want to make it grindy enough that you buy xp to tier up rather than play for xp to tier up.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 24, 2015, 11:26:24 AM
I actually enjoyed the low tiers. I barely played anything more than a game or two until tier 3. This will at least give me time to decide that I hate every boat I play before I elite it and sell it in disgust.

So apparently this isn't quite Open Beta/soft release. I am assuming this is to clear the lower tiers of beta testers who would dominate and maul the hordes of new players that would be coming in.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 24, 2015, 02:23:46 PM
So apparently this isn't quite Open Beta/soft release. I am assuming this is to clear the lower tiers of beta testers who would dominate and maul the hordes of new players that would be coming in.

Yeah well, I am not falling for that.

My carriers are waiting...


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 24, 2015, 03:30:09 PM
One nice thing is that they will be starting with a linked account so that any premium time you have for WoT or WoWP will carry over to WoWs and vice versa.  Also they say no further wipes, so any gold you spend in WoWS will be spent for real.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 24, 2015, 06:19:48 PM
I may have to get that premium Japanese cruiser that can fire 100 million torpedos at once. Anyone have any experience with it?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 24, 2015, 06:35:24 PM
The Kitakami, it is being withdrawn and replaced by the Atago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_cruiser_Atago

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 24, 2015, 09:00:57 PM
The Kitakami, it is being withdrawn and replaced by the Atago https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_cruiser_Atago

Ooooooooooof course it is. Pulling the unique and interesting ship and replacing it with a cruiser that's probably about the same as the regular Japanese cruiser.

Thanks Obama.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 25, 2015, 02:50:57 AM
So you have a premium choice of the Atlanta with 16 5 inch guns (and American Torps) and the Atago which will have 10 7 inch guns (if they go by the historical armament) for tier 7 Cruisers.

I played a bit yesterday but the teams were dreadful. Seems everyone had buggered off once the Wipe was announced. I personally am in no major rush to the High tiers anyway. In WOT the fun is around tier 6 and I haven't seen anything to indicate that things will be different in this game. Plus the thought of the grind is not enthusing me at the moment. Thankfully this game is far more forgiving for low tier in Higher tier games than WOT.

Frankly the option of just letting eleted ships build up free XP and using that to unlock higher tier Ships with real money has an appeal. Or just buying Premium ships at higher tiers and feck the grind.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 25, 2015, 08:11:46 AM
I agree high tiers have no real attraction for me.  I discovered in WoT that running tier x pub matches was not a lot of fun.  Using them in Clan Wars battles was cool but all in all I found myself spending most of my play time in tiers 5-8.  I expect to spend a fair amount of time in my Sims, Murmansk and the Grem.  I might buy a tier 8 premium but I don't think the Atlanta or Atago will be it. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 25, 2015, 10:43:08 AM
Has anyone played yet today? Wondering how things are working. I patched up before I left but the server ended up being down a couple of hours extra.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 25, 2015, 11:07:31 AM
They keep pushing back when the servers will be up. Current ETA is 3pm ET.


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Engels on June 25, 2015, 12:25:42 PM
I'm in. My Murmansk is gone, for some reason.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 25, 2015, 12:34:29 PM
I'm in. My Murmansk is gone, for some reason.

Yeah, a lot of shit missing from inventories it sounds like. I am sure they will take it down again and unfuck it soon. Hopefully it will be down long enough for me to get home and start grinding  :grin:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 25, 2015, 12:51:31 PM
The patch hasn't hit the EU servers yet so thanks for betatesting.

I played a bit today stil with the 3.1 but the performance was complete ass. I think it was a lot better before this but I wound up in a big battle and the fps crawled to two so I ragequit. Hopefully it will be a lot smoother tomorrow.

The Murmansk is gone because they refunded all gold purchases in the closed beta. You will have to buy it again.

Coincidering getting the Warspite. Looks like a fun BB even with the range and gun turning issues.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on June 25, 2015, 01:53:28 PM
So is this for reals now or is there going to be another wipe?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 25, 2015, 02:03:50 PM
This is the final planned wipe. They of course reserve the right to wipe again if something game/account breaking emerges in OBT.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on June 25, 2015, 02:43:54 PM
This is the final planned wipe. They of course reserve the right to wipe again if something game/account breaking emerges in OBT.

So my progress from now on counts?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Viin on June 25, 2015, 02:52:18 PM
So my progress from now on counts?

Are you a gambling man?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on June 25, 2015, 02:55:09 PM
I'm in. My Murmansk is gone, for some reason.

Yeah, a lot of shit missing from inventories it sounds like. I am sure they will take it down again and unfuck it soon. Hopefully it will be down long enough for me to get home and start grinding  :grin:


Murmansk was for CTB only. Of course. What a weaselly thing to do.

But the plot thickens-


Jesus WGA is fucking incompetent. This should be a fun show in the forums!

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 25, 2015, 03:13:15 PM
it gets even better. i was looking for info on Premium ships and I ran across this little snippet from last april


Ahoy, Captains! I got the answer about the Warspite.

So, the ship is currently available in the Closed Beta for 7,500 tokens. At the end of Closed Beta (start of Open Beta), it will be wiped from your account, it will be unavailable for purchase, and you will be refunded your spent tokens as doubloons. (The same as any other purchase in the Closed Beta Test)

We will eventually offer the Warspite again in the future. For the time being, it is only a Closed Beta Test ship that you can play and test during the Closed Beta. I should also make a point that the current price will not necessarily reflect its future price when it is made available again after OBT.

So bye bye Warspite till they get off their asses and decide to do the Royal navy. Which of course ill be after the Germans and the 643,898,347 Russian ships, including the one Lenin joked about that time when he was drunk.

Bitter? me?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 25, 2015, 05:54:00 PM
And of course all the tokens you get off that Humble Bundle thing? That shit goes bye bye too. Fuckers.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 25, 2015, 05:54:32 PM
So bye bye Warspite till they get off their asses and decide to do the Royal navy. Which of course ill be after the Germans and the 643,898,347 Russian ships, including the one Lenin joked about that time when he was drunk.

Not that I disagree with your general sentiment, but I'm pretty sure I recall Warspite still available as the only ship in the British tech tree this evening.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 25, 2015, 06:03:26 PM
well, it was last april so maybe they changed their minds.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 25, 2015, 08:23:25 PM
And of course all the tokens you get off that Humble Bundle thing? That shit goes bye bye too. Fuckers.

Yeah, I'm pretty pissed that all that stuff went away. But for some reason I got to keep 3 and a half million credits. I didn't think they were going to have our fake money carry over.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 25, 2015, 08:29:23 PM
Those credits are from your service level which was preserved for some reason, not what you earned in CBT battles.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 25, 2015, 09:18:32 PM
Those credits are from your service level which was preserved for some reason, not what you earned in CBT battles.

Ah, okay. I misread the total, it was only two and a half million anyway.

Also, I went and confirmed Warspite is still there and available.

Also x 2, then entire planet is apparently pissed that Wargaming took back their Murmansk and are calling bullshit on their "clarification". I doubt they'll cave and give people back their Murmansk, but you never know.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: satael on June 25, 2015, 09:24:33 PM
Considering that the Humble Bundle thing was US server only it would have been a pretty uneven way to get started (though not sure if that would have been only a bad thing).

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 25, 2015, 11:02:22 PM
Considering that the Humble Bundle thing was US server only it would have been a pretty uneven way to get started (though not sure if that would have been only a bad thing).

It's not as if they haven't done things exclusively on other servers that were never offered to NA players and probably never will be. Also, reading through their forum the posts from the company representative are still there stating in plain English that people would keep the HumbleBundle Murmansk. They lined the test out and added a link to a post put up today that says no, you don't keep it, sucks to be you. I'm pretty sure that's a pretty clear violation of something. Since the company is Russian they're obviously shifty, crooked liars but that doesn't make them immune to having to follow whatever laws we have regarding this sort of thing. If it in fact turns out they didn't do anything illegal I know a great new business I'm going to get into. Selling people stuff that I'm never going to send them and keeping the money, then issue an apology and say it was a misunderstanding and that the money was actually a fee for participating in an internet commerce simulation.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 25, 2015, 11:19:19 PM
I can't wait for some state's attorney general to send them a nice letter.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 26, 2015, 02:01:53 AM
http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/34445-humble-bundle-e3-digital-ticket-update-murmansk-will-be-credited/ (http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/34445-humble-bundle-e3-digital-ticket-update-murmansk-will-be-credited/)

And apparently they realized they messed up.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 26, 2015, 03:28:23 AM
http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/34445-humble-bundle-e3-digital-ticket-update-murmansk-will-be-credited/ (http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/34445-humble-bundle-e3-digital-ticket-update-murmansk-will-be-credited/)

And apparently they realized they messed up.

Now it would be time for the other regions to start a whinefest, cause why should murcians get a free premium ship and others not?  :why_so_serious:

As an aside I am curious about the popularity of the game in the different markets. It will be interesting to see the player numbers once OBT hits.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 26, 2015, 08:38:18 AM
2570 people on the US server rightr now... were 4000 last night.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on June 26, 2015, 11:22:38 AM
Those credits are from your service level which was preserved for some reason, not what you earned in CBT battles.

Here's what they used to determine what you got awarded after the wipe.

Account levels – based on the number of battles played

While we are taking all your Experience away, we are returning some of your hard earned account levels!

Level 2: 5 battles played
Level 3: 10 battles played
Level 4: 20 battles played
Level 5: 35 battles played
Level 6: 49+ battles played
Flags – based on the number of battles played compared to other players

Believe us, you want these. They're not easy to come by and will give you a huge boost during the OBT.

Top 1% of players: 40 flags (of each type)
Next top 10%: 20 flags
Next top 30%: 10 flags
The remaining 59%: 2 flags
Signal flags will become visible only after unlocking Account Level 7.

Commander(s) for tier I ships – based on the number of battles played compared to other players

Top 1% of players: 9 skill points
Next top 10%: 7 skill points
Next top 30%: 5 skill points
The remaining 59%: 3 skill points

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on June 26, 2015, 11:35:48 AM
Woohoo I was in the bottom 59% :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 26, 2015, 03:01:08 PM
Makes you feel good to be segregated doesn't it?  :grin:

I played a few games today but the performance is absolute dogshit, at least on my PC. When I got into battle it became an uncontrolable slideshow. I would advise anyone to defragment their Hard drive after loading the patch as it scattered pits and pieces of diles all over the hard drive. it was better after I defragged but not stellar. Ping is definitely higher than tanks for me as well (around 130 compared wth 50 to 60), which contributed to it feeling unenjoyably sluggish.

The "free" battleship seems to be alright. Lots of Secondary weapons, the guns are ok, but it has no air defense at all. The warspite is actually still available so I was wrong about that. I bought a load of slots and the Russian Aurora which seems to be a Russian premium version of the St. Louis American cruiser.

Teams have been woeful today, as expected. Ahh everyone hide behind an island and let the opposition crossfire you.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 26, 2015, 03:44:02 PM
I have 20 of each flag and my veteran captains have 7 skill points so I must have been in the top 10 percent. That surprises me because i only had about 80 battles in.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 26, 2015, 03:52:01 PM
I had around 120 battles on the EU server (not counting co-op) and I got the 59% reward.  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on June 26, 2015, 09:35:40 PM
I just logged in and my Humble Bundle items are now there.  Looks like WG un-fucked themselves for once.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: calapine on June 27, 2015, 02:02:00 AM
I have 20 of each flag and my veteran captains have 7 skill points so I must have been in the top 10 percent. That surprises me because i only had about 80 battles in.

That's lucky (buggy?) ... :grin:

~ 940 battles and missed the 1% cutoff. Seems it was somewhere between 1000 - 1050 games no EU servers.


The "free" battleship seems to be alright. Lots of Secondary weapons, the guns are ok, but it has no air defense at all. The warspite is actually still available so I was wrong about that. I bought a load of slots and the Russian Aurora which seems to be a Russian premium version of the St. Louis American cruiser.

Arkansas is basically a Wyoming (stock Tier US IV) in camouflage. But it so much more fun to play than the Myogi, which already starts to feel grindy to me. Going from 12 to 6 guns is very noticeable. They don't feel balanced at all.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: HaemishM on June 27, 2015, 06:07:43 PM
Is it just me, or are the destroyers basically made of fucking tissue paper now, with magazines that get critted like it's a bottle of nitro glycerine riding on a fucking rickety ass wooden rollercoaster?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Pennilenko on June 27, 2015, 06:12:57 PM
Is it just me, or are the destroyers basically made of fucking tissue paper now, with magazines that get critted like it's a bottle of nitro glycerine riding on a fucking rickety ass wooden rollercoaster?
You got to zig zag lots and use the islands plus smoke for torpedo sneak attacks.

Edit: AP rounds really need a buff something fierce or HE needs more nerfing.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Triforcer on June 27, 2015, 07:38:46 PM
Is it just me, or are the destroyers basically made of fucking tissue paper now, with magazines that get critted like it's a bottle of nitro glycerine riding on a fucking rickety ass wooden rollercoaster?

I like how every other hit takes out engines and steering.

It reduces my incandescent rage to approach DDs like they are TF2 spies.  Still godly for clubbing baby seals, but awareness is your soft counter.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on June 28, 2015, 06:44:52 AM
Is it just me, or are the destroyers basically made of fucking tissue paper now, with magazines that get critted like it's a bottle of nitro glycerine riding on a fucking rickety ass wooden rollercoaster?

Definately not you. The huge nerfing to smoke screens didn't help either. It was annoying when a DD hid in a giant patch of smoke but the current system of letting out a 20 second smoke fart makes them pretty meh.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 28, 2015, 09:57:04 AM
Don't think I have had a new smoke screen save me yet.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on June 28, 2015, 10:08:27 AM
game is totally unplayable for me. I checked my CPU and it redlines at 100% when I'm playing. Basically turns into a slideshow when combat starts. Been that way since the 3.1 patch but I though 4.0 would fix it but its gotten worse

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on June 28, 2015, 01:27:17 PM
I see there is a XVM release for WOWS... Why did I trust that pubbie.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on June 30, 2015, 05:43:06 PM
All Humble Bundle goodies have been given out to the players that purchased it and used the code before WG realized they fucked up.  In addition the Murmansk, I now have 7 more days of premium time, 5 more port slots and 1000 gold.


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: veredus on June 30, 2015, 05:54:23 PM
Not sure why they thought this would go any other way. It's not like the reaction from the player base was any sort of shock. The super nice thing is that originally it should have been either 5 port slots or 1000 gold depending on when you bought it and not both. So this worked out quite well.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: disKret on June 30, 2015, 11:55:46 PM
Open Beta started - we could change the subject.
Is there any guide to torpedos? I just cant figure how i can hit anything without comming really close or just blindly fire them out in enemy general direction  :uhrr:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Triforcer on July 01, 2015, 05:05:18 AM
In the Asian region, 80% of people are playing IJN ships- even those with Chinese names who slur Japan in poor English  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 01, 2015, 10:17:55 AM
Open Beta started - we could change the subject.
Is there any guide to torpedos? I just cant figure how i can hit anything without comming really close or just blindly fire them out in enemy general direction  :uhrr:

I don't think it's OB just yet.  It was more of letting additional people in to test the load capacity of their servers.  Still technically CB.


Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 01, 2015, 10:27:14 AM
Open Beta started - we could change the subject.
Is there any guide to torpedos? I just cant figure how i can hit anything without comming really close or just blindly fire them out in enemy general direction  :uhrr:

When you switch to torpedoes, there is a greyish-white cone off to the side. This is the indicator that shows where to fire to hit currently targeted ship if it stays on the same course at the same speed. Only distracted or dumb people will do that, so your results may vary. At low levels, you can sneak in on people who are exchanging broadsides (and thus likely zoomed in and not watching) and dunk on them pretty hilariously. You can also hide at the edge of islands and time it to hit targets right as they emerge (they spot you after your torpedoes are on the way so they have less time to dodge). The longer the shot, the less likely it is to hit. Good thing there is unlimited ammo!

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 01, 2015, 11:01:54 AM
You can also adjust the spread of your torpedoes from wide to narrow by pushing the torpedo ammo weapon select button again.

Edit: also if you have multiple launchers on one side you can create a "criss-cross" pattern by angling each spread differently. This makes it a lot harder for people to avoid.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 01, 2015, 11:10:09 AM
I submitted a ticket about my cpu issues and i got a response back saying basically "you dont have a computer good enough as its 32 bit not 64 bit. Also your video card sucks, so get lost"

The problem is its not just me. This guy posted a worharound, but I'm not sure if it will work for my system as its a dual core and his is a quid core


Anyway I guess fuck this game till I upgrade my puter next month.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 01, 2015, 11:41:35 AM
What OS? 7 32bit? Why?

My next project is figuring out how to manually drop torpedoes from bombers. I know the mechanic, but it is finicky and I am decidedly ungood at it. Went from average 2-3 torp hits per drop to missing every single drop  :oh_i_see: I know it is something I really need to do, since even now most players know to steer into oncoming torp bombers to lessen the angle of attack.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 01, 2015, 11:44:13 AM
Yeah I've seen videos of it but I still can't seem to do a manual drop the way it's shown in those, but I don't play carriers much so I don't have much practice at it. It's annoying that a lot of basic UI control stuff isn't documented in the game.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Merusk on July 01, 2015, 11:48:36 AM
What OS? 7 32bit? Why?

Yeah, that was my thought. Their response seems dickish, but 64-bit machines have been the standard for how many years now? There comes a point at which supporting a legacy platform makes no sense and you have to say, "Sorry. You chose to go this route, you have to work it out."

However, if that IS their response, providing at 32-bit client at all is dumb. Also, since there's other users having the problem looks like they just took that as an opportunity to say, "fuck off."

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 01, 2015, 11:53:56 AM
Yeah, if they just said "this does not work at all on 32 bits" that would be fine. But as I said it was perfectly fine in 3.0. The issues only began happening in 3.1. I know my computer needs to be upgraded but I would rather have them not provide a 32 bit client rather than provide one if that was the issue.

And if you look a their website you will see thread after thread of people with the same issue as me and I assume my computer is a lot worse than theirs and I assume a lot are running 64 bit.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: disKret on July 01, 2015, 02:43:42 PM
Much better. Thank You for tips.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 01, 2015, 03:26:46 PM
Yeah I've seen videos of it but I still can't seem to do a manual drop the way it's shown in those, but I don't play carriers much so I don't have much practice at it. It's annoying that a lot of basic UI control stuff isn't documented in the game.

Remember now you need a level 2 skill to do a manual drop. That may be your issue.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 01, 2015, 03:44:33 PM
I haven't played since then. In the videos they are able to drop really close to the target (basically just outside of minimum arming distance). I was never able to figure out how to manually drop that close.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 01, 2015, 05:40:14 PM
They removed that requirement after the feed back from the public test of 0.4.0.   So manual drops are available from the first game you play in a carrier.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Triforcer on July 01, 2015, 11:35:35 PM
Having now played since a few days before end of closed beta, having fun but 80 percent of games are the Hillsbrad shuffle.  Two long skirmishing lines at about 9 km out, if someone takes 10 percent damage they retreat to 10 or 11 km.  If you try extreme flanking, 5 ships break off and instagank you.  Getting closer than 9 km gets you the tab of doom.  This means matches go on for 20 min with just 3 or 4 deaths on either side.  Torps useless because even BBs can dodge if they are launched 10kn out.

Does it get better, or is shooting at .1 km less than your max range (and taking the same) the endgame?

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Furiously on July 02, 2015, 02:16:58 AM
Yeah I've seen videos of it but I still can't seem to do a manual drop the way it's shown in those, but I don't play carriers much so I don't have much practice at it. It's annoying that a lot of basic UI control stuff isn't documented in the game.

Remember now you need a level 2 skill to do a manual drop. That may be your issue.

No they didn't put that in. You still can.  Also, if you are trying and failing to do torpedo runs as a US destroyer, switch to IJN, Their destroyers are AMAZING compared to the US ones. Your detection range is like 6 KM and your torpedo range is 7 km so you can pretend you are a sub...

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 02, 2015, 05:08:49 AM
Does it get better, or is shooting at .1 km less than your max range (and taking the same) the endgame?

This appears to be the early, middle, and end game. Lord knows things go exactly how you described if I try to get a little aggressive and deviate from it.

I'm also starting to wonder if that "aim assist" mod is still working. It either is or there are an awful lot of good shots out there.

Title: Re: World of Warships (closed beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 02, 2015, 08:26:14 AM
Does it get better, or is shooting at .1 km less than your max range (and taking the same) the endgame?

This appears to be the early, middle, and end game. Lord knows things go exactly how you described if I try to get a little aggressive and deviate from it.

I'm also starting to wonder if that "aim assist" mod is still working. It either is or there are an awful lot of good shots out there.

It changes up as you go up the tiers, there are more ship types, the ships become more capable and the maps get bigger.  There are more options and you find out that even battleships have more to do than just sail along in a straight line lobbing shells at the other side of the map.

 I don't think people are using aim assist, it's more a function of short range and targets that don't change direction and speed much.   I just finished a game with over 90 hits in my Clemson (tier 4 US DD) where I got 46 hits on South Carolina because he just sailed along broadside on to me at a constant speed.  Just turning towards me would have helped since dispersion is in azimuth, presenting a narrow target makes you harder to hit.  It is also helpful to avoid torpedoes since a head on shot is the easiest to dodge.  The hardest shots are for targets that are heading towards you or away from you at an angle.  Judging lead for 2 axis is much more difficult than a simple closing or crossing shot.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 02, 2015, 09:50:38 AM
Open Beta started - we could change the subject.
Is there any guide to torpedos? I just cant figure how i can hit anything without comming really close or just blindly fire them out in enemy general direction  :uhrr:
I don't think it's OB just yet.  It was more of letting additional people in to test the load capacity of their servers.  Still technically CB.

Open Beta started about 9 hours ago.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 02, 2015, 11:15:51 AM
Open Beta started - we could change the subject.
Is there any guide to torpedos? I just cant figure how i can hit anything without comming really close or just blindly fire them out in enemy general direction  :uhrr:
I don't think it's OB just yet.  It was more of letting additional people in to test the load capacity of their servers.  Still technically CB.

Open Beta started about 9 hours ago.

Note the time and date I posted that.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 02, 2015, 11:17:33 AM
Yes you posted that 24 hours before my post.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: HaemishM on July 02, 2015, 11:28:17 AM
0.4 is not my friend. I swear destroyers are just made of fucking tissue paper in this patch, and are borderline unplayable for me because of it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 02, 2015, 11:55:27 AM
You really need to learn your spot range and dance just on the edge of it. Keep your smoke and engine boost ready in case someone veers toward you unexpectedly and spots you, then hightail it the fuck out of there. If you are spotted by more than 1 ship that isn't already engaged, you are probably dead. For IJN, you can dance just out of spotting range and spam torpedoes. For US, you are better off dropping smoke and shooting your guns from in/behind it to remain unspotted.

You will still die hilariously and often, but this should help get some hits/kills on the board before you do.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Viin on July 02, 2015, 12:15:29 PM
There's a skill captains can get to tell you when you've been spotted, mighty helpful in a destroyer.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: HaemishM on July 02, 2015, 12:27:50 PM
Problem is I'm actually trying to kill people with torps, which requires you to get within detection range. Or do you guys literally just drop torps at extreme range and hope for the best?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 02, 2015, 12:41:28 PM
IJN torpedoes can hit from outside of detection range above about tier 2.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Viin on July 02, 2015, 12:44:08 PM
It is hard, but you can move and turn fast so if you are lucky you can keep most of the shots away from you. Best to go in a pack of destroyers and use the islands as cover to pop out and surprise the enemy. Then run away as fast and swerve-y as you can. "Zig zag! Zig zag!"

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 02, 2015, 12:46:31 PM
You can also fire at ships that are approaching, so they will be in range when the torps arrive even if they are not when you launch.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 02, 2015, 03:40:59 PM
Fuck it... downloaded. No idea wtf I am doing, but I did sink some bots and also got smashed a few times.  That's good enough for me.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 02, 2015, 05:20:00 PM
Problem is I'm actually trying to kill people with torps, which requires you to get within detection range. Or do you guys literally just drop torps at extreme range and hope for the best?

I've given up and just fire my guns from just inside my range. If I'm in an IJN destroyer I might try for a torpedo kill on a target of opportunity, but never in a US ship. you'll be dead long before you get close enough. Especially at the early tiers with half a dozen St.Louis' firing ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND HE shells at you every second.

AS far as I can tell the aim assist mod doesn't work anymore. I've tried both versions and neither does anything.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Viin on July 02, 2015, 07:27:28 PM
with half a dozen St.Louis' firing ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND HE shells at you every second.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: HaemishM on July 02, 2015, 09:20:46 PM
Yeah, that's been pretty much my experience with destroyers. You can't even get close to one cruiser, much less a battleship without just getting asspounded. I swear that destroyers were a bit more sturdy in the 0.3 version though. I'd still expect to die, but the number of crits that just hammer me in 0.4 is ridiculous.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Furiously on July 04, 2015, 11:38:05 AM
Yeah, that's been pretty much my experience with destroyers. You can't even get close to one cruiser, much less a battleship without just getting asspounded. I swear that destroyers were a bit more sturdy in the 0.3 version though. I'd still expect to die, but the number of crits that just hammer me in 0.4 is ridiculous.

If you want to be stealthy mc torpedo, get tier 4/5 IJN destroyer. They are deliciously fun, detection at 6.1 KM and torps range of 7. Use the ones that travel at 68KHM and cackle with glee.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: calapine on July 04, 2015, 03:25:36 PM
Yeah, that's been pretty much my experience with destroyers. You can't even get close to one cruiser, much less a battleship without just getting asspounded. I swear that destroyers were a bit more sturdy in the 0.3 version though. I'd still expect to die, but the number of crits that just hammer me in 0.4 is ridiculous.

Yes, destroyers seem to be on the bottom of the food chain at the moment. I at least tried all classes during closed beta and DDs are the one I am not taking up again (for the moment).

As IJN DD you can fire your torpedoes from outside the spotting range, but to hit this requires the target to sail in a straight line for ages obviously. Minekaze (T5) is the high point the line for the IJN, might be worth grinding up to it and then just stop there.

Edit: But personally I would just play IJN cruisers. Unlike US ones they keep their torpedoes. Furutaka (T5) sucks, but besides that the the line is really fun to play.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 05, 2015, 07:50:01 AM
Destroyers are my favorite class.  I prefer US destroyers which are more gun focussed, but I still manage a few torpedo hits per match.  The key is to pick a distracted target and use islands and smoke to get close before dropping your salvo.  I try to take out opposing DDs first then work on capping or breaking caps, if I spot an unsupported BB I'll focus on taking him down.  My rule with cruisers is run away since they have quick firing and traversing guns and can ruin your day.  I generally ignore CVs since I've seen too many games lost by DDs  leaving or ignoring caps to chase CVs sitting on the back edge of the map.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 05, 2015, 10:57:50 AM
Battleships are horrible (read: I am horrible with BBs).  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 05, 2015, 11:10:01 AM
If you're looking for some advice on how not to suck, check out this guys videos.  They're pretty comprehensive and cover a lot of topics.


Example video.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on July 05, 2015, 11:32:13 AM
I have to say that (jpn) cruisers are my favorite at the moment as they offer a compromise that I like between dd and bb; a faster rate of fire than battleships (but not their firepower or durability) plus torpedoes while being more robust than destroyers (but lacking their stealth).

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 06, 2015, 05:01:32 PM
I saw my first tier 10 ship today along with a few tier 9's.  Time for some people to change their poop sock.

How far along is everyone so far?  I've gotten to tier 5 with 2 ships, Omaha and Kongo, and tier 4 with both carrier lines, US BS and IJN DD.  I'm concentrating on US CA line atm and steaming along to the Cleveland.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 06, 2015, 07:24:29 PM
Low level IJN DDs (especially with a decent commander) are just murderous right now. No one knows how to watch for torps. Had 5 kills in my tier 2 last night, and had torps otw to two other targets when we capped out. It was fox in a henhouse stuff  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on July 06, 2015, 10:17:56 PM
Low level IJN DDs (especially with a decent commander) are just murderous right now. No one knows how to watch for torps. Had 5 kills in my tier 2 last night, and had torps otw to two other targets when we capped out. It was fox in a henhouse stuff  :awesome_for_real:

DDs are great fun if there aren't many and the other sides' aren't too good so they sink early and you can concentrate on sneaking thru the enemy lines. Had great fun doing that and sinking 2 carriers and a battleship when the enemy was too slow to come to help them so I could charge in for close quarter torp runs (though the battleships secondary guns were a hassle).

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Furiously on July 06, 2015, 10:46:15 PM
Low level IJN DDs (especially with a decent commander) are just murderous right now. No one knows how to watch for torps. Had 5 kills in my tier 2 last night, and had torps otw to two other targets when we capped out. It was fox in a henhouse stuff  :awesome_for_real:

I think I pissed Way off last night, I hid around an island and dove onto a cruiser and a battleship side by side and put point blank torps into both of them for a double sinking. He was right behind me waiting to finish them off.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on July 07, 2015, 01:23:24 AM
Just had a really unfair match with one side having 3 DDs compared to the others' 0. Needless to say it was a slaughter (and I actually managed to break 100k damage on a tier 4 dd  :why_so_serious:)

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 07, 2015, 01:46:07 AM
Just had a really unfair match with one side having 3 DDs compared to the others' 0. Needless to say it was a slaughter (and I actually managed to break 100k damage on a tier 4 dd  :why_so_serious:)

Holy shit!  Nice. :thumbs_up:

I thought I did well last night when I got 5 citadel hits on 5 different ships with the Warspite at 14KM+, with over 86k damage.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Triforcer on July 07, 2015, 10:42:36 AM
I'm finding that IJN cruisers seem to be the only vessel I don't completely suck in.  Fast, not made of tissue paper, quick reloads, torps.  I can actually flank and get to the carriers sometimes, and can run away from the alt tab of doom or 1v1 battleship situations before it is too late.   I can't kill anything in a battleship for some reason, and destroyers are way too fragile.     

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 07, 2015, 10:55:34 AM
I can't kill anything in a battleship for some reason, and destroyers are way too fragile.     

Battleship spread is really disheartening. More often than not I'll have 12 barrels lined up for plunging fire to pound another battleship dead midline and when the shots land 2 of them hit while the other 10 plunk into the ocean in a circular pattern around the other ship. Or I fire a test shot with one turret and the two projectiles fly off at a 45 degree angle to each other, like some sort of eye lasers coming from of a walleye carp. And even when they do hit they don't seem to do a lot more than cruiser damage unless you get a citadel hit.

Cruisers on the other hand seem to be super accurate and will start at least one fire with every salvo. Two hits for 1000 or 4 hits for 670 + fires, cruisers are the way to go.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 07, 2015, 11:29:13 AM
Battleships might work better if I was still smoking. Plenty of time to light up and sit back. Finally get to battle? Shoot, light up, sit back, watch TV, come back, shoot again...repeat :why_so_serious:

I am learning Destroyers currently. They seem to be, for me at any rate, suicide boats. Lots of risk, possibly torp hits, lots of running away screaming. Cruisers are pretty fun as the middle man.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: HaemishM on July 07, 2015, 11:33:07 AM
I've managed to unlock the tier 4 destroyer and battleship (US) and am working my way up to unlock my first carrier. I think I've gotten a better handle on destroyers. I still don't expect to survive a battle but I'm happy if I can get some hits, especially torp hits. Seeing the insane XP requirements to go tier 5, I have no idea how anyone could get as high as 9 without nonstop playing.

Question about one of the commander skills - the one that gives you +20% torpedo acquisition range. Is that for shooting torpedos or is it for being warned you are about to take 6 torps up the ass?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 07, 2015, 11:52:07 AM
It is for seeing incoming torpedoes, I believe.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 07, 2015, 11:52:14 AM
I've managed to unlock the tier 4 destroyer and battleship (US) and am working my way up to unlock my first carrier. I think I've gotten a better handle on destroyers. I still don't expect to survive a battle but I'm happy if I can get some hits, especially torp hits. Seeing the insane XP requirements to go tier 5, I have no idea how anyone could get as high as 9 without nonstop playing.

Question about one of the commander skills - the one that gives you +20% torpedo acquisition range. Is that for shooting torpedos or is it for being warned you are about to take 6 torps up the ass?

It's the warning.  Link below explains all captain skills.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: HaemishM on July 07, 2015, 12:09:11 PM
Jesus Christ, that dude has like $300 worth of doubloons.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Pennilenko on July 07, 2015, 02:14:09 PM
Jesus Christ, that dude has like $300 worth of doubloons.  :uhrr:

I was under the impression that Wargaming likes to hand out lots of rmt currency to their most loyal and popular streamers/video makers.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 07, 2015, 02:37:01 PM
Or he could dump coin from his Youtube moneys.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Pennilenko on July 07, 2015, 03:29:38 PM
Or he could dump coin from his Youtube moneys.
Technically he could write that off as a business expense. I think.

Paging Paelos.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Teleku on July 08, 2015, 01:04:29 AM
I can't kill anything in a battleship for some reason, and destroyers are way too fragile.     

Battleship spread is really disheartening. More often than not I'll have 12 barrels lined up for plunging fire to pound another battleship dead midline and when the shots land 2 of them hit while the other 10 plunk into the ocean in a circular pattern around the other ship. Or I fire a test shot with one turret and the two projectiles fly off at a 45 degree angle to each other, like some sort of eye lasers coming from of a walleye carp. And even when they do hit they don't seem to do a lot more than cruiser damage unless you get a citadel hit.

Cruisers on the other hand seem to be super accurate and will start at least one fire with every salvo. Two hits for 1000 or 4 hits for 670 + fires, cruisers are the way to go.
I'm having the opposit problem.  I can fairly consistently broadside other BB's, scoring 8-10 hits each time.  It just does no fucking damage to them at all.  Meanwhile, every other broadside shot at me hits me in full, and takes out 1/3 to 1/2 my life per hit.  AP or HE, makes no difference.  Very aggravating.  Also, DD's need a nerf.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on July 08, 2015, 01:18:55 AM
DDs are ok except for lowest tiers where there are no aircraft or only a few. There's very little a DD can do if there's an aircraft spotting it since their AA is usually too weak to be a threat and you can't outrun the aircraft. Smoke helps but it limits you to a certain radius  and there's only a limited number of uses and a cooldown (and DD can't take more than a few hits before sinking once they are detected).

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 08, 2015, 03:07:09 AM
DDs are ok except for lowest tiers where there are no aircraft or only a few. There's very little a DD can do if there's an aircraft spotting it since their AA is usually too weak to be a threat and you can't outrun the aircraft. Smoke helps but it limits you to a certain radius  and there's only a limited number of uses and a cooldown (and DD can't take more than a few hits before sinking once they are detected).

Lower tier JP DDs are rough... By the time I get in torp range, I am getting fired upon. 2 volleys and I am dead - even with smoke. And the torps never hit a target. Slogging along I suppose.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 08, 2015, 03:39:25 AM
I'm having the opposit problem.  I can fairly consistently broadside other BB's, scoring 8-10 hits each time.  It just does no fucking damage to them at all.  Meanwhile, every other broadside shot at me hits me in full, and takes out 1/3 to 1/2 my life per hit.  AP or HE, makes no difference.  Very aggravating.

Its not just hitting the target its where you hit it too. When I'm aiming at ships I try and aim more for the superstructure but aiming lightly up from the waterline. Hitting on the waterline can do damage if you pen the armour but it tends to be the most heavily armoured part of the ship.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: calapine on July 08, 2015, 10:29:32 AM
I can't kill anything in a battleship for some reason, and destroyers are way too fragile.      

Battleship spread is really disheartening. More often than not I'll have 12 barrels lined up for plunging fire to pound another battleship dead midline and when the shots land 2 of them hit while the other 10 plunk into the ocean in a circular pattern around the other ship. Or I fire a test shot with one turret and the two projectiles fly off at a 45 degree angle to each other, like some sort of eye lasers coming from of a walleye carp. And even when they do hit they don't seem to do a lot more than cruiser damage unless you get a citadel hit.

Cruisers on the other hand seem to be super accurate and will start at least one fire with every salvo. Two hits for 1000 or 4 hits for 670 + fires, cruisers are the way to go.
I'm having the opposit problem.  I can fairly consistently broadside other BB's, scoring 8-10 hits each time.  It just does no fucking damage to them at all.  Meanwhile, every other broadside shot at me hits me in full, and takes out 1/3 to 1/2 my life per hit.  AP or HE, makes no difference.  Very aggravating.  Also, DD's need a nerf.

If you are in a BB fighting BBs you want aim at (just above) the waterline. For damage the RNG is all in the trajectory part, the damage values are fixed. If you hit but do no damage and all there is a sort of "clank" sound the shell bounced or failed to penetrate. If you hit but have oddly low damage (around 1000 per shell hit, and always exactly the same number) it's an over penetration.

  • Citadel penetration: Maximum nominal AP shell damage. For a Wyoming that would 8300 per shell, for example. Where the citadel area is differs from ship to ship, but it's mostly the area below the turrets (ammunition magazines) and below the smokestacks (engine, boiler rooms). The yellow "citadel hit" badge pops up in game, telling that you scored one.
  • Penetration: 33% of nominal AP damage.
  • Over-penetration: 10% of nominal damage. Hits to superstruture / bow, any section that is too lightly armoured to trigger the AP fuse.
  • Bounce or failure to penetrate: No damage at all. You hear a sort of "clank" sound, which tells you the shell hit but didn't go through.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on July 09, 2015, 06:55:05 AM
I'm having far too much fun playing destroyers right now so a nerf must be coming soon. I finally had a 6 kill game in open beta.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 10, 2015, 02:04:50 PM
Looks like the Rising Sun flag used for Japan in game is being removed because some consider it offensive, esp. in parts of Asia where Japan was an occupying power before and during WW2.  I mean I know some countries in Europe, most notably Germany, have banned even historical references to the Nazi flag in video games for years but I can't say I support doing so.  It's being used in a historical context rather than in a malicious manner.  The same thing happened recently to Ultimate General: Gettysburg and other US Civil War era games in Apple's app store.  They were removed and told they couldn't return with the Confederate flag in game.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 10, 2015, 04:14:25 PM
Well, we're a bit removed from it, I guess, but I don't think its quite like removing the stars and bars from video games, since, after all, the civil war was a bit ago, but Japanese imperialism wasn't all -that- long ago. There are probably still survivors of the Japanese rape camps in Korea.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 10, 2015, 06:59:48 PM
There are probably still survivors of the Japanese rape camps in Korea.

It's pretty doubtful, they'd be at least 85ish. Early 80s if they didn't mind raping prepubescent girls. What am I thinking, it's Japan. The country that finally managed to outlaw businessmen paying 6th graders for sex about 10 years ago. So okay, there might be a couple in their early 80s.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 10, 2015, 07:04:00 PM
There are probably still survivors of the Japanese rape camps in Korea.

It's pretty doubtful, they'd be at least 85ish. Early 80s if they didn't mind raping prepubescent girls. What am I thinking, it's Japan. The country that finally managed to outlaw businessmen paying 6th graders for sex about 10 years ago. So okay, there might be a couple in their early 80s.

The Japanese military still uses the Rising Sun flag and its pretty prominent in other areas of Japanese culture.  The stigma of that flag isn't the same in Japan as the Nazi flag has in Germany.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 17, 2015, 08:32:03 AM
So I finally opened up US carriers. I like the change of pace in game play and seem to do better. I still get sunk if a sneaky fucker gets past the line and I am still fine tuning my manual torpedo bombing play, but I am enjoying it enough. Beats watching my perfectly aimed 5km ranged battleship shoot everything but the vessel I am zero'd in on or my destroyer getting alpha striked prior to getting a smoke and/or torpedoes off.

Regardless... holy shit is this game a fucking slog. XP just trickles, even winning random battles. Looking at the higher tiers... +100k xp needed for some of these ships and I am netting 800-1200 a session? Fuck right off... I'll go back to punching bots in the face. I haven't felt the grind this bad since FFXI.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 17, 2015, 11:49:29 AM
Was in a match today with 2 tier Xs (one a carrier). That is someone with a TON of free time and/or money to convert free XP. It just boggles my mind.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 17, 2015, 01:06:10 PM
Yeah, the grind is pretty grindy and starts pretty early on. I think they've tuned on people getting 3000xp wins and 1300xp losses. That's not that hard to get even if your team is full of dolts, but it would be nice to not have to decide between full-on promode every single game or having to settle for 300-500 xp on a loss.

I honestly don't know how anyone could have tier X's already short of grinding with a tier VII premium and then converting the XP.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: calapine on July 17, 2015, 01:23:00 PM
Yeah, the grind is pretty grindy and starts pretty early on. I think they've tuned on people getting 3000xp wins and 1300xp losses. That's not that hard to get even if your team is full of dolts, but it would be nice to not have to decide between full-on promode every single game or having to settle for 300-500 xp on a loss.

I honestly don't know how anyone could have tier X's already short of grinding with a tier VII premium and then converting the XP.

Carrier (high XP) and Premium flags (40 as CBT reward and then 10 extra each day from 'Confederate'). A supertester on EU reached Hakuryu (T10) with ~220 games.

To me it doesn't feel grindy (as it's a game and should be fun) as long as the ship is OK. Going through Furutuka felt like living hell, but now that I look at my stats I only played 20 games with that piece of crap.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Viin on July 17, 2015, 01:43:59 PM
Each game is about 12 minutes right? So that's only 4 hours!

The part that sucks is getting dinky Exp when you just played a 15 minute game but your team loses. If I die in 5 mins, sure give me nada but if it was a slog of a fight I'd like to get more than 400-500 exp please.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 17, 2015, 02:52:44 PM
One of my big beefs is it taking XP to buy modules AND research new ships. So you slog through a shitty boat only taking required modules to get to the next tier, but have to waste XP on said modules, all the while skipping potential improvement modules that may or may not be that big of an improvement. In other words, the daunting XP needed for the research for the next tier really costs more when you factor in the required modules you need on your current PoS - looking at you Myogi.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 17, 2015, 03:11:55 PM
Is this your first wargaming title?  I ask because get tank/plane use xp to unlock modules to open up the unlock for the next tank/plane is pretty much what they built the company on.   I don't find the game grindy, but that's partially due to having premium time and partially because in alpha/closed beta I learned what lines I liked to play and I'm not wasting any time playing the ones I don't like.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 17, 2015, 03:15:41 PM
I've just got the last modules for the New York and the notion of grinding this thing for the ~20-30 battles it'll take makes me weep. It is fun when a new ship is fairly close at hand, but day after day of the same ships is gonna make me quit this, I'm pretty sure. Also, wtf is up with the Furutaka. Its a total horror comparied to the other cruisers at the same tier or below. That gun turn time is horrid, and you'd think they'd compensate by giving it enhanced range, like they do with IJN battleships, but nooo.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: calapine on July 17, 2015, 04:34:57 PM
I've just got the last modules for the New York and the notion of grinding this thing for the ~20-30 battles it'll take makes me weep. It is fun when a new ship is fairly close at hand, but day after day of the same ships is gonna make me quit this, I'm pretty sure. Also, wtf is up with the Furutaka. Its a total horror comparied to the other cruisers at the same tier or below. That gun turn time is horrid, and you'd think they'd compensate by giving it enhanced range, like they do with IJN battleships, but nooo.

Good news is the Devs are aware of Furutuka being crap.

Bad news is it's just crap. It is a Tier 5 cruiser that does less DPS/DPM/ouchies per minute than any Tier 3 cruiser in game. That alone says all imho.

It can't take damage very well, but if you dodge and weave your turrets can't track. The only way I found it playable was to stick behind a battleship/group of cruisers, wait until they engaged and then do damage while the enemy ships are distracted. But it's just not fun to play.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 17, 2015, 06:33:23 PM
Yeah, the Furrytaco is what I'm on right now in the IJN cruiser line. The turrets tracking at 5 different speeds is pretty annoying but other than that it's not bad. I play it like a really fast BB and that seems to get me at least 2 kills a game, sometimes more.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sparky on July 18, 2015, 12:38:50 AM
I've just got the last modules for the New York and the notion of grinding this thing for the ~20-30 battles it'll take makes me weep. It is fun when a new ship is fairly close at hand, but day after day of the same ships is gonna make me quit this, I'm pretty sure. Also, wtf is up with the Furutaka. Its a total horror comparied to the other cruisers at the same tier or below. That gun turn time is horrid, and you'd think they'd compensate by giving it enhanced range, like they do with IJN battleships, but nooo.

The grind felt just about right to me in closed beta but for release they severely nerfed XP and I quickly lost interest.  Wargaming devs just love grind. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on July 18, 2015, 12:59:23 AM
I have the same problem as the awful Furutaka is a pain to grind and going to Mutsuki (tier 6 destroyer) from Minekaze doesn't feel like an upgrade especially due to starting with 6km torps on a 5.9km detection range boat (compared to Minekaze's 7km default torps) and even fully upgraded the Mutsuki doesn't seem rally any better than Minekaze.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Teleku on July 19, 2015, 07:43:38 AM
I enjoyed this game at first, but after coming back since open beta, its wearing me down.  DD damage output is way above BB's.  Games are nothing but a mess of torpedoes shot from beyond visual range that you cant see till the last minute.  Pretty much the only enjoyable ship to play is a DD since I can rape with it.  Cruisers are OK, but fairly ineffective.  BB's are almost totally useless except for drawing fire.  Their DPS is sad, and outmatched even by cruisers.

They need to hardcore re-balance this game.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 19, 2015, 10:25:15 AM
The only balance really needed is to have a hit or two from a bb utterly obliterate any dd. Right now, I have to bean a dd 5-10 times to destroy him in a bb, and that shit isn't even remotely realistic.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: HaemishM on July 19, 2015, 10:49:11 AM
That's funny, I've found that unless I equip the signal that gives me -100% chance of magazine detonation, my DD's are usually cored in like one to three hits unless I'm doing a lot of jinking.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 19, 2015, 11:33:30 AM
Grind and incredibly slow pace is killing this for me. If I division with teammates in a DD and make a mistake early (and get killed), I have a 15 minute wait before I can play again. That is way too goddamned long. Will play occasionally, but I don't see myself getting into this too deeply unless there are some changes made.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 19, 2015, 11:48:10 AM
That's not really any different than World of Tanks, though.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on July 19, 2015, 01:03:43 PM
I can play 3x the number of tanks games in the same time period. I also have a far greater ability to affect the outcome of the game in most tanks. The current ships meta of 'everyone hide in the back and one team caps all the points' is also boring as fuck to play.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 19, 2015, 01:59:00 PM
The grind just killed it for me. I'll tinker around with bots when I feel like it, but when I get on teams that have tier 6-7 on my tier 4 that literally 1-shot my Phoenix from across the map when I barely have even registered their marker on the map? No thanks. I pull maybe 280xp each time that happens. I can manage 400xp on a Co-op map. Sure, if I have a good PuG on a random battle I can net +1k, but no way in hell I am slogging through 100 matches for a new ship. Took me a week of co-op play to get the tier 5 carrier with a few failure random battles because I get matched against tier 6 ships that make me dead. But I do like the game though... just not enough to overcome the silly leveling.

BBs are basically shotguns. No matter how good your aim, you'll spray around your target the majority of the time. I have watched vids of player way better than I and still see them miss a ton. That is even if you get to the fight in time.
DDs are great when they are played by the opposition. I can't hit them in a BB and barely in a CA/CL but they can sink me with torps every single time. I try the DD at range, wasted torps. get in close, busted rudder/engine on the first shot. Weave all over the place, still get sunk - torps never hit the target no matter where I place them.
CA/CL St Louis was awesome... then you get stuck with the Phoenix. I have been magazined 5 times over the course of the weekend. Literally, zooming in to take aim, full health, and then perished before my gun sights even zero'd in on a target. And half the time I am with the group until shooting starts then I look around and my team is gone and I am getting alpha'd. Pass...

I fully understand the pay model is at work here and I am going straight free-be route, but it just isn't worth the effort and I am not throwing money at a game in beta anymore.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 20, 2015, 03:32:24 PM
The Phoenix is a nice cruiser for its tier, thinly armored like its Japanese counterpart but the guns are accurate, traverse fairly quickly and have a fairly brisk rate of fire.  The key is to not present your broadside to other ships, the experienced players will use AP and take advantage of your large thinly armored citadel, the HE spammers will be presented with an easy target to lay down multiple hits any one of which can cripple you or light you on fire.  Angle your ship at or away from the biggest threat and change heading and speed constantly and you won't be quite so easy to kill.  You don't need dramatic changes of either to throw off someone's aim and the hardest shots to figure lead on are when a ship is angling away or towards you.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: disKret on July 20, 2015, 11:51:17 PM
I was at 54-55% WR before hitting tier4/5. Now suddenly all teams I am in get smashed before I even enter the battle (3-4 dead, or even platoons with tier4 and 2x2). WR dropped to 45. Its not WoT, you can't turn the battle to Your favor alone. Its started to pissing me off.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 21, 2015, 03:15:34 AM
The Phoenix is a nice cruiser for its tier, thinly armored like its Japanese counterpart but the guns are accurate, traverse fairly quickly and have a fairly brisk rate of fire.  The key is to not present your broadside to other ships, the experienced players will use AP and take advantage of your large thinly armored citadel, the HE spammers will be presented with an easy target to lay down multiple hits any one of which can cripple you or light you on fire.  Angle your ship at or away from the biggest threat and change heading and speed constantly and you won't be quite so easy to kill.  You don't need dramatic changes of either to throw off someone's aim and the hardest shots to figure lead on are when a ship is angling away or towards you.

Which is great and all, until you need to turn around and flee. Then your broadside gets exposed which is how I usually get one shot back to port. In fact, that is how it occurs on all my ships - I do fine with the low profile and a zig-zag until I have to get out of there...

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on July 21, 2015, 04:48:29 AM
I solved the problem by buying a Murmansk to see me through that tier. I also slid sideways to DDs

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on July 21, 2015, 09:26:28 AM
I moved to carriers. Lot less stressful. Once my planes are dead, I just sail around trying to ram people - if I live that long.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 21, 2015, 10:10:05 AM
I was kind of afraid that the game would be way too grindy after going to open beta. The progression felt slow to me even in closed beta so pushing it felt way Off

To be honest I'm gonna buy the murmansk and the Warspite which means I have ships to play up to tier 6. i'mj too old and pissed off for silly grinds anymore. Actually I have the sims for tier 7 so thats good enough for me.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on July 21, 2015, 01:44:18 PM
I was kind of afraid that the game would be way too grindy after going to open beta. The progression felt slow to me even in closed beta so pushing it felt way Off

To be honest I'm gonna buy the murmansk and the Warspite which means I have ships to play up to tier 6. i'mj too old and pissed off for silly grinds anymore. Actually I have the sims for tier 7 so thats good enough for me.

I don't think the warspite is available anymore. I only came in at open beta and it's not on the store page. Annoying as I would have liked it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 21, 2015, 02:38:09 PM
Yep, I just found that out. It WAS apparently available very briefly on July 7th and wont be avalible again "for a long time". Very very annoying.

Accidentally bought the Atlanta today when I meant to buy the Murmansk. But it's fun as hell. so I've got a fun ship for when I want to roll into a t7 match. They have a T8 IJN cruiser available but I think I'll pass on that one, I've spent enough money on this game for a while.

In the Co-Op gamer i played with the atlanta there was nothing else but the IJN tier 8 prem. Gues the top tiers are not populated yet :D

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Viin on July 22, 2015, 01:18:18 PM
Make sure you guys hop into the F13 channel (on the NA server) so we can division together. The more the merrier!

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on July 23, 2015, 01:00:45 AM
I'm on US but Aussie Time Zone - I swear you guys are all asleep then.

I get a better ping to US than Asia for some reason

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 23, 2015, 10:26:31 PM
I tend to play in the early morning my time, which I think works out to 9 or 10pm your time depending on how soon I get back from my walk.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 24, 2015, 11:01:17 AM
So I noticed IainC is with Wargaming now. Can we bitch at him about the Furutaka and expect changes by the time I get back home from work today?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 24, 2015, 11:17:30 AM
You can but he's in a different group so I wouldn't expect any changes.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on July 26, 2015, 09:22:33 PM
Looks like the first big patch, including new ships, is being released later today.


Version Notes

For testing purposes German ships Tirpitz, Bismarck, Dresden, Hermelin have been added. You may spot them in battles occasionally, but they are not currently available for research or purchase.

    Bismarck – tier VIII battleship – Bismarck class battleships were some of the strongest ships of their type at the beginning of WWII, and were the pride of the Kriegsmarine. They incorporated the signature strengths of German naval shipbuilding: advanced fire control systems, rugged hull and substantial armor. Bismarck's famous march to the Atlantic in May, 1941 proved that a one-on-one meeting with her could be lethal.
    Tirpitz – tier VIII battleship – A legendary German battleship, Tirpitz haunted Allied forces' from her comissioning in 1941 until her destruction in 1944. During that time, there were repeated efforts to sink her with aircraft and submarines. Her high speed and powerful artillery were complimented by incredible survivability, courtesy of her armor and compartmented layout.
    Hermelin – tier I cruiser – A large armored gunboat able to operate in the high seas that was intended for the colonial service. She would've been well armed and relatively fast for her class.
    Dresden – tier II cruiser – A typical early 20th Century German cruiser, she could serve as a scout, as a raider or as protection for the fleet from enemy destroyers. Her guns were relatively weak, but she was very well protected and quick in her time.

Updated and corrected texture for the ship Marblehead.

Fixed a defect in the lifting of the main caliber barrel on the ship Diana.

Renamed ships: Cincinnati, Pallada, and Sakura. Now: Marblehead Lima, Diana Lima, and Tachibana Lima.

On the "Two Brothers" map, removed invisible barrier in the square E5.


Fixed improper distribution of consumables in the game.

Added consumable "Hydroacoustic Search" on the following ships, starting with the stock configuration:

    Marblehead Lima

Fixed lettering squares on the mini-map in the boot screen. Doesn't coincide with the tablet and minimap in battle.

Fixed the display of the British nation tab during the transition to the tech tree when the Warspite is selected.


Fixed an error which in some cases led the game client to crash when entering the queue for the battle.

Fixed an error when on the countdown screen before battle, ship models were cut off at the approach of the camera.

Fixed an error which led to an inability to recruit a commander for the ship when one a ship is in battle.

Fixed a graphic artifact that led to the camera going underwater when in binocular mode on the Tachibana and Tachibana Lima.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 26, 2015, 09:50:29 PM
You can but he's in a different group so I wouldn't expect any changes.

Please tell me he's in a group that's going to completely redo World of Warplanes into something that's fun.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 28, 2015, 03:39:34 PM
Nah, pretty sure he's working on World of Bicycles https://youtu.be/zhQSPWQxXBU?t=18s

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on July 28, 2015, 03:50:54 PM
He said it's something new/unannounced and it's not the MoO revival.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on July 29, 2015, 01:05:03 AM
So I noticed IainC is with Wargaming now. Can we bitch at him about the Furutaka and expect changes by the time I get back home from work today?

I really don't get all the hate for the Furu. I went through it without a single free XP point spent (OK, maybe a little was spent for the upgrades - still got through the 33k XP grind all on my own ). Yes, it plays entirely different from the CLs before it but it perfectly prepares you for your role going forward in that you are supposed to stand by your BBs/CVs and provide auxilliary fire and AA support. I do think it could do with some better turret turn time but other than that it's fine! I still sold it immediately and found the Aoba a clear step up.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 29, 2015, 10:37:54 AM
The issue is that the Omaha is so insanely superlative compared to the Furukaka. I get that the US dds are horked with the short range torps so in another tree WG gives advantage to the US. Its not a mystery. That said, they do need to tweak it a bit, just a bit, to make those turn times a bit more agile. While you can train your guns on a turn while chasing a DD with an Omaha, god help you if you have to turn in a Furutaka; you will get pwnt before your guns are pointed the right way.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 29, 2015, 04:49:35 PM
It also doesn't help that they all turn at different rates either.

It's not much of an issue though unless you have to dodge incoming fire, but if you do it will be a while before you get all your guns lined up again. I take my time and aim as accurately as I can since it's got a BB length reload and spread. I just sort of treat it like a BB with DD grade armor and cruiser maneuverability. I don't really have many problems with it though, I normally get a couple kills with it and manage to survive the match. But yeah, it's biggest problem is that it's not a 360noscope/noaim flamethrowing firehose like the Omaha.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on July 30, 2015, 12:29:50 AM
I played a tier IV BB last night and had a ball - never thought I'd say that as I love the speed and agility of DDs.

DD was lining up a torpedo launch just after my guns finished their 30s reload and luck/RNG/got the range right allowed me to drop an entire salvo before he launched - 100% HP to zero in a blink of an eye. I also got a carrier kill and 2 cruisers that game. I now want to tech out 3 trees (cruisers are my go-to).

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on July 30, 2015, 09:17:56 AM
I've actually had something of a good time with my Tier 4 Prem BB. The key is to have the upgrade that upgrades your secondary weapons so they get a bit more range and accuracy. I hate to say it considering I love cruisers but BBs might actually be my thing. Sadly you need to be properly supported and guaranteeing that impossible in a random. At least in a cruiser you can chose to screen your cap ships.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on July 30, 2015, 09:56:00 AM
I've actually had something of a good time with my Tier 4 Prem BB. The key is to have the upgrade that upgrades your secondary weapons so they get a bit more range and accuracy.

People really underestimate how much a battleship's secondaries can fuck them up. At higher tiers with the skills and upgrades you can get some of them to fire out to over 9km.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 30, 2015, 11:14:24 AM
I've come to the untimely conclusion that this game is a lot of slow deliberate cerebral work and after 10 battles I'm mentally exhausted. This isn't exactly a put-down, but after making a mess of strategic calculations on how to best approach the threats in the distance, estimating the relative chances of support in a flanking attack, cajoling friendly cruisers to protect key points, etc, you find that the end of the match is contingent on NinjaWarlordz1 who is currently ramming into islands with his guns facing the wrong way.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Merusk on July 30, 2015, 08:12:18 PM
So... just like World of Tanks.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 31, 2015, 10:37:09 AM
Yes, but it just seems that in this game the effort you put into it is greater. It takes a full five minutes sometimes to get into the action. Your valiant efforts to do something effective in battle also take time, and then you look at the map and a good third of your team are wandering about the map like dementia patients in wheelchairs. At least in tanks the stupid over faster.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Gets on July 31, 2015, 12:24:00 PM

Put in "ALBANY" and get your Tier 2 Albany.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on July 31, 2015, 12:37:54 PM
Yeah, I've learned that I need to budget at least 12 minutes for a match.  So when I see that I have 10 minutes left in a play session I just log out rather than trying to get just one more match in.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on July 31, 2015, 02:04:41 PM

Put in "ALBANY" and get your Tier 2 Albany.

Thanks. btw, if you are in the US you have to go to the US shop, but it works just the same. Just took it out. Its a close range (6 km) St. Louis type. Not bad for a tier 2 freebie.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on July 31, 2015, 04:02:44 PM
Thanks guys, just grabbed it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 01, 2015, 09:19:10 PM
So, I just got accused of hacking to give myself a force field, though I suppose I did accidentally exploit a weakness of the island terrain. To avoid some torpedos I wound up beaching my destroyer up on the actual beach, parallel to the shoreline. THe three destroyers on the other team went crazy launching torpedoes at me, which hit ground in shallow water and detonated before they got to me. I on the other hand had no problem launching torpedos back at them. Of course rather than just shoot me with fucking guns they just bitched about my "hacks" in chat for the rest of the match. Eventually though a cruiser came by and shot me to death.

So, if something similar happens with something you're launching torpedoes at, just shoot them with guns FFS. It was pretty funny to me though.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on August 01, 2015, 10:17:21 PM
Can you get off the beach or is it a one-way ticket?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 01, 2015, 10:24:19 PM
Can you get off the beach or is it a one-way ticket?

No, I was stuck on it. WHen I hit I was still going forward slowly so I thought I would come off whatever it was, but apparently what it was doing was just shoving me farther up. So when I did finally try to reverse I just sat there.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Strazos on August 01, 2015, 10:37:05 PM
Did it appear possible to sail through shallows that, while not running aground, would prevent torpedoes from making contact?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 02, 2015, 05:52:30 AM
Did it appear possible to sail through shallows that, while not running aground, would prevent torpedoes from making contact?

I haven't tested it, but yes. If you move your camera close in around your ship while you're near some areas of land you'll see what look like sand bars or something just under the water. There was a big patch of that between me and the open water and that's what the torpedos were hitting. If I hadn't actually stuck myself along the waterline I would have gotten through it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 02, 2015, 10:03:38 AM
But Bigger ships can get stuck such farther out on the sandbanks than smaller ships as they are further down in the water, so if you want to use this as a torp shield you have to be careful.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 11, 2015, 04:11:05 AM
Ok. I did the insane thing and bought the Mikasa, the tier 2 IJN premium Battleship. Its meant to be an iconic IJN Pre-Dreadnought Ironclad Battleship that was the flagship of the Japanese fleet when they defeated the Russian navy, in a 1904 battle, where they were the first eastern power to defeat a Western power in a naval battle

Pros. Its got preferential matchmaking (not sure what tiers that mean). It is a Beutiful ship, looking like the Titanic with guns on. The thing turns on a dime. 450 turning circle is less than almost all cruisers. And while it only has 2 main turrets they are the same caliber as tier 4 battleships, and they rotate fairly fast at. Its fairly tough at 35000 health. Its actually reasonably small which helps it dodge fire And last but not least it has an ENORMOUS amount of secondary guns. Anything that gets in range of its secondary guns (3km) is going to get wrecked. I actually did that in my first (and only) game yesterday where a t2 cruiser got within 3 KMS thinking he would wreck me and got murdered.

Cons. It combines the vaunted gun range of the Kawachi (9.6 gun range) with the blistering speed of the South Carolina (top speed 18.2 knots). Basically anyone with a brain is going to sit outside its range and shoot it where you can't hit back. The T2 IJN cruiser both outranges it and out runs it and the USN cruiser just outruns it. Also its detection is 11kms so you can be seen long before you can shoot. I spent most of the game yesterday dodging shots from most of the enemy team without being able to do squat in return. Also it only has one upgrade point where you can toughen up either its secondary or primary turrets. Yey.

That said if you are patient and use islands and whatnot and try to get in close on people you could have a lot of fun with this thing. However, you WILL wind up in situations where all you can do is fume at the guys lobbing shells at you where you cant respond.

This has been a T2 Premium ship review. Final verdict; well at least its not the Albany :D Actually I like it. It has the potential to be a seal clubber if you drop in a well trained captain into it. But yeah, the speed and the range are the big big drawbacks.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Triforcer on August 13, 2015, 07:14:19 AM
Playing the Minekaze is very fun.  I had three games in a row where I had three kills each and felt that I really made a difference.  Then I had three games in a row where I was popped into detection unexpectedly by another Minekaze two minutes in and decimated instantly by multiple cruisers.

I like the game, but given the nature of naval combat you don't have that many "oh my god" moments.  I still vividly remember specific games of BF1942 where I got lucky and popped four tanks at the end to win the game, or pulled off that chain backstab in TF2 to turn the tide of a losing game.  Everything in WoW is too SLOW for that- you commit yourself to one end of the map and it take 10 minutes to get to the other end even if you shred the local enemies.  There is very little chance for 1 on 4 heroics, and there is no TIME for it because you waste three or four minutes before combat even begins and by the time endgame tactics would potentially be interesting there are two minutes left.    

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 13, 2015, 09:01:06 AM
Playing the Minekaze is very fun.  I had three games in a row where I had three kills each and felt that I really made a difference.  Then I had three games in a row where I was popped into detection unexpectedly by another Minekaze two minutes in and decimated instantly by multiple cruisers.

Yeah, this has been my IJN destroyer experience as well. Either felt like a star player with a good number of kills and a lot of damage dealt or dogpiled and dead within a minute of being detected at the two minute mark.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 13, 2015, 01:55:17 PM
Ok. I did the insane thing and bought the Mikasa, the tier 2 IJN premium Battleship.

I keep looking for this premium ship you speak of and can't find it

Did they remove it?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 13, 2015, 02:15:22 PM
I think they removed it, yeah. Not sure if it was for a special event or something, but Wargaming even did a special video in co-operation withthe japaneze goverment on the ship.

Heres the page withthe info and the video of it. Seems it was available for a week and I guess it may be back.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 13, 2015, 03:05:36 PM
The frequency with which they add stuff to the shop and then yank it for this game is becoming annoying.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on August 13, 2015, 03:10:05 PM
Ok. I did the insane thing and bought the Mikasa, the tier 2 IJN premium Battleship.

I keep looking for this premium ship you speak of and can't find it

Did they remove it?

Might be an EU only thing.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 13, 2015, 05:30:20 PM
It is, it will likely come to the NA shop during pax.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 14, 2015, 01:22:59 AM
Just got into a New Mexico - time to grind out the modules.

Currently I'm sitting at a US fleet of T4 Carrier, T5 Cruiser and Destroyer and T6 Battleship. I seem to do all my leveling via premium ships - Atago and Atlanta + Murmansk. I have a real soft spot for the latter - its range seems to catch Atlanta's out as they try to close.

I'm sick of the matchmaking though - PUG crap is to be expected but when Double carrier at T9 Takes on a T7 carrier and the MM numbers are made up with high level DD that get slaughtered early on... something is wrong.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 14, 2015, 07:42:27 AM
They are testing a ranked battle mode on public test.  It may rollout as part of 4.1.  Might make pub bing a little better experience if  it keeps the "I'm just playing for fun jackals in the tier 1st the group"

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 14, 2015, 09:52:04 AM
I'm sick of the matchmaking though - PUG crap is to be expected but when Double carrier at T9 Takes on a T7 carrier and the MM numbers are made up with high level DD that get slaughtered early on... something is wrong.

Just because they are DDs does not make them less powerful. I have only played a few games as a DD but I was able to survive a good portion of the match. Yeah if they are one of these DDs that like charging off into the middle of the enemy fleet and die in glory then sure, you are gonna die. But A skilled DD player could rip half a team apart. DDs should ideally not charge off like people are want to do at the start of the match.

Starting to learn how to use torps myself. I have noticed St Louis drivers seem to never avoid torps at all, they are so focused on driving around the edges in a line spamming concentrated gunfire. I torpedoed one guy twice at 7kms with a narrow spread the other day.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 14, 2015, 02:09:14 PM
At T6+ though, DDs tend to get shredded. I've seen one or two that make it through a game but they don't compensate for double carrier, especially if the carriers and cruisers go for them first.

The problem isn't the DD, its the force projection from carriers where there is a carrier imbalance unless people create an AA screen. Which you rarely get in a PUG.

The most fun I had was in an Atago, they had 2 T8 carriers, we had 4 Atagos and everyone grouped up and waited, wiped out the waves of bombers and then proceeded to smash their fleet that was trying to split and flank us. 

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 14, 2015, 02:19:45 PM
Yeah I can see that. There is a problem with Carriers in that if one side has one carrier and the other has 2 then the one carrier is in general floating XP and not much else. The tier Difference does not help either as a low tier carriers planes are going to get murdered regardless.

And, of course ships grouping together for mutual protection? HERETIC!!

I'm thinking of getting the Atago. How is it?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 15, 2015, 01:52:16 AM
Tier matters for carriers. We had 2 T7s vs their one T10. They were 2 players down. The T10 ate our entire fleet. Both fleets were T7-T9 plus their T10. I'd read that they were OP but never gone up against one.

In other news..

Cleveland city.

Ended up a draw - ugly fight though.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on August 15, 2015, 03:33:22 AM
Tier matters for carriers. We had 2 T7s vs their one T10. They were 2 players down. The T10 ate our entire fleet. Both fleets were T7-T9 plus their T10. I'd read that they were OP but never gone up against one.

In other news..

Cleveland city.

Ended up a draw - ugly fight though.

It sure was a steamy night in Cleveland.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 15, 2015, 05:50:46 AM
Yeah I can see that. There is a problem with Carriers in that if one side has one carrier and the other has 2 then the one carrier is in general floating XP and not much else.

It depends on the nationality of the carriers too. A single USN carrier with fighter spec can usually keep two IJN carriers in check pretty well. The problem is that if the USN carrier gets put in a match with no enemy carriers they spend the game being a spotter.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: calapine on August 15, 2015, 01:23:04 PM
Yeah I can see that. There is a problem with Carriers in that if one side has one carrier and the other has 2 then the one carrier is in general floating XP and not much else. The tier Difference does not help either as a low tier carriers planes are going to get murdered regardless.

And, of course ships grouping together for mutual protection? HERETIC!!

That's going to be changed in 4.1.

Carrier matchmaking will always be mirrored ie. same number of same tier carrier on each side. (Not sure what that is going to carrier queue times....).
Secondly tier spread in fighter DPS will be narrowed.
Thirdly, IJN strike setups will be nerfed by a) longer plane preparation time b) always at least one fighter in the load-out, thus less anti-ship damage output.

I'm thinking of getting the Atago. How is it?

It's ok/decent I'd say. Rather susceptible to citadel hits, so playing her has some learning curve. The forward firing torpedo arc is nice. Compared to the Mogami I miss the pew pew 150 mm guns with their nice ROF. On the other hand a friend who is quite good (better than me) at cruisers says Mogami is crap and 203 mm is where it is. So...uh...

Overall there is nothing wrong with it, except the price. For the ~ 40 € it costs one an get an actual space ship with laser cannons and warp drive in a different game...  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 15, 2015, 01:34:47 PM
Thanks for that. I obviously need something to spend my moneys on...

I played some Destroyers last night. I.. had a lot of fun. Help me help me I feel the corruption starting...

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on August 15, 2015, 05:00:00 PM
I finally got 2 ships to tier 7, the Pensacola and the Hatsuharu.  Both are a little underwhelming right now, esp. the Pensacola.  Maybe fully upgraded they'll get better.  Almost gotten through the horrible FurryTaco grind to the Aoba but damn that thing is shit.  Worst ship I've played so far...except for the Albany. :uhrr:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 15, 2015, 07:15:06 PM
I really need to have a look at the IJN line, at the moment I'm US specific except for the premium IJN/Russian ships (I still love the Murmansk - it's reasonably versatile and the range is sweet for a T5). Just completely upgraded my New Mexico - compared to other ships the final hull is a godsend in terms of AA and with more manouverability, range and a spotter I really like it. I'm starting to stockpile ships now which worries me - I just know I'm going to start spending gold on docks :(

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 16, 2015, 12:37:25 PM
Video from the youtuber The mighty Jingles on the test server


Carriers will be hard matched to one another now. So no more tier 7 vs tier 9, if you have a tier 8 CV the enemy will have a tier 8 CV.

Battleships get an accuracy boost under 3kms with their main guns.

Lots of chatter about how frigging broken the St Louis is.

Lots of chatter about how hard Battleships have it.

But he said that he was getting more consistent damage with his big guns and less RNG citadel pens.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 17, 2015, 06:06:32 AM
I just can't get over how awful Furutaka is compared to Omaha. I'm actually not sure if there is anything good to say about Furutaka since unlike most Japanese cruisers it's inferior even in torpedoes (with 2 salvos compared to Omaha's 4). That said Omaha is turning out to be my favorite cruiser so far combining insane rate of fire with decent torps making it capable of taking out pretty much any opposing ships (especially with scout plane and sonar to counter destroyer sneak attacks)

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: disKret on August 17, 2015, 06:59:09 AM
I just can't get over how awful Furutaka is compared to Omaha. I'm actually not sure if there is anything good to say about Furutaka since unlike most Japanese cruisers it's inferior even in torpedoes (with 2 salvos compared to Omaha's 4). That said Omaha is turning out to be my favorite cruiser so far combining insane rate of fire with decent torps making it capable of taking out pretty much any opposing ships (especially with scout plane and sonar to counter destroyer sneak attacks)

Using only AP (citadels after citadels on other cruisers) and playing like BS makes Furu managable. After 10k exp on this thing I stoped hating it.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on August 17, 2015, 08:57:59 AM
And the Aoba, while no Cleveland, is still very decent. Had a 6 kill game on it (end in a draw OF COURSE) the other day.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 17, 2015, 10:34:33 AM
The problem is that US cruisers are just in general significantly better than the IJN cruisers after tier 2. That does not mean the IJN cruisers are bad ships, its just they pale in comparison to the US lines.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on August 17, 2015, 11:50:02 AM
I don't think its quite as simple as that. The Omaha and Cleveland forgives bad aim by sheer volume of shell spam, while the IJN cruisers have fewer guns, so you need the shots to land. If you are a good shot, there's a good chance you will outdamage a Cleveland with an Aoba with a player of comparable skill. However, most folks aren't good yet, so the Cleveland looks comparably more awesome.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 17, 2015, 05:10:42 PM
Good point.

In other news on the EU server the Atago is on "special" meaning you get it a portslot 2000 gold, 7 days prem  AND
x24 Damage Control Party II - bonus;
x12 Hydroacoustic Search II - bonus;
x12 Defensive AA Fire II - bonus;
x24 Catapult Fighter II - bonus.

For a whole 3 euros and 16 cent less than the total!!!!!!

I feel special.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 17, 2015, 10:32:36 PM
I don't think its quite as simple as that. The Omaha and Cleveland forgives bad aim by sheer volume of shell spam, while the IJN cruisers have fewer guns, so you need the shots to land. If you are a good shot, there's a good chance you will outdamage a Cleveland with an Aoba with a player of comparable skill. However, most folks aren't good yet, so the Cleveland looks comparably more awesome.

Upgraded Furutakas ROF is 3.5/min@4.7k AP or 3.3k HE (16% chance of fire) with 6 turrets (45s turn) and 2x3 6km torps

Upgraded Omaha ROF 8.6/min@3.1k AP or 2.2k HE (12% chance of fire) with 10 turrets (24s turn) and 4x3 5.5km torps

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 18, 2015, 02:07:39 AM
Now now there are other important stats like sped and armour.

So the Cleveland has.. er... more armour, a tighter turning circle and the same speed.

Well, that was productive.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 18, 2015, 07:40:43 AM
Handy dev tracker site http://shipcomrade.com/redtracker.html it tracks EU, RU and NA dev forum posts.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 18, 2015, 07:47:48 AM
Using only AP (citadels after citadels on other cruisers) and playing like BS makes Furu managable. After 10k exp on this thing I stoped hating it.

Exactly, you need to keep other ships at range and aim your shots carefully.  It has better dispersion than the Omaha, and the shells hit harder.  Also learn when to run, you're not going to stand alone against multiple ships.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 18, 2015, 10:56:35 AM
I find this game fascinating but I don't care about navy stuff. I hope some one makes one space ships or air ships.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 18, 2015, 01:47:36 PM
I'm in destroyer hell. Just moved to the Farragut and it just feels... clumsy and clunky compared to its predecessor. I'm not convinced its upgrades will save it.

On the other hand I'm loving my upgraded New Mexico and am most interested in continuing up the battleship line.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 18, 2015, 02:05:19 PM
I find this game fascinating but I don't care about navy stuff. I hope some one makes one space ships or air ships.

You migyht find star conflict interesting then. It gets pretty grindy but its fun. Haven't plaved it in ages though


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 20, 2015, 03:42:44 AM
I don't think its quite as simple as that. The Omaha and Cleveland forgives bad aim by sheer volume of shell spam, while the IJN cruisers have fewer guns, so you need the shots to land. If you are a good shot, there's a good chance you will outdamage a Cleveland with an Aoba with a player of comparable skill. However, most folks aren't good yet, so the Cleveland looks comparably more awesome.

Upgraded Furutakas ROF is 3.5/min@4.7k AP or 3.3k HE (16% chance of fire) with 6 turrets (45s turn) and 2x3 6km torps

Upgraded Omaha ROF 8.6/min@3.1k AP or 2.2k HE (12% chance of fire) with 10 turrets (24s turn) and 4x3 5.5km torps

Also as a bonus Omaha's main guns are 152mm while Furutaka's are 200mm (advanced fire training is +20% range to 155mm and smaller)

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 20, 2015, 08:57:06 AM
I find this game fascinating but I don't care about navy stuff. I hope some one makes one space ships or air ships.

You migyht find star conflict interesting then. It gets pretty grindy but its fun. Haven't plaved it in ages though


It's made by the same studio as War Thunder. If it follows the same progression you'll go up through the tiers pretty quickly until you get to the last one, and then things slow down so much you can't believe you're playing the same game. That said I played it and really enjoyed whatever the drone carrier ships were. Then they just stopped and the line switched to repair vessels or something.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Merusk on August 21, 2015, 06:39:42 AM
This game is fun in closed beta, people trying to play tactically and actually knowing how to use islands and work as a team. Has lead to some great moments like last night on the Open Water map. My team came together and knew how to run a firing line and focus the first ship to come into range. We wiped the other side without a loss and it was glorious.

However, given that we did exactly that, I can also forsee how bad this will suck once the general public gets in and does silly things like they do in WOT.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 21, 2015, 07:07:56 AM
This game is fun in closed beta, people trying to play tactically and actually knowing how to use islands and work as a team. Has lead to some great moments like last night on the Open Water map. My team came together and knew how to run a firing line and focus the first ship to come into range. We wiped the other side without a loss and it was glorious.

However, given that we did exactly that, I can also forsee how bad this will suck once the general public gets in and does silly things like they do in WOT.

I think the "ranked matches" of tier 6+ (coming "soon") will be interesting as it's all about winning the matches instead of just getting the best possible individual score.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 21, 2015, 05:58:05 PM
Had a fantastic game last night where I was bottom tier in my little Tenryu IJN Tier III cruiser, and figuring I'd escort a new York I had to vier wildly to avoid running into a destroyer I wound up on a course away from the BBs but on a course to one of the Cap points with only the DD heading there. So I decide sod it And head up there myself but I head for a little channel between 2 islands so I could have some shelter from the inevitable shell spam. So of course much of the enemy was there and they start shooting stuff at the destroyer who was at the south. Becasue there was a carrier down there as well the enemies start steaming down after the DD. I shot up a destroyer but most of them ignored me and their destroyer ran off. But one cruiser was lagging behind so I throw down a full narrow spread of torps even though I had to run aground to do it.

And I thought they would never hit. Because the guy would have to sail straight ahead like an idiot after his team mates. And of course at 6kms of their run all 6 hit. Tier V Omaha sunk! At this point I had turned around, and I dodged his torps so he knew I was there, and then sailed out to meet a second Omaha who had turned back to sink the little tier III that had sunk his teammate. Well to be fair he did, but it didn't do him much good as he ate my torps too and went down with me.

1050 raw XP and 2 medals, and top of the team on XP. I love this game sometimes. :P

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on August 22, 2015, 05:18:22 AM
Those were the times that kept me playing... sadly, the grind got a little too much to bear. Liked the game well enough, but I am done with this type of grindy stuff.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 22, 2015, 04:24:58 PM
Yah I agree with you. I'm older now and I'm done with grinding for shit. I want to enjoy myself when I'm gaming right now rather than have some mythical future wonderfulness. The grinding Model where you have to do exponentially more crap to get to the next "level" is just tiresome at this point. Its not like the higher levels are necessarily more fun than the lower levels in any case.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Engels on August 23, 2015, 07:43:17 AM
I love my Tenryu too, which is Tier IV btw.

Edit: my bad, was thinking of the Yubari

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 25, 2015, 07:22:10 AM
I gave in and dived into this. Star conflict didn't seem to have the depth I was looking for. Whats the business model here? just gold ships?

I am on NA as Tazelbain.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on August 25, 2015, 07:44:16 AM
I gave in and dived into this. Star conflict didn't seem to have the depth I was looking for. Whats the business model here? just gold ships?

I am on NA as Tazelbain.

Business model is you get sucked in enough to buy premium account for more credits and XP earned per battle. Which is pretty much the only way to get anything accomplished past Tier 7. Which is funny because same as in WoT I find Tier 4-6 are where the actual fun is had anyway. Also buying dubloons to convert XP from your elite ships (everything already researched on them) to free XP to accelerate or skip process through the tech tree.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 25, 2015, 11:59:50 PM
More or less what he said As a premium account holder you get more XP per battle which means your crews and ships level faster. You can also buy extra things loke camp, upgrades and signets for in came cash. Camo and signits are one game use items though, ching ching.

Gold ships will earn you bonus money and have a bonus for crew training, and you can slide in a captain from any other ship into them so they are good for training your races creiews

As for the avalible gold ships, a quick and dirty review

Aurora, Tier III Russo-Soviet cruiser - Like the American st Louis. Russian. Its slow, sluggish and its armour is not great and but its range is okish at 11 kms and it has a fairly ridiculous amount of guns. Does the job.

Ishizuchi, Tier IV Japanese battleship - the only BB Premium ship. It's fast and has decent guns and range, but it's got practically no AA and armour at all. Will lose a one on one with an Enemy BB due to the lack of armour, but it can lay down the smack if you hide with other BBs. Decent amount of health though.

*edit* ok I took another look at it. Basically the Armour is fine, its just it has a pretty big citadel. The killer with it is the utterly crap AA gun which means that planes will be all over you like wasps. The other issue with it is the crap range on the guns, only 12 kms, which means that you need to get right up to enemies before you can start shooting and they will be shooting you before you can shoot them. All in all its an average to good battleship.

Murmansk, Tier V Soviet cruiser - Currently the best value for your money. It's very nice cruiser with very nice range on its guns. Useless for crew training as there is no Soviet tech tree yet, but we all know the Soviets will be the best when they come out so you might as well have a few captains trained up. Earns decent credits too.

Atlanta, Tier VII American cruiser - Weighs in at over 2 and a half times the cost of the Murmansk. Its a cruiser with a ton of destroyer class guns. Has short range and the Armour is crap but it will literally reign down fire on people once they get in range. Spectacular AA capability.

Atago, Tier VIII Japanese cruiser - Jack of all trades cruiser. Is somewhat vulnerable to damage but it has decent guns and AA. Its a top tier ship and the top tiers are not well populated yet so you are looking at small games this high. I have had 2 games in this and they were both 7 a side.

All in all if you want a gold ship take the Murmansk.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 26, 2015, 07:58:11 AM
I am kind of person that in LoL, I have to stick with a few champs in order to not be completely horrible. So I am still trying figuring out what my "champ" is in WoWS.  Which I think is approximately the Nation/class. So I want figure that out and if I see myself playing long-term before I commit to a gold ship.

Is there a penalty for dying besides hanging around not doing anything?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: 01101010 on August 26, 2015, 07:59:50 AM
I am kind of person that in LoL, I have to stick with a few champs in order to not be completely horrible. So I am still trying figuring out what my "champ" is in WoWS.  Which I think is approximately the Nation/class. So I want figure that out and if I see myself playing long-term before I commit to a gold ship.

Is there a penalty for dying besides hanging around not doing anything?

Repair cost and lower XP/gold coins. IIRC.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Merusk on August 26, 2015, 08:42:46 AM
Yeah, that's the only penalty.  Although the "hanging around not doing anything" can sometimes drag on forever if you're focusing on only one ship, just like Tanks.  You'll wind-up fucking-up early and dying then finding your team is able to drag the match out the full 15 minutes.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 26, 2015, 09:06:02 AM
Any wish I know this when I started playing advice?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 26, 2015, 10:03:36 AM
This thread on the official forums has some useful stuff.  http://forum.worldofwarships.com/index.php?/topic/32578-beginners-player-guide-to-wows/

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 26, 2015, 11:33:24 AM
I have been playing a lot the last couple of days.. AND I CANNOT SEEM TO WIN A FRIGGING GAME. I'm consistently on the top 4 of my team but every fucking mouthbreathing asshole has his controls in reverse and the other team is psychic gifted to stay in a big circle just out of my range and co-ordinate maneuvers and fire like they are the fucking Borg.

I quit today when I realized I was basically driving right at the enemy just to get the game over fast to stop the pain. I had a 50-50 win rating until 3 days ago, now its in the toilet. ARRGH!!

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Trippy on August 26, 2015, 12:06:37 PM
Welcome to Wargaming.net matchmaking :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: WayAbvPar on August 26, 2015, 01:30:52 PM
Unless you are in a platoon/division, just treat every game as a 1v the rest. Expect no help. Actually, expect active resistance to winning.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 26, 2015, 02:44:27 PM
That has become quite clear reading the forums.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 27, 2015, 12:41:20 AM
I tend to pair up with another player in the games - as a cruiser (Murmansk or Atlanta usually) I team up with a BB or DD - you'd be amazed at how appreciative they are especially DDs when you harass the cruisers that are hell bent on smashing them. As a BB I'll team up with another BB. In my destroyer (Farragut and Nicholas) I've learned to hold back and AA in the Farragut or team up with an IJN DD and run interference with my guns while they set up torps (because 4.5km torps in the Farra sucks unless I can get in close to a busy BB.

Usually a "hey <ship> want to team up" works wonders.

I'm actually starting to enjoy the Farragut even though I find the Nicholas to be a better ship based on tier - the Farra just surprises me now and then. I had to learn a new way of captaining a destroyer and it's made me a better Nicholas captain as a result. I was planning on getting to Cleveland next but TBH I'm tossing up between T7 destroyer or battleship - they both have their appeal.

Of course, what I should do is head up the IJN DD line

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 27, 2015, 01:12:18 AM
Unless you are in a platoon/division, just treat every game as a 1v the rest. Expect no help. Actually, expect active resistance to winning.

The problem is that for example while a (IJN) destroyer can be very effective in delaying or even blocking multiple heavier enemy ships with suppressive torpedo salvos it's alot more awarding exp-wise for the destroyer to just go and look for easy targets to snipe even if that tends to be much less important for the overall victory.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on August 27, 2015, 04:48:34 AM
Any wish I know this when I started playing advice?

Like others already said - team up with somebody. Whether you do that actively by writing in chat or just falling in formation with them doesn't matter. If teamwork worked especially well with somebody just division up with them and keep going.

Other than that- you'll learn where to aim given time, not much use in explaining. Maybe watch a youtube video or 2 of experiences people to see where they aim given a specific relative angle of the opponent.

Oh, when to shoot what (general rules of thumb ofc):
As DD: always HE.
As Cruiser: Shoot other cruisers with AP (try to aim for underneath their smokestacks or turrets), rest with HE.
As BB: Always AP.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 27, 2015, 05:01:20 AM
Well, I;d agree but if you actually smack a D with a BB's main guns when they are firing HE then they really really don't like it. Normally swapping ammo is not an option as it takes too long, but the perk that makes swapping ammo last only 20 seconds actually makes that bearable.

As I found out yesterday when I had to defend myself alone against 4 enemy ships in a Kawachi.

But yeah mostly AP In BB

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 27, 2015, 07:29:25 AM
Hitting things is not my problem, I found the aiming intuitive. I tend to do welll against other CA. It's not getting nuked by BB or torped. That is my issue. I tried the DD last night I was useless against bots :) Trying BB tonight.

If I figure how to handles to handle CA vs BB, I think I'd be happy in the St. Louis. Figure out which BB our BB are attacking and lit it on fire is best I have come up with.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on August 27, 2015, 07:44:45 AM
The very first BBs are shit. So you really have to grind through them to get to something where you get a feeling for the class.

As to not getting torped and BB raped in a CA:
Keep maneuvering. It's that simple. Also keep an eye on the minimap of course  (+ and - on the numblock make it larger or smaller).
When engaging a BB in CL/CA I try to a) not be its primary target i.e. it's already engaged with somebody or b) show only my bow or stern, when the BB fires I maneuver out of the way (you are agile enough to do that at 7+ km)

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 27, 2015, 07:58:03 AM
CA's are great at smashing up DDs. DDs are great for smashing up BBs. BB's are for CAs and BBs and sometimes DDs if you are lucky. "STOP DRIVING IN STRAIGHT LINES, ASSHOLE!!!"  is great against torps. Dive bombers great against DDs. Torp bombers great against everything else. Most CA esp US CAs are great against planes..

HE is good against carriers as if you set them on fire they cant launch planes.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 27, 2015, 09:58:14 AM
x2 xp special (on EU servers atleast) this weekend (http://worldofwarships.eu/en/news/common/special-farewell-to-holidays/)  

edit:it's just 2x for the first victory of the day instead of 1.5 so not worth mentioning  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 27, 2015, 01:55:28 PM
Normally swapping ammo is not an option as it takes too long, but the perk that makes swapping ammo last only 20 seconds actually makes that bearable.

Hint for new players - don't train your captain into that talent as you can be putting it elsewhere.

In a battleship that is loaded with AP, press 1 once and take your shot. It will then reload with HE using your regular reload cycle.

If you press 1 twice it will go straight to the load cycle and be time lost if you were fully loaded.

I'd rather take a chance on an AP hit first even with chance of over-penetration than be wallowing around waiting for the ammo to swap.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Merusk on August 27, 2015, 03:42:40 PM
Do you level up into crews being unlocked or something? I can't find the place to swap them anywhere.

ed:  Just loaded it up. Yes, you do. And Modules and cammo and signals. Wtf, grind so you can grind? Who the fuck thought that was a good idea.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 27, 2015, 05:40:42 PM
Gotta keep those Premium Dollahs coming.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 28, 2015, 07:18:41 AM
>The very first BBs are shit.
You weren't kidding. This thing is terrible. Sometimes the rng lets you wreck something, but mostly you are a slow moving target.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 28, 2015, 11:53:42 AM
All in all if you want a gold ship take the Murmansk.
As US player, whats the best way to buy it?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 28, 2015, 12:11:28 PM

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on August 28, 2015, 12:32:05 PM
Just wanted to make sure buying gold and buying it in game wasn't better.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 28, 2015, 01:39:31 PM
Apparently Tirpitz is on sale tomorrow. As a tier 8 Premium Battleship it will be the bones of 50 quid.

Frankly I'll pass, at least for now.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 28, 2015, 02:24:43 PM
Apparently Tirpitz is on sale tomorrow. As a tier 8 Premium Battleship it will be the bones of 50 quid.

How much is that in money?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 28, 2015, 02:45:39 PM
Har har

The Atago is tier 8 and its at 40 Euros so I imagine the Tirpitz will be around the same.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on August 28, 2015, 05:49:18 PM
Apparently Tirpitz is on sale tomorrow. As a tier 8 Premium Battleship it will be the bones of 50 quid.

How much is that in money?

One million Greek donkey dollars.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 29, 2015, 01:02:16 AM
So yeah, Tirpitz is in the store on a "special" for 60 euros. YOu get 30 days premium time and 2500 gold and some other crap with it.

IT HAS TORPEDOS!! They only have a 5km range. So good luck getting to ever use them.

I am mildly tempted as I was thinking of getting more premium time... but frankly I'll pass and just buy the premium time. Tier 8 is going to be infested with Tirpitz though for the weekend and beyond.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 29, 2015, 01:38:20 AM
Just rub it in. It's not on the US or Asia server :(

I can't even see the Murmansk in the Asia shop or the T4 BB.

I've made an account on Asia to test my ping against the NA server

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 29, 2015, 10:24:35 AM
OK just back from playing World of Tirpitz. Around 66 battleships in the queue and other outrageous numbers, I wonder what happened.

Ok this thing is a BLATANT "buy this killer and then we will nerf it when we have your money". The armour is insane, only Yamatos are able to pen it any way reliably. Its guns are massive and fast firing. Its also very fast at 30 knots+. Cruisers cant keep up with this thing and forget about cruisers damaging the thing.

Its only weak armour is at the bow and the stern, and it has crap AA so apparently Carriers are having a lot of fun killing them in droves. So yeah, buy your unbalanced ship for the price of an AAA game, but realise its going to be nerfed at some point and its going to be nerfed HARD.

In other news the Myogi is a piece of crap. Cant hit a barn door.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on August 29, 2015, 11:12:09 AM

In other news the Myogi is a piece of crap. Cant hit a barn door.

Myogi is the pain before Kongo (and Kongo makes it all worth it)  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on August 29, 2015, 03:44:16 PM
Started up my Asia account - ping is half the US and there's a 12K player base in Aussie peak time. Bought a Murmansk and the Mikasa and got to level 5. The game is so much better - I'm sitting on 66% win rate as opposed to the US account where I''m at 39% due to having to learn the game and making a lot of mistakes along the way.

Mikasa is a beast in its tier - lots of fun to play and a tough little boat.

I'm also specialising IJN at the moment as my US account is just US and premium ships. I wish I'd tried IJN earlier although I still think Nicholas and NM are strong boats for their tiers.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 30, 2015, 10:25:18 AM
I hadn't played in a while and thought it would be fun to stick my carrier captain in the Yubari and work on getting the extra plane skill.

Log into NA server
Join game, enemy has a Bogue and a Langley
Lick lips, I am ready
Planes all meet in one big clump right overhead
AA goes nuts
Planes dropping like flies
Suddenly random encounter, Wild Torpedos appear!
Hit by three, sunk by team mate ImperadorJoao
Fucker is like half a ship length from me running parallel
"What the fuck man, you should know how torpedos work by now"
"Comer merda americana eu estou assistindo futebol"
Fuck you Brazil
Close game

Between WoT and this game I want someone to disconnect Brazil's internet from the rest of the world. They are the worst players and just unrelenting dickbags. I can predict a game result 100% of the time without using XVM. Whichever team has the most players that speak spanish or portuguese in chat autolose. It pisses them off to no end when I say this, but it's always how it turns out. Also, you're on the NA server and speak english well enough to know what I said and argue about how I'm a racist white pussy so why not just speak fucking English? Even the fucking Quebecois speak english most of the time.

Fucking Brazilians, the Poles of the NA server...

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tmp on August 30, 2015, 01:05:06 PM
Also, you're on the NA server and speak english well enough to know what I said and argue about how I'm a racist white pussy so why not just speak fucking English?
Because it pisses you off to the point you make angry posts about it on forums, obv.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 30, 2015, 02:45:55 PM
Speaking of angry posts. the NA forums are in such and uproar about not making WG money by throwing the Tirpitz  at them that they are running a BS "competition" to give people a free ship. Its called the Marblehead and its a US cruiser.


I want to step in and say that if my answer to the original message offended anyone, I apologize as that was most certainly not my intent. It was part of a much larger conversation, that had been ongoing for quite some time, so I think that it lacks a lot of context, and is more easily misunderstood.

That being said, we do not have plans to immediately sell the Tirpitz. It is a "rare" ship, so we wouldn't sell it right now and then again in a very short span of time - takes the rare factor away. We also recognize that you guys, our loyal customers, would really like something new. We have a PAX-specific ship coming up later this week. It was originally slated to be given out on the show floor to PAX attendees, but I made the case that our loyal forum-goers should have a chance to get one, even if they could not attend the show.

So beginning Friday, we will have a contest called PAX on the Forums. It's one of those destroy ships and use the player's name to spell a word things (like we did with FIREWORKS). EVERYONE who participates in the contest gets this ship with PAX camo. Just for the sake of clariry - it is not a Tirpitz. It is also not a ship we have sold before, so you get something for free that is new and different, and the PAX specific camo makes it unique to the NA server. I have permission to give out as many ships as there are people who participate, so no RNG involved (for once!) The full details will be announced on the portal on Friday.

I realize that it's not a Tirpitz, which is what you want RIGHT NOW. I know that giving you something else may or may not appease you in any way, but I do hope that it encourages you to think that we do care about our NA player base. The PAX specific camo was developed specifically for the NA region, so the devs invested time into making something for only our territory. There are more examples of NA specific things coming up in the future as well.

Hahaha... the Tirpitz a rare ship. They have such a sense of humour.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 30, 2015, 02:52:29 PM
Funny thing is the euro server is all butt hurt that the  NA server is getting another 'free' ship.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on August 30, 2015, 03:00:39 PM
OK just back from playing World of Tirpitz. Around 66 battleships in the queue and other outrageous numbers, I wonder what happened.

Ok this thing is a BLATANT "buy this killer and then we will nerf it when we have your money". The armour is insane, only Yamatos are able to pen it any way reliably. Its guns are massive and fast firing. Its also very fast at 30 knots+. Cruisers cant keep up with this thing and forget about cruisers damaging the thing.

Its only weak armour is at the bow and the stern, and it has crap AA so apparently Carriers are having a lot of fun killing them in droves. So yeah, buy your unbalanced ship for the price of an AAA game, but realise its going to be nerfed at some point and its going to be nerfed HARD.

In other news the Myogi is a piece of crap. Cant hit a barn door.

WG never nerfed anything premium. People would want their money back.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 30, 2015, 03:08:53 PM
The Superpershing Lowe and Type 59 say hi.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Merusk on August 30, 2015, 04:21:03 PM
Those aren't the only examples but they are the best.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on August 30, 2015, 06:02:08 PM
They nerfed the super Pershing so hard they ended up offering refunds.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Triforcer on August 30, 2015, 06:25:35 PM
Is the legendary full torp spread from a teammate .5 km away really such a huge problem?  It has happened to me exactly once (and a couple times I had to do some quick thinking when my DD and a teammate DD surprised a battleship at close range from opposite directions, but that is different).  I suppose if you are in the front lines of a blob and hiding  DDs are trying to shoot through the gaps, this might be real, but I just never see many tks pop up  on the scoreboard at all.  And I also play with filthy non-westerners!

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on August 30, 2015, 06:49:05 PM
I've been torpedoed by my own side 4 times in the last week. 2 in the same game. And those were the ones that hit me, I've had as many near misses.

Anyway with judicious use of 50% xp signal flags I've sunk my Myogi and am now the owner of a Kongo

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Merusk on August 31, 2015, 11:25:20 AM
 And I also play with filthy non-westerners!

Hey look, we found why it's not a problem.

We're all familiar with the superior cooperation among Asian teams in gaming. That they're so much better able to work towards the goal instead of only personal glory. Leads to fewer "fuck you, you're in my way" situations.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: angry.bob on August 31, 2015, 02:16:22 PM
And I also play with filthy non-westerners!

Where do you think Brazil is at?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on August 31, 2015, 03:06:11 PM
I hadn't played in a while and thought it would be fun to stick my carrier captain in the Yubari and work on getting the extra plane skill.

Log into NA server
Join game, enemy has a Bogue and a Langley
Lick lips, I am ready
Planes all meet in one big clump right overhead
AA goes nuts
Planes dropping like flies
Suddenly random encounter, Wild Torpedos appear!
Hit by three, sunk by team mate ImperadorJoao
Fucker is like half a ship length from me running parallel
"What the fuck man, you should know how torpedos work by now"
"Comer merda americana eu estou assistindo futebol"
Fuck you Brazil
Close game

Between WoT and this game I want someone to disconnect Brazil's internet from the rest of the world. They are the worst players and just unrelenting dickbags. I can predict a game result 100% of the time without using XVM. Whichever team has the most players that speak spanish or portuguese in chat autolose. It pisses them off to no end when I say this, but it's always how it turns out. Also, you're on the NA server and speak english well enough to know what I said and argue about how I'm a racist white pussy so why not just speak fucking English? Even the fucking Quebecois speak english most of the time.

Fucking Brazilians, the Poles of the NA server...

What's that you say?  Brazilians are shitty, God awful players?


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Strazos on August 31, 2015, 05:44:16 PM
Gosh darnit, pubbies hate winning sometimes.

Ok, most of the time.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 01, 2015, 09:21:45 AM


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on September 01, 2015, 09:56:23 AM
A few good changes, ranked battles look interesting.  I know some folks in WoT who've been wanting this since launch.  Looks like they are patching the US servers tomorrow morning.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on September 03, 2015, 12:38:26 AM
So 0.41 is a 1550mb patch.  :oh_i_see:

The detection range increase on IJN dds means that the 6km torps for Mutsuki are now impractical since you can't do a torp run by skimming the enemy's detection (though the 10km version isn't that much slower so it's not a huge nerf)

It just means that I might as well buy the tier 7 dd instead of sticking to Mutsuki as I had planned.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 03, 2015, 04:29:05 AM
Reading reddit the patch started out as a 4gig dl, then that dl broke and when you restarted it was only a 1.5 gig patch. *wg*

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 03, 2015, 06:57:27 AM

Everybody Listen: World of Warships Will Be Released Soon!
Today 31,033

Indeed, World of Warships will soon lose its “BETA” status and become a fully-fledged product with all the spit and polish you have come to expect from us.
Get ready for intense battles on the high seas starting September 17!

The development team is already buried in work on upcoming ships, maps and other features that we will uncover as soon as we are sure they are ready to be revealed. But that's not all. Wargaming.net community teams are in full swing all around the globe to prepare exciting events for you, be it in the virtual world or at various interesting places in Europe and further afield. We also cannot wait to announce a long-awaited and very promising concept of Ranked Battles, which some of you have already tested on the Public Test server.
The rest of the community will have the chance to get involved in Ranked Battles on the day of release!

Thank you for being part of World of Warships' great community and rest assured that this voyage has just begun. Stay tuned for more information, keep dominating the high seas and…

Action Stations!

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on September 03, 2015, 07:53:31 AM
Hopefully release means a full account merge so that my free xp in WoWP(not much) and WoT (a lot) will be available in WoWs.  I also have a small amount of gold that would be nice to have available in WoWs.

Turns out that there are no plans in the immediate future to have experience and gold sharing with the other two games.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on September 03, 2015, 02:18:41 PM
Hopefully release means a full account merge so that my free xp in WoWP(not much) and WoT (a lot) will be available in WoWs.  I also have a small amount of gold that would be nice to have available in WoWs.

Turns out that there are no plans in the immediate future to have experience and gold sharing with the other two games.

Nope but at least premium time is shared.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on September 05, 2015, 02:04:44 PM
When the season starts, does everyone start at rank 25?  Also, I am getting much better at using torps in a DD.  I'm now getting an average 6-8 hits per game and doing 50K+ damage.  I don't know if thats good or not but I can tell I'm getting better, which is a nice feeling since my win % is only 47%, with 47% loss and 6% draws.  The draws are really making it hard to get over 50% as 6% is about twice what I have in WoT.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 05, 2015, 03:10:01 PM
Its much easier to get draws in this game than WOT. So many carriers think that sitting in a corner is good play

After 216 battles I have 51% win rate and 997 avg XP so I'm not doing too badly so far.

I have no idea about how the ranks are gonna go.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on September 05, 2015, 03:18:17 PM
After 505 battles, I'm averaging 1355xp and 25004 damage per game.  I think the game is too young to determine whats "good" at this point but I'd like to know how I'm doing relative to the general player base.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Tmon on September 05, 2015, 03:23:45 PM
Its much easier to get draws in this game than WOT. So many carriers think that sitting in a corner is good play

Don't forget the players (of all ship types) who think leaving or ignoring the cap circle to chase that carrier , they contirbute to more than their fare share of draws.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 05, 2015, 06:53:15 PM
Yeah, I've encountered an increasing number of "No Cap, kill all" idiots.

I imagine that your average XP and damage go up as you start playing higher tier stuff as there is more HP out there to blast off. That has certainly been my experience as I move up to tier 5.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on September 07, 2015, 12:47:05 AM
After 505 battles, I'm averaging 1355xp and 25004 damage per game.  I think the game is too young to determine whats "good" at this point but I'd like to know how I'm doing relative to the general player base.

Wat, I got 29.7k average damage and only 1115 average xp. How else do you get XP in this game?

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: satael on September 07, 2015, 01:21:50 AM
After 505 battles, I'm averaging 1355xp and 25004 damage per game.  I think the game is too young to determine whats "good" at this point but I'd like to know how I'm doing relative to the general player base.

Wat, I got 29.7k average damage and only 1115 average xp. How else do you get XP in this game?

Xp depends greatly on the tier. For example I have 1531xp/28874dmg average on Mutsuki (tier 6) and 893xp/32538dmg average on Isokaze (tier 4).

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 07, 2015, 04:32:20 AM
Or, to put it another way, I'm doing horribly with the Atago (t8) but still have a 1008xp average and 24,011 damage average.

You can find your per ship averages by going to your account page and pressing the "Players" tab.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on September 08, 2015, 10:46:25 AM
I was under impression that the xp number was useless because it included xp bonuses.

I given up trying to play anything but the Murmansk. So now I am racking up credits and xp that I have no use for. I was trying to level US BB, but BB MM is so punitive it was such a chore.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 08, 2015, 09:16:47 PM
I think its base XP

One nice thing is that you have probably racked up free XP using the Murmansk so you could probably buy gold to skip over the first 2 painful tiers of the BB lines. Both BB lines are painful for the first couple of tiers so you could now get to Tier 5 if you wanted. Once you are at tier 5 you can hold your own in any matchup. The Kongo might be more forgiving though due to its long range and high speed, but both lines are decent.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on September 10, 2015, 07:36:11 AM
So yeah, about the Tirpitz being available on my US account... oh wait, that's my Asia account :(

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 10, 2015, 07:55:11 AM
I was watching a US streamer last night and the US people are officially in Waiting for Godot "THE DAY APPOINTED IS AT HAND" mode about the Tirpitz. They have convinced themselves it will happen when the game goes officially live next week. They also think the Tirpitz will be a standard thing in the Store when it comes out. They were utterly shocked when I told them the Tirpitz is gone from the EU store. The Tirpitz is the Messiah.

On another front I had the best game of my life on the Murmansk last night. 4 Destroyers and a cruiser dead, 400k Silver, 1400 XP base, 5 citadels.... AND I STILL LOST! Seriously what the fuck do I have to do, drag them to a win kicking and screaming??

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on September 10, 2015, 08:41:20 AM
Anyway I got a New York and I wasn't happy mainly because it sticks you in tier 8 games. Might as alt tab out and watch Twitch cause there is nothing I can do to help.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 10, 2015, 12:57:01 PM
Uh, that's not true. Its not WOT, tiers honestly don't matter as much. And Battleships are designed to have horrid matchmaking but their guns are big enough to smash high tier stuff, especially cruisers.

I mean if you are afraid of battleship matchmaking don't play battleships. But the New York is viable in high tier matches. Its slow but it hits hard and the New Mexico hits like a truck.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on September 10, 2015, 01:45:07 PM
I absolutely love New Mexico - it's the right tier, right damage and if you have a good group of cruisers with you then you can obliterate ships.

I didn't know they were pulling Tirpitz - I have 4 days to decide if I lash out on one.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 10, 2015, 02:00:15 PM
Ok, I dont have it myself but I've been watching streams the last few days as I've not been very well, and here's the pro and con of the Tirpitz.

Pro; Its Premium. Its fast. It has very fast gun rotation, and its fire rate is 25 seconds per volley. It has very hard armour and its hard to citadel, basically you can only citadel it if it is turning and the ship is leaning over.

Con; To pay off for the rapid fire, the guns are very weak for its tier. It's accuracy is horrible. The AA is crap. Its somewhat long so you are getting hit a fair bit. Basically, its not that dangerous.

I honestly don't know about how it maneuvers.

Personally, the more I watched it the less I wanted it and I'm not getting it if it turns up again. My money is still waiting on the Warspite.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on September 11, 2015, 12:20:09 AM
Ok, I dont have it myself but I've been watching streams the last few days as I've not been very well, and here's the pro and con of the Tirpitz.

Pro; Its Premium. Its fast. It has very fast gun rotation, and its fire rate is 25 seconds per volley. It has very hard armour and its hard to citadel, basically you can only citadel it if it is turning and the ship is leaning over.

Con; To pay off for the rapid fire, the guns are very weak for its tier. It's accuracy is horrible. The AA is crap. Its somewhat long so you are getting hit a fair bit. Basically, its not that dangerous.

I honestly don't know about how it maneuvers.

Personally, the more I watched it the less I wanted it and I'm not getting it if it turns up again. My money is still waiting on the Warspite.

Jingles seems to think it's pretty good.  Video review below.  Skip to about 11:00 for the relevant bits.


Oh, and I made it to tier 8 with the IJN DD.  The extra torp launcher and gun turret are really nice.  It already feels like and upgrade over the Hatsuharu even in the stock configuration.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Ginaz on September 11, 2015, 12:32:29 AM
I was watching a US streamer last night and the US people are officially in Waiting for Godot "THE DAY APPOINTED IS AT HAND" mode about the Tirpitz. They have convinced themselves it will happen when the game goes officially live next week. They also think the Tirpitz will be a standard thing in the Store when it comes out. They were utterly shocked when I told them the Tirpitz is gone from the EU store. The Tirpitz is the Messiah.

On another front I had the best game of my life on the Murmansk last night. 4 Destroyers and a cruiser dead, 400k Silver, 1400 XP base, 5 citadels.... AND I STILL LOST! Seriously what the fuck do I have to do, drag them to a win kicking and screaming??

Confirmed Tirpitz will be available for sale on 17 Sept. for the NA server.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 11, 2015, 03:35:17 AM

Jingles seems to think it's pretty good.  Video review below.  Skip to about 11:00 for the relevant bits.


Cool, thanks. I hadn't seen Jingles' video.

Looking over my ship stats I find that the one I seem to do best in by far seems to be the Kongo. I am not having a good time in the Furutaka at all. The best game I had in it I said sod this and used it like a destroyer, charging in and spamming torps, the exact opposite of how its supposed to be used. Which just goes to show you how awful I am in it. vOv

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 12, 2015, 01:54:02 PM
Anyway I got a New York and I wasn't happy mainly because it sticks you in tier 8 games. Might as alt tab out and watch Twitch cause there is nothing I can do to help.

Just to prove my point. I was just in a tier 8 game in the New York. I did 42000 damage. Sank a tier 5 cruiser and a tier 8 destroyer, came 4th out of the team in overall XP. (And naturally lost the game but whatever)

A New York can definitely help the team. (Once it actually manages to get in range. Bloody speed...)

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tmp on September 12, 2015, 07:40:43 PM
A New York can definitely help the team. (Once it actually manages to get in range. Bloody speed...)
Go back to South Carolina if you think New York takes time to get in range :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Bungee on September 15, 2015, 01:44:17 AM
A New York can definitely help the team. (Once it actually manages to get in range. Bloody speed...)
Go back to South Carolina if you think New York takes time to get in range :oh_i_see:

Kawachi says hi...

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 15, 2015, 05:24:35 AM
The Kawachi is faster than the South Carolina by 2 knots.  :why_so_serious:

I'm getting pretty good results with the IJN Carriers. I'm doing fairly with the Kongo as well but cant seem to land good hits with it and my dispersion luck is terrible. I really, really suck with the Furutaka.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 15, 2015, 07:55:25 AM
Ok WG has indirectly announced that patch 5.0 will come with the official release on Thursday.

There will be a new Matchmaking spread with it. You can get the Graphic at this link.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on September 15, 2015, 08:35:06 AM
Sweet, they're fixing BBs MM.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tmp on September 15, 2015, 04:23:23 PM
The Kawachi is faster than the South Carolina by 2 knots.  :why_so_serious:
To be fair it also has 1 km or so shorter gun range, so you need to paddle longer to get your guns on anything :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Setanta on September 16, 2015, 12:49:30 AM
Tirpitz = fun, I'm probably going to buy one for my NA account

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 17, 2015, 04:16:10 AM
So, WOWs has launched. to celebrate its a triple XP day! More importantly, they have put up a special offer for 10 days only!!
Captain's Primer

Offer expires in 10 d.

This package contains:

    x4 Port slot;
    7 Days of Premium.

For all the captains that are just coming on board, this package is the best way to get you up to full speed and catch up with the rest of the fleet. One week of Premium account to get your feet wet and 4 extra Port slots to expand your fleet. Welcome aboard!

Its pretty underwhelming. BUT THERE'S MORE!!



in the german area of the forum we have the following thread and I would like to point this out in the english section aswell, because the "offer" ´with the 4 harbor slotts is not realy an offer:


The calculation by Eisenkarl is:


1.200 Doublons (4x harbor slotts)

+ 1.250 (7 days of Premium)

= 2.450 Doublons, at EUR 9,77 this will result in 250,77 Doublons/EUR.

So... 250,77 Doublons per Euro does sound "ok", right? Well, lets compare it to the regular 2500 Doublon package wich costs basicaly the same:

2.500 Doublons / 9,95€ => 251,26 Doublons/EUR

Or in other words, do not buy this "offer", since you will get better value for your money by using the standard package for basicaly the same ammount of money.

If you want to get 7 days of premium and 4 Harbor slotts, get the basic 2500 gold offer instead.

So, to celebrate the "launch" and to say welcome aboard, they have launched a scam offer to screw their new customers.


Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 17, 2015, 04:29:49 AM
Oh yeah I forgot, their big idea is to give away stuff to players.. if they watch their streamers!!


As we want to celebrate the transition from beta to release, we have planned a few activities for you to participate in and have the chance to win some ships!

Starting from tomorrow, until Sunday, you will have the chance to win a Tirpitz every day, along with some smaller ships.

17/09 — Release stream, Q&A and giveaway with Quickybaby featuring karsun and MrConway

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/quickybaby

From: 18:00 - 20:00 CEST

Submit your questions here: https://www.reddit.c...roducer_and_mr/

18/09 — Youtube competition hosted by our community contributor PointyHairedJedi

Where: https://www.youtube....ointyHairedJedi

When: TBD

19/09 — Release stream and giveaway with with Circonflexes featuring MrConway

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/circon

From: 18:00 - 20:00 CEST

20/09 — Youtube competition hosted by our community contributor, the mighty Rear Admiral Jingles

Where: https://www.youtube....r/BohemianEagle

When: TBD

Smaller giveaways:

21/09 — Youtube competition hosted by our community contributor, AgingJedi


When: TBD

19/09 — Release stream and giveaway with Deserte featuring Ph3lan

Where: http://www.twitch.tv/sts_deserte

From: 19:00 - 21:00 CEST

Hopefully I will be seeing some of you along for the streams, and I wish you the best of luck with our Youtube competitions.

Action stations!

While I commend them for supporting their streamers and using the new technology, you can fuck right off. Its not only that I would rather chew off my right testicle than watch Quikybaby, telling people to watch a fucking STREAM to have a CHANCE of getting a fucking TIRPITZ after everyone who wanted one has already bought it is fucking retarded and scamtastic. And THEN you have the scamtastic special offer.

Seriously I have never seen a launch as fucking clownshoes as this. They had better pull something out of their Anus later in the day or I will wag my finger in their general direction most forcefully.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tmp on September 17, 2015, 07:12:07 AM
Seriously I have never seen a launch as fucking clownshoes as this.
Not sure if serious.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 17, 2015, 07:58:21 AM
Ok, it has a lot of competition.  :grin:

But the community guy then posted this


Suranis1, on 17 September 2015 - 01:35 PM, said:
Brynd I am not going to blame you for the scamtastic "special" that actually costs more than buying 4 port slots and 7 days premium with Doubloons. Its not your department and you have no control over that. In fact you have my sympathies to deal with the rabid crowd of gamers today. I also commend you for actively supporting your streamers and enbracing new technology to get the word out. But you have to admit that in combination with this "watch a stream and maybe win something" and the scamtastic special offer its not going to put a good opinion forward on launch day to the general gaming community.


View Postdaki, on 17 September 2015 - 01:36 PM, said:

Brynd, I would like to understand what is the reason for such rather "lame" (to put it nicely) launch activities.

I am all fine with the giveaways via streamers you announced - though I can only say good luck if you believe that marketing the game through people who actually do not really enjoy the game (judging by battle count) will bring much new players.

What bothers me is the lack of other very simple to implement launch content such as slot discounts, new missions, a small gift (e.g. a few flags), other events...., especially taking into account that there are no new ships / trees...

Lack of staff cannot really explain it. To be honest this rather reminds me of managers being eager to show to their owners a "Potemkin village" of a game being formally launched, without much thought given to the community and players.

Do not get me wrong, I am not a WG basher like many on these forums, as I both enjoy the game immensely and believe that WG does a good job in general. But I did not expect such complete lack of effort, ideas, creativity, vision..., from a company that knows quite well imho what the community was looking forward and expecting.

You still have a chance to wake-up finally and try to implement something more exciting, but I am afraid that it is just wishful thinking from my side.

In the end although my own team is involved with the streamer/YouTuber stuff, and though I'd like to talk purely about that, it's obvious that some of the feedback is about stuff beyond my direct influence. However, I am still a representative of the company so I don't plan to just ignore the other points you and others are making. But the streaming stuff isn't really meant to be a big deal, we just advertised it here in case others were interested in joining in for a chance to win something. It's just a little extra thing the community team wanted to do. We already do work with these streamers regularly and provide prizes here and there. So doing something like this for the launch isn't really surprising. It's certainly not the company's only plan for marketing the game now it is released: we have traditional marketing and PR departments. I suspect though that they're likely to be targeting new players.

One point I've seen is from people who have already been beta testing the game that perhaps have a different vision about how the game would be at release. But it wouldn't be right to just release a different version without first testing it - that was what the late part of the open beta was! Playing the game early, in the testing phase - especially just before the release - is basically playing the game as it is intended to be released. So there seems a disconnect here between expectation and delivery. Now, I haven't gone back and read all the news articles and stuff we've posted to see how well we communicated what the game would be like at release, but sure maybe there was more we could have done to help people set expectations. Personally I know that when I beta test a game, especially just prior to release, the release game is going to be pretty much the game I was testing.

"Where's the cool launch stuff?" I think the main idea is that the release itself is what is cool. That's how it is for me and pretty much every other other game that I love: it's the release itself that I wait for and am excited about, I don't care about extra bonuses, I just want to play the game. "But... what about cool stuff for open beta testers who are not new to the game today and so are not necessarily feeling the coolness of the actual launch of what they've tested?" The real benefit of open beta testing was already reaped: the obvious big draw being the ability to play the game before September 17. The initial fun you may be expecting from release date is arguably that which you experienced when you first got into the OBT. "But couldn't there be at least a bit more for open beta testers now it's released?" Well, there's the x3 weekend. Whoa, it's a tough crowd... :rolleyes:

Maybe it's simply not possible to meet everyone's expectations, so it may not matter how much text I type out here for example. It would be hard not to empathise with those who are disappointed (community team members are often noted for their very strong sense of empathy) even knowing logically that beta testing is testing the game as it is intended to be at release. Perhaps this is another point we could have worked on setting expectations for in advance: "the release game is what you're testing, so don't expect it to be somewhat different on release day."

Probably more I could say, but I have to get on with other tasks.

So be happy it launched, bitches. DANCE!!

Oh the scamtastic offer was explained...


Just to calm everyone down: This package is not intended to be a super special release package.

The only reason it is marked as special is the fact that it is time limited and the premium shop displays this automatically. It is put up as a starter kit with the most purchased items for a new player.

The price difference is due to the premium shop rounding. *hide*

Well,  thats ok then  :ye_gods:

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: tazelbain on September 17, 2015, 08:04:18 AM
Under-whelmimg is right word here. The real release happened a while ago.

Title: Re: World of Warships (now in open beta)
Post by: Sir T on September 17, 2015, 04:56:27 PM
Som the NA Tirpitz package

62.08 € (69.99 USD)

The package includes:

    port Slot in World of Warships;
    1500 doubloons;
    7 days of premium;
    Zulu x 60;
    Equal Speed Charlie London x 60.

Add this legendary tier VIII German battleship to your armada! Combining speed, fantastic guns and torpedoes, the Tirpitz is a menace on the high seas! You’ll get more than just the sister ship of the Bismarck with this bundle, as it also includes Zulu and Equal Speed Charlie signal flags! When equipped, Zulu earns you an extra 20% Credits, while Equal Speed Charlie brings in 50% extra XP! Add to the fun with a week's worth of Premium and 1500 Doubloons for added earnings and XP.

We got 2500 doubloons and 30 days premium. Plus a bunch of consumables that are meh, for 7 eur more. Nope, you're American, you get to pay more for less.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on September 17, 2015, 08:52:49 PM
Also watched a few Ranked battles on stream. They are only about 10-12 minutes long so they are a good option for people who want faster games than standard randoms. Probably better for XP too.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Nebu on September 18, 2015, 06:22:52 AM
Played this a bit last night for the first time since early beta.  It's a fun distraction and a game that I actually find pretty relaxing.  I can't see myself investing a lot of time in it, but it's a nice change of pace from more hardcore pvp games.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: tazelbain on September 18, 2015, 06:57:52 AM
Crazy how expensive this new ship is . And crazy that I am sure it is selling. I say crazy because by all accounts its a good battleship in a tier filled with good battleships, so you're not even getting an advantage for your $$$.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: 01101010 on September 18, 2015, 07:00:06 AM
I agree with Nebu. The only thing that keeps me away is the grind, but I understand it is there for a reason.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on September 20, 2015, 06:17:05 PM
This is apparently the win ratings of all the ship types on the eu server


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: WayAbvPar on September 21, 2015, 08:43:34 AM
I see WG is as skilled at balancing boats as they are at tanks. The more I see from them, the more I am amazed that WoT is such a playable, interesting game. Because they seem to spend 23 hours a day tap dancing on their genitalia.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: angry.bob on September 21, 2015, 09:48:25 PM
I see WG is as skilled at balancing boats as they are at tanks. The more I see from them, the more I am amazed that WoT is such a playable, interesting game.

It's not. It just came first and got the community and fan loyalty that comes with that. In all other aspects they're 3rd in a field of 3 tank games. And one of those is in closed beta.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: disKret on September 22, 2015, 06:04:47 AM
Some polish guy have just created aimbot completely independent from game files. Without external anticheat WG is fucked.


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: tazelbain on September 22, 2015, 07:30:44 AM
I though external anti-cheat was standard these days.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Trippy on September 22, 2015, 07:35:55 AM
Only for Asian online games/MMOs.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: angry.bob on September 22, 2015, 08:25:37 AM
Some polish guy have just created aimbot completely independent from game files. Without external anticheat WG is fucked.


THey already had pretty much this exact same mod before and said it was legal since it only assisted in aiming and didn't aim or fire for you.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on September 22, 2015, 08:52:48 AM
Didn't people scream a lot at that statement and the changed the code to make it 'impossible'?

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: disKret on September 22, 2015, 12:16:14 PM
Didn't people scream a lot at that statement and the changed the code to make it 'impossible'?

They did - encrypting the resources and transmission which stoped old aimbot. For this one they can do shit - anyway looks like they can do shit.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on October 03, 2015, 12:56:05 PM
I saw a few of the new German cruisers being tested in game last night, the T7 Yorck and the T5 Konigsberg.  Whoever WG had playing them was pretty bad, which is par for the course for the "skill" of WG staff playing their own games.


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on October 03, 2015, 01:23:55 PM
Warspite is back on the EU servers at least. For 5 days.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on October 03, 2015, 06:55:13 PM
I managed to get the Fuso and Myoko this weekend and I'm pretty pleased with both of them.  Each one feels like an upgrade from the previous tier which is great because both the Kongo and Aoba are good ships.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on October 03, 2015, 10:49:51 PM
I managed to get the Fuso and Myoko this weekend and I'm pretty pleased with both of them.  Each one feels like an upgrade from the previous tier which is great because both the Kongo and Aoba are good ships.

I'm grinding through Colorado upgrades - it's so different to playing New Mexico but I'm not yet convinced it's as bad as people make out. It seems to take a lot of damage and dish it out up close. It's still a step backward from the Mex though. On my SEA account I'm angling towards Fuso now.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Pendan on October 06, 2015, 05:19:32 PM
I have been just playing a few games each weekend with the bonus X2. I had only lost 1 of first 25 games in PvE. This weekend on Sunday I lost 7 of 11 games played in PvE. Was in top 3 in damage dealt in every loss. One of the losses I had more damage than rest of team combined. It was a really sad day and from what I could tell was different players in every game.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on October 08, 2015, 08:35:20 AM
What is this PVE of which you speak?

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Bungee on October 08, 2015, 08:59:59 AM
What is this PVE of which you speak?

Co-op mode. Team of players vs bots with exactly the same ships as the players.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Merusk on October 08, 2015, 09:28:20 AM
And you feel like total, utter shit when you lose. Weekends during beta were, for me, exactly what Pendan describes.  I couldn't fathom it, because the bots are just so terrible. I'm convinced people were just logging in and running at the other team via. a lame bot or script. Xp while asleep > no xp while asleep, after all.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on October 08, 2015, 09:57:48 AM
I can see using PVE to maybe experiment with a new ship but the XP and credits are so low that a loss in PVP is more lucrative. 

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Merusk on October 08, 2015, 11:17:49 AM
Right, but who's more likely to report botters.

My thoughts, at least.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on October 08, 2015, 12:30:37 PM
Right, but who's more likely to report botters.

My thoughts, at least.

Makes sense, especially if people are doing it to level up and sell accounts.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: 01101010 on October 08, 2015, 01:05:34 PM
Well if you are not all that great, you get more XP per hour playing against bots than other players. Bot game is done at most in 10 minutes, playing PvP + not very good + being on with vrey good players = very few shots on target, little to no kills, little to no xp and not enough coin to cover repairs.

or else sleepwalk thru a bot match for 1/3 xp of a good player in a PvP match that could last twice as long with you being dead for 2/3s of it.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on October 08, 2015, 02:42:18 PM
 I think beyond learning the basic functions of shooting, launching torpedoes and managing air groups you are better off playing PVP no matter how fast you die.  Here's the basic stats from someone I know who has never used premium time, has a beta Arkansas but no other premium ships, has played the Japanese BB, CA and DD lines to tier 3 plus tier 3 in the US DD line.  He complains frequently that he is killed before he can do any serious damage in PVP.  Based on his average xp he'd still be doing better XP wise to play pvp, even if he was only getting in 3 pvp games per hour vs 6 PVE.

PVP 51% WR avg xp 491 avg damage 18k avg tier 3.1
PVE 94% WR avg xp 239 avg damage 30k avg tier 3.6

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on October 08, 2015, 03:27:03 PM
There is another non obvious function for pve though. If you have had 3 or 4 utter shit games and you are starting to feel like raging, you can drop into your favorite ship pr ships and go into a few stress free, fun games against bots to clear your head and chillax.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: satael on October 08, 2015, 11:38:49 PM
Or maybe botting&losing your way through PVE won't affect your stats (like PVP would)?  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on October 09, 2015, 08:51:21 AM
Or maybe botting&losing your way through PVE won't affect your stats (like PVP would)?  :why_so_serious:

True, but you would think that any account with a lower win rate in pve than pvp would be an automatic bot flag.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Nebu on October 09, 2015, 09:58:33 AM
There is another non obvious function for pve though. If you have had 3 or 4 utter shit games and you are starting to feel like raging, you can drop into your favorite ship pr ships and go into a few stress free, fun games against bots to clear your head and chillax.

I'm surprised this game even has a PvE mode.  This is the most relaxed and low key PvP game I've ever played.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on October 09, 2015, 10:09:26 AM
Or maybe botting&losing your way through PVE won't affect your stats (like PVP would)?  :why_so_serious:

You can see peoples PVE stats and ranked battle stats.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on October 09, 2015, 05:41:34 PM
There is another non obvious function for pve though. If you have had 3 or 4 utter shit games and you are starting to feel like raging, you can drop into your favorite ship pr ships and go into a few stress free, fun games against bots to clear your head and chillax.

I'm surprised this game even has a PvE mode.  This is the most relaxed and low key PvP game I've ever played.

It's one of the bigger selling points for me and why I can't get into WoT. This way if I want a bit of fun or to refine my skill with a ship (eg getting a feel for trajectory/leading aim etc) without wrecking someone else's game. I also get a reward (albeit significantly smaller than PvP) or doing so. Yes you can lose if your team goes full retard, but it's rare. Also, a 1.5x win in PvE can equal a regular loss in PvP. So I can grind through my elite ships (my SEA account has every ship to T5) and then jump into some PvP if I feel like it. If WG brought this to WoT I'd be more interested in playing it.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: tmp on October 09, 2015, 05:43:11 PM
I think beyond learning the basic functions of shooting, launching torpedoes and managing air groups you are better off playing PVP no matter how fast you die.
That's the case in my experience. I actually made a mistake of playing something like 50+ pve games first, before having a peek at the PvP part, and the xp is way, way faster in PvP even if you and/or your team completely fails. I suppose it does make it somewhat easier to figure out how much you'd want to lead the targets when shooting them, and when to shoot them etc, but other than that it's probably best left ignored.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Brolan on October 13, 2015, 10:55:58 AM
WoT was rather relaxed in the beginning as well.  That was before win rate and stats became the gods the hardcore worship. 

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on October 14, 2015, 05:07:40 AM
Warspite package up for sale on the Asia server - grabbed it straight away. No sign of it on US though :(

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on October 19, 2015, 11:33:01 PM
New German cruisers and Soviet destroyers are now in game.  I'm really starting to like the T5 German cruiser Konisberg.  In 8 games I'm averaging over 46k damage, with a high of almost 64k, and have sunk 9 ships.  On the other hand, I'm really not digging the Soviet DD line.  3 Km torps?  Under 10 Km gun range?  Garbage so far.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: tmp on October 20, 2015, 09:04:47 AM
On the other hand, I'm really not digging the Soviet DD line.  3 Km torps?  Under 10 Km gun range?  Garbage so far.
They have 10km gun range in tiers where you rarely see other ships break 8-9. Upper tiers they're very much like the American destroyers in this regard, and as such hardly garbage. Configured for range/concealment you can basically rain fire on people the entire match as you please, never even seen.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Pococurante on October 25, 2015, 03:12:59 PM
I'm surprised this game even has a PvE mode.  This is the most relaxed and low key PvP game I've ever played.
My mileage has varried. AFK/leeching, no screening, groups that come in and talk to no one what for everyone to do their job and die, then move in.

I like the game a lot. I imagine this will shake out as people go into OOG guilds.

It's been a nice break from STO.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on November 02, 2015, 12:34:52 PM
Alienware is giving away a bonus code and 2 invite codes here http://na.alienwarearena.com/giveaways/world-of-warships-bonus-code-invite-code-key-giveaway

The invite codes award 7 days of premium, 1000 dabloons and 500k credits but are usable only on new accounts.  Instructions for using the codes are in link.

First come first served on the two I snagged.



Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: hal1 on November 02, 2015, 05:11:58 PM
I gotta say I like this game. I totaly blow goats at it but I like the way it was developed. And I'm not a fps kinda guy but the pacing here is great.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on November 04, 2015, 08:42:32 AM
Patch 0.5.1 goes live tomorrow Nov 5th.  Announcement and patch notes here http://worldofwarships.com/en/news/common/update-051/

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on November 13, 2015, 01:52:08 PM
And a wild Chinese knock off appears.


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Teleku on November 14, 2015, 05:22:15 AM
you may choose 6 types of warships used in the World War II to fight the 16vs16 battles.
Never change, stereotypes.   :awesome_for_real:

Oh god, in their promo cinematic video on steam, they have the USS Iowa power sliding into the side of the Yamato, and shooting it point blank execution style.  Real ultimate navel combat!

I'm downloading this right now for comedy.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on November 14, 2015, 09:31:11 AM
you may choose 6 types of warships used in the World War II to fight the 16vs16 battles.
Never change, stereotypes.   :awesome_for_real:

Oh god, in their promo cinematic video on steam, they have the USS Iowa power sliding into the side of the Yamato, and shooting it point blank execution style.  Real ultimate navel combat!

I'm downloading this right now for comedy.

Don't bother.  I did the same thing yesterday and I can confirm it's garbage.  It even had a few system messages in very bad broken Engrish.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: tmp on November 17, 2015, 03:32:59 PM
And a wild Chinese knock off appears.

But they added submarines! :uhrr:

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: hal1 on November 17, 2015, 05:12:31 PM
There are no subs in the game.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on November 17, 2015, 05:22:18 PM
There are no subs in the game.

Ah...yeah there is.

"Game Features:
Essence of team play: Tactics first

    6 warship types and over 100 famous warships with distinctive features.
    Steel Ocean presents the 6 most representative warships of the modern and contemporary naval system, namely, destroyer, light cruiser, heavy cruiser, battleship, carrier, and particularly the “deep sea killer” – submarine, appearing for the first time."

Not talking about World of Warships here.  It's the cheap Chinese version that just launched on Steam, Steel Ocean.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: hal1 on November 17, 2015, 07:53:22 PM
k cause I patacheed up and loaded wows and theres no sub. And the devs have said there will be no subs. I'm an ex sub sailor and I love sub sims. But wows is a surface combat game.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: WayAbvPar on November 18, 2015, 10:11:03 AM
k cause I patacheed up and loaded wows and theres no sub. And the devs have said there will be no subs. I'm an ex sub sailor and I love sub sims. But wows is a surface combat game.

If you can't be bothered to use capitalization and punctuation, why should anyone bother reading what you write? Please make a better effort to make your posts semi legible.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: hal1 on November 18, 2015, 04:42:46 PM
So the answer is don't post only lurk. And I've been doing that for near 20 years. You get your wish. Grats and stuff.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: angry.bob on November 21, 2015, 02:07:16 PM
Don't give then the satisfaction, they think way too highly of themselves.

The ranked battle system is fucking traumatic. The chances of winning two games in a row to move up a rank are very slim.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Bungee on January 05, 2016, 05:11:32 AM
Love the Missions and Challenges system. I think it's mostly what already is in WoT, but it just works better for me in this game.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Tmon on January 05, 2016, 09:07:22 AM
I like having a goal, although some of the missions kind of skew the game play.  For instance watching a carrier ignore a BB that was capping to completely focus on a cruiser that was no threat to anyone. All because the anime skin Kongo unlock starts with destroying x number of cruisers.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on January 06, 2016, 02:57:22 AM
Yeah they are fun. Just got my premium Kamikaze from running in the Asia server competition. It was a bit of a grind but fun. More importantly, I love its camouflage look, it's fantastic. I'm trying to get into the current comp for the Arpeggio ships - at least the Myoko.

Gratuitous shot of the Kamikaze attached


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on May 20, 2016, 11:08:53 AM
So, still playing this quite a bit and I've finally managed to get my first tier 10 ship, the Soviet cruiser Moskva.  It's been pretty much as I expected it to be, which is hilariously OP in many situations but having nearly the turning radius of a battleship.  I actually had my best game ever damage wise today, 162K+, with over 80k+ being fire damage.  You really need the tier 5 captain skill that reduces visibility plus the concealment upgrade...plus camo...to really make this ship work because it has a stock visibility of 18km, which is worse than some battleships.  Also, getting the demolition expert skill, which increases the chance to cause a fire by 3%, is a must because it brings you up to a 20% chance to cause a fire.  I wouldn't recommend Soviet cruisers if you're a new player but they are fun to play, in a glass cannon that can do a shit load of damage but turns really, really slow kind of way.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on May 24, 2016, 09:46:45 AM
I'm still playing about 1-4 battles a day on this. Its rare to get good fights, win or lose. Sooo many bad players that don't understand basic fleet positioning, even at the high levels. Like a 3 or 4 cap point map where 2 of your battleships end up hunkered up in a corner clutching their handbags while the enemy caps it all.

This is a game I can take in small doses but know that if I play for too long I'm going to get mad as hell.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on May 24, 2016, 04:50:30 PM
I'm still playing about 1-4 battles a day on this. Its rare to get good fights, win or lose. Sooo many bad players that don't understand basic fleet positioning, even at the high levels. Like a 3 or 4 cap point map where 2 of your battleships end up hunkered up in a corner clutching their handbags while the enemy caps it all.

This is a game I can take in small doses but know that if I play for too long I'm going to get mad as hell.

So, just like World of Tanks? :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on May 25, 2016, 04:16:55 AM
99 ships in port - I have a fucking sickness I swear. T9 Iowa and Fletcher are as high as I've gone.

Having said that, I've had some disgusting losing streaks and between that and (some of) the horrible grinds for the ARP ships, I need a break :)

My biggest hate is pushing either as a BB or DD only to find the rest of my team playing long range games. It's not a meta, it's stupidity

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on May 25, 2016, 08:43:58 AM
Sometimes when the whole fleet acts in some relative degree of cohesion, has a conversation as to what needs to be done, and people compliment each other on good shots/torps, it makes it almost worth the nausea of the bad shitfest fights. Almost.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on June 03, 2016, 01:15:33 PM
I've finally reached "my goal" for this game by acquiring the Yamato.  I've only played 7 games in it so far but I'm averaging over 93k damage.  It's guns are as deadly as you might imagine (I deleted a Montana that was over half HP at point blank range), gotten a few destroyer kills with the secondaries and I've gotten the AA up to 93 so it eats planes alive.  It probably turns slower than any BB I've played so far but even that's workable.  So far, the two tier 10 ships I have (Moskva being the other) have been very fun and I haven't yet felt the frustration of tier 10 play.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on August 19, 2016, 01:14:26 PM
So, still playing this.  It's pretty much my main game atm.  As an update, there is now a full German battleship line in game (patched in this week, OMG Bismarck how I love thee :heart:) and a Royal Navy light cruiser line coming soon.  I believe they plan to separate all the cruiser lines for each nation into light and heavy eventually.  Light cruisers have guns with a caliber under 200mm while heavy cruisers with guns over 200mm.  


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on August 21, 2016, 11:02:21 AM
Royal Navy might make me start playing again. I loved the gameplay of the Warspite and stiff upper lip and dibdibdib.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on August 21, 2016, 07:41:39 PM
Royal Navy might make me start playing again. I loved the gameplay of the Warspite and stiff upper lip and dibdibdib.

They buffed the Warspite a bit, improving it's armor and survivability.  Range and turret rotation speed is still it's biggest weaknesses.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on August 24, 2016, 06:01:07 PM
I'm still playing this too as my main game. God knows why.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on August 24, 2016, 06:54:00 PM
Played a few games on this last night. Tried out the early German cruisers and liked them. However I lost all but one of my games, and all for the same reason, I'm waaaay too aggressive. I would always wind up being among the first in the thick of the fight which means I would be among the first to detonate. Kinda frustrating.

Anyway I would have thought they would have upgraded the interface by now, but aside from a very basic search engine its still pretty much the bare bones it had in beta.

So fun to play around with but not very sticky.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on August 25, 2016, 01:47:55 PM
I think I'm up to 111 ships in my harbour on my SEA account, everything up to T7 minimum except for German battleships and US Carriers (T6) and Japanese Carriers (T5). US is at T9 BB and DD and the  rest of my US & IJN ar T8.

I ground through all 6 ARP ships and the new SEA quests for them. I think it's plenty sticky!

BTW, I love the simple UI - it does the job nicely especially now that smoke circles and damage meters are in-game.

My only dislike is team mates in PUGs and being stuck in the ARP port.

I tend to be aggressive too, which is bad on SEA as the meta there is ranged games - but if I get support then we tend to wreck the other side... if!

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on August 28, 2016, 02:50:53 PM
Playing the Bismarck with a full secondary build is  :awesome_for_real: :heart:.  Being able to pummel other ships with secondaries at 10.6 km racks up the damage pretty quickly, usually between 30-40k damage with fires and direct shots in addition to whatever you do you your main guns.  I've probably gotten 20 or so Close Quarters Expert achievements on the Bismarck in the 36 games I've played in it and I'm averaging over 70k damage a game.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on August 29, 2016, 06:46:13 AM
In a moment of weakness I purchased the Scharnhorst. Its great, cept for the dispersion and weak-ish HE shells. I mean, I beaned a Benson 6 times with an HE shell and only whiddled him down to half. I don't mean 6 volleys, but 6 hits with HE. So, basically, cruisers still have the main role of hunting DDs. Scharnhorsts are CA killers, but not DD hunters. Just in case you were considering it.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on August 29, 2016, 07:01:24 PM
In a moment of weakness I purchased the Scharnhorst. Its great, cept for the dispersion and weak-ish HE shells. I mean, I beaned a Benson 6 times with an HE shell and only whiddled him down to half. I don't mean 6 volleys, but 6 hits with HE. So, basically, cruisers still have the main role of hunting DDs. Scharnhorsts are CA killers, but not DD hunters. Just in case you were considering it.

On that note, I wouldn't bother getting the Dunkerque.  It seems significantly weaker than any of the other tier 6 BBs, inc. the other premium ships.  On the other hand, the Bayern is fantastic and a much better ship than it's French counterpart.  I've only played a limited number of game with each but disparity is striking.


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on September 01, 2016, 02:54:41 PM
Don't get me wrong, the Scharnhorst is an amazing ship and I wouldn't take it back.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Sir T on September 19, 2016, 07:01:51 PM

WoWS Q&A – 19th September 2016
2016-09-19 ~ Sebastianul   

Thanks to Babykim, EU

Summary of an interview with Daniil Volkov on Wargaming.FM

1. We plan releasing another branch this year, in addition to the new Japanese destroyers and the British cruisers.

2. In 2017 we plan to release four new branches, and the German carrier Graf Zeppelin.

3. The depot is coming relatively soon.

4. We are seriously looking into the submarines, as they are in popular demand. They will probably not come in 2017, but likely at a later date. One alternative considered is having submarines as bots.

5. The new Japanese destroyers and the British cruisers are scheduled for 0.5.12, if they finish testing in time.

6. We do not like firing from invisibility. Destroyers firing from smoke are fine, but not battleships. We are working to change the gameplay.

7. We are satisfied with the current complexity of gameplay, and would rather make a bit more complex than simpler.

8. We are working on gameplay on high tiers towards less dominance of the battleships and more room for the cruisers.

9. We are not satisfied with the carrier gameplay, and are working on a better interface for them.

10. The lags in port will soon be addressed.

11. This year will see another major rework of the captain skill tree, and an early version of clan functionality.

12. Daily missions will soon be replaced by containers shown at Gamescom 2016.

13. We focus equally on all regions. The Russian market is most difficult, because the immensely popular WoT drains many players form ships to tanks.

14. Our most mature playerbase is in NA (average age 40 years), the youngest in Asia (25-27 years).

Update: The Russian battleships definitely not coming in 2016.

Submarines. And they don't like firing from invisibility.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on September 20, 2016, 10:35:12 AM
By "equally" they mean "fuck SEA" :(

Premium shop is the worst of all the regions and considering it has the youngest population according to their stats, it has the worst meta of "fire from range".

I wish I could transfer my SEA account to the US.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Bungee on October 12, 2016, 04:44:24 AM
Containers will apparently be in the next upcoming patch. Sounds like a nice idea and quite similar to what Hearthstone etc. do. You can buy up to 3 containers per 24h depending on how much XP you accumulated (considering all possible modifiers such as premium account of course) in that 24h time frame and then have some drop chances for flags, credits, doubloons and even ships.

On an unrelated note I can't believe how much I suck with the Zao. I just can't seem to make that ship work for me. Either I'm too aggressive and die instantly or I'm too far back and can't do shit. I never had problems with playing any IJN cruisers or any cruisers at that and am doing quite well with the Pensacola but the Zao just eludes me.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on October 12, 2016, 08:59:28 AM
I just got into the Ibuki not too long ago and I'm having either feast or famine matches with it. I either get unlucky and get citadelled on an evasive turn or I survive the fight all the while doing evasive techniques.

One key factor for me having better matches with the Ibuki (and I imagine the Zao is the same) is to have max camo. That means 5th captain camo skill, the expensive camo modification, and of course the actual lowered visibility camo. This gave me a 'quiet' rage of 9.5 km, essentially allowing me to make round about blitz attacks to then flee with silent guns as soon as someone decides I'm a pest.

I've had the worst match to date, 3xcitadel from a lucky Yamato, and the best, with over 4 kills, 180k damage (team still lost can you believe it).

The torps are something special too. They are quite potent compared to other CA torps, and I suspect that they rival most regular DD torps as well.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Miguel on October 12, 2016, 10:01:17 AM
This game has been nothing but frustration.  I played enough to buy a tier 4 battleship (Wyoming).  Most battles find me being taken apart shell by shell at 12km+ distances before I can even get in to firing range.

The last two games:  me and another battleship close on a single tier 5:  I close to within 11km and fire while turning to broadside.  The target decides to fight the other BB first, so I turn and unload a full broadside 6 times.  Most shells go wide, and each salvo nets 1k to 3k damage.  I managed to whittle him down about half with 36 shells.  He finishes off the first BB, then turns, and fires 5 individual shells about 1 second apart from 8km.  Each shell hits me for 8K, so in about 5 seconds I got from a full 44K health to 1500 health.  I fire another full broadside for 800 damage, then he fires a single shell and sinks me.

Second game, spend 10 minutes to get into the action, and before firing the first shot, an airplane deposits 5 torpedoes 100 feet to my starboard, and down I go.

I'll keep trying.  :uhrr:

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on October 12, 2016, 02:59:21 PM
The thing with broadside shots is that they generally have to go -right- at the waterline to get those juicy citadel hits. This is why when doing a side-by-side fight with another battleship, you do not want to turn away from the fight if at all possible. Turning away raises your broadside out of the water, exposing your soft flank and the enemy, if he's aware of the opportunity, will citadel the living crap out of you. Sounds like that's what happened in the match you describe.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on October 13, 2016, 12:36:26 AM
Benson, Lo Yang and North Carolina seem to be my go-to ships when I'm having a bad run. Iowa, Fletcher can really get nasty but too often I stuff up. Lost 3 in a row and jumped into my Benson and pulld 90K of torps and fire - it's the ship that just jells with me for some reason. North Carolina is the same although I got double Yamato'd in 1 game... 1 Yamato on the enemy side is nast... 2 is murder.

On another note, I need intervention, I may have an addiction, especially as I'm grinding the ARP Takao

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Bungee on October 13, 2016, 01:25:46 AM
I just got into the Ibuki not too long ago and I'm having either feast or famine matches with it. I either get unlucky and get citadelled on an evasive turn or I survive the fight all the while doing evasive techniques.

One key factor for me having better matches with the Ibuki (and I imagine the Zao is the same) is to have max camo. That means 5th captain camo skill, the expensive camo modification, and of course the actual lowered visibility camo. This gave me a 'quiet' rage of 9.5 km, essentially allowing me to make round about blitz attacks to then flee with silent guns as soon as someone decides I'm a pest.

I've had the worst match to date, 3xcitadel from a lucky Yamato, and the best, with over 4 kills, 180k damage (team still lost can you believe it).

The torps are something special too. They are quite potent compared to other CA torps, and I suspect that they rival most regular DD torps as well.

Zao indeed plays the same in that she's supposed to be stealthy (I got the camo skill and module mounted). It took a while for me to get it going with the Ibuki and it worked OKish (55% winrate but only 45k avg damage). Zao has much better guns, practically rail guns. The torps however you can forget about as the angles are just shit and the range is much lower than on the Ibuki. Again, I don't get wth I'm doing wrong (74k avg dmg which is below average recorded for the Zao, 44% winrate).

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Miguel on October 17, 2016, 01:18:37 PM
Thanks for the tips!  I'm just going to slog through tier 4, as I've read that the US BB lines start to get more accurate/fun at tier 5.

I've had better luck over the last 20 or so battles by just following behind the other battleships and only engaging from maximum range.  Like fire starting at 12km, then turn away once the target gets closer than 10km.  Hits are much harder due to the wide dispersion, but I've found at maximum ranges, the high dispersion can be an asset when firing HE at destroyers, since the shells blanket a fairly large area anyways.  :grin:

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on October 17, 2016, 05:10:19 PM
All good observations, but I have to warn you, as you get higher tier, its pretty much AP all the way with BBs, with the possible exception of the Sharnhorst, but that's another matter. The American line is a great line for BBs. Well they are all great, for the most part. Some doozies in there, but they are unavoidable.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on October 18, 2016, 12:34:31 AM
North Carolina if you want to watch CVs steer clear of you. The AA is absolute murder on anything with wings silly enough to come close. If you have a good game then it is a fantastic ship.

For once I left the AA on my Benson on because I had a CV constantly spotting me... 22 plane kills later... I think I'll leave it on all the time.

Got my ARP flag and Commander "Gunzo Chihaya" (+10 Skill Points) and am still grinding for the Takao. Also got a 3rd Iona for some reason.

At least I'm not having to light fires this time.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on December 11, 2017, 07:20:12 PM
They're running a program right now that donates money to the preservation of the USS Texas, which was damaged during the hurricanes last summer, while at the same time provide in game goodies to new players and veterans.  For every new player that plays at least one battle at tier 4, Wargaming will donate $25 to the Battleship Texas Foundation.  They've already raised over $280k for the foundation to date with a previous promotion.  You can use the referral link below to get some of the free stuff, inc. 2 free premium ships, one of which is the USS Texas, which is a decent tier 5 ship.  TLDR, play up to tier 4, get some free ships and help with the restoration of a historical battleship.



Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Brolan on March 03, 2018, 06:54:06 AM
I got a quick question on this.  If I’m a destroyer and you are a battleship you want me to drive past you a drop a smoke screen, correct?   I’m not making it harder for you to shoot, right?

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Strazos on March 04, 2018, 06:18:37 AM
correct - cuts down on detection radius I think.

Also useful when the BB is trying to disengage.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on March 04, 2018, 10:54:46 AM
I got a quick question on this.  If I’m a destroyer and you are a battleship you want me to drive past you a drop a smoke screen, correct?   I’m not making it harder for you to shoot, right?

If no one on your team is outside your smoke and able to spot the enemy ships, then your teammates won't be able see them.  Usually, though, dropping smoke in front of your BB's is a good idea.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Brolan on March 04, 2018, 04:28:17 PM
I got my first carrier, the Langley.  After two disastrous outings I finally got my first win. 

Holy smokes, carriers are a whole other game by themselves.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Setanta on March 04, 2018, 10:51:16 PM
I got my first carrier, the Langley.  After two disastrous outings I finally got my first win. 

Holy smokes, carriers are a whole other game by themselves.

I've taken carriers up to T7 in the US and T6 IJN. I refuse to take them any further. Then again with 6 T10 ships under my belt, I've given up on the game. It's painful.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Engels on March 16, 2018, 12:14:35 PM
I'm still playing this, if anyone wants to division up, I have the same username in game. Also, BBs no longer chan fire from smoke as effectively; the enemy has to be waaaaaaaaaaaay far away to get to shoot and still not be spotted in smoke. Smoke on a cruiser is still worth it for the cruiser to shoot from, but a BB would mostly use it as a place to wait in gun silence safely while the heal timer refreshes.

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Ginaz on September 18, 2018, 09:09:18 PM
Seems like subs are coming in 2019, for real.  They're also changing the way carriers work drastically.


Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Nebu on September 19, 2018, 07:25:06 AM
Subs will attract new players, but will not be good for the game.  I'm calling it now. 

Title: Re: World of Warships
Post by: Brolan on September 23, 2018, 09:41:25 AM
The carrier changes shown are profoundly stupid.  Instead of a ship commander you are a squadron commander as you endlessly swoop in and attack. And attack in a ludicrous way because your squadron of 12 will swoop in and attack but only 3 will drop their ordinance.  Those 3 will leave after the attack to re-arm while the remaining 9 will do it over again by threes until everyone is empty or shot down.