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Topic: 1.05 is here - Perfect time to come back. (Read 190931 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
The criminal system works very well in Conan. In UO being a criminal was fun, in Conan is not and no one wants to be one. What happens in Tortage is just PvP driving school and usually whoever is into PvP just love it. Questers/Achievers, Sunday Gankers, Batteground Whores and PvP-curious do not apply.
Still, I am not advocating any sense of superiority here, as it all boils down to playstyle: if you are into questing and having the number next to your level go up then go PvE. If you are into action competitive games with less skill needs than a FPS but a more open and achievement-driven world then go PvP.
Conan PvE : Conan PvP = Call of Duty coop : Call of Duty multiplayer
Call of Duty coop is a GREAT game. Some just prefer the deathmatch/team based part.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982
The criminal system works very well in Conan. In UO being a criminal was fun, in Conan is not and no one wants to be one. What happens in Tortage is just PvP driving school and usually whoever is into PvP just love it. Questers/Achievers, Sunday Gankers, Batteground Whores and PvP-curious do not apply.
Still, I am not advocating any sense of superiority here, as it all boils down to playstyle: if you are into questing and having the number next to your level go up then go PvE. If you are into action competitive games with less skill needs than a FPS but a more open and achievement-driven world then go PvP.
Conan PvE : Conan PvP = Call of Duty coop : Call of Duty multiplayer
Call of Duty coop is a GREAT game. Some just prefer the deathmatch/team based part.
I see, so translation; "What are all these carebears doing in my Age of Conan!". I see the game hasn't changed much if not being able to walk 10 feet without a prison gang waiting for you is the tutorial that just happens to continue unto 80. Coming from someone who actually did play Call of Duty I don't remember the wolves vs hapless sheep being any part of the game.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2126
Well I leveled my TOS to 26 and my necro to 22, observations:
In general I play open world by a pretty simple "tough-but-fair" rule: I will not attack you if you do not attack me, but if you do attack me and we are similar level I will spend the next 3 hours making sure you are looking over your shoulder (or until you leave the zone).
No one attacked my necro except other necros, it was pretty funny.
On my tempest I saw more action, as expected I was only attacked by groups or folks 5+ levels higher than me. It wasn't too bad and I was able to PvE pretty consistently with only a few interruptions here and there (most amusing was a level 31 assassin who kept attacking me when I was 23 and I killed him several times, he finally brought me down while I was engaged with 2 other mobs). That may be a function of playing 2 of the OP classes, but meh.
I didn't have any situations where I was being camped by someone drastically higher in level then me (other than the assassin).
Having said that I get the impression open PvP really doesn't add anything to the game but annoyance. You lose absolutely nothing by getting killed in the open world (except the time it takes to trudge back to where you were. There are few "good fights" with most folks only willing to engage when they have a clear advantage. Maybe that all changes when you hit 80... Still though the fights were fun and I learned a lot about tactics in this game (o hi "if-you-are-losing-run-away-until-you-stealth" and "run-around-a-static-object-until-you-drop-combat-and-can-stealth" and "send-pets-in-and-run-away").
I am interested n seeing keep/bg warfare though, but the impression I got is that those were on PvE servers as well. I will stay on the PvP server but I completely understand why folks do not want to deal with the headache, open PvP adds very little to this game.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 06:21:52 AM by amiable »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
There are few "good fights" with most folks only willing to engage when they have a clear advantage. Welcome to open pvp servers. For a bunch of players that claim to be "hardcore", most will only initiate combat if they have a clear advantage or are in a group.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
open PvP adds very little to this game.
You said it yourself Amiable, you don't attack unless they attack you. Your PvP is purely survivalism, you don't think it's funny to engage other players, to be the aggressor. NOT THE GANKER, the aggressor, meaning I see a fair fight and I start it. From what you write Amiable, looks to me like you play to grow and explore and enjoy the occasional random PvP. On the other hand, the people who enjoy the open PvP of Age of Conan like the opposite: they like to PvP in a growing, open world where questing and leveling is only a part of the process which leads to fight humans over artificial intelligences. Many here can't stand being bothered while killing ten fucking rats. Well, I can't stand just killing ten fucking rats, so anyone who wants a piece of me while I enjoy my solo "quests" is welcome. I spent about 190 levels over multiple characters only starting fair fights (that's my style) and defending from uncountable unfair ones. I find both situations enjoyable and I think the opportunity to fight other humans anywhere anytime as the only way to add to the monotony of fighting mobs (luckily, PvP is fun per se). If I were playing a game to level up, then I would certainly perceive open PvP as you defined it: an annoyance. If, as I am and some others are too, the game itself is about fighting, both mobs and players, then having the most random kind of opportunities is a great addition to it, while having only a certain kind of predictable events in the open world would be THE annoyance. Again, not advocating any superiority. Only respectable differences in playstyle. But saying open pvp doesn't add anything to the (PvE) game would be like me saying quests don't add anything to the (PvP) game: you are centering that comment on your own playstyle. And whoever can't see wolves and sheeps in a FPS is an idiot.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2009, 06:47:05 AM by Falconeer »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2126
And whoever can't see wolves and sheeps in a FPS is an idiot.
Well FPS's are a different sort of game and demand a different playstyle. But point is noted I am a bit of a carebear in these types of games (except for EVE where I was happily a merciless prick). Baaaaahhhhh!!!!! I think it would be more fun if level disparity didn't create a situation where it's a 5 year old girl vs. zombi Jesus, but meh.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982
The last time I checked their wasn't roaming gank squads in tf2. Please don't use your backwater definition of pvp to describe anything that is not an mmo, your just embarrassing yourself.
Posts: 1608
Hellfire Games
Conan PvE : Conan PvP = Call of Duty coop : Call of Duty multiplayer
Call of Duty coop is a GREAT game. Some just prefer the deathmatch/team based part.
Without wanting to derail this thread TOO much, I play CoD4 deathmatch every day (it's how we close out the day at work). One of the reasons I enjoy it is that someone 30 levels above me dies just as quickly to a well-aimed Dragunov shot. This is not the case for bored gankers 30 levels above me in AoC.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2126
To be fair I've played a good bit over the past week and haven't tun into any "organized gank squads." That may change as I continue to level but right now I do not see the random PvP as that much of a problem (and it helps alleviate some of the tedium of the typical PvE game).
The other nice thing about a PvP server is that in general the quality of PvP tends to be better as PvP servers attract the more PvP-focused people. I like playing against good folks because it forces me to be a better player along with forcing me to spend a lot of time in the graveyard. But I completely understand if that is not everyones cup of tea.
Posts: 1608
Hellfire Games
On Agony there seemed to be one guild (Aesir) that was specifically a gank/PK guild that specialized in griefing lower level characters. It may have been just my experience, but once I got out of Tortage I wasn't the only one bitching about them. It may also have been because I was a necro and people just didn't like necros 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1854
The other nice thing about a PvP server is that in general the quality of PvP tends to be better 
"Who uses Outlook anyway? People who get what they deserve, that's who." - Ard.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982
The other nice thing about a PvP server is that in general the quality of PvP tends to be better 
Posts: 60350
On Agony there seemed to be one guild (Aesir) that was specifically a gank/PK guild that specialized in griefing lower level characters. It may have been just my experience, but once I got out of Tortage I wasn't the only one bitching about them. It's easier to sit in white sands at 20-25 and get the first 3 levels of PVP for the PVP gear than it is to go anywhere else and do it. It's a flaw in design, not a flaw in guild structure.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
With the criminal system in play it doesn't happen often, at all, that anyone more than 8 levels your senior attacks you. As I said, becoming criminal is a major annoyance no one wants to bear. Of course it may happen but it's not common at all. Can't say about Agony, but the criminal system basically works like this: whenever you gank a lowbie (8 levels difference) you are putting a crosshair on your head AND as soon as you get killed you will be sent somewhere else to grind until you are clean. Who likes to grind? Now groups of many against you, loner, that happens a lot. And that's where you are supposed to PvP, get a (pickup) group, and fight back. If you don't take up on a challenge then of course it's the wrong server for your playstyle.
Level difference matters in Age of Conan but much less than any other MMORPG. Me and my friends, a party of 5, used to kill level 80s when we were 20 something (before Criminal system was in effect). In Conan strength is in numbers, not in levels. That's why I like to draw comparisons with FPS. Of course it's not the same, but it's closer than you think. Barring the rare Criminals, everyone else is basically killable as long as you have the numbers and, much more important, the skill. I am not saying you can win all battles, just saying you can win many more than you think at first.
Age of Conan is a lot about skill, so without pointing fingers (I have like 2500 kills AND 3500 deaths on my barb, my fingers are old and slow), many of you are confusing lack of skill with a broken system. When you first enter(ed) Counterstrike you get killed by everyone over and over, and over. And yet over (unless you are on a clownshoes server). And if you keep going for the hostages, or the bomb, all by yourself, you will get killed more. Playing as a group, learning your enemy snipers spots, hiding places recognizing footsteps are all things needed to survive, good aim is not enough. Learning how to PvP is a major thing in Conan, and that's why for some it is so rewarding even without proper in-game rewards. Not as skill based as a FPS, but not as slow and automatic as your average MMORPG. That takes many off balance.
A story: on our second run in Age of Conan (first one, sigh, on a PvE server) on Fury there was a dedicated and hated ganking guild, Gank 'n Spank (go figure). They weren't hundreds, but they were playing ONLY to gank, no other reason. They were funny people and I think they were basically roleplaying without noticing, and that was cool in my opinion, especially in a game where dying means nothing. Me and my friends decided that our game was to fight them, declared war, went on the forums to boast and did all those kind of things that are SO Bat Country (see: EVE, The West, etc.). Global chat was involved too, and basically the feud became loud enough to be something that drew new allies and new enemies. Now, my guild was 7 members. Seven. And we started our War with Gank n Spank at level 9, in the Underhalls. Eventually, they dissolved for internal reasons when we were around lev 60 and some of their members (they were like 30 at their peak) asked to join us when the dust cleared! (application refused) Now, of course we kept leveling, questing, and playing even solo whenever possible. But the war with Gank n' Spank with its million deaths on both sides has been one of the best things in my post 2004 MMORPG experience.
What's the bottom line? - If you like to fight other people AND growing a character while you do it then go to a PvP server. - If you like to grow a character AND fight other players while you do it then go on a different game cause there's closer to no PvP at all on Conan's PvE servers.
Finally, if you just like PvE, I guess there are better games out there.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 395
Once split a 12.5lb burger with a friend.
I was actually surprised to find out that levels are not the deciding factor in a fight, at least a 1v1. When jumped last night by someone 6 or 8 levels my superior (don't recall exactly), I damn near won. Now, 3 mobs joined the fray and started beating us both and I don't know how that factored in, but the point is noob me, with my green gear, had a chance. Also haven't experienced a gank squad yet. The biggest trouble I have so far is trying to survive more that 3 mobs at once. So we'll see, but for now I'm sticking with it.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982
To me you (falconeer) just describe the difference between pro boxing and street fights. One you pay to see another you throw a dollar between two hobbies and watch the mayhem ensue. AoC reminds me too much of petty street fights and less like pro boxing and if AoC is the close to the pinnacle of pvp as far as mmo's are concerned then I'm close to giving up on thinking mmo-pvp can be at the same level of a tf2 orange X server..
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1854
whenever you gank a lowbie (8 levels difference) you are putting a crosshair on your head AND as soon as you get killed you will be sent somewhere else to grind until you are clean. Didn't happen to me when I ganked targets 20 levels lower. All I got were some murder points but that's it. Could still use the regular traders and caravans.
"Who uses Outlook anyway? People who get what they deserve, that's who." - Ard.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
Murder points only go away with grinding. When you reach 100 you are a murderer and the above described things apply. To get to 100 I think you need like 4 or 5 lowbie kills, meaning you won't go on a killing spree over and over. Sure you can gank one or two, but then you have to stop or move over.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2126
The other nice thing about a PvP server is that in general the quality of PvP tends to be better  I stand by that statement, in experience in games with PvP and PvE oriented servers (WoW, WAR) the competition and level of play tends to be better on PvP servers. That's just a personal opinion, I could be wrong.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
I stand by that statement, in experience in games with PvP and PvE oriented servers (WoW, WAR) the competition and level of play tends to be better on PvP servers.
That's just a personal opinion, I could be wrong.
Wasn't the case in DAoC. The pvp on Mordred was abysmal. Maybe DAoC is an outlier.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Eh, it's ok. Got my Conq to around level 7 or 8, had another CTD with a graphics error around level 4. Sucks because I was getting 50-60 fps with everything maxed and I don't really feel like dicking with the options to try and isolate which one wasn't playing nice with my gpu. So I've got it running in refried ass mode.
Like most mmo, I don't really see much reason to invest time into this one when I already have a bunch of characters in EQ2, it doesn't really bring anything to the table imo, except maybe some decent solo options with the night portions? Also, the UI blows. Sparkly loot bags? Heh.
On the good side, the characters look cool. My Conq is suitably me-looking (fiancee quote "Surprise, you made another guy that looks like you"), I played around and made a nice evil-looking demonologist (good craggy faces) and an Bill Compton-looking dark templar.
Posts: 1608
Hellfire Games
You probably should get a character to 10-15 before writing it off. Melee characters especially - once you start hitting 3 to 4 enemies at a time with a roundhouse sword swing and lopping off heads. Prior to that the game's still in a tutorial.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1854
Isn't melee damage divided between targets?
"Who uses Outlook anyway? People who get what they deserve, that's who." - Ard.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
You probably should get a character to 10-15 before writing it off. Melee characters especially - once you start hitting 3 to 4 enemies at a time with a roundhouse sword swing and lopping off heads. Prior to that the game's still in a tutorial.
Oh, I haven't really written it off completely. It's fun and I do have a big axe to swing. The fatalities are cool as heck. I'll have to look into a UI mod, I can see it getting much worse as time goes on. Spoiled because EQ2 has a nice modular UI by default, that works very well with hdtv and overscan. And the graphics thing bothers me, it runs fine for a while (like 45 minutes, maybe?) and then crashes and utterly kills the graphics driver, forcing a reboot.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2126
Question: Are there more minigame pops on a PvE server? I am frustrated that I have only gotten into a single minigame and I have been queing up for them constantly.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982
No cross server ques so enjoy the wait 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2126
No cross server ques so enjoy the wait  Yes, but there is no population imbalance so everyone is drawn from the same side. The problem seems to be that folks will not queue up.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6009
wants a greif tittle
No cross server ques so enjoy the wait  Yes, but there is no population imbalance so everyone is drawn from the same side. The problem seems to be that folks will not queue up. The problem is Agony. The server is very very underpopulated. I have been spending some time on Cimmeria, because thats where my original character are, and I was getting in minigames left and right. Also, there are people all over the place, its really refreshing. But, I did some questing on my 55 HoX and my 26 ToS, and multiple times people just ran past me out in the wild. I think I actually had less issues with ganking on the more populated Cimmeria than on Agony. I am strongly considering moving over to Cimmeria full time. It almost feels like a different game when there is enough population to fill the world.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1854
And the graphics thing bothers me, it runs fine for a while (like 45 minutes, maybe?) and then crashes and utterly kills the graphics driver, forcing a reboot.
If the problem is muddy textures, waiting for the character at the selection screen to fully load before entering the game usually fixes the issue. There's also a suggestion in their forums recommending the deletion of a shader.cache file, found in the game's folder.
"Who uses Outlook anyway? People who get what they deserve, that's who." - Ard.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
No graphical problems, other than the ubiquitous flickering dx9 shadows. Game looks nice.
It just decides to lock up for a few minutes after I've been playing for a bit and unload the graphics driver, forcing a reboot. Runs great after the reboot...for a while. Nothing I found on their site addresses it, I'll make sure I have up-to-date drivers, but not much else to go on.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3807
For those with some 'iffy' performance: As soon as you log in, hit control-alt-c twice. For whatever reason, the default multicore CPU support is bugged. So you have to put it in single core mode, then back into multicore mode. Might give you some relief (as well as about a 10-30 percent FPS increase depending on how many cores your CPU has).
Also, Sky: Classes really don't come into their own until level 20. Some don't until 30 (ToS comes to mind). Tortage takes about 8 to 10 hours (about 4-5 hrs, if you know what you're doing and catass it). They really should have just made 1-20 'invisible' for Tortage and started you off at level 1 in your starter city with a full set of skills. Then level from 1-60 after Tortage. Rogues have the easiest time through (or used to, I'm not 100 percent on that since I've not played 1-20 since 1.05). Ranger could blow through it all in no time. 1-70 on a Ranger is blazingly fast, with it slowing down once you reach 70, unless you spec xBow for the pseudo-AoE.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2009, 03:23:13 PM by SnakeCharmer »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1059
Isn't melee damage divided between targets?
Nope. If you have a sword that does 10 damage, it will do 10 damage to every mob in its swing arc.
"'ll still be here trying to act cool while actually being a bored and frustrated office worker with a vibrating anger-valve puffing out internet hostility." - Falconeer "That looks like English but I have no idea what you just said." - Trippy
Posts: 60350
Haven't been ignoring AoC guys. Just had my hands full with my new computer, my game launch, and some other things. Will be back shortly. Sorry about the sudden disappearance.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
Isn't melee damage divided between targets?
Heh, Funcom read this thread and answered you Hind. This on test server since yesterday. Will hit live next week. * Your primary target will now always take 100% of the damage of your melee attacks when hitting multiple targets. This was raised from 75% and applies both in PvE and PvP settings.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
Rest of the update: Update 1.05.3 Notes Update Notes for Update 1.05.3 **These notes do not necessarily reflect the final version that will be deployed on Live**
GENERAL * Using Path of Asura now puts Path of Comrades on cooldown, as intended. * Old Tarantia : Lisi Rat-friend has opened a small business in Old Tarantia selling rodents she's collected to any aspiring pet owners, from little field mice to fat alley rats. * When creating a character, a new class is now not randomly selected if you switch gender and culture (As long as the new culture is allowed to be that class). * Ymir's Pass: Fixed some tower ladders that were impossible to climb down. * Fixed a bug that prevented these quests from resolving properly : The Calm Before the Storm (Ymir's Pass), To Send a Message (Eiglophian Mountains), and Enslaved and Abused (Thunder River). * Mouseturn to rotate your character will only rotate your camera while rooted. * Autofacing target when hitting on your target is disabled while rooted.
COMBAT * Target must be in front of you at the end of the spellcast for spells that require a target. * Tweaked transitions between directional attacks for 2H blunt and 2h edged weapons. * Increased the damage dealt by all combos with a damage over time effect. These combo lines now also share a cooldown. This includes: - Conqueror: Bloodbath - Assassin: Slow Death Strike - Ranger: Flesh Ripper and Bleeding Puncture - Barbarian: Jagged Cut - Bear Shaman: Internal Bleed - Herald of Xotli: Burn to Death * Slightly reduced the damage of Demonologist and Necromancer pets. * Characters should no longer be able to rotate (turn on the spot) while spellweaving. * Your primary target will now always take 100% of the damage of your melee attacks when hitting multiple targets. This was raised from 75% and appiles both in PvE and PvP settings.
CLASSES ASSASSIN * Increased the duration of Toxic Venom and Dread Venom effects from the Slow Death Strike combo. * Reduced the cooldown of Slow Death Strikes to 10 seconds. * Increased the proc rate of Lotus Weapons to 100%. * Increased the damage of the Lotus Weapons damage over time effect. * Added an initial damage tick to each stack of Lotus Weapons. * Increased the offhand chance bonus granted by Assassination. * Health thresholds for Assassination and Swift Ending changed to 75/65/55/45/35% instead of 50/40/30/20/10%. * Investing feat points into Flurry of Blows now increases the duration by .5 seconds per point after the first. * Removed the cast time from Curse of the Lotus. This ability should now activate instantly.
BARBARIAN * Increased the duration of the Jagged Cut damage over time effect to 6 seconds. * Reduced the cooldown of Jagged Cut to 10 seconds.
BEAR SHAMAN * Increased the duration of the Internal Bleed damage over time effect to 6 seconds.
CONQUEROR * Increased the duration of the Bloodbath damage over time effect to 6 seconds.
DEMONOLOGIST * Reduced the base damage of all spells. * Shock Lance now consumes 4 stacks of Empowered Shock Lance (was 2).
GUARDIAN * Overreach will no longer give the Guardian a damage reduction when used. * Brutal Overreach has been changed to 'Brutal Blows' and will now increase the critical hit chance of Dulling Blow in addition to its current function. * Swift Overreach has been changed to 'Prowess' and will now be a damage increase to both Overreach and Dulling Blow instead of reducing the penalty time of Overreach.
HERALD OF XOTLI * Increased the duration of the Burn to Death damage over time effect to 6 seconds.
NECROMANCER * Fixed a bug where the bonus from Despoil the Soul was being applied to pets. * Reduced the base damage of all spells. * The drain effect of the Blighted One pets has been rebalanced to be more in line with other player mana burn abilities.
PRIEST OF MITRA * Immortal Spirit has been changed to 'Immortal Wrath.' Immortal Wrath is a new spell that when activated, reduces the casting time and mana cost of Smite and Mitra's Searing Eye. Rebuke and Cleansing Fire become instant cast and also cost less mana. This effect lasts for 15 seconds and has a 2 minute cooldown. * Multiple changes have been done to the Vengeance tree to augment Mitra's Searing Eye and give it a more solid place in the vengeance priest damage rotation: * Damage of Mitra's Searing Eye increased, and attack range increased to 20m * Empowered Hand of Mitra now additionally increases attack range of Mitra's Searing Eye by an additional 2/5m. * Holy Accession now reduces the mana cost of Mitra's Searing Eye * The feats Spell - Immortal Wrath and Spell - Manifestation of Mitra now also passively increase the damage of Mitra's Searing Eye. * Ranks 2 and 3 of Sacred Fire each add an additional second to the duration of the dot effect. * The cone range of Cleansing Fire has been increased from 6m to 12m. * When you have Arch-Guardian trained and cast Mitra's Searing Eye on a target affected by the dot effect from your Sacred Fire, you have a 33/66/100% (based on the number of points spent in Sacred Fire) to gain the Sacred Guardian effect. This makes your next Smite instant cast, mana free, but unable to crit and deal lower damage.
TEMPEST OF SET * Reduced the base damage of all spells. * Resonance damage can now also be triggered from Vital Shock, Lightning Sparks (once per cast) and from your Cyclones of Set.
MOUNTS * The Mammoth Sweep and Rhino Sweep abilities should now be working again.
NPCS * Mobs in the Border Range should now respawn faster. * Some mobs have grown tired of running, and are now moving around at a more relaxed pace. * All normal group monsters and minions (but not bosses) below level 65 have had a reduction to their damage. * Monsters of level higher than 80 will now do less damage and take more damage. This is especially apparent for level 83 monsters. * Xibaluku: Iziel-Al'zeep's Divine Mirror will now correctly reflect characters below level 80. * Xibaluku: The Martyr of Votantha encounter has had an exploit fixed, as well as the overall difficulty reduced. * Ymirs Pass : Old Buck should not ignore his trap anymore.
PLAYER CITIES * The whore dialogue now consistently asks for 15 silver, the correct price for her services. * Gate banners should now no longer linger after upgrading the gate building. * Purple Lotus Swamp: The stairs of the central temple will no longer become swarmed with snakes. * All guild city tier 2 tradeposts now support a tradeskill supply vendor.
PVP * Capture the skull: Players should now get properly interrupted if they get hit while trying to pickup the skull. Slightly increased the time required to pickup the skull. * The effect of stacking 2 and 3 shields in the same direction has been lowered in PvP.
RAIDS * Players should always end up in the same raid instance now. * Vistrix will now drop Tier 1 belts in addition to previous drops. * All Tier 1 bosses will now drop Tier 1 weapons. * Raid Tier 1 trash will now have a small chance of dropping Tier 1 belts, gloves, wrists, shoulders and boots. * Chatha the Demon Lord and Leviathus will now drop one extra Tier 2 weapon. * Sabazios the Insane will now drop Tier 2 shoulders in addition to existing drops. * Raid Tier 2 trash will now have a small chance of dropping Tier 2 belts, gloves, wrists, shoulders and boots. * The mobs in the Chatha encounter should be less likely to fall through the floor. * Ahazu-Zagam : Reduced the damage of the Ahazu-Verin.
TRADESKILLS * Increased stack size of dropped alchemist resources. * Some crafted bows had more range than intended. This has been corrected. * Shard of the Exiled God now stacks.
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