Topic: It pains me to say it, but FFXI has actually improved. (Read 106124 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
| is a good way to figure out what to fish/farm. Looks like Moat Carp don't do very well these days though I'd double check an in-game AH to be sure.
The FFXI economy has a lot of deflation these days for a few reasons: most people have what they need out of the lower level stuff, RMT bannings, end-game activities take money to enter, etc. The price on virtually everything is dropping and has been for some time.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5281
Geeze, all of this talk about FFXI has me half convinced to resubscribe for a month or two to see what's changed.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
They are doing the "Return to Vana'Diel" thing where they can revive old chars so now would be a good time.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 64
I did that to see if my old Dragoon is still around from 2003 and I suppose I lucked out since he was. Bastards charged me $30, though; not sure why.
Quite tempted at first to reroll a new galka character, but damn is downtime in the game still slow. Completely killed my incentive. There's something about the weapon abilities, cutscenes, and music that is luring and always tempts me when I'm not playing (gd nostalgia), but fuck if I can justify the grind for it. I'll likely give leveling another attempt this weekend and see if the Dunes are active; my concern isn't so much about soloing as it's whether or not there is anyone to reliable (as in, within sitting around for hours LFG) to group with randomly. I rode my Dragoon around for a while and a lot of areas looked dead.
From the websites I checked, the new XP rings and healer/tank/dps 'pet' you can acquire seem like helpful additions.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
Don't re-roll, you'll hate yourself for it. Race doesn't really matter.
Drg/Whm is a pretty good solo combination, though I'm not sure at what levels. Since 2003 Dragoon has been improved a lot, you can heal your pet and call it more often (every 20 minutes as opposed to 2 hours) and 2-handed weapons got a boost. (well, a boost after a big nerf to Pentathrust...)
XP ring can be gotten from the guards in town, are nice. Also if you got the anniversery ring that kicks ass. (Double XP) I don't think you can get the NPC helper until level 30 or so.
The big problem with levelling now is that so many people are high level there just aren't many people to group with at lower levels. A new expansion is coming out with new jobs in a few months, that should increase the number of low-level jobs looking for groups a lot. When the last expanion came out the lowbie areas were pretty busy with 30 blue mages running around in them...
Also don't be afraid to form your own groups, that really is the key to consistent parties. Don't just LFG, form your own, and remember that a group of 3 or 4 people is still pretty good these days.
I'm on Ramuh by the way if anyone who reads this thread is on Ramuh and needs help.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
I had no problems finding a group in the dunes, plenty of people are leveling new jobs at any given time. One nice thing about the game, the steady churn of the entire playerbase through all of the level ranges keeps the newbies from winding up completely alone while everyone else on the server's in the endgame areas.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 868
I looked for a trial or something but didn't get anything. Is there any way I could try this without buying a box?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
Pretty sure the answer is no.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
There's a $2 one month trial. Not sure what you have to do to upgrade that to a live account though.
If you can read this, you're on a board populated by misogynist assholes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5281
The game itself is cheap anyway. 19.99 for the game and all of the expansions includes 30 days I think.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
They're selling trial DVDs in Gamestops, I think it was five bucks, came with the game and expansions and a month subscription. The trick is that when the month's up the license keys expire, so you need to go buy the full game and use the registration codes from it to continue playing. Which is the same deal as the WoW trial disks, so it's not a scam or anything, but prospective buyers should be aware.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
I bought the retail box of the game today to continue past the trial month and it came with a one-month buddy pass; anyone who wants it can have it. Gamestop has put the trial DVDs on sale for two bucks, so honestly you might find it's a better deal to just pay the money and avoid the hassle of downloading the client, but the offer's out there for anyone who wants it.
I've been steadily surprised at how thoroughly helpful the players are; strangers have practically been falling over themselves to help me out with quests and getting around. Earlier today a member of a party that I was in handed me thousands of gil worth of equipment, told me to mail it back to him when I was done with it, and left. I couldn't even conceive of loaning some random person in a PUG in WoW lots of valuable stuff, it'd be on the auction house before you could blink. It's almost creepy seeing high-level people wander into low-level areas and start healing all the lowbies for an hour, that sort of behavior's really the opposite of what I've come to expect from MMOGs. Back in EQ, occasionally a high-level person would come and camp in the newbie zones and help out, but it was rare back then and I never once saw it happen in WoW.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5281
Forced grouping builds a strong community. I saw that stuff beginning to happen last time I reactivated my account a couple of years ago. It sounds like it's even more common now.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1246
Games like this tend to weed out the tards. Anyone who sticks with FFXI or EQ or what-have-you will generally be a much more mature player. It's good to know that the whole MMOGsphere hasn't de-evolved into a mass of jibbering idiots telling Chuck Norris jokes. (although I love a good CN joke) I've occasionally logged into EQ with my druid or BL and showered buffs and money on people in Crushbone. It makes the day a little brighter for everyone.
I was drinking when I wrote this, so sue me if it goes astray.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
Also people are used to hardship in this game thus they have sympathy for others. Whenever I pass a lowbie I heal them and cast protect on them, and if I'm looking for a group with nothing to do I'll gladly heal people for a while.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Posts: 6817
No lie.
Yeah, it takes a real man -- kids won't let themselves get kicked in the balls more than once or twice before giving up.
it's true though; once you get past the ball-busting gauntlet, you know that the only people who are left have also had the fortitude to get through it too.
I suppose in a way it lessens the burning, shooting pain.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1246
Yeah, after 'Congratulations! You've improved at having your cock stabbed (255)', you tend to feel no more pain and actively try to help others reach the max level with as little pain to them as necessary.
I was drinking when I wrote this, so sue me if it goes astray.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
The grind is the grind, and the changes in FF have brought its grind fairly in line with WoW or any other MMOG. The only trick at this point is that instead of soloing for seventy hours you group for seventy hours.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
lol nah im still alive. Ive just been busy with RL crap.
I have said all along that travel issues have been fixed. Outpost warp fixed this... and it is very easy to do the outpost warp quests.
SE did a damn good job with the 2hander fix... which made me, a DRK main very happy.
On my server, I can say 80% of the RMT have been removed. Truth is, a lot of my Gil, was generated by RMT buying my goods... Now Gil is so rare... and the trade skill system has been destroyed because there is no reason to do it... In the past, I could just garden and be a middle man, now if I want to actually make gil, I have to go out and gather the stuff (IE Farm, which with heavy RMT, you could never do).
In regards to the complaint about the textures being poor. Well you need to customize your settings. A stock install, is just a PS2 version of the game. I run FFXI in on a 46’ screen, in high def… looks great. No draw in issues, everything looks great… trust me, I am an eye candy wh0re.
IMO, the real draw of this game is the end game and its linkshell system. the other mmos ive played/play, I have always had to be part of a clan/guild. And was forced to do what ever that clan was doing. In ffxi this is not the case. In FFXI, you can join what we call an Event shell. For example, I don’t want to do crap like Sky or Dynamis (or maybe when I can fund my own relic, ill do dynamis). I don’t want to do Kings (or have the time). In fact right now, I can only play 2-3 nights a week… for about 4 hours a clip… I am casual end game player (yup there is such a thing) and guess what, I have all the uber gear that those other guys have… thanks to the linkshell system I can do my Sea/Limbus/(soon to be Salvage) without having to give up my RL life. Do you wow players get to pick and choose what content you want to only focus on? I sure as shit didn’t get to in EQ…
Bare in mind, that yeah getting loot in ffxi takes just as long as it does in WoW or EQ or anything else ( I know BLM’s that took them a year to get full nash, I know a pld that took him 7 months to get pld relic body… and ive been doing limbus for 7 months with only the legs to show for it…) but it is worth it in ffxi and not because it takes so long, but because the shit is hot. Stuff like homam, Aries etc… really cool gear.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 12:40:07 PM by grunk »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
The grind is the grind, and the changes in FF have brought its grind fairly in line with WoW or any other MMOG. The only trick at this point is that instead of soloing for seventy hours you group for seventy hours.
I dont get this. It took me 3 months to level my ninja to 75. Just doing pugs, with a 50 hour work week. I mean, WTF do you want? to kill one mob and ding 75? with all of the exp bands, if you cant level and be productive, then thats your fault. What you wana solo your brains out for 70 levels, then go and team up with a bunch of retards who do not understand the concepts of group dynamics (and wounder the phuck why lol). What, you wana get changed into a wolf and go murder the same sht for 80 levels? lol.... Or phuck better yet, how about this? you can just login pick what the phuck you wana train or learn and just log the phuck off. GG L 2 P The real issue, is ppl that bitched. if they would actually bitch to someone ingame, or read a damn forum or get this... ACTUALLY GIVE A SHIT... who knows maybe you would have fun. Instead, you wana go it alone... be by yourself... shit wtf do you even play mmos for? Last time i checked, Elder scrolls was a shit load more fun then any mmo ive ever played. You people FAIL so HARD. There is no way on earth that you people were hardcore EQ players, no phucken way at all. Because an old school player, he would have followed the same ideas and concepts that got him to the planes in the phucken first place (you know, actually talking to the people in the phucken world your playing in? lol). an old school player would understand that, it is not how fast you get there, but the actual journey that matters. That the shit has to mean something. AND THIS IS WHY, YOUR GAME SUCKS SO BAD. THIS IS WHY YOUR GAME FAILS. So stay in your fisher price mmo. Now i am sure, someone is going to come in here and flame my broken english. But remember, you flame because your a fucken R'Tard.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 01:52:00 PM by grunk »
Posts: 6817
No lie.
I wonder if you're sober/clean/off the smack? Judging by those posts, better luck next time I suppose.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 01:42:22 PM by bhodi »
Posts: 60350
THERE IS CAKE! Also! Our clients and residents include:
* Young people permanently disabled by traumatic injuries * Workers incapacitated in industrial accidents * Musicians whose livelihoods have been interrupted by stroke or cardiac disease * MMOG addicts * Chronically disabled men and women of all ages * Men and women struggling against the deficits of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia and other disabling conditions of aging.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1893
Now i am sure, someone is going to come in here and flame my sorry, predictable trolling. But remember, this is my private internet, and I get to set the rules of debate trolling.
Fixed it for you. You miserable waste of chemicals. What did you do, wake up after a month in a coma, google yourself, and find this thread? Lrn 2 troll plz.
Plant yourself like a tree Haven't you noticed? We've been sharing our culture with you all morning. The sun will shine on us again, brother
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
Now i am sure, someone is going to come in here and flame my sorry, predictable trolling. But remember, this is my private internet, and I get to set the rules of debate trolling.
Fixed it for you. You miserable waste of chemicals. What did you do, wake up after a month in a coma, google yourself, and find this thread? Lrn 2 troll plz. Nah, took a time out at work and figured i would come here and take a look around. Glad to see A holes like yourself are still here, repin the F13 community, STRONG. who the fuck is trolling here? This is a thread about FFXI, you dont like it? Then GTFO. Your the fucken troll, you cock smokin turd burgler. The only reason, you come here and bitch, is because I am correct and you are wrong. Now I release you, go back to MC or w/e the fuk you were doing b4. ME > YOU (just fucken deal with it)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 02:04:40 PM by grunk »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5281
I was enjoying this thread. I was even thinking of giving FFXI another look.
So much for that.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
I was enjoying this thread. I was even thinking of giving FFXI another look.
So much for that.
O boo fucken hoo. Its ok, we got approx 500k subs. you people act like this game is like horizons or some shit lol. As if, we need more people... But heck, if anyone here wants to give the game a shot, and needs help... hit me up on the Remora server... I'll give you the keys to the city.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2007, 02:13:21 PM by grunk »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
There are refreshments? 
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
The grind is the grind, and the changes in FF have brought its grind fairly in line with WoW or any other MMOG. The only trick at this point is that instead of soloing for seventy hours you group for seventy hours.
I dont get this. It took me 3 months to level my ninja to 75. Just doing pugs, with a 50 hour work week. I mean, WTF do you want? to kill one mob and ding 75? with all of the exp bands, if you cant level and be productive, then thats your fault. What you wana solo your brains out for 70 levels, then go and team up with a bunch of retards who do not understand the concepts of group dynamics (and wounder the phuck why lol). What, you wana get changed into a wolf and go murder the same sht for 80 levels? lol.... Or phuck better yet, how about this? you can just login pick what the phuck you wana train or learn and just log the phuck off. GG Wow, it may seem insensitive to say this to someone out of rehab, but man, you seriously need to take some pills. I was complimenting FFXI by saying that its grind isn't inordinately bad, way to ride that horse in the completely wrong direction.
Army of One
Posts: 7028
Phucken A, tihs thread delivars!
"You're just a dick who quotes himself in his sig." -- Schild "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." -- Me
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110
l33t kiddie
I laugh. So hard I laugh. Also bump, what if someone missed the triumphant return of GRUNK!!! I love that he refers to FFXI as "we": Its ok, we got approx 500k subs. you people act like this game is like horizons or some shit lol. As if, we need more people... lawlz, whata crazy fucker.
A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation. -William Gibson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
Fortunately I've never met anyone as deficient as grunk while playing, hopefully he's a bizarre fluke. Although I've heard people murmur darkly about FFXI's version of endgame guilds, so apparently some of the 'I'm washing my armor with your tears' players are infesting the highest levels of the game.
Weird thing is, FFXI has instanced boss fights, but for some reason they stuck a whole pile of bosses outside of instances and in the normal game world, where they're subject to pissing matches like EQ's raid bosses were. Apparently some players feel compelled to camp these monsters and be dicks about it to other players.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
FFXI has a huge variety of end-game stuff, including "hyper notorious monsters" that spawn in the normal game world. Only a handful of them are normally camped, but the ones that drop the best items are camped all the time.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3332
is saving up his raid points for a fancy board title
Fortunately I've never met anyone as deficient as grunk while playing, hopefully he's a bizarre fluke. Although I've heard people murmur darkly about FFXI's version of endgame guilds, so apparently some of the 'I'm washing my armor with your tears' players are infesting the highest levels of the game.
Weird thing is, FFXI has instanced boss fights, but for some reason they stuck a whole pile of bosses outside of instances and in the normal game world, where they're subject to pissing matches like EQ's raid bosses were. Apparently some players feel compelled to camp these monsters and be dicks about it to other players.
They've steadily added more instanced endgame stuff both for huge groups up to 64 people (Dynamis) and for groups of 3-6 people (Assault). I haven't played in quite a while, but I had a very enjoyable 2-3 years (starting from US launch) of gaming in FFXI. Having groups of friends to do missions with and to level with (static parties was the term of the art when I was playing) helped a lot, though I certainly had plenty of fun from time to time with random groups as well. It utterly amazed me how effectively they shut down the unbelievable inflation from the RMT madness. It took them a while but they got results. I gather the economy is bizarre in different ways now, but at least hyper-inflation is gone and the 2 million gil I have on hand (which was effectively pocket change back when I stopped playing) actually is kinda valuable now -- never saw that coming. The most money I ever made crafting was when they added the puppetmaster class and people needed the crafted items to add features to their puppets. A friend and I spent a couple days immediately after that update scrounging materials, doing a bunch of crafting, and raking in a ton of cash from the horde of people leveling the new class and wanting all the goodies NOW NOW NOW. People complain about the texture quality and such, but I always enjoyed the look of the world and especially the armor models that aren't just a texture wrapped around generic boots #002 or whatever. - Q EDIT: fixed typo
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 01:09:51 PM by Quinton »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12335
Yeah, the armor has a solid 3D feel that is missing from many games.
vampirehipi23: I would enjoy a book written by a monkey and turned into a movie rather than this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110
l33t kiddie
The whole gameworld blows every other MMO out of the water imo. Too bad forced grouping is such shite. Also they really should add some non foozle whacking, non crafting minigames. They don't have any do they?
A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation. -William Gibson