Topic: War (Read 2172118 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 154
So it looks like eve has the start of a massive war on its hands. I know I got interested in this game lurking the forums a couple months ago and joined up so I'm curious what you guys thoughts on what appears to be shaping up?
I don't know all the details but I believe BoB is moving in to help LV vs RAGoon and the other alliances attacking Lv and now it appears D2 are going to start making an attack on fountain.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527
As far as I'm concerned, it'll be interesting to read about, but I'm not so involved in EVE that I'd care about what the alliances are doing. My eyes cross when I see (and I don't understand the) acronyms y'all use; the more acronyms the less I understand and/or care.
Raging Turtle
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1885
More importantly for those of us here: How can we profit from this? 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527
Shrug, this war could be "everyone else" pouncing on BoB now that they don't have any more "developer help", or it could be BoB trying to go out with a bang and a final war (the only way to get rid of the tarnish on their name, which will otherwise be brought up again and again, which CCP wants to avoid), or it could simply be a war just like the others with no relation to the dev stuff.
Profit? Simple: resell minerals and war materials. Put in for Sabre BPO research points with as many agents as you can, heh.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8306
My guess is BoB is moving to help LV just to pre-emp the inevitable RedSwarm/BoB conflict.
They can either fight RedSwarm with LV's help, or let LV die then Fight RedSwarm without it. I'm not sure exactly how or where AAA or D2+Friends fit into this, but I'm guessing whatever they do, it will be hostile towards BoB.
and the gate is like I TOO AM CAPABLE OF SPEECH
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
My guess is BoB is moving to help LV just to pre-emp the inevitable RedSwarm/BoB conflict.
They can either fight RedSwarm with LV's help, or let LV die then Fight RedSwarm without it. I'm not sure exactly how or where AAA or D2+Friends fit into this, but I'm guessing whatever they do, it will be hostile towards BoB.
I'm totally out of my depth here with the politics -- but what if BoB was looking to the North, getting read to expand out there -- and RedSwarm starting gearing for war against BoB, figuring to take them while their attention was divided. BoB gets wind of this, drops the Northern Campaign (unfortunately, the Northern corps aren't dropping it back) and moves to bloody RedSwarm enough to make them backoff. Forum drama might have RedSwarm thinking BoB only wins because of Dev support (bad assumptiont here), or BoB might be moving on mere rumors because they want to show everyone they're still strong. Either way, I don't think BoB planned on a RedSwarm campaign when they were making moves towards the North. Fuck, I have got to get into the PvP game.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8306
I'm thinking BoB never expected RedSwarm to be as effective as it has, or for the LV Coalition (all but dismantled now) to be as ineffective as it has seemingly. Looking at the old archived maps, you see Red space go from huge to nothing, back to huge in a relatively short amount of time. Maybe BoB has a secret plan, a dozen titans in NOL 23/7? ;) /shrug From the V-Dead thread : Looks like D2 is indeed going down to BoB space, in a big way.
and the gate is like I TOO AM CAPABLE OF SPEECH
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
Either way, I don't think BoB planned on a RedSwarm campaign when they were making moves towards the North.
Fuck, I have got to get into the PvP game.
Ditto. But my SA account is nowhere near old enough to get me into GS. I wish that they had some Stalinist punishment-battalion-type-thing where unproven newbies could zerg rush on orders without knowing why. My 10 million skill points may not be much, but I sure would like to use them for good at least until the sub runs out. Of coursem f13 could decide to have some fun and join in the dogpile?
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2190
More importantly for those of us here: How can we profit from this?  Join the privateers!
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
Think the situation through for a second.
BoB is starting a war with the Russians on the eastern front in the dead of winter.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2190
Did you just invoke Godwin's law?
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
Odd. F13corp got wardecced today by a 4-member merc corp, and LV just attacked our (0.3) POS.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 154
Server is gonna die hard a lot.
Raging Turtle
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1885
Odd. F13corp got wardecced today by a 4-member merc corp, and LV just attacked our (0.3) POS.
... what? Did they give a reason? What's the corp name?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6159
That is weird.
Are we even on for them to shoot us? :P
- Viin
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8306
They can't dread in low sec I thought? Or am I just not remebering the cyno rules correctly again.
and the gate is like I TOO AM CAPABLE OF SPEECH
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
Odd. F13corp got wardecced today by a 4-member merc corp, and LV just attacked our (0.3) POS.
We have a .3 POS? We're -- well you, I'm still newb corp and haven't gotten around to applying -- not affiliated with BoB, are we? Fucking politics.
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
They can't dread in low sec I thought? Or am I just not remebering the cyno rules correctly again.
Dreads can indeed go in lowsec. We're not affiliated with any alliance. I received no mail in regards to the wardec. Corp is Svefn-G-Englar.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
They can't dread in low sec I thought? Or am I just not remebering the cyno rules correctly again.
Dreads can indeed go in lowsec. We're not affiliated with any alliance. I received no mail in regards to the wardec. Corp is Svefn-G-Englar. Are there formal alliances in EVE, where you can get some sort of cascading wardec like in WWI? Or can only this tiny corp hit F13?
Posts: 1220
Hmmm, unless this war destroys the alliances on both sides, it could be the most serious threat that EVE has ever faced. Winning is the death of a PvP game.
"It was a difficult party" - an unexpected word combination from ex-Merry Prankster and author Robert Stone.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 224
BoB has a tough choice. They can stay home and defend the North against D2, and watch as LV gets steamrolled by RedSwarm, or they can help defend the one system that LV cares about. The one with their Capital Yards that are currently producing a Titan. Tonight they chose to sit in a system all night protecting that Titan, while LV's other stations were systematically destroyed 1 by 1 by RedSwarm. LV will lose Soverignty in Insmother, and if BoB isn't careful, they could lose a good bit of Sov themselves to D2. Oh, that Titan is vulnerable for the next 30 days. I think that BoB will not stick around that long to help LV. May you live in interesting times.
And it's true that complete victory ruins a PvP game. Shadowbane taught us that, if nothing else.
Yoru, let me know if that "war" becomes too much of a nuisance, and I'll see about getting some Goons to help out :)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 01:38:33 AM by d4rkj3di »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742
Did you just invoke Godwin's law?
Napoleon tried the same thing before zee germans, you know?  Oh, and the construction of LV's titan got aborted as soon as the POS got put into reinforced - the questions now is whether LV/BoB can rescue the 60 billion isk worth of raw materials, and if they can...can they prevent Redswarm from just hitting the array POS again in a fortnight's time?
"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 224
No, the Titan is still in production. Apparently shutting down when going into reinforced was a bug that was fixed when the Revelations patch hit. An undocumented bug fix that somehow BoB and LV knew about. The Titan is still in production for another 30 days. So unless LV wants to lose that investment, they are tied to that system for a month.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1248
Corp is Svefn-G-Englar.
They're a MERC corp. Wacky merc corp at that, they charge per kill. Here's from the ingame info: Currently considering merc contracts. Rates vary depending on the contract, guideline prices are as follows: -100mil a week for a war Extra cost per kill as follows: -10mil for a BS or Command Ship kill -7mil for an HAC or BC kill -2mil for a T2 Frig kill -2mil for a Barge or loaded Hauler kill
lol. And they're four guys. Obviously someone hired them. Or they're looking to make a name for themselves.
As a matter of fact I swallowed one of these about two hours ago and the explanation is that it is, in fact, my hand.
Posts: 1220
I can just hear the inception of such an idea:
"Let us attack a small corp in low sec for no apparent reason. That will make us stand out from the crowd!"
More likely they are a front for some larger organization that has an arbitrary line, probably 'no POSs' that they won't let other players cross. I've seen the same thing in other games, where well-established players draw that sort of line, and call it 'fairness', rather than deal with politics that bore them.
"It was a difficult party" - an unexpected word combination from ex-Merry Prankster and author Robert Stone.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
Guys, this is Gotterdamering. This war all gods die sort of thing.
If LV's attacked you, time to join the other side. You'll never get an enemy this big to fight against, never one more arrogent, never one more proud.
This is a war to define EvE. Either you're fighting for BoB and the ability to define eve thier way, or not.
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
Guys, this is Gotterdamering. This war all gods die sort of thing.
If LV's attacked you, time to join the other side. You'll never get an enemy this big to fight against, never one more arrogent, never one more proud.
This is a war to define EvE. Either you're fighting for BoB and the ability to define eve thier way, or not.
Perhaps a little over-dramatic, but I agree with the conclusion. Why not?
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Posts: 1220
Because having read Joe's article in The Escapist, I think it is unlikely I will continue to give CCP my money. Which is sad, because Gotterdamring should be a pretty good time in a PvP game.
"It was a difficult party" - an unexpected word combination from ex-Merry Prankster and author Robert Stone.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
Because having read Joe's article in The Escapist, I think it is unlikely I will continue to give CCP my money. Which is sad, because Gotterdamring should be a pretty good time in a PvP game.
Eh, Joe's article skims over the whistle-blower actions -- the guy blowing the whistle is seriously far more of an ass (and is "spy network" is generally "hacking other people's forums") than Joe's article indicates. There's a definite slant there that whats-his-face was banned for whistleblowing. Perhaps he was, but in all fairness the guy had about a two-page long list of bannable offenses to his name already. I still think t20 should be fired, but I still haven't heard a firm answer as to whether he is actually a fireable dev and not part owner.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
Because having read Joe's article in The Escapist, I think it is unlikely I will continue to give CCP my money. Which is sad, because Gotterdamring should be a pretty good time in a PvP game.
Oh, I agree: I cancelled my accounts, and the second one runs out next week. But I'd resub to the end of this war just to help take down the devs' pet corp.
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 103
But my SA account is nowhere near old enough to get me into GS.
If you're actually interested, you may want to contact TripleDES here on the forums. I believe he is a Goon and might be able to sponsor you in. If not, you might check the Hate channel in game(Corpnews channel from a while back), it's not often got many(or any) people, but the few who came by were mostly Goons. Alternately, and I'm not sure of IAC's involvement, Comstr might be able to smuggle you into IAC for some shooty shooty on the same side of that war.
"Masturbation is a more rewarding pursuit." -- Evangolis
Terracotta Army
Posts: 689
Any hints on where the best place in empire to sell things that people in the war will buy? I'm relatively good at making money but I'm still very noob at this game and don't know the geography very well.
Raging Turtle
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1885
Check out the 'latest' map in either the official COAD forums or the helpful links sticky here. It'll show you where the major powers are.
Right now there's a lot of fighting in LV space, and apparently D2 moved a ton of freighters down to Fountain for an assault on BoB.
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
They can't dread in low sec I thought? Or am I just not remebering the cyno rules correctly again.
Dreads can indeed go in lowsec. We're not affiliated with any alliance. I received no mail in regards to the wardec. Corp is Svefn-G-Englar. Are there formal alliances in EVE, where you can get some sort of cascading wardec like in WWI? Or can only this tiny corp hit F13? There are formal alliances (called, oddly enough, 'Alliances') that cost lots of money to form and maintain, but also provide things like shared wardecs, etc. Then there are informal "coalitions" which are alliances of alliances, such as D2/IRON, BoB and its vassals, and Drunkswarm (IAC/Goonfleet/RA/lots of others). These can certainly cascade into a Space War to End All Space Wars. In fact, it's slowly happening now; there's only a few 0.0 factions that remain unaligned (e.g. AAA). Yoru, let me know if that "war" becomes too much of a nuisance, and I'll see about getting some Goons to help out :) Unlikely to be much of a problem. We're 40 guys to their 4. At worst we'll Swarm them, Goon-style. :P Corp is Svefn-G-Englar.
They're a MERC corp. Wacky merc corp at that, they charge per kill. Here's from the ingame info: ... lol. And they're four guys. Obviously someone hired them. Or they're looking to make a name for themselves. Yeah, I was a little confused at why someone would pay 100m/week to attack F13. I figure they're just bored mercs looking for some shooty practice on what appears to be a weak noob corp.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
Yeah, I was a little confused at why someone would pay 100m/week to attack F13. I figure they're just bored mercs looking for some shooty practice on what appears to be a weak noob corp.
Probably a mistake there. If you need another cruiser, let me know. My Vex can irritate them greatly while everyone else kills them.