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Author Topic: Watchmen (HBO)  (Read 15131 times)
Terracotta Army
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Reply #35 on: December 02, 2019, 10:22:13 PM

Want more? Have to read the supplemental stuff HBO is putting online to get this joke/reference but:

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

-H.L. Mencken
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Reply #36 on: December 03, 2019, 09:29:03 AM

Did NOT see that one coming.  awesome, for real

I saw it about halfway through the episode and I'm still ambivalent about whether I like it or not. Clearly the next episode will explain it a little more and I'm finding that the one weakness of the show is that it kept so much of the mystery at the first part of the season that the last part has to be almost all some kind of exposition. I'm still along for the ride though, so that's positive.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 1892

Reply #37 on: December 11, 2019, 09:44:23 PM

I'm hosting a weekly viewing party for this now, so it's at least kind of good.  That last ep was really fun to watch people watch.

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the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #38 on: December 13, 2019, 10:44:21 AM

I've been reading the "Before Watchmen" series of comics for shits and giggles lately (this was a bunch of prequel series that focused on one Watchmen character before the story, except for the Minutemen series which focused on the group itself but mostly on the original Nite Owl). While these series are decently written and drawn, they are so completely unnecessary. They add nothing to the characters, except the Minutemen one and it's still rather unnecessary. They also will give you no insight on the Watchmen TV series.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #39 on: December 15, 2019, 08:39:26 AM

Last ep airs today, I held back until Friday (2 days ago), I'm already caught up.

This is good. Everyone should try it.

A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8567

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Reply #40 on: December 15, 2019, 04:41:26 PM

I've got two episodes to go and I'm thinking of nominating it as my favourite show of the year (workplace has a Slack thread where we do this).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12227

Possibly the only user with more posts in the Den than PC/Console Gaming.

Reply #41 on: December 15, 2019, 09:42:40 PM

This show was good.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

-H.L. Mencken
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #42 on: December 16, 2019, 06:35:59 PM

Lindelof just cannot help himself, he just cannot write an ending that is not a "fuck you" ending.

All-in-all, a good series, a good season. Apparently HBO hasn't confirmed a second season, and Lindeloff has said he either wouldn't be involved if there was or if he was involved, he'd need some time to think of a new story. His idea was to make each season a self-contained story like Watchmen itself was, so more like a Fargo/True Detective type of show in the Watchmen universe. If they don't continue these characters, I'm not sure what the point would be since I really do want to know what happens after (see said "fuck you ending"). I do like how he tied it together and made clear all the connective tissue with the original series.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 6365

Reply #43 on: December 17, 2019, 06:27:13 AM

I don't see the "Fuck you" in the ending, it was well-telegraphed from the beginning of the series, but it threw enough curve-balls to not make the predictable parts boring. Really liked this one from beginning to end. But I will be nervous if the press a second season out of this, the chance they would fuck that up and invalidate this ending is enormous.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9171

Reply #44 on: December 17, 2019, 09:05:11 AM

Yeah, I don't see that as a fuck you ending at all.

I am the .00000001428%
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Reply #45 on: December 17, 2019, 09:29:48 AM

It'd be really hard to do another "episode" that was this good and had this many connections to the source material unless they went back in time a bit to focus on someone like, say, Nite Owl.  They got some really good mileage out of Doc and Ozy but I don't think they can do another story with either of those characters, at least not one that wouldn't cheapen the story they just told.
Posts: 15024

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Reply #46 on: December 17, 2019, 03:46:23 PM

This was good.

It we get another season, cool. If not, this was good enough as is. The ending was fine. It works as a stand alone or a lean in towards more in the universe. It was better than I thought was going to be and ended in a way that doesn't completely fuck the anything to come.

Haem, you've got some weird takes on this stuff.

And.. just to say it: Regina King's voice is kind of annoying. At least Cal's voice helped smooth things out.

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Posts: 42666

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #47 on: December 17, 2019, 07:43:45 PM

My biggest complaint was

There's great story seeds to be made off either answer to the question but not answering the question tells me that Lindeloff didn't think either of them were worth exploring because he is a lazy fuck. Other than that, I loved it, especially the

Terracotta Army
Posts: 12227

Possibly the only user with more posts in the Den than PC/Console Gaming.

Reply #48 on: December 17, 2019, 10:15:59 PM

It was pretty obvious to me what the result would be, but even without that, ending it that way is more cinematic than having it just happen either way and then, what, she shrugs?

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

-H.L. Mencken
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2431

Reply #49 on: December 18, 2019, 12:15:57 AM

Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #50 on: December 18, 2019, 09:28:18 PM

It was pretty obvious to me what the result would be, but even without that, ending it that way is more cinematic than having it just happen either way and then, what, she shrugs?

And then second season. No matter what choice they made, there are a TON of interesting story lines that could be explored. Leaving it like they did felt very "Sopranos ending" to me.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 12227

Possibly the only user with more posts in the Den than PC/Console Gaming.

Reply #51 on: December 18, 2019, 10:27:16 PM

He's not doing a second season.

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

-H.L. Mencken
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #52 on: December 21, 2019, 06:39:51 PM

Stunned at how much I like this.

Didn't expect to at all.
Posts: 19303

sentient yeast infection

Reply #53 on: December 27, 2019, 12:18:51 PM

He's not doing a second season.

That's good news IMO, because I don't think the second season could not be disappointing.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10603

Reply #54 on: February 06, 2020, 05:25:14 AM

No second season?  Bummer.

I just finished this two days ago (finally).  I thought it started out super weak, but I don't know if that is simply because I know next to nothing about these characters or if it was due to the way they set up the episodes.  In hindsight, it all made more sense.  And at the end, I really dug it, the last 3 episodes in particular.  I have a feeling this is one that improves on a second viewing, at least the first half of the season.

"...maybe if you cleaned the piss out of the sunny d bottles under your desks and returned em, you could upgrade you vid cards, fucken lusers.." - Grunk
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #55 on: February 06, 2020, 05:34:23 AM

The one odd dangling plot thread is Lube Man. Which is maybe a first for Lindelof, to leave only one odd dangling plot thread, so well done there.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12227

Possibly the only user with more posts in the Den than PC/Console Gaming.

Reply #56 on: February 06, 2020, 11:20:05 AM

It is not dangling if you read the supplemental material (the Peteypedia stuff) that HBO was putting out online week to week as the final entry identifies him definitively (it was also pretty heavily implied in the show itself as well).

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.”

-H.L. Mencken
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #57 on: February 06, 2020, 12:58:38 PM

Sure, I got who it was, it just seemed like it had some meanings or implications that needed further exploration.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888

Reply #58 on: May 25, 2020, 11:26:26 AM

Finally got around to watching this series.  Interesting, but there were elements that just seemed like a waste.  The entire placement of Adrian throughout the series was just unnecessary and convoluted for no real impact on the story.  I get the idea that it has a penance of sorts - but it fell flat.

I bet we do get another season and that it focuses on Night Owl's legacy.  They dropped the seeds for a Night Owl continuation throughout the series with the reference to him being in jail, the Owl Glider at the end, etc...  And, I bet they already have a plan for it that they're keeping quiet.  They may even put it under production under a different guise and then reveal it as a surprise closer to the release (ala Cloverfield). 

2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
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