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Topic: Eve Online (Read 57377 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110
l33t kiddie
That anyone who was a part of SA/GSF ever at any point wants to pretend they have been part of the good guys all along is really the sickening part of whatever this is. Gamer words and edgy shit is the bread and butter. Always was. Who cares. Who is surprised. Who is acting like there is a hidden rot involved. what utter nonsense.
A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation. -William Gibson
When the alt-right first started raising their head in the early to mid 2010s, I just thought "oh, they're Goons".
Posts: 60350
Absolutely. They still are.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 05:54:03 PM by Comstar »
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
And to keeps things seperate, The Delta Squad Timeline goes into detail in what happened, when. Hey Guys, none of you know me, but I am one of the people in Delta Sqad that people tend to ask to get things done. I feel it's necessary to post our timeline of events to people so the facts of the situation can be judged fairly from our point of view and to help people process this last week's events. We are all in a place that nobody is happy about; it's like surveying your town after a hurricane blew through. I'm sure you have some pretty strong emotions about all this that you are still sorting through and it's important to take some time to grieve about that it's part of the healing process. I would like to explain a bit how we got here so it can help people move forward. On July 7th we had an incident on our discord server that involved kicking a person that at the time was just super annoying on discord. Later that night he was mouthing off to people in the fleet to the point where the FC kicked him, he later made a call-out thread in hell dump, saying we had Bully'd him out of the game, and told him to commit suicide, this is totally false everyone in fleet said no one wishes him any harm; they just wanted him to correct his behavior. At this time, after being berated and insulted by him, Mcwolf made a counter-call-out thread that showed how creepy he had been to her in PMs, I will spare you the details, but it was bad, really bad. This part is important. On July 7th this offender was kicked. Late night, July 7th Cryo and I discussed this issue and more in PMs we both came to the conclusion that the org could do better to resolve these issues and we wanted to make a pitch for some structural changes to improve things. 8th, I spend the day writing the report cryo is going to present to ilum. I talk with a bunch of people from inside and outside the imperium and I feel vindicated in my belief that changes need to be made. I personally asked MCwolf and Daniel Onzo to write sort of harassment impact statements as a preamble to the report to hammer home why on an emotional level why changes need to be made I will include the second to the last draft of the report I wrote with the names redacted because some of the perpetrators have a delicate mental state and I would not like to see them being victims of harassment. 9, Saturday morning the last 18 hours of the imperium as we knew it. A mid-day cryo messages me saying he presented our report to ilum and it was received well. July 9, 6 pm, we are informed that MC Wolf was kicked and black-listed from the imperium. I am personally livid that I spent 24 writing a report on harassment only for them to kick one of the people testifying in the report. My last two sentences to the higher-ups are "If you shake this tree, you will not be able to control what falls out" and "By doing this you are going to start a nuclear meltdown is that is going to chain-react uncontrollably"July 9th FNLN goes nuclear he holds 680 billion of member isk hostage. Delta comes to terms with the fact that we are going to get airlocked people, hop on discord coms to ask what's going on and we just sing closing time at them. July 10th FNLN posts his chat logs with the Mittani. I will say this is the first time anyone in Delta other than FNLN has seen these. Things have now gone from us throwing a Molotov at city hall to a righteous crusade; the Rubicon has been crossed; there is no going back from this point, it's ride and die from us from here on out. 10th Aldani's accusation comes forward on SA and Reddit 11th Aldani goes on New Eden post to make her accusations public. Side note this takes an extraordinary amount of courage. 12 Hezzy returns with chat logs of xenuria's pedophilia 13th person comes forward with Facebook whisper network post about mittani. 13th A director disgusted by Mittani's behavior in the above Facebook post gives us Saturday illum logs 13th the Xenuria event happens 15th the Mittani steps down. So there you have it, folks, that is the most official and correct timeline of events I can give you, what happens from here is up to all of us to choose a better path moving forward. I will also say I have spent nearly a week getting a crash course in the long-term fallout of harassment and abuse online and it sucks please don't do it and finally never suffer in silence talk to people let your feelings be known and don't let someone diminish you. And that's how the world's biggest space emperor was over thrown. It turns out we all found out what the Delta squad secret was.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 06:09:03 PM by Comstar »
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
A day of high Drama! To get everyone up to speed: Mittens ignored and mishandled someone being stalked, harassed, and targeted by a bad person. Older goons called him out for it, and he doubled down. Older goons pointed out that this was recurring and typical behavior for him, and that this had resulted in a climate in GSF in which people who were harassed would either not engage with the community, or would just leave, because asking for help was ignored or actively mocked. Pubbies in GSF lined up to kiss the ring. Older goons continued to post on r/eve and SA and GSF forums to the effect of, "It is not right that we, a group of adults in TYOOL 2022 permit people to be treated in this manner."
MIttens resigns. is dire right now, christ. Just a train of somber sycophants lining up to give him handjobs and wail against the toxic drama queens who caused this. It makes it hard to think this is actually the first step towards anything good. Upper leadership is so close to getting it: The Mittani’s Furniture Store Advertises Going Out of Business Sale. The HR of Goonswarm:
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 09:03:16 PM by Comstar »
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110
l33t kiddie
I mean what a stupid fuckshow.
If these Delta fuckwits win, they control nothing because they aren't Goons and with them in charge Goons will cease to be a thing that is relevant. If they don't win, idk, Goons will continue to be the mostly shitty bunch of old 4ch style dudes they have always been but probably still hobbled enough that they will decay and die out and incapable of doing any of the fun stuff they used to do because they'll be completely lacking in any mystique or ability to win a PR fight ever again.
Basically Goons can die or they can become full blown angry MRA/Incel types instead of kind of funny/meme'y when not going full /pol/ types who mostly don't show that incel side in public.
A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation. -William Gibson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
Also Bob From Marketing (the child abuser) is STILL in Snigg and in Pandemic Legion. I'm surprised he hasn't been arrested by the FBI yet. Darius Johnson apologies to everyone except LOVU: The wisest thing is probably to stay out of this but I'm an idiot and always have been.
I can corroborate the stories about mittanis ex. I was friends with mittens for a decade or so and "broke up" with him when he pulled that shit on his wife, who was also a friend. She was indeed in Russia. He did indeed email her to tell her they were getting divorced before she got home. He did indeed take a bunch of shit from the house and re-homed the pets. Anything about him being a creepy groper wasn't out until after I had stopped speaking to him so I can't speak to most of that though I can say I did see an incident firsthand, not knowing it wasn't consensual until years later.
Prior to his divorce I never personally witnessed any outwardly concerning behavior. He was just our narcissist and it was amusing. Hell at Fanfest one year trzzbk and zastrow went and invited him back to the VIP section they were sitting in for winning the garage band contest so I could tell him he couldn't come in. Then they took pictures of him being rejected. They also did this to Michael Bolton and Seleene. Seleene fell for it twice. I think I have video of my wife and some others doing "the mittani dance" right next to him and he was oblivious and that was part of his charm to us.
I don't want to distract from this thread because it's important and I don't want to make it about me. I've moved on and avoid anything EVE like the plague. I see a lot of old friends here though and while I was hoping not to see my name I have and I think that makes it a good time to get some shit off my chest and then hopefully go back away forever.
It's unfortunate in reading through these threads that while I was experiencing a great time with great friends other people were deeply hurt. I saw everything through the lens of the hilariously good times and the victories but I was I was completely ignorant of the feelings that were being hurt in the meantime, sometimes to friends.
I did and said a lot when I was young that I regret. It's not an excuse but I was in a badly untreated mental place and was treating it with mountains of alcohol, working full time and running a giant space alliance also full time. Like Icorion, I too, have spent a lot of time soul searching.
There are things I wish I could take back. Booting EO for one, was a kneejerk reactive play at a time where popular opinion was in a weird place and I was insecurely concerned about PL chipping away at our players, which was what was happening with EO from what I could see, right or wrong. It was the wrong thing to do and older me would have seen the fun in it. Younger me though was earnestly trying to do the right thing to keep goons together and achieve our goals and in doing so I took things way too seriously. I know some of this was said when I "came back" for like 3 months or whatever 6 years ago but I'm sure not everyone's heard it and I think if you've made a mistake you should do the best you can to make sure you account for it.
On the one hand I'm not sure we would have eventually beat BoB without that terribly rigid and unfun attitude but on the other looking back I question whether all of the hurt feelings were worth it. My genuine really lame, altruistic but true aim was to help goons as a whole achieve our goals and win in space. Maybe I failed but that was my motivation. I was no machiavellian puppetmaster, just a young kid, damaged by military school upbringing who didn't know how to interact with people and treat them well or really even lead well. Just well enough I guess to whip a bunch of people in the same direction.
Anyway I didn't post to tell stories. I came here because someone sent me a post from DBRB, I don't even know where it was from, saying basically that the worst he was ever treated in his life was by me on some drunken ops or something to that effect and that made me feel terrible. I genuinely thought I treated him well considering how everyone else did and I guess I was just a giant shitbag so I'm sorry DBRB if you are reading this. It wasn't intentional and now's a pretty decent opportunity for the apology tour since so many older people are here.
Icorion, I don't recall the details. I don't remember much at all tbh it's part of what's wrong with my head, but I do know you were obviously hurt and I do have some recollection of not treating you the way I'd have treated you as a more mature person. I'm sincerely sorry about that and I wish TBH I was doing things back then with today's experience and demeanor. I'm sorry you were so scarred by what we did. I just did not have perspective on how to deal with people at the time. I wish I could take that back. Even if there was a transgression I remember you as a loyal and good friend and I clearly did you wrong. That this caused you so much duress is terrible and you didn't deserve that.
With that said I was never involved in anything criminal ever in my life. I did not purposely stress Sesfan out, I loved Sesfan and we were very friendly even after he left. There was communication in the star chamber about replacing sesfan and it was engineered that I would take his place but my intention in doing so was to ensure things didn't stagnate and fall apart and if my recollection is correct Sesfan had been checked out for a while. I don't recall any conversation with Suas at fanfest about replacing sesfan and thought that had all taken place completely in the star chamber but like I said I don't have much memory so maybe? That's not to say others didn't have those intentions but I can say I would not have tried to hurt anyone IRL. I was only chosen basically because mittani was damaged goods and there weren't any other perceived viable options in the circle of trust, rightly or wrongly.
Suas, I can't take back saying a titan was stolen. That's my recollection. I thought it had been squashed as we'd hung out personally since, but it still seems to be festering and I'm sorry for that. I considered you a friend despite that and thought we had moved past it. The reason insofar as I can remember for that is that someone had built a titan using funds it was deemed at the time they should not have had, for right or for wrong. Usually that meant moon goo taxes and now that I see a bit through the fog it may have been money from your project. TBH I was probably in the wrong. I'm not going to get too deep into naming names but someone gave the password to an alt I think was suas's though I'm a mush-head and could be totally remembering wrong. This was done for altruistic reasons and maybe I was in the wrong so I get it. The fact remained however that a titan belonging to the alliance was taken by suas due to a shared password from someone in a position of trust. I probably should have made better decisions and certainly shouldn't have been as severe about it but I was young and stupid and the titan was indeed taken. I have no idea how to rectify that but I thought I had.
Arkhamina, never named me directly ever as far as I can tell but later on I did feel bad for how I ended up treating her, maybe because I found out later what a genuinely decent human being she was rather than a space robot, which I guess is how I treated a lot of people. It may actually have been after I learned how she had helped Mitten's ex. Either way in serious space business she wanted a space promotion and I was a dumb dick who didn't want to give it to her and she deserved it and I think I may have really hurt her feelings. That one stuck with me and I think she's posted in this thread so she gets the apology too in the hopes that she'll at least see it. I've been sitting on that one for a long time.
I was never involved in any of the doxxing or other crazy shit that went on later. I actually caught shit for giving CCP information about exploits that were being abused. I've never been a boyscout but I've also never done anything ethically compromising to my recollection. Shady shit that might have gone on was purposefully kept away from me.
Anyway Goonswarm has been dead for a long time. I can't say when it happened, but it did. When I went to CCP I was cut off from everyone in GS who I played with who weren't direct friends. When I left and could play again mittani told me I couldn't join leadership because he didn't want a backseat CEO and so there wasn't much left for me to do as that's how I play the game and that's why the "splinter alliance" was made. I just wanted to have some fun and it was spun as some puppetmaster-esque plan and it made me really miserable and took the joy out of it so I left.
At the end of the day EVE changed my life in a lot of ways and it gave me my best friends but also my biggest regrets.
Given the piece of shit Mittani has turned into I'm glad people are putting their foot down and ending it. I personally advocated for a permanent ban when he pulled the wizard hat shit and was overruled. FNLN IMO was a hero 15 years ago and I'm glad to see he still is today for what that's worth.
I hope the right things happen and everyone who has been aggrieved here gets some semblance of justice. This shit should have been dealt with years ago and CCP as much as anyone is complicit here for not dealing with the problem years ago when they had the opportunity and knew it was the right thing to do.
I wish you all the best and hope that despite the bullshit you did have some genuine good times. When I called him out for forgetting LOVEU: TBH I don't even know wtf happened there anymore. I remember LOVEU as being great... Lenny I think was who I remember the most.
Yeah it was probably the wrong thing so sorry.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2022, 10:19:14 PM by Comstar »
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Posts: 60350
I mean what a stupid fuckshow.
If these Delta fuckwits win, they control nothing because they aren't Goons and with them in charge Goons will cease to be a thing that is relevant. If they don't win, idk, Goons will continue to be the mostly shitty bunch of old 4ch style dudes they have always been but probably still hobbled enough that they will decay and die out and incapable of doing any of the fun stuff they used to do because they'll be completely lacking in any mystique or ability to win a PR fight ever again.
Basically Goons can die or they can become full blown angry MRA/Incel types instead of kind of funny/meme'y when not going full /pol/ types who mostly don't show that incel side in public.
Are you really saying GOONS playing SPACE SHIP in 2022 aren't defaulted to incel? Come on. Also this has to be the least surprising story of the year... Thus far.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
Are you really saying GOONS playing SPACE SHIP in 2022 aren't defaulted to incel? Come on.
Well this all snowballed after the SomethingAwful Eve thread blew it all up, and old goons came out of the woodwork to help destroy it. Lots of old Goonswarm CEO's and leaders saying Mistakes Were Made and they hope Lessons Have Been Learnt and they are sorry for hurting people when they were...younger. Hell I think it was FirstnameLastname that helped destroy Remindel (who did that a lot of that himself of course) that was used by The Mittani to do that. And now he's destroyed The Mittani too. I've been watching too many Greek Mythology video's on YouTube, but I can't shake the feeling there's an echo of it here.
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
And now, THISI've been agonizing for days over whether or not to post in this thread. Meanwhile, I've been mashing F5 since this shit kicked off.
I don't really know where to begin, other than to say I'm so goddamn sorry for the reprehensible shit I did. My time with goonfleet is as filled with good memories and times as it is with regrets. A lot of regrets over things I did. If some of you still hate me, I understand there really isn't much I can do to make up for what I did, and that apologies coming from me probably don't mean much to you. It's deserved.
The past week in this thread has made me run the gamut of emotions, including extreme anxiety over knowing that me posting here could end my tenure on the only forum that ever felt like home to me online. Right now, my heart is racing, and thoughts of, "You're going to end up permabanned," are at the forefront of my mind. There is a mountain of "not a good look" skeletons in my closet.
I would like to set the record straight on a couple of things. I don't know if this will give anyone any insight or closure, but I feel the need to do it.
Earlier in the thread, deadtear and FNLN brought up some events surrounding eronarn, kirtaner, and myself. I felt nothing but shame when this was brought up, but still refrained from posting and that has weighed on me heavily.
Eronarn was not the person who defaced the monument, that was me. And when it comes to that event, I hope I suffer more sleepless nights than the three goons I threw under the bus while I flew out of the country. My chance to make amends to them passed around the moment I threw them under the bus and put them through (from what has been relayed to me) a very hellish experience. These were three people who thought I was their friend, and when the moment came for me to fess up and make good, I shit on them and then made good from relative safety and basically got away with it aside from paying to replace the tile and donating like $1500 to a youth camp CCP picked.
When I arrived at Fanfest 2014, I was already pretty burned out on the game, and had unsubbed most of my accounts. I actually only went because I had already bought the ticket and paid for the flight and deposit for the airbnb. This meant the ban, which was only 6 months, not lifetime, meant very little to me, and nobody seemed to care about deadtear constantly calling me out over it. I moved on to other games still under the Imperium banner and found myself in a leadership position in WoL playing MechWarrior Online with a bunch of folks who I fully expect have a much worse opinion of me than I them, considering that I was kicked out after calling Obama the n-word. Eventually I just sorta became a jabber denizen and left jabber after getting tired of arguing with koreamax.
I was also intensely shitty to a transgender member of sigma and my heart breaks thinking about it. I unfairly lashed out at a lot of people because of my own pain and I'm sorry.
I have a lot of sleepless nights over this shit. I really wish I could make up for it, but it really feels like I can't do more than offer words. :smith:
As for the non-EVE but still bad shit...
Coming up with 420chan is, without a doubt, the biggest single regret of my life. That dominos meme of lowtax banning LF leading to Trump being elected, I feel like I, or at least 420chan, was one of the dominos. We definitely had a lot of pedophiles on the site in the early days before the invasion and hacker bullshit, and at times it felt like I was the only person who was trying to keep them away, the /pedo/ board and #pedo irc channel were very real, and I trolled both relentlessly (along with another goon who is suffering from severe mental health struggles so I'll leave his name out) until they left to start 12chan. I never reported a single one of them to the authorities though, because at the time I did not care so much about what they did so long as it was not on my website. Years later, kirt I knew what he was permabanned from here for, and even now I still do not believe that he is a pedophile, though I do think his discord is grooming children (to commit computer crime). I don't associate with him at all anymore, and at the time of this post, 420chan has been offline for about a week, hopefully never to return.
Another thing that was actually very hard for me to read about was the mention of the foursome at the anime convention. Myself, kirt, eronarn, and I think one of the other participants in the foursome, were allowed to crash in someone else's hotel room for the night. I slept on a chair with my bag on the floor next to me, with a bunch of benzos (mainly ativan), and kirt had some amphetamines of some sort (i never found out which) he'd scored along with some mdma. At some point in the night, kirt stole the benzos out of my bag and attempted to intentionally OD on the amphetamines and the benzos, as his girlfriend had just broken up with him, he'd gotten a pity fuck from another woman, and I assume wanted to die. Anyways, this led to him being not even remotely cognizant of his surroundings or what was going on, and he passed out on the bed with eronarn and the other two. I woke up a few hours later, grabbed my bag, and scooted into the washroom to have a shower because everyone else seemed to be still asleep.
Kirtaner would barely classify as conscious during all of this, the foursome was actually him being sexually assaulted by eronarn and two other men. The only thing I am willing to defend him on is this, he was an unwilling participant and Eronarn assaulted him, and I fucking saw it happen. I did nothing about it though, I didn't know kirt wasn't conscious until hours later when frantically searching for the missing benzos and then got caught up in the fact my best friend had intentionally tried to OD rather than that he'd been raped by three men.
Kirtaner was my best friend for a long time (after he was permabanned from here), and we started and ran 420chan together. We had a falling out around the time Chanology was in full swing over the way the site was being run: he wasn't moderating and was using me as a money faucet. We reconnected years later and he got me a job and I was best man at his wedding, to the woman he'd been with for 12 years. We had another falling out around the time he started doing all the "I'm the Founder of Anonymous," and vice news article shit. He's gone completely off the deep end and self-medicates with meth. On the other hand, it's very striking to me how much he and mittani act the same, not from the "tweaked out maniac" perspective, but the narcissistic sociopath perspective. Mittani is like Kirtaner if he'd grown up with rich lawyer parents instead of a poor and abusive broken home and vice versa. I think having met both in person is why I see it like that. The parallels are uncanny to me, and I can't help but really feel like I have the absolute fucking worst judgement for friends.
Fuck, that feels like a load off but I'm still shaking. Once again, I'm so fucking sorry.
(USER WAS PERMABANNED FOR THIS POST) [/b] To quote everyone else in the thread: Jesus Christ. Thankfully the guy who posted about Murder was taken out of context.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2022, 01:04:17 AM by Comstar »
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
And now it looks like Goonswarm is breaking all ties with Something Awful after the leadership decided they liked being that way and don't want to change. The Eve SA thread is not liking it, but the rebel's are leaving the empire or being thrown out the airlock already.,
I suspect The Mittani will be invited back shortly, should he wish tom come back.
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8234
Everything ends eventually. GoonSwarm probably should have ended 3 years ago.
Friends don't let Friends vote for Boomers
Posts: 60350
Everything ends eventually. GoonSwarm probably should have ended 3 years ago.
Eve never should've been popular.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527
It's never been, by MMO standards.
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