Topic: EvE Devs play with BoB. Investigation in progress....New Scandal page 9! (Read 475624 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
More info from Kugutsumen on dev impropriety: [Edit by Trippy: LINK TO HACKER-OWNED SITE, DO NOT CLICK IF PARANOID ] It's lengthy and tricky to follow, but it seems to boil down to CCP's head of the event GMs being in Evolution; their membership knowing for the last 3 years that he was a GM (after he dramaposted about leaving the events team for a while); him arranging to get them privileged access to events (test event on server: 48 out of 50 invites went to Evolution members, which is SirMolle's Bob corp) with early access to new techs and gameplay; substantial EULA-breaking account sharing (one was passed between about 6 people on their forums and so on. As far as I understand, it's not quite at the t20 level, just a general, tawdry continuance of the corruption we've seen so much of from CCP staff. At least the post ends with the Internal Affairs team firing one GM and the subject of the post apparently jumping (3 days ago) before he could be pushed. Edit: oops, beaten to it. But at least mine was the Janet and John summary :-D
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:57:29 AM by Trippy »
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Posts: 23646
Working as intended.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742
Well, at least we know why BoB and their serfs felt so confident even after t20 - they still had (have?) pet devs breaking the rules for them. 
"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4257
POW! Right in the Kisser!
Last week I outed Enslaver, and I posted about why I did this. A lot of you had a problem with how he was innocent and so forth, and there were many accusations of dramawhoring and being BoB alts, depending on which side of the conflict you are on. But the key point is this: nobody is innocent here. I have made mistakes, done things I shouldn't have (jokingly ask for a mothership/titan from BoB is one of them), and I can own up to that. Everyone with information and power eventually misuses it, either consciously or by accident, and that's just a part of human nature.
The specific reason I outed Enslaver was to test if Arkanon was up to his task, and he was not. What sort of bullshit is that. "I outed out GM who did nothing wrong to test if Internal Affairs were up to task". What sort of a "test" was it if the person in question didn't do anything bad? If the guy was expecting to have the outed GM fired because "everyone with information and power eventually misuses it" then he's a loon.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10859
When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was bullshit!
I'm not sure what the scandal is supposed to be on this one. We're talking about stuff from 2004, for starters, and a bunch of event debugging that occurred on the test server, with someone who wasn't a CCP employee but a volunteer. Cheap/free stuff, PvP against developers, bonus skills, these are all things that happen routinely on the test server.
--Signature Unclear
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
The specific reason I outed Enslaver was to test if Arkanon was up to his task, and he was not. But the reason I out GMs is because the game is rigged, and I intend to either unrig it little by little, or inform every single participant of where and how the game is rigged. No, at this point, I think he's just attention-whoring.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2406
Holy Christ. If developers want to play the game so badly, they should be doing so in an NPC-ish role. Let them play as representatives of the big governments, that way they can be as uber powerful as they want without fucking up the landscape of the corp vs. corp conflict. So long as they're put in a position where they're neutral in that fight, I see nothing wrong with the developers cruising around in carriers and blowing the hell out of 'law breakers' that they come across. It could make sector security interestingly more dynamic if one had to keep a lookout for dev-piloted patrols floating around with massive firepower. Or, if a corp thinks they're badass enough, let them try to tackle one of those dev ships, use 'em as raid bosses of a sort.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5865
Internet Detective
No, at this point, I think he's just attention-whoring.
CCP banned his accounts and tried a cover up when a dev (not a gm) a dev actually was cheating, the cover up didn't work and it all came out anyway. CCP then refused to unban his accounts so he stated he would "out" members of CCP and their pet corps on a monthly basis. There's no doubt he's a hacking prick but he's just doing what he said he would. The fact that a lot of people assume the discovered people are cheating, is because in the first case they were and more importantly CCP intentionally covered it up, he's just playing on that because he's bitter. Normally I'd consider him trash but at the minute he's forcing them to be honest in fear of bad press, I have no doubt they are as bitter towards him as he is to them. They removed his characters from the game so he's doing the same to some of them, the situation looks balanced to me. edit typo
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:37:26 PM by Arthur_Parker »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742
Well, there's this.Last year, ISD ran an event involving a Serpentis invasion of BoB-space. The NPC dreads, when killed, dropped officer loot. (This was also when CCP added NPC stations into BoB regions...for no apparent reason). Other, similar events run elsewhere have the NPC ships dropping T1 or named T1 at best. So: Head of the GM staff in BoB, & BoB know about it. BoB get to play around with POS warfare on Test ahead of everyone else and discover quirks/exploits (e.g. the "shooting through POS shields with no password" thing) which remain a mystery to the rest of the playerbase for years. Lead GM all-but-spawning top-end loot for BoB. Account sharing involving CCP staff & volunteer accounts, in direct contravention of their own EULA. ...and that's only the things that we know about, ignoring any other undiscovered little anomalies, biased board moderation, and so on. Bearing in mind that one person has been fired and one has quit already over this, I'd say that this was a more valid concern than the GM Enslaver spat.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2007, 03:38:29 PM by Simond »
"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
This whole thread is unbelievable, from start to finish.
Jesus Christ, why would they do this nonsense ?
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527
Jesus Christ, why would they do this nonsense ?
I firmly believe that they are actually addicted to playing the game and their characters, much like regular players would be. It's like a pen and paper campaign where the DM also has a player character, and he likes playing the character more than he likes DM'ing. Whatcha gonna do?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
I firmly believe the CCP staff involved are just immature and unprofessional. That seems to be a meme in their corporate culture.
But not knowing any better is a not an excuse.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
I firmly believe the CCP staff involved are just immature and unprofessional. That seems to be a meme in their corporate culture.
Yep. Watching it all unfold, whether they're cheating with BPOs or griefing with impossibly-fitted capitals at lowsec gates or just helping their mates at the expense of the opposition, they just seem to be uber-geeks who've been given the cheatcodes that let them excel in an environment where their other inadequacies are masked. To that extent, I believe an awful lot of us would make a lot of the same mistakes. I suppose the difference is that an awful lot of our bosses would have dealt with it far, far better. Plus - and this is the bit I don't get - where I work, our external auditors would have been all over the sort of direct access to live servers that these people have. And just because our servers offer market data and CCP's offer a game doesn't make protecting them any less business-critical. And if when we found out that someone was breaching our EULA terms about not sharing accounts we removed their access and cancelled their accounts with us. That was easier for us than CCP because we didn't discover that numerous GMs, Devs and pet subscribers had been doing exactly that. Like Soln says, there is a real problem with their corporate culture. What he is doing might be motivated by petty or even criminal matters, but I am glad Kugutsumen is continuing his unpleasantness: eventually, I believe that CCP will have to (privately and internally) come up with some sort of adequate procedural response.
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527
I don't know if they have external auditors; they are an independent dev + publisher + distributor house, everything is in-house.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
I don't know if they have external auditors; they are an independent dev + publisher + distributor house, everything is in-house.
That's kinda what I meant: we have them, and they'd freak if we did what CCP did. Of course, we're independent (Scotland's largest independent company, but us employees and a VC house still own the lot), but the auditors are a major part of making sure that when we do want to float, all our practises are transparent and above board. It also reinforces our practises at the operational level. Edit: this from the SA boards (emphasis is mine): Well looks like Kugutsumen released it before I could, but yes indeed Nebulai (head of ISD events team) is M Hoshi of Evolution.
I actually was accepted into Aurora at one point but decided to stick with the Mod Squad and instead was an extra actor if they needed me (I believe I was only in one event as an actor).
The events team has always had several very fundamental flaws, which I was exposed to and indeed exploited while I was part of ISD as a moderator (the moderators and event actors/planners were on some of the same ISD IRC channels so had a good bit of contact).
Flaws such as:
--CCP has never had a very coherant plan about the storyline of Eve, and thus left events (and the planning for events) up to Aurora (the ISD events division). Aurora members were free to submit event ideas. These event ideas only needed to be reviewed by the head of Aurora, not by any GMs or Developers. Larger events (such as the multiple ones in Fountain) needed to be approved by devs I believe but I'm not sure how detailed that process was since I wasn't involved.
--Have a friend that's in Aurora? Prepare for easy lootz. I had a friend who'd leak a lot of events to me and who also would explain the engagement rules of the actors to me pretty often, allowing me to decide if I'd show up (if I was in the area) and have relatively little to no risk to my own ship, while having a very good chance of getting one of the rewards. I got a +4 Implant from a event when they weren't being dropped by agents yet.
Top to fucking bottom.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 11:06:56 AM by Endie »
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
They manage to claw the game up to the point of credibility and tumble it all back down again.
Edit: Christ I was tired yesterday.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2007, 02:10:09 AM by Ironwood »
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 657
I don't know if they have external auditors; they are an independent dev + publisher + distributor house, everything is in-house.
That's kinda what I meant: we have them, and they'd freak if we did what CCP did. Of course, we're independent (Scotland's largest independent company, but us employees and a VC house still own the lot), but the auditors are a major part of making sure that when we do want to float, all our practises are transparent and above board. It also reinforces our practises at the operational level. Edit: this from the SA boards (emphasis is mine): Well looks like Kugutsumen released it before I could, but yes indeed Nebulai (head of ISD events team) is M Hoshi of Evolution.
I actually was accepted into Aurora at one point but decided to stick with the Mod Squad and instead was an extra actor if they needed me (I believe I was only in one event as an actor).
The events team has always had several very fundamental flaws, which I was exposed to and indeed exploited while I was part of ISD as a moderator (the moderators and event actors/planners were on some of the same ISD IRC channels so had a good bit of contact).
Flaws such as:
--CCP has never had a very coherant plan about the storyline of Eve, and thus left events (and the planning for events) up to Aurora (the ISD events division). Aurora members were free to submit event ideas. These event ideas only needed to be reviewed by the head of Aurora, not by any GMs or Developers. Larger events (such as the multiple ones in Fountain) needed to be approved by devs I believe but I'm not sure how detailed that process was since I wasn't involved.
--Have a friend that's in Aurora? Prepare for easy lootz. I had a friend who'd leak a lot of events to me and who also would explain the engagement rules of the actors to me pretty often, allowing me to decide if I'd show up (if I was in the area) and have relatively little to no risk to my own ship, while having a very good chance of getting one of the rewards. I got a +4 Implant from a event when they weren't being dropped by agents yet.
Top to fucking bottom. Did you petitioned that guy, or GS cheater=good, BoB cheater=bad?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436
Did you petitioned that guy, or GS cheater=good, BoB cheater=bad?
He doesn't play any more - hasn't for 6 months - but basically he got called out on the hypocrisy of his actions, yes. If I knew what his character name was, and I saw that he was playing, then yeah, I'd petition.
My blog: http://endie.netTwitter - Endieposts "What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1242
| with Magnus, first question deals with t20 scandal. My take on Magnus's reply is that the corrective actions of those who discovered the cheating were wrong. He doesn't address some of the GM-related things that Kugutsumen has been dredging up recently. Magnus does confirm that CCP employees have characters evenly distributed through the ten major alliances.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1086
Did you petitioned that guy, or GS cheater=good, BoB cheater=bad?
We don't cheat, you faggot. Keep that shit where it belongs, like the EVE-O shit pit.
EVE (inactive): Deakin Frost -- APB (fukken dead): Kayleigh (on Patriot).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868
Victim: Sirius Maximus
Did you petitioned that guy, or GS cheater=good, BoB cheater=bad?
We don't cheat, you faggot. Keep that shit where it belongs, like the EVE-O shit pit. Post with your main! ;)
"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together. My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 868
There's an interesting bit on TenTonHammer from GDC'07 about this.. well the first bit, anyway: Ethec: I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but do you have anything to say about the recent issues you’ve had with the GMs?
Magnus: Yes, there are a number of things I can say about it. It was a complete mess on our part. We were just naïve, because we’d never gone through something like this before.
When this occurred, it was actually during the European vacations, and – of course, almost the entire management team was out when this happened. The people that were in charge then, they decided to deal with it in the way that they dealt with it. They had virtually no experience – I mean none of us had experienced something like that – and we thought nothing like that would ever happen.
It sounds extremely naïve, but the mentality was that we were so committed to this game that we never thought one of our own would do any harm to it. It’s like harming your own child.
But now we know that it CAN happen. The whole situation made me so sad. It was a big downer for us, and to see some of the users still going on about this….it just makes you miserable.
I’ve talked to the individual who did this, and he still doesn’t understand why he decided to do it. He had access to certain databases that only a select few people had access too, so it was just an extreme case all around. We couldn’t double judge him after the fact – it would have been like double jeopardy. However, now we have VERY strict rules and internal audits concerning our employees. We have a department that does nothing else but track this sort of thing.
Then we have these people who think CCP is on a secret mission to help one alliance succeed in the game, and it’s so ridiculous and out there that it makes absolutely no sense. We did a query on all employees, and they’re very evenly distributed through the top twenty alliances. So how could we just help one alliance, without our own employees jumping in to make sure that the rival alliance doesn’t gain an upper hand?
At CCP, we play this game because we love it, but there’s still that question: Should we be playing this game at such a high level, because we are developers? There are some valid points saying we shouldn’t, but also some counter arguments noting that if we’re not there, how do we know how the game is played there?
The game evolves so quickly with the players, and if we’re not there how could we keep up? I don’t think there’s a magic solution, in this case.
It’s just a mess, but we’re coming out of it with more control and it should be better for everybody.
Ethec: Do you think it was a symptom of your growth?
Magnus: Absolutely. We were just growing so fast. We stopped paying attention to things like this because we thought it wouldn’t be an issue.
Boomjack: Did it affect your subscription numbers at all?
Magnus: Actually it didn’t. We leveled off because of World of Warcraft, but now we're growing again. If somebody quit because of that situation, I think they were probably ready to quit anyway.
But we know that people are still very angry at us because we did something really really wrong. Hopefully in time people will see that it was just human error. We are no different than our users; we can make mistakes. It won’t happen again. Source:
Terracotta Army
Posts: 951
Did you petitioned that guy, or GS cheater=good, BoB cheater=bad?
We don't cheat, you faggot. Keep that shit where it belongs, like the EVE-O shit pit. Post with your main! ;) Proof or STFU! :-D
Terracotta Army
Posts: 303
It sounds extremely naïve, but the mentality was that we were so committed to this game that we never thought one of our own would do any harm to it. It’s like harming your own child.
But now we know that it CAN happen. That this can happen is shocking! Shocking I tell thee!Please correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this the third confirmed case of a dev/intern abusing his power? Aren’t there also numerous other unproven cases? I am surprised that he is surprised. The Dev’s aren’t just “playing the game”. Many are in alliance leadership positions and provide input on where, who, and how to fight on a daily basis. And when a three-year-old PvP character being run by a guy with a heavy Nordic accent starts giving alliance leaders advice on Teamspeak, I would think they tend to listen. As a matter of fact, we know for a fact now that in at least one instance they were doing far more than giving advice. How many times have Dev's done things that cannot be proven by logs? We'll never know. This case was caught and proven only because it was flagrant and documented. As long as the Dev’s are an important part of the leadership of the 0.0 based alliance warfare the tinfoil hats are going to reign supreme after every engagement. I don’t see how the shockingly common perception of an unlevel playing field is sustainable. But I stay in Empire, so whatever.
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
The t20 thing was the first (and only) major dev incident; prior and subsequent incidents have involved primarily GMs or ISD/Aurora staff. IIRC there may have been one with a senior GM in the last few months, but I've more or less stopped paying attention.
Oh, yeah, head of ISD. Ten posts up.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 215
All very amusing, but it doesn't come as a great shock. This sort of stuff has come up in nearly every game. In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Kin Rha
Posts: 4615
the y master, king of bourbon
All very amusing, but it doesn't come as a great shock. This sort of stuff has come up in nearly every game. In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Any press is good press.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
All very amusing, but it doesn't come as a great shock. This sort of stuff has come up in nearly every game. In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Then you are odd. Nuts. Crazy in the coconut. What the fuck would be the point of playing ?
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868
Victim: Sirius Maximus
All very amusing, but it doesn't come as a great shock. This sort of stuff has come up in nearly every game. In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Then you are odd. Nuts. Crazy in the coconut. What the fuck would be the point of playing ? I know I sure like to work my ass off for things that are just handed to Dev friends! 
"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together. My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Only if the coalition defeats BoB. If we fail, and BoB wins, game over.
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Only if the coalition defeats BoB. If we fail, and BoB wins, game over. BoB will fall apart. Empires don't last.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Only if the coalition defeats BoB. If we fail, and BoB wins, game over. BoB will fall apart. Empires don't last. It's been awhile...
Army of One
Posts: 7028
Wouldn't it be awesome if BoB won and reigned supreme as some sort of invincible developer's club, and the entire game stagnated from within, and festered, and died like a man with a lingering infection? And the company goes out of business, and a couple of developers and crazy fanboys shoot themselves, and it's all a huge disgrace and debacle, and ten years later you're all still arguing over it like me and Sinij fighting over UO?
That would be rad.
"You're just a dick who quotes himself in his sig." -- Schild "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." -- Me
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Only if the coalition defeats BoB. If we fail, and BoB wins, game over. BoB will fall apart. Empires don't last. It's been awhile... Rome didn't fall in a day either. Maybe this will take them down. Odds are, BoB will just weather repeated attacks over time from different coalitions, see the fracturing of it's allies, and finally end up a shell of it's former self -- and then get the shit kicked out of it after massive Corp Drama that sees half the people leaving in a huff and declaring war on the other have. So, pretty much exactly like Rome, really.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 215
All very amusing, but it doesn't come as a great shock. This sort of stuff has come up in nearly every game. In fact, hearing about it has increased my interest in the game, for some odd reason.
Then you are odd. Nuts. Crazy in the coconut. What the fuck would be the point of playing ? Exactly my ponderations of the moment... maybe I miss the drama... maybe I now realize that I'd never be effected anyway (low involvement threashold these days)... maybe i'm a natural scavenger and sense blood... maybe I yearn for the old days when everyone knew that Dev Staff played with us and against us and it was cool... I dunno why, but I keep thinking Eve might be something to play around with... but I know it isn't. /shrug
Kin Rha