Freelance Forums > Evolution > Shiva access for you
10-05-2004, 12:57
http://myeve.eve-online.com/shiva.asp Of you go, enjoy.
10-05-2004, 13:28
yee haa
10-05-2004, 13:59
Managed to hit it.
Shiva Status for user *******
requested on:
2004.10.04 23:45:00
10-05-2004, 14:48
Shiva Status for user Panzerxii
access granted
requested on:
2004.10.05 00:35:00
10-05-2004, 17:39
Shiva Status for user Panzerxii
access granted
requested on:
2004.10.05 00:35:00
wtf, i make a request 5 mins after you and im still pending
Shiva Status for user carnstickpendingrequested on:
2004.10.05 00:40:00
hurts my feelings.
10-05-2004, 17:48
wtf, i make a request 5 mins after you and im still pending
Shiva Status for user carnstickpendingrequested on:
2004.10.05 00:40:00
hurts my feelings.
And I made mine nearly an hour brefore his and still pending...
Channel "Shiva"
Super Schecter > I guess they are letting people on already
Lan2 > well actually, the website still said pending...
Lan2 > but I could log in... :/
Lan2 > hope thats ok
Super Schecter > hmm
Super Schecter > yeah that's ok
Lan2 > so, am I the first then?
Super Schecter > First regular? I believe so, I haven't seen anyone else since now.
yea, 1st in baby.
(and my status is still "pending")
Shiva looks awsome, unfortunally I couldn't spend much time in it, need to cram for an exam and get some sleep.
The mirror is from 7-28-2004 (looked the the corp wallet for the last date in it) So its a bit old... edit: might be different actually, I've got different dates in my wallets... its a few weeks old at least though.
10-05-2004, 19:37
Hmmm, prepare for job interview or check out Shiva? Okay, I'll have a wee peek.
10-05-2004, 23:24
<-- evil I like editing things
10-06-2004, 03:52
we lub j00 nebs
Luc Boye
10-06-2004, 04:36
w00t I'm in
10-06-2004, 04:57
My account is active. Now I just gotta get the gently caress out of this office and get on the motherfucker.
10-06-2004, 08:35
requested on:
2004.10.05 01:08:00
Activated on:
2004.10.05 16:04:00
10-06-2004, 08:56
oops i lied again
Shiva Status for user Panzerxiiactiverequested on:
2004.10.05 00:35:00
Activated on:
2004.10.05 16:03:00
10-06-2004, 16:19
I'm in, but I didn't see much. I got stuck in free space while in autopilot, and now I can't do anything.
It reminds me the first days in beta
Don't worry if you are not yet in, nothing fantastic is happening for now. It will be better in a few days.
Sorte Slyngel
10-06-2004, 22:33
activerequested on:
2004.10.05 08:07:00
Activated on:
2004.10.06 09:08:00
\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ <o> \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/
10-06-2004, 22:35
would be nice for the next director that gets on to fix hangar access, Im still a biotch on that server
10-06-2004, 22:44
would be nice for the next director that gets on to fix hangar access, Im still a biotch on that server
activerequested on:
2004.10.05 07:16:00
Activated on:
2004.10.06 09:07:00
So wait till I'm home from work.
10-06-2004, 23:29
Im in
Be really cool if we get like an armageddon day in shiva maybe a whole week of armageddon to really use everything. That would rock, no?
CCP event / testing - EVOL only
Freelance Forums > Evolution > CCP event / testing - EVOL only
CCP event / testing - EVOL only
11-15-2004, 13:23
Thursday 1900 evetime.
Singularis testserver.
We will get special accts, maxed out training, and all gear you can dream of.
The objective is for POS attacks/defence, and a good training session for us.
Estimated timeframe; 2 hours.
Interested pilots, name yourselve here before wednesday.
11-15-2004, 13:24
omfg javi's loving in!
omfg that time's loving gay rofl.
11-15-2004, 13:24
11-15-2004, 13:25
11-15-2004, 13:25
me me me me me me me me me me .. oh and me! (EveJunkie)
11-15-2004, 13:26
me, i will be there.
11-15-2004, 13:26
MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMMEMEME....i will love you forever molle!!! choose me!!
11-15-2004, 13:43
whenever I have a chance to kill EVOL, i'm always in!
11-15-2004, 13:45
Aye i'm in for that.
11-15-2004, 13:52
i would like to be part of that action
Anla Shok
11-15-2004, 14:24
11-15-2004, 14:24
Yep I'll be there.
Venom SGZ
11-15-2004, 14:26
Me please :eTom:
11-15-2004, 14:43
Count me in too... I can participate.
11-15-2004, 14:45
Yep me pls.
11-15-2004, 19:33
Please count me in as well. Thank you.
11-15-2004, 19:40
jebus... lemme think about it :/
Ok, I just looked still got shiva build installed.
Man I feel naughty.
11-15-2004, 19:48
11-15-2004, 19:49
me (and genghis wants in too ;P)
11-15-2004, 19:50
me me me me me
can i have a super g0at too?
did i say ME
11-15-2004, 19:50
count me in
11-15-2004, 19:50
im in, seems like a good reason to take off work
11-15-2004, 19:53
I'll be working =\
11-15-2004, 20:21
Oh hell yes.
11-15-2004, 20:30
Uuuhh, party

Count me in.
Luc Boye
11-15-2004, 20:30
11-15-2004, 20:54
11-15-2004, 21:50
It's prolly a trick to get as many as possible to strip mine, but i'm risking it.
11-15-2004, 21:52
11-15-2004, 22:27
11-15-2004, 22:28
Oo me me
11-15-2004, 22:33
lets blow stuff up !
11-15-2004, 22:48
I think its time we scared the devs with our l337 POS pownage!
Humm actually..that may be counter productive they'll use the data from our test to balance the POS and they'll be nigh on indestructable for thoese non-evol mortals.
11-15-2004, 23:45
i think thoose 10 tempests i have in yulai maybe be in use
also plenty scimatars
lets just out range em!
can u say apoc with 300km optimal?
11-16-2004, 00:34
i be keen
DArth Maul
11-16-2004, 01:31
Id like a piece of that action..
11-16-2004, 01:33
oh cool, an event what i can be in.
I just need an imperial apoc + Luther Veron's Modified Tachyon Beam Laser + 2xVizan's Modified Heat Sink + 1xDraclira's Modified Large Armor Repairer and some Cormack's Modified Energized Adaptive Nano Membrane. k thnks im rdy to test watever you like now
11-16-2004, 01:36
Guess Disco will be playing instead of me :s
You owe me now
11-16-2004, 02:18
I'll be there
11-16-2004, 02:23
Count me in
11-16-2004, 08:02
dukkie wants to be in,
Lets test lag with all my drones out
11-16-2004, 09:14
I'm game. Just have 8 hours work before that :P
11-16-2004, 09:19
poo poo 3 pages before i get in AsaR WANTS TO PLAY
11-16-2004, 11:08
Long range pos defenses + Citadel Torpedoes = pwnz us
Scimitars + Gankageddons + logistics = way to win
11-16-2004, 11:37
gonna be a bit late prob from work
but sign me up
Sin X
11-16-2004, 11:45
I'm in (sin). \o/ that rocks :-D
11-16-2004, 12:42
ill be stuck at work
11-16-2004, 12:44
I think I have Quar's Problem - bad timing....
11-16-2004, 14:05
So... You are a dev after all, Molle...
11-16-2004, 14:36
oooooh .0/ i be game for a taste of that =]
11-16-2004, 15:42
Oropendia will go
11-16-2004, 18:54
I guess i'll install eve for this
11-16-2004, 20:27
got time if i can be 30 min late -)
11-16-2004, 21:17
Sweet, I'm game.
11-16-2004, 22:36
Count me in :eTom:
11-16-2004, 23:14
did i say ME ME ME ?
11-17-2004, 12:35
Thursday 1900.
48 pilots signed up from EVOL.
We will get a list of 50 accts to use, and i will distribute them (all superchars).
Exact testing routing and what we need to do, will be announced, but, we will mostlikely be teh nasty attackers on a WELL setup POS and most likely there will be some NASTY devs there as well pwning us, so... prepare to die... lots.
11-17-2004, 12:51
whee death
11-17-2004, 12:52
I'd say grab at LEAST one covert ops to scout it out well before the rest decides what ships to grab
11-17-2004, 13:03
Imperial gankagedon

11-17-2004, 13:20
I'll be at work ofc. I hereby request fraps and screenies.
11-17-2004, 13:29
Fraps would be a good idea!
Sin X
11-17-2004, 14:21
been having some issues with fraps lately but i will try and get some.
11-17-2004, 15:18
Dunno if im too late to yell i want in, but ill definatley be there tomorrow at 1900 :eTom:
11-17-2004, 15:41
48 Federate Megathrons with 7 T2 Neutrons, 1 T2 large armour transferrer each and T2 ammo :P
all warping in 10 km from the first sentry gun... pop pop pop.
11-17-2004, 16:05
- Take out the tower and you can shoot defenses w/o problems (not sure if they still fire)
- Pop launchers first, they are spammy
I'm not sure if it'd be more efficient to shoot the defenses first, or the guardian ships. We're almost sure to lose if they are using dampening scorps (coz they force you to get close, bringing you into Citadel range).
11-17-2004, 16:27
why not just set 1 bs with named long range guns and full of dam mod suported by 2 scorpions wirth traking enhancers so we can kill them at 200 km?
11-17-2004, 16:35
coz they'll shoot you at 200 km.
The large artillery turret has an 180km optimal range, if I read the Ev-I obj explorer correctly. With a damage mod of 90.
http://www.eve-i.com/home/crowley_de...rer.php?id=821 ^ Shiva obj. explorer
11-17-2004, 22:08
i will be there, if there is still room. :cheesy:
Luc Boye
11-17-2004, 22:34
wtf dmg mod of 90? and Xlarge ammo?
Ok, it has lock time like a BS, and sensor strength of 20, so cycle jam 2-3 of them?
11-17-2004, 22:40
Can't be targeted, they're in the forcefield.
You can only target the forcefield if it's active, nothig inside it
11-18-2004, 09:28
I may be able to make this one, if I dont get stuck at work again. Dont worry tho if no space.
11-18-2004, 10:24
I think im gonna be forced to miss this due to patch crap bollox. My Shiva version is `stuck' on a build with no obvious linking patch to bring it up to date.
I know I could scrap the whole thing and re-copy my TQ folder but I dont think i'm gonna have enough time from when I get home from work and the start of the testing session...
AARRGGHHHHH!!!! I COULD loving THROTTLE SOME1 COS OF THIS!!!! *insert extreme anger/violence smilie*
11-18-2004, 10:47
Where to download the Shiva client? I get a:
The stream could not be read, I said MORE Minmatar labour workers ... not LESS
When accessing the Shiva testcenter.
11-18-2004, 11:05
http://www.eve-online.com/patches/testpatches.asp jim bond
11-18-2004, 11:22
Thursday 1900.
48 pilots signed up from EVOL.
We will get a list of 50 accts to use, and i will distribute them (all superchars).
Exact testing routing and what we need to do, will be announced, but, we will mostlikely be teh nasty attackers on a WELL setup POS and most likely there will be some NASTY devs there as well pwning us, so... prepare to die... lots.
At least ccp acknowledge the pawning power of Evolution
11-18-2004, 11:38
Ok. Lets for one minute pretend that I only know how to turn on my pc and launch eve and am not a total technophobe old git. So what do I do to load up this thingy?
Just pretending of course...
11-18-2004, 12:12
Ok. Lets for one minute pretend that I only know how to turn on my pc and launch eve and am not a total technophobe old git. So what do I do to load up this thingy?
Make a copy of ur EVE folder*, rename it Shiva or whatever u like. Create shortcut etc.
*to speed up the process delete all the chat logs, screenies etc from within ur EVE folder before copying.
Then patch up ur Shiva folder with the patches found here:-
http://www.eve-online.com/patches/testpatches.asp ...this is where u will hit a brick wall, if i'm reading it right
11-18-2004, 12:53
Tnx m8
Proof that James_ is Nebulai...
Have you noticed bubble's reply to James offering exclusive Shiva access?
Originally Posted by bubbles
we lub j00 nebs
Okay this is a bit weak proof, here is another quote:
Originally Posted by Lyrics
Because I was over worked and had bosses that didnt really want me doing event stuff at all (wich eventualy resulted in me leaving the GM department) I soon started to delegate all this work to James_ who handled the job perfectly and soon after became a part of the event department.
In 2003 when James first left the event team he actually signed his post on Evol as Neb. He came back to the event team in 2004 and not long after started giving all kinds of privileges to his buddies in Evol.
Originally Posted by James_
Bye and thanks for the fun
Heya Guys,
Many of you will know I recently left my volunteer position within EVE due to not agreeing with the naive-ness of CCP. This morning, I am told by the GM's that they have disabled my player account (dead/inactive can't be used), and they won't fix my player chars until I provide a CC number for them to charge for the account.
This is just disgusting, and basically - I'm not going too. I might come back in a few months, who knows - but as it stands EVE = teh lovely for me.
You guys have been great, all the way through beta and into release, don't think I've ever had so much fun with a group in an online game.
Cya Around
James / Neb.
The following post got us really confused for a bit and at first we thought james was kieron.
Account I gave to someone
04-06-2004, 19:21
Someone.. I gave an account (username: kieron) in evolution, my gut feeling says ProphetGuru.. Could that person step forward and confirm it?
I need to talk to you about this particular account.
04-06-2004, 20:34
04-06-2004, 22:29
It was me. I have however since given this account over to nons...... just to complicate matters
04-06-2004, 22:32
k then NONS?
04-06-2004, 23:00
nons gave it to me, and i in turn gave it to bansh, who decided that wyakin needed to play eve with us as well.
04-07-2004, 00:01
wow, we have a whore account going around ?
04-07-2004, 12:45
I also want to play with kieron
damnit, we actually have a CCP peron in our corp
04-07-2004, 12:51
I still have Kieron's old account, but it has Rikeon on it, and that represents a large investment of both mine and Prophets time and cash. (: so, is ye'ol kieron looking to get his namesake back? I'll hit you up in IRC asap.
Click image for larger version Name: rikeon.PNG Views: 31 Size: 125.0 KB ID: 187
Note: nonsequitur still plays Kieron's old alt as of today.
Hey remember how bob was screaming about all the information was super old and from 2004? GUESS WHEN NEBULAI JOINED THE EVENT TEAM.
James_ still has access as of today to the private section of the Evolution forums:
http://www.eve-evol.com/forums/showgroups.php tl;dr: Head of ISD, the "event GMs" of EVE, is in one of BoB's most influential corporations - Evolution. He's been giving BoB special treatment, giving them superchars on the test server - something NOBODY has access to - and the ability to have wargames with the developers and learn all of the tricks right from the developers themselves. Plus possible event botching/fixing, and god knows what. Might all be hot air, but judging from these logs, it looks like he's legit.
The following two emails are from ISD's internal email exchange.
Email dated March 6th, 2007:
Hi all,
I would like to announce that Aporat is no longer with ISD.
He was the subject of an investigation by CCP’s internal IA team and CCP have decided to remove him from ISD.
Unfortunately I have no further details than this, so I’m unable to tell you anything further on this matter.
I would like to add, I still consider Aporat a good friend and stand by him, so please don’t think any less of him.
Kind Regards,
Email dated March 8th, 2007:
Hi guys,
I feel the time has come for me to step down as the VA of the events
program. I’m no longer putting the effort into the program it either
deserves or requires. I’m not happy to take a back seat in a position that
requires someone who is motivated and willing to put in the effort. With
recent transpires, both in my personal life and within EVE and ISD I need to
refocus my time into other avenues that are less stressful.
I feel I’ve done a lot for Aurora and I’m perfectly happy leaving it within
Galen’s more than capable hands to lead Aurora onto the next stage of its
development and furtherment within EVE.
I thank you all, and CCP for the last few (4!) years and I hope my time and
effort into the program has been recognised and appreciated. I’ve made many
friends and I appreciate everything you’ve done - I wish you all the best
for the future. Please pass on my thanks to the people at CCP that have put
up with myself even during my irate times and helped further the goals of
Aurora, these include Nathan, Gauti, Ginger, Wrangler and of course yourself
With your blessings, I will leave the volunteer within four weeks (being 8th
April), allowing ample time for loose ends to be wrapped up.
Galen – you’ve been a great co-lead to the team, you know you have my
eternal thanks and I’m sure you’ll do wonderful things with the team. You
have my utmost faith your right for the job.
Kind Regards,
There exists the possibility that Nebulai quit before CCP discovered his involvement in EVOL so he could avoid being found out, yet was too late to actually avoid this.