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Author Topic: Titan Quest: Who's playing as What?  (Read 139128 times)
Posts: 8993

Reply #70 on: July 06, 2006, 09:54:36 PM

The most imba build I've seen so far is Earth / Spirit. Using a combination of skills from there you can get the best tank pet ( Core Dweller ) and very very high dmg ( mainly due to tension attack or whatever it's called ).

I don't see the Core Dweller being all that great in Epic and Legendary difficulties.  Towards the end of Nomal, certain creatures could take him down in a matter of seconds.  I could only see that getting worse as the game gets more difficult.  Of course from the sound of it, pretty much no class can take a lot of hits on the higher difficulty.
Posts: 60350

Reply #71 on: July 06, 2006, 10:07:53 PM

Necro with a maxxed out liche and the Outsider is something of a manimal. I just happen to be suicidal when I play games with no death penalty (or a small one).

Anyone who played CoH or WoW with me knows that.
Posts: 4615

the y master, king of bourbon

Reply #72 on: July 06, 2006, 10:11:17 PM

I heard some people were having trouble with the game crashing and their characters getting corrupted.

So I kicked together a little MFC app in short order. Point it at your Titan Quest data dir (which it should autodiscover on startup), hit 'Backup Now'. Get screwed over? Hit 'Restore Now'.

Also includes a handy-dandy 'launch TQ' button (untested) with start-with-PVP-enabled checkbox (untested).

Source and binary included.

Requires Unicode, so it won't work on anything older than Win2k, and it hasn't been tested at all on anything but my gaming box (XP SP2). It hasn't borked my save files (so far), but don't blame me if it horks on yours.
Posts: 23646

Reply #73 on: July 06, 2006, 11:23:23 PM

Its not really sensible for the forums to allow avatard linking, since they allow uploading anyhow. However, I can say this: fuck gifdump.com.
Isn't there a 50kb limit on uploaded avatars? You allow avatard linking so we can have dancing avatars ;)
Apprently not, mine is, um, a little larger, as the actor said to the Episcopal bishop. :)
There's a width x height limit of 150 x 150. That will break some animated GIFs if you try to upload them (they'll get converted to a single frame PNG) unless you are clever enough to resize it yourself before hand. Linking to an external URL was a workaround cause it would use height and width tags to scale the image for you.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #74 on: July 06, 2006, 11:56:25 PM

Ok I'm up and running, just in time for my zero weekend playtime to screw me.  I'm going to work my Slayer build up first, should be fairly no-brainer.

-Onslaught full line (bread and butter attack)
-Dodge Attack
-Wood Lore (Atk speed buff)
-Call of the Hunt (Atk speed buff, really need to know what the cooldown is on this one...)
-Study Prey & Flush out (defense debuffs)

That is the basic framework I have in my mind, obviously tweaks will be made as performance dictates.  The endgame plan is to have a spear using high dex warrior that has a fairly high level of party support skills.

Plan B is for him to at least get the cash/gear to twink my other two template ideas.

A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 866

Reply #75 on: July 07, 2006, 03:07:44 AM

The most imba build I've seen so far is Earth / Spirit. Using a combination of skills from there you can get the best tank pet ( Core Dweller ) and very very high dmg ( mainly due to tension attack or whatever it's called ).

I don't see the Core Dweller being all that great in Epic and Legendary difficulties.  Towards the end of Nomal, certain creatures could take him down in a matter of seconds.  I could only see that getting worse as the game gets more difficult.  Of course from the sound of it, pretty much no class can take a lot of hits on the higher difficulty.

Pet hp scales on harder difficulties. As you will see, mobs cast lvl 6 traps on legendaries which are harder to kill than the actual mobs. Core Dweller can even tank a decent ammount of hits of minotaurs on legendary, and they one shot pretty much every player.
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #76 on: July 07, 2006, 07:47:14 AM

Durr, what are us little meleers supposed to do then?

I've taken to getting Flash Powder and Dodge on my Assassin. It will slow my DW skill tree, but oh well.

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7432

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Reply #77 on: July 07, 2006, 08:33:33 AM

I'm pretty much fucked on my char I think, almost time to reroll another one.

I had to respec out of alot of damage skills and full dodge/full magma casing (basically a cocoon where you can regen hp).  Problem was still when I got out of the casing I was 3 hit by a minotaur.

I don't have enough intelligence to make the summon skills really count (int adds to spells right?).

Maybe I'll reroll, what's not taken? :p
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1893

Reply #78 on: July 07, 2006, 09:44:39 AM

I bought the game 2 days ago. In the demo, I played both Warfare and Earth. My retail toon is a level 11 Earth/Nature aka Summoner. Currently exploring the Halcyon Coast in the Megarea region.

It's pretty fun so far. I have both the Core Dweller and the Wolf. The Wolf is kind of fragile, especially when he and the Core decide to pick fights with different mobs, and I follow the Core. Support your tank, and all that. Fortunately, this doesn't happen too often, and the Wolf is relatively cheap to resummon anyway.

I run the Earth Enchantment buff, the Nature buff that enhances health, and the fire shield.

I usually use the default Staff attack in combat, with the occasional Volcanic Orb thrown in for good measure. I stay close to my pets during fights, so that the auras will help them, and also so that the fire shield gets used.

Plant yourself like a tree
Haven't you noticed? We've been sharing our culture with you all morning.
The sun will shine on us again, brother
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #79 on: July 07, 2006, 10:38:27 AM

The way my assassin works is in an attempt to really abuse Calculated Strikes - every 4th hit = massive damage. So I get that, plus the skill above it (some non-4th hits will do extra damage and bleeding), plus Dual Wield. The idea is for every second or third click to proc Calculated Strikes. If you go up the DW tree, you get things that will hit multiple targets with 1 click - I'm not sure how these extra swings are treated as of yet.

Also, my abilities have (or are going to have) innate high piercing damage to ignore armor, and also bleeding and poison dots to spread damage around as I clear a circle of enemies around me.

I'm starting to get dodge and flash powder so that I can survive being surrounded by mobs. The only times I seem to have trouble now is extra-high dmg stuff in my face, like multiple elite casters, those damn flaming dual-wielding guys, and bigass turtles. The turtles just take forever to kill.

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #80 on: July 07, 2006, 10:45:13 AM

There is an online build calc out for those min/maxers w/ comps at work (all of j00).


A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #81 on: July 07, 2006, 10:51:38 AM

it's a bit slow atm, but I've been waiting for something like this to come out. Thanks.

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #82 on: July 07, 2006, 10:52:52 AM

A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #83 on: July 07, 2006, 11:01:55 AM

This is the Assassin I would like, some day

EDIT: I only went to level 40 or so because that's, realistically, as far as I see myself getting.

EDIT: Also...damn Hoax, you have a lot of active use abilities...I would probably not end up using a lot of them, hence why I pick mostly passive skills.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 11:07:30 AM by Strazos »

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #84 on: July 07, 2006, 11:19:57 AM

At 40, Onslaught is a left click ability and I have a 3 spell rotation, doesn't seem like too much to me.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 11:30:03 AM by Hoax »

A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7432

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Reply #85 on: July 07, 2006, 11:40:56 AM

Maybe I'll do a complete respec into pure defensive skills and see how it works out.
Wiki Admin
Posts: 7770

Locomotive Pandamonium

Reply #86 on: July 07, 2006, 12:10:09 PM

Nix - Juggernaut

Just cause the name sounds so cool.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 866

Reply #87 on: July 07, 2006, 01:19:30 PM

I play a Slayer myself. If you plan on using spear, then hunting / defensive is MUCH better. If you plan on using bow I would drop the onslaught line entirely and go for marksmanship. Puncture Shot alone is better than all the skills togheter in the onslaught line if you use a bow. I don't have a clue if warwind works at all with a bow, but I would think it doesn't. Lacrete seems to require a sword or an axe so that's a no no. The hunting tree looks well placed apart from marksmanship. I'd try to max out Trail Blazing as well though, run speed owns.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #88 on: July 07, 2006, 01:33:42 PM

Gah!  Now someone appears who is playing on of the classes I am interested in!

My Slayer is definately going spear here is skills @ 35:

Onslaught: (Rank: 8 of 8)
When used as your default weapon attack, Onslaught increases your attack damage with each successive hit. The power of your Onslaught dissipates rapidly when not actively attacking.
8 Charge Levels, 1 Energy Cost, +50% Damage

Dodge Attack: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Even the sturdiest armor has its chinks. The best way to stay alive is to not get hit.
15% Chance to Dodge Attacks

Ignore Pain: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Total focus in the heat of battle allows you to ignore physical and piercing damage.
15% Damage Resistance, 15% Pierce Resistance

War Wind: (Rank: 8 of 8)
Executes a devastating spinning attack that can damage up to four enemies.
103 Energy Cost, 360 Arc of Attack, 4 Target Maximum, 15 Damage

Hamstring: (Rank: 6 of 6)
An attack aimed at the enemy's legs reduces their ability to run and increases their vulnerability for a short duration.
28 Reduced Defensive Ability for 3 Seconds, 28 Reduced Armor for 6 Seconds, 35% Slower Movement for 5 Seconds

Ardor: (Rank: 6 of 6)
You build momentum as you drive your attack forward, attacking and moving more rapidly.
+16% Movement, +16% Attack Speed

Wood Lore: (Rank: 6 of 6)
Central to survival in the wilderness is the ability to hunt with bow and spear. Great familiarity with these weapons allows you to wield them with exceptional speed and precision.
+32% Defensive Ability, +18% Attack Speed

Call of the Hunt: (Rank: 1 of 8)
Those who answer the call of the hunt will fight with increased speed and cunning.
45 Energy Cost, 28 Second Duration, 12.0 Meter Radius, 18 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds, +15% Attack Speed, +33% Damage to Beastmen, +33% Damage to Animals

Study Prey: (Rank: 1 of 12)
By observing your prey from a distance you may discover its weakness, resulting in greater pierce damage.
35 Energy Cost, 18 Second Duration, 6.0 Meter Radius, -25% Damage Resistance, -50% Pierce Resistance

Volley: (Rank: 6 of 6)
A combat technique that uses the spear or bow to rapidly strike three times in succession.
Launches 3 Projectiles, 16% Chance to be Used

If there is one thing I know about Diablo clones, Attack Speed > damn near anything.  Spears are slow but great damage this build looks to be able to bring the attack speed to close to +50% without items.  I'll report back what I think when I get to 35 and play some multiplayer with yalls.

A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Xilren's Twin
Posts: 1648

Reply #89 on: July 07, 2006, 01:58:16 PM

My plan for my Board and Sword Thane is Onslaught (of course), Weapon training, some minor battle rage and War Wind points, Max aura skills in Storm, plus a few other skils like...

Battle Standard (Rank 10 of 10)
48% Damage Absorbtion
+1 to All Skills
12.0 Meter Radius
+130 Offensive Ability

War Horm (Rank 10 of 10)
12 Meter Radius, 1.5-6.5 sec stun

And Possibly Ancestral Horm so i can summon a pet.

The Battle standard seems key for the damage absorption but the skill I use the most other than Onslaught it the War Horn.  I feel like Im not getting much out of storm, but I dont seem much that would be useful outside of the auras; perhaps the Spellbreaker skill.

Simple, but so far so good (at least on normal)


"..but I'm by no means normal." - Schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7432

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Reply #90 on: July 07, 2006, 02:16:55 PM

Battlemage - The Rock

Going to see if I can add some survivability @ L31 by basically pimping out stone form and fire return.  Should be interesting, won't have any damage though, only defense with a shield.  My char is pretty much fucked, since I can't change stat points :P

Or, I can pick up the War Horn skill and see if that stun + health reduction improves my survivability too.  Since I pretty much rip shit up.

Edit: Something like this.  Give myself some summons too, that way they can take the pain of those bastard minos.

Edit2: Anyone know if Heat Shield absobs physical damage or just fire damage?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 02:24:46 PM by MrHat »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 866

Reply #91 on: July 07, 2006, 03:11:26 PM

Hehe, I use bows. I'm gonna tell you this straight away just so that you know in case you're a min maxer, warfare + hunting sucks big time with spears, it's totaly inferior to hunting + defense. This is mostly because you can wear a shield with the spear. Look at the passive skills which you can use with a shield in defensive. Also, colossus form is nice as hell.

EDIT: Oh btw, my friends warden using spears http://img137.imageshack.us/my.php?image=decent4dy.jpg, he still gets his ass wooped on legendary though  tongue
« Last Edit: July 07, 2006, 03:13:59 PM by Sairon »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4436

Reply #92 on: July 07, 2006, 05:15:44 PM

12th Conjurer (Earth/Spirit).  Not sure why all the Earth haite, I'm having fun and seems ok.  I sic my fire elem on the enemies, get them to bunch up around him and lay the smakdown with a volcanic orb (fireball).  Pick up lewt. Repeat.
Wiki Admin
Posts: 7770

Locomotive Pandamonium

Reply #93 on: July 07, 2006, 05:44:55 PM

I must of missed the fire elemental. Must look into that. Though I don't mind fighting myself. Being a Juggernaut you can take a bit of damage. Also, should I spec in a few skills or can I spread myself out a bit?
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #94 on: July 07, 2006, 05:48:56 PM

I just got to the Road to Athens. I think I'm only level 14 or 15....Am I a bit low for this point in the game? It seems so sometimes, because I run into spawns sometimes that require more running around and potioning than actual fighting. Especially the 3 gorgon girl bosses....that was a pain, and even flash powder didn't really slow them down.

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7432

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Reply #95 on: July 07, 2006, 06:01:27 PM

I just got to the Road to Athens. I think I'm only level 14 or 15....Am I a bit low for this point in the game? It seems so sometimes, because I run into spawns sometimes that require more running around and potioning than actual fighting. Especially the 3 gorgon girl bosses....that was a pain, and even flash powder didn't really slow them down.

Sometimes with melee, you have to run around like a girl drinking the juice.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4436

Reply #96 on: July 07, 2006, 07:34:58 PM

I just got to the Road to Athens. I think I'm only level 14 or 15....Am I a bit low for this point in the game? It seems so sometimes, because I run into spawns sometimes that require more running around and potioning than actual fighting. Especially the 3 gorgon girl bosses....that was a pain, and even flash powder didn't really slow them down.

That's where I am now, almost 15th and on the road to Athens (no Bing Crosby).  And the gorgons, I beat them without a single mana pot.  My fire elem tanked and I shot with the wand, tossing in a spell as mana recharged.  For some reason they came at me one at a time, even after I had aggroed all three.  Weird.
Posts: 1608

Hellfire Games

Reply #97 on: July 07, 2006, 08:39:54 PM

Lum the Mad, Spellbreaker (Warrior/Sprit). It's a kinda wacky combo but we'll see how it goes. I picked it solely because I like broken hybrids.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6542

Teaching the world Google-fu one broken dream at a time.

Reply #98 on: July 08, 2006, 09:34:50 AM

It's seems from various folks' posts that spellbreaker is one of the more effective melee combos, so you'll have to look elsewhere for a broken hybrid.  tongue

The camera adds a thousand barrels. - Steven Colbert
I like pink
Posts: 4987

Noob Sauce

Reply #99 on: July 08, 2006, 11:29:32 AM

Ulose and I will be picking up the game after lunch.  I am a complete nooblet; be gentle with me.

Ulose has some characters already.  That cheeky monkey has actually played D2 and stuff.

edit.  Or is this not a Diablo 2 upgrade?  Holy christ I really am noob sauce!
« Last Edit: July 08, 2006, 11:31:23 AM by Cheddar »

No Nerf, but I put a link to this very thread and I said that you all can guarantee for my purity. I even mentioned your case, and see if they can take a look at your lawn from a Michigan perspective.
Wiki Admin
Posts: 7770

Locomotive Pandamonium

Reply #100 on: July 08, 2006, 12:09:41 PM

For the love of god Cheddar! It's a whole new game!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8110

l33t kiddie

Reply #101 on: July 09, 2006, 10:40:09 PM

So, my Slayer is L24, so far so good really.  I hit a not-enough-dps bump for a second early in Egypt but I did some gear hunting and got some upgrades and now I'm plowing through.  Should be done with ActII or whatever we're calling it tomorrow I'd wager.  On the plus side everything I planned works well, on the downsides the early skills were no-brainier now I'm having to think more what order to take things in.  Also the character until 24 only had two non-passive skills I prefer melee to caster but I'm sort of used to more hotkeys then that.  Things should be looking up though as I'm starting to move into the hunter tree, which will give me some castable stuff, of course suddenly I may have to start thinking about energy which isn't a good thing really...

Name is Corax, props to Yoru who gave me a kickass shield and weapon in a f13 twink game (still using the shield, it pwns).

I'm thinking of running a game while I'm at work tomorrow so people can xfer stuff between characters or throw stuff on mules or just dump stuff they dont need.  I've got a shitton of decent-good greens for the late teens to 2X lvl's and I figure there might be some people out there who could use them.  Also some blues that dont help my character.  I'll post more details in the morning but if anyone knows that the game has an /afk kick feature or anything like that now would be the time to tell me.

A nation consists of its laws. A nation does not consist of its situation at a given time. If an individual's morals are situational, then that individual is without morals. If a nation's laws are situational, that nation has no laws, and soon isn't a nation.
-William Gibson
Wiki Admin
Posts: 7770

Locomotive Pandamonium

Reply #102 on: July 09, 2006, 11:22:04 PM

How do you hang onto all this stuff? I know you get free town portals and what not, but I find even with my main pack and 1 secondary pack empty I fill up in about 10 minutes. Also, I've specced into about 4 skills and that's it. I don't feel I'm gimping myself cause for every boss I just stand there whack away while my fire shield does damage and I light them on fire with my fireball. I have to chug a few potions, but never any moments where I have to run. Juggernaut indeed!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7432

Out of the frying pan, into the fire.

Reply #103 on: July 10, 2006, 12:02:41 AM

I'm such a gimp melee.
Posts: 4615

the y master, king of bourbon

Reply #104 on: July 10, 2006, 01:42:51 AM

How do you hang onto all this stuff? I know you get free town portals and what not, but I find even with my main pack and 1 secondary pack empty I fill up in about 10 minutes. Also, I've specced into about 4 skills and that's it. I don't feel I'm gimping myself cause for every boss I just stand there whack away while my fire shield does damage and I light them on fire with my fireball. I have to chug a few potions, but never any moments where I have to run. Juggernaut indeed!

You get more bags later on; right now I have two full bags full of twinking loot, one bag about half-full of potions and the rest is 'working space' used to haul stuff to market so I can maintain my very expensive potion crack habit.

When soloing, I pick up yellow stuff and above (meaning huge income, but slow progress). In multiplayer, particularly when we're blitzing like we did today, I don't pause for anything that isn't green. Pretty much only epics and legendaries cause the group to pause, find out what the items are, and distribute accordingly.


Oh, I take back everything bad I ever said about nature. Maxed Heart of Oak & Tranquility of Water is sweet (double your health instantly) and the Grow Trees ability is ridiculously broken. Any melee boss is a complete chump with trees; you grow them near the boss, the boss gets stuck trying to melee you and tends to basically have a seizure while you puncture his flesh from a short distance.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 01:45:24 AM by Yoru »
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