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Topic: For the 3 of you still playing. (1.2.1) (Read 87027 times)
Posts: 60350
7. Game is getting pretty boring, and the End RVR game still sucks
Questions? Yea, I've got one. Is there any reason why you just can't like, buy a console for when MMOGs feel the need to take a dump directly in your wallet?
Posts: 8064
Sometimes I wish I had this game, for the lulz.
I'm glad my friend convinced me to buy it so close to launch. I would never have truly understood how much Mythic had failed to understand their players if I hadn't.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2280
It was almost a privilege to witness this Hindenberg fall to the earth first hand, or at least that's what I keep telling myself to justify the cost.
A poster signed by Richard Garriot, Brad McQuaid, Marc Jacobs and SmerricK Dart. Of course it would arrive a couple years late, missing letters and a picture but it would be epic none the less. -Tmon
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
I'll say it, just as I did for Vanguard. I had enough fun in Tier 1 & 2 to justify the cost of the box. My re-sub this past month was spent more to chat with old friends than to play with the game. If I didn't hate facebook so much, I would have kept in touch with people that way instead of giving Mythic my $15.
Now... do I go back to CoH or EQ2?
I wish I didn't bore with console titles so fast. I'd take Schild's advice.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
For those of you that enjoy watching a sinking ship, I thought THIS was an interesting poll on WHA. Enjoy.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Posts: 8064
I've got issues with the validity of the poll (self-selection online polls are meh, especially at small numbers) but I was interested to hear complaints about server imbalance. THAT'S the key issue for a PvP game. If one side feels constantly underpowered (outnumbered is often what they say, but "no chance of winning" is what they mean) then they quit. The other side wins for a bit, then also quits out of boredom. Mythic knew this would be an issue, but didn't prioritise doing something about it.
Some days I think Mark Jacobs will pop up, go "April Fools!" about WAR and then unveil the real WAR game they've been working on. Barnett will pull off his mask to reveal Raph Koster. We'll all have a good laugh.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
I've got issues with the validity of the poll (self-selection online polls are meh, especially at small numbers) ... I completely agree. What struck me was that this is a poll on WHA. WHA was the one place I'd expect solid support to still be rallying around this game. It's not.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982
I've got issues with the validity of the poll (self-selection online polls are meh, especially at small numbers) ... I completely agree. What struck me was that this is a poll on WHA. WHA was the one place I'd expect solid support to still be rallying around this game. It's not. Well the people who bitch about WAR generally do more trolling than posting.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10043
The one thing that pisses me off is that when I played I rolled a warrior priest from the get go. It's the only time I picked an OP class to play from the beginning.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
The one thing that pisses me off is that when I played I rolled a warrior priest from the get go. It's the only time I picked an OP class to play from the beginning.
To be fair, they way that they're OP sucks for the player. Well, unless you consider constantly spamming group heals to be fun.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 573
I don't know about other servers, but Dark Crag is where its at. Constant struggle between Order and Chaos and its pretty balanced. One day Chaos will be doing good and the next Order will be. Some days its a constant struggle on both sides.
Chinchila - LaRoche Server, APB Drahcir - 50 Captain/GM Weaponsmith, LoTRO Silverlode (Retired) St Drahcir - 7xMage, UO Chesapeake (Retired) Chinchilla Dakilla - Barbarian R50, Shadowbane (Retired)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2637
The one thing that pisses me off is that when I played I rolled a warrior priest from the get go. It's the only time I picked an OP class to play from the beginning.
Oh so it's your fault this game failed! Way to finally pick right! Okay, not even jokingly can I attempt to blame WAR on anyone else.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 560
I'll say it, just as I did for Vanguard. I had enough fun in Tier 1 & 2 to justify the cost of the box. My re-sub this past month was spent more to chat with old friends than to play with the game. If I didn't hate facebook so much, I would have kept in touch with people that way instead of giving Mythic my $15.
Now... do I go back to CoH or EQ2?
I wish I didn't bore with console titles so fast. I'd take Schild's advice.
Yeah I feel it was worth the box price to play the game for three weeks, then obsess over it for months later while I wonder how long Mythic can run on dumb. Did *not* feel that way with Vanguard, got into the beta of that, couple hours later it was uninstalled. But yeah, some mmos are good for a couple weeks and then you think, well that was fun but I've had enough. CoH and LoTRO certainly come to mind there. Also ditto to consoles. Even though I have a PS3 I just can't motivate myself to play anything for more than an hour. It sucks when you start to dread the things you used to enjoy.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 676
Every time I think I want to resub, finish my chosen, and try some of the new content, this forum serves as a nice hard slap followed by being thrown into ice cold water naked in sub zero temperatures.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Every time I think I want to resub, finish my chosen, and try some of the new content, this forum serves as a nice hard slap followed by being thrown into ice cold water naked in sub zero temperatures.
Smart man. Much smarter than I. Watch and read the forums. See what has been changed and/or fixed. When you feel that enough has been done... then give it a shot.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5192
It was almost a privilege to witness this Hindenberg fall to the earth first hand on the survivors washed ashore raptor island. I still am laughing my ass off about the token / AE tagging thing. That is just ludicrously obvious abuse of game mechanics.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9171
It was almost a privilege to witness this Hindenberg fall to the earth first hand on the survivors washed ashore raptor island. I still am laughing my ass off about the token / AE tagging thing. That is just ludicrously obvious abuse of game mechanics. You know what, i tried this with my marauder and its really not very simple. If you die before the target dies your "tag" goes away, so you gotta run into a zerg, survive long enough for a few of them to die and manage to loot them. I got a lot more tokens staying with the warband, im sure theres some more skilled players out there that make it work, i assume its easier with ranged dps even if they are squishier.
I am the .00000001428%
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2637
You know what, i tried this with my marauder and its really not very simple. If you die before the target dies your "tag" goes away, so you gotta run into a zerg, survive long enough for a few of them to die and manage to loot them. I got a lot more tokens staying with the warband, im sure theres some more skilled players out there that make it work, i assume its easier with ranged dps even if they are squishier.
That is basically the way it works, it's the along the lines of the old BW/Sorcs dropping group in instances, tagging and dps'ing everything and getting tons of rp/exp while everyone else gets screwed over. The people acting as fodder die, of course, giving the caster a higher percentage of the reward since they lived, and then the caster gets even more for being solo while all this happened. So yeah, of course, a mdps will have a harder time doing it and surviving then someone at max range spamming mass dmg and out of danger. Being squishy doesn't matter when the squishy doesn't get touched because not enough people are pushing the back lines, or even able to survive and make it to said back lines, to reach the squishies. I wonder what mistake they'll repeat next! More spec points for one of the assassin classes? Perhaps allowing the magus to spam as many pets as it possibly can to create a field of shrooms demons? Oh, I can't wait to find out! I love this circus 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1372
While I'm in the "Nice fail, Mythic" opinion on this, I don't think its Epic because you need a few things to do it. Heals to survive and not only another group to buffer, but for that group to win the fight so you can get to your loot. Its not always going to work that way. So, still... fail... but not epic fail.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9171
You know what, i tried this with my marauder and its really not very simple. If you die before the target dies your "tag" goes away, so you gotta run into a zerg, survive long enough for a few of them to die and manage to loot them. I got a lot more tokens staying with the warband, im sure theres some more skilled players out there that make it work, i assume its easier with ranged dps even if they are squishier.
That is basically the way it works, it's the along the lines of the old BW/Sorcs dropping group in instances, tagging and dps'ing everything and getting tons of rp/exp while everyone else gets screwed over. The people acting as fodder die, of course, giving the caster a higher percentage of the reward since they lived, and then the caster gets even more for being solo while all this happened. So yeah, of course, a mdps will have a harder time doing it and surviving then someone at max range spamming mass dmg and out of danger. Being squishy doesn't matter when the squishy doesn't get touched because not enough people are pushing the back lines, or even able to survive and make it to said back lines, to reach the squishies. I wonder what mistake they'll repeat next! More spec points for one of the assassin classes? Perhaps allowing the magus to spam as many pets as it possibly can to create a field of shrooms demons? Oh, I can't wait to find out! I love this circus  They are also the biggest targets atm, specially for order since they are very caster heavy and a few massed BWs are not instant warband wipeout anymore. Surviving till the fight is over is honestly not an easy task for a solo wizard.
I am the .00000001428%
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2637
That would change things a little bit, with the AE dmg being wider radius as opposed to stacked dmg, true.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 526
Yesterday that was some sort of hotfix patch that supposedly improved RVR lag. I was skeptical until last night's IC defense on Dark Crag, and even though my FPS dropped to 10 at times it wasn't the slide show that it had been previously.
Now I just hope the next major patch doesn't screw it all up.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6009
wants a greif tittle
Now I just hope the next major patch doesn't screw it all up.
 You're so cute.
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