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Topic: Pirates of the Burning Sea- OPEN BETA! (Read 236375 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 302
« Last Edit: December 06, 2007, 02:21:53 PM by WayAbvPar »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11844
Is this a thread about Pirates of the Carribean?
Anyway, turns out you suck at putting links in posts. Unless you meant to send us to gamespot's front page? I assume not?
« Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 01:58:10 PM by eldaec »
"People will not assume that what they read on the internet is trustworthy or that it carries any particular assurance or accuracy" - Lord Leveson "Hyperbole is a cancer" - Lakov Sanite
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3807
Is this a thread about Pirates of the Carribean?
me ->  <- you (because I couldn't find another smilie of something beathing the bajezus out of something)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 302
Actually Gamespot sucks for deep-linking to a story. They placed a redirect under the covers within the last couple hours. Now all you can do is search for e3 awards and get some stupid movie.
The quick is that the GameSpot Editors gave Pirates of the Burning Sea "Best MMO of E3 2007" status.
What can I say about F13? It's really my favorite website in the entire universe! I love the irreverent banter and sly wit these keyboard jockeys produce. And I especially love the staff, they're AWESOME.
Der Helm
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4025
What the hell happened here ?
"I've been done enough around here..."- Signe
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11844
"People will not assume that what they read on the internet is trustworthy or that it carries any particular assurance or accuracy" - Lord Leveson "Hyperbole is a cancer" - Lakov Sanite
Der Helm
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4025
I  you. 
"I've been done enough around here..."- Signe
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3807
I'm not clicking that.....
Der Helm
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4025
I'm not clicking that..... Best Rickroll ever ... 
"I've been done enough around here..."- Signe
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
Sleeper hit of 07-08?
Ship to ship combat looks really unique...
A sand box world (there are classes but just think of the classes as specs in EvE) RvR style PVP Avatar combat that uses a form of interlock combat (think matrix online).
So far, the avatar combat seems like it needs work (polish) but the combat is slower, more about what i do but not how many times i do it.
All in all, the game was in no way on my radar, and from watching the vids, talking to people imo, this could be the best mmop coming out.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2301
2009 Demon's Souls Fantasy League Champion
Sleeper hit of 07-08?
Ship to ship combat looks really unique...
A sand box world (there are classes but just think of the classes as specs in EvE) RvR style PVP Avatar combat that uses a form of interlock combat (think matrix online).
So far, the avatar combat seems like it needs work (polish) but the combat is slower, more about what i do but not how many times i do it.
All in all, the game was in no way on my radar, and from watching the vids, talking to people imo, this could be the best mmop coming out.
First off, grunk, don't refer to any game mechanic as being similar to Matrix Online. That's a bad point. I like the ship combat. It's like a slower, dice-roll based version of Sid Meier's Pirates as far as combat. The avatar combat is a little wonky right now, but it can get better. I look like a total tool with my little fencing sword, but it's cool anyways. Very nice character generator. I have a bowler hat.
But that Captain's salami tray was tight, yo. You plump for the roast pork loin, dogg?
[20:42:41] You are halted on the way to the netherworld by a dark spirit, demanding knowledge. [20:42:41] The spirit touches you and you feel drained.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
Sleeper hit of 07-08?
Ship to ship combat looks really unique...
A sand box world (there are classes but just think of the classes as specs in EvE) RvR style PVP Avatar combat that uses a form of interlock combat (think matrix online).
So far, the avatar combat seems like it needs work (polish) but the combat is slower, more about what i do but not how many times i do it.
All in all, the game was in no way on my radar, and from watching the vids, talking to people imo, this could be the best mmop coming out.
First off, grunk, don't refer to any game mechanic as being similar to Matrix Online. That's a bad point. I like the ship combat. It's like a slower, dice-roll based version of Sid Meier's Pirates as far as combat. The avatar combat is a little wonky right now, but it can get better. I look like a total tool with my little fencing sword, but it's cool anyways. Very nice character generator. I have a bowler hat. Aye i missed that, the char generator is very nice. And they have tailor shops where you can buy alt outfits... and hey go easy on me lol, I am not a fan of the matrix online either but i thought the combat was a lot more interesting then most mmos on the market atm...
Posts: 24440
I'm just hoping for EVE with frilly shirts and fewer cockstabs.
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
I'm just hoping for EVE with frilly shirts and fewer cockstabs.
I hope the combat is no way as boring as eve... I think having the boat combat and the avatar combat is very compelling.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4662
I hope the combat is no way as boring as eve... ...
Dude, it is bad enough that you shat on WoW. What do you have against Microsoft Excel?
Palin 2012 : Let's go out with a bang!
Posts: 24440
Why is EVE combat boring? You die too much?
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
Why is EVE combat boring? You die too much?
What Oban said.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11844
Why is EVE combat boring? You die too much?
EVE needs to do something about lowbie solo pve imo. It's exactly like WoW only without the shiny. Or not of course, it could not do something about lowbie accessibility and continue to do just fine. Maybe the idea is to encourage people to join a corp and get the fun stuff, in which case, fair enough. It'll be interesting to see, but judging from the previews Pirates! looks nothing like EVE combat to me. The overall setup seems more like Daoc, RvR on top of a new take on d20, only without the overlong pve prologue and substituting ports for towers/keeps. This is big part of why Port Royale is drawing my attention off of Warhammer.
"People will not assume that what they read on the internet is trustworthy or that it carries any particular assurance or accuracy" - Lord Leveson "Hyperbole is a cancer" - Lakov Sanite
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
Why is EVE combat boring? You die too much?
EVE needs to do something about lowbie solo pve imo. It's exactly like WoW only without the shiny. Or not of course, it could not do something about lowbie accessibility and continue to do just fine. Maybe the idea is to encourage people to join a corp and get the fun stuff, in which case, fair enough. It'll be interesting to see, but judging from the previews Pirates! looks nothing like EVE combat to me. The overall setup seems more like Daoc, RvR on top of a new take on d20, only without the overlong pve prologue and substituting ports for towers/keeps. This is big part of why Port Royale is drawing my attention off of Warhammer. I know its not like EvE... because i used the word "fun". and my dislike with EvE doesnt mean i was a n00b. I force feeded myself that game for approx 4 months and it was boring as hell. So um yeah, I am pretty easy going player, willing to tolerate all kinds of flawed game design IF a there is some fun/interesting element inside of it. EvE imo, was the greatest NON-Game ever made. Hard to explain what non-game is... its like, they made these cool systems but forgot to patch the fun... the gameplay... where? lol
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
I guess its late but my goal is not to bash any other game lol. I just wana get a convo going in regards to PoTBS... thats it. There are lots of good ideas that they can/have taken from EvE (it just so happens to be that none of them are actually gameplay ideas because.. eve has no gameplay (lol i cant help myself) );
Posts: 24440
I will agree that EVE has little in the way of gameplay, but it's all in the politics and PVP. If you don't get into that game, it is pretty dull. So, what I mean is that I am hoping that is has complicated combat systems, complicated player-driven economic structure, and frilly shirts, but without being a semi-broken pet project.
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Terracotta Army
Posts: 192
This poster is a gibbering retard. Also, he used to post from a rehab clinic.
I will agree that EVE has little in the way of gameplay, but it's all in the politics and PVP. If you don't get into that game, it is pretty dull. So, what I mean is that I am hoping that is has complicated combat systems, complicated player-driven economic structure, and frilly shirts, but without being a semi-broken pet project.
I agree with much of what you say ahd share the same "wants". I am at a point where, I am just never going to buy one of these diku clones ever again (just makes no sense imo, if your already in one). The one thing for me, is that i just hope they spend time on the little stuff, those small details that to me are very important. Make the game re-active... make me think but at the same time, make the combat iconic. In great games, there are many points where i remember certain moments, these are what i call iconic moments... one of the reasons why i liked and have played FFXI for so long is because of the iconic moments that players have in the game but the reason it does die is because of the whole diku mmo design and the fact that once a game is up and running, devs really dont do anything after the fact... for all mmos, even WoW, how you walk in, is often how you walk out... and when you design a mmo around that diku model, there aint much you can do... So i really hope that PoTBS is the first sand box game that i will actually like (only one i have played was EvE for approx 4 months). I love the ideas, i love the freedome... but its gota be fun. "there is always a constant fight between realism and fun but the fun has to always win. We want to make the most fun bad ass game on the market" -- FLS I kinda botched that quote, but thats what the head guy at FLS said recently. if anyone wants to see a great video for e3 07 look here -------->
Posts: 27
Flying Lab
Two things: I'm just hoping for EVE with frilly shirts and fewer cockstabs.
The whole office (or more precisely myself and one other developer sitting near me) is dying to know, what exactly is a cockstab. It definitely sounds like something we don't want in our game. Second, Grunk you talk about "diku mmo design" and I was wondering if you could clarify exactly what you mean. I never played a diku-mud, but I've played most of the MMOs out there to at least a limited extent. What are the unifying elements to those games that you find objectionable?
"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized." Daniel Burnham, Chicago architect. (1864-1912)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4662
Palin 2012 : Let's go out with a bang!
Posts: 60350
DrewC, Grunk is a cockstab.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1059
Cockstabs are what carebears think psycho PK'ers like to do.
"'ll still be here trying to act cool while actually being a bored and frustrated office worker with a vibrating anger-valve puffing out internet hostility." - Falconeer "That looks like English but I have no idea what you just said." - Trippy
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
Two things: I'm just hoping for EVE with frilly shirts and fewer cockstabs.
The whole office (or more precisely myself and one other developer sitting near me) is dying to know, what exactly is a cockstab. It definitely sounds like something we don't want in our game. Well, I was thinking warpstabs, which are things you fit to allow you to go to warp despite some fucker trying to stop you -- so I can only imagine a cockstab is something you fit to your dick to allow you to do something some fucker is trying to prevent. This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on why some fucker is trying to stop you. Personally, I'm envisioning it as a spike-covered cock-ring with all the spikes pointed inward, in which case you don't want it in your game because customers with bleeding dicks probably have low retention rates.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Once I made everything in a Diku MUD out of bread code and then I ate it.
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1556
The best part of SWG was the easy account cancellation process.
Second, Grunk you talk about "diku mmo design" and I was wondering if you could clarify exactly what you mean. I never played a diku-mud, but I've played most of the MMOs out there to at least a limited extent. What are the unifying elements to those games that you find objectionable?
I'm not Grunk, but I've played most of the diku MMOs, and played and written code for DikuMUD derivatives... Diku, as compared to similar things which aren't diku, boils down to 3 things, really. Classes, levels, hit points. Any one by itself isn't damning, but when you have all three, it's pretty much diku. EveO and UO are both good examples on non-diku MMOs, and most of the rest are diku. Pick a class, start at level 1, then kill things for exp to get to level 2, at which point your damage/hitpoints all get bigger numbers, but you now need to fight harder mobs in order to get exp in order to level, in a loop. Until you cap out levels, at which point the devs either laugh, or change the nature of the game. -- Alkiera
"[I could] become the world's preeminent MMO class action attorney. I could be the lawyer EVEN AMBULANCE CHASERS LAUGH AT. " --Triforcer
Welcome to the internet. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used as evidence against you in a character assassination on Slashdot.
Posts: 8064
I think you could probably attract another 20k subs if you make cock stabbing a feature of POTBS. It could be the Flying Labs version of a Fatality move.
Of course, whether you want the extra 20k who would come simply for the cockstabbing is up for you do decide, DrewC.
Der Helm
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4025
Was the NDA dropped and I did not notice ? 
"I've been done enough around here..."- Signe
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2421
The Presence of Your Vehicle Has Been Documented
This could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on why some fucker is trying to stop you. Personally, I'm envisioning it as a spike-covered cock-ring with all the spikes pointed inward, in which case you don't want it in your game because customers with bleeding dicks probably have low retention rates.
Thats only because they aren't hardcore enouhg hardcore players would love it, box it with a usb foot that kicks you in the balls at random intervals and you've got somthing almost as good as ffxi Someone had to do it...
Posts: 24440
Two things: I'm just hoping for EVE with frilly shirts and fewer cockstabs.
The whole office (or more precisely myself and one other developer sitting near me) is dying to know, what exactly is a cockstab. It definitely sounds like something we don't want in our game. I don't have access to Urbandictionary from work, else I'd take care of the oversight. An example of a cockstab in EVE would be the recently-fixed "bowling for battleships", which in most games would just be an exploit but in EVE it's elevated to cockstab status because it fucks your shit in horribly bad ways. You get bowled out of the POS shield and you probably lose the POS along with whatever capitals were knocked free. I'd also call the nosferatus cockstabs but they are being run over by the nerf truck just now. Basically, any situation where you are stabbed in the ass so hard that you don't want to log in for a few weeks is a cockstab. Personally, I consider suicide ganking in empire to be a cockstab -- especially if you lose a healthy dose of ISK -- but that's a matter of degrees, I think. Making freighters 100% safe would not be a good idea, but you see where I am going. It's great to have a punishing loss, but by Jove (nyuk, nyuk) if you make it hurt too much then I just get discouraged. Second, Grunk you talk about "diku mmo design" and I was wondering if you could clarify exactly what you mean.
Oh, you don't want to talk to grunk. Really. You'll end up with a hardcore grind or forced grouping or a console interface. Also, he just called EVE a diku, which should have set off some warning lights.
Why am I homeless? Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question. They called it The Prayer, its answer was law Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
cockstab Pronunciation [kokstab] –noun 1. A MMO exploit that causes extreme genital pain to the victim and a desire to not log in. The exploit is often characterized by being extremely cheesey, ethically shitty, and almost indefensible. Cockstabs are often perpetrated by people that would kick a puppy if paid 5 dollars.
I would have thought it'd be an extreme form of cockblock. There was some stuff in EQ and other games that went head and shoulders beyond what anyone would consider a unreasonable cockblock nowadays.
Posts: 27
Flying Lab
Diku, as compared to similar things which aren't diku, boils down to 3 things, really. Classes, levels, hit points. Any one by itself isn't damning, but when you have all three, it's pretty much diku. EveO and UO are both good examples on non-diku MMOs, and most of the rest are diku. Pick a class, start at level 1, then kill things for exp to get to level 2, at which point your damage/hitpoints all get bigger numbers, but you now need to fight harder mobs in order to get exp in order to level, in a loop. Until you cap out levels, at which point the devs either laugh, or change the nature of the game.
So my perception here is that you're not actually objecting to Levels, Classes, and Hit points, but the way those systems act. Levels are just an abstraction, but a level based system where the relative levels of two combatants is the deciding factor sucks. Classes are just a way of grouping abilities together, but a class based system where one (or more) classes have an insurmountable advantage, and where you cannot freely switch between those classes, sucks. Hit points are another abstraction, but a system where hit points increase dramatically as you level leads to the same "level over all" problem. To put it another way: I could design an FPS that incorporated Levels, Hit points, and classes, but it's already been done, it's called Battlefield 2. I don't think anyone would call that a Diku-FPS. The subtext of the objections to Diku- games is not simply that they have Levels, Hit points, and classes, but the way those things work together in a system that permits only a single axis of character development: leveling up your one single class. Would that be a fair assessment?
"Make no little plans. They have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized." Daniel Burnham, Chicago architect. (1864-1912)
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