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Author Topic: Revisiting LOTRO impressions  (Read 39828 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529

Reply #140 on: May 07, 2007, 08:49:56 PM

Spoke too soon. As least it took about two hours to crash this time. Didn't disconnect her from the game. Another black-screen crash and reboot. I have GOT to figure out a way to get crash data off that.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 14

Reply #141 on: May 21, 2007, 09:08:59 AM

I admit I haven't skimmed through this entire thread but If someone is still reading it I figured it is better to ask here than starting a new thread.

A) Is this game worth the 49.95? Since I just don't buy every mmo that comes out anymore.

B) Can I play it casual and have fun? I really don't have the time to be a catasser anymore.

C) Long term possibilities of the game.......or better yet what do you guys/gals think the shelf life is going to be for this game?

Hawken Lifebane - Silvermoon - 70 Lock
Modern Angel
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3553

Reply #142 on: May 21, 2007, 10:56:30 AM

A) Yes

B) Yes. I am. I bought it as a secondary game and am doing fine. Obviously the problems of being outlevelled come in but how much pressure on you is a function of your guild more than the game.

C) This is the part I'm hazy on. I'm not impressed with the dev teams math skills. The economy seems fundamentally flawed and it's largely due to the unholy alliance of busted costs for crafting and repairs versus what you can reasonably make. Since they're planning a raiding endgame and raids are essentially giant math problems I'm not instilled with alot of confidence. Is it worth it to fart around, level up and do some monster play (which is tons of fun when there's pvp going on)? Yeah but the jury's out on how much time that can kill.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2301

2009 Demon's Souls Fantasy League Champion

Reply #143 on: May 21, 2007, 11:44:37 AM

In a fit of WoW catharsis yesterday, I went out and picked this up.

I got a Dwarf Guardian to level 12 on Silverlode. I can't tell you how depressed I was when I died for the first time halfway through level 12... I wanted all the titles. =(

For some strange reason, this game is much, much more fun then it was in Beta, and I can't put my finger on why. Maybe it's because my Dwarf is such a badass. He has dark brown creased skin with orange dreadlocks. He looks like a true desert walker.

Maybe I shouldn't have made a Loremaster in beta, heh.

Do Man Loremasters still do that sex offender wiggle when they're channeling the Embers spell?

But that Captain's salami tray was tight, yo. You plump for the roast pork loin, dogg?

[20:42:41] You are halted on the way to the netherworld by a dark spirit, demanding knowledge.
[20:42:41] The spirit touches you and you feel drained.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4779

Reply #144 on: May 21, 2007, 12:53:03 PM

I don't typically like endgame in things I play (pre-ToA DAOC notwithstanding).  I like to get a toon to max level and then I'll often do it again on another toon.  So I don't really care about whether there's a there there at the end.

Monster play has me intrigued (because I do like pvp) and I think it's so cool that any level 10 can make and develop a lvl 50 monster for freeps vs. creeps play.

I think it's worth the 50 bucks plus at least 6 months of play if not more.  I've been playing since beta, off and on, and now have a 30 LM.  We'll see what the new expansion/content patch in June brings.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #145 on: May 21, 2007, 01:45:07 PM

For some strange reason, this game is much, much more fun then it was in Beta, and I can't put my finger on why.

I have the exact same feeling. And deeds and titles are fun as hell. They alone can give me a night's play!

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4663

Reply #146 on: May 21, 2007, 03:50:26 PM

All the good buzz is getting me quite intrigued by LOTRO.  Anytime this site doesn't uniformly say something blows nuts, I usually try it  tongue

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu.  This is the truth!  This is my belief! At least for now...
Posts: 4390

Reply #147 on: May 21, 2007, 03:51:59 PM

All the good buzz is getting me quite intrigued by LOTRO.  Anytime this site doesn't uniformly say something blows nuts, I usually try it  tongue

So you're voting for a Democrat in 08?

I traded in my fun blog for several legal blogs. Or, "blawgs," as the cutesy attorney blawgosphere likes to call 'em.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4663

Reply #148 on: May 21, 2007, 03:54:43 PM

All the good buzz is getting me quite intrigued by LOTRO.  Anytime this site doesn't uniformly say something blows nuts, I usually try it  tongue

So you're voting for a Democrat in 08?

I would vote for Obama over Romney or Giuliani, both of whom I detest, for the sole reason that he is a Midwesterner.  I am tired of backslapping, belt buckle frat-boy Southerners and neurotic, cold Easterners.  The Midwest combines the good features of the rest of the country and adds a healthy dose of common sense. 

All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu.  This is the truth!  This is my belief! At least for now...
Posts: 4390

Reply #149 on: May 21, 2007, 03:57:36 PM

All the good buzz is getting me quite intrigued by LOTRO.  Anytime this site doesn't uniformly say something blows nuts, I usually try it  tongue

So you're voting for a Democrat in 08?

I would vote for Obama over Romney or Giuliani, both of whom I detest, for the sole reason that he is a Midwesterner.  I am tired of backslapping, belt buckle frat-boy Southerners and neurotic, cold Easterners.  The Midwest combines the good features of the rest of the country and adds a healthy dose of common sense. 

He's my pick as well, but he's also my Senator, so that has a lot to do with it.  Also, I'm tired of the Southern and East Coast types.

Back on topic, you really should play you some LOTRO, it's rather fun.  I actually felt a bit of loss last week when I was uber-busy and didn't have time to play.  I almost never feel that way about MMOs.

I traded in my fun blog for several legal blogs. Or, "blawgs," as the cutesy attorney blawgosphere likes to call 'em.
Modern Angel
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3553

Reply #150 on: May 21, 2007, 03:58:50 PM

Yeah, like Brownback. He seems sane.

I digress... ;)

Don't expect the game to be a miracle. It's a diku that's just sloppy enough to feel like a world with some decent pvp and a reasonably innovative deeds system to customize your character. It's good for what it is. It may last you five years or one month but it's at least worth checking out.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4436

Reply #151 on: May 21, 2007, 09:19:03 PM

I think the class you play determines your enjoyment.  I too had a LM as was bored.  Then I made a Minstrel and never looked back!

Sitting in the back healing while others fight for my xp and loot is a GOOD THING.  :mrgreen:
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11536

Reply #152 on: May 22, 2007, 03:48:21 AM

I actually felt a bit of loss last week when I was uber-busy and didn't have time to play.  I almost never feel that way about MMOs.
The hell that's been my life for two weeks. I'm just happy I managed to turn on the new rig once... to get some files. Works is nuts and it's cutting into my LoTRO time!

And Gore in 08 for me ;)
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