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Author Topic: EvE Devs play with BoB. Investigation in progress....New Scandal page 9!  (Read 472979 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 657

Reply #280 on: March 24, 2007, 08:32:26 AM

Well, if BoB is bad, think what happens when Napwhores Coallition wins. Entire 0.0 being one huge napland run by two bullies:
-D2, which dominates the north is fameous for selling out their close allies and their territory,
-RA which rules the west, fameous from scamming their ally SMASH of their 10/10 plex.

Sorry, but if we're to have 2 major forces running 0.0 game, they have to be in war and not napped together to abuse all the smaller entities more efficiently. IF EVE dies, it'll be because of D2 and RA cockblocking everyone else 0.0 access.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527

Reply #281 on: March 24, 2007, 09:27:01 AM

I don't think you can have an unending war where two sides stay constant, never losing, never winning, yet at the same time forever willing to put up with war losses.  The players will get bored.  Besides, what are you suggesting, that the Coalition not go all the way "for the good of the game"?  Same with BoB, if they end up poised to win?  Screw that, players will fight with all they got; it's CCP's job to manage the EVE game.

Besides, the entire 0.0 is already being cockblocked by alliances.  Look at where the population concentration is.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742

Reply #282 on: March 24, 2007, 12:06:29 PM

Well, if BoB is bad, think what happens when Napwhores Coallition wins. Entire 0.0 being one huge napland run by two bullies:
-D2, which dominates the north is fameous for selling out their close allies and their territory,
-RA which rules the west, fameous from scamming their ally SMASH of their 10/10 plex.

Sorry, but if we're to have 2 major forces running 0.0 game, they have to be in war and not napped together to abuse all the smaller entities more efficiently. IF EVE dies, it'll be because of D2 and RA cockblocking everyone else 0.0 access.
You honestly expect the current series of NAPs to last much past the fall of BoB?
With the best will in the world sooner or later something will happen, someone will take offence, and the skies will burn.

"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #283 on: March 24, 2007, 12:39:09 PM

-RA which rules the west, fameous from scamming their ally SMASH of their 10/10 plex.

This is probably nonsense.  The only evidence for is hearsay.  The only evidence against is hearsay.  Don't repeat it as fact.  "Famous" my arse.  Especially as some of your other views in the same post were entirely valid.

The coalition are fairly open that after the Bobitts are defeated (assuming they manage that: I have my doubts it can be done in any meaningful manner) then all bets (and naps, in the south at least) are off.  I'd be surprised if RA and GF fought.  I'd not be at all surprised at a north-south war.  Though it would just be for the sake of fighting.

Edit: This is the thread about bob and CCP cheating.  The war thread is over there.  And GF won't be cockblocking 0.0 access: they and IAC are actively opening up 0.0 to pubbies.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2007, 12:41:02 PM by Endie »

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10859

When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was bullshit!

Reply #284 on: March 24, 2007, 02:36:31 PM

You honestly expect the current series of NAPs to last much past the fall of BoB?
With the best will in the world sooner or later something will happen, someone will take offence, and the skies will burn.
I don't expect it to last *to* the fall of BoB.  Either BoB will be about to fall, and everyone will "pearl harbor" each other in a grand clusterfuck of mutual betrayal, or it will become clear it *won't* fall, and everyone will start saying "Coalition?  What coalition?  We love BoB, always have."


--Signature Unclear
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742

Reply #285 on: April 04, 2007, 12:24:56 PM

BoB and their pets never get to bitch about RA exploiting broken complex respawn timers ever again, mkay?

Cliff notes: There was an...interesting 'bug' with the Blood Raider 10/10 complexes added fairly recently to BoB-space (only), namely that the last overseer (read: boss mob) had a one-hour respawn instead of an eight- or twelve-hour timer. Hence why BoB has lots of officer-fitted ships, presumably.
Wonder which dev set up those complexes? t20?

Also: Dark Shikari is going to be number one target of friendly fire from now on. :)
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 12:26:53 PM by Simond »

"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8306

Reply #286 on: April 04, 2007, 01:02:33 PM

I always hear about how RA was(is?) exploiting complexes, but I have no idea how or what they are exploiting exactly?

and the gate is like I TOO AM CAPABLE OF SPEECH
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1242

Reply #287 on: April 04, 2007, 01:30:03 PM

Downtime is Russian primetime. Every downtime, the complex is respawned. If you get to it after downtime, you are guaranteed a full plex. RA camps an unbelievable number of 10/10 plexes and runs them, every day. It is possible to scare them off or gank them, but you have to arrive in force, immediately after downtime. If you wait too long, they'll get the first key and be in the second room where you can't get them.

Every time I've lived near a 10/10 plex, RA has run it despite our best efforts to keep them out. Even if you kill them all one morning, they'll be back running the plex soon afterwards.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #288 on: April 04, 2007, 01:33:47 PM

That's not what people mean when they speak about RA complex sploits, though.  That's just legitimate use of your time zone.

The RA thing was just what Bob was doing: bugged respawn timers on spawns in complexes.  Except that I think it was only 8/10 complexes.  Dark Shikari - fair play to him for it - seems to have raised the issue of an almost a dreadnought-hull-an-hour boss.

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742

Reply #289 on: April 04, 2007, 01:36:41 PM

It's going to be interesting to see how BoB's internal economy copes now - their ISK-farms just got shut down, and the T2 market is in freefall thanks to Invention.

"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1242

Reply #290 on: April 04, 2007, 01:54:20 PM

In a just universe, the timer would not be reset because there was a downtime.
Army of One
Posts: 7028


Reply #291 on: April 04, 2007, 02:28:10 PM

10/10 complexes added fairly recently to BoB-space (only)

I'm starting to wonder why anyone else even bothers to play.  What, just to be the fall guys in the CCP office game?

"You're just a dick who quotes himself in his sig."  --  Schild
"Yeah, it's pretty awesome."  --  Me
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529

Reply #292 on: April 04, 2007, 02:49:12 PM

10/10 complexes added fairly recently to BoB-space (only)

I'm starting to wonder why anyone else even bothers to play.  What, just to be the fall guys in the CCP office game?
It's getting fucking ridiculous. Any bug is designed to aid BoB. Any lag is designed to aid BoB. Everything any developer says, does, or thinks is part of a nefarious fucking plan to aid BoB.

Even the developers in other alliances are there to aid BoB. Even the fact that BoB taking over all of 0.0 would be a major crimp to the actual game EVE, and the Devlopers paychecks, is a nefarious fucking attempt to aid BoB.

I swear I need to wear a fucking tinfoil hat to even read about EVE these days, and I don't give two goddamn shits about what's going on in 0.0, because it doesn't affect me.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #293 on: April 04, 2007, 03:04:27 PM

It's going to be interesting to see how BoB's internal economy copes now - their ISK-farms just got shut down, and the T2 market is in freefall thanks to Invention.

From the figures cited in Dark Shikari's thread, just one of those complexes, farmed only at 50% efficiency for the last three months, and ignoring every cent not from the bugged bosses, would yield pretty close to a trillion ISK.  They already had years of T2 blueprint profits.  For whatever reason, the devs saw fit to significantly boost their region after they took it over.  Why would they run out of money?

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4257

POW! Right in the Kisser!

Reply #294 on: April 04, 2007, 07:56:11 PM

From the figures cited in Dark Shikari's thread, just one of those complexes, farmed only at 50% efficiency for the last three months, and ignoring every cent not from the bugged bosses, would yield pretty close to a trillion ISK.  They already had years of T2 blueprint profits.  For whatever reason, the devs saw fit to significantly boost their region after they took it over.  Why would they run out of money?

From the same thread though, BoB apparently didn't bother to run the complex in question, let alone farm it 23/7. Which makes no sense until you take into account another tidbit from that thread -- the bosses in these complexes were bugged and wouldn't exactly drop much of the loot, if any. Which would suggest what DS talks about is some sort of new development, something that people didn't yet find out about, and what was probably introduced with the most recent patch (part of the patch was conversion of large groups of NPCs into lesser, stronger entities)  Because if it was indeed as profitable as people make it out to be, why would BoB let anyone but themselves milk such cash cow?

But why should that stop a good conspiracy theory and calculations of trillions of ISK based on nothing but the most convenient pieces of forum talk and presumptions.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10859

When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was bullshit!

Reply #295 on: April 04, 2007, 08:57:09 PM

The bugged spawn timers didn't matter until one or two patches ago, at least for Blood Raider 10/10's, because those plexes didn't drop anything from the Overseer.  And apparently *all* the 10/10's have been bugged like this for a long time (perhaps since the Revelations 1.0 patch 6 months ago), except the Angel plexes.  Which explains why the 4-07 plex in Catch has had AAA in it 23/7.  In fact, BoB, FIX, and MC may be the only alliances not exploiting this bug (which explains a lot about how everybody and their brother seems to be building Motherships/Titans these days).

And there was some griping at DS for posting it on the Eve-O boards, but mostly because now we're going to be fighting off squatters in C-7.  Nobody's really complaining that he reported it, just that he raised a big "Free Money!" sign in FIX space.


--Signature Unclear
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742

Reply #296 on: April 05, 2007, 02:11:09 AM

The bugged spawn timers didn't matter until one or two patches ago, at least for Blood Raider 10/10's, because those plexes didn't drop anything from the Overseer.
...according to BoB & FIX. :)
Also, what's the salvage like from an overseer wreck?

"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1248

Reply #297 on: April 05, 2007, 02:24:54 AM

It's getting fucking ridiculous. Any bug is designed to aid BoB. Any lag is designed to aid BoB. Everything any developer says, does, or thinks is part of a nefarious fucking plan to aid BoB.

Why do you bother even replying to WUA? It's not like he plays the game.

As a matter of fact I swallowed one of these about two hours ago and the explanation is that it is, in fact, my hand.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 657

Reply #298 on: April 05, 2007, 03:28:11 AM

BoB and their pets never get to bitch about RA exploiting broken complex respawn timers ever again, mkay?

Cliff notes: There was an...interesting 'bug' with the Blood Raider 10/10 complexes added fairly recently to BoB-space (only), namely that the last overseer (read: boss mob) had a one-hour respawn instead of an eight- or twelve-hour timer. Hence why BoB has lots of officer-fitted ships, presumably.
Wonder which dev set up those complexes? t20?

Also: Dark Shikari is going to be number one target of friendly fire from now on. :)

OMG! Comedy gold.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4257

POW! Right in the Kisser!

Reply #299 on: April 05, 2007, 06:52:04 AM

...according to BoB & FIX. :)

If these complexes were as profitable as people who never seen them make it out to be, BoB would be running them on their own and Fix would never be given opportunity to find out how much loot they drop. The very fact Fix got to run that complex for long enough to figure out something may be bugged about it... in a way confirms BoB didn't run it. And if BoB didn't run it there's only one simple explanation for that -- they weren't as profitable as people think they were.

The devsploit theory seriously doesn't hold water in this case. "Dev alliance" spawns themselves bugged complexes to cheat, has supposedly the insider knowledge these things are bugged, and in the end doesn't bother to run their cash cow but leaves it free to some 3rd party? Right...
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #300 on: April 05, 2007, 07:21:29 AM

Look, tmp, everyone knows whose side people like comstar and yoru and I are on, and whose side folks like you and joetf are on, and there is even a fair idea in most peoples' minds roughly where Mahrin stands.  But really, if DS of all people says "these are horribly bugged and can pay for a dread fleet in a week", and those on the other side of the fence from DS are saying "yep, he's right", and CCP are saying "this is high enough priority to fix in hours as opposed to the fooorrreeever of the last, less dramatic sploit" then you know what?  I reckon that this was just as big as pretty much everyone but you says.

Do I think some of Bob's pet dev members knew over the last two months?  Sure.  I would bet money on it.  Do I think it was put in there on purpose?  No.  And much as I associate DS with a feeling of queasiness, unless someone shows otherwise then I think he did The Right Thing where most others wouldn't have.

Edit: spelling
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 01:30:06 PM by Endie »

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 657

Reply #301 on: April 05, 2007, 11:57:49 AM

If that's the plex I think it is, then it was so fucking buggastic hard no one in BOB bothered to run it regularly.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 12:00:10 PM by JoeTF »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4257

POW! Right in the Kisser!

Reply #302 on: April 05, 2007, 07:52:37 PM

But really, if DS of all people says "these are horribly bugged and can pay for a dread fleet in a week", and those on the other side of the fence from DS are saying "yep, he's right", and CCP are saying "this is high enough priority to fix in hours as opposed to the fooorrreeever of the last, less dramatic sploit" then you know what?  I reckon that this was just as big as pretty much everyone but you says.

Do I think some of Bob's pet dev members knew over the last two months?  Sure.  I would bet money on it.  Do I think it was put in there on purpose?  No.  And much as I associate DS with a feeling of queasiness, unless someone shows otherwise then I think he did The Right Thing where most others wouldn't have.

Yeah, I'm not saying that these things weren't bugged when DS ran the complex, I believe he saw what he says he did. And reporting it definitely seems like the right thing to do (I'm not sure about doing it on forum like that because in a way that gave people another reason to roll eyes at CCP, but that's moot point now and well it did make them act pretty quick so maybe that was for the best)

The part I'm meh about is how this fact (complex currently bugged) is taken and used as foundation for what's pretty much pure guesswork that it's something that must've been there for god knows how many months, and who surely must've known and made trillions out of it and zomg drama etc. Just frustrating when there's no facts to go by and figure out if things were one way or another.

Incidentally, someone on EVE forums is currently claiming the same bug (respawn every hour) is also affecting 10/10 complexes in the north. It doesn't sound very convincing but who knows.

Posts: 4615

the y master, king of bourbon

Reply #303 on: April 05, 2007, 09:10:06 PM

The part I'm meh about is how this fact (complex currently bugged) is taken and used as foundation for what's pretty much pure guesswork that it's something that must've been there for god knows how many months, and who surely must've known and made trillions out of it and zomg drama etc. Just frustrating when there's no facts to go by and figure out if things were one way or another.

So an argument on the internet rapidly spirals into unfounded conjecture, flaming and handwaving?

Even Nostradamus could not foresee this!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10859

When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was bullshit!

Reply #304 on: April 05, 2007, 09:20:30 PM

Word I get is that it affected all 10/10's except the Angel plexes since the Revelations 1.0 patch almost six months ago.  We (FIX, BoB, and MC) didn't notice because until a few weeks ago the Blood Raider 10/10 overseers were bugged to drop crap loot (standard -0.8 rat loot), so nobody ran them, except for one set of FIX australians who were doing it every week or so to see if it got fixed.  After it was fixed, they took some FIX leadership on tours through it to show how the complex could be taken, and that's when it was discovered that the overseer respawn was bugged.  BoB and MC weren't running their 10/10's at all, having other priorities than checking on a broken plex to see if it stopped being broken.

So, apparently, everyone *but* BoB, MC, and FIX has been exploiting this for months.  And we reported it as soon as we found out, before we knew that all the others were bugged as well.  So stick *that* in your "omgBoDsploithax" pipe and smoke it.


--Signature Unclear
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240

Reply #305 on: April 06, 2007, 03:43:04 AM

I seriously love the time, energy and enthusiasm that goes into this broken game.  It's a joy to see.

I shouldn't have had the kid.


"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7474

Reply #306 on: April 06, 2007, 06:31:28 AM

It's certainly more fun to read about than it is to play.  I'm kidding but not really.  It's just too much time to get to the good stuff.  But these last couple of months of high level political maneuvering have been pretty interesting.

"You have all recieved youre last warning. I am in the process of currently tracking all of youre ips and pinging your home adressess. you should not have commencemed a war with me" - Aaron Rayburn
Terracotta Army
Posts: 303

Reply #307 on: April 06, 2007, 07:48:52 AM

It's certainly more fun to read about than it is to play.  I'm kidding but not really.  It's just too much time to get to the good stuff.  But these last couple of months of high level political maneuvering have been pretty interesting.

The Goons might disagree with your "it takes too much time to get to the good stuff" statement.

That aside, I moved OUT of 0.0 at least partially because of what you regard as the good stuff.  The politics is interesting to read about, I'll give you that, and that is exactly what most corp members in 0.0 also get to do, read about what their leaders have decided.  The 0.0 warfare aspect I find to be boring as hell and grossly overrated.  All of the best fights I have had were in low sec empire.  Sorry, I know that 0.0 is supposed to be where everybody aspires to live, and that I am now an Empire hugging carebear who just doesn't get it, but I've had a hell of a lot more fun PvPing, running a corp, and carebearing almost entirely in Empire over the last year than I ever had in 0.0 alliance warfare before that.

Just depends on what you regard as the good stuff I guess, and that's what I love about Eve.  I'm not being led by the hand, forced to level, or told what my goals are going to be by the game design.  I am provided a game environment with a multitude of things I can do, varying degrees of risk that I can assume or not, and can spend as much or as little time as I like trying various things out until I have found on my own what "the good stuff" is.  People who can't set their own goals quickly get bored and leave Eve.  This pleases me.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2527

Reply #308 on: April 06, 2007, 08:51:39 AM

Yeah, it's nice that you can play a part of EVE that was never the focus for development for CCP, and that they don't lock you out and send you off to another MMOG.  The fact that it's not the focus will show itself in subtle ways (mostly via undevelopped or cumbersome features - mission and faction system, NPC AI, group UI, etc.), and it might eventually get to you, but I guess for now you're ok with it, so grats.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1242

Reply #309 on: April 06, 2007, 09:19:54 AM

All of the best fights I have had were in low sec empire.  Sorry, I know that 0.0 is supposed to be where everybody aspires to live, and that I am now an Empire hugging carebear who just doesn't get it, but I've had a hell of a lot more fun PvPing, running a corp, and carebearing almost entirely in Empire over the last year than I ever had in 0.0 alliance warfare before that.
I don't have any good lowsec experiences, but the 0.0 regions with NPC stations and sov have been a lot more fun for me than the player sov regions. We'll have to see what Rev 2.0 brings.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 180

Reply #310 on: April 06, 2007, 09:39:24 AM

So, apparently, everyone *but* BoB, MC, and FIX has been exploiting this for months.

Which shouldn’t be happening if CCP had any statistical Quality Assurance code on their production servers. Any decent statistical sampling would pull up such a huge anomaly in days, without any player input. Apparently, CCP don’t have any such code.

Long ago, in the physical manufacturing industry, people used to design products, test them in the lab, then toss them over the wall into production, and assume it still worked. These days, that kind of behavior would lose a production manager his job. Its still the norm in the MMOG industry apparently,  “hey, it worked on test” is still seen as a valid  defense for crappy production code.

The people at CCP and other game shops still think their job is writing computer code, not running a large scale virtual goods factory. The quality problem has been pretty much solved in physical manufacturing years back. It way past time those methods were transferred to production MMOG servers.

I like playing EVE at the low “spreadsheets in space” level. But the high level game seems to depend greatly on who exploits the bugs the best. Not my idea of fun game to play. It sure is fun to read about though. I’m glad some folks here are playing it and reporting the results.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1086

Reply #311 on: April 07, 2007, 04:58:32 PM

If you'd put a propeller on that spin, you'd lift off like Inspector Gadget.

EVE (inactive): Deakin Frost -- APB (fukken dead): Kayleigh (on Patriot).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742

Reply #312 on: May 25, 2007, 10:32:16 AM

Oh hey, this thread. I think we may need it again.
More fun inc.

"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954

Reply #313 on: May 25, 2007, 12:10:28 PM


Evil Krugsmans Spy, reveals all
For those parinoid about K's activies, here's the story from his fourm.

Some smaller details also found on Goonfleets public news thread

Note that the first scandel was before T20. The nexts ones were AFTER the T20 fiasco and looks like CCP internal investigations were the ones who did the canning.

Not quite on the level of giving BoD some BPO's. This is just further proof of parts of CCP being in BoD's pocket.

There also dark hints of an even worse scandel, but I havn't seen anything about it yet.

 It might be refering to scandel number #3 this on Krugsman fourm, warning spies which posts from an internal Goonswam fourm. Bascialy a CCP Dev(?) used GM tools to gain acccess to a GS corp...which may be building Goon Cap ships. After 21 minutes, he left. What would a CCP be doing giving himself director roles in a Goonswam corp?!?

kugutsumen's Avatar
Join Date: 2007 Jan
Posts: 488
Last month, I received a cryptic message...


Well, I must admit, your investigations have been quite thourogh in reguards to this BoB/CCP bullshit. Even as a CCP Vol, surrounded by those who speak naught but ill of you and your 'destructive efforts toward the game we love', I've enjoyed a smile or two at seeing my more shady counterparts squirm. I hate cheaters...

Problem is, one day I caught them too.
I wanted to do the RIGHT thing, and went to CCP with it.
My vol accounts were banned without notice or explaination a few hours after being told they would be investigating things.

This happened a couple months ago now, but I am not a very revenge minded person to go public with it, especially since my actions are covered via an NDA.

You provide a bit of a loophole to me.

How can I be responsible if some 'known hacker type' were to have 'stolen' the info from a secure place where I told the story?

Logs and such come with it. If this sort of things still occupies your time, and you are interested, let me know.
I replied:

Originally Posted by kugutsumen
I'm quite interested in what you have to disclose and I can help you leak the intel without exposing you. NDA doesn't really matter, especially for an internet spaceship game... Not seen not caught.

Some of the intel posted on kugu come from various sources. Sometimes a simple hint can point us in the right direction.
Today I received a reply.

The first part tell us the story of Mirial, a former ISD member who hacked ISD and later tried to exposing a case of corruption. Sounds familiar?

The second part covers more recent events (post T20). In a middle of a fight between BoB and the Coalition, a BoB guy who works for CCP QA Department starts ordering a ISD reporter, Raekhan, and gets him banned.

In his message, Raekhan gives me the permission to repost verbatim... I took the liberty to highlight some segments with big bold red fonts.

Originally Posted by Raekhan
My apologies for the long delay.

I promised myself not to get involved in what, at the time, I called "An internet nerd revenge scheme' that was this issue, I felt that bringing this stuff to light would be cheap, and silly, and completely beneath anyone who was actually able to 'move on'....

Months after, I planned to re-evaluate....that time has passed, I still have no desire to play EVE, and thus, I can tell you some things....

please PM me with an email address (any email you so choose) to attach a file or two to...

Now, my story....

I am also known as Graelyn, a (once) big RP-community-guy. I was the executor of the Aegis Militia Alliance. (We kicked the Bloodraider NPC group out of the Bleak Lands Region, and recently stomped those StarFraction people.)

The AM guys guys are great GREAT people, and since the below incident ocured, they have safeguarded a very bad secret for a very long time, one that would ensure the dissolution of the RP community we tried so hard to maintain....

Mirial, once the executor of my Alliance, was banned, the center of what would be referred to as the 'Tetrimon OOC affair'.

What occured was this:

Several members of the alliance Aegis Militia were ISD members (completely in regulations and living that double-life as it was intended to be played, by the rules), however, Mirial, who was once an ISD member, managed to get the login/PW info to an ISD forum from a director of her corp who happened to be in ISD. (How this happened is still a mystery even to me, I am still inquiring)...

Basically, Mirial was accessing an AURORA website illegally, and was banned for it (Something I cannot in any theory disagree with, NDA was broken, and similarly, I can't argue with YOUR banning from EVE, sir...try to understand....), but it was the nature of the thing that caused so much distress....

You see, ISD claims that events are not rigged, that RP groups can influence the events in the world. This is a lie, and one that, after discovering, I did not reveal, in the fears that it would demolish the already on-the-ropes RP community in EVE.

AM already had suspicions, as by the end of the Tetrimon affair, we had been involved in more events that ANY other group in EVE without exception. In the course of this we often 'succeeded' in events that we later realized were not meant to be won, then watched as AURORA actors deperately lost the scenario
(when actors have to resort to self-destructing thier own ships in the middle of battle, you know you have an ulterior motive underway in the story...*groan*...)

Mirial was in browsing (illegally) one of these ISD forums when one of the 'recommended' story paths was mandated by CCP, namely "_____ side must win, see to this immediately."

Upon reading this decree by CCP, Mirial showed his cards and revealed all on our alliance's Vent server.

2 hours after bringing this up in our Ventrillo channel, Mirial was banned from EVE...for telling his Alliance members what was up. Turns out I was only one of many members of ISD in my Alliance, and the others had hit the alarm to the ISD dept heads as soon as this talk beagn in our private Vent server....

Within 30 minutes (of the reveal in vent) I had 2 AURORA members convoing us INGAME, OOC, trying to play down the fact. The two in question argued with Mirial, but did NOT deny that rigging was going on, rather emphasising that it was all for 'The Greater Good'.

At the same time, Nebulai, Head of the ISD program, convoed ME (I was second in command of AM, an ISD-InterstallarCorespondents member, and a Mirial banning process was already in motion by 10-minutes into this, I was the primary focus of all damage control efforts), telling a different story, namely that RIGGING NEVER OCCURS, that all I had been hearing was nonsense....

AT THE SAME TIME, the document that I will give to you, was being sent to me by SEP-DOGAL, the AURORA tier 3 producer in charge of the Tetrimon Arc. He was sending it to me to show how much work had been done/lost with the arc, not realizing that the last paragraphs SPECIFICALLY DETAILED HOW THE ARC COULD BE RIGGED TO SUIT THE FINAL CCP DESCISION.

The only hint anyone else who played EVE got as to what had occured, came from this post:


With that, all said 'compromised' arcs were completely terminated, and all events in the matter hushed up quickly. The RP community has longed cursed Mirial's name for 'ruining' all of these arcs, unaware that he was banned for trying to bring this to the community's attention....AM held thier tongues for the good of that community, even after months of shit-talk...they never spoke....bless-em....

It was a serious palm-to-forehead moment. It was the day I relized how fucked up the game was.

It did not stop there.

Eventually, RP being ruined for me, I focused explicitly on my ISD char (His name was Raekhan, a reporter with the ISD for 1.5 years at his termination)

Complaining about the way Raekhan was banned seems odd to me, considering how much I was able to use him to understand 0.0 realities in a way Alliance leaders can barely approach (I was an Empire-space RP-alliance leader, so conflicts-of-interest never became a problem, and with Raekahn, EVERY DAY I was able to simply jump and watch, from perfect safety, any offensive any Alliance happened to be engaging in. I used my jumpdrives more than any other person in CCP for sure....), but the day I lost Raekhan?

Sickening and Stupid on the part of CCP, seriously, how could you ever accept the following as proper and effective damage control???

I was floating around in my Polaris frig, watching one of the massive, 270+-in-local battles in the south, BOB vs COALTION, BoB had already destroyed thier second POS in the system....when I 'text-jumped' (using admin "tr/ 'playername' jumpto command) to a certain Dread pilot I knew was in the action. Doing so teleports a polaris frig to that players ship...at 1 FOOT distance. I jumped to this position and immediately orbitted the gaggle of 20 dreads at 80KM, standard operating proceedure for ISD reporters....

A minute later, Daakon, of BoB, began yelling in local "Hey, Reporter, you bumped our dread!!!" This was a falsehood, since the dread I jumped to was on the outside of the group and I made sure not to do just that.

I ignored him. A year and a half of Reportering and you get used to ALL BoB members trying to order/bully you around. It is a common practice (WAY TOO GODDAMN COMMON) that ISD members are ordered to completely ignore.

Eventually, Mr. Daakon began giving me DIRECT ORDERS. "You must leave the system. Now. Move, you shit!!"

My response?

Their response was pretty indicative of the manner in which BoB is used to ordering CCP personnel around...in LOCAL CHANNEL of 250+, Daakon replied:

"Well, I guess I'll have to call up my friends in CCP and get you dealt with."

I was sitting in ISD's IRC channel, as is required anytime you are logged in as an ISD char, and I decided to inform my dept. head of this development. He seemed amused....

Until 40 seconds later....

ISD IRC acounts have a lot of symbols in their usernames. They signify time-in-service, department membership, and other things, but after 40 seconds, a BRAND NEW userID appeared, bereft of any such demarcations or designations...an illegal and brand new ID...

"Hey, anyone know some reporter named Raekhan!?"
Me:"Um, yeah, that's me."

Me: ORLY!?

the next minutes were interesting, as my ISD-IC dept head began briefing me on the minbute-by-minute actions of the internal affairs team (formed after your T-20 revelation I should point out) LEAPED on this matter in seconds.

Me: "So I guess a BoB director claiming he has CCP buddies at his beckon call, and the fact that said buddy showed up 40 sec later, will raise some heads at CCP?"
Boss: "Oh, I think it already has...."
Me: "Well, at least something good will come from all this mess..."
Boss: "We have his IP address."
Boss: "He's posting from CCP, he's Staff."
Boss: He's in the QA department...."
*after long pause*
Boss: Well, I'll tell you how this goes tomorrow, take care, Rae..."

I signed off.

Turns out, within 3 hours, every ISD-related account I had was banned.

ISD-ingame char, banned.
Forum-ISD, banned.
EVE-Online.com Admin access, banned.
The freaking ISD-COUNTERSTRIKE server, banned.

I never recieved an email explaining it.
Every email I have sent to the comany politely asking for even a corp-speak explaination for this has been ignored. The company refuses to admit I exist.

I was banned for reporting a serious conflict-of-interest to my 'chain-of-command' within the company....

My character, free to play as a side-benefit of doing work for CCP, was disabled, asking for funds to restart....

...and that's the day I walked away....I have never looked back , and the games and projects I've become involved with since then have made me wish I hadn't wasted the 3 years I played EVE....

Everything I speak of here will be very 'circumstantial' evidence, un-totally-backable events that fanboys will decry as the bitter musings of another EVE dissident.

Let them think this. I truly do gain pleasure from the axiom of 'a fool and his money are soon parted' and would wish nothing from the majority of the EVE community than to keep sending thier money to this once-great-company-now-conglomerate that I once recruited dozens of players to with conviction.

It took a lot to convince me of the truth, and not even the 'caught-red-handed' events that YOU exposed to the community could break my fanboy shell....till I saw it myself and kicked myself for being a naive idiot...

I do not fear CCP's NDA prosecutions, as they possess no hard copy of said document...thank goodness for premature admissions to the program (I never mailed them the required paperwork, but got in anyway, a move I am glad now to have done).

Anyhow, that's my story.

None of my enemies ever realized just who I was, and what I could have abused to hurt them. This too is alright by me. Video games are a stupid thing to measure one's dick-size with, a fact that many seem slow to realize....

(You may quote the entirety of the preceeding text verbatim if you wish. My time in CCP/EVE is long over,. All preceding text is your to use as you wish. I actually do feel a bit dirty being a cog in this very crooked 'crowd control' system, and attempts to reveal it as such to anyone will escape my notice, I am too involved with other projects to care. Best of luck in your efforts....you were right...I was a fool....)

If you print anything, print this.

"Graelyn: I was naive. Istvaan, you were right, too damned right, more than you may ever realize, you cocksucker....."
« Last Edit: May 25, 2007, 12:33:01 PM by Comstar »

Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #314 on: May 25, 2007, 12:28:49 PM

A threadnaught!  I can't wait.  I've only posted once in Eve-O since starting playing the game.  Now I get to be banned!

In all seriousness, there had better be one hell of a good explanation, because this stuff stinks.  Looks like using "BoD" really was undeniably accurate.

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"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
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