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Author Topic: PS3 Price, Rev Assassinating Controller Info, also Atlus and Squeenix News.  (Read 68546 times)
Posts: 24440


Reply #70 on: May 10, 2006, 07:07:36 PM

and I have never seen a game that needed a second DVD disc. 

Off the top of my head: Grandia III.

I was assed to look, and Shadowhearts: Covenant, a 2004(?) release, is also on 2 DVD discs.  I didn't go poking around in the library because that's a pretty good example, in my mind.  If you want to use that as a metric, it's time for a bigger disc format.

I'd like to note that Covenant makes excellent use of those two discs, unlike certain other overmarketed JCRPGs.

Wii graphics... I'm expecting the usual release-issue junk.  If anyone else can be assed, boot up Mario Kart or Thousand Year Door, then boot up Mario Sunshine.  Sunshine looks like garbage, comparatively.  But it's not like I'll be getting the Wii because I want to count the sweat beads on Lebron James' forehead.

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Reply #71 on: May 12, 2006, 12:30:48 PM

But it's not like I'll be getting the Wii because I want to count the sweat beads on Lebron James' forehead.

Exactly. Which is why I think the Wii could be big. It's not just more shiney, and I could care less if it's even upgraded from the GC graphics hardware. But if it plays like it looks, I'd likely buy the Wii version of a game before I'd buy a 360 or a PS3 version. And I still can't figure out what is going to be gained by putting motion sensitivity in a dual-shock controller for the PS3. I'm with Margalis on that one. It'll probably get used by a few token developers with gimmick games and then dropped.

Posts: 60350

Reply #72 on: May 18, 2006, 05:23:14 PM

Terracotta Army
Posts: 16818

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Reply #73 on: May 18, 2006, 08:29:44 PM

I'm going to treat it like I'm buying a gaming computer. Which it is anyways. And besides, if that hardware was equipped on a desktop, it'd cost considerably more. At least this is what I'm going to tell myself.

Secondly, I'm not insane. I'll wait at least until the first price drop.

Thirdly, once developers take advantage of the platform, it'll surpass what Nintendo and Microsoft have to offer. To hell with a gimmick controller being the deciding factor in this respect. Gyromite didn't revolutionize shit, and this won't either. The only ingenious hardware idea from Nintendo that third parties really adopted was the Gameboy. And this isn't the Gameboy.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 08:32:08 PM by Stray »
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Reply #74 on: May 18, 2006, 08:46:29 PM

The only thing new about the PS3 is the raw power, and even that's debatable.

At least Nintendo is trying. They're far more likely to get my money at this point than Sony is.

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Posts: 24440


Reply #75 on: May 18, 2006, 08:52:19 PM

I don't understand why game companies hate Europe.  Glad I don't live there.

Why am I homeless?  Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question.
They called it The Prayer, its answer was law
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Terracotta Army
Posts: 16818

has an iMac.

Reply #76 on: May 18, 2006, 09:00:23 PM

The only thing new about the PS3 is the raw power, and even that's debatable.

At least Nintendo is trying. They're far more likely to get my money at this point than Sony is.

Fair enough.

But as for myself, what I do really need "new" for? I just want shiny. I'll leave "new" for the games/software. Until we have the technology for holodecks, I only want conservative paradigm shifts at best. I fear change! And useless ideas. There's nothing wrong with the basic console controller design now. It doesn't need to replaced. Just improved upon, if anything.

Doesn't matter though. It'll flop. The fact that Nintendo will offer an alternative already suggests that.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2006, 09:01:57 PM by Stray »
Jeff Kelly
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6921

I'm an apathetic, hedonistic, utilitarian, nihilistic existentialist.

Reply #77 on: May 19, 2006, 03:29:58 AM

The prices for the PS3 have already been mentioned in some of the german gaming mags.

For sake of comparison for €600 you will get quite a decent pc system with a decent video card and all the frills that you most probably will never use but that would be nice to have anyway (TV tuner card). for €600 you could buy a X-Box 360 (the better version) and four games or a ps2 and almost every title worth playing.

I don't see how anybody (except for the most rabid fanboys) would buy one for that price especially when most people would have to buy a HDTV TV set to make the most use of the console and in europe most people do not have one.

Hell even the x-box 360 doesn't sell to well over here because with €400 ($510) it is too expensive for most tastes
Terracotta Army
Posts: 729

Reply #78 on: May 19, 2006, 05:44:42 AM

I don't understand why game companies hate Europe.  Glad I don't live there.

Everybody hates Europe.
The same silly frontpage calculation could be done with a HDTV, a DVD-player or any other electronic device. Also please note that VAT in Europe is high compared to any US state and opposed to the US, VAT/sales tax is allready included in that price and not added at the counter. So the price difference isn't quite as crazy as Schild wants it to be, but the basic fact remains - it sucks to live in Europe and wish for a PS3.

I would like to discuss this more with you, but I'm not allowed to post in Politics anymore.

Posts: 24440


Reply #79 on: May 19, 2006, 07:54:40 AM

Ah, it's not so bad when I know VAT (17%?) is included.  Including tax in an advertised price is not legal in the US; you have to give the actual price before tax in ads and even on signboards and price stickers in the store.

Why am I homeless?  Why do all you motherfuckers need homes is the real question.
They called it The Prayer, its answer was law
Mommy come back 'cause the water's all gone
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Reply #80 on: May 19, 2006, 11:02:09 AM

Thirdly, once developers take advantage of the platform, it'll surpass what Nintendo and Microsoft have to offer.

No, it won't. Really. Because by then, it'll have been 3 more years of the same kinds of game layered on top of more sweat pixels. What, is GT 6 going to somehow be a different racing game than GT4? Maybe, but it'll likely still feel like I'm playing GT3.

The only thing I've seen that's even a slight iterative improvement for the 360 or the PS3 is Gears of War on the 360.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675

Reply #81 on: May 20, 2006, 08:53:43 PM

The last discussion I saw outside of gaming forums about the PS3 started as a "OMG they are kidding!?" about the price and ended up as a big fangirl frenzy for the Wii.

A lot of people seemed to just assume the PS3 would be their console until they heard the price point and now they're looking at options. I think with the next gen we're going to hear a lot of the same things that came up with the DS vs. PSP. "Oh yeah, the PSP is better for watching movies, but Nintendo is about games and it's a hundred bucks cheaper."

That's, of course, if the thing actually works.

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Posts: 8992

Reply #82 on: May 22, 2006, 08:09:44 PM

Having looked through the video clips at IGN I have to ask... is there something I'm missing that would explain the hype Heavenly Sword is getting?  The gameplay seems like it's only a notch above something like Final Fight, where you just beat on hordes of opponents.  I can only assume there must be something they're not showing in the videos that's making people drool.

Warhawk is even more baffling as it looks slow and duller than shit.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6542

Teaching the world Google-fu one broken dream at a time.

Reply #83 on: May 23, 2006, 12:19:01 AM

I think that consoles should cost a lot more money and have pricing schemes as tortuous as mobile phone plans. The PS3 is clearly a step forward in this regard, but a smack dealer or an oil company would have sucked more money from the addicts, so they've a way to go. Increasing the price of all games by five bucks a month would help sell more shitty launch titles too.

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Terracotta Army
Posts: 10603

Reply #84 on: May 23, 2006, 03:42:28 AM

As others have mentioned, that European pricing seems to be pretty much par for the course.  A great deal of consumer electronics over here get that kind of treatment, so it won't be a factor for most.

Something to consider though:  HDTV sales in Europe, much like in the USA, has exploded.  Where Europe clearly lags behind however, is HD content.  Most people over here have close to ZERO access to HD content to display on their lovely new HDTVs.  Most satellite and cable providers have nothing to offer, and those that do are very limited from what I understand.  The new HD-DVD players are not available for the most part.  So when machines like the PS3 come along at this price point with Blu-Ray, or the 360 with its upcoming HD-DVD player...at prices comparable to one of the new Toshiba HD-DVD players...then you better fucking believe that it is an interesting option.  It is two birds with one stone, and it may be the first opportunity I have to enjoy true HD content of any kind. 

Console gaming wars aside, it is the above situation that makes my mouth water for either of these machines.  Not sure what the average EU consumer understands or cares, however.

"...maybe if you cleaned the piss out of the sunny d bottles under your desks and returned em, you could upgrade you vid cards, fucken lusers.." - Grunk
Jeff Kelly
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6921

I'm an apathetic, hedonistic, utilitarian, nihilistic existentialist.

Reply #85 on: May 23, 2006, 06:42:42 AM

Ah, it's not so bad when I know VAT (17%?) is included.  Including tax in an advertised price is not legal in the US; you have to give the actual price before tax in ads and even on signboards and price stickers in the store.

It depends on the country we are talking about in germany VAT is currently 16%. So instead of $770 it should cost $695 if you just add VAT to the price. In certain other countries VAT is as high as 20% so it should cost around $720 insted of $770.

That would still be $50 Euro Tax from Sony.
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