Topic: Good character for a total newb (Read 232649 times)
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
I've been particularly amazed lately in ranked games, as it seems the new thing is to NOT ban Morgana, despite what anyone says in chat. Then you just watch as Morgana shits all over your team the entire game. Or if your team happens to get her, she shits all over your team with some of the worst play I've ever seen. I played ranked with a Morgana who got first pick. After I think a 40 minute game, she had 93 CS. NINETY-FUCKING THREE. How does that even happen? You can basically just tape down the black soil key and STILL get over 100 CS. As a result, she ended the game with 3/5/6 or something terrible. Just no excuse to be that bad.
My ranked games lately have either been filled with trolls who ban champs like Rammus, then proceed to troll up the entire fucking game. Or leavers, AFKers and disco dicks. I had a great game as Graves the other night, went 4/0/1 in the first 15 minutes just shitting all over a Vayne. We lost the game and I went 6/7 because our Udyr left at level 8 and the rest of the team really sucked it, but wouldn't surrender.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2280
I've been playing a lot of Warwick these days. I have found he is by far the most effective jungler for me. His ganks are really powerful, and the fact that I can make a carry's life miserable late game is also gravy.
A poster signed by Richard Garriot, Brad McQuaid, Marc Jacobs and SmerricK Dart. Of course it would arrive a couple years late, missing letters and a picture but it would be epic none the less. -Tmon
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
The new animation speed on Caitlyn's net is fantastic. I was actually able to use it as an escape!
The changes to Gangplank's Q make him less frustrating to play. I've been playing him as long as my team hasn't instalocked 3 bruisers before I can mouse over him.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 03:14:53 PM by Rasix »
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
So the new champ Diana... she's predictably overpowered. She absolutely owned me mid when I played a Malazhar. The combo quick magical damage she can do with her main swipe ability that will hit a wave of minions then cascade back on what are mostly squishy mids makes her early game harass HUGE. Late game, I'm not sure she ads a lot. The game I played tonight with Lux mid (was building Lux as support but our Zilean who was going mid disco'ed before the game started so I had to mid 4v5 for about 5 minutes and just kept midding) saw someone playing Diana jungle. She was a decent jungler, and tried to gank though our Amumu and my warding kept her from succeeding early. She and the Veigar I was midding against were WAY too aggressive though, and it got them killed a lot. Diana wad 9/9 and Veigar was 5/19 - yeah WAY overaggressive and I ought to know. My Lux got 13/8/21 and we stomped them, though it took quite a while.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
I've been playing a lot of Nunu lately and I finally "get" this champ. So fucking awesome. I've only been playing him as support, but he can melt face so good mid-to-late game when that ult really starts cranking. I think I've won all but 1 of the games I've played with him. Last game was a blind game at lunch that we just roflstomped. I had 24 assists with 7/7, and the Kog playing AD carry with me in the bot lane just destroyed people.
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
I pretty much main Nunu now. He's a lot of fun. You can be so goddamn annoying with him. You can top and mid easy, but most folks are going to want you to support or jungle (double smite ftw). Support usually ends up what I get, since now one wants to bot lane in lower level games (I'm only playing like a game a day, so I don't feel like playing at lvl 30). Snowball + blood boil = winning trades. I just did a blind with him as well and went 5/1/19 while my Ashe was 11/3/x. That's pretty much what you have to do when your Rammus (named "KillAllTheNegoes") spends more time shouting racial epithets and saying how bad the team is in chat than ganking (also went 2/11  ). I still haven't settled on how to build him yet. Core support I just get the 3 GP10s (if my AD is any decent, I don't take much CS), boots to situation, and then just fucking wing it. So much stuff works well on him. You can build a Frozen Heart, Randuins, Shurelia's if your team needs tankiness/ultility. Zeke's also adds to the attack speed you're generating. Damage wise, it's fun to turn your Kage's into a DFG. Abyssal, ROA, deathcap are also good. Don't build a Rylai's, it's just a waste. I suppose Liche Bane works as well, but I don't find myself having that much spare cash.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
I've been going Philo Stone, Merc Treads then Heart of Gold early game, building into a Rabbadon's when the going gets good. I haven't really had a "going got BAD" sort of game. If I'm dying too much I try to hit some kind of resist or health item. I think today I was building for a Lich Bane, but honestly I've had such success with him I haven't really needed to buy but a few times during a game. I mean, that game today with a Kog helping me against a Xin/Karthus bot lane, I was almost level 8 before I went to shop, just running with the Fairie Charm and health pots. I had already gone 1/0/1 and the only reason I ran back was because I'd gotten a kill on Karthus right under his tower (this happened 2 or 3 times) and the Xin came back from being killed earlier and almost killed me. Otherwise, I'd have kept going until the turret fell.
Of course, their Warwick was a complete dud. He tried to help the bot lane and ended up dying first before we killed the Karthus and almost killed the Xin - we both died. That Warwick and Karthus both had no clue. They'd just run into me and think they could take me down 1v1. Snowball, ULT, Blood boil, bang bang, run away, snowball dead.
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
Man, you get some really odd lane combos. That combo is going to get absolutely pooped on by Nunu and any ranged AD.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
Blind pick. It was a weird game. Meta just gets thrown out the window at level 30 I think because people use blind to train the new champ they just bought. I was worried about our team at first. Kog/Nunu bot, Oriana mid and Twitch/Amumu top (Mu didn't want to jungle but he made lots of gank plays throughout the game). Of course, that got matched against their Xin/Karth bot, Viktor mid, Warwick jungling and I forget who top because whoever it was didn't seem to make much of an impact.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4297
Since you're playing Nunu a lot, i figured i might drop some advise.
Typically on support you want CDR for more snowballs and then aura items to keep your carry alive. If you're doing really well, i like Zekes for even more hilarity[85% AS boost for your carry!]. Rush Philo/HoG then finish Aegis and then shurelia/randuins.
On Nunu, since he chases so well with snowball and bloodboil, i prefer Randuins over shurelia.
Another note of advise.
Do not pick him into blitzcrank. You need to pick nunu into a lane that he cannot be ignored.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
Blitzcrank is one of my boogieman champions. I seem to always do bad against him. When he's played well, he's very satisfying. Snatch, Airborne, ZOT, DEAD. That tends to happen to me too much against him.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7590
Blitzcrank is by far my best champ. I have pulled off some spectacular game winning grabs with him, often times thinking to myself "holy shit, that actually worked" playing against any kind of squishy support like sona or soraka is an instant lane win but supports like a good leona/taric give me real difficuties. Ali vs blitz is a bit of a wash for me since we are both trying to out cc one another but no really damage usually takes place. The best lane partner I've seen with blitz thus far is vayne, just pure dmg with pure cc and people fall down.
~a horrific, dark simulacrum that glares balefully at us, with evil intent.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4297
Blitzcrank is by far my best champ. I have pulled off some spectacular game winning grabs with him, often times thinking to myself "holy shit, that actually worked" playing against any kind of squishy support like sona or soraka is an instant lane win but supports like a good leona/taric give me real difficuties. Ali vs blitz is a bit of a wash for me since we are both trying to out cc one another but no really damage usually takes place. The best lane partner I've seen with blitz thus far is vayne, just pure dmg with pure cc and people fall down.
It all really depends on the pick order but generally blitz pairs with Graves/EZ/Corki. If you pick up blitzcrank early you're unlikely to face any ADC without an escape and you're guaranteed to not run against a squishy farmfest support like Soraka or Sona. This means you will need to pick an ADC that can fight[and ideally chase], like Graves or Ezreal or Corki. If you pick blitzcrank later then you cant be guaranteed to be against a squishy farmfest lane and since you need to pick your carry to compliment and may need to pick before their support then its Graves/Ezreal/Corki again as your top choices. That being said, the biggest advantage that blitzcrank has is that no one knows about or owns his strongest counter. Which is Lulu. Pre 6 Lulu's slow, shield, and polymorph make it difficult for blitz to land pulls and less effective if they do. Post 6, lulu's ult entirely negates blitzcranks pull, knockup, ult combo and slows the enemy team AND provides AOE CC. At level 6 Blitz pull/ult/KU combo will do about 470 damage before resists. Assuming your ADC has 36 MR and 50 armor [Lowest reasonable level 6 armor value and base MR] Blitzcrank will deal 335 damage to your carry. Lulu's ult gives 300 temporary HP at level 1[which stick around when the effect wears off] Now its ADC vs ADC except one of the ADC's has a support and the other has a glorified minion for the next 7 to 9 seconds.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2280
My buddy used to play Blitz very heavily, so much so that I'm pretty fair at avoiding his hooks. I also absolutely love facing Blitz when I play Galio, Cho, or Nasus (three of my favourite champs), cause at my elo level, Blitz's usually grab the first thing they can.
"Oh hey, now I'm right next to your carry! Chomp!"
A poster signed by Richard Garriot, Brad McQuaid, Marc Jacobs and SmerricK Dart. Of course it would arrive a couple years late, missing letters and a picture but it would be epic none the less. -Tmon
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
Got Diana with all the extra IP I've been earning now that I hit 30 and have most of the runes I'll ever want. Holy fuck. I thought she was overpowered when I fought against her, but now that I've played her, she is holy shit overpowered. She's definitely a glass cannon like Katarina, but with a bit more survivability but just in the blind pick games I've played with her, she can fucking face melt champs if she gets the right combos going. I haven't run her in ranked or normal yet, so my opinion may lessen but right now, she's my new favorite mid.