Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
I  Sontarans. Mr.PotatoHead Fascists. Great stuff.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Yeah, but there was that fucking horrid 'Two Doctors' with Colin Baker that just ruined them. It's sometimes hard to get Sontarans right and that two parter with David was just THE BEST. The whole thing worked well.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3818
was that Timothy Dalton character last season supposed to be Rassilon, the first Timelord?  They called him Rassilon. I don't see why they'd use the name unless they meant the first Time Lord. That's probably one of the least strangest things about the Time War. (Nightmare Child, King of the never beens, whatever...) I also wasn't hot on this episode. I think they're straying into Voyager Borg territory, where the tail is wagging the dog.
 "What I'm saying is you should make friends with a few catasses, they smell funny but they're very helpful." -Calantus makes the best of a smelly situation.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12007
You call it an accident. I call it justice.
I also wasn't hot on this episode. I think they're straying into Voyager Borg territory, where the tail is wagging the dog.
And sadly, Matt will suffer. Bad writing aside, I really quite like Smith as the Doctor.
Does any one know where the love of God goes...When the waves turn the minutes to hours? -G. Lightfoot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4663
If you can believe the last episode, the Daleks won't be a problem at all.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu. This is the truth! This is my belief! At least for now...
Posts: 19306
sentient yeast infection
The "successor" Daleks were supposed to be a return to some more "pure" Dalek form or something, right? I couldn't tell, that episode made no goddamn sense. But I got the impression that the "new" Daleks were in fact supposed to be an older fork off the evolutionary tree, or something. They destroyed the Daleks that had woken them up because they were further from the Dalek ideal.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7353
I guess they want to go back to the more old school Daleks that had different colours to designate rank and roles, I'm not sure why that seemed like anything more than stupid camp for modern audiences but apparently they're more 'pure' than Davros' remnants. Which seems odd considering Davros created the first Daleks and with them being about racial purity and their original lot being the eventual evolution of the Kaleds you'd imagine the ones Davros made would be pure as any others. I'm guessing that trying to make it make sense beyond, "This sounds like a cool idea," is doomed to failure, much like the Smilers. And somehow unlike the Weeping Angels which were a cool idea that didn't need explaining because they were something new and alien.
"Look at my car. Do you think that was bought with the earnest love of geeks?" - HaemishM
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1246
I guess they want to go back to the more old school Daleks that had different colours to designate rank and roles, I'm not sure why that seemed like anything more than stupid camp for modern audiences but apparently they're more 'pure' than Davros' remnants. Which seems odd considering Davros created the first Daleks and with them being about racial purity and their original lot being the eventual evolution of the Kaleds you'd imagine the ones Davros made would be pure as any others. I'm guessing that trying to make it make sense beyond, "This sounds like a cool idea," is doomed to failure, much like the Smilers. And somehow unlike the Weeping Angels which were a cool idea that didn't need explaining because they were something new and alien.
Well, lets not forget the Daleks were imprisoned on Skaro for quite some time (ending scene of Genesis of the Daleks). I'm assuming the 'progenitor' Daleks were some of the original batch that perhaps never got used and the Daleks we all now know and love have been cloned so many times or created through substandard processes (remember they had to dig up Davros because they couldn't muster the intelligence or strategy to win against the Movelianss) that they're sufficiently genetically different as to be viewed as inferior. As for the multicolored models, Emilia not remembering the Daleks moving the earth, I'm really wondering if things are not quite what they seem. That damn crack in the universe is popping up everywhere and I'm thinking that best case, a whole slice of time has gone missing or worst case, the Doc somehow got sucked into another dimension when the Tardis was falling apart (E-Space maybe?) Edited for spelling.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2010, 07:36:11 PM by raydeen »
I was drinking when I wrote this, so sue me if it goes astray.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1999
The Daleks that were rejected for being impure in the recent episode are what remains of the Dalek army created directly from Davros' DNA in the Stolen Earth (I think), so they should be as pure as can be.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12007
You call it an accident. I call it justice.
I guess they want to go back to the more old school Daleks that had different colours to designate rank and roles, I'm not sure why that seemed like anything more than stupid camp for modern audiences but apparently they're more 'pure' than Davros' remnants.
Which "season" did the Daleks have color and role/rank in? I am curious in that the GF and I have started collecting the old Dr. Who series and would like a Dalek theme'd night. We already bought the Genesis of the Daleks and I was looking to procure the Destiny of the Daleks next.
Does any one know where the love of God goes...When the waves turn the minutes to hours? -G. Lightfoot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7353
Hmm... I think I might have exaggerated somewhat in my head. This site has some of the stuff I was talking about, some of the Dalek movies had different ranks different colours and they definitely were different colours when the Supreme Dalek was at war with Davros' Daleks (which was definitely McCoy's run, not sure if it started earlier). The idea was certainly there before though.
"Look at my car. Do you think that was bought with the earnest love of geeks?" - HaemishM
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742
The Daleks that were rejected for being impure in the recent episode are what remains of the Dalek army created directly from Davros' DNA in the Stolen Earth (I think), so they should be as pure as can be. Or they were those human-cell-based daleks from Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways. There's no way to tell for certain, but the whole 'impure' thing does tend to hint at that.
"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1018
Mad skills with the rod.
Yeah, but there was that fucking horrid 'Two Doctors' with Colin Baker that just ruined them. It's sometimes hard to get Sontarans right and that two parter with David was just THE BEST. The whole thing worked well.
huh, I really dug that episode, of the multi doctor specials (two, three, and five doctors) I think the two doctors is by far the best. Each to their own.
"There is dignity and deep satisfaction in facing life and death without the comfort of heaven or the fear of hell and in sailing toward the great abyss with a smile."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Yeah, but there was that fucking horrid 'Two Doctors' with Colin Baker that just ruined them. It's sometimes hard to get Sontarans right and that two parter with David was just THE BEST. The whole thing worked well.
huh, I really dug that episode, of the multi doctor specials (two, three, and five doctors) I think the two doctors is by far the best. Each to their own. No disputing matters of taste, some say, but on this:  Really a bad one. Quite aside from C. Baker.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1018
Mad skills with the rod.
Vampires, plagues, and doctors oh my.
"There is dignity and deep satisfaction in facing life and death without the comfort of heaven or the fear of hell and in sailing toward the great abyss with a smile."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
I liked it even though, as you say, it's been done countless times before.
I'd much rather have a flatline than a peak and then 8 troughs.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1999
Seeing Amy try to jump on the Doctor the night before her wedding in last week's episode made me like her a bit less.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1128
A nifty little episode, rather Who-by-numbers but I'm generally happy with that so long as it's entertaining. Lots to like, too... especially the pre-titles scene.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2010, 07:54:18 AM by Mattemeo »
If you party with the Party Prince you get two complimentary after-dinner mints
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7353
Like people said, a very standard Who episode but since I felt the first few big episodes were really just trying and failing to be big impressive episodes I liked it. Next weeks looks like it could be a really good one too, seems slightly different from the average without trying to just be 'big'.
"Look at my car. Do you think that was bought with the earnest love of geeks?" - HaemishM
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
The first part of the Weeping Angels episode was fantastic. It made up for the shitty Daleks episode, and made me really want to get to the part where the Doctor marries/shacks up with River Song.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Don't watch the second part. 
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12007
You call it an accident. I call it justice.
Don't watch the second part.  I hate you.
Does any one know where the love of God goes...When the waves turn the minutes to hours? -G. Lightfoot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7353
But he's right. The second part probably wasn't any worse than the two before it but after the first one was so solid it was a big let down.
"Look at my car. Do you think that was bought with the earnest love of geeks?" - HaemishM
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742
I liked it even though, as you say, it's been done countless times before.
I'd much rather have a flatline than a peak and then 8 troughs. Don't watch the second part.  You preferred generic seen it all before a million times Dr Who by-the-numbers to the Angels two-parter? Really?
"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Have you read any of the thread ? Like, maybe the last couple of pages where I gave of the Angels ?
A fucking trainwreck.
So, yeah, really.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
I just watched this last night and I can't, for the life of me, remember how it ended. 
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7199
I watched blink on netflix last night. That was enjoyable.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Blink was awesome.
Absolutely fucking awesome. In almost every way.
Such a shame.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4663
I'm curious. When did the Angels go from freezing when people looked at them to freezing when people FAKE looking at them, with their eyes closed?
That was about the time I wandered away and forgot to watch the rest.
All life begins with Nu and ends with Nu. This is the truth! This is my belief! At least for now...
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7353
In that case you should also be wondering when the Angels managed to start looking at each without freezing. I'm pretty sure that not only were there a few clearly seeing other Angels in that scene but just having that number of angels around pretty much guarantees a load of them catch sight of the others and are frozen forever. The second part was horrible.
"Look at my car. Do you think that was bought with the earnest love of geeks?" - HaemishM
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Plot holes I could drive a bus through.
Plot holes so big, I could fill them with King Kong and Godzilla.
Plots holes that I could almmmmost manage to squeeze my penis into.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
It's that small? 
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Posts: 19306
sentient yeast infection
In that case you should also be wondering when the Angels managed to start looking at each without freezing. I'm pretty sure that not only were there a few clearly seeing other Angels in that scene but just having that number of angels around pretty much guarantees a load of them catch sight of the others and are frozen forever. The second part was horrible.
This was my biggest problem with that episode. The clever trick the Doctor used in Blink just suddenly doesn't work, for no particular reason.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2037
Wow. Part 2 of the weeping angels was one of the most awesome brilliant things I've seen on TV in a long time, and those who don't like it are clearly the retarded children of Sarah Palin's retarded children's incestuous pairing. No, worse than that. Whatever's worse than that. Every square inch of that episode was distilled goodness.
"Role playing in an MMO is more like an open orchestra with no conductor, anyone of any skill level can walk in at any time, and everyone brings their own instrument and plays whatever song they want. Then toss PvP into the mix and things REALLY get ugly!" -Count Nerfedalot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7353
Anyway the last episode was pretty good. Not great but I felt it worked well and worked plot-wise
"Look at my car. Do you think that was bought with the earnest love of geeks?" - HaemishM