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Topic: Huxley?.....I Thought You Died! (Read 7953 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 619
Ghetto Gear Solid: Raiden
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 09:25:17 PM by Falwell »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11536
Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean it'll ever come to the U.S... I am still looking forward to this one though.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148
yah know, i want to play this game, but the first time i see someone bunny hopping with a rocket out.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 619
Ghetto Gear Solid: Raiden
Currently, my biggest fear is the eastern style of ridiculously long levels. Even in an FPS style MMO setting, the Korean style of massive level grinding would turn me off pretty quickly.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148
So, Beta should have started by the time of this posting.
Wonder hows its going.
I am very interested about there claim of 100 x 100 battles.
Huxley still not dead. Not really a lot of new information though. There are a few reassurances that the game is really gonna get released this year for reals, and there's some stuff about the 360 version: Webzen says it plans to bring Huxley to market in the US by the end of this year. It expects complete localization to take roughly six months with ongoing testing and tweaking occurring simultaneously. However, that will likely only apply to the PC version of the game. The Xbox 360 version is expected to take an additional six months of time after the game is released on PC to make it out of the gate. If you're looking to play Huxley on a console, you can expect to wait until 2009.
Aside from being a late bloomer, the Xbox 360 version of Huxley will also be different from the PC in terms of the content it contains. Of course, the controls and the user interface will be tweaked, but players can also expect to take up arms in a different world than their PC cousins. We've been told that the gameplay will be largely the same. However, each version of the game will follow its own story as they offer up their own "age of Huxley." The PC version will focus on the story of what happened to the missing Dr. Huxley. The console iteration takes place 50 years later and centers on a terrorist group known as the Hybrid Liberation Organization.
Though the games will be unique, there still are plans for cross-platform interactions. According to Kang, "PC and Xbox 360 players can trade items, battle, and quest in their own respective platform worlds. But in certain areas, crossover is feasible that allows connecting to each other's world. The interface of the two worlds will be through quests in the other's territory or battle-zone and the system will be balanced to allow for the distinctiveness of each platform." Sounds like they're still trying to bite off more than they can chew. Of course if the PC version flops in NA, I'd expect the 360 game to get canceled anyway.
Wiki Admin
Posts: 7770
Locomotive Pandamonium
The only thing I found out that interested me was that APB is listed as also being on PC on Webzens site. Fucking A!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 619
Ghetto Gear Solid: Raiden
The PC version will focus on the story of what happened to the missing Dr. Huxley. The console iteration takes place 50 years later and centers on a terrorist group known as the Hybrid Liberation Organization Hmm, not sure what to make of this bit. They say people will be able to trade and quest cross platform. Could be interesting, or a major clusterfuck in the works. EDIT: Hold the fucking phone!!!! Take a good look at the shoulder insignia on the guy in the very forefront of this pic. King, with optional crown included. That, gentlemen, is class.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2008, 11:24:46 PM by Falwell »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868
Victim: Sirius Maximus
Was that pic of some massive circle jerk?
"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together. My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
I thought I saw vapour trails behind this one, too.
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11536
If this comes out at all in the U.S., I expect it to be Xbox 360 only, Fall 2009, and to be in the battle-torn 50-years-later world. Launching it as a PC means launching an MMOFPS with the same problem other MMOFPSes have had: trying to convince FPS players that an MMO experience is better than the one they don't have to pay anything extra for.
From purely a gamer perspective though, I want a real MMOFPS, so am hoping I'm wrong and that this'll launch on PC too.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148
If this comes out at all in the U.S., I expect it to be Xbox 360 only, Fall 2009, and to be in the battle-torn 50-years-later world. Launching it as a PC means launching an MMOFPS with the same problem other MMOFPSes have had: trying to convince FPS players that an MMO experience is better than the one they don't have to pay anything extra for.
From purely a gamer perspective though, I want a real MMOFPS, so am hoping I'm wrong and that this'll launch on PC too.
Huxley is a PvE game, with PvP parts.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11536
That's part of my prediction, the migration away from the MMOFPS it started out being.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1086
Getting Citizen Zero vibes here.
EVE (inactive): Deakin Frost -- APB (fukken dead): Kayleigh (on Patriot).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9029
inflicts shingles.
Do the avatars start out drunk? That female model was wobbling all over the place with what I think the designers intended to look like 'breathing'
I should get back to nature, too. You know, like going to a shop for groceries instead of the computer. Maybe a condo in the woods that doesn't even have a health club or restaurant attached. Buy a car with only two cup holders or something. -Signe
I LIKE being bounced around by Tonkors. - Lantyssa
Babies shooting themselves in the head is the state bird of West Virginia. - schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11536
I'd love to know how much the average FPS player gives a crap about their look.
Yea yea, I remember, Huxley's not for the FPS crowd anymore. Still...
Posts: 8064
I'd love to know how much the average FPS player gives a crap about their look.
Yea yea, I remember, Huxley's not for the FPS crowd anymore. Still...
Given the abundance of skins for certain FPSes, I'd say that a lot care about how they look. Of course, a number would choose a skin that gave them some kind of advantage... but I'm sure looks count for something.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 448
I'm still not sure how this game will play at anything above 8 FPS on anyone's computer.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 216
Spotted on google Tech News: "Huxley gets publisher, dated for 2008" information dam may soon break, however, as NHN USA has announced that it has picked up the rights to publish Huxley in North America and Western Europe. NHN USA expects to release the PC edition of the game through its online portal in late 2008. The company did not elaborate on its plans for a traditional retail release of the game. NHN USA currently only has the rights to distribute the PC game. However, a Webzen representative has confirmed for GameSpot that NHN USA has also secured first-look rights to publish the Xboxx 360 version. As previously announced, Webzen plans to launch the Xbox 360 edition at least six months after its PC counterpart.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6236
The Patron Saint of Radicalthons
korean doing FPS MMO? I predict....not so good gun-play with critical hits% , no specific hit boxes, and latency issues.
Colonel Sanders is back in my wallet
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