Topic: So, what're you playing? (Read 2462404 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2858
Anybody have any thoughts on FF:CC? It seems that it has multiplayer capability but one must have a GBA and special cable for each player in multi-mode. This game is right up my boy's alley (6 yr old); and I'm actually pretty taken with it as well. I would love to be able to play it with him in multiplayer but I'm adverse to laying out the funds for one addtional GBA, two cables... and well, the game. I understand there are a few other GC games that offer multiplayer mode only for the GBA-linked set? Are any of these (Zelda Four Swords?) any good as well?
I really, really didn't like FF:CC. I already had three GBAs sitting around, so that wasn't an issue, but I just couldn't stand the gameplay. Since the only way to permanently "learn" spells (or increase your life, or improve your character in any other way) is to choose some rare item at the end of the map, we ended up having to play a number of the maps over and over again until everyone got THE IMPORTANT item. And, even after doing that, the boss fights were frustration incarnate. We made it up to the final boss, but after fighting for like forty-five minutes (ressing each other and healing and ressing and dying and ressing and maybe getting in an attack or two before dying again), he killed both of us, and we haven't picked up the game since. Also, I was mostly playing with only two people, and if you're doing the same (E.G. just you and your son), I probably ought to warn you that it's probably the hardest way to go. You get all the added challenge of the multiplayer mode (inability to fuse spells, tougher bosses, etc.), and only one other buddy to help you with them. Also, you loose your moogle, so one of you is basically going to be stuck doing nothing but lugging that blasted chalice around for most of the game. Four Swords I haven't played (I played the GBA version and liked it, but it's different from the GC version, I think). I hear it's good, though. Aside from that, I don't know of any GC games that use the GBA, off the top of my head. If you get a second GBA, though, there are, of course, a fair number of multiplayer GBA games you can play, without the GC. What I've played in the last few weeks... hmm... We  Katamari (just finished it) Makai Kingdom (very, very slowly working my way through the campaign...) XBox port of SM's Pirates! (to see how it compared to the PC version) Crimson Skies (which I picked up for cheap) Rebelstar: Tactical Command (which I think I may have beaten, but I can't really tell...) Zelda: Minish Cap (when I got pissed off at Rebelstar's general unfinished-ness) World of Warcraft (occasionally, when I don't have anything pressing coming up school-wise) Master of Orion 3 (for about fifteen minutes, then I uninstalled it again) Imperium Galactica 2 (after I finished my marathon MOO3 session) Emperor: Battle for Dune (after IG2 crashed to desktop for the nth time) Monkey Island series (for Talk Like a Pirate day)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 63
Since some of you guys were talking about it recently, I am now subscribed to EVE.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Since some of you guys were talking about it recently, I am now subscribed to EVE.
Oh dear. I hope you didn't subscribe to a game based on anything anyone here said!
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
Since some of you guys were talking about it recently, I am now subscribed to EVE.
Errr.. we said something positive about Eve? Here? Best thing I can say about that game is that I finished two of the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series while playing. Of course, it does seem to be run pretty well and it has open pvp. There, two nice things. That wasn't so hard. I really should go back to finishing Resident Evil 4 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Both excellent games, and I'm on the last level of both. Sooner or later I'll feel like gaming.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 06:24:12 PM by Rasix »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 529
I can't stop playing Day of Defeat Source. It's the most fun I've had with a multiplayer FPS since Thunderwalkers CTF. Granted, I missed a lot between now and then, but damn this is fun.
Before Sept. 26th I was playing some EQ now and again. Ha ha! Laugh it up.
PSN: Happy_Hedonist, SteamID: Happy Hedonist
Posts: 23646
City of Heroes is what I'm playing right now. I got sucked back into the game when I got the 5 day free thing in my email for ex-subscribers. Most of what I didn't like about the game originally was never fixed but my tastes in MMORPGs have changed so I now fit the game better than when it first came out. I took a break from Battlefield 2 to wait for the patch. I'll probably play it again when the patch is released but not as much as I had been. I bought Fable: TLC and Dragonshard when my DSL line went down for a day since Fry's had them both on sale. Both are kind of "meh" with Dragonshard more so than Fable. I haven't played either since my DSL line has been back up but I'll probably finish both eventually. I can't stop playing Day of Defeat Source. It's the most fun I've had with a multiplayer FPS since Thunderwalkers CTF.
ThunderWalker CTF? Who were you playing as back then? Edit: fixed grammar
« Last Edit: October 03, 2005, 08:38:01 PM by Trippy »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4779
City of Heroes (mostly) Toontown (a little) Nintendogs (I feed the dogs)
I've found a new game called eBay. Trying to figure out how to translate my mad WoW auction house skillz to rl.
I like pink
Posts: 4987
Noob Sauce
Since some of you guys were talking about it recently, I am now subscribed to EVE.
WoW seems to be what most are subscribed to. Just a few of us who enjoy spankings did the EVE thingy. Do you like spankings?
No Nerf, but I put a link to this very thread and I said that you all can guarantee for my purity. I even mentioned your case, and see if they can take a look at your lawn from a Michigan perspective.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Since some of you guys were talking about it recently, I am now subscribed to EVE.
Errr.. we said something positive about Eve? Here? Best thing I can say about that game is that I finished two of the "A Song of Fire and Ice" series while playing. Of course, it does seem to be run pretty well and it has open pvp. There, two nice things. That wasn't so hard. I really should go back to finishing Resident Evil 4 and Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory. Both excellent games, and I'm on the last level of both. Sooner or later I'll feel like gaming. What are you doing? Trying to trick someone else into trying a game? Who do you work for?
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1395
WoW Master of Orion (the original) inside DOSbox.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954
Falcon 4 Allied Force.
Galatic Civiliaztions.
Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2512
Whenever an opponent discards a card, Megrim deals 2 damage to that player.
Rome: Total Realism (WHAT a difference), and Dungeon Siege 2.
Oh, and that silly Counterstraek game. God damned headshots.
- meg
One must bow to offer aid to a fallen man - The Tao of Shinsei.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1031
DOW:Winter Assault - Skirmish maps, campaign is finished now.
DOD:Source, UT2k4 and awaiting BF2 1.03 patch
Splinter Cell : Chaos Theory
Dungeon Siege II
Posts: 60350
Officailly Lost in Blue is kicking my ass. It might be the tedium of the game. Of which there is lots. Think of it as a portable, faster, more steamlined ATiTD... with better graphics. Even then it's tedious.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 30
and also getting CIV 4 when it comes.
Very fancy signature.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 529
ThunderWalker CTF? Who were you playing as back then?
Wonka[TIR] or Nunki[TIR]. My internet service provider had a private server I played on all the time. I got to know a couple of them and eventually joined their clan. We didn't do any tournaments or anything but it was fun playing matches against other clans. This is my BOOMSTICK!
PSN: Happy_Hedonist, SteamID: Happy Hedonist
Terracotta Army
Posts: 357
Very small amounts of Dark Age of Camelot. Can't handle much more with a newborn baby in the house.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Very small amounts of Dark Age of Camelot. Can't handle much more with a newborn baby in the house.
Awww.... do we get baby pics? 
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7432
Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
Playing WoW.
Everything else is just boring it seems. WoW is boring too.
Bleh for everything.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Playing WoW.
Everything else is just boring it seems. WoW is boring too.
Bleh for everything.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 474
CoH (Took down the Kronos Titan, freakin long ass mission...) CoV Beta (although I don't play much since its not at a very convienent time) Auto Assault Beta (occasionally, needs a bunch of work though) Racket and Clank Katamari Damancy
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2918
City of Heroes... solo for the most part, since everyone in my old SG left the game last year. Anyone on Pinnacle?
Other than that, I've been ignoring many potentially wonderful games on my shelf.
Yesterday I bought Pacific Fighters, but the manual scares me. Any game in which I can set my propeller pitch is probably too detailed for my fragile little mind.
Nothing in this post represents the views of my current or previous employers.
"Isn't that just like an elf? Brings a spell to a gun fight."
"Sci-Fi writers don't invent the future, they market it." - Henry Cobb
Posts: 60350
Yesterday I bought Pacific Fighters, but the manual scares me. Any game in which I can set my propeller pitch is probably too detailed for my fragile little mind. That doesn't sound like a game. A lot of sim companies have confused simulators and proper training lately.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
City of Heroes... solo for the most part, since everyone in my old SG left the game last year. Anyone on Pinnacle?
Other than that, I've been ignoring many potentially wonderful games on my shelf.
Yesterday I bought Pacific Fighters, but the manual scares me. Any game in which I can set my propeller pitch is probably too detailed for my fragile little mind.
I have a couple of chars on Pinnacle but never play them, they're super-nubby. I'm on Victory still. I'm @Signe on global. Are you in the CoV beta yet? I'm Frau Zerstorung there mostly and @BlackEyed Susan for global because that's the first char I made there and it won't stay reset to @Signe. God... I really do wibble aimlessly, don't I? 
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2060
Wibbles wobble but they don't fall down.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2136
Yesterday I bought Pacific Fighters, but the manual scares me. Any game in which I can set my propeller pitch is probably too detailed for my fragile little mind.
I've not played in a long time, but you can go into options and disable some of the realsim stuff. For the longest time I gave myself unlimited ammo and just did strafing runs. That's always fun. 
« Last Edit: October 04, 2005, 11:32:52 AM by Nija »
Stretch Panic Trauma Center for the DS on Wednesday 
Jain Zar
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1362
Actively playing: Warhammer 40K: Winter Assalt Evil Campaign. Ys: Ark of Napthshim Advance Wars Dual Strike Battle Maps
Casually playing: Magic Online Rygar (Tecmo Classic Arcade on X Box) Castlevania (Konami Collection for the PC)
Plan to be playing soon: Midway Arcade Treasures 3 (Primarily the San Fransisco Rush games.) Capcom Arcade Collection (Primarily Commando and 1943.)
Army of One
Posts: 7028
Been playing lots of Birth of the Federation lately. Turn-based strategy ala Civ + quasi-realtime 3d space combat + quality production values = a game that hasn't been off my hard drive since it came out in 1999. Even if you hate Star Trek, this game is the shit.
I feel some Diablo 2 coming on though.
"You're just a dick who quotes himself in his sig." -- Schild "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." -- Me
Terracotta Army
Posts: 380
Battlefield 2 Civ 3.. (yes, also awaiting Civ4) Front Office Football: The College Years--I have to play it for a while every fall.
Downloading Mount & Blade as I type.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 538
Actively Playing:
World of Warcraft Total Overdose: A Gunglingers Tale in Mexico C & C Generals: Zero Hour Battlefield 2
Infrequently Playing:
Rome: Total War Act of War: Direct Action Day of Defeat: Source
On my To-Buy/To-Play List:
Age of Empires 3 Civilization 4 Black and White 2 X-Men: Rise of Apocolypse D & D Online Auto Assault Gun (for XBox)
Greet what arrives, escort what leaves, and rush in upon loss of contact
Posts: 23646
Wonka[TIR] or Nunki[TIR]. My internet service provider had a private server I played on all the time. I got to know a couple of them and eventually joined their clan. We didn't do any tournaments or anything but it was fun playing matches against other clans.
Ah cool, I was [FU]Badger. I don't recognize your name, though, so I'm not sure we ever played together.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 400
World of Warcraft EVE Online
Then less frequently..
Burnout Revenge Metroid Prime Animal Crossing - I went back to my town after a two year absence. I was expecting the plague, dead animals everywhere. Place was just overgrown with weeds, and I had a few new neighbors. I still haven't been able to sell all the excess fruit and shells after dozens of trips, inventory is too small. Took me a couple hours to free nearly every blank tile of grass from the weeds. Plus, as I was running screen to screen real fast hauling fruit, I saw the biggest shadow of a fish in the water that I'd ever seen in that game. Blows the Living Fossil/Coelicinth outline away. It was blurry it was so big. I scared it off though, and couldn't get it to reappear no matter how many times I ran back and forth between screens. HUGE it was.
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer
Army of One
Posts: 7028
All you people who love Civilization should go download BotF somewhere and give it a shot to hold you over. It plays like a streamlined Civ, in space, with lots of character and an inordinate amount of shiny for a game of it's type. What I mean by "character" is that all major factions and minor races come across as unique. All of the music, the sound, and the "skin" of the (rather nice) UI changes based upon who you're playing as.
When you're playing the Klingons and meet the peacful Mizarians, you get a photo of a member of that species, a paragraph describing their culture, another paragraph describing what unique structure they can build, and a voice-over where someone with a gnarly Klingon voice says something to the effect of "These guys are pussies, let's kick their ass and take their lunch money!" If you're playing as the Federation, you get the same background information, but the voice-over is a well-modulated fellow talking up the merits of their pacifict society. There being five major factions and thirty minor races, they recorded 150 different voice-overs to make sure the player knows how their own empire relates to whoever they've just met. They also dressed someone up in TV/move quality makeup to pose for each race's photograph.
Every race, major and minor, also addresses the player differently when diplomacy comes up. One of my favorites was when I talked the rather antagonistic and anal-retentive Sheliak into joining my faction, and they accepted by saying "We agree to allow you to join us, however you will handle all foreign affairs and we will not govern you." And they're pretty talkative, sending you their own unique messages to cheer you on when you attack someone they hate, to bitch at you for sabotaging someone they like, or to tell you that bombing the Ferengi into extinction was a rather inhumane thing to do.
Combat is just the best I've ever seen in a game like this. You can auto-resolve to avoid sitting through mismatches, but when you choose to control a battle, you get a zoomable/rotatable 3d view of things. You issue commands to your ships or groups of ships, then watch as they fly around shooting and saying things like "Those shields won't hold forever! Muahaha!" in real-time. For ten seconds, after which you can issue a new set of orders. Ships level up after enough training and/or battle, but those levels are expressed simply as more precise flying and accurate shooting. Three of my tiny but well-trained Cardassian scouts outmanuvering and shooting the piss out of a noobish Federation cruiser, dropping it's shields and forcing it to flee, was great fun even if it was a totally inconsequential battle.
Okay, rant over. But if you have a long enough attention span for this sort of game, it's almost impossible to dislike.
"You're just a dick who quotes himself in his sig." -- Schild "Yeah, it's pretty awesome." -- Me
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
My attention span wasn't long enough to read your post. I did, however, read the first and last paragraph and referred it to Righ who likes those sorts of boring games.
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.