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Author Topic: Picard  (Read 53226 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #140 on: February 17, 2023, 09:20:00 AM

3rd (and apparently last) season has begun.

You can really feel Akiva Goldsman's complete inability to tell a story that isn't a remix of someone else's successful story, right down to specific story beats. I honestly thought for a minute that Picard and Riker were going just go ahead and take over Captain Asshole's ship and start off the Wrath of Khanning that is plainly about to get rolling. Plus there's probably going to be some "who is working for the conspiracy and who isn't" going down. If Crusher's kid turns out to be Picard's son, there's another Khan reprise.

But anyway, ok, I'm happy we will be seeing all these characters again. I just hope it's a halfway decent story.
Posts: 19303

sentient yeast infection

Reply #141 on: February 17, 2023, 10:18:11 AM

From what I've heard, prior seasons have followed a progression of "this seems like it could be interesting or could be really stupid, let's see where it goes" followed by "oh no it got really stupid".  So I wouldn't hold out high hopes for this one.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11844

Reply #142 on: February 18, 2023, 05:40:16 AM

Honestly that has been true of all new trek to a greater or lesser extent. (Except for lower decks which is just awesome throughout)

All of it is dumb fun.

"People will not assume that what they read on the internet is trustworthy or that it carries any particular ­assurance or accuracy" - Lord Leveson
"Hyperbole is a cancer" - Lakov Sanite
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #143 on: February 18, 2023, 06:12:24 AM

Occasionally just dumb.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #144 on: February 24, 2023, 08:29:01 AM

Honestly that has been true of all new trek to a greater or lesser extent. (Except for lower decks which is just awesome throughout)

All of it is dumb fun.

I'd argue Strange New Worlds has bucked this trend as well. Whether or not it holds up in later seasons is still an open question sadly.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #145 on: February 24, 2023, 06:18:42 PM

I loved SNW except for the extremely hack-handed ripoff of Aliens.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #146 on: March 02, 2023, 06:15:00 PM

Worf fucking saved this whole thing almost single-handedly. Every single line delivery is perfect and they wrote some great fucking shit for Dorn to deliver.

"I am Worf. Son of Mogh. House of Martok, son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, Bane of the Duras family, Slayer of Gowron.

I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?"
« Last Edit: March 02, 2023, 06:21:26 PM by Khaldun »
Posts: 19303

sentient yeast infection

Reply #147 on: March 03, 2023, 09:08:32 AM

Worf fucking saved this whole thing almost single-handedly. Every single line delivery is perfect and they wrote some great fucking shit for Dorn to deliver.

"I am Worf. Son of Mogh. House of Martok, son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, Bane of the Duras family, Slayer of Gowron.

I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?"

well fuck.  If my wife finds out about this we're gonna be stuck with a Paramount+ subscription.
Posts: 8992

Reply #148 on: March 03, 2023, 09:36:58 AM

Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #149 on: March 07, 2023, 11:51:30 AM

I loved SNW except for the extremely hack-handed ripoff of Aliens.

I actually enjoyed the Aliens ripoff. It was obvious that that was exactly what it was but it was well executed and fun so I gave it a pass.

Worf fucking saved this whole thing almost single-handedly. Every single line delivery is perfect and they wrote some great fucking shit for Dorn to deliver.

"I am Worf. Son of Mogh. House of Martok, son of Sergey, House of Rozhenko, Bane of the Duras family, Slayer of Gowron.

I have made some chamomile tea. Do you take sugar?"

I saw an interview with Michael Dorn and when they asked him to return he suggested that Worf had become essentially a samurai who was on a bit of a spiritual journey and they ran with it. This is possibly my favorite portrayal of Worf if I'm honest.

The rest of it. Woo boy. Why is the ship so dark? Why is the red on their uniforms so dark it almost looks black? When will we get some straight answers about why Beverly's son is being hunted? Why is Jonathan Frakes the only one that seems to be having fun? Who hired Amanda Plummer? They deserve a raise because she steals every scene and has eaten every bit of scenery that gets within arms reach.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #150 on: March 07, 2023, 03:23:35 PM

On one hand, I fucking loved Patrick Stewart's portrayal of Picard as fucking disgusted by Beverly's patently stupid and morally insane explanations for why she has kept out of touch and kept Picard's son hidden from him. You could see it on Picard's face: I had sex with you? You were a valued member of my crew? And what I especially liked was that it wasn't just "I have a SON", wasn't just self-centered--he was nauseated by her incoherence.

On the other hand, I'm kind of hoping that Beverly sounded as insane and incoherent as that because she's hiding something much worse, much deeper and is trying to throw Picard off the scent. Like, maybe Jack is not in fact Picard's son and she's using his assumption to get him to protect Jack. Or maybe she's done forbidden genetic manipulation on him (whether he's Picard's son or not). It would be more depressing if she was just that stupid and awful. Jack getting a vision while dying from the gas might be a sign that he's the key to something bigger and that's what she's hiding.
Posts: 19303

sentient yeast infection

Reply #151 on: March 07, 2023, 03:32:19 PM

I haven't watched it, but Crusher having a Picard bastard and naming him Jack after her husband who died under Picard's command is just all kinds of fucked up.  Is that something that's addressed or is it a case of the writers knowing that she loved someone named Jack but not knowing the rest of that backstory?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #152 on: March 07, 2023, 04:22:41 PM

I haven't watched it, but Crusher having a Picard bastard and naming him Jack after her husband who died under Picard's command is just all kinds of fucked up.  Is that something that's addressed or is it a case of the writers knowing that she loved someone named Jack but not knowing the rest of that backstory?

I don't remember it coming up. It may have come up in the scene Khaldun mentioned which is one of the few times Patrick Stewart didn't look checked out IMO. His acting in that scene is pretty on point and he calls out her stupidity to her face which I did like.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #153 on: March 07, 2023, 07:54:55 PM

Yeah, a fair amount of the time Stewart just looks really tired, to the point that you almost feel sorry for him. But man he really dials it in hard in that one scene with McFadden.

Picard does not reference the fact that the son is named "Jack" but I kind of assume it's one of the things on his mind. That's always been part of the weird relationship between Crusher and Picard--that vague sense that she's cheating on him despite the fact that her husband is long dead. It's why some folks decided a long time ago that Wesley is maybe Picard's illegitimate kid--the sense that Crusher and Picard cheated on Jack Crusher even when Jack was still alive. Even if they didn't, Crusher has made clear a couple of times that the two of them were hot for each other even back then, sort of.  So naming the kid "Jack" even if it's actually Picard's son is definitely fucking psycho.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #154 on: March 11, 2023, 03:03:17 PM

Um, Dr. Crusher called that explosion in the nebula a "birth", but you know what I saw? Rhythmic pulsing of energy waves and then a really huge energy wave that distributed millions of small white glowing space-squids all over the place. Not only was that a cosmic ejaculation that the Titan rode to escape, Riker grabbed a kidney stone on the way and flung it at the Shrike.

In other news, why the writers feel the need to use the holodeck (except for cheap parallelism of then-and-now, as if we wouldn't figure that out) and even worse explain that the holodeck has a separate power source, I dunno. Unless the money they were getting for that really over the top product placement of Jameson was just crazy high.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #155 on: March 11, 2023, 03:37:41 PM

Um, Dr. Crusher called that explosion in the nebula a "birth", but you know what I saw? Rhythmic pulsing of energy waves and then a really huge energy wave that distributed millions of small white glowing space-squids all over the place. Not only was that a cosmic ejaculation that the Titan rode to escape, Riker grabbed a kidney stone on the way and flung it at the Shrike.

In other news, why the writers feel the need to use the holodeck (except for cheap parallelism of then-and-now, as if we wouldn't figure that out) and even worse explain that the holodeck has a separate power source, I dunno. Unless the money they were getting for that really over the top product placement of Jameson was just crazy high.

Yeah, the holodeck having its own power source seemed really weird to me. It's not that important guys.

I did like that we finally got some character growth for Captain Shaw beyond "asshole" and his reaction to Picard makes more sense now. Dude basically has severe PTSD. But I also wonder how he wound up in command in the first place with his obvious issues.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #156 on: March 11, 2023, 03:44:18 PM

I kind of wish we hadn't had a Wolf 359 callback and he just basically went off on Picard and Riker because they came aboard his ship in a way that showed zero respect to him or his crew and got them mixed up in some very dangerous shit without letting him have a say in it--that they acted like the main characters and like he was an NPC. That seems more dramatically valid and more interesting.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11844

Reply #157 on: March 12, 2023, 06:11:58 AM

The holodeck having its own power source seemed fine to me in itself, but opened up the thought, 'so if that is affordable why doesn't everything have an equivalent emergency backup?'.

But that is fairly normal star trek.

Show seems better than the last 2 seasons though. And far better than.the TNG movies.

"People will not assume that what they read on the internet is trustworthy or that it carries any particular ­assurance or accuracy" - Lord Leveson
"Hyperbole is a cancer" - Lakov Sanite
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #158 on: March 17, 2023, 04:16:48 AM

I quite liked this latest episode. It felt like the plot finally got interesting and seeing the nostalgia guest star was cool as I liked her mini-arc in TNG.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #159 on: March 17, 2023, 06:11:21 AM

Yeah, that part of the episode was good.

I'm just kind of annoyed that we're going to the shapechanger/infiltration well again, with all the standard tropes: are you a shapechanger? NO U! etc. But also Starfleet infiltrated again--and yeah, they tried to plug the plothole desperately in this episode, unconvincingly--oh yes Starfleet has anti-infiltration protocols now only wow these meaty changelings can beat them, how about that. This is two seasons AFTER Starfleet Intelligence was revealed to be controlled by a Romulan who manipulated the entire command hierarchy into doing all sorts of dubious shit AND managing to smuggle other Romulan agents and assassins onto Earth. At this point, blood tests and scanner tests plainly aren't enough.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #160 on: March 17, 2023, 10:47:23 AM

I'm guessing that was the plot of Season 1? I skipped the first two seasons because I heard nothing good about them and this one drew me back purely on the promise of a TNG reunion of sorts. We're close, only need Geordi to show up at this point I guess!

I'm curious where they go from here. The problem with this plot is it'll be hard for them to build much of a coalition as they won't trust anyone. Also, I'm really enjoying how Worf has been the opposite of how he was in TNG. Poor dude got his butt kicked constantly in TNG it felt like and so far this season Worf has been awesome. I love this version of Worf as I mentioned earlier.

Give me a new series with Samurai Worf please. I'd even take a Kung Fu ripoff where he goes from planet to planet righting wrongs and defending those who can't defend themselves.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1298


Reply #161 on: March 30, 2023, 07:55:42 AM

Give me a new series with Samurai Worf please.

And Elnor as well.

Elnor: "Please, choose life."
Worf: "Today, it looks like he chooses death."

“We have competent people thinking about this stuff. We’re not just making shit up.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #162 on: March 30, 2023, 02:05:15 PM

Samurai Worf and Elnor plus Seven going back to being a Ranger and shooting things when the other two fail at talking.

How about a series where they decide to clean up Section 31 once and for all? Maybe introduce a child of Bashir and Garak who has been exquisitely trained to destroy Section 31 but thus the other three can never trust him/her?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #163 on: March 31, 2023, 05:55:38 AM

Samurai Worf and Elnor plus Seven going back to being a Ranger and shooting things when the other two fail at talking.

How about a series where they decide to clean up Section 31 once and for all? Maybe introduce a child of Bashir and Garak who has been exquisitely trained to destroy Section 31 but thus the other three can never trust him/her?

I'd watch this...

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #164 on: April 20, 2023, 05:57:40 PM

Oh god I fucking hated the efforts to set up a new series with Jack Crusher being the big deal.

He's more unlikeable than Wesley at his most insufferable. Dr. Crusher is like the Echidna of Star Trek, mother to monsters.

This was fanservice as cancer--I mean, ok, you want to fanservice us to Patrick Stewart's death, ok! I will go there. But no, they want to fanservice us into the not-final frontier of making money. Star Trek: Legacy Masturbation!

What an incoherent series these three seasons have been. So at odds with each other. Some great original ideas that they almost immediately walked back, some terrible pandering.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #165 on: April 20, 2023, 06:32:22 PM

Oh god I fucking hated the efforts to set up a new series with Jack Crusher being the big deal.

He's more unlikeable than Wesley at his most insufferable. Dr. Crusher is like the Echidna of Star Trek, mother to monsters.

This was fanservice as cancer--I mean, ok, you want to fanservice us to Patrick Stewart's death, ok! I will go there. But no, they want to fanservice us into the not-final frontier of making money. Star Trek: Legacy Masturbation!

What an incoherent series these three seasons have been. So at odds with each other. Some great original ideas that they almost immediately walked back, some terrible pandering.

I actually really liked the series finale. It hit most of the right notes for me and my only "complaint" was the nerd in me going "the Galaxy class is basically a giant whale, there's no way it could fly like that..." It had some really good character moments though I do kind of wish they'd had the guts to go ahead and let Picard die a heroes death or something.

Speaking of Picard, the finale was really the only time Patrick Stewart seemed to really be "present" other than the occasional scene here and there.

I don't mind the idea of 7, Raffi(?) and Jack Crusher being a potential spin-off on the new Enterprise. I'd have preferred Shaw but I do like how he got some final words in his own way. I don't actually dislike Jack Crusher either though I'm not sure what "special counselor to the Captain" means. Maybe 7 is just a cougar.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Posts: 23646

Reply #166 on: April 20, 2023, 06:38:19 PM

Speaking of Picard, the finale was really the only time Patrick Stewart seemed to really be "present" other than the occasional scene here and there.
I've only seen bits and pieces of the first two seasons but he was definitely present in the scenes with Q.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6365

Reply #167 on: April 21, 2023, 10:56:47 AM

Speaking of which, poor Q really traded down. From Captains to Commanders and now in his old age he has to settle for Ensigns.

I wasn't too cross with the finale until the credits, but linking Q to this turd of a character really makes me fear that Jack Crusher will have more of a place in the new series than he deserves.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189

Reply #168 on: April 21, 2023, 11:06:15 AM

It was SUCH a horrible attempt to force the character: OH YOU SPECIAL BOY.

I suppose I could maintain a head canon that this Q is like Hitler in Jo-Jo Rabbit, he's just in Jack Crusher's fantasies. Maybe Jack isn't even actually on board the Enterprise-G, this is just his own little fanwank Holodeck scenario in whatever mental hospital he's in while he recovers from being Borgified.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8044

Reply #169 on: April 22, 2023, 01:46:57 AM

Speaking of Picard, the finale was really the only time Patrick Stewart seemed to really be "present" other than the occasional scene here and there.
I've only seen bits and pieces of the first two seasons but he was definitely present in the scenes with Q.

I skipped the first two seasons and have no interest in ever watching them if I'm honest. I've heard nothing good about them, especially season 2. Season 3 was fun but even its best episode (which for me was probably the finale) wasn't as good as the worst episode of Strange New Worlds season 1. It often felt too forced and despite only being 10 episodes it felt like they dragged things out. Amanda Plummer saved the season to be honest and if I'm totally honest, I think I liked the finale because it felt like a proper goodbye for the characters after the travesty that was Nemesis.

"We live in a country, where John Lennon takes six bullets in the chest, Yoko Ono was standing right next to him and not one fucking bullet! Explain that to me! Explain that to me, God! Explain it to me, God!" - Denis Leary summing up my feelings about the nature of the universe.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4263

Reply #170 on: April 26, 2023, 02:10:07 PM

Just got access to Paramount recently & binged season 1.

It's a mixed bag, some real clunkiness & ham fisted deus ex machina plot moments, but enjoyed it on the whole. After just finishing the latest season of Pedro Pascal & the Magic Child, I liked this better (though 1st season of Mandalorian is far better, admittedly).

Have watched most of TOS & TNG, but none of the stuff after appealed to me. And the movie reboot over the last decade left a sour taste in the mouth.
If your story is not about time travel, but it has time travel in it, then your story sucks.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2023, 02:13:20 PM by naum »

"Should the batman kill Joker because it would save more lives?" is a fundamentally different question from "should the batman have a bunch of machineguns that go BATBATBATBATBAT because its totally cool?". ~Goumindong
Posts: 8992

Reply #171 on: May 19, 2023, 09:35:36 AM

I skipped the first two seasons and have no interest in ever watching them if I'm honest. I've heard nothing good about them, especially season 2. Season 3 was fun but even its best episode (which for me was probably the finale) wasn't as good as the worst episode of Strange New Worlds season 1. It often felt too forced and despite only being 10 episodes it felt like they dragged things out. Amanda Plummer saved the season to be honest and if I'm totally honest, I think I liked the finale because it felt like a proper goodbye for the characters after the travesty that was Nemesis.

That’s more or less where I’m at with it having just finally gotten around to watching it. It’s pretty poorly paced and is a mish-mash of fan service cameos and callbacks, but it’s also a better send-off than Nemesis as you said.
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