Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
I think vertical elevators may max out somewhere around 10-15 foundations tall - I think I have one out my back door that's 14 foundations.
The map room is actually not that bad once you are able to visit the volcano. The rock demons (not the rocknoses but the other ones) in the volcano drop demon blood (use a pick) in great quantities - I could get 100 by killing about 10 of them. Grab the named alchemist Sayd Secretkeeper in the volcano garden and put him in an improved firebowl cauldron - he cuts down on the amount of some ingredients by a good deal. Swim underneath the pirate ships in Bucaneer's Bay to get gold and silver coins and bars from chests. The rest of the stuff is much easier to get.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2637
For the elevator - on the north side of my mountain warehouse I have an vertical elevator that's around 35 or so foundations tall and takes 1:15 to ride each way. Goes from the mountain on the western side of Thugra's stand down to the river north of the mountain. It did stall out when setting it up around the 20 foundations tall mark where it stopped, but hitting the switch to force it to go back down worked and it's worked fine since.
Think I'm going to try placing one on top of the tower near the newbie river...wonder if that would work.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2637
And it seems that ~35-37 is the tallest an elevator will go. I tried on the sky tower thingie, timing the ride it's at 1:15 again and it takes about 2s per foundation to go up or down in an elevator. When I tried at higher levels I received an error along the lines of 'unable to find landing point' even when I built a platform I lined up for the landing point.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
I staked a claim for "Castle Dongington" up north today. All there is right now is a bonfire, a wooden box, and a sign.
It is due West of Passage Exit by the lake shore. It is just at the edge of where everything is snow covered. I won't be starting construction anytime soon. I spent most of today catching thralls for use when I get the place setup.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
My compound is in E14. Just West of the Lake, down South from the Wardtowers. I dwell among the hill people. Just need to figure out how to craft meth.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
I nabbed several tier 1 and tier 2 taskmasters in Sepemeru today while trying to catch some named thralls. There is a box next to one of the double wheels on the NE side of the city that has like 3-4 Journeymen in it if someone is putting in a wheel in a new location and needs a little boost in effectiveness.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
So they took the grid off conanexilesmap.com so it is basically the same as the other one with icons and shit.
Unless that wasn't the map with the grid?
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
So they took the grid off conanexilesmap.com so it is basically the same as the other one with icons and shit.
Unless that wasn't the map with the grid?
Yep. Instead of a grid there is now a sort of lat/long readout in the lower left of the screen.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
I made a path of torches on the quickest path between New Asgarth and Dongus Manor for thralling. I got totally turned around in the dark trying to drag a thrall back in the dead of night/thunderstorm and ended up back on the north side with the mammoths.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2431
Satael's Jungle Meadhouse is now open next to the NW jungle obelisk. edit: map room added for extra convenience.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 11:39:11 AM by satael »
Posts: 19306
sentient yeast infection
Map room now available at Trad'r Sam's! Next highway route needs to go between my place and Satael's Jungle Meadhouse so we can have a bar crawl before schild's Bureau expands out of the swamp and consumes us all like a black ice version of the goddamn Zerg Creep. Also, the map with the grid is https://conanexiles.ginfo.gg/
« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 01:13:52 PM by Samwise »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
Castle Dongington is a at K13 on top of cliff where the shore turns a corner. Still under construction but should have the building envelope done tonight. Map room in the center of the north side.
Will have a wheel soon for grabbing Thralls from the camps on the lake.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Posts: 19306
sentient yeast infection
Discovered Satael's Desert Hideaway just now. That was a nice surprise.  I laid a path of blue torches from the meadhouse to the main road (about halfway between Trad'r Sam's and the Bureau). Need to go back and add signs. It's not a very pleasant run, what with all the swamp spiders, but it is pretty short as long as you go through the swamp instead of through the trees (which is even worse due to the panthers).
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
My house is actually a house now. Still need to replace some foundation place holders and roof it. Due east of the Dong Manor I believe. Anyhow, I'm right by the landmarks "Trapper's Cabin" and "The Breach", in the north before you hit snow.
I've got most amenities, but not a ton of thralls. Tier 4 for blacksmith and armorer if you need stuff fixed and you're in the area. And a treb if you need to fire one.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
Castle Dongington is effectively done.
I still have some internal sprucing up to do but all the major pieces are in place. Will be adding additional crafting stations in the courtyard since there is nothing out there at the moment.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
All 5 altars upgraded to max level. It is quite the rainbow shooting up out of the lake 
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
Well donged!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
Also, if you want exact in game coordinates for places, you can type "ToggleDebugUI" in the console and the coords show up on the bottom left of your screen.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
All 5 altars upgraded to max level. It is quite the rainbow shooting up out of the lake  This is a great looking complex. I'm really liking the red lacquered look of the Khitian tiles too. Unfortunately my game crashed when opening one your interior doors and now I have to take off to do some chores, so please excuse the heavily armored barbarian crashed out on your floor. I'll collect him when I log on again later..
Posts: 15024
I am the harbinger of your doom!
Hah, you're at my place. I see you crashed out on the floor.
But thanks, I like how the aesthetics have worked out so far. Some misses, but it'll come together.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2018, 02:03:08 PM by Rasix »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
Yeah, I have not been to Rasix's Khitian lake house.
Castle Dongington is straddling cliffs and has platforms out in the water north of the dam.
So I have placed a dancer next to the wheel at Mounds of the Dead and in the Volcano. Figured most people goin' a thrallin' will be porting in by obelisk and it only takes a couple seconds to get rid of the corruption there.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
Damn, sorry to get them mixed up.
I need to work on the northern roads and get the signs better organized. But I want to do something better up there than the sandstone blocks, but something maybe not as intense as Schild's Black Ice in the jungle look...
Posts: 19306
sentient yeast infection
Damn, sorry to get them mixed up.
I need to work on the northern roads and get the signs better organized. But I want to do something better up there than the sandstone blocks, but something maybe not as intense as Schild's Black Ice in the jungle look...
If you're looking for things to craft, I suggest double stacks of foundation blocks with wall torches on the side, braziers on top, and optional wall-mounted signs under the torches (rather than separate standing signs).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
Please don't build roads to my place (not that there is really any good road locations. I have some good iron/stone/wood that is very convenient.
Plus, no one wants to visit that area anyway.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
Please don't build roads to my place (not that there is really any good road locations. I have some good iron/stone/wood that is very convenient.
Plus, no one wants to visit that area anyway.
Really? I'll respect that, but why? I was thinking about doing some roads and bridges heading up to the volcano.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
Should run a road up to Castle Black Dong and that bridge.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
Damn, sorry to get them mixed up.
I need to work on the northern roads and get the signs better organized. But I want to do something better up there than the sandstone blocks, but something maybe not as intense as Schild's Black Ice in the jungle look...
If you're looking for things to craft, I suggest double stacks of foundation blocks with wall torches on the side, braziers on top, and optional wall-mounted signs under the torches (rather than separate standing signs). That sounds interesting, if elaborate and materials intense. I may compromise a bit and go with the brazier on top look. Can you put wall-mounted signs on foundations? And they seem a bit small for road signs anyway.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
Should run a road up to Castle Black Dong and that bridge.
Is that your place at E14? Honestly, I've seen so many dongs in this game I'm getting them mixed up...
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
Yup I’m the compound across the lake in E14. I’m considering building an elevator across the lake. Can link to a road on the east side. Happy to help. Satael has a tower near the East side of the lake too.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2431
Yup I’m the compound across the lake in E14. I’m considering building an elevator across the lake. Can link to a road on the east side. Happy to help. Satael has a tower near the East side of the lake too.
That tower is going to disappear once the new DLC is released and my new compound will be at the Wreck of the Martyr island offering all the basic necessities for anyone wanting to farm the demon spider.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
So one of the more WTF nights in a while, comboing personal bad decisions with game bugs... Decide to go out resource farming ahead of my next big project, so I equip one of those authentic looking backpacks to increase carry capacity. I then managed to get it caught up in the mechanism of one of my elevators leading to perhaps my most ignoble, if perfectly reasonable, death in game. So I respawn near my elephant trap and decide to go ahead and farm a pachyderm, only to discover after some minutes of prodding that I have that bug you get on respawning sometimes where you can't actually do damage to anything. Yay. Try to reset it by running out of physics range of the elephant, then lag out on returning (weather is bad here right now, giving lots of lag spikes) and go over the cliff. Decide to respawn back in my bed, move before everything is loaded and get stuck between my bed and the wall. Oh and all my weapons are now bugged. I have two duped shields, neither of which will equip, and my sword goes back to inventory whenever I enter combat. To the fair, those last issues cleared on relogging. Not mad, just sharing. 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Game is fucked up. Funcom doesn't know how to fix it and appears to be on vacation anyway.
We all know how this story ends: they fix it roughly when they have twenty-five customers left.
Posts: 60350
They're back from vacation and laid out the next four (?) patches 12 hours ago.
Posts: 19306
sentient yeast infection
If you're looking for things to craft, I suggest double stacks of foundation blocks with wall torches on the side, braziers on top, and optional wall-mounted signs under the torches (rather than separate standing signs).
I went ahead and did this to blaze a trail from the Dagon obelisk to my base. Check it out, it's a fun little hike. 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3703
Fort Rock Hard can be found on the west side of K21. Pardon the construction.
Someone liked something? Who the fuzzy fuck was this heretic? You don't come to this website and enjoy something. Fuck that. ~ The Walrus