Topic: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Read 380946 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8306
This has started new episodes again. I had to catch up on the latest one online. I really hate mid-season breaks, I always forget when it starts up again.
and the gate is like I TOO AM CAPABLE OF SPEECH
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6711
Planes? Shit, I'm terrified to get in my car now!
Yeah wife and I spent most of the first episode saying "WTF's going on? Who are these people?". It kinda all came back by the end, but TBH it doesn't really matter. It's the fluffiest of candyfloss entertainment, plot is mostly irrelevant 
"Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism" - Rosa Luxemburg, 1915.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
They have the worst combination: A continuous developing storyline and a boring and un-engaging delivery that leaves us not caring enough to remember from episode to episode.
So disappointed. Mercy kill it at the end of the season and learn from the mistakes for the Inhumans.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6711
Planes? Shit, I'm terrified to get in my car now!
Dick jokes and fart pebbles. 
"Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism" - Rosa Luxemburg, 1915.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
The whole 'you mean the OTHER robot person we have in play' line was so marvelously hamfisted I expected Aida to suddenly grow a mustache to twist while laughing maniacally and looking directly at the camera. So bad.
This show is the absolute worst with the 'who can we trust this week' shell game nonsense. They do it so much and it's never a shocker but always annoying.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1984
They have the worst combination: A continuous developing storyline and a boring and un-engaging delivery that leaves us not caring enough to remember from episode to episode.
So disappointed. Mercy kill it at the end of the season and learn from the mistakes for the Inhumans.
And you guys wanted this to tie into the MCU and the Netflix street-verse.
Posts: 5828
Operating Thetan One
This show is the absolute worst with the 'who can we trust this week' shell game nonsense.
I don't know, I enjoyed the way they just kept the hamfistedness up throughout the episode, with the constant referrals to everyone acting strange. Taking it over the top made it fun. The show has plenty of issues, but its far better than it was in Season one, and I still find it far more watchable than any of the DC shows (outside of Gotham, which I love).
"Welcome to the internet, pussy." - VDL "I have retard strength." - Schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
One more season renewed. I'd rather they ended it and brought us a new Marvel show... They have not known what to do with these characters since the first two season plan reached an end. They could do an Avengers West Coast? Mockingbird?
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7590
Boy, this thread is a roller coaster.
~a horrific, dark simulacrum that glares balefully at us, with evil intent.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
People view this show differently. I see it as Whedon writing a 2 year plan that tied into the movies with an interesting cast... but his touch on the series decreased and was nearly gone by the end of Season 2. The last two seasons have felt, to me, like those months of comics where someone new steps in, shakes things up, ignores the threads still lurking, and give you stories that just do not fit. This show could have been so much more.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
Did I mention that people, and Ironwood, view this show differently.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
You did. You should have used the phrase 'Polar Opposite' however.
AoS was pretty universally panned as having the worst 1st season ever. 2nd season didn't do much to polish that.
This season alone has managed to make it a show that works so very well, seamlessly bringing us 3 arcs thus far with barely a pause.
I think the right honourable gentleman is smoking crack, but with Schild in the other room daubing a copy of Alien that only he's seen in his own fecal matter, who the fuck am I to judge.
Shine on, you batshit insane mental case. At least you'll always have the Spanish Magazines.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
Nobody expects the Spanish Magazines.
As for the rest, we have about 100 pages of arguments bagged between the show and movie threads. Nothing new to say about the past ... I hope they have something good for the next season that ties in better with the movie MCU. But I am doubtful.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
MAoS returns for 22 episodes following the Inhumans 8 week run in the fall. I guess this means they'll be in a good position to deal with the fallout, if any, of the Inhumans show. It will be interesting to see if there is any overlap between the two shows. For example, could we see the Royal Family reach out to Quake within the run of the series?
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
So... SWORD? Skrull Coulson?
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
MAoS returns for 22 episodes following the Inhumans 8 week run in the fall. I guess this means they'll be in a good position to deal with the fallout, if any, of the Inhumans show. It will be interesting to see if there is any overlap between the two shows. For example, could we see the Royal Family reach out to Quake within the run of the series?
I'm not sure where the benefit would be of tying in the 5th season of a TV show that isn't going to gain a large influx of new viewers at this point with a new show that so far more ridicule than hype surrounding it. This Inhumans series feels like the last dying remnants of Marvel's failed attempt to replace Mutants with Inhumans due to not having the movie rights. It's like they're being forced to put this show out but damned if they're going to put any budget behind it. The defense to the reactions the costumes got is that they'll look better in motion and with special effects and hopefully that's they case because right now it gives off vibes of the Generation X tv movie from the mid-90's (which is funny because the trailer for the upcoming X-men tv series The Gifted looks pretty good and Legion was great).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
I think most people were waiting for the Inhuman series to judge it. I have not come across wide spread ridicule. We'll have to see how it pans out. As for the TV thing being seen as a misstep? Putting aside Legion and Gifted, how many MCU tv series will be on the air before the end of 2018? On how many networks? They'Re not treating the MCU on tv as If they think it is failing.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
When that picture of the Inhumans cast came out in whatever magazine that was, it wasn't something I went out of my way to see, or I noticed on a comic book news site, I saw various people and articles making fun of the Halloween costume look of the outfits and I can't say I disagree.
I don't think they're treating the MCU on TV like it's failing, I think they're treating the Inhumans like a concept nobody really felt strongly about backing. That said, with most of the upcoming MCU shows spread out over multiple channels or streaming services they've also backed far away from "it's all connected" as a selling point. That Cloak and Dagger trailer came out a while back and nobody here mentioned it, probably because it looks like it's aimed at young teens and isn't for us. That and New Warriors are both going to be on Freeform which honestly I'd never heard of before. The leaked teaser footage for Runaways (Hulu) doesn't look particularly good but it's still early. Odd that of the few lines of dialogue in it (all of which have terrible deliveries) they chose a line with swearing, which felt out of place as someone who has read the first vol. a lot.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
Right - so we see your list of things you think are headed towards failure. Noted.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7590
Failure is really subjective. Fuck, Once Upon a Time just got renewed for another season and even my wife who loves disney stuff thinks it's a steaming pile of garbage.
~a horrific, dark simulacrum that glares balefully at us, with evil intent.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 27449
Badge Whore
Freeform which honestly I'd never heard of before.
You heard of it, they just did a terrible job on the rebranding because "Freeform" is a godawful name. This is the former CBN Family Channel, which became the Family Channel, Fox Family, ABC Family and is now "Freeform" after the Mouse finally decided to flex its muscle and ignore everything but the contractual requirement to broadcast Pat Robert's bullshit as part of the channel ownership. No word on how they managed to get out of the required "Family" being in the channel naming. (Roberts refused a $42 million buy-out of his airtime on the channel, which represented the entire earnings from syndication fees for 2015) is really subjective. Fuck, Once Upon a Time just got renewed for another season and even my wife who loves disney stuff thinks it's a steaming pile of garbage.
Mine as well. I asked her why she stopped watching this past Sunday while we were waiting for Silicon Valley. She said she still watches sometimes but it's gotten silly. Then we saw what looked like everyone getting a "happy ending" and a restart with the kid as an adult in his mom's role. Her reaction; "Well that's dumb."
« Last Edit: May 17, 2017, 11:51:00 AM by Merusk »
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet within your power.
Right - so we see your list of things you think are headed towards failure. Noted.
I didn't say that Cloak and Dagger would fail, I said that it looked like it was being made for a different target audience which I'm more than ok with. I'm guessing the same will be likely for New Warriors but it's too early to tell. I'm hoping the Runaways stuff was just some test footage they shot but with it being on Hulu it's going to be hard to measure success anyway aside from whether or not they bring it back for another season. I understand that you usually get excited enough about anything with Marvel's name attached about it that you make a thread here as soon as a show is announced or there's one bit of casting news, but even you didn't bump your Cloak and Dagger thread with a "hey guys, look at this cool trailer" post and nor do I see you starting an Inhumans thread.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
Wow, those backup beeps are loud.
And I apologize for not starting an Inhumans thread before we even get a real trailer. Shame on me. It isn't like people bitch about that type of thing around here.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
They'Re not treating the MCU on tv as If they think it is failing.
I don't think they're treating the MCU on TV like it's failing
Right - so we see your list of things you think are headed towards failure. Noted.
The whole failure thing came from you buddy although yeah, I'm kinda expecting Inhumans to fail. I'm sorry that even as a bit of a comic book nerd I'm hard pressed to come up with a question less compelling than "I wonder how Agents of SHIELD will tie into this series that got cobbled together after Perlmutter got the boot from the movie side of things and had to take his anti-Fox vendetta project to TV". The huge push for the Inhumans in the comics, on MAoS, and the attempt at a movie were all part of an attempt to make them the new X-men while Fox has the movie rights. It never caught on in the comics and recently died with a whimper in Inhumans vs. X-men. The movie quietly got the ax after Feige won his power struggle and now we're left with an Inhumans show from Scott Buck, the showrunner of Iron Fist. I don't begrudge Marvel their attempts at all-ages shows with the Freeform stuff though. I stand by thinking it doesn't look particularly good, but there's enough good Marvel stuff being made that I am the target audience for.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
Haven't bothered to read more than the page I'm posting on here, but having just finished up the season I've got to say that I apparently agree with Ironwood -- this may be the best season yet. I really liked the three mini-series arcs tied together. Totally worked for me. Acting was fine, and I was pretty happy to see some old faces. Their treatment of the Framework out-Matrixed the Matrix movies (low bar, but still)...
Wouldn't mind seeing the same structure brought forth into the next season.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3888
.... The whole failure thing came from you buddy although yeah, I'm kinda expecting Inhumans to fail. So you object to me characterizing your lengthy list of failings in the Marvel stuff as you thinking it will fail, but you think it will fail. OK. Got it. Do people think the dialogue has been great recently? It seems really, really bad to me.
2020 will be the year I gave up all hope.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11844
The dialogue has gone from awful to bad. But I don't care much.
This season is good. The other seasons were not good. The clear multi-episode arcs work really well - and feel like comic books of all things.
AIDA is more watchable than Ultron was. When this got to the Agents of Hydra bit we found we are actually watching it out of choice as opposed to just having it on because for some reason we are unable to drop a TV show once we start it.
I also like that the bad movie references have dropped dramatically in number, and I don't hear gears grinding quite so loudly as they get levered inexpertly into place.
Hopefully starting January means this isn't going to do the break-in-the-middle bullshit next year.
"People will not assume that what they read on the internet is trustworthy or that it carries any particular assurance or accuracy" - Lord Leveson "Hyperbole is a cancer" - Lakov Sanite
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
I loved this season. It amazes me that this is the same show with that first season that made you want to pull your own teeth out, it was so terribad.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1984
How is this show still on the air.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9171
I don't know but apparently i quit at the wrong time?
I am the .00000001428%
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
I've always thought that Fitz would inevitably become a supervillain after getting to watch Simmons die some horrible death. Simmons is way too squeaky clean. Then again, it'd be more interesting if Simmons became a supervillain due to vice versa. That's likely how I'd write it.
Heh. Blast from the past. Turned out to be a direction they went.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42666
the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring
I just finally today finished watching season 4 of this. Despite some obvious audience manipulations (the Mac in Framework storyline in particular), this was a really good season. I like that they did what I've suggested the CW comic shows do - they split the season into 3 mini-arcs that were all connected, but could have stood well enough on their own. It really helped the pacing a lot. The Watch Dogs and the Superior were a bit of a let down, but overall, a solid season. It still suffers from being hamstrung by a lack of cohesion with the movies and too few supers but otherwise, the characters carry this show, IMO.
It was also really cool to see both Trip and Ward back for a few episodes. I'm still mad that they killed Trip because he was a fun character.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
You know, when I think about it, there was an unexamined problem buried down in the heart of the source material that took them two years to solve, maybe because they didn't see it coming.
Namely, SHIELD in the comics is basically a straight man. It's background noise, it's a plot device. It either gets a story rolling (Captain America or Iron Man or somebody else) gets information or news about an evil plot from SHIELD and that's the last you see of them. Or it is the story, but almost always in a negative way: it gets taken over, it gets perverted by the equivalent of a Star Fleet Admiral (usually a mid-rank officer that Nick Fury has been suspicious of), etc.--so SHIELD becomes, for a few issues of a comic story, the source of the faceless bad guys that the heroes punch in the face and effortlessly evade.
The result is that *even in the famous Steranko Nick Fury issues*, there are almost no interesting SHIELD characters. If you are a SHIELD agent, your role is to eventually get punched in the face by a hero, to reliably deliver orders or requests to the hero, or to be there at the end of the story to admire the hero for having saved the world again. That's true from the time the organization was introduced all the way up to the MCU first appearance of SHIELD at the end of Iron Man.
The MCU at least had a slightly more specific idea of what SHIELD was, but it didn't really deviate all that much from this.
So if you're trying to adapt the property, if you don't realize right away that you're trying to make something of a property that was only ever a plot device, *even when it appeared in its own series*, you're in trouble. Because even when SHIELD was in its own series, Nick Fury was the superhero for whom SHIELD was just a backdrop.
Prior to the MCU's introduction, here's the named agents who had personalities:
Nick Fury and other mysteriously long-lived Howling Commandos (Dum Dum Dugan, Gabe Jones etc.): personalities established elsewhere, and pretty much generic to war comics anyway. Jimmy Woo: generically "Asian" agent brought in to fight embarrassingly stereotypical sinister Asian villain Contessa BigTits, or whatever her name was: Nick Fury's girlfriend/possible femme fatale, ripped off straight out of old Milton Caniff comic strips Sharon Carter: Captain America's girlfriend Maria Hill: Substitute Nick Fury/Nick Fury foil, only recently has developed a personality that isn't "woman not up to the job" Mockingbird: again, her SHIELD background is just background; she only gets a personality when she's cut loose from SHIELD.
The only SHIELD agent I can think of prior to the MCU who even had the remotest hint of a personality and character arc of his own was Jasper Sitwell, and most of that happened in Iron Man's own comic.
But you know, you have to give AoS credit in that sense: they actually have created more memorable SHIELD agents in the course of the series than were created in forty + years of comic-book storytelling.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1984
Memorable if you bothered to watch this show after episode 1 season 1.