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Author Topic: [Steam, free] Warframe: mission based fps that is unique and damn fun.  (Read 414707 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1518

Reply #1155 on: April 06, 2024, 12:43:11 AM

Looks like they are rolling the Dante nerfs back. With half the fixes in so far I took Dante into a Steel Path survival run - 40 minutes later and I was still hammering away. The LoS issue looks to be fixes, I have an even higher overguard (40K) - get me the bird status damage back (DE have said that it was unintended, but they will revert it) and I'll be happy. They really blew a lot of community good will with the nerf - more so than when Khora or Ember got hit with the AoE nerf bat.

"No man is an island. But if you strap a bunch of dead guys together it makes a damn fine raft."
Posts: 23646

Reply #1156 on: April 27, 2024, 01:38:08 PM

Terracotta Army
Posts: 1518

Reply #1157 on: April 27, 2024, 09:18:24 PM

I'm on the fence over this. Mobs under 250 generally die quickly - most casuals don't fight against mobs over 170. Those that are no-life grinding understand the mechanics and go with it up to 9999 level. Is the change needed? It also ignores gas and magnetic and feels a bit underwhelming so far. I don't know that it's meta changing... yet.

"No man is an island. But if you strap a bunch of dead guys together it makes a damn fine raft."
Posts: 23646

Reply #1158 on: May 01, 2024, 07:52:04 PM

Basically frees up build diversity -- no longer need to have some way of dealing with armor (usually armor strip).
Posts: 23646

Reply #1159 on: June 19, 2024, 02:49:51 PM

Jade Shadows is live, it’s a big update: https://www.warframe.com/news/jade-shadows
Posts: 23646

Reply #1160 on: June 19, 2024, 10:53:12 PM

Pro tip: don't track the Jade Light Eximus beams into Defense / Hijack objects unless you want to end the mission immediately

Pro tip 2: you can shoot the orb at the top that's generating the beam to get rid of it. It takes some damage to destroy so easier done with some weapons that others.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2024, 11:07:05 PM by Trippy »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 330

Reply #1161 on: August 12, 2024, 05:07:53 AM

Tennocon been and gone.

Warframe 1999 trailer


Full demo


Next update this month on the 21st called The Lotus Eaters

Ember Heirloom was released


Sevagoth Prime coming this month with Eptaph Prime and Nautilus Prime

Caliban is getting a deluxe skin and a rework. Nyx and Trionity getting a light rework in 1999.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2024, 04:20:08 PM by Meester »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 330

Reply #1162 on: September 30, 2024, 04:19:29 PM

Arrivng tomorrow - Koumei and the Five Fates

Terracotta Army
Posts: 330

Reply #1163 on: November 28, 2024, 03:13:58 PM

Xaku Prime by the way was recently released. Along with Trumna Prime and Quassus Prime.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 10138

Reply #1164 on: November 29, 2024, 07:31:55 AM

I haven't played this in forever, but I really enjoyed the moment to moment gameplay. What I did not like was the constant need to switch to new mechs/guns/etc. to make progress, destroying your old ones due to limited inventory. Have they ever done anything to address that?

"i can't be a star citizen. they won't even give me a star green card"
Posts: 23646

Reply #1165 on: November 29, 2024, 12:59:26 PM

No. They give out free slots of various types on occasion like in the season passes but otherwise it's rough if you are F2P. I can gift you as many slots as you need, though, if you want to get back into the game as I literally have more plat than I know what to do with.
Posts: 23646

Reply #1166 on: November 29, 2024, 10:22:35 PM

Speaking of which the 1999 update has a slots QoL improvement. I will still gift you basic newbie stuff if you want them, though.

Quality of Life Changes
As part of our New Player Experience improvements this year, one of the largest pieces of feedback we’ve heard from players is “increase default slot counts!” — so, we’re doing just that.

New Players as of Warframe: 1999 will see their default slots increased as follows:
Weapon slots: increased by 3
Warframe slots: increased by 1

Additionally, we are changing Boltor and Fragor blueprints earned from Junctions to fully built weapons, meaning new players will earn 2 additional weapon slots as they progress through the Star Chart.

If you’re an existing player, these additional Warframe and Weapon slots will be delivered to you via inbox message with the Update’s release. Depending on your Junction progress, you’ll receive the fully built Fragor and Boltor as well.

And holy shit I may finally finish off my pending Mastery Ranks:
Mastery Rank Tests - Failure Cooldown
Mastery Rank Tests will no longer make you wait 24 hours upon failing an attempt. This means you can continue with your Mastery Rank attempts until you succeed — with only a bruised ego holding you back from trying again!

The cooldown timer will remain for successful attempts.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 10138

Reply #1167 on: December 01, 2024, 05:44:18 AM

It's not really about not having enough slots. It's that I don't like constantly playing new things. I'm a "find a fun build, grind with it nonstop" kind of player, and that seems anathematic to progression in this game.

"i can't be a star citizen. they won't even give me a star green card"
Posts: 23646

Reply #1168 on: December 01, 2024, 11:17:46 AM

Kind of. I haven’t paid attention to the meta for a long time but you do have to reach certain mastery ranks to be able equip (some of) the more meta weapons. But the requirements aren’t usually that high. E.g. the Fulmin is MR 8 and the Arca Plasmor is 10. The Xoris is only 4. So yeah you have to grind equipment to get MR ranks to be able to use some of the stuff you want but eventually that’s no longer an issue and you can use whatever you want. If you have a setup already that you think can clear the Star Chart (non-Steel Path) that’s still a crap-ton of content to play through. You don’t need to keep doing the grind unless you want to do the harder content.

It is a looter shooter, though — the grind is the long-term point — there’s always some new stuff to collect, currencies and reputation to earn, etc.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 330

Reply #1169 on: December 05, 2024, 05:10:52 PM

and that seems anathematic to progression in this game.

I would say that kind of gameplay, i.e sticking with only one thing is kind of anathema to games in general, I can understand the mindset because I have done it myself and depending on the game I will probably will do it again if I feel the need to specialise. As for Warframe, you can still specialise in one Warframe, one weapon and so forth. I have stuck to at least the one Warframe [Mesa] approach [plus I only touch Tenno/Orokin weapons] but that has changed because variety being the spice of life is true, if you don't experience the other things then you can miss out on something else that you would equally enjoy or more. I would suggest you give some others a try, you don't have to play with every Warframe or every weapon [you will have to get every one to 30 if you really want a mastery rank increase, which is why Hydron exists], not when Public is there, but just widen your horizons a little, instead of one Warframe have three as your mains, same with weapons. I myself have several frames that I touch above others, same with weapons really. Its always good to give yourself options, then you won't potentially get as bored. You can still have the one Warframe apparoach and add the extra bits to it when they come out [exilus etc] but for me that just leads to quicker burnout.

And as an extra about slots, Nightwave drops them fairly regularly and Plat is easy to make with trading, just sell a rare mod or two occasionally and you get all the slots you would ever need.

And holy shit I may finally finish off my pending Mastery Ranks:

Im MR 30 now, whoop whoop. Bow before me.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2024, 05:15:07 PM by Meester »
Posts: 23646

Reply #1170 on: December 12, 2024, 06:27:44 PM

1999 tomorrow, December 13.
Posts: 23646

Reply #1171 on: December 13, 2024, 03:08:14 PM

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