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Author Topic: LoL Stories, Share your good and bad here.  (Read 380392 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982

Reply #490 on: December 06, 2011, 04:38:07 AM

Went from 1011 to 1303 in ranked solo que.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3089

Reply #491 on: December 06, 2011, 06:59:16 PM

This was such a, um, game?  swamp poop

So many questions raised by this scoreboard. (Oh, and our wonderfully useless Sion - he was solo top, Ashe and Swain were bot together.)

« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 08:21:02 PM by Thrawn »

"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10622

Reply #492 on: December 06, 2011, 08:31:11 PM

the 41/41 kills/deaths thing for both teams is kinda O.o

Also, 99 minutes?   ACK!

'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10596

Reply #493 on: December 06, 2011, 08:35:24 PM

This was such a, um, game?  swamp poop

So many questions raised by this scoreboard. (Oh, and our wonderfully useless Sion - he was solo top, Ashe and Swain were bot together.)

On a related note, how do you like Jungle Evelyn?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2512

Whenever an opponent discards a card, Megrim deals 2 damage to that player.

Reply #494 on: December 06, 2011, 08:57:28 PM

Why not Lichbane, with that build?

One must bow to offer aid to a fallen man - The Tao of Shinsei.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1199

몇살이세욬ㅋ 몇살이 몇살 몇살이세욬ㅋ!!!!!1!

Reply #495 on: December 06, 2011, 09:16:28 PM

So. Seven normal games (blind pick, solo queue) lost in a row with no chance of winning either. 5 of those in a row tonight.

But the EIGHT game will surely go my way.  why so serious? *queues up for more torture*

-= Ho Eyo He Hum =-
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #496 on: December 06, 2011, 09:40:26 PM

Supportplank is pretty fun.

Team "boner4ur" were pretty damn awful.  I guess they were complaining about lag.  The Caitlyn I was babysitting, ohh man,  she was terrible.  Could tell that she's never played Cait before because Aces were hitting them at full health so they weren't up when I sent them running.  DEM BOOTS, WTF.

edit: I'm already tired of free Riven week.
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 09:42:24 PM by Rasix »

Terracotta Army
Posts: 2274

Reply #497 on: December 06, 2011, 09:59:15 PM

Why not Lichbane, with that build?

Lol first thing I thought too. That being said, I've played with Thrawn: the man knows what he's doing.

A poster signed by Richard Garriot, Brad McQuaid, Marc Jacobs and SmerricK Dart.  Of course it would arrive a couple years late, missing letters and a picture but it would be epic none the less. -Tmon
Terracotta Army
Posts: 312

Reply #498 on: December 06, 2011, 10:44:51 PM

Pretty sure Leblanc is going to be my introduction to the wonderful world of carries.  Blazed through a bunch of games today and did well on most, and the not-so-good ones I at least stayed above .500 in k/d.  I don't have a good point of reference but she seems to snowball pretty hard.  A couple of early kills and a Q-R-W combo is almost all of a squishies health.

Supportplank is pretty fun.
When I see GP going for the gold items I start to worry.

Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #499 on: December 06, 2011, 11:09:54 PM

Well, we probably would have been better off if I had just took as much CS as possible and built for damage.  But, it was done to fill a role (and largely just to try it).  I had no idea our Cait was new/clueless.  Just kind of walk back and forth Q'ing them and then firing off E when appropriate.   Ward up and look for opportunities to ult, while I go afk in the brush.

Not a huge fan of GP/10 top lane planks.  Some seem to do OK, but eh.  I used to build avarice blade on GP for a while, but tend to go more the wriggles route on my AD bruisers now.  Then either build tanky or build for fun.  
« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 11:13:41 PM by Rasix »

Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982

Reply #500 on: December 07, 2011, 03:37:09 AM

This was such a, um, game?  swamp poop

So many questions raised by this scoreboard. (Oh, and our wonderfully useless Sion - he was solo top, Ashe and Swain were bot together.)

That's pretty easy to explain. Their end game health > your end game health.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42651

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #501 on: December 07, 2011, 07:19:49 AM

Pretty sure Leblanc is going to be my introduction to the wonderful world of carries.  Blazed through a bunch of games today and did well on most, and the not-so-good ones I at least stayed above .500 in k/d.  I don't have a good point of reference but she seems to snowball pretty hard.  A couple of early kills and a Q-R-W combo is almost all of a squishies health.

I tried her 3 games last night. I can safely say she does rock. She can be a little squishy early or can rock hard if faced against morons. Hitting the E chain spell is difficult, but I find it's not really that important to the character if you miss it. The big one is knowing when to W-W in and out.

Riven on the other hand, I fucking hate Riven. I tried one game and was apparently the second best player on the team despite the fact I spent most of the game randomly mashing buttons like a fatfingered fuckhead because I couldn't figure out her Q. I managed 7 kills in a loss, including a 3 kill streak, mainly because of a really good Twisted Fate player on our team. The rest of the team was pretty scattershot and we lost. Then I played as Leblanc and won a game despite not having any clue how we did it. We had lost all our central turrets and they had two champs almost ready to hit our nexus when suddenly their nexus was down. The WORST GAREN EVER was on our team, continually dying to tower dives and spinning into 3 and 4 on 1's and dying. At one point he was like 0/7/1 and even I was getting pissed.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 312

Reply #502 on: December 07, 2011, 08:51:19 AM

Hitting the E chain spell is difficult, but I find it's not really that important to the character if you miss it. The big one is knowing when to W-W in and out.

In eight games I think I cast the E about 10 times total.  Not sure how to use it.  I guess it's a good opener if you can hit it 100% of the time but I can't and wiffing it kinda tips your hand.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42651

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #503 on: December 07, 2011, 11:03:22 AM

It's not bad if you're in a crowd, or if you can hit it the moment a melee tries to run out of combat with you. Otherwise, it's just gravy if you hit with it. I didn't seem to need it.

Just had an amazing game at lunch. Our team absolutely OWNED on SR. I wanted to try out Sion and had no real clue what I was doing but picked him up quick. I like him. I ended up with 5/3/5 and the team totals were like 23/5/23. Just INSANE. I think they surrendered shortly after the 20 minute mark after just getting destroyed. The worst part was that our Trynd kept getting DC'ed and we still rolled. I was top laning with a Kennen against a Trynd/Nunu combo that tried to be too aggressive early, died, then tried to hug the turret almost the rest of the game. It didn't work, as theirs was the 2nd turret down. I even killed a Kayle that came up along the river trying to get a gank in and ended up solo against the both of us. I don't know how the team was that bad, but they were bloody awful.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 7199

Reply #504 on: December 07, 2011, 11:22:50 AM

Pretty sure Leblanc is going to be my introduction to the wonderful world of carries.  Blazed through a bunch of games today and did well on most, and the not-so-good ones I at least stayed above .500 in k/d.  I don't have a good point of reference but she seems to snowball pretty hard.  A couple of early kills and a Q-R-W combo is almost all of a squishies health.

I tried her 3 games last night. I can safely say she does rock. She can be a little squishy early or can rock hard if faced against morons. Hitting the E chain spell is difficult, but I find it's not really that important to the character if you miss it. The big one is knowing when to W-W in and out.

Riven on the other hand, I fucking hate Riven. I tried one game and was apparently the second best player on the team despite the fact I spent most of the game randomly mashing buttons like a fatfingered fuckhead because I couldn't figure out her Q. I managed 7 kills in a loss, including a 3 kill streak, mainly because of a really good Twisted Fate player on our team. The rest of the team was pretty scattershot and we lost. Then I played as Leblanc and won a game despite not having any clue how we did it. We had lost all our central turrets and they had two champs almost ready to hit our nexus when suddenly their nexus was down. The WORST GAREN EVER was on our team, continually dying to tower dives and spinning into 3 and 4 on 1's and dying. At one point he was like 0/7/1 and even I was getting pissed.

Riven is all about her stun skill actually. You need to time the q so you hit with it, get in an autoattack then q again, autoattack, w, then q again. Course you r before all that.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 3089

Reply #505 on: December 07, 2011, 12:22:55 PM

Why not Lichbane, with that build?

It would of been my next item replacing wriggles, I should of built it earlier but with the way the game ended up it wouldn't of mattered. I think I was Wrigges>Boots>Mejai>Sheen>Trinity>Rylias>Deathcap.  I probably should of done it maybe after Sheen instead of TF?  I wanted to get tankier though and near the end had cash to Deathcap and just grabbed it without thinking.  As someone else said they were too far ahead and so HP tanky we couldn't even come close to winning a fight by the end, Eve is so useless against a tanky team even as fed as I was.  Only reason the game went 50 minutes is because I kept picking off Corki and Annie in team fights and getting away.  I could barely kill Corki and I couldn't even get near Nasus/Vlad solo.

On a related note, how do you like Jungle Evelyn?

Would never play it again by choice unless they patch her.  In my opinion removing the stun from her stealth completely killed her.  She can get some ok ganks early, but mid-late game you are usually a melee range char with no tank who isn't good for much but picking off runners or people way out of position.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 12:28:49 PM by Thrawn »

"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 394

Reply #506 on: December 07, 2011, 06:48:16 PM

Was switching between characters last night and somewhat annoyed at having to redo masteries so often. I checked the store but they don't sell extra mastery pages. Such a dumb move on their part.
lol, just after I wrote this I just noticed the + button to add mastery pages.

My Miss Fortune needs much practice. Very embarrassing blunder when my mouse skipped a bit and my ult fired off to the side of the enemies rather than through the center. That's one of my biggest weaknesses in the game. I often have such a hard time keeping track of the cursor,my character and everyone else when a team fight breaks out and it's sparklies everywhere.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 06:53:13 PM by PalmTrees »
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #507 on: December 07, 2011, 10:58:35 PM

Was switching between characters last night and somewhat annoyed at having to redo masteries so often. I checked the store but they don't sell extra mastery pages. Such a dumb move on their part.
lol, just after I wrote this I just noticed the + button to add mastery pages.

My Miss Fortune needs much practice. Very embarrassing blunder when my mouse skipped a bit and my ult fired off to the side of the enemies rather than through the center. That's one of my biggest weaknesses in the game. I often have such a hard time keeping track of the cursor,my character and everyone else when a team fight breaks out and it's sparklies everywhere.

I was going to say something.  But I hadn't tested the upper limit on how many pages you could create.

Had a nice string tonight except for the game where I tried Soraka and my entire Korean team went afk 10 minutes in because they were having "connection problems".  Let's just say jungle Morde wasn't very effective.

Then just had a game that went 58 minutes, and I had to resort to 4 potting at the end just to spend my money.  Started off awful.  Or Irelia was feeding in a 2 v 1 (we had the 2).  My Ryze was getting skull fucked by Karthus (I seriously just get wrecked by him every time).  Bot was doing OK, but nothing great.  We got in a huge hole, 2 inhibs down and really far back in farm.   Luckily toward the end they didn't push as a team and were easy to catch.  Other than their Wukong, we destroyed them in team fights and took the only barons in the game.  Their scores went mostly negative, (their Koreans were BAAAD) except for Wukong and Karthus, and it just became a beat down.  Finished 18/11/15 (death record for me!) and was just wrecking with a full build at the end, and since I was the only AP, they didn't have a lot of MR.  It's a game I swear we were going to lose 30 minutes in.  We just got really tanky, and they just lost their shit.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2011, 11:07:39 PM by Rasix »

Der Helm
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4025

Reply #508 on: December 08, 2011, 08:51:28 AM

it wouldn't of would not HAVE mattered.

"I've been done enough around here..."- Signe
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3089

Reply #509 on: December 08, 2011, 05:18:39 PM

it wouldn't of would not HAVE mattered.

Sorry, could of typed it correctly but people understood it so it wouldn't of mattered.

"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #510 on: December 08, 2011, 06:17:29 PM

Playing a smurf account is depressing. Every game seems to have multiple rage quits.

Edit: probably due to all the smurfs.  why so serious?
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 06:50:45 PM by Rasix »

Ice Cream Emperor
Terracotta Army
Posts: 654

Reply #511 on: December 08, 2011, 08:58:14 PM

Yeah, low level games are like 75% smurf.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1518

Reply #512 on: December 08, 2011, 11:59:15 PM

I've become a big fan of Janna. Other than early game running dry on mana, it's surprisingly easy to get on the killboard and to push. I've come to the conclusion I play ranged hit and run better than melee.

"No man is an island. But if you strap a bunch of dead guys together it makes a damn fine raft."
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42651

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #513 on: December 09, 2011, 08:00:14 AM

Goddamn, Sion is just fucking awesomesauce. Even in games where I get downed or have muppets for teammates, I'm still able to get kills and survive and frustrate the fuck out of the other team. I've been playing him exclusively for the last three days and he just wrecks people. He tends to die a bit late game with the massive amounts of focused damage that can be put on him, but early game, he can get kills and push lanes, and even mid-game, he's pretty viable.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 10596

Reply #514 on: December 09, 2011, 08:15:48 AM

Goddamn, Sion is just fucking awesomesauce. Even in games where I get downed or have muppets for teammates, I'm still able to get kills and survive and frustrate the fuck out of the other team. I've been playing him exclusively for the last three days and he just wrecks people. He tends to die a bit late game with the massive amounts of focused damage that can be put on him, but early game, he can get kills and push lanes, and even mid-game, he's pretty viable.

I've seen both AP and AD sions as viable, whats your preference?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868

Victim: Sirius Maximus

Reply #515 on: December 09, 2011, 08:19:30 AM


"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together.  My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #516 on: December 09, 2011, 08:51:38 AM

The AD Sions I've seen have been pretty pathetic. Can be hard to kill though, when their ult is on.  AP Sion is a bit of a pub stomper.  I found it fun playing against Sion as Soraka.  Sion bravely charges in, silence, Sion gets focused down hard.

Now I know why people shy away from playing support.  Holy shit you take a lot of flak.  I finished a game 2/3/32 where I took very little CS.   Still, it was a 2/1/2 lane setup and instead of pairing me with Ashe, they stuck me with a laning Amumu and Ashe went top lane with her friend.   Apparently this mumu thought that just bandaging and diving on a Xin Zhao / Caitlyn combo was a good idea.  Repeatedly.  "Soraka, get starfall, one starfall and they were dead".  No, that just would have been a double kill for them as I get in Starfall range and Xin leaps on my shit.  At one point, I ran by Karthus in mid, healed him and gave him mana and he responds with "Get the fuck out of my lane".  So, I starfall his creeps  why so serious? "Fuck you, Soraka".

So, it's time once again to put the entire team on ignore and just do my thing. Once our tower goes down in mid, I get to ignore Mumu and our Riven is off doing some shit, so I decide to babysit Ashe.  And, she just destroys them.  GEEE.  She had 7 or 8 deaths up to that point and died a single time afterwards.  We won pretty hard after that.  I built really tanky, mainly because I have no idea how to build Soraka still, but provided a lot of auras and was able to stay in fights forever.  I even got to toss in a "fuck you" KS on a fleeing Swain.    Oh ho ho ho. Reallllly?  I did let them get the next kill shot on the other dead meat.

I think I'm getting the hang now of Soraka, but it's a completely thankless and incredibly frustrating experience.  You're at the mercy of how intelligent your team is.  You are not going to save the single idiot that gets caught miles from a turret.  You're not going to turn that 2 v. 4 into a win.  If your team is full of chuckleheads, your contribution is just going to be a bad stat line.   Ohh, and it's really dumb that they let you

Terracotta Army
Posts: 10596

Reply #517 on: December 09, 2011, 09:23:58 AM

Now I know why people shy away from playing support. 

Yeah, I've been struggling with this personally.  It seems few people want to play support or tank (more tanks marginally).  The proble is, both can end up being totally useless if the rest of the team doesn't pull their weight, and then you blamed because your stats are bad.  Meanwhile, if I had just gone with another mage or something it would probably be a hypothetically worse team, but at least you can be useful if the team is bad.   At the same time, i know that picking a support hero will be great if my team actually understands how to play (I supported a Nasus the other day and let him farm up his Q and he was absolutely devastating in the late game, for example).  I guess this is the peril of solo queuing, which I've been trying to do less.
Ice Cream Emperor
Terracotta Army
Posts: 654

Reply #518 on: December 09, 2011, 09:30:53 AM

This is why Cho'Gath is my favourite tank. If my team is failing by the time I get my Rod of Ages and boots then I can at least switch to an ap-carry build and have some fun on the way out.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 159

Reply #519 on: December 09, 2011, 09:31:53 AM

Now I know why people shy away from playing support.  Holy shit you take a lot of flak.  I finished a game 2/3/32 where I took very little CS.

Yeah, this is one of the poisonous things about pro-level play.

0CS support are only good if you have a really strong AD, who is picking up all those CS. Doubly so with Soraka, who is extremely passive laning phase. At least Sona harasses like a boss early on, and Alistar is great for setting up kills.

Also, no random person you're playing with is good enough that you shouldn't take a few CS early so you can rush your philo stone.

But yeah, support is for duo queue.
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42651

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #520 on: December 09, 2011, 09:45:14 AM

Goddamn, Sion is just fucking awesomesauce. Even in games where I get downed or have muppets for teammates, I'm still able to get kills and survive and frustrate the fuck out of the other team. I've been playing him exclusively for the last three days and he just wrecks people. He tends to die a bit late game with the massive amounts of focused damage that can be put on him, but early game, he can get kills and push lanes, and even mid-game, he's pretty viable.

I've seen both AP and AD sions as viable, whats your preference?

I'm not sure. I seem to do best when I use AD runes, but go for an AP/Health build first. I'm still so nooby with the items that I tend to go with the recommended ones first until I learn what works. I think I've been going Doran's Ring (AP/Health), the magic resist boots, and depending on my farm/health, I either go with Banshee's Veil or Wiggle's Lantern (for the lifesteal/damage/armor/wards) then Banshee. When I went with AP runes, I felt like I couldn't do enough early on.

Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #521 on: December 09, 2011, 09:45:37 AM

Now I know why people shy away from playing support.  Holy shit you take a lot of flak.  I finished a game 2/3/32 where I took very little CS.

Yeah, this is one of the poisonous things about pro-level play.

0CS support are only good if you have a really strong AD, who is picking up all those CS. Doubly so with Soraka, who is extremely passive laning phase. At least Sona harasses like a boss early on, and Alistar is great for setting up kills.

Also, no random person you're playing with is good enough that you shouldn't take a few CS early so you can rush your philo stone.

But yeah, support is for duo queue.

I never felt like I was behind on cash really.  It was just dumb being paired with a Mumu, when there was a much better lane partner available (that I wasn't queued with, so there's that.  The rest of my team were all queued together.).  A Mumu / Riven lane would have been a lot more effective along with pairing me with Ashe.  But I could have taken a lot more CS early and probably should have.  A whole 2 games as Soraka under my belt, so mistakes are likely being made and often.

Not sure I want to continue it.  This feels a bit like my jungling attempts.  

Haem: That's... suboptimal.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2011, 10:24:35 AM by Rasix »

Terracotta Army
Posts: 7441

Reply #522 on: December 09, 2011, 12:25:37 PM

I had some fun playing AP Soraka and just spamming Starfall EVERYWHERE. She can actually put out quite a punch, although it will piss off your teammates if they are bad and were relying on you to be a crutch support for them.

I love the smell of facepalm in the morning
Staff Emeritus
Posts: 42651

the Confederate flag underneath the stone in my class ring

Reply #523 on: December 09, 2011, 12:36:35 PM

Haem: That's... suboptimal.

I'm open to suggestions. I seriously do not overestimate my ability to buy the wrong things based on not having an encyclopedic knowledge of the item database.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 1982

Reply #524 on: December 09, 2011, 12:45:23 PM

Haem: That's... suboptimal.

I'm open to suggestions. I seriously do not overestimate my ability to buy the wrong things based on not having an encyclopedic knowledge of the item database.

Scion is about the sheen proct. What you want is to grap a mana crystal early and build sheen. Then you have 3 options for boots, merc treds (for tankyness), move 3 (for AP scion) or bezker boots (for AD). From there you have a few more even more epic options. No matter what you will be a surpremely annoying scion.

You can, trinity force, phantom dancer, atmas -> game should have ended for AD scion fun
You can, trinity force, warmongs, atmas -> game should have ended for tank scion fun
You can, lichbane, radon -> game ended cause team raged and left for AP fun.

AP scion falls off by the end of the game.
AD scion keeps getting better as the game continues. BUT. you have to build him correctly and learn when to fight.
Tank scion, build against their team after atmas and you'll be fine.
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