Gazillion's Marvel MMO - F2P, Play as existing Marvel characters only

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Super hero games are awesome, this seems stupid.

Perhaps the only interesting feature I remember from Champions Online was the character creator, which I spent roughly 10 times as much time on as playing the actual game.
This presumably doesn't have a character creator (beyond do you want to be Wolverine/Magneto) ... why is this an MMO?

Quote from: UnSub on April 29, 2011, 02:43:03 AM

- The lead writer is Brian Michael Bendis.
 - You are going to play as existing Marvel characters, through previous Marvel events.


Prediction: heavily instanced.

I doubt that will surprise anyone here, though.  However, I can see the appeal of a F2P game where Marvel fans can relive cool moments from the canon.

Quote from: shiznitz on April 29, 2011, 09:59:36 AM

However, I can see the appeal of a F2P game where Marvel fans can relive cool moments from the cannon.

Canon as re-written by Bendis!  :grin:

An interview at this event was conducted by Massively. The title is a long, long way off given how Gazillion didn't really want to talk about anything else because they want to "retain the ability to change [their] minds."


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