Wow, apparently the show has changed a bit since I last watched it.
Seriously, though, it grew tiresome to see this bitch whine and complain that her completely charmed life just wasn't charmed enough for her liking, and was therefore shit and worthy of suicidal thoughts. The angst factor just grew too huge for me to tolerate.
"'ll still be here trying to act cool while actually being a bored and frustrated office worker with a vibrating anger-valve puffing out internet hostility." - Falconeer "That looks like English but I have no idea what you just said." - Trippy
At the risk of commenting on Grey's Anatomy which has totally bored me since last season. I saw half of this and I felt Kevin McKid was actually very good in this episode but partially because of the way they wrote his character being totally opposite of what normally happens on this show.
However I totally was in luv with his show last season on NBC so perhaps he is getting favoured treatment from me because of that.