Title: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on January 08, 2008, 07:41:04 PM In the spirit of clarity, here is Burning Region: The List, in ABC order by toon name.
<Burning Region> WoW Venture Co. Server (RPPvP) All members have invite privileges.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xanthippe on January 08, 2008, 08:42:26 PM Merri is also me, and Nephius and Onenitestand are friends of mine.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on January 08, 2008, 08:57:24 PM No prob. Wasn't really sure what to put in the space. :uhrr:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 09, 2008, 05:34:17 AM Where's the majority of levels ranging?
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on January 09, 2008, 05:40:37 AM Mispelled my name.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on January 09, 2008, 06:57:24 AM Where's the majority of levels ranging? Depends on who's on. Ched just started and was level 7 when I quit last night. I restarted as a druid and hit 10+bearform before logging, so we've got some lowbies. Most seem to be in mid-20's, with our 'overachievers' (Righ/Neboo) at 55+. Of course the only reason they're both so high is this is their only server, so they're always on. :-) Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Ironwood on January 09, 2008, 07:03:34 AM You know, I don't think I ever gave you proper Kudos for your guild name.
Well done. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on January 09, 2008, 08:44:32 AM Of course the only reason they're both so high is this is their only server, so they're always on. :-) I have 70's on two other servers. I just have no reason to play there. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on January 09, 2008, 09:49:55 AM Wasn't calling you a noob, was just saying you didn't play on any other server these days. ;D
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on January 09, 2008, 09:57:26 AM Mispelled my name. Fixed. My bad. You know, I don't think I ever gave you proper Kudos for your guild name. Well done. I think lesion came up with it. It's a goodun. :-) Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 09, 2008, 09:58:45 AM I think it was Murgos originally back during our first F13.net Failure Guild.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on January 09, 2008, 10:13:10 AM Yeah, it was tossed out as one of the original names for Severance on Emerald-whatsit. We couldn't get it there for some reason, but were able to nab it here.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on January 09, 2008, 11:35:14 AM Wasn't calling you a noob, was just saying you didn't play on any other server these days. ;D It's ok... Righ will tell you that I am a noob. I've soloed all the content the game allows but know almost nothing about the BG's, raiding, and instances. Calling me a noob would be pretty accurate! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Dren on January 09, 2008, 12:15:47 PM Yeah, it was tossed out as one of the original names for Severance on Emerald-whatsit. We couldn't get it there for some reason, but were able to nab it here. I remembered that so the name was no surprise here. I'd join up with you guys, but I just know I wouldn't be able to divide my time (8 alts on one server right now, 70,70,70,70,64,52,32,28.) Wish you would have done this about 2 months ago. Oh well, my attention span changes often and without warning. Who knows... Yes, Xanthippe, there is somebody as alteriffic as you! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 09, 2008, 12:32:23 PM Yeah, it was tossed out as one of the original names for Severance on Emerald-whatsit. We couldn't get it there for some reason, but were able to nab it here. I remembered that so the name was no surprise here. I'd join up with you guys, but I just know I wouldn't be able to divide my time (8 alts on one server right now, 70,70,70,70,64,52,32,28.) Wish you would have done this about 2 months ago. Oh well, my attention span changes often and without warning. Who knows... Yes, Xanthippe, there is somebody as alteriffic as you! Christ Dren, we should send you to rehab. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Jayce on January 09, 2008, 12:40:09 PM Yeah, it was tossed out as one of the original names for Severance on Emerald-whatsit. We couldn't get it there for some reason, but were able to nab it here. I remembered that so the name was no surprise here. I'd join up with you guys, but I just know I wouldn't be able to divide my time (8 alts on one server right now, 70,70,70,70,64,52,32,28.) Wish you would have done this about 2 months ago. Oh well, my attention span changes often and without warning. Who knows... Yes, Xanthippe, there is somebody as alteriffic as you! Christ Dren, we should send you to rehab. ... said the pot. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 09, 2008, 12:51:55 PM psssh.
70, 67, 63, 35, 33, 22, 22. Shut up your mouf. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 09, 2008, 12:58:08 PM Going to restart playing again soon.
Got addicted to Mass Effect for a while. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Chimpy on January 09, 2008, 02:13:42 PM Yeah, it was tossed out as one of the original names for Severance on Emerald-whatsit. We couldn't get it there for some reason, but were able to nab it here. I remembered that so the name was no surprise here. I'd join up with you guys, but I just know I wouldn't be able to divide my time (8 alts on one server right now, 70,70,70,70,64,52,32,28.) Wish you would have done this about 2 months ago. Oh well, my attention span changes often and without warning. Who knows... Yes, Xanthippe, there is somebody as alteriffic as you! Christ Dren, we should send you to rehab. I know a guy...has 6 level 70s (rogue, rogue(for trying other specs), warrior, druid, warlock, and hunter), a 65 priest, a 58 mage, a lvl 35ish pally, and had a level 60 orc shaman and lvl 55 human warrior he deleted back before BC came out. Course, he does nothing but play wow for the most part, and was one of the 2 dozen people who actually played Vanguard up to the point that Sigil got bought out which is when he finally got bored with that. So I don't accuse anyone of needing help anymore after hanging out with him. Though I had something like 150days played at level 60 on my orc hunter before I rerolled alliance, so if I had spent even half that time on alts I am sure I would have half a dozen top level ones now too. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on January 09, 2008, 03:26:11 PM Since we're posting our shame
70h,70pr,70pa,60w,46sh,33ro,28ro,21ma,16dr,31ma,10pr,8pa,7wl,10dr,8h, 10dr, 22ma And that's before we get to the level 1-5 alts I've got on various servers, just to have 'something to do' when others are down/ I wanted to check the server out when it started up. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: AcidCat on January 09, 2008, 03:37:52 PM It's been a long, long time since I started a character on a new server without an existing sugar daddy to pave my way in gold. If I get the nerve I may roll up yet another alt (like many of you, I have problems).
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Kail on January 09, 2008, 06:22:14 PM Where's the majority of levels ranging? Guild Armory Profile, (http://www.wowarmory.com/guild-info.xml?r=The+Venture+Co&n=Burning+Region&p=1) if you've got a half hour to kill while it loads. For my part, my character's starting to feel a bit grindy, so I'm trying to build some rest XP for him. To that end, feel free to ask me for help if you need it; I'm not exactly OMGMUSTGRIND2POWAH when I'm playing. My old guild used to level each other by higher level players giving lowbies runthroughs of instances, so if anyone wants me to run them through something (I can probably handle anything up to Shadowfang Keep/Blackfathom Deeps pretty effortlessly) just let me know. I actually enjoy doing this sort of thing, so it's not a problem for me; only time I might say no is if I'm already in another instance group. I'm also a blacksmith, so if any newbies need basic weapons (or armor, though we have relatively few mail wearing classes), let me know. Or any of the other smithing stuff (metal rods, buckles, sharpening stones, et cetera). I've got a whole mess of jewels sitting around, too. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on January 09, 2008, 06:59:36 PM Going to restart playing again soon. Got addicted to Mass Effect for a while. I was wondering where you went off to! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Fargull on January 09, 2008, 07:53:45 PM I am on Venture, been on there for quite some time with a guild of friends that I work and game with, if you need help with, just shoot me a tell. Splitnose (70 Troll Warrior) and Brokenose (70 Orc Warlock)!
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: SnakeCharmer on January 09, 2008, 08:09:31 PM Going to restart playing again soon. Got addicted to Mass Effect for a while. I was wondering where you went off to! Between Christmas parties and Christmas and family and Mass Effect and work, I just haven't had the urge or time to log in lately. Probably will start back this weekend though. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on January 09, 2008, 09:30:20 PM I am on Venture, been on there for quite some time with a guild of friends that I work and game with, if you need help with, just shoot me a tell. Splitnose (70 Troll Warrior) and Brokenose (70 Orc Warlock)! Word! I think Nebu could use a hand in the Outlands when he returns. We only have a couple peeps close to his level. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on January 09, 2008, 09:42:38 PM I just hit 16- I should be in the 20's sometime tomorrow (depending on my AH addiction). :awesome_for_real: Can anyone fill me in on how the battlegrounds works these days? I imagine the entire mechanic has changed (detail is ok!).
WoW f13 group is going to be a rolling mass of hidden danger- seems everyone is a druid/rogue! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Soukyan on January 09, 2008, 11:02:39 PM I just hit 16- I should be in the 20's sometime tomorrow (depending on my AH addiction). :awesome_for_real: Can anyone fill me in on how the battlegrounds works these days? I imagine the entire mechanic has changed (detail is ok!). WoW f13 group is going to be a rolling mass of hidden danger- seems everyone is a druid/rogue! No kidding. I just rolled up a druid this evening. Rawr. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Simond on January 10, 2008, 02:00:22 AM The guild I'm in on Sporegarr had an entire page of online druids in the guild window the other day.
:ye_gods: Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on January 10, 2008, 04:09:35 AM WoW f13 group is going to be a rolling mass of hidden danger- seems everyone is a druid/rogue! Actually, I think this will be awesome. We can all stealth and follow our lone warrior, Radli, around using him as bait and then legitimately say we never ganked anyone, we were just defending our guildies. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Dren on January 10, 2008, 06:11:05 AM Christ Dren, we should send you to rehab. To be fair, you have to remember I've been playing WoW since launch. Same server. Same characters. Leveling alts is a purely casual time type thing. You can start and stop whenever you need (which is often for me.) I have a ton of time played in on the game but it is just from consistently playing 1-2 hours a day for almost 3 years. Not a lot of time played in a day, but adds up to a lot of leveling. You'll notice that only my main (Paladin) has any lewtz to speak of. The rest are all of the level normal questing or normal 5-man instances can reap. I delve somewhat in crafting until it gets to be too much farming. I really do no farming unless it is to get a specific item or enchant I want. I view leveling as a form of single player game. I can stop at any time. When I return, I start right off where I stopped. Once I get to a new level, it won't be taken away. Etc. The difference in an MMO is that I can use the results of leveling towards things that are specifically MMO related. So, when I do have 3+ hours to spend, I have characters ready to take advantage of it. Also, the whole "mail things to your alts" thing is my own little mini-game in itself. I have fun just being able to twink out my lower alts with the things my upper alts get. Then there is the whole AH game. Don't get me started. Anyway, that's the reason I don't jump servers. I like the interaction I have with all my alts too much. I basically log on with my upper alts to see if any instances are being run. If not, I go work on the lowers and work on leveling. That is, if I have enough rest exp built up. I only level when the bar is blue. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Drubear on January 10, 2008, 07:09:37 AM Where's the majority of levels ranging? Guild Armory Profile, (http://www.wowarmory.com/guild-info.xml?r=The+Venture+Co&n=Burning+Region&p=1) if you've got a half hour to kill while it loads. Or go over to RPGO (http://www.rpgoutfitter.com/WoW-GM/guild.cfm?guild=Burning%20Region@US-The%20Venture%20Co) instead if you don't have the time for the Armory. It's a bit out of date (we've been lured over to Drenden to play with some friends), but it just takes one or two peeps using the mod and UniUploader to keep it current with info-goodness (note quest and recipe info.) Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 10, 2008, 07:18:26 AM To be fair, you have to remember I've been playing WoW since launch. Same server. Same characters. Leveling alts is a purely casual time type thing. You can start and stop whenever you need (which is often for me.) I have a ton of time played in on the game but it is just from consistently playing 1-2 hours a day for almost 3 years. Not a lot of time played in a day, but adds up to a lot of leveling. You'll notice that only my main (Paladin) has any lewtz to speak of. The rest are all of the level normal questing or normal 5-man instances can reap. I delve somewhat in crafting until it gets to be too much farming. I really do no farming unless it is to get a specific item or enchant I want. I view leveling as a form of single player game. I can stop at any time. When I return, I start right off where I stopped. Once I get to a new level, it won't be taken away. Etc. The difference in an MMO is that I can use the results of leveling towards things that are specifically MMO related. So, when I do have 3+ hours to spend, I have characters ready to take advantage of it. Also, the whole "mail things to your alts" thing is my own little mini-game in itself. I have fun just being able to twink out my lower alts with the things my upper alts get. Then there is the whole AH game. Don't get me started. Anyway, that's the reason I don't jump servers. I like the interaction I have with all my alts too much. I basically log on with my upper alts to see if any instances are being run. If not, I go work on the lowers and work on leveling. That is, if I have enough rest exp built up. I only level when the bar is blue. I know. Was just being funny. I know a few people w/ over 300 days played on 1 character. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Dren on January 10, 2008, 08:50:22 AM I know. Was just being funny. I know a few people w/ over 300 days played on 1 character. Well, if you asked my wife, she'd be in complete agreement with you. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Mrbloodworth on January 10, 2008, 10:37:14 AM Heh, just realized that guild was you guys, lol.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 10, 2008, 02:14:54 PM So, moving a 20 something char is not worth $20 when it only takes like 12 hours to there anyways. What does the guild need or does it matter?
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on January 10, 2008, 02:32:22 PM So, moving a 20 something char is not worth $20 when it only takes like 12 hours to there anyways. What does the guild need or does it matter? Whatever floats your boat- its an f13 guild. You may want to go rogue/druid, though. At the rate we are going its all about the sneaky.Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 10, 2008, 02:34:51 PM lol
That's awesome. Why am I so weak to rerolling. Damn you vice! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xanthippe on January 10, 2008, 02:41:59 PM So, moving a 20 something char is not worth $20 when it only takes like 12 hours to there anyways. What does the guild need or does it matter? More druids! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xanthippe on January 10, 2008, 02:43:11 PM I'd join up with you guys, but I just know I wouldn't be able to divide my time (8 alts on one server right now, 70,70,70,70,64,52,32,28.) Wish you would have done this about 2 months ago. Oh well, my attention span changes often and without warning. Who knows... Yes, Xanthippe, there is somebody as alteriffic as you! Next time your attention span changes, come visit. Who knows, you might like it over there! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: lamaros on January 10, 2008, 08:07:21 PM Do any of you play outside US primetime? If I resub I might move one of my chars over.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Tarami on January 11, 2008, 02:15:27 AM Do any of you play outside US primetime? I am wondering this, too. If I want to pick it up again it might be fun to play with complete strangers that live an ocean away. But that also means I'd be playing during your daytime. Given I'm eligible for the guild with my humble board presence. :oh_i_see: Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: hal on January 11, 2008, 03:55:41 AM If you guys are new to the F13 guild experience here are some points that tend to be true. We are laid back to the extreme as in generally it's a chat channel for soloers. We actually did a lowbie PL group last night but don't expect a lot and you will be pleased by those things that you do get. This guild seems to have legs as few F13 guilds last this long. They can last a few months but can evaporate in days as well.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xanthippe on January 11, 2008, 07:37:41 AM I play during non-primetime mostly. Mornings and afternoons pacific time.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: AcidCat on January 11, 2008, 08:03:55 AM I'm in as Grubgut, Orc Hunter :awesome_for_real:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Signe on January 11, 2008, 08:22:15 AM I don't play as much as most (well, anyone probably) but when I do, it's usually during the day, EST. I'm not very regular, though. Or dependable. And I'm mostly AFK. :oh_i_see:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Sky on January 11, 2008, 11:51:36 AM Selby Heh, I see where Bat Country went to :PCheddar lesion Helm Selby Merusk Signe Hal Hal Signe Hal Xanthippe Helm Helm Merusk Drubear Xanthippe Onyxia Nebu Jayce Friend of the Horde Friend of BR Righ anon lurker Snakecharmer Kail Driakas Righ Raydeen Soukyan Xerapis stu They can last a few months but can evaporate in days as well. BC in EQ2 has been around quite a while. Not what I'd call active, but we're still there. Shirley Bob has been playing a bit lately. What Signe just said should be the motto for all f13 guilds except maybe the Eve guys.Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xerapis on January 13, 2008, 04:12:05 PM I play outside US primetime...I'm on Seoul time, and I'm usually free during the afternoons during the week (12p-4p), or after work (10p-12a). Weekends I can be on about anytime, unless I have Saturday classes.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: angry.bob on January 15, 2008, 06:31:40 PM Someone send me an invite:
Inque - rogue. I play pretty much any time but 3-midnight eastern. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on January 15, 2008, 06:34:02 PM Someone send me an invite: Inque - rogue. I play pretty much any time but 3-midnight eastern. Send myself or Righ a message when you log in (Righ or Arzhel). Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 16, 2008, 05:48:46 AM I'm in: "Vag" Sexy Female Paladin.
Also, Cheddar gave me Cheddar. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Signe on January 16, 2008, 05:50:05 AM To eat? Or the name? If not the cheese, then why would you want to be Cheddar? It just seems wrong and somewhat creepy.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 16, 2008, 05:51:45 AM To eat? Or the name? If not the cheese, then why would you want to be Cheddar? It just seems wrong and somewhat creepy. Cheddar spread his hot cheddar all over my burning region. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Soukyan on January 16, 2008, 07:18:07 AM To eat? Or the name? If not the cheese, then why would you want to be Cheddar? It just seems wrong and somewhat creepy. Cheddar spread his hot cheddar all over my burning region. :ye_gods: Man, I love that emoticon. I cannot use it at work because I lol most times I see it. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on January 16, 2008, 08:02:38 AM I gave him some money to get him started; and a hug. Hugs are free! :drill:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Signe on January 16, 2008, 08:45:59 AM He's already told us what you've done, you filthy boy!
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: MrHat on January 16, 2008, 09:23:27 AM He's already told us what you've done, you filthy boy! When an orc gives a blood elf money to let him spread hot cheddar on her burning region, it is a beautiful and magical event. There is nothing filthy about it. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Der Helm on January 16, 2008, 10:52:37 AM When an orc gives a blood elf money to let him spread hot cheddar on her burning region, it is a beautiful and magical event. There is nothing filthy about it. :ye_gods: Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on January 16, 2008, 11:37:03 AM Not that anyone was missing me, but I'm giving talks across the country 3 of the next 4 weeks and won't be on much until February. California tour this week, East coast around the 30th, and Utah/Colorado on Feb 8th-ish. I may bop on and off and say hello in the meantime. I expect you all to be 70 when I get back.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Jayce on January 16, 2008, 12:03:42 PM What's your talk regarding? You mentioned you're an academic, so it's sure to be something inscrutable and impenetrable to mere mortals' understanding, but I'm curious anyway.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on January 16, 2008, 12:07:37 PM I describe how I study transition metal toxicology as a means to generate new targets for anti-tumor therapy. My specific interests are the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and ovarian cancer and I apply my findings of how metals affect cellular protein expression to how they may find potential as drug entities. Two of the compounds I describe have already been selected for patents.
Hope that wasn't too cryptic. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Righ on January 16, 2008, 12:27:05 PM Not that anyone was missing me, but I'm giving talks across the country 3 of the next 4 weeks and won't be on much until February. California tour this week, East coast around the 30th, and Utah/Colorado on Feb 8th-ish. I may bop on and off and say hello in the meantime. I expect you all to be 70 when I get back. We missed you! I'm level 63, but I may slow down a bit - I want to see if I can manage to grind out some Cenarion Expedition reputation before doing any of the relevant quests, so that the post-honored bit isn't such a chore. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Soukyan on January 16, 2008, 12:34:07 PM Not that anyone was missing me, but I'm giving talks across the country 3 of the next 4 weeks and won't be on much until February. California tour this week, East coast around the 30th, and Utah/Colorado on Feb 8th-ish. I may bop on and off and say hello in the meantime. I expect you all to be 70 when I get back. If you're going to be in Pittsburgh, let me know. I'll buy you a beer. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on January 16, 2008, 12:38:28 PM If you're going to be in Pittsburgh, let me know. I'll buy you a beer. Sadly, I'll be in the snow. It's looking like Maine, VE, and NH. I appreciate the offer though! Next time I'm in Steeltown, I'll let ya know. You can buy an old guy a good microbrew. Note: FWIW I was gone the last week giving talks in North Carolina. Now that I'm caught up, I may be able to play a little tonight and tomorrow until I fly out again. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Jayce on January 16, 2008, 05:48:31 PM If you're going to be in Pittsburgh, let me know. I'll buy you a beer. Sadly, I'll be in the snow. It's looking like Maine, VE, and NH. I appreciate the offer though! Next time I'm in Steeltown, I'll let ya know. You can buy an old guy a good microbrew. Same goes for me if you find yourself in or near Columbus, OH. We missed you! I'm level 63, but I may slow down a bit - I want to see if I can manage to grind out some Cenarion Expedition reputation before doing any of the relevant quests, so that the post-honored bit isn't such a chore. 360 unidentified plant parts! :drill: Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Righ on January 16, 2008, 08:57:25 PM 259 down, 101 to go. Only one bloody uncatalogued species so far. :(
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Jayce on January 17, 2008, 10:56:48 AM I got none in my whole turnin :grin:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Slyfeind on March 06, 2008, 02:23:27 PM Was bored, made a druid named Crohn. No guarantees I'll be dedicated to him, but I'm sure to log on once in a while.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on March 06, 2008, 03:10:56 PM Was bored, made a druid named Crohn. No guarantees I'll be dedicated to him, but I'm sure to log on once in a while. Its the f13 way! Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Jimbo on March 12, 2008, 05:01:55 AM My kid wants me to play more WoW (so I can help him and his buddies), so I rolled a orc hunter last night on Vent Co, named Webetrakkin.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Flood on March 15, 2008, 05:13:24 PM I'm back on board. Got all installed and patched up. I might have toons still on Venture Co., if not I'll probably transfer one of my 30ish druids or shamans there. I'll look for BR guild names in game. See ya!
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Jayce on March 18, 2008, 11:11:51 AM To be honest, with the changes, you might be able to level a character to 30 in the time it takes for the transfer to go through...
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on April 29, 2008, 10:19:34 AM I finally hit 67 a few nights ago. :uhrr:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Selby on April 29, 2008, 07:38:10 PM I finally hit 67 a few nights ago. All by your lonesome too! ;-)Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on April 29, 2008, 08:01:52 PM Yeah, it's craziness.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xerapis on April 30, 2008, 12:55:01 AM Gratz, Stu!
Sorry, I couldn't be there, but I actually found a workaround so I can join Korean WOW instead. My workaround: Boyfriend joins Blizzard Korea in QA. Free accounts for both of us. :drill: :grin: Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on April 30, 2008, 06:46:22 AM Grats Stu!
I've defected back to EQ2. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on April 30, 2008, 07:23:37 AM Thanks. Really, I've only been on about 5 hrs a week because of work and class. Leveling with complete rested XP is a bonus though.
EQ2?! Egads. I'm sticking with WoW for the time being. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Bunk on May 15, 2008, 05:40:22 PM I'm getting the urge I get every four months or so to play a little WoW again, so this time I'll make a character here. Last time I tried restarting with a reroll, I discovered that the aution halls are no longer friendly to non-twinked lowbies, so maybe I can mooch off of you all a bit :P
I think I'll likely make a female Blood Elf because they are hawt! And I'll freak some of you out with manginaness. I'll update with a name once I actually get patched and make a character. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on May 15, 2008, 07:18:21 PM Hrmmm... might not be the best idea to join us right now. Sixty percent of the time I can count on being the only one on everytime.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Kail on May 15, 2008, 07:24:48 PM But if you're mainly looking for financial support, we could still do that. I'm pulling in a fair bit from the dailies, and I don't have anything to spend it on (at my current rate, I'll not have enough for an epic flier until after Litch King hits, so screw it). Plus, the guild bank is still fully stocked.
If you're looking for grouping buddies, though, yeah, it would be tough. I can run you through somewhere if you catch me online (or set up something beforehand) but most of our lowbies are gone. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on May 16, 2008, 08:00:31 AM I canceled WoW (again), so I'm no help. I'd suggest you level on a server with people that you know. The f13 WoW guild is pretty dead.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Bunk on May 16, 2008, 09:07:57 AM No big deal either way, I tend to solo all the time anyways. Just looking for that little bit of inital support to make playing viable. Last time I tried on a new server, I discovered that since everyone assumed all low levels were rerolls, that that justified charging 10 gold for a mediocre level 20 blue. I'll watch for those still playing, see if I can get a guild invite.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Rasix on May 16, 2008, 09:26:21 AM No big deal either way, I tend to solo all the time anyways. Just looking for that little bit of inital support to make playing viable. Last time I tried on a new server, I discovered that since everyone assumed all low levels were rerolls, that that justified charging 10 gold for a mediocre level 20 blue. I'll watch for those still playing, see if I can get a guild invite. If you just want financial support, you could always hop on my server. I have no problems helping people out. Not much for the low level game at the moment. For whatever reason, I just don't feel like leveling anymore. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Dren on May 20, 2008, 12:42:02 PM Whisperwind, alliance (Normal server)
Look for any character starting with Dren. Normally on 7-10 server M-R. Weekends are a crap-shoot. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on May 25, 2008, 07:19:57 AM Anyone iin Burning region: My WoW account got hacked. If you see that any of my characters took things from the guild bank in the past 2 weeks, please send a petition to Blizzard. I have contacted Blizzard about this and they have suspended the account.
I apologize for the inconvenience and hope to remedy the situation soon. I have used Hijaxk this and several other programs and find no evidence of a keylogger and have never given my account info to anyone. If you have any idea how this may have happened, let me know. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on May 25, 2008, 10:09:14 AM Thanks for the heads up. I took at the bank last night or a couple nights ago and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on May 25, 2008, 11:14:44 AM What mods were you running, Neb, and where did you DL them from?
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on May 25, 2008, 12:52:14 PM What mods were you running, Neb, and where did you DL them from? I don't think it was the mods as I haven't even logged on for nearly a month. For the record, I had the usual: auctioneer, cartographer, Perl, gatherer were about it if I recall correctly. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on May 26, 2008, 11:59:47 AM Odd. I only asked about mods because a few guild mates of mine were hacked soon after DLing mods from 'non-official' websites. Seems someone had packed some sort of logger or registry ghost into the zip file along with the mod. At the time it was Omen, but I haven't heard anything about any of the ones you listed having problems recently.
I assume you're using a funky alphanumeric as your login, and not just your character name. Hrm. Curious Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cadaverine on May 27, 2008, 03:01:33 PM Had the same problem a month or so ago. My 2nd acct got hacked, but not my main acct. I had some keylogger on the system. The all but a few of my mods were from Curse, except a couple I got from the Acewiki.
Didn't have anything stolen, they just spammed their shitty gold spam. Funny thing was they didn't get my main account which I logged in to from the same pc, at the same time. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Merusk on May 31, 2008, 09:16:41 PM There was a notice up on the login page that a flash vulnerability was targeting WoW accounts. Was it possible this is what hit you both? I know most here don't run with flash installed, but there's a few (like me!) who say "fuck it, I don't keep anything important on my gaming machine."
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Nebu on June 01, 2008, 08:13:35 AM There was a notice up on the login page that a flash vulnerability was targeting WoW accounts. Was it possible this is what hit you both? I know most here don't run with flash installed, but there's a few (like me!) who say "fuck it, I don't keep anything important on my gaming machine." Thanks for the information. I took another route and just decided to quit and delete WoW. The game to 70 was fun, but the endgame just wasn't my thing. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xanthippe on June 30, 2008, 07:24:34 AM I just saw that Nebu's account got hacked.
I started playing again (Laleche and Merri) on the Venture Co. I didn't notice anything missing from guild bank - it's still pretty full. I can't check now because I quit Bat Country and joined another guild, but I'm pretty sure Nebu's account wasn't logged onto in the past month on TVC server. If anyone starts playing again, and wants in a guild that has people playing, hit me up - small guild (Fishing Supplies) but we have about 7 or 8 at the moment. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on June 30, 2008, 09:35:19 AM I've been cancelled for a month now. If I were to go back, I might look into Blacktooth Grin or Hillsbrad Security. They seem to do some pretty cool stuff, like raiding Ally cities and claiming zones for the Horde. Maybe in a couple months. (I'm still at level 69 lol)
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Xanthippe on June 30, 2008, 02:03:34 PM I've been cancelled for a month now. If I were to go back, I might look into Blacktooth Grin or Hillsbrad Security. They seem to do some pretty cool stuff, like raiding Ally cities and claiming zones for the Horde. Maybe in a couple months. (I'm still at level 69 lol) RP-PVP ftw. I really like this server. I've hardly played on my old alli pvp server, but I really enjoy Venture Company. Holler at me when you do decide to reactivate. I got Laleche to 66 from 62 the past week or so, and pally Merri is now 39. Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Selby on June 30, 2008, 07:30:54 PM I didn't notice anything missing from guild bank - it's still pretty full. Yeah, like only one person is ever on with any regularity. Every time I try and sit down I get screamed at to go do something else, so my time is virtually nothing for gaming these days.Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: stu on November 06, 2010, 12:08:09 PM So, uh... Any chance Burning Region will revive for Cataclysm? :awesome_for_real:
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Selby on November 06, 2010, 05:12:32 PM So, uh... Any chance Burning Region will revive for Cataclysm? :awesome_for_real: If someone actually logs on? Perhaps...Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: raydeen on November 06, 2010, 09:25:40 PM I've still got a toon on Venture Co. that's in the guild. Sangwynne, 26 BE mage. Checked the armory and I'm still wearing a pilgrim hat so it must have been at least a year ago that I logged her on. Might have to dust her off and do some levelin'.
Title: Re: <Burning Region> Post by: Cheddar on June 04, 2012, 07:13:52 PM In a fit of madness logged in. Its dead, Jim.
Not sure if I will play or not. Got 700ish gold (this is probably pennies these days) and everything is different. As I was standing in town some glowing tauren on a furry manta ray flew by. Probably won't play. |