
f13.net General Forums => Eve Online => Topic started by: dwindlehop on August 31, 2009, 08:30:46 PM

Title: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: dwindlehop on August 31, 2009, 08:30:46 PM
Ten free expansions down. Now an eleventh.  Set for Winter 2009, EVE Online: Dominion will focus on what is often cited as EVE's "end game" - alliance warfare. It offers a complete overhaul of the current sovereignty mechanics in favor of a system that's a brilliant mix of our game design vision and the input we've received from fans on forums, at conventions (FANFEST!) and via the CSM. Savvy alliances will benefit greatly from following and understanding these changes, which will receive extensive testing.

In addition, we'll be adding some new epic arcs for pirate factions, offering the first iteration of the integrated social networking platform known as COSMOS, setting our artists free to rebeautify planets and more.

As always, more information is in the pipeline from any number of sources. Check in with our dev blogs, CCP interviews at conventions like PAX and Austin GDC, coverage from Fanfest and Alliance Tournament VII, gaming news and fansites, our forums, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and the newly launched (but still mysterious) EVE Online: Dominion feature page.

I was very sad to see this subforum had no thread with the idle speculation about what we're getting in Dominion. So here it is!

I have a theory. The sov changes will not change the moonpoo endgame because you can currently mine without sov and I think they won't change that. Anyone care to take bets?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on August 31, 2009, 08:37:42 PM
"Brilliant mix of Vision and Forum Requests, and thoroughly tested."  Yeah.

EDIT:  I expect them to let us anchor harvesters, reactors, and labs at moon POSes, just like now, but change all sov-related stuff to be anchored near a (planetary) bunker, or to be bunkers (with set HP and resists).  I have a suspicion that they'll make it so a small recon/black-ops task force (5-10 ships) can take out a cyno jammer and open a system up for invasion.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: dwindlehop on August 31, 2009, 11:12:01 PM
I do also expect control bunkers. A control bunker that can be captured by a single squad and break the cynojam I don't think they'll do. If they did that it would utterly ruin the eight region R64 networks certain alliances run. Which would be sweet.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: NiX on September 01, 2009, 06:17:52 AM

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 01, 2009, 09:23:36 AM
I'm with Ajax on the shift from moons to planets.  And I think it will be a tweaked version of lowsec faction warfare bunkers, perhaps at each planet.  But I imagine that they will have to be capped by opposition for several days, with more than one period of vulnerability.  I believe that most of the stuff that currently happens at moons will stay there (jump bridges etc).

I suspect that there may be more mods for systems that are shootable, but not strictly related to sov.

I imagine that there will be a nerf to moon-mining income, but that there will be a slight boost to personal income in 0.0 which, if taxed, will go some way towards counterbalancing this.  This may take the form of a rebalance of the moon chains to decrease the value of some and boost that of others, but I hope not: space and systems of varying values makes the 0.0 political scene dynamic.  Scarce and valuable resources create conflict.

I think that stations will still matter in sov calculations to some degree.

The last two points (moon-mining changes and stations still mattering) are pure interpolation by looking at what various alliances with CSM reps and lots of moon-mining income are doing.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pax on September 01, 2009, 11:29:22 AM
If it works anything similar to FW the attacker would need to "weaken" several systems in order for a single system to go vulnerable and capable of flipping.

I'm still undecided whether this really hurts the defender more than the old system, since right now you can hit multiple systems all across someone's territory to distract and eventually achieve whatever goal. With a bunker system any offense might need to be very focused.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 01, 2009, 12:56:18 PM
How about they drop the entire capture the flag/pos/bunker crap and award sov based on the alliance activity in a constellation. An alliance get sov points for every rock mined, every pvp & pve kill, every mission completed, every item produced, exploration site cleared or whatever other metric that indicates activity they can come up with. With a system like that they can easily tie in their xbox game without too much consequences.
Maybe they can couple it with a new system for t2 reactions and be done with the r64 bullshit too. If they can make a system in which it makes no economic or military sense to occupy a larger patch of space than your pilots need they can open up 0.0 and make sov levels a more organic consequence of activity.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sparky on September 01, 2009, 01:30:57 PM
How about they drop the entire capture the flag/pos/bunker crap and award sov based on the alliance activity in a constellation. An alliance get sov points for every rock mined, every pvp & pve kill, every mission completed, every item produced, exploration site cleared or whatever other metric that indicates activity they can come up with. With a system like that they can easily tie in their xbox game without too much consequences.
Maybe they can couple it with a new system for t2 reactions and be done with the r64 bullshit too. If they can make a system in which it makes no economic or military sense to occupy a larger patch of space than your pilots need they can open up 0.0 and make sov levels a more organic consequence of activity.

Ratting/mining are piss easy to macro while production etc is extremely difficult to interrupt.  Whatever form sov takes it should revolve around blowing shit up.  But the above system HEAVILY weighted to PVP wouldn't be terrible.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tazelbain on September 01, 2009, 02:09:15 PM
Just limit the amount of activity of 'living in a system' can count for sov so you a broad spectum of activity to make strong claim.  Also it should take into acount num of players do the living.  20 chars doing 1 hour of ratting should be worth 4 to 5 times the activity 1 character doing 20 hours of ratting.  Since this likely to done during reboot, it could be a pretty elaborate formula to weed out mocroers.

My idea is to have tokens(command codes?) drop from all 'live in system' activities.  The token can only be turned in at a command post in that system.  Macroers can farm all the tokens they want but if they don't have the military might to take command post it does them no good.  In the opposite scenario: an expansionist alliance could have the might to capture a bunch command posts but since no lives in the systems to turn in tokens, the systems are unproductive.  All unused tokens are deleted weekly.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 01, 2009, 04:02:17 PM
That all sounds horrible, it sounds like basing sov on who deserves it rather who wins an actual fight for it.

I really can't see that happening. I suspect sov will get even more separated from industrial and other isk related activity.

We'll fight over planets instead of moons for sov, and planets will provide logistical bonuses rather than isk generating opportunities.

Moving the sov fight to planets will actually increase the amount of work needed to conquer a region (since you'll still need to hit the moons for isk), but it will at least allow more systems to switch hands along the way, and will provide ccp with an opportunity to help the logistics guys by using planet ownership to make it easier to run a system.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 01, 2009, 05:35:10 PM
My prediction: CCP screws this up horrendously.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: patience on September 01, 2009, 06:46:13 PM
That all sounds horrible, it sounds like basing sov on who deserves it rather who wins an actual fight for it.

I really can't see that happening. I suspect sov will get even more separated from industrial and other isk related activity.

CCPs goal has always been to get more people into 0.0. They are going to move away from this system you love because Alliances hold too much territory they don't use.

The following discussion is performed on an idea level - all possible actions in regards to 0.0 stated here are subject to change and/or not be taken.

CCP created the sov system in the Coldwar expansion to allow alliances to claim 0.0 and has been running for a while, but is in need of renovation and changes.

The current system was given a brief summary. CCP feels the sov system should be more complex, more factors should weigh in, so CCP is thinking along the lines of 'the Pendulum' idea where sov can be determined by multiple forces, each force 'pushing' the pendulum to a desired state. The forces in question could be starbases, agent missions, deadspace complexes, agent bribes, and 'pillars of society' (still a concept).

The idea is to bring more carebears into 0.0 to ally with alliances to effect sov. CCP wants to keep using the old systems to accomplish this, but wants sov to change things like exploration sites, what NPCs spawn, what moon materials are generated, output volumes, agents being available, and possibly NPC market seeding. CCP wants to bring in a system that brings life to 0.0 not just through conflict but market forces and 'seeding' 0.0 with logistics.

CSM Log (http://www.eveonline.com/council/transcripts/2009/CSM_CCP_Meetings_15-17_01_2009.pdf)

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 01, 2009, 07:55:50 PM
non-combat sovereignty...

Retarded. Expect goons to take over the galaxy by shitting it up.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on September 01, 2009, 08:56:52 PM
The era of Shadow of xXDeathXx has arrived!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on September 02, 2009, 05:39:58 AM
CCP wants to bring in a system that brings life to 0.0 not just through conflict but market forces and 'seeding' 0.0 with logistics.[/b]

Oh happy news, CCP destroys my tech 1 production business.

I like the idea of NPC agents though. Going to be hilarious when we discover that the players who live there currently can't use them because they already shot their standings to -5.0.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 02, 2009, 07:41:45 AM
I like the idea of NPC agents though. Going to be hilarious when we discover that the players who live there currently can't use them because they already shot their standings to -5.0.

They'd pretty much have to add a way of getting NPC faction standings back up from below the lowest levels that agents in that faction speak to you at.  Though they'd maybe forget to do so at first, I grant you.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 02, 2009, 07:54:21 AM
Or they simply create new corps that serve the empires in 0.0.  These corps would not derive initial standing from the parent empire.  I still want to hire my agents though =(

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 02, 2009, 09:26:02 AM
Removing or reducing the need to shoot POSs is a good idea, and in particular the fact that wars are won or lost largely on whether you put the right amount of stront in a POS to have it come out of reinforced in the right time zone seems to me to be ridiculous. So I'll be glad if they change that.

I'm not so sure about this idea about getting more "carebears" in 0.0, as that document puts it. When I played in Empire a long time ago, the idea that there were civilised areas and lawless areas with wars taking place seemed quite cool to me. The separation between the players actually added to the atmosphere of the game.

Having said that, there's already a role for "carebears" in 0.0, if that includes miners, industrialists, importers and explorers (who can get T2 stuff and faction mods), as having a dynamic economy in their stations helps a 0.0 alliance a lot. Alliances who exclude these types of players are already hurting themselves.

What I don't really want to see is mindless mission running becoming part of holding space. Life in 0.0 doesn't have to be restricted to PvPers, but it should be a place where you have to take the initiative and use your brain to get by rather than just going to an agent and asking for a mission.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: patience on September 02, 2009, 09:40:59 AM
By the very nature of 0.0 if they go there they are taking initiative to try and reap more rewards while being threatened by more risk. People don't play this game just to pvp. Accumalting isk and faction for new shinies is all they want.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 02, 2009, 10:01:14 AM
Moving sov to planet orbit is fine.  You could then introduce a visual overhaul (merge dependent modules to the structure) and introduce subsystem targeting vs structures (the only place I think it is viable).  Hell no to capture the flag though.  The bunker system is not compatible with 0.0.

They could overhaul fueling so it is not such a kick in the nuts and get rid of stront timing too, but that will not happen.  Most people do not care about pvp, content will be generated towards attracting them.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 02, 2009, 03:29:52 PM
non-combat sovereignty...

Retarded. Expect goons to take over the galaxy by shitting it up.

Sov should be decided by activity in the local channel.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 02, 2009, 03:33:27 PM
The idea is to bring more carebears into 0.0 to ally with alliances to effect sov.

They got that completely wrong.  We don't need carebears in 0.0, we're perfectly capable of turning PVE'ers ourselves and exploiting the agents, exploration sites, etc. ourselves.  Why the hell would we need empire carebears?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 02, 2009, 04:21:49 PM
Because there aren't enough of you to create a truly large and vibrant economy. Carebears are what? 90+ percent of the players? If you ever want a 0.0 version of Jita you need them.

I wouldn't be too concerned though. For those of us interested in playing market games empire space is the place to be and I doubt that's going to change any time soon.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: dwindlehop on September 02, 2009, 05:34:26 PM
Scarce and valuable resources create conflict.
Sure, and this is good. What's bad is fixed scarcity. Even if Eve gets 10M subs, the number of R64 moons will be the same. That will most certainly get fixed, but I imagine it'll be a T2 BPO/Invention type of fix where the old system is allowed to kick along albeit at reduced levels of profitability.

I'm going to stake a claim on planetary orbits not mattering in Dominion, either for sov or isk but installations actually *on* the planet mattering. These might be Dust 514 interactable, but they definitely will not be shootable by a ship.

I do not think there will be sov controlling structures at planets. They'll ditch the concept of spam altogether, not make it more manageable.

Thanks for the 2009 CSM CCP Meeting minutes-- I was actually trying to find those last week. That certainly makes it sound like I'm on the wrong track with the idea of a control bunker.

Regarding "starbases, agent missions, deadspace complexes, agent bribes," what makes you think the agents in question wouldn't be player alliance NPCs?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: patience on September 02, 2009, 09:09:04 PM
Because there aren't enough of you to create a truly large and vibrant economy. Carebears are what? 90+ percent of the players? If you ever want a 0.0 version of Jita you need them.

I wouldn't be too concerned though. For those of us interested in playing market games empire space is the place to be and I doubt that's going to change any time soon.

Actually no. There is someone who strongly believed CCP was going this route and has built up a thread in Eve general convincing Empire players to go into 0.0. It will be interesting if his strategy pays off big time or only in a small way.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 02, 2009, 09:20:23 PM
Come on, "large and vibrant economy"?  That sounds like a CCP marketing guy desperately looking for a buzzword - anything - he can use.  What's the purpose of 15 guys 0.01-isk'ing each other over Tech 1 junk?  The 0.0 outposts I've seen have sufficient quantities of all the ships and stuff I've needed, and cheaply (considering the income I could get from ratting locally).

And every time Jita is mentioned, it's with a groan.  

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 02, 2009, 09:56:43 PM
By the very nature of 0.0 if they go there they are taking initiative to try and reap more rewards while being threatened by more risk. People don't play this game just to pvp. Accumalting isk and faction for new shinies is all they want.

Well yeah, I talked about all the people in 0.0 who do stuff apart from PvP. I just don't think going back and forth to an agent should become a bigger part of 0.0 than it is.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 03, 2009, 01:23:14 AM
Come on, "large and vibrant economy"?  That sounds like a CCP marketing guy desperately looking for a buzzword - anything - he can use.  What's the purpose of 15 guys 0.01-isk'ing each other over Tech 1 junk?  The 0.0 outposts I've seen have sufficient quantities of all the ships and stuff I've needed, and cheaply (considering the income I could get from ratting locally).

And every time Jita is mentioned, it's with a groan.  

/shrug. That's fine. You play your game and I'll play mine.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 04, 2009, 03:53:05 PM
So, the new faction ships have been announced. The dev blogs read as such...

"Seriously, if you didn't think we had a hard on for Amarr recently, what the fuck is wrong with you?"

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: patience on September 04, 2009, 09:05:30 PM
I'm not that familiar with Eve's  early years but aren't the trying to make up for all the crap they gave Amarr years ago?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: sanctuary on September 05, 2009, 04:37:12 AM
WTB Imperial Navy geddon

Armageddon Navy Issue:

• Slot layout: 8 high, 4 med, 8 lows, 7 turrets, no launchers
• Fittings: 557 CPU, 17325 powergrid, 350 calibration, 3 rig slots
• Bonuses unchanged next to normal hull
• Hitpoints: +50% hit points on hull (9316), armor (9961) and shields (8203)
• Dronebay: +50m3 dronebay, bandwidth unchanged
• Sensor: +25% radar sensor strength

mmm yummy

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Meester on September 05, 2009, 04:54:01 PM
I still want to hire my agents though =(

Id like to make myself an agent - kill ten goons and receive a mystery prize, although I would probably be beaten to the punch by goons themselves.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 05, 2009, 07:19:07 PM
I still want to hire my agents though =(

Id like to make myself an agent - kill ten goons and receive a mystery prize, although I would probably be beaten to the punch by goons themselves.

Only if I get loyalty points.  Oh and what are your faction ships like?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on September 06, 2009, 05:17:51 AM
news from PAX (http://au.pc.ign.com/articles/102/1021847p1.html)

Bolded the parts I didn't know and so fat as I know, haven't been announced.

...they are simplifying the way in which you claim space and attack people, and they are also letting alliances upgrade their space and invest in it.

Along with that, they are rebalancing the power of ships, making adjustments so that no one type of ship will be heavily favored. It's always been thought that the outcome of a battle was more or less settled with the presence of a Titan capital ship, the largest ship in the game, as its doomsday weapon could potentially wipe out an entire fleet. However, in the expansion this weapon is being changed from an area-effect to a single-target one. On the other end of the spectrum, they are introducing fighter-bombers, small ships much like the current fighters but which can destroy capital ships. Also in the pipeline are so-called "speedboat missions" for smaller ships, as most of the existing PvE missions tend to focus on the larger battleships.

As social networking seems to be the buzzword of the new millennium, EVE steps up to the plate by introducing COSMOS, a social networking framework that allows players to create Facebook-like pages for their EVE characters, allowing them to maintain friend lists, write blogs, update their status, send each other messages and upload pictures. E-mail sent ingame can be read by the recipient through the website. Corporations and alliances will also have their own page.

But, according to Noah, this is only the beginning of where they want to take this feature. Eventually, they want players to be able to access all sorts of ingame information from this website and even update their skills or buy and trade goods from the market without logging into the game, possibly even from their mobile phones. All the data that goes into the social network will also have API support, which will be valuable to fansites once they start putting in features like the calendar and market data. EVE currently supports an ingame web browser that's a little dated so this functionality will also be upgraded so players can access the website from within the game.

With the expansion, they are introducing more tutorials for advanced stuff like PvP and exploration. These tutorials are optional, meant for players who think they might need a little bit of help before they venture out into the cruel world. Planet graphics are being revamped so each planet will be unique and truly beautiful. Also, players will now be able to gift other players with Pilot License Extensions (PLEX), which are game time cards that can be purchased from the EVE website and that can be traded ingame.

How long have Titan's been ruling the game? About time they got nurfed.  I also look forward to the speedboat missons. I had more fun doing level 3 missions in a Jaguar and level 4's in a vagabond.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sparky on September 06, 2009, 05:30:03 AM
I'm glad CCP feels able to make long overdue changes now their pet alliance is dead :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pennilenko on September 06, 2009, 08:18:37 AM
I'm glad CCP feels able to make long overdue changes now their pet alliance is dead :oh_i_see:

So basically, Goons and Allies liberated Eve! :drill:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 06, 2009, 09:39:17 AM
I wonder what targets that doomsday weapon will be able to one-shot.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Surlyboi on September 06, 2009, 10:41:13 AM
I'm glad CCP feels able to make long overdue changes now their pet alliance is dead :oh_i_see:

Of course they can. Now they've got to engineer a way for that alliance to find its way up again, now that we see that they were beaten at their old game.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 07, 2009, 05:43:00 PM
I love all of this. It's the final fucking nail in the coffin of BoB's tired old saw of "We're just better than you".
No. No, they were just given better toys and now that we get to play with them they suddenly become 'unbalanced'.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 08, 2009, 04:09:14 AM
Zastrow, one of the GF CSMs, posted saying that:

good things are coming i promise. today SELEENE of all people, who works for ccp these days and is working on Dominion in particular asked us about 0.0 thangs... this game will be getting much better in like november trust me. i will write a better postgame post when i get home ok goodnight

So although he won't get specific (NDA) this from a man who is dedicated to making 0.0 more profitable to live in, together with the stuff in this article - http://pc.ign.com/articles/102/1021847p1.html - about things like upgrading space seem pretty optimistic for November.  Although if you're Kenny/Molle and are waiting for November to bring something that makes Delve suddenly alll vulnerable to assault then the excitement of the GS reps seems a downside.

also, for those who have been around long enough to remember LV and the first titan pilots:

also that guy in the top picture on the right sitting on the table? that's john and he's been helping the csm do things all weekend but you might know im better as THE ENSLAVER lol. ive gotten everyone to call im chowdown to irritate him though

It's not just Zastrow, of course.  Our other CSM rep, Avalloc, had this to say:

mnmnghghg,  mnnghgughg mnhghgghg!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Nerf on September 08, 2009, 10:22:52 AM
I almost doused a fair chunk of my astronomy class in orange juice upon reading that, thanks Endie.

"What the fuck? Did someone with a mouthful of cocks just try to say something?"

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 09, 2009, 08:00:20 AM
New dev blog.  Good stuff.

"Do not fear change, embrace it."

This blog is the first in a series which will focus on giving you a glimpse into some of the big features of our next expansion, Dominion.  In this one, we want to give you a high level overview of how we plan to change the sovereignty mechanic.  Subsequent blogs will detail things such as the theories behind some of these new concepts and, eventually, the actual mechanics as well as a few other key bits we feel directly affect the massive sandbox of null-sec game play in EVE.  For now though, let's get started.

Out with the old...

In the beginning, there was no sovereignty... then there were starbases.  Intended to be ‘homes' of a sort for corporation or alliance members, or even a lone miner in deep space, these venerable structures have since been pressed into a multitude of roles for which their initial design was never intended.  Their link to attaining control of star systems is something which we will move away from in Dominion.  So now comes the words which so many have longed to hear:

Sovereignty will no longer be tied directly to starbases.

This decision was an obvious one, as there is no one thing that causes more consternation amongst players than the seemingly endless task of shooting towers.  Once the choice to do this was made, we then went ahead and pretty much scrapped the entire current system and started to build a new one from the ground up.  Literally years of forum posts, player experience and feedback from the CSM contributed to what was a long, arduous process.  What has emerged is a much leaner and infinitely more expandable system which we can continually evolve over time.

The thoughts and theories behind this process will be detailed soon in a following blog, but I'm sure you're ready for some actual information.

Planting the Flag

There are no sov ‘levels' anymore; you either have sovereignty or you do not.  The mechanic for claiming a star system will be much more simplified and symbolic.  You will plant your ‘flag' in the form of a new claiming module and it will sync up with the traditional ‘borders' of a star system, namely the stargates.  The exact mechanics of how this works and why will be explained later, as we are still in the process of balancing the system, however we can tell you one of the more important bits.


Who makes sure all those stargates in 0.0 continue to run?  Who pays the bills to the crews and funds essential services to ensure there are no breakdowns?  When Dominion is released, the answer is simple - if you want to control the space accessed by these stargates, you will be responsible for their monthly maintenance and upkeep.  The current design calls for this to be a simple ISK transaction, representative of things like duct tape for reactor maintenance, Amarrios breakfast cereal and other important stuff.

The other major factor is the more space you spread your ‘Dominion' across, the more expensive it will become to maintain your stargate network.  We do not want to see alliances holding space simply for the sake of holding it or just making their color on the map bigger.  We want to see alliances more properly utilizing their space and providing more places for their members to generate income.  In order to facilitate that, we are going to let you do some really cool stuff!

Home Improvement

One issue that we intend to specifically address is that of ‘infrastructure'.  This is a word you are going to hear a lot more of in the months and years to come.  Essentially, we are going to give you the tools to improve the space you hold.  There will be many ways you can do this, but they will all fall under one of three categories: Military, Economic and Industrial.  These are not set ‘paths' that you can follow, simply a classification of daily activities that take place in EVE.

The idea is that some areas of space are obviously considered of less worth than others and always have been.  This is going to change.  YOU are going to change it.  Through the investment of time, money and effort at all levels, an alliance will be able to directly affect the value of and develop the space they hold.  This will consist of things as simple as investing in improvements that allow your members to discover new riches in systems long thought barren and useless.  The resources were always ‘out there', hidden or out of sight, and now you will have the tools to access them.  Other developmental areas will concern the expansion and efficiency of your industrial base. 

In essence, you are going to be able to make your space more attractive to both your current alliance members and also smaller entities that might be looking for incentives to take their first steps out of Empire.  The goal is to provide incentives for you and your allies to not have to spread out so much in order to provide reasonable rewards for your pilots.

I want to blow *%#$ up!

No matter what happens, there will always be important things to shoot.  The key is finding a balance between allowing smaller gangs of raiders to disrupt the day to day operations of your space against requiring massive battleship and capital fleets to actually remove you from the same space.  Conquest of space in Dominion will differ greatly from what exists currently, as will the ability of roaming gangs to cause an ‘AFK Empire' no end of frustration.

Just as raiders will be presented new opportunities to create havoc, aggressors intent on all out conquest will have to carefully weigh their plans and make decisions on what and where to attack first.  Strategies that work in one system may completely fail in the next.  Defenders of space in Dominion will have new ways of defending their space as well.  These tools will not replace a proper defense force but they will provide new and exciting options which ensure that not every fight is the same and will reward investment in military infrastructure.

Dominion Tools

Tying all of this together will be a feature we are tentatively calling the "Sovereignty Dashboard" (cooler name pending).  Depending on your level of access in a corp or alliance, you will be able to use this new feature to get up-to-the-moment information on what is happening in a given system of space that your alliance controls.  You will be able to see where the efforts of your alliance are going, what areas of space are being developed and how you as a member, director or executor might help.  This is just an overview of basic functionality.  This feature may be expanded upon and you can expect more details soon.

Iteration & The Future

One very important point to take away from this blog is that everything described here is only the beginning.  One of the mandates that we've followed in our recent development cycles is that any new features we introduce be open ended enough to allow for future development and improvement.  The wormholes of Apocrypha are a prime example of this in that who knows what else might be lurking in the darkness of wormhole space?  Likewise, while we felt that the old sov system was at an evolutionary dead end, with no ability to properly expand upon it, the new one we plan to introduce in Dominion is specifically aimed at allowing us to continually tweak it and introduce new content.

As an example of this philosophy, one feature which we plan to implement early next year as a direct follow-up to the new Sovereignty system is the introduction of Treaties.  Without going into too much detail, Treaties will be a fully functional mechanic that formalizes many of the agreements already in game.  The plan is to give alliances the tools to ‘rent' out areas of their space to other alliances or corporations, create formal military treaties and establish diplomatic boundaries with regard to your alliance interests.

As you can see, we are not doing this by half measures.  The sandbox is about to get bigger and badder than ever.  This is EVE Online - Dominion.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 09, 2009, 08:03:15 AM
Can I just double-post point out to what extent I called this stuff?  Increasingly prohibitive cost of holding more space; increased returns from holding 0.0 space to make holding less space worthwhile and open up more space to newcomers etc...

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: setar on September 09, 2009, 11:04:54 AM
Would seem to favor small, high value regions (high moon concentration) over larger expanses of space. Also not quite sure why you'd attack another group if you cannot afford the upkeep of that space. Going to depend heavily on just how expensive it is to hold space.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: setar on September 09, 2009, 11:18:24 AM
Heh. And from another forum:

"Unless it's done cleverly, you'll just see GoonSwarm, GoonMob, GoonGang, GoonPile, GoonRiot, GoonGoon and GoonNoog alliances holding adjacent space in the massive space continent all will come to know as GoonTopia."

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 09, 2009, 11:36:47 AM
I need to find my post on here about this to be smug here, too.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 09, 2009, 12:15:02 PM
I got the impression that moons will become less important, as the value of a system will depend on the infrastructure you put in there, and how much your members exploit the benefits the infrastructure provides, rather than the number and types of moons.

So Delve stops being the golden land once Goons have it:) But it does seem like a good idea to me.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 09, 2009, 12:52:26 PM
Actually, with the anticipated rebalances and boosts to the neodymniumiaminiun and thulium delve is well placed to survive a prom/dyspro fall. It was super-obvious that the r64s would be rebalanced, and only the fact that I am so lazy and burned out stopped me keeping my tpar r64 going.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 09, 2009, 01:25:06 PM
Heh. And from another forum:

"Unless it's done cleverly, you'll just see GoonSwarm, GoonMob, GoonGang, GoonPile, GoonRiot, GoonGoon and GoonNoog alliances holding adjacent space in the massive space continent all will come to know as GoonTopia."
I'm really curious as to how they will tackle this issue. I suppose they could factor in the total members of an alliance when calculating the cost per system in such a way that for every X members you get a system at the lowest price, once you start claiming more systems the price rises.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on September 09, 2009, 01:49:41 PM
Jump Bridges won't cross alliances, so the current webway throughout delve and querious will be broken up into small chunks. The supply lines for people like KIA, ZAF,  ROL or ATLAS will become untenable unless 0.0 no longer needs to import stuff from empire (or vice versa).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 09, 2009, 02:48:19 PM
This is going to let the GSFL have so much fun - they're going to be like a mongoloid horde.  :awesome_for_real:

E: And I'm still going with "CCP screws this up horrendously", incidentally.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 09, 2009, 03:43:55 PM
Actually, from what I'm reading, it seems that an alliance can pay the Sov upkeep costs to get a chance to improve the space (for example, CVA might do this), or the other option is to forget about sovereignty and just use what's there already (if Delve has good resources the Goons may do this).  Take down all deathstar POSes (no point to them) and just maintain the moon mining POSes, and otherwise live out of the Outposts.  Rat whatever's there already, and rely on pilot participation to defend agains roaming gangs and/or an invasion force.  For Providence, on the other hand, if Sov lets CVA actually improve the truesec rating of their area, and thus get better rats and/or better moons, they'll probably want to do that.

Actually, nevermind.  I think CCP will level out the playing field, so that ALL 0.0 space is equally bad (like Providence) and then they'll say "You guys want better rats?  Claim Sov.  You want R64 moons?  Claim Sov."

So then it becomes a matter of the availability of pipes into the space.  If there's an easy pipe from empire, the space is desirable and will be developed for good rats and good moons.  If it's some dead-end pocket in a far corner of the map....  well, that's what pets are for.  Or maybe the reverse; put the pets on the pipe as cannon fodder.  But in any case, geography will matter, methinks.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Predator Irl on September 09, 2009, 03:48:04 PM
Also not quite sure why you'd attack another group if you cannot afford the upkeep of that space. Going to depend heavily on just how expensive it is to hold space.

This is a very good point, larger alliances may not have enough incentive to attack one another. They mention implementing space rental into the mechanics which will negate that to a certain extent. It does open the opportunity for smaller alliances to claim some space for themselves. I'm quite in favour of these changes but sceptical of CCPs implementation.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 09, 2009, 04:01:31 PM
Broadly it looks good for goons, (high population density, large capital wealth, greater than average interest in shit like infrastructure), bad for PL or BoB style blocs.

And I remain concerned that CCP are going to fuck up the core sov warfare mechanics (not that I like the current ones, I just worry that it would be easier to make them worse than to make them better).

Actually, from what I'm reading, it seems that an alliance can pay the Sov upkeep costs to get a chance to improve the space (for example, CVA might do this)

CVA have to be really fucking careful about this. If they upgrade the space in a way that it becomes worthy of invasion - such as by attracting better rats or ore, they could be in trouble.

On the other hand, if there are options to upgrade in a way that can attract more empire pubbie trade that earns them isk in NRDS, but which would disappear if providence was invaded and turned NBSI, then they could be big winners.  

"Unless it's done cleverly, you'll just see GoonSwarm, GoonMob, GoonGang, GoonPile, GoonRiot, GoonGoon and GoonNoog alliances holding adjacent space in the massive space continent all will come to know as GoonTopia."

In the case of Goons, you'll see greater pressure to find a suitable owner for Querious, but I doubt this will reach the point where it is worth breaking up Delve.

Similarly if you look at the rest of the map, few alliances still hold so much space that you would expect people to go this far. What I think you will see, is that less healthy alliances will disintegrate more quickly and free up space, because the total costs of sov will probaby be higher, and alliances will no longer be able to quietly reduce their sov costs by skimping on  towers.  

And of course, we are less likely to see situations like old-Goonspace, or Bob-space stretching across half a dozen or more regions.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 09, 2009, 04:03:35 PM
I got the impression that moons will become less important, as the value of a system will depend on the infrastructure you put in there, and how much your members exploit the benefits the infrastructure provides, rather than the number and types of moons.

So Delve stops being the golden land once Goons have it:) But it does seem like a good idea to me.

No, its not. Its a retarded idea. If all space is the same then there is no economic incentive for anyone who already has 0.0 space to go and take anyone elses.

Now if its all about infrastructure that you can either destroy or capture it might be a different issue, but i don't think CCP is smart enough to consider that.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 09, 2009, 04:14:30 PM
I might be reading it wrong, but I don't get the impression that the existing R64 moons are going away.

Seems like this will be more about how resources can be improved or allowed to decay from existing levels.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 09, 2009, 04:41:52 PM
CVA have to be really fucking careful about this. If they upgrade the space in a way that it becomes worthy of invasion - such as by attracting better rats or ore, they could be in trouble.

Well, if the improvements go away instantly when Sov is lost, then any invading force will just get plain old Providence and will have to put in the same effort tha CVA previously did, which kinda makes it pointless to attack them.  Or anyone.

Not enough info about how the system works at this time, though; I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 09, 2009, 05:08:24 PM
What I'm looking at this this bit: "The idea is that some areas of space are obviously considered of less worth than others and always have been.  This is going to change."

Although there are other reasons why some space is considered better than others, the distribution of good moons is the main one I think?  What he seems to be saying is that it will be balanced so all areas are roughly equal - except for the improvements made by alliances themselves. That doesn't means moons will mean nothing at all, but it does suggest they will become less important.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: trevorreznik on September 09, 2009, 05:28:12 PM
My guess is CCP is focusing mainly on belts, specifically truesec and types of ore.  I doubt they'll do anything to make moons dynamically get better, or belt numbers to increase.

I also expect CCP to get rid of the Fountain/Delve ratting perfect truesec and make it crappy space, but I think that's because I'm still bitter about BoB/ccp connections.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 09, 2009, 06:37:36 PM
From the IGN article in reference to Titans

It's always been thought that the outcome of a battle was more or less settled with the presence of a Titan capital ship, the largest ship in the game, as its doomsday weapon could potentially wipe out an entire fleet. However, in the expansion this weapon is being changed from an area-effect to a single-target one.

Seriously the dev team is actually Endie and myself pulling all the strings, I've shitted up JadeC's, DariusJ's and even trevor rezniks thread here with this idea. I would have shitted up more but I ran out of steam :P


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: rand on September 09, 2009, 10:31:47 PM
Would seem to favor small, high value regions (high moon concentration) over larger expanses of space.

deklein is going to own (more than it already does)

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Kovacs on September 09, 2009, 10:35:31 PM
Yeah good call on the increasing costs of upkeep but are the increases going to be geographic (as from a capital) or numeric, each additional gate/improvement increases costs?  I there going to be advantages to holding connecting territories?

What I'm wondering is, if you improve your space does that make it more attractive to hostile takeover?  How much of your stuff's going to be usable exclusively by the alliance holding sov.

And am I the only one who thinks the "Mongoloid Horde" of alliances is rife for potential drama and may be somethig to encourage and not to gaurd against.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: mokianna on September 10, 2009, 03:14:41 AM
This has me wondering about 'our' space, with the 2 stations and 5 systems. Not having to maintain all the POS would save us roughly 3billion isk a month, and the question that comes to mind ... is 3bil isk a month enough to maintain what we have?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Predator Irl on September 10, 2009, 03:44:38 AM
I think the question is, when this change comes in will Querious be a better region than Delve?
All area's being equal, travel is easier and I don't think we will want to hold all that space if cost will be an issue.

I suppose that extends to all 0.0 space adjacent to empire space.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 10, 2009, 05:28:58 AM
Thread hijack. One member of the CSM already got caught for using information gained from being a representative to get isku.


Quote from: devblog
On Thursday, September 3rd, Adam Ridgway (aka Larkonis Trassler) bought items worth of 2.5 billion ISK in order to stockpile those items before a game design change would be implemented. Further 2.5 billion was traded in these same items earlier that night based on the same information but through another character. This was purely speculative since this particular game design has not been finalized yet and at this point the effect of the change in question is not known. However, insider information was used as the basis of this trade and that is not according to the standards that we set for members of the Council of Stellar Management or employees of CCP. Adam Ridgway realized his mistake and decided to step down from his post as a member of the Council of Stellar Management. He will be replaced by Michele Boland, aka. Issler Dainze.

Someone find out what he bought it was Neodymium

Quote from: CCP
During the last visit of the CSM members to the Reykjavik office one member of the council acted upon information he had received during a earlier meeting, engaging in speculative trading and trying to cash in on that information.

In so doing the CSM member broke the agreement between him and CCP, and more so, broke the trust he had build with other members of the council.

Quote from: corrupt internet spaceship politician
'Internets Spaceships are serious business'

Also, Mazzillu, another CSM representative posted her summary of events and happenings in CCP's office and other parts of Reykjavik, including planting bees in the lunchroom and other antics:


My favorites:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 10, 2009, 09:53:35 AM
I'm just wondering though will stargates now have deployments attached to them in this new system. I'm saying they might and this will fundamentally change 0.0 travel.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 10, 2009, 10:43:24 AM
Yes, you will start seeing crap around 0.0 stargates, but only one thing has been confirmed. Namely, "Sovereignty Disruptors" that can be anchored (max 20km) at stargates and they will cause the sov beacon to go offline. This info is from a SHC poster who took a peek in the cache files of a test release which had some DED mail code in it.

SOVEREIGNTY_CLAIM_MAIL_ALLIANCE_BODY 'This mail is your confirmation that DED now officially acknowledges that your member corporation %(corporation)s has claimed sovereignty on your behalf in the system %(system)s.

Your sovereignty claim is contingent on your administration bill payments arriving on time.'
SOVEREIGNTY_CLAIM_MAIL_ALLIANCE_HEADER 'DED Sovereignty claim Acknowledgment: %(system)s'
SOVEREIGNTY_CLAIM_MAIL_CORPORATION_BODY 'This mail acknowledges that your corporation has claimed sovereignty in the system %(system)s on behalf of the alliance %(alliance)s.

This claim is conditional on prompt administrative bill payment. '
SOVEREIGNTY_CLAIM_MAIL_CORPORATION_HEADE R 'Sovereignty claimed in: %(system)s'
SOVEREIGNTY_DISRUPTOR_DETECTED_BODY 'A new disruptor has been detected in %(system)s.
If a disruptor is online at all the star gates then your sovereignty claim in this system could be jeopardized. '
SOVEREIGNTY_DISRUPTOR_DETECTED_HEADER 'Disruptor activity detected in %(system)s.'
SOVEREIGNTY_NOTVULNERABLE_ALLIANCE_BODY 'The link to at least one star gate has been restored in the system %(system)s.'
SOVEREIGNTY_UNCLAIM_MAIL_ALLIANCE_BODY 'DED acknowledges that you have lost your claim to sovereignty in the system %(system)s.'
SOVEREIGNTY_UNCLAIM_MAIL_CORPORATION_BOD Y 'Your corporation has lost sovereignty in the system %(system)s. '
SOVEREIGNTY_UNCLAIM_MAIL_CORPORATION_HEA DER 'Lost sovereignty in system %(system)s.'
SOVEREIGNTY_VULNERABLE_ALLIANCE_BODY 'Your claim in %(system)s is vulnerable to claim jumpers as the connections to the systems star gates has been disrupted.

Reestablish the connections to the system star gates to retain sovereignty.'
SOVEREIGNTY_VULNERABLE_ALLIANCE_HEADER 'ALERT: Sovereignty claim is vulnerable to claim jumpers!'

CantOnlineSovereigntyAllreadyClaimed - messageText 'The %(tower)s cannot be onlined because sovereignty has already been claimed in this system.'
CantOnlineSovInWormhole - messageText 'There are no Stargates to connect with in this system, structure can not online.'
CantOnlineDisruptorsOnline - messageText 'The %(tower)s cannot be onlined because there is disruption generators at each of the stargare. Offline or destroy the disruption generators to online the claim marker.'
CantOnlineDisruptorsOnline - messageText 'The %(tower)s cannot be onlined because there is disruption generators at each of the stargare. Offline or destroy the disruption generators to online the claim marker.'
CantAnchorDisruptorNoStargate - messageText 'The %(tower)s can't be anchored more than 20km away from a stargate.'

So I imagine less POS but still more anchroing. Personally, I abhor the whole concept of a "Sov Disruptor" and not shifting more of the engagement scenes off of stargates. I'd like to have more fleet fights outside a stations/outpost without docking games being involved much for example. Anchorable guns at stations or new station upgrades (mentioned in a new devblog) seem more justified compared to an arbitrary module at a stargate. I'm guessing the idea is to make roaming gangs more involved in the process... somehow. Also, Darius Johnson's initial proposal as a CSM rep (http://wiki.eveonline.com/wiki/Incentivizing_0.0) where sov claiming could only be at planets seems much more sensible, simpler and less prone to massive frustration.

The more I read on what's planned the more I frown. Example,

Quote from: eve-o thread
We are looking at the upgrades in player built outposts. We are considering a few new offerings but will have to see how they balance against the rest of the Infrastructure system. Of more immediate import is we will likely be reducing the cost of the Level 2 and Level 3 outpost upgrades to something sane enough to discourage players from simply dropping another outpost because it's cheaper. This is also important because some Infrastructure upgrades will require you to have an outpost upgraded to a certain level as well.

Great! More reason to upgrade outposts instead of dropping new ones, however...

Quote from: same eve-o thread
Cyno Jammers will be one of the more expensive Infrastructure upgrades and may only be anchorable in systems where you have sov and own a station.


And the first test release is set from a week from now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Darius JOHNSON on September 10, 2009, 10:11:21 PM
I love all of this. It's the final fucking nail in the coffin of BoB's tired old saw of "We're just better than you".
No. No, they were just given better toys and now that we get to play with them they suddenly become 'unbalanced'.  :awesome_for_real:

These changes were proposed at a high level by me at the end of the second CSM, after a great deal of discussion with the Devs and non-goon players in the first.


I don't want to appear to be claiming complete credit or tooting my own horn or anything, but anyone complaining about the devs changing it simply because we own Delve now is off their rockers. We have been pushing these changes via the CSM for over a year. They listened. The finished product will certainly have a lot more detail than I ever mentioned but the root ideas of "FIX SOV BY REDUCING POSSES OR SOMETHING FUCK" and "INCENTIVIZE 0.0 BY LETTING US UPGRADE/DEVELOP OUR SPACE" appear to be the priorities.

I believe we also championed the supercap changes in the first and second csms, though again not in as much detail.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 11, 2009, 02:28:54 AM
I haven't looked forward to a patch this much since the end of remote doomsdays back when we were on the defensive in the old south around 9-9/46DP.  And this one has the potential to be positive and add to the game instead of just removing awfulness.

I'm pretty unclear on whether people are right that space is all being equalised.  I'm sceptical, since by definition it would remove the incentive for a space-holding alliance to ever want to go to war for better space (logistics aside).  But whether or not that is true it looks like individual players gonna be space-rich anyway with the hints about R64 shifts and improved/upgraded PvE characteristics, so who cares?

The changes to sov do look awfully funny in the way they'll screw over Atlas in particular.  I guess that they should have looked after those pets after all, because being condemned to depend on Evil Thug's reliability and loyalty for a route to empire is loaded with hilarity, even under the current rules.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 11, 2009, 02:09:21 PM
I do wonder how CCP are planning the switchover, seems unlikely that CCP would be popular if they simply blank the sov map because nobody can possibly have a sov widget anchored....

Just turning off all the jump bridges and cyno jammers while infrastructure is built would be... eventful.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 11, 2009, 02:27:00 PM
I do wonder how CCP are planning the switchover
AAA proposed to do it alphabetically.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tazelbain on September 11, 2009, 02:32:34 PM
A week of no sovereignty would be fun (to watch).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 11, 2009, 04:00:30 PM
I love all of this. It's the final fucking nail in the coffin of BoB's tired old saw of "We're just better than you".
No. No, they were just given better toys and now that we get to play with them they suddenly become 'unbalanced'.  :awesome_for_real:

These changes were proposed at a high level by me at the end of the second CSM, after a great deal of discussion with the Devs and non-goon players in the first.


I don't want to appear to be claiming complete credit or tooting my own horn or anything, but anyone complaining about the devs changing it simply because we own Delve now is off their rockers. We have been pushing these changes via the CSM for over a year. They listened. The finished product will certainly have a lot more detail than I ever mentioned but the root ideas of "FIX SOV BY REDUCING POSSES OR SOMETHING FUCK" and "INCENTIVIZE 0.0 BY LETTING US UPGRADE/DEVELOP OUR SPACE" appear to be the priorities.

I believe we also championed the supercap changes in the first and second csms, though again not in as much detail.
Aw, but I want my schadenfreude.  :cry:

A week of no sovereignty be fun (to watch).
This will probably happen, whether CCP meant it to or not.  :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 11, 2009, 05:04:38 PM
Just turning off all the jump bridges and cyno jammers while infrastructure is built would be... eventful.

It's going to do wonders for my burgeoning hi-sec transport business.  :hello_kitty_2:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on September 11, 2009, 10:13:11 PM
It looks to me more like the Providence model writ large, the value of space is going to be far more derived from what you've *done* with it, rather than just what it has naturally.  Taking space for it's own sake won't be that attractive, because you won't get the benefit of the development, but just raw undeveloped space that's had the vast majority of the infrastructure value-added razed in the process (much as there's no point in taking all those outposts in Providence, because the value is in the economic activity of the residents, which would not carry over for an invader).  R64 moons would be a nice bonus, and a good seed crystal to form a space empire around, but they'd be mere ornaments compared to the real value, not the singular focus of an internet-spaceships chess match only massive power blocks got to play.

"Territory" will no longer be a noun.  It will be a verb.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 12, 2009, 03:57:50 AM
Pirate faction ship changes announced: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1177474

The Gila will be a 400m3 drone bay 125mb/s drone bandwidth missile cruiser, making it a very nice PvE ship. The Ashimmu similarly is now a little laser god, except the loss of the web range is sad. The changes to the Nightmare, Bhaalgorn, Vindicator and most notably the Rattlesnake look similarly sweet.

They are making it very hard for me to not care about e-peen ships  :|

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 12, 2009, 05:02:57 AM
That Bhaalgorn looks p. tasty - effectively eight turrets, 7/5/7 slots and a nos strength/web range bonus. That'll be a p. good ratting or mission ship. Incidentally, I'm barely inside the minimum faction needed for Blood Raider missions.  :awesome_for_real:

Although the new Navy Geddon would probably be even better (8/4/8 slots, extra 50m3 to the dronebay and +50% armour/shield/hull strength) as a PvE ship. The absolute best thing about the "New Navy ships" thread (http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1172933) is that it took about three or four pages before someone mentally connected "General: all navy battleship shield recharge time has been increased to 3390s." to 'CNR w. passive tank' and went "OMG it's a nerf!". Well, yeah. That's the point.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 12, 2009, 05:36:37 AM
The new Vindicator looks pretty ridiculous

8 turrets, 8/5/7, 125 cubes, 25% dmg bonus inherent... tracking/speed.

The amisshu is now pretty explicitly better than the Phantasm[8 effective vs 7.5 on the phantasm]

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: bhodi on September 12, 2009, 06:56:41 AM
It looks to me more like the Providence model writ large, the value of space is going to be far more derived from what you've *done* with it, rather than just what it has naturally. 
I wonder if this means the people who stockpile resources and cash before the switch will have a large advantage against the people who don't.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 12, 2009, 08:06:08 AM
Bhaalgoorn changes make me happy.

I believe we also championed the supercap changes in the first and second csms, though again not in as much detail.

That first CSM was definitely the most influential. I do remember CCP pushing you guys to really think big as the initial ideas you brought forward were quite menial, not sure if this has been the case in recent CSMs.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Darius JOHNSON on September 12, 2009, 10:25:07 AM
Bhaalgoorn changes make me happy.

I believe we also championed the supercap changes in the first and second csms, though again not in as much detail.

That first CSM was definitely the most influential. I do remember CCP pushing you guys to really think big as the initial ideas you brought forward were quite menial, not sure if this has been the case in recent CSMs.

I actually believe the second CSM had the biggest impact. We were too busy being distracted by Jade's stupid ass in the first. I think we're on the third now and from the little I've heard they seem to be doing good things.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on September 12, 2009, 09:37:22 PM
How much do those pirate ships cost? They still super duper wtf expensive?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Teleku on September 12, 2009, 10:24:40 PM
Definitely liking the changes I'm seeing.   Should be interesting.

Though I wonder how getting rid of POS warfare will effect the role of Dreds.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 13, 2009, 03:01:10 AM
How much do those pirate ships cost? They still super duper wtf expensive?

When the announcement hit the 800mil pirate BSs were all bought and relisted for 2bil  :pedobear:

CSM reps and CCP is assuring everyone that Dreadnaughts will still have their use.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Raging Turtle on September 13, 2009, 02:11:19 PM
How much do those pirate ships cost? They still super duper wtf expensive?

Are the changes already in?  I'm vaguely considering resubbing and getting back into the faction ship business.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 13, 2009, 02:13:42 PM
No, they are coming with Dominion, which should launch in November. I'm kind of looking at Factional Warfare, since that's where you can only get the new Navy ships, as well as pirate missions, of course.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on September 13, 2009, 05:05:03 PM
I always wanted to fool around with a Missile/Drone boat, but such a thing never really existed. There was that T2 Arbiter thing, but I never had the skills or the money for it.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tmp on September 13, 2009, 06:08:24 PM
No, its not. Its a retarded idea. If all space is the same then there is no economic incentive for anyone who already has 0.0 space to go and take anyone elses.
With the ability to develop owned space the end effect is likely to be similar anyway. Both the conquest and development are at the end of day resource sink, but when one of these options carries far bigger risk your resource "investment" fails to provide tangible results... welp.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Slayerik on September 13, 2009, 08:17:32 PM
So the stupid Gila i spent like 2 hours trying to come up with a halfway decent PVP fit might be worth something? For the record, I do have a kill with it old school style....but thats just cause I'm the fuckin man.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Meester on September 14, 2009, 02:18:12 PM
Only if I get loyalty points.  Oh and what are your faction ships like?

I could always stick 12 velators together with a bonus to civ electron blasters.
Can't think of a name right now, so the Thingy will have to do for now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 14, 2009, 02:44:20 PM
Only if I get loyalty points.  Oh and what are your faction ships like?

I could always stick 12 velators together with a bonus to civ electron blasters.
Can't think of a name right now, so the Thingy will have to do for now.

Give me +5% civ blaster damage, +10% drone damage, and you got a deal.

That's an 840 dps frigate with 12k HP, top speed about 7k per sec (you can only fit an AB), scan res is just under 7000mm.

Sig radius is 540m though :uhrr:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 14, 2009, 05:06:15 PM
It looks to me more like the Providence model writ large, the value of space is going to be far more derived from what you've *done* with it, rather than just what it has naturally.  Taking space for it's own sake won't be that attractive, because you won't get the benefit of the development, but just raw undeveloped space that's had the vast majority of the infrastructure value-added razed in the process (much as there's no point in taking all those outposts in Providence, because the value is in the economic activity of the residents, which would not carry over for an invader).  R64 moons would be a nice bonus, and a good seed crystal to form a space empire around, but they'd be mere ornaments compared to the real value, not the singular focus of an internet-spaceships chess match only massive power blocks got to play.

"Territory" will no longer be a noun.  It will be a verb.


I'm still a bit new to the politics at play here (still new-ish to EVE,) but shouldn't sov-holding alliances be vetting new corps to hold space for them? If most alliances are half the population of Goonswarm, wouldn't they start looking to expand to make use of more space?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 14, 2009, 05:16:58 PM
I'll bet nobody else in eve has a Thingy. Entity will go spare when I let him know there's one in-game. I might record myself self-destructing it just to taunt him.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Kovacs on September 14, 2009, 06:37:35 PM
It looks to me more like the Providence model writ large, the value of space is going to be far more derived from what you've *done* with it, rather than just what it has naturally.  Taking space for it's own sake won't be that attractive, because you won't get the benefit of the development, but just raw undeveloped space that's had the vast majority of the infrastructure value-added razed in the process (much as there's no point in taking all those outposts in Providence, because the value is in the economic activity of the residents, which would not carry over for an invader).  R64 moons would be a nice bonus, and a good seed crystal to form a space empire around, but they'd be mere ornaments compared to the real value, not the singular focus of an internet-spaceships chess match only massive power blocks got to play.

"Territory" will no longer be a noun.  It will be a verb.


This is what I'm worried about.  Why would CCP make the ALL of the infrastructure improvements evaporate when one alliance loses sov.?  Why remove the main reason that 0.0 alliances would go to war? I suspect CCP is going to focus far too much on the ability to improve your held systems and too little on restricting that ability and thus fail to generate the sort of drive to expand that encourages alliance warfare.

And if that's the case then the only wars are going to be generated by empire allinaces trying to get into 0.0 and dislodged 0.0 allinaces preying on weaker 0.0 alliances and that's only after the enitre of 0.0 is already claimed.  The increased importance on roaming gangs just increases the problem.  Are you really going to invest in a cap./super cap. fleet. just to shoot the jammer and sov. module when you can "make your mark on 0.0" by roaming?  Also, is the barrier to competition too high for an empire allinace in the first place?  Can any empire aliance afford the capital ships it will take to dislodge a cliaming module or will it just be a land rush then 'wulfpax'?  Will the changes to moon mining make it impossible to siphon off moon mins. and generate enough income to slowly expand into 0.0?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on September 14, 2009, 06:47:07 PM

Within 6 months of the changes going live, CVA becomes the richest, most powerful group in Eve.

Goonswarm invites an empire alliance to live in Querious.

The NC breaks apart with huge gaps between the current alliances but the lack of supply lines to empire mean no one can fill the gaps.

Part of the old-NC invade the Delve regions and a new political block forms hostile to both the russians and the old-old-NC.

RA increases in power but stays the same size, with some of the homeless ex-drone region Russians and renters joining them.

ATLAS gets a lot smaller and is the first large existing alliance to fall to a new one created by empire-pilots. AAA backstabs ATLAS to the surprise of no one.

ROL massively decreases in size and loses a huge amount of wealth when the 10/10 complex becomes much less profitable compared to the new found wealth of other 0.0 alliances.

AAAcitizens fractures into pro and anti- AAA forces with the losers retreating to Stain and Curse and make AAA's vast holdings untenable. Catch falls to CVA but the offensive goes no further while CVA "rebuilds" the region. Some old IAC corps go and live in the old IAC constellation.

PL tries vainly to stay in Fountain but gives up being kept at home every day defending it and dwindle away.

A group of new players from a outside-eve location form an alliance in Syndicate and are attacked by the inhabitants of Delve. Losing a war they cannot win, they swear revenge.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 14, 2009, 07:11:56 PM

A group of new players from a outside-eve location form an alliance in Syndicate and are attacked by the inhabitants of Delve. Losing a war they cannot win, they swear revenge.



Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 14, 2009, 07:13:42 PM

A group of new players from a outside-eve location form an alliance in Syndicate and are attacked by the inhabitants of Delve. Losing a war they cannot win, they swear revenge.




Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: rand on September 14, 2009, 08:24:07 PM
seems like they're incentivizing having numbers and having a  lot of carebears in your alliance over being purely pvp based and milking moongold, which'll suit goonswarm fine. alliances with small numbers that are more into pvp will have to get ratters and miners to come down from empire, which could be a problem because there's really no incentive to come down to 0.0 when you can make comparable money with a lot less risk by sitting in empire. they're trying to get more people into 0.0 but this'll only work if they buff 0.0 isk generation by a lot.

espescially if they make random wolfpax have more griefing potential and sov in 0.0 a lot more volatile as opposed to the haven it currently is for ratters in sov3 fortresses, most empire pubbies won't bother and quite a few carebears in 0.0 might just hightail it back there. my prediction is that this'll empty out 0.0 even more except for alliances with a critical mass of numbers like goons and CVA

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on September 14, 2009, 08:37:23 PM
Problem is that is they increas 0.0 isk generation the devalue isk in general. That's why they have been focusing on reducing the amount of isk you can generate through missions.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on September 15, 2009, 02:30:03 AM
I'm still a bit new to the politics at play here (still new-ish to EVE,) but shouldn't sov-holding alliances be vetting new corps to hold space for them? If most alliances are half the population of Goonswarm, wouldn't they start looking to expand to make use of more space?
I came in during Cold War, right before Red Storm Rising (brought in POS count based sovereignty, Siege Mode, and Interdictors).  Back then, populations in 0.0 were *tiny*, not only were there few alliances in 0.0, but most of the people in those alliances rarely actually came out to 0.0, most people were mission grinding for isk and going out to 0.0 to blow it in PvP.  Tech 2 recipes had just been revamped to require a lot more Zydrine and Megacyte, and the T2 BPO lotteries were still in full swing (which was why all those people were grinding missions, even a crappy T2 BPO was worth billions and a really prime one like a HAC was a license to print money).

Fleets were comparatively tiny, capitals unheard of (the very first Dread was built by one of the factions in the Stain Civil War, it was ambushed and destroyed by the other faction while being hopped from low-sec to Stain).  The first time two fleets of 100 faced off, large chunks of 0.0 crashed.  There was no warp-to-zero, and the "Instas" (bookmarks set 15km past the gates so you could warp on top of the gate) were hard to come by, especially since Cold War had shuffled a bunch of the routes.  FIX's first 100+ fleet took 5 hours to move from Badivefi to 1 jump short of Stain via 9CG, and we gave up and turned around because the battle was 15 jumps further and we had no instas.

Ever since then, the focus of both players and developers has been on having ever larger fleet battles, with every larger weights of ships.  In 2004, a fleet of 100 might have 20 battleships in it, and the main striking arm was the Thorax squad (because of a seriously unbalanced bonus to MWD fitting and performance).  "Sniper Range" was anything over 80km, and even a speed-rigged interceptor with good implants couldn't crank much over 2kms.  Bigger, faster, more expensive has been the course of everything from ships to alliances ever since.

The result was the Great War, which proved impossible to resolve, only the Haargoth Affair and the Goon's big "burn the bridges behind us" gamble to take BoB space while their sovereignty was down allowed it to be ended.  Unless we want to let things sort themselves into two new powerblocks, who will stomp all the small fry who try to stay unaligned (what few remain), and simply have another unresolvable war to suck up all of the player's efforts, it's time for a change.

To everything there is a season.  This is going to be a time to build, to develop the economic base that will be harnessed in some future form of conflict, hopefully not one that just sees Moms and Titans replace Dreads and Carriers in the Wall of Battle, as those ships replaced Battleships.  The map has gotten too simple, even thought there are more people in almost any random region of 0.0 than there were in all of null-sec 5 years ago, there are too few real players in the 0.0 game and too few ways to play.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 15, 2009, 03:12:57 AM
Latest dev blog is up.  Interesting.  http://www.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=695

We've been thinking about nullsec for quite a long time. The last big round of changes were made in Revelations II back in summer 2007, and we've been watching the results ever since. Some things worked out pretty well. Some things not so much. Some things have changed in the intervening period. And now here we are, two years on, and we've been given a mandate to re-engineer the dynamics of nullsec. Which is exciting, and challenging, and maybe a little scary. We think this stuff is kind of important, and it's not like there's anyone else in the industry who we could talk to about this stuff even if we wanted to. Nobody else does - has ever really done - what we do here: it's undiscovered country.

So anyway, here we are today. Nullsec is largely the domain of large, 2-3000 member PvP alliances, grouped up into inevitable coalitions and engaged in not-quite-impossibly large wars. Costs are mosty covered at the alliance level by a combination of old money and high-value moon minerals. The latter continue to rise in price due to ever-increasing demand from invention, and the after-effects of last year's exploit-related burp invalidating the calculations used to construct the Alchemy pressure-release valve. Most of the space that's up for grabs is owned by a clone army of ideologically-distinct but functionally-similar alliances, making the entire political landscape depressingly homogeneous. The state of the military art is not much better - sub-capital fleets are wheeled out for cyno-jammer take-downs and then packed away before they can fall victim to multiple doomsdays, leaving huge capital fleets to park themselves in front of a never-ending procession of starbases. And the smaller groups, the newer organizations hoping to gain a foothold in the Great Game, are left begging for crumbs around the edges. Who's going to let security-risk nobodies into their back yard when they'll never be able to compete pay as much as a single dysprosium moon?

We're not convinced that this is the best, most interesting, most dynamic and most emergence-friendly state of being for nullsec, so we're going to make some changes.

Why nullsec is worth working on

Nullsec is cool and different and awesome because of emergence. It's not the most populous area of the game, sure (and more on this shortly), but it provides one of EVE's most compelling and unique experiences. It does this because, by and large, we let you the players call the shots. This does have some impact in empire, but in nullsec the effect is writ large.

By giving players and player organizations tactical and strategic freedom, we allow a situation to arise where each challenge is different from the last, because every time there are different people involved making different decisions which result in different outcomes. You may have seen this effect in trailers such as The Butterfly Effect, and it usually goes by the name "emergence". And it's awesome.

The reason emergence works is that players make decisions. The more decisions that players can make, the more emergence you get, and the more interesting the experience is. Therefore, a primary development goal in nullsec is to enable players to make decisions, which can be boiled down to two directives.

First, try to give players tools. More tools give players more options, which means more decisions. Of course, to have value these decisions need to be meaningful - it's not enough to say "you can paint your shed red or blue" if the color of the shed has no impact on anything else.

Second, try to avoid telling players what to do or how to do it. The current sovereignty system, for example, mechanically prescribes a certain path to conquest, which limits the number of command decisions to be made. Obviously you need some mechanics in order to reach a definitive outcome - which lessens the number of decisions but also makes them more meaningful - but in general, the strategy is "deregulate, deregulate, deregulate".

The other thing

As mentioned above, nullsec isn't the most populated area of the game, and doesn't contain anything like the majority of EVE's characters. This presents both a challenge and an opportunity for this expansion. A challenge, because we obviously have to be careful not to ruin the gameplay for everyone in empire by accident, but an opportunity because we can change the balance here and give more of our players a chance to experience nullsec gameplay.

We're aware that some players just aren't interested in the nullsec experience, and that's fine, but we're also aware that there's a lot of players who'd like to try it out but can't seem to get started - in no small part because of the problems outlined in the first few paragraphs. If we have a really compelling game experience, and we have players that want to try it out but can't, then we're doing something wrong somewhere.

Where we're going with this

Ok, so that's pretty much the top-level view. Let's drill down a bit to some of the big whats and whys.

The first big departure is the actual sovereignty system itself (which is only a small part of the whole picture). Right at the start of the project we asked "why do we even need a sovereignty system?", and the main argument for keeping it has nothing to do with shooting at things. Rather, the biggest reasons for having a mechanical system of ownership are to have something we can use to regulate who can do certain things in a system, and (more importantly) to let people stake out their territory. Being able to say "this is our space, we fought hard for it, and now everyone can see what we achieved" is important to a lot of people.

A system to do this can be fairly lightweight. It needs to handle systems changing hands, of course, but it can afford to be descriptive, rather than prescriptive. Currently we have a prescriptive sovereignty system: you fight over sovereignty explicitly, with the sovereignty mechanics determining who owns the system. A descriptive system says who's in charge, so it only needs to change hands after the dust has settled and one side has emerged triumphant. The actual fighting is deregulated - rather than mechanically telling you what to do (shoot sixty hardened starbases), you just need to do whatever it is you need to do so that at the end of the day the enemy goes away.

Of course, there's one class of thing that can't be left entirely free-form, and they're the things that helped bring about the current sovereignty system in the first place: stations. Outposts and conquerable stations are the river-crossings of EVE - each one lets you project power all around it, and as a result they're pivotal military objectives. Station ping-pong - waking up in the morning and finding that someone in a different timezone had taken your station, and the first thing you had to do was shoot it again to take control of it so you could re-dock - was very silly and we don't want that to come back.

There's no reason that the solution to this has to be the sovereignty system, but it does need to be timezone-proof. There's also no reason that it needs to take two weeks for an outpost to change hands - while comparatively shorter switches give the defender less time to mount a defense, they also make re-conquest easier. The combination of a lighter, descriptive sovereignty system and a separate mechanism for outpost conquest should (we think) lend itself much better to emergent outcomes.

Density and density

Sovereignty and outposts are roughly half the problem. The other half are the two related concepts of resource density and population density, and here everything ties itself into a messy knot that can be unravelled in a fairly elegant way.

Where to start? Resource density in nullsec is too low to support a high player density, which limits the number of people that could theoretically live in nullsec. Moon mineral values mean that there's no need at an alliance level to worry about other resources anyway, which limits the number of people who are actually allowed to live in nullsec. A lack of population or vulnerable resources means smaller fleets have little strategic relevance. Alliances hold vast tracts of space that they have no actual use for, simply because they can, locking out other groups from using it.

These problems are all interlinked, and solving them with a few key changes should bring a lot of good results.

Firstly, let people upgrade their space, and in particular its resource density. By increasing the resource density, you increase the potential population density, and by letting players do it rather than simply seeding more resources, you open up more decisions and more emergence.

Secondly, reduce the amount of income that can be derived from mining moons. In conjuction with the first change, this means that the best way to raise funds for an alliance will once again be to fill your space with as many people as possible, upgrade your space as much as possible and watch the money roll in.

This serves several masters. It gets more people into nullsec - one of our objectives - by making big alliances want more people in their space. It makes it much harder to be a big, rich, military alliance; rather, things should move more back towards the old dichotomy between big rich carebear alliances and smaller, poorer military alliances, because history (both in EVE and in the real world) shows that badass military organizations can't handle crop rotation without going soft and squishy. This dichotomy leads to more interesting conflicts; balanced but non-symmetric wars and political interactions between organizations with wildly differing objectives tend to be more entertaining than fights between largely identical groups. And if some alliances are relying heavily on lots of people working in their space on a regular basis in order to fund all their activities, interesting and strategically meaningful small-fleet combat materializes on its own, without resorting to "here is a structure for twenty ships to shoot": there's lots of soft targets for roaming fleets to harass, and space-holders have a pressing financial incentive to keep the residents of their space safe and fight off any incursions.

Thirdly, charge rent on systems. This allows us to scale the rent based on how well-developed a system is, which means it's less of a no-brainer to upgrade (meaningful decisions!), and also reinforces the idea that the more people are using a system, the more money it'll make you. In conjunction with a few well-placed additional penalties, it also combats alliance sprawl, leaving more space up for grabs and again letting more people experience nullsec.

Obviously, the anti-sprawl mechanics are a bit of a soft limiter, as you can always split up your alliance into multiple "alt alliances" to work around any possible mechanic in this vein. That's ok though, although to explain why needs a short digression on social structures in EVE.

The most stable social structures are almost always corporations, and they're also the ones with the most value for players. Corporations usually survive turmoil, and they represent the strongest set of social bonds. Alliances are fairly stable and represent some additional social value, but often fragment after major defeats. Finally, coalitions of alliances are pretty unstable and rarely last beyond whatever war brought them together. (It's also interesting to note that the number of real people in the average large corporation rarely exceeds Dunbar's Number, and that the average stable military alliance is almost always ~3000 players divided into 6-8 major corporations, but that's not directly relevant.)

Groupings of "alt alliances" fall somewhere between regular alliances and coalitions in terms of stability (and by reducing the number of people in alliance chat to a more manageable number, likely actually increase social utility), so even if alliances attempt to circumvent soft limits by fragmenting themselves, they're decreasing their stability and to some degree at least increasing the number of political entities present in nullsec, both of which lead to more conflict and more interesting emergent behavior. And of course in addition, by adding some non-linear cost scaling, the upkeep system will likely encourage at least some multi-region alliances to consider whether they really need all that additional space or not...

Recap that for me?

We implement the following:

• A simple, descriptive sovereignty system
• A separate mechanism for governing outpost conquest
• A way to increase the resource density of your space (as well as other cool gubbins)
• A reduction in the value of moon minerals
• An upkeep system for the space you hold and develop
We get (hopefully!):

• A more comprehensible, streamlined and robust way of showing who owns a particular system
• A better conquest experience
• More organic, meaningful and fun small-fleet combat
• Less territorial sprawl by major alliances
• A more diverse and interesting political landscape
• More opportunities for players to get involved in nullsec
• More awesome emergent gameplay
If it works out like we're hoping, we think this is a pretty good outcome.



This is actually my third stab at this blog. The first was a 3000-word rehash of some internal documents, which was interesting but too wordy and not informative enough, and the second draft I binned after getting to 1500 and realizing I was still warming up... We even discussed not doing this at all for a bit, but decided it's worth doing what's essentially a theory-dump for three reasons. For one we find this stuff really interesting for its own sake, and figured that a few of you might too, and for another we've found internally that a lot of the things we're doing make no sense until you have the "why" of it explained.

The third reason though is to show that we really have thought about this stuff. Nullsec gameplay is a big deal and a lot of you are rightly worried that there's a huge potential to screw this up badly (I know it keeps me up at night sometimes). We think though that we've got a good handle on the underlying theory for what goes on out there, and that gives us a good basis to move forward on. It should also go some way to explaining why we're being fairly comprehensive here. The current systems in nullsec are a bit like a house that's been built up piecemeal from a single small hut, and while it has a lot of rooms, the layout doesn't make a lot of sense ("why is there a toilet in the middle of the living room?" "well, three years ago..."). Most of the prior discussion we've seen, both internally and externally, has been limiting itself to knocking through a few walls and rearranging the furniture; what we're trying to do here instead is to level the entire building, and then rebuild the foundations and the ground floor according to an actual plan. The resulting structure won't (initially) have as many rooms as the current one, but it's been designed with coherent future extensibility in mind, and more importantly the toilet will actually be in the bathroom this time round.

Also, Comstr, I don't want to Woodcock, which would be the only way to address each, but while a couple of those predictions are ok, some of them are... ahem... long shots.  For example: Goonswarm, for instance, probably will invite another alliance into Querious (alongside Rebellion).  But if it is an "Empire" alliance it will be one who is only there because they've lost space, and they'll have ties of some sort to us already.  If PL fails it will be because of internal wrangling and ego conflicts.  Not because they're getting too many opportunities to slaughter people in good fights.  And do you have an inside source for why AAA Citizens would have a civil war with half going rogue?  Oh, and CVA are good guys who still have a core of good fighters in the alliance itself, but in fights where they need pet pilots to exhibit individual initiative and ability beyond "shoot the primary" and "get wing-warped in and out" they are still hugely weak, although slightly better than a few months ago.  I say that having fought them frequently on a spy account this year in small-medium fights, and never even being worried.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 15, 2009, 04:30:19 AM
That's a long anticipated and pretty amazing blog, I think most people can agree sov system needed to be completely rebuilt.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 15, 2009, 04:56:10 AM
that was a hugely useless blog that contained no real information that we didn't already know without giving us anything of substance to determine whether or not the actual system will work.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 15, 2009, 05:30:40 AM
I don't expect to see any concrete details until the systems are already up on Singularity for players to get to grips with. Anything else at this point approaching actual details rather than broad vision statements is going to get theorycrafted and doomcalled out of all proportion to a much greater degree than these deliberately vague overviews have been already.

CCP are mostly doing it right as far as information rollout is concerned. The devil, as always, will be in the details.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: rand on September 15, 2009, 08:52:06 AM
  Unless we want to let things sort themselves into two new powerblocks, who will stomp all the small fry who try to stay unaligned (what few remain), and simply have another unresolvable war to suck up all of the player's efforts, it's time for a change


*builds infrastructure*
*loses it all because of sov being easier to switch*

this isn't going to encourage more small fry in 0.0, but bigger alliances and bigger numbers who can actually hold on to the stuff they poured money into

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pennilenko on September 15, 2009, 09:01:52 AM
Im pretty excited to see how the changes shake out. Im hoping for the best, but betting on a minor let down.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 15, 2009, 10:32:12 AM
Gou didn't you read the bit where he said he was just explaining the philosophy behind the changes? You're on a board full of people who are interested in the design process. If you're looking for pure stat min-maxing enthusiasts then you've come to the wrong shop.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 15, 2009, 10:35:37 AM
On another note, the one letdown for me is that they've made no suggestion that sov will be anything but easier to remove. That won't encourage more new players into 0.0 at all. It should be hard to hold much space and hard to lose your last space. We're (the existing 0.0 Great Powers) going to grief and harass regions into wildernesses, unless I'm reading things very badly.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: DayDream on September 15, 2009, 10:49:16 AM
But would wilderness 0.0 be easier for fresh players from empire to settle?  Or harder?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 15, 2009, 10:54:11 AM
No, by wilderness I mean that actually living there is a pointless ritual of repping everything you own every day and never securely holding your outposts.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 15, 2009, 11:04:16 AM
No, by wilderness I mean that actually living there is a pointless ritual of repping everything you own every day and never securely holding your outposts.

Are you anticipating more pet/renter alliances, then? Some sort of nullsec protection racket?

Like I said earlier, I'm still new-ish to EVE, but I doubt anyone will let huge swaths of 0.0 sit unused.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 15, 2009, 11:26:12 AM
that was a hugely useless blog that contained no real information that we didn't already know without giving us anything of substance to determine whether or not the actual system will work.

If that was in some form a response to my previous post being amazing doesn't make something more or less useless. I liked that they clearly stated they are going to and had to build it from the ground up in order to create a new vision. That for me was breaking news and I'm glad they aren't paving over the current bloated mechanics.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 15, 2009, 11:58:05 AM
I'm glad they aren't paving over the current bloated mechanics.
Amen to that.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: UnsGub on September 15, 2009, 01:06:05 PM
that was a hugely useless blog that contained no real information that we didn't already know without giving us anything of substance to determine whether or not the actual system will work.

A good problem description is required to have a good solution.  The more unkown a problem is the more unknowns are in the solution to it.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 15, 2009, 01:33:15 PM
No, by wilderness I mean that actually living there is a pointless ritual of repping everything you own every day and never securely holding your outposts.

Are you anticipating more pet/renter alliances, then? Some sort of nullsec protection racket?

Like I said earlier, I'm still new-ish to EVE, but I doubt anyone will let huge swaths of 0.0 sit unused.

Most of 0.0 is left unused right now.  It's just simple to claim sov in lots of it nonetheless.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 15, 2009, 02:05:43 PM
I'm still going with "CCP screws this up horrendously", incidentally.  :awesome_for_real: Good intentions or no, there's just too many ways that they could utterly fuck up the balancing...especially as it goes live in, what, two months? Three?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Teleku on September 15, 2009, 02:50:52 PM
I just hope they tie-in improvements to space heavily with outposts, so that overnight Providence will become the most valuable space in the galaxy.   :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 15, 2009, 03:14:19 PM
Most of 0.0 is left unused right now.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 15, 2009, 04:16:30 PM
The blog is interesting in a general way.  Yes, sov has needed a rebuild for years, so have many other components.  Standing and corp management being two key aspects that are made more complex when you control space.  Changing the way sov works without fixing management will only lead to more issues.  The changes could screw over any 0.0 groups.  

Upkeep costs for gates is fine(no fucking fuel!).  The system should have moved off gates and moons onto planets.  Oh well.  I can see the costs increasing as your alliance takes more systems.  Hopefully it scales based on true sec and other factors.  Done well, regions get some sort of static bonus which is highly varied from region to region.  This bonus could be subject to change, though player influence on that should be very limited.  Systems and constellations should have tiers of bonuses.  General for everyone, some based on standings of the space holders and some for Alliance members only.  The longer you hold a space the better your options should get.  Options outside of outposts should not be permanent upgrades.  They can be changed by owners and are lost when systems and constellations change hands.  I can see improved numbers of belts.  It would be pretty kick ass if owners can make more belts/whatever visible for themselves and still available for others to locate the hard way, changing every boot naturally.

How will Jammers work?  If they intend to put key installations on outposts we need automated defenses (something I am against, generally).  If sov levels are going is the sov 4 bonus a thing of the past?  The threat of ping pong and undefendable space is pretty damn high with what little we know.  Will this open up the door for new 0.0 powers?  I tend to doubt it unless the costs for systems are pretty staggering.  

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Nerf on September 15, 2009, 04:26:21 PM
I've always wanted to be able to turn off a gate into a constellation so the only way in/out is jumpbridges/cynos.  I don't like paying attention while I jew.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 15, 2009, 05:51:43 PM
The latest dev blog is up.  It's capital changes this time.  http://www.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=696

Personally, I am more impressed that assault frigates are about to get a 15%/level boost in MWD speed on Sisi, but for those of us who have crappy caps hanging about, too:

tl;dr, carriers still nerfed from before, other than a change to triage.  Moroses get nerfed.  Motherships are now "supercarriers" with fighter-bombers but carriers will end up getting those too, eventually.  Titans to get a HP boost and the doomsday replaced by the first in a line of specialised weapons.  Though I bet that anyone who brings either supercap class on-grid with a dread fleet will still lose it.

If I have an unstoppable super weapon, I will use it as early and as often as possible instead of keeping it in reserve." - Evil Overlord Rule #40

It began over four years ago with the Dreadnaughts; massive engines of destruction designed to engage the starbases released in the Exodus expansion and the Outposts of Cold War.  Then came Red Moon Rising and the advent of Carriers, Motherships and Titans.

When capital ships were first introduced, the Alliances of EVE were just beginning to expand into nullsec.  The sight of more than a few capital ships in one place was a newsworthy event.  The first Motherships were near-mythical beasts, used by ruthless pirate corporations and powerful PvP alliances, able to stand against and destroy entire fleets nearly single handedly.  The mere suspicion of an alliance even building a Titan was enough to spawn epic battles and wars whose legends live on to this day.

How times change!

Over the last couple of years, both the size of capital fleets and the use of capital warships has grown at an exponential rate. "Hot Dropping" has shifted from being something done to decide the fate of a war to becoming a blood sport that major alliances play with each other, with dozens of capital wrecks littering the battlefield after such engagements.  Factional Warfare even sees regular use of Carriers and Dreadnaughts.

With the current number of active capital ships on Tranquility, they can no longer be looked upon as tools of the elite.  This evolution of warfare has made it apparent that capital engagements are not some random occurrence anymore but simply another level of combat in EVE.  Some of these ships have withstood the test of time better than others.  So, now we're going to walk through the various classes of PvP capital ships and explain how we see them fitting into Dominion and beyond.  Traditionally, we would start from the bottom and go up, but I'm not traditional.


The most dramatic change to Titans will be the removal of the current area of effect, grid smashing, lag generating, fun killing, fleet destroying super weapon.  It's gone, folks!  In its place will be the first of what we hope to be a new line of mutually exclusive super weapons, usable only by Titans. The first of these will debut in Dominion and will keep the names of their grid-wide predecessors but will now focus their destructive energies upon single targets.  (Insert Admiral Ackbar quotes as you please!)

To illustrate what we are talking about here, let me share the early concept art for the new Amarr super weapon:

There is nothing fancy about this. You will have to warp your titan on grid and actually target an enemy ship to ruin his day.  You won't be killing other supercapitals in one shot, but very little else is going to survive.  The weapon has drawbacks that are designed to prevent the Doomsday drive-bys of the present, but you'll find a couple more changes which might encourage you to stick around a bit longer than before.

First up is that the current weapon bonuses on Titans will get just a tiny bit of an enhancement so that the turret locators actually might get used. This damage will vary with fittings, just as with any other ship, but will certainly enable a Titan to make its presence felt if the pilot so chooses.

Second, to ensure that you don't instantly melt and can survive more than a minute on the modern EVE capital battlefield, we will be giving Titans a respectable hit point increase.  This will not render Titans invulnerable to assault, but it should allow allied forces time to properly assist them after someone says, "Hey, watch this!" on voice comms and gets in trouble.

The future of this ship class is not set in stone and as EVE continues to evolve they may find even more roles to play.  For now, we consider these changes to be a step forward in bringing Titans closer to being an actual ship instead of the giant nano-smart bombs they have become.  However, Titans won't be alone in dealing with the capital fleets of EVE...

Motherships no more...

Perhaps no ships in EVE symbolize the majesty of the game more than the Nyx, Wyvern, Aeon and Hel.  Featured in dozens of player-made movies, official trailers and screenshots, it is a sad testimony that their presence has not been a factor on the capital battlefields of EVE for quite some time.  The simple fact is that this class of ship now stays mostly parked on trained alts and is rarely used as they are nothing more than expensive targets for hungry legions of Dread pilots.

No more.

Motherships are being reclassified as Supercarriers. The name of ‘Mothership' has long caused confusion as to what the intended role of these ships was supposed to be but we are finally putting that to rest.  This refocusing will see these ships go through a few changes.  Gone will be:

·         The ability for Supercarriers to fit Triage modules.

·         The ability for Supercarriers to fit Clone Vat Bays.

·         The ability for Supercarriers to fit one additional Warfare Link per level.

One side effect of this change is that the build cost for Supercarriers will go down slightly as they will no longer require the Capital Clone Vat Bay components.

What are they getting? In addition to receiving their own hit point boost, Supercarriers are going to get new teeth in the form of the deadly new Fighter Bombers they can launch.  Fighter Bombers have exactly one purpose: to destroy capital ships and look very cool while doing so.  Here is the Gallente version:

Fighter Bombers will be unique to the Supercarrier class, launching specialized torpedoes capable of inflicting immense damage against other capital ships. We are still looking at a few other ideas that will help Supercarriers do their jobs more effectively and you may see those popping up on SiSi in the coming weeks.

One more thing - the Hel is getting rid of its current repair bonuses and trading them in for bonuses that enhance the endurance of its Fighters and Fighter Bombers.  I guess the Flight Deck Chiefs on Hels like duct taping spare bits of armor onto their strike craft or something...


While we are still looking for possible ways to tweak them, Carriers as a class will remain unchanged in Dominion.  We have however reduced both the duration and fuel consumption of the Triage module by half in order to allow a bit more tactical flexibility in their usage.


The heavy hitters of New Eden will continue in their role as the primary anti-structure and anti-capital ship in EVE.  Since my blog last week, many have expressed worry that their beloved Dreads would have a reduced purpose in Dominion.  This is not true.  If anything, Dreads will be used more than ever against not only each other, but new challenges which will require the mentality to "Siege green!"

Dreads will remain unchanged with one small exception - the Moros will only receive its drone damage bonus if it is in siege mode.

‘Bays' Again

We are also working hard to bring the next iteration of our ‘bay' concept into Dominion in the form of Fighter / Fighter Bomber bays for Carriers and Supercarriers.  This will allow you to better organize and separate your primary strike craft from your regular drones.  In addition to allowing us to better balance the numbers of drones that these classes of ships carry around with them, we are also doing this for performance reasons.  The server does not like it when Supercarriers have 1500 spare Hobgoblin II's in their drone bays and making the server happy is always a good thing.

Will there ever be more capital ships?

Not in Dominion.  The biggest issues with creating new capital ships involve both finding a defined role for them to fill and then devoting the considerable art and design resources needed to bring such massive ships to life.  As EVE continues to evolve, we will be on the lookout for ways to possibly expand the capital ship lineup.  After all, something has to wear the tag of Mothership again at some point!

To close, please be aware that we are planning some special events on SiSi in the near future to live test all of this stuff, so be on the lookout for announcements in the Test Server Feedback forum!

I've always wanted to be able to turn off a gate into a constellation so the only way in/out is jumpbridges/cynos.  I don't like paying attention while I jew.

They won't do this.  A lot of people have been saying "hey just don't pay upkeep on 49- so the gate turns off!"  The dev guy never said the gates wouldn't work if you didn't pay your sov charges, just that they'd not grant you sov.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 15, 2009, 06:09:06 PM
Titan weapon change is whatever since who will miss getting DD'd. Fighterbombers MS only, which is acceptable as a new feature. Triage time/consumption halved. No one used triage modules on Motherships anyway, but I guess they're removing them since the additional health bonus will imbalance them. 2km/s Jaguar woot training dat shiat nao well maybe not. Moros only getting it's drone bonus when in triage aka "My plexing Moros backbone!"

If you read the comments thread on eve-o, some Atlas member asked "Will this expansion be a nerf for all alliances that live in deep space?" and the dev replied "To be very blunt and straightforward about this, yes, we are deliberately making your life more difficult in this patch."  :awesome_for_real:

Also hiding my favorite EvE meme into that devblog almost makes up for that officer spawn I didn't get when the server caught on fire. Almost.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: sanctuary on September 15, 2009, 11:46:32 PM
CCP Abathur is Seleene (former CEO of BDCI and leader of MC) c/d?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 16, 2009, 02:24:19 PM
This is going to decimate PL's k/d ratio backbone vs Goons.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Meester on September 16, 2009, 03:22:33 PM
Entity will go spare when I let him know there's one in-game. I might record myself self-destructing it just to taunt him.

Just mention that he will never get his hands on a Gold Magnate (Ever!) and therefore his quest has already failed.

(the very first Dread was built by one of the factions in the Stain Civil War, it was ambushed and destroyed by the other faction while being hopped from low-sec to Stain). 

If I recall correctly the first dread was destroyed by NBSI Alliance and the owner was Veritas Immortalis. It was a Moros, but don't ask me if they were involved in the Stain Civil War. The memories... :geezer:

Oh and to keep vaguely on topic, the new gallente fighter-bomber looks nice.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 16, 2009, 05:12:04 PM
So some of this stuff has hit Singularity and the expected hilarity is being reported. Not yet logged into Sisi myself though.

New sov something like this?


If this is going to actually work remains to be seen. Remember the idea is to have more wulfpax and 20-40 man fleets, but with the current Titans being equal to mobile death stars, one-shotting anything including the new claim disrutpors and dreads dieing to 5 volleys from a fighterbomber on Sisi it's still unclear as to wtf. Even if you don't take the concept literally it still seems arbitrarily dumb.

Fleet finder:



Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 16, 2009, 05:45:26 PM
That seems to suggest that to remove sov you need control of a system for 12 continuous hours, then a further 24 hours to claim it.

1) Seems way too fast.

2) Seems vulnerable to timezone warfare.

3) 36 hour long ops to take a system - not likely.

4) Except for reducing the number of towers involved, and eliminating the 'reinforced' mechanic this is an awful lot like current sov warfare.

I'm thinking there must be more to it.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 16, 2009, 05:50:27 PM

If this is going to actually work remains to be seen. Remember the idea is to have more wulfpax and 20-40 man fleets, but with the current Titans being equal to mobile death stars, one-shotting anything including the new claim disrutpors and dreads dieing to 5 volleys from a fighterbomber on Sisi it's still unclear as to wtf. Even if you don't take the concept literally it still seems arbitrarily dumb.

Five volleys? So thats what they meant by "Destroyers are still going to have things to do."

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 16, 2009, 06:05:44 PM
I might want to eat my previous words. I actually did some thinking now and this could work even with the big timezone issue. If the systems you can "disrupt" and turn neutral are only the border-systems, then that would make inter-region systems more viable as actual frontline PvP areas, since you can expect a fight there since having a defense fleet on standby has high priority. Furthermore, it really puts real emphasis on who you're neighbours are, as industrial entities would prefer military ones as their buffer between hostiles. And if getting deep into enemy territory is harder using the conventional way, then black-ops tactics will finally have their intended role.

Less time flying looking for a fight. more action on demand. Mostly the things we've seen getting pushed through since the first CSM, except we've been vegetated by POS shot for too long to look at it in the right way. Now if only the dev with the huge boner for capital fights won't get the opportunity to mess it up.

edit: Granted if you can only wedge your fresh alliance between Empire and nullsec or the angry defense fleets of two adjacent powerhouses you won't see much new groups claiming space, but things should get a lot different and hectically diverse with this mechanic, with a lot more opportunities than there are now.

Here's the "TCU" on Sisi. Alliance tourney fans will recognize the sign


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 16, 2009, 06:13:38 PM
Ah ha ha ha ha. This was dumb when CCP first floated it a fucking year ago. Will they never learn?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: patience on September 16, 2009, 10:35:58 PM
seems like they're incentivizing having numbers and having a  lot of carebears in your alliance over being purely pvp based and milking moongold, which'll suit goonswarm fine. alliances with small numbers that are more into pvp will have to get ratters and miners to come down from empire, which could be a problem because there's really no incentive to come down to 0.0 when you can make comparable money with a lot less risk by sitting in empire. they're trying to get more people into 0.0 but this'll only work if they buff 0.0 isk generation by a lot.

It's not all about the isk. I bet a huge portion of empire and 0.0 players look at the other side as trash.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on September 17, 2009, 02:17:55 AM
It's more like the 0.0 look at the empire players as trash, and the empire players just wish the 0.0 players would leave them the fuck alone to rat/mine/mission.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 17, 2009, 02:52:07 AM
It's more like the 0.0 look at the empire players as trash, and the empire players just wish the 0.0 players would leave them the fuck alone to rat/mine/mission.

Goon jihads aside, most 0.0 players do leave Empire players alone. Most Empire piracy, ninja looting, suicide ganking etc comes from players and corps who reside entirely in Empire and don't have a 0.0 presence to speak of.

There may be some bleed over in lowsec systems close to 0.0 borders but most 0.0 powers don't care much about what goes on in high-sec.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on September 17, 2009, 03:12:10 AM
There's always some crusade to nerf/remove <carebear empire stuff> because it somehow devalues the 0.0 players.

I should also say most empire players make little to no distinction between 0.0 players and low-sec players. There all just lumped into the category of "people I need to watch/avoid/defend myself from, or they'll kill me and take all my shit."

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 17, 2009, 03:38:09 AM
There's always some crusade to nerf/remove <carebear empire stuff> because it somehow devalues the 0.0 players.

L4 missions are out of whack when compared to pretty much any other economic activity in the game. They provide better minerals than mining and more reliable isk than ratting for much lower risk and with less competition (multiple mission runners in the same system don't impact on each other's activities whereas ratting income decreases with the number of other pilots in the system).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 17, 2009, 04:00:16 AM
Ah ha ha ha ha. This was dumb when CCP first floated it a fucking year ago. Will they never learn?

Post contains too much content.  Consider breaking it up, next time, into two or more posts of more easily digestible size.

Care to share just what makes you so sceptical?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 17, 2009, 04:10:29 AM
From what I am gathering the sov claim disruptor translates as a twelve hour gate camp by the attackers. Defenders just need to blob the gate take down the disruptors or the camp to stabilize system or lose sov. Then attackers need to protect claim marker for 24 hours to claim sov what it basically translates as is a more constant fight based on a singularity rather than multiple sov markers (poses). So by definition it's quite similar to old system but way less grind, no repping/taking down POS mods. The grind will be in the constant camping/PvP required to protect the markers/disruptors over a 36+ hour period to flip sov.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 17, 2009, 04:14:13 AM
it also means that small alliances that don't have numbers online at all times will find it much harder to take sov even from other small alliances.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 17, 2009, 04:19:38 AM
In a sense yes it hugely favours the defenders as all they have to do is muster during the 12 hour period and then choose a time to attempt to clear the field. Attackers have to constantly protect the disruptors for the twelve hour period being aware defenders may strike at any given time. So really it will come down to who wants the system more and who can field the most ships, I envision it could churn out some epic battles. If multiple markers are attacked it would be easy for a smaller alliance to steal sov in an unwanted system while the large alliance is concentrating on it's main systems.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 17, 2009, 04:22:31 AM
From my gf post:

Also, what the fuck is it with people panicking about losing sov in 12 hours. You need to shoot something with the EHPs of a couple of (very) well-tanked rokhs at some point during a twelve hour window. If we at our size can't get together a mid-sized gang then hurf blurf we don't deserve space.

Sure, the hostiles might sit there with it pre-locked with carriers ready to rep. Maybe even so many that a few blackbirds can't fuck that up. Hands up all the capital pilots who want to sit there for twelve hours straight on a gate, by definition in an unjammed system, while your opponents just need to scrape together the dreads to hot-drop you for a few minutes of that period and you're down a capfleet. Often, whether to do a second ten-minute cycle of siegeing is enough to have an FC worrying about getting hot-dropped, let alone 720 minutes.

tl;dr I like the changes but it's going to be hard to take many systems, especially if you cannot spam disruptors beyond five or so.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on September 17, 2009, 04:27:33 AM
Is there already a limit to how many disruptor you can plop around?

Could someone just dump disruptor in like 50 systems and make you run around like a jackass?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 17, 2009, 04:31:42 AM
Ah ha ha ha ha. This was dumb when CCP first floated it a fucking year ago. Will they never learn?

Post contains too much content.  Consider breaking it up, next time, into two or more posts of more easily digestible size.

Care to share just what makes you so sceptical?

Could someone just dump disruptor in like 50 systems and make you run around like a jackass?
Yes, but you can just have your roaming fleets take them all out one by one as they are spread out.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 17, 2009, 05:16:21 AM
CCP wants feedback on each Dominion feature (http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=channel&channelID=3522).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 17, 2009, 07:10:07 AM
12 hours to sov neutral?  What do we call this, nosov pong?  That is pretty much a terrible fucking idea.  How does this help groups get established in 0.0?  It takes 12 hours to lose sov but 24-36 to gain it?  You will see NIP's pop up in short order while groups dick around with timezones just for laughs.  And on gates of all things.

Of course, the flip side to this is Defenders shooting some goofy module.  I am at a loss, really.  What was so horrible about moving fights to planets and having a single planetary module claim sov at a time?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 17, 2009, 07:20:10 AM
Quote from: CCP Greyscale
Sorry about the confusion on this matter; it turns out that the design doc was wrong Crying or Very sad

The onlining time for the System Restore Unit / Disruption Marker is correctly set at 24 hours. The text description and the flowchart in this blog are both using an incorrect value of 12 hours because that's what it says in the design. Which is wrong.

We are having a ponder over whether the claiming unit should be less vulnerable - either moving its cycle to 12 hours, or giving it a longer invulnerable anchoring time and a shorter vulnerable onlining time or similar.

Also, when considering how easy/hard sov is to take/disrupt, it's informative to ask yourself why you're trying to do so in the first place. Specifically, bear in mind that sov has no impact on station ownership under the current design.

Mass confusion. People are making too many assumptions that things are set in stone, but hopefully the test server events will lighten the subject by giving everyone who wants a hands-on. In other words the timezone issue, while important, should be a lesser problem than it is in the old sov mechanic, but more importantly sov will have no impact on outpost ownership, and they haven't announced how outposts will work out. They've stated they don't want any kind of outpost ping-pong though.

The new Doomsdays if anyone's interested. Remember, testtesttest:

(http://www.ut.ee/~a73440/eve/aurora2.jpg) (http://www.ut.ee/~a73440/eve/aurora1.jpg)

Also, the new In Game Browser is great since honestly it can't be any worse. It's based on Chromium, which is nifty since I'm using Chrome right now.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 17, 2009, 09:40:48 AM
The description of the new doomsday matches an idea I posted up here in discussion and on the Eve-o forums nearly verbatim. 100% speed loss and losing jump drive capability for five minutes are drawbacks I also suggested herein and uncannily they are even the times I suggested or as close to as I remember. If it fails you can all blame me :/

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 17, 2009, 09:47:45 AM
bear in mind that sov has no impact on station ownership under the current design.

Someone should tell him that that does not make it any better. Seriously, separate mechanisms for upgrading space and owning the stations? [which were previously tied to who owned sovereignty so its not like this is an undue assumption]

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 17, 2009, 11:56:49 AM
bear in mind that sov has no impact on station ownership under the current design.

Someone should tell him that that does not make it any better. Seriously, separate mechanisms for upgrading space and owning the stations? [which were previously tied to who owned sovereignty so its not like this is an undue assumption]

That does seem confusing to me.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Raging Turtle on September 17, 2009, 02:46:41 PM
Has factional warfare affected lowsec at all, or is there any word of reworking it into something worthwhile?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 17, 2009, 02:56:32 PM
I'm seeing a lot of confusion around whether sov can be disrupted anywhere or whether it can only be disrupted on the border of your space.

Either way, 24 hours seems too long to be fun from an attacking point of view, and but impossible to shorten and remain reasonable from a defender's point of view.

If disruption is limited to borders it sounds like the defender's advantage is too strong.

If the disruption can happen anywhere, it seems too easy (but very boring) for the attacker.

CCP's argument 'but sov isn't important to stations any more' is all very well, but jump bridges, cyno jammers, and the ability to plan fuel use are arguably even more important than stations.

And yes, I'm speculating, but how in god's name do you test this in any meaningful way?

Surprising thing about all this (to me) is dumping the reinforcement mechanic. The only reason I can think of for doing this is to reduce the number of ships in a battle.

To take a tower you effectively needed to control the system for *any* 15 minutes, and then a *specific* 15 minutes about a day or two later. The announcement of the time of the battle is what drives up the numbers in combat.

To run the disrupt you need to control the system for any continuous 24 hours, then to claim you need any 24 hours before anyone else. Attacks on sov camps under this system are likely to happen at whatever time minimum participation is expected.

Also, the new In Game Browser is great since honestly it can't be any worse. It's based on Chromium, which is nifty since I'm using Chrome right now.

Or you can just play in windowed mode, and use an actual chrome browser while in game.  :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 17, 2009, 03:12:45 PM
And yes, I'm speculating, but how in god's name do you test this in any meaningful way?

On the test server  :oh_i_see:

Quote from: CCP WeirdFish
Test schedule:

Friday [September 18] @ 18:00 GMT Faction Ships revisited STRESS!
Friday [September 25] @ 18:00 GMT Supercapital unavailing Ohhhhh!
Monday to Sunday [October 5-11] @ 18:00 GMT Sov war of WIN!


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 17, 2009, 03:14:31 PM
And yes, I'm speculating, but how in god's name do you test this in any meaningful way?

On the test server  :oh_i_see:

Quote from: CCP WeirdFish
Test schedule:

Friday [September 18] @ 18:00 GMT Faction Ships revisited STRESS!
Friday [September 25] @ 18:00 GMT Supercapital unavailing Ohhhhh!
Monday to Sunday [October 5-11] @ 18:00 GMT Sov war of WIN!


Is this going to be current SOV holders only? Or are they setting up dummy alliances on the test server for this?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 17, 2009, 03:17:47 PM
Red vs. Blue

Two alliances (Red and Blue) will be created on Singularity and players will be invited to join them and duke it out for control of a small area of space. Your opinions will be gathered on this part of the new sovereignty system and will be relayed to the team responsible.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 17, 2009, 03:34:25 PM
[...] how in god's name do you test this in any meaningful way?

It's simple:  log on to the test server, where they have their nice red vs. blue scenario all planned up nicely, and without being part of either alliance, go and completely fuck up any attempts by either alliance to set up anything meaningful.  If 12 hrs. is the problem, show how that can be exploited.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 17, 2009, 03:47:10 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYBLP9hxWVE Look at dat fukken' planet!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 17, 2009, 03:53:30 PM
Red vs. Blue

Two alliances (Red and Blue) will be created on Singularity and players will be invited to join them and duke it out for control of a small area of space. Your opinions will be gathered on this part of the new sovereignty system and will be relayed to the team responsible.

Thanks!  :oh_i_see:

It's simple:  log on to the test server, where they have their nice red vs. blue scenario all planned up nicely, and without being part of either alliance, go and completely fuck up any attempts by either alliance to set up anything meaningful.  If 12 hrs. is the problem, show how that can be exploited.

Purple Alliance, go go gadget clusterfuck!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 17, 2009, 06:11:35 PM
I mean, you have sovereignty but you still can't dock in the station? Or can people dock in stations even where they don't have sovereignty, which would suck. Or am I just retarded? (not multiple choice, there may be more than one correct answer)

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 17, 2009, 06:30:36 PM
We don't know yet!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: dwindlehop on September 18, 2009, 03:14:16 PM
Or can people dock in stations even where they don't have sovereignty, which would suck.
Correction, we do know there exists a way to control who docks. We just don't know what it is, whether the claim/disruptor mechanic or something else.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Trigona on September 18, 2009, 04:41:32 PM
Something that also needs to be considered is the making of supercaps.  What alliance is going to make these beasts when the manufacturing process can be disrupted so easily.  There is no Sov 4 to protect the manufacturers now.

Prediction: If this does not get rectified Titans will no longer be made.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Teleku on September 18, 2009, 05:07:18 PM
I kind of like the idea of only being able to take sov in border systems.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 18, 2009, 05:54:22 PM
Something that also needs to be considered is the making of supercaps.  What alliance is going to make these beasts when the manufacturing process can be disrupted so easily.  There is no Sov 4 to protect the manufacturers now.

Prediction: If this does not get rectified Titans will no longer be made.

And we will all weep bitter, bitter tears.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 19, 2009, 08:33:19 AM
11% tax in NPC corps.

Quote from: CCP Eris Discordia
It's not in the sisi patch notes because I don't know how to edit them


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 19, 2009, 10:14:28 AM
Should be higher, or scale with time spent in the corp, or something.
1% tax for the first three months, then 11% for the next three, then 21% and so on.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Meester on September 19, 2009, 03:11:13 PM
No-one has ever thought of Red Alliance before  :oh_i_see:

We need a Grey Alliance - made up entirely of neutrals. Shame most alliances practise NBSI, oh well.

Something that also needs to be considered is the making of supercaps.  What alliance is going to make these beasts when the manufacturing process can be disrupted so easily.  There is no Sov 4 to protect the manufacturers now.

Prediction: If this does not get rectified Titans will no longer be made.

If you cannot defend what you are building, then you don't deserve what is being built.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 19, 2009, 03:52:32 PM
Should be higher, or scale with time spent in the corp, or something.
1% tax for the first three months, then 11% for the next three, then 21% and so on.

Do you have a reason for this or is it just more "punish the empire dwellers" nonsense?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 19, 2009, 03:55:39 PM
Should be higher, or scale with time spent in the corp, or something.
1% tax for the first three months, then 11% for the next three, then 21% and so on.

Do you have a reason for this or is it just more "punish the empire dwellers" nonsense?

I think it's part of the ongoing efforts to curb the inflation problem. I would imagine this is just one part of it.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 19, 2009, 04:00:32 PM
If it were about inflation then the tax would apply to all corps - not just the NPC ones. Clearly, it's yet another "incentive" for carebears to get out of them and into regular Corps so that they can learn about all the special fun involved in being war-decced by bored pvpers with nothing better to do than torture miners and mission runners.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on September 19, 2009, 04:02:16 PM
11% tax in NPC corps.

That is somewhat unbelievable, but I guess Seleene really did do it. It's an easy "fix" for empire, but it would seem you can just train 1 skill and make you own 1 man corp. New players get penalised too, quite harshly.

The only reason I can see to do it is to penalise level 4 mission runners, and a flat 11% tax on everyone to fix that one issue is too big. It also leads me to to suspect that 0.0 individual player rewards aren't going to be very big.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 19, 2009, 04:18:48 PM
Too big? 60% of L4 mission running income comes from Loyalty Points.

The number is average only to appease the non-mission runners scoffing at Empire farmers for having completely risk-free income without causing the latter to flood eve-o with threadnaughts. There will be no tax for newbies at first, but it will likely not gradually increase. I very much like idea of NPC corp tax increasing depending on time spent in it though.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 19, 2009, 04:28:29 PM
If it were about inflation then the tax would apply to all corps - not just the NPC ones. Clearly, it's yet another "incentive" for carebears to get out of them and into regular Corps so that they can learn about all the special fun involved in being war-decced by bored pvpers with nothing better to do than torture miners and mission runners.

But tax rates on PC corps are adjustable. It's easily offset by just moving the scale, unless CCP decides the tax rate scale should go from 12% - 111%.

The only reason I can see to do it is to penalise level 4 mission runners, and a flat 11% tax on everyone to fix that one issue is too big. It also leads me to to suspect that 0.0 individual player rewards aren't going to be very big.

Then, instead of increasing taxes, why not just lower the bounties on those rats/rewards/bonuses?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 19, 2009, 05:02:47 PM
Why do you care how long people spend in NPC corps? How does their playing the game the way they want to hurt your fun?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 19, 2009, 05:27:18 PM
Why do you care how long people spend in NPC corps? How does their playing the game the way they want to hurt your fun?

If you mean me - I don't. My main is in The Scope at the moment.

If you mean random players who whine about Empire citizens, I believe the reason is "We play the real way, you suck!"

Internet spaceships are serious business, after all.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phred on September 19, 2009, 05:50:56 PM
Why do you care how long people spend in NPC corps? How does their playing the game the way they want to hurt your fun?

If you mean me - I don't. My main is in The Scope at the moment.

If you mean random players who whine about Empire citizens, I believe the reason is "We play the real way, you suck!"

Internet spaceships are serious business, after all.

Everyone preaches the holy sandbox of EVE, until it comes time to force everyone to play their way.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 19, 2009, 06:08:51 PM
Why do you care how long people spend in NPC corps? How does their playing the game the way they want to hurt your fun?

If you mean me - I don't. My main is in The Scope at the moment.

If you mean random players who whine about Empire citizens, I believe the reason is "We play the real way, you suck!"

Internet spaceships are serious business, after all.

Everyone preaches the holy sandbox of EVE, until it comes time to force everyone to play their way.

It's like that in all MMO's though, so it's not particularly shocking. It happens in WoW (the perpetual PVE v PVP fights,) WAR (people who keep playing, and people who unsub,) etc.

I was looking over fittings for my first Thorax the other day. I opened a fitting on Battleclinic and within three posts someone screeches "Psh, that'd be ok for Empire! But in real PVP it'd get torn apart!"

So, of course, the rest of the thread buried all of the constructive criticism and theorycraft with mindless Empire v. Nullsec nonsense.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 19, 2009, 06:13:21 PM
instead of increasing taxes, why not just lower the bounties on those rats/rewards/bonuses?

Because this way they remove one excuse for empire players not to at least try out an player empire corp, player corps are more likely to lead to players interacting and experiencing more of the game, even if it is initially in empire.

The more people interact with other players and the more parts of the game players are exposed to, the more likely they are to move toward the end game in 0.0, and the more likely they are to stick around longer.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 19, 2009, 06:21:13 PM

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: DLRiley on September 19, 2009, 06:21:47 PM
Yeah i second the rolling of the eyes.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 19, 2009, 06:39:06 PM
instead of increasing taxes, why not just lower the bounties on those rats/rewards/bonuses?

Because this way they remove one excuse for empire players not to at least try out an player empire corp, player corps are more likely to lead to players interacting and experiencing more of the game, even if it is initially in empire.

The more people interact with other players and the more parts of the game players are exposed to, the more likely they are to move toward the end game in 0.0, and the more likely they are to stick around longer.

Makes sense to me.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Nerf on September 19, 2009, 07:24:58 PM
Eh its not even about 'getting them to move into 0.0', its about getting people into player corps so they can interact with people and have more fun.  Eve really isnt that much fun solo, and the NPC corps, while they may generally have a few people chatting in the corp chat, don't generally harbor much interaction on any real level, nor do they give you any sense of belonging.  Getting people to move into real corps should do wonders for retention.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Brolan on September 19, 2009, 09:06:36 PM
I'm in NPC corp CAS at the moment and the members are up in arms.  They are royally pissed at the moment.  Many are talking about creating one-player corps instead of being forced to join another player corp.  How is pushing players into one-player corps going to help the game?  Who is going to answer the questions of the noobs when everyones' alt is in a one-player corp?

Leave the carebears alone, they don't want to play PVP.   If you get them pissed-off enough they will starting leaving the game.  And how will pulling in less money help CCP?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 19, 2009, 09:09:19 PM
I'm in NPC corp CAS at the moment and the members are up in arms.  They are royally pissed at the moment.  Many are talking about creating one-player corps instead of being forced to join another player corp.  How is pushing players into one-player corps going to help the game?  Who is going to answer the questions of the noobs when everyones' alt is in a one-player corp?

Leave the carebears alone, they don't want to play PVP.   If you get them pissed-off enough they will starting leaving the game.  And how will pulling in less money help CCP?

I forsee CCP suddenly adding in patch notes that require all corporations have atleast X number of members if that happens.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on September 19, 2009, 09:37:11 PM
It's more like the 0.0 CCP look at the empire players as trash, and the empire players just wish the 0.0 players CCP would leave them the fuck alone to rat/mine/mission.

 :awesome_for_real: ?

Now everyone can experience the joys of empire wars and station camping?

My guess is unless the Tax rate ramps up severely, no one will give a shit and just mission 11% more to make up for it or whatever. They'll wait the extra week to buy their Navy Raven or whatever they use these days.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 19, 2009, 11:51:14 PM
instead of increasing taxes, why not just lower the bounties on those rats/rewards/bonuses?

Because this way they remove one excuse for empire players not to at least try out an player empire corp, player corps are more likely to lead to players interacting and experiencing more of the game, even if it is initially in empire.

The more people interact with other players and the more parts of the game players are exposed to, the more likely they are to move toward the end game in 0.0, and the more likely they are to stick around longer.

Even if they don't move towards the end game in 0.0, iirc CCP's numbers pretty clearly show that player corps hold players into the game much much better than NPC corps.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on September 20, 2009, 04:20:28 AM
Should be higher, or scale with time spent in the corp, or something.
1% tax for the first three months, then 11% for the next three, then 21% and so on.

Do you have a reason for this or is it just more "punish the empire dwellers" nonsense?
CCP has said, since the year dot, that they want all people to eventually move out of empire and into low/nullsec. The whole "Sit in Empire running L4s for eternity" was a fuck-up they never intended to happen. Adding time-scaled drawback to people who refuse to take off the training wheels after a reasonable period seems like a logical way for them to follow this design.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 20, 2009, 04:26:14 AM
Which just confirms my long standing opinion that the CCP devs stumbled into success completely unintentionally.  If it were up to them EVE would still be a minor league niche game with 20,000 subscribers.

But by all means. They should continue to alienate the largest single segment of their playerbase.  What could possibly go wrong?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Brolan on September 20, 2009, 07:53:29 AM
Which just confirms my long standing opinion that the CCP devs stumbled into success completely unintentionally.  If it were up to them EVE would still be a minor league niche game with 20,000 subscribers.

But by all means. They should continue to alienate the largest single segment of their playerbase.  What could possibly go wrong?

EVE still can be a minor niche game with 20,000 players.  All they have to do it keep annoying the carebears so they leave.   Then prices for everything in the game will go up because these are people who did much more mining/researching/building than fighting.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 20, 2009, 08:37:51 AM
I agree with Simond, it's an MMO players shouldn't be rewarded for hanging around empire with their alts completely untouchable. That said, all they have to do is setup a cheap office somewhere and hope they don't get wardecced, so it's really not a huge change.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: DLRiley on September 20, 2009, 08:50:06 AM
EvE has 300k players by some miracle of unintentional design. But CCP is deciding and actively attempting to piss of 280k players in order to fulfill the "true vision of EVE"? At around the same time their making a console add on to the EVE universe? Let me get by dancing shoes, i got the grave stone right here.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sparky on September 20, 2009, 08:54:59 AM
PVP players adapt to radical nerf/buff cycles to rival WoW and this patch is about to pull the rug out from nearly everyone in a big alliance.  I'm sure empire mission runners will live with this tiny change that's easy to circumvent.  Those who end up in a proper player corp might even find they like it!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 20, 2009, 08:56:30 AM
My, my, aren't we overly dramatic today...

I can't see the harm in providing some incentive to get people out of the npc corps and into player run ones. It's hardly a make or break change, all it does is level the playing field a bit, after all most corps have about 10% taxes and hopefully this change will make people ponder their options and maybe even have them end up in an enjoyable social group.

Despite people making a big deal out of this, giving players a nudge to go and explore your sandbox is good design.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 20, 2009, 09:20:53 AM
I'd hardly say I was being overly dramatic. People aren't going to quit in large numbers over this - but it is just another in a seemingly endless series of irritants to the people that have no desire to play the game according to the CCP "vision" who actually pay the lions share of the subscription fees. I'm amazed that as many miners and mission runners keep paying their 15 dollars a month in the first place. Mining is about the most boring task I've ever seen in any game and EVE still has about the crappiest PVE anywhere.

It's not like these silly people are demanding the devs do anything crazy like maybe devote 10 percent of their time to making the game more fun for the vast majority of their customers. God forbid that they should be distracted from their vision and forced to take a little time off from their never-ending tinkering with 0.0.

For the life of me, I don't understand why you people are bothered so much by the Empire carebears. They do nothing to interfere with your gameplay. All they do is pay their money every month and allow the devs to concentrate almost entirely on keeping you and friends entertained.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 20, 2009, 09:35:06 AM
I'd hardly say I was being overly dramatic. People aren't going to quit in large numbers over this - but it is just another in a seemingly endless series of irritants to the people that have no desire to play the game according to the CCP "vision" who actually pay the lions share of the subscription fees. I'm amazed that as many miners and mission runners keep paying their 15 dollars a month in the first place. Mining is about the most boring task I've ever seen in any game and EVE still has about the crappiest PVE anywhere.

It's not like these silly people are demanding the devs do anything crazy like maybe devote 10 percent of their time to making the game more fun for the vast majority of their customers. God forbid that they should be distracted from their vision and forced to take a little time off from their never-ending tinkering with 0.0.

For the life of me, I don't understand why you people are bothered so much by the Empire carebears. They do nothing to interfere with your gameplay. All they do is pay their money every month and allow the devs to concentrate almost entirely on keeping you and friends entertained.

You must not have been paying attention for the past few patch cycles. Missions and Empire specific stuff has had a whole bunch of new stuff added - not counting general stuff that applies equally to all players such as ship changes. Missions may be boring but they offer the best personal rewards in the game and, if you are in an NPC corp, those rewards are practically risk free. That's the underlying problem that 0.0 dwellers have with 'carebears'. Not that they aren't playing the game right but because the people who do open themselves to more risk end up getting less reward and that's why many 0.0 players want to see missioneering brought down a notch or two.

When the best way to get minerals is to shoot rats and loot the wrecks instead of mining asteroids then there may be something wrong. Add in the fact that the guy shooting rats is also earning bounties, mission rewards and loyalty points too and you have a seriously unbalanced risk/reward ratio.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 20, 2009, 09:36:00 AM
I wasn't referring to you, Reg and I'm happily carebearing in empire too.

This move is part of the newbie experience overhaul they've been doing and if anything it makes things a bit more fair to people in player run corps in empire because it removes one of the 'unfair' advantages the NPC corps have over player run corps. People will join or create more player run corps which makes empire livelier.

I don't know but I'd assume most people in empire are in player run corps. If that is the case, this small change should benefit most of the empire carebears. If this isn't the case then it's more than necessary imo.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 20, 2009, 10:14:01 AM
When the best way to get minerals is to shoot rats and loot the wrecks instead of mining asteroids then there may be something wrong. Add in the fact that the guy shooting rats is also earning bounties, mission rewards and loyalty points too and you have a seriously unbalanced risk/reward ratio.

Most 0.0 players I know have an alt in Empire supporting them. Based on that, it seems to me that the real problem is lack of isk making opportunities in 0.0 not that living in Empire pays too well.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 20, 2009, 10:54:42 AM
EvE has 300k players by some miracle of unintentional design. But CCP is deciding and actively attempting to piss of 280k players in order to fulfill the "true vision of EVE"? At around the same time their making a console add on to the EVE universe? Let me get by dancing shoes, i got the grave stone right here.

If EVE folded due to an 11% tax rate I would shit myself with laughter.

On the other hand, the chest beating is a bit much, isn't it?

When the best way to get minerals is to shoot rats and loot the wrecks instead of mining asteroids then there may be something wrong. Add in the fact that the guy shooting rats is also earning bounties, mission rewards and loyalty points too and you have a seriously unbalanced risk/reward ratio.

Most 0.0 players I know have an alt in Empire supporting them. Based on that, it seems to me that the real problem is lack of isk making opportunities in 0.0 not that living in Empire pays too well.

I was under the impression that sov was a license to print money? Or is that only a few alliances?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 20, 2009, 11:06:01 AM
When the best way to get minerals is to shoot rats and loot the wrecks instead of mining asteroids then there may be something wrong. Add in the fact that the guy shooting rats is also earning bounties, mission rewards and loyalty points too and you have a seriously unbalanced risk/reward ratio.

Most 0.0 players I know have an alt in Empire supporting them. Based on that, it seems to me that the real problem is lack of isk making opportunities in 0.0 not that living in Empire pays too well.

Traditionally the two ways to make money in 0.0 at a personal level (not counting moon mining here) are ratting or mining. You can also fly around, kill guys and take their stuff but you don't need to live in 0.0 to do that, in fact it's easier to do that if you're in an NPC corp and base yourself in lowsec. Making 0.0 mining more lucrative by itself would unbalance a lot of other economic factors, you'd either have to increase the density of rare minerals or increase the yields, either way you're going to be devaluing minerals across the board as a result. Why not simply nerf the refinables from mission loot? That also helps Empire miners who won't have to compete with mission runners dumping large quantities of cheap minerals on the market.

Ratting income drops sharply with the number of people in system. I've docked up for the day now because there are 10 people in my home system working 16 belts, that brings the isk/hour right down to the point where it's not really worth it any more. Any change to ratting profitability has to take that into account without breaking the system in the other direction when you have single ratters efficiently chaining in multi-belt systems by themselves. And again, increasing the density of currently rare items such as officer and faction drops will simply serve to depress those markets.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 20, 2009, 11:06:35 AM
From what I've seen most of the serious money making happens at the corporate or alliance level. The leaders can do quite well for themselves if they're dishonest enough. The average 0.0 nobody makes his money ratting or mining. Or missioning on his empire alt.

Edit : Just read your post above mine. So yes, it looks to me like there are serious problems making money at the individual level in 0.0.  Torturing the carebears isn't going to anything to solve that problem.  I don't believe the 11 percent tax in NPC corporations has anything at all to do with "risk vs. reward."  It's just the retarded CCP devs trying once again to force people to play the only part of the game they have any real interest in.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 20, 2009, 11:09:03 AM
Increasing density in 0.0 personal production would have little to no effect on other markets. Eve exists with price floors and caps on all tech 1 inputs, it really would not be a problem as you claim

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 20, 2009, 11:36:57 AM
From what I've seen most of the serious money making happens at the corporate or alliance level. The leaders can do quite well for themselves if they're dishonest enough. The average 0.0 nobody makes his money ratting or mining. Or missioning on his empire alt.

Edit : Just read your post above mine. So yes, it looks to me like there are serious problems making money at the individual level in 0.0.  Torturing the carebears isn't going to anything to solve that problem.  I don't believe the 11 percent tax in NPC corporations has anything at all to do with "risk vs. reward."  It's just the retarded CCP devs trying once again to force people to play the only part of the game they have any real interest in.

11% tax is 'torturing carebears'? Ok....

Remember that only bounties and mission rewards are taxed. Mission bonuses are tax free as are market transactions. High sec miners won't notice, high sec industrialists won't notice, only the guys who are running back to back level 4s will see any impact from this and frankly those guys should be exposed to more risk.

For full disclosure I have an Empire industrialist alt in an NPC corp parked in high sec churning out t2 items for sale to mission runners. My main has spent most of her career to date chaining level 4s in high sec so I'm fully aware of the situation faced by the average Empire dweller even if now I'm one of the evil 0.0 denizens trying to impose my playstyle on you or something.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 20, 2009, 11:49:18 AM
Making 0.0 mining more lucrative by itself would unbalance a lot of other economic factors, you'd either have to increase the density of rare minerals or increase the yields, either way you're going to be devaluing minerals across the board as a result.

This is all true, but it is almost certainly going to be one of the outcomes of upgradable space.

If people who enjoy empire want to complain about something - this is what they should be complaining about.

EDIT : Not that they should be complaining about this either, but you know what I mean.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 20, 2009, 11:52:27 AM
11% tax is 'torturing carebears'? Ok....

As I said. It's not a big deal. I doubt many people will quit over it. But it's just another in the endless string of nerfs to empire.  And does nothing to solve their real problem.

Remember that only bounties and mission rewards are taxed. Mission bonuses are tax free as are market transactions. High sec miners won't notice, high sec industrialists won't notice, only the guys who are running back to back level 4s will see any impact from this and frankly those guys should be exposed to more risk.

An 11 percent tax is "risk?"  In the first part of the paragraph you tell me how minor and unimportant the tax is but then at the end you define it as risk? Please. It's a stupid change that won't do a damned thing.

For full disclosure I have an Empire industrialist alt in an NPC corp parked in high sec churning out t2 items for sale to mission runners. My main has spent most of her career to date chaining level 4s in high sec so I'm fully aware of the situation faced by the average Empire dweller even if now I'm one of the evil 0.0 denizens trying to impose my playstyle on you or something.

I don't think that. I just think that you're yet another 0.0 player who can't actually make a living in 0.0.  Don't you think that problem is a little more pressing than whether people are staying in NPC corps?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 20, 2009, 12:23:51 PM
Remember that only bounties and mission rewards are taxed. Mission bonuses are tax free as are market transactions. High sec miners won't notice, high sec industrialists won't notice, only the guys who are running back to back level 4s will see any impact from this and frankly those guys should be exposed to more risk.

An 11 percent tax is "risk?"  In the first part of the paragraph you tell me how minor and unimportant the tax is but then at the end you define it as risk? Please. It's a stupid change that won't do a damned thing.

For full disclosure I have an Empire industrialist alt in an NPC corp parked in high sec churning out t2 items for sale to mission runners. My main has spent most of her career to date chaining level 4s in high sec so I'm fully aware of the situation faced by the average Empire dweller even if now I'm one of the evil 0.0 denizens trying to impose my playstyle on you or something.

I don't think that. I just think that you're yet another 0.0 player who can't actually make a living in 0.0.  Don't you think that problem is a little more pressing than whether people are staying in NPC corps?

For clarity the 11% tax isn't a risk, I was referring to the incentive to move out of an NPC corp and into player run corps. That's the 'exposure to risk' I was talking about. 11% tax is minor and unimportant unless a significant part of your income is from bounties and mission rewards.

For the record, I can make money in 0.0, but I was making a lot more when I was doing level 4s in Empire, I was also spending money a whole lot slower then too.

You're arguing the wrong point. I don't care if people stay in NPC corps although I do think that the game design should encourage them not to. I don't care if people want to run L4s all day or mine in high sec or spin ships in Jita or whatever. It's not about making people play in a particular way or not it's about equalising the rewards to be commensurate with the risk. Level 4s are horribly unbalanced at the moment and anything that either reduces the reward from them or exposes the pilots to additional personal risk is a good thing.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 20, 2009, 12:39:57 PM
Most 0.0 players I know have an alt in Empire supporting them. Based on that, it seems to me that the real problem is lack of isk making opportunities in 0.0 not that living in Empire pays too well.
I was under the impression that sov was a license to print money? Or is that only a few alliances?

High end moons are a licence to print money, but they require capital to set up and run, and you need to find one that isn't claimed - which is practically impossible. The only chance you get is if can buy one (in which case you are already rich enough not to need one) or if your alliance invades somewhere and you are first to plant the flag; all this assumes your alliance hasn't nationalised the high end moons to pay for starbases/stations/jammers/jump-bridges, as well as the two dozen types of fuel needed to run them, and to pay for endless stream of ships needed to defend the space from crazy Russians.

Individual level income in 0.0 can be a problem, there are certainly opportunities for individuals to make money in 0.0, but they often require capital and a bit of luck. There is nothing as straight forward as L4 missions are in empire.

Basically, as a single player without independent wealth, assuming you have some good space, you can rat or you can mine. Doing that you'll make almost as much money as L4 missions, but unlike missions, you can occasionally lose your ship in the process.

As in Empire, to make real money you have to move from labour based income (ratting, belt mining), to investment based income (trading, moon mining), or income that requires coordination between groups (plexing, wormholes).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 21, 2009, 02:29:10 AM
Anyone who has done recruiting for a GIA front in empire knows that the number of people in empire actually active beyond a few weeks who have not joined a player corp is minimal.  The numbers in NPC corps look impressive but every abandoned trial account is in there, every 0.0 Jita alt, and a large number of the haulers, afk miners and industrialists who never get taxed beyond (non-corp-tax affected) market transactions. 

What's more, this is probably as much a "nerf" (anything this easily avoidable is hardly a nerf: either train a 20-minute skillset or stop being an autistic shut-in and the problem is solved) to 0.0 players as anything else, since lots of us use L4s to make cash on occasion.  It won't affect anyone with any gumption negatively (it will make some tax-farming corp owners very rich, though).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 21, 2009, 02:36:34 PM
And to add to that, I really wonder how many people in NPC corps would have even noticed this change if ccp hadn't announced it.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 21, 2009, 03:01:47 PM
Since it's hardly going to affect anyone, and we don't like the kind of people it affects anyway, and they won't even notice then why bother with it at all?

Oh well, if this doesn't do the trick and convince everyone in Empire to move out to 0.0 and play the game properly they can always reduce mission rewards again.  It's certain to work this time.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 21, 2009, 03:49:37 PM
Since it's hardly going to affect anyone, and we don't like the kind of people it affects anyway, and they won't even notice then why bother with it at all?

Oh well, if this doesn't do the trick and convince everyone in Empire to move out to 0.0 and play the game properly they can always reduce mission rewards again.  It's certain to work this time.

You're editorialising. Badly. That's not the argument at all and I can only assume that you're misrepresenting it deliberately by now as it's been explained to you several times.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 21, 2009, 04:21:02 PM
Yes, you keep explaining how your support for CCP's attempts to force people to play the game the way you play the game aren't actually attempts to force people to play the game exactly like you play the game.

Clearly what seems to CCP sneaking in yet another nerf to mission rewards in Empire isn't in any way designed to force people into line with their vision of how the game should be played.  It's designed to be FUN FUN FUN.  It's all clear to me now. How could I have been so wrong?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 21, 2009, 04:32:47 PM
Nobody is being forced to play the game in any way.  Nothing is being removed, banned or stopped.  Nothing is precluded.  Nothing is unavoidable.  Nothing is blocked, suspended or made unreachable nor obfuscated, hidden from use or otherwise made inaccessible.

People who don't want to join a player corp or make their own (which costs what, 10,000 ISK and an alt slot every time they want to do so?) will pay 11% for their laziness.  It's a tax on those who are both lazy and vehemently anti-social.  The barricades will not be well-manned, because those (mildly) harmed won't be bothered to turn up, and won't have anyone to tell them where or when the revolution is occurring.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 21, 2009, 04:40:43 PM
Clearly what seems to CCP sneaking in yet another nerf to mission rewards in Empire...

Could you list some of the other ones from recent patches please? I appear to be reading different release notes to you as the constant stream of nerfs to mission rewards seem to be missing from mine.

You're making up an argument that doesn't exist and then countering it with nonsense statements. Either you really are that stupid or you are trolling for some reason that I can't fathom.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 21, 2009, 05:02:02 PM
Nobody is being forced to play the game in any way.  Nothing is being removed, banned or stopped.  Nothing is precluded.  Nothing is unavoidable.  Nothing is blocked, suspended or made unreachable nor obfuscated, hidden from use or otherwise made inaccessible.

Right. It only penalizes people you don't like. People you disapprove of.  The "lazy" people. The "anti-social" people. People who don't play the game exactly like you.

Could you list some of the other ones from recent patches please? I appear to be reading different release notes to you as the constant stream of nerfs to mission rewards seem to be missing from mine.

So an 11 percent tax isn't a mission nerf on your planet?  They just disguised it a little this time rather then directly lowering the payments the way they have before.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 21, 2009, 05:16:49 PM
OK, you are that stupid. Let's get back to talking about the patch now that's been empirically proven.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Nerf on September 21, 2009, 05:20:16 PM
Reg, it's only 11% of like 20% of the income you get from missioning, maybe less.  Bonus' aren't taxed, loot/salvage isn't taxed, LP rewards aren't taxed (which make up the lions share of the reward).

It's more like a 2% tax.  *rage*

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 21, 2009, 05:39:21 PM
This injustice shall not stand. To the tea boxes.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Brolan on September 21, 2009, 06:49:03 PM
And to add to that, I really wonder how many people in NPC corps would have even noticed this change if ccp hadn't announced it.

Some of the members of CAS noticed while playing on the test server, before CCP made an announcement.   And ever since that all the corp chat has been about is this tax, to the point where I am sick of hearing about it.  They are filing petitions in protest and sending emails and letters. They are trying to organize a protest of some kind.  Anyone who thinks they are taking this lying down is dead wrong.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sparky on September 21, 2009, 06:56:09 PM
And to add to that, I really wonder how many people in NPC corps would have even noticed this change if ccp hadn't announced it.

Some of the members of CAS noticed while playing on the test server, before CCP made an announcement.   And ever since that all the corp chat has been about is this tax, to the point where I am sick of hearing about it.  They are filing petitions in protest and sending emails and letters. They are trying to organize a protest of some kind.  Anyone who thinks they are taking this lying down is dead wrong.

Pfff... call me when they glue a bunch of teabags on a hat


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Slayerik on September 21, 2009, 09:38:29 PM
Hey, I say keep all the people we can in empire. It just raises the chances of huge ganks.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 22, 2009, 02:00:32 AM
And to add to that, I really wonder how many people in NPC corps would have even noticed this change if ccp hadn't announced it.

Some of the members of CAS noticed while playing on the test server, before CCP made an announcement.   And ever since that all the corp chat has been about is this tax, to the point where I am sick of hearing about it.  They are filing petitions in protest and sending emails and letters. They are trying to organize a protest of some kind.  Anyone who thinks they are taking this lying down is dead wrong.

Holy crap this sounds awesome.  I don't know whether to troll them into fury or to concern-troll them onto the barricades.  I think I'll log in two alts and have heated debates with myself in Caldari Navy corp chat.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 22, 2009, 02:08:52 AM
And to add to that, I really wonder how many people in NPC corps would have even noticed this change if ccp hadn't announced it.

Some of the members of CAS noticed while playing on the test server, before CCP made an announcement.   And ever since that all the corp chat has been about is this tax, to the point where I am sick of hearing about it.  They are filing petitions in protest and sending emails and letters. They are trying to organize a protest of some kind.  Anyone who thinks they are taking this lying down is dead wrong.

Your first mistake is reading corp chat in an NPC corp. Schoolboy error. At least in mine (RUN) it's like Jita local without the poorly spelt scamming attempts.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 22, 2009, 02:15:35 AM
Reg, it's only 11% of like 20% of the income you get from missioning, maybe less.  Bonus' aren't taxed, loot/salvage isn't taxed, LP rewards aren't taxed (which make up the lions share of the reward).

It's more like a 2% tax.  *rage*

Ha I know that. I've said it's not a huge deal and people aren't going to quit over it.  And it doesn't affect me. I don't run missions and I'm not in an NPC corp.

It'd just be nice if people were at least honest about the reasons for it. So far Simond is the only one who actually admits up front that it's just more of CCP trying to enforce their vision of how the game should be played.

Quote from: Simond
CCP has said, since the year dot, that they want all people to eventually move out of empire and into low/nullsec. The whole "Sit in Empire running L4s for eternity" was a fuck-up they never intended to happen. Adding time-scaled drawback to people who refuse to take off the training wheels after a reasonable period seems like a logical way for them to follow this design.

So spare me the "risk versus reward" babble and the convoluted justifications. This quote above is what it's really about.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 22, 2009, 02:27:53 AM
Except that even if they have said that, their actions have been opposite to that. There has been more mission content, more mission rewards and a constant improvement to PvE in pretty much every patch. CCP doesn't want people to stop running L4s and it's a pointless goal to aim for anyway. This change isn't about getting people to stop running L4s either despite Reg's rather incoherent claims to the contrary. It's about making mission runners choose between total safety and higher rewards just as in every other area of the game.

People chaining L4s all day aren't going to stop doing that because of a new corp tax, they're just going to have to decide whether it's worth it for them to keep on doing so inside the NPC corp.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 22, 2009, 02:29:59 AM
It's all about risk vs reward, Reg.  Basically, you'll be able to buy immunity from wardecs at the low, low price of 11% tax.  That's a perfect example of the balancing of risk vs reward.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 22, 2009, 04:37:41 AM
One way of looking at it is "Mr mission runner" sitting in empire running level 4 missions on his own thinks to himself maybe I should join a player corporation, but no it's not attractive with their 5-10% tax rate so screw that. But now you have a situation where it actually makes sense for him to join a player corp even if only a small incentive. So he joins one with a 2% tax rate & a few weeks later they get wardecced and oh noes he loses his prized Raven, so he and his corpies all jump in ships and die miserably trying to get revenge but get a few kills and have a bit of fun along the way. All of a sudden the Mission runners realise that there's actually more to Eve than sitting there mindlessly running ill conceived missions and complaining about not enough content.

In a nutshell no we shouldn't care about the lonely mission runner in Empire being a stuck in the mud.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 22, 2009, 04:52:55 AM
In other words, the change is just fine because it's designed to encourage people to play more like you do.  I'm glad we're clear on that.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 22, 2009, 05:02:00 AM
In other words, the change is just fine because it's designed to encourage people to play more like you do.  I'm glad we're clear on that.

It's all about risk vs reward, Reg.  Basically, you'll be able to buy immunity from wardecs at the low, low price of 11% tax.  That's a perfect example of the balancing of risk vs reward.

Do you feel that some areas of Eve should be essentially risk-free without any associated cost?  That's the real question, not forcing playstyles on people.  As I keep saying, and you keep ignoring, nobody is being forced into any playstyle.  They're just paying protection money, essentially.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sparky on September 22, 2009, 05:20:54 AM
In other words, the change is just fine because it's designed to encourage people to play more like you do.  I'm glad we're clear on that.

Do you rant at Blizzard because eventually you're forced out of Goldshire when all the mobs go gray?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phred on September 22, 2009, 05:21:35 AM
Reg, it's only 11% of like 20% of the income you get from missioning, maybe less.  Bonus' aren't taxed, loot/salvage isn't taxed, LP rewards aren't taxed (which make up the lions share of the reward).

It's more like a 2% tax.  *rage*

Actually, someone on scrapheap said bonuses are taxed too now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on September 22, 2009, 05:53:23 AM
Do you rant at Blizzard because eventually you're forced out of Goldshire when all the mobs go gray?

Why would I do that?

Oh wait, I see. The 90 percent of the playerbase who happily play their game mining and mission running in Empire are just hanging out in the level 1 tutorial area.  They must at all costs be encouraged to play exactly the way you do. Because... oh never mind, obviously I'll never understand. I'm sure you all have very good reasons though to be so annoyed that people you don't know and have no contact with are enjoying the game in a way that you don't. It must be spoiling your fun somehow.

Do you feel that some areas of Eve should be essentially risk-free without any associated cost?  That's the real question, not forcing playstyles on people.  As I keep saying, and you keep ignoring, nobody is being forced into any playstyle.  They're just paying protection money, essentially.

Tell me more about the enormous risks you incur as you collect datacores every month from your 900 alt characters to be sold in Jita.

If you guys can't see that the real problem is that there aren't enough interesting ways to make isk in 0.0 then I really can't think of anything else to say to you.  This is me exiting the thread.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on September 22, 2009, 06:05:48 AM
In other words, the change is just fine because it's designed to encourage people to play more like you do.  I'm glad we're clear on that.
I'm going to point out the usage of the word "encourage".

Is encouragement bad now as well? I thought it was just bad if the players were *forced*.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 22, 2009, 06:07:40 AM
Tell me more about the enormous risks you incur as you collect datacores every month from your 900 alt characters to be sold in Jita....

Uh suicide gankers? Your argument is ridiculous sitting in empire running level 4 missions in a corp to avoid the 11% tax rate is the complete antithesis to my and most peoples playstyle here. If CCP were to force our playstyles on them then they would need to remove Empire and level 4 missions altogether.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tmp on September 22, 2009, 07:50:49 AM
Do you feel that some areas of Eve should be essentially risk-free without any associated cost?
I'd say given how the game has panned out over the years, there is clearly a demand for this option from the current playerbase. Whether the game can afford messing with that part of its subscribers remains to be seen.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 22, 2009, 08:29:20 AM
Tell me more about the enormous risks you incur as you collect datacores every month from your 900 alt characters to be sold in Jita.

If you guys can't see that the real problem is that there aren't enough interesting ways to make isk in 0.0 then I really can't think of anything else to say to you.  This is me exiting the thread.

Actually, the six-monthly-to-annual datacore runs, which require me to traverse lowsec and which I do in a combination of inties (the riskier bits) and a supertanked drake (the highsec bits), neber done afk, are just about the most worrying parts of my Eve year.  Amarr describes why.

And we get that there aren't enough interesting/lucrative ways to make money in 0.0.  This move is probably (in part at least) a cack-handed attempt to find a money-sink in order to avoid the inflationary aspects of more lucrative 0.0 space with Dominon's yet-to-be-announced shift in money-making to the alliance member.  Cack-handed because it will affect so very few people.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 22, 2009, 09:09:23 AM
I will say one thing, there should be a provision that it doesn't effect people on trial accounts.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 22, 2009, 09:17:44 AM
Why would I do that?

Oh wait, I see. The 90 percent of the playerbase who happily play their game mining and mission running in Empire are just hanging out in the level 1 tutorial area.  They must at all costs be encouraged to play exactly the way you do. Because... oh never mind, obviously I'll never understand. I'm sure you all have very good reasons though to be so annoyed that people you don't know and have no contact with are enjoying the game in a way that you don't. It must be spoiling your fun somehow.

Internet Spaceships, man.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on September 22, 2009, 09:49:56 AM
There will be, Amarr. The tax affects macro-ratters more than anything else, but if you go back to looking at it as a change to achieve a design goal, then it's understandable. Not a long time ago they sent out a study to their players, in multiple languages (I got one in Russian  :uhrr:) looking for trends and gathering statistical analysis. Burning out after doing a million missions after decking your CNR out with Navy mods is probably quite high up there. It's essentially about socialization and the things that makes EvE, EvE. Making new friends versus dieing alone in an NPC corp and moving more towards "emergent" gameplay (stuff that gets EvE in the news from my point of view) rather than scripted (spoon-fed) gameplay.

Tidbits of information that might widen the thread back up a bit:

*Titans seem to be worth three and a bit sieged dreadnoughts in raw firepower, plus the Yamato gun.

*There will be more emphasis on coalition warfare, having allies you can count on, especially ones that are more local and you can count on. No more roadtrips?

*No Sov4, no invulnerable CSAAs.

*Two new career paths for newbies - Exploration and Advanced Warfare. The first one is self-explanatory, but the other one is very interesting. Advanced Combat will be centered around tackling, webbing, ewar and all which deals with PvP, including getting used to the very realistic aspect of blowing up.

*Sov warfare more "cerebreal". Wondering where they dig up that concept since everyone on eve-o thinks with their ass.

"Sov system has grown in an ad hoc manner without a coherent vision. It has reached an evolutionary dead end. Needs to be much more flexible and easier to balance, with the ability to iterate on it."

*Creating the capacity and evolving activities for player owned space. Complex spawning, better belts and overall risk vs. reward. Not having "ghost town" systems. Agents in Outposts a possibility, but not in Dominion.

*Fleet finder - an overview to see fleets. Capable of being open to new players, but closed and directed for the older players.

*Social networking... in EvE aka Cosmos. My own personal "Wishlist" of in-game items and adding all of you spies to my list of space friends. Getting smacktalk on my own Wall. The joy.

*Time-trial missions. Pirate faction L3s.

*Trusted websites having access to player data (skills, location, etc) using the new IGB.

*Planetary exploration after planetary graphics.

"People will cry and it will be awesome."

Other stuff:

*Walking in station renamed from "Ambulation" to "Incarna"

*Full-on reveal of Dust 514 at Fanfest 09'

*Second EvE novel coming out in a few months.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: palmer_eldritch on September 22, 2009, 10:43:44 AM
I don't think an 11% tax rate on newbie corps is going to fix any problems re 0.0 vs Empire, and I'd be surprised if CCP thinks it will. As Reg said, the answer there is to upgrade 0.0 which, touch wood, is what will happen.

But a tax on newbie corps does make sense when you consider the pros and cons of newbie vs player corps in empire. A life of safety should cost a little more, not less, than life in a corp that can be wardecced.

It would really make sense if newbie corps had a tax rate of 20%, so that there was a clear financial benefit to moving to a player corp as well as the potential financial penalty of getting your ship blown up.  But this is one of those things that I suspect you really want to introduce on launch day or not at all.  

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Kamen on September 22, 2009, 02:00:06 PM
CCP has said, since the year dot, that they want all people to eventually move out of empire and into low/nullsec. The whole "Sit in Empire running L4s for eternity" was a fuck-up they never intended to happen.

I realize that it's easy for me to dev bash, but it sure seems like the guys making design decisions at CCP are totally clueless about how their players actually play the game (and basic human psychology for that matter).  These sort of "gee, we didn't expect that!" moments seem all to common over my years in Eve.  Don't they have people giving them insight from a carebear perspective?  Analyst/testers who can think deviously and figure out problems (and how to game) their proposed design changes?

Anyway, their desire to herd the carebears to 0.0 seems laughable to me.  Not sure if I can even believe they're dumb enough to think they should be trying to do that as it is doomed to failure.    There are a lot of people who have seen the 0.0 end game, left, and resumed doing things they enjoyed doing more in empire.  There are others who are chicken shits and will never try it.  There are also some who may try it someday but are having fun in high sec TYVM.

And what's wrong with that?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on September 22, 2009, 02:27:08 PM
There's nothing wrong with that which is one of the reasons why I don't place any credence in statements like "CCP wants to move all of its players to 0.0". They may want to incentivise 0.0 more or have a better transition between Empire living and moving to 0.0 but I very much doubt that they have ever stated or intended that Empire should be a wasteland populated only by noobs on trial accounts.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on September 22, 2009, 02:40:40 PM
Eve's problem has always been that you have to search for your fun, or go out and make it.  The tutorial does a minimal job of preparing you for a career as a mission-grinder or single-box solo miner, but after that you're on your own.  If you aren't able to enjoy those gamestyles, or you aren't the sort of person that will go out and play in the sandbox long enough to find where it's fun for you, you're not going to last long:


The last two years-plus of development focus by CCP has been about easing that transition from "lead me by the hand to the fun parts" to making your own way through an incredibly complex gameworld, finding your own fun along the way.  And the deepest and most complex part is 0.0.  For *5* years, they've been trying to get to a point where the servers could handle the battles to really resolve 0.0 conflicts by means other than manipulation of lag, and they've finally gotten there.  So now, it's finally time to see what else can happen, what else the players can do with the sandbox.

Empire is, will be, and *should* be nothing more than training wheels.  It's just taken a really long time to get to a point where "taking the wheels off" (deliberately leading players towards 0.0 play) was anything but a recipe for disaster.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 22, 2009, 03:16:29 PM
Anyway, their desire to herd the carebears to 0.0 seems laughable to me.  Not sure if I can even believe they're dumb enough to think they should be trying to do that as it is doomed to failure.    There are a lot of people who have seen the 0.0 end game, left, and resumed doing things they enjoyed doing more in empire.  There are others who are chicken shits and will never try it.  There are also some who may try it someday but are having fun in high sec TYVM.

And what's wrong with that?

Bit of an overreaction there don't ya think? It's merely an 11% tax on players/macros sitting in NPC corps. All this equates to is a gentle nudge in the direction of setting up or joining or corp. As far as I'm aware joining a corp does not mean carebears have to pack their trunks and say goodbye to the circus, I don't get where all this "forcing into 0.0" bollox stems from, at least in relation to the introduction of NPC tax. Sounds like the Eve-o whine is spilling over to f13 it's not a pretty sight.

edit: toned down the flamebait at the end

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Kamen on September 22, 2009, 03:46:53 PM
Easy big fella :D

I was only responding in Simon's comment "CCP has said, since the year dot, that they want all people to eventually move out of empire and into low/nullsec."

I was only saying that if that's true, it's stupid.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Skullface on September 22, 2009, 04:19:29 PM
Eve's problem has always been that you have to search for your fun, or go out and make it.  The tutorial does a minimal job of preparing you for a career as a mission-grinder or single-box solo miner, but after that you're on your own.  If you aren't able to enjoy those gamestyles, or you aren't the sort of person that will go out and play in the sandbox long enough to find where it's fun for you, you're not going to last long:


The last two years-plus of development focus by CCP has been about easing that transition from "lead me by the hand to the fun parts" to making your own way through an incredibly complex gameworld, finding your own fun along the way.  And the deepest and most complex part is 0.0.  For *5* years, they've been trying to get to a point where the servers could handle the battles to really resolve 0.0 conflicts by means other than manipulation of lag, and they've finally gotten there.  So now, it's finally time to see what else can happen, what else the players can do with the sandbox.

Empire is, will be, and *should* be nothing more than training wheels.  It's just taken a really long time to get to a point where "taking the wheels off" (deliberately leading players towards 0.0 play) was anything but a recipe for disaster.


So, what you're saying is constantly funneling thousands of players into a contained area for a climactic battle woul deventually cause problems, and that CCP was simply biding their time before people thought the game was broken?

Where were you when WAR was being put together?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 22, 2009, 04:35:28 PM
Easy big fella :D

I was only responding in Simon's comment "CCP has said, since the year dot, that they want all people to eventually move out of empire and into low/nullsec."

I was only saying that if that's true, it's stupid.

The relationship between 0.0 and the 11% NPC tax is slightly offset, in fact it's pretty much a soft sell as most players will just setup Empire corps and continue doing what they were doing. I don't agree at all with Simonds comment about CCP wanting everyone to move out of Empire I think they realise this isn't possible and would be quite happy if they could double the current habitation of 0.0, I'm sure right now they have some target in mind.

Quote from: CCP economic Newsletter 2007
A snapshot of the status on October 19th, 2007 was used to find out which ship players happen to be in at downtime. We found that 78% of all characters were located in high security areas (security status at 0.5 or higher), 13% were located in low security areas, and 9% were in 0.0 at the time the snapshot was taken. So, the majority were flying in high sec. But what were they flying then?

EDIT: Source (http://ccp.vo.llnwd.net/o2/pdf/QEN_2007Q3.pdf)

When you consider there are as many or more systems in 0.0 than in Empire & Nullsec combined you can understand CCPs' concern with the underpopulation of this area of the Eve universe.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on September 22, 2009, 04:50:09 PM
So, what you're saying is constantly funneling thousands of players into a contained area for a climactic battle woul deventually cause problems, and that CCP was simply biding their time before people thought the game was broken?

Where were you when WAR was being put together?
Long since fired from Mythic, for saying that the way things were being designed wasn't going work in a PvP game.  I'm sure that the later design-created PvP issues faced by Mythic products had nothing at all to do with the specific questions that were the source of conflict at the time.

Anyway, those that participated in major 0.0 battles had no doubts at all that CCP's game was broken most of the last 6 years, they just found the non-broken parts to still be enough fun to make up for it.  Or they went back to Empire to run missions, or quit entirely.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 24, 2009, 08:44:41 AM
I found that devblog thread.  It looks like Aralis let loose a bit with comments on the upcoming expansion.  I can agree with most of what he said.  The problem (as it is for most of these dev blogs) is lack of useful information.  Maybe CCP themselves do not know how the changes will be implemented?  If they do not, the blog should be more of an invitation to discussion and less authoritative.  If they do, more information should be given out in short order. 

Somehow I remain hopeful we get something, anything, decent out of the expansion.  Without a UI and space/channel management overhaul I am no doubt set up for bitter disappointment. 

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 24, 2009, 10:46:45 AM
Quote from: Scatim Helicon
Quote from: Aralis
Obviously I'm not happy about this.  I don't suppose anyone who understands how 0.0 empires work and is in one is.  But that's a given - the patch is obviously designed to make life harder for 0.0 empires.  How much harder we'd need details to see.  As things currently stand it sounds like holding space in 0.0 wouldn't be realistic for anyone - I doubt it's that bad and there are good parts we have yet to see.

However I'm sure they don't care what I like or dislike.  Like I said this is obviously designed to mess us up so we wouldn't would we?

What puzzles me is what is CCPs aim here?  Is it that they think more people will go to 0.0 if the empires are broken?  Seems very unlikely to me but I could be wrong.  Does anyone have any insight into what CCP are trying to achieve?
I'd guess the aim is to make it so holding space is about playing the game and shooting the people who try to take it off you, rather than having a POS fuelling team treating EVE as a full time unpaid job as they jump from system to system pouring isotopes into towers. A simple sovereignty tax makes 0.0 far more accessable to the small-medium alliances than them having to drag millions of m3 in fuel halfway across the galaxy every month.

I obviously don't know who is in charge of tower logistics for CVA's various corps, but ask them what they think of no longer having to spend untold soul-destroying hours running round Providence with fuel for literally hundreds of towers.

I thought that was a pretty good response and would sum up my feelings on the matter. I think the whole point of case is should we really give a fuck if every alliance goes belly up overnight could be the shakeup 0.0 space needs, if it makes the game more fun for the majority of players while pissing on a few stuck in the muds then its a victory in itself. I mean we pay $ every few month or so for entertainment not to endlessly grind and delegate, Eve has always focused too heavily on grind for my liking. A very basic example of this is jumpbridge passwords get erased from your ship everytime you enter a new system, this is completely ridiculous yet we do it almost robotically and never question why or if it is needed. I have had some people explain to me oh there must be a reason this that and the other 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenence' level psychobabble. Simple fact is it's just horrible design and players have been completely conditioned to the stage that we have come to accept, oh this is just how it happens. This conditioning has also spread to the higher echelons of the game eg. POS mechanics, ship mechanics etc.. Crazy thing is 5 years on Eve is still a massive WIP, it's just a shame this POS bullshit (I feel so liberated that I can call it that now) got so out of control.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 24, 2009, 02:07:00 PM
Amarr, the same people that coded the jumpbridge password thing are coding this expansion, you know that, right?  I do not know what they're trying to accomplish with the expansion, but until they announce something with the words "major UI overhaul" in the title, I'm not putting my hopes up that the new stuff, while perhaps more "fun", won't be just as frustrating to interface with as the old stuff.

BTW, I laugh at the "oohs and aahs" over the new planet graphics.  X3 Terran Conflict (not a well-known, or even all that great, game), had much better planets last year or two years ago than what CCP is aiming for now.  They suck.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 24, 2009, 04:50:42 PM
[stuff from Eve-O]

I thought that was a pretty good response and would sum up my feelings on the matter. I think the whole point of case is should we really give a fuck if every alliance goes belly up overnight could be the shakeup 0.0 space needs, if it makes the game more fun for the majority of players while pissing on a few stuck in the muds then its a victory in itself. I mean we pay $ every few month or so for entertainment not to endlessly grind and delegate, Eve has always focused too heavily on grind for my liking. A very basic example of this is jumpbridge passwords get erased from your ship everytime you enter a new system, this is completely ridiculous yet we do it almost robotically and never question why or if it is needed. I have had some people explain to me oh there must be a reason this that and the other 'zen and the art of motorcycle maintenence' level psychobabble. Simple fact is it's just horrible design and players have been completely conditioned to the stage that we have come to accept, oh this is just how it happens. This conditioning has also spread to the higher echelons of the game eg. POS mechanics, ship mechanics etc.. Crazy thing is 5 years on Eve is still a massive WIP, it's just a shame this POS bullshit (I feel so liberated that I can call it that now) got so out of control.

That is a fine sentiment and not really the point.  Of course we want less logistic toil for towers.  Aralis is mostly talking about CCP going in crazy different directions all at once.  More things to do with space is good.  Lack of proper management tools is bad.  Simplified sov is good.  Having to rep your sov holding unit every day is bad.  

CCP wants space holders to develop their neck of 0.0 and then hint at it being very difficult to hold?  You need stability in order to develop 0.0.  I am not saying we should all hold hands.  What I am saying is their signals are not encouraging.  If they are developing an interlaced 0.0 system why are they removing outpost control from sov?  It may be a good reason, but who knows?

What is next?  CCP saying they adopt CVA style 0.0 growth and promptly coding in destructible outposts and off grid stealth bombers that can shoot your fixed structures?  Humor aside, let's be clear.  While I am naturally concerned with the fate of my part of EVE my view is a long one.  I do not see the pieces fitting the rhetorical mold. 

CCP likes to play catch up with their information for some reason I cannot grasp.  Do they have a system or is this guesswork?  It does not have to be fully coded to tell players what is actually going on.  Who knows, maybe some feedback on it would catch glaring errors?  

We have no mention on how the tools will change, if at all.  Do not sell me a massive revamp based on theorycraft and pixie dust.  A real overhaul of 0.0 will be more than sov and more than more things to do.  They are selling an expansion with pretty words.  In some sections of f13 people get shouted down for lack of information.  The blog goes at length hitting key notes without actual substance.  More questions they are not answering and it annoys and concerns people.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 24, 2009, 05:20:44 PM
Aye I probably missed the point somewhat as I only skimmed through most of it. But I think the whole point of the revamp re:the blog is not to necessarily to rollout a working replacement, but to rollout a replacement that can be made to work. This might take time and player involvement but at least with a complete refresh they can build towards something more core to their vision of how it should work.

Also Ajax the oohs and ahs aren't over the Planet GFX it's mainly ooh aah Planets in "EVE".

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 24, 2009, 06:28:12 PM
CCP likes to play catch up with their information for some reason I cannot grasp.  Do they have a system or is this guesswork?

Their behavior makes sense to me, actually:

1.  I think they'd rather not have mentioned any details about the expansion, complete blackout, and just one day we try to log on and it's been patched in, deal with it.

2.  But, they are forced to advertise and generate some publicity - other developers are announcing new MMO's or expansions at this point in time.

3.  And also, they are forced to bugtest their code, so it must go on the test servers, at which point we'll figure out more info about it whether they like it or not.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 24, 2009, 08:00:17 PM
Whatever the reasons, a media blackout or general vagueness on new expansions is a terrible idea.  Especially when it comes to persistent worlds.


Oh, and with all the bugle blowing they are absolutely rolling out a working replacement.  They are touting a total change, ground up.  If it does not work it is a disaster and the same thing we have, years of random ideas patched together into a functioning but broken system.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 25, 2009, 03:54:34 AM
CVA are in an unusually vulnerable situation with what has been discussed so far.  As the long-term holders of the "destination of choice for bored roaming gangs" award, there is a real risk that the Providence block will find themselves constantly repping their sov artifacts which have been shot to provoke "good fights".

At the same time, one of the reasons that Providence has been so stable is that the space is so awful.  Sustained assaults are unusual (two in three years?) because the space is almost as bad as it gets.  And the competitors for that crown in the NW at least have far more high quality moons, even if PL owns them all.

However, what if this expansion really does offer the realistic prospect of substantially improving sovereign space?  The good logistics of Providence, together with the putative decreases to the value of Prom and Dyspro moons (CVA have only two, I think?) might even persuade someone that the notoriety of being the people who threw out CVA is worth a shot.

There's a lot of info still needed - much of what has been released is mere incidental mechanics and not the most important elements in assessing the viability of holding space: cost, logistics and return.  But I do hope that we're looking at the eventual point of equilibrium being substantially different from where we are today, because apart from a small number of GFFL events, I have barely done more than change skills in months.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 25, 2009, 04:39:43 PM
CVA are in an unusually vulnerable situation with what has been discussed so far.  As the long-term holders of the "destination of choice for bored roaming gangs" award, there is a real risk that the Providence block will find themselves constantly repping their sov artifacts which have been shot to provoke "good fights".

At the same time, one of the reasons that Providence has been so stable is that the space is so awful.  Sustained assaults are unusual (two in three years?) because the space is almost as bad as it gets.  And the competitors for that crown in the NW at least have far more high quality moons, even if PL owns them all.

However, what if this expansion really does offer the realistic prospect of substantially improving sovereign space?  The good logistics of Providence, together with the putative decreases to the value of Prom and Dyspro moons (CVA have only two, I think?) might even persuade someone that the notoriety of being the people who threw out CVA is worth a shot.

There's a lot of info still needed - much of what has been released is mere incidental mechanics and not the most important elements in assessing the viability of holding space: cost, logistics and return.  But I do hope that we're looking at the eventual point of equilibrium being substantially different from where we are today, because apart from a small number of GFFL events, I have barely done more than change skills in months.

There are plenty of interesting possibilities.  


Those two bits concern me a great deal.  You do not need sov to hold the outpost, you need the outpost to benefit from what is currently possible with Sov (jammers and the like).  We now have Outpost majority over Providence with 43.  We may have traded fueling towers for repping outposts.  It is more appealing now to try for an outpost simply to screw up hangers.  Do you think Empire based industrialists are going to take a chance with those mechanics?  Speaking of that dead horse, we have no mention of management mechanics improving either.  

Since there is no mention of the methods or amounts of upgrades we are rightfully worried.  At least our space is so terrible the moon nerf will not hit us much.  I can see sov mining bonuses and T2 moon miners on the horizon..

43 outposts.. cripes

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 25, 2009, 05:29:51 PM
CCP talk about dominion and future expansions.



Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 25, 2009, 05:35:38 PM
Pezzle, your youtube links seem to go nowhere for me.

Also CCP loves what CVA is doing. Through this patch they want to lead everybody to the model CVA is employing. Their mantra of 'develop your space' and 'attract the empire carebears' is what CVA has been doing for so long now. Unfortunately that doesn't mean they won't screw you over but at least they feel your vision of 0.0 life is the way they want to go.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 25, 2009, 06:17:05 PM
Links fixed. 

Maybe CCP loves what we do, I am not sure they understand what makes it possible, or if they want it sustainable in the least.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 25, 2009, 07:23:38 PM
Links fixed.  

Maybe CCP loves what we do, I am not sure they understand what makes it possible, or if they want it sustainable in the least.

You missed this one, it's quite revealing.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: mokianna on September 28, 2009, 05:13:09 AM
  I think they'd rather not have mentioned any details about the expansion, complete blackout, and just one day we try to log on and it's been patched in, deal with it.

I remember when Sony did that to Star Wars Galaxies, the NGE (non-gaming experience). That was the day I quit swg.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: DLRiley on September 28, 2009, 02:18:44 PM
Pezzle, your youtube links seem to go nowhere for me.

Also CCP loves what CVA is doing. Through this patch they want to lead everybody to the model CVA is employing. Their mantra of 'develop your space' and 'attract the empire carebears' is what CVA has been doing for so long now. Unfortunately that doesn't mean they won't screw you over but at least they feel your vision of 0.0 life is the way they want to go.

I don't think CCP realizes that the only reason CVA is successful is because no one bothers attacking CVA...

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on September 28, 2009, 07:53:48 PM
And that's whats nagging at me. To be honest I'm trying to imaging what people will actually do and frankly what I've seen dosen't sound like fun to me. And the "sov module" looks to me that they are grabbing the ideas from the low sec faction war and transplanting it. I know a guy who did faction warfare and he hated it.

I really need more info before I make a decision on this.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: stahlregen on September 28, 2009, 10:51:09 PM
I can't wait till we've got fleets of like 50 unkillable supercarriers and titans rolling around.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 29, 2009, 05:01:51 AM
I don't think CCP realizes that the only reason CVA is successful is because no one bothers attacking CVA...

Sounds like CCP loves the CVA model, including the skirmishes and the influx of empire players into their space, but doesn't particularly care whether CVA specifically will survive.  Or the Goons or any other specific alliance.  They'll just force the CVA type of 0.0 space to be the only possibility, and then who cares who owns any particular corner of 0.0, that's a player concern not a developer concern. 

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on September 29, 2009, 07:27:20 AM
The influx only happens because we have an open door policy and spent years building the security.  Taking away sov security will drive some industry types back to empire.  Honestly?  I do not see the changes encouraging people to try 0.0.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on September 29, 2009, 07:32:12 AM
I don't think CCP realizes that the only reason CVA is successful is because no one bothers attacking CVA...

Sounds like CCP loves the CVA model, including the skirmishes and the influx of empire players into their space, but doesn't particularly care whether CVA specifically will survive.  Or the Goons or any other specific alliance.  They'll just force the CVA type of 0.0 space to be the only possibility, and then who cares who owns any particular corner of 0.0, that's a player concern not a developer concern. 

The problem is that the CVA model, including the skirmishes and influx of empire players into their space, occurs only because CVA specifically survives AND isn't attacked.

The CVA model cannot stand under real sustained sov warfare. The empire carebears and skirmishes will be pushed out.

So if you want skirmishes and an influx of empire players you have to be content with there not being any big SOV shakeups. There needs to be stability. If you want a war, you're going to kill the only CVA model not make more of them.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on September 29, 2009, 09:24:13 AM
The influx only happens because we have an open door policy and spent years building the security.  Taking away sov security will drive some industry types back to empire.  Honestly?  I do not see the changes encouraging people to try 0.0.

I think that the picture on that will come when we see the balance sheet: what will be the hikes to personal income that we've been promised, and what will be the costs to holding space?  With the highly differentiated holdings in Providence, it is kinda well-placed to weather the supposed increased costs of holding large amounts of space, after all.  And it looks like breaking sov will require something like 24 to 36 hours of constant blobbing of a system.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 29, 2009, 02:40:04 PM
Seems to me that the sov model is perfect for pure military alliances who only want a small amount of space to base out of, and who don't have space today. Kenny basically.

Also not terrible for a hypothetical bizarro-Goonswarm (lots of players interested in individual level bike riding), but with people who will log in without a 'great war' to take part in.

And so far it sounds deadly for CVA and the NRDS concept.

It also sounds deadly to deep space areas. I don't understand the design value in having hard logistics space be the least valuable. Easy empire access is just a luxury for a major power, but it is critical to the new groups ccp want to attract. If empire adjacent is as good as it gets, the major powers will just squat along the border, while upcoming alliances are forced to make their first 0.0 steps in deep space  - this is retarded in all sorts of ways.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on September 29, 2009, 04:21:17 PM
So if you want skirmishes and an influx of empire players you have to be content with there not being any big SOV shakeups. There needs to be stability.

I think that there will be stability and no big SOV shakeups because all the big name alliances will be wiped out by the ISK cost of claiming space, and a sea of little 3-corp alliances will sprout up in their place, each holding a star system or maybe a constellation, but each incapable of "big SOV shakeups" or anything more than skirmishes.  

Bye bye dinosaurs, hello small furry mammals.  And then, roaming sharks bent on destruction.  Followed by empty 0.0, or 0.0 that looks like lowsec: all pirates, no carebears.  Which means, no empire players out there in the end anyway.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: stahlregen on September 29, 2009, 06:36:56 PM
The more i hear from CCP, the more discussion and theorycraft i read and the more i look back on how the devs dealt with gameplay problems in the past i can't help but feel that these changes are going to have entirely the opposite effect to what was intended. So here i am jumping on the 'ccp don't know shit bout nothin' bandwagon.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 30, 2009, 08:41:43 AM
Here are some SiSi screenies (I took from SHC) that should how pilot actions influence sov.



Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on September 30, 2009, 11:34:07 AM
So Sov depends on killing rats, and destroying enemy POS's?

Blackops will need to create PvE ships to kill enemy rats in hostile systems. Crappy systems with crappy rats would fall very quickly if you just need to kill rat cruisers while the players who actually live there don't bother and go to more profitable systems. Do it in enemy jump bridge systems that don't have stations.

Conversely, large player empire will need pets/renters to stay in such systems to keep the sov for the jump bridges. Quick, someone invite Sweet Snak into Goonswarm.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 30, 2009, 12:55:23 PM
I was going to respond to the post below by saying the way it's looking like alliances now actually need macros carebears in their alliance but was waiting to get more info, now it seems clear.

I think that there will be stability and no big SOV shakeups because all the big name alliances will be wiped out by the ISK cost of claiming space, and a sea of little 3-corp alliances will sprout up in their place, each holding a star system or maybe a constellation, but each incapable of "big SOV shakeups" or anything more than skirmishes.  

Bye bye dinosaurs, hello small furry mammals.  And then, roaming sharks bent on destruction.  Followed by empty 0.0, or 0.0 that looks like lowsec: all pirates, no carebears.  Which means, no empire players out there in the end anyway.

Giving ratting a meaningful purpose is actually not a terrible idea, but we'll see.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Thrawn on September 30, 2009, 01:18:21 PM
Attatching ratting to sov in any way is a terrible idea.  Chinese farmers with bots would conquer all of 0.0.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on September 30, 2009, 01:35:51 PM
If they really want to help NRDS, they'll set it up so that anyone killing rats strengthens the current owner's claim on sov (increases resists of sov module, extends time to disrupt, whatever).

This makes some kind of sense if you consider all rats to be insurgent agents vs the status quo.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on September 30, 2009, 02:17:33 PM
I think they are trying to make a system where constructive activity, like ratting, gives a boost to the sov level of the system it is happening in. While destructive activity, those legendary wulfpax coming through blowing  stuff up, detracts from that extra amount of sov points your alliance has accumulated.
Where time used to be the determining factor in how hard it was to capture a system through sov levels, this mechanic allows activity to be the deciding factor (although I assume it would have a much smaller impact than the previous sov 4 protection benefits).

It would be a system that runs on top of the anchoring sov beacon mechanic and maybe affects the time window or gives other bonusses to how a system can be defended/attacked. This way active systems are harder to take and sending roaming gangs through enemy territory actually makes it easier to capture it later when the big guns come out to shoot the sov beacon.
It doesn't allow you to take a system by just roaming through it or defend one through extensive ratting since it only affects the bonus modifiers and not the hard capture the flag mechanics.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on September 30, 2009, 02:32:00 PM
Attatching ratting to sov in any way is a terrible idea.  Chinese farmers with bots would conquer all of 0.0.

Well actually that's one of the reasons I was thinking it's not a bad idea, It should go hand in hand with CCP doing a genuine clampdown on macros. If they don't then it's a terrible idea.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on October 01, 2009, 02:03:03 AM
Attatching ratting to sov in any way is a terrible idea.  Chinese farmers with bots would conquer all of 0.0.

This struck me immediately, as well.  But, like Amarr, I suspect it wouldn't be much of a boon to them if they were in an alliance and so capable of holding sov:

"Haeruldaelfen Siggurerurinternalauditingsson, why does thirty-man alliance 'The Tiger Descends the Mountain' have sov in thirty systems in the south?"

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on October 01, 2009, 06:12:45 AM
It's time for Theta Squad to take control.  :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on October 01, 2009, 12:21:38 PM
"Haeruldaelfen Siggurerurinternalauditingsson, why does thirty-man alliance 'The Tiger Descends the Mountain' have sov in thirty systems in the south?"
Grounds for Great War 3, everyone vs macro alliances?

Personally, the more I read about the sov changes, the more ambiguous my thoughts are regarding the changes. I don't do combat very well (always tended to avoid it if I could, which means I'm /extremely/ rusty and horrible at it), so I've never seen myself as one of the PVP armies to be used for taking over systems, I'm thinking more of myself as one of the guys that goes in aftewards and makes it not suck for the PVPers to stay there. However, I am starting to get the impression that the system might be prone to a lot of disruptions, or the space one can reliably hold will be very small.

I like the premise of the idea that ratting etc goes towards making the area you live in more attractive (since that means players like me will be desired to move out to 0.0), but I also fear that players like me will be having tons of issues due to constant disruptions by roaming gangs. Last time I was in 0.0 seriously made me think of the tons-of-blues-and-one-red bit of http://m-devillers.ruhosting.nl/rmrnstuff.html as there was just no structure at all, and everyone ended up blaming everyone else for the suckage, instead of repelling gangs.

On the other hand, alliances such as the one I was in back then really shouldn't even have any space, so I suppose it'll even itself out, but I'm going to stay in the sceptical but hopeful camp until we see the final effect of the changes.

Re: sov mechanics, I must say I'm surprised by the gate deal, I was expecting it to move from POSes to planets, as that would make more sense to me. Problem with that again is, it would really just be moving the sov gameplay from POSes to fewer but bigger planets, it wouldn't really be that much of a change from today's situation.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on October 01, 2009, 01:10:47 PM
"Haeruldaelfen Siggurerurinternalauditingsson, why does thirty-man alliance 'The Tiger Descends the Mountain' have sov in thirty systems in the south?"

Doesn't he work in the CCP Department for Silly names? Seriously I lolled when I read this :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on October 05, 2009, 09:29:44 AM
New blog with lots of extra words.


I guess it is nice from a certain standpoint that they are changing T2 materials required.  Since they are not lowering the moon goo production rates I see the market eventually ending up in the same situation.  Can alchemy compensate for that?  Who knows.

The comments on solar system upgrades are nice.  Unfortunately they are also meaningless without some numbers from the rest of the new sov system.  We also need more details on those upgrades.  Will you get something better or just a saturation of the same?  How much with the modules cost?  Where will these modules be deployed?  And so on.  We do not have numbers on costs of sov modules or the rate of increase per system held.  We do know that max fuel savings is 10% as opposed to 30.  I am guessing fuel costs for alliances stay about the same, so, thanks for nothing?  Even if there is a savings it will be negated by the sov tax.  The new system will be more expensive by far.   

Oh, the concept of a single system supporting 50-100 players in terms of material resources when fully upgraded only bewilders me. 

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on October 05, 2009, 09:41:27 AM
What they are doing is vastly increasing the need for the low end moon minerals. Which should mean the big guyswill  run ariound blowing up and claiming  towers owned by small operators that previously they would not bother, with and use teh blob to defend the towers they were previously using to claim space. Welcome to Pos Warfare II - The Low End Wars.

And people were talking last night that the docking module that would allow Supercaps to dock was utterly pointless. The module will cost 80 billion, and since it can take 2 days to claim a station, which will destroy the module, there was no pooint in it. In short the implication is that nobody will bother upgrading stations at all after a while.

To be honest all I can see after this is the big boy clustering around empire and whoring every moon in the back areas, which will be pretty much empty. Why bother going out there? Dosent seem very much fun to me.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on October 05, 2009, 09:49:00 AM
I am so weary of typical MMO players giving the same old tired "I hate change change sucks evrything is stupid" responses we've all heard since Ultima Online.  It's the same in SGBS right now: apparently the sky is falling, Eve sucks, and the old system was just fine thanks all of a sudden.

Just as one example, how will these putative "big boy alliances" stop other alliances, big or small, destroying the hugely increased number of moons they need to hold when you include all those R16 and R32 moons, when they won't hold sov there because it's 20 jumps away and nobody from their alliance uses the space?  Five CTAs for capitals every day, with no cyno-jammers ever to mitigate the hot-drops that result?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on October 05, 2009, 09:50:46 AM
Will any of this make T2 ships cheaper?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on October 05, 2009, 09:58:26 AM
You are right of course Endie. Thats why I've been holding off commenting on the changes up until now.

Will any of this make T2 ships cheaper?

Its hard to say to be honest. There is the twin changes of alchamy and the increase in use of low end moon minerals. I would say t would probably on balance make them cheaper, yes.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on October 05, 2009, 10:04:42 AM
I expect there's going to be a transition period where T2 prices will rise a ton because we'll suddenly need 10 times as much low end crap and it won't be available yet and the high end prices won't have fallen.

I think I'll probably just stop making T2 modules for a couple of weeks while things settle down. Whenever I've tried to predict these things I end up burning myself.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on October 05, 2009, 10:09:40 AM
Very hard to say if prices will change much.  I would expect them to rise for awhile.  Will they drop to a lower than existing level after?  Math is hard.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on October 05, 2009, 10:57:10 AM
See that's interesting, and affects everyone from 0.0 to emprire producers. Eve had reached equilibrium, and that's terrible in an MMO. Now there will (hopefully) be chaos. That's potentially fun.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on October 05, 2009, 11:06:51 AM
One thing I know for sure is that I'm only going to be making shield emitters as I need them.  It'd be annoying to be caught with a 3 month supply and have the prices on them plummet.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on October 05, 2009, 11:17:58 AM
I always loved when they'd pull a major shuffle on the economic side.  That's when *real* fortunes get made, I quadrupled my net worth (from 10 figures to 11) in two weeks when Salvage came out, then doubled it again in the following month, for a while I handled about 50% of *all* melted capacitor consoles (I encouraged some guys to start salvaging and put out buy orders for *everything* salvage in Querious, then worked the intra-regional spreads on the stuff that turned out to be valuable).

Eve actually has a lot less "We Fear Change" conservatism than most games.  Some will bitch, most of those will turn out to have been wrong about the consequences they feared, most of the ones who are better at out-guessing how this will affect things will just quietly set up to take advantage.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on October 05, 2009, 11:23:53 AM

This is the price history for the last five days for Sylramic Fibres in Sinq Laison. Sylramic Fibres are the only moon material used in the manufacturing of every racial armour plate type.

Edit to add: What's even funnier (and I didn't notice initially because I went straight to the graph before the market had loaded) is that all the Sylramic Fibres in the entire region have either been bought or taken off the market, there is precisely one open sell order at the moment for about 77k units at an out of the way system many jumps from anywhere useful. Normally there are dozens of orders at Dodixie alone.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on October 05, 2009, 11:46:53 AM
T2 ships should become cheaper to fly, even if you don't consider the more modest material requirements, because they will insure for a bit more (al least they do on SiSi now).

I don't think lowering T2 prices was CCP's main priority, although they've acknowledged the reason of the price hike was the fixed influx of high end moon products vs the ever increasing number of people capable of flying and using T2 goodies.
What they are doing is balance the total moon income over different kinds of moons. Since these moons are spread around and quite numerous and alliances will no longer control vast patches of space, some of that income will go to the new alliances who try to fill the void between the contracting empires, giving them a chance to acquire some wealth and by doing so strengthen their foothold in 0.0.

A system like what they are proposing will give them the tools to tune how much of 0.0 a single alliance uses and, considering a revamped alchemy, allows for adjustments to whatever becomes the next bottleneck manufacturing good.

It should provide for both a more dynamical alliance landscape and better scaling economy once all the pre-patch excitement has died out.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on October 05, 2009, 11:49:59 AM
Given the volume spikes, somebody is going long, making a big bet that those fibers are going to increase in value to the tune of a billion isk in that region alone.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on October 05, 2009, 12:14:41 PM
Just did a bit of comparison shopping in other regions. The story is the same across most of Empire, minimum sell orders are now running at about 300 per unit and the numbers of sell orders is down in the low single digits per region. I wish I had the capital to do marketeering on that kind of scale.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on October 05, 2009, 12:59:33 PM
I am so weary of typical MMO players giving the same old tired "I hate change change sucks evrything is stupid" responses we've all heard since Ultima Online.  It's the same in SGBS right now: apparently the sky is falling, Eve sucks, and the old system was just fine thanks all of a sudden.
Well, bearing in mind there's no actual details yet, just arty-farty "you'll need to rat/mine/etc to make money, more people ratting = better than, also we're nerfing how all 0.0 alliances make money because focal points = bad" without actually telling people how the new systems is going to work.

Or how it's supposed to work, rather.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on October 05, 2009, 01:49:21 PM
I really don't mind even if they've radically cocked it up. I'm interested in watching the ants get stirred up, both from up close (as a player) and from a distance (like reading this thread).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on October 05, 2009, 01:56:50 PM
I am so weary of typical MMO players giving the same old tired "I hate change change sucks evrything is stupid" responses we've all heard since Ultima Online.  It's the same in SGBS right now: apparently the sky is falling, Eve sucks, and the old system was just fine thanks all of a sudden.

Bad changes are bad changes. Just because the system currently has problems does not mean that the new system must have less. It instead could have more.

Given the parameters laid out by CCP that is what looks to be happening. Not that there are not good things[for instance, more dense 0.0 solar systems in terms of isk production], but there are also bad things [the removal of moons and space quality as a focal point to stir conflict] and it looks like the bad will outweigh the good.

With regards to "omg typical mmo players giving the same old tired" crap, its not that, its just that most people are stupid and unable to do critical analysis. The developers are not outside of this sphere.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on October 05, 2009, 02:34:04 PM
Will any of this make T2 ships cheaper?

I doubt you'll see much difference in end user prices, maybe the recent (overhyped) increase will be reversed.

You'll just get a warm fuzzy feeling telling you that the profit has been distributed differently among a dozen or so people you've never met, who unknowingly colluded to build you a Vagabond.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on October 05, 2009, 02:44:43 PM
Ferrogel prices have been dropping steadily in Sinq Laison for the last month. People must be liquidating their stocks in advance.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on October 05, 2009, 04:56:08 PM
I had a big rant about this, but I want numbers, I want how a constellation that can barely support 6 people at a time is going to support 600 *without* adding agent missions.

I suppose it can work, if everyone gets super poor and has to fly tech 1 ships and BS only get used as often as Dreads do now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on October 05, 2009, 05:01:52 PM
I had a big rant about this, but I want numbers, I want how a constellation that can barely support 6 people at a time is going to support 600 *without* adding agent missions.

I suppose it can work, if everyone gets super poor and has to fly tech 1 ships and BS only get used as often as Dreads do now.
Nah, CCP can't make 0.0 much worst than it is now without people going "You know what? Fuck this shit" and either a) running missions in Empire or b) going to play an actual PvE game.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on October 05, 2009, 05:36:05 PM
I had a big rant about this, but I want numbers, I want how a constellation that can barely support 6 people at a time is going to support 600 *without* adding agent missions.

I suppose it can work, if everyone gets super poor and has to fly tech 1 ships and BS only get used as often as Dreads do now.
I've seen a single constellation support 40-60 simultaneously, with only Exploration and static belts, so it's not that much of a stretch.  A system's carrying capacity is not a fixed thing, there's no reason a single system, fully "upgraded", couldn't have 100+ belts and the equivalent of 30 complexes.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on October 05, 2009, 05:50:55 PM
As it stands, if I'm in a 10-belt system and there is one other person ratting with me then the belts are full.  Any more than that and you have to start sitting and waiting for respawns, and even with two people I've had to do that.  Belt ratting is not the way to pack people into a system.  I think they're relying on a lot of people mining when they come up with their figures.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on October 05, 2009, 06:01:53 PM
I can run a dozen belts or more myself.  Two people means you start going hungry.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on October 05, 2009, 08:25:15 PM
5 belts per person, 100 belts per system, 8 systems per constellation.  That's 160 people simultaneously right there, more than are likely to be ratting at peak in any alliance other than the Goons.

Pick any standard you like for what is "enough" to carry a given number of people, it doesn't matter.  The amount of content per system is an arbitrary number, set originally to work around the limitations of the hardware and software Eve started with.  They've added a lot more hamsters since then.

The real point is that they are *deliberately* switching away from point-source concentrated pulse models to diffused regeneration ones.  Somebody has been studying their A-Life theory.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Teleku on October 05, 2009, 08:36:52 PM
5 belts per person


Not unless they set re spawn timers in all belts to 5 minutes.  I can easily keep a system free of rats, nothing to shoot, in a 20 belt system.  I have to hit multiple systems usually.  If any other person is ratting in any other system I'm in, I go somewhere else.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Nerf on October 05, 2009, 09:00:31 PM
Increasing the respawn rates via upgrades could increase how many people can rat in a system easily though.  If upgraded enough the respawns are almost instant, so its just wave after wave of rats, you could support a lot more people.

Of course, CCP will probably completely forget that the only way to make decent ISK is chaining and tie the max-upgraded respawn to the belt being clear if they do it that way, so you'll still need at least a dozen belts to be able to chain effectively and make any ISK.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on October 06, 2009, 12:15:24 AM
Increasing the respawn rates via upgrades could increase how many people can rat in a system easily though.  If upgraded enough the respawns are almost instant, so its just wave after wave of rats, you could support a lot more people.
I imagine that's how their 'rat-attractor' upgrade will  work. It would make sense that they try to minimise the belts needed for effective ratting if they try to cram as much people in a system as possible.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on October 06, 2009, 12:18:35 AM
Yeah, but what about those people who mine by themselves?  Are there going to be designated rat-free belts for them, or are they going to have to ask a corpmate to sit around for them all the time?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on October 06, 2009, 12:56:59 AM
Since you can get both ratting and mining upgrades I'd assume you upgrade some systems for one and some for the other.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on October 06, 2009, 02:14:16 AM
Yeah, but what about those people who mine by themselves?  Are there going to be designated rat-free belts for them, or are they going to have to ask a corpmate to sit around for them all the time?

:420: faction fit your hulk every day.

Since you can get both ratting and mining upgrades I'd assume you upgrade some systems for one and some for the other.

That seems to be the thrust of what the fanfest discussion entailed: as with stations, you will have a limited number of upgrade paths available to you, so choose wisely.  If you install a mining upgrade and a ratting upgrade as your first two, presumably you limit how good either can eventually be.

I like the idea of adding upgrading space to the things you can shape and improve in the universe.  Vio Geraci, who posted at length about these exact ideas back in 2007 or so, and whose ideas were taken to the devs by Darius and Bane, and then further pushed by Zastrow, must be feeling pretty :smug: right now.  The fact that this has been something influenced so heavily by goonswarm makes it mildly ironic that the usual doomsayers are complaining quite so volubly in SGBS.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on October 06, 2009, 03:03:32 AM
A very insightful blog from Mittens on how the sovereignty claim system will probably be less important than the system for locking people out of stations: http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/75206

Fair point: I've helped kill plenty of alliances where they had huge amounts of sovereign systems left at the point where they collapsed, and it was the loss of station systems, together with the flight of assets to empire that that provokes, which tended to prompt that failure cascade.

Also, this summary of fanfest's key announcements for those that didn't waste their Sunday afternoon watching the streaming: http://www.massively.com/2009/10/05/eve-fanfest-2009-highlights/#continued

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on October 06, 2009, 03:09:27 AM
The sheer drama these changes will create will make it all worthwhile.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pennilenko on October 06, 2009, 10:47:19 AM
There will be tears for the goblets of all.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on October 06, 2009, 11:56:23 AM
I like the idea of adding upgrading space to the things you can shape and improve in the universe.  Vio Geraci, who posted at length about these exact ideas back in 2007 or so, and whose ideas were taken to the devs by Darius and Bane, and then further pushed by Zastrow, must be feeling pretty :smug: right now.  The fact that this has been something influenced so heavily by goonswarm makes it mildly ironic that the usual doomsayers are complaining quite so volubly in SGBS.
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Predator Irl on October 07, 2009, 09:17:33 AM
I find it amusing how people cry for change in Eve, then before the implementation has taken place, stress about how it is going to change or their perception of how it will change.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tazelbain on October 07, 2009, 09:21:47 AM
People want change but no one can agree on what change to enact.  True for healthcare and internet spaceships.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tmp on October 07, 2009, 11:23:18 AM
People want change but no one can agree on what change to enact.
I think "change" pretty universally boils down to "i'd like my cheerios fresh and the neighbour's with healthy dose of urine, if possible".

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on October 08, 2009, 09:06:20 PM
I think asking for "change" is like asking for someone to restore balance to the Force.   Not necessarily good for you.

Anyway, re: CCP's changes to the game, it's pretty much "let them do it, and we'll see what's what."

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on October 14, 2009, 11:33:35 AM
New stars:

http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/0910/GPnewstarssisi.jpg (http://go-dl.eve-files.com/media/0910/GPnewstarssisi.jpg)

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 06, 2009, 03:43:17 PM
Unless something is being massively boosted in the quality of anomolies or exploration sites, then this is a disaster: http://www.eveonline.com/devblog.asp?a=blog&bid=711

Space costs a fortune and the upgrades are trash.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on November 06, 2009, 08:31:59 PM
Do you think this will cause alliances to cutback on how much space they officially claim, or simply just avoid upgrades?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 06, 2009, 09:02:36 PM
Both, the ratting/mining upgrades are irrelevant because they are too expensive, but without the logistical upgrades there is no point holding the space - so you'll see both upgrades ignored and space left unclaimed.

I also think ccp will rethink some of this before launch, because jesus fuck this is stupid.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on November 06, 2009, 10:05:39 PM
Food for thought.  For CVA just maintaining sov that we have now would cost 940M a day.  Add in our locked down region (lets say 30 jammed systems) 750M a day.  A jump bridge network?  250M.  Cyno nav?  Maybe 40M?  Granted I might be off, it is not difficult to imagine 2Billion a day.  More than 50 Billion a month.  Systems are not even upgraded. 

What is the tipping point?  Are these upgrades going to pay for the sov?  At 10% tax your people are going to have to farm up 300M per system just for the sov and hub.  Now, for big alliances with nice space that may be no issue.  Small Alliances?  Just how high is the raw number barrier to entry in 0.0 supposed to be?  How drastic a change are these upgrade levels?  What does CCP mean when they talk about sustaining 100 pilots per system?  I do not believe it.  Rationing?  Equal distribution of wealth?  And that is just the NBSI players.  Since methods of recovery (external taxes) are not being implemented in this expansion those of us so admired for doing things differently cannot count on the 300M per system npc income. 

Sov will not be worth it.  Alliances will hold a few systems with stacked resources or transport.  The rest will be towers for outlying wealth.  Sov claims will drop all over the map.  Ganker gangs will roam around in the spaces between shrunken borders.  Fights will happen over a few resources.  Any sad bastard new groups that claim sov without the same mega alliance setup we have now will be rolled just because. 

How does this encourage growth?  Pretty great that -.01 and -1.0 space cost the same, yea?

Meh.  I am getting some sleep.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pennilenko on November 06, 2009, 11:05:19 PM
It's like they actually want their game to be a second job for the players.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on November 07, 2009, 01:17:40 AM
Great changes. I hope it succeeds in limiting alliances to a few systems, maybe a constellation. I'm pretty sure that even if it doesn't CCP will tune the system until it does.
The aim here isn't making everybody grind like mad to cover the costs associated with owning a region but to concentrate entire alliances in a few core systems.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 07, 2009, 01:29:29 AM
And if they had bothered to provide a way to upgrade the space so you could fit Goonswarm into NOL, that would be fine.

But they didn't.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 07, 2009, 01:52:04 AM
My prediction: CCP screws this up horrendously.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 07, 2009, 03:33:06 AM
There is a dev in the eve-o thread, now claiming that it is all ok, because a fully upgraded system can have anomalies 'pretty much' close to lvl 4 empire income, and can support up to 15 people.

Well that's a weight off my mind...

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Reg on November 07, 2009, 06:07:57 AM
It's already next to impossible for the average 0.0 resident to support himself with 0.0 activities. I'd hoped this patch would change that but apparently not.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on November 07, 2009, 06:46:39 AM
Pezzle, roughly how much does it cost CVA to hold Sov with current mechanics so we can compare?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Predator Irl on November 07, 2009, 10:07:14 AM
Great changes. I hope it succeeds in limiting alliances to a few systems, maybe a constellation. I'm pretty sure that even if it doesn't CCP will tune the system until it does.
The aim here isn't making everybody grind like mad to cover the costs associated with owning a region but to concentrate entire alliances in a few core systems.

I think you're right, its all about making smaller spaces more useful. If it works it will be a great change that will see many alliance borders shrink without hitting the pockets too hard. Lets face it, most space in any alliances territory is largely unpopulated and unused purely because the truesec and other factors are completely useless. 

If CCP do this correctly, the players will find it easier working in more compact space and achieving the same results. Do Goons, CVA, Atlas, AAA or anyone else really need to control all that territory? Its not making them stronger when its costing ISK to fuel towers in systems that aren't actually being used. I may change my opinion when Dominion is implemented, but for now I think its a step in the right direction. 

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 07, 2009, 10:58:45 AM
I am hugely disappointed that CCP's response to this is not to boost the value of 0.0 but just to cut the costs a bit:


Now we'll just keep holding wide areas of space and only large alliances will be able to take it from each other, as before.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 07, 2009, 11:02:56 AM
CCP in "Unable to tell arse from elbow" shocker!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on November 07, 2009, 11:07:52 AM
I'm sorry but I really cant see how anyone will be abe to support themselves in 0.0 with these changes. Will they be spawning 300 anomalies per system or something?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on November 07, 2009, 11:12:04 AM
Those charges seem a bit steep.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 07, 2009, 11:20:35 AM
I'm sorry but I really cant see how anyone will be abe to support themselves in 0.0 with these changes. Will they be spawning 300 anomalies per system or something?
Ten or so, when fully upgraded.
Populated with deadspace rats, to boot.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 07, 2009, 11:26:39 AM
I'm sorry but I really cant see how anyone will be abe to support themselves in 0.0 with these changes. Will they be spawning 300 anomalies per system or something?
Ten or so, when fully upgraded.
Populated with deadspace rats, to boot.

Where did you get that?  All I see is "two extra anomalies per system".  But I know that some devs have been posting with varying degrees of usefulness throughout.  The worst is Stoffer (CCP Soundwave).  I have an account on a temp forum ban now for reporting him to the mods for unconstructive trolling  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on November 07, 2009, 11:32:46 AM
I think Chronotis just stated in the Dev blog that the TCU charge will be reduced to 1m per day along with the marker at 5m per day, which works out at 180m per month for base infrastructure.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 07, 2009, 11:35:53 AM
I'm sorry but I really cant see how anyone will be abe to support themselves in 0.0 with these changes. Will they be spawning 300 anomalies per system or something?
Ten or so, when fully upgraded.
Populated with deadspace rats, to boot.

Where did you get that?  All I see is "two extra anomalies per system".  But I know that some devs have been posting with varying degrees of usefulness throughout.  The worst is Stoffer (CCP Soundwave).  I have an account on a temp forum ban now for reporting him to the mods for unconstructive trolling  :awesome_for_real:
I'm pretty sure that one of Stoffer's replies said that it was two anomalies per level of upgrade/sov. so ten in total. I could, however, be imagining the whole thing.  :uhrr:

I think Chronotis just stated in the Dev blog that the TCU charge will be reduced to 1m per day along with the marker at 5m per day, which works out at 180m per month for base infrastructure.
Great, now all they need to do is actually make the space worth living in. Turning the deadspace rats into belt rats would be a nice starting point but probably not far enough.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 07, 2009, 11:38:04 AM
I think Chronotis just stated in the Dev blog that the TCU charge will be reduced to 1m per day along with the marker at 5m per day, which works out at 180m per month for base infrastructure.

Yeah I posted some figures in the tax thread.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on November 07, 2009, 11:46:28 AM
Aye I just saw that, I reckon the TCU charges should be inline with the system trusec. Something like 1m to 10m for 0.01-1.0.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 07, 2009, 12:20:19 PM
I initially thought you were spot on there, but with truesec not mattering so much (apparently it won't affect the anomalies and I doubt if it will affect the revised grav sites they're now trailing to quiet people down) I'm less certain.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on November 07, 2009, 01:19:45 PM
Pezzle, roughly how much does it cost CVA to hold Sov with current mechanics so we can compare?

I do not know the real numbers for sov only right now.  My guess is the cost is less than half of that 50B+ number I listed.  Keep in mind we actually only maintain a bit more than half of Providence ourselves.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on November 07, 2009, 01:42:32 PM
Just to remind myself how terrible they are, I ran two anomalies yesterday.  The first one was a drone site that didn't spawn a single BS and I was able to haul the loot home in a destroyer with half my cargo empty.  The second was a Blood Raider site that spawned a single terrible battleship after four waves of chaff.  I probably would have made more isk off a single decent triple BS spawn.

Still, one thing that people seem to be ignoring is that the 50-100 person figure isn't meant to be simultaneous, It's meant to be all day long.  So if there are ten anomalies plus various other sites, let's say a system can handle 15 people simultaneously.  Those people all take about 3 hours, and then 15 new people cycle in.  That's much more in line with the figures that CCP are throwing out.

Also, regarding Providence: I get the feeling that CCP were referring to the multiple friendly Alliances holding space in a region instead of the entire area being held by a single entity when the said they were using it as a model.  I don't believe the NRDS had anything to do with it when they were coming up with the system, so the people that are upset about maybe having to lose that are probably wasting their breath.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on November 07, 2009, 04:06:38 PM
I'm sorry but I really cant see how anyone will be abe to support themselves in 0.0 with these changes. Will they be spawning 300 anomalies per system or something?
Ten or so, when fully upgraded.
Populated with deadspace rats, to boot.

Ergh. So they will be continuously spawning anomalies with a max of 10 in system at one time? Assuming people actually go out and clear them continuously? And they don't even give them belt rats to boot?

I can see people still fighting over belts by preference with that bullshit.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on November 07, 2009, 04:12:40 PM
People are throwing around comparisons to the NGE in both the Eve-O thread and the GF one. It will be interesting to see how things change in Monday's dev blog.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on November 07, 2009, 04:15:59 PM
Why don't they just let Alliances buy mission agents for their stations or whatever?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on November 07, 2009, 04:19:15 PM
RP reasons. The "agents" are from the corp that owns the station and you are doing missions for that corp. That's why when The blood raiders came to delve they did BOB the "disservice" of converting those systems to NPC space, the rotters.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 07, 2009, 04:21:57 PM
RP reasons. The "agents" are from the corp that owns the station and you are doing missions for that corp. That's why when The blood raiders came to delve they did BOB the "disservice" of converting those systems to NPC space, the rotters.

Or, you could read the thread and see that Stoffer says that they want to but can't right now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on November 07, 2009, 04:29:34 PM
They should totally let the Alliances customize the Agents mission flavor text if they ever get it working.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on November 07, 2009, 04:29:44 PM
I did nothing but encounters for 2 weeks about a month ago. My cash was pretty much exactly 50% per hour compared to belt ratting. I'd say replacing the encounter rats with Belt rats, and having a set 2 to 10 (and remember, you wont GET 10 until 100 days of sov have passed!) would make it worth doing.

Until then, large alliances will STILL spread out.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on November 07, 2009, 05:23:20 PM
Also, what happens if you lose sov for a day or two before getting it back?  All your upgrades are wiped out and you're back to 1-2 anomalies at a time?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on November 07, 2009, 05:48:23 PM
Also, what happens if you lose sov for a day or two before getting it back?  All your upgrades are wiped out and you're back to 1-2 anomalies at a time?

That would be the logical conclusion, yeah.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 07, 2009, 06:20:02 PM
Still, one thing that people seem to be ignoring is that the 50-100 person figure isn't meant to be simultaneous, It's meant to be all day long.  So if there are ten anomalies plus various other sites, let's say a system can handle 15 people simultaneously.  Those people all take about 3 hours, and then 15 new people cycle in.  That's much more in line with the figures that CCP are throwing out.

afaik, anomalies only respawn at DT.

Also, a lot of posts on this seem to make the assumption that all alliances have steady timezone coverage, and that members are willing to warp between 15 anomalies to find the only one that is free.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on November 07, 2009, 06:21:41 PM

afaik, anomalies only respawn at DT.

That's what I thought too, but I assume that if they are making changes this radical they would be changing the spawn rate of anomalies to match.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 07, 2009, 07:02:11 PM

afaik, anomalies only respawn at DT.

That's what I thought too, but I assume that if they are making changes this radical they would be changing the spawn rate of anomalies to match.

har har.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on November 07, 2009, 08:00:06 PM
It's implied that they'll respawn upon completion somewhere else in the system.  Otherwise you'd use up your 10-15 anomalies in 30 minutes and be done for the day.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 08, 2009, 05:53:29 AM
The second-funniest thing in that official thread is idiots saying things like "HAR HAR gonies h8 it so it R good". Half our home region is NPC space, and we're close to Empire. We're in a better position to cope than, say, Atlas. Or the Drone Russians. Or large chunks of the NC.

The funniest, natch, being the Unanswerable Question CCP is doing their damnedest to ignore in the hope it will go away.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 08, 2009, 06:10:09 AM
I think at this point most people are starting to miss the point behind the revised costs posted in the eve-o thread.

One of the devs indicated the flag is dropping to 1M/day. And that the only thing staying prohibitive is the logistics upgrades.

Impact of all of this...

 - Alliances will pay 1M/day to keep current space, only thing that will change that is if harrassing gangs become a problem.
 - Jammers are going away - they are far too expensive. Expect more widespread cap use.
 - Hubs will generally only be bought for station systems, they will come with free cyno beacons.
 - Moon mining becomes much less of a contributor to alliance income because of the R64 nerf, the removal of fuel bonuses, and no sov advantage from towers.
 - Nothing at all happens to base individual level income, but corp taxes/fees rise.
 - Logistics folk dance a jig.
 - Sov warfare will be based around the remaining high value moons (pos shots), and stop/hub/flag/station shots.

In other words, caps will be able to get around more easily, sub caps slightly less easily, alliance reimbursement will be harder to sustain, and fleet ops will be indistinguishable from the present arrangements.

In the end, a whole load of fuss over no change.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on November 08, 2009, 07:05:27 AM
In the end, a whole load of fuss over no change.

If it's "no change" and it looks like it sucks, then what we have now and are accepting as the game sucks, no?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 08, 2009, 07:12:49 AM
People are complaining that something they have already backed off of sucks.

Unfortunately they hid the u-turn on page 33 of a 60 page threadnaught.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on November 08, 2009, 07:30:59 AM
If we are forced to pay 25M a day for linked bridges does the fuel go away?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on November 08, 2009, 07:56:29 AM
If we are forced to pay 25M a day for linked bridges does the fuel go away?

Yes. None of the infrastructure goes on POSes any more and they have an upkeep cost that's simply a flat Concord fee instead of fuel items from the market. This is a backdoor nerf to ice mining and industrial goods as well.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 08, 2009, 07:57:38 AM
- Nothing at all happens to base individual level income, but corp taxes/fees rise.
Ah, this must be the voodoo economics I've been hearing about.  :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on November 11, 2009, 08:26:01 AM
The new dev blog is up with a refined version of how to take sov.


It will all come down to the breadth of the random element in the reinforcement timers.  Too wide and nobody can defend space consistently against an attacker from a different TZ.  Too narrow, and nobody can take any but small amounts of space in the same situation.

Along with the vulnerability of the onlining SBUs i think that taking space will be tricky.  That's good so long as they make holding small amounts of space profitable and large amounts less so (as opposed to holding any space bankrupting like the initial prices in the last devblog, or holding large amounts easy like the second revision).

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 11, 2009, 08:58:31 AM
I never really understood the problem with the current reinforcement mechanic.

It did basically the same thing as this but added an element of having to outhink the other guy and rewarded you for controlling more timezones than your opponent.

Plus having people rush in to do stront timing under fire was pretty cool.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on November 11, 2009, 01:45:58 PM
They made station systems harder to attack that's a good idea. Also alliance logo on TCU unit is a nice touch but I get the impression they will placed somewhere that isn't immediately visible, so a bit pointless really.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on November 11, 2009, 02:50:15 PM
You will then have seven days, until December 8th, to set up your Infrastructure Hubs and install the upgrades you wish to have.

That week right there is where they hope that all alliances dump a massive amount of cash out of their wallets.  Cause after that, everyone will feel first-hand just how prohibitive the costs are.  But for one week, CCP is hoping we'll all try to keep everything we had pre-patch.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 11, 2009, 04:38:36 PM
I'm very concerned about how dificult it is to get the military index up, especialy in systems with low belt counts.
I had 6+ pilots running my 5 belt system and anomolies in it for most of the day yesterday after patch.
killed almost 1000 rats (1000, not a typo) and got 12% toward lvl 1.

came back today and it was back at 0%, killed another 200 rats and no movement at all, still red down arrow.
something must be wrong here.
:rofl: :popcorn:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on November 11, 2009, 04:53:27 PM
Upkeep update:

TCU: 6m ISK / day
Hub: 0 ISK / day
Jump bridge: 10m ISK / day
Cyno gen: 2m ISK / day
Cyno jammer: 20m ISK / day
CSAA: 1m ISK / day

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Goumindong on November 11, 2009, 05:44:18 PM
I never really understood the problem with the current reinforcement mechanic.

It did basically the same thing as this but added an element of having to outhink the other guy and rewarded you for controlling more timezones than your opponent.

Plus having people rush in to do stront timing under fire was pretty cool.

Well you see, it was tied to POS warfare and since people didn't like POS warfare, that meant that everything about POS warfare was bad and not just some aspects of it making it bad.

That being said, a "shoot the station" mechanic really isn't that bad if sov is entirely descriptive[which is to say it has no real effect at all]. However, if SOV is descriptive then there is no reason to have a separate system for it, since you could then just tie it to who owned the station.

Knowing this, CCP seem to have fucked it all up, not understanding the density problems that were associated with 0.0 grinding[0.0 operation for most people will STILL be less profitable than lvl 4 missions, and 10 systems won't have the density that a single l4 hub does, this is especially true with required corp taxes], not understanding that if you have to destroy infrastructure then the entire fucking point of taking space is gone... except for r64 moons... which were nerfed, and not understanding that simple mechanics of "shoot the thing until it dies, make sure you have to do it at least twice" are much better than insane mechanics like "defend multiple points of attack for hours"

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on November 25, 2009, 09:13:13 AM
Dominion trailer has been released.


I won't lie, my face was :grin: when watching this.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on November 25, 2009, 10:25:16 AM
Dominion trailer has been released.


I won't lie, my face was :grin: when watching this.

I see they captured the smooth flow of large fleet battles well.

Also 'Primary is that supercarrier' then about a second and a half later 'Primary target is down'. Way to twist the knife CCP....

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on November 25, 2009, 11:10:13 AM
I thought the target was the Cyno Gen ship?

-edit- I did really enjoy the support fleet breaking off to chase Kill Mails though  :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on November 25, 2009, 11:18:21 AM
At about 1:06 the FC says 'All ships focus fire on that supercarrier'

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on November 25, 2009, 11:26:03 AM
The missiles were already in flight towards the Cyno ship though.

Were both sides using mixed fleets? That confused me a bit, since CCP usually splits them up via faction for videos.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Nerf on November 25, 2009, 11:34:57 AM
I appreciated the russians not bothering to call a primary, although these days thats more fitting of our friendly HVAC repair alliance.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: DLRiley on November 25, 2009, 07:32:15 PM
Where is the EVE subscription form at  :drill:. Man I wonder how many people going to sign up for EVE solely based on that vid?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on November 25, 2009, 07:55:19 PM
They should record a before and after as totally new players actually try EVE for the first time.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Pezzle on November 25, 2009, 08:04:41 PM
Not enough swearing to be genuine.  Also, who the hell actually plays EVE fleet battles and sees that?  I see different sized hostile boxes.  That is the real lie of EVE videos.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on November 26, 2009, 12:00:42 AM
I was laughing at the end of it, they played the scary Russian card very well.  I thought it was pretty accurate myself.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on November 26, 2009, 02:07:58 PM
Not enough swearing to be genuine.


I aim to please.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Thrawn on November 28, 2009, 07:20:09 PM
Wow, well done video.  One of the coolest parts of watching it is that fights in game really do go down like that.   Just sad that fights that good are few and far between.  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on November 30, 2009, 04:12:50 PM
New minor piece of comedy for the patch: Someone pretty much had to make a thread on scrapheap in the last day or so spelling out that technetium was going to spike post-patch (it's the biggest of the new T2 bottlenecks) because nobody else there had figured it out yet. Well, nobody else who was sharing, anyway. :)

Mind you, I don't think CCP has figured it out either - technetium moons are rarity32 (one step down from the old oilwells of r64 moons)...and r32 moons are regionally distributed. So tech moons only exist in the northern end of 0.0 space. Which means that Razor/MM/et al could potentially hold the entirety of T2 production to ransom if they were organised and felt like it.

NB: This also means that the whole IT/AAA/Stainwagon/Atlas battleplan?
Junk. They've got TRI as the "spearhead" on what is now the most valuable space in the game.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Brolan on November 30, 2009, 05:09:46 PM
Well, it's now less than an hour until they bring the servers down for the patch.  Any predictions on how the sov thing will work out?  Will patches of 0.0  space now go unclaimed?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Comstar on November 30, 2009, 05:20:08 PM
The 0.0 alliances wined enough that no space will go "fallow" for others to take.  The changes to 0.0 space don't allow corp or allience taxes to increase  much above what they are, most 0.0 players still will want to belt rat to make money and the logistics problems haven't changed- you still can't live in Period Basis without having allies in Delve, huge swaths of space are still useless and jump bridges still work too well.

If you check dotlan as of today, 60% of Catch is empty every single day. This will not change.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on November 30, 2009, 07:15:55 PM
So basically a whole lot of sperging, threadnaughting and skies falling without any of that actually happening?

Expansions are weird.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on November 30, 2009, 07:51:35 PM
I think there's more outrage about things that were promised and later yanked from the expansion than the actual outcome of the expansion, aside from the technetium thing.

Edit: Advanced Weapon Upgrades V

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Quinton on November 30, 2009, 09:46:18 PM
Not enough swearing to be genuine.


I aim to please.

Oh god that kills me.  Much better.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Setanta on December 01, 2009, 12:56:02 AM
The only thing that annoys me about the expansion is the RF Tempest change. I liked the option to shield or armor tank it - forcing it to go to armor is meh especially as there are two other races that armor tank specifically.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on December 03, 2009, 07:03:11 AM
Not enough swearing to be genuine.


I aim to please.

Oh god that kills me.  Much better.

That's class.

So what are people's opinions so far? Fleet finder is the thing I'm most impressed by at the moment, the planets look cool but on medium GFX setting seem to lag out my framerate. I found a nice habitable planet in a nearby system.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Darkin Ranova on December 03, 2009, 11:40:56 AM
25%, after 10hrs, of the patch to go.  Tether mode.... awayish.   Then I can putts around and site see as I don't get the sense of speed and low latency I did when I had a cellular modem.

Any screenshots of the planets?  Fleet finder does sound nice.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on December 03, 2009, 02:03:00 PM
My interwebs are broken.

Downloading the patch over dialup would be suicide.

So the best thing about the patch for me is I get to go outside.

Covert Ops V

Jump Drive Operation V

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Darkin Ranova on December 03, 2009, 07:29:43 PM
The patched finished then it didn't like my client.  I'm about to force my fiance fuck French wife to go get her laptop from work with the full client download.  She had to leave it there to finish a DB backup :(

edit: struck down. I can't share my tethered Blackberry.   HAHAHAH

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on December 04, 2009, 07:22:24 AM
Did you try the repair tool?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on December 05, 2009, 09:24:00 AM
The patch that took and hour to download corrupted my cliant. So I have to download the full cliant. Go go 6 and a half hour download. Go go having to redo all my overview and channel settings!  :woot:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on December 05, 2009, 10:13:27 AM
You can save those. They are somewhere in the CCP folder in your user profile. I can't tell you exactly where but there should be a post around here somewhere from when Bhodi made his overview settings script that tells you where those settings are kept.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on December 05, 2009, 12:57:43 PM
I clicked save settings when I uninstalled the other client and it transferred everything over automatically when I loaded the new client

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on December 05, 2009, 01:17:21 PM
Or you could do it the normal way...

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Slayerik on December 05, 2009, 09:32:31 PM
Saw like 47,000 people online tonight. Game is still growing, thats for sure.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tazelbain on December 05, 2009, 10:26:43 PM
Saw like 47,000 people online tonight. Game is still growing, thats for sure.
What percentage are Endie?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Quinton on December 05, 2009, 10:55:21 PM
We can't reveal exact numbers there as it may compromise Endie's many alts in the field.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on December 06, 2009, 03:25:18 AM
As long as it isn't >1000. If it is, then damn I want to see how he's solved the heat, power and internet connectivity problems. :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on December 06, 2009, 04:42:53 AM
Saw like 47,000 people online tonight. Game is still growing, thats for sure.
Right up until the point the server fell down, went boom.  :grin:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on December 06, 2009, 04:56:33 AM
I think the number I saw when logging in after the first disconnect of the evening, was 49777 users in total. So it's definitely growing.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: ajax34i on December 06, 2009, 10:02:02 AM
As long as it isn't >1000. If it is, then damn I want to see how he's solved the heat, power and internet connectivity problems. :grin:

That's what botnets are for.  You could be an Endie right now and not even know it.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Falwell on December 06, 2009, 11:33:56 AM
I just picked up a second account and looked at the online number as I went in, 52,717. This was at about 2:00 EST.

EDIT: The latest PCU I could find was 53,850, so they'll probably break that tonight.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on December 06, 2009, 12:34:16 PM
54149 now. Getting a bit more impressive now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Trouble on December 06, 2009, 01:39:49 PM

New record of 54,181.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: slog on December 07, 2009, 06:54:43 AM
So what's the verdict on the new patch?  Did it fix 0.0 warfare?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on December 07, 2009, 07:06:27 AM
So what's the verdict on the new patch?  Did it fix 0.0 warfare?

Nobody knows.

Everyone is currently too busy hauling enormous quantities of space-flag into position so that the existing sov infrastructure keeps working after the grace period is up.

Plus during the grace period noone can break sov.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on December 07, 2009, 07:13:05 AM
Theres some discussion that it has made o.o worthless without upgrading it though. Some people have reported that signitures as opposed to anomalies have vanished. Havent done any scanning myself so I dunno.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on December 07, 2009, 07:16:54 AM
I did do a tiny bit of scanning in 2 systems yesterday with some core scanning probes, and I found squat. I was going to check this out some more later today just to see if it was something I should bust out the expanded probe launcher for, or if there was really just nothing to find in those two systems.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on December 07, 2009, 06:49:29 PM
Theres some discussion that it has made o.o worthless without upgrading it though. Some people have reported that signitures as opposed to anomalies have vanished. Havent done any scanning myself so I dunno.

0.0 is exactly as worthless as it was before the patch.

Holding sov is slightly cheaper, and if you don't upgrade the space, it provides the same income to everyone bar moon miners, for whom r64 wealth got spread around a little.

Signatures haven't vanished, and even if they had, it would hardly effect anyone since so few people run them.

0.0 didn't exactly provide endless gin and whores in every belt before the patch; but in the end the change didn't make it any worse.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on December 08, 2009, 05:39:41 AM
Patch Notes for Dominion 1.0.2

I shall hurf and I shall blurf until I blow the house down. At least enough to kill some extended downtime.

Dominion, even though theorized in good intentions and promised to bring good changes, such as more small gang warfare and more carebearing oriented opportunities in 0.0, doesn't appear to be significant enough to hit the mark with its mission plan. What I feel is that we now have a sovereignty system that is more complicated to understand than the assemply instructions for a Rube Goldberg machine, written in Mandarin. The only way spaceless groups will use it to take over systems is if they could inject the directions into their brain like a skillbook. Sov warfare will still be very much a war of attrition, except this time only for the attacker. Kiting is not a necessity anymore thanks to all the variable timers.

Outposts are just broken. You can claim a system but you still have to take the outpost. You have to reinforce it and somehow stop them from using carriers to rep it while playing undock games. Also you have to do this three times in a row in a four day period. If you have outposts and carriers, you're not going to have to pack up and leave ever. Unless they get one-shotted by the new titans.

I do believe that if the infrastructure upgrades can encourage more people to live in the same solar system or constellation this could work. Personally I would be looking forward to more splintering on the political map, but more interactivity inside those cells. When we were playing Fallout Online, a one man modification that turned the original Fallout games into a basic MMO (think early UO with guns), we were granted our own channel in the Darkfall Goons ventrilo. That voice channel really was the game, as it was impossible to imagine playing the game without it once you've been accustomed to hanging out with a league of extraordinary gentlegoons.

Even though someone was hunting alone, some group was raiding a town and someone else was in the guild hideout crafting ammo, we were all in the small wasteland together and could call upon each other. Not to mention that the lack of tags in the game required everyone to be familiar with each other to coordinate parties and avoid friendly fire. Some more than others failed at that magnificently. This was a great thing that encouraged awareness and cooperation. Sadly the game lived through a short golden age, following its own Trammel and got turned to shit by its own devs and the official community forum. The great time I had playing it I attributed to the very basic RPG game mechanics of Black Isle and a group of Sandfucks that loved doing what they did well. The Sandfucks was the actual faction name we had to pick for ourselves from an available list. Before a server wipe we were The Terrible Shitheads.

EvE has all the capabilities on its own to be a similarly engaged and less idle online experience, with built in Voice and a sense of ownership and presence in the game. Sadly this takes a kicking in the nuts because internet submarines in space and ship manufacturing tycoon pirate hunter doesn't want to be based on simple concepts. It likes to iterate on iterations, tweak the already inadequate and keep things confused and convoluted. What happened to "Just burn everything." that the Russian commander felt so relaxed about? Why can't taking over the world at least resemble something from a 4X (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4X) game?

EvE's gameplay problem is losing all form of sense and immersion from focusing on nuances that players find irritating. If Dominion does bring an improved style to nullsec, then I'll be happy. However I will miss the idea that inhabited and prospering solarsystems can be places of wonder and swathes of galactic wasteland could be grounds for non D-Day type skirmishes and dangerous hunts for Holy Space Grails and misadventure. That's mostly what I find upsetting about the upgrading mechanic. If an area is developed and defended it's true security level shold drop as the activity index goes up and stay scaled, as pirates find it hard to stay there, and vise versa. NPC regions should keep their exceptions, but something could be done about them as well. I want the big picture of CCP's "emergent gameplay" to just make some real world sense.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on December 08, 2009, 07:35:11 AM
I dunno, I think that they're really close to something, here.

I think that they could tweak the variable to produce worthwhile upgrades that support far more people.  They could change the random element to make it a broader window and to give some hope of out-of-TZ conquest.

What's more, I think that these changes are inevitable as they loosen up after a (quite correct) conservative launch.

They need two new systems: one to show which CAs in an upgraded system are empty.  To avoid ganking, you might make this involve fleet membership.

The second is that the cost of holding space should increase geometrically, not arithmetically, beyond a certain level (I'd be aggressive and make that as low as  three or four constellations).  But I wanted a system in which it was hard to lose your last space and that is quite plainly possible. 

Finally, i would make the random variation in the window increase according to how many systems or stations an alliance holds relative to its number of members.  The last outpost should time perfectly, while the 400-man alliance with ten towers should be playing a lottery with a twelve-hour window.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: eldaec on December 08, 2009, 10:25:49 AM
Under geometric costs, why would everyone not split up into half a dozen fake alliances?

Finally, i would make the random variation in the window increase according to how many systems or stations an alliance holds relative to its number of members.  The last outpost should time perfectly, while the 400-man alliance with ten towers should be playing a lottery with a twelve-hour window.

I agree it should vary, but you make it vary by activity in systems, not number of members.

Has a similar effect, but it is harder to exploit by reorganising corporations.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: MahrinSkel on December 08, 2009, 10:35:41 AM
Under geometric costs, why would everyone not split up into half a dozen fake alliances?
Because politics and natural social drift would set in, and they wouldn't stay fake for long.  There's also the issue of JB networks.


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: IainC on December 08, 2009, 11:30:53 AM
I made a suggestion in my CSM platform that sov costs should scale not only with distance from the nominal alliance capital but also with proximity to other alliance's space. That would make dividing your alliance into several fake ones more difficult as they'd need to maintain a buffer against each other.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Amarr HM on December 08, 2009, 04:12:17 PM
I don't think there is any need for that as it occurs naturally, and if it can then it should in a sandbox environment.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on December 21, 2009, 08:54:10 AM
Dominion 1.1 seems pretty good. Edit - for us cap pilots.


Hello, everyone. We’ve made a few changes that we would like to give you a heads up about and get your feedback on. We will attempt to be as active in this thread as we can and reply to your feedback / answer questions. So, here is a short list of the important bits which will change from what is currently on TQ and appear on SiSi very soon:

Structure Signature Radius

Most importantly, we’ve changed the signature radius on all Control Towers and POS structures. You will find that all of these numbers have been increased to a minimum signature radius of 2000 so that all capital weapons are capable of doing full damage to their intended targets.

State Module Changes

We have added a mass multiplier to Siege Modules, Triage Modules and Industrial Cores. When these modules are activated, the mass of your ship increases exponentially, making it much harder for other ships to move or bump.

The Triage module has had its duration and fuel consumption reduced by half.


Dreadnaughts will receive their own signature radius bump that puts them in the same range as other capital ships. We’ve also straightened up one other issue by returning the Naglfar to its primarily turret based bonuses.

Naglfar: Launcher RoF bonus removed and Turret RoF bonus (5%) added.

XL Turrets

XL turrets have been adjusted slightly to ensure their damage is balanced and to give the short range weapons a bit more range.

Dual 1000mm Railgun: Damage mod to 5.8
Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery: Damage mod to 12.75

Ion Siege Blaster Cannon: Optimal 30 / Falloff 15
Dual Giga Pulse Laser: Optimal 37.5 / Falloff 10
6x 2500mm Repeating Artillery: Optimal 25

Citadel Torps / Cruise

We’ve changed several things here in order to balance these weapons with their turret counterparts and ensure they are doing the damage they are supposed to.

Citadel Torps: Velocity 1750; Explosion Radius 2000; Launcher RoF 34s
Citadel Cruise: Velocity 4250; Explosion Radius 1750
Compact Torps: Damage 3000; Explosion Radius 1750

We are also adding faction Citadel Cruise Missiles as well. They will receive the same 10% damage bonus that the current faction citadel torpedoes receive.

Motherships --> Supercarriers

After careful consideration and further balancing, we will be reintroducing Supercarriers for Dominion 1.1. This will include:

• Fighter Bombers
• Hit Point boost
• Jump Range increase
• Removal of Triage usage
• Removal of Jump Clone usage

A special comment on the Hel – we realize that among these ships, the Hel’s bonus to repair might be seen as a bit ‘meh’. The other school of thought is that considering how useful remote repair is, especially when it comes to carrier combat, perhaps the Hel’s bonus is not so bad. So, what would you like to see here? Would an additional boost to the current RR bonus be welcomed? Ponies?


A couple changes here to ensure all the titans are doing similar levels of damage, which they currently are not.

Ragnarok: Damage bonus to turrets to 125%
Leviathan: RoF bonus remove;, Damage bonus to 125%

All of this will be going to SiSi in the next couple days. While future iteration on capitals is still possible, all of the above is what we consider to be updates and fixes to current issues. We look forward to your constructive and always enthusiastic feedback.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on December 21, 2009, 10:19:32 AM
So far I'm liking the changes to Sov warfare in dominion. They seen to be working well and its giving lots of opportunity for fleet combat with less of the hours of tower shooting.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on December 21, 2009, 04:12:45 PM
So...they basically put all the Capital stuff back in unchanged that they pulled for no good reason in Dom 1.0?


Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on December 22, 2009, 10:05:34 AM
The Naglfar must be very tired of all those dinners and movies by now.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Teleku on December 22, 2009, 11:30:29 AM
So I'm only 2 weeks away from a capswarm spec Moro's.  How are they now?  I'm just going to assume they've been nerfed to uselessness  :awesome_for_real:.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on December 22, 2009, 11:34:53 AM
The drone bonus was nerfed a bit, but it still packs a lot of heat.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Teleku on December 22, 2009, 12:00:19 PM
Is a blaster Dred actually viable?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on December 22, 2009, 12:36:39 PM
It should be more viable after dominion than before but I'm unsure about real fictional space world applications.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Simond on December 22, 2009, 12:42:47 PM
They're good for killing other capitals.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on December 22, 2009, 02:29:11 PM
Are capital blasters not getting their range increased in the upcoming 1.1 patch?

Edit: scrolls up to own post, sees "yes" is answer.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Phildo on December 22, 2009, 05:45:52 PM
So the optimal with antimatter will be just under 20km, I suppose that's reasonable.  But when you compare it to citadel torps that can hit out to over 40km for more dps it's still pretty bad.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Gets on January 20, 2010, 08:34:07 AM
Patchnotes released: http://www.eveonline.com/updates/patchnotes.asp?patchlogID=202

Patch notes for Dominion 1.1, released Thursday, January 21, 2010

Table of Contents



    * Motherships are a thing of the past and are now known as Supercarriers. These frontline behemoths will retain their former hulls which are the Aeon (Amarr), Hel (Minmatar), Nyx (Gallente) and Wyvern (Caldari). Supercarriers will receive a massive boost to hit points and can now field Fighter Bombers.


    * New fighter bomber drones have been added which can be used by Supercarriers. Fighter Bombers have to be directly controlled by the Supercarrier’s pilot, unlike standard fighters, and cannot be delegated to anyone else. They are meaner versions of fighters with more hit points and field compact citadel torpedoes against their targets. Blueprints for the new bombers will be available from CreoDron stations.


    * The Fighter Bomber skill book has now been seeded and will need to be trained in order for Supercarrier pilots to deploy Fighter Bombers.

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    * Voice fonts have now been added to EVE Voice. This new feature will allow you to alter your voice during chat to increase or lower pitch or to change from male to female voices. This is certainly not going to be abused in any way.



    * Dreadnoughts, Carriers or Rorquals: when using their appropriate special module, such as the siege module, triage module or industrial core, they will have a much higher mass when these modules are active. This will limit the effect of bumping stationary ships.
    * Supercarrier base jump range has been increased to 5 light years.
    * Supercarriers can no longer fit and use jump clone bays.
    * Supercarrier shield, armor and structure hit points have been increased greatly for their new frontline role.
    * Naglfar secondary bonus has been changed from a Launcher Rate of Fire Bonus to a 5% Capital Projectile Rate of Fire Bonus.
    * Signature Radius of all dreadnoughts has been increased to bring them in line with other capital ships.
    * Astrometric Frigates now correctly get a bonus to the flight time of survey probes. This bonus is detailed in their description.
    * The bonus to large hybrid damage on the Vindicator has been increased from 25% to 37.5%


    * Triage modules have had their duration and fuel consumption halved.

Weapons & Ammunition

    * Citadel Torpedoes and Citadel Cruise Missiles have been balanced with their turret counterparts to ensure they are doing the damage they are supposed to.
    * XL turrets have been adjusted slightly to ensure their damage is balanced and to give the short range weapons a bit more range.
    * Titans have had their damage bonuses balanced to ensure all the titans are doing similar levels of damage.


    * The Laboratory Operation Skill can no longer be trained by characters on trial accounts.

Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    * Territorial Control Unit hit points have been doubled.
    * The onlining time of the Territorial Control Unit has been reduced to 8 hours.
    * The reinforcement variance on Conquerable Stations, Outposts and Infrastructure Hubs has been increased to a maximum of three hours.
    * The hit points and resistances of Sovereignty Blockade Units has been increased to make them harder to kill and easier to repair.
    * The signature radius on all Control Towers and starbase structures has been increased to a minimum signature radius of 2000.


    * Some Amarr and Gallente “friendly” NPC's were fixed so they no longer attack players.

Agent's & Missions

    * The mission “Informed Attack (4 of 5)” has been fixed. The target structure was previously invulnerable.
    * “Cash Flow for Capsuleers (10 of 10)” will now display the correct NOC dialogue in the final room. In addition, structures will also no longer overlap.
    * Deadspace areas now correctly spawn in the same solar system for the mission “Portal to War.”
    * The cost of Blood Gamma small crystals has been reduced in the Loyalty Point store to bring it in line with other small Blood crystals.
    * A missing line of text was added to a popup for the Anomaly Training Site.

Agent's & Missions

    * Some changes have been made to the Regional Blood Raider Command Center, Regional Sansha Command Center, Regional Angel Command Center and Regional Guristas Command Center in regards to what triggers various waves.
    * Several NPC’s were missing a description in the site “Port Maphanate.” These have now been added.
    * Pop ups in the exploration site “Angel Annex” now correctly refer to Crok Crokan instead of Pat Wead.

Science & Industry

    * The Caldari Outpost Platform now requires station docking bays as one of its manufacturing requirements similar to the other outpost platforms.


    * The medium quality shader setting has been removed.
    * Moons will now correctly occlude stations as intended.

User Interface

    * Locked targets show a standings icon making it easier for remote repairing pilots to identify who they should be repairing and who they should be shooting more easily.

EVE Voice, Mail & Chat

    * You can now read, unread or trash all mail messages at once via right click. This applies only to the mails available in your inbox (max. 1500 at a time). All mails that are not currently accessible from your inbox will not be affected by these actions.
    * Notifications now contain links to various linkable items if they are written in the notification.
    * New mailing list members can now be set to muted by default.
    * Mail labels can now have colors assigned to them.
    * You can no longer browse mail labels list with arrow keys.
    * You can no longer multi-select entries in allowed/blocked/operator list in the chat channel settings.


    * The in-game browser version was upgraded to version of Chromium.
    * The Jukebox UI was overhauled.
    * New wallet API functions have been added.
    * The Jukebox now fully supports unicode characters in file names and ID tags.
    * Ore mined by drones is now logged in the loot history of a fleet.
    * The remote container view window now labels items in special cargo holds of ships.
    * The map “Pilots in space” now counts correctly.



    * Ships with a Covert Jump Portal Generator can now bridge to a Cynosural Generator Array as well as a Cynosural Field.
    * Heavy ships will now properly align themselves towards their warp destination so no more warping sideways or backwards.


    * If you jumped while in the process of recovering probes, those probes would be unrecoverable. This has now been fixed.

Weapons & Ammunition

    * The descriptions for Radio and Multifrequency laser ammunition was changed to make the damage types, penalties and benefits more clear.


    * Drones can now be used to attack Zephyrs in wormhole space.

Starbases, Outposts and Stations

    * There is no longer a duplicate office shown when the owner of an outpost rents an office there.
    * A bug where stations coming out of reinforced during downtime would incorrectly show the station as still reinforced was fixed.
    * Owners of Territorial Control Units and sovereignty blockade units will now be correctly notified when the structures are under attack.


    * You can no longer add NPCs that you can't interact with to your address book.
    * You can no longer start a conversation with NPCs that you can't interact with.

Agent's & Missions

    * An inversion between deadspace and non-deadspace warp To options has been corrected.
    * The ship restrictions list in the mission details window now includes the current ship type that you are piloting.

user Interface

    * The right-click menu of the View Source window in the in-game browser had extra, non-functional options which have now been removed.
    * The "Split Stack" menu option is again available in your personal hangar and a corporation's station hangar.
    * Moving and/or resizing the View Source window in the in-game browser should no longer stretch the page texture or cause the browser to become unresponsive.
    * Declining a mission and requesting a new mission will now refresh the agent conversation window so that the mission details are consistent with the mission being offered.
    * Rebooting the client after selecting a mission choice in the epic arc "The Paths That Are Hidden" will no longer cause the agent conversation window to appear blank.
    * An issue where the HUD buttons would move around was fixed.
    * A layout corruption of the character selection screen was fixed.
    * The issue where the buddy list would be cleared on session changes was fixed.
    * The overview now closes correctly on resetting while being stacked with other windows.
    * The Selected Items window can now be minimized with the shortcut “minimize active window” like the other windows.
    * Various columns and column headers got resized. This also fixed various issues with localized versions not fitting into the headers/columns.
    * An issue with the search for outposts in People & Places was fixed.
    * When scrolling the market too quickly the images would sometimes move to the wrong places. This will no longer happen.
    * The buttons in the corp bulletin dialog now vanish when this window is collapsed.
    * A dotted line indicating a column in People & Places was removed since there is no actual column.
    * Drone settings window will be maximized when opened after being closed while minimized.
    * Tutorial pointers are no longer removed when the windows get hidden with Ctrl+Tab.
    * The search feature in the help window can be started by hitting enter.
    * An issue where there overview was cleared while minimizing it was solved.
    * The wormhole system sovereignty status is now correctly displayed as “Unclaimable.”
    * A bug where the right click menu of the jukebox was missing if the jukebox button was grouped into accessories was fixed.
    * In the Overview, when selecting “apply to ships & drones” only, backgrounds and colortags will correctly not include starbase structures.
    * It is now possible to once more assign the spacebar as a shortcut key.
    * Changed the settings on the Territorial Control Unit so that it no longer rotates in the preview mode; it now behaves identically to the (non-rotating) in-space model.
    * Capitalized the word "Zephyr" in the description of the Prototype Iris Probe Launcher.
    * Fixed a minor typographical error in the wallet orders tab.
    * Fixed a typographical error in the description of the Civilian Salvager.
    * Fixed a typographical error in Wrath cruise missiles and all variants.
    * Fixed some inconsistent capitalization in the overview states filter.

EVE Voice. Mail & Chat

    * You can now send mails to a character and a mailing list with the same name at the same time.
    * You can no longer “apply” mailing list member settings when no members are selected.
    * You can right-click a mail without selecting it.
    * The option to right-click senders of mails is now available.
    * An undesired vertical scroll bar was removed.
    * The paging buttons in the mailing list member management are no longer available if there aren't enough members in the search result.
    * The notifications of how many labels that have been applied or removed from how many mails no longer displays when done through the management dialog.
    * The unread mail counter in the tool tips will update correctly.
    * The subjects of anchoring alert notifications no longer break.

CONCORD & Killmails

    * Killmails will now display more accurate damage totals from participants.
    * Killmails will now be correctly generated in some situations where previously they were not.


    * Fixed an issue where the caps lock key would become stuck and print in caps lock regardless of caps lock being active or not.
    * Resolved a client hang when pressing CTRL+fn+F9.
    * The client will now instantly recognize language input change instead of taking a few seconds like before. The issue relating to language input indicator persists.
    * Alt-key combinations should now work properly again.
    * Fixed a memory leak regarding sprite de-allocation.
    * Fixed issues with multichannel audio devices, such as Bose Sound Companion 5 USB.

Localized Clients

    * The message displayed when clearing the in-game browser cache fails has been translated in all localized clients.


    * Clicking the right-click menu option "Open In New View" for a Knowledge Base article now opens the link in a new tab in the in-game browser.
    * An exception was thrown when entering special characters in the in-game browser’s address bar. This has been fixed.
    * The Show Info option now allows for unpublished items to be used.
    * Lines that were commented out now persist in the prefs.ini file after client reboots.
    * Extra URL validation has been added to the in-game browser when adding sites to the Trusted/Ignored list.
    * Corrupt character settings no longer prevent the characters from logging in.
    * A corrupt prefs.ini file no longer prevents the player from launching the game and logging in.
    * Saving the browser cache location as blank no longer causes the in-game browser to crash.
    * Changing languages in the client after adding comments in the prefs.ini file will no longer prevent the client from starting.
    * In some cases remote repairing was not applying aggression correctly to the receiver of the repairs if they were committing crimes at the time. This has now been fixed.
    * Asteroid belt celestial markers will no longer decloak ships
    * CCP Tuxford can no longer shut down TQ on a whim.

Goodbye, space-drifting.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Fordel on January 20, 2010, 03:24:51 PM
Does anyone use EVE-Voice?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on January 20, 2010, 03:42:16 PM
I've used it now and again. Its not bad actually for small gangs

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Furiously on January 20, 2010, 05:19:41 PM
    * Heavy ships will now properly align themselves towards their warp destination so no more warping sideways or backwards.

no no no!!!

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Endie on January 21, 2010, 01:35:25 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty gutted that I'll never see my capitals warping sideways through space again :smith:

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: tgr on January 21, 2010, 01:39:03 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty gutted that I'll never see my capitals warping sideways through space again :smith:
Dorifto caps. :awesome_for_real:

Having said that, I do wish they'd make their shit more stable. Was on the way back to HED to get back into a gatecamp when I (and a few of the guys in fleet, apparently) just dropped. Presumably some of the same shit that happened while defending in 49- that last day as well, and I assume it's some sort of proxyserver, as far from everyone was affected. I don't remember seeing any of this pre-dominion.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: Sir T on January 28, 2010, 09:44:52 AM

Patch notes for EVE Online: Dominion 1.1.1, to be released on January 28, 2010.

Table of Contents



    * The volume for Fighter Bombers has been reduced.
    * Fighter bombers can now be manufactured in a Small Ship Assembly Array.


    * Any Clone Vat Bays or Triage Modules that were fitted to Supercarriers have been removed and moved to each owner’s clone station.

Player Owned Structures, Outposts and Stations

    * The Signature Radius of conquerable stations and outposts has been increased

Graphics General

    * The medium shader quality option was removed in EVE Online: Dominon 1.1. If the setting was set to High when using a graphics card that could not support SM3, it would default to Medium quality even though Medium didn't exist resulting in a black screen. This has been resolved by making the default setting Low on cards that do not support the High SM3.




    * The rate of fire bonus on the Naglfar was erroneously being applied as a penalty. This has been corrected.

User Interface

    * The right click context menu on fleet members, when running multiple clients, was failing to open. It will now open normally.
    * You are once again able to save multiple ship fittings without them being overwritten at the next login.


    * Many behind the scenes optimizations and fixes have been implemented.

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: lac on January 28, 2010, 12:16:32 PM
What's up with the pos hotfix? Are they warping around again?

Title: Re: winter patch: Dominion
Post by: calapine on January 28, 2010, 07:42:58 PM
What's up with the pos hotfix? Are they warping around again?

Some (most?) POSes got bugged. Links between modules got deleted, so they didnt produce anything. Also it was impossible to offline affected modules.