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 on: May 31, 2024, 04:54:55 PM 
Started by Sir T - Last post by Samwise
"The Brothers Sun" is very fun.  Crime, kung fu, family drama, churros.

 on: May 31, 2024, 07:50:26 AM 
Started by Yegolev - Last post by Chimpy
I said "that's funny because I didn't really write much documentation" and he specifically called out what it was he was speaking of which was stuff like: hardware inventory which included all the relevant hardware addresses and machine serial numbers, naming convention notes, and the comments added to firewall rules and such.

Mostly stuff I made for myself to keep track of things. (And also to fulfill audit requests, of course)

 on: May 30, 2024, 05:22:46 PM 
Started by Yegolev - Last post by Samwise
That or he was just kissing your ass.   why so serious?

My first week back at the job that I recently quit (again), the guy who had putatively replaced me told me how he loved the paper I'd written on some algorithm or other.  When I (naively) asked him for details (what ideas did he have for further development?  what questions did he have?) he kinda stammered something about how he'd read it a few times and it wasn't totally clear to him yet but he slept with a copy of it under his pillow (he literally said this) and every time he re-read it he got something new out of it.  Bitch, it's not a poem, it's a technical document.  I immediately identified him as a halfway competent ass-kisser and entirely incompetent bullshitter, and I revised that estimation further downward in the year and a half of working with him that followed.

 on: May 30, 2024, 04:33:29 PM 
Started by Yegolev - Last post by Chimpy
I was on a call with one of my former coworkers and one of the guys who replaced me this morning to give guidance on a software update for a product that I am an expert on that they haven't upgraded since I left 2 years ago and the new guy thanked me for "all the documentation you left, it has been very helpful".

And I did almost NO documentation because I was too swamped to write stuff up because I was doing all the server/storage/networking/cloud architecture and administration.

So there are people that use information provided to them, but they are definitely rare.

 on: May 26, 2024, 09:30:34 PM 
Started by Samwise - Last post by Samwise
Zero combat.

That's another aspect I was reflecting on, it's technically "survival" because the planet is lethal and you're constantly managing the resources that you need to stay alive, but if you die it's only ever because you managed your resources poorly, never because you had some bad luck and a creeper jumped out and scared you to death.  Very early on you can't get very far from your home base without running out of air, so there's a feeling of tension from always having to watch your oxygen gauge and sprint back to safety before you suffocate.  But that eventually just sort of fades into the background as you tech up and those problems get easier and easier to manage.

 on: May 26, 2024, 07:08:43 PM 
Started by Samwise - Last post by Rendakor
This looks cool. Is there combat, and if so, how much?

 on: May 25, 2024, 05:37:54 PM 
Started by Samwise - Last post by Samwise
Mentioned this in the "watchu playin" thread but I dunno, feels like it actually deserves a thread.

Steam store link.

So, we've all played a bunch of games in this general space, and I was expecting to poke around in this one for a bit, say "okay, I get it" and then not go back to it.  But it's sticky, and not in a "gotta stay up till 4am working on my base" kind of way, but in a "oh that'll be a fun thing to do for half an hour" kind of way.  Having either bounced off or burned out on a bunch of builders over the last few years, it's interesting to think about what makes this one different.  Here's what I've come up with.

  • Number go up.  Although it's fairly open-world-y, you do have a singular defined goal, which is Make Number Go Up.  Number go up feel good.
  • Passive progression.  Building things doesn't make numbers go up directly, it instead increases the rate at which the number will go up, forever.  Yes, it's an idle game mechanic, and I love it.
  • Downtime.  Sometimes you build a thing, and you can see that in a few minutes you're gonna unlock some new tech, so you got time to kill.  Good time to explore, or reorganize your base, or whatever, and the whole time you're doing that, you're still making progress on Number Go Up.  It feels good.
  • Tech.  You start off feeling very vulnerable and confined, and as you tech up, you feel increasingly powerful, and the timing of the upgrades hits that sweet spot where as you get tired of doing a thing, you find a thing that makes it easier (like, tired of digging for ice crystals you can turn into water bottles so you don't die of thirst?  here are blueprints for a water collector that gives you infinite water so you never have to think about that again).
  • Nice incremental progress.  There's never the feeling of anything being "unfinished"; constructions are simple and self contained and they snap together easily and look good and when you build something it starts doing something useful right away without needing any extra babysitting or tuning.  It makes the building gameplay not as deep/complex as some games, but also means you don't stay up till 4am because you have to just finish this one thing you started building.
  • Easy undos.  Anything you build, you can unbuild and get the materials back.  No decision you make is terribly permanent, which means you can blow a bunch of rare materials on building something just to see how it works and there's no anxiety like, shit, what if later I wish I'd saved that uranium rod for something else.
  • Crafted world/story.  I actually thought when I first started up the game that the world was procedurally generated, because that's so typical these days, but no, it is actually designed, and that's a good thing because it's part of what keeps that tech progression nice and steady.  You tend to discover better sources for resources just before they become blockers.  Exploring feels better when things have been planted for you to discover.
  • Oo, pretty.  As number go up, things get pretty.  It's great.  Every new milestone you hit makes the world prettier in some specific way, and it usually catches you off guard just a little even if you know what you're building toward.  The sky turning blue is the first big one, but I also got chills the first time I realized it was raining, and the first time I spotted moss growing on a rock.  These aren't complicated things, but it all reinforces the happy feeling I get from number go up.

That's what I got.  None of this stuff is rocket science, but it adds up to being something that just feels cozy and comforting to keep going back to.

 on: May 24, 2024, 11:10:45 AM 
Started by Yegolev - Last post by Samwise
The astonishing thing is how much more time and effort some people will put into getting someone else to do their work for them than they would have if they figured out how to do it themselves.  I'm too lazy to be that lazy.

 on: May 22, 2024, 07:24:21 PM 
Started by Yegolev - Last post by HaemishM
I built all of our websites, have had multiple in-person training sessions about them, and when I got the first one done a few years ago, I spent weeks on a manual complete with screenshots about how to edit the site. That information is mostly out of date now, but for the most part, the ones I trained only use the little slice that they need to use to do their regular jobs, and barely touch anything outside a very narrow focus. Hell, I even went so far as to train multiple people from different divisions to edit just their own content. I can count on one hand the number of people who actually used any of the training I provided, rather than just sending me emails when they need something changed.

People are lazy.

 on: May 22, 2024, 06:50:30 PM 
Started by ghost - Last post by Trippy
FYI: The volume control is in the mini-controls in the bottom right, not in the video player itself (that only mutes).

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