Topic: Pokemon GO (Read 102578 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 27449
Badge Whore
I'm stealing your line and adding to my sentiment, Khaldun. I feel like Facebook trolling.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet within your power.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
My business has actually gotten a little afternoon boom from this. You can reach two pokestops from our dining room (and we've even advertised that on our marquee), and people are all the time dropping lures over in our little corner. The only downside is that when said lures drop my entire staff might take a moment to try to "catch them all," so to speak...
And I don't really care how long it lasts or even if it's really a game. It's definitely a fun activity, and, just in case there were some nerdy folks in your community that you didn't already know, well, here's the chance to meet them.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1892
A friend of my neighbor got rear-ended in traffic by someone that was playing this while driving (he heard it running on the other driver's phone when he went to check if she was okay). Hopefully they'll do something like disabling it if you're moving more than 20mph soon, or the headlines could get ugly.
XBL GT: Mister Noisy PSN: MisterNoisy Steam UID: MisterNoisy
Terracotta Army
Posts: 637
Walking around my town the last few days have been pretty entertaining. The interesting thing is watching how diverse the groups playing this are. Everything from little kids to straight up 40 year old's wearing star wars shirts. Lots of people that haven't seen much sun (curious how many sunburns have come from this). I have watched several people driving around playing this as well which worries me some. Somebody is going to get hurt unfortunately unless they disable this while driving.
The business in my town are jumping on board as well and some of them are pretty hilarious. We are talking about grocery stores that cater to old people having tons of kids stopping by. Leaving the poor old people confused on what the hell the kids are doing running around. Pokemon is not my thing but I applaud them getting people outside doing stuff even if its on accident.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Local comic-book shop and local bar are both right next to pokestops. I notice that both of them have continuously had lures on.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12007
You call it an accident. I call it justice.
If I were a priest, I'd be dropping lures on the pokestop at my church 30 min before services.  Likewise, I'd offer a 10% discount to a person who drops a lure on the stop near my place of business.
Does any one know where the love of God goes...When the waves turn the minutes to hours? -G. Lightfoot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632
Overall I am just "whatever" about the whole thing. Having to dodge a half dozen people on the sidewalk who are staring at their phones is normal around my office (middle of apartment/restaurant district next to campus) so I don't even really notice.
'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
We just went to the once-a-week "dining outdoors" thing our town's restaurants do and it was hilarious and kind of touching--I would say half the people there were doing Pokemon GO during dinner, and every single restaurant had dumped some lures onto the pokestops on the street.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10603
Seriously, they are THIS CLOSE to being on to the biggest thing ever. It is very rough and shallow right now (not much of a game, really), but just look at the impact it is already having. My fourteen year-old again wandering around town a bit yesterday farming some stops and searching for Pokemon. He comes back with pictures of flocks-of-nerds doing the same thing. My 11 year-old has been scoffing and ridiculing the whole thing, but last night at 9 pm he says he is going for a walk, and when pressed we find out it is because he wants to find some Pokemon. I live in fucking Denmark, where the game has not even officially been released yet.
"...maybe if you cleaned the piss out of the sunny d bottles under your desks and returned em, you could upgrade you vid cards, fucken lusers.." - Grunk
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
There is a marked increase in teenagers and even young adults walking around the suburban streets here. I also am struck at how many people are finding out that objects they see every day actually have names. I myself honestly didn't know the name of a sculpture I see every day until I saw it as a pokestop.
There's a kind of exciting shared-experience feeling about it for these few days. It won't last--but I'm fascinated at the people who just instantly hate any shared experience that they don't know how to share in or wouldn't want to share in, regardless of what it is.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
There is a marked increase in teenagers and even young adults walking around the suburban streets here. I also am struck at how many people are finding out that objects they see every day actually have names. I myself honestly didn't know the name of a sculpture I see every day until I saw it as a pokestop.
There's a kind of exciting shared-experience feeling about it for these few days. It won't last--but I'm fascinated at the people who just instantly hate any shared experience that they don't know how to share in or wouldn't want to share in, regardless of what it is.
I guess they're enjoying the shared experience of hating something together. My wife and I had dinner on the square of a neighboring town last night. We had a lot of fun watching the packs of nerds orbiting the square, and then we had a lot of fun joining them. My wife doesn't care to play, but she was fascinated by how the game draws attention to points of interest that we had never been aware of before, so she was happy to follow me around for a bit. That and the other nerds were all friendly and laughing and happy to share their captures. The most fun MMO I've played recently, to be honest.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6711
Planes? Shit, I'm terrified to get in my car now!
Installed it on my phone last night. The GPS simply doesn't work here. Don't know if it's my phone, the software or the UFO communication signals interfering with it. (I live in a place with an unusually high number of UFO sightings. It's also the cannabis growing centre of Lancashire, totally unrelated).
"Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism" - Rosa Luxemburg, 1915.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 429
OP is assuming its somewhat of a design-goal of eve to make players happy. this is however not the case.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 27449
Badge Whore
It's fun, but people suggesting things like that with only a week's data are clickbait-pushing twits.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet within your power.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 429
" Winter is coming" is now a phrase that applies in real life but we won't know what that fully means for Pokemon Go for awhile. That said it's still impressive how much it is spiking now. Whatever fall off it has I'm sure game developers wished they had 5% of what Nintendo is left with for sustained revenue.
OP is assuming its somewhat of a design-goal of eve to make players happy. this is however not the case.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 27449
Badge Whore
Agreed, but it's the prediction of hitting those numbers long-term within the first week that are just dumb. Ok, not dumb exactly but exceedingly optimistic. There will be an impact, it will be significant, nobody can guess where it's going to wind-up.
Candy Crush is down there at 2m daily users. At this same point in it's history a few years ago the same wonks were predicting it would overtake all things and games like it were the "next big thing." They were right that it had a big impact, but in all the wrong ways on methodology and usership.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet within your power.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2044
Turns out that while I can't catch any at my house (they start appearing about a mile up the county road from my house), I can hatch eggs while driving around on my tractor. My daughter finally got interested in working when she found that out 
“Why the fuck would you ... ?” is like 80% of the conversation with Poly — Chimpy
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5576
I'm just happy for the devs over at Niantic. Granted, they were a Google project, but really they weren't even effectively monetized for years. They dumped a great many millions into that system and poured in a shitton of effort. Whether you liked the game (Ingress) or not, it was refreshing to see a studio give a great many fucks about its project and players and put forth the requisite effort over time.
Now they reap the rewards (minus the Pokemon license of course). Kudos to them.
That said, there's no way this level of play continues, regardless of season. It's frantic. It will die down, especially once the bigger alliances start owning everything in town. The flaw in the game is entry is rough unless you're just into collecting and breeding or just serve as a gofer for the higher-ups. Ingress on the other hand, has shittons to do combatively regardless of your level.
Between the two games, I still feel Ingress is better... but mechanically, Pokemon beats it in the "hunting" aspect. Ingress portals are static; Pokemon have to be found or compelled. It makes the game way more geocache, which is where the "newness" is imo. We're learning that people actually dig geocaching type games, it's just they never had the appropriate conduit. There's no turning back now.
Realize also, that wearable computing is about to completely change the game. Coupled with games like P-Go? I think it's a goldmine at that pricepoint. Then once the gear becomes socially acceptable in public, even moreso.
"See, the beauty of webgames is that I can play them on my phone while I'm plowing your mom." -Samwise
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2125
Snapchat sees more usage than Maps? Christ, I'm old.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868
Victim: Sirius Maximus
It's pretty cool, I work at a children's hospital and they always have lures down for the kids. I am enjoying watching people play this, and it sure works out as a desktop support guy walking my ass all over the place. There is a gym at the police station in my little town, and you can't get to it by car - people just kinda hanging out by the cop shop.
Pro up all the candy from the commons, and evolve a ton at a time after using a lucky egg. Mad XP!
"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together. My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Posts: 5828
Operating Thetan One
Its kind of amazing me the various landmarks I'd never actually noticed in areas I've been walking through for months.
I'd never even touched a Pokemon game in my life before three days ago. Also, I strained my right calf from walking too much.
"Welcome to the internet, pussy." - VDL "I have retard strength." - Schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7441
I went out earlier and caught a load of common pokemon; I tried some gyms but just got roflstomped. What's the trick to levelling your dudes? Does everyone just pick one Pokemon and sink all their Stardust into them?
I love the smell of facepalm in the morning
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1518
" Winter is coming" is now a phrase that applies in real life but we won't know what that fully means for Pokemon Go for awhile. That said it's still impressive how much it is spiking now. Whatever fall off it has I'm sure game developers wished they had 5% of what Nintendo is left with for sustained revenue.
It's "winter" here in Australia and there's been people out and about at night... admittedly we don't get snow and temps drop to 2 C at the worst where I live. Daughter got me on to this - we go for walks and drives together with it so it's good. What worries me is back to teaching on Tuesday... I want to see how many staff are playing it on the Monday development day and how it's going to affect the classroom.
"No man is an island. But if you strap a bunch of dead guys together it makes a damn fine raft."
Posts: 5828
Operating Thetan One
K9 from what I can tell, pick one that has a higher evolve cost like 50 or 100 and focus on thathe.
There a gym outside the restaurant I'm in. Ithe was my color so I did a fight to work on leveling it. Beat one, but the next was too high. In the time it took me to get seated and restore my pokemon, the gym changed hands three times. It's not even been released here yet. .
« Last Edit: July 15, 2016, 05:28:53 PM by Bunk »
"Welcome to the internet, pussy." - VDL "I have retard strength." - Schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12007
You call it an accident. I call it justice.
Trick to leveling fast is fairly simple:
1. line up a bunch (10+) of pokemon for evolving. 2. get somewhere where there are a lot of stops and pokemon on your nearby screen 3. use lucky egg 4. evolve all the things 5. start walking and getting points and catch everything you see
Jumped 2 lower levels doing that. Have 1 egg left and going to use that to blow by lvl 19 when I get there (2 more levels).
As for high CP pokemon? Heard the trick is to level up and get a naturally high pokemon and evolve that, then power it up if it is the last tier. Dunno though... I haven't tried it out yet.
Does any one know where the love of God goes...When the waves turn the minutes to hours? -G. Lightfoot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18529
Took my dog to the park. Walked about 3k in an hour.
I used to work at that park, when I was a kid. (It's a BIG park). I have never, outside of fourth of July, seen that many people in there.
It was crazy, and a huge slice of ages (although trending younger of course). There were 20-somethings running around telling people if/where they found rarer Pokemon. The park stops? Eight? and a gym. Lures down at most of them. I just walked in circles for an hour.
So if you want to level....go to parks. I think as you go up in level, the Pokemon you find seem to have more base combat power. I came away with a ton of Pidgetys, those rat things, and Eevees. I empowered and evolved the highest rated Eevee into a...Flare-something? Had like 900 power.
I haven't paid a cent (although I might, just to expand the backpack and number of pokemon you can have), but I ALSO work in a building that's a stop. So every twenty minutes or so I spin the wheel, which I admit helps.
But every park over a certain size I've seen has a number of stops and at least one gym (I pass two others on the way home from work). So if you want to level up, that's the best place to go. Plus no idiots to run you down.
I figure...why not? It gets me and my wife off the couch, the dog is thrilled to go wander around on a leash and sniff the other people and dogs (and pee on, like, all the things). If this doesn't keep people's attention, someone will come along and figure it out. I'm 100% for any sort of game that gets people up and moving and even occasionally interacting. (In my case, that was like 15 people wanting to pet a beagle and 3 people informing everyone where they caught a Snorlax and a Qubone. I got the Qubone).
It'll probably, somehow, be Blizzard that manages it. :)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1236
I just watched an older couple that looked like they had just come in from plowing the fields sitting at a table eating dinner and grabbing the plethora of pokemon we have spawning every evening. They hardly ever smiled, just farmed straight for about an hour.
This is a strange game indeed.
It also occurs to me that it was very fortunate for us all that the game designers didn't decide it would be clever to allow someone to capture another player's spawn -- as in a true shared pokemon world.
The riots would have been apocalyptic.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 429
I just watched an older couple that looked like they had just come in from plowing the fields sitting at a table eating dinner and grabbing the plethora of pokemon we have spawning every evening. They hardly ever smiled, just farmed straight for about an hour.
This is a strange game indeed.
It also occurs to me that it was very fortunate for us all that the game designers didn't decide it would be clever to allow someone to capture another player's spawn -- as in a true shared pokemon world.
The riots would have been apocalyptic.
It's already bad enough people who don't play the game are setting up lures to rob wayward pokemon masters. We don't need the Ashes and Mistys of the world forming into pvp gangs.
OP is assuming its somewhat of a design-goal of eve to make players happy. this is however not the case.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3269
I'm pretty sure that'll come with the Team Rocket DLC/IAP. 
« Last Edit: July 16, 2016, 01:59:33 AM by Zetor »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Couple of other levelling things:
Focus on an Eevee if you can. They take a big jump in power when they evolve, and you can get three different kinds of evolved Eevees, so you can keep evolving them up.
If you get a 5k or 10k egg, esp. a 10k egg, at a pokestop, slap it in an incubator. The 10k egg is going to pop out as a 600-700 CP rarer Pokemon and it will be cheap to power it up at first. I had a 10k egg pop out a powerful water type at 650CP with 20 candies attached, and the stardust cost for powering it was really cheap, so I could zoom it to 800CP right there and then.
Never pass up commons: they are what supplies all your stardust. Just get the Professor to render them into food afterwards and store up a whole bunch of evolutions like people are saying--do those all at once with a lucky egg fired up.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10138
Servers down or is it me? I seem to have good service but haven't been able to login for the past hour or so.
"i can't be a star citizen. they won't even give me a star green card"
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2136
Posts: 60350
Nintendo stock is up 90%+
Is there a way to spend money in Pokemongo that is somehow going to get funneled back to Nintendo or do investors just not understand games? Or in this case, non-games?
This entire phenomenon, and that's exactly what it is, is completely beyond me.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Player in a rural area:
I saw a Caterpie once.