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Author Topic: Far Cry (my early review/first impressions)  (Read 4235 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1205

on: April 01, 2004, 02:26:15 PM

I surprised myself with this game.  It is much better than the demo for me so far.  I am only on level 4 (the demo was level 3), but I am enjoying it a lot.  Just single player, I have not tried multi yet.

Don’t worry.  I won’t go all fanboi here.

It is stunningly pretty, and runs better than the demo.
My system:
AMD 2500+ barton
1 gig kingston hyperX ram
lowly GeForce4 TI4200 (128 ram)

I first tried 'high' for all settings and 1024x768.  It ran well indoors but would stutter abit on transitions from indoor to outdoor and at other seemingly random times.  Mouse seemed a tad unresponsive.

I backed off to medium with high lighting, water, and effects.  This runs great and without viewing them side-by-side I don't really notice any visual degradation.  Still using 1024x768 and 'medium' anti-aliasing

GREAT water effects, very impressive viewing range especially with the binoculars/sniper rifle.  There is some 'popup' using these zooms though.  Considering the binoculars can do 20x magnification on the fly that is understandable.

Basically nearly perfect environment with pretty darn good character models and enemies.  Think max payne 2 in that regard.

Inside to outside transitions are seamless.  Reasonably fast loadtimes except the first time you load during a play session.  That takes a long time.

It seems to deserve its own category these days in FPS world.  I am very impressed with this.  FAR better than DX2 and better than Max Payne 2 as well.  By a good margin on both counts actually.  My main complaint in MP2 was that (like most physics engines) things were too light.  Nothing had much mass in MP2.  Either you could shove it across the room or it was immobile.  Very little in between.

In Far Cry I really like the range of weights and frictions assigned to objects.  The explosive containers take a sizable shove to get moving, but once you get them going their momentum can really get them hurling down hills (this is too fun by the way).

Objects also have density and hardness.  If you know there is an enemy in that bamboo hut, but he won't come out... just do the logical thing.  Fill it with machine gun fire and it will blow right through the walls.  The first machine gun (M1? I don't know guns) will fire right through flimsy barricades like wooden boxes, but they will block shots from the pistol.  A concrete barricade or a tree is adequate coverage though, assuming you are fully behind it of course.

Rag dolls are done better than Max Payne 2 as well in my opinion.  I am using MP2 a lot because going into this game it was my favorite physics in a game.  MP2 had very good ragdolls to my eye, but Far Cry incrementally improves on them.  The knees for instance are better articulated.  They may or may not be abit heavy on the friction end, but I have not killed enough people to really tell.  I prefer them by far to the alternative of bodies sliding all over the place.  I have seen guys who when shot with their backs to the wall will fall back into the wall and slump down in a sitting pose, with their butts totally off the ground supported by their bent legs.  Just like if they were sitting on a short stool.  Not sure if a dead body would do that, but I like it better than most physics engines that would have had the feet slip out from under the body so that the but would tough the ground while the legs contort in some crazy way.

Darn good so far.  As I said earlier, I was getting a weird spongy mouse feeling when I had too many settings turned on, but after tuning them down abit and upping my mouse sensitivity it is accurate and responsive.

The game has a cone of fire system like oh so many games lately.  Not much you have not seen here other than the right mouse button by default is a zoom key.  With nonsniper guns it basically pulls up the sights abit (not as far up as medal of honor though), zooms in abit, and tightens the cone of fire abit.  Not the hyper exact accuracy of medal of honor in this mode, but pretty accurate when stationary and zoomed in.  It’s a nice touch, but nothing revolutionary.

The game play is pretty solid and about how you would expect a FPS with a good physics engine to play.  The things that feel new to me are the binoculars, the ability to shoot through a lot of objects (not new, but pretty new to me in games I didn't hate), the graphics, and the feeling of scale you have on the island.

The binoculars are pretty funky.  They have several functions.
1)The first is the scalable zoom up to 20x.  Pretty self explanatory.  Looks great.
2)The second is that they have a directional microphone built in.  The more you zoom in the closer things sound as you focus in the mic more.  You can hear conversations from across the island this way.  Sometimes you actually hear useful snippets, like where the keycard to the armory is and other times it is banter about who is playing football tonight followed by an argument over the words football and soccer.
3)The third and weirdest function is the enemy identifier.  I am making up that title, but anyone you see or even hear with the binoculars shows up on your little radar map.  The story explained it away that the scientist who worked on the island had everyone electronically tagged and the binocs can read that signal.  Kind of weak techno babble explanation, but in terms of gameplay it provides a strong advantage to scouting out areas prior to attacking.  It is weird, but I like it.  Anyone seen or heard gets displayed on your radar until you kill them.  Their color also displays their alert/aggro level.  Nice for detecting patrolling guards inside buildings, but it won't find a silent stationary guard who is not visible.

The game also has vehicles.
Vehicles have reasonable physics and handling as well...  Hard to say if they are hard to control or if I just suck at them so far.  I could go either way on that.  They are fun at least IMO. (buggy, jeep, patrol boat, rubber raft, hang glider so far).  So far they either have a machine gun, a rocket launcher, both, or none.  You can play them in first person or third.  For me that means I can either aim well or drive worth shit.  Never both.  I probably just need practice.

So far pretty standard mix of machine guns, pistols, rocket launchers, knives, sniper rifle.  The game is set in 2020 so it will probably end up having some future weapons as well.  You can carry 4 weapons at a time.  To get another after that you have to drop something else.  Basically think Halo but with 4 slots and not 2.

The three machine guns (I am not a gun person so I can't remember the names of them) so far are well balanced with pros and cons.  The standard machine gun you get near the beginning has a very accurate single shot mode and can be toggle to full auto for a sizable big accuracy loss.  It is REALLY loud and will get a TON of attention if you use it.  The second smg I got had a larger clip size, had accuracy between the two fire modes of the first gun, and was pretty quiet.  If I had some distance people had trouble telling where I was.  This gun did not have to modes, but instead was only full auto.  Tapping the trigger would give a controlled three round burst.  The third machine gun was the quietest of them all so far.  Nearly noiseless, but also very little stopping power.  Can't fire through most wood obstacles and takes a lot to punch through bodyarmor without a headshot.  Nice sneaky gun, but once they see you, you better pull out the big gun.

The rocket launcher I had was pretty standard.  The smoke trail looked GREAT.  No homing on this one and very limited ammo.  Same one at the end of the demo level.  I got it there again and dropped it in favor of another smg once I ran out of ammo.

Sniper rifle is the same as in the demo. Up to 16x zoom.  Super accurate, limited ammo, LOUD AS HELL.  I don't really like that last bit.  It is abit hard to use unless you are truly being davey crockett from across the island.  Usually it just gets me in a heck of a lot of trouble.  It stays in my inventory because you never know...

Knife is the ultimate silent kill.  I so far have only used it on unaware targets and it has always been a oneshot kill.  Alert targets may take less damage...

So far frags and flashbang grenades.  The second is neat if you are not careful.  It will blind your ass if you don't turn away.  Separate key to throw them, you don't need to equip them other than picking which grenade you are using.  There is a third grenade type that I can see in silhouette that I have not gotten yet.

Stealth / run and gun
Stealth is not too shabby in this game.  You can crouch, go prone, walk, and sprint.  All with different noise levels of course.  There is a theif/splinter cell-esque visibility gauge that tells you when people will start shooting at you.  So far it has been very logical and I have only been spotted when it made sense.  Usually when I shoot or lean out around a corner into a guards face.  The best part of the stealth is all the ground cover vegetation.  It is a jungle, and logically it is FILLED with plants.  Not so logically those plants don't move as you crawl through them.  Plants block guards vision, unlike many games I have played where they offer no coverage and just get in the way of your sight.  This is not thief or DX1 though.  You cannot stealth your way around the entire game.  You CAN bypass large enemy groups, or get in advantageous positions before dropping the bomb.

Once you screw up, or are forced into combat, the run and gun is well done and very fun.  Fleeing and re-hiding is also a valid option with all the ground cover in the jungle.  At this point you can single out and kill enemies in an almost predator fashion.  Someone is actually doing a predator mod for this game and that could be NICE.

Artificial Intelligence
Pretty good.  I have heard RAVES about it other places but I won't get that carried away.  They alert logically to sound and comrades dying around them.  They use cover and will duck back when being fired at, allowing the concept of suppression fire to actually work while moving to a new vantage point.  At my difficulty (the second easiest, I am a wuss on my first play through of fps games) the AI does occasionally break down.  More so at close range I find.  They don't logically time their reloads for instance.  When I fire my gun and run out of ammo I get my tail behind some cover or at least strafe around like a freak till my gun has finished reloading.  They will pretty much just stop what they are doing and stand there at point blank range reloading so you can casually shoot them in the head (easy to do since they look down conveniently during reload).  I have also seen two broken AIs so far out of probably 100+ soldiers.  No biggie, but always annoying to see a guy just standing there waiting to be shot.  I think they both got physically stuck on boxes.  There is a patch out now that mentioned that sometimes enemies were not initializing AI when loading.  This could be it, but I don't think they loaded there but instead moved there from their loadpoint.

Nice touches are thrown in like voice and emote commands from the soldier in charge that are actually usually followed by the other troops.  Like 'flank him left' as three guys break off and move to my right behind a fallen tree.

Overall the AI is solid and is a benefit to the game.  It is not "teh best AI evar!!!11!1!@" or anything like that though.  Maybe it kicks more ass at higher difficulty though.  Hard for me to say at this stage.

Not sure where it fits so I will throw it here.  The game so far has never resorted to any cheap spawning tactics.  Soldiers show up from logical locations.  They are usually detectable from LONG in advance if you are scouting carefully.  Other times they will sometimes come out of a building as you approach, but only if you have been real noisy or are currently detected.  They will come in and drop from helicopters as reinforcements sometimes as well, but even here you have the option of blowing up the chopper before they get the drop.  No buildings that act like clown cars dispensing impossible amounts of baddies or people spawning behind you.  They are all either there at the beginning of the level or spawn in a way that I have not noticed it occur yet.

I really really like the sound.  Very LOUD guns with that 'crack' that seems muffled in so many games I have played.  This coupled with the physics makes for a quite real feel to much of the combat.  The binoculars sometimes pickup weird sounds, like when you hear some machinery in a tunnel when pointing certain directions, but if you really had a directional mic like this maybe it WOULD pick that up.  Sometimes seems out of place to me though.

The music so far that I have heard is also quite nice and has not gotten annoying at all yet.  That is about all I ask in music.  I tend to not pay much attention to it unless it really sucks.  I left on the menu tune for a few trips to the restroom though and found it rather enjoyable.

Have not played it, probably won't for awhile.  I hear it is pretty lackluster but there is a mode that is similar to UT2kx assault mode that has three classes, heavy weapon, sniper, and engineer.  Engineer basically being the Wolfenstein enemy territory engineer.  Other than that you have vanilla deathmatch and team deathmatch.

My verdict
Dying for HL2 or Doom3?  Check out Far Cry.  It is a pretty damn good game with great graphics, solid control, solid ai, solid sound.

Only buy maybe 1 or 2 FPS games a year?  Probably wait till HL2.  I am a pre-release HL2 fanboi though, so I am stupidly positive HL2 will kick ass.  Far Cry is here now and is good though.  Besides, you want to be in practice for HL2/Doom3.
Arctic Circle
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6

Reply #1 on: April 01, 2004, 10:26:00 PM

Nice review/first look.

I'll add few personal gripes. List is short since game is very good from the FPS veteran point of view.

My system

AMD 64 3000+
Radeon 9800 pro
1 Gb 400 MHz mem


Resolution: 1024x768
Anti-aliasing: none
Texture filter: Trilinear
All video options: Very High

I just used default settings for my system and everything runs fine. Pixel shaders make water look damn nice and lightling/bump maps are alright. I don't know if it's my system but some of small texture maps (some computer screens) look very blurred while others (magazines like "Redneck today" ) look sharp enough to read 'em. It might be that they didn't make high resolution textures for every object... I guess I should check editor.

I've heard reports that there are some problems with Radeon cards. I think main problems are broken anti-aliasing and texture bugs when you use anisotropic filter.


I chose "realistic". Detailed description says: "You must be amazingly skilled or incredibly foolish, forget paradise - this is hell". Very DOOM-like.

I always choose hardest setting and I blame Team Fortress for that... no, I blame Blake Stone. Yeah, before that game I just sucked in FPS.

First few levels are very easy but since you can't save (Far Cry saves after you move past some zone of get some item), you might die few times. This is not bad per se, but I don't like to play same battle all over again when that last solder gets lucky shot (well, you can take two headshots if you have full armor and health). Even worse, some save points are placed in really odd places. You might save twice in 10 secs or fight against most of MOBs in that level before you get first save.

In Far Cry, at least in realistic difficulty, stealth just gets you killed. Enemies hear you no matter how you approach 'em. Since you can't save when you want, distance is your best friend. Start with sniper rifle, kill few enemies and wait till enemies are close enough to kill with SMG or M4. They can't hit you from very far (or if they hit, they only do minimal damage) if you use prone position. Always remember to aim their head and change position often (use sprint) since they can throw granades where they think you are.

Other stuff

CryEngine is very powerful but I don't understand why crates, barrels, chairs and other junk are indestructible. Oh well, maybe in next version.

Far Cry is very solid FPS, although I wish that whole genre would move more towards Thief, original DeusEx and Splinter Cell... After I killed first MOB in Far Cry, I quickly ran next to it, in order to carry it to some hidden place. Of course i couldn't do that and corpse soon vanished away. It's too easy to solve all problems with guns.


Graphics: *****
Audio: ****
Playability: ****
Features: ***
Overall: ****
Terracotta Army
Posts: 729

Reply #2 on: April 02, 2004, 12:32:52 AM

I've had this on my desk for review for more than a week now, guess I have to stop playing BF: V for a few seconds and actually play it.
the guy at my favourite games rag was absolutely in love with it (sorry no direct link to the stupid page).
Maybe I need a break from the morons inhabiting the rice paddys of Vietnam (no wonder the US lost, if the same morons made up the US forces... but of course with the same level of fucktardery on the other side, I don't know why the place didn't just selfdestruct ;-)

I would like to discuss this more with you, but I'm not allowed to post in Politics anymore.


Reply #3 on: April 02, 2004, 05:23:04 AM

One thing you guys might want to take into account is the surprising fact that high and extra-high jungle foliage is invisible to the AI (but not to you).

The Far Cry AI can't see through medium (standard) cover, but they'll spot you through the extra high and very high foliage like it wasn't there (because it isn't, really). You may think you're crawling through tall grass, but to the AI you're comically exposed on bare ground. Of course, since you can't see the AI through the extra foliage, it's a bad situation all round.

This might be one of the reasons why the second poster had no luck with stealth on Realistic.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1205

Reply #4 on: April 02, 2004, 06:48:50 AM

Very good points, I can't believe I forgot to mention the autosave method in the game!

There are usually about 6 per level it seems, and they are based on your position.  You basically walk past a checkpoint, but it is invisible, and I have on occasion managed to go AROUND them when being sneaky.  That part pretty much stunk, but I THINK it only happened to me once.

I have since finished chapter four playing a tad last night.  During that play session I was super impressed with the AI a couple times and wondered why they got hit with the stupid stick at other times.

There was one point where I took out some guards in a guard tower up on a ridge overlooking a camp.  A camp I was supposed to blow up.  So from this vantage point I decided to do some sniping.  First off I took out the two snipers in towers near the camp.  Snipers have huge visibility range.  On firing, troops loaded up into a helicopter and came after me.  I am pretty sure this part was scripted, but still fun to take on the chopper from the tower (you can either machine gun the chopper down or try and kill the gunners with real precision shooting).  This distracted me for awhile and during that time the base sent a few people to a group of about 4 mercs between me and the camp.  The scouts went up to them and then those mercs also knew where I was last seen and started coming for me.  I decided I would just let them since lying down I was not really visible in the tower, and was having fun sniping those still in the camp.  Nobody was really taking cover, that was kind of dumb.

Anyway, eventually about four mercs arrived at my position and surprised me by HITTING me.  Turns out they were shooting me from below through the floor.  Then one lobbed a grenade up over the rail.  I leaped off the tower, but died on impact after already being wounded from the shots.  I reloaded this section a few times just to examine the scenario and it was pretty varied in how it played out.  The chopper always came the same way, I should have tried it without sniping and seeing what the chopper did once at camp.

The remnants of the camp were WAY too easy to take out though.  After being sneaky and killing some outliers in a very fun cat and mouse game, I hit a savepoint right before the camp and decided to be silly.  I just ran to the border of the camp and fired my loudest gun at some explosive barrels to get the whole camps attention, then I sprinted back behind a rock on a small trail leading up to the camp.

About 10 guys slowly wandered into my sights one after the other in a conga line of death.  I would have thought number 10 would stay put after crawling over 9 dead bodies, but nope.  Other people did stay in the buildings to surprise me as I looted the place, but just one guy here, one guy there.

The hidden rocket launcher guy in a tower was a nice surpise though, heh.  He stayed crouched until I got close. I was just REALLY lucky on dodging his shot.

I really should have played the game on the 'hard' setting I think. It advertises better AI, so reviewing AI on 'normal' is probably not the right thing to do.  If hard setting negates sneaking I am having more fun with this setting though.  Sneaking feels about right.  Not too easy, not too hard.
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