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Topic: Wiccana - Bat Country Carebear Edition (Roster updated on 7/14) (Read 75525 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 304
Great, I'll do all I can in Ymir's then since I'm 57.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Who is in charge of the Bat Country guild now that Sky is done? I might like to sign up my new character - haven't played the old one since the first month. Or is BC just sad and lonely now?
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Someone else was promoted to the top the same day I was, I forget who it was. And I gave everyone who logged on while I was playing invite rights, tried to make it like the EQ2 setup where everyone could do everything but break up the guild.
BC is always sad and lonely, Mo Migne.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Thanks. Please don't call me pubic hair! 
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9029
inflicts shingles.
Singe Da Minge, if you can tell me a specific time you'll be on, I can make it a point to log on to tag you. After 5:30 PST tonight or tomorrow sometime.
I should get back to nature, too. You know, like going to a shop for groceries instead of the computer. Maybe a condo in the woods that doesn't even have a health club or restaurant attached. Buy a car with only two cup holders or something. -Signe
I LIKE being bounced around by Tonkors. - Lantyssa
Babies shooting themselves in the head is the state bird of West Virginia. - schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
Thanks. I'll try. I usually play in the morning or afternoon EDT. I know. I'm useless in a guild because no one ever sees me. Evenings are hard for me because by then I'm usually, you know. Mellow.
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9029
inflicts shingles.
Small detail. What's your toon's name? I'm on as either Nalas or Tinnax
I should get back to nature, too. You know, like going to a shop for groceries instead of the computer. Maybe a condo in the woods that doesn't even have a health club or restaurant attached. Buy a car with only two cup holders or something. -Signe
I LIKE being bounced around by Tonkors. - Lantyssa
Babies shooting themselves in the head is the state bird of West Virginia. - schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 18942
I was sad because all my names disappeared. Now I'm Berte, named after my auntie, and Baloney, named after what I said when I saw all my names were gone.
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1995
I have invite rights, also. I'll try to catch you during the day if you haven't already been invited. I may even have leader rights, but cannot remember what Sky set me to.
"Life is no cabaret... we're inviting you anyway." ~ Amanda Palmer"Tree, awesome, numa numa, love triangle, internal combustion engine, mountain, walk, whiskey, peace, pascagoula" ~ Lantyssa"Les vrais paradis sont les paradis qu'on a perdus." ~Marcel Proust
Terracotta Army
Posts: 9029
inflicts shingles.
FYI, I cancelled today. I got tired of the complete unintelligible garbled mess that is the Dark Templar, and I am not really that interested in the other classes.
I should get back to nature, too. You know, like going to a shop for groceries instead of the computer. Maybe a condo in the woods that doesn't even have a health club or restaurant attached. Buy a car with only two cup holders or something. -Signe
I LIKE being bounced around by Tonkors. - Lantyssa
Babies shooting themselves in the head is the state bird of West Virginia. - schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 304
I'm 77 PoM now, and I disbanded since no one is really playing now.
I'll see it through to 80, but I'm still not sold on the level of team or realm cohesion needed. It is just a solo game all the way to 80 for me, with a couple stops along the way to duo or group for purely random encounters with others.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Awesome, innit? 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
What I remember, about PvE, is:
Overground = 99% solo Epic overground (same zones, way better loot) = 100% group Dungeons = 100% group
PvP =75% group
Doesn't feel that terribly wrong to me.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 380
Ok, if anyone is still playing, I have Nazrat, level 13 Conq, running around on Wicanna.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 304
Well, the minute - and I mean the minute - I reached 80 on my PoM I logged out and have not been back since Aion launched.
There just doesn't seem to be anything at all to do other than level to 80 to me.
Thee is no ongoing publicized RvR that I know about.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
RvR is a disaster. The rewards for holding Battlekeeps are ridiculous, and you don't even get reall bragging rights as the fact you hold a BK is basically hidden under layers of clunky menus. The lack of any 'alliance' tool spoils the game of any diplomatic vibe. A beautiful, working PvP-oriented action MMORPG reduced to a constant 24/7 royal rumble close to respawn points and insta-kill guards.
Conquerable forts are coming, but it's so so late, especially without the chance to form alliances.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2918
I've rolled a Khitai Assassin on Wiccana. Her name's Anzi. Apparently I'm the only person on the server who's read Kay Kenyon.
Nothing in this post represents the views of my current or previous employers.
"Isn't that just like an elf? Brings a spell to a gun fight."
"Sci-Fi writers don't invent the future, they market it." - Henry Cobb
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
RvR is a disaster. The rewards for holding Battlekeeps are ridiculous, and you don't even get reall bragging rights as the fact you hold a BK is basically hidden under layers of clunky menus. The lack of any 'alliance' tool spoils the game of any diplomatic vibe. A beautiful, working PvP-oriented action MMORPG reduced to a constant 24/7 royal rumble close to respawn points and insta-kill guards.
Conquerable forts are coming, but it's so so late, especially without the chance to form alliances.
I want to state that, about 5 months after the quoted comments, many things changed for the better.
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