Topic: I just Grabbed EQ2 (Read 131705 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1407
I tried EQ2 2 times over the last 2 years and never really got past level 30. While I did like it, I just had a hard time getting "into" it. I wouldnt mind trying again but at this point I feel too far behind :(
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5531
Like a Klansman in the ghetto.
What server is Bat Country located on? How many are playing there?
@Shatter: If you get someone to Refer a Friend you, I think you both get like 3x XP when grouped in the same zone or something. It really wouldn't take too long to power up to the big stuff. Not that I'd play that way myself, but you can do it.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Oasis, active members: me.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
All my toons are on Butcherblock. Were I to reactivate, I'd join you Sky. I'm going to see how my venture into LotRO plays out.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542
The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid
Butcherblock? That's where my Illusionist is. COME PLAY WITH US.
Fear the Backstab! "Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion "Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1538
lol, All mine are on butcherblock :)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
I actually still play, but I moved over to Bloodlust. It's an epic guild with all the perks that entails.
Of course, I still haven't progressed past 74, but I do still play.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Yeah, I made an earlier gripe about guild levels. Looks like we may make level 25 with BC, thanks to doing some crafting writs over the weekend. We'd already be 24 but I can't invite two of my crafters into the guild. I don't blame anyone who has ditched BC for greener pastures, guilds don't mean shit (ingame) until guild level 30. Even then, looking over some city vendor stuff, there isn't much use for guilds until level 50. And the high level guilds have some pretty fucking awesome stuff.
I'm so going to outlevel shirley bob!
Nebs: I'd check out LotRO if it weren't for the retail investment. I can safely skip the current 'uber' EQ2 expansion.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Nebs: I'd check out LotRO if it weren't for the retail investment. I can safely skip the current 'uber' EQ2 expansion.
Best Buy had the original game AND the expansion for $20 including a free first month. That was enough motivation to give it a try. I have to say that I really like both the world and the diversity among the classes. Granted, I haven't played since beta... but I'm pleased with my first two nights back.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Posts: 60350
Yeah, I made an earlier gripe about guild levels. Looks like we may make level 25 with BC, thanks to doing some crafting writs over the weekend. We'd already be 24 but I can't invite two of my crafters into the guild. I don't blame anyone who has ditched BC for greener pastures, guilds don't mean shit (ingame) until guild level 30. Even then, looking over some city vendor stuff, there isn't much use for guilds until level 50. And the high level guilds have some pretty fucking awesome stuff.
I'm so going to outlevel shirley bob!
Nebs: I'd check out LotRO if it weren't for the retail investment. I can safely skip the current 'uber' EQ2 expansion.
Are we still on the same server in EQ2? Is my toon still the leader? If so, I can invite your two crafters. Edit: And you are! I'll reinstall it. Should be done by tomorrow. Haha. Seriously though.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2009, 12:16:58 PM by schild »
Posts: 60350
Haha, looked at the guild roster. Leader tis not me. I can do nussing.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Anyone can invite unless I shifted you to Vacationer status, which I probably did. The intention is that nobody disbands the guild in a fit of pique or mischief. I may not play all year long, but I've put by far the most status points into our little BC, so that's why I'm the only top level officer.
Everyone else in BC can do anything but demote me, so effectively you are all guild leaders and recruiters, not that anyone plays. I did take over a couple of the banks for some extra storage, but I will move my stuff out and open them back up if there's ever active interest in the game again.
Schild, if you decide to play and need crafty stuff, let me know. I'm broke but I can make some stuff if you supply the materials, I could swing most non-rares if you're broke, too. Rares are a pain in the butt, dern farmers.
Posts: 60350
My characters weren't even on the guild roster. Does Vacationer not show up?
Hell, my characters weren't even listed under EQ2 Players despite my active account.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
I'm having a blast as usual, but it's never been the game that drove me out, it's always been people issues. Even found a guild of ex-cat-asses who are working towards a couple of short raids a week. And better they're doing lowbie HQs and crawls, so I can mentor down (which is insanely OP but in a fun way) and work on my AA deficit since I was level 50 before there were AAs.
The client performance is incredible in comparison to the past.
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Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Schild, your lowbie necro was the only one I saw in the list, forget the name. Shirley Bob has a whole bunch of alts in there sitll, too.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
Yeah, i plan to leave them there and contribute to the guild from time to time still.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
I was goofing off in New Tunaria last night, I guess I kinda missed out on a few named kills in there. Just stumbled across it when I was tooling around, did the two collections in there and killed a couple of the later nameds before you get to the castle. Got the one quest where it says put some flowers in front of the castle...but there are aggro heroics in pairs all the way across the bridge I probably could've made it across, but it would've taken forever and I would've leveled up doing it. Then I notice this five-boxer was moving that way, so I invis'ed and hung out while he worked his way across. It was so funny watching how crappy a five-box group is, extremely inefficient. They were all low 60s, and I'm 71, but they were getting absolutely pasted by every low 60s heroic they took on. I think it was Pally/Templar/Fury/Illu/Troub. I watched them take on four mobs before they gave up, at least one death per fight. I lol'd, good entertainment. I was just hoping they'd have cleared the bridge so I could've finished that quest.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4268
the plural of mangina
Illy and Troub are NOT easy additions to a 5 box.
I have never played WoW.
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542
The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid
Targeting is so goofy at times, Illusionist by itself can be a bitch.
Fear the Backstab! "Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion "Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
It could be the animations and not los or whatever, but my illusionist pet I swear only attacked half the time. It was very annoying.
Trouble and Illusionist tho I think are there as buffbots.
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Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542
The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid
It's goofy LOS with minor rises and falls in terrain, especially if you shrink your pet.
And sometimes my pet randomly runs off, sometimes into melee range. And since I put Dynamism/etc on myself, my pet grabs agro for me if I am not going at 100%. Which means dead pet at times.
Fear the Backstab! "Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion "Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
I wanted a "desired" class that wasn't a healer. I eventually just gave up and started a dirge, and I'm running into a massive disconnect between the "hard to solo a dirge" reputation and my actual experiences which are that between speed and stealth, it's the easiest I've ever levelled.
If you can read this, you're on a board populated by misogynist assholes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Well, depends on who is talking about soloing. I don't consider soloing to be just solo mobs. Soloing for me includes hunting nameds, farming masters, doing heroic quests. A lot of people just consider soloing to be taking solo mobs, which anyone could do in almost any gear. My wizard doesn't bother keeping solo mobs rooted most of the time, because they're not going to pound on him hard enough to bother.
Solo mobs are also a waste of time as far as gear or xp goes, but if that's how you define soloing, I can't imagine how bad a class would have to be to not take on yellows easily.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
Having played a mystic before the combat AAs (which is still the fate for defilers), yes, soloing on regular mobs is an issue. I've never had a class I felt comfortable soloing group mobs on, my understanding is the game is designed for that to not be possible.
If you can read this, you're on a board populated by misogynist assholes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Having played a mystic before the combat AAs (which is still the fate for defilers), yes, soloing on regular mobs is an issue. I've never had a class I felt comfortable soloing group mobs on, my understanding is the game is designed for that to not be possible.
My brigand can take a blue ^^^ if I play it perfectly with positionals and stuns. My problem is that 3 green standard mobs will kill me. Funny class, I handle a single target well but numbers crush me.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
From memory isn't it swash=AOEs and brig=single target? Plus the fact that you can't tank or heal obviously.
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Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
I stick mostly to green heroics, though I bet my wizard could take low blues pretty easy. I was slicing through stuff in New Tunaria all right, even handling an add a couple times (low to high greens, 61-65, my level being 71). But for encounters it's a whole nother story. That's (imo) what makes or breaks a class for being completely screwed as a solo player. Wizard has the encounter root, which is nice to snag most of them right off the bat, then apply the single-target root as needed.
That's also where my monk shines, even at level 23. Being able to use FD to whittle down heroic encounters (healers first, then in order from weakest to named) is amazing, also being able to traverse dungeons full of see-invis mobs.
With the SK, I usually get screwed on encounters. With two, I try to keep one knocked down with kicks/stuns, but it's very tough, and three or more mean I'm probably toast. He does get one FD, but it's on a 2.5min timer (with AA, 5min normally), so it's not anywhere near as good as a monk's, especially if the first try fails (I think it's 74%). Basically useless for traversing a dungeon, too slow to recast.
Coercer looks like it might have some of the wizard's encounter control, but part of what makes the wizard work is my 10k+ ice nova and a 4kish ball of lava. Coercers are also nice in that they can instantly take out one of the encounter with charm. But I mentioned earlier I tried my dungeon soloing gauntlet (named farming WC) with my coercer and he got stomped. I might try again to learn the class better, but I really have to be in the mood for the whole test-die-repeat thing.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 20848
I found my SK to be able to handle groups. They could be tough fights, so I usually prefered to be a level or two ahead (not hard in EQ2), but she could take a lot of damage with all the health taps I could get going. I tried to stay in level-appropriate master crafted gear. Using that legendary halberd from Nektulos through my 30s probably helped, too. (And I was tough enough to get it around 33-34 solo...)
Hahahaha! I'm really good at this!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Just to clarify, I'm talking heroic groups. Normal groups aren't a problem for my SK, Nebu was addressing normal groups. Stupid anti-solo game design :P
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542
The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid
I can juggle some pretty obnoxious stuff with my Illusionist, including encounters...though it's been getting a bit more difficult since I'm getting towards 70 now.
Fear the Backstab! "Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion "Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5531
Like a Klansman in the ghetto.
It's a damn shame that it costs $50 per toon to transfer. Looks like we've got a lot of solo players across different servers. No way I'll pay to transfer, but if it were free we could get Bat Country up off it's feet again.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
I wouldn't mind rerolling as long as I had people around to chat with.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7675
Don't forget, it's SOE, you don't need to be on the same server just to chat. if all you want is to talk, /join oasis.f13 then go into chat options and make sure it's turned on for whatever window. Should work.
I'm antonia_bayle.kathy
If you can read this, you're on a board populated by misogynist assholes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Yeah, I think I'm still logged into the Oasis f13 channel with Caviglia (my 71 wiz). Not sure what my chat handle would be, though. I've also got a spot I try to keep open to reroll alts. There's a brig on there, but he's disposable at this point. My other two spots are filled with an Inq and a Coercer, but I've taken a shine to both of them. My Paladin is probably my next decent character on the chopping block, now that getting to lvl 30 weaponcrafter wouldn't be so awful (because my lvl71 can harvest faster). I've got a lot of lowbies, my low teens Fury (but lvl 60 woodcrafter!), stuff like that. I'm usually on for an hour or two a night, or until I get bored (after 10EST). Tues and Wed usually a little more, as the old lady works late those nights. we could get Bat Country up off it's feet again. BC has always been off its feet. Though it was fun when Trag, gimpy and I were able to get a trio going. Which was only a handful of times in the six months or so we were all playing...I think we were fury, zerk and my SK.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5531
Like a Klansman in the ghetto.
Maybe I'll roll a toon on Oasis then. Your playtime matches pretty much with mine so at some point we might be able to group. I'm super casual though. I'll likely roll a tank of some sort, it's the only archetype I enjoy really.