Viin [edited per next post], Krovar and I, along with a monk henchman, ran the Fort Ranik mission yesterday with our new lowbie toons. My favorite part was using the huge ass catapults to launch massive flaming destruction down on the hordes of charr. Of course, poor Krovan at -60% offered himself as sacrificial puller, luring the charr into the target area of destruction.
Still, having to get the pieces to assemble one of the catapults, was a cool conclusion to what was essentially a mini-fedex within the mission. Then watching the thing hurls buckets was good fun. Getting to stand back and fire the buckets was even more fun. Thanks to Viin and Krovar for making it a fun afternoon despite the horrendous lag I suffered. [I was cursed with a stuttering internet connection all weekend until late Sunday, when, thankfully, it was back to a silky smooth connection just in time for the GvG fights.]
"I may not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." -- Voltaire "A world without Vin Diesel is sad." -- me