Sir T
Terracotta Army
Posts: 14223
Hic sunt dracones.
Posts: 5828
Operating Thetan One
Ok, that was cool, didn't know they had done those. I always thought I was a bit of a weirdo for liking Davidson's Doctor.
"Welcome to the internet, pussy." - VDL "I have retard strength." - Schild
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
Not a weirdo. Davison's Doctor was my favorite before Tennant too.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Sir T
Terracotta Army
Posts: 14223
Yeah, Davidson's Doc was always one of my favorites as well.
Hic sunt dracones.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1246
Yeah, Davidson's Doc was always one of my favorites as well.
I wasn't a big fan of Davidson until I had the chance to see all the available episodes pre-Baker. Then watching his schizophrenic regeneration made a lot more sense. He had all his previous incarnation impressions pretty much dead on. Had a lot more respect for him afterwards. But I'm weird. I also really liked Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy. They were brilliant in their own rights as well. The writing and production had just become so shitty at that point that I don't think anyone could've saved the show from cancellation. Colin got the worst of it. At least McCoy's run had some moments of brilliance in the scripts, most notably The Curse of Fenric. (I'm a computer nerd so I might be biased there)
I was drinking when I wrote this, so sue me if it goes astray.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15148
Watched the x-mass episode, you guys over think things to much.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Some of us. 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6742
"You're really a good person, aren't you? So, there's no path for you to take here. Go home. This isn't a place for someone like you."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Good clip. God, he was a jerk back then. And now. 
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
As a 'merican, Tom Baker was always 'the' Doctor when I was a kid (though I hated Adric with a passion). Having seen more on DVD now, First Doctor is probably my favorite (until Eleventh, that is). I like that he's almost the villain.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Be fair, Adric was only in a couple of Bakers run.
And then Davidson killed him.
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Ooo, I missed that. I never saw the Baker stuff contiguously, I was a kid back when kids didn't sit home watching tv. Lots of repeats and I'd maybe catch half an episode most of the time.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
Be fair, Adric was only in a couple of Bakers run.
And then Davidson killed him.
Davison didn't kill him, he got all noble and went down with the ship.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
 or not, I'd blame the cybermen before I blamed the doctor.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Be fair, Adric was only in a couple of Bakers run.
And then Davidson killed him.
Davison didn't kill him, he got all noble and went down with the ship. And there was much rejoicing. Easily one of the most annoying, loathsome Who companions ever. You know which companion people hate that I think could have worked well, though--almost did work--was Turlough. Spiky, brittle, sarcastic character wrestling with whether to betray the Doctor, that's potentially interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing the contemporary Doctor pick up a more damaged, flawed person in whom the Doctor sees some potential. Burnt-out ex-soldier, alcoholic scientist who thinks he's a failure but who has always actually been on the verge of some major discovery, that sort of thing.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
I agree from a story standpoint. But...
"I'm dressed for Rio!"
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1999
Be fair, Adric was only in a couple of Bakers run.
And then Davidson killed him.
Davison didn't kill him, he got all noble and went down with the ship. And there was much rejoicing. Easily one of the most annoying, loathsome Who companions ever. You know which companion people hate that I think could have worked well, though--almost did work--was Turlough. Spiky, brittle, sarcastic character wrestling with whether to betray the Doctor, that's potentially interesting. I wouldn't mind seeing the contemporary Doctor pick up a more damaged, flawed person in whom the Doctor sees some potential. Burnt-out ex-soldier, alcoholic scientist who thinks he's a failure but who has always actually been on the verge of some major discovery, that sort of thing. This sounds a lot like Donna to me. She was a good companion.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 15189
Yeah. That complexity definitely made her among the more interesting ever.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7199
But her ending was 
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2037
Aaaaaand here's why they were multi-colored. really why. I just swore I read a post earlier about "What, are they trying to make them collectible toys now?!" But nobody actually said it, so I'm inferring it!
"Role playing in an MMO is more like an open orchestra with no conductor, anyone of any skill level can walk in at any time, and everyone brings their own instrument and plays whatever song they want. Then toss PvP into the mix and things REALLY get ugly!" -Count Nerfedalot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 12007
You call it an accident. I call it justice.
Aaaaaand here's why they were multi-colored. really why. I just swore I read a post earlier about "What, are they trying to make them collectible toys now?!" But nobody actually said it, so I'm inferring it! I died a little on the inside.
Does any one know where the love of God goes...When the waves turn the minutes to hours? -G. Lightfoot
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5521
I want one!  Seriously if I was a kid that would be totally badass.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4662
I would gladly buy that if it was a hover craft.
Palin 2012 : Let's go out with a bang!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5521
I would gladly buy that if it was a hover craft.
My hovercraft is full of eels.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4737
the opportunity for evil is just delicious
that is too cute and  . Well struck.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
I would gladly buy that if it was a hover craft.
My hovercraft is full of eels. My nipples explode with delight!
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2493
I'm all a tingle waiting for Ironwood's comment!
That said, I did wonder about this - Is it possible to make the Daleks more hateful? I believe the answer is "yes, just show them this commercial".
Terracotta Army
Posts: 28240
Same As It Ever Was.I used to have most of that website. I'm gonna comment about some kids enjoying Dr Who Merch ? Who gives a toss?
"Mr Soft Owl has Seen Some Shit." - Sun Tzu
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5521
I would gladly buy that if it was a hover craft.
My hovercraft is full of eels. My nipples explode with delight! Do you want to go back to my place, bouncy bouncy?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2392
But her ending was  I'm just catching up on my Dr. Who and finally saw this ending. I wasn't a big Donna fan to start with, but she definitely grew on me and her ending was seriously  to
Terracotta Army
Posts: 5281
Donna was my favourite companion. Her lack of attraction for the Doctor was a welcome change after the previous companions. She deserved a better fate.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1018
Mad skills with the rod.
been watching season 4(?), the series with Donna *sigh* she was awesome. Amy Pond is a step backwards in my humble opinion.
"There is dignity and deep satisfaction in facing life and death without the comfort of heaven or the fear of hell and in sailing toward the great abyss with a smile."