It's funny, I haven't watched a single episode this season but I was able to follow that pretty well. Sounds pretty awful, and you all have my condolences for having put up with it.
Somebody spoil it for me so I don't have to watch it. Thanks!
I think I may have dozed through a lot of that. Oh well. I do have a question, although I don't know if anyone has an answer. Remember that story going around about how fans were outraged and even sent death threats to the author because Sookie didn't end up with the right person in the final book? Is this a different ending or is it the ending that idiot people were all over the top angry about? I'm confused because if this is the "repaired" ending, I can't imagine this would have made them happy. Does this season even have anything to do with the books?
My Sig Image: hath rid itself of this mortal coil.
The last couple of seasons have had little or nothing to do with the books. The show's writers have nobody but themselves to blame for the latest awfulness.
This show always seemed like it had someplace to go - but it seemed lost as early as the second season. I stuck with it to the end, but in retrospect I wish I had not.