Played this because I've had it sitting around unopened for years now and my wife bought me RAGE 2, so I thought I'd knock this thing out finally.
But is it fun? Not really. (TL:DR: Just read the red text!)
It's a great representation of a brown, generic shooter from the 2010 period. Well, I say "great", but it's far from a great game. "Open world" driving in a small, small open world with nothing to do. And no map. Linear, rather boring corridor "dungeons". Side quests that are just more of the same dungeons (often running the same place in a different direction) or essentially "race here, race there". Pointless economy. Poor loading of their "megatextures". Like, really slow, shitty pop-in. Like Fallout 76 bad. Terrible dialogue from questgivers and NPCs. SO bad. "Only you can save humanity! Godspeed, soldier!" WTAF?
Graphics feels like a mix of discount Borderlands without the fun or humour and Fallout without a Bethesda level of polish or detail. Yes, Bethesda. id software expert quality feel shooting mechanics awesome at least? Nope. Boring weapons. BFG given to you in the final mission. I saved it for when I got to something big, but after fighting several waves of mutants with a shotgun... "....wait, did I just finish the game?" (what I actually just said to my wife, sitting nearby.)
I have proved my lack of judgement by making myself play through the entire thing. Will it get better? How much longer to go? Sunk cost fallacy. I'd give the copy of the game away, but I'm afraid it will make me a bad person.
This game has no reason to exist. Thoroughly mediocre.