
f13.net General Forums => PlanetSide => Topic started by: Mrbloodworth on June 28, 2007, 08:25:49 AM

Title: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on June 28, 2007, 08:25:49 AM
New producer just announced tonight that Reserves trial will return in some form this year so you can try it for free.

"<Xahn> I think right now the biggest plan is to bring back Reserves in one form or another.  We've got some bigger plans for the servers, but I don't want to commit to anything till I can get all my ducks in a row.  But the immediate plans are Reserves.  Specially since it's summer and more people have time. "


Stay tuned for more info and hopefully an official announcement!


What is The Reserve Program?

**** This info is subject to change as it was from the past Reserve program, however its given as a guideline to what may be offered when the reserves comeback****

    Q: What is the demo program PlanetSide Reserves?
    A: Demo players will be able to download the PlanetSide Reserves demo and will be able to play for free through Battle Rank 6. Once they reach BR 6, they will be able to continue to play the game, but will not accumulate additional experience points unless and until they upgrade to a paying account. On exit from the game after each play session, players will be taken to a website that will allow them to purchase the game client and upgrade to a paying account. Upon purchase of the game client, you will receive an additional 30 days of play after upgrading your account. This offer is not available for existing PlanetSide accounts.

    Q: Is Battle Rank 6 the maximum rank that PlanetSide Reserves accounts can reach?
    A: Yes. The PlanetSide Reserves accounts can only progress up to Battle Rank 6 (BR 6). Once BR 6 is achieved, you will be able to continue to play the game, but will not progress further unless you purchase the game client and upgrade to a paying subscription.

    Q: How do I access PlanetSide game files to try it out?
    A: We will provide you a location to download the demo game files. There will be a link on PlanetSide.com with more details.

    Q: How would a PlanetSide Reserves account user convert to paying subscriber?
    A: On exit from the game, you will be taken to a website that will allow you to purchase the game client and upgrade to a monthly subscription for the price indicated on the website, which includes the opportunity to obtain the Battle Frame Robotics (BFRs), the giant robot units, and gain more XP to progress through higher Battle Ranks. With higher XP you will be able to gain new implants, better weapons and higher command ranks.

    Q: How long can I play the demo?
    A: The program will run for a fixed 12-month period from March 24, 2006 through March 21, 2007. The length of your demo time will depend on when in the promotion period you sign up. If you sign up on the first day, you will have almost 12 full months of gameplay. If you sign up one week before the end of the program, you will have one week of demo time.

    Q: When a PlanetSide Reserves account converts to a paying account, what happens to the characters and account if they decide to cancel later on?
    A: Once an account converts over to a paying account, normal cancellation procedures apply. To play that account again you will need to enter billing on it. Please note, only one PlanetSide Reserves account per Station Account will be permitted.

    Q: What other features will I receive when I purchase the game client and upgrade to a paying account?
    A: When you upgrade your account after purchase of the game client, you will immediately receive an additional 30 days of gameplay before your first subscription is paid. Also, the very next time you login after upgrading the account you will have no restrictions on the growth of your character and can progress past Battle Rank 6, Command Rank 2 and will be able to imprint your character to use BFR’s (Battle Frame Robots) after completing the prerequisites in the caverns.

    Q: While playing the demo, will I be able to work towards merits?
    A: Yes. All of your kill statistics towards merits will count, but some merits do not apply until after you’ve reached a higher battle rank. So, you may not be able to get all your merits while in your demo period.

    Q: Will these accounts have access to the caverns?
    A: Yes. There will be no restriction on areas while playing the demo.

    Q: Will a PlanetSide Reserves account be able to obtain a BFR?
    A: You will be able to finish the prerequisites for obtaining a BFR but you will not be able to get the imprinting of the BFR until the account is upgraded to a paying account.

    Q: Will I have any identifying feature on my character to single me out as a PlanetSide Reserves player?
    A: Fortunately for you, no. Until you unlock your account and gain enough XP to reach Battle Rank 7 your armor design will be the same. If you want to avoid being singled out as a lower level player, purchase the client and upgrade to a paying account as soon as possible.

    Q: Will I be able to join a squad?
    A: Yes, it is highly recommended for learning the game quicker and keeping your character alive. You’ll be able to join or create a squad from the moment you start playing. Just hit “P” to bring up the squad commands and controls to create or search.

    Q: Is it true that joining an outfit is a great way to learn the tricks of the game? And can I join an outfit as a PlanetSide Reserves player?
    A: Yes to both. Outfit members only succeed if their teammates know what they are doing to cover their backs, and you will be able to join up as soon as you enter the game. It might be a good idea to find out the play style of the outfit before accepting and invitation. Many outfits have their own web sites so check it out!

    Q: Will I be able to gain experience after I achieve Battle Rank 6 and Command Rank 2?
    A: No. Experience will stop as soon as you reach each ranking, until you upgrade to a paying account.

    Q: If I wait awhile to upgrade to a paying account after achieving Battle Rank 6, will my experience be saved up and then be applied to my account when I do upgrade?
    A: Unfortunately, no. You’ll only accumulate additional experience after you upgrade to a paying account. So don’t wait too long to get into the action!

    Q: What is a population lock on a continent?
    A: There is a cap on the amount of players that can enter a continent per each empire. This number may fluctuate by continent, but if your empire has capped out on a continent you will have to wait your turn to enter or pick another battle on a different continent.

    Q: Will PlanetSide Reserves players be given the same priority as paying players when waiting for a spot on a population locked continent?
    A: Players on accounts that are paying a subscription will have priority over PlanetSide Reserves player accounts.

    Q: Will PlanetSide Reserves players be limited to the amount of players per account?
    A: All demo player accounts will have the same character limits as paying accounts. You can have up to 8 characters on each server.

    Q: When will the PlanetSide Reserves program launch?
    A: March 24, 2006

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: shiznitz on June 28, 2007, 09:39:49 AM
I usually notice a drop in player activity during the summer, certainly in my guilds. Maybe that is because my guilds are on the older side and summer= vacation away from home. I play MMOs a lot less May - September.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Trippy on June 28, 2007, 10:01:28 AM
That's bad news if they are merging servers yet again.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Furiously on June 28, 2007, 11:02:54 AM
They really should just get rid of CR5 as well.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: shiznitz on June 28, 2007, 11:27:18 AM
Grr. Since I am not a subscriber I cannot go to the forums and learn about changes that might make me want to re-subscribe. Nice.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Mrbloodworth on June 28, 2007, 12:18:49 PM
Grr. Since I am not a subscriber I cannot go to the forums and learn about changes that might make me want to re-subscribe. Nice.

What was the last thing added that you know of? Ill bring the info to you.

That's bad news if they are merging servers yet again.

I don't think so, the game has no PvE, so its a snowball affect, if there are less people, people will leave, if there are more, more will join. Nothing puts people off then low populations, and that goes double for a PvP only game.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: LK on June 28, 2007, 01:20:42 PM
They already have it setup where there's one server on the east and west coast and one in Europe.  A server merge will create some lagtacular problems with different coasts playing on a centralized location, though that's not really that big of a deal.

God I hope I greened that right.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Trippy on June 28, 2007, 06:21:14 PM
That's bad news if they are merging servers yet again.
I don't think so, the game has no PvE, so its a snowball affect, if there are less people, people will leave, if there are more, more will join. Nothing puts people off then low populations, and that goes double for a PvP only game.
I understand that players need other players to shoot at. However, they are already down to 3 servers. If they merge down to 2 (say by eliminating the "Euro" server) or even one server that's just...sad. That's like maybe 1000 people simultaneously during prime time hours.

And they shouldn't have stopped the Reserves program in the first place. People were telling them long before it stopped that stopping it would cause populations to drop again.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Strazos on June 28, 2007, 08:17:03 PM
What Trippy said. Color me shocked. SHOCKED.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Kitsune on June 28, 2007, 10:12:52 PM
Step 1: Hay guys, we're canceling fodderside, cutting the population on all the servers, and hiking the price.
Step 2: Everyone leaves.
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit!

Their plan was idiotic from the start; a middle-schooler could have predicted that kicking out the free players and raising prices would result in a drastic population drop.  Then they waited until AFTER everyone left to start adding things into the game, when the clearly wiser move would be to put in the new content, give all of the players a taste, and then hike the price.  A player who's pissed off and has left in a huff isn't going to be lured back by new game content, especially if they know that there's nobody left on the servers to play against.

Not quite as bad a bungle as the Star Wars fiasco, but definitely in the same vein of terrible ideas.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: LK on June 29, 2007, 09:49:19 AM
Sad thing is I like Planetside.  Maybe not in addictive chunks that I normally consume my MMOs in, but it is the most ideal version of a persistent FPS out there.  Battlefield games (I prefer Enemy Territory though) are there for gaming goodness but no persistence.

Chromehounds actually had a nice persistent world concept but the problem with loading missions is that I didn't feel like I was occupying a world.  Unless I was fighting I was in menus.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Sky on June 29, 2007, 11:57:49 AM
I love PS and it really bums me out when the dev team keeps boning the game. It makes it look like the genre isn't viable, rather than just a mediocre implementation that's been clusterfucked for years (but hey, at least it's no SWG). I still think it's one of the very best mmo out there, along with Eve and SL, for really utilizing the massive part. More players = better game. Unlike most pve group-based games where more people just mean less resources to farm for everyone else.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Mrbloodworth on June 29, 2007, 01:38:16 PM
One of the major stumbling block as far as PS development has been, the original implementation... Just about everything is hard coded (Lack of scripting), and apparently allot of the tools are..well, they either suck, or are not around. Not sure of the real answer, but from the ground up, the original game was not documented, or created with expanding it later in mind.

Its been said, the compile is 55 megabytes in size, 55 megabytes of undocumented c++, and no map tools to speak of, and no scripting layer (they added one about a year ago, for the events).

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Sky on June 29, 2007, 02:01:57 PM
I disagree. Sure, it had a mediocre implementation. I just said that.

But then the stupid caves expansion. Then tying the xomg giant robots to playing in those stupid caves. Then letting it sit for a while. Then killing the free accounts which reduced warm bodies. Then jacking the price.

Some of the new stuff looks cool, it's /about fucking time/ someone started adding good stuff en masse to the old bird. I have to do a full reinstall, but if the game survives until next winter, I'll probably play on the (zomg eXXXpensive) station pass.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Strazos on June 29, 2007, 07:33:47 PM
I think I liked blowing up the robots as much, if not more, than actually being a gunner in the damn things.

Anyone who was on our Vent server KNOWS how I loved to gun straight for those fuckers, and then squeal with glee as I pounded their shield gen as a MAX and caused the pilot to run for the hills.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 03, 2007, 06:25:34 AM
I disagree. Sure, it had a mediocre implementation. I just said that.

But then the stupid caves expansion. Then tying the xomg giant robots to playing in those stupid caves. Then letting it sit for a while. Then killing the free accounts which reduced warm bodies. Then jacking the price.

Some of the new stuff looks cool, it's /about fucking time/ someone started adding good stuff en masse to the old bird. I have to do a full reinstall, but if the game survives until next winter, I'll probably play on the (zomg eXXXpensive) station pass.

I wasn't referring to the the game play implementation's, i was speaking technical. Had Planetside been engineered to be more a flexible design (such as other MMO's) and well documented, you would have seen much more done with the game, as it is, i think they were very locked into what they could do with it, and time was needed to decipher the undocumented code base.

And for the record, i have never had any issue with BFR's, i enjoy a target that require some tactics to take out (Original implementation).

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Megrim on July 04, 2007, 05:50:52 AM
So would it be safe to assume that we'll be seeing a resurrection of the f13 meatgrinder squad? Because i'd play with 300+ ping, if only to hear Jimbo on Vent again. God that was awesome.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Strazos on July 04, 2007, 11:10:08 AM
Jimbo - The Trucker of F13. (sorry)

I'd love to assault some more people in the woods as a cloaker with plasma nades and knives.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: bhodi on July 04, 2007, 09:09:58 PM
Yeah, me and Straz may have to pair up again in the woods. Those poor bastards won't know what hit them. Because they won't be able to see us!

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Sky on July 05, 2007, 06:56:58 AM
I once held off a guy for three hours as a cloaker. It was pretty funny, I was laughing most of the time. I was a CE with a fully loaded tower. He was a grunt with an AMS. I kept sneaking out and booming him while he sniped my placeables, and then went for the knife kills if I was close to the AMS when he respawned. Then I started booming his AMS while he was a couple hills away sniping, he'd come running back and I'd go reload on boomers.

I decided that day I should also get advanced hacking because it would've been even funnier to keep hacking his AMS.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Stephen Zepp on July 05, 2007, 11:24:45 AM
I once held off a guy for three hours as a cloaker. It was pretty funny, I was laughing most of the time. I was a CE with a fully loaded tower. He was a grunt with an AMS. I kept sneaking out and booming him while he sniped my placeables, and then went for the knife kills if I was close to the AMS when he respawned. Then I started booming his AMS while he was a couple hills away sniping, he'd come running back and I'd go reload on boomers.

I decided that day I should also get advanced hacking because it would've been even funnier to keep hacking his AMS.

Lol--that was probably me :P

I love me some "have my own ams in an out of the way sniper nest area" action, but damn those cloakers that find me.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: LK on July 05, 2007, 11:47:45 AM
That's what sucks about being a sniper in most games.  You can't really remain hidden for very long after the first shot, even in a super chaotic battle.  Sniper bolts have a very distinctive sound, and they leave a trail.  If even a little bit of yourself is in plain view, someone can ID you from far away.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Stephen Zepp on July 05, 2007, 12:53:00 PM
That's what sucks about being a sniper in most games.  You can't really remain hidden for very long after the first shot, even in a super chaotic battle.  Sniper bolts have a very distinctive sound, and they leave a trail.  If even a little bit of yourself is in plain view, someone can ID you from far away.

Well, the role snipers play in most games is completely different from the role they play in "real" war. Most snipers are on-offs. Single target, single shot, get the hell out you're done.

Tactical scenario snipers obviously are slightly different, but the expectation that a sniper can sit on a hill all day and snipe is a pretty ridiculous one when you think it through.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Sky on July 05, 2007, 01:11:36 PM
Snipers are a horrid addition to online games, imo. It's a very selfish and non-teamwork role in most applications. I'm not talking about laying down cover fire for your unit as they accomplish objectives. Snipers are awesome for that in a good team. I'm talking about all the people who sit off in some corner of the map doing nothing but plinking away at random people who happen to stand still for a second while adding nothing to the game other than random damage.

My bf1942 clan had a thread on our board for posting pictures of sniper knifings. Our bread and butter was knifing some snipetard on a pub. Especially those wonders of nature that are the K:2 D:0 snipers. Thanks for taking up a slot that could have been an active player, snipetard.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Miasma on July 05, 2007, 01:40:55 PM
I don't much care for snipers either, for the same reasons Sky mentioned.  Only 10% of the people that play them are any good and actually help the team they are on, the other 90% tend to be immature sociopaths.

In Quake Wars they get the sniper classes into the melee by allowing them to steal the enemies uniform and become one of them, once done they can only use the knife without blowing their cover.  They also get either a flying drone or a third eye camera to spy on the enemy (both also detonate), the class is also needed to hack computer objectives.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Stephen Zepp on July 05, 2007, 01:50:33 PM
I don't much care for snipers either, for the same reasons Sky mentioned.  Only 10% of the people that play them are any good and actually help the team they are on, the other 90% tend to be immature sociopaths.

In Quake Wars they get the sniper classes into the melee by allowing them to steal the enemies uniform and become one of them, once done they can only use the knife without blowing their cover.  They also get either a flying drone or a third eye camera to spy on the enemy (both also detonate), the class is also needed to hack computer objectives.

If I'm sniping as part of a squad (and on vent, it's too painful to do while typing) I spend most of my time letting people what's going on in the tactical situation, and only a bit of time on actually working targets (in Planetside, I don't play QW).

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Miasma on July 05, 2007, 01:53:41 PM
That's totally cool, if you're spotting, spying, hacking and killing people silly enough to stop moving then you are one of the very few usefull snipers.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Strazos on July 05, 2007, 06:02:39 PM
I don't really snipe in PS, but I did tons of sniping in TFC and Warrock and Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory.

But I'm aggressive as hell when I snipe; I don't sit off in some far-away corner. No, I find a nice corner or something Really Fucking Close to the objective or enemy base.

If I can someone get behind the base, and pick people off as they come out and run away from me, even better.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: gimpyone on July 05, 2007, 06:48:59 PM
All the sniper hate  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Strazos on July 05, 2007, 06:51:15 PM
I don't hate snipers.

Without snipers, who would I have to easily knife in the back as I squeal with glee? :evil:

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: gimpyone on July 05, 2007, 07:05:26 PM
Hey I covered you and bhodi while I sniped :/

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Strazos on July 05, 2007, 07:22:35 PM
KILLSTEALER!!1!one    :-P

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 06, 2007, 11:50:11 AM
About the Merge:

Beady wrote.
And about the server merge....we have discussed the possibility of it, but I can't stress this enough: no definite plans have been made.  We can't give you details like when and where because those answers don't exist; a server merge is not scheduled to happen anytime soon.  As Xahn has previously stated, we're going to try a few promotional things first before we attempt anything else.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Morat20 on July 06, 2007, 01:00:19 PM
I don't hate snipers.

Without snipers, who would I have to easily knife in the back as I squeal with glee? :evil:
When I snipe, it's a few shots and move, a few shots and move. (Not in Planetside -- don't play it, although it looks pretty fascinating).

I spend more time calling out movements to everyone else, since I've got the cool zoom feature.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: NiX on July 09, 2007, 11:02:17 PM
I wish more games had MGs. I love being an MG in DoD. It's not easy taking up a permanent position with a gun that sprays like all over the place.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: shiznitz on July 10, 2007, 07:04:20 AM
Well, my EQ2 and VG monthlies expired so I re-upped Station Pass and joined a new PS outfit on Emerald, Virtual Hitmen. Despite the name, they are a good, disciplined crew. TS required and you have to join an outfit squad if there is one going when you log in. PS is always fun the first few weeks after coming back so we will see, but there seemed to be enough people to keep two continents somewhat active.

Anyway, the new CE is everywhere although it hasn't changed much as far as how to play. As a 3yr vet, I have access to the Dragon flamethrower without any certs needed and I have to say I like it. It ignores armor so it is an excellent anti-MAX option but you have to get in close to use it.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 10, 2007, 07:59:06 AM
Well, my EQ2 and VG monthlies expired so I re-upped Station Pass and joined a new PS outfit on Emerald, Virtual Hitmen. Despite the name, they are a good, disciplined crew. TS required and you have to join an outfit squad if there is one going when you log in. PS is always fun the first few weeks after coming back so we will see, but there seemed to be enough people to keep two continents somewhat active.

Anyway, the new CE is everywhere although it hasn't changed much as far as how to play. As a 3yr vet, I have access to the Dragon flamethrower without any certs needed and I have to say I like it. It ignores armor so it is an excellent anti-MAX option but you have to get in close to use it.

I run with them every once and a while.

Also, FYI there is some changes on Test currently for the new stuff.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: shiznitz on July 10, 2007, 09:44:59 AM
Nerfing the Dragon a bit. Oh well. Still, it is a lot more versatile than carrying a deci and cert free.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: LK on July 10, 2007, 01:39:25 PM
I actually wanted to play Planetside this week but the low population of the game and the overabundance of Chinese players makes me long for a game that's like it but more modern in its implementation.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Furiously on July 10, 2007, 01:43:15 PM
Take a look at Battlefield 2142.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 10, 2007, 01:43:24 PM
I actually wanted to play Planetside this week but the low population of the game and the overabundance of Chinese players makes me long for a game that's like it but more modern in its implementation.

You and every PS player. They would really have a gold mine if they redid the game and left most of its game play intact.

But pops are not that bad on Emerald server, and i have yet to see this Chinese issue.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: LK on July 10, 2007, 02:38:01 PM
Take a look at Battlefield 2142.

I'd play it if it was free, but Battlefield 2 sort of put me off any Battlefield game.  I'm holding out for Quake Wars but I don't expect it to be the second coming.  I do want the capability of lots of achievements as a soldier (like Planetside has) translated to a good FPS experience.

You and every PS player. They would really have a gold mine if they redid the game and left most of its game play intact.

But pops are not that bad on Emerald server, and i have yet to see this Chinese issue.

Shit, seriously.  Planetside has the monopoly on MMOFPS, and I don't think it'd be really that hard to outdo them, or take the game and renovate it completely as a new product.  I guess I played more in the AM hours on my server when I'm really into it and when it's Chinese primetime, but between that, the cheating I saw, and the one-front battles (meaning a strong lack of variety in where the fights were), I just couldn't muster playing.

Looking at Planetside would make an excellent example when debating having a persistent world FPS, or creating a model similar to Chromehounds / WoW Battlegrounds / any FPS in existence, where each side has equal numbers and victory is determined by the match, where Chromehounds then uses to determine victory in the overall war.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Slayerik on July 12, 2007, 09:22:50 AM
Back to sniping in PS

I loved it because it took 2 shots to kill. That meant you better plan out in your head where DBag09 was going to run after you plugged em once. And there was no instant bullet shit. You better lead the guy a touch. And you cant move that reticle or your shot's gonna be fucked.

My favorite shot ever, I hit a guy on the run, who then turned around and ran for a tree for cover. I knew my reticle wouldn't close in time and waited till the last possible instant when I let loose a shot I knew was gonna miss by a meter. Dropped em like a bad habit.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Azazel on July 15, 2007, 05:46:15 AM
Shit, seriously.  Planetside has the monopoly on MMOFPS, and I don't think it'd be really that hard to outdo them, or take the game and renovate it completely as a new product.  I

Blizzard could make a MMOFPS set in the StarCraft universe. ;)

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Jimbo on July 18, 2007, 09:53:08 AM
So would it be safe to assume that we'll be seeing a resurrection of the f13 meatgrinder squad? Because i'd play with 300+ ping, if only to hear Jimbo on Vent again. God that was awesome.

Hey I got my education just so I can wear shoes now and not run around barefooted  :-D

I'm up for being a truck driver, hell I think I have some pics of me getting a skyguard stuck in a tree near a base when I was dukes of hazarding it after a recall.

Still no news on the heavy tanks...been three years waiting...

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 18, 2007, 01:28:36 PM
So would it be safe to assume that we'll be seeing a resurrection of the f13 meatgrinder squad? Because i'd play with 300+ ping, if only to hear Jimbo on Vent again. God that was awesome.

Hey I got my education just so I can wear shoes now and not run around barefooted  :-D

I'm up for being a truck driver, hell I think I have some pics of me getting a skyguard stuck in a tree near a base when I was dukes of hazarding it after a recall.

Still no news on the heavy tanks...been three years waiting...

You interrupting MBT as meaning Medium battle tanks, when its really stands for Main Battle tanks. BFR's are you heavy "tanks".

Welcome back if you guys sign back up, leave your name and empire here and i will contact/shoot you ;)

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: shiznitz on July 18, 2007, 01:45:05 PM
I am MrJoshua with Virtual Hitmen, Emerald/TR.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 18, 2007, 01:55:23 PM
I am MrJoshua with Virtual Hitmen, Emerald/TR.

We are on the same side then...good.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: shiznitz on July 19, 2007, 11:58:43 AM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1. I love the DRAGON!

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 19, 2007, 12:34:44 PM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1. I love the DRAGON!

lol, wow... hehe, No worries, the beauty iis, its doesn't matter what BR you are.

They recently patched today, some balance changes (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000011431) to the 4 year stuff.

Also, this patch opened up elite assault, its one tier above special assault, and included the flamethrower and scorpion.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Sky on July 19, 2007, 01:32:40 PM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1.
No, I'm BR12 iirc, 3-yr vet. Do you get CR1 by default? I've no CEP at all.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 19, 2007, 01:42:25 PM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1.
No, I'm BR12 iirc, 3-yr vet. Do you get CR1 by default? I've no CEP at all.


Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Sky on July 19, 2007, 01:55:15 PM
So BR12/CR0.


Emerald/TR, though. Also Vanunanu. I like my TR guy way more, I almost exclusively use the thumper because I  :heart: grenade launchers.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Furiously on July 19, 2007, 03:04:49 PM
Sky - we really should play together. I  :heart: me some thumper too. I just hate that it doesnt kill quick enough takes like 3 hits.

Then again - I think the most fun I had was when I realized an inf just stabbed me and I pulled my thumper out and just shot it at my feet and watched them crumple. Of course I was at about 0 armor and 1/2 health. But I lived.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Sky on July 20, 2007, 08:09:00 AM
I probably won't be playing until Octoberish, maybe late September. And I need to do a full reinstall because my new install was corrupted (no icons).

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: shiznitz on July 20, 2007, 08:33:59 AM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1. I love the DRAGON!

lol, wow... hehe, No worries, the beauty iis, its doesn't matter what BR you are.

They recently patched today, some balance changes (http://forums.station.sony.com/ps/posts/list.m?topic_id=88000011431) to the 4 year stuff.

Also, this patch opened up elite assault, its one tier above special assault, and included the flamethrower and scorpion.

Those changes don't bother me. I don't use the Dragon for the Sunburst anyway. I run MCG/Dragon when grunting and that lets me handle MAXes just fine. I love when the Vanu maxes jump to get away from the flame and then I wax them with the MCG while they float in the air.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Slayerik on July 20, 2007, 09:44:39 AM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1. I love the DRAGON!

Heh, my alt is a BR17 CR2(or 3)

Slayerik is like BR22, CR4

Sure is nice to have a decent BR cloaking character with adv hacking, some vehicles and a MAX as an alt. Slay is a ground pounding machine that drives a tank/other ground vehicles.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 20, 2007, 10:44:39 AM
I am probably the lowest BR 3 year vet in the game, BR15/CR1. I love the DRAGON!

Heh, my alt is a BR17 CR2(or 3)

Slayerik is like BR22, CR4

Sure is nice to have a decent BR cloaking character with adv hacking, some vehicles and a MAX as an alt. Slay is a ground pounding machine that drives a tank/other ground vehicles.

For all you cloakers/hackers out there...

The PlanetSide weekly meeting never fails to bring up interesting development topics and this week was no exception. I have to say we had a ton of comments in our little discussion about the possibility of removing the backpacks to gain performance but what did this all really tie in to? Super Duper Leet Hacking…Well, at least some ideas for moving forward designing it.

I don’t want to disclose all of the goodies behind the Elite hacking but there are thoughts that we can issue a new weapon that’s more of a disruptor of sorts at a bit of a distance (not super long but yeah, I think you get the picture). Thoughts are this could wreak havoc on your piloting controls and such (hover-spammers pwnd?). I was pretty excited about the thought of a mischievous weapon that could be used to cause some trouble on the battle-field.

I’d love to share all the details with you, but it’s still in the design phases so at this point it’s more like ideas but it sure has me excited to see what’s next for those hackers!

Be sure to pre-register for Fan Faire if you plan on attending, Xahn, Beady, Scott (art guru), and I would really enjoy meeting more PlanetSide players out there!

Also, keep an eye out since we’re going to be launching some videos soon for some things that are coming…

Until Next Time,
Joel “Raijinn” Sasaki

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Sky on July 20, 2007, 11:34:44 AM
Nifty, my BR11 or 12 Vanu guy is inf/eng/hack. Be cool to have some more flexibility, I haven't played since the engineering upgrades were put in.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 20, 2007, 11:41:24 AM
Nifty, my BR11 or 12 Vanu guy is inf/eng/hack. Be cool to have some more flexibility, I haven't played since the engineering upgrades were put in.

All the cert trees are getting another tier. With no increase in Cert points gained.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: LK on July 20, 2007, 05:08:37 PM
So they want a lockdown device.

I thought you could throw a Jammer Grenade at a flying vehicle and cause it to crash?

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Kitsune on July 20, 2007, 08:15:55 PM
So they want a lockdown device.

I thought you could throw a Jammer Grenade at a flying vehicle and cause it to crash?

That's old, last I heard that trick no longer worked as of a year or two ago.  Pity.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Surlyboi on July 21, 2007, 06:28:04 AM
You bitches loved my sniping. Or, rather, you loved that I'd go somewhere and pop the snipertards that hung out on the hillsides and took up space. The running commentary was also pretty fantastic.

That said, we get the band back together, I'm definitely in.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also eminent.
Post by: Jimbo on July 21, 2007, 11:36:24 AM
So would it be safe to assume that we'll be seeing a resurrection of the f13 meatgrinder squad? Because i'd play with 300+ ping, if only to hear Jimbo on Vent again. God that was awesome.

Hey I got my education just so I can wear shoes now and not run around barefooted  :-D

I'm up for being a truck driver, hell I think I have some pics of me getting a skyguard stuck in a tree near a base when I was dukes of hazarding it after a recall.

Still no news on the heavy tanks...been three years waiting...

You interrupting MBT as meaning Medium battle tanks, when its really stands for Main Battle tanks. BFR's are you heavy "tanks".

Welcome back if you guys sign back up, leave your name and empire here and i will contact/shoot you ;)

No, even the main page list the MBT's as medium battle tanks.  We have had this discussion with the dev's before BFR's on ideas (what heavy tanks should be, and how they were gonna be designed) and people were wanting Mech type things, Smoke and the other dev with him (or before he took over), deciede to combine the two and push BFR's down our throat as the heavy tanks.  I refuse to accept the fiasco BFR as the heavy tank.  Of course with so many anti-vehicle types playing this game, any vehicle seems to be overpowered and unfun (it might come from playing FPS without vehicles and the wish for planetside to go that route), I can see the lack of support since BFR's ended up trying to satisfy two camps and neither fullfilling either side.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: gimpyone on July 21, 2007, 02:23:47 PM
I'd reenlist in the f13 squad if there is interest

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Strazos on July 21, 2007, 09:24:02 PM
That's ok guys, I love dueling BFRs in tanks. Or just a MAX, you just have to be a bit sneakier when in a MAX.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: LK on July 22, 2007, 10:32:33 AM
My will to not play this game is eroding.

I need a new FPS game, stat!

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Mrbloodworth on July 23, 2007, 10:22:05 AM
So they want a lockdown device.

I thought you could throw a Jammer Grenade at a flying vehicle and cause it to crash?

Nope, currently, jammers effect on vehicles only "Lock" there guns for a few seconds.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: LK on July 23, 2007, 02:27:18 PM
Which means it takes about 5 more seconds to kill you than it took before.  That's usually how it is in those circumstances!

Considering the amount of skill it takes to hit with a Jammer, it'd be nice if the propulsion systems shorted out too.  Though an EMP would supposedly have to do the same.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: shiznitz on July 25, 2007, 12:13:47 PM
If you are fighting a MBT with jammers and AV solo you are a moron. But five people with decis and one guy with jammers can easily beat a MBT that doesn't know when to run away.

Title: Re: Planetside Reserves to come back, Server merges also......Mabye later?
Post by: Rhonstet on August 28, 2007, 02:01:08 PM
They should never have taken the Reserves program down.  Anything that gives the paying customers free targets is a good thing.