
f13.net General Forums => MMOG Discussion => Topic started by: Arthur_Parker on January 29, 2007, 05:56:26 AM

Title: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 29, 2007, 05:56:26 AM
Mythic had the gaming press around again, expect a lot of information to be released from tomorrow onwards. 

I'll update this thread as it happens, first off a newish interview (http://www.warcry.com/news/view/67918-Warhammer-Online-Exclusive-Interview).

Quote from: WarCry
Warhammer Online: WarCry Q&A
Answers by Josh Drescher, Assistant Producer
Questions by Dana Massey

WarCry Network:: As this is the first time we've spoken to you about Warhammer, can you give our readers the basic overview of what you're trying to accomplish with this new game?

Josh Drescher: Achieving a player-base of 6 billion people (settling for MILLIONS of players is SO two years ago). Creating the single most enjoyable entertainment experience humankind has ever known. Total world domination. Stuff like that.

Oh, you mean IN the game. Just... uh... edit out the "world domination" part.

We're trying to accomplish a great deal with WAR. We're going to bring the Warhammer IP to life in a way that fans have never seen before. We're going to take all of the lessons we've learned from DAoC and build a game that will excite our existing fan-base, and bring RvR to the masses.

WarCry Network:: What has the experience the team gained from Dark Age of Camelot contributed to the product both in terms of technology and people?

Josh Drescher: We know - in the core of our very beings - that RvR, executed properly and presented in an engaging way, is irresistibly exciting and fun. DAoC proved that to a huge number of players, and was an awesome success as a result. We've got a much larger platform (and more standing in the industry) this time, so we'll be bringing that experience to a significantly larger audience as a result.

In terms of people, we benefit seriously from the loyalty Mythic enjoys from its employees. We have a team that's being led by people who've worked together for five, ten years or more. We speak the same language, we've learned the same lessons, and we know how to get things done.

As for technology, WAR is a very different beast. To be sure, we've taken the best elements of DAoC's tech and built upon it in some cases, but we've built most of the core systems from the ground up. We're not making Camelot II, so it only makes sense to start fresh in a lot of ways.

WarCry Network:: Obviously, Electronic Arts must have been impressed with Warhammer's chances to buy EA Mythic. What has it meant to the development of this title to have EA behind you?

Josh Drescher: We get a lot more free food. Donut availability is up a staggering 250%. And we get lots of free swag. Oh, and a cool new logo.

(Note from the Community Weenie, Sanya: SOME PEOPLE get lots of free swag. Some of us have so far scored a hat. You suck, Josh.)

Other than that, it honestly hasn't impacted us very much at all. The acquired us because they looked long and hard at what we do and how we do it and decided that they had faith in those processes. EA has no interest in stepping in and messing with things that work well.

WarCry Network:: Ever since it was first announced, WAR has been one of the most talked about MMOs in development. Are you worried that you might suffer from 'overhype', in that fans are expecting more than you can realistically deliver?

Josh Drescher: Not in the slightest. Anything that gets a proverbial "foot in the door" and gets a player to take a look at WAR is great for us. Players aren't stupid. They know that no one is ever going to deliver their perfect, personal vision of EXACTLY what they want in a game. At the end of the day, players just want to have a really good time and it's our job to make sure that's exactly what happens. So, to be honest, it's only "overhype" if the experience we deliver isn't engaging and enjoyable enough to get them to stay.

WarCry Network:: Warhammer is not the typical serious fantasy intellectual property. For those who do not know the IP, can you explain some of the things that set it apart from a more traditional medieval fantasy setting?

Josh Drescher: Yikes. That's a doozy of a request. Do you have a week or three?

Warhammer isn't about beautiful people rising up to defeat a great evil for the last time. It's about grim, superstitious people frantically attempting to breed quickly enough to make sure the Empire will have enough soldiers a generation from now. It's about REALLY believing that your scarecrow can tap into the dark power of Chaos and that that bird over there really IS talking to you. It's about bitter, working class people with chips on their shoulders and soccer hooligan mushrooms that like to break things, crush things and cover things with poo. It's about posh dandies with swords and drug-addled aristocrats with a thirst for blood and RIDING ON THE BACK OF A DINOSAUR. It's about a war that will never end.

It's packed to the brim with social commentary, weird historical references, strange European in-jokes about archery, manic aversion to the color blue (in places), sex, drugs, slapstick comedy, grim reflection on the human condition, religious fanaticism and just about everything else you can imagine.

Warhammer is a fully-realized hobby experience. It's books, miniatures, comics, pen and paper RPGs, PC games and - of course - Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. Warhammer is the last hobby you'll ever need.

WarCry Network:: Each race you chose for Warhammer (Dark Elves, High Elves, Greenskins, Dwarfs, Empire and Chaos) carries a distinct flavor. What types of players do you think each one will appeal to?

Josh Drescher: Smart, savvy folks who like having a great time.

Honestly, I think it's impossible to guess what will attract certain players to certain races or careers. I, personally, have hated elves in every other game I've ever played, but I'll be rolling a Dark Elf on launch day because I just love the crazy Lord Byron-in-and-evil-opium-den vibe. And they look really cool. And... well, you'll have to wait a bit longer to see what we're doing with their careers, but I think people will be very excited.

WarCry Network:: Individuality is something people crave in life and increasing in online life. What has EA Mythic identified as things that promote individuality among characters both artistically and internally?

Josh Drescher: Well, we'll probably leave people's internal sense of individuality alone. Our early tests at completely rewiring the human psyche were promising, but not quite perfect.

As for differentiating yourself in the game, we'll provide a full battery of customization options from the get go. As you progress through the game you'll earn trophies, trinkets, banners, tabards and on and on that will help your character stand out as unique and interesting. This is, of course, on top of all of the incredible armor and weapons that you'll be obsessively collecting.

WarCry Network:: Many have longed for the game that lets them play start to finish bathed in the blood of other players. Can you go from start to finish without fighting NPCs? And if so, what keeps it varied and fun?

Josh Drescher: You can essentially play through the game doing nothing but RvR, but it won't be the most efficient means of advancing. Similarly, you'll be able to play through only sticking with PvE content, but will suffer from the same inefficiency. We want players who tend to prefer one play type or the other to have the opportunity to focus on their preferred style, but we also want to encourage them to get out there and enjoy the other side of play as well. There's so much goodness all around, it would be a disservice to not nudge people in the direction of enjoying it all.

WarCry Network:: There are also those who fear their enemies and prefer to fight computers. What do you offer them?

Josh Drescher: Two things:
A fully realized, deeply engaging PvE experience.
A chance to "get their feet wet" in RvR in a way that won't force them into gank-fest bloodbaths right off the bat. Many people who dislike PvP feel that way because - frankly - modern PvP can be awful. We want to show them that it can be something more than completely lawless anarchy or boring "capture the windmill" gags that repeat endlessly and serve no real purpose.

WarCry Network:: Artistically, many fans have noted that there is an artistic similarity to World of WarCraft. Can you talk about your art direction and how you explain the similarities?

Josh Drescher: Our art direction draws heavily from the quarter of a century that Games Workshop has been honing the look, feel and style of Warhammer. That's really our ONLY source of inspiration because it's such an unbelievably vast and awesome resource that - quite frankly - there's no REASON to look elsewhere for ideas.

As for explaining why any of our Noble Competitors are also producing games that bear possible resemblance to Games Workshop's Warhammer IP, you'll have to ask them to explain those similarities themselves.

WarCry Network:: RvR in Dark Age of Camelot is well respected, but can feel a touch chaotic. What are you doing to make RvR in WAR feel more like a fantasy battle and less like a video game? I ask specifically with regards to pacing and player tactics.

Josh Drescher: War (and WAR) is a chaotic experience. We're certainly taking care to create an RvR experience that is intuitive and fun, but we absolutely DON'T want it to feel like a turn-based, tabletop strategy game. Players will make tactical choices - both as individuals and as groups or guilds - prior to entering combat that will dictate a great deal of how the engage that particular battle. Sometimes, it will make sense to gear yourself towards absorbing damage and defending, other times you'll want to crank out the highest amount of damage possible and just go straight for an enemy's throat. You'll have options that will help you make decisions like that with great ease.

With that in mind, it will still be up to players to understand their character and how to play it properly.

WarCry Network:: Warhammer, the IP, is a bit more adult than most. What rating are you shooting for? Specifically, where do you intend to push the envelope and are there things we should not expect to see you do?

Josh Drescher: "T for Teen."

While we intend to push more envelopes than a steam-shovel in a post office, we have the utmost respect for the ESRB and the good work they do and would never dream of doing anything that expressly violates their rules.

WarCry Network:: At an event last year, the press was told that Warhammer Online is ultimately about WAR and not focused on building stuff. Nonetheless, are there options for crafters, gatherers and other support times? What do you have in mind?

Josh Drescher: There is a crafting system, but it's a SECRET at the moment. If you give Paul Barnett a couple of glasses of fine champagne (Veuve Clicquot would probably do), however, he may spill a bean or two.

Sanya Thomas: Note from the Weenie: More like a red herring or two. Paul is mean.

WarCry Network:: A problem people have with most MMOs, including WoW, is that high end content often, despite their best efforts, requires huge time commitments. What are you doing to ensure players can experience epic content without wasting an epic amount of time?

Josh Drescher: First of all, you don't restrict the epic content to the highest end of the game. Players should feel like they're part of the war from the moment they first enter the world.

Second, you make success in the end-game reliant on how players everywhere else in the game are doing. Your actions and efforts from day one will have an impact on players in the highest levels of the game.

Third, you present an end-game experience that isn't overwhelmingly difficult to get to, but that requires a lot of effort and skill to master AND that is fun to take on repeatedly. Most players in WAR will have no problem getting to the highest tier of content in the game, taking part in city capture and defense and so forth. But that final tier of content is enormous in scale and complexity. The battlefront will be moving constantly, your homeland can come under siege at any time, your city can be burned to the ground.

We WANT players to get to the end of the game and we want them to have a great time getting there.

WarCry Network:: Finally, can you let us in a bit on your testing plans as they stand today and where you're shooting to get this on the shelves?

Josh Drescher: Sure. We're already in closed beta and have been for a couple of months now. There will be a few other phases of testing prior to us turning the general public loose on the game, but I can say with absolute confidence that we're going into Open Beta on -


For some reason, Sanya just crushed my fingers with a large wooden hammer. So I guess that's another one of those secrets. For now.

Sanya Thomas: Weenie here: Part of the reason I just crushed Josh's hand is because people hear "open beta" and think that means THEM. It does not. We are not planning to have a complete FFA where anyone with a modem can log in. We will have a beta period later this year where thousands of people who acquired beta keys through magazine and website promotions can log in. For details as they come up, people should subscribe to the newsletter (http://maestro.mythicentertainment.com/list/subscribe.html?mContainer=3&mOwner=G382t3738&mListSeqNo=5) or bookmark this link (http://www.warhammerherald.com/news/news.php?newsid=18) and refresh it often.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 29, 2007, 06:15:52 AM
I think I'm right in saying the only new things there are...

There is a crafting system


you make success in the end-game reliant on how players everywhere else in the game are doing. Your actions and efforts from day one will have an impact on players in the highest levels of the game.

On crafting I would hope they are going to at least pull in the siegecrafting from daoc. The rest of it always ends up being interesting only to people with more time than me.

On success being connected right across your realm, I hope they make good on that. The alterac valley model doesn't cut it if the game is about RvR imo.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 29, 2007, 06:23:17 AM
I am so salivating over this game. It's sad but true. I love the IP and DAOC had its problems but still was fun so I have hopes this will be DAOC++ with the IP done right. I'm a little concerned that it is T for Teen but willing to look the other way if the game is good enough. (Warhammer really should be M though.)

They had me when they made a Witchunter class.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Signe on January 29, 2007, 06:57:43 AM
Why should it be rated M?  I've never played the games or anything so I'm just curious. 

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Megrim on January 29, 2007, 06:59:30 AM
Boobies/blood. Or Blood/boobies. Mix and match as you will. Which is why i'm quite sceptical at hearing them call for a Teen rating while maintaining the ip's integrity.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 29, 2007, 07:14:18 AM
It is proof that they are going for WoW numbers in spite any statements to the contrary.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 29, 2007, 08:27:31 AM
Why should it be rated M?  I've never played the games or anything so I'm just curious. 

The IP is billed as grim fantasy and it is. In the novels (and even in the pnp game) it's not uncommon to hear about children being mutated by chaos and burned at the stake. Cannibalism, inquisitions, being skinned alive, hideous mutations, human sacrifice, plaques causing dead to rot in the street, all of this kind of stuff is in the IP. This isn't Warcraft which sanitizes itself, this IP is brutal and violent. The orcs eat their captives most times. Witch hunters burn people at the stake.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Signe on January 29, 2007, 08:36:09 AM
That sounds LOVELY!  I think I want to be an Orc Witchhunter!  mmm... toasted missionaries.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Endie on January 29, 2007, 09:02:26 AM
That sounds LOVELY!  I think I want to be an Orc Witchhunter!  mmm... toasted missionaries.

I have played PnP Warhammer for years: since the first release of the tabletop WHFB in fact - and in every game of the RPG I've played I've said something like "no, this time i shall not be a witchhunter, following my dark destiny and exercising grim judgement over the unholy abominations of chaos, no matter how seeming innocent their hosts.  This character shall be a cheeky lad, forgiving of temperament and with a jolly twinkle in his eye, well-disposed towards all and sundry and averse to judging others.  Within a few weeks it always becomes an exercise in fniding the most efficient route through the advancements to the Witchunter advanced class.

It is simply too much fun playing a character in a Reverend Ian Paisley (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Paisley) accent shouting "burn the unholy abomination of a spider-baby!"

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 29, 2007, 09:31:21 AM
That sounds LOVELY!  I think I want to be an Orc Witchhunter!  mmm... toasted missionaries.

Unfortunately I don't think Orcs have Witchhunters. Unlike Warcraft they really are the badguys and not misunderstood nature lovers or whatever. Dwarves and humans have witchhunters. Elves are too connected to magic to really be a witchhunter if memory serves.

And I'm like Endie, I always become a witchhunter in the PnP. It's just....fun.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 29, 2007, 10:12:38 AM
Just before anyone gets carried away here...

In WAR, witchunters are Empire (order human) light tanks/melee-dps.

This doesn't prevent you screaming at the monitor while doing an Ian Paisley impression ofc.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Flood on January 29, 2007, 10:30:49 AM
So.  Excited.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 29, 2007, 10:43:32 AM
While I still think that DAoC is the best pvp mmog out there, I have my reservations about WAR.  In my mind, the two aspects of DAoC that have made it a quality game are both going to be lost in the creation of WAR; a) the complexity inherent to combat mechanics and b) the sandbox-like feel of RvR.  If they make PvP too much like WoW in an attempt to appeal to the masses, they will lose the very qualities that made DAoC a unique PvP MMOG. 

While I think it may be a good business decision to do so, it would come as a dissapointment to any of us that have stuck with Mythic all these years.   


Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on January 29, 2007, 12:15:22 PM
All the right things were said in this interview except that T for Teen is bullshit.  Suddenly I sense that witch elves will find some clothing.  Hell are they just removing one of the four gods entirely?  I dont even see how Nurgle could be in a T for Teen game...

There was some promising stuff but really we've heard this type of shit for over a decade from every MMO pre-beta hype machine ever.  Remember Horizon's promises?  Or the hundreds of games that never even materialized?

Also re: DAOC being the best pvp mmo out there.

Why do people ever say that?  Balance in DAOC was worse then SB's balance, and compounded by the fact that you needed a buffbot and getting a character to max level took like 8 times as long as it did in SB.  I'm not even saying SB is the best MMO pvp, but jesus h christ.  DAOC had so many fucking broken mechanics it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.  Or are we just going to overlook the first six months or w/e of launch?

The fact that Mythic is involved doesn't make me excited about the pvp gameplay, I'm hoping they rip WoW off in terms of how the game flows, keep positionals and make skill chains actually viable.  I hope they absolutely ransack GuildWars style and substance of hotkey skills.  You know, skills with actual tactical implications beyond root/stun/mez/snare/dot/dps. 

But really, if Mythic can pull of this statement:
"We want to show them that it can be something more than completely lawless anarchy or boring "capture the windmill" gags that repeat endlessly and serve no real purpose."

They can fucking have my soul.

If I was in the CB right now I could tell you if WAR will suck or not.  All I need is the answer to one question:

Is the system in place and fully actualized for their tiered BG RvR system that creates a pvp experience somewhere in-between Planetside and SB?  If it is not fully open to the testers at this  very moment this game is fucked.  DOA.

To this day I have no idea how WoW lucked into such balanced pvp when hunter's didn't even have talents toward then end of OB.  But Mythic is not Blizzard.  If their house isn't in order on the whole RvR experience right now, with months of true testing time and the rest of the game being built up around that system...

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 29, 2007, 12:21:17 PM
Also re: DAOC being the best pvp mmo out there.

Why do people ever say that?  Balance in DAOC was worse then SB's balance, and compounded by the fact that you needed a buffbot and getting a character to max level took like 8 times as long as it did in SB.  I'm not even saying SB is the best MMO pvp, but jesus h christ.  DAOC had so many fucking broken mechanics it makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about it.  Or are we just going to overlook the first six months or w/e of launch?

If you're talking the first year of DAoC, I'd agree with you.  The remaining 4 years since they have made many strides in correcting their mistakes.  Right now on the classic servers, the balance is pretty damn good if you consider all the classes available.  The DAoC of today is almost an entirely different game than the DAoC at release.  This gives me the most hope for WAR.  While not perfect, Mythic has shown the ability to learn from and correct their mistakes.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Soln on January 29, 2007, 12:26:02 PM
ya, I wanna play a nose picking gobling.  Seriously.

But as to RvR -- zerg on zerg fun is not fun.  If they bring any of that AOE-mez/stun/dot bullshit it'll be curtains fast.  Mythic's got a lot of fixing to do.  Some fundamental HRose-sized redesign on the RvR.  And I wonder if there's not too much groupthink there to do it.  Or, if too many good people haven't already left (Lum, MattFrior).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 29, 2007, 12:44:14 PM
Josh Drescher: You can essentially play through the game doing nothing but RvR, but it won't be the most efficient means of advancing. Similarly, you'll be able to play through only sticking with PvE content, but will suffer from the same inefficiency. We want players who tend to prefer one play type or the other to have the opportunity to focus on their preferred style, but we also want to encourage them to get out there and enjoy the other side of play as well. There's so much goodness all around, it would be a disservice to not nudge people in the direction of enjoying it all.
Some sort of mechanic like Vitality bonus but one bar for PvE and one for PvP?

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: bhodi on January 29, 2007, 01:27:10 PM
or like guild wars, PvE to unlock skills or abilities for PvP, and the reverse.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 29, 2007, 01:37:19 PM
ya, I wanna play a nose picking gobling.  Seriously.

But as to RvR -- zerg on zerg fun is not fun.  If they bring any of that AOE-mez/stun/dot bullshit it'll be curtains fast.  Mythic's got a lot of fixing to do.  Some fundamental HRose-sized redesign on the RvR.  And I wonder if there's not too much groupthink there to do it.  Or, if too many good people haven't already left (Lum, MattFrior).
Well, making the whole game 95% frountier seems like a pretty big redesign.

I hate the zerg, but I very worried about boring combat.  So CC, pure support, and stealth is gone.  That leaves Melee, DPS, and hybrid support.  Its going to take A.net/MTG level of creativity make sure that is boring.  And nothing I have seen shows me they can break the diku rut.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: waylander on January 29, 2007, 01:42:06 PM

If you're talking the first year of DAoC, I'd agree with you.  The remaining 4 years since they have made many strides in correcting their mistakes.  Right now on the classic servers, the balance is pretty damn good if you consider all the classes available.  The DAoC of today is almost an entirely different game than the DAoC at release.  This gives me the most hope for WAR.  While not perfect, Mythic has shown the ability to learn from and correct their mistakes.

The DAOC of today, on classic servers, is a place where you are level 50 and RR5+ or you are not. Someone who is RR5+ and tricked out with gear will own a base level 50 unless that RR5 guy is an idiot who bought his account recently.  Battlegrounds are horribly boring, because its the same thing over and over.  The frontiers are too large, fights are too short due to 1-3 hit deaths, and the level and gear grind to get to 50 is absolutely horrid unless you come to the game with friends.

In short, the DAOC of today has bypassed the true new player coming to the game in more cases than not.

I'm not looking for WoW v2.0 or DAOC v2.0, but I sure as hell don't want to feel like the game play is like the current incarnation of DAOC.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 29, 2007, 01:51:38 PM
Josh Drescher: You can essentially play through the game doing nothing but RvR, but it won't be the most efficient means of advancing. Similarly, you'll be able to play through only sticking with PvE content, but will suffer from the same inefficiency. We want players who tend to prefer one play type or the other to have the opportunity to focus on their preferred style, but we also want to encourage them to get out there and enjoy the other side of play as well. There's so much goodness all around, it would be a disservice to not nudge people in the direction of enjoying it all.
Some sort of mechanic like Vitality bonus but one bar for PvE and one for PvP?

More likely, it's easier to complete different grinds in pve and rvr.

The straightforward xp grind will clearly not be efficient in rvr battlegrounds.

But no doubt rvr will advance you on alternate track a la daoc realm ranks.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 29, 2007, 03:33:42 PM
I think you American's are slowly driving this guy insane (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwMFFzkZMrw).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 29, 2007, 06:10:51 PM
Josh Drescher: You can essentially play through the game doing nothing but RvR, but it won't be the most efficient means of advancing.
But no doubt rvr will advance you on alternate track a la daoc realm ranks.
Doesn't that conflict.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Trippy on January 29, 2007, 06:53:25 PM
That sounds LOVELY!  I think I want to be an Orc Witchhunter!  mmm... toasted missionaries.
Unfortunately I don't think Orcs have Witchhunters. Unlike Warcraft they really are the badguys and not misunderstood nature lovers or whatever. Dwarves and humans have witchhunters. Elves are too connected to magic to really be a witchhunter if memory serves.

And I'm like Endie, I always become a witchhunter in the PnP. It's just....fun.
Orcs are not the bad guys in WH -- they just live to fight, including with each other if there aren't any non-greenskins around to bash on. Dark Elves and Chaos, on the other hand...

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Venkman on January 29, 2007, 06:55:46 PM
Any level-based PvP is awesome when, a) you're at the soft-cap; and, b) can bang out alts by the truckload with your dedicated friends.

DAoC grew and then contracted to its appropriate size. That is not the number WAR seems to be shooting for. So they have to grab more players than DAoC has, by an order of magnitude it seems like. They won't do that with alienating PvE and RvR mechanics that require fulltime grouping and acceptance of copious grinding to hit a level cap. There are definitely things to like in DAoC, but you can't compare the endgame you enjoy now to the process the players need to go through to get to that fun. As long as WAR fixes that problem, it'll be good.

I am excited for WAR. But they need a higher bar than what DAoC is today.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 30, 2007, 01:28:23 AM
Josh Drescher: You can essentially play through the game doing nothing but RvR, but it won't be the most efficient means of advancing.
But no doubt rvr will advance you on alternate track a la daoc realm ranks.
Doesn't that conflict.

Not if you also get a small and unreliable amount of xp from rvr. Just like daoc.

In daoc....
RvR gives you a small about of xp and a large amount of rp.
PvE gives you a large and reliable about of xp and no rp.

xp is necessary to advance. rp is helpful but not essential.
The most effective way to advance is to do both, but mostly you want to pve and then rvr.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 30, 2007, 03:20:53 AM
But as to RvR -- zerg on zerg fun is not fun.  If they bring any of that AOE-mez/stun/dot bullshit it'll be curtains fast.  Mythic's got a lot of fixing to do.  Some fundamental HRose-sized redesign on the RvR.  And I wonder if there's not too much groupthink there to do it.  Or, if too many good people haven't already left (Lum, MattFrior).

Zerg on evenly sized zerg was always what casual players of daoc consistently identified as the most fun thing.

Hardcore rvr players objected to it because most of them built their playstyle around not having to communicate with non-ubers.

People have suggested that clever ways need to be thought up to keep the sides close enough to even, and that future 60 v 60 combat might not involve all 60 people being in the same place (the cat herding aspects might require coordination over a wider area), and that is fair enough.

But for the largest group of players who survived daoc pve, the biggest attraction of rvr was always about being part of a community effort.

For a great many people relic raids were the most fun thing in daoc (server crashes permitting).

Arguing about cc is all very well (yes, collision detection is obviously better if it is possible). But RvR has to be about war rather than skirmish, or you'd be better off building Guild Wars 2.

In other news, a screenshot of a wizard (http://medias.jeuxonline.info/war/upload/presskit/20070127SorcierFlamboyant1.jpg). And another one (http://medias.jeuxonline.info/war/upload/presskit/20070127SorcierFlamboyant2.jpg).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 30, 2007, 04:50:18 AM
Eurogamer Preview (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=72343)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: penfold on January 30, 2007, 05:06:06 AM
I've been reading Gotrek and Felix, and other WH novels recently. I may have to break my non MMOG policy and have a look at this, if only for exploration, artwork and fluff. I can't say the mechanics of the game interest me, as i expect they will just be a barrier in the way of my exploring the entire world.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 30, 2007, 06:25:46 AM
That sounds LOVELY!  I think I want to be an Orc Witchhunter!  mmm... toasted missionaries.
Unfortunately I don't think Orcs have Witchhunters. Unlike Warcraft they really are the badguys and not misunderstood nature lovers or whatever. Dwarves and humans have witchhunters. Elves are too connected to magic to really be a witchhunter if memory serves.

And I'm like Endie, I always become a witchhunter in the PnP. It's just....fun.
Orcs are not the bad guys in WH -- they just live to fight, including with each other if there aren't any non-greenskins around to bash on. Dark Elves and Chaos, on the other hand...

Orcs are the badguys in that Orcs choose to fight on the side of chaos most of the time. They also have barbaric practices like cannibalism and such. If you mean they aren't the bad guys in the "brains behind Chaos" way then you're right. Much like in LOTR they are basically bloodthirsty foot soldiers and that's about it. The Orcs in Warcraft were peaceful shamans who were corrupted by demons and basically forced to fight. ( A simplification but more or less true.)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 30, 2007, 06:38:50 AM
Eurogamer Preview (http://www.eurogamer.net/article.php?article_id=72343)

*drool* Witchhunters as Melee DPS. Sign me right the hell up! (If they'd made Witchhunters as tanks that would have killed the game right there for me.)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 30, 2007, 07:41:25 AM
Not if you also get a small and unreliable amount of xp from rvr. Just like daoc.

In daoc....
RvR gives you a small about of xp and a large amount of rp.
PvE gives you a large and reliable about of xp and no rp.

xp is necessary to advance. rp is helpful but not essential.
The most effective way to advance is to do both, but mostly you want to pve and then rvr.

It's actually a tad more complicated.  If we go with the current rules:

RvR gives a lot of xp per kill, but you have fewer kills. 
PvE in safe zones gives steady, reliable xp.
PvE in RvR zones gives the best xp in the game. 

The best loot in the game is either available from a) crafters, b) instances easily done by a group or less, c) in a PvP zone easily done by a group or less.  This is why I keep saying that with a group, the barrier to entry is ridiculously small.  Grinding xp in an RvR zone takes about 15h played to go from 1-15 and all of the equipment can be bought off merchants with the money you make xp'ing or from running an instance or the labyrinth.  The big catch is that you need friends to get outfitted, leveled quickly, and to enjoy RvR.  Without help, it's a pretty unfun experience. 

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 30, 2007, 08:34:11 AM
mmorpg.com preview (http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm/setview/features/loadFeature/1096/gameID/239)

Tentonhammer Jeff Hickman interview (http://warhammer.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=95)

Tentonhammer Preview (http://warhammer.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=97)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 30, 2007, 08:57:38 AM
Now I just have to hope it doesn't have crazy system requirements, though honestly the screenshots lead me to beleive they are going the WoW route.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 30, 2007, 09:06:15 AM
Now I just have to hope it doesn't have crazy system requirements, though honestly the screenshots lead me to beleive they are going the WoW route.

I would honestly think that to ensure quality large-scale RvR that they would have to keep the rquirements low.  One of the biggest issues in DAoC is that there are many ways to exploit lag during PvP.  Then again, assumptions like this have gotten me into a lot of trouble with regard to mmogs. 

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 30, 2007, 10:39:35 AM
The tentonne hammer links Arthur posted are espeicially worth a look. This page in particular....


Contains a video discussing the aims of rvr design.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on January 30, 2007, 11:59:48 AM
I dont think they should use the tank language, reading the class descriptions while I was over on tentonhammer for Orcs and Dwarves though made me pretty damn excited about the game though tbh.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 30, 2007, 12:54:16 PM
I like the choice of a Soccer Hooligan as Producer.
Scenarios are the primary way to move the battle lines for the Campaign. I can't imagine RvR purists being too happy about that, but that sounds great to me.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 30, 2007, 01:01:48 PM
The tentonne hammer links Arthur posted are especially worth a look. This page in particular....


Contains a video discussing the aims of rvr design.

It's worth sticking through the first half of the video just to see Paul explain why the British have so many museums.

Edit to add below.

New screenshots from Warcry (http://war.warcry.com/scripts/images/gallery.phtml?id=2232&site=111)

Artwork (http://war.warcry.com/scripts/images/gallery.phtml?id=2234&site=111%22)

Warcry Preview (http://war.warcry.com/content/previews/press_event/2)

Quote from: Warcry
"Humans will be humans," Barnett told us as he lamented that no matter what they did, most people (including himself) would likely roll a human anyway. I asked him why and he told me that - for many - all the fantasy races simply exist for people "to practice genocide" on.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 30, 2007, 03:46:13 PM
Scenarios are the primary way to move the battle lines for the Campaign. I can't imagine RvR purists being too happy about that, but that sounds great to me.

Yeah, it did sound unfortunate that the core of rvr may be locked into small group vs small group, also sounding less than ideal was the idea that the primary driver of victory points in these arena group v group battles is player kills, rather than objectives.

On the other hand they do go to great lengths to point out that at least this means rvr everywhere is always contributing to 'world impacting' realm objectives, which at least brings something positive out of the whole thing.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: angry.bob on January 30, 2007, 04:33:20 PM
Yeah, it did sound unfortunate that the core of rvr may be locked into small group vs small group

This kills the game outright unless there is some form of autogrouping when entering an area for people who are not already grouped, ala WoW's battlegrounds. If they stick with that design theory, they will never, ever retain more people than are currently playing DAoC. Period. There is not any possible arguement against that, and I wonder what they're even thinking setting it up to focus on groups.

WoW has proven beyond any further possible glimmer of doubt that people do not like to group more than is absolutely neccessary to achieve a specific goal, and only on occasion.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 30, 2007, 05:29:17 PM
Yeah, it did sound unfortunate that the core of rvr may be locked into small group vs small group, also sounding less than ideal was the idea that the primary driver of victory points in these arena group v group battles is player kills, rather than objectives.

On the other hand they do go to great lengths to point out that at least this means rvr everywhere is always contributing to 'world impacting' realm objectives, which at least brings something positive out of the whole thing.
By locked, I guess you mean like how BGs killed overland PvP on WoW PvP servers.  I'd hope Mythic would do a better job since PvP is going to be their bread 'n' butter. Probably lots of tweaking on the server on how much each types contributes to the war. But no matter people are going to complain.

On kills vs. objectives, the 2 speakers seemed to be at odds.  But it seems to me you want teams to both be good at fighting and meeting objectives. If you can ignore either it kinda defeats the purpose.

Yeah, it did sound unfortunate that the core of rvr may be locked into small group vs small group

This kills the game outright unless there is some form of autogrouping when entering an area for people who are not already grouped, ala WoW's battlegrounds. If they stick with that design theory, they will never, ever retain more people than are currently playing DAoC. Period. There is not any possible arguement against that, and I wonder what they're even thinking setting it up to focus on groups.

WoW has proven beyond any further possible glimmer of doubt that people do not like to group more than is absolutely neccessary to achieve a specific goal, and only on occasion.
With 40+ Scenerios, I think they can afford to have many types. All random groups, all premade groups, random-premade mix, 2 raid groups.  I like random grouping, it levels the playingfield.  I really hate when raid groups go up against non raids, its hardly ever fair.  Probably should leave the raid groups to overland battlegrounds.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Venkman on January 30, 2007, 06:00:31 PM
I agree that PUGs vs premade groups generally mean steamrolled PUG in an un-fun way. If WoW BGs had prompted more premades, I would have been in favor of the game ONLY pitting PUGs v PUGs and premades v premades. Just not enough premades though.

Given WAR's focus on PvP though, particularly how it apparently integrates with the whole of the game (and not just another ladder as is WoW BGs), maybe they'll be able to better ensure balancing.

I don't want 40-man PUGs though. They usually suck for six months until the truly dedicated leader-types emerge with their charisma and generally-good-chance-of-winning strategies. I've been in enough AV turtles to REALLY hate being in a PUG when the losses start piling up. At least WSG and AB were over quick, so I didn't have to listen to incessant "i told you so" and "we shoulda taken BS you n00bs" for too long.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 30, 2007, 10:32:45 PM
In Guild Wars Alliance battle PvP, its 12v12 but people can only join is groups of 4.  It's a good compramise, you can play with a few friends but you can't dominate with an uberbuild and vent.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 01:37:25 AM
By locked, I guess you mean like how BGs killed overland PvP on WoW PvP servers.  I'd hope Mythic would do a better job since PvP is going to be their bread 'n' butter. Probably lots of tweaking on the server on how much each types contributes to the war. But no matter people are going to complain.

I think the key difference is that in WoW is that overland and arena pvp both have the same impact on the game world - albeit no impact whatsoever.

In WAR, if the primary way to impact the battlefront is arenas rather than daoc style sieges or other 'open' events, you get a situation which encourages ubers to exclude noobs. The WoW pug battleground group mechanics are all well and good when nothing depends on the outcome, but when it is connected to the 'war' realm communities are likely to build informal strategies to 'manage' who gets 'randomly' selected.

I'll be interested in how WAR will prevent arena queue exploits, such as one realm preventing an arena event from firing by simply not joining the queues on a battlefront that is not percieved to favour them, or having pre-made groups bumrush the arena queue.

And of course, if we were to look at this optimistically, it is always possible that the video was overstating the importance of closed rvr because that was what they were showcasing.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 03:18:09 AM
Something Mythic may have inadvertently announced is that the maximum group size looks like being 6.

I say this because the arena sizes mentioned were all multiples of 6 (6v6 12v12 etc).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 31, 2007, 04:24:09 AM
Gamespy preview (http://uk.pc.gamespy.com/pc/warhammer-online/759615p1.html)

Curse Gaming preview (http://war.curse-gaming.com/en/previews/745/ea-mythic-press-event-warhammer-online-unleashed)

RPGVault preview (http://rpgvault.ign.com/articles/759/759546p1.html)

Gamespot preview, plus the video interview on this page is worth watching (http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/warhammeronline/news.html?sid=6164998)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Murgos on January 31, 2007, 05:51:46 AM
EA has no interest in stepping in and messing with things that work well.

Que?  Yo no hablo.  I obviously don't speak the same language as this guy because that line makes no sense to me.  I, personally, am convinced that EA waits until you have produced a success for them and THEN they destroy you.  Because that's the kind of demon hell spawn that run the place.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Evangolis on January 31, 2007, 07:00:16 AM
So, I'm not seeing any negatives in all this press.  Is that because there are few nits to pick (unlikely, IMO), or because the authors have no objectivity (possible, IMO), or because the exposure of information has been skillfully handled (less possible, IMO)?

In any event, I did see some things I liked, particularly the idea of starting players out with 'public quests' to get them grouping in a low stress way, and the addition of a reset to RvR, although the devil will certainly lie in the details there.  And a line from the Christmas party videos (not linked here, I think, but available via Gamespot) about witchhunters; 'We're bringing you the Spanish Inquisition - in leather.'

It could work.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 31, 2007, 07:02:46 AM
I agree Evangolis. I'd love to believe that WAR will be the second coming in MMOs but am trying to remain skeptical. I did notice that what classes and scenarios were available were very limited, so we still don't know alot about the game.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: slog on January 31, 2007, 07:27:29 AM
I agree Evangolis. I'd love to believe that WAR will be the second coming in MMOs but am trying to remain skeptical. I did notice that what classes and scenarios were available were very limited, so we still don't know alot about the game.

It's going to be WOW clone with RvR.  Mythic made their money doing evolutionary games, not revolutionary ones.

Edited for spelling.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 31, 2007, 07:36:50 AM
It's going to be WOW clone with RvR.  Mythic made their money doing evolutionary games, not revolutionary ones.

As opposed to Blizzard who... that's right... made their money doing evolutionary games, not revolutionary ones.  There aren't any patently new ideas in Diablo or WoW, just a fine job of streamlining old concepts.  Seems to be a good way to make a buck.

When it comes to pvp in an mmog, I happen to think that Mythic has been fairly revolutionary.  It gets overlooked often because their PvE has been so god awful.   

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Evangolis on January 31, 2007, 07:53:33 AM
I'm still wading through all the PR crap out there.  Looking at the screenshots and thinking about the game design, I have to say that this game cries out for destructable terrain features, if not in real time, then at ownership change.

Not sure about this being the next coming, but it does have the potential to not suck.  But the devil remains in the details.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 31, 2007, 07:55:36 AM
Yes, but some evolve faster than others.  This seems like a pretty quick pace.

Anyway, this event still hasn't persuaded me that combat is any good or has variety. Silouetting? Is that code-word for one trick-pony?  It sounds like they are going for very tight classes. Maybe that is easier balance and easier for new players, but in the long run it'll be boring.  When you see a group of dwarves and a warrior priest, you know how they will fight because there really only one way to play that group effectively.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 31, 2007, 08:19:37 AM
Not sure about this being the next coming, but it does have the potential to not suck.  But the devil remains in the details.

I know what you mean.  I remember the buzz about Auto Assault early in its production and look how that turned out. 

I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 31, 2007, 08:53:32 AM
I agree Evangolis. I'd love to believe that WAR will be the second coming in MMOs but am trying to remain skeptical. I did notice that what classes and scenarios were available were very limited, so we still don't know alot about the game.

It's going to be WOW clone with RvR.  Mythic made their money doing evolutionary games, not revolutionary ones.

Edited for spelling.

Ignoring the background lore which is enough to make them different, I still don't think so. The big reason I say this is the core design seems to be a big change in MMOs "standards". By that I mean:

No buffing classes and no dedicated healing classes. To me those two right there will change up the gameplay to a significant degree. I especially hope that they keep the concept that healing classes get spell energy by fighting. This would mean players can't pigeonhole classes back into the old MMO standards. All classes are expected to fight.

From the gamespy preview:

Indeed, those familiar with traditional MMO combat will be very surprised by Warhammer Online -- in addition to no crowd control and no long-term buffs, there are minimal stealth options. In Warhammer Online, you're expected to get in there and mix it up.

No crowd control and no long-term buffs, as well as them saying there is no "buffing class" seems to paint a very different picture of combat in this game to what we are familiar with. My only concern with this is that classes may be somewhat one-dimensional, basically "pick how you want to kill things." But on another level I'm overjoyed. Crowd control and buffs are both big issues in PvP and not having them will make PvP much more interesting IMO.

Also PvP and RvR sound like they're much more integral to this game than they are in WoW. Now, some of the basic PvE aspects will be similiar, IE questing, but I don't think it is enough to call it a WoW clone.

So yeah, not a WoW clone. That said I do have some concerns:

1) How much difference is there in the classes? How versatile are they? In an interview one of the devs claims you can solo from 1 - max level but how true is this?
2) How much will itemization affect PvP? This is one of WoW's big pvp downfalls IMO. Raiding guilds can wipe out pure PvP guilds. It sounds like WAR may have a handle on this with PVP loot but we'll see.
3) Will the PvE be any fun? I need fun PvE to keep my attention. I'm not one of you PK-types that will pvp 24 hours, I want some downtime too.
4) What is the end-game? I pray to all that is holy that it doesn't go down the raiding path.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Evangolis on January 31, 2007, 09:35:43 AM
Scenarios read like PvP raids to me.  Could be interesting, but can you do the matchmaking required, or is one side always going to be a PUG?  Details.

It's a long way to release yet.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 10:00:59 AM
Regarding buffs - if you read what Mythic specifically have said, it seems more akin to 'no buffbots' than 'no longterm buffs'.

There is already a dwarf runeguy class that appears to based entirely around short and long term buffs. The trick is they claim to have included mechanisms to keep the buffers active (something that has been shown to work in CoH and EQ2 amoungst others).

As regards classes being too similar and one-dimensional, that really depends entirely on how they are implemented. Noone has yet managed to match the variety that CoH provides with just 5 classes named for very obvious MMOG archetypes. If WAR 'Healers' are as varied as CoH 'Defenders' then nobody will ever have any right to complain. OTOH if WAR 'Melee Tankers' are only as varied as all EQ or WoW tanks put together then the 'best combat group' could quickly become solvable.

The idea that healers must use offensive skills to generate support power is elegant in principle, and plays into Mythic's 'morale' concept of having characters increasing in power throughout an engagement (unlike current MMOGs which go entirely wrong by having characters decrease in power during an engagement). But I am worried about how this fits together with the fact that some people like to play pure support (people who don't like playing a cleric *really* need to accept this and get over it). I see the attraction of the whole smite cleric thing - but it does tend to lead to tears before bedtime if developers work out that support classes of any sort can compete with non-support classes.

Also the methods of gathering healing power seem hard to balance against each other (eg. melee faith generation vs ranged dps waaagh generation sounds hard to balance). Kudos to whomever finds the right forumla for that one.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 10:12:17 AM
Scenarios read like PvP raids to me.  Could be interesting, but can you do the matchmaking required, or is one side always going to be a PUG?  Details.

tbh, I'd be surprised if they don't let pre-made guild groups into all of them.

This isn't WoW where people go pvp as a diversion. RvR is what the high end guilds will be *for* and they'll be expecting to plug their premades into these arena battles all day and night.

Quote from: tazelbain
Silouetting? Is that code-word for one trick-pony?

Nah, it's a code word for 'all witchunters wear that style of hat so I can see what class you are at a 100ft range'.

Quote from: Evangolis
So, I'm not seeing any negatives in all this press.  Is that because there are few nits to pick (unlikely, IMO), or because the authors have no objectivity (possible, IMO), or because the exposure of information has been skillfully handled (less possible, IMO)?

I think it's more because the games industry "press" isn't capable of critical analysis at a 1 year out preview (and only barely capable at review), and because they don't even listen to small amount of information developers give them.

Most of the reason we know as much as we do is because people here and on other MMOG sites are capable of parsing the precise words used by MMOG developers into information far better than 'some random guy from IGN who turned up for a goody bag'.

I agree with your point that this could still suck ofc.

I don't see it sucking like Vanguard though.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on January 31, 2007, 10:29:51 AM
Seriously go read the class press releases given to tentonhammer (and probably others) for the orcs and dwarves.  Sounds pretty fucking awesome when you figure out what they are trying to do.  The rest of this is just smoke up my ass.

I feel like the only way I'd even try to be confident at this point would be if when CB starts EVERYTHING on the pvp side is in place.  Perhaps PvE content doesn't even exist yet or only the newbie content or w/e.  But the PvP needs to be in place, fully, they keep saying and hinting at PvP from the ground up, but I always expect it to be tacked on.

Open areas:  What we know so far is every "zone" has some pvp component in it.  How does this work with the whole, no high level ganking allowed at all?  I mean I'm trying to imagine a zone structure where you could have a low level zone that both sides lowbies could access but it wouldn't hinder the movement of vet players.  Anyone figured that one out yet?  I would love to see the white board that shows how they are planning to lay the world out.

Also how well designed will these pvp components be?  Does that mean that every zone will have access to at least one BG style instanced fight?  That's sort of what I'm expecting.  Although hopefully some will have improved (non-shitty) versions of what WoW did in TBC with some of the new zones to try to encourage world pvp.

I'm also hoping that they create a shit-ton of zones that play like Hillsbrad.  Every pvp'er loved HB back in the pre-BG days.  That was when WoW was fun for me.  HB raids, Arathi Highlands raids, shit like that.  There was nothing I loved more then hiding in the middle of spawns of npc's that were neutral/friendly to me but would aggro horde.  It allowed a player who was outnumbered to still cause problems.  Hopefully they realize that and make most npc's neutral to one side and hostile to the other.

For that matter how incredibly awesome would it be, if you could fill empty spots in your "party" with local friendly npc's?  So basically you come to <generic empire border town here> and you and your buddy are duo'ing.  You go to the militia captain and recruit (pay some small fee) to gain the services of 4 generic militiamen.  I know they aren't doing that but once my mind started along the path I had to post it...

Anyways, this next year might not be so bad, at least we get to talk about pvp systems, not cock blocking systems (thx VG!).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 31, 2007, 10:32:39 AM
But I am worried about how this fits together with the fact that some people like to play pure support (people who don't like playing a cleric *really* need to accept this and get over it). I see the attraction of the whole smite cleric thing - but it does tend to lead to tears before bedtime if developers work out that support classes of any sort can compete with non-support classes.

That thought had occured to me. My big fear is that Mythic will bow to some kind of pressure and make some classes pure support to fit that playstyle. I hope it doesn't happen though as nothing annoyed me more in WoW than becoming a heal/buffbot in high end raids. (something I should have seen coming honestly but managed to delude myself about.)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on January 31, 2007, 10:34:31 AM
The Squigg herder is already full support.  Not healing support but it is a completely out of combat class. The omg I wanna be pure support jackasses who are all manginas who want to get free shit by being a high elf healer w/ big titties can fuck off.  Learn to be DPS support you wanks.   :-P

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 31, 2007, 10:38:25 AM
The Squigg herder is already full support.  Not healing support but it is a completely out of combat class. The omg I wanna be pure support jackasses who are all manginas who want to get free shit by being a high elf healer w/ big titties can fuck off.  Learn to be DPS support you wanks.   :-P

God forbid anyone should want to play the game differently than what you see as TEH VISION(tm).  Some people like to play support.  Thank god for that... it means I don't have to. 

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 31, 2007, 10:54:49 AM
The Squigg herder is already full support.  Not healing support but it is a completely out of combat class. The omg I wanna be pure support jackasses who are all manginas who want to get free shit by being a high elf healer w/ big titties can fuck off.  Learn to be DPS support you wanks.   :-P

Actually it seems to be more a ranged/pet class. Probably closer to the WoW hunter than a support class.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: slog on January 31, 2007, 10:59:25 AM
I agree Evangolis. I'd love to believe that WAR will be the second coming in MMOs but am trying to remain skeptical. I did notice that what classes and scenarios were available were very limited, so we still don't know alot about the game.

It's going to be WOW clone with RvR.  Mythic made their money doing evolutionary games, not revolutionary ones.

Edited for spelling.

Ignoring the background lore which is enough to make them different, I still don't think so. The big reason I say this is the core design seems to be a big change in MMOs "standards". By that I mean:

No buffing classes and no dedicated healing classes. To me those two right there will change up the gameplay to a significant degree. I especially hope that they keep the concept that healing classes get spell energy by fighting. This would mean players can't pigeonhole classes back into the old MMO standards. All classes are expected to fight.

From the gamespy preview:

Indeed, those familiar with traditional MMO combat will be very surprised by Warhammer Online -- in addition to no crowd control and no long-term buffs, there are minimal stealth options. In Warhammer Online, you're expected to get in there and mix it up.

No crowd control and no long-term buffs, as well as them saying there is no "buffing class" seems to paint a very different picture of combat in this game to what we are familiar with. My only concern with this is that classes may be somewhat one-dimensional, basically "pick how you want to kill things." But on another level I'm overjoyed. Crowd control and buffs are both big issues in PvP and not having them will make PvP much more interesting IMO.

Also PvP and RvR sound like they're much more integral to this game than they are in WoW. Now, some of the basic PvE aspects will be similiar, IE questing, but I don't think it is enough to call it a WoW clone.

Yanking out enchanters and shaman (I'm useing EQ1 terms here) and giving their spells to other classes is not revolutionary.  It's like you guys never played a MMORPG before.  FAQ's and previews are intentionally vauge and deceiving to make the game appear to be something besides the same old shit re-hashed.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on January 31, 2007, 11:00:11 AM
@Slog:  Have you read the melee class descriptions?  If they can actually make something that plays like the fluff piece reads, it will have a decent amount of innovation within the Diku structure.  Will they actually make it work, I doubt it, but at least they say they are trying, or something.

The Squigg herder is already full support.  Not healing support but it is a completely out of combat class. The omg I wanna be pure support jackasses who are all manginas who want to get free shit by being a high elf healer w/ big titties can fuck off.  Learn to be DPS support you wanks.   :-P

God forbid anyone should want to play the game differently than what you see as TEH VISION(tm).  Some people like to play support.  Thank god for that... it means I don't have to. 

Lets not derail this good topic, goddamn I'm having bad luck with people's reactions to shit this morning.

You do realize we're talking about hypothetical players that are hypothetically crying about there not being a healer who can only heal right?  What I was saying is, there are classes that will not be in the thick of combat, if you absolutely require that you get to watch other people's lifebars and have the satisfaction of feeling like you saved them from death.  So far it seems like your going to need to melee also.  Boohoo for you.  But really lets stop because this is stupid.  Why does my offhand comment about this get quoted but nobody talks about zone-setups or anything else I post about...

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on January 31, 2007, 11:07:50 AM
Commenting on a press release or some exclusive interview is just something to pass the time until the game enters beta.  Noone takes this stuff very seriously.  It's just part of the hype machine. 

In answer to you Hoax, there is some irony in your statements if you take the time to find it. 

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: slog on January 31, 2007, 11:08:04 AM
I can't see the sites from work as they are blocked,  but feel free to copy and past them here.  I will then break them down line by line to demonstrate my point.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on January 31, 2007, 11:24:36 AM
I can't see the sites from work as they are blocked,  but feel free to copy and past them here.  I will then break them down line by line to demonstrate my point.

So you can't see the sites but have decided this is a WoW clone from zero information? Noone truly knows what it is yet, but all the information leads to it not being a WoW clone. More like DAOC++ with the removal of some things that caused problems last time: too many classes, pure support/healing classes, crowd control, boring PvE (this PvE sounds much better.)

Of course, until people can talk about it in a fuller form it's mostly just speculation at this point. Though fun speculation. At the very least though we know they're not aiming to be a WoW clone.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: slog on January 31, 2007, 11:29:16 AM
I can't see the sites from work as they are blocked,  but feel free to copy and past them here.  I will then break them down line by line to demonstrate my point.

So you can't see the sites but have decided this is a WoW clone from zero information? Noone truly knows what it is yet, but all the information leads to it not being a WoW clone. More like DAOC++ with the removal of some things that caused problems last time: too many classes, pure support/healing classes, crowd control, boring PvE (this PvE sounds much better.)

Of course, until people can talk about it in a fuller form it's mostly just speculation at this point. Though fun speculation. At the very least though we know they're not aiming to be a WoW clone.

Perfect example!!

 I wrote "I can't see the sites from work" which you read as "Slog has never read anything about Warhammer ever."  There are plenty of other possible options such as "Slog read the post from home but didn't bother to reply" or "Slog has been following the game for 5 months but didn't mention that" and so on.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 31, 2007, 11:43:11 AM
Hoax: One of the previews said they are going to debuff high players going into the starting areas.  And Battlefields are the things you fight over in overland RvR.  Sounds like a more varied version of keeps to me.

Buffers and Support classes.
The problem is the tank/healer/mage trinty.  If don't design your game based on it, than it doesn't matter who does what.  Buffers can be great.  I play one as my main in GW. Buffs need to be a) powerful but narrow b) limited(time or distance) c) removable d) expensive(can't mindlessly spam). Something like "For the next 10 seconds, all elemental damage to taget is reduced 40 points.  Each time this happens, you gain 1 mana."  To be usefull you have to be paying attention and be invloved with the fight.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 01:22:09 PM
But I am worried about how this fits together with the fact that some people like to play pure support (people who don't like playing a cleric *really* need to accept this and get over it). I see the attraction of the whole smite cleric thing - but it does tend to lead to tears before bedtime if developers work out that support classes of any sort can compete with non-support classes.

That thought had occured to me. My big fear is that Mythic will bow to some kind of pressure and make some classes pure support to fit that playstyle. I hope it doesn't happen though as nothing annoyed me more in WoW than becoming a heal/buffbot in high end raids. (something I should have seen coming honestly but managed to delude myself about.)

How much would you like to wager that the WAR healer classes will be doing anything other than 100% support in high end group pvp? They'll just have to work out how to get through a token amount of offensive activity to build their power.

This isn't about caving to pressure, it's about recognising that if a player has a relative advantage in one sphere (eg healing) over other players, then the most effective strategy will always be to have that player concentrate wherever they have the relative advantage. WAR hybrid healers will always be the best support characters in a group. That will always be their relative advantage - so almost whenever your group is stretched to it's limit, support classes will be supporting.

Adam Smith baby.

So in the current design, if you play a shaman, and if you play at a competitive rvr level or in whatever passes for endgame pve, almost the only reason you will ever cast a DD spell is to gain support power.

If this were made clear at the point of class selection, at least you'd be able to switch to a Wizard up front.

This doesn't mean support can't be made fun (see CoH defenders), most support-mindset players are just as happy using buffs and debuffs as they are healing.

Quote from: hoax
Seriously go read the class press releases given to tentonhammer (and probably others) for the orcs and dwarves.  Sounds pretty fucking awesome when you figure out what they are trying to do.

There's a 15 page thread somewhere on this forum that covers Orc and Dwarf classes already.

They are...

Dwarf Tank
Dwarf melee dps
Dwarf nuker
Dwarf buff/debuff

Orc Tank
Orc melee dps
Goblin nuker/dps-pets
Goblin nuker/healer

Now, I don't have any particular problem with these classes, but I'm not sure what is so awesome?

Quote from: hoax
Open areas:  What we know so far is every "zone" has some pvp component in it.  How does this work with the whole, no high level ganking allowed at all?  I mean I'm trying to imagine a zone structure where you could have a low level zone that both sides lowbies could access but it wouldn't hinder the movement of vet players.  Anyone figured that one out yet?  I would love to see the white board that shows how they are planning to lay the world out.

A better description would be that at each level range there are 3 zones per level tier per battlefront. One pve zone for each race and one rvr zone in between the pve zones (though you can also pve in the rvr zone if you really must - just like daoc). There has been a lot of confusion about this because Mythic insist on refering to each group of three as a single zone. From the perspective of a player used to MMOGs, it'll look like 3 zones.

Someone posted a better diagram in a previous thread - but it works something like this...

Dwarf PvE L1-10 zone   //         Dwarf/Orc RvR L1-10      //         Orc PvE L1-10 zone

// represents an barrier only passable by the appropriate realm.
The PvE zones also allow access up to the higher/lower tier zones.

This is repeated up to the top level tier (lvl 30-40), where it's more like this....

D  //  DC  // DvO // DvO // DvO // OC // O

D : Dwarf PvE
DC : Dwarf City
DvO : Dwarf v Orc Campaign zone
OC : Orc City
O : Orc PvE

Realms push the battle front back and forth through the DvO zones and can sack the cities - but once that is done NPC uber guards zerg you back to the centre zone.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 31, 2007, 01:43:43 PM
The newsletter is out today, not received mine as yet, so I can't link to the whole thing, here's some of the content.  The last Chaos class is revealed as the Marauder, Melee damage dealer.

concept art1 (http://www.warhammeronline.com/newsletter/images/2007/Marauder01.jpg)

concept art2 (http://www.warhammeronline.com/newsletter/images/2007/Marauder02.jpg)

Marauder explained video (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/video/files/Marauder-exclusive.html)

Video of RVR (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/video/files/VotM_Press-RvR.html)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 31, 2007, 02:28:48 PM
Yanking out enchanters and shaman (I'm useing EQ1 terms here) and giving their spells to other classes is not revolutionary.  It's like you guys never played a MMORPG before.  FAQ's and previews are intentionally vauge and deceiving to make the game appear to be something besides the same old shit re-hashed.

I said it before and I'll say it again, everyone is going to "clone" the good parts from WoW, personally I don't have a problem with it, as WoW is a massive step forward in terms of being an enjoyable game to play (pre cap anyway). 

However if you do get the chance to view a couple of the videos, some of the comments are not vague at all and they just do not fit with the game being just a clone of WoW. Take the video interview on this page as an example (http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/warhammeronline/news.html?sid=6164998)

Quote from: From the video
When you are designing games, particularly when you are designing mmo's you have to pick what your flavour and what your theme is.

Ours is a game that's all about WAR, it's about fighting, it's about survival, it's about picking up a weapon and counting for something. 

Therefore when you look at the standard ways of putting a design together, certain ideas have to be challenged, if you don't use that as the central reason for your mmo then you can have characters, I suppose you would consider them support characters, characters at the back, characters who have passive engagement with the game.

We don't have that, ours is all about aggressive engagement with the game. 

So we had to look at like things like healing classes and buffing classes and say to our self, well how can they play a relevant part in the gameworld.  We then looked at the warhammer world and their history and they really don't have any concept of passive play and so what we did is we combined our two necessities, so when we took healer classes we wanted to make them aggressive, capable of doing damage, capable of standing up for themselves but also capable of healing, we wanted to make sure every person can fight. 

And so the sort of attitude we took was, a ton of barbarians have turned up into your village and they are going to burn it to the ground and slaughter every one of you.  So, if you don't pick up a weapon and you don't fight, then you will die.  Once we decided that was the core of what we were doing, then all the design flows through that and it's represented in every class we have done and it's represented in every race we have done and it's represented in all the imagery, the scenarios, everything, you will be an active participant.

Now you could say that won't work or you won't like it but you certainly can't call it vague.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Fargull on January 31, 2007, 02:42:15 PM
How much would you like to wager that the WAR healer classes will be doing anything other than 100% support in high end group pvp? They'll just have to work out how to get through a token amount of offensive activity to build their power.

This isn't about caving to pressure, it's about recognising that if a player has a relative advantage in one sphere (eg healing) over other players, then the most effective strategy will always be to have that player concentrate wherever they have the relative advantage. WAR hybrid healers will always be the best support characters in a group. That will always be their relative advantage - so almost whenever your group is stretched to it's limit, support classes will be supporting.

Adam Smith baby.

What if you look outside the box?  What if say, they took the buff style from DAOC, and allowed the Healer class to apply seals to characters that they will provide their mana toward healing (using the concentration model).  The healer can chose which active spell to place upon the character in question.  The spell will fire when the character in question takes x % of damage and then reset itself at whatever mana cost it takes to fire that spell.  The spell will not clense poison or disease, but just heal damage (and will thus drain the mana from the healer class).  Make healing non direction and must be precast.  Will free up that character to swing that hammer, or cast that direct damage, but they had better keep track of where their mana is and whom is actually in the fight.

Why does it have to limit iself to a directional antinuke?

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 03:12:57 PM
How much would you like to wager that the WAR healer classes will be doing anything other than 100% support in high end group pvp? They'll just have to work out how to get through a token amount of offensive activity to build their power.

This isn't about caving to pressure, it's about recognising that if a player has a relative advantage in one sphere (eg healing) over other players, then the most effective strategy will always be to have that player concentrate wherever they have the relative advantage. WAR hybrid healers will always be the best support characters in a group. That will always be their relative advantage - so almost whenever your group is stretched to it's limit, support classes will be supporting.

Adam Smith baby.

What if you look outside the box?  What if say, they took the buff style from DAOC, and allowed the Healer class to apply seals to characters that they will provide their mana toward healing (using the concentration model).  The healer can chose which active spell to place upon the character in question.  The spell will fire when the character in question takes x % of damage and then reset itself at whatever mana cost it takes to fire that spell.  The spell will not clense poison or disease, but just heal damage (and will thus drain the mana from the healer class).  Make healing non direction and must be precast.  Will free up that character to swing that hammer, or cast that direct damage, but they had better keep track of where their mana is and whom is actually in the fight.

Why does it have to limit iself to a directional antinuke?

It doesn't have to limit itself to a directional antinuke, and it doesn't limit itself to a directional antinuke in most recent games barring WoW and (presumably) Vanguard. There are lots of things support players can do that would feel active, the CoH short-term-buff/debuff model is the most obvious standout support success of recent years.

I could also see the sort of model you describe working ok if support abilities were spread across all classes, though I'm not sure it would be worth the reduction in class variety. And to be honest, most mmog dps classes are so goddamn boring to play that I'm not sure I'd want every class to be like that anyway. Why would you want to set up support classes so they play the same as wizards or tanks? One of the big reasons people play support is to get out of that tiresome assist and attack chain. As I mentioned above, some people really do want to play cleric, by all means make them more involved and active (though even a straightforward healer is a metric fucktonne more active to play than a sodding wizard), but don't stop them playing support.

My point was primarily about the model chosen for WAR though, where support classes are identified and it appears that they have their support abilities as 'Morale' abilities - which is mythic code for abilities that get stronger as you attack the enemy. It's hard to imagine that support abilities in general will be not be important in WAR, and so it is hard to imagine that the only classes that have those abilities will not be strongest when they are focussing on them.

The upside I do see from Mythic's approach is that support players will have the option to play about with different abilities when the group is not being stretched. Times when your group is easily in control of a battle can be rather dull when playing support, I can see the attraction of doing something different when you are not on the bleeding edge.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on January 31, 2007, 03:30:49 PM
I didn't know about these podcasts before but the latest two are well worth a watch.

Right click and save as, then unzip

Podcast 2 all about music. (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/podcast/files/WAR-pp_2006-HI.zip)

Podcast 3 shows zone control, pve areas, pvp areas and how it all fits together, very well explained and illustrated. (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/podcast/files/Tir-RvR_explaination_final.zip)

or go here to watch online (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/podcast/)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 03:32:22 PM
Tweety's grab bag highlights.

Q: What happens when the capital cities fall to the invading armies?

A: The city falls, and the winner is declared as the losers are humbled forever... on a webpage. Loot is taken, NPC merchants are slaughtered.......

Here's what will happen, according to our design. The game will wait a decent interval for the dancing in the streets to subside, and begin to spawn guards. The players whose city was just destroyed will find themselves a tiny bit stronger, as they come back into their ruined city still bristling with invaders and looters. The defending players will grow ever stronger, with more NPCs and automatic buffs and hit points, over an as-yet-undetermined period of time. Once the invaders are all driven out, the zones reset....

Notice I have given absolutely no hard numbers at all. I assure you, this was intentional.

Q: Will there be bonuses for racial grouping, e.g. Orcs fighting in a group of Orcs rather than mixed with Chaos & Dark Elfs?

A: ...no....

Q: I'm interested if the game will have a 64-bit client side executable, to take advantage of the next generation of CPU bit levels....

A: .....We have no firm plan for a 64bit version."....

Q: .....<crazy babblings of someone who paid too much attention to cgi trailers>.....

A: : "Every career will have the ability to fulfill their primary role at 100% effectiveness (and no more, there will be no super-anythings). You won't be able to make a tanker the best DPS fighter in the game. That does not mean that a shield tanker could not equip himself with a great weapon and load a bunch of tactics that would make him more effective as a fighter... this is a critical element if only for good solo play. But there will be no "best" or "worst" careers of any kind."

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: slog on January 31, 2007, 03:35:13 PM
Yanking out enchanters and shaman (I'm useing EQ1 terms here) and giving their spells to other classes is not revolutionary.  It's like you guys never played a MMORPG before.  FAQ's and previews are intentionally vauge and deceiving to make the game appear to be something besides the same old shit re-hashed.

I said it before and I'll say it again, everyone is going to "clone" the good parts from WoW, personally I don't have a problem with it, as WoW is a massive step forward in terms of being an enjoyable game to play (pre cap anyway). 

However if you do get the chance to view a couple of the videos, some of the comments are not vague at all and they just do not fit with the game being just a clone of WoW. Take the video interview on this page as an example (http://uk.gamespot.com/pc/rpg/warhammeronline/news.html?sid=6164998)

Quote from: From the video
When you are designing games, particularly when you are designing mmo's you have to pick what your flavour and what your theme is.

Ours is a game that's all about WAR, it's about fighting, it's about survival, it's about picking up a weapon and counting for something. 

Therefore when you look at the standard ways of putting a design together, certain ideas have to be challenged, if you don't use that as the central reason for your mmo then you can have characters, I suppose you would consider them support characters, characters at the back, characters who have passive engagement with the game.

We don't have that, ours is all about aggressive engagement with the game. 

So we had to look at like things like healing classes and buffing classes and say to our self, well how can they play a relevant part in the gameworld.  We then looked at the warhammer world and their history and they really don't have any concept of passive play and so what we did is we combined our two necessities, so when we took healer classes we wanted to make them aggressive, capable of doing damage, capable of standing up for themselves but also capable of healing, we wanted to make sure every person can fight. 

And so the sort of attitude we took was, a ton of barbarians have turned up into your village and they are going to burn it to the ground and slaughter every one of you.  So, if you don't pick up a weapon and you don't fight, then you will die.  Once we decided that was the core of what we were doing, then all the design flows through that and it's represented in every class we have done and it's represented in every race we have done and it's represented in all the imagery, the scenarios, everything, you will be an active participant.

Now you could say that won't work or you won't like it but you certainly can't call it vague.

Don't get me wrong.  I hope this game rocks.  But at 6:30 into the same interview, the other guys talks about collision detection and how the tanks can protect the healers that are hiding in the back...

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on January 31, 2007, 03:37:26 PM
How much would you like to wager that the WAR healer classes will be doing anything other than 100% support in high end group pvp? They'll just have to work out how to get through a token amount of offensive activity to build their power.

This isn't about caving to pressure, it's about recognising that if a player has a relative advantage in one sphere (eg healing) over other players, then the most effective strategy will always be to have that player concentrate wherever they have the relative advantage. WAR hybrid healers will always be the best support characters in a group. That will always be their relative advantage - so almost whenever your group is stretched to it's limit, support classes will be supporting.

Adam Smith baby.

So in the current design, if you play a shaman, and if you play at a competitive rvr level or in whatever passes for endgame pve, almost the only reason you will ever cast a DD spell is to gain support power.

If this were made clear at the point of class selection, at least you'd be able to switch to a Wizard up front.


The Runepriest gets away from it because they do all their casting pre-combat.  Lets face it in pvp unless this is wildly different from every other DIKU pvp game ever there is no way combat will last long enough for the Runepriest will to recast runes during the fight itself, unless they have insta cast runes of healing or something.  In which case nothing has changed, sky still blue, how dissapointing.  If that isn't the case I like it as a pretty elegant support+ design.  You are right though, if the system is standard DIKU healing spells + you get a +healing bonus for swinging your hammer.  Then you've called it above with how that will actually play in pvp.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on January 31, 2007, 03:44:24 PM
In the RvR videos, the runepriest has been shown casting runes throughout the battle, in practice it looks like he spends the battle casting short term buffs and debuffs, plus I'd guess he also ends up refreshing wards often.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 31, 2007, 03:55:45 PM
http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Guardian (http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/Guardian)
I am not sure what you are saying Hoax, I cast buffs in combat all the time.  The above spell I cast repeatedly in combat, on which ever ally is in melee at the time.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Evangolis on January 31, 2007, 08:12:30 PM
Having read/watched that glut of PR, I'm left with conflicting messages.  They say no stealth or crowd control, but the Squig Herder has a bow shot that has a short term root.  Which will bear out in the actual game?  Details.

Podcast 3 shows zone control, pve areas, pvp areas and how it all fits together, very well explained and illustrated. (http://www.warhammeronline.com/english/media/podcast/files/Tir-RvR_explaination_final.zip)

This was very interesting, looks like 'Battlegrounds' are more flexible than keeps, being more like sites in diferent zones which activate when the frontline reaches them.  However, from what I saw, it looks like the sides are more fixed, with Dwarves and Greenskins always facing each other, Empire always vs Chaos, and the Elves always facing off.  That seems problematic, and perhaps I misunderstand.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on January 31, 2007, 09:03:14 PM
Ya, it's fixed. I don't see how else they could do it with their goals of teired RvR and intergated RvR/PvE barring re-mapping world when the match ups change.

My only reget is that you have to be an elf to have an elf as you arch-enemy. That's just not fair.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: LC on January 31, 2007, 09:39:45 PM
The whole battlegrounds thing is a turnoff. They couldn't have picked anything worse to steal from WoW.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: pxib on January 31, 2007, 10:01:56 PM
Though the lowest tiers are probably strictly (for example) Dwarves vs. Greenskins, I imagine that at higher tiers other players on the side of Order could join up with the dwarves to help defend their city or reclaim the one the Orcs have. So a dwarf could have a dark elf archenemy who just keeps showing up every time he goes to PvP, because that guy always seems to be there even when he's fighting with the humans.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Margalis on January 31, 2007, 10:46:47 PM
Battlegrounds, AKA "competitive structured PVP", are an awesome idea if done correctly. You can draw the line pretty much straight from Combat to Street Fighter to CounterStrike to battlegrounds.

Doing them correctly is not hard, if you think about it a little.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 01, 2007, 12:17:40 AM
Though the lowest tiers are probably strictly (for example) Dwarves vs. Greenskins, I imagine that at higher tiers other players on the side of Order could join up with the dwarves to help defend their city or reclaim the one the Orcs have. So a dwarf could have a dark elf archenemy who just keeps showing up every time he goes to PvP, because that guy always seems to be there even when he's fighting with the humans.

Everyone in your realm has access to zones belonging to every race in your realm. Dwarfs, Humans, and Elves fight alongside each other in all Dwarf, Human, Elf zones.

All of order has access to all the Dwarf zones, and can rvr in all DvO tiers. Same goes for the destruction realm.

When you consider that Guilds are realm wide - this was pretty much unavoidable. Obviously this is an unmitigated disaster from a lore point of view, but if you start from Mythic's assumption that 2 is the right number of realms, then this is the only route you can take.

The only reason you see Dwarfs v Green in videos, rather than mixed Order vs mixed Destruction is that Dwarfs and Orcs are the only two races that have been completed.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 01, 2007, 12:55:34 AM
GameTrailers has an interview up (http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16663&type=wmv&pl=game)

GameTrailers gameplay footage (http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=16667&type=wmv&pl=game)

Don't get me wrong.  I hope this game rocks.  But at 6:30 into the same interview, the other guys talks about collision detection and how the tanks can protect the healers that are hiding in the back...

That's not the first time that the Mythic guys and Paul seem to be presenting the game differently, there's another example in the video above where Paul states that you won't play WAR to grow wheat or to make pants.  That's a bit close to Shadowbane marketing of old and I can't imagine Mythic expressing it like that, especially as it has already been said that WAR will have a crafting system . 

It's logical for some magic/ranged classes to live longer at range, collision detection should be a good thing as it should add a tactical element to positional play but it doesn't always follow that the classes hiding behind the front line are purely support.

I have concerns myself, as Penfold said earlier, if you just want to explore the warhammer world then all this RVR content might just get in your way.  If every zone is structured as part of an ongoing battle then it might feel very rigid and you might feel closed in, compared to an open world game like AC.  Also, if WAR is all based on RVR and we get to stress test and find out that their PVP is a boring grind, then they are totally shafted.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Strazos on February 01, 2007, 02:27:19 AM
Hmm. I just had to turn my Hype dial down by 50%.

That was Not a video of WoW, correct?  :|

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 01, 2007, 02:53:28 AM
My newsletter arrived this morning so the last couple of previews appear to be.

Worthplaying preview (http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=40250&mode=thread&order=0) (bland)

Gamers info which is a lot better (http://www.gamersinfo.net/index.php?art/id:1537), so I'm going to quote it, just because everyone likes massive blocks of text.

Quote from: Gamersinfo
Warhammer, as a fantasy milieu, is to Americans much like a British candy bar. (Trust me; it's not my metaphor, but I'm going somewhere with this.) You see it, you think you know what it is, but until you taste it, you actually don't know what it is.

See? That makes perfect sense.

It made even more sense after I ate the Cadbury Crunchies bar that Paul Barnett, the creative director at EA Mythic (via Games Workshop, owner of the Warhammer IP, and publisher of such great games as Warhammer Fantasy Battles and the ever-popular Warhammer 40,000), gave me. I said "my, this has a much different texture and taste than I expected. Yet it is still quite very much good, and I would like to enjoy some more."

I guess British candies - errr, sweets - make me talk funny.

We had two presenters for the show. The previously-mentioned Paul Barnett (who, if you've been keeping up with WAR, you may recognize, such as from my con call article about WAR), who is the custard, and Jeff Hickman, senior producer, and, according to the slides, dry but factual.

In addition, Lance Robertson, a producer, played tour guide, showing us around the lands of WAR, and Destin Bales, content director, was there, too.

But back to custard. Custard is used, according to Paul, to make something barely edible into something more edible. That's the creative and imaginative side of Warhammer, with its British stylings of fantasy, humor, and horror. It's also what Paul considers the forces of Chaos - you take something normal, and add the "custard" (i.e. Chaos), and you've got something great.

I am getting a bit ahead of myself here. First, a status update.

WAR is deep into production. They have a team of 150 people working on it right now. The orks and dwarves have been deployed - if you remember from our E3 coverage, the orks were playable there. Today (actually, for the purposes of this article, "today" = "Thursday, January 25th, 2007") was the first day people got to play the Empire (aka Humans) and Chaos.

Humanity, in the world of Warhammer, is facing the end of days (at least, in the terms of the Middle Ages). They're constantly on the brink of extinction in a brutal world, forced to expand or die, to breed and fight. Humanity in Warhammer is all about the strengths and weaknesses of people, how they can do something, then completely over-do it, and how they are steeled against corruption.

Humanity is trapped - Chaos lurks in the hearts of men, orks threaten to wipe out entire countries, and other enemies lurk both inside and outside. Technology is improving - the Warhammer world is up to crude firearms - but it may not be enough to save the world.

As mentioned before, each race in Warhammer: Age of Reckoning will have four classes. These basically break down into "tanker, healer, melee DPS, and ranged DPS". Of course, each class can do more than just that - for example, the Dwarven rune priest that I played also had the ability to put a healthy smack down with both her staff and spells, as well as be the primary healer. But we'll get into dwarves in a bit, when I talk about PvP.

The four classes of humans (specifically, as mentioned before, the Empire, for you aficionados of the Warhammer mythos) break down as follows:
Knights of the Blazing Sun. These guys are the melee/tanker types, and show a combination of sun imagery with the skulls, knowing that they inevitably face death. Paul described them as "King Arthur meets Monty Python and the Holy Grail with more violence".
Witch Hunter. This is the melee DPS class. He's all about the hat - Paul thinks he has the greatest hat (I think) in the history of computer games. Coupled with a good coat, "kickass" boots, a flintlock and a rapier, he looks flat-out deadly. They definitely expect the Witch Hunter to be a popular class.
Warrior Priest. You may have seen this guy in the theatrical trailer for WAR. EA Mythic thinks just plain "healers" are dull. Thus, you have this guy - two hammers, and as he hits his enemies, he builds faith, which he can use to heal his compatriots. Bright Wizard. He's "buckets of instant sunshine". He explodes when he dies. He's not just a fire mage, he's a nuclear weapon. Even his skin is on fire. His outfit has torches built into it.
We got a chance to play a bright wizard for a while and explore the beginnings of the humans. You start off in a village that's under siege by Chaos. Immediately, you're put to the task - go and get the farmers rallied. As you talk to them, you realize some are Chaos marauders, and they attack you. Soon you've done that, and it's off to help heal the wounded. While running to do that, you realize that there's a public quest going on.

“What's a public quest?”, you may ask.

In WAR, occasionally something bigger than just you needs a-doin'. For instance, in this case, we need to kill marauders so that the militia can get its act together. Once we do that, we fight off another wave of the invasion, and then try to stop a huge Chaos giant from splattering us across the landscape.

"Who's this 'us', buddy?" you ask. "I like to solo."

I hear you brother! And I was solo, too - but it was still us. Everyone in the zone automatically has the same quest! The group objectives are up on the screen, and it keeps track as you do your part (or not - you don't have to help!). After the public quest finishes, you can go over to the "leader" of the area, and he'll reward you for helping out. A couple of minutes later, the public quest starts over again.

You can do the same one over and over to build your reputation with the leader, or you can follow them as you go up in levels and get new, cooler stuff - stuff that's tailored to you and your class.

(The big guys, such as the Chaos giant, will hold some "good loot" - that'll be randomly assigned dependent on how much contribution people made to the public quest. But that's just icing on the cake - the real rewards are the ones you get from the leader.)

After running around blowing stuff up as bright wizards, it was time to look at the Army of Destruction's racial enemy for humans – Chaos.

(Quick reminder time: Humans, dwarves, and elves make up the Armies of Order. Each race has a racial enemy that they start off in close, loving combat with. Respectively, according to enemy, these Armies of Destruction are Chaos, orks, and dark elves.)

Remember - Chaos is custard. It makes things better. It mutates them. It's daemon lords. It's a will to power - the fact that your will can influence the world. It's corruption, as the Chaos infects your form and mind.

There are four Chaos gods. Khorne is the blood god, the god of battle. You don't play as one of his guys, all they do is kill stuff and each other. Slaanesh is the pleasure god. You don't play as one of her people, 'cause there's too much nudity and crab claws and we don't want Chaos to have its own cyber-haven (think of Goldshire in most World of Warcraft servers, and make it Chaos. Yeah. Creepy.) Nurgle is the god of corruption, and he's fat and bloated and nasty and slow, so he doesn't work too well. Which means that you get to play as a priest of the bird god, Tzeentch - which means you get sorcerers on disks, casting lightning bolts.

Like all races, Chaos has four classes. Unfortunately, only three were revealed:
Chosen. He's the melee tanker. Big, huge armor. Big, huge weapons. Very scary. Probably has poor people skills, that is, poor skills that don't involve dismembering people.
Zealot. He's the magic healer - all about the scarecrows and totems. He's got a magic utility belt, making him the Chaos equivalent of Batman.
??? - HA! They didn't announce the melee DPS guy. Got an idea who it might be? Post it in the forums, remember, he has to follow Tzeentch.
Magus. The ranged magic DPS guy, he always, always, always flies on a disk. And casts lightning. And mutates and changes as he levels up. He has a big staff.
One thing to remember in WAR - if they have a staff, they cast spells. It's about silhouetting - in other words, it's about being able to see an outline of an enemy, and who know what kind of enemy he is. But don't think "staff = weenie" in melee - even casters get melee attacks. I was right in the middle of things a lot of the time. (Note: I never said I was a good caster.)

One other thing about Chaos is that it's all about an invasion. Chaos doesn't have cities (well, it does, sort of, in WAR - the Inevitable City, because it was inevitable that Chaos would need a city). Thus, you start off invading a human village, corrupting it, taking it over for your gods.

So those are the new races. After seeing them, and playing as both a bright wizard and a magus, it was time for the true test of WAR: realm versus realm combat!

It's not just Player Versus Player - it's your whole Realm, your race, your alliance, against the enemy! Remember the motto of WAR:

WAR is everywhere!

If you want, you can start in RvR from the very beginning!

Each racial pairing has five zones - one capital zone each, one allied zone each, and a neutral, contested zone in the middle. As you follow one of the four types of RvR, you gain points for your side. Those points let the front lines move back and forth, and if you're better than your racial enemy, you might even take his capital city, loot it, capture his king, put him in prison, and then move on to the next enemy race's capital.

It's about gloating. It's about winning. It's about saying "HA HA we're better than you!" It's the reason why the British have museums - to show off the stuff they won! (At least, according to Paul.)

The four types of RvR are:

Skirmish: This is "incidental" RvR - you walk into an area that you know has realm versus realm combat (you won't do it by accident), you fight with your enemies.
Battlefields: Now you've got a specific objective. If skirmish combat is like getting drunk in Nottingham and finding the fans of an opposing football team to fight with, battlefields are finding those fans' tour bus and taking it over. (Obviously, again, those are Paul's examples, so if you don't root for Nottingham or whoever, it's not my fault!)
Scenarios: These are instanced, point based, objective-led combat scenarios that use NPCs to flesh out the weaker player side.
All of these lead to the Campaign, which is the before-mentioned hope and dream of every little human, elf, or dwarf kid - and whatever the heck a young Chaos or ork is - which is to sack, pillage, and burn your enemy's cities.
There are 40+ scenarios you might participate in. From the standard "capture the flag", to Murder Ball, to Domination, to Death Match, they range in size from 6 on 6 to 36 on 36. We played two different ones: Mourkain Temple, where you strive for control of an ancient artifact and to kill your enemies, and the Gates of Ekrund, where you tried to control geographic parts of the wall. In both cases, it was orks versus dwarves.

Around Mourkain Temple, I played a dwarven rune priest - a healer type. One thing to remember - in RvR, there IS collision detection. So I'd try to buff my friends, heal them, and cast cleaving damage spells on my enemies. Then, they learned who I was, and when I'd walk around a corner, squigs ran at me, and all I could see where huge orks fighting for the chance to pummel me into the ground. I could blind them, I could fight them - but if my buddies were behind me, I was stuck! Then dead.

I was dead a lot.

Note: keep your rune priest in the back. Have your dwarves physically keep the orks away from them!

In the Gates of Ekrund, we played the orks. Here I was a Choppa - a big ole ork with two big ole axes. We fought and fought, sliced and diced, and had a heck of a lot of fun.

A note on death penalties: there isn't one, except time.

"Wha?!" I can hear some people (at least one of my guildies, I know) say.

You see, there's more to it than that.

Okay, say, you die. Don't worry, it happens to all of us, and some of us more than others. A box pops up. Click the box to respawn five seconds later, or wait and you'll automatically respawn in 45 seconds or so. Let's say you died in pitched battle, and now you're back at the starting point.

Okay. Now what? Well, you've got to run back to the battle! You better hope you've got friends around, and you don't run into the enemies - or you're dead.

One person can make a difference, but not that much of a difference!

So what's stopping you from suiciding?

Why would you?

You can't kill the enemy fast enough to get free kills from it. You'll just be pummeled down.

So? Maybe I'm wounded, and just want to get the "free" health upgrade.

Uh uh. You see, you regenerate health and action points so fast, you don't need to do that! You'll be healthy, on your own, without potions, in no time!

All you do if you suicide is inconvenience yourself and hurt your team. There are exceptions: for instance, in the Gates of Ekrund, you don't gain control of an area if enemies are around. So it makes sense, at times, to jump into a group of enemies to try to hold them off until your friends can show up.

But heck - I can't wait to launch myself out of a catapult. Yes, you can do that.

Well - that's about it for this write-up of WAR. We'll be patiently waiting to see what more news comes out of EA Mythic on this game as time goes on, but the more I see, the more excited I get about it.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Evangolis on February 01, 2007, 03:03:04 AM
But heck - I can't wait to launch myself out of a catapult. Yes, you can do that.

The fetapult lives!  Hurray!

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 01, 2007, 03:09:55 AM
Collision detection between allies is a surprise to me. I'd always assumed collision detection would only work between enemies.

It introduces the possibility of collision detection griefing. It'll be interesting to see if Dwarf on Dwarf collision detection makes it through beta.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 01, 2007, 05:55:42 AM
Hmm. I just had to turn my Hype dial down by 50%.

That was Not a video of WoW, correct?  :|

The UI looks the same in every fanatasy dikumud - there will be hotbars, there will be a minimap, there will be floaty names, HP bars, XP bars, and Mana bars. The art direction was explictly based on the same IP that WoW is implictly based on. Where else is there to go? Given that both this and WoW are Dikumuds with content and lore based on the Warhammer fantasy vision, and neither is shooting for an M rating, why in the name of all that is holy would you expect the art direction and look & feel to be something other than similar?

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on February 01, 2007, 06:25:10 AM
From that video it was hard to get a real feel for the look of the game (it was zoomed to far back for my tastes.) Though the WoW comparisons are definitely there. Then again, Eldeac already covered that.

Combat looked fast to me, but only time will tell. I noticed the hot bar flashing alot which I assume was abilities resetting. I'm going to watch this one, so far it looks good. Not revolutionary but good and just different enough I'll give it a try if they don't screw things up. I'm relatively confident they won't since they have some decent experience and so far I like what they're doing.

As for collision detection griefing, that does sound like a potential problem. I can definitely see your point about them taking out ally collision detection. I can already see some kind of FOH-like guild using collision detection to physically block other guilds from content.

I also would like to hear more about the non-combat parts of the game. Crafting, mounts, and housing especially. Though I suspect that third one will be in an expansion down the road much like it was with DAOC.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on February 01, 2007, 06:39:57 AM
When you join a scenario's queue, your battle points are added to the team's total, and the game tries its best to balance out the two sides in terms of similar battle point totals. One team might have eight level-12 players with really good gear and 12 level-nine players with lower-quality gear. The end result is a system that is far more balanced than relying on simply classifying scenarios based on level groupings alone.
That's new.

WAR looks less cartoony and more comic booky to me.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Evangolis on February 01, 2007, 07:38:31 AM
Given the divergence of the three base areas for each side, I would say that some form of housing would be vital to guild cohesion in the long run.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: slog on February 01, 2007, 02:52:29 PM
Hmm. I just had to turn my Hype dial down by 50%.

That was Not a video of WoW, correct?  :|

The UI looks the same in every fanatasy dikumud - there will be hotbars, there will be a minimap, there will be floaty names, HP bars, XP bars, and Mana bars. The art direction was explictly based on the same IP that WoW is implictly based on. Where else is there to go? Given that both this and WoW are Dikumuds with content and lore based on the Warhammer fantasy vision, and neither is shooting for an M rating, why in the name of all that is holy would you expect the art direction and look & feel to be something other than similar?

So this doesn't seem like a WoW clone to you?


Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 01, 2007, 03:09:33 PM
It does for me but it's a bit zoomed out for my taste.

Separated at birth?

Twin 1 (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/downloads/wallpapers/images/tauren-icon/tauren-icon-1280x.jpg)

Twin 2 (http://www.warhammeronline.com/newsletter/images/2007/NL013007CArt_02.jpg)

The first few seconds of this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NH6gu005uSs) look a bit different to WoW, that's before all the pretty icons start flashing.

Also this one of the Bright Wizard in close up (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPFDdOVhHro), not sure if it's been posted before.

I'm pretty sure the Chaos lands are going to be unlike anything in WoW but the whole debate is a bit silly.  I'd prefer a darker style but I guess we will have to see how it goes, I'm not sure looking like WoW will put many people off, maybe the opposite.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 01, 2007, 03:14:17 PM
So this doesn't seem like a WoW clone to you?

Someone help me out here. What the fuck do you mean by 'a WoW clone'?

Firstly WoW brought precisely jack and shit to the genre beyond 'a shorter grind' and 'playable at launch'. It also brought nothing new to the pre-existing Warhammer fantasy vision.

I'm not trying to be dismissive of 'a shorter grind' or 'playable at launch', but I don't see 'a shorter grind' or 'playable at launch' in that video, so no, it doesn't look like a WoW clone.

Yes, gameplay looks like a MMO dikumud, which is not an entirely new genre (gosh). Feel free to post that gem of wisdom on the 27 Vanguard launch threads as well. People posting there are operating without this startling insight. Sometimes I wonder how we managed to discuss WoW prior to it's launch without geniuses reminding us that it looks exactly like an EQ clone every third post.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on February 02, 2007, 10:34:59 AM
Bunch of stuff here..

re: Runepriests and combat casting
I am not sure what you are saying Hoax, I cast buffs in combat all the time.  The above spell I cast repeatedly in combat, on which ever ally is in melee at the time.

You all are probably right the runepriest will play effectively the same as other healers just with a nifty pre-cast and activate method instead of the standard cast then effect.  Which should really make their heals much more effective in pvp.  After all winning the initial engagement in diku-pvp usually wins you the battle.  We'll see if they play differently at all from any other Diku-caster.

I think I overreacted to the idea of a healing/buffing class that didn't actually have to deal with that during combat.  I still think that would be a more interesting idea personally but you're right that isn't where they are taking it..

Everyone should watch that podcast, it cleared the zone layout questions right up.

It is scary that the guy from GW (Paul) and the guys  from Mythic are already speaking out about two different games.  With of course GW's version being "there is only war" and Mythic's being "like WoW w/ a little bit of extra blood and a more complex BG system and for realz we learned something from DAOC!".

About WoW's BG's and if they are a system worthy of being adopted into different games.  I think Blizzard's system is getting there.  Once they have actual rankings of servers and even beyond that guilds for BG combat they will have gotten somewhere.  When they start to have tournaments between the servers it will finally be a system worth praising. 

While I see the advantage of BG's for creating "true" competition compared to chaotic open uneven world pvp it still doesn't sit right with me that it has become the chosen type of pvp for MMO's.  More  games that go the EvE/SB route and leave the structure of the war to the players would make me happier.  That really seems like a topic unto itself so I'll leave that for now.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Soln on February 02, 2007, 11:11:47 AM
anything about pets yet?  And -- dare I ask -- turrets  :-(

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on February 02, 2007, 11:26:30 AM
> it still doesn't sit right with me that it has become the chosen type of pvp for MMO's.
MMOG PvP has to learn how to walk before it can run.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: stray on February 02, 2007, 11:32:43 AM
MMOG PvP has to learn how to walk before it can run.

It's been over 10 years now, and we're still standing around with our dicks in our hands. The time for learning was yesterday.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Rasix on February 02, 2007, 11:43:14 AM
MMOG PvP has to learn how to walk before it can run.

It's been over 10 years now, and we're still standing around with our dicks in our hands. The time for learning was yesterday.

The average development cycle is what? 5 years or more for a MMO? Budget for a major is now around 50 mil or so?  There haven't even been that many major release MMOs.

This industry is still very much in its beginning stages, especially for design concepts.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: stray on February 02, 2007, 12:02:21 PM
MMOG PvP has to learn how to walk before it can run.

It's been over 10 years now, and we're still standing around with our dicks in our hands. The time for learning was yesterday.

The average development cycle is what? 5 years or more for a MMO? Budget for a major is now around 50 mil or so?  There haven't even been that many major release MMOs.

This industry is still very much in its beginning stages, especially for design concepts.

Just seems like with other games, core ideas are pretty much fleshed out early on. Sometimes right off the bat (i.e. some games just get "it" right the first time, and there isn't much left to improve upon. Street Fighter, THPS, RotTK, or the Sims for example).

Take deathmatching in FPS's. The concept has been enhanced over the years, of course, but the basic idea has remained the same. Some guy who played Rise of the Triad lan games back in the mid 90's would be right at home in F.E.A.R.

MMO PvP - Fubar'ed from the beginning, and still fubar'ed now. Nobody knows how to really go about it. No one can even agree on what the core concept or what purpose it should have, let alone the minor implementation issues.

Maybe it just can't be done right. Or maybe the problem could be that mmo's try to please too many different people at once? I don't know.. I don't really have the patience for it anymore though.

[EDIT] The word I'm looking for is "canon". Unlike every other type of game/gameplay out there (even some of those included in MMO's), nothing about MMO PvP has been canonized. Still. We're all still clueless, and we're all still arguing the same things that were argued years ago.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 02, 2007, 12:42:08 PM
I'm not sure MMOG pvp has to be a single thing.

Planetside style, EVE style, GW style, DAoC style have all been done in a decent and fun way.

Naturally some have been done in a more accessible way, and some have had separate problems with developing a decent matchmaking structure.

What increases the whinefest to fever pitch, is that these things come with an enormous barrier to entry, you have to develop a character first. It's developing that character that gives people a sense of entitlement and triggers all the whining.

Also, MMOGs get built with insanely high expectations of how long a game should 'last'. Most gamers got bored of CS within a much shorter period than they give up on a MMOG.

People have crazy expectations of MMOGs.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: HaemishM on February 02, 2007, 01:09:34 PM
MMOG PvP has to learn how to walk before it can run.

It's been over 10 years now, and we're still standing around with our dicks in our hands. The time for learning was yesterday.

Look at SWG: NGE. The MMOG devs are still learning HOW TO LEARN.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on February 02, 2007, 01:24:00 PM
MMOG PvP has to learn how to walk before it can run.

It's been over 10 years now, and we're still standing around with our dicks in our hands. The time for learning was yesterday.

Look at SWG: NGE. The MMOG devs are still learning HOW TO LEARN.

Oh my fucking god I laughed so hard...

Normally I wouldn't post this type of dumb comment but really it was like a full throated laugh, not the kind of laugh you usually direct at your computer screen while sitting alone.

Also I dont see how turning MMO combat into FPS/RTS high end competition with levels/items/characters should constitute as walking and creating virtual world open pvp should be considered a much loftier goal.  EvE does the latter correctly (or pretty fucking close) while GW does the whole BG thing quite well.  The only problem is to do it well, GW had to give up MMO status.  Which leads me to continue to think that MMO's are inherently better suited to open world pvp aka players as content then they are to instanced arena pvp with basically an in-game OGL style league system.  I can't help but feel that there is more synergy in the various gameplay aspects if you go the EvE route.

P.S.  No DAOC is not a third route, please dont bother saying that.  DAOC's own people basically describe the DAOC/PS model as "boring "capture the windmill" gags that repeat endlessly and serve no real purpose".

edit:  found quote, fixt early part.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Nebu on February 02, 2007, 01:40:31 PM
P.S.  No DAOC is not a third route, please dont bother saying that.  DAOC's own people basically describe the DAOC/PS model as "boring "capture the windmill" gags that repeat endlessly and serve no real purpose".

DAoC has solid mechanics for an attempt at balanced MMOG pvp and I think it's a viable avenue.  I do agree that the goals associate with DAoC pvp are less meaningful than they could be.  I like DAoC pvp and find it to be the most satisfying of the MMOG PvP styles available.  Could it be improved?  Hell yes.

If WAR turns out to be little more than DAoC with a slicker interface and a better engine, I'd buy it.  I do hope for more... a lot more. 

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 02, 2007, 02:17:18 PM
French interview with Paul Barnett (http://war.jeuxonline.info/actualites/13475.html)

Quote from: Strange Foreign language might say something like the below, but if it doesn't I'll just blame warhammer alliance from where I pinched it
JoL : Will there be macros ?
PB : Yes there will be.

JoL : Will they be complex ? Or rather simple?Seront-elles complexes ?
PB : Neither too complex not too simplisitic, they will be middling evolutive.

JoL : Do you thin the release date (Q4 2007) will be fulfiled ?
PB : It's the plan. Right now, it is still actual.

JoL : What will turn in the RvR so appealing ? What reward can we expect ?
PB : Skills, stuffs, titles, access to new zones... Really a lot of things.

JoL : How are you going to include the future races which will come with extensions?
PB : The new races will join a faction. Order or Destruction. Only the Skavens will stay on their own ! We will create a new battlefront for them, because they fight everybody, nonetheless we don't know if the Skavens will come with the first expansion.

JoL : Will you really add all the races ? Do you know the first ones which will be added ?
PB : Practically all races yes, we think a lot of Wood Elves and Bretonnia. With Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts... Only Lustria don't interest us that much.

JoL : How do you expect to motivate the players to defend their realm and not their ally's ?
PB : It works with influence. Your king will grant you several rewards for having defend your realm whileyour influence toward him will grow. Then you shall work your influence with your allies'kings. They will also grant you rewards. Where it becomes big, it's that after having obtained a particular influence level towards your allies, your own king becomes active again and grants you for your global war effort ! You will thus accomplish a complete loop in 4 steps.

JoL : Can we attack minor cities ? Even out of the RvR zones ?
PB : All big cities will be in RvR zone. You could attack only what stands in RvR zone, if a village stand there, you can attack it.

JoL : Will Crowd Control be primordial as in DAOC ?
PB : Crowd Control will be very important but also very different. We use collisions and we want to use them at the maximum. Our goal is to introduce a notion of character mastery much more important than in the other mmo and we spend a lot more time to polish this system. Crowd controls spells and capacities will be limited on purpose. They will be in, but they won't have the same preponderance than in DAOC.

JoL : At which frequency can a capital be taken ?
PB : We don't know yet, we'll see with the beta. In my opinion, approximately once every 5 days. Let's say once per week.

JoL : What will make the catpure of capital so appealing ? Except the fun aspect.
PB : Take a capital is the best way to get stuff from your king.

JoL : Tell me a bit about the craft system.
PB : I cannot. It is Mark Jacobs who looks after the craft and he knows exactly what he wants to do with it. We are finalizing the concept.

JoL : We were able to see a wheel on a screenshot, no doubt it turns...
PB : Yes ...

JoL : Will the crafted items be as powerful as items obtained by quests or powerful monsters ?
PB : I can't talk about this.

JoL : Tell me a bit about the economy system.
PB : I can't.

JoL : Will the stuff be preponderant in the efficiency of the character ?
PB : I still can't.

JoL : Are you going to use a communication system such as mailing boxes ?
PB : I cannot ... we will use a system, but it will most probably not be mailing boxes.

JoL : Mutant pigeons ?
PB : Maybe ! No mailing boxes, it is too classic.

JoL : You talked about a RvR dungeon. How could we accede to it ?
PB : They will run a bit like DAOC, but in better. Mark is excellent in this domain.

JoL : How many dungeons could we explore at the release ?
PB : I don't know exactly.

JoL : We heard about two.
PB : Two, three ... I still don't know.

JoL : Could we fight big monsters ? Realms creatures ?
PB : Yes, Daemon Lords.

JoL : You have stated : no stealth, but Sanya talked about a style of stealthness.
PB : No stealth class. We'll have positional fight skills but no stealth.

JoL : We have heard that climbing would be possible.
PB : Everything depends on the technical department. If they can do it, I would include it to my design. But il looks complicated.

JoL : Will there be weapon specialisations ?
PB : Your weapons are determined by your career. A hammerer will use only hammers, a Witchhunter a rapier...

JoL : I have seen yesterday that some weapons were dedicated to a race, and others to a skill system such as "shield specialization".
PB : Yes everything runs through a skill system but thoses skills are only available to the carrers intended to use them. You can't gain a skill which is not intended for your career.

JoL : Will mounted fight be possible ?
PB : It is again a question for the technical department. I don't think so.

JoL : Please, tell me about the dwarfs and a possible mount.
PB : If mounts are in game, dwarves won't ride anything, no horse, no mule, no donkey, nothing of this. In the background, dark elves ride cold ones, empirans ride horses or gryphons but not the dwarves. However they will have a quick conveyance as the others, probably gyrocopters or something like that.

JoL : I have seen ab high elf yesterday, just before entering Ekrund Doors, and he has the eyes entirely black.
PB : Yes, we don"t know yet how to do. According to Games workshop, in 2002 their eyes were entirely black and in 2006 their eyes are quite human like. We don't know wichi solution we will choose. Maybe will we keep the two.

Surprising amount of new information, nice to see an interviewer just cut right through the crap for once and ask direct questions on game mechanics.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Riggswolfe on February 02, 2007, 02:26:33 PM
I wonder if weapon selection will be as limited as that review makes it sound. Hmm, something to ponder. And a witchhunter using a rapier? Bah. That's something a frumpy Bretonian noble would use. Witchhunters are more about real swords IMO.

JoL : Are you going to use a communication system such as mailing boxes ?
PB : I cannot ... we will use a system, but it will most probably not be mailing boxes.

JoL : Mutant pigeons ?
PB : Maybe ! No mailing boxes, it is too classic.

This exchange worries me. Too classic? It works, shouldn't that be more important than "it's used already, think of something new and unique!!"

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 02, 2007, 02:35:28 PM
If they have a mail system then just having mailboxes is lazy when they could do something weird for each race.  Really not keen on the weapon restictions myself.  I liked the wheel comment though, looks like crazy siege engines are in for the city attacks.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 02, 2007, 02:39:26 PM
I have serious doubts that Skaven will really turn out to be a 3rd realm.

'because they fight everybody' seems like weak reasoning, in warhammer everyone fights everybody - that's the whole point, but the existing realms certainly aren't set up that way.

I hope Skaven deliver a third realm, just like I also hope Orcs don't end up in the same realm as chaos - but that won't happen either.

Paul Barnett has a habit of getting carried away and suggesting stuff that fits the lore better, but doesn't necessarily turn out to mean what a MMOG fan site might parse it to mean.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on February 02, 2007, 02:40:43 PM

Also I dont see how turning MMO combat into FPS/RTS high end competition with levels/items/characters should constitute as walking and creating virtual world open pvp should be considered a much loftier goal.  EvE does the latter correctly (or pretty fucking close) while GW does the whole BG thing quite well.  The only problem is to do it well, GW had to give up MMO status.  Which leads me to continue to think that MMO's are inherently better suited to open world pvp aka players as content then they are to instanced arena pvp with basically an in-game OGL style league system.  I can't help but feel that there is more synergy in the various gameplay aspects if you go the EvE route.

P.S.  No DAOC is not a third route, please dont bother saying that.  DAOC's own people basically describe the DAOC/PS model as "boring "capture the windmill" gags that repeat endlessly and serve no real purpose".

edit:  found quote, fixt early part.
Because right now fighting dumb AI punching-bags is dominate mode of play.  Anything that breaks out of the mindless quest/kill/loot to fight other peoples is a win for all pvp.  For many people just showing them that you can fighting others *and* have fun at the same time would is step forward.  Each time a new MMOG with a central PvP stands up and walks(instead of shitting the bed and lying in its filth like UO/SB/EQ), it gives us a better understanding about what it takes get more into people into PvP.  GW, EvE, WoW, DAoC.  Each gives insight into the PvpP puzzle.  WAR and AoC will hopeful give us more.  Eventually we'll get an idea what to takes to give the players the freedom create their own destiny without having them reduce the game to slag.

Let's say Blizzad wants to a "Shadowbane Done Right" but they aren't sure about the market. Doesn't WAR being a huge success make it more likely SBDR gets green-lighted?

Also I disagree that the EvE's end-game is lofty in anyway (nothing noble about gang warfare).  Or that GW isn't MMOG(it isn't not a VW).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 02, 2007, 02:47:46 PM
I have serious doubts that Skaven will really turn out to be a 3rd realm.

Mark Jacobs jumped in to post for the first time in the other thread immediately after Daeven's comments about Skaven, zone control changing hands and warpstone.  Dunno, but I commented at the time that I thought it was odd.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on February 02, 2007, 03:00:52 PM
Weird stuff about Skaven, they completely pretzeled the lore to make 2 sides.  And then they undo it.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on February 02, 2007, 03:44:51 PM
@Tazel:  You are the one who called BG pvp walking and the concept of open world pvp running.  Not me, therefore I twisted that logic and called EvE's open pvp lofty.  I agree that anything with pvp as a core type of game experience is a step in the right direction, you dont see me dogging WAR for using a BG-system of pvp like some others have.  But that doesn't mean I'm not going to say that I still think that option does not fit as well in the medium as a more EvE/SB-esque open system.

As for GW, come on, if GW is a MMO then Gunbound and a host of games like it are MMO's.  If you think that is accurate then invent a new term that stands for MMOG's that have an online persistent world component and pretend I've been using that term instead of that standard MMO.  I think that the aye's have if on the GW is not a MMO department around here though.

@Everyone:  Do we really want to even waste text talking about what races they may add?  Seriously we're talking what minimum 3 years from now?

Also whoever did that French interview is pretty cool, actually asking questions that people want to know the answer to is an interesting twist on the whole interview process.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Johny Cee on February 02, 2007, 04:44:11 PM
@ Hoax:

Alot of what you say about DAoC PvP only shows part of what was actually happening.

Group on group fights,  when two good well balanced groups met,  is some of the best competive play you can have.  Fights tend to go on forever,  as the sides chase and retreat or catch their breath.  I've had quite a few group on group fights go between 5 and 10 minutes,  many times with the losing side pulling their shit together and coming out on top.

The problem is that you NEED a well balanced group with good players at key positions.  Otherwise,  you're in PUG hell and do tend to get rolled by the gank crews.  See some of Nebu, Eldaec, et al's comments on the real grinding in DAoC being social.  You need to form your play bonds so that you can log on,  look up those good players to fill up your group, and go.

DAoC's best real world equivalent sport is Golf.  Long periods of "meh" interspersed with amazing fun.  Some days are just bad,  and it's frustrating.

I also tend to think the "capture meaningless windmills" quote was more directed at WoW bgs that set capture location victory conditions that have no effect on the overall realm vs. realm board and just signify win this instance.

Between relic access, DF access, and the New Frontiers porting systems,  capturing a location does have significance.  Some of the best rvr you get is when someone takes the bull by the horns and establishes a port in another realm,  then moves on to knocking out opposing realms ports and threatening the relics.

You get groups and zergs roaming the frontier trying to counter, defend, and attack each other while 8 mans ambush the slow or small zergs and stealthers hit roamers.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: tazelbain on February 02, 2007, 05:02:55 PM
My point is EvE is still walking.  It still has a huge chunk of players in safe zones.  And its too small.  To get a top quality Open PvP world, we are going to need a Triple-A Developement team and that's going to require numbers that make Producers drool.

>I think that the aye's have if on the GW is not a MMO department around here though.
Its not my fault they can't see that Guild Wars is massive, multiplayer, online or a game.  I was using the term MMOG back people were still saying MMORPG.  Anyway, if GW isn't an MMO than neither is WoW.  It has jack shit for persistance either.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Strazos on February 02, 2007, 06:17:08 PM
I never understood how GW is not an MMO.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Hoax on February 02, 2007, 07:19:49 PM
Johny my point is not about the quality of the actual pvp but the mechanics of it.  The way I see it you can more or less group pvp into three types right now.

DAOC, PS > The mechanic for pvp are capturable static points that basically change hands from time to time and do provide some sort of bonus, reward or ability to trash talk but have little effect overall on the game.

WoW, GW > The primary pvp mechanic is a system that attempts or is working towards mimicking the way competition works in other online genres.  Basically like Margalis said, WoW's BG's draw a direct line back to console fighting games which passes it through fps and rts territory.  Two people/teams enter, one wins, the other looses.  Now with the new Arena season thing that I'm only just starting to try to find out about.  It sounds like WoW will try to incorporate some type of ladder/ranking system like they had with the old honor system.  Except this time around it sounds like they will be pushing more towards having a OGL/teamwarfare style ranking built into the game if I'm understanding what they are up to properly.  Basically in terms of pvp in WoW the world becomes a lobby and the pvp takes place in instances designed to let the best players prove they are the best.  Guildwars is even more direct about this since the pvp is the entire "endgame", Hall of Heroes is a perfect example of how this type of pvp is meant to work.  Capturing the hall means you need to beat teams that are winning also.  You only face good competition.  Capturing and holding the hall proves you are the best.  An artificial environment is created where charaters who gain their powers in a game world go to actually fight each other.  That is obviously in stark contrast to the last type of pvp.

SB, EvE > The mechanic for encouraging pvp is that through it players can actually control portions of the gameworld.  Really this has been talked to death, you know the deal here.

Now obviously you can say, well WoW pvp servers are just as much pvp enabled as EvE's 0.0 zones.  That is true or close to true.  But your being a jackass and nitpicking when you know that world pvp in WoW is dead and buried.

@tazel:  Have you played EvE?  A huge chunk are in safe zones, ok fine whatever.  Its too small?  What does this mean?  It has 33k people playing at once.  No WoW server comes close.  It is a top quality Open PvP world, the gameplay isn't for everyone but dont' rag on EvE because it doesn't have elves and appeal to the entire LCD.

@Strazos:  Fine its a fucking MMOG so is CS, there are tons of people playing it online and its a game...  Like I said invent me a term for Massive Multiplayer Online Games With a Persistent World that Matters (at max lvl WoW doesn't qualify tbh) and I'll start using that.  I'm not going to say sandbox because that term comes with hella baggage.  GuildWars doesn't play like a MMO it plays like any fps but where some servers are PvE areas and some are PvP areas.  Please also realize I'm talking about GW at launch if they've added a bunch of shit, good for them sorry I didn't know about it.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: stray on February 02, 2007, 08:00:01 PM
Even pushing the GW PvP model aside, GW is still not an mmo on PvE and general community terms. A lobby is not a world. And just because a massive number of people are using the same login server as you doesn't make it an mmo.

That isn't to say it's a bad idea necessarily though.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Signe on February 02, 2007, 08:05:25 PM
You are all MMOs to me.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Strazos on February 02, 2007, 08:57:58 PM
@Strazos:  Fine its a fucking MMOG so is CS, there are tons of people playing it online and its a game...  Like I said invent me a term for Massive Multiplayer Online Games With a Persistent World that Matters (at max lvl WoW doesn't qualify tbh) and I'll start using that.  I'm not going to say sandbox because that term comes with hella baggage.  GuildWars doesn't play like a MMO it plays like any fps but where some servers are PvE areas and some are PvP areas.  Please also realize I'm talking about GW at launch if they've added a bunch of shit, good for them sorry I didn't know about it.

If that's how you want to qualify whether a game is a MMO or not (to you), then practically all games fail to meet that standard. These are Games we are talking about. And they all play like games to me. W T F is the difference between GW and WoW, the amount of instancing? Because neither of their "worlds" matter one iota.

I mean, seriously. What, GW doesn't qualify because I don't run across other players out in the wilds? Those portions are PvE anyway, so the lack of other (non-party) players is probably a plus, because the instances allow for more customized/scripted missions.

EDIT: Hell, off the top of my head, wouldn't DDO be in the same category as GW, since all their missions are instances as well?

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 03, 2007, 02:05:52 AM
I'm with Strazos. I never understand why people think it's the open world structure that makes something an MMO.

The nature of GW, and even Diablo, is that your 'game' continues from one instance to the next, you can interact with a massively multiple number of players over the course of your 'game', and the results of your instance can impact everyone else in other instances - even if it is just by moving your team around a leaderboard, and earning loot that you can sell to other players.

If WAR was structured like GW for all combat, but still had the mobile battlefront, surely it still has to defined as an MMO.

And what, exactly, is the conceptual difference between a lobby screen where you click on the thing you want to visit next, and a rendered world that you move your avatar around to reach whatever you want to visit next?

The difference between GW and CS, is that in CS the game ends at the end of each rubber, before you could ever hope to interact with a massive number of players. Nothing carries over.

An instance structure doesn't prevent world altering events.

My reasons for being down on the idea of instances dominating RvR have more to do with the way they enable uber-guilds to dominate the landscape using small pre-made groups that exclude newbies. And because RvR has much more scope for larger scale events and for connected events (Johny's post above describes a lot of the great stuff that went on in daoc if only you could get through the price-of-entry grind). It seems a shame to dump much of the potential of the open and connected world when games like GW can already do the instance thing just as well as WAR could.

Hell, off the top of my head, wouldn't DDO be in the same category as GW, since all their missions are instances as well?

Also CoH (who street sweeps these days?).

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: eldaec on February 03, 2007, 02:40:35 AM
>I think that the aye's have if on the GW is not a MMO department around here though.
Its not my fault they can't see that Guild Wars is massive, multiplayer, online or a game.  I was using the term MMOG back people were still saying MMORPG.  Anyway, if GW isn't an MMO than neither is WoW.  It has jack shit for persistance either.

Couple more fun things about nomenclature.

1) I really enjoy how we started with MMORPG for massively multiplayer online roleplaying game. Later, we all dropped RP because no fuckers role play. We started calling things MMOGs. Nowadays producers refer have dropped the G, and refer to them as MMOs. Has someone recognised that these things aren't fun?

2) Persistence. Back in the days of UO, 'Persistent world' meant the things that you did were persistent. You built a house, it persisted to exist in the game world. These days you hear a producer say persistent, and what they now mean is that 'the game world stays the same, forever!'.

Isn't language fun?

On Skaven, some guy from Mythic posted this at Warhammer Alliance.

Quote from: Richard
First of all, the balance implications of that statement [that Skaven fight everyone as their own faction] make me and Sanya want to vomit violently...

Sanya has stated many times in the past that based on feedback, Skaven is definitely on top of the list as the most requested army not in the list. And she is on her hands and knees begging the powers that be to make sure they make the first expansion pack. But we aren't even close to the point where we'll start looking at which armies will make the first expansion and which alliance they'll belong to.

So it looks like Skaven will just join Destruction  :cry:. An asymmetric third realm would be incredibly cool, but it's not really the Mythic way of doing things. There are also some posters claiming the correct translation of PAul's interview is that Skaven can join order or destruction - personally I think that sounds flat out stupid.

And I find it frankly bizarre how people on that alliance forum are so dead against the concept of a third realm.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Daeven on February 03, 2007, 10:48:23 PM
You are all MMOs to me.

You are all squeaky little Skaven to me. And I am the Hammer of Sigmar. I shall now crush your skulls.

Oh. Useful feedback? Fine. They are making this a Teen Game? With the Warhammer IP? Dark Elf Bikini Goth Babes are ok, but Nergle is to 'icky'?  :roll:

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Daeven on February 03, 2007, 10:50:09 PM
So it looks like Skaven will just join Destruction  :cry:. An asymmetric third realm would be incredibly cool, but it's not really the Mythic way of doing things. There are also some posters claiming the correct translation of PAul's interview is that Skaven can join order or destruction - personally I think that sounds flat out stupid.

And I find it frankly bizarre how people on that alliance forum are so dead against the concept of a third realm.
Or, you know, they could do something really radical and add Lizzies and Skaven at the same time. It's not like there's a shortage of races.

Let me know when I can play an Ogre Maneater damn your eyes!

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Strazos on February 04, 2007, 12:47:18 AM
Dark Elf Bikini Goth Babes

I could go for one of those right now.  :evil:

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Johny Cee on February 04, 2007, 04:55:31 AM
I've floated this idea before, but....

Add races that are asymmetric.  Give them access to both Order and Destruction starting RvR points.  Then have a treaty system controlled by Mythic.  Use the asymmetric races to balance out population.

Order has a higher poputlation then Destruction?  The Skaven/Lizardmen/whoever can only access Destructioin starting points and can only attack Order forces.  Population balanced?  Skaven can access/attack either.  Just tag Skaven players as being pvp eligible to Destruction if they come in at Order spot.

Would seem to me to add shifting alliances and help counter population balances.

Of course,  Skaven will probably just get lumped into one side or the other.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Azazel on February 04, 2007, 05:48:29 AM
It does for me but it's a bit zoomed out for my taste.

Separated at birth?

Twin 1 (http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/downloads/wallpapers/images/tauren-icon/tauren-icon-1280x.jpg)

Twin 2 (http://www.warhammeronline.com/newsletter/images/2007/NL013007CArt_02.jpg)

You realise that Warhammer has had Beastmen that look just like that since before the first Warcraft RTS game came out, don't you? They appropriated them from Runequest's Bree, I believe.

Trust me, anything that you look at in Warhammer that looks eerily similar to something in Warcraft was in the Warhammer IP first, and stolen from somewhere else, before that.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Azazel on February 04, 2007, 06:45:31 AM
Or, you know, they could do something really radical and add Lizzies and Skaven at the same time. It's not like there's a shortage of races.

That's exactly what I was thinking, right up until I read the part of the interview where they say thay have little interest in Lustria...

When they were talking Brets and Woodies, I thought Vampire Counts and Tomb Kings would work ok, but then 2 undead races in the same expack might be too much. Skaven is next-to-Nurgle, anyways...

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 04, 2007, 06:48:38 AM
You realise that Warhammer has had Beastmen that look just like that since before the first Warcraft RTS game came out, don't you? They appropriated them from Runequest's Bree, I believe.

Trust me, anything that you look at in Warhammer that looks eerily similar to something in Warcraft was in the Warhammer IP first, and stolen from somewhere else, before that.

You having a laugh or what?

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Azazel on February 04, 2007, 10:29:50 AM
No, I'm dead serious. Though I could understand what you're getting at if you elaborated a little more.

Or you think Warhammer is copying Warcraft in some way regarding some (or any) part of the IP?

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Arthur_Parker on February 04, 2007, 02:07:02 PM
Even though the gameplay footage looked a bit like WoW, I didn't think twin 1 and twin 2 looked anything like each other, I was joking.

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Signe on February 04, 2007, 02:12:55 PM
I get you, Artie!  (http://smiley.onegreatguy.net/cheshire.gif)

Title: Re: War - Press Event Week
Post by: Seldaren on February 05, 2007, 08:37:52 AM
I liked the wheel comment though, looks like crazy siege engines are in for the city attacks.

In reference to the crafting stuff, and the wheel, I believe the French guy was referencing the paper mock up in on of Paul's vid blogs:

Look down at "Paper Prototype Crafting System". It's got a bunch of wheels and stuff. At least that's what I remembered when I saw the comment about "wheels" and "crafting".
