
f13.net General Forums => Blood Bowl Bullshit => Topic started by: Falconeer on October 05, 2011, 04:05:12 PM

Title: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 05, 2011, 04:05:12 PM
We are currently Playing.....
Game Day #1
** All games have to be played BEFORE October 15th **


** All games have to be played BEFORE October 15th **



For a match to be valid, it has to be uploaded on BB Manager. The winner has the onus of uploading. If it's a draw, players HAVE TO agree on who will do the uploading, or they both upload it (and I'll delete the extra one).
If I don't see a match on BB Manager, I won't validate it. If it stays like that at Game Day expiration, the winner will take a forfeit loss.

The League to use for your uploads is:  f13 League  * Season 5 *
Password is: vanguard

I don't know what's that for, but League id is 4905.

Try not to mess up the Game Day when you upload your match.


Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 05, 2011, 04:08:30 PM
Mother fu....  :ye_gods: 

Let's do this  :drill:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 05, 2011, 04:16:40 PM
Who is Ben.Skelly, my lucky opponent?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 05, 2011, 04:16:56 PM
I'm on California time, Comstar, so let me know when you want your hugs.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: avaia on October 05, 2011, 04:21:22 PM
Fuck.  Yes.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Teleku on October 05, 2011, 04:29:12 PM
Hmm, Goblin team for my first game.  This will probably end very badly for one of us, and I honestly can't say which.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 05, 2011, 04:48:53 PM


Also we should probably play our D&M game at some point.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 05, 2011, 05:05:48 PM
There are a lot of replays I'll be watching for Day 1...

I'm up for assassinating some Presidents as my welcome back...  :drill:

I'm GMT +9 Ruvaldt, How does my Saturday morning, your Friday night sound?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 05, 2011, 05:18:29 PM
Forgot a picture, how silly of me!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 05, 2011, 06:10:55 PM
I'll be around this weekend if you want to play then Haem.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 05, 2011, 06:12:18 PM

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Modern Angel on October 05, 2011, 06:43:45 PM
Teleku and I drew 1-1. The Goblin Team nearly won it. They are mighty.

No f13 Season 5 in the League quite yet for some reason. I think it takes a day or so to cycle. Now approve my game so I can level up my dudes.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Bann on October 05, 2011, 06:47:00 PM
The Goblin Team 1 - The Dandies 1

Pouring rain the entire match, but it didnt have as big an effect as I feared it might. As expected, some casualties in this match, I killed his ball and chain guy, but saw a lineman lose 1 str and a catcher lose 1 mobility. Ill probably spend some of that cash I've been banking and bring in some new recruits.

Falc, Neither of us saw a f13 season 5 in BBM, so I went ahead and uploaded our match to season 4 as matchday 10. Ill reupload once season 5 starts showing up on BBM.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Modern Angel on October 05, 2011, 06:53:25 PM
I don't list casualties because we're fucking GOBLINS and we don't care. Corpseflesh is merely a snack before we dine on the children of men. It whets the appetite.

I also had an outside shot at a win but I goofed on turn tracking. It was a bit of a pickle as far as picking up the ball and dodging but it was there. This entire thing is basically the same thing as a win for goblins.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: HaemishM on October 05, 2011, 08:20:54 PM
I'll be around this weekend if you want to play then Haem.

I'll check Steam nightly from now til we play.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 05, 2011, 10:55:11 PM


I am PST and should be available for the remaining weeknights (tomorrow, Friday) and plausibly sometime afternoonish on either weekend day. If you want to set a particular time, just let me know, if not I will keep an eye peeled and try to stay logged in to Steam when I am around.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Cancklebiter on October 05, 2011, 11:47:57 PM
Who is Ben.Skelly, my lucky opponent?

That be me.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: IainC on October 05, 2011, 11:49:41 PM
Elves vs Tomb Guardians? That sounds like a good combination.

I'm ready to flap ineffectually at you Proudft!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 06, 2011, 12:39:01 AM

For a match to be valid, it has to be uploaded on BB Manager. The winner has the onus of uploading. If it's a draw, players HAVE TO agree on who will do the uploading, or they both upload it (and I'll delete the extra one).
If I don't see a match on BB Manager, I won't validate it. If it stays like that at Game Day expiration, the winner will take a forfeit loss.

The League to use for your uploads is:  f13 League  * Season 5 *
Password is: vanguard

I don't know what's that for, but League id is 4905.

Try not to mess up the Game Day when you upload your match.


Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ulysees on October 06, 2011, 01:12:47 AM
Ok Ice I am around tonight and tomorrow night but am UK based - will watch out for you on steam and if it is that the time slip is too much will get our game played at the weekend. If we have not spoken on steam before friday will sort out a proper time with you via PM.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Modern Angel on October 06, 2011, 05:08:07 AM
Me and Bann's game is uploaded properly now, Falc.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: AndyDavo on October 06, 2011, 05:24:42 AM
Fuck.  Yes.

Speak to me on steam - lets get this rolling!

Thursday isa  great day to pick, i'm GMT +1. otherwise i'm working fri/sat/sun till 8pm my time but could offer you an evening. Oh but not sunday.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Teleku on October 06, 2011, 08:42:11 AM
Teleku and I drew 1-1. The Goblin Team nearly won it. They are mighty.

No f13 Season 5 in the League quite yet for some reason. I think it takes a day or so to cycle. Now approve my game so I can level up my dudes.
Man, I must have been really drunk last night to have played a game, against the wrong opponent no less, and not even remember!


Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Scadente on October 06, 2011, 08:51:09 AM
Ginaz: Added you on Steam (username: LoveTruncheon). Best times for me are on Sunday or Monday; I live in London, so GMT.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 06, 2011, 08:53:54 AM
Falc, not sure if you're getting my PMs here, but I friended you on Steam.  I'm available after 7PM EST every night.  Let's get this Halfling beat-down over with already  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Modern Angel on October 06, 2011, 09:07:51 AM
Man, I must have been really drunk last night to have played a game, against the wrong opponent no less, and not even remember!


AUGH! I meant Bann

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 06, 2011, 11:13:52 AM
Comstar: my regular PC is dying (again) so we might get stuck playing on my laptop which could have some performance issues. I'll see what I can do about fixing the PC tonight.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ginaz on October 06, 2011, 11:30:36 AM
Ginaz: Added you on Steam (username: LoveTruncheon). Best times for me are on Sunday or Monday; I live in London, so GMT.

PM sent and I'll add you on Steam when I get home from work today.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 06, 2011, 12:13:59 PM
Cancklebiter and I tried to plat tonight but we ran into that "Port forwarding" thing again. I've recently rebuilt my gaming rig so it could easilly be me. I'm going to bed now, but I should be able to fix it tomorrow and we hope to get the game in then.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ulysees on October 06, 2011, 12:16:34 PM
Ice and I are scheduled to play 12pm his time 8pm my time on Saturday. Wonder if Lizards have invented fire yet? Need to do something about that tree man, the rest of his team are just SPP waiting to be farmed!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: proudft on October 06, 2011, 01:58:28 PM
Burrowing Beetles tie Fnurianah Cianthyralyeh Elven Bullshit 2-2.   An utter Khemri mismanaging of the first half (playing goblins too much lately, ok?) was saved by some desperation thro-ra passes in the last turns of the half to make it 1-2 and set up a low-expectations tie for the second half. 

Fortunately the cowardly elves decided to, once knocked out, stay out, and the wood elf brigade got pretty thin near the end of the game, and the 2-2 tie came to pass.  Nobody died on either side.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: IainC on October 06, 2011, 02:26:12 PM
Elven Bullshit was doing well until it started having to make KO rolls.

The Khemrians kicked and I scored a standard 2 turn TD to start things off despite the rain. I kicked back and the ball landed safely in the hands of a Thro-Ra so I Wardancered him and the ball went loose. The Undead try to pick the ball up again but fail thanks to the rain so my catcher dodges in, grabs the ball and gets away. Unfortunately he can't get far enough away and he gets blitzed down in turn. Luckily his armour holds so a Wardancer pushes away one of his markers allowing him to spring to his feet grab the ball from under the noses of the Undead and trot it over the line for a second TD on turn five.

For the third drive of the half however, I have two KOd players and they both fail their rolls so I'm down to 9 Elves on the pitch. Once again the rain thwarts the Undead attempt to collect the ball and I push my team forwards to capitalise on this. The sight of angry fairies bearing down on the ball focuses the Undead and they manage to pick the ball up and throw it but the throw is wide and it lands in the middle of my half. My thrower Caractacus grabs the ball and manages to fumble the throw as well (Agi 5, Pass). The Undead get the ball again and throw it down the pitch, Caractacus is in position to intercept but fails to do so and again it's a bad pass. Caractacus goes to grab the ball but fails a GfI to reach the square that the ball is in, the Agi 2 Blitz-Ra successfully picks the ball up despite the tackle zone on it and then walks it in to make it 2-1 on the whistle.

At the second half I have four KOd Elves and two make their roll so I'm now down to 8 players as I have a Badly Hurt Line-Elf too. After the excitement of the first half, the second half is fairly dull. The Undead cage up and grind very slowly down the pitch while I try a series of increasingly desperate blocks to try and stop them. Eventually it becomes clear that while I can't stop them from scoring I have stopped them from winning as there's no way that the Undead will score early enough to leave time for another TD afterwards. If they did then they'd likely hand me a victory as I'd be much more likely to snap out a fast score than they would. They batter as many Elves as they can reach and finally score their second in their last turn of the match. I have one turn left and, there's a mathematical chance that I can get a 1 turn TD with a Quick Snap or a regular 2 turn TD if there's a riot. Sadly neither of these things happen and the match ends with a pointless pass for SPP farming. For my last turn I have six KO rolls and only one is successful. In  total I made 3 out of 12 KO rolls in the match.

My catcher levelled and a Thro-Ra levelled so ew'll see what they get when the match is validated. I rolled a 1 for my winnings which bodes poorly for my Apothecary and rerolls fund. At least I have no players out of action for the next game.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 06, 2011, 03:03:39 PM
Ramas/Ezrast/whatever, let me know when you're available.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 06, 2011, 03:21:47 PM
There are a lot of replays I'll be watching for Day 1...

I'm up for assassinating some Presidents as my welcome back...  :drill:

I'm GMT +9 Ruvaldt, How does my Saturday morning, your Friday night sound?

Sounds good to me as long as the fiancee doesn't object between now and then.  If that happens I'll let you know, or try to.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ulysees on October 06, 2011, 03:38:48 PM
The Minizilla's 1 - Cloudpunks 1

Forget Elven bullshit when you get Nuffle bullshit it is 10 times worse. My first 2 blocks hurt Ice's WD and then KO'd his catcher and things were looking quite rosy, after a bit of manouvering i finally trap Ice's thrower deep in my half and he fails a dodge away from my Krox which spills the ball and with a number of elves on the sidelines Ice is badly out of position if only my skink can pick up the ball and then scurry to the safety of the sideline where I can get him covered to run in the score on Ice's offence which I think will put me in good stead to receive in the second half so with a prayer to nuffle and a reroll in hand I move to pick up the ball which fails, as does the re-roll and the ball scatters out of bounds and the resulting toss in couldn't have been kinder because I failed to do the hitting before the picking! the toss in lands on the far side of the pitch next to a group of previously out of position elves who tip their hat to father nuffle and run in the opening touchdown with 3 turns left of the half.

I receive the kick off and prepare a 2 turn score but Ice easily snuffs that out so I advance a standard cage in 2 turns which Ice's WD failed in his leap attempt to crack and with a grin and a wave I prepare my final push of the half. Clear a few elves, make a single GFI and I am all tied going into the second half. First 2 blocks work a charm then the key one that releases the skink comes up with both down and defender down on a non block saurus - no re-rolls means a turnover and the half ends.

Second half I receive and this time advance a standard cage with the aim of just bashing as much as I can to try and get some SPP on the saurus' which works quite well, though I don't score any further injuries I do manage to score a total of 4 KO's, Ice once again managed to break the cage but was unable to recover the ball and a bad bounce put it in a nice tight group of my big hitters who once again pummeled some elven faces and this time I manage to pick up the ball succusfully and scurry into a corner with a couple of guards to make it tough for Ice to get the ball off me and run the clock down to score on my last turn of the match to secure the draw.

A hard earned draw but I think it was a fair result. I had the luck with my opening blocks taking his key players out for the first drive and but for that failed pick up and very kind toss in would have gone into the half either 1 up or at least still 0-0 but even with only 1 wardancer and 1 re-roll ice made me work hard for the draw and I can see Ice having a lot of joy with this team if he manages to keep his rosta together after he has faced the other lizard team and the murder squads that are Strazos and Eldaecs Norse.

Match is uploaded to BBmanager.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 06, 2011, 03:41:13 PM
Cloudpunks tie the Minizilla's 1-1.

This was a weird game, where everyone took turns getting alternately lucky and unlucky in fairly even measure -- but overall I got a lot luckier (and Ulysees got a lot unluckier) when it mattered most, allowing me to salvage an unlikely tie. I started on offense and sent my catcher and wardancer downfield as receivers -- only to have the wardancer badly hurt and the catcher KOed on two subsequent hits. Which were at that point the only two successful knockdowns the lizards had managed -- not boding well at all for my chances, since this left me to try and mount a successful running game with only 9 elves left on the field. This had predictable results, with many mostly-useless reverses eventually resulting in my running out of time on a crucial last-minute dodge and turning over the ball with half my remaining team committed to the opposite side of the field. At which point Ulysees immediately ran a skink forward to pick up the ball, failed, fumbled the ball out of bounds, and watched the crowd throw it completely across the field to where all my unmarked elves were still standing from the previous turn. Hardly one to turn down a gift from Nuffle, I picked it up, handed it off, and ran it in on the next turn for a 1-0 score.

This still gave the lizards three turns to score, however, and while my Wardancer was back (thanks to a turn 2 apothecary, which miraculously failed to come back to haunt me), my catcher remained KOed for the rest of the match. (I went 1/7 on KO recovery rolls, see: luck in all directions.) The kick-off was a quick-snap, which for reasons as-yet-unclear prompted Ulysees to move his Kroxigor back off the line to where the ball was going to land -- he promptly caught the ball, of course, which led to another one of those great unlucky-lucky moments, as his hand-off to a skink failed, only to have the ball bounce triangularly back towards the same skink, who caught it on the second try and thus avoided a turnover.

Meanwhile the lizards blitzed forward up one sideline to set up a skink in a sideline cage, while caging up the ball carrier near the line. I promptly smashed his sideline cage to bits, pinning the skink against the sideline, but leaving the rest of my line fairly thin -- resulting in a predictable blitz up the middle by the main cage, who set up with the ball in scoring position. However, the set-up was pretty squeezed-in, with several of the points of the cage up against my elves. Not only that, I had somehow managed to harbour my team's single reroll for the entire half. It was therefore a simple matter to mark up the remaining side of the cage and block my Wardancer free for a decisive defensive leap-and-smash on the skink with the ball. "Time to spend my reroll" I announced, since I figured between the leap and the block I might need it. And it's true, I did need it -- and another one, after the WD doubly-failed the leap, landing in a thankfully-uninjured pile of elf right next to the ball carrier.

This seemed rather unfair to me, especially since the lizards were practically guaranteed to score on the next turn -- except that Ulysees had already spend all his rerolls recovering from failed GFIs while on defense, and the last block necessary to give the skink a free path to the TD came up skulls, somehow preserving my undeserved lead into the second half.

The dice generally got more sensible in the second half, except that the lizards continued an above-average KO rate, which generally kept me fielding 8-9 elves at any time. However, this also meant that I escaped further casualties in the game, and meanwhile I did manage to break the collarbone on one of the side-stepping skinks. I pulled off a successful cage-leaping sack with my Wardancer early in the half, and most of the rest of the game was spent with both teams trying to get a clear chance to pick up the ball. Ulysees wisely spent his apothecary keeping his last conscious skink from getting KOed out of the game, and in the end a series of unlucky bounces (and arguably unwise ball-pushes) put the ball in the skink's hands for the late-game stall and score.

I had an outside chance of attempting a 1-turn TD, except that of course my Catcher was still KOed and my Wardancer had been re-KOed by that point, so I settled for some random blocking and my Thrower earned his very first SPP.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 06, 2011, 03:44:06 PM
Somebody win a game, sheesh!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: proudft on October 06, 2011, 03:48:49 PM

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Comstar on October 06, 2011, 03:59:28 PM
After reading Ulysees's match report I'm all out of breath. It was like reading the transcript of an AFL match!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 06, 2011, 04:08:12 PM
After reading Ulysees's match report I'm all out of breath.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Teleku on October 06, 2011, 04:27:03 PM
Kail, I have a friend from Norway visiting right now, so I'm kind of busy every night through Saturday.  Sunday evening and after could work though.  Just PM me what times are best for you.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 06, 2011, 06:21:59 PM
Wow. Skaven v Skaven. Amazing first half!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 06, 2011, 06:46:29 PM
Holy shit. Second half was the same.

I don't want to post the result, you should watch the replay.

Which Haem has put up on BB Manager.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: HaemishM on October 06, 2011, 06:59:04 PM
What... a... fucking... game.

Rape of Skabine 3 - Zellar Dwellarz 2

Lamaros is right. Watch the replay. There is some CRAZY Skaven on Skaven action, especially in that first half. I started by injuring 3 of his guys, INCLUDING his Rat Ogre, KOed another and scored a touchdown on a couple of lucky bounces that should have had me lose the game. He scored in just as whacky a rat bastard fashion. My second TD came on a gutter runner to gutter runner long pass. His second game on the last play of the half with some crazy blocking on my Rat Ogre, a handoff and some skillful dodging. The last TD came late in the game thanks to one shadowing, blodging rat bastard gutter runner taking out my Stormvermin with the ball.

The injuries were almost even, except that I have a gutter runner missing a game with a -1 AV, my thrower is dead, my level 2 guarding stormvermin is dead and a useless linerat is dead. Oh and only 40k winnings so no replacements any time soon.

We may have fucked each other's seasons with the injuries, but WHAT A GAME.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 06, 2011, 07:02:43 PM
I will write up a report later on. Here's a small highlight:

I scored on the last turn of the first half after a riot gave me two runs at it, rather than one. With no rerolls I blocked his Rat Ogre with a linesman, which was a push. Then I dodged a GR from next to the RO to next to the RO (-2 from TZ and tail), then made a pass to another GR. Then ran and made a dodge to score.

This is reflective of the game in general. EVERYTHING that could have happened, happened (Haem rolled a 6 to dodge his RO, but by that time nothing was surprising anymore). Nuffle looked to have fucked me bad early on, then it decided to fuck Haem instead. Then it went back to me. Then to him. Then to me. Then, when all was finally sorted and I was in control, it decided to KILL Haem's thrower and blitzer.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: proudft on October 06, 2011, 07:21:19 PM
Yet the spectators only gave it an 18/20.  WHAT MORE DO THEY WANT?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 06, 2011, 07:51:39 PM
Beardstorm! 2 - f13 Catfighters 0

It went pretty much how you were all predicting - injured/stunned/KOed Amazons hitting the floor right and left. I kicked off, eventually wrestled the ball away for a turn 8 score, then after a long drive and some loose ball shenanigans managed to get in again on turn 13 for a 2nd score. The ensuing kickoff wasted a turn, then Comstar's passer fumbled the first pickup, and that was that. No permanent damage done to either side, and I leveled a blitzer and my deathroller.

My instinct is that the one-die blocks that were thrown in the game were definitely skewed towards me for results - Comstar skull-reroll-skulled them at least twice.

Thanks to Comstar for submitting the match, as my PC died (again ><) and I am playing from my laptop with no clue what my BBM password is.

A couple other random thoughts:

- Kick-off return has been outstanding, it has really helped with my weakness against deep kicks. Well worth it.
- Good LORD Comstar has a lot of guard. I'm glad I didn't see him til this season.
- I had one turn where I stunned 5 amazons in a row.  :evil:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Comstar on October 06, 2011, 07:53:41 PM
My prediction was wrong on both counts.

Dwarves 2 Amazons 0, and only 4 badly hurts. A dwarf blitzer and the Deathroller both gain a skill.

The first half had Nuffle going for the Dwarves. Every single die block they made ended up with a knock down, every one the girls tried ended in skull and then skull again. A Dwarf Blitzer made an interception in a tacklezone and doomed my efforts at an early touchdown. I was able to sack the ball carrier, and had  slim chance at a 1-1 half, which failed when a ball carting Amazon fell over on a last dodge before a last ditch pass to the middle.

With only 7 girls on the pitch on the second half I was up against it, but leaving a hole in the middle allowed the possibility of the Dwarf back line being separated from the front. Sadly the Dwarf runner is too fast and just walked down into a 2nd cage. A cage I was able to break open with some fancy footwork, and had the ball dropped and covered by 3 Amazons. However, I ran out of players and the Dwarves scooped up the ball with ease. The second half ended the game for me when the ref moved the clock forward 3 turns before the end, and a failed Sure Hands pick up sealed my hope of getting a 2-1 score.

My season prediction has not changed - Ingmar to lead the group, followed by Carnifex. If this is how Nuffle treats my old girls, I'll see you in the failloffs.

F13 Catfighters | 0 - 2 | Beardstorm!

I can only hope with a level 3 Deathroller the Dwarves kill the other teams. Death to all Supecaps Dwarves.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 06, 2011, 08:23:29 PM
A Dwarf Blitzer made an interception in a tacklezone and doomed my efforts at an early touchdown.

Forget elf bullshit, dwarf bullshit is where it's at.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 06, 2011, 08:26:47 PM
Here's the match report for those who don't want to watch the game. It is pretty simple, so I might try and make it a bit more entertaining later:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 06, 2011, 10:20:00 PM
I don't want to post the result, you should watch the replay.

I started to do so, then I remembered that watching same-race replays is absolutely, mind-bogglingly retarded. Stupid ol' Cyanide.  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 06, 2011, 10:20:50 PM
What happens with same-race replays? I'm not nearly dorky enough to watch replays, m'self.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 06, 2011, 10:26:49 PM
You just can't tell who is on which team, ever. It's marginally better for some races and some colour combinations, but even like, neon green Chaos vs. hot pink Chaos is basically way more trouble than it's worth.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: lamaros on October 06, 2011, 10:54:06 PM
Yeah it's a bit stupid. I watched it through myself quickly to write the report, and I often had to click on players to make sure who was who. And that's having been one of the teams!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: avaia on October 07, 2011, 03:29:53 PM
Andy danced his way all around me en route to a 4-0 victory.  1 cas for each side, I think my rotter had a fractured skull while he had a BH.  Block beast missed a prime opportunity to take out the dirty witch elf early and Papa Nurgle only got more disappointed after that.

It could've been worse for both sides, instead of just being embarrassing from a score perspective.  :pedobear:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: AndyDavo on October 07, 2011, 03:35:28 PM
I got rather lucky with the cas dice in game day 1 - something i  have not said on here for quite some time. Next up for him is ogres, so he won't be worrying about anything dancing anywhere. While i have Heam's damaged rats.

Falc can we get some games validated please? It would be rather nice to see how day 1 is playing out.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 07, 2011, 04:53:15 PM
A flurry of validations occurred!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 07, 2011, 05:07:36 PM

Sounds good to me as long as the fiancee doesn't object between now and then.  If that happens I'll let you know, or try to.

Get back online on Steam before I play my HH game with Proudft!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 07, 2011, 05:24:59 PM
Now my deathroller has multiple block, ho ho ho

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 07, 2011, 05:32:43 PM

Sounds good to me as long as the fiancee doesn't object between now and then.  If that happens I'll let you know, or try to.

Get back online on Steam before I play my HH game with Proudft!

I came back but now you're away!  I'm about to eat dinner, briefly, but will return again.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 07, 2011, 05:37:10 PM
I couldnt connect to my oppponent agai9n today. inyone have a link to those opening ports artikles? damn cyanide...

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 07, 2011, 09:12:27 PM
Sadly me and Ruvaldt had the same problems as SirT, hopefully one of us will sort out the connection problems before the weekend.  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Comstar on October 08, 2011, 12:48:58 AM
Falconner, I suggest you put this as a spoiler in the thread if it's not already there


EVERYONE should do this. In theory if one person does it may work, but sometimes it still won't. In practice BOTH people need to do it. Step 1 is the big one, and fixes most people's problems.

The good news is, once done I've found the multiplayer game very reliable and since I've done is back at the start of season 2, have never had a problem.

1- Ports not forwarded to a static IP address. This would prevent you from connecting at all rather than making recurring disconnect happen mid game. Nevertheless it is worth to give it a check just in case. Some routers do not require any forwarding at all while others need this bit of tweaking to allow the game play properly. Double check that your ports are correctly forwarded just in case:
Port UDP 9103
Port TCP/UDP 16962

There are several ways to open your ports or to check they are open, but the following two sites are quite popular for help:
a) http://www.portforward.com : this one is a classic, it explains how to creat static IP addresses and gives instructions step by step on how to forward ports in your router, it has an extensive library with (almost) any router.
B) http://www.simpleportforwarding.com/download : this one I think is even better as it has a great application that does all for you. Its FAQ is also quite detailed and the admin, Shane, is lightning fast in responding to questions or issues using his application. EDIT: this tool has been updated and now you need to pay a fee to access the full functionality.

Note: Some routers may not need a static IP address as they already recognize each PC (or rather their network name) connected to the network. In those cases port forwarding has to be referenced to a specific PC name that shows in the available list at your router port managing menu.

2- Your router may be one of the ones that seem to be NOT quite compatible with Bloodbowl, see following threads for more info. In essence Bloodbowl data transmission code seems unable to handle certain router models and makes them disconnect randomly.

Some have attributed this instability of the game to the fact its data transmission system is based on UDP packages which allegedely are more prone to router issues.

Try for example connecting your ISP modem directly to your PC without the wireless router (if you have one) involved. See if you still have disconnects. If you dont then this isolates the problem to how the game interacts with your router.

3- You are maybe playing with a 2 screen set up and have pop up events in one making Bloodbowl disconnect/crash. See this thread:

4- Sync errors related to the animations while playing. Some disconnects have also been reported due to different animation options selected by each player. See post number 7 on page 6 of the following thread:

5- Also connection issues related to antivirus preventing bloodbowl exchanging data. Make sure your antivirus is set up to allow Bloodbowl through. This would prevent the game from connecting altogether so not sure this may be your problem.

6- BT Home Hub 2 in particular seems to have its share of issues but here a fix was confirmed to work for it: http://www.cyanide-studio.com/forumBB/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=25385&start=20

Again, make 100% sure nothing has changed in your system. If everything worked fine earlier but not anymore, chances are that something has changed albeit small. Maybe your ISP has introduced some changes in your line, maybe you have changed router, or its set up for portforwarding, or even its actual position.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 08, 2011, 08:49:09 AM
Yeah, I was trying to play through a router that isn't mine and Llyse was trying to play through a similarly limited internet source.  We'll get it sorted out one way or another; I'm badgering my new roommate for router username/password today.  Only the challenger needs open ports, thankfully.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ulysees on October 08, 2011, 09:02:57 AM
Having watched that hot rat on rat action I have to say I wish there were more matches with same races that were as entertaining. Based on my experience playing Drogg I am not looking forward to facing Ginaz when that match roles round. Those 2 deaths in the last few turns of the match were real bitches, I feel for you Haem but you made a much more skilled team really work for that win, well played both.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 08, 2011, 09:27:07 AM
2-0 Carnifex in my first match. He killed Timmah! Other than that, it was fairly ho-hum.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: carnifex27 on October 08, 2011, 09:36:51 AM
Wasn't a particularly exciting match at all.  Both our teams spent a lot of time on the pitch, but we only got 1 causualty each.  My badly hurt skink and his dead beastman.  All in all, Paelos played a very good game, other than not taking low risk moves first all the time.  There were a few times he didn't stand all of his downed players up before taking riskier moves, and he made a lot more 1-die blocks w/o reroll than I would have been comfortable with.  Other than that he was a very solid coach, though I question his decision to have 6 rerolls.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 08, 2011, 10:04:40 AM
If you don't have much block it does make sense for a Chaos team to stack up a lot of rerolls.  Six might be excessive, but not by much.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: HaemishM on October 08, 2011, 11:54:51 AM
After tweaking my Skaven team, I see that AndyDavo will have about a 1000 TV advantage over me in our next game. I look forward to seeing what inducements I can get out of that.  :grin:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 08, 2011, 12:54:33 PM
Wasn't a particularly exciting match at all.  Both our teams spent a lot of time on the pitch, but we only got 1 causualty each.  My badly hurt skink and his dead beastman.  All in all, Paelos played a very good game, other than not taking low risk moves first all the time.  There were a few times he didn't stand all of his downed players up before taking riskier moves, and he made a lot more 1-die blocks w/o reroll than I would have been comfortable with.  Other than that he was a very solid coach, though I question his decision to have 6 rerolls.

I was afraid if I stook up my beastman with hands when the game was out of reach, he'd take a bad injury. It was a simple "play for next week" strategy.  :grin:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 08, 2011, 01:23:46 PM
Oh god the blood...

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ulysees on October 08, 2011, 01:35:32 PM
Oh god the blood...

Can't wait for the match report on this one - both teams werewolves killed in bizzare berserker love triangle?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 08, 2011, 02:33:21 PM
Diplomatic Immunity vs Silver Horde FC

Game starts with DP winning the toss and electing to receive. They proceed to plod up the field, making decent progress in removing a few Horde players from the pitch. Even so, FC manages to clog up DI enough to stall the run, and come close to getting a hand on the carrier. The star DI runner then breaks out of the pack with the ball, flanked by a single lineman for cover. About halfway through the half, and the ball on the goal line, the Horde close in on the carrier...but, seeing as the ball was in the hands of one of the league's better runners, the non-trivial dodge is made and Diplomatic Immunity go up 1-0 with a few turns left in the half. The rest of the time is spent bashing about, and both teams are starting to suffer losses - a Silver Horde player managed to take two players off the pitch with a single hit.

Second half starts with a kick to FC. With both teams losing players at a steady clip, Silver Horde starts to lose steam around midfield. The ball pops out into the stands, and is tossed back in by the DI goal line, far from the scrum. A few risky failed blocks later, and no Horde players are able to get to the ball before the end of the game. DI plays it safe and keep all Horde players covered...which is unfortunate, as a last-moment TD may have been possible if players had been in position.

A few players were almost crippled or killed, but saved by apothecaries. Unfortunately, I'll be down a werewolf next game, in order to avoid -1AV on him. I also narrowly missed leveling a player to 5, but he flubbed the short pass attempt.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 08, 2011, 02:36:04 PM
Silver Horde vs Diplomatic Immunity

Immunity win the toss, elect to recieve.

Old Vncent kicks deep and left, Diplomatic Immunity make a quick snap and get contact with both Horde wolves on the wings. Caleb the Ripper is immeadiately knocked out and the massed immunity line takes control of the centre, however Reginveig seems to take an age to pick up the ball, Mrs Cake knocks BjorkBjorg off the pitch, letting Nijel the Destroyer through to attempt to sack the DI ball carrier before a cage can form. Voltan the Indestructable is badly hurt on the right wing at the same time.

Immunity are able to push Nijel off the ball carrier, and seeing that the Horde have left their right flank exposed, Reginveig starts a run down that side. Detritus the troll reacts quickly charging into the DI cage and knocking out Grimgeirr the beserker in the process, and the Horde form a new line one third of the way into their half. A maul forms, Bruce the Hoon knocks out Eilif Skalla-Grimir and Badly hurts Ketilbrandir (both linemen) with a single block, it looks like things are going the Horde's way but a failed dodge by Immortal Jenkins gives the diplomats the opening they need. Rakr Ulfhedinn (wolf) badly hurts Eric Stronginthearm (lineman), letting Reginveig complete a handoff to Bergi Kormak, who makes it to the TD line with support from Ospakr the Mad (STR4 lineman). Bruce the Hoon and Reginveig and knocked out in the ongoing melee, while Mrs Cake (wolf) and Mad HAmish (tackle lineman) combine to stun Ospakr, and force a -1 dodge under tackle from Bergi. But the diplomat's dice hacking coach is able to carry it off : 1-0 on turn 6.

With 3 turns to score, the Horde try a brave run through the centre, but too few players are on hand to screen Bruce the Hoon's run, the DI team see out the half, Bruce the Hoon is knocked out, while Mad Hamish is badly hurt in the process.

Second half, the depleted Horde side recieve, but morale is high since it stands to reason that now there are more Diplomats than Horde, they will be easier to hit. The ball lands in the end zone and is retrieved by Bravd the Hublander, who cages deep in his half before spotting an opportunity to make a run on the left. Meanwhile on the LoS Grimgeirr is once again knocked out. As Bravd approachs the halfway line, Bersi Kormac finds a way through to knock down the ball carrier, Bruce the Hoon fails to retrieve it, and a scrum forms around the ball. Rakr Ulfhedinn is taken off with a groin strain, while Bersi Kormak is badly hurt, on the Horde side Nijel the Destroyer also comes off hurt before Bruce the Hoon retreives the ball, but he too is knocked down and the ball falls to Old Vincent, Bersifrear reacts quickly for the Diplomats, landing a seeming fatal block on Old Vincent, but the Horde Apothecary is able to reduce the damage to a broken jaw. Bersifear's cowardly tackle has pushed the ball into the crowd, and wanting to see justice done, the crowd throw the ball back deep into diplomatic territory. Unfortunately, it is not enough, as Nuffle choose the moment to fuck over any horde player attempting to dodge from the melee or even GFI in the general direction of the ball. Detrutus knocks himself out running for the ball, and the game ends.

Silver Horde 0 - 1 Diplomatic Immunity

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 08, 2011, 03:48:43 PM
I can't believe I am watching Strazos' +1 strength pro tackler lying on the ground between 4 players, with a random Kick dude standing nearby just dying to apply a proper boot to his head, and instead eldeac sends a ball carrier downfield with no protection at all. How am I supposed to win my games if you people can't even permanently hurt each other!

Edit: Okay well at least later that Werewolf got hurt. I'll take what I can get!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: ezrast on October 08, 2011, 04:55:19 PM
Hunqua Hunqua Burninluv 2-1 over Rouge Rogues.

With 350k in inducements I took one babe, two extra apothecaries, and one bribe that I never used. Drogg elected to kick off the game, and I picked up the ball easily, but couldn't get anyone upfield to receive it except for one Catcher, who got knocked down by the sideline and marked up by three Skinks. While all his larger pieces were committed to preventing my Linemen from advancing, I managed to break away my other Catcher and started pounding away at his Skinks backfield. Just as it was looking bleak for my dwindling numbers on the line of scrimmage, the first Catcher pulled out of the melee and jogged into the endzone, where he received a beautiful pass for the score. Best of all, it took 6 whole turns for all this to happen, which was almost enough to put the brakes on Drogg's 2-1 grind attempt. Almost. HHB received my kick, picked up the ball and caged up cleanly. I marked up all the heavy hitters I could, but that left me with hardly anyone to deal with his lone ball-carrying Skink as it broke away from the cage and toward my endzone. I made some absolutely amazing dodges to pull back and mark the Skink from all directions, but it paid them little heed as it sped to the endzone to tie up the game at the half.

Being down a player or two and having used all three apothecaries, I knew the Rogues had to score quickly in the second half lest they be ground to dust. Burninluv's defenses were mostly midfield so I gave my Catcher (just had one standing by this point) the ball and ran a cage up the sideline. It was instantly set upon on all sides by oversized reptiles, so my Catcher tossed the ball to my Blitzer, who was still on the line of scrimmage. The Blitzer stuck out his tongue at the lizards and ran in the opposite direction, but not quite far enough - I had used my reroll for the turn and feared failing a GFI. A scuffle over the ball erupted, with a Saurus ending up catching it on the bounce. The Saurus handed it to a Skink, and once again I couldn't quite muster the manpower to properly mark up the slippery bastard. The TD came on turn 16 and brought the score up to 2-1.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Reborne on October 08, 2011, 07:35:59 PM
Wrestlers 1 - 3 Insatiable

I scored in the first half!

Magrim opted for scoring over doing damage to my snotlings and it worked out for him.
I made some stupid plays in the second half and got punished for it with bad dice to go with my stupid plays.

Fun moments
Double 0s for Megrim's halfling chef  :awesome_for_real:
Cid Vicious showing that his levels were not wasted since passing is the reason I scored.
Both of us making illegal kicks in the first half.
Megim denying me more SPP by getting rid of his thralls.

Fail offs here I come!

Game uploaded

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Megrim on October 09, 2011, 03:56:01 AM
Bit of a fortunate game for me, as I was lucky enough not to take too many injuries until late into the second half (when it didn't really matter). The Chef was a hilarious failure, and the situation wasn't helped by my propensity for rolling triple 1s on key plays. Nevertheless I managed to slither through the Ogre lines via a combination of Bonehead and Gaze to put myself ahead after the initial Snotling score. After that it was just a matter of riding the inevitable Thrall collapse 'till turn 16.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 09, 2011, 04:12:12 AM
I can't believe I am watching Strazos' +1 strength pro tackler lying on the ground between 4 players, with a random Kick dude standing nearby just dying to apply a proper boot to his head.

Fouls have a 31% chance of resulting in a sending off, and assuming an arbitary 2 assists, the foul would have a 24% chance of removing an AV8 foulee (who might come back anyway if it is a KO).

Broadly speaking, fouling removes as many foulers as foulees and so when you are already behind on player count, it is usually unwise. Strazos put in a couple of fouls in the second half, but that made sense as he was a couple of players up, so his small numbers advantage would become more significant if we both lost players.

Choices on the second drive were basically 'run for the line and hope for a lucky roll' or give up on the TD and just punch Strazos in the face, needed two unmodified AGI3 dodges for a half assed cage, but didn't get them so was reliant on a bad block roll for Strazos which also didn't come.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 09, 2011, 05:51:14 AM

Well at that point you still had 3 turns to get downfield, which is why the uncaged rush forward surprised me, vs. some bloody fouling and a more careful advance. As for the fouls, 4 assists vs. av7 is prettymuch a 40% chance of KO-or-better, and the potential tradeoff is a linesman with Kick vs. a guy with +Strength, Pro and Tackle.

Also I really wanted that 4 strength tackling pro to be absent from my next game, which I think you will agree is the most important consideration of all!  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 09, 2011, 08:54:44 AM
Actually, I didn't foul at all - at this point most of my players are a bit too valuable to lose, and I didn't have that much of a player advantage.

Though, I hardly ever foul anyway.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 09, 2011, 10:41:20 AM
nm, I thought I remembered you kicking my troll a couple of times.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 09, 2011, 01:07:52 PM
I foul anything big, and if I'm losing.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 09, 2011, 01:08:41 PM
I foul anything big, and if I'm losing.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 09, 2011, 02:55:29 PM
I think I fouled once by accident. To be fair, until recently, I didn't have any spare dudes to start with.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 09, 2011, 03:20:52 PM
I'm not opposed to fouling, but not with my kicker. (Should I be playing a team that needs one, anyway.)

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 09, 2011, 03:21:41 PM
I cant believe we are having a discussion on the morality of FOULING in a game called BLOOD BOWL.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 09, 2011, 03:22:59 PM
More like the math of fouling.  :-P

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 09, 2011, 03:24:31 PM
I cant believe we are having a discussion on the morality of FOULING in a game called BLOOD BOWL.

I foul the biggest guy you have in the hopes he stays down longer.

Also, if you pull the "I'm stopping my guy on the goal line and waiting" move, expect me to use every trick I have in the book to murder one of your guys that's close by.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Modern Angel on October 09, 2011, 03:32:39 PM
Since my Goblin team is built on fouling I expect our more gentle-hearted members to be screaming bloody murder as they get repeatedly fouled.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 09, 2011, 03:54:53 PM
I prefer to take players off with good blocking - I prefer SPPs.  :drill:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Modern Angel on October 09, 2011, 05:36:53 PM
Goblins... I'm not going to have that option.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: drogg on October 09, 2011, 08:09:37 PM
Hunqua Hunqua Burninluv 2-1 over Rouge Rogues.

With 350k in inducements I took one babe, two extra apothecaries, and one bribe that I never used. Drogg elected to kick off the game, and I picked up the ball easily, but couldn't get anyone upfield to receive it except for one Catcher, who got knocked down by the sideline and marked up by three Skinks. While all his larger pieces were committed to preventing my Linemen from advancing, I managed to break away my other Catcher and started pounding away at his Skinks backfield. Just as it was looking bleak for my dwindling numbers on the line of scrimmage, the first Catcher pulled out of the melee and jogged into the endzone, where he received a beautiful pass for the score. Best of all, it took 6 whole turns for all this to happen, which was almost enough to put the brakes on Drogg's 2-1 grind attempt. Almost. HHB received my kick, picked up the ball and caged up cleanly. I marked up all the heavy hitters I could, but that left me with hardly anyone to deal with his lone ball-carrying Skink as it broke away from the cage and toward my endzone. I made some absolutely amazing dodges to pull back and mark the Skink from all directions, but it paid them little heed as it sped to the endzone to tie up the game at the half.

Being down a player or two and having used all three apothecaries, I knew the Rogues had to score quickly in the second half lest they be ground to dust. Burninluv's defenses were mostly midfield so I gave my Catcher (just had one standing by this point) the ball and ran a cage up the sideline. It was instantly set upon on all sides by oversized reptiles, so my Catcher tossed the ball to my Blitzer, who was still on the line of scrimmage. The Blitzer stuck out his tongue at the lizards and ran in the opposite direction, but not quite far enough - I had used my reroll for the turn and feared failing a GFI. A scuffle over the ball erupted, with a Saurus ending up catching it on the bounce. The Saurus handed it to a Skink, and once again I couldn't quite muster the manpower to properly mark up the slippery bastard. The TD came on turn 16 and brought the score up to 2-1.
ezrast put up a hell of a fight here -- the three apoths plus the kegs meant that it was hard to keep his elves out of the game, even with me having a few lucky streaks of injury rolls.  nuffle was pretty generous to me, all told, with a few bog-standard exceptions (drogg the krox failing multiple boneheads in a row, bungling a break tackle on a 2+; three successive 1 rolls on GFIs), and ezrast doggedly kept bogging me down until a final lucky break on turn 16 that was by no means a sure thing.  some real david-goliath maneuvering by an excellent coach.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 10, 2011, 11:55:19 AM
Things have come up for me in real life and I cant play canklebiter tonight. hopefully we will get that match out of the way tomorrow.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 10, 2011, 02:12:19 PM
I can't access BB Manager. This is a major problem. Can any of you? It says remote server unreachable.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ulysees on October 10, 2011, 02:14:14 PM
Been trying to all day today (after I noticed Ginaz had played his match) and have been getting the same error for about 12 hours now.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ginaz on October 10, 2011, 07:41:12 PM
Been trying to all day today (after I noticed Ginaz had played his match) and have been getting the same error for about 12 hours now.

Getting the same error now.  I submitted my match Sunday afternoon before 4 pm my time (Mountain Time) and it worked fine then.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 10, 2011, 08:00:32 PM
It is pretty much just the one guy who runs it, so I expect he's having some ISP trouble or some such.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Kail on October 10, 2011, 10:15:09 PM
Squigskins thrashed by Hazardous Hippies, 1-3

Weird, weird match.  First off, I seem to be having some issues where I can't rotate players off the field before kickoff.  I get eleven on the field, but I can't find any of my reserve players.  So I had to field all my secret weapons on the first drive.  I spent most of my inducement money on a star player, Ripper, who got hit with a rock on the first kickoff and taken off the field immediately.  The first point is scored by Teleku on turn two, by a Wardancer who prances unopposed through my front lines, though we did manage to exact revenge in the next drive by chainsawing an eye out of a wardancer's head.  However, that wasn't enough to stop them from blitzing my ball carrier and running in another point.  And a third point.  At this point, confidence is low, but I'm not going to take this lying down.  Figuratively speaking, that is, because in a more literal sense, I lost a pitch invasion and everyone on my team was knocked down except for a troll and a lone goblin, who attempted to hold the elves back from scoring a fourth point, and very nearly failed, until the wardancer who knocked the ball away from him failed her leap roll and ended the half by plowing into the ground in the endzone next to the ball.

In the second half, things weren't looking good, but since the third drive, the weather had been sweltering, and the elves had been taking losses.  So had the goblins, of course, but I had a sea of green with which to replace them, while Teleku was undermanned.  With three trolls on the field, the mounting injuries and opressive heat eventually opened enough holes in the elf lines that my pogoer was able to bounce in for a point.  The heat continued up until the final drive of the game, at which point Teleku was down to two players on the field (neatly mirroring the first half) and stalled for time as my wall of green charged him down.  Unfortunately, the clock ran down before I could do anything productive with this, and the game ended in a 1-3 goblin defeat.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Megrim on October 11, 2011, 03:49:43 AM
A few quick points on Goblins:

 * don't bother with Star players unless you have over 300 remaining AFTER the purchase,
 * buy all the bribes first and a Wizard. Gobbo bribes are 50k apiece and can be used to keep you weapons on the pitch,
 * foul like a mad man,
 * screen your chainsaw. If its getting close to the end of the half or drive and you have no re-rolls left, use him to foul,
 * keep recycling Bombers untill you roll a doubles for his first level, and take Hail Mary Pass.

To rotate players on and off the pitch, check the top right of your screen on set-up, as well as your endzone. The game sometimes rotates players through there.

 * more fouls.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Scadente on October 11, 2011, 04:29:27 AM
The Gentlemens Club went 2 - 1 up to Slann the Mann. It was an exciting match, which could have gone both ways.

I picked up the Hypnotic Gaze Star Player to make cage-breaking easier, and giving me the ability to take one Saurus out of the equation, it kind of worked. My blitzers kept themselves occupied by taking out Skins, not very successful at that. Jean Baptiste Colbert dead, and a TD scored on my last turn. Nice match, and happy with the result!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 11, 2011, 06:12:28 AM
BB Manager is back up, by the way - I see there have already been a goodly number of deaths.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 11, 2011, 08:26:45 AM
Much like last season, stormbringer division is the first to finish every week so far.

Just saying.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ginaz on October 11, 2011, 11:00:28 AM
The Gentlemens Club went 2 - 1 up to Slann the Mann. It was an exciting match, which could have gone both ways.

I picked up the Hypnotic Gaze Star Player to make cage-breaking easier, and giving me the ability to take one Saurus out of the equation, it kind of worked. My blitzers kept themselves occupied by taking out Skins, not very successful at that. Jean Baptiste Colbert dead, and a TD scored on my last turn. Nice match, and happy with the result!

Considering I haven't played since my last Failoff match, it wasn't too bad.  Lots of elves dodging away from my guys and perfect passing doomed my lizards.  Hypnotic gaze from his star player messed me up quite a bit too.  I did manage to level my krox(I'm thinking stand firm to go with guard, +str if I can get it), injured his star player, some sort of permanent injury on a lineman and another dead elf lineman.  Its never all bad when you kill an elf I guess.  

I don't think I'll be playing my lizardmen team next season as I've come to see that the skinks are too much of a weak link but you're screwed without them.  The lizardmen are still more fun to play than my undead team, though.  I'm thinking maybe necro, dwarf or...wood elves :ye_gods:.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 11, 2011, 11:01:35 AM
I don't think I'll be playing my lizardmen team next season as I've come to see that the skinks are too much of a weak link but you're screwed without them.  The lizardmen are still more fun to play than my undead team, though.  I'm thinking maybe necro, dwarf or...wood elves :ye_gods:.

Halflings, baby.  That's where the money and fun's at.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 11, 2011, 11:03:02 AM
So who is slacking?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 11, 2011, 11:06:16 AM
I am. mainly as I am pretty unwell at the moment. I'll have steam on tonight though and if Canklebiter sees it we can try a game.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ginaz on October 11, 2011, 11:06:54 AM
I don't think I'll be playing my lizardmen team next season as I've come to see that the skinks are too much of a weak link but you're screwed without them.  The lizardmen are still more fun to play than my undead team, though.  I'm thinking maybe necro, dwarf or...wood elves :ye_gods:.

Halflings, baby.  That's where the money and fun's at.  :awesome_for_real:

I've actually won games playing Ogre and Goblin teams, so I'm not opposed to playing fragile players.  Its just with lizardmen, if your skinks are gone, then you're stuck with players that can't pick up the ball.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 11, 2011, 11:07:07 AM
So who is slacking?

I sent a PM to Falc requesting to postpone our game to Thurs or Fri.  He was entertaining company all weekend, thus why game approvals and whatnot from the weekend were delayed.  I haven't heard back from him yet...I assume he's still busy with stuffs.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 11, 2011, 11:15:35 AM
Luckton, Thursday is fine. What is the earliest you can be available?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 11, 2011, 11:19:53 AM
Luckton, Thursday is fine. What is the earliest you can be available?
7PM works.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 11, 2011, 11:32:07 AM
I think Celer and Sjofn are planning to play tonight, he was on a trip or something.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Celer on October 11, 2011, 11:36:27 AM
That is correct.  TIME IS BEING MADE.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 11, 2011, 12:57:17 PM
Cableman is coming in 12 hours and I'll do my best to play Ruvaldt after that's fixed.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Celer on October 11, 2011, 07:38:43 PM
The Mutiny beats and bloodies The Chemical Elvers, 2-1.  I attribute this to some key positioning mistakes on the part of the Elves and some solid coaching from the Norse side.

The Elves overcame a failed pass on their very first action and got an early advantage, with Sjofn using her Apoc to keep her BH uber-runner in the game after a failed dodge, which resulted in none available to correct a -STR casualty on a werewolf in the very next turn.  Elves danced around a little and scored easily around Turn 4.  However your Elver coach made a major mistake by kicking it shallow instead of deep, and the Norse block dice finally started changing from pushes to stuns.  The Norse drove upfield but the Elvers managed to pry the ball loose in Turn 7.  However, the Norse quickly recovered (getting a knock down, a dodge, and a pickup with no rerolls available) to equalize at halftime.

The second half was an elvish bloodbath, as they were being injured left and right.  The Norse scooped up the kick in their own end zone and drove it the entire length of the field in 8 turns without being threatened, it was a thing of beauty.  Elves managed to get next to the ball carrier a few times but they were quickly swatted away, and the mobile Guard elf was assisting in a few good KOs before he himself was injured, but it was not meant to be.  Overall the elves just seemed to be out of position and unable to penetrate the Norse cage at all.

I was VERY rusty with this team (and BB overall), and I chose not to buy an extra Catcher to start the match, so there are a lot of moves I'd like to have back.  I managed to level 3 guys, but 2 of them are MNG, so it may be tough trying to out-score the Wood Elves next week.  However, my third guy will soon have LEAP to go with his 5 AG and Dodge, so he will be watching those Wardancers closely for tips!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 11, 2011, 08:09:19 PM
Aside from the obvious things to be pleased about (like, you know, winning), I am pleased that it was my loser level 1 no-block werewolf that got the -str injury, if I HAD to take it. And I'm pretty sure keeping Lump Beefbroth in the game was a decent decision, even though I was positive as I used the apothecary that someone was going to die immediately thereafter. And I was mostly right! Lump attempted to kill a man later, but the guy got apoc'd away from doom.

My inducements were a bloodweiser babe and a wizard, neither of which really affected anything. I kinda wish I had gone with an extra apothecary now, but what can you do. There just wasn't a good time to use the wizard, since I ate the entire second half with my dwarf-like plodding and punching up the field, and I didn't quite get a chance in the first half either.

One of my throwers and one of my linemen are gonna go up, I think everyone else stays the same. My non-awesome runner remains one fuckin' point from leveling. I'm beginning to suspect he doesn't want to be a target like his buddy is.

Anyway, was a good match for me, and a nice way to start the season! I'm pretty sure it's all downhill from here.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 11, 2011, 08:33:01 PM
That'll teach you to blow an Apoth on a BH early in a match, young Norseling.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 11, 2011, 08:45:22 PM
He's easily my best player is the thing. I dunno. Worked out, at least.  :why_so_serious:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Teleku on October 11, 2011, 08:59:10 PM
Sorry for the late write up, but I guess that's standard for me now.   :awesome_for_real:

I started out the game on pace to break everybodies lopsided predictions of my victory.  I literally scored as fast as elvenly possible, scoring a point every 2 turns for the first half.  I would have taken a 4th point on turn 8, but I decided to be fancy and tried a leap pickup for the TD on turn 8, and promptly fell on my ass after rolling 1 twice in a row.

However, much of that was driven by my fear of his god damn chainsaw and secret weapons.  I was trying to burn down his bribes as fast as possible, but the game wasn't helping when we had two kick off events that gave each of us free bribes.   :oh_i_see:

And the chain saw did damage.  Lost one of my wardancers with a gouged eye (and I wasted my apoth to try and stop it, who promptly rerolled me a gouged eye....), so she'll be out next game, though thankfully that's all that it does.  Also knocked out poor Nealtor who decided to get into the forward action to help screen the ball carrier.  Finally, the bastards cash ran out, and the chainsawing asshole was thrown from the pitch.  However, I lost more evles (loner's, thankfully) to line of scrimage ogre blocks.  This sucked, though it did help me since all of those where Kail choosing a both down rather than a reroll.  Kail, big tip for the future.  Do your front line ogre blocks last (unless you can get one of them block), or use a reroll to avoid the both down.  You left your ball carrier open to attack by letting them turn over so soon, even if you did manager to KO/Injure some line elves.  The ball is all that matters.  ;)

To add final insult to the first half, the fucker managed to kill my brand new line elf, whom I was trying to level up this game to be my new kicker (last one sadly died in the line of duty at the end of last season.  Wood elves reeaaaaallly need a kicker).  I already had him run in a long risky double GFI TD just for that purpose, but on well.   :oh_i_see:

So I was up 3-0 going into the second half, but to bad I wouldn't score anymore.  I was low on elves due to all injuries, however, and got overconfident.  He was able to cage up the ball and move it down field against my thin screen.  Eventually, he scored, though I made him eat up a lot of time.  I thought at this point I'd have a chance for another easy TD, but nuffle further decided to fuck me.  Earlier in the game, the weather changed to a heat wave (which is funny, because we were playing on the Norse snow pitch...).  For the first drive or two, I didn't lose anybody, while he lost a few goblins each turn.  Then when my turn to recieve comes up, I lose 5 or 6 players at once to the dice, leaving me with Nealtor and a line elf.   Sooo, fuck that.  I play keep away and try some elven bullshit to see if I can still score in a hilarious manner, but I'm an idiot and forgot you cant blitz with an elf and throw in the same turn.  So game ends after that.

I'm lucky I got this game out against the new goblin team.  Kail played well, but I naturally had an advantage with a skilled wood elf team.  My injury dice rolls were absolutly terrible though, and if I was playing against a much more seasoned team, I'd have gotten my face stomped into the ground.  Such is Nuffle.

So yeah, good game Kail, you did quite well with the goblins, even though you suffered some bad dice rolls yourself (like a riot taking your whole team out), and the inability swap out players.  Only thing you really need to work on is prioritizing ball protection vs. killing mofos, and you'll be serious threat.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 11, 2011, 09:14:05 PM
However, much of that was driven by my fear of his god damn chainsaw and secrete weapons


Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 12, 2011, 12:46:52 PM
YOu might as well give the game to Canklebiter. I havent been able to be at the PC as I'm Now enjoying my third cold in 3 weeks. Sorry all, but i'm not going to hold up the league casue I'm unwell.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 12, 2011, 01:05:45 PM
There's more than 2 days left though. And me and Luckton aren't going to play before tomorrow night anyway.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 12, 2011, 01:07:42 PM
Hot Halfling on Amazon action!  Can't wait!  :drill:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 12, 2011, 01:24:23 PM

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 12, 2011, 01:25:53 PM
Should be dwarfs on those lounges.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 12, 2011, 05:04:30 PM
Ruvaldt, send me a time or a mail baby.

I'm out GMT +9 7am - 7pm but I can stay up all night long (All night!) for my first win.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 12, 2011, 08:25:09 PM
wtb my match being validated pst

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 12, 2011, 08:35:10 PM
He's easily my best player is the thing. I dunno. Worked out, at least.  :why_so_serious:

But now you need to burn cash that could be used on other replacements or a reroll on a new, expensive werewolf.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 12, 2011, 08:48:08 PM
I dunno, I'd take a win over not having to replace a level 1 WW - and the str 4 runner dude with guard was probably more important to the win than anything else on the roster.

Against something other than some wussy elves though I probably wouldn't take the risk personally. I'm not sure I would have in this case either myself, but it is certainly defensible.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 12, 2011, 09:29:21 PM
Eh, I have three rerolls and I don't need any more cheap filler, and the longer it takes me to buy the turn-over machine that IS the yhetee, the happier I am. If it was my level 2 werewolf I'd be way more upset, but it was my loser wolf.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 13, 2011, 04:10:21 AM
My Yhetee is pretty awesome, aside from mighty blow + claw, having a player with easy guard access is a fucking godsend on my fuck-all-doubles norse.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 13, 2011, 05:08:44 AM
No response from Ruvaldt  :heartbreak:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 13, 2011, 06:06:25 AM
My Yhetee is pretty awesome, aside from mighty blow + claw, having a player with easy guard access is a fucking godsend on my fuck-all-doubles norse.

Wait, what? You have four other players with normal strength access.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 13, 2011, 06:31:46 AM
Those four generally don't hang out in area of the pitch where you need guard.

Plus there is all the other shit they need before guard.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 13, 2011, 10:42:56 AM
Also, every single Norse player with S access has frenzy. Makes it a little hard to set up consistent guard situations sometimes since you're never 100% sure where they're going to be after their turn.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 13, 2011, 01:02:03 PM
Also, every single Norse player with S access has frenzy. Makes it a little hard to set up consistent guard situations sometimes since you're never 100% sure where they're going to be after their turn.

Yes, absolutely, but that applies to the Yhetee too. I'd take four frenzying Guard wood elves anyday of the week, 's'all.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 13, 2011, 01:17:51 PM
My Yhetee is pretty awesome, aside from mighty blow + claw, having a player with easy guard access is a fucking godsend on my fuck-all-doubles norse.

This is why my str 4 guard runner is awesome. :heart: I'll cry for a week when he dies.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 13, 2011, 01:23:20 PM
Also, every single Norse player with S access has frenzy. Makes it a little hard to set up consistent guard situations sometimes since you're never 100% sure where they're going to be after their turn.

Yes, absolutely, but that applies to the Yhetee too. I'd take four frenzying Guard wood elves anyday of the week, 's'all.

Point being with 5 instead of 4 there's that much more coverage, and one nice thing about the yheetee compared to a lot of the other big guys is his tackle zones and assists don't turn off when you fail a wild animal roll, unlike bonehead or really stupid. He's really not a bad anchor in the middle at all, but he is a bit of a turnover machine if you're just throwing blocks constantly.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: proudft on October 13, 2011, 01:53:23 PM
This is why my str 4 guard runner is awesome. :heart: I'll cry for a week when he dies.

So, looking at the schedule, that should be around December 5th.   :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 13, 2011, 02:20:46 PM
You're assuming Ingmar doesn't kill him first.  :cry2:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 13, 2011, 06:04:06 PM
Also, I just beat hobbits. Barely.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 13, 2011, 07:03:05 PM
Underhill Uberchefs 1 - 2 The Bell Jar Utd.

Mea culpa to anyone that had money down that I wouldn't score a TD 'at all'  :grin:

Turn-by-turn playbook below:

Was a wonderful first match for my fresh team.  Could have gone better in some areas for me, had I not made a couple bone-headed moves, but just getting a TD myself was a victory for the team.  Falc may have won, but he paid the price of two permanent injuries to his crew.

And now, fun numbers for number munchers:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 13, 2011, 07:18:42 PM
TWO of my linemen went up! I must've missed Flint Ironstag punching an elf hard enough to get some SPP. So my two leveled linemen got tackle, and my thrower picked up sure hands.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 13, 2011, 07:31:17 PM
No response from Ruvaldt  :heartbreak:

Sorry, I've been having some internet problems as well after a move.  I'll be available all day tomorrow though and any time over the weekend.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: proudft on October 13, 2011, 07:31:42 PM
Underhill Uberchefs
Treasury : 210000

Man, that's 7 replacement halflings.  It's gonna be like whack-a-mole trying to kill 'em off!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Strazos on October 13, 2011, 07:55:33 PM
I just wish he'd stop systematically calling them "'flings."  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 13, 2011, 08:03:55 PM
Yeah that is sort of ... weird.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 13, 2011, 08:14:53 PM

Sorry, I've been having some internet problems as well after a move.  I'll be available all day tomorrow though and any time over the weekend.


How does your Saturday morning my Saturday night?

I might turn up on your Friday night (my Saturday morning) if I'm not too hungover, but no promises...

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 13, 2011, 08:19:18 PM
Sure, both work for me, actually.  I'll be in front of a computer my tomorrow night and my Saturday late morning - early afternoon.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 13, 2011, 11:22:13 PM
People, technically saturday is beyond the deadline.

If you can guarantee us you will play saturday I guess we can wait, otherwise we should move on.
Please note that I am sure it's not a problem to wait one more day, I just want to prevent people from thinking it's ok to go over the ninth day, or to have someone in the future push for the tenth (or eleventh) day based on previous exceptions.

Short version: can you guarantee us to play your game no later than Saturday?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 13, 2011, 11:35:49 PM
I will absolutely be at a computer both Friday evening and throughout Saturday.

I'm usually pretty good about playing my games early, but it's been a rough couple of weeks and it sounds like Llyse and I were, strangely enough, both going through residential moves at the same time.  We got together a week ago, but due to router issues we weren't able to play.  Hopefully that won't be as much of a problem this time around.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Llyse on October 13, 2011, 11:39:20 PM
I can guarantee the game will be played by Saturday night US Time.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 14, 2011, 01:06:35 AM
I hereby concede, under extraordinaire circumstances, to a 1-day deadline extension!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 14, 2011, 01:57:25 AM
I just wish he'd stop systematically calling them "'flings."  :oh_i_see:

They are 'flings...they get 'flung.  Would you prefer I call them meat-sacks?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 14, 2011, 04:27:59 AM
I'll be at the computer tonight.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 14, 2011, 06:13:17 AM
I just wish he'd stop systematically calling them "'flings."  :oh_i_see:

They are 'flings...they get 'flung.  Would you prefer I call them meat-sacks?

I cul em 'afies, eh?

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Celer on October 14, 2011, 06:36:49 AM
I managed to level 3 guys, but 2 of them are MNG, so it may be tough trying to out-score the Wood Elves next week.  However, my third guy will soon have LEAP to go with his 5 AG and Dodge, so he will be watching those Wardancers closely for tips!

Okay, so change of plan... my +AG/Dodge line elf just rolled 12.  I don't think I can turn down the +ST can I?  Even if he was born to Leap?

As an aside, my Blitzer also just rolled a +ST, lucky for the impending woodies he is napping next game.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Megrim on October 14, 2011, 07:41:34 AM
I managed to level 3 guys, but 2 of them are MNG, so it may be tough trying to out-score the Wood Elves next week.  However, my third guy will soon have LEAP to go with his 5 AG and Dodge, so he will be watching those Wardancers closely for tips!

Okay, so change of plan... my +AG/Dodge line elf just rolled 12.  I don't think I can turn down the +ST can I?  Even if he was born to Leap?

As an aside, my Blitzer also just rolled a +ST, lucky for the impending woodies he is napping next game.  :oh_i_see:

st4/ag5 is verging on HNNGGgg tier. Once he takes Blodge, give him Leap, then just jump him over people's lines and run touchdowns in. It will be like an assembly line.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: avaia on October 14, 2011, 08:35:10 AM
st4/ag5 is verging on HNNGGgg tier. Once he takes Blodge, give him Leap, then just jump him over people's lines and run touchdowns in. It will be like an assembly line.

Pretty much in the land of star player there, without the Loner penalty.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 14, 2011, 08:35:43 AM

Seriously. Somebody kill that thing.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Teleku on October 14, 2011, 08:59:28 AM
God fuck you all.  My wood elves have leveled up a shit ton, and I've rolled 1 single stat increase, +AGI, on a line elf.  Oh if only I could get a +STR Wardancer.  :(

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 14, 2011, 10:34:21 AM
I can't even connect to the server now. Fuck this firewalling BS. Give the game to Canklebiter and move the league on while I sort this BS out. Its not like I would have won anyway.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: drogg on October 14, 2011, 10:42:14 AM
God fuck you all.  My wood elves have leveled up a shit ton, and I've rolled 1 single stat increase, +AGI, on a line elf.  Oh if only I could get a +STR Wardancer.  :(
i've rolled exactly one double and it was on a skink with 1 str, and no stat increases  :grin:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 14, 2011, 10:55:33 AM

Seriously. Somebody kill that thing.

On it.

And I may be providing you all with a +str/+mv wardancer to chase around next season.  :grin:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: eldaec on October 14, 2011, 11:05:24 AM
I roll plenty of stat increases, but only on throwaway practice teams that just play a couple of public league matches.  :oh_i_see:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 14, 2011, 11:11:13 AM
hey I got the game going. Cankle and I are playing now

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sir T on October 14, 2011, 12:17:55 PM
1-0 to the dead. First half was pretty standard fare for me (not able to bosh over his guys with 3 guys trying while he could knock me over with a feather), the second I rallied a bit and actually got the ball to within a couple of turns of the touchdown line. Shocking news I know. Actually I haven't played a single game since last season and I didn't have a clue what I was doing a lot of the time. No disrespect to Cankle on that as he played well. No serious injuries on either side that I saw.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Cancklebiter on October 14, 2011, 12:21:33 PM
Down to the last 6 players on the pitch the undead rallied to prevent the mighty stunty warriors from scoring a touchdown.  LLium Crushers win 1-0.  With a grand total of 0 injuries 1 KO for the undead side.  5 injuries/4 KO's for the Pympernels.  No lasting pain on the Undead team as they successfully rolled 4/5 regeneration rolls w/ 1 badly hurt ghoul out for a game.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 14, 2011, 01:37:18 PM
I managed to level 3 guys, but 2 of them are MNG, so it may be tough trying to out-score the Wood Elves next week.  However, my third guy will soon have LEAP to go with his 5 AG and Dodge, so he will be watching those Wardancers closely for tips!

Okay, so change of plan... my +AG/Dodge line elf just rolled 12.  I don't think I can turn down the +ST can I?  Even if he was born to Leap?

As an aside, my Blitzer also just rolled a +ST, lucky for the impending woodies he is napping next game.  :oh_i_see:

Glad I already played you.  :awesome_for_real:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Comstar on October 14, 2011, 08:43:05 PM
4 +1 MV, 2 +1 ST, 1 +1 AG, but only about 6 out of the 13 girls are original players.

One of my Pro Elf Catchers has +1AG and Leap, Dodge and Nerves of steal. He's pretty much unstoppable if he can get the ball thrown to him. If someone dosn't kill that ST 4 AG 5 Elf before he gets Leap, he'll win games singlehanded.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ruvaldt on October 14, 2011, 09:05:34 PM
The Ex-Presidents 1 - 0 Alive Not Dead

A better write-up will follow, but the first half was one of the most exciting halves of Blood Bowl I've ever played.  The second half was a snoozefest, but both Calvin and Millard Fillmore narrowly avoided death.

It's late here or I'd write more.  The replay has been uploaded though if you just can't wait.  The first half is actually worth watching.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: IainC on October 15, 2011, 01:44:49 PM
So now all the games for day 1 have been played. We just need Falc to validate them and advance the tournament day.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Falconeer on October 15, 2011, 05:00:04 PM
Whoa, Llyse lost a regular season game. Is that a first in 3 Seasons?
I will advance the Day tomorrow.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 15, 2011, 05:05:12 PM
Whoa, Llyse lost a regular season game. Is that a first in 3 Seasons?
I will advance the Day tomorrow.

He lost one last season.  :grin:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 15, 2011, 06:31:50 PM
You're such a bitch.  :heart:

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ingmar on October 15, 2011, 06:33:07 PM
My goal for the season is to wrest the 'league villain' award away from AndyDavo.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Sjofn on October 15, 2011, 06:35:28 PM
I would hate you so much if you let me win our match. I would hate you extra if you didn't even kill any of my guys.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: AndyDavo on October 16, 2011, 02:59:48 AM
My goal for the season is to wrest the 'league villain' award away from AndyDavo.

Your welcome to it! I'm apparently a nice guy in RL. why all the hate!

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 16, 2011, 06:10:29 AM
My goal for the season is to wrest the 'league villain' award away from AndyDavo.

Your welcome to it! I'm apparently a nice guy in RL. why all the hate!

Hata's gotta hate.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 16, 2011, 09:11:54 AM

Speaking of which: apostrophes, l2use them.

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Paelos on October 16, 2011, 02:25:54 PM

Speaking of which: apostrophes, l2use them.

Ha'tas' gon'na h'a'te

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: luckton on October 16, 2011, 02:35:02 PM

Speaking of which: apostrophes, l2use them.

Ha'tas' gon'na h'a'te


Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: AndyDavo on October 16, 2011, 03:19:41 PM

And Icecream i thought you were one of the nice ones....

Title: Re: S#5 - Game Day #1
Post by: Ice Cream Emperor on October 16, 2011, 06:26:57 PM

I'm nice. I also wish people would not try to pluralize with apostrophes. Sometimes these two impulses come into conflict.