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Author Topic: War  (Read 2165005 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1954

Reply #3675 on: January 24, 2009, 04:57:46 AM

What I can't understand is, how on earth do you have the leader of the Goonfleet Capital Fleet and still lose engagements or come out even! I mean, the man in charge is working for the enemy and you don't lose the entire fleet?!

In other news...what Istavann thread? The GHSC is working on someone?

Defending the Galaxy, from the Scum of the Universe, with nothing but a flashlight and a tshirt. We need tanks Boo, lots of tanks!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 329

Reply #3676 on: January 24, 2009, 05:11:38 AM

All I am saying is I'll be chuckling if someone managed to make you kick out the wrong guy. Unlikely, but not unheard of. Everyone seemed fairly sure they killed a titan in F-T as well, after all.

EVE - Yalson [BDCI] [-A-]
Terracotta Army
Posts: 805

Reply #3677 on: January 24, 2009, 05:36:00 AM

Y-2 station captured by Pathetic Legion and their SOT pals awesome, for real

Worst firesales ever, which could have a number of interpretations.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 05:38:23 AM by Sparky »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 657

Reply #3678 on: January 24, 2009, 05:43:15 AM

My bet is they went after only guy with titan:P

I mean, if he was a spy, why would AAA lose capital engagements and for the love of god almighty - why would he build a titan in GS (and by paying corp for it up front, geeez).

I bet he was just one unlucky, inactive sod, who had bad luck of being sacrificed to improve morale.
Posts: 5872

Reply #3679 on: January 24, 2009, 05:52:26 AM

Terracotta Army
Posts: 8234

Reply #3680 on: January 24, 2009, 05:55:15 AM

My bet is they went after only guy with titan:P

I mean, if he was a spy, why would AAA lose capital engagements and for the love of god almighty - why would he build a titan in GS (and by paying corp for it up front, geeez).

I bet he was just one unlucky, inactive sod, who had bad luck of being sacrificed to improve morale.

I find it fascinating that people on the other side will always perceive things so differently.

Friends don't let Friends vote for Boomers
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1657

Reply #3681 on: January 24, 2009, 06:29:11 AM

Looks like Tyrrax Thork's bi-monthly look at me post.
Predator Irl
Terracotta Army
Posts: 403

Reply #3682 on: January 24, 2009, 07:05:11 AM

Does it matter what I think? The community here seems convinced that -A- are a band of ebayers, bought out with real life money, hacking into accounts because it cannot beat GS in a fair fight. That's not going to change, no matter what my point of view is; might as well embrace it, poke a few folks for the fun of it and otherwise just sit back and enjoy the reading material.
Well this is the war thread. There's not much point in having a good war if you can't vilify the other side, is there.

You're wrong.

Well setar, IMO it matters what everyone thinks and its great to get all points of view, regardless of whether you agree with that persons opinion or not. There are two sides to every story. 

As far as vilifying the other side, if both sides were talking here saying "good fight the other night ol' GBC chaps", this thread would get pretty damn boring really quickly, along with the war itself. Its drama like this and CAOD that make the war what it is, embrace it & enjoy it for what it is.

Edit: Ninja editing for 100 typos :S
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 07:12:26 AM by Predator Irl »

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2647

Diluted Fool

Reply #3683 on: January 24, 2009, 07:20:02 AM

My bet is they went after only guy with titan:P

You'd be wrong about that too.

Witty banter not included.
Posts: 5872

Reply #3684 on: January 24, 2009, 07:42:55 AM

Wonder where the big ball of AAA and SE that just rolled through AZN is going.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 329

Reply #3685 on: January 24, 2009, 08:05:38 AM

Well setar, IMO it matters what everyone thinks and its great to get all points of view, regardless of whether you agree with that persons opinion or not. There are two sides to every story. 

As far as vilifying the other side, if both sides were talking here saying "good fight the other night ol' GBC chaps", this thread would get pretty damn boring really quickly, along with the war itself. Its drama like this and CAOD that make the war what it is, embrace it & enjoy it for what it is.

Guess that's the difference -- I'm used to keeping the tinfoil to CAOD or in-game, and using the forums to congratulate others on a good fight (or trap, see the 4 DDs). Not interested in the vilifying part, just getting a chuckle out of the onesided reports here. No comments on GS participation, none on the moons lost, the JB incapped, the DG- POS shooting this morning. Look at this the early pages of this thread. Post after post about how BOB will cease to exist very soon now (April 2007), how QY6 would never be recaptured, the list goes on. Mostly silence when none of this happened.

And now it's the same story again. GS and allies are steamrolling everything, they are the knights in white armor out to beat the evil ISK-sellers and cheaters. If this is supposed to motivate folks, fine, but it doesn't exactly help to get an overview of current events ;)

EVE - Yalson [BDCI] [-A-]
Posts: 5872

Reply #3686 on: January 24, 2009, 08:33:27 AM

That's why you and Trevor and Joe are here.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8234

Reply #3687 on: January 24, 2009, 08:43:46 AM

I don't think anyone here is usually awake and ingame around this time.  There was DG- POS shooting?  and What JB are you talking about?

Friends don't let Friends vote for Boomers
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7474

Reply #3688 on: January 24, 2009, 08:48:12 AM

Guess that's the difference -- I'm used to keeping the tinfoil to CAOD or in-game, and using the forums to congratulate others on a good fight (or trap, see the 4 DDs). Not interested in the vilifying part, just getting a chuckle out of the onesided reports here. No comments on GS participation, none on the moons lost, the JB incapped, the DG- POS shooting this morning. Look at this the early pages of this thread. Post after post about how BOB will cease to exist very soon now (April 2007), how QY6 would never be recaptured, the list goes on. Mostly silence when none of this happened.

And now it's the same story again. GS and allies are steamrolling everything, they are the knights in white armor out to beat the evil ISK-sellers and cheaters. If this is supposed to motivate folks, fine, but it doesn't exactly help to get an overview of current events ;)

Blah, blah, blah, you have a voice, you want your side heard you should probably try and use it.

"You have all recieved youre last warning. I am in the process of currently tracking all of youre ips and pinging your home adressess. you should not have commencemed a war with me" - Aaron Rayburn
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #3689 on: January 24, 2009, 09:26:43 AM

If you don't want to be lumped in with the ISK-sellers and cheats, perhaps you shouldn't be on their side?  Just a suggestion vOv

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Posts: 4615

the y master, king of bourbon

Reply #3690 on: January 24, 2009, 10:22:57 AM

As far as vilifying the other side, if both sides were talking here saying "good fight the other night ol' GBC chaps", this thread would get pretty damn boring really quickly, along with the war itself. Its drama like this and CAOD that make the war what it is, embrace it & enjoy it for what it is.

Go reread the first half of this massive thread. There's no Pip Pip Cheerio back there, but there's a lot of reports on the strategic level, and some accounts of sieges and other wide-scale drama, written up by both the GS/RED side and BOB side. There's snark, and that's to some degree expected. Unfortunately, the most voluminous poster on the non-GS side was Dave in FIX, and he's since stopped playing, meaning our view on the war has become rather Fair & Balanced.

It also means that any time anyone from an alternate perspective posts, there been a tendency to attack them outright, justified or otherwise.

If you don't want to be lumped in with the ISK-sellers and cheats, perhaps you shouldn't be on their side?  Just a suggestion vOv

See above.

Edited for clarity.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2009, 10:25:45 AM by Yoru »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1999

Reply #3691 on: January 24, 2009, 11:11:33 AM

Well setar, IMO it matters what everyone thinks and its great to get all points of view, regardless of whether you agree with that persons opinion or not. There are two sides to every story. 

As far as vilifying the other side, if both sides were talking here saying "good fight the other night ol' GBC chaps", this thread would get pretty damn boring really quickly, along with the war itself. Its drama like this and CAOD that make the war what it is, embrace it & enjoy it for what it is.

Guess that's the difference -- I'm used to keeping the tinfoil to CAOD or in-game, and using the forums to congratulate others on a good fight (or trap, see the 4 DDs). Not interested in the vilifying part, just getting a chuckle out of the onesided reports here. No comments on GS participation, none on the moons lost, the JB incapped, the DG- POS shooting this morning. Look at this the early pages of this thread. Post after post about how BOB will cease to exist very soon now (April 2007), how QY6 would never be recaptured, the list goes on. Mostly silence when none of this happened.

And now it's the same story again. GS and allies are steamrolling everything, they are the knights in white armor out to beat the evil ISK-sellers and cheaters. If this is supposed to motivate folks, fine, but it doesn't exactly help to get an overview of current events ;)

Instead of slagging off other people's posts, just post your view of things if you think it's missing.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2647

Diluted Fool

Reply #3692 on: January 24, 2009, 11:39:29 AM

Instead of slagging off other people's posts, just post your view of things if you think it's missing.

I came here to post this.

But seriously folks, I think a fair amount of good-natured snark is fine here.  Even large amounts of it are not bad as long as it's got entertainment value.  It's when it starts getting bad-natured or people start nerdraging is when we have a problem. 

The flipside of this is that really, if you can't keep some perspective, you should ignore this thread.  There is really nothing to see here.

Witty banter not included.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 329

Reply #3693 on: January 24, 2009, 12:38:59 PM

If you don't want to be lumped in with the ISK-sellers and cheats, perhaps you shouldn't be on their side?

I'll stick with the suggestions and simply ignore this thread. Reporting current events takes :effort:, and I'd rather spent my time doing that in an environment that's a bit more relaxed ;-)

See you in game, or at fan fest.

EVE - Yalson [BDCI] [-A-]
Terracotta Army
Posts: 213

Reply #3694 on: January 24, 2009, 12:58:17 PM

I like ISK Selling and cheating :)

Also you have to remember that those who are outside of GS (or some in it) don't trust the GS directors.  So when an explanation of something is posted, be it 'We knew -A- would reset us' or 'Iromei is a spy,' some people, including myself, will take the statement as a lie to boost morale, rather than the truth.  Convincing a doubt that it's true is just as hard as convincing a GS guy it's false.  However, the doubters don't need convincing, as stuff like this has a pretty huge morale boost, and certainly looks like it worked.

I always thought Iromei was a good guy :I
Terracotta Army
Posts: 258

Reply #3695 on: January 24, 2009, 01:36:08 PM

See you in game, or at fan fest.

~on the battlefield~

Mia san de Borg. Aichan Widastaund keannt's aich ind' Hoar schmian.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #3696 on: January 24, 2009, 03:22:32 PM

I like ISK Selling and cheating :)

itt Trevor displays to less experienced posters how to disarm trolling  (it's me i''m da troll)

In real news - as opposed to meta-criticism of the historiography of the thread - Bob, SE, AAA and the rest of the GBC have been trying the Max Damage approach and throwing everything they have into DG-.  Something above three hundred caps between the various dreads and carriers, big BS fleets etc etc.  Can't be much doubt that this will work pretty well for now.  Of course, Max Hilarity had a lot more at first, and we all know how that ended up, so it remains to see if the mixture of Bob's hatred for the Goons that stole their empire, mixed with Nync's "rawr rawr goons hate Russians" propaganda and the self-professed "I will blot out the sun with my timecards" of their sugar-daddy will keep them going for any longer than before.  With them throwing everything they have at this they certainly can't afford not to b e seen to take it on the run, in a single cycle of reinforcements (which they surely will  ACK!).

In other news, Bob have lost their last station in Fountain.  I am impressed (and, obviously, a little disappointed) that they seem, at last, to have learned their lesson and are not rushing off to take it back and leaving their pets in the south to get fucked like they did 2 years ago.  Although maybe they believe that the Fountain arm of the GBC will take it back.  Heh.  I slay me.

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 213

Reply #3697 on: January 24, 2009, 04:28:20 PM

The simple reason for using that many dreads is to prevent a hotdrop.  It's massively overkill to use more than I believe 60? (Not sure, would have to run the math) dreads on a pos, but with the massive amounts of capfleets in the area, you either need to siege with a gigantic number of dreads or don't do it at all.  If you use a gigantic number, opponents can't form up their own massive number in time, and finish your job quickly. 

It's honestly pretty gay to hear about 200 dreads sieging a pos, but that's what happens when the entirety of competent 0.0 players in EVE seems to be fighting over one system (excluding PL/CVA).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10859

When she crossed over, she was just a ship. But when she came back... she was bullshit!

Reply #3698 on: January 24, 2009, 10:27:36 PM

If you want this thread to stay useful, stay honest and objective.  Hold the chestpounding for well after the events, if it's currently going down stick to the straight facts, where you're speculating or passing on the official line, say so.  Save the "dirty eBayers" and other psywar shit for CAOD and Scrapheap.  Write it as if the audience has no stake in what's happening.


--Signature Unclear
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6711

Planes? Shit, I'm terrified to get in my car now!

Reply #3699 on: January 25, 2009, 12:22:53 AM

One of the interesting things about this thread is that it contains many GoonSwarm members posting intelligently and sensibly, without the waves of retarded meme and general shitposting that goes on in CAOD and SHC.

It's a war thread, and information dissemination in any war is always about competing propaganda, so bias (whether conscious or not) must always be expected, but that doesn't stop it from being a fascinating read. And I haven't played EVE for about a year now, but I read this thread every day.

"Bourgeois society stands at the crossroads, either transition to socialism or regression into barbarism" - Rosa Luxemburg, 1915.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 8306

Reply #3700 on: January 25, 2009, 02:39:20 AM

While it technically falls under the realm of 'propaganda', most of it is just people being unable to admit failure and moving on. "Free from the shackles of POS warfare" and all that. Goal post moving. Ohhhhh, I see.

and the gate is like I TOO AM CAPABLE OF SPEECH
Terracotta Army
Posts: 657

Reply #3701 on: January 25, 2009, 05:01:16 AM

I like ISK Selling and cheating :)

itt Trevor displays to less experienced posters how to disarm trolling  (it's me i''m da troll)

See, this is why me and now setar are not so eager to post here anymore. It reeks too much of CAOD mark II.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 330

Reply #3702 on: January 25, 2009, 07:13:53 AM

The GBC is currently downing a lot of towers in DG.
Bye bye Sov 4?
Posts: 5872

Reply #3703 on: January 25, 2009, 07:24:32 AM

Lots of towers are currently reinforced, but I don't believe any have (yet) been destroyed and replaced.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1999

Reply #3704 on: January 25, 2009, 07:34:36 AM

I think GBC did destroy one last night.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 213

Reply #3705 on: January 25, 2009, 08:01:46 AM

I think GBC did destroy one last night.

Just looking at KB-
5 were destroyed right after today's DT (one just before actually)
Prior to that, one was killed at 0430, and earlier than that, ones at 1030/940 which is the previous day. 

I took the liberty of flying around in DG- in a covops last night to check out timers, they're quite scattered.  6 looked real good (0100-0600), 2 ok (2300ish), and 8 not too good (0900, 5 around 1500-1600, some more around 1800), but they aren't all out on the same day.

Honestly I think BoB should be pos spamming this system if they want it, it's too easy to reclaim sov with that 1 day claim thing.   I assume GS will be making spam attempts in US TZ/near DT every day.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 10:11:48 AM by trevorreznik »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #3706 on: January 25, 2009, 11:49:37 AM

Yeah we've been getting a bit of a hammering in DG- over the past 24 hours, and there's pretty much no good reason why we won't lose most of the rest of our towers there tonight if the opposition keep up their commitment.  Of course, miracles happen, but the turning off the towers trick looks like buying a system, alright.  I know that a lot of people have been saying that losing a directorate-level spy in Goonfleet isn't worth it for just a single system, but since we'd repulsed the attacks in several station systems in Detorid, and since Wicked Creek and Fountain are going the right way, the GBC really needed a win somewhere rather than yet another knockback, so i see this as worth it.

Unless, of course, they somehow contrive not to take the system quickly.  Unlikely, I know, but Eve's a funny old game.  I know that sounds like the "you're not winning quickly enough" argument from Bob 2 years ago, but Max Hilarity did show that if you call out everything you have and still end up hammering away for ages then you'll begin to lose participation.  Having all your enemies' towers claims turned off as well has to compound that.

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 213

Reply #3707 on: January 25, 2009, 03:22:11 PM

Were all the Wicked Creek stations less than sov3?  It's kind of sad how this war has hinged mostly around jammers, the only station system to be taken that was sov3 is c9n, afaik.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6436

Reply #3708 on: January 25, 2009, 03:45:48 PM

Were all the Wicked Creek stations less than sov3?  It's kind of sad how this war has hinged mostly around jammers, the only station system to be taken that was sov3 is c9n, afaik.

Yep, the primary reasons for losing sov 3 systems on either side in the last six months are, in reverse order:

5 - Spies
4 - Stupid CCP bugs
3 - Terrible stront timing
2 - The previous owner being several regions away nowadays
1 - Being Hydra

You'll notice that "superior tactics" don't make a big showing there.

In other news, even though we're facing a horrible situation in DG-, at least our infamous participation issues seem to have eased for now  awesome, for real

My blog: http://endie.net

Twitter - Endieposts

"What else would one expect of Scottish sociopaths sipping their single malt Glenlivit [sic]?" Jack Thompson
Terracotta Army
Posts: 213

Reply #3709 on: January 25, 2009, 07:57:23 PM

Well, a bunch of action happened in DG- tonight.  There were a bunch of poses coming out, starting around 2340ish, with two more around 0130, and others at 0300, 0330, and 0530 (this is real rough).   BoB/-A-/Atlas/EXE got to DG-, and fought GS/TCF/RZR/MM (sorry if I missed anyone).  Early on not much happened beyond GS bridging in and superfriends sniping them before they could burn into shields, which resulted in about 25-30 bs kills, including some TCF bses at a gate, and about 15 bs losses.  As poses came out, Superfriends shot them with BS fleets, killing three. 

I was with the -A- gang and we tried to do some drivebys with BoB and without.  At one point we think a goon carrier popped but there's no km, so probably it got away.  Later, BoB ended up fighting at a goon pos without -a-, and lost a few ships and left a ton of drones scattered all over.  That same pos came out of reinforced and superfriends warped in, only to have 3 PL titans jump in as well and dd the field.  BoB/-A- got out for the most part, but Atlas/EXE took a beating.  PL nailed about 100 ships including 60ish bs, of which roughly 5 bs/10 total were gs/rzr/etc.    After this, superfriends called it a night.

So on the day, superfriends killed (including the pl dd) 30-35 bs/a bunch of support, and gs/pl/tcf/etc killed about 70 bs/a bunch of support.  With the 3 poses down, GS has lost 11 over the last two days, but they saved another 3 plus they're spamming another 5. A bunch more come out tomorrow, many in eurotime.

There was just short of 1k players in system at the beginning fighting, and around 750 for the later fighting.  I want to say it was fairly even most of the time in numbers, but don't really know. 

I managed to km whore onto a few tower mails with my covops' warp disruptor (Overheated) plus I solo tackled a wayward hurricane at one point, so I felt pretty cool.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2009, 08:00:49 PM by trevorreznik »
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