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Topic: Bat Country: PLANETSIDE (Emerald, Vanu faction) ROLL CALL! 2/17/2007 (Read 101640 times)
I like pink
Posts: 4987
Noob Sauce
Update: Emerald server, Vanu faction. Free Reserve ProgramSeems the majority are up for some Planetside lovin', and as usual I bend to the demands of the majority. This thread is ONLY for listing what character server you are on; whoever posts first will pick what server we are on. Soon as I figure out how we make a guild it will be made. Please note: I will not actually be in game until tomorrow or Thursday!---- Cheddar<waiting for game> BanditBanditoX Bhodif13bhodi Calandryll Calandryll CassandraRKasyl Chenghiz <waiting on name> Chorulle Naidara Der Helm DerHelm Endie <waiting for download> Evangolis Evangolis Sklar FalconeerFalconeerr FatuousTwatFatuous13 Furiously Katiri Gimpyone1Cadwin HoaxHoaxe JimboJimboF13 Lantyssa Ailuridae Merusk Merusk NebuNebu NijaNijasan pxib Bixley SkyKomoto Smokamotive GelMibson SlayerikSlayerik Harbodus Stephen ZeppVladimeerr StrazosStrazos TarTars TazelbainTazelbain TragnyTragny Olyndar Velorath<waiting for game> ViinViin ZetleftZet
« Last Edit: February 17, 2007, 08:36:57 AM by Cheddar »
No Nerf, but I put a link to this very thread and I said that you all can guarantee for my purity. I even mentioned your case, and see if they can take a look at your lawn from a Michigan perspective.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 11125
a polyamorous pansexual genderqueer born and living in the wrong country
Just created on Emerald, east coast server. Given that the European server is out of the picture, the east coast one is the most viable ping-wise.
Falconeerr is the name of the character and Vanu Sovereignty is the side, as there`s a Vanu shortage and a +6% XP bonus.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 11:51:07 PM by Falconeer »
Once my Station Access pack gets here, I'll get in on this.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 75
Made Kasyl on Emerald for Vanu.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 257
I play on Werner, but I'll make a vanu on Emerald. Will update with name once I have one.
Ok, name is Tars
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 11:59:39 AM by tar »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 27449
Badge Whore
Hmm.. I have an old TR on Emerald. It might be worth the cash for one month just to hunt you all down.
Or I guess I could play w/ ya too. Either way most of you seem to play PST hours so the only time I could find you is weekends.
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet within your power.
Posts: 6817
No lie.
I'm in -- Emerald, Vanu, f13bhodi
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 07:01:26 AM by bhodi »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2136
Downloading now. I should be good to go tonight.
Stephen Zepp
Posts: 1635
Sigh, wrong server, then wrong race on wrong server :P
Ok, I'll create a vanu.
I have a BR 8 that's configured for Uni-Max (Vladimeerr), and just created BCNewb for other roles if we need them.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 07:45:10 AM by Stephen Zepp »
Rumors of War
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
I originally rolled on the West Coast server as Vanu got an 11% BEP bonus. I'll reroll to the east coast server tonight.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
Jesus christ, Vanu?
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Jesus christ, Vanu?
They're the underdog. Live a little.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Nebu, the bonus changes as factions gain numbers. So you'll get exp bonus (which is dumb, the game isn't about exp despite what 90% of the players think), but you'll be getting steamrolled alot.
I'll have to reactivate to find my guys, but I'm pretty sure I have a TR and Vanu on Emerald, iirc. The TR is my thumper grunt and the Vanu was a stealth support guy, but I can't remember if I was transitioning either of them. I also have a few alts for different roles, since I take forever to level in PS because I don't play for exp. My 'mains' are like BR12 and BR8 or so. More character info tonight. edit: I think my Vanu is Komoto and my TR is Komoto-K :) Oldschool!
I hope the heavy armor can get in a marauder pilot spot. Not the best vehicle in the game, but I love driving those. I'll take those certs when I get some points. Of course, that's my TR guy whom I love. Just something about acid grenades...not to mention pissing people off with EMP grenades.
Since you guys seem to be grabbing Vanu (I agree Surly, I hate the Vanu vehicles and zap guns, but hey, they have cool jumping MAXs) I guess it's stealth support or maybe my uniMAX alt.
Is the dumb cave expansion included these days? I'd say a priority is to get anyone who has that capability but doesn't have those mech thingies unlocked to get into the caves for a couple nights and unlock them. Totally selfish, of course, but it would be fun to have zomgmechs on our side, no?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
Jesus christ, Vanu?
They're the underdog. Live a little. It's not the underdogness of it. I played NC back after the jackhammer nerf when NOBODY wanted to play them. The Vanu just piss me off to no end. 90% of their weapons, vehicles and tactics are about spamming splash damage.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Sky: I know. I don't mind getting steamrolled.
I haven't played this game since release, so I'll be re-learning everything again anyway. It may be entertaining for a week or two.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2136
Well, let's figure out a side/server by the end of the work day, PST, tomorrow. Then we'll TS/vent it up (unless they have built in voice comm now) and hit it by this weekend.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
They've had built in comm since launch. Sucked then. Sucks now.
TS it is.
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Anyone have a Vent server? TS makes me have flashbacks to my childhood and phones made out of tin cans and string.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 6159
I got a vent server (setup for eve but anyone can use it) however I think it only holds 8 ppl.
- Viin
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
With this group, 8 people is probably fine... after a week there may not be that many left.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Not sure I can do TS. I for sure have no way of setting up a mic (too long a cord run to the sofa).
Terracotta Army
Posts: 27449
Badge Whore
Not sure I can do TS. I for sure have no way of setting up a mic (too long a cord run to the sofa).
Bluetooth! Cockroach on the ear ftw!
The past cannot be changed. The future is yet within your power.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Bluetooth! Cockroach on the ear ftw!
$$$ Me = ¢
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
Guitar + cup + street = $$$
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
I like pink
Posts: 4987
Noob Sauce
Roll Call + Inane Chatter =  ? Someone create a voice chat thread. Sheesh.
No Nerf, but I put a link to this very thread and I said that you all can guarantee for my purity. I even mentioned your case, and see if they can take a look at your lawn from a Michigan perspective.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 17613
You didn't add me to the roll call. You deserve teh hate for your omission.
"Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other."
- Mark Twain
I like pink
Posts: 4987
Noob Sauce
You didn't add me to the roll call. You deserve teh hate for your omission.
My bad. I am usually pretty good at these lists! If I missed anyone else lemme know. I will be creating my character tonight, and playing tomorrow night. Friday night will be dunken group night. Better? This means you need something besides mudslide, Strazos!
No Nerf, but I put a link to this very thread and I said that you all can guarantee for my purity. I even mentioned your case, and see if they can take a look at your lawn from a Michigan perspective.
Posts: 335
Would you kindly produce a web game.
I'll create a character tonight.
Edit: I've never played a medic/support character in the game before. I'm willing to play that role if others want to play more "shooty" characters.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 11:08:19 AM by Calandryll »
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4701
I've never played before, but apparently I can play free until mid-March so long as I stay under rank 6. Woot.
My useless pre-corpse is named Bixley.
if at last you do succeed, never try again
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868
Victim: Sirius Maximus
If someone wants to play a BR21 or 22 , CR 4 (orbital strike FTW) Emerald Vanu named Slayerik, just let me know :) I also have a BR17/ CR 2 alt. Also, if you guys are interested in being a part of some big coordinated raids let me know, my old outfit is still running. I'll hook ya up with my station pass info if anyone wants to be more than BR6 :) EDIT: Check out our old recruitment video....and the Rick James MAXperience. Fun stuff.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 11:51:52 AM by Slayerik »
"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together. My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 20848
Dammit. I really want to play Vanu, but my roomie is NC on Emerald, so there will be a lot of problems if I delete to play with y'all.  Lantyssa - New Conglomerate. Wave 'hi' after you frag me.
Hahahaha! I'm really good at this!
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10966
eat a bag of dicks
No worries, Lan. I'll play the NC badass the supergirl started too. (As I said upthread, I have a physical aversion to the Barneys)
Toon name is Diziet. BR 23, CR 3
Tuned in, immediately get to watch cringey Ubisoft talking head offering her deepest sympathies to the families impacted by the Orlando shooting while flanked by a man in a giraffe suit and some sort of "horrifically garish neon costumes through the ages" exhibit or something. We need to stop this fucking planet right now and sort some shit out. -Kail
Terracotta Army
Posts: 604
BanditoX - Vanu/Emerald - BR10
Terracotta Army
Posts: 32117
I love my TV an' hug my TV an' call it 'George'.
Dammit. I really want to play Vanu, but my roomie is NC on Emerald, so there will be a lot of problems if I delete to play with y'all.  Lantyssa - New Conglomerate. Wave 'hi' after you frag me. Has something changed? I have/had TR and Vanu on Emerald, you can be two factions but there is a timer if you switch. Been a long time since I've played, though...
Terracotta Army
Posts: 257
Dammit. I really want to play Vanu, but my roomie is NC on Emerald, so there will be a lot of problems if I delete to play with y'all.  Lantyssa - New Conglomerate. Wave 'hi' after you frag me. Has something changed? I have/had TR and Vanu on Emerald, you can be two factions but there is a timer if you switch. Been a long time since I've played, though... I'm pretty sure you can have all three factions on one server now, timer still exists though. Alternatively Lantyssa - sign up for a reserves account. You can play on the same install I believe... may be a shortcut you need to add command line parameters to. I'll see what I can find if anyone needs that info, not sure offhand.
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