XCOM Mod - Extended Fights

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The psi thing is probably the psi stat. They don't use will anymore. They're like specialists and have a special stat.

Maybe, the way it's written it sounds like kills in mission should give them a credit for learning more skills...

Now available on the workshop at http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=630931801 for those in my steam friendslist.

Still early days, but hey, it's there and it works (I think).

Next things to work on:

AWC skills and GTS training.
How armor/shredding/pierce is used in a more interesting way, to make enemies require different tools and classes to kill optimially (fire grenades to large damage but have no pierce or shredding, gas grenades do moderate damage and pierce fully, normal grenades do lower damage and shred minorly, acid grenades do little damage but shred a lot. Sniper have built in pierce, etc, etc).


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