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Topic: Hey, I'm making a game! o_O (Read 9557 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1199
몇살이세욬ㅋ 몇살이 몇살 몇살이세욬ㅋ!!!!!1!
So, yeah. I've been working on a game for the last ten months or so. It's an online RPG of sorts, that mixes single-player adventuring with multiplayer interactions in social hubs. It's called The Tavern, and it's still a far ways off from being done. In case anyone wants to check it out, the website is, but there's no demo or videos or anything like that yet so it's probably not worth your time. Sorry for this attention-seeking behavior, don't mind me, sorry if I posted this in the wrong place. *hides behind gigantic impostor syndrome*
-= Ho Eyo He Hum =-
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2858
Looks interesting so far, it seems like a pretty ambitious plan to release in six months, good luck! Keep us posted!
Your page says you're using generic Unity assets for this, right? Is that just to supplement gaps in your own stuff, or are all your assets going to be prefab? Any interesting character models or concept art for us to look at?
And what's the online model looking like? Something like WoW where all players are always online on the same set of servers all the time, or more like Minecraft where you can host your own servers or play offline if you feel like it?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1199
몇살이세욬ㅋ 몇살이 몇살 몇살이세욬ㅋ!!!!!1!
Thanks :) Gah, I thought I had removed all references to an estimated release date from the site already. :P I've now removed the one remaining reference I found (on the FAQ-page), as the game will definitely not be ready by the end of 2014. We're using Unity assets (both standard assets and assets bought from the Asset Store) to supplement our own stuff, yeah. Or maybe it's the other way around. Buying third party stuff and making modifications to those is more cost-effective than producing everything on our own - especially since we're not GFX/3D modeling-specialists ourselves, but we do try to make some of our own assets when we can't find what we need elsewhere. Right now we're leaning towards an online model where players buy the game once, then play on our servers (no additional fees required). Having players all on the same servers plays strongly into the whole "taverns, social hubs where multiplayer interactions take place"-scheme of the game, and that (the social bit) is one of the main reasons why I'm making the game in the first place. I think that online games - MMOs in particular - have failed to unleash the potential that virtual worlds have for connecting people. I want to try something different than the same old "faceless member of guild with 400+ members"-thing where guild-chat is often the only interactions you have with the majority of the other members in your guild, and I feel that smaller communities (instead of, or perhaps in addition to, guilds) based on social hubs, with virtual spaces where you'll actually meet the other players of the community face-to-face could do something about that. Or perhaps I'm way off target and this will never work.  This is also a possibility. That said, I do want to give players the ability to host their own servers at some point down the road, as I don't want people to be unable to play the game should our servers go permanently offline for whatever reason. I cringe every time I read about another set of game servers being shut down, rendering the games affected by those shutdowns unplayable for the rest of time. Cultural history, lost. So, perhaps we'll take the middle road and do a combined "play on official servers, or host your own and invite your friends" type thing.
-= Ho Eyo He Hum =-
Terracotta Army
Posts: 605
play his game!:
No tavern keeper class? FAIL!
Seriously though, this looks like it might turn out to be fun. I'll be keeping an eye out.
(That said, I now want a game where you run a tavern and take as much gold as possible from those dumb adventurers, preferably without them smashing up the place too badly. Like Theme Park but with more drinking and fighting)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1199
몇살이세욬ㅋ 몇살이 몇살 몇살이세욬ㅋ!!!!!1!
Thanks :) I've actually been playing with the thought of giving players the option to retire their characters after reaching some threshold or other, and let them take up tavern keeping instead, but for now that idea is in the backlog :P
-= Ho Eyo He Hum =-
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