f13 Names, Factions and Guilds (B-Countries)

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f13 in-game cross-server cross-faction chat channel:

/chat join f13   - to enter the channel
/chat leave f13   - to leave the channel
/chat list f13     - to see who else is in the channel

Then you can add a tab in your chat interface by clicking on the + sign and making sure to pick f13. This is necessary to prevent message to be lost in the /general flood. The #f13 tab title will get red colored when there are new messages.

In this game you can create cross-server Guilds (Cabals) but you can't create cross-faction ones. So we are spread over three guilds, one per faction. If you need an invite toss a /tell to anyone of the appropriate faction. Or just make some noise in the f13 chat channel. That should work.

f13 Cabals:

Bat Country, Illuminati Faction.
Bee Country, Templar Faction.
Butterfly Country, Dragon Faction.

Illuminati: (Bat Country)

Reborne (char: ? ) - ? server
Surlyboy (char: Tyburon) - Arcadia server
Palmer_Eldritch (char: Palmer) - Arcadia server
TripleDES (char: Asphyxia) - Arcadia server
Rasix (char: Asraix) - Arcadia server
Maledict (char: Maledictor) - Arcadia server
Sky (char: Komoto) - Arcadia server
Cironian (char: Cironian) - Arcadia server
Reborne (char: Reborne) - Arcadia server
Hawkbit (char: Tans) - Arcadia server
Rattran (char:Rattr ) - Arcadia server
Paroid (char: BirdFishSun) - Grim server
Fargull (char: ? ) - Grim server
Ghambit (char: Infiniteless) - Huldra server
Nebu (char: Neboo) - Leviathan server
Sjofn (char: Conejita) - Leviathan server
Ingmar (char: Ingmarr) - Leviathan server
Xanthippe (char: Xxanthippe) - Leviathan server
Quinton (char: Q251) - Leviathan server
Wasted (char: Wasted13) - Leviathan server

- ALT: Riggswolfe (char: Mademan) - Arcadia server

Templars: (Bee Country)

Falconeer (char: Lefteye) - Grim server
Furiously (char: ? ) - ? server
Patience (char: Vinra Dolgar?) - ? server
Ginaz (char: Ginaz) - Arcadia server
Riggswolfe (char: TheWolfe and Mkvenner and Aeric) - Arcadia server
HaemishM (char: Hamsammich) - Arcadia server
Numtini (char: Numtini) - Arcadia server
Calapine (char: tressa) - Arcadia
Segoris (char: Segoris) - Arcadia server
Flinky (char: Salient) - Arcadia server
Llyse: (char: Mices) - Arcadia server
Brellium (char: Kenka) - Cerberus server
Nonentity (char: Nonentity) - Huldra server
Tyrnan (char: Tahli) - Huldra server
Caladein (char: Caladein) - Leviathan server

- ALT: Lantyssa (char: Latency) - Arcadia
- ALT: Nebu (char: Coulomb) - Arcadia server
- ALT: Sky (char: Brynhldr) - Arcadia server
- ALT: Sjofn (char: Pelagia) - Leviathan server
- ALT: Cironian (char: Bracer) - Daemon server

Dragon: (Butterfly Country)

Miasma (char: Sideline) - Huldra server
Rendakor (char: Rendakor) - Huldra server
Trias_e (char: Trias) - Grim server
Lantyssa (char: Stheno) - Arcadia server
Xuri (char: Miyuu) - Arcadia server
Zetor (char: Zafir) - Arcadia
Seraphim (char: Leanan) - Arcadia server
Ard (char: Ardahl) - Arcadia server
Viin (char: Viinseeven) - Arcadia server
Njal (char: Njal or Ranieth) - Arcadia server
Megrim (char: Kohu-zim) - Leviathan server
John Difool (char: Resilire) - Leviathan server
Darniaq (char: DelQ) - ? server
Cadaverine (char: Biovore) - Daemon server
Jakonovski (char: Section8 ) - Daemon server

- ALT: Nebu (char: Ampere) - Arcadia server
- ALT: Sky (char: Ka-Bang) - Leviathan server
- ALT: Sjofn (char: Vacancy) - Leviathan server
- ALT: Ghambit (char: Reemo) - Leviathan server


Dark_MadMax (char: ? ) - ? faction - ? server
Daeven (char: ? ) - ? faction - ? server
Minvaren (char: ? ) - ? faction - ? server
Khaldun (char: ? ) - ? faction - ? server
Furiously (char: Furiously, Katiri and Kifu) - ? faction - ? server
Abelian75 (char: ? ) - ? faction - ? server
disKret (char: ? ) - ? faction - ? server

I'm on Arcadia.

The open world missions are fucking stupid. Go there, kill three of these, and then go past a new spawn of the three to spot B, just to get killed trying to do so.

Quote from: calapine on June 29, 2012, 03:09:05 PM

I am there too!!!11

Theresa "Tressa" Averne - Templar - Arcardia server

I walked by you...

Segoris - Arcadia- Templar

14.5 gig download. Nice.

First MMO in 2 years. (unless we count that one hour logged into TOR)


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