How far can we go with this light/dark?

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My question applies to the whole game but I specifically would like to know about the Sith Inquisitor.  According to the description, you can "exploit your allies as well as your enemies."  So can you go against the expected path of your faction and not harm any aspect of your stats?  For example, a Republic character who goes full dark side choices, or Sith Empire who makes all light side choices.  Does this limit item use or content in any way?  Or does the game pretty much go with anything and the choices remain purely cosmetic?

I rather enjoy the prospect of being a subversive Sith Inquisitor. 


Dark Side/Light side is mainly story choices and different appearance in gear that you can get.  Also the dark side corruption.

It's cosmetics and lore.  That's it.  All of the gear that requires "Dark Side level 5" has a "Light Side level 5" equivalent stat-wise.  The difference is the appearance of the item on your character.  LS/DS options also affect your progression of the story in the game, in that certain choices made may/will impact your solo progression (and in the case of flashpoints, the progression of the group).  How 'deep' you go only unlocks the deeper tiers of gear.

You can go as far Light or Dark as you want, or even stay gray.  Play the way you want to play.

Actually, in a typical Bioware fashion, you cannot play grey. There is no neutral equivalent for the gear you get in the game which has dark / light side  requirements. They have said they aim to add this in post-launch but there's a lot of other stuff on that list as well. So unless you commit to one path or the other expect to be denied access to gear as you play.

This is especially annoying for class like the Imperial Agent, where the choices will often push you down a neutral path because some of the light side choices are good for the empire and some of the dark side choices are stupid kitten killing exercises that make no sense. My agent was solid neutral at the end of this weekend because there was never a consistent path to take in conversation choices.

Bah, nevermind.


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