The AC-Changing/Dual-Spec/"I'd rather play Rift" Thread
Let's start this off with a bang!!/Rockjaw/status/141732030672154625
AC changing may happen post-launch.
So yeah, I'm actually not as opposed to this as I once was. Maybe it's because after I realized just how much time one is going to potentially put into a given character, and then realizing that I'd be locked into that role FOREVARZ, and subsequently realizing that to roll up another toon, even of the same class but diff. AC would just be clownpants.
Thing is everyone who wants it wants expects it to be a dual spec sort of thing. I don't think they'll ever go that far. They'll at the very least make it very annoying to switch.
Hope to see it added sooner rather than later.
As much as people seem to want it, my gut tells me its a stupid idea. Everything I've read suggests that once you get past level 10, two of your three "skill" trees are based on your AC along with everything about your character's equipment. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Assuming I'm not, that means switching AC would essentially change 2/3s of your skills and require an almost entirely new equipment set. So essentially, you are leveling two characters simultaneously. While I see the attraction - what if I only really play one guy and I want to go from Tanking to DPS - but it just seems to defeat the purpose of building the character.
I see it like this - if Skyrim let me take my level 30 mage that I started with and with the click of a button reasign all my perks and skils, and redistribute my stat points - there's little to no chance I'd have bothered to make a second character as a rogue, and I'd likely be mostly done with the game by now. I really don't see that as any sort of good thing.
Maybe its just because I plan on playing every class through anyways, but if I get tired of tanking with my Juggernaut, I just plan on starting an Inquisitor or IA.
Quote from: Amaron on December 01, 2011, 06:19:25 AM
Thing is everyone who wants it wants expects it to be a dual spec sort of thing. I don't think they'll ever go that far. They'll at the very least make it very annoying to switch.
Have they ever said they're against dual spec? If so, why? I find it super curious why they don't have it in the game in the first place.
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