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Author Topic: Good character for a total newb  (Read 228348 times)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632

Reply #245 on: September 25, 2011, 10:59:04 PM

She's totally getting nerfed. It's sad.


'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 159

Reply #246 on: September 26, 2011, 04:50:51 AM

No real evidence, just that being the #1 champ on Elementz's Tier List is pretty much always followed by the nerf bat.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7590

Reply #247 on: September 26, 2011, 07:46:41 AM

I love morg but any kind of nerf would be pretty harsh. Already her CD's are super long and her damage is definitely not the strongest.

~a horrific, dark simulacrum that glares balefully at us, with evil intent.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868

Victim: Sirius Maximus

Reply #248 on: September 26, 2011, 08:00:25 AM

Morg is a beast.

Singed is a beast.

Lee Sin is a beast.

I expect some 'adjustments' soon.

"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together.  My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632

Reply #249 on: September 26, 2011, 08:07:17 AM

Morg is a beast.

Singed is a beast.

Lee Sin is a beast.

I expect some 'adjustments' soon.

They adjusted Singed to be more of a beast. Maybe they will do the same for Morgana?  Oh ho ho ho. Reallllly?

But seriously, Morgana is at a good place. There are other champs that need a nerfin' more than she does. And champs that need a buffin' too.

'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 2476

Reply #250 on: September 26, 2011, 08:09:27 AM

Morg's a victim of the meta.
Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #251 on: September 26, 2011, 08:10:56 AM

Singed either has too much dps or too much tank, I'm not sure which.

Getting really annoyed lately by no-resource champs, such as Garen or Katarina. So hard to win that laning war of attrition when you can't force them out due to low mana. Had a Garen/Rumble lane a bit back that was absolute torture to lane against.

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Terracotta Army
Posts: 405

Reply #252 on: September 26, 2011, 09:14:36 AM

Singed either has too much dps or too much tank, I'm not sure which.

Singed has dps?!? Build some MR and he has no dps at all. His slow and fling are mean  cc  though

Getting really annoyed lately by no-resource champs, such as Garen or Katarina. So hard to win that laning war of attrition when you can't force them out due to low mana. Had a Garen/Rumble lane a bit back that was absolute torture to lane against.

They are early game champs. Garen imho is a strongest early laner. Just hug tower, they will fizzle out by mid-late game, you will farm everything back if you dont feed em early
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Reply #253 on: September 26, 2011, 09:26:02 AM

Katarina is a tough early farmer if you are aggressive like me. I tend to have to recall back at least once or twice before level 6 because I've stuck my dick out too far and make it back to my turret with like 10% health or less. But that's a me thing.

If I had to guess, I'd say that Gangplank is due up for a nerfing. He is crazy OP.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 159

Reply #254 on: September 26, 2011, 11:05:53 AM

Versatile too. I wish I had the runes to start jungling him, it seems like a lot of fun.

But seeing him played in the New York IEM's as a 0CS support? Crazy.

Also, anybody have any idea how to build Akali  if I'm sub 30 and don't have the IP for new runes at the minute? Should I throw a Long Sword into the build to early activate her passive? Or just go straight for boots/hextech?
Terracotta Army
Posts: 3089

Reply #255 on: September 26, 2011, 11:08:11 AM

Also, anybody have any idea how to build Akali  if I'm sub 30 and don't have the IP for new runes at the minute? Should I throw a Long Sword into the build to early activate her passive? Or just go straight for boots/hextech?

IMO Akali is a really tough character to play "properly" before you are 30 and have all the top runes you need.  You should have both passives active at level 1.

"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the Universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
Terracotta Army
Posts: 1473

Reply #256 on: September 26, 2011, 11:11:58 AM

I'd probably go with Doran's blade for the health and to activate her spellvamp passive. Maybe run teleport so you can easily heal up if you end up in a brutal lane.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 7441

Reply #257 on: September 26, 2011, 11:52:19 AM

Is there a range limit on spellvamp? One thing I have never quite understood about Morgana is how her passive works.

I love the smell of facepalm in the morning
Terracotta Army
Posts: 159

Reply #258 on: September 26, 2011, 12:00:51 PM

No range.  Her passive is just like an item that gives spell vamp based on level which means that of activated abilities that deal damage, you get 15/25/35% back based on her level. But: aoe spells like Tormented Soil only give back 33% of that number.
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #259 on: September 26, 2011, 12:08:43 PM

Well, after one week:

Good with:

Not bad with:

Pretty bad with:

I'm not doing well with last hitting with anyone other than Annie.  Face to face fighting is still a bit of a problem with for me.  With Cho'gal I pretty much don't engage at all until mid game.   I'm having a hard time playing melee other than Cho'gal and have a hard time countering them.  This week Xin has been a constant nightmare for me.  That jump in and stupid spear thing are rape city.

If I can avoid getting behind early, my Cho and Cait can be pretty mean.  Cho'gath in particular, once he hits the mid game can be pretty brutal.  Last game I had a 8/2/11 and they were pretty much not even trying to engage me unless they had 3.  This Vlad kept trying to face check me and was just getting melted/eaten.  This was a 4 v 5 and I actually had the bright idea to get  Baron.  The Annie didn't want to, but didn't realize I could tank.  They got all of our towers down except my lane.  Oh ho ho ho. Reallllly?  At the end, we got an Ace and rolled over the base in very little time.

My Annie play had been pretty good.  So I was mostly playing Cho and Cait this weekend.  It was a bit rough at times, because there seemed to be a lot of surly smurfs.  Got called a fag for the first time. 

Overall, it's been pretty fun.  Thinking of getting a champion pack.  Maybe this one.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 6159

Reply #260 on: September 26, 2011, 12:10:56 PM

I play Jax most of the time and Xin is hard to counter if he's doing good. Last night I was behind the money curve (my lane-mate last hitted better than I did!), so it was rough getting powerful enough to stand toe-to-toe against Xin.

- Viin
Terracotta Army
Posts: 159

Reply #261 on: September 26, 2011, 12:14:53 PM

Also, anybody have any idea how to build Akali  if I'm sub 30 and don't have the IP for new runes at the minute? Should I throw a Long Sword into the build to early activate her passive? Or just go straight for boots/hextech?

IMO Akali is a really tough character to play "properly" before you are 30 and have all the top runes you need.  You should have both passives active at level 1.

Well, I'm 21 now, so if I save up enough for 7 greater marks of strengths, have brute force, and then start with the amp tome instead of boots, I should be good for that. So 1400 IP. Not too bad.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4388

Reply #262 on: September 26, 2011, 02:11:22 PM

I think I'm at my best with Nasus and Kog'Maw. It's funny because they're total opposites as far as playstyle goes.

Greetings from the Slave Coast
Posts: 15542

The World's Worst Game: Curry or Covid

Reply #263 on: September 26, 2011, 02:29:27 PM

Bad with Xin? Really? He's such easy-mode.

Fear the Backstab!
"Plato said the virtuous man is at all times ready for a grammar snake attack." - we are lesion
"Hell is other people." -Sartre
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #264 on: September 26, 2011, 02:36:06 PM

Bad with Xin? Really? He's such easy-mode.

I think it's an issue of knowing when to attack/engage.  I had a few games were I facerolled to victory and a few where I felt like a complete clueless noob.

Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #265 on: September 28, 2011, 11:51:57 AM

Why do people think when I'm playing Cho'gath that it's a good idea to initiate a fight at top against 2 dps or just blindly charge into the bushes? I pop someone up like once in 15 seconds.. whoopidty shit.  So many dumb melees seem hell bent on pushing team fights during a phase where I'm perenially almost OOM.   Plus now I've got to deal with them feeding the carries.

Am I missing something or are they just being dumb?
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 11:56:35 AM by Rasix »

Terracotta Army
Posts: 1473

Reply #266 on: September 28, 2011, 12:00:33 PM

Just dumb. Many junglers don't check the mana or health on the lane they are attacking.
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #267 on: September 29, 2011, 12:06:52 AM

Ok, Gangplank has been a complete blast and was a fairly easy character to learn.  Still need to get better with his ulti, because damn is it ever useful.

preemptive edit: Yes, I still suck at last hitting.  I had a malphite (who was AWEFUL) and a semi-terrible Annie in my lane.  Annie kept wanting to facecheck me and was using Tibbers to farm creeps exclusively.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 12:15:43 AM by Rasix »

Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868

Victim: Sirius Maximus

Reply #268 on: September 29, 2011, 07:54:47 AM

I may be way off here, but a lot of people go with a crit heavy build, because you can crit with parley (and it fuckin' hurts). Great for finishing and harassing. But, like I said, it's been a while since I paid attention to what GPs do besides ult :)

"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together.  My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 759

Reply #269 on: September 29, 2011, 08:22:02 AM

Yep, Parley procs on hit and crits ect; Why he is one of the only champs Tiamat "works on" as much as Tiamat can anyhow. It's all about them crits with GP, he has a high base damage as is, so his crits tend to hurt ALOT

EvE: Caern Robillard | Cua D'Mon
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Terracotta Army
Posts: 405

Reply #270 on: September 29, 2011, 08:27:42 AM

Why do people think when I'm playing Cho'gath that it's a good idea to initiate a fight at top against 2 dps or just blindly charge into the bushes? I pop someone up like once in 15 seconds.. whoopidty shit.  So many dumb melees seem hell bent on pushing team fights during a phase where I'm perenially almost OOM.   Plus now I've got to deal with them feeding the carries.

Am I missing something or are they just being dumb?

Yeah I have same problem when playing cho.  Lane mates just retarded. I play fairly agressive and usually manage to bring them quite low and push them to their tower, in the process running OOM (cho's innate is garbage ). My lanemates promptly tower dive in the midst of enemy minion wave and the bitch why didnt I help ! Of course they didnt look at my almost empty mana bar and fact that if they waited 1 more wave I would be lvl 6 and have feast to secure the kill, but nooo!
Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #271 on: September 29, 2011, 09:08:05 AM

I may be way off here, but a lot of people go with a crit heavy build, because you can crit with parley (and it fuckin' hurts). Great for finishing and harassing. But, like I said, it's been a while since I paid attention to what GPs do besides ult :)

Well, I did have an executioner's calling and trinity force, which provide 30% right there.  After that it's usually a Last Whisper (could go black cleaver) and then build something else.  I was going for a blood thirster, because I ran out of ideas and it was turning into a slaughter.  

I could go for a phantom dancer instead, that would add another 30% crit, but would that be overkill?

Parley just really hurts, even early on.  I start with brawler's gloves and a couple hp pots.  Seems to allow me to harass enough to get one person into an early recall, while sustaining very little damage myself.

edit: Ohh wow, Tiamat looks like it'd be hilarious in team fights.
edit2:  Seeing a lot of viable item builds for this guy.  Didn't think of infinity edge.  That'd work too.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 10:05:16 AM by Rasix »

Terracotta Army
Posts: 759

Reply #272 on: September 29, 2011, 10:15:17 AM

None of that. Infinity Edge over Bloodthirster, Last Whisper or Blackclever. IE is a must for GP.

Thing with Executioners calling you need to keep in mind, it's a completely situational item, and is outclassed by any other item when it comes to bang for your buck and getting crit %

However, it will murder the shit out of lifesteal champs and Mundo. Pop it's active on them and watch them melt.

Common tactic with GP is to buy brawlers gloves at the start, and upgrade it into Averance Blade, sell it down the line once you are close to getting IE/have bought IE

EvE: Caern Robillard | Cua D'Mon
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Posts: 15024

I am the harbinger of your doom!

Reply #273 on: September 29, 2011, 10:23:33 AM

IE before Trinity?  Building Trinity is nice due to on hit effects you get along the way.

Terracotta Army
Posts: 1473

Reply #274 on: September 29, 2011, 10:37:06 AM

Yes. IE before trinity. The damage difference is astounding. It's what gets your parley to over 1000. Who cares if they are slowed if they're dead.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 759

Reply #275 on: September 29, 2011, 10:45:34 AM

Also, while harassing the every living shit out of the enemy is wonderful, if you see an opening to last hit a minion with parley, do it. It will get you into that IE VERY fast.

EvE: Caern Robillard | Cua D'Mon
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Terracotta Army
Posts: 10632

Reply #276 on: September 29, 2011, 11:42:03 AM

So...I picked up Lux at Slay's suggestion (because the chars I do play well either don't mesh or get banned in draft mode :( ) , think I am going to like her. Went 2/8/21 in my first normal game against a team with Shaco, Eve, Akali, Singed, and Ezreal. Laned with a deathwish Jax against Akali/Eve and only died once before 20 mins or so.

Need to get better at landing her snare (even more narrow hit window than Morgana's) and need to learn the range on the ult and use it a lot more.

'Reality' is the only word in the language that should always be used in quotes.
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868

Victim: Sirius Maximus

Reply #277 on: September 29, 2011, 11:54:55 AM

Her shield is pretty damn sweet when you land it on the whole team :)

She's a cool character. She can be support...She can snowball with Mejai's if you get a couple early kills, though not rape train like Annie. Her ult is very cool.

EDIT: My vocabulary is cool.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 11:57:57 AM by Slayerik »

"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together.  My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
Terracotta Army
Posts: 405

Reply #278 on: September 29, 2011, 12:04:18 PM

Her shield is pretty damn sweet when you land it on the whole team :)

She's a cool character. She can be support...She can snowball with Mejai's if you get a couple early kills, though not rape train like Annie. Her ult is very cool.

I really strongly suggest against mejai.  Its bad habit. It only works if your team already roflstomping (and if so you dont need it)
Terracotta Army
Posts: 4868

Victim: Sirius Maximus

Reply #279 on: September 29, 2011, 12:16:13 PM

I disagree. You can be having a good game without your team having one. I only would try it after like a 2-0-1 start. It allows Lux to carry, without it I don;t think it is possible for her to.

It can be a neutralizer to playing with bads, as long as you are doing well yourself and continue to. Many champs I don't like it on, though. I wouldn't recommend it on Singed, but I am good enough with him that I have carried due to that item. (yes, Mejai on Singed)

Some people hate mejai's, but if you are smart and know how to not die it can be a great bang for your buck item. With Lux's ult/snare/root, you should be able to escape ganks while landing assists and finishes.

I wouldn't recommend it off the bat with any character.

"I have more qualifications than Jesus and earn more than this whole board put together.  My ego is huge and my modesty non-existant." -Ironwood
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